11 .t1 ' V 1. t :- t il 4 THE nOANOKE NEWS. TUUR8DAT. SEPTEMBER 25. 1879. The. Merchant of Richmond, Peters bur; and Norfolk are all anxious to get the trade of tbii section of North Caro Hat, aod weH they may be for it ii large aod valuable. Large quaotiiiet f cottea are shipped annually from all the itatroos on the nlroads ai d the landings oo the rWerr, aod gooda aod prof isioDi brought back. The three ciuet alee aaaed are equally easy of access to oar shippers purchasers, aod the advaolagei afforded by each offset tack) other, so that a faraaer Is flto odecrtfed as to where to send bis cot toe aad tbe marchaot where be will purchase bis goods. This was profeo to Soma degree by the ei curaiuns wmcb took mercbsots to Richmond and Norfolk. Many weot to each place aod we think the sales made at each place would amount to nearly the same, Richmond, J tiers- and Norfolk are tbe natural markets for this portion uf the State, and as their several advantages are about equally di vided, it is accessary for that city allien is desirous of obUiuiog the trade to ofll-r ex' r inducements to customers. If the citizens of a place mike no effort to secure trade, but ait with bands folded awaitiog purchasers aod waiting for trade to seek tbem, sod pour wealth into their coffers then, tbe trade will go elsewhere. Every merchant knows that trade must be sought, must be woiked for, and when secured must be kept ; aod as different places are making bids for patrouago the eSWts to retain it must bo redoubled. There are various ways of doing this. Drumming is a good way, but drummers very ofteo bore peo ple aod as soon as they are out of sight tbey are out of miud, aod sometimes leaves a feeliog of relief behind tbem. Ciiculars too are good, if people read tbem, but they are often thrown abide without being opened, and if read at all are carelessly glanced over and then lure wo iuto the waste basket. Tbe very best wsy to keep your busi ness before the people continually is through the newspapers. Tbe papers are resd daily or weekly os the we may be, and are ofteo put away for ref erence. Tbe whole family sees them, aod tbe neighbors too. They are the proper channel for conveying iuformation to tbo public and the publie looks through tbem to God tbe cheapest aod best goods, and mercbindise. There is no use io saying that the papers are not read. They are read more closely than is generally supposed ; and none knows this better than the un fortunate individual who baa acciden tally or wilfully done something he does not want people to find out. If people are anxious to exclude from the newspapers what they do not wish to be exposed. Tbe saint reason ought to make them amicus to put in tbe pspers what tbey waot to impart. In a government like oars it is pre sumed tbst tbe people rule and tbat their will is law. This is true in theory, but practically tbe peoplo have very lit tle to do with tbe matter. It is true that the people elect the law makers the expounders of the law, and also the executive department of government; but that is not oecessuily governing tbe country. Unless the people sball say who are to be candidates they vir tually have nothing .to do with legisla tion. They frequently are told by the politicise whom to vote for. Tbe States pre made up and tbey are ssked to support the nominees, and in nine Cases out of ten they have little or nothing to do with selecting the men. It is true that io a great party there are cc:essarily conflicting iuteres's and a convention of tbo people is tbe only way in which these conflicting ioteres s cno be amicably settled. And all b have political aspirations should place their claims before the convention aud be satisfied with its decision. And when the convention after fair aod opea deliberation has arranged i's program me it is the duty of every true number f the party to abide by the arrange- meot and give it his cordial support. A convention of the people is the su preme bead of the party and its decis ions are final. Private etbiiioa