THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1870. K. AT. R. A. NOt'IETY. The Kiecutive Committee of this So ciety met on Monday night and com pleted arrangement! fur holding the oeit fair. All the members ore posi tive of success and will leave do none unturned to accomplish it. Iu the way of amusements the com mittee bate arranged lae programme for each day. AH tastei will be suited and baudsoine prizes be awarded. There will be no conflict tliii year with any other fair. The exhibition will be dur ing the week following the Iltlcigh, and prtceedinc the Richmond fYir, Tiiis a a lies it more advantageous for both visitor and exhibitors. Every nigbt there will be a hop at the botel and oo Thuesday night a grand ball vei l be given. This Society bus in the pant done a great deal for the farming interests ol this section by bringing the people to gether, and showing what those in dif ferent sections can do and "bat crops they aoake, thereby creating a spirit of emulation which stijiulite each one to do better and vie with his neighbor in produciog large crops with the least ex pense. Our people should patroniia this fair by attending and placing ar ticles oo exhibition. It is oo a firm basis and shoulJ be suUiued. The public spirit of our pcoplo has been suf ficient lor its suppoit heretofore, and we dj not doubt but thut it will be so the future. L-t us work for the fair an make it the best in the Stato or out of it. It can aud ouu'it to be done. l'i:err.K ofteu wonder why Weldo is no larger than it is. With so many ruilroais cenluring here and so many natural advantages, they are surpised that it is so small. Strangers expect when they arrive or pass through here, to fi id a place with at least tea thous and inhabitants and cau't understand why it is so small. No place ith every facility can grow large, unless the citizens do some thing too. If it grows only by the nat ural increase of iububitants, k will take many years for it to double its present size. Toe only way then is to make the place so attractive as to induce peo ple to come here from other places This can bo done io many ways. Iu the first place the health of the town should be improved by removing all those things which produce malum The streets shoal J : bo kept in good order and nnJe pleasing to the eye. It costs very little and will pay in the end. Ia tha next place, there should be schools. Nj father of a family would be willing to live here unless there were schools to eJucata bis chilJren, whatever other advantages might be de rived. Schools we must have bef ro there can be any large iucrease iu the p pulatioD. The first three thi.igs a persons in- tires about when seeking a place to locate are hcilth, churches, and sch mk We have churches, and our citizjns sn iuij oo.tir the nsolves to improve tl e beakh. It can easily be dono if the people choose to do it. Thei schools should be established. On small Boule if you please at first and then praduully build up. This can be done. There are plenty of boys and girls in the town now t support a g-od day school, and jet there is not a single school in town. II iw can parents be willing for their children to grow up iu ignorance or what is worse, iu idleness. Idleness is a (he field for the devil to woik in ns well for children as for grown pc iple, m aaorality increases e kj iilly as idleness increases, UEXKKIL UOKX IX NORTH C AKOM V. CW people no doubt are tired of pol itics. They and the country need rest Ft a long time the papers have been filled with legislative and C mgression al proceedings aud the discussions growing nut of them. We have many times turned aside for other topics. The heman mind requires sarie'y. With out it there comes