THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY L.9I. LONG W. W.HALL. 1 THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. M J Iff 1 V. M i .1 I J2 00 1 00 75 eta, PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. R n. SMITH, JB. ATTOKSEY AT LAW, Scotland Neck, Halifax County N. C. Praetloea in the county of Halifax and adjoining counties, anil tlio Ku treoi oourt of tho Stat. )in 1 f I ly, D R. E. I.. UU.ME11, gGBGEOX IJ E X T I N T . Can be found at his office In Knfir.l.l. Pure NltrouHOxUlo Oas for tho I'nln less Extracting of Teeth always on hand. June S!2 tf. rp W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT L1W, GARY.SnUBf, N. C. Practices In tlio courts nf Northampton and adjoinin counties, also in tha federal and Supremo courts. June 8-tf J03' B. BATCIIELCB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIG II, N.C. Practices in the courts of tho 6th Jndi elal District and in tho Federal and .Su preme Courts. May U tf. .. IH'SX. N N , K I T C HEN D U ATTORNEYS 4 COONSBMmS AT LAW, Scotland Neck, Hnlil.ix Co., IV. C. Practice In tho Courts of Halifax nnd oiloinintt counties and in tho Supreme and Federal Courts. anl8 tf fiHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, , HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices In Halifax and adjoining Counties and Kodoral and Supremo Courts. Will ba atSolland Neck, once every fortnight. All?. 28-a w. D H. DAT, A Y W. V. 111.1,. HALL ATT03NEY3 AT LAW, WELDOM, N. V. Practice in the cmrU of Halifax Bnd adjoining counties, and in tho Supremo and Federal courts. Claims collected in any part of Norlh Carolina. juu 2" 1 Q Q A Y I N L. II Y M A N , ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in tho Supremo and Federal Courts. Claims collected iu all parts of North Carolina. lice in the Court House. July 4-1 Q. It . BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, X. C. Practices In the Courts of FiUifkx Cenaty. and Counties adtolnin;;. Iu the aprenan Court of the Stato, ai d the federal Courts. Will anva speoial attontion to I'.o collec tion af olalms,and to ad justieg the accounts of Kxaoutars, Adiniuisratoin and Guar dians. doe-15-tf J M. f It I Z A B D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, BT. C. OBe la tha Court House. Strict nttcn tlaa given to al! brauchos of the proios alaa, Jan J-'1 0 B. T. B A M V H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IKFIBLB, H1LIP.VX OGB HI' Y, N. C. Praatlcas la tho Counties of Halifax, ash, EdK"einbs and Wiism:. Callootions made in all pa. ts nf I ho gtato. -'""i'L JAMES a. O ' H A HA, aTTORHSY AT LAW, EX FIELD, 91. C. Praetioes In the Countlos of Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash. In tlio Supreme Oourt f the State and iu tho Fodnral Courts. Collestions made In anv part of the Etate. Will attend at the Court llouso in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each vreek. ji 12-1 c X D R B W J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT L1W, WELDON, N. C. Prnli.o in thn Courts of Halifax, War ren and Northampton countlos and in the Bapreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. Umki m. mai.EN. U L h E N JOUS A. VIOOIIS M O O R E ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halifax, K. C. Practice in the Counties of Halifax Rurthamnton. Edirecombe. Fitt and Mar tin In the Supreme Court of the State ndintU Federal Courts of tho Kastorn District. . Oolleotions made iu any part 01 jNonu One Tear, In advance, Bit Months, " Three Month, " K. 1 11,1 VOL. VII. TEACH ME FORGET. Why thos-o tears upon tliv cheek, live why Urn ir.mi inn, why kukiii c .1,1 ? Ulcer my heart wilh one bright smile lovo ninilnnn mo awonlW as of nj Have I done aulit tn'(;riuvn t Iio II -i vii I caiisof) you to re-r.'t ' That your sinili.s'my liimrj ,11,1 Kla ldon ? Then tcaeh, oh teacjh uie to forgot. Dry your oyp, oeaso voiir woopiiiu, For your sadness kIvpm inn pain Mitli your ni iiis ulioui uietwiiiiitj; Smilo mi mo with