THE ROANOKE NEV'S. TnUKSDAY, Jt'LY 81, 1S7D ri koai. Though we hear of little complaint now, of ilie public roads in tho county, yet this is owing more to the dry weather than to the work that has been dune oa them. As soon as the wet weather sets in, which it will certainly do sooner or later, the reads will be in as bad a con dition, if not worse than they were last winter. Ia the dry season and after the crops re laid by, is the best tima to work the roads, and work them thoroughly so that they maybe permanently improved. A few ipadesf'uli of dirt here aod there and a few piae pules occasionally do not belp matters at all. ihe law rr tjuires, we beliere, that every public road to be it least twenty fect wide, free of obstructions. Ho many miles of mad in the county nill come up to thin requirement? Dot tun we believe. Every road ilioulJ ut only bo twenty feet wide but should bo clear of roots, ktumpi, shrubs, and should be ditched nn each siJc s i that tho water might not stand i.) tho centio of the roads. Kt'ery road overseer i.i the comity has the means placed at bis command" to make a thoroughfare, and the proper authority should compel them to perform their duty. It would be only little more trouble in the be ginning, and after a good working, but very little work would be required to keep them in order. Many of the roads ia the county are almost impassible in winter, and all owiug to ucglect and carelcssnen in those whose duty it is to keep them io repair. We call on the several township trus tees to see that the roads are made, and kept io good crder. THE JEWS. The President of the Manhattan Iieach lliilway Company, has announced that the company docs not want the patronage of the Jewish community at its bnttl and on its Puilroad. Wbat the Jews have done to be thus snubbed we have not beard, and tho company does not state explicitly. It is supposed that the autipaihy boroe by gentiles towards the scattered nation makes it unprofita ble to entertain them. At least this is the reason given by Julga lLlto i for a similar course last summer. We know there is a general disliko of the Jes by so-called christian people, and t this disliko bis the Manhattan Company bowed. We rather think the company should have st joj oat ajiiust this feel tag, and not bave been submitted to being bull-dosed in that way. It is, of co'se, their business whom they shall entertain, but why they should refuse to admit Jews, on account of race wo cannot understand. If it is bcc.iuss son a of them are out what they ought to h, but re tricky, dishonest and untrustworthy theo they are possibly right, but stil they d not gu far enough, but should In refuse admission to all gentiLs of like character. If it is became of tho peculiarity of race, then it is wrong, un less all other objectionable races are aUo refuted. The colored people for iettaace whom oar Northern friends lev ia well, and want to bee treated like white people, aod accorded all privileges that whilo people have, they khoald not be allowed at hotels and on lUilroads. We believe ia being and although it nay work Lardbips it. any cascj let justice be done. There re good people among the Jews, aud they should lot be made t.i suffer for the faults of those of their race who do rotg any more than one E iglii'jman or Frenchman, should bo p inishcJ for the aim of his fellow-couutrymaa. MAXTofthe pipers lately have been mentioning the tames of prortinei t men of the State who wjuIJ make good governors and congressmen. The geulcmeo spoken of by tl.e press woulJ all of them make gnd urticials, and would da honor to the State if they should ba placed iu office. We hope North Carolina will never Ireh msn who are capibla and bonost and true, to f.ll tho various places in fverr.ment. l'jt wo are opposed to changing officers lo often uulcss there is some reason besides the fact that they would grace the positions. No man bowevergood or capable can io short time become accustomed to the duties of public ofTue. No man without experience caa do as well a one wbo has it, other things bc'cio eoial. And we think it bad p. die? as a rule to pat a iu in in olli.