must give away to party success, and al should work for the ticket which the Convention bas given to tbe party. If there are complaints about combi nations aod manipulations and undue in fluences tbey are not without founda lion, but the remedy is not by grum bling, but by inducing the people to take the matter into their own bands and manage it to suit themselves. If they have been defrauded of the right to oomiuate their owu candidates let tbem See to It that it does not bappeo again, but go in force to tbe coovsutioo aod overturn the combioaliona of tbe schemers as the tablea of tbo money changers were once overturned. Tbe people may feel staved tbat Sottas they do take matter into their own hands things will be manipulated with a view to the success of personal favorites Such have been the changes wbkb time and revolution have wrought that men oo longer wait to be sought, but rather seek for themselves, aod those, aho e DUiitv and iutesritv makes them mod- est, are kept io the back ground by braxeo effrontery aod impudence. IMMIGiit.lTIO.M. A correspondent of tbe News and Courier discussing tbe question "Why Koglish farmers go to Texas instead of stoDoioz io the Carolinas," fluds the aoswer in the superior machinery pro tided by Texas to make kuowa ber con dition aod to facilitate immigra'ioi. fie says that it will not auswer merely to appoint stents who remaio at home, and expect measures to be perfected tbat require their immediate presence. Emigration agents, from other States, visit the Gelds of their enterprise, aud superintend, in person, the business with which they are entrusted, beeral Southern States have perfected mt'tliods for meeting tho demu'iJn of the occa sion, Ihcicby establishing direct com munication between the paities in terested iu the accomplishiuuut of tbe purpose fur which they huvo beiu selected. They do uot wait to be sought, but apply themselves to seeking out such persons us desire to cast their lot with the S'.atcs of which they are tbe immediate representatives ; aud unless Carolina is prepared to do likewse, argument, submitted from a distance, will not compass the desired ends, and can but eventuate in a lose of time and a wasting of means. Our public men must adopt such methods as will meet tbe demands of the moment, aud there will be found tbousauds wh will embrace the oppor tunities wheu properly submitted, aud thereby Carolina will attain all tbat may be desired through the channel of immigration. Much nas been said and volumes written io relation to this im portant subject, but there remains the necessity for proper cuactmeuts, with out tbo aid of which no successful move ment can be mado. For uur part we do not cousider tbo subject as different from all those other matters of life wbicb are elucidated by the application of e little common, sense. Men do not easily break away, from old associations. Where .hey uro born there they die, unless some motive be supplied to cause a icmoval. Gen erally tbe European who severs early and seeks tbe Western world to better his fortune is influenced io seeking a new home surrounded by similar cir cumstances as that be is about to leave. He avoids the greater change, and choosei ike less departure from those methods to which he bas been accus tomed. And again, since men migrate usually to improve their condition, they give beed ouly to those sections which offer superior inducements. It is therefore the part of wisdom if we desire to obtain an influx of population to lay before tbe people whom we propose inviting to cast their lot with us everv matter which appeals to their cupidity or can othi.wise ii.flueoce their action. t must be remembered tbat not we alone are left in tbe lurch by the passing tide of immigrants, for there are some of the New Euglaod States that have received no greater accessions than ourselves. Indcod, if our North Carolina folk bad uot themselves been in lines past a mi grating people, we would have in the Old Nonh S.ate uow at least two mil lions of native