Jov HU;in ' 1'riKht nnd happy have been tlio nninpiils I lint Irivo vanished sincn wn met j Had I cniisn.l you pain nr sorrow, Tiifii toarli, oli teach mo to i'.irm't. HOW HE WON THE WIDOW "Wire," saiJ HJ. Wilbur or.e raor. linp, us he s:it stirring bis coffee Kith one hard and holding a plum cako on his knee with the other, nrnl lot-king across the table at bis littlo wife; "wouldn't it be a good j kc to get H-ichulor IMI Smiley to take Widow Watson to Minium's show next week. "You can't do it, EJ, ; h0 won't nsTt her; he's awful shy. Why, lie came hy hero the other niorning when I was hanging out clothes, and ho looked over the fenco and spoke,, biit when I shook out a nisht eown Im blushed like a girl and went away." '1 think I can manage it," fiaid Ed. ; but I have t lie just u little. Kul itien. it wouldn't be much harm under sucli circumstance, for I know hhs likes liitn, and lie don't dilike her, but, as you vav, tie s so any. I II just go over to Ins place to borrow some bas of him, and if I don't bag him before come b-ick, dmi't ki.s me for a week to cume. Nell " So saying, Fd started, and while he is mowing the lieUs, wc will take a tut k at liill Smiley, He was a rather good-lo; king fellow though his hair nnd whiskers showed some gray hair, and ho had gut in a set of false taeth. iut every ouo s.vij he was a good old soul, and so bo was. lie has us good a hundred acre farm nr. any in Norwich, and a new house and everything, conifoi table, and if he wanted a wife, many a girl would have jamped at the, like a rooster u a grasshopper. l!ill was so bas'ifull always was and when S isan Sherry imitle, whom he was so sweet or, though hi never s ua "ouo to her, pot married to old Watson, he just drew his head in like a mud turtle into his shell, nnd there was no getting out again, though since she has been u widow anain he had paid more nttcnti ui to his clothes, and h id been very regular in his attendance al the church the fair widow attended. !.it here comes E I. Wilbur. "Good morning Mr. Smil 7." "Good morning, M. Wiibirj what's the news your way "Oh, nothing pailkul-ir that I know of," said Ed , "only Rirruai's show, that everybody is talking about, and everybody and his gal are going to. 1 was over to old Sockridcrs last night, and I si e his s m Gus has got a uew buggy and was scrubbing up his harnes-, and lie's got that white-faced of his as slick as a seal. 1 undei'sbnd he thinks of takio" Wid )v Wato i to the show. lie has been hanging around there a good deal of lale, but I'd j ist like to cut him out, I wouli. Nisan is a nice littlo woman, and deserves a better man than that young pup of a fellow, though I would not blame her much cither if she tul;cs for she must bs dreadful lonesome, an 1 then has to let ber farm out on shares and it isn't half winked, and on tme else seems to have the spuvk to speak t i her. l'y juigM, it was a single man, l a show you a Iriclt or two. Sj saying, El. borrowed some hags and started around the corner of the barn, where hn had left 1 Sill sweeping, and put his car ear to a kmt Imlo and listened, knowing tho bachelor had a bit o! talking to himscll wucn any thing wi-i'iied him. 0 mfur.d that young Sickvider 1" said 15,11 ; "what business lias lie there, I'd like to know? Got a new buci'v, lias he 1 Well, s have I. ai d a in: ban ess too ; and his horse can't gi t si(;ht of mine, and 1 declare I've hull a min i to yes, 1 will ! I'll go this very night and ask her to go to the sVow with me. I'll show KJ. Wilbur that I ain't such a calf us he thinks I am, if I did let old Wutson yet the best tf ma iu the first piacc I" Ed. could scarcely help laughing out right? but l.c ha-tly pitched the bigs out on his shoulders, mid with a Imv chuckle at his success, stalled lvmie ti tell the news to Nelly ; nad a'o u:t fi-e o'clock that cvcnirL' t!;cv saw liill " ) by wilh his horse and bugi'y, on his way to the widow's. lie jogged (joietly along, thinking of the old singing school