THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY JUNK 12, 1879. OUR SCOTLAND HECK LETTER. riMB HII.L ACADEMY COMSCKNCBMICNT f BMALK SCHOOL. Scotland Nbck, N. 0., J 'ice 7th, 1870. Dear Nswa: Thursday evening t htt o'clock the closing exercises ol ina nill Academy took place. This iccasinn affirded tbo young men of the ::ohnol so opportunity of showing to the ?Bblic their capacity lor oratorical display, imong those who took part in declamation ;ie:c!eet were the following : "Speech ol L"gan the In.iian Chief, J. i. Pittmao. Character ol Jackson, T. Jill, Jr. America's Contribution to the rorld, . Crushing the Rubican, t. 9. Neal. The voyage of Life, J. 0. Sessoms. Woman, Willie W. Kitchin. !iinractr of Napo'eon, J. R. Herring, edepenlence, 9. B. Kitchin. Casabi. oca, Weldon T. Smith. American Ineti ntions, D. A. Madry. No Excellence Without Lubnr, J. F. Perry. Adams and eftVson, A. A. Niclnlls. Events are lieat B.scause of Tbttir Insults, . forth Carolina, C. E Hre-on. Washing. o' Reply t M. Ariel, O. II. Ilu.haro. 'be Fjlly of Complaining, G. 0, Weeks. rt Fitte. the P r.te ol the (Jul?. . l.atioi, Evils of Aoilmion, C. U Hill. Among those wo heard complimented specially were, Willia W. Kitchin, C. U. till, Q. C. Weeks and R. b. Ncal. The ret mentioned, our boy oratar, bi :1s fair 9 make hit mark in tbo world. The Female Academy also closed its xcrcisea on the same day, ami yesterday tie densely shaded grove ol Clnrkfvillc florded a pleasant place of merriment nd rejoicing lor the tired (Indents who ly tiny have been worked hard during lie year. Io a future communication we will tell ou more about the e iucatioaal interest el ur town, a3ulijcct which always interots ur citiz 'lis. Mn.l.Klt. P. 8. The soap I wrote you about is lade, tell the committee to get ibe prcrn im rtady. M. EBON C. INSIM0LV8 FUHIHAL. RATION BY C 'L JNOKWsOLL, THE INFIDEL AVasiiinqtos, Jitnb 3, the funeral of le Hon. Ebon C. Ingcrs ill, brelher ol aloud Robert G. Inecrsoll, of Illinois, ok place at bis late residence In this city lis alternooa. Thu ceremonies were rx emely simple, conii6liot; merely of the lewing of Urn remains by the relatives ad frieuds, aud a funeral oration by Col. igersnll. A largo number of rtistioguisliod gen ietnen were present, including Secretary herman Assistant Secretary Hawley. caatota Blaine, Vorhees, Paddock, Al son and Logan, the Hon. Thomas Hen erson, Gov. Pound, tbo lion. William I. Morrison, Gen. Jiffie-, Gen. Wil amsou, Col. James Fisbbark and others, 'he pall brarers were Senators Blaine, 'oorhees, David Divis, Piddock aud Al sun, Col. Wurd II. Lamoo, the Hon. rren ia i Wilson, ol Ind'una, and the Hun. h mis A. Boyd, of Illinois. The following is the oration of Col. ngersnll: My Friends, I am going to do that rbich the dead olt promised he would do ir me. The loved and lovina brother, usbaod, father, friend, died where man eod'i niorniD almost touches noon, nod 'bile Iho shadows ft l H were foiling to rard the west. He bad not passed nn tc's highway the stuuo that inaiks the ighest point, but, being weary for a loment, be Uy down by the wayside, and sing his bur Jen for a pillow, fell into jut dreamless sleep kisses down bis yelids still. While yet in love with h'e nd raptured with the v, oiM lie passes to ilence and pathetic diut. Yet alter all it lay be best, just in the happiest, sunniest our of all the voyage, whilo eager wind re kissiog every sail to dash .og-iinst the jseen rock, an I in un instant hear the allows roar above a sunken ship. For. whether, in midsea or ararpg the breakers f the further shore, a wrick must mark at ist the end of each aodlll, and every lite, o matter il its every Imur is rich with ive and every moment jawelcd with joy, nil at its close becjJie a tragedy as sad nd deep and dark us can be woven of tie rarp and weof ot mysterv and death. This brave and tender man in every form r.t lite was oak and rock, but in the unshine he was vine and flower. He was he friend oft all heroic souls. He limbed the heights and lelt all supersti ioos below, while on bis he .d tell the ;oldcn dawning of a grander day He ived the beautiful, and was with color, rm and music touched to tears. He ided with the wea'i, vid With a willing iand gave alms, and with a loyal heart nd wit tiie pu'e.'t hand he laithfully :iscnarg',d all public trt)3tJ. Ill was a forsliipper ol lineity, a Iriend of the op resfed. A thou ..nd linua I have beard iim quota Iho word?: "For justice, all ilaces a temple and all reasons summer.' !e bettered that happiness was tho only :ood, reain the only lurch, Justice the mly worshiper, humanity tho only reli ion and love the only pti t. He addid o the turn ol human j-iy, and weio tviry me for whom he did some loving t ; vir 0 bring a blossom ! his grave, he would lecato night beneath a ftilderuciS of 1 iwtrs. Lilu is & nvrow vale between the did ,ad barren peak1? of twn eternities. We ttive in vaia to look beyond the heights. iVe cry aloud, and the oidy answer is the cho ol our wailing cry. From the voice- ess lies ol the unreulfinc dead ll.e e