?HE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY JULY 16, 1879. t u' '--' VrtMK COUKT DECISIONS, jjt Smith. C. J : 15. Stst vs. Joynqr from Nortbamp'oo. The proper construe ion of the act cf the Leeisisture, proninitrnii the sate ci liquor in Noithaiuptoo county, is thtt the traffls in intoxicating liquors by mill hut-one, less than a quart, ia absolutely fstbtdden, and th selling ia Isru qijantf ties is restricted t liquor which the teller manufacture. There are do unequal an 1 ill. gal distinc lions in the tci su eject to coude n tion Hinder the Constitution nt the Slate ur ol the UaiteJ State. The discrimination Vuotained in the secnsd section in lavor ! the seller's wn product, lias no applies tier) to the general interdict found ia the fl at. The discrimination is not against citizens of ether counties, aor liquors else where manufactured, but ever; person living In or nut o( the county ia at libarty Xn sell and dispose ol hit ewn praducia above the limited msasir Id Nortbatnp 'ton as in other counties. The right of a State to r.'cuUte or to 'prohibit wliully tr in pitt thu trufli n in liiilUHM or iotoxiCHtin liquors has hem Wsserted and sustained ly n quested ad judications In the courts of the diflercot States and in the Supreme Ceurt of the Uni'ed S.atea. The competency of t' e L"!slatttre to pass I 'ca.1 prohibitory acta is recognized and settled. Tlie omission of tho ordinary conclu sion of Indictmeuts "aitaicst the peace and dignity ol tho State" is a fatal defect in tbe indictment in this cuo, tor which the judgement must bo arrested. Bt Smith. C. J : 10. Oraut vs. New Bom. Irotn Northampton. Where the statement ol fact, in a "con troversy submitted nitheut i c ion," nnder C. 0. P. 8c. SIS. is not accompanied by a affidavit that the controversy is real and that the proceeding is in good faith, tbe action must be dismissed. The affi davit is an indispensable prerequisite. Br Abiib. J : 13. Capcbart vs. Doonc, from Northampton, Where three successive guardian bonds were five), n tbe first ol which A and B were safeties, the second A and C were sureties, and both til sureties un the third bond together with the guardian are in solvent, aid A, B sod C had esoh paid one-third of a judgement obtained by the ward ; Held, that A wa liab'o to pay one half of tbe judgement. It is well settled that all tbe bonds given by a guardian are cumulative, and tin sureties on each stand ia the relation of co-furities on every other bond aud are liable to contribution. Held also, thtt B p.nd C can unite as parties plaintiff in an action against A lr contribution, it being the design of C. 0. P. to adapt tbe praetic in equity iu regard to the jvinder of parties and apply tbi doctrine to lejal as well as equltible actions. "Persona ' a' ing an interest in the subject of tbe actio arid in obtaining the relief demanded, may I joiaed as plaintiff in tt actions, whatever their nature, altliouuli their rights are legally several, an i although at law they would be required to institute separate actisni." Br Dillard, J : 21. Hall vs. Short, from Halilas. Where a luod raised by sale nf land la impressed with I be character of really, a feme covert with the written assent of her busband, signified by the joinder in the deed, has the right to ateign and convey ber estate in the lune, or to encumber it with her own or her husband's debts, or it ia th caurse ol her efforts to collect it, it occurs that it is to her benefit to compromise with th debtor and tnk ne-lirll, and relieve him Irsm any liabil ity lor th other, she has the right aud pacity with her husband's assent, to settle the matter on that basis. Pinpen . Wesson, an I Rountrce vs. Gay, cited and distinguished. Br Dillabd, J: 22. Soutball vs Shields, Irom Northampton. VTher a creditor's bill, and an action by tb legatee lor final account and sett le nient, are both pending agalsst an ad. ninistrator, no final decree cm be Mattered in th former, and It should be suspended until that event happens or be ronsleidated and Lrard witb the creditor's bill. SCOTLAND HICK. Scotland Nkce, N. C, July 7th, 1879. DkarNkws: As it ha been some time sine I wrote you and thinking you would begin to think that I had tar- gotten my promise to you, I will see what 'I can do uwards a letter. I see some ol your correspondents have wmieo u; our town, but le't out tbe selvoola ss it will out be long brlore the lull term begins, I wili say something about VtSB HILL AC4DBMT. This institution is located in one ol the most bcautilul and healthful portions nf Eastern Carolioa, and in a community long noted for intelligcncu and for the bigb moral tone which pervades its social nod domestio lite, Tho school is one ol tbe oldest in the State and baa scried upon Its inhabitants no mean influence, which will be con clude I when it is remembere I that there have goie out from its walls wh;e founded the remainder of their education such men ts T. N II ill. E-q.. Judge Battle, lion. B. F. Mooro and other men ol Stat and national reputation. For two voata past tho present Princi pal bas had" a 11 urlshing schml, which ii1 toping ) enlarge by adding to his ipresent number ol teachers. He is ahrst 'witb the lime and