THE r.OANOKE NE'S. TnURSDAY, JULY 10, 1S79. lii.AlNE is to drvote himself excln iielj to the Maine campaign. Rkfkiiriko to the fact that a life of Tannage has been published in Imdon, the Chicago Time remark that they can keep the criminal for all this country cares. Cor. Rodi:hts, of Tciii has been presented by one of the grand juries of that State, as being ui. fit fur the posi tion tie occupies, aaj as countenancing wiaue by bis acts. Mil Eva UTS will himself go to Vir ginia to select the spot nt Washington's birth-place where m the Xiliunal monu ment is to be erected. It is possible thnt Mr. Hares will accompiny him. V - To'Ton is to have a liitln of woman Miff, age. Women sue permitted to vole for members of the School Committee, and an appeal has been issued by Mrs. Agass'x and twenty other l.ulies express ing their faith that 'those women who cari s for tbe wise instruction of children w 11 avail themselves of this opportu nity." The answer 'enntor Cookling gave when ashed to ronke some speeches in Ohio, is this : ' Mr. Monroe, tlie course of Presided II ires for the past two years has made it extremely difficult to keep New York in the Republican column, I will have all I can do bukcapped as I am by t'10 Iliyri pol icy, to hold my own Slate. I havo no tiino to eo to () !iio. The l'lCsidcut and his friends must sue that State there selves." Wi: hao been rtqiestcJ by Col. ('Ink the chairman, to announce that the magistrates will not at tho August meeting elect a count, but will confer with the beard of commissioners con cerning couoty mitten. The election of olfuers for tbe ciiiiit will take place on the first Monday in September, when tbe terms of the present oliiccrs ai'l expire. A full attendance is requests 1 at August meeting, as mutters nf impor tance will be transacted. Let every magistrate attend who can possibly do 10. Cot. Gko L. Mahsv at the fourth of July cclobtated In Wilmington last week, made a speech to ilia colored soldiery, in whLh he tolj them that tbeir future was in their own hands, and that tbey could by sobriety, industry and frugality build themselves up much kigher than they bad yet attained. He He advised thcru not to gi to Kinsus or any where else but stay in the South where they were at home, and where they and the whites were on good terms and strive to accumulate property and ducat their children. Good advice if they will only follow it. Tiik great firm of Towers and Weight nan the sole manufacturer ufqiiuine signify tbeir intention of stopping their works. They say they caonot competo with the European article which is man. ufacted by improved machinery. As soon as they finish several contracts which they have on hand they wi'l stop. What a pity it is th it Congress should legislate against the interests t;f this firm simply because forty-s:x millions of people, most of them poor want to have cheap q'rinine, which in soma localities is an article of almost daily food. Wo an sorry fur lh.;m, Powers and Weight man we mean, and if we coulJ, wo wouIJ help thuas. Hit we cat qiininc iurelfs and self preser.alion is tho fust low of nature. ivn. iiEroun ok its list I.Mai. Governor Young, of Oiiio, now one of the members of the II. use from Cin cinnati!, is credited with the declaration tfrat the sdrr.',Mar'.i l,u twitted in ihow c'uily service reform to the dogs. Governor Noting has always been on in timate ptmioal terms with the P, ce dent. He is such a Malaart, however, that be lies nut been very much in the habit of freaientleg tho White House, and a few months back ho said them was too much psal n singing there for him. Of late his visits have been more numerous, and he appears in such good humor with the President tint there is probably SJroe foundation fur the declaration made above. The I'resi. leni'a civil service order of Jane, 177, forbade federal ofTuitls to tike any part in politics and prohibited the