THS ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W B B K L Y N K W S P A 1 E H , PUBLISHED RY L. M. L o M & W. W. II A i. l. ZXtf if A 8 i f IIX THE ROANOKE NKWS ADVERTISING RATES. Ono Yoar, in advance, Hi Months " riinui MmitliM, " Oil 1 0!) 7." els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J M. (1 h i z , a k n, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Oltlcc In tin1 r.ini't House, silrlct alien! ion civeiitnall liruiiclicsot tltc profession. Jan 13 ly ,1 D W A K D Li T. V L A R K, ATTOSt.NKY AT LIW, HALIFAX, N. C. mr. 201y. 1.1 T. 1! II A N C II, ATl'OUKY AT LAW. iisriKi.n, n. a Prantliwi In tln counties of Uallfnx, Xnh Kdiroconilicnnd Wilson. Collections made in nl jiarl m of thii Suite. jmi It! If I LI ATTUVH71SY AT IiAW, WELDON, N. C. Mneclnl attention irlvcn to renilltaneos promptly made. uinv nr. collections and TAMUj SI. XULLKK. JOHN A. M0OHK. 0 L L E N & MOORE, ATTCUSKYS AT LAW, nAI.U'AX N. 0. Practice, In flip counties of Ifalif.T?, Nortliamp ton, KdireconilM-, Pdt and Martin In the Su -preino courl of ih,, sialo and in ilie Federal Courts of tin' Kastern In.-drit't. Collections laa.lo In any pari of tlie Male. ian 1 ly AMES K. O' II A ft A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HXFIEf.D, N. C. Practices in tho courts of Halifax- and adjoin he," counties, and in tin' Supremo ami Federal courts. Col. odious niadu in Hit v part of Hie Male. VVI.I attend at tlie court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each week, jnn let f O I) Ii K T 0. BUR T O N J R. ATTOKSKY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. ft. Practices In flic com-lsof Halifax, and mil iiu hn: counties. In lite Supreme cotu'l 'f Hit State, and in the Federal courts. Will irive special attention to the colled ion or claims, and to adjiisl imr I lie :u nods id ex ecutors, adiniuistraloi'.s ami jriitirdian.s. dec mtf A L V I N L. II Y M A X, ATTORNEY AT L.HV. HALIFAX, N. P. Practices in the roar's of tlatifav and tide luir count les. and in Hie supremo and Fed, cmirts. Claims ol! din all parts of .V Carolina. Idll.-e in I lie Cur: Hons . juli! 'UOMAa N. UILL, Altonscy at Law, HVLIKAX, N. C. t'r-icMces In Tlalifav and .-.dioiiifiir! illlllit and Federal and Supreme courts. Will li,) at Scot laud Necli, once cvry f""! nl.;ht. tins 14 if JOS. JJ. 15 VTCIIKLOlt. AT'iTvr.t-SJCY AT L1W, ItVLWIUII, N.C. Practices In the courts of the illh Judicial I'istrict and In Hid Federal and .-"upreiue Courls, in ny II if. 1 W. i.J A li U jl , ATTOJllSEY AT LAW, GAHY.sISUIt'i, N. C. Prft"fi,.,.s III the courts of Northampton and ajllolniiic coiinll. s, ul--.ii in llo; F'edt-ral and su- preuit'courts. june - tf. W. II. II A V. A. 0. .OI.I.1I.OKI UK. Z 0 L 1. 1 C O 1' F K K. I) A Y k ATTfit'EY AT LAW, WFi.nox, x. c. Practice in th" com t s fll ili'tit and a i.ieintn Coiiiilles, ami in I h - Supreme and F-d. ral rl Claims collecle 1 la -mv part of N,o-!h i ncllioi . line of tlie ilrui will al.'.ays. ! (..nil In I in iilltco. jillie cit 1 y- D It. E. I: H U N T fc K, .s d it c, i: o n : i. v r i s r Cau he found al Iiis oflioe in Fnliol.l. Puro Vitr.'iiHO'c'di ) in for thn I'ttin 'ics-( Kxtrnetinii ol'Teuth always on hand Juno tt, A N D It li W J. ii U it T O N, ATTOit.XEY AT LA'.V, WSLDON, N. 0. lVnrticen In the courts -if Hallfac, Wavi-.