-e, mi then by lb time be learns the duties, turn him ont aaJ put another in. II iw can we ever bave great men as long as this practice continues. If people will just think, they will sue that chut men who nave be: imj the greatest of the cou itrr, who have d me tho State the most service are those who bave cootiaaed l.mjeit it oiTi :e. Ia the C o gtess of the LVu4 S ales those men who have ben there Imjest have the most iiifljjice. Tujss whj Lafo beeu iV'.rc longebt, as a rule have the wnk to do, and the country places the responsibiliiy on them. S it is with our State goveromc lit. Tl) members who have been longest in public bervice are looked to for advice, aru expected to take the load in all important measures, and this is lb e case with all public officers, and it is right aod proper. It requires ex parience as well as sense to carry on any thing successfully and we should keep experienced men in thuse places which require it. Get good men and keep thorn and tho machinery of government will run much more smoothly. Difoiti, the Kentucky murderer, has been couvicted of murder in the first degree, nnd sentenced to tho peni tentiary for life. Hi received hit sen tence quietly, and without any tremor. It is high time that the criminal laws should bo enforced, and wc are glad to ie the law vindicated. Tim j iry in C 1. Ilaford's case, descrvo honor for doing their duty when so many things were brought to bear to prcreot them. Wc hope this will not bo tho only case, nor Kentucky the only Stale, in which people will be protected froai violence by the strocg arm of the law. TDK KttNlS FEVLIt. AOVltU TO T!!l! COLORED PEOPLE FROM A COLORED MAN. Scotland Neck, July 2G:h, 1870. The Kansas lover, charmed by the voice o( fame, and allured by the hope of wealth, wish to forsake their parental roofs, in quest of happiness and honors, and of those things which arc perishable in their nature. The pretent is truly oa oge of con fusion. The people of tho Njrth ore an investigating people. Entry thing ap pears contiury to scripture. Reason aud trjc pl.ilut,oj,liy arc brought up be fore the ordeal of public scrutiny to be censured or approved. Things, impor tant and unimportant, iutcrcsling and uniiitcresting ore continually coming up iu tlx minds of the politician. Wes tern meetings Lave been held, discus- i iens are going on, men collect together io groups ot street dinars and at every cross roads. They meet promiscuously on church grounds, in public halls, on highways, iu by-ways, in private domi ciles, to discu's the prominent topics of the day as they call it; and consult upon the most dliciert meats to ex terminate the necroes bv nersuadinc them lo leave their couloilablo South ern homes l migrate tn the barren wuste, rolling prairies nnd grassy plains of Kansas to dwell with bears and wol ves and to find graves among stran gers, who will not erect a rude slab to mark their testing place. In this war do a portion of the K iu- sas philanthropists occupy a part of their unoccupied tirco which oujtit to be industriously used in their mccbauicul labor or professional if they have any. 11 it each is thinking fur himself j originating new iJeus for his own aggrandisement ; Con-Cocting plaus, devising schemes t put the poor negro in a condition worse than in the days of yore. Can going to Kaua", tetter your cjndition? The 13th, U:!i and I.V.h amciidmeuls to iho constituti in of the United Slates which is the law of the laud, give y iu a ri'jLt ia common wit'i tho citizens of a fairer skin. Now wbst do you need? Tbe key note so often harped cpoo by untruthful men, "forty acres of land and a cuulo" has sm.k lj rise no more. Now they have a new song, "Gj to Kansas." In tho name of common j istice, tell me what will come ocxt. A digested plan by to disfranchise ynu. By the (i;aiid Tycoon of . 