assess 'went of money fur political purposes upon auch officials. These two points comprised the e'mt of the wlinla civil service order. They have been openly and systematically ignored and violated for the last twelve months. U i there fore qiite mete that President should rua'ie tbe formal announcement tlhit civil service refora is to be thrown to tti.e dogs. As the first step in this di rection It is alleged that all Democratic otlue holders are to be turned out, Irrespective nf their capacity and- fit. ii-a I'.l'.imnre i:un , Coxgki ss has aj mrned and one gooa taw was passed II mere were uo other. Relieving quii.ine of duty was a blcssioj to many poor people luing in Malarial Climates. It should have been done years ago, but better late than never. The refusal also to make ap pro nations to pay Unite! States Mar shals and deputy marshals was also right, Aod now as a ounber of the cabinet say they cannot execute anything what erer with the txpecution of receiving pay, unless the next Congress will pass a deficiency bill and advi-ci all mar shals to do their duty, and depend on sucb a deficiency bill. We hope Con gress will not pass any such bill ll they choose to do what do law allows lliein pay for doing, then let them get pay in the applause of their party. Let Republican conventions pay them in resolutions of thanks. TO TIIK I' 1'fl I.I ('. I!ai.i:n;:i, N. C, July ,r.h, 1970. In the 1!oaxoi;i: Ni vs ol the 5:h, f Jo n is nn in t'u Im emit lining nn unpr voked personal attack on mo grossly abusive in i'.s thuriictrr appeared ocr the fcignnture of W. A. L.inn. It. me diately alter teeing the article, I de manded of Mr. J i f i ti a retraction or proper apology for the same. This he declined to make. I thereupon de manded satisfaction, which Mr. I)j .n also positively refu-e I. It therefore be comes my duty to pronounce W. A Puiui ol the town of bi-olland .Vck in the county i f II ilifax and State ol Not tit Carolina a blackguard and coward. this card would have appeared sooner, but unavoidable delay has been caused by the difficulty of communica ting with Mr. Djnti and his asking: for lima in allied to reply to my de mands. Very respectfully. W. 1 Hatch r.i.oi:. IIIIXAMI NTKIMIK.M HEt'ON- t n.i:i. TIIK I.H1M.ONO I'KII) lHCnVICKN TIIK TWO OliOKUlANS SETTLED AT LAST. The Washington correspondent of the Chrouicld states in bis letter thut there has been a reconcilement between Mess's. 1111 in ui S.opheim, and tell how it was brought about through the good : IlLes of a mutual fiiend. This friend from time to time conveyed between the two some very Initiatory ixpiessions of each about the the other, and fi tally in formed Mr. Hill of Mr. Stephens eulo pies upon his recent speeches in the Senate. Moved by these llii igs to for get his ancient nrstli, Mr. Hill nffored a hand which Mr. Stephens cordially ac cepted and tbe two illustrious Georgians, so long foe--, are now fust friends livery ciiiicn of the State will bo rc- j liced at this reconciliation, appearing, as it docs, to sincere, and promising to bo permanent. It lias been brought about late in life, it is true, but oot too late to be productive of much good Willi, we believe, ihe- exception ol ihe time wheu both strove against the mad ness of secession, the two men hive al ways been political opponents, and their personal relations have never been very frieudly. IL'fore tho war the result of personalities on lha stump led to the. sending of a challenge by Mr. Stephens, out Mr. 1 1 ill, witu a contempt for the codu as commendable as it was at that time rare, declined to settle the d fai ences between them by a resort to mor tal combat. Ahout fue yea's ngo Mr. Hill made a speech taking, we be lieve, Generul Lee for bis subject in which he used expressions that Mr Stephens construed into reflections on his perfect loyalty to the Confederate Government during the war, and a long and exceedingly