lames no ward: but in the night of di alb Hope sees a star, and, listening, Love, :an hear the ruiile ol a wing. He wrm sleeps here, when (1) lag, mis ikma the annrnsclt of death Ur the te- urn of health, whispered with bis late t jreath. t am better now." Let us b ievc. in suite of doubts aud dogmas, and ;cars and fears, that these dear words are rue of all the countless dead. And now. to vou who have been chosen from among the many men he loved to d Ihe last sad olllee for the dead wo give his sacred dust. Ppeeoh caunot cont iin nur love Thero wa, there is, uj gentler, itroniicr, manlier mau but a pathetic scene occurred when the Misses Lswler, diugUlers ot laie uea. Liwlcr, and adopted ohildren ol K'ton 0. logcuoll, to whom they were devotedly attached, took their lost leave ol their dead foster father. One of them fainted on being taken to her carriage, and the ather lingered at the grave until almost forcibly led away by ber Iricnds. Must le sold tu make room for fresh itock, suitings for nioi and women, cast, meres, sbeopa gray, tweed jeans, Ac, al pacas, cashu eros plaids, white go'ida of flvery description, percales and piquou, from last sewou. Those wishing a bargain caouot fail to I-.- "tilted. I'lU wvi;r V ' I'll, Tim Editor of tills papcrls In no way rcsponsl Me for the views or statements of Correspond ents. No eniumiinlratioutt of nn niionymous character will lie pntillshed: the real name of the writer must accompany all communications. Any one who may feel aiorrieved at statementH matle ny correspoiuletus can otitam Tho name on application to tne bciitor. C'orrestiondents will please write only on on sMnnf the paper, and to avoid hftvlnir their comnmnlcations thrown hi the waste, nasket, will furnish their names not necessarily for publication but an a Kuaranty of (rood faith, Wo will not notico anonymous eorrospoudence. S-A OARn. ) do not Intend lo discontinue the practice of law, on account of my connec tion with the Koanokk Nkws. But will attend promptly to all business entrusted to my care. W. W. HALT.. StrawbkRriks are among the things that wero. , Roanokb Light Infantry drilled Mon day night. Northampton Inferior Court ia In ses sion this week. 600 Bushels of bolted meal for sale low. J. T. Googh. 100 sack ground alum salt SI 00 per J.T. (looeh. sack. Knit Sam:. A Hue now top brgiry cheap. Apply at this nflloo. Tiik oltlcora of tho Third Roginiotit have received their commissions. Ritkinkax In town la dull now. The onipliuosp of Summer dullness has coino. Go to R. l' Butlr.r at Brawn's drug insure before you are burnt store, and out. Fkrroxal. R. If. Smith, Sr., R. 11. PeebltH and T. W. M:sou were in town on Saturday. TTav and Oats lust mcelvnd at the wholesale and rotail groeory of J. T. Gosch. Primb eilt edao Goshen Buttor, nlo new mackcrol iu kits and at Jauos T. Gooch'n. TiiRbnd worm ia doing some damage to the crops in this vicinity, "Twas ever thus, Ac." R. F. BuTMouoan furnish Motallc Burial Cases, all siz8.s,et factory prieos, at Browns Drug Storo. Wake Korkrt college commeneomont brgui yostorday. Gen. Rausoiu delivers the address to-day. Tub negroes of Halifax bad a moetine in tlnlilnx Tuesday on tho suqject of emi grating to Kansas. Shoot music of all kitidi can bn liad at puolishers prions toy apnlvinn to Audrew Joyuer, at tho post oftlee IIav fever or spring dobilitv. or what eyor Id may be called makes many of our poople look sleepy iitul tired. J. T. Guocrr, has ovBry thing In tho provision and grocery line. Call and aoe til in. Low prices and quick sales. W. II. Pay. T.N. Hill and John Moore, Esq , passod through hero Monday to attend the Supreme Court, Rrad advertisement of C, T. Lawronco executor of Mrs. Felicia N. Nhlolds, deceased. Kitchin and Dunn, attorneys. Till? Supreme court cilled tho cases from this district on Monday, nnd ninny memtiois ot luo county bur are iu KalciU in conscqnenco. TrtR Raloluh Visitor says osgaaro scarce. tboro at HOcts per dozi'ii. Thoy ata plmiti lul hore nt Vi ets. Chickens alsa are tol erably-plentiful. - Waltkr R. Paniki,, Ksq , of this plaeo, lelt Monday to attbtid Wake For rent com- mennamont and alnniiu astc.atlon of wbicb bo it a member. Prop. K G. Baiii.kt nod family of Scot land Neck, r.assod thrauuh here Monday en route to Wake Foro-t t' attend the coininencument, of Iho collcga. Tub Itoanoke Literarv So:itv ia mak ing some repairs cu its property whinh will Improve ita ntioril appeaianee and make it wo:o vuluablo end desirable. Capt T. N. Wiiitk. Htroot commission er, in doing Home much neednd woik on Washington avenue. The guttnrsara bo Inn nponail, and gravel will be put ou the side walks. Saturday was a dull day in town. Very few people from the country, and but little trado Koitig on. Our merchants ara not disappointed. Tho customers are at home making crops. Tnn Baptist church has nearlw reached completion. A liltlo more paint la ll that is needed. The Baptists hore nrs low In number, lint thnv have a great deal ol'on ergy, and it is evinced by their success. Wk learn that the hoard of M "(ristrntas will