THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC Yf E E K L Y NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BT I.. H. IiONU & XV. W. II ALL. One Year, in advance, Six Months, " Tliroe Months, " ?2 00 1 (1(1 75 ets. E PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ,1 D W A It D T. ULAR K, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. mr. 201y. h. smith, J a. ATTOUXF.Y AT LAW, ScotLAKD Neck, Halifax County N. C. Praetlms In Utn county of Tin! i x and Bdolntn; counties, and the Su preme court of llio St:U. Jan l'i ly. aj W. II ALL, . ATTOKSiCY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. may nr. . THE ROANOKE .NEWfe ADVERTISING HATES. SPACE i a; i i i 1 1 1 1 1 VOL. VIII. WELD ON, N. 0, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1870. NO. 13. BEYOSID THE CLOUDS. Beyond the lirijiht clouds, Where tho storms gather never And 1 i v ouch salu home, There no mare to saver And (mil barks, tint fdialtored, Jiy earth's wind arul tide, Shall anchor nil safely On heaven's fair side. iUyond the brleht clouds, In that sweet Inline above, No wliispni-ed tfi.dil hvs Mull chill lli'i-o wn love J Ws Mi ili wui' lit llm into 'I'll it W Htimdiiiir ajar. And l:0i L"ii t ho ones A have tl- hi ijhf Iiin, A ILlCsiYCa FROM LIFE. JO B. BA.TCIIELOR. ATTOItStfY AT LAW, RALEIdll, N. C. Practices in the courts 'of the 6th Judi cial District and iu the Federal and riu frome CmirU. May 11 tr. VV. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OARYSBUr.l, N. C. Priirtlciw in tho courts of Northampton and adjniiiiu:: counties, alio, in tho Foderul and Supremo courts. . Juno S-tf T. ryUOMAS N. HILL, Attorney ml Law, HALIFAX, K. 0. Praoticos in Halifax and adjoinine; Counties nil 1 Fodoral and Supreme Courts. Will bj a.t SoitlaaJ Ncak, once every tortuight. . . Aug. 28-a w H. DAY, ATTOIMEY AT LAW, WULJSf, N. V. Practice In the courts of L'alifax and Adjoining counties, and in the Supremo and Federal court. Claims oullected iu any part or North Carolina. Jun 20 1 Q, J m. u it i z z A a n, AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. 0. Oai in tho Court Hons". Strict at.ten tUn ftivou to all brandies of '.lie profes sion, j"" D R. L. I.. UUSTER, Can bo found at his ofliefi in Enfield Pnm Nitrous Oxall Ots lor too ruin- less Extracting of Teeth always on Juuo'J2 tt. hand. ij A S C H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EHPIBLB. HALU'AX COON TV. N. C. Prati i the Counties of Halifax, Bash, Hdtfoaoma". ami Wilson. CoHaalwns utaio In all parts of tli State. .1 1'--" ' "Ageo, did I out sic you wnlking out with Mr. Hidlev one day last week, or wus I mistaken ;" "l'robiibly you d';J j I was with liirn last Thursday." "Why, really, Ajji.cs, I thought your aspirations wore loftier tlinti that." ', ifticr tlian whut?" replied A'ne11, indicating Uiut a tender chord had been struck. "Why, to prnmeKado these streets with a mi'chanic." "And what do I care about his occu pation, whether lie be a carpenter or banker? I know Mr. lladley, nt as a :arpoi.tcf, but as higli-'.oned, intelligent and iiiii;;lit youuj; ge"t.lotnan ; aud you will obli'3 mo. MbB Harrison, v.'!""U- ever you have occasion to refer to my frigid, to d. in a more rcfueJ and !ad-. Iik.- way." "Then I in.W.Und that you claim the 'Hon.' Mr. 11 ulley as your Iriend r said her companion, giving the word ' honorable" all the sarcasm tfbeeould con maud. ' M'ist undoubtedly I d t," replied Agnes. 