i I i a J i 3! a it i it Mi i: i t , : TriE KoANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY,- APR L 10, 1870 The Mjitioi ever tat Vaederbilt es ttU bai tided. . Tin Telaisge trial in Brooklyn is V.fl progressing-. A PBt aaeck of earth qnuke ai felt ! Cadiz Spain last week. . ... ... v , s e Wuitklaw Ekjp eai ffjred the Oertcaa niuion last cliaed. December and de Hon. W. II Kitchen addressed the Hoase la committee of tbt whole on Friday last. Tiik Nationals ia Congreai or in ac card with the Democrats oa the appro priation bill with "riders." .rrr-r 'Tnzmni of Commerce of New York, recently subscribed for $10,000,- 000 of 4 per cent bonds. This ena bles tbt Secretary of the Treasury to redeem all the oatstindlns; 5-20 bonds. Wr have received tbe April number f the Roanoke Farmer, published here by Ilarrell brotberi. It contains mat ter bf Interest td the farmer',' and alto IiftrsaatioB to the general public. Madame Elizeiiktii Patterson Boxafarte, died ia Baltimore oo the 4th lost.', aged 04 yean. She was sister ia4aw of tbe Emperor Napoleon, and widow af bis brother Jerome. She was Berried at the age of 18 ; but the Em ptror bad the taturrtaga annulled. Caster Hakkioon, tbt Democratic candidate was elected Mayor of Chicago ea the 1st inst. This is ibe first time ia twenty years that Chicsgu'a municipal government has been Democratic, and significant froaa tbe fact that the elec tive decided bo local issues, but that the campaign wai baugbt oa Gai field's platform of rosintance to to called rev elalien ia the passage of the approaria tie bill wkb the npnl of the army clause lacked an. Nurtl Literary Enterprise. Every per son who bas a library of even a Ji7.u Yeluaaei is sure to bave eme beoks, valu able perhaps, which bave served tbeir ue .with him, and which bs would be glad to athange far then. To meet Anou wants is one abject of the American Book Exchange, 65 Betkmao St., New York Tbsy gather together such siltinge Iram thousands ol libraries, and each coutribu tor then draws what he wants, or cash, ii be dees not want beoks. Catalogue No. 70. I aa extensive collection nl beoka in every department el literature, all ottered to tbe highest bidder, for cash, or lor basks an a eash basis, wlllb a ready A aril 15th, and will be sent on application lor three ccut tamp. CONCEALED WEATOXS. The last Legislature, among other good things passed a law making it a misdemeanor to carry concealed weap obs, nad enacted that having a weapon oa the person, or tbe hand any where, wept oa his previses should be prima facile evidence that the snaa carried con cealed weapons. This, a mas being in dicted, tbrowe btirdea of proof on the eWeedaaC, had he roust show that he dees oot carry concealed weapons. During the last tea years the habit of carrying concealed weapons has grown to such an extent that it has become nearly universal, and evca boys carry pistols er large knives te shoot or hack U pieces those who dare disturb their eqaioimity. The evils that directly aad Indirectly resalt from this habit, re many, and great, and are increas ing all tbe time. Many lives bave beca lost by it, and many crimes committed, which do not always result in death. Observation shows that the persons . . . woo carry pistols or knives, are out tnose who desire merely to protect 1 I r ... laemseivea iron assaults, but nice at - ! . l , .... i nun iB iea, mote wno are Duines or cowards and are generally aggressors. there is bo necessity for it, and people should aot be permitted to do it. Tbe people of this State are nmct, and law