bitter newspaper con troversy was ihe result. Mr, Stephens rang tho changes on 'carmagnoles.' "black flies,' and 'Munchuusei.isms,' and Mr. Hill asserted the i-sot to be 'proof, retraction or infamy.' The vio lence nf the disoiissiou finally rxhuusted the disputants mi l sineo that time I'icv have not been onsppaking tcrn.s. .... . A CKY OF I1 sTUF.VS. The English House of Commons is again becoming deeply concerned about the depression nf iu agricultural a d manufacturing industries which is so ad versely a fie cling the people, h U ne, . erally agreed that tbe great cause i f this depre-sinn is Atieri:an compc titio-, and the q lestion i, Wlut cm be di no by legislation to overcome this compe tition? Una member in particular pointed out that while ho regarded free tradu as a question defi litely settled, yi t he could not shut his eyes to the fuiluie of many of the predictions of the ad vocates of free trade ; and he bel invij i e, lite certain that the future fate of II tlish agriculture was dependent upon the cost of production in America. This I n ks rather bad for England's bonsted policy. She never, no never, would need protection for anything I Nor did she so long as cheap labor and the u pciioriiy ntid abundance of her produc tion in manufactures gave her a mnn "poly ut the markets of the world : bui itjs very d ffcrent now whan she finds that our labor-saing machinery, in. mensity of produc 'in territory, facility and cheapness of ttat.spottiition. and reduced prices nf labor enable ts to compete with her manufactures not oidy in the maikats abroad hot in her own home msikets. Now it is that she wakes op to ihe discovery that protec tion is not so great an evil ader all, al though denying nnv wUi to return to it. The fact y, she is rapidly losing ground and e afo gain'ng on bar io this raco as we bate in others, aod it kill soon be a lire-a id-dealb struggle there to keep the wheels of her trade and commerce in moiiun. There is iu doubt about our ability to grow breadstuff's and manufac ture goods for all tho world thrnueh the facilities we possess, and send theta to market cheaper and brtt..r than she can. a' d it "lily needs i little aisd ni iu yur Conoress and a little mn'e energy on the part of our people to compel a complete change of base in the industries of the world ; and in a very few years we s'.all see the predictions of Glad stone fuelled in bis ' Kin Heyond Sea," and the United States not only become the bread-producer of the world, but its workshop as well. AliVmSI'lMT:.' NOTR'K OFrilSIZUIOt. t,MTKII STATU' 1ST. RrtVXM'E, ) tIKITTV Col.l.KI TOH lll'HI k, I Hist. WiiMNiN N. (J. Juno aMIi imii. J Notice In tiT 'by rlvcn of the followln-r "tnire nf lro,trry for violation of tin Internal Reve nue lawn nf i he United riatix, viz: On-fart lni ttibaceo, aeleil as the iroerty of C Townr. im part box triliwee, aelxvit as thu iimierty 01 J. II. Moon. Two nrl botes tnliacco, selzndas the property of llrltmii ft K.ivIh. Any perHon or imtkoih claiming any of the. aalil property are iiotldi-al to appear at th: ottliiM within thirty day from pntttlcatlnti hereof or the Riihl properly will lie forfeited to the United HtntHH. W. H. CAPKLI., pun-SO t Hepnty t'ollerlor. JJ1 () K t! SAL i; A Daily Xcvt.sjmprr in Virginia Tho proprietor nfl"r lor aaln onn half tr I Im whole of iho i'i:i i:!tsitritj imii.y ro.vr. Onn ol th" Ijiwl known ami mont popular I'oiiMirviitlvM .Now-paper publisuud in Virginia lis I'll KS.S ICS, TYl'IC AND i'lX ri'KKS of nil klruN urn c omplelo anil In fxeellent eonilition, ami tho patronnol tho paper up to toe linn . IVt.