satiety as cditois S3uiC'liitic fi id uul. t It is a good li ne us nny then for dis cussing historical points connected with our State. S ich topics are iu fact never outnf time. Ojr people need to be in formed that a proper S ale p:ide may be excited. Stir has now aid then attempted in its own way to contribute its share io that direction. There is a point in our history that reqiires to be enforced. We have aliown bow many soldiers N- rib Can . lina furnished' during the war of the States. We must also show how many Generals who served in llie war were natives of N' rth Carolina. Thtre is weed for this, NmI many of our owe peoplo have the required information, end persons living in other States aro, to a great extent, ignoraut also. To show this we mention a fact.. Mr. Al. under II. Stephens, io bis able woik, Tne War of the Slates, gives a list con taining 110 (jjnerals of the Cinft-dera. cy. O.'t'iejt tml 1J arc from NV.h Carolina. This is inexcusable on the part of the historian, when it is a fact that North Carolina had no less than 37 natives who rosa to the rank of lirign dier or higher. Here is the list we are able to give, and we be believe it is correct in every particular : Generals Braxton IJragg 1. Lieuienant Generals Leooidas I'olk, Tneo. II. II .l.nes-2. Major Genera's W. W. L trinp, Wm I). 1'ender, liryan Grimes, K ibert Ransom (Cavalry,) Robert 1'. 11 ke Stephen 1) Ilamscar, John II. Forney Hen M.Culloch, C M. Wilcox, M. W Hansom 10. Hrigadier Generals h 0'15. Branch, IV. U. Gatlln, Georie 15. Anderson, James J ibustoa l'oitigrew,, Junius Paniel. Gabriel J. Jliins, Gaston II Lewis, H ibert J iIiiujo, James G. Mar ti, Tlios. L. Clingmun, W, II. Cox William Kirkland, 1. McUie, Robert Vance, Alfred M. Scales, L. H. Hiker (Cavalrv,) J. H. Gordon (Cavalry, Kufus lijrringer (Cavalry.) Wm. Hob erts (Cavalry,) Joseph II. Lewis (bom in Granville, nud succeeded in enni maud of I'reukeuridgn'a old Brigade,) II. . I'oniey, J. II. ( union, ol Ala barua, (".illen I! .tile. Felix K. 7, llicl ler (Horn in llalilax and killed in Ken tucky) 21. Tuose aitb a opposite were killed Halifax county furnished four Generals. ii: Z illicofTer, MCulloch, Daniel and Cox. The First Cavalrv f'.l.h N. C. Troops) gave the Confederacy four Generals. North Carolina had 1 Lieu tenant General, o Major Generals, and C Brigadier Generals killed in the war as many as Mr. Stephens cao find room for in his list of Generals furnished by this State. We give als ) a partial list of Gen erals from other Slates who commanded North Carolina brigades, or brigades composed in prt of North Carolinians Lieut. General Dauiel II 11,11 of South Carolina. Maj r General Wado Hampton, of S. C. (1st regular N C. Cavalrv ) M.jor General I. li. Trimble, or Maryland, 2 brigades. B 'gidier General tm Garland, Jr., ofVa, N. C. brigade (killed) lirigadier General J. II L ine, of Va , N. C. brigade. Hrigadier General Iverson, ofGa, N. C. br inade. Hrigadier General J. H. Cooke, of Va.. N. C. bricade. Hrigadier General C. Laveutbapc, of Hug land, N. C. brigade. Hrigadier General K S. Ripley. 2 reg- ments. lirigadier General George II. Stewar", 2 regiments lirigadier General Law, 2 rcgimenis Hrigadier General 11. K. Bides of Va , 1 regiment. Brigadier (Veneral M. tfiegg, of S C , 1 regiment. Brigadier (Veueral Birnard E Hee, 1 regiment. Major funeral H. C. Whiting at Fort F.sher, also N. C. troops ia Vir ginia. lirigadier General J. J. Davis, 1 regi ment. Major General During, of Vu. X. C. Cavalry brigade. Mnjor General Hovcrly Robertson, N C. cavalry brigade. H hen General Bndcs was promoted to a Mijor General's place his Division was ComposeJ of Norlh Carolinians. S ime of our troops served in South Carolina and Tennessee, but we are Dot able to give their uumber, or by whom commanded. General A. P. Hill, when Maj ,r Ge. . eral, commanded North Carolinians, and always said he preferred to command them to all others. Wc have the au thority of a leading citzn of Wilming- ton, himself a Confederate nfl'ieor f the following incident : Whilst in Gene ral Hill's tent one night, lie asked him, M Inch is the best brigade in your corps, encrnl.' -Why, Cooke's Norlh Caro ins,' was the prompt reply. 