abiding, and every one would be as aarewllloit, as with a pistol ia his pocket. Three-fourths of the homicides m tbe country are the result of this practice, whea if no one was allowed te ctrry wespras they cmld' not be ied, and before tboy could be ob tained the need of them would oot be felt. Every citixeo ia thh county is a juror, tod as such Is liable to be put oa the greed jpry, and it is their swera duty to present, all who have violated the law aad we hope,. after the first day of f July,, the tiase when tbe law goes into effect,, that tfee grand jury will pre- seat every man to the cjunty who car ries a cancealed weapon of any kind, and that alt woo are tried far this of fence will be punished severely. It is a barbarois habit aad should be stop, ped-aadifit cannot be done io any ctbeT tray, all who are guilty should suffer the penalty, whether great e iniaP ifcb or poor, black or white. I.KTTEK Fit O.n ItAI.KKJII. it.u.F.Km, N. C, April 7tb, 1879 Mt Ida n News: I have teen moved to objurgations too frequently by the attempts af correspondents to write editorials to err In the same dlrec- rcction without, by way ef premise ten during; apologies therefor. I5.it there is bo new lliiui either in politics, society or religion on which a letter may be based, and so I crae pardon for in dulcinc a small blast arrent national politics. Tbe main topic of public discussins now is tbe apprehended dead lack be tween Congress an.1 the Piesident, and verv much t niv surprise some of tbe eentlemeo to whom we tvroes in state craft are wont to look for guidaace. are leadline the doctrine that, in caie el opposition to tbe action of the House of Representatives already nad oo tne pin af the 1'ies dent, Congress, tbe mi st direct representative of tbe popular will shall surrender. 1 tt. i dctnne I caa by no means curcur and ltr the reasons followine In all government of whatever kind It has been found necessary te place the military power of the gov crnment in the handi of an individual. ThH power of the sword is as much in the batidi ef the President uf the United State, the executive head of Ike typical republic as it is in those of the Sultan, the rep rescntative ol the hiehrst type of aad nearest npprouch to absolute despi' t'um. This power of lha sword un. checked, has by experience been proveu to be a most danceroiH enemy to the rights mid hbeities f the people, and so what are culled constitutional gov eramer t", by which term is meant such governments in which the people are recognized as entitled to share, have from their inception gi en to the nenr est representatives of the people, the power of the purse ns a meaas of guard ing and checking the military power ol the executive department. That this is truo tha veriest appren tice to constitutional learning needs not be told. In fact it is so thoroughly estab lished a principle that any govcrtoiint, no matter how just and temperate tony be tbe sway of the then ruler, is regarded as despotic unless the people hae through this power of graoling or with holding supplies at their pleasure the power of regulating this military power placed from the necessity ol the case in the hands of tbe bend of tbe execu tive. In eur country this power of the Durso is bv t tie Constitution uuced inJ tbe lower House of Congress. In the first subdivision of section 8 of that in strument it is provided in the words fol lowing that "all bills rinsing revenue shall orininnte in the House of Repre sentatives." And in the enumeration of the powers of Congress we find a further safeguard, fur