THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, A.UL 3, 1:D We reiurn thanks to lUn. W. II Kitchea far cupiel of tha Congressional Krco d. Josua TiiiNi n lias jut reentered $8,000 damages from V. W. H.ilden for impr'ionmeut dorig the K'uk war. Tke cass has been pcndinij for ionic 'time. At the spring term O Chatham county, the suit was anded as aboc Stated. iUfendai.t appealed. The Pjaidtiter trial which has been da much iutcrest has bean cootinurd until tka April term of the court. TiiU became aecesnry frein the fact tint the jury faileJ to Sjjree. A count showed ve far murder in the snctn! uVjrcr, fi for volunliry nmslaulUi r mul two fur involuntary oiansiiughter. A I agreed on a cirnprouTuo for thte'i years I the peuitei.tiiry but tan, wln persiiteJ U the taut. Apulicit'uii for bail re feud. the i.WEitioit outr. On aecaunt ef the gieat ituuibvr of alienees against the eiimual the dockets of tko S.ipariar Courts for U.i' ifl county bate fur tnnny years been crewdad ailh State cases. So much so indeed that tery little of the civil bM ess could be transacted, asd the tax piyers of the coauty, bate had to bear tee burdea of tin (x'.u terms, sitae of them erj long. To overcome this difficulty, the mag istrates of the county saw fit to establish the lafcrior Cturt, which has iu a great tneaaare relieted the Superior (' urts of nick busiiess, with sort little extra ex pense, as fur as wo Since the passage by the Legislature, of t' cxteadiag the j urUd.ctian of of Justices it ia tb tught by some that tho Iuferi'r Court caa Ll dispcxeil with. T ) abol ilk tke Court MiT, ou that siiptvisiti in would bo rath, because no one can tell haw this aew law will work. It is t'uo that it gites fiaal j irisdicti ia ti uiajis trates in a large number of t'i U c'ih of cases which wmU ordinarily be brought befere tbe Inferior Cjurt. liat the law alio directs that a j istice s'nll graM do appeal ualess woe of the parties arc en dorsed as the prosecutor. Nj i m aay of tkese small cflonces, coaipl tia- aata are vawillioc to pay costs and con- I seqaeolly will aot apply to j i.ticcs for war raits, but wait Hatil tha nutter can belaid before a grand jiry, thus avoid, log the possibility of hating to pay the costs. Now if this be the case, and tbe Inferior Court it abolished tha time of Superior Oesrls will again be taken up with tbie tery cases for tbo trial of which the Interior Caurt was established and for this reas in we thiik the Infer ior Cjurt should ba cuminued aulil it is sia how the law will aff.-ct criminal easts. ( KIMKN'. We hare hardly looked at a paper for tht past moml) which did aot publish tk Commission of same cri ne of the anast atrocious character. Frnm all p.uts of tbe coiatry tin daily mails bri g intel lijeaeeoftbe kill'ng of ssmcbody, and that too, for the most trivial offences, tad ia aomt without any prov calioa whatever. Wbeu people begin to narder aod assasitiate, for pleasure, wbta, any oae w'j pleases aveccs a faocied slight with death; we t'iik it is high time the law-tinkers of iho coun try suld ajnp'. some meius U protect life. We da a it think men whj com nit murder ought t be allowed Id go t liberty because of fatso n itioas of bener tad chivalry. The nir,jsty of the law shoald be respected, and those wh9 have injur'u's t ) red.