'Which nextf'queried the Wilmingtonian. 'Mc Kan's North Carolina,' he quickly an- swered. 'And which next?' continued our friend. The General thought for a moment and then said. -It lies between ine's North Carolina and Mahone's irginia.' General I) II. Hil.'s famous Division w'aich did so much nrthc hardest fighting in Virginia, was composed entirely of troop, from this State. This verv bravs Ulcer, although a native of another Sla'e. has always done full j,lsiioe to t)a g()d. erly qualities of the North Carolina 'bovs m gray.' Wil. Star. The Sta r doesn't give Halifax cnuntv credit for all she is entitled to. liesidn Gen's. Zollicoffer. McCulloch. I)a..i..l "d Cox. Halifax furnished lirioadi.r ('.-n L O'li. li anch, who was born st field, at the Branch homestead which stands i.i a lartto grove adj lining lb town on the F.ast side, lijsides these we cannot recall any others ut present I here may be others, and iudecd we think we ought to be entitled to claim our distinguished Sei.ator Uiniwn. Although he was born at the residence or his grandmother in Warren, his father was litiug iu this county at the tune. At any rate we feel as if he ought to be a native of Halifax and wish he was. Fit Oil NAMMAFKAsj FORK. Sassakiias Fohk, N. C. Aug 4th, '79. TUll.U CO FAIR SEX It. & T. It. A. SO C1KTV. limroits News: Thinking perhaps, your readers feel an interest in all that concerns Eastern N. C , I propose to mention a few items. It is my fortune ti bo domiciled for a short time in this section of (r.anvllle county, which is ad mkled to be the most fertile and desira ble locality in tha tobacco region. It is here that much of the fine, highpriced tobacco is raised, which now creates such a furor among tobacconists every where. While the soil is productive or almost eery variety of plant life, the, tobacco seems to have preference, over all other crops. This is wrong. Few farmers can be successful in raising it, md those of the most iud'js'rious and skillful class, and as their eff iris to be considered as preparers of bright tobacco at perh ips 100 dollars per 100, lbs and COO or 700 dollars per acre, all other crops are neglected. Now, from my own observation I de:lare these lands as productive of wheat, cor", oats, and every vanity ol rratses. In lac t, all grasses adapted to the climate are in digenous, und crow luxuriously while the giain crops of tbu present season are lai super inr to any, I have yet seen Evidencing its superiorly as a stock- raising community. inis neignoor- hnod is C imposed or intelligent and re fined people who only need a rai road to make t'leni the cleverest folks in the world. H' the way, I know it will re joice the hearts of your editorial staff as well as all good Norlh Carolinians to be informed that the contrict frbuilJiip the Oxford ond Henderson H It, has been uw uiled to that devoted son and over of the goo I OJ State, Col. W. F. Heasiey now of Hiltimore. Col. B. lias been in fiianville several days ar ranging details, and has mada a most favorable impression upon her citizens, many of whom declare he can build the road iu thirty days, less time than, any other man iu the l uiteu Mates, lour correspondent is urging him to put out every effirtto have the road