THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY APIUL 3, 1679. PlkEMlt'M MST OF It, AT. It. A. Fair of 179. DEPARTMENT C DOMESTIC ANI MALS. J NO. B. NEAL, Superintendent. D1VIS0N I.-Cattlb. CLASS I. busT TnonnunnnitED of ant hhkkd. fe8 Bet ball over 3 jesrs aid $10 00. 89, Beit yearling bull f5.00. CO. BiSt cavr, orcr 3 years eld $10 00. til. 15 .ft cow over 2 jfnrs old $3.00. D2. B.t vearlitg cow $3.60. CLASS1 II. CnOSSBS Oil NATIVKS. B 8t cow ever 3 yean old $3.00. 4 rCOBd best $5.00. Beit boiler 2 veins old 85.80. VS. DO. grcoad best T3.00. CLASS III. DAIHT COWl OK ANY KIND. 1)7. Fur the best cow, Item which shall Vave been pioduccd in thirty successive tfaji the greatest quantity nl butter quality as well as -quantity considered which shall be exhibited at tin time $10.00. 08. Second but $5 00. 99. Th ir.l class diploma. CLASS IV. WOIIKI.NO (IX kn. 100. Best yoke. f'20.0f). 101. SiCtfcd bio-t $10 00. CLASS V. FAT CATTLR. Best l)tn ef not lets thaa five 102 810.00. 103 Best lat cx $7 00. 104. Best Int cew ur heifer $5.00. 103. Beet and largest show ul rattle by do pers.o, 25 to be ixhibited $25.00. CLASS VI. 6WINB. 106 Beit let of pis under 10 months, of ae tat lo'i than 4 la D'jiuhai $3.00. 107. Bst f ig, uoder 4 months $4 OU 108. Largest fat hog $5 00. 109. But show ! b's by too person at lets than tea $28 00. 110. Bttt tlioroughbre A lo-,r of any breed, over tone jear eld $10 00. 111. Second lesl, ilipluini. 112 Best thorough brtd sow of any breed S3 00. 113. Second best, diploma. 114. Best boar not thoroughbred $3 CO. 115. Second best, diploma. 118 Beit sow, not tltsroughbted $3 00. 117. Second best, diploma. In awarding premium! oa hogs, refer ence will be hiil nst merely tn iiz or pie sent conuittso, but that proportion be tweea bone ami meat which promises the Krtatrst value frrot the least amount of feed. CLASS VII. FOWLS. 118 119 ma 120. 121. list pair Brill in a pootrns $1.00. Second best Btnhma pout i as diplo- Best pair Block Spanish $1 00. Be-t pair Cochin Clr.nst $1.00. 122. B st pair llsmbuig $1 00. 123. Best piir White Dorking $1 00. 124. Best pair Gray 1) rking, $1 00. 125 Best Poland $100. 120. Best pair fjinie el any variety f 1 00. 127. Best pair Aylesbury Ducks $1 00. 128. Rot pair Mnsiovas $1.00. 129. Best pair Giese. 'iiiinii $100. 130. Best pair Geese I'sUml $t 00. 131. Best pair Tuikcjs limnx $100. 113. Best pair Domestic 'u: ka ft 00. 133 Best aud Urgttt exhibit by one penoa $3 00, CLASS VIII. snr.ti'. SECTION I.-Lonqwools. 134 Best buk $3 00. 135. Second best buck, diploma. iSt Best ewe $3 00 137. Hecund best, diploma. 138. Best pea buck, twe and lamb t$5.00. SECTION 3,-Midplkwo i.s. 4BODXU ,d,..wk', mitorsMinvs, OXFORD T) WlI.T.Mlllllt. "'Best b;;ck $3 00. 140. West ewe 53.00. 141. .Best pcu -Luck, ewe and Iamb 5.00. SECTION 3. -MKi-.isosci. 142. Best buck $3 00. 143 Best ewe S3 00. 144 Best pen buck, ewe and lamb $5 00. SECTION 4. Natives or Giiadm. 145. Beat buck $3 DO. 140. Best en i- $; 00. 147 Bst pen $3 00. 148 Best and largest exhibit ol she-p by any aot pc.ri.iu, nt list than 20, $10 00. 149, BjjI aud Lireit ix libit ol goats $3 00. 130. 131. 102, CLASS IX. Bwt swarm Ital'uo Ik-i s $3 00 Best swarm e vam-m bee $5.00. Best swarm Hybrid bcei $5 00. Appeal from Jusf !(' Judgmnifs AH ACT IN ItfLATMN TO JttDQMKNTS ON APPEAL FIltlM JIVTICH3 OF THK I'KACK. Tha General Aiirmbly ol North Cuulios 'do mart : Suction 1. Tkit la all appca's from judgments nl justices r.f the peace, the appelate courts, whei ju 'geniont hall be readcred aain-t tin appellant, nviy alt-n jit.) judgement ajainst the mreties to the Jxlgsini nt against thu sutetles to the Appeal to tho n mo n tit ol the judgment nd the costs awarded agsinst the appell ant. 8e. 2. S'rik out the the lall.irinc werds in section sixty. three, chapter sixty. three nl Battle's ll.tifa', viz: "and 'execution thereon be leturnel uusati.'fud, la wholt r in psrt, tin sureties will pay ill amaust unsstieGed," and aUo tke warJ "unsatisfied" in next I the lust line l laid section. Bee. 3, This act shall be in lotco from Jti ratification. Rstifkd the 27tli day of February, A. D. 1878. Nothing can exceed io Intensity the l:kly pallor that o'erspruads the caunten ce of the young man when his gitl lilts f oro ai) coat collar a lone red hair, several hades lighter than her own, and tranttlxts fa tn with a stony slsti that riem iads lostaot explanation. Rxkland Courier. BOOO Bale ol l(ii irnJf4.- M'Shesl cash prices paid. J. T. 