propose to let no school eccel bis in thoroughness of in tatraciUn. THK FKMAI.tl SCHOOL on the same premisses, tsught by Mrs. SJagley snd Miss Lena II. Smith em Moods Itself t ho publio. M'ss ScniM is How at th Stat Normal School where she is keeping up with tb most approved ni recent methods f teaching, and in 'creasing ber present knowledge of kinder garten. Besides these ws have two or three 'other smaller schools, a number for a town l 690 or GOO Inhabitants, but our ctHz-ns l?s nte all their infl lence to further tho cause of education and to elevato the tune of morality la their midst. Yours truly, MlLl.rtn, WHIIILIHOS. flnrn tramps are good singers until ihcy sUtis a chord of wood. A child without legs his ust hoen born t Cohnes, N. Y. "Thank heaven," still th weeping father, "this buy will never bo champion pedestrian." In the sentence. ''John strikes James," Id a school teacher, "What is the object I 'otrikeat'" Higher wages snd less work, rrplud le lht..1li.... ...... i. Hie iottlliytot jnutb. Tils Editor of this wiper Is In no way resnonsl Me for the views or statements ol Correspond ents. No eommnnleaflons of an anonymous character will be pntillshed : the real name of the writer mast accompany all communications, Any one who may feel anirrteved at statements made ny cnrreBiionaems can oiuam mo name on apillcatlon to the Rlltor. Oormspondents will please write only on one aide of tho paper, and to avoid havlnff their communications thrown In the WSHte trnahet, will furnish their names not necensarlly for publication but as a guaranty of Rood faith. We will not notice anonymous correspondence. t3A CART). I do not Intend to dlaeontlnuo the practice of law, on account of my connec tion with the Roanokk Xkws. But will attend promptly to a: 1 business entrusted to my care. W. W. HALL. Tj o o a. x. Tub river is remarkably lew. Til k time Tor wntormolona drawetb nigh. Cor.. D. C. Clark ol Enfield was in town last week. K. H. Flummkr of Petersburg was In towu Tuesday. ThkcUv farthers have not yet com pleted tb wells. SObarrolsof Standard Kstr.t flour for shIu by J. T. Uoouh. Fort Sat. ".A tine now top brim chcmii. Apply at iliis rlllco. Jitly haa flvo Tuelnv. five Wednos- yn and live Thursdays. Mm Oro M 'iihtjKV, loft Saturday to vii-it friends in Virginia. Wg are now In the hundred and fourth year ct' our Tiidepondnnno. Jort received a lot of new lliur, fresh ground, Jumox T. Uoouh. TnB now postal arraogomeut keeps us out of our mail very often. TrrR airing bund discoursed musio undur tha shed Monday night. Onr hnggy anr1 harnosa and erno good ox cart lor sale by Jamei T, Qooch. THK third rigitnent tuinks or encamp ing at Beaufort aoinetl mo in August. P. R. Pmith, EkO.., President nf the R. t T. K. A.Sooiety ws in towu U-t week. Thk first waiermnlon whs eaton In Wel don last wetk. It came from Wilmiugtou. 500 Bushels of bolted meal for sale low. J. T. Ooocu. Go to R. store, and out. F. Butler at Brown's drug Insure before you are burnt Tdr next fair will bo a grand suocoss. Everybody is coming and everybody will be here, pRtMR gilt edgo Goihon Butter, a!n new mackerol in kua nud at Jai.cs T. Uoocb's. A god many people have Is't Weldnn, and son e tbors ara going. Won't it bo lonely. R. F.BuTi.Kuean furnish Metallo Burial Cases, all aiisis, ct factory prices, at Browns Drug Store. Fifteen hundred poplo wont to Old Point on the fiurth over the Seaboard Railroad. Wantro 10,0ti0 bushels of ' wheat Apply to hiirliet ni irkot prices paid. J. T. Gooch. Shet musie of all kind uau ho livl et publi-hsrs prices by applying to Andrew Joy nor, at the post oflke. Capt. A. B. Hill was In town Mondav and Tuesday. If ho would only mako his home hero. But be won't Rkv. A. 8. Rmitk will prfach here to morrow 'Friday) nlRiit and on Sunday morning at the usual hours, - . . . Tim excursion train on tho Ralolgh road on tho fourth of July carried fourteen hundred pooplo Into Usleigh. TnK crop in the lower end of ln county are represnnted aa being lu line coLdltion but needing rain. Capt. S. A. Asiir has b night the Ral eigh Observer and It will hereafter be pub lished under his management. T.ft every Magistrate bo In rtalifax on the first Monday in August, Busiuess of Importance will be transacted. Mr. Strrlino Gary has returned to town. He has been stsent some weeks n trip of recreation and pleasure. Mr, M K. 7, ir.i.i ; ifkkr has been for a week past quite sink but is now recover ing. He in at his father's in the country. Sknator 55. H. Vascm passed through hero last wetk on his way homo from Washington. Zib lo-ki well and hearty. Thk crops in this vicinity are suffering greatly for rain. Ibo corn especially is u in sued by tbe cold and dry wtathoi' com lined. Thk Steamer Caini' n which somntlmo ago was sink in R anoke rivor, near Wil liamston, has been takon u,i end sent to Norlolk. JAitrtATTs excursion from Petersburg to Old ioint, on tlio 4 n was well attoudwl and enjoyed. He will huvo another In a short time. -. -... Thk young ladios and gentlemen of Scotland Neck are praeileiug I'ina'oro and will preform tt as sou as thuy boo ime perfect, - ' ' . m i in Mb. It. B Poralflta few days ago to visit lieauiori, wnare lie win rem in week. Wo