while it is pro vided that Congress shall have power to raise aid support armies, it is ia the clause provided that no appropriation of mosey to that use shall be for a longer term than two years. Iiy these extracts from the funda mental law, for I have used the very words of the C institution, it is clear that the fr.uners of that instrument in tended that Congress should at all limes have the power to check any advance to despotism on the part ef a corruptly mubiiiiius President or, as in the pres ent instance, the schemes of corruptly ambitious advisers of a weak and ineffi cient Presideut. That Congress then has the piwer to take the action anticipated is clear be yond the p'ssibility of doubt. And it is equally clear that such action is proper and necessary oa its part. The very essence of free government is that elections should be true exponents of the popular will, and that no force be yond that of reason and argument should be brouglu to bear on the winds of the voters. It is to securing such puretv and freedom of the ballot-box that tho nttion of Congress is directed. U is claimed fey the administration tint 1 the araiy is necessarv for the protection , ,, r. . I oi me ironucrs anu oi tne .nexicaa Dor- uer. ip or hit i o proviue lor Wis or- cessity Coujjrcss passes a bill for tlio sopport of the army, but says as a con dition precedent that the army thus provided for shall be confined to its proper sphere aad net nsed to coerce voters. Hoes not the mere statement uf the proposition show that the coa ditioa is necessarv? Does sot the verv fact of the unwillingness of the admiiis- tration to allow tbe condition to be made froui beyond the power of argu ment ihnt it the army is placed euluely at me uisposai in mo aauimistralioc, u will be nsed for the purpose of re turning the l'puMicoa candidate for the i residency This is one of the verv coses foreseen by the Iramers of the Constitul'mo, and f .. .1. . . ! . . . r ... .. mi ihu prcvomion oi waicn tne purse atrinns were nijt in tha likii of tile Mouse ot Representatives, ami if these representatives of the sovereign people -II .1 - I . I . ... ? - r now incmseifcs to uo DUIliea Iron a position which the fundamental law of the laud, says they have a right to oc cupy, and which the exigencies of the tunes say it is proper ihey should oc cupy the bird of freedom may as well be caponixed. It will be observed that in naakiae Ibis argument I have taken it fr granted that the fraud wha rails about in the Presidential chair will veto tbe appropriation bills with the riders and there is nothing io his past career wBics lends to prove this a violent sup yuaui.m. .'ii. imji-j ii ov nature a weak small man. When by a series of accidents and frauds, be went tale the hite House, he entered sintine psalms and otherwise assumroing the edor oi sanctity. Willi io less thaa a year auer nn installation ne paa arpaioted to .,,,, ... . iruoortant odice. ever one el tha L.,... scoundrels ha m,r ..,...J ,K. imseui; iraua oi 19(0. HO bai ao oasorted with tba worst elemeots of ibe roast corrupt party by which tha history ( politics it disgraced to inch aa extent that the coalition between tha puritan aad tba black leg has piled iota ins'gmncance. History guts do eism- pie of such a combination, ai d in fiction we only find its parable ia the coalition between lilifil nad li'ack George. B. ADVERTISEMENTS. NOT CK. On Momlav 5th day of May 1870, I chad eipapa to public fiulo at tee court, hou door in town er Halifax, all llin right, title and Inton'st of Wealoy HniriMon lu