'iuvvB, Weldo, X, C Tim Btlttorof thl paperla tn no way rosponsl lik for the views or statements of Corrcicnojitl' enrn. iso communication of an aiionvinoua character will be published; tho real name of the writer miiHt aecomnanv all communications Anyone who may feel atorrloved at statements mane ny correspondents can obtain the uame on application to the Udltor. Correspondents will nlcasa write only on one aide of the, paper, and to avoid having their communications tnrown In tun waste nasket, will furnish their names not necessarily for puiilicatlon nut as a prnaranty of Rood faith Wo will not notice anonymous correspondence -A CARD. I do not Intend to discontinue the practice of law, en account of my connec tlon with tUc Roasokc News. But will attend promptly to ail busluess entrusted to my care W. W. HALL. Ju O C A. L. A mild March. IjKnt 1 moat over. All things chaago. Soda wator Is tl,.iiij. SiimcBinu to tho Ncwu. Aphil came iti like a lion. PrtAYsn masting to-night. Pay up your subscriptions, ViirtY fvw ilsh beliiK caimht. Ni.VK.nXt. marriuxeH on the taplw. Dit. J. 1H. Giikkn Is alck In Warren- ton. FtKAt) notice of aalo of land by W. W. Hall Alto. Bkv. C. M. Cook nroaohed at Now Hope last Sunday. Impp.ovkmknts Kolnir on In town in Mm v,iy of painting. Thprr will bo a Brawd ball In Oxford on tlia first of May. The rain soltonej the earth in this see. tion a lew days ago. f0.) Bushels Soerl Outs for sale, Jas. T. Gojob, Weliion N. C. EAiu.Ttobad and etrly to "ryes," is the way to put it now. 59 bbli. Una R ttri Flour for $5.50 cash. por ban el, J. X. Gooch. Wk will bo blowei if nurch didn't blow itnolf away lost Moudnjr, Thb colored Good Samaritans paradad tha htreots Iat Tuesday. Drbss ptirade of the Koaneks Llzht In fantry in zt Monday night. Onk oapltnl for trial at tha next tarm of the Superior court. IAr.QK quantities of cuaiio is dallr shin. ped to and through this place. Wurm will the ferry be establiabod be tween this place and Halifax T At sunset next Sunday the Jewish feast of tho Passover will be celebrated. RKv.RonT.WHiTR ol Virginia, preached in Grace church last Friday night. - - - - North: A mi-ton Superior Court convened ou Monday, Judgo bur presiding. Thk F.nfield Agricultural Club met ves- day at the residence of Win. Burnett Ksq. No services la any of the churshes Sun day tin ascount af the inclement weather. Wk hop all of our subscribers who rt not eel their paper regularly will notify us. - -.,.. i. For Runt. One nnfiirnis'ied room. For further information apply at this i 111 o. Skb notlcos of sale of laud for taxes by W. 1,. Ijonif, deputy tax c-illoctor for Hali fax county. The rain last 3undar prevented many from attending tha dedication services at lillllClJ. - - . Riiothkh Bttle ot tho Southerner is mistHkn-i, tho Inferior court has uol been abolUhod. Dibd In Weldoo on the 27th lnt of scurlet fover, Isaac, son Dr. I. E. and Nellie P. Urcon. Wl publish on nnr first pane a sketch of the "Halifax" Alstons, tukeu from the Loulsyillo Courier Journal, Jxhjal news is scarce and has to bo ran it fact ii red. Won't eur frlonds send us any items they m-ty Unow or hear olT Whs will the meichants cill a meet iiilf to consider the question of opening tho caaal aud br.ilding the turnpike. . . FtT. Rrv. Bishop Atkinson preached in Klnnwoodta larao congreijitiun on theiiih iust., and otti tinned threi persons. Rkv. Mr. Boitik, pastor of tho M. E. church at Klngwood, nrnvrhei nt Farm iu this county every leurth Sunday. Halifax cir.nty his seventy seven public bcidins, aee-irding to Col Poik's isport. Twenty more thin any other county. Voi.omon was the 11 rat man to suggest pa.-ting hair in the middle. Tho sugiies .iini was mado tJ two w.isicu iu a famous lawsuit. Sisnkks turn, why w',11 ye die, loaving vonr lamilins unoroviiled lor. Haston ! iieeure a nollev in the Metr palitan, K. F. Mullor, agent. Tub rlrusuist is laiimrln paregorlo by the gallon anil chuckling to biinself as he thinks how near is 'lie green apnio ana watermelon season. Tn krk are eighty four oharebns in this county of these, one is Koman l aitiono, four Prebytrian, Uaptlsts and Methodist each thirty nine. Mrs. Davidson wife of the Senator f, enjoys the distinction of being th9 first Isd7 to pass mrougu mo tiinmi under the Blue Kldge aiouniaina. Mint Juleps are now keing substituted for whiskav Htralshts. so it is said. Whan ilia mint, is wavir.s and ureen; Go iu the back way and you won't be soon. Tub next quarterly mooting of this circuit will ho held Here on sauiroay anu Sunday next. Rev. J. E. Mann, tho pro siding Elder will preach on fsunriuy. A mulatto. Bill Davis, by name, was put into Northampton county jiil on n charge of larceny on Thursday and broke out on Saturday in the brosd day light, Pkathofa VAi.rAni.B Colt. Mr. T. Evans'bay