-rHloii 5 l.s mn of tho boat lonaterl an-.; health v i-ities in the Htnta, clo ely e.on-tif-cteil with North I'aiolina, and thereforo ol!' ri liliiiy iii'liien nenU to miy nnfl tin tiroiiH of eiiKitijini; in iho ncwpai'er basi. nn. Terms i l hiiIo will bo n oderate. with one halfeash, an I tho halanen in six anil twelve niotilliH time, AililresH K. II. (il.v-s .V. SnN. jiily.1t ' IVerslmrg. Va. JlOK THE SliA SMOKE. ATLANTIC HOTEL BEAUFORT, N. C. SEW .U A.VIUKHEST. This favorite, Sea-Si !o Rn.irt is onen for Iho r.vpp'.i oi of liiioiw. Tim llolol is it u.ited iiiiP'-tly ovor iho w.iior, tho lidn ob bingnn.l 11 iwlng daily bniinath It. and is emi-oly irte from Just, llins and m oqoi toos. It has n tini.bttriiRted v'nnv of tho Ocean, iitkI wltlilr. thirty miniitns sail of lite I'Oioh on which rio eroded snllahlw dressing h ues Inr M ill' lliTMI, wldeli is nnsiirpas-ud, and with no danger Iiooi undortow. Hat ti Houses tor Still Wsler Bathing aUc within lllly foot ol Iho Ilnml. t OI M A I I I U In Ihn harbor to various points of Interest among whinii arr. (.'ape Out, Fort Mai'on, mid Shwlutlloi-'t rtanlCH. whore nn encilost variety ol Sea Mil His can bo gath ureil. ptondi l lUhins, expccially trolling and good hunting. Tim verimdalis are the mo"t estnnsivo 'n UiBSiHto, directly I'a-ing tho ocrun, and the Hall It I Is lln uiriNt xparions nnd airy in tbe .South. A good bmd of nusiu vvili remain during t'io Krnson n . 'aiir-r v ill l.m l .n oniffN )tt Iho IL.tol n -..r!, liliu.rn i- tWHiily lirst eUs Haili. .; ''oat; :,!.v.i,- i i readiness to convey pi Ho..'u.a iu any point in the Irt'h'ir, Tliero is a liverv n tl.lo pi (own from whieh ho.-sa can be hired at reasonable rites, Th IhIiIm will bo soonlleit wilh orsters, el nn -., li-h, vull'ii.i-r:ilM, tn i Ut. toiraoln. H ir li i I I-i r- in iiol T-r. I'in. Tr.iis ?J..n ptr day.SU.oo per week and f t i.OO pur ui intli. ,SircU rntUH in to with exo-irs-ion par-t'"'-. It I.. I'r.RlsV, I'rop'r. jj y f JETALIO HUltl VI. CASKS. at ;iAM FAcri:;iERs psum. Wl cn ..rd.-rl g ,. !o o.-t'i and width a'. cIIh-w - s-ii'o ih.-i!i.o- J.i -oni t or hilf S it i n lioui'.' ro cl' ri I'd h inr i (V Mm fir iiuiiiod.itlo c :a Ujuda i.dnr dbvKv- .So .1 C. ij. 1). iimi ihaii o por cont co. I. 1". IT I iKU, .;rt. 1st ptii Wki nov, N , ( fiO'M HrownV t'reg Store. june o 1 y. HAUIt K It 5 II :) T EMRY HOUSE HE1.!0. X. . s'mviii-r, Slisoijui-.liir. mil It.i'i-o ntiln - ill i-iiw to i.r-.t-i-l..xH sivle. c fi.rlnlil,. I'lmi.-n. I the .-ll jr. . in of IbiliTiN mi l Norllmni u cnuuiii-ii, M ,rl,.. tr HhHvniif lin been r- ,1 j lo ten i--n!s. We n turn to inks ,,r favor ntnl :mlj y,.nr nnlr.'iiii re In f ,i i r . iei-ml mt-n.lou t rnltinir rliiMn-ir 'V, . , Mr.NKII.l. I.UMI, )'': r To.i;:ii. A in ism. S1US OK LAND 10H TA X 'i i. I "lia'l on Moiidav Angnut t h t:0. mil lo ll:u higlinst bidde lor ei.h hi Hih i-ourt Iiiu-pi ior In lli9 toAiii ol Ualllax t pay t.ixo-i f r tin. vn..r liT'.l. one tr t-i of Innil n intainlng (poj n, (T (W nn.p, mnrm r lei, tHiloiigniu ft the eitate of I.Htluherry VVileox, dioeiisel, a.lj doing din ImoU of V. J. t'liAnk, Mr-. M. V. hinallwood and others, Weldun Townalilp. Ij. M. I.ON'r..C(l., V. 1.. Long dciiiy, Jul3tf N V I 0 K. Tn Hm Cn-ditori ol Kdvvird I'oiiil-iud, dojo.ise I : Take notion tint n special pronpiin' Iiiix boon eoiiiniHiied bel ir I he. t'lerk of llio Siiienoi court lor ll.ilil.- county, North Cirolln i, a'HtnMt It. O. Rorton J,-., ' Rc!riitnltmtor of Iv'wiirt rnnlsiund, direMed, for l.ll Bi'eoiliil and MMliti.neiit ol his aJiiil-.i.tra'l vt rv:d to pv tl .e rrnditoi-N what mav b p ivabln Ui them reNeetivo I V; till llii., i, to i:olii vou ti njiprar lo . f ne sm.i I'U ,k no oi bi-ro.-K tho "lirli dy of May A. I), l: ;n. in bis i llk-o in llallhx town, and lilo ynur nvldonnea of dpbt ngains; s aid decodont dole antlienlleto1, or thW netl.-9 w II tm plea t in bar ol tll0!r rr eovery, Tina the 2nd ilv Apr!! .T. f70, JOH N I. OHK.UOHY, I'lork Superior ( 'nurt, I!lil'K eontnv N. P, IMwrd T. t Uii. Aiit itiiy'lni 0 i: i...