completed by the t me of Your 15 g Fair for I hod the people here all intend to go to eldon "next time. Ordinary meo, would say it is an im('0,sibility to lay a single rail by that tixe but I bave caught the enthusiasm of the franville people, and say if any any body can do li-aley is the man. About the iir, I am daily akcd all s rts of qnef- n. about it, but iu many instances am no sufiuicnily informed to give satis lactory replies, so if )oa will get from the biiy Secretary iuformalion and lrai;Smit it to your correspondent here, le may be enabled to beutfil your So ciety. I hear of parties of large size truua all portions of the county prepar iiC to iu. I wuulJ be deliiihied it your Junior could tuke a short trip to this pla;e. I know his estimate of the gentle sex, and I can assure bim these are of the gentlest sort of folks. For bis imli rmation I say, there are fl'iite a number of foreign beauties scattered pre miscuously the country, while the imtura excellence and orace cannot ba equalled any where iu the South. If this doesn't b re a iy body, let me know and I will tell you other things next week. AKVKKTISF.MEXTS. i ULO AND RELIA6I F. 2DR. SANFOItD'a luTEH LvnoORATOIi! u uuuuuru r luniiy nemcuy lor i fiud Bowels. -It is I'urely jvepetubie. It never uenilitates It is yJdUiurtic ana V.V V'.ift e.S 4 rfTvAt . tr,r-u,5 rr' .n pi-V n LI K " riMtlVW" iu my Practic.i !PuHd by tho public, for laoro than 35 years, with utiiirecetlciited Tesull'? J" SEND FOR CIRCULAR IS.T.W. SANFDRD. U tl ,M oadwv,5 niiidHrerunui M.u,, new toukoitv5 J ssvnarsunrvnunuioriTaasriTiTius. t A Week In v, ill r orn t.iik-ii nn.l t t;ll risked. Villi run irlvn the 1.nuii...ud without expense. Tin' best uppori unity ever uttered fi r Illose wlilinir to work. Yoii slioitl I try nothing else until you see for yout elf what you eau do l the business we offer. No room to explain her.'. You can , It-vote all your tune or only your spare lime to the btitti ness. nml mske Kreat pity for every hour that you wor k- W.iiuen make as much as men. Heinl f"r "I ial priYHie terms anil purl ictilarn which we mad free. iiuilil free. i,,n'i couiplaln of hard tl.n.s wliil- you have such a chance Address 11 II AI.I.K IT 4 C,)., l"t.rllaiid, Maine, julyil 1. ,sci:u ji., OXFORD N. C. CI.ASsi MATlli::.!AHi AI. i S, Ii;.N l'lKlt I'all .Vi-snIoii ItehiN Sept. I Oils '79. INS TR L'C TORS. J. II. IlortNKK, A. M. .IKIlOMKC.IIoltNKK. A.M. HoltKRT W. WINSTON, A. I'. Kor nirruliirM, address JEROME C. HORNER. July 171:n mm ri3 Clonic. kT O 9 1T HM or f V ADVERTISEMENTS. jJARII K 11 II o r. EMRY HOUSE WELION X. C. Shavlnir. Nliniiinmiinir. and Hair eiitllnir all ilone iii tirst -elans si vie CimiforinWi' ('hairs. io II1.TIIIWII ui ni..,.v ...... eounlii's. the irle for sliimntf tins lie.-n rnlueed to t.'ii ei-nls. v t' n'liirn i naiiHs mr nnuj-a nml nsU vi-.ur t.nt ronaife III future. tii.fclal attention naiil to ciittlnK rlilMren 'h hir. NeNKII.1, 4 LO.NO. july.ttf TONHOKIAL AKTISTS, N OTIUE. To the Afavnrof Halifax county Snrvevor and physicians eloeiblo to momborsuip in the tilute Modical Society : You are hereby notiliod to moot in Hal ifax town on tbu first Monday in AtiKtist for the purpose of organlzinn a Hoard of Heal (li lor tins county hiiu to elect a an pnrlntetidnnt of Health for tlii nnxl two ousuiug years1 li. J. llfiliVKl, fjbait'm Hoard CoinmiHsiouers, for Ualifax County, julyl73w Ornci! SrrrHioit C'oi kt n.KRK. Halifax N.l June until IH7S. ) Tin following satneil persons am lieri by noti fies" Hist they were on the yrith iiny or Kenriinrv I7'.i. illlty eleetnl ly the (lenernl Assenitily of IVoriii raroliim. .lusiices or llie I'esee ot Halifax eoiinly lor six years. iihiI tliev are hereliy re- uiiestetl to