15ut loe Sjulii refuse J to rcsp md to bis scheme. S i ha has let them take a rap. So look, it will rise again. , there any country as well adapted to your was ts as the soil upon whi.-li you were born and biouhl u,i? Yuu arc acclimnlud, un 1 understand Ihe people with whom you deal; you well kuuw their habits; our soil is superior or eqial to any on earth ; it is adapted to the growth of any thing that we need. I say let well enough nlo o. There is nothing girtj in this K-isis scheme. It is a political trick, nnj eery we'd think ing bouest NjiIi Ctrnlminn will till you o. I have traveled very menntely through the N irtlierii States and part of Europe, and find tho colored man bit ter situated ii the S.utti than in any other couutry. S imo o! our friends tell the colored man, if he will but go to Kai sas, to go Norlh. Suppose you gj N .rth ; what can you do to keep frum starving to dealh? You can't drive a puMic truck, cart, hack, or work on the public docks, No I neither will y..u be allowed to carry brick or mortar up n any building. Go aud try it, and jor ru irning ill be night. Your sun will stt t rise no mure to your siht. My advice to you. is, to re nam where you are. Educate your children, brivg thpm up in the fear ofU id. Work, and take caro of what you make, and the L rd will lless your labor. I have failed U find a single man in Halifax County who is "willing" to l-a.e for Kansas. I wiU ut in b -half of the peou'e of Zetland Neck, they will all leave with mo and that will be when the t,i i of the sunny South fails to shine, and I wouid advi.o oiy friends to wait for m". Mark well, the sweet t ilk of the Kan sas ageols; for from the sweetest bud is mads the amrpst acii. and wheo yon arrive in Kvisat your sui will tiso U set no more. Collins. AEVEKTISEMENTS. QO Awct'k k In your own town, anil no caj't I, Yuu can (five tho !mslniss H trial withioil cxinsr. Tho t.i'St opport unity v,-r oir.'r.-.i for lliose willlnir to work. Yu Hhoiihl trv nothing Hse until you ! ("r ycur- di'lfwhat you ran no al Ilie hujoncks hp unit. N'lirnom to t-xnlnlii Iiiti". You ran aVvoti; all vrtiir time npnnlr vonr HnartM Itn to tlm tuisl urn, sinl mnk trrrat I'T for every liour that vnii work. Woman inaku a much an mi'ii. frnil rir.ti.'cinl T.rivnt.i tpriuH antl oart ii'ulara which woranll froj. i Oulllt frc'o. Don't complain of hiir.l tlmm whlln you havo mie'li a chanco, A.hlro-s II. IIAI.LHTT CO., Portland, Maine. Jnly.1l ly. JSOTICE 01' COPAnTNEK81iIP. Tho undersigned having formed a ooparU iiersbip under the style of ELLIS & NEVILLE, will hereafter carry ou tho raercautile bus iness at NEVILLES OLD STAND, .V HALIFAX, N C. Fine liqMors, tiucara, ColTae, Flour and everything usually kept in a llrat clam family grocery hKhc, always on hand and fur sain ehoap for rali. Wo thinlc our friend' for put favom and hope I liny will piitroiii.o tho haw linn. Our lnr is Dm host plaoj in town to grt any kind of drink, W. W. KLLIH. II. H. NJiVJLLi:. Jilly2llt F till Till: 8i:A HiltUtK. ATLANTIC HOTEL This fiivm itn Non-Si lo Rtnrl It open for tlm reception of l'iiccN. 'J'Iio Hotel i it- iiulcil ilirpi tl v over the, tlin tldn eh lijnif anil llowinir ilaily huni-atli It, nnd ia (mutely Irco from dual, II n't and mo-qul looi. It hia nn unobstructed view of thn Ocohii, nnd wlthir. lliirly ininiitoi a.iil of ho Im.M'h on which aro erected auitHb'e diC3Sini! h itisos for M'KF UATIII.G, which is mi surpassed, and with no danger from undortow. Until Honsoa lor Still Water Ratuiair lilac within tiftv ftiet ot tliu IJoiol. 