'J.ider thoso ciic-imstances, I bid you gnnd-evetiiii-;." J.jod-uveiiii!', yi'iir ).i J ysni. Ihis tiinc a lit'le g.ircasm lio.u Allies. Agws lla.ll and Alice Harrison were ei)gaj;'d Ui InO unove conversation in tho niai.ifi:ent!y (uruishci parlors ol the former lady s homo, lucy had been constant and devoted friends ever since they were oil enough to enter S'.h.t'd. 15 it t vo more opposite natures c.iidd scarcely be found. A;;nts was a gentle, modest and considerate girl, with a good wc-rd for everybody, and for whom everybody had one in return. In appearance she was rather below the uveragi! heijj'a, with a well shaped hen 1. into which wte set a fii:o pair of Hack ejes, n1 ocr w!,icli (1 tiled beautiful hair. II jr father was one of tho re tired merchants of the city f N u folk. ai d delighted in pivin; his duuyliter aiiylhim; she dt fired 1 bnt her dress vas iilaays of the plainest, though lie itcst, kind, and neopto wondered, ns people will do, why Agnes H dl (lid nut dress her. AI'CC Harrison was, on the contrary, a tall, bcaiilitV. act'wi ghl, w'lose every mveinent was giae itself. Hlie was re; llv beautiful, and was known in Soci ety as a dashin" und fascii atin blonde. Her toilet was of the most elaboiato kind. She was niso worshipped by loud puents, who oei:era'ly pave Ikt lur owi way, thereby ci.ccurajjing a dviminecrioa; spirit. Ajnes and the had often quarrelled, but had as often "made up" again. About six weeks before cur story opens, Mr. Hall had some txtci.sivu Agnes wondered what was the matter with Frank. She had learned to call him Frank. He treated her with stolid indifference. She was sura she had dooo nothing to him. Why did be so persistently avoid her? Of late she had been thinking of nothing; hut Frank. Her old, devoted father called her absent-minded, und playfully joked her about Mr. -Simmonds. Did she love Frank? she would ask herself. "If I do, I'm sure he docs not love tue, for he always avoids mo." Oilier men sought her favor, but she only accepted their gourtcsies aud gallantry an a mat ter of course. She regarded men as something that must bo tolerate J. She was sure she did not love any of them, and as for Mr. Simmonds, ho was too systematic und conceited for her. People began to wonder where Mr. Simmonds, Agnes' handsome beau, was. 1? it thev were none the wiser for won dering, It was but three weeks now from her birthday, and papa was going ti give her n reception. Of course she would invite Frank, and she was sure he would come. A'oce had "made up" ngaii., as was usual with her, and they (Alice and Agnes) talked about the re ception in a light-hearted way. Alice had never mentioned the young car penter to Agnes, being nware that she regarded hi.a v.ith feelings akiu to Everybody was delighted at the idea of Agnes Hull's having a reception, he- rsHM Mr, 11 ill was known as a. person who could play mine host to purfettion. The invitations had been sent, including one to Frank Hadley. Ha at first de cided on coin", but, after mature dc- One Square, Two Square, Three Square, roar nquares, Fourth Col'n, Half Column. Whole Column', 8 oo toe HH ft 10 10 00 20 00 8 00 16 00 80 CO 10 00 18 00 88 00 IS 00 20 00 40 0 20 00 80 00 60 00 One Year, CONFEDERATE STORY. liberation, together wit A X D 11 IS VV J. BUH'l'ON, ATT It SKY AT LAW, WSLDON, N. C. Praeticns in tho Courts of Halilnx, War ren nd Northaoiptoo counties and in the Bmnreuio and Federal Court. Claims ujUoetod in auy part or Ifor'.h Carolina. June 17-u improvements made on A V I X L. II I M A N ATTORNEY AT LAY HALIFAX, N. C. Praotlivis In ths coftrts of H illi'ax anJ aaininiinr counties, and iu the Supremo ta 1 Fn.ler.ti Count. CUimt oollactol iu all rrts of North Carolina. ill jo in the Court House. July 4-1 Q. wmk int.lli. of the woi a, at her ; .fall JiHIiS IS. O'HAKA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ExriEi.n, x. c. Practices In the Countlos of E-illfux, JSTdi!omle and Nash. In the Supremo .Cniirt ef tho Stale and in tho Federal vurts. Collections made in any part ef tho -jltatn. Will a' tend a- lh Court House in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each -weoU. Jan I2-1 c . SUKTO X, J n. ATTORNEY AT LAW, EALITAX, 0. Tractir.ea in the Courts of Halifax Conntv. and (Vinties mlwliiinis. iu the iHureme C.turtoflho Stale, and Iu the F-itt C-urU. vTill iiv an tei il allH-itiin t I'm eollec tlou nfclaimSjiiid tu adJnstiiiK llm accoiinla f I'.xeautgr.s, Aauiinnr,ti)r.s nnil uunr diaus. ilee-lVtf tillS U. UULLUK. JOHN A. MOUIIK M U L L E N A MOOR K ATTORNEYS AT LAV. Ilulllitx, N. V. Prt'itlne in thi Ciuntins of Hulifux Norlhainpt'n, 1 l.lsf.