nope tbe salt water W1U drive way bis chilis, I, ast Saturday n'ght witnessed a gord deal of klitn moving on tha part nf aomo body. Millinnrv signs worn hung up at saloons, andtuauy amusing cki'igos were made, Th Baptist chim b of this place will lie dedleated on th 'id'h Inst. A very emi nent divina will preaah the sermon on that oocasion, and a large atteudanoo is ex pected. Thb tlm will soon bo hate for the "elec tion of Justices to preside In tbe Inferior Court. Good mon should be selected. The Nows will be glad to publish commu nications In reference to the subject. Wk ask nnr friends In different locali ties to send us any items of interest iu their Feperal neighborhood. They nitad not write letters but ust mako notos of any marriages, accidents, curiosities etc. A. Tj. 8mitr, formerly of Scotland Neck, but now a resident of Charlotte, has 16 nently been aopointel adjutant ol tiiu 2nd Roglmont. Mr. Smith for some limi past has boon a member of the Hornet Nest Rides. Thk commissi mors met In Halifax on Monday and transacted routine business. The whole day was occupied and tho busi ness not being completed, tho oourt ad lonrned to Tueday. where it rosumed the discussion of utriVtishei busluuss anil ad jouiutd. Tiik town commissioners apeak of selling tbe Iota on tho west aide of Waah ington Avenue In tho bottom. If that aids of tho atreol was built up with stores it would vastly improve the looks of that street. MoYsrwKev. A. K. Raven, baa moved hia family to tho residence formerly oc eupiod by Mrs. Ltckbart. This will bo much more convenient Tor blin than his former place, and we gladly welcome htm down town. Clkrk Gregory bad his hands Hill on Monday, answering queatl.mH, finding papers and giving Informat'on generally to tbe people who wore in Halif x. But ho never loat patience one instant, at which we wondered greatly. Attornry General Kenan was In Halifax Monday, and many were pleased to shake his hand. If be would only rom Into our section oftoner we would be hotter pleasnd and wo know General Knnan would make many friends more than he ha already. Thb young ladles who invited some gentlemen to aat ioo cream and tben ate it thernsel ves before the gontlomen arrived, "treaUtd" Ibeiii a liltlo coolly, we don't think tho gentlomon hive quite recovered from it although It was enly prsotlcal Joke. Tiik report In our Ut Isstio that a man whs found dend a few miloi from bore niiiwt Imvo t'oari a mistake, as wo ran not loH-rn any p trtloulars, and nobody seoms to know anything ubout tho matter at all. Con. Davis greatly addi to the comfort ofevoryonn, by Bprlnkllng the ground under Uut Railroad shed, lto Ins a hose which ho attaches to bis pump nnd soon wet the ground. The hoso throws a stream about i. hundred feot. A KO'itlti'nan living near boar hv a pair of spectacles one hundred and fifty yeur.s old. Tho rimi look as if they bad been made by hand, and are about a quarter of an inch wido. Tlioy belonged to his grand mother's grand mother, Tur re ent ohange of schedule on the Wilmington road, makes It convenient for travollors wh wish to go to tho lower end of tha county, Tho haok lino make clone connection at Halifax with tbe trains going both north and south. For the year 1878, Halifax oounty listeil ?i 1,551 net inoomes and profits, and :!S,1IS, on hand and on deposit. This is a good showing lor these haid times, and is conclusive that tho worst is past and good tiinos are lu the near future. Parties desiring confectioneries, cakes, good bread, Aj., should not fail to call on Mr. V. J. Naw. He can sell to merchants in thfl adjoining towns just ns oiisip as thoy can buy in Richmin.l or Biltimoro. He keeps a tlrt el.m ojtablisumaut and should bo patroni. 1. Wuhavonit yot hoard of a single In. stance of disorder, or accidsi.t among li e largo crowds th it left horo on tho various Railroads lBadin j fioiu this pUce on the 4th. Tliis is a new era in exourslons and will mako thso institutions more popular and consequently moro profitable, It is time tho clerk nf the woatbar who Is in Europe, should come home and ls- sne some wot weather to the fanners. It is too bad that w bolo soolions of country should b.ivn to depend ou tbe humor of one man who may bo whimsical or dla- puptiu or mean. Send us someaiu. Notioi? to Macustratrs. Co). David C. Clark has requestod us to givo nctlce to tho magistrates of this county to meet id Halifax on the first Monday in August noxt. Col. Clerk is chairman of the board, nnd thia nolle may bo regarded as official. Tho new magistrates should also qualify that day. Tub fair licit fall will bo a great suc cess. Every body who has any thing to bring should bring it, Tbe exhibi tion of articles will stimulate oompntlon nnd help all whs take part,. A largo crowd will be in attendance. Every thing will be dono for the ounifurt snd plersuto of visitors. Mr. J no. J. Gkrhatt has sold his farm near Ringwood, and will lu a few days remove to Kn.g Mountains, in Western North Carolina when he will hereafter live. Mr. Garra-t has only been a year in tl.ls county, though by his many good qualities bus mad many friends who re gret to see him I -ave. A good number of pa ipla wero In Hali fX Manday, drawn there