citizens. Heretofore we hive lost our own citizen.; who were in duced to leave us by glowing accounts of other States. Tnc wav to sunolv this loss is to send abroad capable agents 1 o who i!l farniHari.o the emigrant classes of other countries with our advantages und make them fct I that iu cumin to Caruliua they would suffer no gi eater change than in going elsewhere. The Augusta Constitutionalist speak ing uf the impeachment t.ials now io progress before ibe Georgia Legisla ture says : We regret beyoud measure that there should have bean any occa m for the iapcachmeut of Commxoller Goldsmith, or Treasurer Ronfrot. Roth men injur high reputstions for integri ty and elliciency. Personally our re latieos towards them bavo always been kind. When, however, persons in office are charged with high crimes aud mis- demeaaors when the life of a party, tbe good name of the State and interest of the people are endangered personal si t imes ana appreciation must give way to the public good. We would like to be lievt Messrs. (jldsmilh aod lleufroe in- ooceut, but the testimony of the com miitees and their reports to the legisla lure show a demoralized and scandalous sUle of affairs in tho departments under investigation. J he Legislature has as. 8umda great responsibility. Tbe olli cials charged with high crimes should not be condemned because ot popular clamor, which is frequently arbitrary aod unjust. Tbey should have a fair, full aod impartial bearing. We feel confident that the number uf the Gen eral Assembly will do their duty. Tbey cannot afford to do less. They should not do more. The Democratic party of Georgia is now oa trial before the whole country. If tbe Legislature, represent ing the whole people and especially tl Democratic people of Georgia, acts with wisdom, justice and moderation, its or ganixation will remaio intact. If it fails to do its duty, it deserves and will sure ly meet with defeat. No innocent man should be punished. No guilty man should escspe. GRANT LANDS AT LAST. SAN FRANCISCO CIIAN0E9 ITS MIND ABOUT K'LLIXO HIM IMMEDIATELY. San Francisco, September 20. Tbe tap of the bell and tbe hoisting of the flag on the Merchants' Exchaoge an nounced the approach of tbe ateamer City of Tokio this afternoon. Bells were at once rung, steam whistles were blown aud cautions were fire J over tbe harbor. Thousands of men, women aod children on foot, in carriages aud on horseback thronged Presidio Heights. Point Lobos and Telegraph Hill, eager to catch the first glance of the incoming ship. At tho moment of the notice of the appronch of the City of Tokio the Exe cutive Commitleo having charge of tbe demonstration were in session discuss- sing the question of carrying out the programme to-morrow in case ol tne stearuei's arrival in time or deferring it until Monday The first stroke of tbe bell ended the discussion. It was at once resolved to carry out tbe demon stration immediately. Between 4 and 5 o'clock tbe Recep tion Committee, consisting of Frank M. Pixlev, ex Senator Cole, General Miller and P. B. Cornwall, started to meet the ii coming steamer. Several miles out side the Heads they met the City of Tokio. Tbe tug drew alongside and the Executive Committee, quarantine officer and customs officials boarded the steamer. No ceremony was observed except a general shaking of bands, and the committee announced the object of their visit and informed General Grant of the reception prepared for bim. Soon after the Government steamer Mc- Pherson came alongside, aod Major. General McDowell, commanding the Division of tbe 1 acihe, accompaoed by bis staff, boarded the Tokio, and re joined bis old comrade in arms. Mean time the General Committee of Arrang- ments, with several thousand invited guests, assembled on board the Pacific Mail steamer China aod a number of smaller steamers, while tugs took squadrons of the Sao Francisco aod Pa cific yacht clubs in tow and started down the channel. Every emiueuce com- manding the channel was black with spectators. I he sun was declining in tbe