-conilio, ritt and Mar tin In tho Kunnrne tourt l the Male ud ill tho Federal Courts of tliu l-'.u.toru Dlstrlpt Colloclioy uuJo iu auy part of North Carolina, ' jau 11 Itis property. Frank lladley l ad been recommended to bim us an energetic end industrious young map, nnd he engaged his ser vices, II j uuderstood what Mr, Hull wanted. Bed went to work lit do it. Mr Hail fomij hi-3 ci't i nly a good man. but a vnutiil titan who was cenlly informed on the topics day. Agues had also n:ct nt nnd liked him. Ho would look (lowers discuss their meii'.-, ttil! the litest musical Ci riiprVnioii" and productiou ill liUiatue, tie til, in fact, Agues rcilly looked forward to his com ing ns sodiething essential. Put his cor.iii g, ns all things else, l ad nil end, and she missed bim cry inuth. S!ie had never once thi iht a'j nl him us anythinr' but a friend while l.e wolked on her iat''. i's premies, lut had "one. She had met him 0 . . , At. su.CC, vli'.cu ia3 '" -1 with her. Frank. Mor fellow 1 from nu.m .:.t be talked with Agnes, found ihM those prcat Hack eyes were too much for his heart. He bad admitted i.i himself that be thoueht her uidike . ... I. .. I. .,(,.. ... c , npr it fl'i, HI! IV VivlUUU U U.IU u.v , a . 0. mind. Pat h iw useless it if," ho wou.J .. . . . - I . I I A It. A.. muse, "ler n;o to entenaiu (unci nam frienrily feelings toward her. 1, an huinhle un'chaiiic, with iioliiieg to cill my own save the money tor which 1 wruk P II had heard that Agnes was en. gaged to marry Mr. himmoti ls, a hand some and neattny licuienaot m inn nuy. He would think mi more ub.'ut it, ha . . , . i i. i i .i.:..l. .. t resolved : ana lie wotiij mom uujui Ajues more loii.gty than ever. Fiauk, us Annus had said, was an iu- telhge t youi g man, aud wus well aware whats'roig pnjodices there woie iu the minds of wealiliy persons against those who are locicly mechanic". Olleu had I e c -.Med hiaisi lf a fool for think- im' Unit A 'lies could reciprocate any feelines tl It) ie Iruiu him. Mr Ki.mniu.di wai on duty at the navy yard His ncpiaitilanco with Ag res dated from sometime the premuis year. It w -s very generally under stood that ha was i cr" ei gaged loer II.. ow her constant CO r Dauioil at the 1 ball and t'pera. a Utile ohs'.i- nacy, decided othtrwiss. He did not think he would go. He would not sou her; every elatieo at her served only to make him more miserable, llewou'd wri o A?ncs a note, telii'.e her that cir cumstances over which ho ha. I oo con trol would compel him to decline her kind in vital! in. She received the note, and was angry, ns only a woman can bo whoa sho wishe.i a particular friend to accede to ber wishes, and that particular friend decli'ies to d so. The party came off, nnd was really a success pronounced by all to have ueen a superb aff lir. Anas enj tycd it .udy tolerably. After tho excitement incident to such things ns parlies had subsided, Frank Hadley made up his mind t ) call on Miss Agnes, and c xp'aio more f'ullv the cause of his absence. I In was determined, uiwavcr. that no sioii (ir action on his part should betray his feelings for the datling of his Inaii. lie asei iiiiod the steps with his h;-art fluttering, pulled tho boll, ami a servant answered his summons. I In asked if Miss Agnes was in. 0.1 being niswcreJ in the otliruiativo, ho handed his card to t' e servant, whom bo rctpiosted t present it to Miss Atznes, A'ler r few moments of anxiou'.trou'ilid saspeiisi on his part, she came in looking as sweet ly ns possible. Shi greeted Frank very cordially and They talked on nbiinst