-.U". .liTl Xiy ADVERTISEMENTS. N OI1CK. Lawless poraons b.ive several times hroken anil drawn the ataple of my boal on my flah pond, tlshed and Ictt the boat away from my land I up, dxmaning tli boiif, against my connant, knowing the pond to bo posted. Therefore I do hereby lot bid any and all persoui, entering on an part of my plantation, known as Lonirwood, or niy land adjoining, either for the purpoHO of hunting, finning or for any other purpose, under the strictest pn alty of the law. Gentlemen will not fish Iu my pond without a lieeriM to do so. IdwleMH lrfl-paiers 1 will keep off by the law. Xo one need apply to fish in said pond for an hour, T. J. PERSON. myl 5w N OTII'B. Havlnif qiiallfld an Monitor of th late Mn. Fnllela N. SnlelilH, In tlm Probate court for thn coiinlyof Kn'lfax. nil iernniia liol.lliiff clalin atfnlnvt. the rieceaiieil are herehy notified to pre m nt t hem to me, or to niy attorneya, Kltchln and Dunn. lnly aiithenllcateil, on or In-fore th jetli ilnyof June Ihhii. Femona Imleliieil lo Ihe i"a'e will please make Immediate payment. CIIAS.T. LAWRKM'K, Kxeeutorof f. .'. HlllelilK, l'er Kllehlli k Dniiii. alia. feotlanil 'eck, K. ('. .tlllielJtf. NORTH CAROLINA, Hiillliix (.'onrity, Ollleo Hoard Cotintv ComtiiiH-iloriers, J unt Meeting It la ordo ed bv thn II mrd that all par (Ich holding oIhIiiih agalnat thn county by order or otherwn, be requested to urudout thn xatne to the clerk of xald Hoard cn or belora tho 1st (lav of Sept 1 .570. Ily order of ihn Board, It. J. LEWIS, Clerk. .Inns 5 4m. 0 V T II E R N HOT EL, ' HALIFAX N. C. J. W. Ml LI.EX, I'ltOritlETOR. Tablo well supplied, clean ronma and atiyutivo nervanta. Meala 60o Lodging 8Ue. A Livery Stablealao kept where teams may be hired. Mnraoa fed and well attonded to, b experienced hostlers. The travel ng public will do Well to slop at the Southoru Motel. June 5 I y. pjI.NMHAM SCHOOL, ' MEII1XEVILLE, X. C. tub 171st pkmiqx naniNH ji i.y SOtii, ito. Arran-ementa have been made by which a limited unrulier of yoiinir men with small m-aiiH ran "ineas"at SS per month. Hoard, with fiirnlalied room, reduced to SI! per month; Tuition to sriU per onion. Kor purtieiilnrn niMress Junc!!ii6w MAJ. B. BINGHAM. 'Ar."v7Ara C2MCT THE BrST." usadi ran iifiirnmiATn trsu. Is enrlenerl hv cverv PBACTTOAT. PAlNTr. COVERINO CAPACITY k DURABILITY F.XCF.EI) ANY KNOWN PAINT. ItuiMings Fainted with oiirPn-parcd Painn, if not 1:116- lory, will Eopaintcd t our iionae, FOR SALE BY A. It. ZOI.I.ITOFFKU k BHO., Jane fly Weldoii, N. C. s HK.NANDOAH AI.UM SPRHtiH, Shenandoah eonntv, Va. Alum, rhalytieato.Healinr and Snlphnr Wa ters. No bar. Near I.uray Cave. Excursion th kets via Ualtimoreaiid(i!ilo Kailroa.l. Terms lo t in per month. Hpei-lal rates for the aiitaon. For pamphlets and luforiuatloa address A.J. MVERH, Proprietor. June l'.'lm N 0 T I 0 K OF MORTCACE'S SALE- Hy virtue of powers conferred apon me In a tieed nf Morlirairo executed te me iy Henry 1 Hervey, on tin- lriih day of Ileceinher, IK7H re'pls-ti-redlntheoillceoftlie HeglHtai- of Deeds tor Halifax county. In Bonk 51. at p?es 50 ti nn, lyj I will sell fur cash at the Court House door In Ihs town ol Halifax, 011 THURSDAY 10T1I J ILY IW79. All the real estate In aald Peed tJ Mortijage con veyed and desrrllied, to-wlt : one tract coiitaliihiii f.ti crc lying near tlr in.le.wiHe. One other tract pontalnliig -ICS acres lylnnear the town of Ilnllfan, in the aectlon of county kfaown as the Klushes. One other tract coiilaliilnrr!l acres, Ivlnir on the river road leaibn? from rh town Ha.lfax to Tlllery s Mill, four miles fnvn Halifax. One other tract containing ISacma, adjoinlnv the tnwii of Halifax iu rear of Iho Methodist chin-ell. Three lots a.llolnhu-the limits of the town of Ibillfax. known as Ihe Weil y smith Iota. Four other lots a Ijoinli k wild town, now oc cupied hy rn Hsy. Nine lots In snld town iiinilired in the plan of sill. I lown lis, a.i. tlj. 1 11, M7, n, nnd 1 IJ. All the Interest of snld Hervev In n tract known as the Purii-ll land, rontiilning about 1 .One. acres. and In another tract known as