nniienr liefore me nt my oitle In Hal- itax town on llie llrsl Momlny In AiiKUstnext for the purpose nt iii!ililylinr as sui li i V M Parker, K A Tlionie, 'I' V Kellller, W M Shields, -l i II Whliaker, U II llrleki'll, K II Shaw, W A .lohnstoii, K W llnimn. H II Piirrlnifton. V A lianlel, July II Iw llrlnkli.yvllli! Townslilji. Iiutterwiioa rnle.loiils " Coiioronariu ' Kntl.1,1, Ksiieetts " Halifax " l.ltlleloll " Palmyra " Hosen-'ath " Wehlon Jt)H.N T.MRKHOIIY. Clerk Stipe. Court. NORTU CAROLINA, lialllax County, Oflieo Hoard County CoiniiiiSHioners, J une Meolins KS7. It Is orde-ed by the Hoard that all par ties holilini; claims H;;ainst the county by order or of envi. o, I o requested to oreson t mo tiame to i::o lei k olxulil Hoard on or bulore the 1st U;'v of Soil. IS70. By oi tier of i hn Roan), R. J. LEWIS, Clerk. jure 5 4m. s 'OUTHERN HOTEL, HALIFAX N. C. J. W. HLLLE.V, ritOI'UIETOK. Table well supplied, clean rooms and aii'jiiuve servHiila. Alcals Wo Lodyinx 50?, may Le hired, llorsuslod and well attended to, Li experienced hostlers, The travel ng public will do well toBtop 111. inu nouineru xiotet, June 6 1 y, IIXIHI.VM WIKiolI MLIt V.KVILl.E, SI. C. tub 171st skssiiin hkoins jply :iotii, HT:. Arnnm-em.'iits line t.ei.n made by which a liniile.l nuiiil.eroryouiiir men wilhsiiiall iii"ans can s at , per montii. Hoard, with luruisheil room, reduced to iU J.i-r llioiiin; , union ro per S '.SSIOII. For .iirticiilur.s address JuiicStiilw MAJ. K. BINIJHAM. ALWATO QE1JQCT THH BB3T; READY roa IMMEDIATn TJSH. J j r nttorxed hr rm Pn AOTTOAT. PATTTTPn COVEHINO CAPACITY Si DtTBABILITY JXCKK1) ANY KNOWN PAINT. lliiil.lii.Ri Pamli ilw ithr.irPri-mr,,! P.;i. :f . .,.;.r.o tory.wiu bo Dojaiatod bt our' Xsneniio. FOR SALE BY A. 11. ZlH Mf'tlVFKn t, .111,1 )e 2fi 1 y Welilou, n'.'c. OTICE OF MORTCACE'S SALE B' Virtili cf noVt'r rnnfoffi.,! umm n in . J''l nf Mnrl-ntfiM't.MMititi r m. l.y H-nrv J. I "ku:"!n:" tereil In tilt olllce of tin Halifax county, in Hook SI. at iia -es 5m. ami !Wr 1 will sell f,.r cash hi II,.. ! ... u. . " tin town of Halifax, on ourt House door iu Till US DAY 10TII Jl LY IS79 veyell amnilTrlbe!!."?!;! J!'t 'd yl"n c"n- Ilr nUeyville. ' " " tliie.,1 her tract coutalnlmt m acres lyliu near tile town of Halifax, in the section of county due tract coniHinhi ah ....u i.. ...eo.iier.racicontaininsnj acres, lylnir on '"' river mad leatlnitf from th town Ha lfax to ;vn,,,i::;,v::,c.:;:;;;;nrcnrn., ,J" r.ires n.diroet ,imPera to u uie town f Halifax In rear of the Methodist """ wnen raising steam (dampers be ,''11r,' , 'ng objectionable, as lliey may be lelt open Three ..Is ailjoiniu the limits of the town of ami allow . arks to escnt.o ) ".rhtsalinnl;! rut I In- i.av. ,l Nine lots In s.n.i town i. mull red n the ofsi,ii.,wn:,:ia.tH.l:ii.itfi. it?, ia, U2. km ."i, !w th'e'p'"!.,;'.!, I"!'1, H,,rv"y ' 11 '" , . ! " ! "n" 1 . onianiimr atsoit John 11. J. iiauiel laud containlinr t.ut l phi eres. " Parlies ileslrimr information will please ,,,)y to me at Kaleli; i. or to Tinnitus V tun i...... ... i.'-'iutpmiim mi n in imp i met l - i llniifuv. lu lie lutf JOHN tlATI.INd. W. II. VICK t AltKIAGKS AND IUliUIEM MADE TO ORDER Oil REPAIRED AT LOW PRICES. All kind of wood wnrk anil trii,ininn ..