colt, t year old, by Red Dick dam, Susanna, by Bid Arp, fell dead while running out In bis pasture a short time ainco. H. B. BniottKLL of Halifax county baa bceu appointed, by tho President of the Roanoke and iar Kier agricultural no elety. Superintendant of Tranaportation for the next fair. "If I had to walk from here to Baltimore for iL I would not bo without Dr. Hull Coutrti vrup In my family," is what wo hoar.' a lady say yesterday, I'llce i nly '.'j cents a bottle. Dikd. We learn that Fred Pierce, brother of Dr. A. B. Pierce, diml at the raMldtmoe of U. F. Arrington, in Klngwood on Wedneadny of last week after a abort but aavere Hint sh. Tub Supreme Court on Monday last confirmed the decision in the case of Alan iron Capebart against William Stowart, from Northampton. Chit f Justice Smith delivered the opinion. "What Is '.ho mutter with the darling crentureT" The baity was cryimr pltnoim ly, but the muse had a bottle of Dr. bull's Baby Syrup at hand, and tho little fellow was aoou comfortable. TUB suit for damages against the Wil mington and Wei, loo Hail road company for the death of K. Coiiigland, was re moved from this county to Northampton aul will be tried at this torm. Marrii-.d noar Littleton, N. C, at one o'clock P.M. at the residonoe of the bilde's father's an Wednesday '20U ins!., by K. C, M. Cook, Jahn F, Vaughan of Warren county to Miss Salll M. dauehtnr of Cupt. T. II. Freoman of Halifax county. A Sap OniTtiARY. A framed barn, on tho plantation of Mr V. O. Gregory, con talnliiB a lame quantity of com nod to. I. dor, was burned last Thursday night. No insuianco. Go to K. F. Butler Ht Brown's drug store, aud insure bofore you are burnt out. Arranoembnts are being perfect or1 by the Wilmington and Woldon Railroad by which freight Irotn the Sou 111 can pass through Wilmington en route for ths North without breaking bulk orclunglog cars. This is to be accomplished by a transfer of trucks. Arkanqbmknt.s have not yet been agreed upon between the Seaboard and Roanoke ami Petersburg arid Wsldon Rail roads for building tha track trom the shed to the steamboat landing. We do not know what tho difficulty Is, but we hope tho track will be laid at an early day. Wkathek Ri: port. Notes weather for the pa't week. Highest Temporature Lowrst " Mean " of the Pi" 7 5() Prevailing Wind Southorly, Amount of ltdnfall, l.fll of an inch MiTsTbo sold f make room for fresh stocK, suitings for men and women, cast meres, sbeeps gray, tweed jeans, Ac, al pacas, cash ii eres plaids, whlto goods of every description, percales and piques, last season. Those wishing a bargain oannot fail to be suited. rnKs.corr.t Goocn. Appointment. J. T. Kvans has been recently appointed post wester at this place rice J. M. Foote. Mr. Evans will enter npon the discharge of the duties of the otliee as soou as his bond is fl la i with tho department. V e oongratulate hjin on his appointment, lie will maka a good nflleiul. Attrntion Koanoicb LmrtT Intan tiiy. The members of this command are ordered to report at their armory at Liter ary Hall in full HKiform at 4 o'clock P. M. sharp, for parade on Menday next the 7tb Inst. By order of thn Captain. 1). B. 7. iLLIOOFFBIt, Orderly Sergent. It is probable that sotiictiino during next month, tho-schedulos of the railroads cen treing hore will he ehanged to that New Yoik and Baltimore mail will bo received here at 4 o'clock P. M. instead of 3 o'clock A. M. as at present. This change will make thn northern trains criiva hero an hour later than now. Fink Historians. A man in the lower part of litis county being asked who was Vary Magdaline, answered, Oh by golly I Vr.ow, she was queea of England. An other replied, oh no, she was queen of France. Those youutf mon' are tine his torians and any school In need of a pro fessor of history would do woll to secure the valuable services of either of thorn. " vVha'. is lieavonf ' asked a third grade Sunday School teacher of fat littlo Johnny Stii(Tm last Sabbath. "Heaven," mur mured tho youth, "be iven is lour apples, largo section of fruit cake and a kox of candy." "And w iat is helit" continued the apostlo of tha catechism. "About two hours afterwards, mam," answered the truthful sell ilar. He got a yellow ticket. Civil Riouth. on last Monday tho Wll mington train brought to this plaeo a number of sailors, somo of them were negroes, all hands walked Into tho dining hall of the Kmry house and sealed thorn- selves at a Utile, ato dinner and left. Nothing was said as there was no help for It. It was rather odd to soo the mixture of pepper and salt in that manner; tt bo- ing an entirely new way ii this section. Ditp.isolast court week a young law student was asked bow lie liked the law. and what did he expect to accomplish. Ho rrpllod : I hopo "Day" will shine throiuh my prosont darkness, so that whan I become a "Batehelor" of law and climb the "Hill" of knowtodge I may bo om e "Moore" familiar with every "Branch" ol the prolossioa. He was lot alone. TjFFT Us.