Dm John U. . Diuiiel laud contaluliiK aliout 1,190 acres. Part lea slrlnir Inforinatlon will please apply to me at Kalelgh, or to Thomas JJ. Hill, Ks.i., at Halifax, Jinn- tsttf JOIIX (lATI.IXU W. li. VICK CAKUIAUES AND BUUUIEM MADE TO ORDER Oil REPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. All kinds of wood work and trimming dons In good stylo. Blacksmith work done al ahnrt notice, and with noatnew. All new work warranted. Fine painting for boggle don nt low prleea.biwt paint used. s:'i;ciai. at i:rnM givkxto THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. r a- - -1 'V'-T '-. 1 AififiT 1 nr-i - j-: - " " V"T-V 1 CeiTlna and Cases of all aixaa eonatantly on hand. Carriage Malnrlnla kept onhand at prices below l'ctcrsbtiig mark-t. WJdoii N. C. I'tnc ly ADVERTISEMENTS. KtDON MILL 8. Water Ground Meal. w Bolted and Unbolted. Made f'orn aedertod white oorn, thor jugbly screened and fanned. mr27(5tn JJELMONICO S FOK fsALE. Tho valuable lot and atore la Weldon, known a "Delmonloo'a." Apply to MULLEN A MOORK. mayltf n BEAT BAR0AIN3 AT It J. A. MUSCROVES. BOOT., SHOKS, CUOCKERY. DKY OOODS. AND N0TI0N8 AT COST. I wish to close nnt my line of the above goods and will sell out at cost. ' Finest and purest liquors always on hand and sold in any quanlity. The latest and moat tasblon:tblo DRINKS OF THE SEASON. CillOCKltlE OF ALL KIXDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Mr. II. B. Pope Is with me and will be plvasod to see hU friends J. A. MUSriROVE, Weldon, N. C. apr. 106m ' SEND FO It SAMPLKrt. We offer to the citizens of NORTH CAROLINA 4 THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AN 0 Bust Stock Ready Made Clothing IN THE SOUTHERN STATES! It is all our own manufacture, thoroughly reliable and low iu palou. Hund lor aam plui for our I E It CHANT TAILORING AND UGKTV FlUXISHIXU GOODS. ;.Send for catalogue. JOHN WAN A MAKER, lUC'UMOND VA. tnavS 3m TALBO't'T A !SO.8 SI10CKOE MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Maniifacturera ol Portable and Stationary Knginei and Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn anil Wheat Mills, .Slmfilur, Hangers and Pul leys, Turbine Watt r Wheels, Tobacco Ma rhinei v, Wionght ron Work, Bras-i and Iron Castings, Mac ilnery of Kvery Dea e.ription. Gis?ti5o and TiinEsiiuro Machines A SPECIALTY. Itepmlrins I'roinptly A Carefully Doae. TALBOTT S PAl'ENT fl'ARK-ARRKSTKR, The Iarcntlon l Ihe Age. It dona not destrov the draft. It does not interfere with ..-leaning thn tabor. It will nut choke up, and requires no clean ing. It requires no direct dampers to Vm npi-iind when mixing steam (dampers be ing ol jeetinnahln, as they may beieltopen and allow si arka to escape ) It requires no water 10 extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, doalrnys Die draft, liesidns, when water is used, !,' neglected, the t fflnlency is destroyed by evaporation of ilia water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy condition. It is simple and ritiruhlnand eat he re lied upon. It eau be alUebnd tn any boiler. No plan lor should lie without one of teui. Insurance companies will insure gins and barns whore tho Talboit Kngiiii-a and Spark-Arresters am usod al same rata aa CI ari.e I for water or horse power. JT-d-Setid (or ill ul ruled circulars and price list. iiranch house, fJoldsbnro, N. C. J. A. HAUSKK, i-oneral Manager, T. A. UKANUKR, Loral Managur. msv 8 thn w ELDON BH.CK . W ORKS. BRICKS! CRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. Long and Win. D. Reese having formed a copartnership la the brlek biisinwiB, takes this ine bod of in forming the public that they have on hand and for sale, the It nest stock of brick in the HUte. Win. D. Koese, the practical man of the concern baa bad an oipa-ionce uf more than lorty years in Baltimore and other cities. He has made all the brick in Weldon for the psst live years, and has given entire aallaiactlon