west as tbe steamers and yachts, gay with bunting, moved dnwa the channel. From every flagstaff in the city flags were flying and the shipping along tbe the city Iront was brillisti.lt decked with ensigns, festooned flags and streamers. As the impatient crowds that covered the bill-tops stood strain ing their eyes to catch the first glimpse of the Tokio the cry waa raised, "There she comes I" It was 5.30 o'clock when a puff of white smoke from seawaid, off the earthwoiks above Foit Point, and the booming of a heavy cuo an nounced that the steamer was near at band. Another and another followed io rapid succession. Fort Point nxt joined in the cannonade, filing with both casemate aud baibette guns, and the battery at Lime Point added i s thun ders to the voice of welcome. In a few moments the eulrante to the htrbor was veiled in wreath of smoke, and as the batteries of Angel Island, Black I'olnt and A'cariaz opened tire la suc cesses, the whole channel was soon obscured, aod for some time the posi tion of the approaching ship could not be discovered. Suoitlv before 6 o'clock the Cay of Tokio glided into full view, s mounded by a fleet of sieameis and tugs gay Kith flags and crowded w'ub guests, while '.he yacht sqtiadion brought up tbe lear festooned noon deck with biilliant bunting. Coeer after cheer burst from the assembled thousands as liie vesels slowly rounded Telegraph Hill. 'J lie Uuied States steamer Moi.tercv, Iving in the st.eam, added the roar of her guns to tbe gen eral salute, and the screaming of hund reds of s enm whistles announced ibat the C ly of Tokio hnd reached her a chorao. I he viciuitv of tbe fenv landing was limrallv jammed with pei pic from blocks, and near the lanti.ngs line al.er line ol iro ps and civic oinao i7.ii.ions were ranged. Within the ga es of the ferrvhouse were the reception committee. In toe mean time General G. jut and his paity on tho lokto, lojelhir with the rccep' ion committee. General Mel).)Well and staff, had been trans erred to the fcirv steamer Oakland. It was 7 20 o'clock wheu the hights of the feu v. boat were seen aprunc'uine the shin, as she reached the dock the band struck up "Home A -:nm," and amid cheers from the crowd General Grant a'epped once more upon the shore of bis native land. As he came up tbe Gangway, es coiled bv the reception committee, be was met by Mayor Bryant, the Supei visors, tbe Governor aod stafT and th Executive Commit ee, and alter bnef informal congratulations the Maor made a speech Mm. Giant will not leave tbe City o lokio until this morning. ADVERTISEMENTS. BCDTOR B NOTICK. llnvlntr qualified m Kxerutorof the last will and Instfttuent uf (ivorx W. omns. deceased Is-forethe Jinlirx ot rrohalu for Northamut comity, I hereby not Ifv all part lea holding claims niriimsi said oaoiis Io present them t mo du mil hem Icstcdmmr licfore th 1st day of July i,iirigu nonce win i plead ill par or then recovery. All persons Indented to said Owens, are iwiulrod to maki Immediate payment. I further Klvn notice that rry lrtu of the power vested In me as said Kiceator, I shall on each and every Knl unlay, Cimmieiioiiir Kalardsy miij hi ii i7, sen ior casn ai polillc auction al the slnre-housfi of ruttduwena In Halifax town. a valuable kit ot k'm!, wares; and nicrv.haudiv and oih 'r iiertshahlu property helmix-lnK to tli rsisie oi sain iiweiia. i snail continue said aal null! further antlce, or said prniH-rty IsdlstHued of JUU. t.ukkooky HallfBTN. C. I'lljSlf Executor, NEW ADVERTISEMENT. GIVE HIM w a "V 1870 FAIjU JUST RECEIVED E. BUTTERICK & CO'S NEW PATTERNS OF THE LATEST AMERICAN AKD EUROPEAN STYEES. NEW FALL CATALOGUE AND MONTHLY 6IIEET ready for distribution. Sent free, postage paid, to any addreas on application, also Sample of Good. OPENING NEW GOODS FALL AND ADDRESS aspt 8 3m JIEDMONT NUR3.i.it8. GREENSBOKO N. V. GREA.T REDUCTION OF PRICES. I propose to (five tothe patrons of I'ledinonf II Tl' 'S, llie ("'Ml III "I I'" nil' ? . Munitions on my Mirsery woes, cousin. nk r'rmt Trees. It-:, and have reduced the price percent. Apples and IVaches, 1st class. .'Ho l.