at. th'iir August meetingnloet Jus;lces nnd a Solicitor of the Inferior court for Ihn term beginning Sept. 1st. Tlio terms of tho preaout i tlicers will ixpiro at that U 1110. Tins fishing soson ia tiearlv over i;i Weldon. Very low shad have been eamiht owing, it is .supposed lo tha nots which are. placed in the month or tho river. I he rock loo have been senrco, though not nn much so as tho shaM. , - Pivixk Skhvu'Ks There were services boih in the K'ieoisl and Motlmdist churches on Sunday. Hev. Ur. Smith preached H (irann church in tho morning and Kev. A. It. K.ivcii nllk'iatcd in the Methodist chinch at night. Clonic Mr. W. I. Winflnhl anil lamilv loft yesterday fur thi ninnn'-ii"", whom I thnv expKcl to KMiiol tho Hnnininr St mo riMidiilK'0 of Mrs. Wlnllolds falher. 'I lioir many friends rernt tho'r dopailure uud look for thoir return In the fall. - Fair. Tho noxt fair will 1 held here bCKinning, Monday -Oth of October and ending Ootolxr alib, inclusive. Tha ex hibition will continue live days, (food race horses will bo on the grounds, ami no pains will bo spaiod to make the lair a grand success. mm - Tun colore! 11 tptists here had a largo turn mil on Sunday. The occasion bring thu baptizing of a number of persoi.s. Tne prooessiun started from tho church and proesoded to the canal where tho rite was porformd and then back to the church. Sinking all tho way. -r,j Wilmington Aid Wuldnti Railroad Tbaru were no ceremonies at the grave, , urr) ,,uttii,B quantity of gravel on thoir ;ud noar Iho sliud and under the shed The shed has bhon graveled beforii but re quired It again, and this road nlways does every tlilntt that cm b done fo.- the con venience, of Us patrons. Almost every week wo are indebted to some ft ieiid for kindnesses and remem bratit'u, ill one way and another, nnd we feel grateful tut It. It Is pleasant to foel ihut un havo frleiiis who think of us and show Iboir apprecialiuii fur our flVort.s to make a good pnpor. Wk nro Indebted to l. R. illlcoffi r, Beemiurv. tor a. conv of the town ordl nances. Wo have ting them where our oyos can rest uu thorn and wbonevor wo fe like doing wrurg, a jrlance at tha or iijipipcp cm lis our malicious desire and wo ulx'd; iiilo pea1 viol quioludi't I have in store a nice lot of white corn aud meal for sale, also a lot of black peas, K. P. Sl'IKRS. Bottom Store, Weldou, N. C, Musrove bas a beautiful miniature ohurch in bis saloon nude of plaster of paris, aud when a small lamp la put in side it lights np all the windows and doors and makes It look like a church in deed. Go and see it. Firk. W learn that on Sunday night last the town of Whitakers on the W. W. Railroad was burnt. Nearly the whole town was destroyed, leaving only one or town luiildiuga standing. The tire originated in an old ten pin alley that bad not been used for years, and is sup posed to be the work ot an incendiary. We have had cool nighti for some time past, and while we hear of no serious dam- ngodone to the crops, yot it is foarud that their growth will be rotarded If it contln. lies muck longer. We hope the clerk ot tho weather at Washington will see to it thai no more early spring weatbor ba Is sued until next season. Appointment. Tho fallowing are the r.ignlar appointments of Hnv. Mr. Smith of ltingwood. Any alterations hereafter will be published In this paper: On tho 1st Sunday of each month at Ringwood, 2nd Sunday nt Woldou tu the morning and Halifax at night. 3rd Sun day at Knfleld and on tho 4tb Snnday nt Scotland Neck. Thr Wilmington and Weldon Railroad authorities for the past week have been grading thiid street, whom it crossos the trark and have succeeded in making a very good carriage way. They will, ns soon ns tho work Is cornplotod, gravol th i whole so that in wot woathor pednstrians will not have to walk up to their kuoos in mud. Good wisbes to the railroad. Eaqi.k Cauoiit Mr. W. F. Butter- worth of Scotland Neck caught an eagle a few days ago, measuring sevon feet and to-i inches from tip to tip. The bird is on exhibition nt his storo, at Norfloots forry. Mr. Buttorworth found a nest, cut tha tree down and the eagle would not leave it but was niado a prisoner. A victim liy hor own maternal feelings. She was true grit. Death. Mr. Geo. A. Smith, a native of llils county, and well known In this section died in the western part of the Stato about a week ago. Mr. Smith had charge of a aaw mill and In attomptlng to put a very heavy bolton the driving whoel, wroncbod bis back and recoivnd sonio internal Inju ries which rrsulled' in his death. His many frlonds and relatives have our sym pathies. A PnsKRVHt) Pompi.imiint. T.ast week President Ilridgera of tlm Wilmington and Weldon Hailroad directed ('apt, J. F. Piviue to present Captajns Cults and Lynch, conductors fifty dollars, a ho himself expressed It, for meritorious ser vices. This Is a high complimeut and well desorved. Thoso gentlomnii aro polite and attenlivo to bnsinoss and always have the intorost of thor employers at heart and their employers kuaw bow to appreciate them. Mors ThACiiBiw WanthD. A short