every s il j'tet, nnd she thought she had never found h'rn ts: entertain ing nnd ogrccable. She chided him for his long absence, for which ho ac counted, and they talked and talked, forgetful of everything but c?ch other. Filially Frank requested her t; sing him one of his favorite song', aud, un like most girls, she imineili iK-ly as sented. Sim selected "Tho Heart Hiwed Down," ai.d threw her whole At a recent political gathering in Tus cumbia, Ala., Gen. Cullcn A. Battle related the following story iu course of his speech : During tho winter of 18G3, it was my fortune to bo president of one of the court martials of the Army of Northern Virginia. One bleak December morn ing, while snow covered tho ground and tho wiutls howled around our camp, I left my.bivotiac fire lo attend the session of the court. Winding along for miles, uncertain paths, I at length arrived at the court and Hound Oak church. P iy by day, it had been our duty to try tho galhu.t soldiers of that army, charged with violations of military law but never had I, on any previous occa sion been greeted by such anxious spectators ns un that morning awaited tho opening of tho court. (Juso after case, was disposed of, and at length tho case of 'The Coufederato States vs. Edward 0;;nper' was called charge disertion. A low murmur rose spon taneously from battle scarred spectators us a votms artillerym in rose from tho prisoner's bench, and in responso of tho question '(luilty or not guilty?' an swered, 'Not guilty.' Whan the J.ulge Advocato was pro ceeding to open tko prosecution when the court observing that tho prismer was uiialtoiid-'d by counsel, interposed ii:quirerl of the accused. "Why is yi;ur C luel," S'lppOiing that it was his putp-jso to represent himself hot ra the court; tho Judgo Advocate was instructed to proceed. Every charge and fpecidcaiion against the prisoner w is sustained. Tile priioner was thei told to introduce hii witnesses. Hj replied, 'I have no wituesses.' Aston i.ihed at the calmness with which he regarded as inevitable fate, I sand to him, 'Ihve you no defence? Is it pnssihl silenced by the concentrated fire of tho enemy. I hurried, and when I reached the battery every gun, with otio excep tion, bad been dismantled, aud by it stood a solitary Confederate soldier, with bpiod streaming from his side. As he recognized mo be elevated his voice a'idsaid: 'General, I have one shell left, tell mo. have I saved tho honor of Mary aid Lucy?' I raised my had. Once more a Confederate shell went crushing through the ranks of the enemy, and the hero sank by his gnu to riso no oioro. AN ICE PILOT'S NARRATIVE. YVIIX UK HAS FAITH IX AN Or UN l'ASSAGK KXPEIIIKSCH OF MANY YEAliS OF AllCTIC LIFK. THE TRAGEDY AT THE SLOAN'S. DT MAX ADULElt. af 80 OO 40 60 46 60 6 00 7 TOAffOKK AQRICULTOR that you ah:i:idoned your comrades nnd deserted your color, without any rea son, lie replied, "Th :re is a reasi i but it avails mo nothing i.i a military oii.t. I said. "I'eruapi you are mistaken ; you are charged with the Liune kuo va to r.i.h'.'.rv law, and it is your duty to make k inivii the causes that ir.ll.ionced your actions h ir the fi st lima his manly form trembled und h.s blue eyes swam in tears. Approach imj tho president i f tho court ho pre ss ited a 'letter, sayiiii! as ha did s - 'There Genera!, is what done it." I ontmed the letter and in a moment ciy ryis filled with tears, it was passed I'r.i-u one to another of tho court . until all had seen it and these stern warriors who had passed with inonosll Jackson through a hundred battles wept like a rliild. S.jon as I sufficiency re covered my self-posii'.s.