-..t- line linttroved Fruits a are K-rown In orlli Carolina, and ready for Inspection. Ref- rence k1v' n lo any iMirserynmn m unty reaciiesand Apples riiiiiiiiot hoi" rllest to the latest, varieties. Tl s Will he ncked III n 1 si nunc hoxes or hales, mid ile- veredto Kanroad ncpois or repress .'ue-ei. Ithout any cxlracharttc for lmxes or delivery, will furnish at the following low rule : Peaches il Apples in anyiinaiitlty. Unproved 'run, i" nls each. I'ears. Plums, Apricots. Nectarines iiince. I'rati Apples, Fit's, cherries cents irnamentftl Trees, Roses and Flow will he Id cheaper than can he sold hy any Nursery in irih Carolina. Cwih to accompany the orders. aid when trees are delivered at depot Himcined iinrhaser. Note to accompany ireea anu aid when trees are delivered, purchasers pay llftvliclitH on xain. Twn wi I i' hiiiijhmi iu ivi'inlH-ranil pureliascr notint'H wncn 10 mvn th IVmniiH ordering will 't piauuy wnem tOKhlp. Nairn- tin' ili'potH. Letters of Inquiry answered cheerfully. ( inlers willi'lted ami Batls factlou guaranteed. Send Iu orders at once. mri;. in Jvti, Proprietor Piedmont Nurseries, Julyl76m. ARB E II SHOP. EMRY HOUSE WELDON N. C. Miavlnir. Hhamponlnir, and Halr-rtiMlncr all our In nrt -class style. ;onif(irtalle Chairs. T the citizens nf Halifax ami Northampton counties, the price for shaving has been reduced ten cents. We return thanks fur pant favors u asK yi.ur tiaiMiiaire in ruiure. Special atteutlou paid to ci'ltlmr children's nair. mcnKiLi. a ldku, july.ltf Tonhokial Aktihts, ;0 It SALE. The following valuable real entate lving ear Tillery's Mill, in Halifax county about nine inllos from the town ofllitlifax. About 360 acres including steam engine.. aaw mill and fixtures, gin, gin hooso and nxturoa, aUjoimug tue resideuce of J. i!. Tillery. Mike Wilkius, that contains about 97 acres. Pope plane containing about 150 acres. 1 internxt in Wade U Tillery tract, the whole containing about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C.Jaly 81tf 8 10UTHERN HOTEL, HALIFAX N.C. J. W. MULLEN, PHOFRIETOR. Table well supplied, clean rooms and attentive aervanls. Meals 60o Lodging 50a A Livery Stable also kept where teams may ue hired. Horses red and well attended to, bj experienced noatlera. The travel nx public will do well to atop ai me oouiueru rtoioi. June Sly. NORTH CAROLINA, Halifax Countv. Office Board County Commissioners, J una MeetiDK Ibid. . I I I I l .i . order or otherwise, be requested to present the same to the clerk of said Hoard on or before tbe 1st dav of Kept. 87!. Hy order of lh Board, K, J. LEWIS, Clerk Jud 6 4m. 'always emjicr ran best: III! rcn nrnami at2 usa Is rmtfwl Vy tvnj PR AOTTOAT, PATNTEH. COVERIN'O CAPACITY tt DrmAIlILITy EXCEED ANY KNOWN PAINT. IluiMincs Painl. il withcurPrrparcd Painll, if net s.ilil lory.wiU be Eepalated at our EiToaao. FOR SALE BY A. U. ZOl.UOOKr'KK A URO., Juno S6 1 y Wi'liloll, N. C. W. R. VICK t'AKKIAUE AND HViiUIES MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW PRICES. All kinds of wood work and trlmmins none in good style. Illacksoiith work done at almrt HAllnft ,, .1 Milk ...,., .u.. All new work warranted. Kino painting for ouggiosaon.ai low pnces.best paint used. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TUK UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Coffins and Caasa of all alaea eoustantlv on baud. Carrlane Materials kept onhand at ptioe below Poterabarg market. , t , wciuon a, k. iuuu UmamMARTIKr7XI(lU CALL. 1879 DAILY, SUITABLE FOR WINTER. E. It. BI.AMIBE, 146 Main Street, NOKFOLH, VA. w ELDON MILLS. Water Ground Meal. Bolted and Unbolted. Mado from splnotfld whito oorn, thor oughly Bcroonod and hit mod. mr270ai $50 REWARD $iri.00 finlooo, for tho two prlHonors tliat brok al Halifax on tin lltli of Jo ly. Ono .Jack TIiioh m- Hui ";osh, height 6 fi'Ot S Indus, vrili'i !5 pounds, lirli;lit Rint;or cako color, close cot h.tir, quick speed), sharp black eyo., Is thought to be in tho ni'iHli'iorhood