discnlon ou Geography nrns In this county a short time since. Ono of the dis putants insisted that there was o ily ouo hemisphere, in the division of the earth. Another asked what thou did tho word "ho ni" mean. It moans noth ing said tho first. Thore Is no audi word In th Hoglish languago. What a pity the Provident of tho annate and tho Speaker of the liouso did not sign Iho school bill passod by tho last legislature. For Tub Ska Suork ! Tho woll kiown and populor sea siile resort, tho Atlantic Hotel is now open for tho reception of gnosis under tlio management of ft. L. Perry, who we loam has put it in lirst class condition. A good band of music has boen engaged for tho season, nnd will bo on hand in a few days. We are in formed that a quits many of tlio rooms have been onga'-o 1, and the proprietor expects a largo 01 owd by tho 20 li of the luonth. A stoamor will land passougers at th) hulel wharf, and ever facility offered the patrons of this houso to havo an onjoyabio time during their sojourn lliere. Tiik town commissioners intend to supply a want to the popIu of Weldon which thry havo long folt. For a t' tig ti i no pa t there, hive boo no publij walls in the place and all w ho used water havo had to bbtatn it lio.n privato wells, and P'joplo riding into town from tho oum'ry vory often can not get it at all. 'j'hocom mUsioners havo wisoly determined to supply all who arj thirsty with this bover odjjo tree of charge, ami Invo c imincncod the digging id three wells which will soon bo oompl tod. Ouo noar tho Express nlUcu ono at or near Kvau.i' corner, and another further up tho struot. This U a good be ginning ami nur new ennmissiouurs li ive the thanks of tho coiuuiuuily. Tiik word "Now" Is coinmonly sup- pcic! to h9 ur'y'! from inn auiaullve now. It U aasortod, hiwevor, that its ori gin Is traceable tu a custom In former limes uf placing on tlm newspapers of tho initial letters of iho cardinal poinUof the compass thus : N. W.- -E. S. Tbeso letters were Intended to ludioato that tho paper contained Intelligence from the lour quartors of the globe, but they finally coino to assume tbo form f tbo word "Newh", from which term uowspa per la dorlvod. Tiik Jim number ol the Southern Planter and Farmer Is upon our table. Tbl luaga.iuo doservej and receives a very liberal support. It ia the best peri odical ot tho kind with wnich we nro ac ii tinted. While it makes a specialty of aurlculturo In nil Its branches, giving tho results of Huooussful experiments r.tlir than the Impractical suggestions of too dreaming theorist, thoro is much In It that cannot fail to Interest the thoughtful reader, i.o matter what occupation bo follows. The farmers know tboir in tomst nnd and once hsvlnir Heated them- solves to the ropast spread for them in the pages of tho Pioneer nnd Farmer, they will be eagtr to avail themselves of each recurring foat. Published In Rlchmand, Yu., ..I a Difd. In Halifax on Saturday last Geo. W. Owens Esq. Mr. Owens bas nearly all bis life been a resident of Halifax, and one ol its most prumlneut merchants. He leaves a wife and child to mourn bis loss, to whom w e extend onr sympathies. The funeral took place on Monday evening In charge of the Masonic fraternity, who per. formed the usual solemn services of the ordor in tha presonco of a large number of friends, w ho came to pay tho last tribute of respect to the departed friend. Great attractions at Vrescott and Gooch's. Fresh arrival of enrly spring fabrics, spring prints standard makes, now patents and colors. Sort finish cam brics, best quali'ies from 10 tol5 cents. Bleached goods for service, quality and good wear at panic- prices. Gents Hats unprecedented low prices. Shoes of tho flnost quality and best make at. Ruch a bargain never otTored South of Baltimore,' all stylos for ladies, gentletnon and chil dren from soveuty-flvo cents up. Elegant suits for gentlemen, Drao d' Kte, casse meres, tweeds, flannels Ac, from $7..r0 up to 15.00. Full line of groceries. CntT.,0 at 10, 15, 20 and 25 cent per pound. Ihvititiftil white sugar at 8 and 10 cents per pound, lllack and croon teas itff., Vc. exceeding low Inr cash. Anothmh Fish Story. A negro on V. II. It r i n k 1 e y a farm in the lower part of tho county last week went fishing, During his search for specimens of tho flnny tribe he espied a largo heron standing iu the water, either asleep, or occupied with thoughts and momorios of his past lifo end uneoncious of tho prosont. Tho negro approached, seizod him, and drow him nut of the water. Ho discovered n large turtle hanging to Iho lioron'a foot, lie socureil tho turtlo mid having discov ered that turtles wero fond of souse, ho concluded to use tbo heron's legs lor hook and line, and Niiceeodod in catching four othor large turtles. This is another in stance of using olhors claws to pull food out of dangerous plaeos, anil tho monkey and cat should hang their heads iu sh imo. Notick 1 No rtci: ! ! Notiob 1 1 1 -Just received, Ihe following goods at tho whole sale and retail store of James T. Gooeh : 500 lbs Hams, 2000 C. R. Sides, 