days an 1 what a pretty girl Susan was then, and wondering in wardly if he would have more courage to talk tip to her until at a distance i f abaiut a mile from th; house, he came to a bridge, when ho gave a treineuJ..iis sneer?, and blew his teelh out of his mouth aud clear over the dashboard, ami striking on the p'ai k, they rolled over the s:de of tV,o bridge and dropped into four feet nf water. Words cannot do justice to panr 15 !1 or paint the cxpresiion of his face (is ho sat there completely dumbfoucded at his piece of ill-luck. After a while he stopped out of his boggy, nud get ting down on his hands and knee?, looked diver into the water. Yes, thee tl.ey were, at ihe.boUom, wilh a crowd of little fishes rubbing ll"cir m-ses against them, and Dili wished to goc-d-trss that his iicsj was as close for oce & Mi Mi I Mi W B L D O N, .. N. secmul. H,, heau!irl teeth had cost him s much, an I, the show coming on time to grt auothcr set and the widow and Sotkiider. Well, he must try and gt them some how, and no time to he lost for some one might come along nnd ask him what ho was fooling around there for. lie hud no notion nf spoiling his cloths by wading in with them on ; and besides, if he did, he could not go t tho widow's fiat iiigiu ; s.i he li a look and u -vii viip nviu ui see mat no cue was s;ght, and then uiidretsid -himself, h i i . , . in iv i' g his tl-.thcs in the buggy tj keep them clean. Then he ran nrntr-d the hank and waded into the almost icy water but his teeth didn't chatter in his head -he only wished they could, tj lietly he waded al u g s i as not to stir u.) the mud, and when Im g it ti the ri;;ht spit he (Irupped under the water and c.une up with the teeth in his mouth. Hut batk ! W hat noise is linn? A wagon, and a (log balking wilh all his migln, and his horse is start'inn. "Whoa I Whua! Stop you brute, yon, ston 1" But stop he would iu t, but went off at a spaiklinS pace, with the in. fortu nate bachelor after him. IS,!! was cer tainly in a capital running costume, but though he strained every nerve he c.i aid not Catch the bugsy or reach the lines that were diagginj on the ground. iVter a while his plug hat sh.ik el!' the seat, an 1 th. hind wheel went ever it. making it as Hit as a pancake. Bill S intched it as hi ran, a'l-j, alter j im miog his list into it, struck if, all dusty and dimpled, on his head. nd now he saw the widow's house on top of the hill, mil what, ui). whit will ho do? Then his coat fell out and he slipped it on, nnd then making a desperate fp'.irt he clutched tho hack nf the seat and scrambled i", an.l pulling thn bnO'il r-be over his legs, stuifed the i-lher thing boi.e.uh. Now the horse hap ppred to ha ore he got from 'S, lire Mooie, and he got it IV 'in the widow, ai d the animal to I; il his heid lu stop at her gate, nhi li 15 11 had no power to prevent, as he was too Ini-y 'iiit'oiiing his c 'at up to his ehii to thii k nf doing niech else. The widow heard the rattling of the wheels and looked u, and soeiug tint it was Sm'.ley and tint he didn't olrr to get nil!, she went t ) sr-e what he wanted, ami there she stood chitting, wilh her while aims on the top of the gate, and her face towards him, while the chill-, ran down lis shiille-s let; I; clear t,o his bare feci beneath ton buf falo robe, arid the water fn m ills h.'.ir and tho dost li m his hat h.:d ci u'.hined to make seine nice little li'-.m s i:f mud that came tiitklii g down I is face. She P s !: d to con o in. N , he wi.s in huiiy. She did not offer to go. lie (lid not n-dt her to pick up his reins for him, because he did not know what excuse to m ike for not doing so l.iui'-'elf. Th.ea he 1 inked down ti;c road behind him, and siw a iite-ftieo hnro coniie" aed nl ei ce , ,;sed it was th .t of (,'us S .ckridei ? lie resolved to do or die, mi l hmriedly told her his riraml. The wilow would he. I'.digV.e.l ti g of couiso she would,, wild ln'l he come in? No, he was in a h ,r:y, hr sai l ; nod would g on to Gn en's pl .c "till," paid the widow, "you're g"i"; to (j recti s are your i liy. i ia g 'lug lhcre myself to get one of tlie gii t, I i dp me q lilt to-morrow dust wa.t a bonnet at.d you." And second while 1 gel my shawl, ai d I'll lido with away she skipped. "Wh it a scrape," sii l I!!!!, nnd he hasiilv c'.utched his pints between his feet ai'il.wrigglcd int them, when a light waggon iliawii by tlio whitc-faccJ ll use, ihiveo bv a b iv. c une nl.iiig and stopped beside hiui. 