of Littleton, wheu be was flisi caught. One Mono Man r: heicht five feet Bix inches, weighs lull pounds, is of a near ,i,:, i. it .,,.,uo .ini,,!,. "air, a ! hlHko about me uiouui, mi o uiaua eyos slow in spoecn, was Iroin r ancoits lownsilip near lirj1jt,on. Is thoUKht to be In that ne'irh- borhood now. J. T. DAWSON, Sheriff of Halifax county. July 17tf. QREAT BABGAI N-S AT J. A. MUSCROVES. BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS AT COST. I wish to close out mv line of the above goods bu(1 will sell out at cost. Finest and purest Llouora always on band and sold lu any quantity. Tbe latest and most tashionable DRINKS OF THE SEASON. GROCERIES OF ALL HINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW FOIl CASE Mr. II. B. Pono is with mo and will be pivased to see bis mends J. A. M UstiKOVE, Weldon. N. C. apr. ICOm TALBOTT A HONS SI10CK0E MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines aud Hollers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat. Mills, Hhatling, Hangers and Fill leys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Ma d .,ti k ' Maculuery 01 1)e8' oription Ginning and Tlireshino Machines A SPECIALTY, Repairing Promptly A Carelall y uoue. TA l.BOTT'S TAPENT KPARK-ARRESTER, The Invention t the Age. Itdoosnot destroy t'te draft. It does not interfere with cleaning tho tuber. It will not cu'ike up, aud requires uo clean log. It requiros no direct dampers to bo opened when raising sUam (dampers oo lug ohmcl mnab!e, as they may bo lei t open aud allow m arks to escape ) I It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, destroys I tie Uralt. lUisldes, when water is used, it neglected, tho eflloietiey is destroyed by evaporation of the water, iir.J the boilor is kept in a lilt hy condition. It is simple and duruhlo and can he re lied upon. It can be attaclind to any boiler. o planter slum id tie without one ol ti.eui, Insurance companies will insure gins and barns where the Talbnlt Engines and Spark-Arresters apt used at same rate as charted for water nr horse-power, rer-Hemi ior illustrated ulrjulurs anil price list. branch homo. Uolilslioro, IS, V. J. A. II AUSKK, t.uneral Manager, T. A.URANUKK, Local Mauagor. may 8 ilin KLDON RICK W ORKS, BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS Col. N. M. Is-ing and Wm. D. Reese having formed a copartnership ia the brick busiiuwH, lakes Hits uieibod or in fornlnir the Dublin that they have on Dan and for sale, the finest slock uf brick in the Mtate. Win. D. Roeae, the practical man of the concern baa bad an eipe'ionoe uf more than lorlv years In lialtlinore ai. other cilios. He bas made all the brick 1 Weldon for the past live years, and baa Riven entire salislacUou to all who have uaea taeui. I ua "'a a. oi ni-iaui i , . v ,,.,.. NO IIAl-r lUtICK OR KAT8. Parties when ordering will please state where tbo bricks aro to usmi, n lor an out. aide chimney, or inside chimuey or un derpinning, Ao., theroby saving expense ana trouble. PRICES TO Slit TIIETIMEN The undorslgnod respectfully refer to ubdu j. r. invine. w. x. w. Ksiiroad ranL v.. o.niiio. h. .t u vt,.iim.rf .nr S. T.Hand. S. A R. Railroad and manv others on all the roads who have used tbe hrlrk matlA hv w. II. Umu PUuua liAnii VOur nrilnrM ailflrk tr. a L0SO A RKRisK, rYoIdon, N. C. may i ,i A "W" ADVERTISEMENT. II- F- BUTLER, Fire ad Lite Insurance JAgcnt. Places risks of all kinds In 'frst-clRBS Companion as low aa safety wiirpertnit. Call and see me before insuring else where, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Woldou, N. C. July 131 y. r HAND ACUIEVKMENT. A New Process for Hinting". Wells A GOD-SEND TO EASTERN N. V It Is a rare case that a well is sunk twen ty loot without finding marl. Good wutnr can always be had by borolng below th marl aud NlHittinir nit tho water Iron) liove. I have a new process Hint cxcludfs II surface wa v and otVocts of marl, Ac. Hula woli ontnple o tor use, onodollar per tot ,with eui l.icu pievootntive, ono to one fifty ia r loot. Those wol Is never net out I or.ier, win last a l;io tune. Orders so licited, tollable Agents wanted. Special attention etvon to movlniz houses will' aty Pot Mover. J. U. AIKKKIT iC t'O, Weldon, N. C. Dec21 tf. lunmontlllv. lOd-nairo Scran honk nf thnrnikm nt C J the Worlil's Literature. Siuwlo cony, a)o or If 2 dot ar., An Oil UUromo 04x20 inches) f " Yoseiaito paper bindm: "Chmtiao Oakley a Mutakn," a $1 IxKik, iiinnner bindinit.and aaomplecnpy of "Wood'fl Household Maifazine all post-paid, for only 30 cents in money, or in one-cent postage aumpe. Agent Address S. B. Wood, Tribune liiuldiag, Kw York Uty. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at the Corner, and bay your Cheap goods irom w n BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. He keeps always on hand a full lino of geuural merchandise, such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv tJoods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Uoisory, Ao. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for Cash. Corner 1st St. ai d Vash. Avenue. Wkloon, N. C. mr271y y ALU ABLE LANDS FOR SALE. We have for sale and on easy and reason able terms, the following valuable tracts of land situated in Ualifax county, N. C: l. That traot lormerly belonging to w. P. Solomon, deceased,. known as "Elm wood," containing about 380 aorea and ad joining lands of Dr. O.U, Macon, deceased aud others. 2. The tracts formerly belonclnar to Jno. , Randolph, and located near Crowells A. Koads, one traot known as the Kodgers tract and containing about lit) acres, the other traot known as the "Cockran" or 'Mullen" tract and containing about 300 acres. 3. A ttact situated In Warron countv about three fourths of a mile from Little ton oa tbe public road leading from that place to VVarrenton, and containing about 210 acres, sud adjoining the lands of Mrs, nr. i nas. MKinner anu others. 4. The tract purchased bv W. H. Shields from the administrator of Jaoob Biggs, deceased, oontuining about 300 acres and n, nomine the lands of w. 11. Shields, Uoo, I. f one and otbers. Parties seeking in. formation as to this Iraot. can call noon ua or John U. Randolph Esq. All these lands are In healthy sections. If not disposed of nrivatoly before that time, we shall offer said lands at public auction on the first Monday in October. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to cull upon ns for tnlnrmntlon. M U LLliM A JIOOBK, Atts. HalilaxN.C. aprlOtf N JOT1CE. Having duly nnnlil'oil as administrator ot j. o-car I amp, m th rrolmte court lor tho countv of Halifax, nil persons holding claims against the tloceased, are hereby notitieil to presont them to me. tlulv an llioiuicaleil, oti or before the 12th dav of August, 10. Persons indebted hy udg- ment ir otherwise to the ilecoa'-en aro ro, quesind lo make immediate settlement, or collection will be oulorce l. W. A. DUVN. Pilmr, J. O. (J.imp, aueM Hw Sentland Neck, N. C, (JTaTK ). NiiKTU A KOL1NA U O PEKlOlt Cl'L'UT. IIuliiMx t ouuly Full Term. Mary J. Cullom, Plaintiff agaitiht Darlui W. Cullom, Dufoudaut. Notice h hereby siren fiat tho ialutUl has instituted an action in this court against ths defendant, Dhrlus W Cullom lor divorce from bed and hoanl, on the ground that the defendant has abandoned tbe plalntin and failed tn provide rr ber, ana that the defendant la required i ii pear at the neit term of the Superior court for Halllax county to be held at the court bouse In Halifax town on the Bid Monday In Hepteinter 1670, and answer or Demur to the complaint which will be filed within ths first three days ot aaul term and that olherwiso th" plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deinaudtd iu the complaint. Witnesf, John T. Gregory, clork of the superior (Jourt of Ualilax oounty.at ntllce iu Hallux town, this 1st day Aug'7D. JOHN T. GltKGOItY. Clerk Superl'ir court Halifax roiintv. Day t Zolllcoller pltli a ty. aut.Tiivv Qi r:n(lTa(i,H'0"yearor,iu -i a V 1 0JJ day iu youi owu locality. No risk. oinn do as well as inou. Many imiRo uioro inao uie amount stated