oiTtnln Improved lotjln town of Weldon to pay taxes fur year li'H. I,. M. IiON'O. Col, Ter W. U Lour, Dopty Col. aprStf N OTICE. On Monday Slh (lay May, 1879 at tbe court home door, in town "of Halifax, 1 uliiiil expoao to public sale all iho rlulit, tltlo and Interest, of Rirh'd Hicks in a cer tain lot ia tbn town of Weldou to pay taxes for year 174. I,. M. LONG, Pol, PorW. U Long, Ilepty Col. npr3tf s ALU OF LAND. Bv virtu of a cprtiiln mnrfpairfl exAcnfcd to j. 1.. Jndliiim by Hardy HpcuM and Mary .1. Spoar, lil HV, ami recorded In book M prions 4 ami 5 in lha oIHcb of thn ltnifhtcr .( DooiN for Halifax county. I xliall soil it. pnliliu auction for cash in thi town ol weldon on Mnnrlny 1 lie atli nay ol Mav IS7!, a cnr'a'n Mt of land deserlhpd an follow o wit: Lylnir went of and near the town of Wohlon. a.loiniti(r the liuuls id Tom Joon.t and William Ponton, front- Inn lO.i fect mi tlio pulilio roafl nml rn 'u nlna; back 62 foot, containing ohm fourth of an aore. w. v. uaiAj. apraif. Atty. for James Cary & Co. s i ALE FOK TAXK3. On Monday 3th d iy of March 1879, 1 "ball dell to the liicliput biddr for enb, at tha court hoimo door In the town of Halifax. the followioir tract rl land, to satisfy State and eniiiuv Uxo for 1S78. One tract Ivlninnthn ItiHnoke river, Connoonary townihip, known a the Looking Glas n antation. One tra"t in I lm nine wooiis, Cnnooonary townliiu, adjoinlnir the lands of W. H. Har.cnck, and others, belonging to Jlin l;evereux. h. M. LON'fl, Colloclor, A. H. Hill, Depty. inr27tda N otic ic The undcrsianed bavini aold hiv Intcr- H aid good-will, in Dm iriprcmitile I ml- ns, lierotofore comliictcd by him at Ring-wood, N. V. to Mrs. Paitio V. Jones, trndinir undnr the (.tyln ol W. II. Jonea, it Co., at tho nnie plac?, hereby irlvea notice that all debts, now outstanding unpaid, will bo paid by tho New Concern, aid all debi due me'miixt he paid over to the aaid uuw Ilrui of W. II. Joiich it Co. S. J. STALLING, Kini;wcod, X. C, mr27lin. N OTIC K. Tlia iinderalpned havlns bought frani . J. Htallinirs, all his runt., lido and In terest in thn nieroHiilils linsinnsa, heroto- fore nouductrd by him at Kinawood, N. C. berehv gives notice, tht the business lurea'ter will lie continued and rnndunied by nin, undnr the name and stylo of W. II. Jouos A Co,, at the viinn place. PATTIE V. JONKS, KiiiKwo!, N. C. in r271m NOTICE NOTICE. TEA I TEA 1 1 TEA ! 1 1 COFFEE ! COFFEE ! 1 COFFEE I ! ! TUK VSllT VINRST TEA OF AM, KINDS, AT LOWEST P KICKS. Oolong from 50cts. to POcts. per lb. 50cts. to POets. 70cts. to 1.2.1, MM, to 1.00, 70ntH. to I .no 50cts. t- 1 00, 5ocls. to 1.00, 6001s. to 1.00, nun pownor iroua Yoang Uyson imperial (.).ld Hy?n Knslish Breakfast Mixed The undersigned having made anncial "rHiigonienu with tho Great W astern Tea Company la propirol to furnish Tea to Families or tho trade at tho vory lowei-t lerma. SPECIAL Tl'OUNT TO TIIK TK.VT0R. Mnrehante aupplikd at ratea Uwar than tbe Kieliainnd uiarketa. ALL KINDS OK POf sjTKT ITtODUOB TAKES l. t.V'lUNUt, ALL, ORADF.3 Oir COFFKK COX- STANTLY ON UANI). lI.N!s!R (lirtovo oiVKt AWVY WITH EVKRY Pof.M) OF 1 ISA. To save trnuhle I will hsvn men trn.l inn and cnvasiig this seciion of countrv 110 Hill cull al nr tate houses toil take oidera lor Toa Hint Cullous, HeoU, ouuvn, no, vjiv. nin A insi. C. 3. liAiUUSUN, We'.don, N. C. mr27tf. s PAMMU CHUFA. 300 bushels saved olean and sound. pressly for planting, for naln at il(M pur biiahel, Ji.oo per Imlf bushel, fl.00 per peck, ahipped in Htrong bass, delivered i.