- Mr. Thad R. Manning, who for tho past three weeks ban been vlsillrg friends In this plaeo and vicinity, loft yes terday for Danville, Va., where he will spend a few days and then leave for some portion of the West. A young man with his doteruiination will doubtless aucoeed most nny where. We bid you an affoo tlona'e farewell, Mend Thad, and wish you well In all your audortakhigs. General Lkk's Farewell Address. The last words of General Lee to bis ol. iliors at AppomalLox Courthouse, with an accurate portrait of the old hero taken lint a few years before his death, has been got ten up In a neat style for framing, (size 0x10 Inches), and makes a picture that should adorn overy Southern borne. It can bo bad tor the small sura of ten cents. Seut by mall post paid to any address. To bs had of Messrs. Edwatds A Brutiet, Sural Messenger oiBce, Petersburg. Va. I30O0! $5000!! $500011! Wanted! WaktedM WantebII Wanted $5000 woith ot County Ordera and Jury Tickets, for which I will pay the b'tTili-h price, j as. T. ooonr, Weldon, N.C. Some Pumpkin. We are informed, but wiil not vouch for the truthfulness of our information, that a negro in Conoconarle township, planted ono pumpkin seed last year, not on pumpkin land either, end rather late too. Tho seed came up and tlu) viae covered ton acres of land aftei being 'qtilrled" throe times," boro 300 pump kins, the smallest of which weighed 500 pounds and the largest upwards of- 31)00 pounds. Tho negro wants to sell some of the seed but is willing to give away a fow to any one who has some real pump kin land, just to soo what the "dang" thing wiil do. Grbat attractions at Proscott and Oooch's. Fresh arrival of early spring fabrics, spring prints standard makes, new patorus and colors. Solt finish cam brics, best qnall'ies from 10 ttil5 cent. Bleached goods for service, quality and good wear at panic prices. Gents Hats unprecedented low prices. Shies of tho Jnost quality and beH makn at such a bargain never orl'ured South of Baltimore, all styles for ladles, gentlemen and chil dron from soventy-llvo rents up. Elegant suits for gentlomoii, Dran d' l'"te, case meroi, tweotls, flannels Ac, from ?7,f0 up to Sii.UO. Full line of grooerion. Cotl'.o at ID, 15, 20 and 25 cents per pound. Beautiful while sugar tit 8 and 10 cents per pound. Black and green teas Jt., Ac, exceeding low lor cash. Notick I Notic):!! Notick I 1 1 -Just received, the following goods at tho whole sale and retail store of James T. Gooch : 500 lbs Hams, 200) C. R. Sides, 3000 lbs Bulk Sh iuldors, 500 lln Breakfast Bacon, 150 Sack Liverpool Salt, 6o0 Bushels Sued Oats, 60 Bbls Family Four. 20 Bids Sugar, all grades, 10 Bigs Coffee, all grados, 50 Boxes Soaps, 10 Bones Cheeso, 50 Kegs and Kits no 2 Mackerel, 500 Ilis Lard In 1 to 10 lb pnekajjos, 50 lteann Wrapping Paper, 20 Gross Scutch SnulT, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 Bbls Herrings, Pi hue Caroli na Rico, 25 Bbls Irish Potatoes, diiTerunt varieties, 250 Bushels Cholco Black Winter Seed Oats, Hog Round, North Carolina curod. Cooking Soda, Spice, Pcppor, Mustard, Starch Blueing, Candles, Matches, Ac. Will sell wholesale, at Richmond, and Baltimore prices, freight addod. JAMES T. GOOCH, We'den N. C. A Rkmaukahi.k Cask or Un kumatism Mr. J. N. Jiidkirs of tills place has tor the past ilvo years suffortd sovorely from rheumatism iu tho joint of his loft ktieo. For three yoars the p tin has boen of tho sevore t character. In February 1ST8 his kneo began t swell and was double its natural size, A littlo lator, the ihimma tistn attacko.l bis ankle und b -gaii to en large, and cava him considerable tie u bio. List October the swelling in the anklo broke and has been running ever sincethe dischargo being of a goldou color aud a hard substance rcseiubliug wax. The orifice bocune very laro.meastiring fully two Inches in diameter. When the swell ing broke, and commenced running tho knee and anklo grew gradually smaller until now both have got ton to their natu ral size. The discharge has not yet entire ly ceased, but the substance is tnoru like wator mid the orillee Is healing. Mr. Jud k'tish is been under tho treat mailt of Dr. J, 11. Cluiborun of 1'etcrsbtirg who at one limo feared that the anklo would Invo to bo amputated. Mr. J., has l ean wholly