'I he boy lu l l up j a pair nf bin ts in one hard and a "ir nf socks in the other, ami j ist as Vm widow reached the gate again, ho said : ' Here's your bonis ami s cks .Mr. Smiley, that yu left i n Ihe biiilge wlien you were in swimming." " Vou' re mis' liken," said Kill; "they are not mine." Why," said the boy, "aint you Ike man that had the raen .ift-;r ihe hoise. just mm ?' "X i sir, I a-n n"t, Yi ti had better go on about von business." " !'.!! ::;ghcd':tt the I.-ss of his Sunday boots, nud turning to the wiJnw, said : ".Iu t pick up tiiose lines, will you please? 'lVs brute of a horse is al ways sfli'.ehing them ot:t of my hatids." The widow complied ; he pulh'd one crncr of the mho cai.liousiy doi-.u ns she gut in: "Whnt a lovely eveni 'rr." she said; "and so warm I don't think wo want the robe over us, do wo ?" You fee she had i n a tiice new dress and a pair of g liters otl si'1' wiii.t'.'d to show them. "Oil Hit," said Bill, earnestly, "ycViS fi-id it chilly riding, a od I wouldn't have you catch ddd for '.he world." .Sac seemed pleased lit this lender care for her health, and contented her self with stickii g one of her feet oat As s,ho did s i a Jong si k necktie showed over Ihe end i-f the boot. "What is l'.n.t, Mr. S.niley a neck tic:" "Yes," Slid he; "I bought it ihe oilier d iv I must have left it in the bug'gv. Never mind il " Then they went on q iite a distance, 7m k'Ui 7er 7mih! in 7 s, a: d woiideii'.g 7i it 7ii! si iuld do w:eii lmy gut to Green's: and sm wondered wiy h d.d not say somntting nice lo 7mr as well as fqneezi 7itr nnd, wiy its C'.nt was but- C, Til U .1 IS DAY, tuned up s tig' ly on suci a warm even ing, and wiat made (is face nnd It it so diny, until I my were going down n little nil and one nf iie traces came ueftitcuJ and tmy h id to stop. "(", murder !" exclaimed. 1 .11, wnt next?" "Wi at is tie nutter, Mr. Smiley?' said tie widow, wiit a start, wiiei cams very near j-rking (; ) robe off A s knees ' Oae of lie traces t oil," answered he. "Well, wiy don't you get out and put it on again." "I can't," said lii!', "1'vo got t . i it is 1 1 li iveu't got i i, dear, I'm so sick I Wnt ;ll I d i?" "Why, Willie," said she, tenderly, "whit is the matter? IK) tell met'' She gave his hand a little squeeze, nnd lonked into his pale face j slia thought he was goi'g to faint, s she got her smelling bottla with In t left han.l, and pulling t'e.e stopper out with her teeth, stuck it to his nose. 1MI was j ist takii'g hi breath for a mighty sigh, and the pungent odor made I, i,n throw back his head so far that he lost his balauoe, and weat over the low back ttinoy. The little woman gave a low scream as his bare feet fL-yr, past her head, and envoi ing her face with her band, gave way 1 1 tears or smiles it is bard 1 1 tell which, llill was up in a minute, ami, leaning over tho back of tlio seat, was liumhlv n;vi,igYiig and oxpi.iinieg, when E I. Will nr nnd his wile and bi by drove up hohiml and stopped. l'oor 15.11 felt that ho won! I rather have been shot than had El Wilbur cnlcfc hiin i i such a scrape, but there was iu hil;i for it noir, s i he called I.' I. to him and whispered in liiseir. KJ. was hk-ly to burst with suppressed 1 nigh ter, but he borhmed his wife to draw up, and. utter saio:i sonieihi to toher. he he! ped the widow out nf IJ.Ii's bogey an 1 into his, ant the two women went on, le.ivino lie i,u.:i behind. Iiiil lost no t'mi" in nrrang'eg l:is toil-'t, as well as he could, and then with grei.t persuasion El ot him to go home with li'un, aud hun'i-M up slipners nid socks, and getting l iill'l'd n:i 1 CO -vhed, had him q ii!o r e-Ci.;t;.lli! when the ladies nriived. I need tint tell von how the st ire was nil nut of ("ushlul Ihil, an 1 h uv they all liughed ns i hey sat around the tea table that e'ght ; but a ill co. chile by sui-v that tliev all went to the sh iw together, an.l 15,11 l,,is n ;i fear of S iwkrhl.