-n a "uioiiiiin; counties and in the Sttpremeand Fei ''rnl coiirt.s, claims ill any part ""rill Carolina. nine lilt' U. SMITH, J K. AT TO UXF.Y AT LAW, SCOTLABD NUCK. H.VLIF.vX CoUNTV I'rin-i ,,, ,-,., ,V ,.f if ,if:;s -i,, I ; N. V vol. via I'lilling Lcttvt', Who pun wonder at our e;rio'' As wo son i ho autumn leal', l'ltlinir, tinliiiir, fmliiiK, (lying, And beneath our tool are lying In m muss of gold and dun, 1'iuk and scarlet in tho simi. Oil, bonoath Ihy enoliiiK kbiido, llnvo our worn- jonNtcps staved, S'i)ckiii(j rot li om oitroiiud Horp.iw, I ):i aili ,i(T, nli, how oil! to-inoirow, I!ut l Iu3 wo'ounii) was t!iu samu As whnn lirsl lo Uioo wu chiiio. Ah wo misH 1 1 1 V uiilli fill shudii I'Voin tho woodluml uud tho Kl.tdo, (il.VlllllWo to Ihil.l is cuv iik, 1- rco Iho th ill W;is bo.t nving, Anil it iVio'id hi i laitlil'ul nnvor, I'ninii to kU I. Inn Piirth f irovnr. FOR RICHER OR POORER. lVrlnps it in lair tliat I should tell ynu that .Montrose tins failed under- atur.d me, Cot. lie lias not fulled 'rich' ho is ruined fi uuiciaUy. Moreover, he lias ulievly ucccpted n clctkship; nilh a pailiy fifteen luiudred salary. 'Tiicn your Dinirmoo nill probably he deterred. l!ut take 'licnrl of i;ruce,' J ilie ; it's only a question nf time, after all. It rctist ho 'lovt: in it cotlne,' now Ir'ing'a 'oti'.nvb irries and eiecj' 8ljl.' 'N-infeRse, Mary I I am oltogcthrr too prai'tical ee to think of such ro tiiauce.' 'i!ut, Julie, I tlioiirht that you were nlrendy engaged to Moi trose ' 'So I am ur rather was." she replied. significantly. 'And ynu mean to hreak this cnnarr. menl cicicly Lecaui.o tho youni' riuin has hecu unforunale in business mid i:i poorer tlinn you thought? Oh, shainu oa you, Julie I I did nut believe that ynu could bo so cruel, so indifferent, so I thought belter lliin;:4 of you. Jjlii!.' And t'lere as indignation in her vi. ice. 1 h ;ve fcrcik.m it. This in strict con fidence, (!. z I.'s all very wed to prate a. out liail!e3ir,oss, but what would you have rae do remain pnur nil my lile? I'c gotten it out of emit nt l:it I lur- old 'Uro.ij' is iuitnensely rich. Ui courso y u have noticed his atttntioiis to me. and buvcry sure I shall nut euy him n,y.' 1 o i love mm, then? You little jonse! Will you ever be sensible? I intend to many him. Oh, I xpeel to dazzle jour unsophisticated eyes with i.iy (pleiulor, one of these days, ai;d fill your honest little heart with envy. Julie, this is unfair lo llirold Strong. What! barter your and del icacy for li s thousuinisl It seem to me a degradation I 'iJruvo ! The. fearless little wotTian is not alraia to spcnK her ruuiu l iv confess, (1 .. tli it vou would like to up- prorsri.'.t -.: Harold Stroug.' I aduiiiu Mr. Stroiif;, hut 1 shouli! scorn to is.irr a y man I t Rliat he is nrlli i i ii i'.Lis and ecnts. Ihal is not U1V S'.:io'!;ii- i ol es,,-jiiencp. And, you would Lio tru'! to a 1 ivrr who had to i'er;ii. the w n l I ovur auaiu as ooc ur, Jot's tuikc) ' Y. I wou!t!-il I io hi-1., and I was s -;re uiat lie loved mr. 'noii-ii'tie, foolish g'rll S Would see me dl eyes, n t l. .'I oreover, o i s . :ii yet rh Mrs. titrm-tr. the cyu-'s'irc of cuvtc'l y it'.:' tusMo.iuu.c voriu. li.died! Ui iiieu.ber the old proverb, Julie, lor it ai'i li.'S to you ' 'Will, bo vh:.'.l sot'. I suppose, to kji p yee.r "'ii.d epi.iioi', I must marry .'Io:.tros-'. I! ji cr.uie, Miry, L-i's go in- ri sots 1 nave to ninne a uecoming toilet, for I expect Harold Strong thts cveoitio, and who knows but that ' The remainder of the was L'li for M.ny t ) guess. (loiice.ihtd by the .J.tnc rns?s that grjiV in r oiusioit over a quan t iiitie arbor, Harold Strong had bee.) an ut.iu- ntionul listener to this couversaiioo. lie luid tidten a run io his yacht d wn to the ulla Irom Newport, with no pailicular uiolne lea-t of all, that matrimony. His friends regard him ns 'offish' i i l eait all.iii s. Hot (he won dei ful beauty of J. .ho anil the (l iict good sense of Mary bad interested hint, and he bad prolonged his visit indi-fi- ii tely. The c usir.s, J.die and Marv, were re- siding nith a. i a int wil'i anhtti mi views a bit worldly wise who never re fused a boat ly welcome to her son's int,n, if they ncre uiulthv. To be rich was, in tier opinion, the. sine qua i, on o! i". sl .'