3000 lbs Bulk Shoulders, loO Sacks Liverpool Salt, 60 Bbls Family Four. 20 Vibls Sugar, all grades, 10 Bags Coffee, all grades, SO Roxes Soaps, 500 lbs Lard in 1 to 10 lb packages, 50 Itoams Wrapping Paper, 20 Gross Scotch Snuff, 20 Iloxes Tobacco, 10 Bbls Herrings, Piime Caroli na Iliuo, Hog Konnl, North Carolina cured, Cooking Soda, Spice, Pepper, Mustard, Starch Iiiueing, Candles, Alatchos, A3. Will sell wbolosalo, at Richmond, and Baltimore pricos, freight addod. JAMKS T. flOOCII, We'don N. C. Printers ami Printinh. Many who conddscund lo iiltluiiualo this dark world wiih tho lire of their gonitis tbrotigli tho columns of a newspaper little think ol tbo lot of tho nrinter, who sits up at midnight t correct Ihmrf.ilso grammar U'ld ortho graphy and worSo punctuation. Wa havo seen the arguments of lawyers, in high rcptito as scholars, sent to the printer iu their own handwriting, many words ospocUlly technical and foreign terms abbreviated, words misspelled and few or no points, and tho-.o few, if any, ctrtalnly in tbo wrong places, Wo have seeu the sermons of eminout 'divines' sent to ll pross without points or capitals to designate tlio divisions of the sentences ; also tho letters of polll Icnl and sclontlfi ' e.vrojpnndont. Suppose all llie;o lis! hoo i so printed the printer would have beon treiited with scorn and conteni t. N i ouo would have believed that such gross and palp thla faults wore owing to tho izuorauce or earelessnirss of Ibe ailhor: ami no ono but tbo practical printer knows how many hours the com positor, ami after him tho proof-reader, i compelled to spend in reducing to road ablo condition manuscript that often writers thouisulvos would be puzzled to read . A Pl.KASA.NT TlUP TO IlKDHRSON. Henderson was never livolier than st present. All tho merehanta being kept busy with an unusual aud increasing bus iness. The town is improving rapidly, with new edifices both lor business nnd residences. The crops in the contiguous country aro doing splendid. Tho young geutleine.'i of tlio tow u deeidod ou having a fay and lestivo time on last Wednesday niyht.lho HSlh ult. They agreed with wondvi ful unanimnity, that a ball was tho best and liveliest medium ofgotting up tha gay und festive limn, ami that tho new to bacco factory lately ereetod noar the K. A U. depot by their entirprising young tow nsiuau Mr. C. Hunter, was a lilting pi ice tu put this Hcheme in praotioo, We wore ouo ol the lucky ones in gottiug an invitation; so wl'h a llglu heart wo boarded the train which loft hero on the ovening of tho 2Stb ult., commanded by tho nrbano Captain Druir.nnnd, and in due time ar rived In tlnl neat, an 1 pleasant town. At S o'clock we repaired to the impromtnu hall, where wa found assembled tho holies and beaux ol Oxford, Warronton, Hen derson and the siirriuiidlng country. Our eyes foisted upon tho beautiful faces aud olcgant dresses of tho charming belles. Promptly tho sets were forinod fir the danco and under the inspiring rausiooflheKalelgb String Hand, away they all wont in the delightful muz) of the ever enthusing datioo, where eye mot eye and hand touched band In sweet an A never to be forgotton happiness. Oxford was represented by tba vivacious Miss C, who soored many viotorios over tha hearts of the storuor sex, also M iss M - -e, coy and sparkling. Warrenton had a representa tion in tha gentle and pretty Miss W a. Uoudorson did her best In tha person of the pleasant aud agreeable Miss S. K. C. Miss A. C r, and Miss L. W s, wera bright utars. The Misses. C e weie gracerul aud farry Ilka iu the dance, Mi a 8. McCw. arrayed in puro 'white, lit omblem of her bright and charming self. Then thero was Miss H J y, Ml a T rand a host of others that Homier- son might woil fell proud of. The bright liltlo Miss S. Y g Is not to be over. looked becatiso cf ber Junior yaaia. She was the sppla of sonio cyos wo know of, Shu wore upon each obook natures lovllest roses. Everything passod off as ploasant and happy as a marriage bell, under tho superior uiauagoiiioiit of Messrs. Coopnr, Hunter, Clark, Scharm, liuford nnd others ; to each and all of whom we return thanks for kind alien-1 lions to tho News ind its repiantative. 1 Tbo writer being souis what of a railroad man, Is oolor blind, therefore he must be excused for omitting a description of the many handsome eoitumea worn that nigbt and the gentlemen mast not be offended because of tbe Blight notice they havo rocoivod, as the writer is ao much given to looking at ladies he cannot saa a gentleman when tbey are about, but a lady wan over heard to say she thought tbey were the handsomest boys aha ever saw. Ocean Vikw Hotm.. Jamm H. Poor., PitopnmTon, Rkadkuiit, N. C This boure is now open far the receptlan ol summer visitors. A gaad bar, bathing homes, ttc, sra attached to the bouse. Sailing boats in attendance for tbe ac comodation of gueits. A iteamir wi'l also land psssengeri at the hotel wha'f and take excursion parties to any point an the barbor. The table will be inpnlied with the best the market and water afTbrr'. Terms of board (1 50 per day, f 10 per week; $30 per moath. Wa will not "blow our own born;'1 hat will be pleased to hive others da so for in. Qoldsboro Mail, Messenger, Wimton journals. Tar boro Suutherncr and Durham Plant copy one mooth. 