-.ioo, 1 read tho letter as the defend of tho prisoner. Il was in thcie words : My Di:ai; Edw,u:i : I have always bee i proud of you, and since your con- nee i ui with the Ooniedcrato army, 1 have been proulcr of you than ever be for I would not have you do any thi g wrong for tho worl l ; but before G ),, Edward, unless you coma homo wo inu it uiel Lint night I w is amused by lill.c Eldio crying. I called and said : "V hat's the matter?" nnd he said, "0:i, Minima, I'm s hungry." And Lucy, H J. vard your darling Lury she never nomnlains. but sho is crowing thinner everyday. And before God El ward, tia'.ss yon come home we must die. You it Mary. now he but once law him tho fist soul into the cumpesitiou ; aud os the last words ''tut Ment'iy is thi only fiund Th il tji-ia!' can call her own.' died vv. lo r lips, Fiauk Ih:lley invol lUit.udv cr.ught tl'.era again, and re. ated them s i sadly nnd solemnly that o turned to look ut Lim, nnd seeing lhat his fane was colorless, asked, "What is the matter, Frank?" Tl'.e sweetness of her voice calmed him and there he tat, combatting Ins heart; but coi quar it he could n t. II J an swered her in a low, earnest t inc. "When I first saw you," he began, I ftlt that my heart, wkh all its full ness nnd sinceiity, went out to you, and ever s' I havo been battling and struggling ngaiust it. When I entered this house. 1 was determined that no act f f mii:o should betray that feeling ; bu'. I could not help it, and here I lay my heart nt your feet. I adore jou 1 N , thing but my humble position and your (niperior one has kept me from telling you this long ago. I beseech vou to "tili me if yon can love rue iu rc- iurc." And she sofily anstvored, H NEEDED LESSON: a nslit'.l P.-oide whi hold ofii.dal positions hhould never fail to be pnlite lint tliey catch a tirtur un awn res, if lor no ottui re.ii.on. A tall, elderly, retiiieil-locKiiiu jeiitl. man neatly went into a small p iet- oili-e in a rural ri'.:lun ol iiigiaun. u a-keil some n ieations re'ativa to tho ri'L'- i.:tirit r ti n lettl T. uLd was Vi'ry slmr)ly nnil linnic.ssaiilv snuhl ed ny voiinL' wouii. in IIj her il she thoueiit tn,,r wss a .rpi-i - t.i iinswer an ii o ury in puolio ilUie di. I Ht,.t i!,,. ihtoi.'ht (.ho had ticen i.iit.. civil cmti'a Ut I) m. il J asked lur with an ominously increasing mibiuess ol woulJ lavor hill with her n... iminhi.tiRu'lv deelineil lo do iiu ii...ti Buitl hu iliouiflit he woull tell her l.i. name, whir.h, howtvor, sho il elln..,l tr. hear. fviiiL' iiis Dame was uo concern of hem. llo calmly lepliHl lie thought It was, for hu wus the postmaster geiietul I Tablran. - ' Yomg n'i. "t'uj". msmms, when hull we coma to anuther of those picturis wl:;:c I must ihut uiy eit.-!" i Turning to the prisoecr, I asked, what did you do whea you received thW?" He replied: I made arulicatlon for ft furl.iugh af.d it was rejected ; again I made application and it was n j icied ; a third tiuu I made application and it wis e jected, aud lhat night I wandered backward and forward thinking of my home, with the mild eyes of Lucy look ing up to me, and tho burning words of Miry sinking iu my train; I was no longer the Confederate soldier, but tho lather of Lucy and the hnspand of Mary aud I would havo pissed those lines had every gtio in tho battery fired at me. I went ti ny home. Mary ran to meet mcj her angel arms embraced me, and sho whispered : "Oh, KJward, I am so happy l" She must have felt mo shudder, for sho turned pale as . , .I '. . I . . h .,!!t r.t r.u.HU UCIlUI, IU.ll IIIXIIIIIJI Mill menu, ut. ...... j word, she said : "llavo you come homo without a furlough? Oh, Edward, Ed ward, go back I Let mo and my children go down together to tho grave, hot Oli. for heaven s salt j snvo me honor of your name ! And here I am, gentlemen, in obedience to the couKuan of Mary, to abide tho sent- piico of vour couit. Kvtrv oflicer of that court mnrttai felt t! e force of tho priiorers words Uofore thorn stoo l, in a beatdu vision the clonuent pleader ler a hnsb.iori .- and fathei's wrongs; but tliey nail oenn . . . . 