-evs sh mid ap peal to tht law. There are uffeii Cts which tught to bo surnaiily dealt with, tad that, without tko intervention f tht law a delays, aud wo trust we weald Mttr ba found wanting in au astrgetcy of that kind; but thce of ftacts art rare and d i sot often irquire prtaspt aclien. It is imt of these we ftau, Wit of those which are more or aMnary, such as murder, aal the I ke. Thtaa crimes arise from tht fact, that lately It is becoming ccxt to im pnsibla to baag a uioa win commits atj f Utm especially if be tn bar aaaaty aad friends and the people ho kaow this take the la v into their a kaads feeling perfectly cnnfiJeut that they can escape justice by some techa'ujality or through sympathy ur the itSuaaea of friouds. Wa believe every is fa gaard should be tbrowa arnund that who are on trial, and that j mice ahoald ia eiery case lean toward tht . aide asf aitrcy. Hat wt believe those who have suffered should be vindicated. Justice ahoald aot lean s far tiwatd tha aide of mercy as to forget those whs are Injured, and ahta it does, as is oftta tha case, trials become a mockery, Wbta the laws of (,d wd inao are both disregarded atil criminals g un- V Mblakad. wa ma Meet aomathmo In .... k,;. . . i- ,i , , , , . r'""""-- v.-p. . ivvuinj eptl! at bad, tad we may expect national calamities raihir than hntiornl prosperity. Let the laws for llhi protection of life te vijinro'j-ly inf. reJ, and let ecry m; u aho cimimi.s murler or any other of- be punMivil, auJ we will cease to hear of such outrageous affairs as now fi 1 the papers. KOi I.UV. Tbe following at tichs hi;h we copy from the HiL-ili Ojserrcr. is wlII woilh the attention of the people of this Crii!;tt. The Legislature has mode some changes in llitf laws regulating the woi king of public roads aud the or ticL' explains it : An act to provide fur keeping in re pair the rtu'.ilc roads nf tho Suit; roalji s tha Justices in -nch township a body corporate styled ike 'IJonrd of Super vising of public roads " The fist nioi't i g is to bo held on llie firs'. M H'lJ.iy in May for i-li!jtion of cli liruian, lo serve i.iil.l tho fit M "inlay in IVIiru try, 1HH0, th'! time f'r siisci iciit unnu .1 i It cti-ms. The h :.i.l is 1 1 moit mi the first Mo , d.iy el l'el'rM.iry, M iy, .VijMist and ivenihe', to consult m tim coaditi iu of the r n(l, b in the puceding weilc gone tiv-r n 'id personally exn:i iaed llioni. At th.! Mty m.-ftins over seers shall be nppoii tetl It r kec'i ms then laid nil", and I'.an Is aliottt-d to them and their Tk I.I of work assigned. The ructseer may r r u after one year's serice if he has doite good he r .ics and in i y wotk instead of oversee work ( r two years tlteio.Jier. 'l'hree dajs of work in eah year is the portion of every nb'e-bo.lied man between 13 and -15, thn supervisors ex cepted. A day's work is not less than 7 nor more thin 10 hours. (),iu dollar a day it na able-bodied substitute will excuse servi-. o. I'ailuie t i w ok or lo our is a tiiinlrMneiinor wlrch niil co;t f '2 tn $j or live diys inipiisi.iiinB: t, or both fine ii!id i npiiiou ueot us the cwutl niiy direct. T.'ie overseers are t i m .kf! q urlerly rtpot.s tiodvr n:ih to the limtis of the C m.litioii of the roads, number v t! inc. nuuber failing to work aud whether delinquents paid their doihr; those fail i 9 rj to doilt ur to pay lo tc at once war ranted and tiied. At the l'elruary meetings of the lliards, the uicrsrets are to milk- report of all nionevs col lected awd file s'li'.eniy t of manner of expenditure. Fadiog to di-aha'pe thee duties is a misdemeanor, for which tucr S'ers are lo b? wtrran'ed and li.ied ';7, hit:h t:tl the costs not beiig paid fic davs' irutiiii iiitneiit results. The supervisors are empowered t) lay out and (I isconli r: ua cn'.atjs; thu cou'.ty co.tHTiisiioners to lay nut and disc:nti iuo public roals, u::dcr existing rules, except that no iiii.rc than