4THJULY. CRAND EXCURSION TO NORFOLK, PDIlTsMOUlH AND CAPBS OF VA On the morning of 4th Jjly at 6 o'clock an excursion train will leave Weldon fur Portsmouth, roturniniug will leave Ports mouth at 0 o'clock In tho evening. Dur ing tho day steamers will leave Ports mouth for Old Point and the Capos. Thora desiring to stay ovor nigbt at Old Point to witness tho fire works, can !o sr, as tickets will be good to return on the f'th. Fare from Weldon to Ports mouth and return first class $ t .50, second clnss $1.00. The W. A W., and P. & 0. Railroads will soli excursion tickets in connection with this train. Piiohibition in Mainb Gov. Garcclon, ot Maine, in an interview with a reperlcr ol the Atlanta (Ua ) constitution iu regard to the workiuj ol tbe liquor lows io his State, says: "I teally caunet see any dil fcrence between Ibe boys that are coining up now aud the boys that were raised up witb me. The piesent feneration is, think, moie dissipated than we youngsters were who were raised without any liquor law, I used to carry barrels ol liquor to my lataer's Quids nt buying lime lor th hands, and thct all bad their three drams a day. I did not see then any mnro drun kenness, if indeed aa much, as I see now have hesrl men who have been to Chi. caao and Boston come home ami tay they did not the stme proportion ol drunk cnuc9 outside ol Maine that they saw in side ol the State, I think it has been proved that it is inipos.-iblo for any law lo be em ctcd that will put down liquor drinking. Altogether," mid the Gowmor, "it m y be said that the question ol pro hibition is etill an open one. It la certain, however, that no law c.n be uiailo that will take the place ol the temperance s icielies, or that will justify them in halt ing in their good woik. A short lima ago a fociety of reformed drunkards was founded in one ol our cities. There were very near 200 members. Where they came Irom I cannot tell, but they hud all be come drunkards under tbe Maine liquor law; so that w have una lar temperance lodges in Maine just ss much as elsewhere " 0ENELAL HEW8. Tin Fiji islan lors now usi Worcester sliiro Sauco with baked misslonaiy. Thus far tl.tlhO nearo emigrants passod tiiroiigh .St. Louis for Kansas. have I.ionwl Nathan d Itotliscliild one of tho i Ichost men In tha world, diod last weok. Tho next Normal School at Chapel H;'l will begin on June 17lh and end July 2ltb. oo. W. Me.Crarv, Secretarv ol War has beon nominated Judge of the 8th District to take effect September 1st. Paul Cameron, Ksq., has boon olecled President of the Chapel II i It Alumni Ass soolation. Littlclleld svs lis will pomt to North Carolina and stand trll if the bail le reasonable. Among tho applicants last week for II wis,! to practice, law, worn two colored men. Ona of them was rejected. Dr. f.ngonn tSrlssoin has beon chosen orator if th" Siatn midic il convention to be held in W.lmington next year. The legislature or Illinois has passed a bill making it a felony for a banK olllcor to rnceivo deposits when his bank is Iu solvont. 'I no negroes or Kalelgh will hold a puldifl mnoting in honor of the memory of Wm. Lloyd Garrison. A now psper has boon started In New bnrn bv Mr. Ren. A. Latham, and is lo bn railed the Newborn Democrat. It is to be published dally. Chinese hiva boon Imported Into Alls' tralla and the whites aro aompliiiiilt'g ti,s hny r Iwlnj roinn I l,y thoir rh p tauor. In India tbe elephants nro employed to carry logs t" the saw mills and lo pile in em np. I hev manage to do It with their tusks and trunks. Ther ara raised for tha purpose, but !t takea twonty years ueiore nn etnpuant can do bard labor. A aerlons droth has mined tha wheat cotton, corn and other crops in a lama pirlion cf Texas. Wator for drinkin hns lo bo brought from three to six milra from too larger streams and tho cattlo ara dyir.gof thirst. Trees ara so scarce in Texas that whan a colored person soos a grat coming his only resource is to gat down on his banc's and knees, dig hia toaa into tho ground, gra-p tne grass with bom hands, aud ro oeiva tho shock on his bead. Llttlouold who was arrestod In Florida has beon nlscharirnd on a writ of babeus corpus. It was I eld that ho was. Pot lunltive from Justice. No appeal will be I liken aa it is said tha Huprnmo Court would be certain to sustain, tbe decision. Saturday seems to bo a fatal day In a royal family of England. William II . dind Saturday, March IS, 1702, Qontn Anno died Saturday, August I, 1714) Ooorgo II. died Saturday, Octot er 2S, 17110; George III. died isalurday, Jan. 2!1, 1820 j tlm Dnchoss of Kont died fSntnrdav, March 15, 18(11 ; the Princo Consort died Saturday, Deuem'oor 14th, 1SS1 ; tho Prin css Alice died Saturday, Docember 14, 1874 ; and Uia Prlncoss nl Hosse racently died on tha samo day ol lha weok as tha Princess Alice, YADIIS C0LLKQ5. Tadkins College