-r ! ow. fj:j. Ila was naliirally truel. an 1 he tol l an aiq i iintance m e day I'.iut he had n ni'w liitli t 1 1 y o" the public .io-pc-thing riitirtdy i cw. II; ha I a long siting n- d a buss hey lied t the end i it, which he sail was lli: in .triune', t nf t 'llnre. O-rr tie Ir.ii t si.leiT'ii a maple Irec sent si'-me pretty strong bia-'c'-cs, making a seat hidden In le.ivi s. I n'ter d lialK says the bos tli iv iu- cliuiced. w, wail, cip'il, ' lili the first viclin couie i, and don't niah'! a i.oise." I're'.ty s ion a:i ordinarily d.csscd weman came a! ing. and j ist us she id piste llie let drop ! the hey on the bird sidewalk, i:-irjcdt-atily pulling it lip neaio. Ilot'.l lion watt lied developments. The woman came to a su Men stop, begin fumb'i g iu her p icket, and wneils'rtd what it was she could have dr ipned. Slio st ilted nn, but had not gone far before she came bail;, impelled iy cuiiosity, and began a careful search of tho wa!!t. Meal while, the bays iu lh-! tree stuff 'd their fists ia thi ir mouths to keep frorri sc r iag the can e, nnd dared baldly 1 id: hi low for fear cf linghieg m;!. Asyii'.- I pathetic si-ier cix.c i.i .i g, "ti i logeiaer ','icy riskt d up s'.om s and turned ovrr all ilia chij.s on tile si Je .mi';;. No ia inov, n i key, p ithi 'g couM they fi'id ; and so wei.t nn to llieir h i:i; s, peihirri to w orry all eight, or pes haps a giggle in llio tree tin :;e I th-'ir lo i! i( disaj p ointti.e ,t l i a veiy ch up s nile, and a laugh from the stme. p'ace ma io them have aw Ihl wicked thoughts about buys. O. in victim found a j ii-. f (" I'm, and le.yiii,: tlvi raii'-e ti the i.oisn to that, w is sued front a th ai nf w nry.' when she picked il up arid threw it down to test lift; sound, the boys neaily fell net nf the lire. A man. imn c.uight, would sl;p all his p-ik'.'ls. glance arotii.d a lit'le, but it wns seidtun that 'lie wis brought lo a hi: !-;nn sc.ueh. When anv one saw the lii-.k alter searching half an hour and saying nil khids of litth) things for the amuse ment ol nil the boys he simply went a.vay huri led'y. There wis nn remark to make, no t ante to call. To get out of s'ght as soon us po.ssihle seemed to bo in.iU desirable. The trick is harm le: $ ; i.o one breaks a leg or loses nn eve in the process. Il might bo rec ouimeiii'ed to constitutionally tired bovs as a good way to sweep the walk. The victims will throw nil the chips und ttniies into tlie street by curiosity's power, as it were. lvichcster Express. - - - CnACiFLl, Fi'M-cii. The vhio to a yriing Indy of n ci-ftintH, t'egnet inid ex pnssiji: vi'i-ali'ihuy ran htruly he mi-r c liiiiated. Were nhe ni-vrr to n-c the pen in i f.slolury or rhctoiiral composition, ti e hn .u'.y an 1 chuim ol ciilliviited ennveisa lion would be a power that would mid to her iiifl leneo anion j inttlligent persons more Hi ui all the j"wcl. ever worn. Add to thi tact that woman's tongue is lit r piiucipul weapon next to her cr, at le st- in appeal and mt-r.ace, in ullery and fi'din, in love nnd guidmiee, in fong and riiyer,wliftt is there iqu d :0 I wotpau's spctch I '4 FE B IUJA LI Y R 187 THE LATE KOM. JOHN R. KIL3Y. Sketches of the lives of man who deeply impress Ihe ago iu which they live, are exceedingly valuable. They stimtilato other hearts and lives, espec ially when it is made to appear that buc cesi has been attained iu the midst of obstacles seemingly insurmountable. The lata Hon, Kichatdson Kilby, hose plmtograph appears above, was a man of mailt. His name is a house hold word in thousands of families in Tide-water Virginia j and far beyond tho limits of his native State, lie was famil ial ly known ns an honorable man and counselor, ar,d as a made I CluUtian gen tleman Mr. Kdby was b.