unable to attend to businoss, but Is ho lar recovered now that lie walks abouta little, His fi ionds will be glad to hoar of his in;, preved condition. COU.VIY ISrlS-1VILI0. JIKIU II VIN. Editors Roanokp. Nkws: I hvc notictil with much intcteit, your cdi'orial rctnatks in regaul M our county tools I ko sut'p ct Is oiw ttiat deeply conceitis evervnoilr. wbeliier resnle-jt ol twn or cmintty : lor the ndvuntao and enliven iencu ot good tea la nru eUuiiel und enj iyeJ by all. It occurs to me, thouoh, Hint yoffr peaple in Wcltlon, o.orc jour merchants, psy as a uctietiil thing, le"i attention to tlis mutter ill in they li nild. You boast I admit, not without rcbi n of 50:11 larc a 11 J vaiied stocks ol oeds, of jnf.r to n ns a cotton niatktt am' i f vent alvant .oes jjcneially. We idinit all that ; we knuw that we ran buy iti Wcldun about any nnd evety thing that we aant lioin h piuer of pins to s Bic.,111 ennino, ur lio:u a hcinco to he'.'hi'ii! ul bucen. ti ll SK'Siis. h mors, tlb'Uli jour Weidf n mcichanls p iy rood prices fur C.ittiin, n lint does it amount .9 with those 'atnieis who ure iiHuble lis get thcio with their cotton t The condition of the roads in the wiulir is ceaeiaiiy nch that tuauy fu lieu have no choice o'l a cotton iniikct hut have to stnuijlo and flounder thuuuh the uiutl to the ueaieH depot, thu kst way they can. Aain. evsttnn is not the only tlifl, by a pood dual, that we have; when my wagon fjoes to Wcldun with a load of woo i, two mules anlit to pull a cord ol it ; but in the winier k ihoii, wheti you JV'eldoni.ins are m: it in mctl f wood. the empty wagon aUnt is a heavy dialt lor two mule thton;ih the mil l. This should ail be corrected. The overseers el the mads mar cot hart all done their full duty, hut I am not sine but tlicie it a limit to tho amouut ol wotk they ate ullnwcd to do. What wo need art 10 ids of an entirely different kind and keit up in a 1 : llrrunt. iftanoer. Filling the mud holes once er twice a year with biosh and coveting it slightly with dirt, will not insure a pcrmsneutly good road; nor will they ever bo kept dry as ling as the middle ol the road is tbt lowest. I doubt 11 there be a rnr.d In Hijilax county that an Englishman, or a Geiman, or a Yankee, would call "good." Concert ol action is caster with the eitiz-ns of a town than with countrymen living miles apart. You til can discuss this natter and arrant for its improvement more ess. vcuienily than we of the emtn'ry can, and we hope I hut you will ive it some atten tion, YcU art probably belter poi'cd ahi'tt the watg and mesas, the obtain merit ot convict labor, Ac, Ac, than e are In the mean time icmemVicr that good roads invite intetcourit and draw trade. We are glari that you have called atten twin to this subjtct in your paper, and wo hepe that before another winter acts ia wc may havo better Mads. A "Here," said the farmer as he e xhili;ted a broken jar to tho maoufacturtr."! packed this jar full el butter, and tht Jar split Itea lop to bottom, i'etbapt you can explain the phenomenon." "Oh, yr, I csn, was int rcany repiy, "toe nutter was sliuej'T tliao the j jr." l-'jncu.'c Times, I'ulse I releases Law. an act to dk entitled an act UtiKINS Tlllf. MICAMNU OK FAL11C rrtBTKNiKS. TO Tke General Assembly ef N, rtu Carolina do enact : 8ctien . That if nny person shail obtain any advances lo money, provi-innf, gaodt, wares or oiuiLhandice, uf any dct cription, I ram any person in tiiis Btate, upon any icprisru'atinn tbst the raid person so obtaining has auy article tf produce or other propurty nl whatever nature, which, or the proceeds of which, the said pari y will apply to tha ditch'i'pe ol said debt created for advatires, us aforesaid, and the Said party (ami fill to apply the produr or uJ her property on the strcngtk of which sui t advances weic. ohtained, or lbs practads thcreol, or sha'l tli-pose et the same in any'olhcr manner th a a that agreed upon sy the patties to the tranttctior, (he said party so lading or disposing rhall be deemed guilty ot la'se pretense, the same whether tut party io obtaining di I or did not hays the .pro duct! or'ntlier property as represented. Sc. 2 All laws to Ct with this act are haraliy repealed. Sec. 4 Toil act shall bs In force frctn and alter its ratitJcatlon. AVKNL1MICNT. The followinr' is an amendment to tke alu.yo act : The Cineral Assembly of North Curslias d enrel : Section 1. That no pcr'on shall be in- diced or punished for violating any ol the provisinns ol an net lo define lnl- pretense, ratilled 11th einy of March, A. 1).. 