.'i 1 l!.i''!! S'.ion; wanted a super1, reeal wife, who ro u'd '.ciee-t it over Ins est tli l.m -I t in a right r.iyi I way, he would sure to lako .lull.-; but if he wanted a d .'t:;est;c fairy to charm ami rule his home in a right loyal way, Mary the girl to choose. T ii voting u. an was puzzlci, Julie's beauty enthralled him, a-.d he i'.visted her nitb all imaginary good qualities. If hu had been told by n womau that she was heart anil selfish he would have scooted the idea, attributing it solely to fiivy.for was not In r beauty be witching? and the glances of her dark ,,y,.s were they imi I riuiful of soul? passionately loved music, and M'liy was f. rlu ante enough to possess a fine Li ii'i a!'.!) voice, upon which thu had best.iv.ud much culture. When she sail", as she often did without needless mgi g, be would dose his eyes and Iste , char. .ud; when the melody eea eil, an l he had opened '.heal aqaiu, it would be, pt.ihaps, to see Julie's hwidsou o Creek faie, with the lustious, u.B;Mietie eyes gtiz'ng ut him. Yes; the vouno lellow as puzsUJ t cot !'di ai'.ho.i,;') he had M hi qi! hi fi ! fX r WELDON, N. visited the villa to pli a-ie his fi 'tends, without other apparent ohpvt, he was beginning In lire of his aimless, lincly lile. I'ltrhaps he thought that ono nf these young (.'iris would inaltc an cufellent wile. J.ilie had cncournjri.J his atten tion, md of cntir-ic-hc It ad no sus.iicioti lie, already engaged ; but -try avoiJ-.-d hitn. It wt.s ciident that she, a! lea-t, iva:i not trying to coax h;m into matrimony, lhroidwas terribly al'iaij of b'lidj i.iken for lli-.-sij u-iiptii-g u;i:. linos. Tho ennvorsation hft had nccidently ovci heard, however, ha.i enlightened him as to tho true character of the two young ladies. And now he was sur prised that he hail Lecu so blind. S irely iutcUioonce beamed from Mary's eyes, and her pretty lace was as siiu'eru as her manners were aitless. now k-iew that shu had a beautiful soul wuilhv of all confidence. Site had ctuifessod to aJrnimtun ; but t'ltit was ti-iitu dilll-roi-t froiu a loiuli-r p.isi-ion, il.iuld he a in !i,:r love? Tliis was tlie important qn s'-ion, and str me t't s-.y, he v.u3 n-rd'.y titix'UMis up m tliia point, and ho Jetoriiii'ied to decide ihc inutler at once, A xnn!';;ie!y, tin next evcuiarjr., be, in u caft-Itsu wiy, that he inti pre of I d. d It) .vwport L v, t'i,;, ,-, is. iiny to note the ro'ic'. words. i ex :i"c-l tit! her fas--.;u:itions. Julio 'Now .e wo! iT.-t.ose , t!.c s.ud to lieio-eli. Mary's iitect face wore look of sad ness. Th-is it is in life,' she thought ; con genial spin's meet, ei j y lha passing, aid t!;e:i art ; ieihaps never to m f - iig'iii-..' i'',;:cusiao herself, sh.(! went to her rea rootii. S iineliow she felt that thc'se t-vn iv'.;i!. ra iu-r he alone. 11 c.-ohi'i In-art foilor.ed her. Iti her aVsenee rveruhiej; wined dull tied void of interest. Tru -, th-re wis tlitt same dissc f,co hrside h'm, the vetv -iiaiR ht-Ait-.-hi 'g sini'.o and the mt'.tchleus oriis duticii'f; ct-rriettishtv or vcled t.y their lonj lashes, as cirM.n staners rei lired. Yet hu re:iV(ind q iits in liif rent ; his beat cal.nly ; not on heait tbr.ih wa-i wasted upon the woai'in wliti . u besido hitn, .secure io her loveliness, ai rayed right h; cotwitily fur c.': -:est. Then it was uimjidukabie. reveal-d to him that llu) a'.scnl, uiiitsso-iiing M ry t-'as toe one woman hi Uiu world for him. I'.arly the int inor ii o; it wis fir. obi's good!'.. rtune 1 1 sue Mi-s Julij (jo out drii'uu' nl. t. . 'This is my op o-tni'.ity,' ha said to hi'nsclf, and ran d uvu stairs lull ol haony iiii!ici,atioii. 