-ee on uora oi cars, or at express olHce at Maanoiia. Urilor early, and get cond aeej, lower than ever sold before. Send money registered, or P. (). money order on Kenaouville. Any information deairod in reireril to tlie culuvaiiou ol tho crop til l. - I win uu uuDoriuny giyen. U. H. UROWN, Uallaville, Dupliu county N. C fobatf JjlOR HALE. Tha following valuable real estate lying near Tillery'a Mill in Halifax county I .. iiuii, iivnj mi kvnu Ol Halirax About J0 acres Inolndlna: nteam enelne. saw mill and fixtures, gin, Kin hons. ard Bxtuiet, adioliiiiiK tbe residence ol J. K Tillery. Mike Wilklns, that contalng about 97 ac-os. Pope place containing abant 150 aoree. i Interest in Wade II. Tillery tract, tbe wuoui conuininn about 377 acres. Apply to T.N. HILL, Attorney Euifax n.C. Decent ADVERTISEMENTS. w KLDON MILLS. Water Ground Meal. Dofted and Unboiled. Msde from selected while corn, thor- jughly screened and fanned. ' mr27rtm looio'here? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tbs Corner, and buy your Cbeap goods from W II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. lie keeps always on band a full line of general merchandise, inch aa linots, Shops, Hats, Cups, Di v (ioods, Notions, Poeki-t Cutlery, Razors, Homory, Ao. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for Cash. Comer 1st Si. and Wash. Avenue. Wkldon, N.C. nir27Iy jtioz m O M 'nPIA 'XOS1MHVH T 'D J "Annjioadsea s.il n h.i i Moui pnn 'soon inq qi l eouduadxe bSjiii iq oq y v.i-ivM3ds v asvo siu ia shsuho-w aavm aui ox iNnoosia aoun.o; iMiaoiit,' iy aa rnj any nxxvx issaao jbjm nojpnil pu saipsT 'aoj' j(j 'fjXiuAa'i puv sjoiir) juao Booijs pu sjooa jo spujn n snw A X O X 0 V iff lions a xv looa 'iiviHH ajiv aiviia'ionis KOSTHIVII T 0 FOR BALK, ValuaMa reidenca in town f Scotland Neok, wlitre M. ilrftmnn now lires. Trma literal. T1JOS. 5. HILL, Halifax, N.C. Pot 14 Sin. n month Is;. 100-paRofp (look of the cream o( i thn Wurlit l,itt,mturo. 5inlo cony, 21-'-. r fi por Kr. An Oil ( hromo inches, of Voiomito Vallty ' price, :t; " Hluck Shocp," n l.!iO ttk, in jiAjwr bimlinK; "rhnitian Oakley's Mutakc," ft l iirmk, in iKiitrltindinit,and tuunplricnpy of "V)Kl Ilou?shot(t AlAfuiiiit " all pmt-paitl, for only 3rt cnt in itionujr, nr in on-cpnl poHt-t,' tttimpK. A treat wantcil, Mii lilmral tvin8, but ivit lunar frnt free. AtMri'M S. S.Wooti, Tnbuuu liuiluia,h'ew York City. PROCLAMATION. Kelt known to all readers of this paper that you herealter order your entire, wants in wearing apparol and House keeping goods oltbe UNDERSIGNED, Axn rnjTTni! most am.uni.i noons fob rnr lkist MONEY Keaifv made clothing for Men and Bova wear of ctinlom make; and bast quality at lowest prices. Bnrunrt.oTtrs. Iirkss nouns. l roTTON I'LdTHS, 1I."K-KIX. MI.KS.SATINS, FI. ANNULS. I'AHSIM KM? VKI.VKTS, Vl.rsllKS. DUMKSTICS. TAIl.oiWTRIMMIStlS, VKI.VKTKKNS fillKKI'INdH, MIIRTS. IlKtWKRK, HWI:-S Mll INN. CHKl lv MI'M.INS l'll.l.UW I'ASINU, UXIIHRSHIKTN, AINS( NIK. BKTI TICKINO, HDIhKHY. Ill.ANKKTH. (j UuVKs, roll line of Notions, and Fancy Goods at wholesale and retail, at lo than XOKTIIKRN rulCEM. Clothing made to order In best manner. Kit unsiftiiUed. Orders promptly hlled Samples aent on application. lieapociinuy, M. E. KULL, Ho Sye. St. Poteraburg, Va. TH LARGEST STOCK OF FRENCH ASD AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THK SOUTH All tmpoited and raanoiactuied bv me, aud aold at leia than Northern Pricee. Kcal Krenidi Bonnets and Hsta, Straw goods, by tha case doaen or piece, In (ants Goods, Flowers, Wrenths, Plumes, Tipa, Rtbbnas, etashee, '.lies, Hooking, bilks, Satins, Velveta, Laces, Uorsate, Parasols, Gloves niid MUte. .dgings,Bridl Wreathes Lad lea d reset a made to order, complete, in beat manner, ut lowest prices. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All ordors promptly tilled. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct 13 Ira. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEA 1 FOWL AND A D L E Y 'S PATENT Bjri'KR.rilOXPHATK OF II ME. B It It Is now twenty years since the BD Sen Fowl Guano was first Introduced to tbe ag ricultural oommunity. During this time. It has rspidly gained in popularity wherever used. For COTTON, CORN TOBACCO, W li KAT aad other Crops it ia alike suited The preH advantanes claimed for the Sea Fowl when Oral introduced, oyer Peruvian Guano, havo proved truo. It h not over-Htlnjulatinn and does not fire the tender roots of plants like tbe Peru vian in dry season. It permanently adds fertility Io the eoll, and ultimately restores the land to ita original prodoctivenesa, These points wore claimed for it by scientific won when first introduced, and exneiience bas airaip proved truo U science, FOR SALE BY March 6 tf. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. MANUFACTURED BY THE Ts pronounced by the leadinp; planters In SUPEUIOK to any Fertilizer ell'ured in tbe SOLD 13Y JAMES T. UOOCII, Weldon, .K. C. PRESCOTT DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ANNOUNCE THAT TUB! LARGEST AND BEST DIIY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC In WELDOlt. Tbey are to be found at the Old Slau 1 of J. T. Geoch and are telliug LOW FOR CASH- Give them a call and get more for your money than anywhere elie. lira ii ir L & li GUANO. FORMERLY KNOWN AS THK STAR GUANO This celebrated Guano ao long sold In this market and so well and favorably Known to tne larmsra ol tins sei-tlon is now renrii'n:ed hv K, n, KIYAP.DS, who ia prepared to oT'er it to his friends aud the forming public on the moat reason able terms. Call ou ului tor clrcuurs anu prices. K. O. KUWABOs, Weldon, N. C. nir 20 lm N OTICE. All pnraona indebted o tha ostato of the' late J. W. Faucott, by account, note or mortKase are requested to call an F. Froelicli at bis ollioe in C. W. Faucette store in the town of Halifax, and make prompt payment as further indulgence cannot be given. Mr. Froelich is author iced to receipt when payment is made. J.T. GOOCH, AdmluUtretnr. March 13ta '79. mr 13 4t OTICE t NOTICE! t Tl e nibscrlber having this day qualified as admi 'istrator on the estate of Jamee W. Fauce t, deceased, bnfsre '.he Judge of Probate for Halifax oounty, hereby noti fies all persona holding ulaimt against eaid estate to present tbe same duly au thenticated to the undersigned, orhia Atty W. B. Day at Weldon, N. C ou or before thn 3rd day of March 18S0, or thla notiea will ba pleaded in bar of their reoovary. Persona indebted t said e.tto, are re quested to make immediate payment, This tbe 3rd day of March 187U. JAMES T. GOOCH, A.ltnr. Jas. W. Faucet!, deceased. uaarcb A if. GUANO .,-T..i.." JAMES T, GOOCH WKLDON, N. C. PACIFIC CUANO COMPANY- NORTH CAROLINA aa EQUAL If aot State. JOHN S. REESE. & CO . Gkneual Agehts, Baltimore, Md. Feb 27-2m & GOOCH HATE OFBNBD THK SELECTED STOCK OF ASP CAPS, GROCERIES, ic. CAltKFCL MAN. ALWAYS CARRIES A Yearly Policy or Insurance AGAINST ACCIDENTS TOU CAS SEC'CRK ONK IX THE MOBILE LIFE ISISUKAKCE to, OF MOBILn, ALA. TWENTTFIVE CENTS Will Insure Tou Against Accidents for One Uhv in the sum of THRER THOUSAND DOLLARS in the event of Death. Or $U PEK WEKK INDEMNITY for Disabling Injuries. RATE S One Day 25 Centa Two Day . 