ceaimeoceaeot was on tha 4 and 8 of June. Oo Wednesday tha ermoa was preached by Rev. J. L Michauc of Grstnaboro. On Thursday tie a wis the finest display ot stirring oratory and rt fined thought In !ht addresses of Al. z. Clark. D, D. af Pitta In r;h, Tenu., and Col. Gaj of Balcsbury N.C. Three young geotlenea graduated; Mr. W. II. Lewis of fctt'lst d Neck aa Truth mads a telling speech which pleased tha wbolo andleoct. Mr, Z B Walser woa Inurala lor his yeuthlul brow by putting l ie In the salu'atary. Mr. T. T. Ilicks ot Qranvills brnught ttars by bit able Valedictorv. OBITlItKV, "SafTer the lilt e ohlldren to borne unto mo," said our eranious Redeemer, and so, on the 80ih of Msy, Capt. FInnry J. and Mrs. Sue u. Carraway yielded up ttielr precious little Llr.le Aana to His laving arms, lie loaned ner to main mr two year and seven niontha, to brighten their earthly noma, to gianonn innir neans, io heighten I hair gratitude and love for HI goodness to thnm s and than lie took her to himself, to bnlghton tba attractions of their Heavenly home, and to train and fasten Iho teudrtls of U.eir hearta mo:e firmly there. "We welcome, Lord, thoso rising tears Through which Thy face we see. And bless ihnsa wounds which through nur hearts Prepare a way for Thee." T II KIR Pastor. flGoldsboro Messenger ploase copy. MARKETS WKt.eoN, N.C. June li,lH9. Colton-Mhhlllng Kinrars, . t?otf,'CS, Flours from llacoii, nr pound Salt icr sack, Butter icr lKiund I.ard IrallH. Hi',, in. SV.i 8. ft.ltt. r.e. He. Molasses per (rail"", Norfolk, Va. June 12, lP7ii. Cotton Corn, per bushel, Oats. er bushel Flour. Snpcrlliiu " Kxtra 13e. Cnr. 4ilc. Hi. " Family IKTKasnvRO, Va. June 1!, 1870. (Mttou-Mlddlhiif, We. Low Middling, Uoud Ordinary, IU Pork ier pound 4e. U.icon shoulders per lb 5e, " sides, tti. riour, Kninily, (.hhmS-SU. ' Klra, B.1B't.6.iin. " Muper. a.SeiU.BO Suar, Uranulateil per lb. V ' A'a iatic " Yellow. "7Vi. Coffee, Itio per lb Haiti. " l.auuyra, irailSc' " Java, S5K5c. Molasses Sutrar huuso per gal tn! I. " Hidden Kyrup !tr, " New Orleans, StaK). NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. L E C T U II E. OS FltlDAY NIUIIT JIKE 18TII. 11 EV. DR. EATON, (OF PETERSBURG YA ,) YIU, I.KCTURK FOK TUB BRNKKIT OF THB WELDOU BAPTIST CHURCH ON THE SUBJECT OP r O O II K I N. Anil he will fed you how It feels tobe Poor Kin, now lo treat mem, ami an aooui it. Thaentlre procesds will bensodto help In tbe eomid'tlunof the ehnrrh which the people of Weldou have been ao lotiff striving to erect, therefore let tlio clinrch le crowded on the 131b. The Church Poors will bo opn at T 1-1 a'clock tho lloclor will commence at (M0, A TI M 1 Wets. 8BION: Children, Adults, lVti. OTIt'K. Ilavlmrniiallflsil as ereentor of the late Mr Felicia N. Snlelils. In the Probate court for thu iinlvuf Halifax, all pnrsoiis holUlnar claims .:iliiHt the ileceftHed nre hereby notitted topre s o' tliein to me. or to my attorneys, Kllehlu nnd Pauii.diilyaiillieiiticiiieil, on or Imfuro th tHli ihirof J ii it.- imi. Persons Indebted In the estate will pleane mike tniniediate payment. diAi. i. LAnnniiiD, Executor of P. M. Shields, Per Kitchin A Pnun, alts. Scotland Neck, N. ( June I'Jtf. JJ- tl T I C K. On Monday I lie Tlh of July Uli. I shall sell to the lilirhcst tihlder for eash, at I lie court house uoor in the town m liaorax, one iraci in iana Ivlinr In Knllrhl lonnnliin, Ihuoiikuik to Mrs. r f. Pittiuan, coiit.iinliiK (our hundred acres, to ssllsfy slate and county taxes tor 1H7S. I.. M. I.OMI, col. per II (I t'lurk drpty JuneMf N TICK. On MondavtheTlh day of .Inly 1S7. I shall sell to the hlvhesl bidder forensh, at themmrt hou door ta the town of Halifax, one Iraet id laud lylnn In Knlleld tuvriishii. Im-IoiikIii to Mrs Mnrhmretl llrrwcr. H nUlulinr ir7 a"rua, to sat My state aiuleounly taxes for ISTs. I.. M I.IIXtl, rid. per I) C Clark depty. June S tf M'OTICB. On Monday the tlh day of July Wil. I shall sell to the hiirhcst bidder for eiish, al thi court house door In the town of Halifax, one Iraci uf laud lyluiriu Uriukleyvlllfl township, belonxiuir to T. W. Tilh ry iitalnluirtwo hundred acres, to aatisty aiaio sua county lava lor it. I.. M. I.ONII. rnl. per 1) C Clark duply. JuneStf VllTI C K. On Monday the 1th day of July 1P79, 1 shall aril to the highest bidder fur cash at the court house door In the town of Halifax, our tract of land Ijlll In lirlnklry villa lowpshlplo Mrs. a. A. K Uiiiiii, to aalisfystale andeounly taxes forms I., m. i.u.xii cm. per U v.' Clark drpty, June 3 tf s 5ALROP LiN'l. On Monday tlm Till day of July IMS, I shall --II to the hlnheit blddor for eaih, at tha frourt house door. In Ihe town of Halifax, one tiai l of land lyiiur in Kntlcid township, belonging tit Mason Sykes. eontalnlniroiia huntlred and fifty acrca to satisfy state and county I axes for ISIS, I.. M. LONueol. r rC Clark, depty. June Stf s 2M.EOP I.AMI. Ou Monday the Till day of July Wit I shall sell to thu highest bidder for eash, at the court house door In the town of Halifax, one tract of land III Knfleld township, tn-lonirlnir to Mrs. Mary