five urorn nay be mmi n ue.l to assets (lainage to pn prity. I m supen is rs, also, nre to make actual report, at the first term of the Sip"rior (!nnt for their county a'ter the first Monday iu August, of the condili i:i of the I iads and as t) the dichaijje of the duties asvgrcd. l'.iilurc to do so is a misde meanor, an J the penalty is fi;e IT i'li pris oinietit or boili, as the J urt please. Thii law as ratified on March 11 ap plies 'o the S ate, excepting the counti. s nf Allechimy, Asl.e, Alexander, U'ataug-) and Mecklenburg. i.j t : i u i mm u i.t:i.ii. l!.M.i:n.ii, X. (' , March 30th, 1ST;). Mv l't:.u Nivs: To-iiy is i such a niny Sunday as was des:ribed by one Irring and as I hate noticed that lew even of ilu pi us, lute cared to face tha steidy tl nt ;; iur of the rain. I trust I may be holdc.i I laaieless i t dctuli'ig ut least part of it to iuiproting the m ads of your roaJers. For the list week tha city his bee i on tiptoe with ex:iteaio t, wars, ruinorj of wars, retreats and caudals of various sots lave bei!;i dancing tlr.iu;;!) the air like dust motes i i liic sun'D.'iiii). F.T tw.i whole das bnii)( ss was aim f,t ea- urety s i'-pe iu.m wauii i:io cil.!ns were e ithered lmi the street cnr.n rs hke the ancient Athenians -Mill hiving alii re lating s line new tiling." ThW excitement t n the su!j ;ct allu leil ti ras, however, given place to ti'.k abct the town eleai o::s, wUich takes place i i May, a-d ftem thj rumors tn this subject c tiling to my euis, I ntu sa'.isfi -i that at least i.ine-'.untlu of th male inhabit tuts of Fi ilt-igli regard tach ouc biflie'.f ras the one man tnaike I i ut by an ;tl!-".M? l'vilir as the li.nbr fnn which a g i id A'deraia i eta he nude. 1 fa-pa this is s, bit inn iiic'.iiej ti letr that in ibis belief ui least the w ild t a .tot changed inuc'i siuo the day wiieu H e Aide ii en ol t il Tmy, cm tlomned lo ileal!) for iaibecility in ollice, wen pardo icd by King l'r.a iion on the ground that "for some reason ioscrut illti by ! n..rit th? j '! . s::xe the in ut.L-u Feuculion cast beh.i.d him tiiu U-itus of bis gio it mother hud not given into any man Iho poweV t iiiaiinye piopcily the afl'airs of a city ur evea of thu saiallol tillage." It is perhaps ra'her late to speak of the Ligislutuitt leceutly a.lj lurncd, but that body h is recei'cd s i uiuch of un- reasonable and uath:iiking abuse thai I really think a few wurds in their behalf arc yet ia order. Li vcoy truth it has of late grown much the fast inn to abuse Legislatures, unj ihis practice is chit fly ii.du'gcd in by ih isa win me in most total ignurauce of the actual tt.uki gs of the body, which is mado the subject of their anathemas This of course should not be. OfahaWver material a Legislature may bo composed, it is at least the representative of the sovereign peoli! of a Slate, and it will be gener ally fouod ihat e ck Legislature reore sent,! the feelings and wishes, at k-ast for the time being, of tke people ; in whom, according to tbo theory ol our system, is rested all power sad authori ity, and from whom cotues ail honor. Now I watched with some interest 'us course of the last LefiisUturo dur In2 111 esioa aud am tatisGed that. Mtnen the laws pissed by it are pub- ! lisbc the; n tit bt f juod uch lairs as the temper tif the people at present de mands and this although amoeg (bote laws wi l be found more than oiiO re oiuded by mm of study and thought as likely 1 1 lead to tbe most disastrous conseo,'aet'.ces. That such laws should be found net only in the volume of acts now about 10 be published, but in every volume of statute laws