by business be fore the commissioners c nirt which wss in session, and also to attend tho aslo of lindfor taxes by tho collector. Nearly thirty rates wero mado. The land was bought by different parties. Tbe Ststo being Iho pnrclusor In sevoral instances Mr. R. P. Spikr will soon commence the erection nf a d veiling on tho corner adjoining Mr. Winfield's residence. Rosl donees are in uoh nooded In woldon, and persona building could Unci ready sale or rent lor a goo I nuinhr. Wo hnllovo pof plo who would like to loins horo to live aro kept away because they can not gel himes. Tits nr;ra. Buck SmallwaoJ whom ws reoorled a drowned In our last issue, wss found be nw the bridge two or three days after his death. When found tho body had been muoh oiton, and ho noul I hardly be rooognizid. A Coroner's jury fro ! Northampton omnty sat tho case and round a verdict th it the man came to hU death by drowning. IIowtotkli. Watuhkd Milk. If peo ple care anything about wlulbsr milk ia waterod, all they have to do, ia to dip well polished knitting needle Into a deep vessel of milk and withdraw it Imme diate!) in an upright position. It ihemilk Is pure some of It will hang to the needle but if water has lieon added, even in small proportions the fluid will not a I horo, Thk merchants of Norfolk iutoud glv. ing a grand excursion t that city to the merchants of North Carolina, aomntimo during tb month of August, and preper allons have been oommencei. Norfolk gets a large trado Irom this State and sho knows it and has her own welfuro suffi jiently at hoart to make an elllrt to keep the patronage which has hitherto been given It. Lot relati us between merchants of tbe two slates be cultivate!, and It will be to tho adyautsge of all oonoorned. Wo hop and believe the exeursiiii will be success aud tint all pailie may piull: by it. Quite a ourionity, or rather a freak of nature has trade its appearance in the Anrelian Spring section. Rev, J. A, H. Kilpatrick, baa a pig two months old that bas six well developed feet, two foot with hoofs, also complete, attachod to bis fore lens, Just above hH other feot. It aoeins upon hia entrance to this world bis pig.sliip concluded to take along an extra pair of teet to be used io case of an emergoncy, Tn.R excursions on tho fourth to and from this place, were all well patronized. Momcthing over a thousand pooplo being on each train. The Seaboard road we bear had th largest crowd, and had to leave some at the stations. Many of tbe i xcursionests returned tlie sumo evening, but of these who went' to Old Point enough, remained uutil Saturday to make it necessary to fi ut on an extra train that day also. II I. oh to Boston. A passenger blun dered in one of the Railroad ticket oftioea at this place the other day, In a very big hurry, and yelled out lu a loud vole.. Give me a tiekot. When tbe agent noted for hia firmness of speech, straightened himself up and put hia hands In his pockets, snd said: "Well sir, dn you want a ticket t.) II I or to Boxton." We left about that litne, but guess the follow bought a tiekot to Boston. Wiikn both tho Viliidngtnn nnd Ral eigh trl"S arrivo herx on time thoy come under tho shed nt tho snmu time. One from ono end nnd on from the other. Thia makes It more dangerous for persons to stand on tho track. It Is hardly proba ble that any ono visiting Weldou should bo looking out for both engines nt onoo. Porsons staudiug under tho shed should be very careful. Accl louts will happen some Minos. lit: MnsT Do It IIiMnt.K. The farmer who would prospor now must be tho lir.st up In the morning. Early breakfast must be th rulo. The proprietor must seo him self, that tbe stock ara fed and watend t he horses ourriod aud harnessed for tho Held. Tlion he must lay off his coat and say "come boys." It Is necessary hs should he on tbe ground to see that every thing is done right nnd in tho sbortost time. He must have his eye on his man, on his crops and on all his oprati iu-. A Goon Yiki.o About the 3rd of inarch Tllghmsn and Garliok, seeded eight bush els of blade oats In five and a half acres of laud in Lckharts Island, a mile and a qu rter west of S. t R. R. bridge. They are now being harvested. Tha growth is very luxuriant and tho oats well headed notwithstanding the dry weather. An average height ia four and a halt fee',some of (he stalks muMi-.) rdx aud a half t shvoii feet. Mr. Tilghtnaii estimates the the probable ylo'd at ono hundred and twenty bushels. Put cats and all olhor crops in good land only. DKATrr.-It ii our painful duly to linvo to chronicle the death of of Mrs. Mary Mabry, wife of our townsman Air. Albert Mabry. Mrs. Maury bail boon sick for several weeks, and doubtless sulTorcd a great dea', but hopes of her recovery wore entortalned until but Saturday, whon she began to sink, and on Sunday tho death angel bore her spirit to a bettor aud brighter world. Slio was buriod last Tuesday In tho garden at hor residence, Mr. J. B. Tilghmaii reading tho burial aorvlee. Wo off ir our sympilhlos t ithu sorrowing family. Profane Swhabino. Thorn Is nr. habit that Is more disgusting than lhatol swear ing. When tho lni x irable conscript officer from the Silont Land lays his pallid hand upon you and bids yon come to join the Innumerable caravan forever marching to mufllod drum through tha Valo of Shad ows, how in urn do you suppose you won'd be willing at thai moment to give In tho current coin of Ihe renlm to bo able truthfully to aay that you had never had worn an oath In your lifo T You need not namn the sum. To pay the Interest on It at one per rent, for fifteen uilnutea would bankrupt the Rothehllds. Grkat attractions at Prasonlt and Gooch's. Fresh arrival of early spring fabrics, spring prints standard makes, now patorns and colors. Soft finish cam' brics, best quali'ius from 10 to 15 cents Ukached goods for sorvke, quality and good wear nt panio pricos. 