-rn in tho county of II mover, Virginia, on the !51st day ol IVcember, in the year, lSl'.l, and de parted this life ia Sull" ilk, Va., Decem ber liih, 1878. He was born of honorable parentage; and he might have enj iyed the best ed ucational advantages of his times, but fur the early death of b's f.ither. His wldoaed mother having to assume thn solo care fa number of small children, found it impossible U give to them more than a few sessions of tuiti r.i in what is called "as old fie! I school." At the of fourteen, we find yotjig Ivdhy b 'ginning his business life wcrk ns a'i assistant to the Clerk of the Coin t nl Nans.Miiond county, Yn. Hi. iog spe-it a fe.v years ia this posithn, he l)i camo lV'puty Sheriff of the county, the duties of wbuli relati in he alsj diSihargcd with reinnka'ihj fideV ity. Tlilsting for the prrpuati m fifCE siry t ) obtain a license t practice law, lie emph) e 1 his tin e well while in the Cleik's I'lli.-e a;:J while connected with the Shiiill'ilty. I'. iteriiig tho legal pr ofession ia IS 15, he begin a career, the success of which has ( xjited the wonder mi l ndm'iatioa of nil who knew bi n. Almost alone an.l unaided, he explored the fi 'l Is of le-oil lore, and became a workma i wh i necdeJ t ol Ik; ashamed ia the presence of any ji.lge or j iry. He k ,eiv the laiv ; an 1 lew ni m suipi-se l him in the coin pn hensive pros -illation of his case iu ilia fewest words. Indeed, such was the keenness of his apprehension, that whilst on st men were in irslialteg tlvir I -.pie l-.ii r.-i"r'nsi.;iis tree rcMi'lip 1 nl us were reaclie I al- .most by a fdaec. N i man nf his d ly had a stronger hold up -i the c 'iifiliinco of a i ir tha i Mr. Kilby. Ills ai'kiiowled,;ed ability as a lawyer, a d his great ir.fl icn-c over men, because of I. is unsurpassed purity id chaiict-T, giined hi i clients far a:nl reir, nnd made his profession very lucrative. lie lepn-sented Ni iscmon ? c unity in tV tr.virsl Ai-'Uibly nf Viiginii, nf l'-.M. ':: and '.-..I lie was an c! tr I I'-r the Slate 5 serve- in the S.uie I Nation ,1 Cotiventior.s ; was l'resi lent of ! the C mimercial liiol; nf S, a. ; and tilled these, mil irary ether olli :cs of trust, with signal ability. Th.' su' j'"it nf this sketch attained h-noia' lj disli-iclion ns a rr-'fe-sh'nal nviu and a", a tit'z n ; but he w is pre ereioctit as n JViri Ihin. llis life fur v.shi's ah'ind.iiit eviJe-'.ee t1 at n rr.ati can sit at the fei tof Gamaliel, anil also sit -.t the feet cf .I.-sns. Ila beet -no a ue.i'her of the Methooist l';iis:o;nl Cinirch i.i tlie yeur l.s ill. He I lid all he was nn 1 all ha pos sessed upon the aliar nf God. The church was loved above his chief j y. And in turn, the cburJi conferred upon him every honor she had to bestow She sent him to her General Conference, to her Ann ul C inferences, ni l le hwH a s'lvard, a trustee, a trustee nf one of her college;, prestdniit nf a society for the relief of disabled ministers', and SiM''i'.h school sup. rin'.eivleot. A fintiel chinch mVi. m- always. In no icl iti m (li I h.i illuslr.ito Lis z 'al mid adaptation n.oio beautifully ir d cm sliolly than ns superintendent of the Sihhnth tchiiid. This ma-.ttlu was aevcr more worthily worn. In a word this mm was a c.l.z"n- prince, and a plice in Isiail, He bved r.ot for himself, Hit for others. He hid learned lhat"h is m re b!e;id to gie lh in U receiv, Aud t UIS ill Is ilolluswere uims'; ! liis'j-jrsed to th irilahle ohj--cts bv his Coris'.-liko tin i ds. Let this cj ituph be graven imnii the nr-uit'e til'i-'i shrill p-,.-!. I-,;.