evtr published in this coui . try is the fiult, not of ti e Legislature, but of our system. Fwery large coll tiou of individuals lus in itself the eh merits of mobocracy a.d i o matter what mental and Yducationat qualifications the individuals composirg inch body may possess, the body collectively is liable at all times to degenerate into a mo'j. Now in both bouses of the last Leg:slature, there were men well quali fied by habit of niiad, and by cultiva tion a .id study, t give guidance and li recti ui to the affairs of the Stale, but unfortunately for the Stale, und I fear unfortunately for the Democracy, a cl que sprung up tiunlngous to that, which, uler the name ol the "Country I'.iitl," bus more than once carried the English govemrnent to the brink nl ruin. This party or clique was under the leadership of certain men whose mental vision extended nut a moment beyond the present, and certain others who from moral obliquity were willing to prostitute tluir positions as representa tives of the people, which inn liepul lican government is tbe highest aud most honorable any man caa hold, aud under this combined leadership of knaves and fouls, this clique sought by every possible means te mark tbe Leg islative session of 1871) as the one in thu hi'tory of the State most disgiaced by class legislation. That this cliquo did have great 11 fluencc for harm, there can be no d mbt but a great denl of very food work was done, ar d it is to bo htped that a future L'gis'.itire may review much of the bad work before it can be- Come finally operative for barm The main woik of the body just ad j mriied as the decrease of the lax levy and the increase of the jurisdiction of magistrates. These thi cs it did and whatever nit.y bo the opinions f indi viduals a tn the manner in which the work was done or the extent to which it was carrried, there can be no doubt that the people demanded such relief, and that their representatives did right in granting it. Hut eieu granting that the Legislature deserve abloquy, even supposing that no g iod thing can be found in all its work, comment and j.idomeiit ouLt at least to be reserved until a fair review can be taken of the woik, for ut the present time and until tke nets shall have been published, no man can say truly that ho has definite knowledge of the entire woik and on such knowledge alot.e can fair judgment be based. i see that a bill his been introduced iu Congress by which the chiefs of the several executive departments will be al lowed seats cx nlTui ia the lower Imuse nf that bud. This I regard as me iniifii important measure ever brought forward. Si) important that the end of an already too long letter is no place for its discussion, nor can an nff-han1 opinion be given on its merits. I will discuss it next week if I can leuro. enough ou tbe subject meanwhile. Yaurs, 15 AI)Vl:UTISKMKNTS, P11OCLAMATI0N. I'o it known to all readers of tliis paper thai you hereaiinr order vour tnlir wants in weariii np aro! and House-keeping goon to tuo UNDERSIGNED, AH i.ul THE MiT BKI.l i.uOUS Hut Till. I K VST MONEY Keailv madn clothinR for Men and Roya wear nl euMtoni make; aud bjst quality ai in vs ei u teen, lillKMu'l.tlTIK l.S lit Ii ilix, t lU'l'lIN t l tll'IIS. 1 l.iUN. SII.KS.SAT1N?. ri.ANXhl.S. I'ASIMKHKS vm.vni's. I'l.l ll KS. lOMITI('S TAII.illls- THIM.MI.NtiS, VKt.Vh'I'KKNS MtKKI !Vi". SIIIHTS. IHUWHllS, .SWI-S MI'-I.IN". 