4;OI YWI.I.MJ in Hie harbor to various points of intoroft amoiiK which mo ( apo Look Out, rort .Macon, ami Kluckclloril Ranks, whore an endlubs variety of iiua .Sh jlls can ba gath ered. SplnndM lishinjr, especially trolling ami good Imntini;. Tho vermidulis nro tho mostextonsivo !n tho State, directly la"ini; tho ocean, and tho Hall Hi oin Is tho most Hpiicions nnd airy in tho South. A good hand of music wili remain during t'ui season. A steamer will land piis-ongpr nt the Hotel Wharf, nnd fifteiMi or twenty tirst chiss ail!ni lioat always in readinnaa to convey pasnongora to uny point iu Iho harbor. There ia a livory stablo in town from which lio.-so trail bo hired at reasonable rales. Tho tiiblti will bo supplied with oysters, uimns, li-li, scullops.ei ttlis, ini tio, torrapin. liar liilliarns and Ter. I'ina. Teru.s 52.50 t.r day,!2 (0 per week and i'i'i.iM) per month. pecial rates made with excursion par lies. 15. L. 1'JiRKY, I'rop'r. july 3tf I OLD AND RELIABLE, 1 Da. Baxfokd's LrrEB LwiqoratohJ is a btandiird Family Remedy for tliacaacs of the Liver, Stomach Jand Bowels. It is Purely igfl Vegetable. It never & N fj jDobiiitnteB it is ira tt a QMS ilonic. JTRY Xfefl Tonic a nil1 rv-J'J'' rt J3 AW .Y .r ! ;P'? 111 u y I-'ri'eiiC(3 und ly tho jmblie.i . for inoro t'.ina 33 years, with nnprccrJciiteJ rir.lU.5 SEND FOR CIRCULAR S.T.W.SArlF0RD1H.D.,,i;wB?25 J UTDRI bUISTHIUTEUlOl ITS ELPl TA110S. uTIl'E HPSKIZL'KE. 1 MTU' --TTI IVT. 1IFVF- 1 K, 111 n TV Col I Kl TOH- OlHI K, isn. Il-T, WEI.eos N. C. J iiltf 2Mh P7;l N-itico N lif-rehv irlvcn ot th.- f.,1'.. wit, efpr. riv ..rvl..ltin ..t tlie hitirtial K' Ve- liTi- lnv .,f i hi. I oil. .. siat.'s. vir.: ninM-art lKt loliacrti, scleil m thf jirotfrty Ot T. T'lKIICK. oin- pari li.u toli.vcc.i, aclz 1 as tlm imniorty oi l 1. m.hiii. T..i.irl li.n tol.acco, s. lr.?Ja.stliciirocrtr of llriilmi K linns. ' Any u-rnuti i.r .irotis rlalinlnr anv of (lie sai.l r.u-rly in-iMmlill-.t to aiM'r at I ti: ,.rrtco vittnii thirty li.vs Inmi ;uM:. atiuii lion . if r i.i. .i.., i.,..,,,. . lit f. i., . . i.nii.i "' ilo. W. H CAPKl.l.. JuncSf. 1 t li.'i.ulyl'oll,ci..r. liTALlU BUKUL CASKS. AT MA A I 'FA C TV II ERS PRICES. When orderieo send loneth and width at eltHiw-StatM wh-thttr Jaconel or half Satin liiniiH prerontd. f per cont off list I ir linnirdiHia casii. Uoodaorucr-d by;E (roas. Son; C. l. I), lesi thati g por cent Imt prioo. R. F. IIUTLEU, A-X Wki.iion, N. C. f tiAl Brown'a Drug Store. (one Sly. H OUNF.ll SCHO JL, OXFORD N. C. CUWJI, MATIlKMATlt'At. HC1KNTIK1C. I'nll St'sslon ItrjtnH St'l. 101k 'T. INSTRUCTORS. j. ii. ltortxr.K, a. m. J K Hi I M K V.. IliiltS K It, A.M. KUHKliT W. WINSTON, A. ii. Kor circular, nddressi JUltUllKC. tlORNIilJ. iiil. lTUu mm rip id .n-.w i it .o j in m m n ADVERTISEMENTS. A K li K 5 II 0 F . EMRY HOUSE WELDOX Ji. i Shavlnpr. Bhaniioolnf, and Halr-cuttlnfr all done In llrsr-cinss sivie. i.oiiiinriiiiii" i iian. To the citizens of Halifax and Northampton counties, Ilie jirlee for ahaTliiR has tieen reduced to ten cents. We return thanks for past favors and ask your iiatronaire In future. special atteiulou iiaitl to ciiltlnu children 8 hair. McNKII.Lt UN. july:llf Toxaonui. Aiitists, N T O'i'l U Ji. To the Mayor of Halifax county Surveyor and nhysicians eloaible to membership Iu the stnto Meuicat society : You are hereby notified to moot In Hal Ifax town on the first Monday in Aucust for tho purpose of orKariizinn a Board of Ilenlth for this county and to elect a Su perinteiidaiit of lloallli for tin next two eusuing years' 11. J. IIEKVICY, Chaii'm Board Conimissinnors, for Ualifax County. July J73vr Ori'H'R NiTKiitnn OnniT n.usit. llALirax N.U. June Klith 1H7ii. "j The following named persona ara herrliy noti fied, Unit they