'Junta Hats unprecedented low price". Sh os of tho dnost quality and bosl make at sue h bargain never offered South of Btltlumrn, nil styles for Indies, goullemon am! chil dren from sovonty-livo cents up. Elegant suits for gentlemen, Uran it lue, case mere , tweeds, flannel to .from $7 50 up to fij.OO. Full lino of grocorio. Coff.e at 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents per pound Beautiful hito sugar at 8 and 10 cents per pound, uliiuk ami groeu leas oka., &o, exceeding low lor cash. " OOKAN YlKW IToTKI,. .TiMltS II. Pool,, riit-HtlKTnu, liKAriMttT, N. O Ihi hou is now epen for the reception nl mi miner visitors. A good bur, bathing homes, etc.. r atlaetied to the house bailing hosts in attendance for the ac coinod iti in nf guets. A steamer will .10 Istl 1 peen'ers ' the hotel lmrf, and take excursion parlies to any point on the harbor. The table will bo supplied witb Ihe best the market and wster afford. Terms nt board f 1.50 per dsv, frlli ner werk; :)0 per month. We will not "blow our own lion ;'' but will be pleased to h-ve others do si for us. Onldsborn Mail, Messenger, Win-ton J-inrnals, Tsr hora Southerner and Durham Plant copy one msnlh. KnncATioN. Fvery Imv shonld have bis head, his heart and hia hand educated. Let this truth never be forgotten. By the proper educstlon of the head be taught what is good and what is foolish, what Is right and what is wrong. Bv tho proper education of the heart hs will be taugbt to love what Is go 'd and wise and right, and hate what Is evil. And by proper edtica cation of the hand ho will bo enable I to supply his want, to add to his comforts, to assist those around him. But Inw can wo expect to ot joy any of thnso pi ivilrgna il we sit still and take to steps towards establishing aohools ? We talk enough about tbo uocetslty of having schools here, and that is all that has been done. Other small placos have good schools, and we aro at a loss k.iow why wa can't. Sure ly our psopte don't lake that interest in it thoy should. We numbor nearly one thousand inhabitants, and we certainly could support a flrst clsss school hand nomely. We would like very much to see our cllima go to work with a vim In ro uard to this matter. Ruild an academy an I educate th young. Notick I Morion 1 1 Notiok 1 1 1 Jus received, the following goods at the whole sale and retail store of James T. Gooch t 500 lbs Hams, 2000 C. R. Sides, S000 lbs Bulk Shoulders, 150 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 60 Bbls Family Four, 20 Bbls Sugar, all grades, 10 Bags Coffee, all grades, SO Boxes Hoaps, 54)0 lbs Lsrd in 1 to 10 lb packages, 60 Reams Wrapping Paper, 20 Gross Scotch Snuff, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 Bbls Herrings, Pi ime Caroli na Rice, Hog Round, North Carolina cored. Cooking Soda, Spice, Pepper, Mustard, Staruh Blueing, Candlos, Matchoa, ito. Will sell wholesale, at Richmond, and Baltimore prices, freight added. JAMES T. GOOCH, We'don N. C. Thk follow!' g Hues wore b.iiided us by a friend the othsr day and witb a request to pub Uh It. If we mistake not we published It several years ago, but as some of our readers desire to soe it republished we will willingly repeat. It Is known as "Mother Shlptou's Prophecy" and was flrst published in lit. It will I noticed that all the events referred to, exnnpt In the last two lines, have nl ready coma to pass : Carrlap.es without horses shall go, Arid noeldenls III! Ilio world Willi wop, Around i lie world thoughts shall fly In tho twinkling of an cyo. Waters shall yet more wonders do) Now N'rangoj yets all bo true. The world upshlde down shall be, And gold hs found at root of treo, Through hilU mon limit rido, And no horse nor ass be at bis side. Under water mon shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk, lu the air men shall be seen, In while, in black, in green. Iron in the water shall Host, As easy as a wnodou boat. Gold shall bo found and found In a laud that's not now known. Fire and water shall wonders do, England shall at last a iuiil a Jew, Thu world to an end shall come Iu eighteen hundred and eighty -one. NEW YORK C0DRT BCEJB. 'Your husband was arrested by an nlii rr, Mrs. Powers," said tha Justice in Ks.-t x Market Court jester lay to a sad faced littlu woman, "on a charge of cruelly heuting you. I have sent lor you to make a complaint again.t him. ' 'Against my husbaud, sin ' she uikcd in a l.iw voice. 