1 ! I . trained by their great leaner, uoueri i Itoe. to tread tho until ol duty, though the li 'htnig flash scorched tho ground their feet and each in his turn nrouounced tho verdict giilty. For tunately f j humanity, fortunately for the Confederacy, tho proceedings of tho court were renewed by tho comman in.T (letieral. and unon tho record was written ; IIlUr-QUATF.IH A. N. V The findina ol the court is approved The prisoner is pardoned and will report to his company. It. ft l,ui:, ueu i. TVlrincr the second battle of Cold Harbor, when shut and shell were fall i.m like torrents from the mountain cloud, my attention wus directed to the fact that one uf our ba'.terms wus Dei" Captain William Dunbar, a native of New London, Conn., leaves this morn ing for San Francisco. He is an "ice pilot." Yesterday afternoon he was called upnyt by several Down Eist skippers and in tho course of his conver sation ho related tho experiences of his life in the Arctic regions. He sai l : "If I was going through Davis Strait I should have my doubts about being successful, but I have hod experience both in Ilehrine Strait and Davis Strait. I was in llehring Strait when the Southern privateer Shenandoah burned tlyity-etgiU ships. 1 was then lirst (iliieer of tho lviaa';et!i Swift, of Nor? Uvdl'ord, and sho btlonned to Swift & Allen. After tho shenandoah had burned tho fleet of vessels I saw during he season spars of vessels burned iu the strait a way oil' icy Cape far to tho north east. This went to gIiow that at strong current was setting in to the northeast at that time. I had been thcro during two previous voyagis, hut then I had no re sponsibility b.iiag simply a petty olUoer on the ship Catherine, of New L indou. Since thru I have been first tllioor of thii baik. Concordia, of Sag Harbor, Captain Skinner conitnandioi. Wa were then it was in the year 18GC going to Cu nbeiluud Inlet, ocd encountered strong currents tettinij out of Davis Strait, which caused us to keep close to tho Greenland shore before wo tackled ,ho pack of ice, or rather before we crossed the straits to go into tho inlet. This satisfied me that tho current came around Davis Strait from tho other si Jo of the Tho next year in 1SG7 I was master of tho Concordia. I kept hu'eioi the Eist Grcehlarid shore until I found a lead in the pick el ice that I lb uioht suitable to enter. 1 did enter it. nt d went about Beventy-fi.o milts, until I got best t by tho pack of ice, I then drilled down tibreast of Hudson Strait, when the ice opened and I enter ed Cumberland Inlet. Tui; was my des tinatiou.and I spent my winter there and was fr. .en in from Oct 4 until May 10 I left my ship during that time to carry on my wnahag business. At tho cd of the icq fl io I took two whales, went bnck to the vessel iu August and got readv for home. In the interim no hadnot lost a single man on board When nil was ready lor loavh g I broke the ice in the barber of Nyanthe with gunpowder and gut out. O.usido there was uo solid ice, only a pack ol ico about seventy miles long, atd we gat out of it safely, All the ica we broke with gunpowder nasceoterd ia a distance of about bait a mile in the harbor proper nnd after wo not out of that wc pushed along easily through the pack of jco flinch was net at all seliu. "Do I understand, Mrs. Sloan," (aid tho magistrate, "that yon make a charge ol a.t.nipted lulautuide against your husbaBd'f" "Well, tint exactly that," replied Mrs, Slonn, "You see I " " minute permit me to explain," exclaimed Mr. Sloan. "Your honor, the situation is this. Wo have ono baby a year aud a half old, aud then we also havo twius just twa months old. Little cherubs, both of them. Their mother's turn-up nose, perhaps, but coy eyes and my nmiablo expression." "His hair, too, your honor," said Mrs. Sloan, "his hair red." "before wo were married, may it please tho court," said Mr. Sloao, "she was fond of alluding to it as