were on the tstli day of Kcliriiary 17;i. duly eleetrd hy the lienernl Assenilily of Norlh I'aMllna, Justices of the l'cacc of Halifax county lor six )ears, and they are hereby re- uui'steil to appi-ar hefore me at lny olllee Iu Hal- inn town mi Ilie nrsl M'liHlay in AiiKUst next fur Ihe purpose of ilaliryioi ns such : ' M Parker, H A I'liorne. Ilrlnkleyvllli! Township Illltterwood " t'aledonla " t'onocouarlu M Knll.dd. " Kaiieetta " Halifax " I.ltlleton " Pahnyrn " Hoseie-ath " Wehlon " JOHN T.OIIKOOUY. Clerk Suiie. Court. T W Peniier, W M Shields. .las II Whllaker, U II llrlckell, K II Wiaw. W A .I'lliiision, K W llymaii. II II Piirrliiifton. W A Paulel, July.Hw NORTH CAROLINA, Halifax County, Ofllco Board County Commissionnrs, Juna Meeting Jt"!. It is orde-ed by the Board that all par ties holding claims against the county by order or otherwise, be requested to presotit the same to tho dork of said Board tu or before tho 1st dav of Sept. IS79. By ordor of ihe Board, R. J. JjJ2WIS, Work. June 5 im. s IOUTIIEKN HOTEL, HALIFAX N. C. J. IV. MULLEN, I'KOriUETOK. Tabid wnll nnnnlled elean rnnrrta and attentive servauta. Meals 50o Lodging 5Uo. A Livery (Stable also kept whore teams may be hired. Horses fod aud well attoudud to, bj experieueed hostlers. The travel nir nulilie -ill do wnll tool on nt tho Southern Hotel. Juno 5 1 y. B t.MIIUM SCHOOL, M EH 1 SEVILLE, IV. C. the 171st session bbiiins jn.y snrii, 187.1. A rrJl!II-l,IIHIlt lintA l.ftntt V... ...,l..l. . limited niimher of yoinn? men with small ni"aus can "mess" at triper month. lit inrd. wit ll til I'll whnil Pimm .niliifnd tn (LI 3 per uionth: Tuition to MI per session. rnr pio-i icinar.s auuress June 25 6w MAJ. H. BIXOHAM. 'AX.WA7G 8ZLX3CT TSI3 BSST.1 READ' roa IWMHJIATa VBE. t rndpe-rd hv vtt Pit A nTIf? IT. BATWTPn OOVEHINO CAPACITY k DURABILITY l.XCI7.KI) ANY KNOWN PAINT. HuildinRt 1 aintnl : wiihonrPicparrJ Pjinu, if not samtlt- tonr, will W Eepaiatod tt our Exjonae. FOR SALE BY A. R. ZOLLICOFPKll TJRO., Wei, ion, N. C. June 2 1 y N JOTICIi OF MORTGAGE'S SALE By Virtue Of linWCM Conferreil ui.nn tin. In Deed of Mortau-e executed tn me liy Jleurv J. Hervey.on tie- Kilh day of llceemlier. IhTS reirU. tered lllth.'.ililccof the H.-L-lster of IWiU 'f,. Halifax c. unity. In rin.ik SI. at pa res S'.i4. and !',i 1 will sell for past, at the Court House door in thi town of Halifax, on T1IL tCSDAY 10TII JULY 1S79. All the real estat In aald Ieed cf Mortiraiie eon vcyed and desprllied, tn-wit : one tract conlaluin.n ii acres lying near ItrillUleyville. tlll iithrr tract poiitnlnln r ill ,r..a l..l.....H tin-town of Halifa. iu the section of couuty hui'hii ns I lie niusiies. line other ImcI eotilninlov 9ft'J ii.h. K..,n the rivr Mad leaduof frmn the town ila.ifa.x to Tillery's Mill, fmir miles from Halifax. One other tract contiiniiiiK 15 acres, adioinim? the town of Halifax in rear of the M.'thodist churi'h. Three lids aillikliiiiiir flic limltd nt tl... H.n H difnx, known' as the Wesley Smith lots. Kourotherl.itsa lioinii'K sa!d town, now ni. ciipied by Sac Hay. Nine lots in said town nutnlir.'d tn the plan of said town :is. :u. If.'. l:;i, 1 i;n. 141, and 142. All the Interest of s.,1,1 Hcrvey in n tract kiniwii as the Puni'dl litml, containlnif almnt I.iuhi acres, and in another tract known as Mi John R.J. llanlol laud containing ahout 1,1!H) acres. Parlies d-slrlu(rlnforinntlonwlll t.l..un ...ou tn me at Ralelirll. or lo Thomn4 Hill Kd Ht Halifax. )"' JOH.1 (JATI.IXll. W. 11. VICK C'AKKIAUEK AXD ItUGUIES MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. All kinds Of wonri wnrlr anrl l.lmmln. donti tn good style. Blacksmith work done at short notice and with neatnoss. All new work warranted. Fine painting; for uuKiusuui si iow prices.uast iutusod. SPECIAL ATTEMTIUM GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT CoftinsanJ Cases of all Bizoa constantly on band. ' 'T7lfiMriUIII llo?luniluui'iiuiriK,t.uMIK";Li1SI Carrlnse Materials kept onhand at price below l'Ktorsburg raarliPt. Wtldon X. C. j il no ii ly ADVERTISEMENTS. w KLDON MIL L S. Wuter Ground Mad. lloltccl and Unbolted. Mado from soloctod white com, thor oughly screened aud tan nod. mr27(lni JJELMONICO'S FOR isALK. The valuable lot and store la Wolilon, known as "Deluionleo's." Apply to MULLEN Jt MOORK. mayltf nitUAI BAEQAINS AT J. A, MUSCROVES. BOOTS, shoes, ckockert, dry goods, and motions AT COST. I wish to close nut my lino of tho abnvo goods and will soil out ut cost. Finest and purest Liquors always on hand aud sold lu any quantity. Tbe Idlest arid most fashionable PRIXKS OF THE SEASON. GROCERIES OF ALL IUXOS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Mr. II. B. Pope Is with mo and will be pleased to bee his friends J, A. MUSHKUVK, Weldon, N. C. apr. lfiflin SEND FOR SAMl'LES. We offer to the citizens of NORTH CAROLINA THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND Bust Stock Ready Made Clothing IN THE SOUTHERN STATES! Itis all our own manufacture, thoroughly reliable and low iu piioo. Soud for sam ples for our MERCHANT TAILORING -AND- GEXTS' FIKNISIIIXU GOODS. pSfHeoi for catalogue. JOHN WANAMAKER, RICHMOND VA. mavS 3 in TALBOTT lc NO.Vf SIIOCKOE MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol Portablo and Stationary Engines and Hoilers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Mluifling, Hangers nnd I'til leys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma chiueiy, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of Every Des oriptiou. Ginning and Threshing M.uiiinks A SPECIALTY. Kepalriiie; Promptly Carclnlly Itouc. TALBOTT S PAPENT SPAKK-AllKIisiTEIl, The luTcntion el the Age. It does not dostroy t'ie draft. It does not interfere with cleaninij thn taber. It will uot choke up, and requires no cloau iiiR. It rennires no direct dampers to bo opened when raising slcain (dampers be ing oi'ioctionablo, as thuv may be ieltopon and allow nt arks to escape ) it requires no water to extinguish sparks, wbica, by condensation, destroys the uralu Uesides, when water is used, if neglected, the efficiency Is dtnlrnvrd bv ev aporation of the water, aud tha boilor is kept in a lilthy condilion. It is simple and durable and can bo re lied upon. It can be attaehod to any boiler. No planter should bo wilkutoiiebrtLeui. Insurance companies will insure gins and liarns where the Talbult Eiigiui-n and Spark-Arresters aro ued at same rato as cliarve t for water ir horse power. irSeud for illustrated circulars and price list. Branch bouo. fJoldsboro, N. C. J. A. H AVJSKR. i.eiiorul Manager. T. A.ORANtiliR, Local Manager. mav 8 dm w ELDON ORKS. BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. Long and Wm. D. Reese having formed a copartnership In tbe briek business, take iliie method of in foruing tbe public that they have on hand aod for sale, tho flnest stock of brick In the Slate. W nr. U. Reese., Hie practical man of the concern has had nn experience of more than torty years In haltimore and other cillex. He has made all tbe briok in Weldon for the past nve years, and has given entire aalislaction to ail who bave used them. HARD BRICK A SPECIALTY. THE CI. AY SELECTED II AS BEEN TESTED. NO HALF KRICK OR RATS. Paities when entering will please, stotc where the bricks aro to used, if for an out side chimney, or Inside chimney nr un dorpini i'-.g.'Ao., thoreby saving expense and trouble. PRICES TO SI IT THE TIMES. The undersigned respectlnlly refer to Capt. J. K. Divine, W. A W. Railroad, Cant. F U.Ohio, S. A R, Railroad, and 8. T. Hand, S. A K. Railroad and manv others on all the roads who bave used the briek made by W. I). Reese. I'ieasc send