above, no one can rail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from fiOcts. to titn hour by devoting your even ings ami spare uino to the bunnies, It cost nothing to try llie buNinoss. Noth ing like 1'. for money tusking ever offered before. liiL-imiss pleasant and strictly bonorablo. Header, il you want to know all about the best paying business before the pttbliu, send ua your address and wo will send full partieulsi-H and private lerins iree; sampira worth 5 also free; you ran man inase up your niiinl lor yuui'Nuil, Address GKORCE STINON A CO , Port Laud Muiue. ADVERTISj:MENTiJ. N JTICE Having qualified as executor of the lata rVliria N. riiilelils, In the Probate court f0i Mr., county of Halilax. all persons holilln clauS against the dect-aaed are herehy notified ton. sent, them to me, or to lny attorneys, Kltri 1 and Duiiu, duly authoiitleatert, on or befora i aithdayof June 16bH. Persons indebted to til! estate will please make Immediate, nnvmen CHAS. T. LAWRKNCB Exeeutor of F. N. sliioldii Per Kit.hlu a Dunn, st;, Junel2tf. Scotland Neck. K.c, v.j- N A W, WELDON, N. C BAKER A CONFECTIONEH. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fanv cy -candies. Keeps always on hand tha fullest stock of Candies, Kruits, Nuts, Ao to be found in Kastern North Carolina which ho soils by wholesale or retail. Ordors Ior we'ddinp; parties, and balls prepared on short notice aud at most rea sonaulo prices. N Cot 20 tf. , GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKS, HENDERSON N. C. jos. e. rovir, rnoruiETOR. MANUFACTURES ALL GRADES OF Pi.ro and Twist Tobacco and Caddy Wom, GENERAL AGENT FORE. H.POGUE'S GENUINE "SITTING BULL"' D U E H A M SMOKING TOBACCO. mays out ETAHC BURIAL CASES. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. Whon ordering send length and width at elbow Slate whether Jaconet or half Satin lining preferred. 5 per cent off lift ror Immediate cash. Uoodsnrdered nyEx press, tSout C. O. D. less than 5 per cent list price. R. F. BUTLER, Agt. W ELDON, JN . U. "At Brown's Drug Store. june Sly. PROCLAMATION. Be it known to all readers of this pal er that you hereafter order your entire wai tft in wearing apparol and Uouse-keepii g goods ol tho UNDERSIGNED, AND GET THE MOST RELIABLE GOODS FOB TUE LEAST MONEY Ready made clothing for Men and Boya wear of custom make; and bast quality at lowest prices. BKOAD CLOTHS, DKKHSUOODH, cotton ci.o'rns, 1)0 KS KIN, BILKS. SATINS, 1'LANNHLS, CASMIMKRE8 VKI.VKTS, Pl.lISHKS, DOMKSTirS. TAI I.OHS' TRIMMINGS, VKI.VKTKKNH BHKKTINUS. SHIRTS, 1RAWKRS, KVVtss MIISI.INS. CHKt'K MUSLINS I'll LOW CASINO, . UNIlKltSHIltTS, NAINMIOK. 1K1 Tlt'KISa, BOISKKV. 151 ANKKTS. ULuVtS, A full lino of Notions, and Fancy Gooda at wholesale and retail, at lets than NOKTIIEKN l'KICKS. Clothing mado to order in best manner. Kit guaianteed. Orders promptly tilled. Samples bent on application. itCHpet'tfully, M. E. HULL, 145 Syo. St. Petersburg, Ya. T LARCEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THE 80UTU. All Impnitnd and manufactuied by me, aud sold at less than Northern Prioea. Real Krenili Bonnets and Hats, Rtrawi goods, by tho cute dozon or piece, Inlnnts Goods, Klowors, Wreaths, Plumes, 'l ips. Ribbons, Sashes, 'lies, Rucliing, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Laces', Corsets, Parasols, Gloves and Milts, Edgings, Bridal Wrcatbaav Ladies drearr a made to order, complete, iu best manner, tit lowest prices. BRIDAL OUTFIT? A PVKCIAI.TY. All orders promptly tilled. MRS. M. K. KULL, Oct V lm. J OT 1 C E. tlavlng taken the shop that A. Eatom formerly occupied, I am prepared to d all kinds of repairing, wood or iron. Having been here over twenty year everybody in the county knows that I un derstand my business, making wagons and carts, buggies, and ironing same. Givo uio a oall. D. C. RICHARDSON. Jan 11 6 in. QOTTON GIN FOR SALE. I have for sale a fifty taw Needle Cot ton CJin, in good repair. Parties can m this fim nt .Inbu M. Foote's FmiDilry, Weldon, N. C. J. M. Ml LLLM. atilTi: MM j 1 i I i