auburn. But uo matter. Slio went yesterday to a woman suffrage convention. I staid a', home with the children three of thoui, your honor I I have only two arms. When two ol tho little lolkf cried, I would snt down a silout oi e mid carry those that screamed. Then the one I put down would begin, and I'd have to pick him up and lay down another ; and then it would scream. I tried to carry the odd one pig-a-back, bat it was no use, ho would slip down, and bump his nose on the floor. Imag ine tho situation, it was hard. I was neatly wild Only two nursing bolllos, too, and the thud baby yelling like a Crow Indian while the twins were feed- Works, weldo. rtv Cw JOIIJf roOTE, rroprttfer, kick a an oft ccrrTtHff rtcnf mm AN l'W!TI'(l KXl'i:RIENfH, "I h.ito forgot ta tell you," said Cap tain Dunbar to his visitor-', "that on tho st voyage alien I was ullieer, this captain gave tho command of tho whal in" expedition up to rue. We found ter some forty miles ti tho south. We ad left tho captain with five men on board and I was camped with twenty saven men on ico. O ving to a slide, or an avalanche of snow as you may pro bably call it, three of our tents were buried under the snow. Oae man's l 'g was breken nnd another mau killed. W c buried this last man in tho snow and two years later wo recovered his remains in the same identical spot. I havo since hronr'ht him home : and Ins name was r . . . .... lieebe, aud he is now buried in rsuw London. Alter this avalanche I went to the edgo of the ice, forty u.iles distant with the nid of dog teams furnished us by tho Esquimaux and returned to the captain in the following igist. W e suc ceeded, even then, m getting our ship out safely, ns the ico in tho barber was rapidly breaking up." Cip'iin Dunbar hero said: "Dear ia mind on tiio li st v.iyage I had to go south ; on the next north oiglity miles to find tiio edge of the ice. In both instan ces h.ivo found en open passage I have never lost a ve?sil near the North Dole, but I have lost the Flying Fish in the Antarctic, near lue o oith Dole. There I was coasting continually along solid ici. I ur.i satisfied thai a ship can be t iKi.-ti from Enuring Strait to Davis S rait. Captain Dunbar, who is now forty-five years of age, has f llowud a seafaiiog life since h'.s tenth year, Hu has daughter married in New L uidnn and a boy of Uclve ut'school Ibero. His wife died a few years ngo. Except during the last four years, when he was lollow ing "the fur seal and sea elephant" bus iness iu the South sias, he has all his life been in the whaling business. ,ne- "Couldu tho suclt bis thumb ( asked tbo magiitpito. "Mrs. bioati won t let luaa. one closed tho gito of joy. so to speak, against her own offspring I Absolutely prohibited tho child (rom sucking its own thumb 1 Nero, in his worst days, in his worst day.-', never went that far, I lmueiue. The historians forget to roootion it II ;e flid," said the justice. "Precisely. W ell, I got alnno as well as I could, when iu comes a boy with a note from Mrs. Sloan saying that Mrs. Gibbs tho vice-president of tho conven tion, wanted her baby out of tho way while she was conferring with the select committee on ways and means, si in comes the scrgoant-at-arms with Mrs. Gibbs, baby for me to take care of. That nnds four, lour honor, it Mrs. Gibbs' baby grows up and becomes a missionary, he can pi each to the heathen in Africa without leaving borne. lie has a soico like a fog-horn. So he turned in and cried, and tho other babies cried for sympathy." "It was hard, said the magistrate. ' Hard I Will. I'm nu accnmnoodatinK man, so I put one twin lo ono era llo and rocked it wiih uiy right foot, ana i pot the in nnether ctndlu and recked it with my le'.t font; thoa I sat Gibbs' uby on one knee and Jobuny oa the other, and by a peculiar action ol inv legs kept all four in motion at once. You understand! Well, sir, ja;t