your orders addressing LONil A RICKS K, Wcldou, N, C. uinv lotf ADVERTISEMENT. N OTICli. Having qualified aa CTeentoof the. lato Mrs. Felli'liv N. Snlelds, In tlie Proliate court, for the county of Halifax, all persona liohliiiff claims Against tlie deceased am hereby not Hied to pre sent them to ine, or to my attorneys, Kitcliiu and Ilium, duly authenticated, on or before tho 80th dayof June lftWI. Persons Indebted to tho estate will please make immediate payment. CIIAS. T. LAWRENCE. Executor of P. N. Nhlelds, PerKltehln i Diiim, alls. Scotland Neck, N. C. Juno 12tf. N AW, WELDON, N. C. BAKER A CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fan cy oandies. Keeps always on hand tbe fullest stock of Candies, fruits, Huts, Ac, to be found in Eastern North Carolioa, wuicn uo sells by wuoiesnieor retail. Ordors lor wedding parties, and balls prepared on short uotiue aud at most rea soiinulo prices. Cot 1!0 tf. II- F- 13 U T L E , Fire and Lilc Insurance Agent. Places risks of all kinds in 'first-class Companies as low as safety will permit. Cull and sue me before iusuring else where, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Woldon, N. C. July 13 1 y. Q. K A N D ACHIEVEMENT. A New 1'roccss Tor Sinking' Wells. A GODSEND TO EASTERN N. C. It is a raro case that a woll is sunk twen ty Inet without finding marl. Good water can always bo had by boreing below the man, ana snutiing ou too water Irom above. I bave a new process that excludes all surface water and effects of marl, Ac. Plain well complete tor use, onedollar per foot ,witb surfaco preventative, ono to one fifty per foot. Theso wells never net out ol order, will last a life tiino. Ordors so licited, reliable Agents wanted. Special attnntioi'i givon to moving houses with my Pot Mover. J. D. MERUIT A CO. Woldon, N. C. Doc21 tf. mmm mmm ,V7m,"tl;l)'.1-pi!0(5crnplloikofthoorittmot'J tuo World B Literature. Sintjl. onpy, 2thi., or 1 1 por l"".T' - ,.An.'1 l.'hrouio (llxao inchus) o( "Yosfmito tlloy " price, fa; " Black Hhnp," n il.R) book, in liapor bindinx: "Christian Oaktay'a Mintake," a it liciok. in pjner binrtini, and a samplo enpj otT' Wood's llouietuilu Mapazine " all ssat-pinil, for only 30 centi In ntone, or in one-cent postie stampa. Aecnts wanted. Moat, liberal terms, but nothing sent f reo. Adilresa S. S. U ood, Tribuuo liuiluiug, iiuw York City. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! HEAD THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your Cheap goods from W II BROWN. THE LEADEK OF LOW PRICE S. Uo koops always on lruid a full line of KCtieral moi'uhaiidi.'iO, such as Boots, Sboex, Hals, Caps, Drv Goods, Notions, Poekot Cutlery, Biiaors, Holsory, Ae. Also a full line of grocerios, Choap for Cash. Corner 1st St. and Wasli. Avenun. Weldon, N. C. mr271y ALUAIJ-LIi LAM M Foil SALE. We have f.irsalo and on caiy and reason atdo terins, the following yalualilo tracts oflami situated iu Halifax county, N. C: 1. That tract formerly bolnnninir to W. P. Solotnoii, deceased, ;known as "Klin wood," containiiii! about o80 acres nnd ad joining lands of Dr. G.U. Macou, deceased and others. 1!. 'I ho tracts formerly bclonine to Jno. C. Randolph, and located near Crowells X Roads, one tract known as tho Uodgers tract and containing about 11( acres, the other trant knowu as the "Cockran" or "Mullen" tract and containing about 301) acres. 