1S79, ui.lass the reptesentatien upea which the credit was given, or 111 ad vances obtained, (hull be in writing and signed by the patty making euclt tepr. scnia'.ion. Nor shall such person ke punished for tailing to apply the pr -perl y anon which lit shall have obtained ad vances in the inmner so agreed upon, unless such failure shall be willful. S,ie. 2. This act shall be in lorce from and after its ratification. COMPOSITION OS STRING. Battlkbiro, N. C, Match 30 b 1S79. Mufsr.s EnF.iiTnns: I notice in yea vt'uiib'e column you akinj same one tn wiite a csiepesittsa oa tht pprino; so I have undertaking to w ite jau ono tut I hope you and your rosny rtadera will rx' use all errers sad miss-take that mav he in my comnositlon as I am only (12) twely years ld and liable to maay errors nnd miss take. Spring, the seven of the yesr when plant bi fiin to vegitat and ll'-e. Spring may be compared to morning; nature wakes Irnm I he sleep of winter. Sprint; may lit compared to chiMhnad ; the seann nf hope, promise and sunshin, Spring may be compared to a maides. I marked the spring as she pusscl alonf;. with her eye nl light and her lips nf son. Sprins nut be compared to resuirection. the vvcond birth ol heave and earth 1 awakening nature hesrs the new creating wrd, nnd statls to life in every height- end form, from pain and death lotevcr lire. Nuttirsl bsnalies ef spiinjr : The yonntr, tender foliage ol the tttes; their bltddirg leaves and shots. The fl iwets tia'oldinp; In their fresh beauty. The birds rot Tning lioin their winter pilgrimage, to pair, to build, and fill the air with song. Tho slt balmy air breaking up the fnowt of winter and stitring all nature to ntw lile. The tiny gau.y winged insects flitting shout in the sunshine. The sne.vy or pink'hcsii b'nsoms on the fruit trees, giving promts nf bountiful supplies of juicy Irnii. The crimson berries nestling amongst tho gleen leaves io tin straw berry beds. The yoaefj lambs, little chick" A". Spting is the time when the farmer must prepare lor his mmm-r aid autumn ol plenty, his winter ol rem sc. IIn must plough, sow and plnt. The spring of the year n like the youth l ma, the seed sown then will sprina forth to blossoms and fiuit, er the nej'lec.Sed soil will pro luce only rank poianinim weeds. The (teeJii of knowledge, lile that o (jriie, will bear Ve-ei losd in roanband, as thu grain in luitimer, Theiefdtof vice like the s.cds of noxious weeds, will sprli n forth if not cirjfuily removal fnm (lit bear and soil. M E. P. The above composition is writes by the little daughter of Carter Popa, E-q., ol B.tlle'jtiro, N C. Beautiful Incident, A lieanliful illns'.ratien ol the sweetness and pwer of a child's simple laith is given in an incident relats I ol the wreck ot the new stianer "MassachusctU" on Long LUnd Sound. Among the many passengers were two nv tlicrs, each with a child who were noticeable. hr their calm-nc-s duiiiL' tho hours of tho greatest petil anil c.nx'ety, when it seemed as if the ves sel must shortly gs to pieces. A passenger Irom Philadelphia says his attention wsg lirst callei to them bv their voices iu sing ing. Going trward them he "found a lit tie boy standing there with his li Io pie server on, and the little fellow was just joining with his mother in singing one nl M.101U sn I Sar.key's hvmns hymn ol trii'l and confluence." At the hiuri pasted nn, motheri and children tat there together singing or convening calmly, rtady lor whatever God had in stoie lor them. They were fully awiro of their dinner but th lr faith was unshaken in Hun who said, "When tlmu ptsseit through the waters. I will he with ther; and through the livers they rhall not thte Fear not, far I nm with thee." Aad when rescue came, and the pnstcngrrs wero salely on another vessel, those same sweet voices wero again heard, this time in a riuRio ttraiu ol piaise lor their deltreranci; and to powerful wis their example over their fellow psssrtigers, that there was quickly a gatherlsg about them ol those who were saved Irom im pending death; and prayer, and songs ol joy, aad glad word of gratitudt went lip Irom one nnd another, until, as one eats, II was the bctt praist-mrtting I ever attended." There, surely, was praise pr- tected nut ot the mouths of the little ones. And it is such trust as that whloh we mav look lor in the children of our homes and of our Sunday-schools, who are brought and trained to a confidence in I lie Lord , ... ,, ..... .... Je-us as their all-spllicicnt and their eyer pri lent Saviour. Ex, She was Irim'minu the lamps, and just as a wick dropped out of reach her mother heard her exclaim: "Oh, the Dickeoe!" "There, there, my child! Why will you indulge in tush exprf sslonti" Then the Engerel for tnt lost wick, and exclaimed: "Why. Ma, isn't that a natural tug test ioo of Pickwick?" 