-.. mi noun siym. DiacKMinitii work ilono at short notice ami with iionLnn.. am new work warrantor!. Fine painting for .ut,ejiunuouw iii low prieos.bflKt paint used. SI'ECI II. Tl I.M IOV GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT CtiniusanJ Canes or ail sizw coiislamlv ou hand. J Carriane Malnrials kept onlmnd at prico below l'otorsbuig uiarkei. Weldou N. C. juuc j y ADVERTISEMENTS. w K L D O N MILLS. Water Ground Meal. Itoltetl and Unbolted. Made from selected whito corn, thor ouEb y screened auu lanneil. JUUIJ mrZTlim SELMOMCO'S FOR SALE. The valuable lot and store in Weldon, known as "Doliiionieo's." Apply to MULLEN & MOORK. mayltf QREAI I1ASUAINS AT J. A, MUSCROVES. BOOT.S, SHOES, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS. AND NOTIONS AT COST. I wish to close nut my line of the above (roods and will sell out at cost. Finest anil purest LlfiunM always on band aud sold iu any quantity. The latest and most lasbionable DRINKS OF THE SEASON. (JKOCEKIt: OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) AND SOU) LOW FOll CASH. Mr. H. H. Pone Is with mo and will be pleased to bee hi friends J. A. MITNtJKOVE, Weldon, N.C. npr. 100m SEND FOR SAMPLES. We offer to the citizens of NORTH CAROLINA 4 THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND- M5l:ST STOCK llEADY MADE CLOTHING IN THE SOUTHERN 8TATES1 It is all our own manufacture, thoroughly reliable, nml low iu p-iice. Send lor sam ples lor our MERCHANT TAILORING AND GESTV Fl ICKIIIIKU GOODS. Seni for catalogue. JOHN WANAMAKER, RICHMOND VA. may 8 3m taluott a soya SHOCIvOK MACHINE WORKS, - RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol Portable ami Stationary Engine and Boilers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wbeat Mills. HIiafliiiL'. Hanifirs snd Pol leys. Turbine Water Wlieeln. Ti.liaroo U rhineiy, Wnuf.'ht Iron Work, Mrass and iron i.asiiiigs, Machinery or livery Dua. nriitlimt and Tiibeshiso Macuines 1SPI.TT1I.TV Repairing ProuiiHiy Oi Carefully TALBOTT'S l'AVENT SPARK-ARRKSTEll, The luveution ol the Age It does not tlnslrov the draft. It (Inns not intorfere will, cleaning tli tuh. It wl" "Ol clione up, and requires no clean it)?. P wWr io eXtinKuish "para.s, wuicn, liy oondeimallon. destroys tue draft. Hosiilns, vt huu water is used.'if neKlocted, tho enioieiicy is (lestrovrd by evaporation of the watHr, and the boiler is ket.t in a liltl.v eond.iinn. 1! 18 BI,nlle durable anil eau be ro- lied upon. It can be altaeliod to any boiler. No plHtitor sliould be witliout one of tLeui. Iiiaii-nn a 1 . ! j : barns where the Talbntt ";" t..iiMiBoies win insure riiisi and Spark-Arrosters are used at same rate as oharued for water or horse power. -Seud lor illustrated oireulara and price list. llraneu home. Coldsboro, N. C. J. A. ItAUSKK, -eneral Manser. T. A.UKANUER. Local Manaiter. may 8 Hui T YELDON ORKS. BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. Iiotm aud Win. D. Reese having formed a copartnership In Hie orica uusiutws. takes 111 e inoiliou nf In forming the public that they have on hand and for sale, the finest slock of brick iu the Male. Win. l. Keen.. Ilia practical man of the concern has had an expe'ionco of more man iony years in nalliu.oro si.d ntl.xr cities. He has made all the brick in Wulil.tti f.-tr Ilia iitiiit tlvA VHam a.t.l l.uu oioun niiltrjl iialitlunliiiti I,, all u'l.t. Iiavu used inoui HARD BRICK. A SPECIALTY TIIK CI.AY.KI,hrTKI HAS 1IEKN TESTKH. NO HALF 1UUCIC Oil 1JATS. Parties when ordering will nleaso state Where Uie bricks are to used, if for an out- side chimney, or inside chimney or on derpim ir.f, Ac, thereby suviue; expense and trouble. ritKES TO SLIT TIIETIME.S. The undersigned lespoctliilly refer to ("apt. J. F. Divine. W. A W KHllron.l. ra it. K. O. (Ihin, N. A K. Hailroad, and S. I'. Hand, 8, A R, Railroad and many othors on all the roads who have used the Lriek mado by W. D. Kccko. Please soud your ortlcrs addressing LOXO A IlKKSr", Woldou, N. C. uiuv loll A L) V E RTlEM EN P. N OTICE. Having qualified ns oxeentor of the lain Mrs Fellela N. Wulelils. In the Probate eourt for the county of Halifax, all pemons liolilniff claims against the deeeaseil are hereliy not ilied to