3. A tiact situated in Warren county about three fourths of a mile from Lit tle ton on I bo public road leading from that place to Warrenton, and containing about -10 acres, and anj doing the lauds of Mrs. Dr. Chas. Skinner and others. i. Tho tract purchased by W. H. Shields from tho administrator of Jacob Hint's, deceased, coiitainitiK about 3(H) acres and sljoinl!iK tho lands of W. II. Shields, Geo, P. l'oio aud others. Parlies set kilitf in f.irnmtloD as tn this tract, can call upon ua or John C. ltaudolph Esq. All these lands are in healthy sections. If not disponed ol nrivatol v before that time, we shall offor said lands at public auction ou tho tirst Monday inDctobtr. Parties wishing to purchase would do woll to call upon us for information. , MULLEN A MOORE, Alts. Halifax N. C. aprlOtf GRANVILLE TOBACCO W0UK3, HENDERSON N. C. jos. e. roGi E, niorniEToit. M ANl'FAC'TCItBS AM. OUAPBS OV Twist Tobjcco and Cmnr W'okk, GENERAL AGEHT FOR E. H.POGUE'S GENUINE "SimNG I CLL"! DURHAM SMOKIRO TOBACCO. m n b Uiu ""USSSSS ADVERTISEMENTS. Bell known to all readers of this paper that you hereafter order your entire wauia in weariiiK apparel aod Uouse keepina goods ol tbe " UNDERSIGNED, ANU flET TUK MOST BKLIAJltE 0O0DS FOB TII LIAIf MONEY Ready made clothing for Men and Boys wear of custom make; and beat quality at lowest prices. BnfAT)CI.OTIW, 11RK.SS OllODN, t'OTTON CLOTHS, 1MIKSKIN, BIl.KK.hATINS, KLANNKLH, CAKKIMKKKH VKI.VBTM, ri.IIHUIW, IHIMKNTICH. TAIMlltS' TRIMMIKdS, VK1.VKTKKNH tH KtCTlNtJR, HII1HTS, I1KAWKRR, SWI8K MIISI.1NH, OIIKCK MDHI.INM ' l'll.I.DW CASINO, UNDKItHHIRTH, NAINSOOK, UK1 TICKING". IIOINKKY, BI.ANKKTO, OLOVES, A full line of Notion, and Fancy Goodi at wbolesalo and rotall, at less than NORTIIEItN PRICES. Clothing made tn order In best manner, Kit Rtiaianteed. Orders promptly filled. Saui plus gout on application. Itespectfullv, M. E. KULL, 145 Syo. St. Petersburg, Va. T H LARGEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THE SOUTH. All impoitod and m ami fact uied by me, and sold nt less than Northern Prices. Real Froneh Bonnets and Hats, Straw goods, by tho ease dozen or piece, Infants Goods, Flowers, Wreaths, Piumos, Tips, Ribbons, Bashes, !l'ips, Ruching, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, Edgings, Bridal Wreathes. Ladies dresses mado to order, complete, iu best inanuor, ut lowest pricos. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly tilled. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct 12 lm. 0 T I C E. " Having taken tbe shop that A. Eaton formerly occupied, 1 am prepared to da all kinds of repairing, wood or iron. Having been here over twenty years everybody in the county knows thai I na derstand my business, making wpgoni and carts, buggies, and ironing same. Give me a call. D. 0. RICHARDSON. Jan 11 6m. MRS. A. 13. JONES- 203 Sycamore St, l'clcrsbnrg V. FALL AND WINTER, 8-79 t Is opening a Now and Desirable stock ef I1ILLIKEUY GOODS, DKES8 MAKN Q A SPECIALITY. CUTTIXG AXD FITTING, At short notice. Latest styles dress trim mings, fringes, buttons, fancy goods, and notions. Wedding and party dresses made, and If requested, will furuish the material. Oruamcui Tor the. Hair ol Every Description. Braids, Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelry. Also, Xanthine, an excellent preparation lor tlie hair. Iu fact, everything to adorn a lady. ALSO EM BALM KR .OF NATURAL FLO H ERN. We warrant our Embalmed Flowers neve to chance their FORM OR COLOR. -AOKKT FOR- E. LUTTERICK & CO S. CELEBRATED PATTERN SI Catalogues sent free on application. I am prepared to offer customers eitr Inducements this season, in the -tjl'r quality end price of my goods, to as t tuako it to their interest to give Die a larg sharo of iboil patronage. 1 therefore kef to have tbe plcanre of an early call ! you, assuring you I hat 1 will w my r etrorta to make your trading with me tiroly satisfactory to you. Orders from Virttinia aDd North Cm' na are solicited, and will be promptly fill' upon reasonable terms. . Thaukiug you 1 ir past favors, I rem" Yours respectfullv, MRS. A. B. JONE Oct 19 tf. QOTTON GIN FOR SALE. I have for sale a tlfty saw Needle ton Oin, in good repair. Psrties can j tics (3 in Ht Johtt M. Foole's Fnmlrr Weldon, N. C. J, M. MULLEf uirtTU