4,000 lbs, X. C, Iiojj ronnd, for sale by J. T. Giim 11, Ob trver; The follow in is the Btib. stance ef the act passed by the Geneial Assembly for the benefit of blind and manned seldier?: The Jue of Probate. 3 icrill and Cetinty C mmissioneis of eai h cmnty shall cn-litiite a board or cam mitteet'be ftyled a Comsiittee lor the K' liil ol the Bind and Maimed. Judges Ol Pmbate to are notily nil persous iu the r respective counties, who lost their sight er b tth hands or bnth feet in the Confederate rervico t appear before tin t-aid tonitnitt a st the rntirt bouse, with pronl as lu how bt or they lost their eight or limbs. All persons entitled to the benefit of this act h!l receive $03 per annum payable monthly Iroru the public Tcaury. The Judne ol Prsbate certifl -i fucb names and cumbers to the Governor, tho Governor issues his warnnt ou the Trea'Uter, and the JiuUe nf Probate p ijs tho moi.ey to the parties entitled Special Lochia. Sheet music of all kinds can be had at publishers prices by applying to Aiulrow Joyner, at tho post office Jest lo band a nice lot of Send Oats, Also Sued Potatoes, Irish, Early Rose and Peach Blow1( li. P. Spiers, Bottom HI ro, Jut to hand a onsiguuioiit of nice but. ti r from ltito 25-ts, U P Spiers. I have on linn I throe now tp bugirlos and one eoond hand, two oprn bugglos will sell a bargain. 1; I Spitis. Ta-o cleijsiit ln:s;ness an I pleasure wag on for one or two bursi'Hni salt cheap at the lioanokc Agricultural works tViblnn. tf. Jiit to hand almost every thing from a tooth pick to a lino top hiitrgy, or tho best sewing machine that ever was offered trj the public at 25 dollars, li. P. Spiers. R. P. Spiers, Weldon, N. C, Is tlie place to find Ihi biggest stock ol new pnods in Halifax county. Just to hand 300 cotton picking bags at 10 cts each. Just to hand 100 sacks Llvsrpool salt. R. P. Spiers, Weldon. Just to hand 100 bundlos nrrow ties at 2.25 po.' bundle. Aleolotnf hrsry bag gin;!. K. P. Spiers, Weldon! to band a nice li t ready made cloth ing, shirts and gouts furnishing goods, R. P. Spiors, Weldon. Just to hand n full lino of SHillcrv, liar nexes, whips, &c. It. I', bpiers. Just to hand latest styles gontlemons bulH. R. P. Spiers. Just to hand a large and stylish lot of geiillemetis clothiog, R. r. Spiers. Just to hand aiilcelotofblankelsshawls and overcoats. H. p. Spier. Just to hand tho cheapest lot of tin and crockory ware ever seen. U, P. Spiers. Just to hand 100 dozen coats spool cotton at 05 cants per dozen. It. V. Spiers, Just to I and a full lino of pins noodles ami an mannor 01 combs, notions and sowing machine uoedles. R. P. Spiers. Nice lot eotlje just to hand, will sell at 1 1 cts, strong anil good. It. P.Spikrs, Bottom Store, Woldou N. C. CO H M KItt' I V I. ,11 A It K T K.S . Petiiusbuho, Va., April 2nd, 1879. Cotton Market aetlvo at 10n for bet W11 K it Choice white, 1 (toil tii; good wiilte,- I uju u.i ; reti, 1 tioui uo. CoitN-At nrei-.ent is rather bearoo and market active, aud n. ice decidedly highor, 4 -.4.Mt, white: mixed. WMlo. (ATi tnarUet llrm. Wo oiuto Bprlng per DtiMinl j wltner. itia 1. Hacon-SIi uil.lots "1 in.ej sidos fie.; Va hams ;lall!U!. SoAP-Coinmon, 41aiio., as to quality toilet, ttii'JOe. Mousses-Extri beavy hogshead, 21c, tior,-c-, 2ic; barrels, U lc; golden syrups, i.m-h'.: rorto lie 1 ol.Hoc; iNew Orleans, prune, 411 per lia rol. Fish Fall catch Now F.istpirt round herrings, OOai 00. Labrador splits 4 00; macKerei ?n. Meal Wholesalo, 50o. por bushel of 4fi Its. Flour (luiot. Wo quote: Family JO 50a 7 oil as to quality; extra xiuj. Liower grades are duil and nominal. Siiu'ar .Marset quint -ortisli"d, pow-tle:-id nnd Krannla'.ed, OJc; A's 81 yellow, tij' i7!c Coll'ee-O'iiol; Tllo, 12al5c.j Laguayra, 17alHc Java, 25J-i2i!.!. Sail Ijivoi pool lir.j, Jl 40. KritFOLK April 2nd, 1870. Cotton Middling, lOJo. Low Mid dlini, 10c. Good Ordinary VJ Ordi nary Tone Steady, fruaAits Market firm, Roflned Sngars A pollen (Nlaudurd) 9o per pound; (idf) HI per pound ; white extra C tij per pound; yellow 7a'J, per pound; hard sugars 9!al0e, per pound; cut loaf 10o, per pound. F11UR Active. Fancy fnmily ft 75 17 per barrel ; family $.i.75a31.60. per barrel; extra f .