in calmness buan to pre vail, in cornea tho scrsjeunt at-arms auatn illl Ihu secretary's baWy. Said Mrs. Slum ha I sent it while the tecretary wrote up her mitiutcn, and wouldn't I look after it lor awhile." "Was it nslecp?" "Well, no. Now I don't want exajr eerato, your honor, I nm under eatb, and l frliall try to uto the fait mildly, But l am sadly inUakcn il you couldn't blow a church nrgun with the secretary's bahy's Ult Iub"! It vthjoped and hallooed in sneli a manner as to alarm me. Then G.bhs baby j 'inoJ in, and they pave us a duet. Trettv saon our three turned up for a chorus, and tvt!l, suppose a whole hri'han acy!uai f'iouM suddenly havo a 1 . . -I .... 1 lr. :na.nn oi stoma u arno, aau juu iu . . ... - i. . . i, some idea el me r icuci. C;'.:! l!:'t you quiet them by tinging to them?" , "No, pi r: yen c-uldn't lisie beard a biR3 drum in lhat rom." What did y.m do?" 'I ive the lit mil v Biblo to one twin, and put Wohjter'a Unabridged Dictionary on thu lap el the other, merely to play with. 1 thought I'd uo down sulra and uei rnme ini'k lot the wl.oU crowd. I flid. Wlien I rnme un. as I had enly two nurs- iuir hiittle,. 1 imotiuil a hi t' ol hair renovator, which Mr. Sloan ri " 1 tUn'tl" exclaimed M'. Slum. 'An I a caitor oil bottle. I put the milk in the- and la an old p:ir-grie bat tle, punched holes thron.'h tlmoutKS, ami vie'! th"i er"'!n !. VY'irn I eirao to thn twins, thtiv bad the 15. bin and the tl c tionary lyins right on Ihtir lunma, and hev were blue in tho luci ; in l Heavy, your honoi! So I liaJ to pii k them up and to l-c them a cuple ol limM in the hatliMuo to brinj them te; ami wneo I nt. buck into tlie r-om with tin in 1 found Uibbj' bubv in spa'ins from the taste ol the h iir, and the secretary nany ha ! swallowed the cork, and the other child looked iu it the cnstor oil bottle somehow hid not agreed with it. A miuiitu later ia c-uie Mm, Sloan, and the cUrv. and Mrs. dibits, and they rust led inn ou'. I ilou't know what happened, uf-i.r that but I believe it ws old Gibbs pot Mrs. Slum op to chrgo nie with murder," Thu case is disuns-cd," said tho jus. lice nnd tiio Siwans withdrew. Mr?, bloan il is lured a nune. NOT MOcli LEFT OUT. San FrauiHco Call, London Lottor. I braid f a rather amusing reply (jivu the other evening at a ball by au Auierictn i'irl in Lombn society who had strayed away Irooi the ball-room. Her methtr auh.rqueutly il'i.covo ed hf.r in a remote nook wi h a i .-ntlemsn, who had his arait a'nnnd her wuit while she rested the tips ofherprttty little lnic,rs an hit manly ic SPECIALTY.- MANlrfAOTtiRBB it, AM OKHBttAL AOKMf FOB, ALL KINDS OF FAPvMIKG- IM PLEMENTS, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTOW am. AIho Agent Jfrtba Clriengo Seal Conav pany's UNITED STATES STANDARD 8CALE3. Everything In (his line fnrnr WO. TCS Railroad Heale to the SMALLEST TRAs Scale furnished at Hurpriainii LOW Flj uros. A Platform HAY or STOCK Reals of FOUK TONS capacity for . and Froiffbt. All klnd of IRON AND BTUS3 CA8TIX03 l The weather is very chanccsblo in New York. An txcluitiL'e. 8 iV9 a lew dnys a a mm in that country wa smwiriuk lirlit at thu closu ( a sm w-s'o m becati u h couldu't yet his ulster oil rpiuk enough. PeleiMburg or Norfolk PK1CES, . . I am prepared to do ANY KIND Ropair Work for r elimlibr. ' I) umliter, what's iblil" tt cl .l ued the irate niumnia. Faucy Cheeks looked up culiiily, and replied: "Mamma, allow me to iutro 1uee Captain X to you I bad prom'se I him a d.nce, !ui I was so iin. I lhat I couldn't keep my .word, and I am int eivi-!.' him a sitlino still wtliz iuiteud.'' ENGINES, MILLS AND GINS, COTTON Aa I have an Kxculleut MACHINI8T and H01LUK MAKF.K. I kep mnRlanllr'nn hand of air wa Manufacture a HOOD OFFICK COAL AND WOOD STOYB. Also a (food asacrtniMt of HOLLO ,T Ware. LUMBER flirnlV. h1 In any quantity a .the LOWUiT Market bsittw, sep 8 It)