-resting place: This man ' sern'-l his o.Vii hy the w.ll t,f God." Mis. Kiiby, the e-..i nabla wife, n- d six fhil ben nf matuiity, hih'u esteemed in the c immunities in which they live four ::8 nnd two daughters survivo this devoted husband r.r,d Cither. The married da-'ghter is the wife of IV. W. W. Murray, nf Baltimore, a native of Yirgiuia, nn nccnmplishcd physician, nnii for tho past tw veins n School Commissiorer of tho city (if Baltimore fioni the Niuctcc th ward, in which he resi le. Two of the s irs, Mr. Lcroy 15, Kilby rind Mr. L. Clay Kilby, nnd tire d gaged in mercaut le fu su'ts in Not folk. Three of the ehilili i n reside in Suff Ik. Of these, Mr. Wallace Kilby is a successful merchant, and Mr. Wilbur J. Kilby, his fa'hets law part ner, is prosecuting ti e business (af Ihe late firm of Kilhy S in. He is a gen tleman of lihcral, and kis suc cess at tho bar is already ns-uieJ, in l ei iling as he does nn iy cf the trails of character of his distinguished father. 15 ilti.noi fan, ' 9 A gentleman nimel Moote jtrop-ve-l by letter lo a young Lily, who iin'Mocl him with a nlowing desriiption nl a ;r at parly, the list line ol her no'e'S ) no more at prejeiit." i) . NO. 51. FUJJERAL INCIDENT. Tho editor of tha New Orleans "Ad vocate" has this incident ubout Ike rav ages of the yellow (ever in that city, re lated to him by one of the Methodist padors : "The pastor was called, a few days since, to nlteud the funeral of a young man. Itefnrc his sickncsi he was a stoat, buoyant, manly youth. Ha was from tho State ef Maine, and bad been here but a nhnrt lime, II was attacked by yellow fever, and soon died with no mother or relat'ncs to wntch by hi bed side, nr 1 1 soothe him with that sympa thy which mine but those of our own dear kindred blood' can fuel or roanifes'. lie died among strangers an I was bur ied by them. When the funeral ser tice was over, and tho strange friends who ha 1 miiii-tered t him were about to finally close tho cMli i, an old lady, who stood hy, stopped them aid said, 'Let mo kiss him for h!s mother I' We have yet lo fi rJ the fi st man or woman to whose eye this sirrplo recital has not brought tears." THAT 'EReTqT." At noon yesterday there was a piece of bedcord, a d ifj and a roan on Wood ward avenue portico of tho City Hall. If Ihe dog could have h id his say about it he would prob-ibly liavo offered the man for sale nt a low fi ;ure;but d.igs in this country nre dinnS. It was the man wh i explained : "Yes, this ere dog is f , r Bale. I kinder thought when I h-ft homo that I wouldn't take less'n $10 for him, but 1 find on git'.in here must everybody owns fi'0 or six d gs apiece, and so I sn iso i n nave 10 oroij flow,! ti s:x or seven d 'liars. I bate to d it, though. Iflhe old woman wasn't wearing a horse blanket for a skirt and the children bare footed, I woulJu't part with this dog even up for the biggest thinocercs in Birnnru's hull colleckshun." "Any mean traits about him " it quired ine ei'iz 'n. ' 'W ml, n o," slow! rcpli-l t l.o owner "not any i.n. might nieiii trick" "Then why , in you wish lo sill hinit" "Waal, 1 r.iu't lie, even lo poll a day ami ns leid ns the !i woninn wants a new "int. 'l'lie liu't is, we've kind r hmt con- n inncc in li ?. 'r niiii me oi l woman, in p- riiel.-ler. is dnvn on hiiii," "I! i t wis it!" ' 1 don't l;nr i.liout tho dog'a hcirii.' what I ssy," n plied Iho old in -in as h loweri his voieo and dreiv 0,1 a litth l on see, lie iook Cm (lu ne-t streaK on you ever heard el ()-e d ay h lelt hoiif and Cinv lu-i; w:!h a -.vs'.let in his ninu'h I'lliril WIls $(,!) ill it. Next div 111 lironglu home ii di i uond rr.-riii:T. Next i-i.'ht ha e-vni' ho i! l with a pnM watch mi I eh tin. and i n hi next tiip l.o brought li-M'.e n iliiMii-i'ol a ilhirs- in igrernbieiis. In the r o.'.rse ol thep-i-t i.i.-nlli lh:s 'ere d"; ha hr v'..;h' lioni- ovi-r ten lusi porlut h-'i li?, si .(!! -oh! v a'.lns five dinrn mil riiv.-s and s-1 woll-rohf s." 