$i 60 per baircl ; kiiperrlnc J4.25.if.'; er barrel. NKW A I) V K HT I S I'. M K X TS . O T I C E. On Monday Sth day of May 1S70, I shall expose to public snlo at the court house door In town of Halifax, nil the right, title iind interest nf Wesley Harrison in certain improved lutein town jof Woblou to pay taxes fur year 1S78. L. M. LONG, Col, Per W. L. Long, Deptv Col, aprlilf N OTIC K. On Monday filb day May, ls70 nt tha court house door, lu town 'of Halifax, I shall exposn to publln silo nil the rluht, title and Interest, of Hich'd Hieks in a cer tain lot iu tho town of Woldou to pay taxes for yoar 1S7S. I.. M. LONG, Cot, Per W. L. Loug, Deply Col. r.prStf N0T 1 C E. On Monrlsy 6th day May 1S79, I slmil Irj front of tho curt hnn door.ln town of Hallux, expose to public sale, all the right title and Interest of .1. L. Morehoad, In a certain parcel 01 laud lying in tho town of weldon, to pay taxes lor year 1N78. L. M. LONG, Col. Per W. L. Long, Depty Col, aprSif s ALE of land. By vlrtuo of a certain mortgage executed to J. L. Judktns by Hardy Spears and Mary .1. Spears, Ills h ife, and recorded In book 53 pages 4 and 3 In tho oilice of tbe Renlderuf Deeds for Halifax county, I shall sell at public auction for rash in the town ot Woldon on Monday the 5th day of Alay itsiii, a certain lot or laud flosorioed as ioiiow , o wn: uyiug wcsi. 111 sua near - " tie town of Weldon, adjoining tho lands of Tom Jones and William Ponton, front ing 105 feet on the publlo road and rails ning bank 52 feot, containing ono fourth of an acre. W. W. II ALL, apr3tf, Atty. for James Cary & Co w ELDON M ILLS. Wilier Growxl Menl. Rolled and riibottrd. Mado from selected white corn, thor vifMiiy screened and lanned. tnr274ui NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TICE. The undersigned baying aofd his Inter est a-id good-will, Id the mercantile 1 usl ooss, horetofore conducted by blot at Rlntjwood, N. 0. to Mrs. Pattlo V. Jones, tiadlng andiirths style of W. II. Jones', tt Co., at tho same plao?j taerehy srlvea notico that all debts, now outstanding unpaid, will be paid by the New Concern, and all debts due me must be paid over to tho said new firm of W. H. Jones A Co. S. J.8TALLINGS, Riugwcod, N, O. wr271m. N O T I C E. The undersigned having bought from S. J. Stalling, all his rignl, title and in 'erost iu the mercantile business, hereto fore conducted by him nl Ritigwood, N. C. hereby gives notice, tint tho buslntwt hereaiter will bn continued and conducted by inn, umlor the name and stylo of W. II. Jonea & Co., at the same place. PATT18 V. JONES, Ringwood, N. O, mr271rn 8 f ALE FOR TAXES. f)n Monday Sth dsv ofHaroh 1879. Iiball sell to the highest bidder lor cash, at tho court house door in tho town of Halifax, the following tract of land, lo satisfy state and county taxes for 1878. Ono tract lying on the lioanoke river, uoneoonary township, known aa tha Looking Ola plantation. One tract In His pine woods. Conooonary township, adjoining the lands of W. H. Har.cock, and others, belonging; to John Devereux. L. M. LONG, Collector, A. B. Hlll.'Depty. inr27tds LOOK HERE? READ THISl READ THI8! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your Cheap goods from W II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Ho keeps always on band a full lino Of geuoral morohaudlse, aucb aa Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv Goods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoisory, its. Also a full line of groceries, Cboap for Cash. Corner 1st St. and Wb. Avenue. Wbldok, N. C. nir271y NOTiOENOTICE. TEA ! TEA 11 TEA 1 1 1 COFFEE t COFFEE 1 1 COfFES ! ! ! THK VERY FINKST TEA OF ALL KINDS, AT LOWEST PRICES. Oolong from thin powder from Yoeng Uysou Imperial Oid Hyson KnejIMi Breakfast Mixed She'., to OOots, 70tt. to 1.2.5, fiOcLs. lo 1.00, 70-ts. to SOet.s. t- 1.00, Suets, to 1.00, 50018. to 1.00, per lb. Tho undersigned having made apeeial iirraniioinonts with the Great Westeiu Tea Company Is prepared to furnish Ta to Families or the trade at lbs very lowest terms, sra i.VL DISCOUNT TO THK TRADB. Merchant! supplied at rate lower than tho Richmond markets. - f ALL KINDS OF CiMTJTRT VRODUCB TAKEN IN EX.OIIANUK, ALL GRADES OF COFFEE bfAMLY ON HAND. CON- A HANIilMK CHROMO OIVKX AWAY W ITH EVK.RV POUND OFTBA.. ' To rovo troubla T will havo men trarel- ing nnd canvassing this section of country win wiil cut at private houses ana take orders for Teas aud CoQ'oes, B- Ot, Shoes, Jto. Give me a trial. U. J. IIAKKIMU, . Weldon, N. C. mr27tf. a"ios n a "M 'iiopie 'KOSIUHVH 'f '3 , 'Ainjuod9ea ! OMioid ua 1 noun Pn.!taa -;vnq orji yt ooiotiodxe m ptcf tXtq j 1. MSt c9-.iivij:us v hsvj mux lasy-idiio-- 'aavu Nvn Kaooour toatid nioi enfJiidnrj oi eojnynfio I 'aavu i 3 ni or. iMioosia- x iiioK xsiiauug iv anil A oV stxvj, sxiexo jt?ja nojpjiqrj pa tetpri aow Jo; 'sHaiii)! pus ajoiTurj ' J9AO toqs put sjoog jo spaf nt totft 'I U O X O V vff sons aav 100s ima any JTrsnoHii

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