pre sent thein tome, or to my attorneys, Kileliln nuilDiinn. duly authenticated, on or liefore thu ijiith dayof Jiiiiu ikkii. Persons Indebted to the estate will please make iimueilute payment. CHAN. T. I.AWRHNCK, Kxeeutorof V. N. shields, l'er Kltehlu ft lliiiin. alls Keotland Neek, N. C. June iztr. v.j- N A VY , WELDON, N. C. BAKER A CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fan oy candies. Keeps always on band the fullest stock 01 candioR, Krultn, Nuts, Ac, to De louud in Eastern JSortU Carolina which bo sella by wholebaloor retail. Orders lor weddins parties, and balls prepared on short notice and at most rea sonaole prices. Cot tf. It- F- B U T LEU l ire and Llle liiNuruuee Agent Places risks ofall klnda in first-class Conipatnes as low an safely vill porinit. Call and see me boforo .'naurinir b'.hp wuere, at, BROWN'S DRU'1 STORE, Woldou, N. C. July 13 1 j. AND ACHIEVEMENT. A New Process for Sinking Wells A GODSEND TO EASTERN N. C. It Is a rare case that a well ia unk twen ty leet without finding marl. Good water ran always be bad by 'lontinp below the marl, aud shutting off tho water from above. I have a new process that excludes an suriace water ane clients of marl, A,c. Hain well complete lor use. onedollar pet foot ,wltb aurfaco preventative, odo to one fifty per foot. These wells never eet out oi order, win last a life time. Orders so licked, redable Acents wanted. Special attention ijiveu to moving housos with mi Pnf. J. D. MERRIT tt CO. W'cldou, N. C, Dec21 tf. .t. ,!;n,,n",l;lf.ll-PV!ei)crpUoi)kof Ihocrcumof ) tno Worltl a Litfmturo. Mnitlo copy, 20c.. or ti nor lfJ- ..An Oil Chromo OlxiO inchml of Ytatimito V.llny " price, 1; Blck Shrp," a l.m book, in Piwr hmding; "Christian Oakley's Miatako." a 1 Ivnok, in paper bmdin. and sample copj of " Woist a llouneliold Magazine '-all pout-paid, for only a. cents in liitintjjr. nt in one-rent piwtaco atam-is. Act-nt-i 1 i"i "' !'V'llt"rJ(l,'rm"iDI,, n','hi''-!i"'nt frro. Addruas 8. B. Vi ood. Tribune Buduing, New York City. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at the Corner, and buy your vueap goous iroin W II BROWN. THE LEADEIl OF LOW PRICES. Ho keeps always on hand a filtl line of general merchandise, such as Roots, Klinei, flats. Caps, lrv (ioods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoisory, Ac, Also a full line of eroeorio. Clioai. for Cas!.. Comer 1st St. and W"h. Avonue. Wkluon, N. C. nir2Tly "yALUAHLE LANDS FOR SALE. We have for sale and on easv and reason able terms, the following valuable tracts of land situated in Halifax county, N. C: i. mat tract lormeny belonging to W. P. Solomon, deeeaseil. known as "Klin. wood," containing shout 3S0 acres and ad joining lands of Dr. Maooii, deceased auu tuners. V. The tracts former) v belonulnir fo Jno. 0. Randolph, and located near Crowells X Koatls, one tract known as tho Kmlors tract and containing about llli acres, the other tract known as i lie "Cockran" or "Mullen" tract aud conuitiing about 30U acres. 3. A tiact situated in Wtrron rniinlr about three fourths of a mile from Little ton on the public mail leading from that place to Wrrenton. and containing allot, t -10 acres, and a'-J doing the lands of Mrs. ur. t has. Skinner and others. 4. Thu tract purchased by W. II. Shields from the administrator of Jacob Hiugs. deceased, containing about 300 acres and ai1niulng the lands or W. II. Milelds, ueo. P. Pope and others. Parliea seeking in formation as to this tract, can call upon us or John u. itandolpli E-i. All tlinso lands are iu Uaallhy aectlona, if not diunosett oi nrivatoly before that time, we Khali orTor said lauds at public auction on the first Monday in Octobrr. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call upon us for information. MULLEN A MOORE, Alts. Halifax N. C, aprltltf GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKS, HENDERSON N. C. JOS. E. rOGl K, I'lCOlMtlETOK. MANL'KACTUItKS Al.l. (lltAIIKS OV IXro and Twist Tobacco ami Cahhv Woiik, EN ERAL All EST EOR E. H. POO UES GENUINE "SITTING KULL'" DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO Uaviiliui ADVERTISEMENTS proclamation; Re it known to all readers of this nan that you hereafter ordor your 6nti- W;?S in wearing apparol aud Jklouhe-keen Li goods ol the . '""g tr N D E n S t 0 N E D', AND OKT TUB MOST UKLIAOLE GOOI13 FOR mi uf MONEY Ready mado clothinf? for Men and Bn wear of custom make; aud beat qualit.vl lowest prices ' ' BROAnrr.nms, DRKSHdODDS, COTTON CLOTHS, IX IKS KIN, HI I. KS, SATINS, l''I,ANNHI,S, CA SSI, MURKS VKI.VKTS, PLUSH KH, DOMKSTICS. TAILORS' TRIMMISQS VKLVKTKKNS SHKKT1NOS SHIRTS, URAWKRh'. SWISS MUSLINS ' CHKCK MtJSI.tNS PILLOW CASINO UNHKRSIIIRT8 AINSOllK, UKI TICKINO HOISKRY. A full line of Notions, and Fancy Good nt wholesale and retail, at leu than NOUTIIERN 1MIICES. Clothing mado to order In best manref Kit guaiantoed. Orders promptly filled! Samples sent on npplicHtinn. IleHpcctrully, M. K. KULIi, 145 Syc. St. Petersburg, Va. T H LARCEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN TUE SOUTH. Allimpoited and mamifaotuied by me and sold at less than Northern Pries. ' Real Krencli Rnnnets and Hats, Straw goods, by the case dozeu or piece, Inlants Goods, Flowers, Wi patbs, Pliimos, Tips, Ribbons, Sashes, '.lies. Hitching, Bilks, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, Edgings, Bridal Wreathed. Ladies d reset a matin to order, comnlete. in best manner, nt lowost prices. BRIIUI. OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly tillpd. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct 12 ltn. OTICE. Having taken the shnn that A. Eaton formerly occluded. 1 am prepared to da nil kinds of repairing, wood or iron. Having bt-en here over twenty veara everybotly in the county knows that I na dcrsland my businoss, making wigooi ant) carts, buggies, and ironing same. Give me a call. D. C. RICHARDSON. Jan 11 Cm. MRS. A. B. JONES- 20S Kycamorc St, rctcrsburg V. FALL AND WINTER, '78-79 Is opening a Now and Desirable stock at NILLINEItV UOOUI, D 11 ESS MAKING A SPECIALITY. C UTTIKU AND I ITTI.NG, At short notice. Latest stvles drass trim mings, Iriugos, buttons, fancy goods, aud notions. Wedding and party dreosos mads, and If requested, will furnish the material. Oraiaiiienl for llie Hair ol Evtry vcMeripuou. Rraitls, Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelrv. A ls, Xaiilhino, an excellent preparation tor thu hair, lu fact, everything lu adorn. a lady. ALSO EM3ALMER OF NATURAL 1'LOWXBIi We warrant our Embalmed Flowers never to chauce their . FORM OR COLOR. -aolnt ron- E. LL'TTEliICK A CO'8, CKI.E11RATED P A T T E R N S: Catali giii'ssctit free ou application. I am prepared io offer customers extra inducement ilus season, in the stylK tiality anil price of my goods, m ss I make it to their interest to give me a larR sliare of Until patronage. 1 I herofore bop to have the plturn ol Hn tarly tali Iron you, assuring you Ihat 1 will wse my lest elltirlN to make our trading Willi me en tirely salislactorv to you. Orders from Virginia and Noilli Cfroli" na arosnliciiid,aiid will be promptly fillrd' upon rcavoiinbleierins.. Xliauking you I r past favors, I rtmaia Yours respeclfullv, MRS. A. B.JONES. Oct M tf. QOTTON GIN FORSALK. " 1 ha'6 for sale a tiftv saw "prdle C( t- ton Gin, in good repair. Psrii-s can ser this Gin at Jobu M. Koote'a Foundry W "". N.C. J.M.MUILE. ai,rl7tl

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