'Cr. it II 'iv-'n ! but is t'nt no?" ex chiitiu'd ll,c cil'.ms l.'okiPsr Ul3 dog over iiiirw. li-s, I n it isfr). and ttiat s w hy w ye lost im nec in l.rn. and w hy 1 want to I m'iI him. I in aha. d Lo don t come bv these tilings InncsGy, an 1 they are a bur oen on my e.'n-i'ii'nee. i .in oil vvoni'n h is tarn.' I rvir; th'ng over lo the Sh-nilf to he testere 1. mi l f lie ssyj if we Ri t p Hie ilnil were unl.nir nn I nlietiing tiihh ry. "Il I t il;e tin! dog I sl'.u'i simply kiep him in the h .rn, ohjcrvud l!i,i i i:i7.'H. "dust F t. von let him nr.t he'll find a lo-t wiib't, snre." 1 sh ill s e that lie tmvns loeke l Up ad iliy and night, my hnno.-t liien.l, and by thn w.iy, let me compliment ynu on your rsro ilupuy ol coujeir-neo. ou du Move tin- iimnks ol ivery uontst rc&o Hera ire 7 lor jour dog." "Trunk V"U,'' M! ttis huniMc reply nn 1 Cnt meek ni l lianhle look diln'l hare the r.i-nr f,ec until tlie dog and his new owner Invl tuiiud a miner. Then ho ill I n't s iv niivlhiog. lie uvrely Rye vent lo a e heckle which sounded like ice br-k ing t il a m iii-nr 1 i jo in a Ihnw inij iliy nnd co iling d uvn on a lot ol scrap irou. l i!t i ,cn riesi. T!rut;-n Coin .V Nnv Ymk farmer bs diseiive::' I e. tint ol Inirie.l coin. Whil In-nn 1 his son ivi ;e diguing a pt tobutj I'.'.rni -n in a fsndv spnt nmr the shore ll ey r-liurk il large stone three loet t elo fhe piiilsee, I'uo.i ii'.iioving iho s'iv t'ley ili;ri I an iiM-'a'hkini'd Irmi pot nf n' fs'.it a peik's i icvitr, li.led with wh it nppe lie ! lo b- I'rgn cooper coin 'liny tit O'P- irmuvi l tic P"t to the lion-i', nn I r.'ter deming a lw coin wh'eh were M '; with rge, Inmul the lo l e :-(nnisli silver Hollar", fiimi ol lliem nei-ing ii'.'i1 ,i.i' I lie cutis were ptnVi'jiy li in id J ilurisg the tivolutieiiuiy yar. At Tiirs "0or..--l i one ot lou'.hirn sukuilm a l.tiu'y was sesttd at linger, he ii the i! ier ti 11 lindget wa- -cut to the il-'or. li w is roiiee ihat tho I a I-iiig p nley. an 1 it was surmid c -n( i ni'ii-! , th .t th-ro was roine elem nt nl tinecrlaii'tv In the intervirw. th !r ri tutn ol tha nrvint, tho inss'.cr ol the hoii-o ssi 1, "U'cil Biidgct who was ill In which bridge' ri'piiiti, with all tne un su' pectin .r so.ei'iiiy i I her rare, "It w as ti nth iii-iii, sir, ,o . King iik t It e wiong house." S2 . An Iii-lnnan on b Ing asked how he liliul Amriiei.rcplii 1: "l.T my foil it bests anything I iver saw lor Iri-liMii. Aid thn beauty (I i d.' ve, (hut 11 yces don't I'kn it yen run Inyo It Tha wanied hid its ol a curt tin ci'y have fiirniul a (' n c lieme liimliand C ub. li is ab'iut lour le t Inns, and has a UiUsh on 1 lie end ul it. Deneon Smith, jn-t decr-ised. ha I a Tery rid rose. Hit widow thought it int her rirn'iiial in the mini'trr ti begin his fun il dii-'conrsc, "Anntiier shiniest Hsh! lus beca taken Irnn cur eoegre'-itiiin.'' SPACJB I I i 5 3 00 8 00 14 e S 10 10 00 20 tO a oo ir oo to r-a 1" 00 18 00 86 00 15 CO 20 00 40 01 :o oo 1 30 oo et oo I f M 0 W 00 40 tO 46 f Hit 6 tt 7 It ne So,nar, Two Suuarea. i nroo squares, i "ur iiuarea. Fourth Col'n. Half Column. n bole Column, One Year. ROANOKE AQKICULTURA L WORKS, WELDON. N. C.i JH n. FUOTK, Proprietor, Tilli Kit IIAKI)SO. COTTON PLOW A SPKCIALTT. MANUFACrUHKR JY, ASDORSRnAL AQBN1 FOR, .VLL KINDS 017 FARMINQ IM- TLEMBSTS, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTON GINS. Also Agnnt for tho Chicago Scale Ccdv pany's UXITKD STATES STANDARD SCALES. r.vervthlnir in this lln from ifa rnx H ii I road (Scale lo the SMAI.l.KST Tie Sealo fuinlKliBd at fsurprlsinir LOW Fig ures. A I'latlorm HsVY nr STOCK Scale of KiH'K TOSS capacity for 900.00 and r i en; in. All kinds of IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS riirnlshnd at SITOItT NOTICE an! at IVtoitiburg or Norfolk PRICES. I am propsred to do AST KISD of Hepair Work for F.NGINE?, KILLS AND GINs, COTTON As I have an Kicellont MACniNIST'and 1101 UK MAK.KR. I Vcep ronstantlv-nn hand of my own Manufacture a UOOD OFFICII COAL AND WOOD 8TOYE. Also a good asaortment r EOU.OW " aHK LUMBER fnrnlO.d In any ouautltT a the LOW KiTMarliet Rates, ' lep 8 1 ill i P I! i i I lit t i if t1 1 4 r Ts 1 1 ffi kt n r 5 1 n i OaroHna. jau 1 1 c

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