to all who have used ihotn. HARD BRICK A SPECIALTY. TIIK CLAY fKLKOTKD HAS BKKtf TKVrKIl. NO HALF RRICK OR BATS. Parties when ordering will please stale Whore Iba bricks are to used, if for an nut sldo chimney, or Inst tn chimney or un derplni I- g, ,V., thureby saving expense and trouble. PRICES TO SI IT THE TIMES. The nnderlgned tasperttnlly refer to Capt. J. f . Divine, W. .t W. Railroad, rant, K. O.Ohio, S. R. Railroad, and S. T. Hand, S. A R. Railroad end many nthnra on all the roads who have used the brlek mitde by W. D. Keeno. Please send your orders addressing I.ONO A KF.Ksk, AUd ti, N", C. ii:av lj:f ADVERTISEMENT. F OK SALE. Valuable residence in town of Scotlaiid Neck, where M. Hcftman now lives. Terms liberal. TUOS. N. HILL, Halifax, N.C. Dee H 3 in. y J. NAVY, WELDOX, N. C. BAKER & CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds nf plain and fan cy c indies. Koeps always on hand the fullest stock of Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Ac, to be found in Eastern North Carolina, which be sells by wholesale or retail. Orders tor wedding parties, and balls prepared on short notice and at most rea aotiHule price. Cot 20 tf. It F- BUTLEK, Fire Mini Mir; Insurance Agent. Places risks of all kinds in 'first.rlasa Compuuies us low an safuty will permit. Call and sua mo bofore hisurlng else where, at mtOWN'S DRUG STORE, Weldon, N. C. July 131 y. AND ACHIEVEMENT. A New Process Tor Sinking Wells. A GODSEND TO EASTERN N. C. It is a rare case that a we'll is sunk twen ty loot without finding marl. Good water can always be had by boroing below tbe marl, and shutting off tbo water from above. I have a new process that excludes all surface water and effects of marl, Ac. Main well complete tor rise, one dollar per foot ,wltb surface preventative, one to one fifty per foot. Those wells never net out ol or.ier, w III last a life timo. Order? so licited, re'dable Agents wanted. Speoial attention given to moving houses with ray Pot Mover. J. D. MERRIT A CO. Weldon, N. C. Pce21 tf. i. I?",n,,1;)'-l'-t'i!)Scrarf!ookoftli)cremof ! tno Worlil a Literature Riiwie opy, 2oj., or 2 oer W.-- An Oil (ihromo (1U2 Inches) of " Vosomito alley " orlon, 3; " Black Sheep," a book. In paper binding: "ChrHtianJJaliley'a Mi.take," fat liook, in paper binding, and a saaplo enpj of "Wood', lloosohnld Macaiino allalst-paid. for onli Socenta In uinncy, or in one-cent pohiarb itarops. AsinU wanted. Mint lilmr.l Irani but notllini; sent freo. Adiirew 6. ij. ood, Tribuuo Builiuug, Kew York City. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! REAO THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your Cheap goods from w n BROWN. THE LEABKIt OF LOW PRICES. He keeps always an hand a full line of general meruliandlse, sucb aa Bnets, Shoos, flats, Caps, Drv 4ods, Notions, Poc.k-t Cutlery, Razors, Holaery, Ac Also a full line of grocerio, Cheap for Cash. Corner 1st St. and Wah. Avonun. WtCLDol, N. C. mr271y "TAlAJAhLK LANUU'OK SALE. We have fiTsnJn amnion easy and reawn avd. i terms, the following valuable tracts of land situated in Halifax county, N. C: I. That tract formerly bolonging to W. P. Solomon, (iecea-ietl, 'known as "Elm wood," containing about SS0 acres antl ad joining lands of Dr. U.U. Macon, deceased ami ottiers. ' 2. The traela formerly belonging toJnn. C. Randolph, and located near Crowells X Roads, one tract known as tin Rodger tract and containing about 116 acres, the otber trant known as the "Cocltran" or "Mullen" tract and contalaing about 300 acres. S. A tiact situated In Warren county about tlirve fourths of a in lie from Little ton on Ihe public road leading from that place to Wurrnnton, snd containing about 'Jill acres, and a J lining Ihe laudiof Mrs, Dr. Chas. Skinner and others. 