'Why, of course. Yonr face is cut and swollen, your arms black and blue, aud your lip- q uveiisg mw from the pain his brutality has caused you. cries were piiiiul to hear, ynur neighbors ray, and they add that your huibaod is a drunkard aud that you have to support him." 'Oil! let In in go," (aid the utile woman, crying, "lie didu't uuao to do it. We ve been married just a year and a half. Our little boy if tinme aUep. I would not have It rant his littler ever had been arrested loi heating liis mother. You'il let him go please, do," and tile woniaa Wtpt a'rusil Aud what do you saf, Powers ' un sweied lint Court. "Saji'' answered the druoken brute. Why, 1 say damn hci! I'll give it to Inr when I get her again. I'll atop her blub on i "ii am her liahv stone. "l u will not il I have the power to prevent you. l on ure eooimitie l lor six months in delsult ol GU0 to keep the peicu. ' IK'iald'a Fiiday Itepsrl. UOHTNIItO FAHMIHO. 1 he latest scientilic intelligence from Fniucu brings accounts ol so uu cxtraor dinary ixiii rimeiils now under considers tion ol the French savints. M. Grande U ol tlie sc:iooi nl rorectry, Pans, rrnorts the tollowtng smonij numerous iqually a'toni9liliig resilliM in pni last hj took two tobacco plants, each weighing b ot lilty grains, and having lour leaves. TU J were tiotn pinnred in dics enn'ainint: rrou'd ol identical q iality, and plsc d si le uy sine iu a position thy irablc t their growti. They were permitted Iroo cir.ul anon 1 1 ur, iioni ana w i'er. tJre wss supplied witb a ' lightning-rtd," or dec trie ro-niuctoi, and the other lelt Iree to tne i llincj ol .a'mosphiric electi ici'r The plants wers lelt to Hit mi Ives ui.til the uii.idle ol Angus', That under lit influence of tlvciricity attained height ut thruc teet Cvo Inch', anil weighs ab itit 41 C09 grain?; the other measure I two bet lour inches ai i weighed about 23 000 grai. s, about one hall. Tins is only ouuol the many r suits oDtaincl. ii tne elcctrimty Is to hi com a U tor in (arming, a it is slrcady ons In inccusnics, wo in.y eipert to me some wumlurlul aud substantial revelations, per hups ixceidlng th telephone and its allied wonders. Iastrad nt caretnllv ton uucting ii'jiuniug into tlie ground, vu have, by an ingenious system of net woik distributors, whole farms ferliliz ! by lijhlni ig in a ho king nisniirr. Piol. Toliin lliinks the scheme altogether prac ticablo. and says dial in a lew years ever firmer will be using tbete lightnings tor- 111 Z 18. TERRIBLE ACCIDEhT. CAPTAIN AHlH.WT.iN OAK Mim's F Hill UvCeilll'lUU bllowNKD KUAIt KonT MAC N, The details ol terrible accident, by which Cipt.Oaksniilh,4 lour lovely daugh ters were launched suddenly into eternity, has reached this city and crested rail siderablo excitement. Wc have iib'ai"ed thu billowing account from a iricnd who is in possestion ol all the facts : U'pt. O iksiuith, with his lour daughters and two sons had "jeen oi a picnic to spend tlie Fourth nf July at F MaC9l. and were letutsing home Io a s i all sail, boat owned by him, when, while an at tempt was beinu mad to shift the sail, ihe boat upset io the ship channel ufl Fort Mono. The thirst son gays his attention to his young brother, who was being cerrird away by th wift tide, and through almost super human tflorts suc ceeded in saving him. Capt, OAsuiiili attempted to nave his (lau'hlt'S, I ut being uaah to swim he was d i.miel io the terrible 1st nf eee;ng tbem dr wa belfre his eye. Wele ru ne nl them was fnori'i in ins arms wiiii lie w I endeavoring to get her wo the bottom ol the boat. Alter saving hi little brother the eldest son dove for Hie holies ol his sieteis and surocded in securing all but that of "liessie," a most amiable and in telligent ldy and a glllel writer lor the press. Horns Irom :ha shore reached the unfortunate patty ns soon as possible, and Ihe three badies, with Capt. Oiksmith and Ins two sunt, were taken t Beaulort. where every iffitt wnu.-td to tsusitaiv the tlree drosned persons, but to no sue cts, snd the beteaved and beartbrokun lather a itli his three dead dsliiilitiM and youngest son, took the train lor his home, ah'eh hs ha I lull only a lew hours before ss such a happy party. Two nf the daughters, w lea' n, were under 10 years sfage the other two being grown. Miss Corluue, acd 19 so I Hiss Eirsbetb, agad 23 years. Miss Oorinnc wa also a talented lade btiiigaeofmfpen jeutolB8un.au men', Excellent articles Irom her pen hav ap peared in th Newbernlar. Capt. Oikimttn DM ens resinenca in this city lor some lime and the sad calam It v to his lamilv throw a glm over our ntre cnmmunlty, Ex. - W0HDE8FVL EFFECT PROPOCEB BT AH OBJECIIOHABLE TALI. 3 BAKES. It is not every day tbat a pall-boarer save the lile ol the corps. Tbe Pitts Imrg (P.) Tileuraph relates hw a worthy cltifr:u was sit k unto death. He fell Into a stupor, which lasted thre or lour dsys, He wss csielu'ly wa'ched kj h'swileandon-ortwnlad'es. Oieuft r noon tha at'eodtag phtic'au anuauncrd he could not live through th rlav, r od the sorrowing wit, with a view Io hsy sg everything In readiness for tb en I, hel i a cansultatinn with her mentis aa to tne arrangements lor the fumral The con versation was held at the bedside ol tne lying inn, in a short time all the details ere arranged except the names ol thoie rh should be asked to be pall-1 