60 Ceuts Five Dva - - - f i.2g Ten Dsva - 2.60 Thirty Daya - - .0. $50 WILL AGAINST INSURB IOU ACCIDENTS, FOR THE TERM OF lYEARMSSl.OOO K. F. BUTLKR. Agent, Weldon, N. C. May II 1 y. "TOTICE TO TRAVELERS. i um now running a aauv man ;rom Scotland Nock to Halifax. I havo a com fortable two aorta beck, which leavea Scotland Nock, every morning for Halifax sun returns same day. W U Uke caasen gera and nxpresa packages at reasonable rules, x am aisa prepared to entertain travelers, promising to spare no pains to mane tliem oemfortalde. Rospcctfullv, W. H. SHIELDS. Not Mtf. ADVERTISEMmTS. Q. R O . A. AIKSHE, BlC IIMOKi), VA. CARRIACE MANUFACTURER Phaeton, Top and No Top Butrnlr. . Fatally Carrianoa of all Style. L61" Stock. Warranted In ' every respect. RlCHMONbVi,. mrC3m ESTABLISHED 1818. HORNER'S tTith which injr fnrmrV MB .ht his own fertilizers, CHEMICALS And other mstcristi for making HOME FERTILIZERS. j Muriate roUith, Kalnlt, siiipnaie noaa, riasirr. I'eriiflan (luanu, Oil Vitriol, Nitrate (ioda, Dried BlooJ, Ulssolrrd South Carolina, Dissolved Kaw Bone, Ae.ai A full tnnnlr of PUltl-J Jl.ttri.l. 1 hsntl and tor asle at loweat market nrii.. j l' orraulai for homt manipulation, eitimatw i tin io con, ann iniormaiion rcguaing muing HORNER'S Pure Slaughter House BONE-DUST ASD DISSOLVED BONE,! GUARANTEED THE "Best in America. AMMONIATED I B aw Bone fnperphosphati AMD CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE FOR AUCROPS, SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Joshua Horner, Jr.,& Co., Cor. Bowly's Wharf and Wood St., BALTIMORE, MD. t(t 20 Urn. JJKW FIRM. JAS. L. BASS, B. L. BAKKLEY weldon, N. C. Oarysiiurg, N. C. HaviiiK opened a first class Restaurant and Oyster Saloon, next door to W. H. Brown's, on Water Stroet, are prepared to serve their friends with anything; in tbeir line. 'I hey have a snlend'.d Ovtter Cook. who will serve the delicious bivalves In any style. Oysters by the quantity to their country customers. They will also keep on hand a good supply of Family Grocer ies, Confectioneries, Tobacco and tha bast 5 cent Cigars in town. J AS. L. HASH, & C. Oct 19 12m. Water Streak. MRS. A. B. JONES 208 Sycamore St, Petersburg Taw FALL AND WINTBR, 78-79 la opening a New and Desirable ataek af MILLINERY UOODI, DRESS MAKN 0 A SPECIALITY. CUTTING AD FITTIKG, . At short notice. Latest styles dress trim niiniif, Iriugos, buttons, fancy goode, aud notions. Wedding and party dresses made, aad If requested, will furnish the material. - Oraamenta for the II air of Every Itscriptiou. Braids, Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelry. Also, Xanthine, an excellent preparation for the hair. Ia fact, everything to adbra a lady. ALSO E M 3 A L SATCEAl M R R or L w ii t h a i We warrant our Embalmed Flowere cetae to chance their FORM OR COLOR. -auikt ro-m- E. BUTTERICK l CO'S. GKLKBRATED' patterns: Catalogues sent tree on application. FERTILIZING mi I am prepared to offer customers eitra Inducements this season, In the style, quality and price of my goods, so aa to' make it to their Interest to give me a large ehare of their patronage. I thciclore hope to have the pleasure of an rarly call trcm yon, assuring you that I will se my beat efforts to make your trading with nee en tirely satisfactory to yon. Orders from Virginia and North Caroli na are gllcitd,and will.be promptly filled' upon reasonable terms. ' Tliauking you (or past favors, I remain' Yours rexpectfullv, MKS.A. 13. JONES.- Cel 13 If.. wit

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