111 Iv K Ml INS I'll 1,1 1W r.xi fMlKr.SIIIKIS, .NAI.NlHIK, !KI I t( KIM HOHKKY. HI. A N K KTN lll.tiVK.' A full linn ol'N itloin, ninl Faney fJoods at wleileialo ami retail, at b tliau MUKTIIEKK IMIIIKS. ( lothinu mado to ordnr in bant manner. Fit KUHiaulund. Ordtir promptly tilled. uaiuiles aunt on application Respcotfnllv, M. E. Kl'U., Il'i Sye. fit. PeUraburx Va. THE LARCEST STOCK OF FRESCII ASD AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IS THE SOUTH. All luipoitod and manufautuied by me, ana oiu at less tnan rsorioeru rricaa Rral Fromh Itonneta and ITat Straw goods, by the cate dozen or piece, Iolanta Oooda. Klowora, Wreaths, l'lumea, Tipa, Kibboita, rt:ivb(, ltuehirig, tSilks, Satin", Velveta, Lace, CorstiU, Ira-iola, Gluvo anil M'.tta, Kdginga, Bridal Wieathei Lai in drostt rnada to order, oomplota, iu uvMi umuutjr, m iuwti prioea. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All order promptly (Iliad. MRS. M. E. Kl'LL, Oct 1.' lm. ADVERTISEMENTS. L & It GUANO. FORMERLY KNOWN AS TU12 STAR GUANO 'this ecli'hrutoil Ouann so lorifr soli) In Hum market ami ho well anil favorably known to th farmers ol thin neelinn ia now represent! by It. O. EDWAHIM, who is pr pare 1 to nfler it lo Ins friends mul llteluriuini; public on the moat reason able terms. Call ou him for circulars and prices. R. O. EDWARDS, Woldoii, N. G. mr 20 Im N OTIC K. All p'irsorm intlohM tbo nstuto of Iho late J. VV. Kauei it, by amount, rmto or mnrtiriiKO ar reiiieieil to call on F. Fronlieltat bis oilieo in ('. W. Faucetm Nlorn iu tbf town ol Halifax, and make prompt ii.ivment as fiutliir lndul(!i.n,e cannot buiiiven. Mr. Krotlieh is author izi J to receipt w bou avrnent is murlo. ' J. 'I'. (iiltX'll, Ailinii.l-lratiT. Mareh lath '7D. niri:i4l s I'ANHII t'UUFA. y t in IiiimIicIs saveil eleen and snuinl, ex preiir fur plant inii, lnr sain at f '! 00 per iMl-hei, .'li.ill per half busliel, fl.lW per peek, Biiippmi in stroiiij hbas, ilelivered IVi'i! un leiaiil ol ears, or at express r.lliee ill Magnolia. Order eirlv, ami net ifooil see l, lowfi' than ovo old tinloro. .Send money reilieiei!. or 1', O. money onier on Ivpnaiisvllle. Any inforinitlloii desired in reiraril lo tin) eultivation of the crop will be choerlully given. It. II. BROWN, Uallsvillo, Dnpliu county N. C. fehtitf G E F. 0 . A . AINSLIE, ltl( IITJOXI). VA. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Phantom, Top and No Top HiiRirits, and ratnily I amazea of all styles, in fetoek. Warranted iu every respect. KTCHMONDVA. mriiltm ESTABLISHED IS 18. HORNER'S With svlilrli nny farmer can make liU owu fcrtlllicrs, IE Ml GALS And olhi-r mt( rinls fur mnking HOME FERTILIZERS. Muriate Potash, Kalnll, bulphate Soda, I'loMcr, I'ertnlnn t.uuno, (III Vllrlnt, Mlrnlf Soda. Dried Hlnnd, UWsnlvrd Soulh t'nrollni. utssuivca itaw Hour, sc., it. A full miniilr of Pl'UK SUtrrinla nlnv. an 9 I hunt unit tor (ink- at lowi'nt ninrkpt iirii. I l-'uniuilnK fur liunifl mniiipulatinn, uilimntet E hi to run, nri't inrorinaliou rvcurUlug luiiuig, .l., , 1411 HORNER'S Pure Slaughter House BONE-OUST AMI I DISSOLVED BONE, uUARAMEED THE "Best in America." E3Cori3srian. AMMONIATED Raw fione Snprphosphte AXD roXCEXTItATED SUPERPHOSPHATE FOR AUCROPS, SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Joshua Horner. Jr..