a'?rs. Three or lnr jeiing gcntU nun had leen elrrt'd, wliea the wile sild, "H iw would Mr. So-anl ndu ' 'Oh. he wonl.l an nicely," echoed the chorus ol friend', ''he's ttc ianiro young man." I hero was a ud len movement under ihe ceerinijs ni he be), a ol Ihe riving hudisn.l r-loa'ly raised hiiuiell on tiuo elbow, ruhbt-d h' eves, and ssiil in a werk voire. "No. he won't di. I aVt j;ning tt lisvc that fol low lor rns l my pall-hnrrers." The ladies were sstonitlied al this revival ol the idek man, but the wi e lai I him brk gentlev on the pillows and sslr. sooth ingly: "Nevermind, dear, don't wnrry, Tni is a nia'ter that ncul not ttnuble pn, It is a sad duty whioh we will have to peitorm alter you arc gone." "N . it isn't." said the hus''iind. crossly. "Thai lellow isn't gnins io no one ot mv pall hearers I don't like him, and I never did. and if you are-goini to have him I'd net well, see il 1 don't." Again he tell back in the lu d an I become ueeanvcions It 1 in s tew lion's came a change for th better. To-diiy he walks the s'reeta as hail and heady as any m n. NECESSITY OF BUK LIGHT. Instead ol excluding the sunlight fmm our houses lest It fade carpets, diaw flics and bilnir, freckles, we should open every door and window and bid it enter. It brings life and health and eejo'i there is healing in its beam ; It drive aw y disease and dampness, mold, megiims. Iu-tead nl doing this, however, many carclul hous wives clo e tha blinds draw down ti e shades, lock the d or, shut nut the glorify ing rays and rejoice in the dim sod musty coolness snd twilight of their apartments, tt is plea'Sit snd not tinwholeione during the glare of the noontide to subdue tie light and exclude the sir quivrlsg with heat, bu' in the niorniog and in theeecnin'.' we irav f eely indulge in the sunlight and let it tl 'od a'l our room', and il at Its viry lieioeKt. and brightest it litis lull entrance to our sh eping mom, so much the defer tor us. Woe netting In doors an I win dows exclude nut only li t" and metrpii toes, but all other imicts, and th"S" who have once used it will continue In do so With this as a protection from intiusivr winged crea'ure, one may al'Uost dispense w i 1 It shades nn i shutters, nnd e-nj v all the bi n i ri s l an open house without any olihe ni uovinces so Ircqtnut in warm weather, lint bctte- the soimvances with sunshine than treeilom without it. Stitis-tic- ot epidemics have shown that il they i age in any part ol a city they will prey til in h"iie whicl ae exposed to the least sonrhiue, whde thoie most exposed to it will be not at all or tint slightly aflected. Even in the ssnvi hon e, persons oc:npyiog room expo ed to sunlight will be hra'hler than ihnsi) occupying rooms where no sun light enters, EXTENSION OF C0TT0W MAHDFAC lUttES AT IHE SOUTH. The first ottou mill built at Atlanta, Georgia was put in operation on Tues day nl last week. It ws made the oc- ca-ion lor a celebration ol tlie event, Qov. Co'nuitt and the niavor nf Atlanta and many citizur ptrtieipsting in the pro. oiedings. The mill, whosn owning has been the csu e ol so tnueh rejoicing in that rity, ia fitted with the best machiotry that Northern mechanics cnu'd turn nut has hern built an I n lipped In manufacture "standard brown Roods," including sheeting, shirtincs snt diill : tne vain lor all grad s beini the Samo, the differ ence in the gnnts Iniing produced bv ihe In m. It is capable id csnnuiiing 19 400 bate fit ci, Hon annually, and its annual production ul manufactured goods when in lu'l op-ration is put at 23 4')0 000 yards. Tbe machioeiy put id piactical operation on Tuesday will manufacture about two hubs ol the qaari'ity mi-nttane I, and will gire employment to lor.r huidred sod taenty persons. 1 1 plain cottons and Ihe lower grains ot wm u and mixol wool and cotton goods, I ho Southern mills a feady estahlbhed h ive done well. The (leoigia mills, especially those on the U itttiihoo h e river, have b en very pros oerons lor yesr, anil even iln ing the la-t fie year.', while the Now England mills have been losing money Itniu (heshrinkng in values made lurg pn lit. I lie s.uie may bo said ol Ihe mills at tiranisvillr, on the Augusta an I south (Jarolma railroad niteen miles from ihe Intmer ciiy and five miles lin:ii A k"n. I. id ed there has b en i n instaiiee win rj cotton mills at the South, unlit Kuod uiatug' mint, have Inile I to nny large dividen is to their stock-hold rs. For ioino kind ol colli n goods i lie booth is not on'y biuinning 'o sipplv her ovu puplu, bat is p'ishing ne.ihaard Io compete iih New Bugland in ner own rriarkt:, a .d Ins n;adcsarr.u is pe'loieiiUl exports to .Europe. The good ol the alissisen pi-weston mills are in de niand in Now oik and Uo-ton, aud they bore id ho ois at Ihe paiis exliililtian ol lbiS The South can manufacture certain kinds nf goods ino:c cheaply than at tb is arm. lie reason Is nit far ta seek New Knglsnd bas to carry ber raw mater ial to hr milk fUtecn .eudred miles dis tstit. The South set ber mill in th midst if her cotton thlds, snd thus saves tbe d flreic; between theios ol irinspoit- in the taw material and that ol the sa ne nia'erinl when ounu'a. turl. She saves also the charges in comin'ssieos to factors and middlemen, whilu her mill operative in the that clnuato ran woik lor lower wages, becsu-e the cost of livinj i lowei imd there is a lurther gain to tho Peuth crn mill owners Io the fact that theii iiperaiives wmk a greater nuinber of hours wrvkly limn they do in Nt.v Eig'aid. I a t ins ro iiHCMon it is In'erva'ios to noie that the Augusts (Ga ) citton lao'ary lor rn n cai var ended H b nl Juie las paid a iiivm tut ol rj per can", on tts capital stork, alter paving lr repsitv, i.ai s, iw io moss raruings lor tun jest ainiunicn n sua ill, and the coin nan v Ins now nl c...i to its pr fit nd loss a o .tint f JOT IS7 The bonds 1 deot of le Cimpsny wasalsi reduced $18 000 during t" vesr Duriug that limo 11913 bales or 5 14? 