A. Shields, ooiilalnlu ona hundred and forty three acres, lo satisfy slats and county taxes for 187S. L. M. I.ONO cot. by DC Clark depty. JuneStf. L AND SALE. On Monday the 7th day of July, 1870, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder for oash, at tha court house di or In the towa of Hali fax, ono tract ol land, lying In Kufield township belonging to James W. Boon, contritiing one hundred and fifty aoraa, to satisfy Stale aud county taxes. L. m. long, col. per D. C. CLARK, Depty oil. jfAN D 8ALK. On, Monday the 7th day of July 1979, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder for cash, at tha oourt Iruso rlHr In Iho town of Halle fax, ono town lot In the town of Enfield, belonging to Win. l'arr. to satlsly State mid county taxea for 1S7H. L. M. LONO, col. rer D C Claii, depty. HEW ADVERTISEMfiNtSi - AND HALS. J On Mandav tha 7th day of July 1(79. t shall sell ta tbe highest bttaar for eash. at me court House door in tbe town or Malt fax one tract of land, Ijfng io Brink I f villa township, belonging to B.L. Arrii f ton, to satisfy State nhrt county taxoa Ut 71 li. M. LONG, col. per D O Clark, dtpty. JANDHALB. On Monday tha 7th al July 1879. I shall sell to tba bighaat blddar for eash, at tha court house door la tba town af Halifax ooa tract of land lyiog In Brtnkley villa township, belonging to John Ricliardaon to satisfy State and oouotv taxaa tor 1871. i M. ijOIIU.oaU par D O Clark, dept; L AND SALE. On Monday the 7tn day of July 1879. 1 shall sell to tha highest blddar for cash, at tbe court bouse door, in tba town or liall- rax, one tract of lanJ, lylag m Koftald towaship. beloncina to Mrs. J. tt. O'Uara. containiiig six aoiai to aatiafy Btata andr county Uxa far 1871. 1 M. kONQ,el. per D C Clark tfapt At. D BALE. J On Monday the 7th of July 1179. I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash, at tha court house door. In tha town of daltfaXf una tract of laud lying Iu Enfield towa ship, ksjlonglng lo W. II, Browning, con taining ona hundred acroa, to sallbiy mate and county taxaa for 1878. Li: Al. LiUHU, COl. per D (' Clark, depty. . O t" I 'Til . N I i-hall on Monday July 7lh 1878, aall at public auction at the conrt houaa door la town of Halifax the right, title and In- tarest of It. V. Badger io a traot af laud in Weldon township containing S90 acre moro or loss adjoining the lands of C. J. Oee, Mrs. M. A. Hamilton and others, ta pay taxes for tha year 187!a Li. X. OOI. W. L. Long, depty, June Stf. - ' AND BALK. J I shall on Monday tha 7th day af July 18T9, aell to the highest blddar lor cash, aV tbe court house door. In the town of Halifax, ona tract of Und balonalnc to T. II. C. Alston ta Brinkleyville towasbiir, containing one hundred and aavatyaix acres, to satisfy state and county taxaa (ot 1878. L. m. LUSU, OOI. per D. C. Clark, depty. T AN1 SALE. -Li On Mon day the 7th day of July 1879, I shall aall to the highest bidder for oaah. at tue court boase tiuor in tba town of Hali fax, one half Interest in the real aetata of H. K. Vick, situated in tha tow a of Kn lleld, to satisfy stale and county taxaa tar isis. li. m. Liunu, col. par D. C. Clark, depty.- June 5tf. AMD a A L a On Mondnv the 7th of July 1879. f ahalf aell to llM highest bidder for eaah, at tha , court bouse door in tbe town or Halifax, . one iraet of land) lying In B'rlnkb y villa tewnshlp belonging to R. J. Lee: t satifv slate and coouly taxes for 18715; L. m. iorst-otxt per D. O. Clark, depty. June 6tf. NORTH CAKOLINA, Halifax Conntr. Office Beard County Commissioner,- June Meeting lavs. It la ordered by the Board that all Par ties holding claims against the ouunty by order or otherwise, be requested to preaout the same to tho clork of said Board' ott er before the 1st dav of Sept. 1879. By nrdar of last Boartfy It. J. LlffltS Clerk', June 5 4m. , lO.OTUKRM HOTEL, HALIFAX N.C, J. W. HULLESr, FBOPBirroitv Table woll anppliod. clean rooraa atkl attotillva aervanu. Meals Wo Lodging Co. . X Llyory Stable also kept where team may be hired, lloraei red and well attended . to, bj experienced hoallera. The trayol ng public-will do well to stop1 at tbe Southern Hotel, Jim. i l y. JKTALIO BUKIAL CASKS, , -, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICEY Whon ordering send longth and width at elbow-Stata w tether Jaconet or half Matin lining preferred. 5 par cent off llW for immediate cash gooda ordered by Er press. Bout 0. O . D. less than S percent list price. ft. F. 11UTLEK. Agt. Wblook, N.C--At Brown'a Drug Store. June S 1 yv W. R VICK CARKIAUE) AND BUUUICS MADE TO ORDER OR b I ;1 i s - ,to t T REPAIRED AT LQTT PRICKS. All kinds of CaHlaot work dona in gaol stylo. Blacksmith work done at short ! notico and with neatnas. All new work' warraoUxl. Flno painting far baggies done at low paint used. - i 8 FECIAL ATTENTION CI TEX TO, THE UNDEnTAKINQ 1BP1RTKENT.' CofQnsaaJ Cftsesofall alnea eonstantly ou baud. . Carriage Materials kept oa hand at prloa -below rctarsbnrj market. . -. Weldou N. C. j'uieSly mi im'r-- ',, t ,

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