& Co.. Cor. Uonlj's Wharf onil Wood St., llALTIMORi:, Ml), no t!o tiiu. NOTICE! NO l'ICK! 1 Tlie mbserllinr having till tlay outlined aaadini ialralor o,i Ihn tKUtH nl Jiaiei W. Kanrn t, docaatod, bi'f ir '.he Judgo of i rooain naiiua citintT, hi'reliv not i lies itn p irMin hmHinir rlniinn NHlwt aula extaln to ornv-nt iho aamo dulv an iiiBnticaita In I Im nnder'inni1, or Iiib All v V. ti. Day gt Wpldnn. N t'., on or tiffore Ilia 3rd day of Mareh IHhii, or tliia noliea win us pleaded In liar nf llmlr reonvery I'ersnna iudebted to said etnlc. ara re. tjooMiM to niakft Initnei'.lata piivmout, ima inoaru uav ol vrarrh 1!7. JAMEs T. (illi)CH, A.lmr. Jan. W. Faucott, deceaaaj mareh ti tf. G EO. A. AINSLIE, niriinoxD, va. CARRIACE MATERIAL 1 Or iu K i n o a . SPOKES, BUHS. AXLES, (SPRINGS. LEATHERS. CLOTHS. , PAINTS, Ao. KICDMOKL1, V A. ujitSui NKW ADVKIIT1SEMENTS. S E A P 0 W L AND B It A I) L E Y 'S Kt'VF.U'PIIONIMIATK It is r.ow twenty Tears hitino tha HI) St;a rieultural corniiiunity. (-Hiring thin titno, it UMid. for rui lus, um, iiuiav-ui, Tlio preit advaiitaes rlaiined lor tlie So uuano, liavo proven iruo, ll ik iit.t ovor Rtiinulalii'tt and dots) not fire vian in dry Heaann. It pi)rmanently Hilda the land to its original proonciivii, iieu wlien nisi inirociu';eo, ana ""n ifncp ris ncinn provea truo to science. il'OU SALK 151' March fl tf. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. MANUFACTURED BY THE PACIFICCUANO COMPANY1 Is prononneod hy tlie londinu planters in u i niutiu to any r urin zor tnoreu in mo SOLD BY JAM ES T. ;OOCII, Ti'eldou, K. I'. PRESCOTT DL'ALERS IN CENERAL MERCHANDISE AKSOUKCt THAT THBT HAVE OFBNBD TUB LARGEST AND BEST D 11 Y GOOD?, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS,- G 11 0 ti E II I E S, EVER OFFERED TO T SI Tbey are to bo found at tlie Old Stun 1 of J. LOW FOR CASH- (Jive tWm a eall and get more for your money than any whore elae. ITU h ir J OU N W A N A M A K K K, RELIABLE STYLISH K i: A D v . n A E 0 L O T II I N G for ME3, rOVTHS, CaY3 CHILDREN. L.&KVEMT AMD BENT STOCK IN VIRGINIA All our own Manufxetnra. well made, Reliable Goods. Hure to give Sat iafaction. MERCHANT TAILORIXU DEPARTMENT. AN KLEUANT ASSORTMENT OF FIXE PIECE GOODS. SEND FOR SAMPLES. G E N T S F U B N 1 S II I N G G 0 0 0 D S. SEND FOR CATALOG WE. ONE PRICK. 1 f GUARANTEE. C ASH!. I ( MONEY RErnvnrr. JOHN WANAMAKER Tauth aud Main Stree'ia, . . . Rlehaind, Va. Cel 3 us. GUANO P A T E N T or IIMK. Knwl Utiuiio was llrt Introducer! to tba air Iihm rapidly gained in popularity wherever vv ii e..v i an oiner uropa it is aliUa suited Fowl wbfeti lirsl introduced, oyer Peruviai tlie tender roots of plants lika th Pern fortuity lo the anil, and ultimately restores iumsb pmnta worn claimed tor it by acientiu JAMES T, GOOCH WLLIiON, N. C. TsOUTM CAIIOLIXA at KQUAL If aot Diaie. JOHN S. REESE. A CO. Gexi:i:al Aoems, Baltimore, Md. Fab 27-2 m & GOOCH SELECTED STOCK OE kc. E I L'BLI V I if WELDOI. T. Ooot h and aro fiellh.g CAREFUL MAN. ALWAYS CARRIES A Yearly rollcy UT Inaraa - AGAINST ACCIDENTS YOU CAN PKCrjRB OSB IU THB MOUILE LIFE I.XSIUAXCE CO. OF MOMLis, ALA. TWENTT-FIVE 'CENTS Will Intiire You AfraluHt Arcidaata for Ono 1iv in tlie aum of T1IRER THOl'SANIl DOLLARS in tha evant of Death. Or $! PER WEEK INDEMNITY for DbHUlitig Injuries. RATES- One Day Two Days Fivo Days Ten Davs . Thirty Days 25 Onta 50 Ceuta 11.25 s 2 50 - .. $5 00 WILL INSURE TU AGAINST ACCIDENT?, FOR THE TEHM OF 1 YEAR sum"? 1.000 R. F. BUTLER. Aa:Bt, May lily. O'nCERATliKRS. 1 am now runnlnit a daily mail from Scotland Neck to Halifax. 1 hav a rem. fortnhle two horso haek, whlrh leavea Scotland Nook, every morning for Halifax and returns aame day. Will take pawn-(.-era and express pnokaijei at rfaaonabla ratea. I am also prepared to eotertain travelers, promising to upare no pains to make theui ceinforlitble. RespcctfollT, v W. ll. SHIELDS. cv coir, ADVERTISEMENTS. Mm i allav " ,.; Pier binding; V rh"tiaa Odlil.T."'. ,Tf;!?.bS?k.!a HouwhoM lii tn Innnn. . 'u ..""