403 pounds ol cotton wrr con sume I. which produce J 14.703783 vrd olgools. The average number of hinds i uiilojed wi 000, whoic wsgci dmiiig ------ - - ----- - - - ---- iii.ia.aiijj the year aggregated f l$3 (30. Th cl during the year aggregated f332,g,- Haltimor Ban. . Immeore sisl whiskers th aolcg cats. H pe is th sngar coating ot tb tdlt f life. s sell i ExrMrieaseis a dear Kbool, hut will lorn in no ther. minC it s . Wslbos, l. c. inr 10, 1st. fftttnn Middling ij Kloun from if4, Baeon, per noand llis!. Halt per sack. UM. Butter per iwund lie Lard Molasses per gallon, ttgSScl Noaror.t, Ta. Jnly It), leTt. Rntton Middling , Orxkt ontiaary Jiii, Corn, per liushet, tet Oats. pir Imshel $e. Klonr. Hutwrflne 43. " family, J.Wi rKTtassrRO, Ta. Jaly W, ln. roHoM-Ml.ldlliur, He, lii'W Mldilllni, flood Ordinary. W I'ork per pound tti nncon -slioulders per lb s. K iles. lUAiu flour, family, erwsn. Ktrra. l.7tVS.o, MllM-r. l.illaSM. Sutrar, tlranalated per lb. Hi 2 HMt. lellow. ivxw. Coffee, Klo per lb lUIS. I.auayra, Sie Java. tsaaar. Molasses Smrar house per gal futl. iioinen nyrup rrsa New Orleans, iSmHh NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. yiB HILL ACADEHTi SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Tho fall term opens first Monday Irl A ut ust 1K79. Ths price of board and tui tion la ffii to 70 per session of twenty WSflXH, jttVFnr circular and parilnulara addrns tho Principal. L. VT, BAULKY , July 10 list jgXBCtJTOU '8 NOTICE. Having iina!lr1d as Kveeiitorot the last Will and testament of Oeorre W. fwns. leeSutm1, before the Jinlire of Probate for NorthamntaH county, I hereby notlfvall parties holding claims airalnsf sa'd Owens to present them to me fjaly authenticated on or before the 1st day of July iinu, or mis nonce win ne versa in nar or inelr reeovery. All persons Indented to said Owaiis. am reqnlre.l to make Immediate payment. i lnnnfir ivo nonee tnat ny vinn or in power vested In m as said Kseentor. I shall on eneh and every Saturday, nnmmenelnfRatnrdar July ISth IStS.sell foreash at pnblle anstion at the store-hniiso of said Owens In Halifax toWa, a valuable lot of uoods, wares, and merchamlls and other perishable proiwrty tx-lonslnir t tho estate of s.dd Owens. I shell continue said salsa until further nollee.or" d property Is disposed a- JOHN T.URKUORY. Halifax N. C. Kxecatoe, July31f jILLINERY! -jyJ-ILLINttRtl A LARUE LOT OF LVBlES HATS HUMMED AND UNTRlMMEDk 03TRIC1I TLUMK3, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, flstt Trimmings 4 BpMtoltjr. 4r-At Evans' Corner, Weldon, K. C. M1W. M.W. SMALL WOOD. Jul.v3 tf Oeric Ni'rsaio Coitit Ci.sat. Hai.ifix S.C. JunetStt 1ST. The fnllowlnir named nersiiaaM hovK twi fled, that they were on the ISth day of Frbrnary 1S7S. duly elected by the Uonrral AnsmMr ot Norlhrarolina.Justleesnftha Peace nf Hallfu eo.nily tor six years, aid they are hereby ro quested to appear tw(or in at ray offlee hi Hal- ims town on m nrsi Moiraay in angaat next for me purpose oi qualifying aa encn P M Farker, Brlnkleyvllle Fatterwond Towaahlp. K A Tliorne, T W f enner, W M Hhlol.ls. ralistonia " Cnunennarl RntlrM. Knetts " Halifax " I.lltleton Palmyra Rnsfnath Weldon JOHN T.ORKOOKT. aerk Sr. Oowrt- Jas H Whltaker, iv is oricaeii, K Ii Shaw, W A Johnston, K W Krman. K H Pnrrinarton. W A Daniel, July 3 Jw T Tx Pojer. Th onderslirnml assoasors for the eonnfy at larire will meet tha township uxnion far tha uiriioae ni n'viin ana eallilur tne Ul Hat n IheiriTsiieerlve townshlM at th (ollnwi times and i'e : 'nli'ilonla Tosrushln. July t-t. ' la. - t-s. " t-w. " 11-11. " IS l. " 11 IS. " tl-SS. - t-l. " . Pal my ra. Ito-eiieain, 'oiKM-.inarle, KuVId, lli lnklevvllle, at BrlnkleTTlll. nn't.irwoo.l. at Thorn's Mill, 1.11 Hi-ton. at Littleton. I'sue.'ttsat iMnkler'a Store, Halifax, at Unllfax, W.-ldoit. at Weldon, N-sa. Tax payer who think their nmwrtr haa ! overvalued and wish to make complaint can un-i Ha mirnnnnif IO IIM SOOV apOilltlHDt ami have a hearing. Jul) Sit K. A. THORNS. $ OLD AID RELlAELF. SDb. Sanpobd's Lttbb Intmoiuioi Sis a Standard Pajnily Romedy for jai y"i waoirtver, otomnca f i ?and Bowels.-It is Purely IU j vegetable, It never , SDt'bilitntcew It i e' 1 V.0 mm X ' O'ViO" .r.?rll ,V A "Oil' n.v,i r rut ' 4l 5 'latf I IB, V ,s Rat" t I , I ' ' 2 VI 1 l"u piiic,s S ! for rjcro Ultn 85 3Tr.J J I V ttnproccdcnlca wJU.? v- send ton CinoULAR.t S. T. W.SAHFORD, M.D., VtJSSSZ AJ S 'r r-Sfeiiist win mil its s.rrtivw sink