4. The tract purchased by W. II. Shields from tha, admlnli-trator of Jacob Elggs, deceased, 'oontniiilng alHiut lion acres and adjoining tba lanili or W. II. bbields, Oeo. f. Pope and others, Farti-a seeking In. formation aa tn this Irnot, can call upon us or John C. Randolph Kii. All tbee lands are In hialtby section. If not disposed ol privately before that lime, we Khali offer said lands al pnblie aunt ion on the first Monday in Oetotwr. Parlica wishing to purubase wuuld do well to call upon us for information. MULLEN A MOORE, Atts. Halifax N. C. aprintf GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKS, HENDERSON N. C. jos. l ioi e, ritoritiEioic. MANUFACTURIM AI.I, ORAPKS OF Asn Twist Tobacco ami r.uinv Wons, OEXF.RAL AQEHTFORE. II.rOGUES GENUINE "SITTING! BULL": DURHAM KX0XIR0 TOBACCO, UH b ti II ADVBRTISEMENT8. PROCLAMATIOiv; Be it known to all readers of this t.-j that you hereafter order your entire wsnTI in wcariug api arol aud House keepla, goods ol the UNDERSIGNED, AND OCTTlie MOST rf.i.iadi.e uoods FOE tut lltif MONEY. Ready made clothing for Man and Bom wear of custom make; and beet quality i lowesl prices. BUOAn CLOTHS, liKKsKonnw, COTTON CLOTHS, DOKSKIN, HILKH.HATINM, KI.ANNKLK, CAKMMKJIES VKI.VKTH, ri.irHHKa. JlOMKHTICf. TAILOIW TniMMlKu.. VKLVRTKENC KHKKTINua. HIIIUTH, riRAWRRU, riWIfri MUHI.lNs, CHKCK MltHI.INN 1'll.l.OW CASINO tlK.nTIIIlT8, KAINHOOK, 1IK.II TIlKIKO, IIOIHKKY, BI.ANKKTSi (1LOVE8, A full line of Notions, and Fancy Gootli at wholesale and retail, at lets than NORTHERN PRICES. Clothing made to order In beat manriar, Fit gnaianleed. Orders promptly fillet), Samples sent on application. reapectfn!ly, M. E. KULL, 115 Syc. St. Petersburg, Va. T H LARGEST STOCK OP FRENCH AND AMERICAN. MILLINERY GOODS IN THK8OTJT1T. Al) impoited and manufaetuied by m, and sold at less than Northern Prieai. Real French Bonnets and Bats. Straw goods, by the cuti dozen or piece,, Infants Goods, Flowers, Wreatha, Plumes, Tips, Ribbons, Sasbea, Ties. Ruching, Silks, Satins, Velvets, LaeeY Corsets, Parasolav Gloressmd Mint, RJsittg, Bridal VTreatDaf, Iyadies dresses made to order, complete, in best mauoer, ut lowest prices, BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly tilled. MRS. M. E. KULJL, Oct 12 Ira. J(T OTI CE. ITavlng taken tho shop that A. Kate formerly occupied, I am prepsred to da all kinds of ropairing, wood or iron. Having been here over twenty veari everybody in the county knowa that I na demand my business, making wagoni and carts, bnggies, and ironing aame. Give ine a call, D. C. RICHARDSON. Jan II 6m. MRS, A. B. JONES 208 Sj-ctiniOE-c SI, Pelerabairt; Ta. FALL AND WINTER, 78- 79 Is opening a New and Desirable "took ( MILLINERY (IOODI, DRESSMAKN 0 A SPECIALITY. CUTTING AND FITTING, At short notice. Latest stylea draas trial' mings, Irlngos, buttons, fancy goods, and notions. Wedding and party dresaos made, and If requested, will furnish the material. Ornament for Hid Hair ol Every Description. Braids, Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelry. Also, Xanthine, an excellent preparatina for tbe hair. In fact, everything to adcra a lady. ALSO EMBALMER O T NATURAL FLO WEBS. We warrant our Embalmed Flswers otvac to chance their FORM OR COLOR. -aokkt roa- E. BUTTEHICK A CO'Si CELEBRATED P A T TERN & Catalcgueaaent free on application'.' I am prepared looffrr customera extra1 inducements thla season, in tlie y le, qiialily and price f my goods, to ss to1 make It to their Interest to give m a large shero of tbeli patrntsge. 1 Ibeielor luf' to have the pleai-are of an tarly tali you, assuring you ibat I will ws my teit efforts to n ske onr trading wilh nia tirely sstisfaclorv to )ou. Orders 1mm Vlralnla and North Csroll na are solicited, md will be promptly till' upon reasonable terms. I banking yon t r past ravora, I re nii . Yours iepeclfnllv, MKS. A. B. JOKES. Oct 19 tl. QOTTON GIN FOR SALE. 1 have for sale a lift v saw Needle C ton Gin, in good repair. Fsr'tea can this Uin nt John M. Foole'" FwnmlrTi' Weldon, N, C. J. M. MULLEN jj tlTtl-