-wilt Dorti?; "r onl' x AdOreaaiS. s. : "uuo 0ulldin' mw VoVk St,. Tfl T . . etaon, n. C. ra. ijj, Having openorj a first ,.i. Oyster' SCOn. !t f'? i'"'. lid Brow 'n'a.on Water St,.;;; """"r 10 i ervo S-T frtond. with y "r-rare to line, y style, ovsto r l, 0I,S '''valrea 1, "j .uinmrs. Tiipv tuiii ',""" on hand airond RtinVii ryc. 111 lso k"ep vignrs id town. """" Oct 19 12b. ,A8-L-nASS,4Ca. Water 8tr.. P 0 R S A T, E bMt nine mile, from f oS i,,n tiaiuax. f Tillery, , 5 "8,u,nc J. H, aero,. W1'kln, tLat cout""'8 Unt tft ' ,''"'1U MHQB IJ. Illliiry tr., ,, wholo coiimittinp. nbjut 3 7 acres ' ' Halifax N.C. Attn aV P OR BALE. Neck, where M. Hcftm.n now H!Sf Terms liberal. 1HOS. N. HTT i , De,,4Sm. Halifax, N. c. ET THE IS IC.NT. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 3000 EnRravings; 1840 Pages Quarto. Four Pages Colored Platca. Published by G. A C. Merriam, Sprite. ' field, Mass. Warmly Indorsed by Bancroft, Preseott, Motley, Georgo P. Marsh, Fitz-Green Hallock John G. Whtttler, N. P. WililN, JoLn O. flaxe, Elihti Burriit, Daniel Webster, ' Ruftis Ohoate, W. D. Howella, Smart, Hurace Mann, Ezra Abbot, WilliaQi T. Harries More than fifty College Presidents, And the best American and Eurepean Scholars. WERSI-EKis Urn Dictionary used in the Government Printing Office, Aug 77. Every School and Family should have it for constant use and reteroncv. Best family help in training children to become intelligent men and women. Several years later, ami has one-fifth more matter, tuan any other large Dictionary. The authorized authority in Courta of Justice, for the meaning of words. Etymologies and defltiilionii far in, ad vance of anv other Dictionary. Keooinmondod by USChief Justice Waile "the highest authority lor doflnitioas." THE STANDARD. For Scliools.receiiiinonde 1 !v StateSupt'a of 32 States, and hy 50 College rres'ts. A boHt 32,000 have been placed in Public. Schools by law or by Sohool cfiicera. Contains 3000 Illustrations, nearly three times as many as any other Dictionary. Three picturns of a ship, on pagj 1751, il lustrate meaning of more than 100 words Sale r Webster's is 20 limes as great as tkatofany othor ssries of Dictionaries. It ii net rightly claimed that Wvbstor it THE NATIONAL STANDARD. fob 20tf MRS. A. B. JONES- 209 Sycamore St, Petersburg Tn. FALL AND WINTIR, 78-79 la opening a New and Do?iralilu atock ( M I L LIS K K f UOOD1, . DRESSMAKING A SPECIALITY. C tTTId AXD FITTIXG, At abort notice. Latest styles drea. trim miiiax, fringes, buttons, fency gocds. aud notions. ' Wedding mid party d rentes made, sad if requested, will furnish the material. Oranmenta for tlie Hair oi Eyery I)oer:itiou. Braids, Switches, Jet and Fine Jawalrv. Also, Xanthine, an excellent proparaiioa lor the hair. Iu fact, every thinr to adoi a a lady. ALSO EM3ALMER or If A T U II .1 E FEOWERM, Wa warrant our Embalmed Flowara never to chance their FORM OR COLOR.. -AGENT FOR- K. BUTIERICK ACQ'S; CELEBRATED P ATT E R N S mrnii tha VVorLI . 1H a rnrinll.1.. fWMmm?f 3000 6"M Catalogues sent frea on application. I am prepared lo offer customers extra inducements this season, in the style, quality and price of my cooils, ao aa to make it tn their interest to nive me a large share of tlieii patrora(:c. I lheielore hope to have tho pleasure or ao early call i'rm yon, assuring you that I will hue my heat efforla to umke your trading with ma ea tirely satisfactory to you. Ordeia from Yiririnla and North Caroli na are solicited, aud will be promptly filled upon reasonable terms. Thanking you fjrpast favors, I remain Yours reypectfuliv, -,,,, MRS. A. U.JONES. Srt 19 II.

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