'i'tieri' was no on in tlie sii'.l '.o root;' iuit I'.'.s hi-stis-, r-ho oseriiog his rluappoiele J look re- marked, srel !v : iW , M- ' I 'i! lr to nut ihi. tlui cily ; atr.uiai.L' a may go nil' an tl li.'iiiv lia, i'.o -Hi but M try is i-i the biiiupiets ..r ih;' I and Is Io 1 or if y m .: i i a pretty i-S-i..i.s!v h.. l,;i :l to (p. ' -.: ,:,s seated Ii; s;. it, '.. ;:i tier !at la! fixed ''p.' ii.cleed, o.caii'ig a neat ivhitn trimti.ed w'.th ii 1 oi eyes uiid cotiicli lion, The ivid tdue ol tl. Y of tuity u ' c 1 . 1 :: a la u'ifu! i 'i-l:; i of tl tod l;-r co.'i ptnv, but wrapper, taslefull; th:-t h.r e si v rtrir!-ei' e' the sun glimpses shinim; t.trougH liie daik green lo.iaje, the little so v. roe., hopping iVnrldiSly al her feet, the wbilii cooing pio oos, .i"d old I rif.iHe looking (lemuiely ever the bar-i yard fence, with this woi.d i.) : oh for u central fig ure, would liiive s-.irvt'd for a cha.'tniii'.; idyl, H.iridd lliongh', ns li'.s e;. es ling-tn d for n uiouteiit i.p oi the sueue. "Mary, darliog," he w'.iisp-.'rud, over her sbouidor, cl-.s. to her ear. The girl started in i-.irpris-i, not hav ing heard his stealltiy at. pro -tch, a' d bluslied l). I I e tu her rxvlt was su1'. fused, i-liu lord: iti! up at him inquir ingly. "The word needs no cxp'an itinn, if your he-art aus.ur.-, to mine," he said, in nrswrr t the I ink. I thought that-" "I hat n.y heatt was give pr.t cure to the b.tiuut'ul Jalie, did you? Twis but a passing fancy. N' , M iry ; the whole of my life is changed, n i.v. I have only one hope, ono wish to win y.u." M . i r y was proud. Like ml Ant'tiicmi oiils, she fil. that she was a (i iceu in her own iifc'.t. Lat yet sh j the y.'ii'ij ui.ui to i-i ! ge did not toy her h! "ex el.'ooot s.iir. u.,ii o'S J.dl she peel atioits J die and e.ii self aic orphans," she said, "and .i.ii.i generously gives us a home, i'. rd.ijjs roil are not aware tiiat I leach music, and so earn my own liv ieg, while y u " 'Wlale. I a n a I. zy good-foi-nothiug, living upon in oney whiell 1 did not eiu.i. Now, my uut-poktin gul, siy to mu at once. 'I love you Harold.' That will make uid happy. Never mind the rest " "I love you, Harold," she said sim- t'ly-" "And I live myseil to ynu, to bo your honored wiu ," he added, in a bcrioiij tone. "And I give myself to you, to he your honored wile," s ae taid, repealing the word quit.) as seiietidy. 'N-nv I am satisfied, and you are my own darling, aie oii coir" 'Wed, I declare! is this a rehearsal, or is it real car ('-!''" cti t I a too. kino v 'C". C, THURSDAY, It was Julie, returned from the drive ! The lovcr., wholly engros'ied with themselves had taken no note of time indeed, lovers never have a calendar and thus they had quite forgotten the l-iofie enqueue. Harold, policing the sharp ring in her v oico aud llio deep Irtmn l! at ace iqvii.ied iter words hastened to ri'i'iU. "I ' itisin Julie," said he, ple.'sauMv, "lj coaxed my little Mollie to sh.ue toy heart, name and estate, and now she bus only to name cur wedding dav" (' nisiii Julie concealed her chagrin. I'.niiig the shoit walk to tho house she asked herself repeatedly : "Is it too latti. Is it too late to re call Montrose?" It was too late. For that very hour there c.iin-t an ind'ujimi.t answer to her htartlc-i loiter, deo iuncin it, n itiie isui ed terms. ' l'o think that our plain not a bit nl sty Ic; about have won the bandson e a n an among a thousand sii.l, a:tgtil)', aud wept aer conduct Mary, with her, should millionaire ; too," she with, vtxs- 'I I'.o i'.t.lrvt'.t) clays af courtship passed quickly. Harold's love intensified as il.e la.niliaiity of their every day lite al the villi more luliy developed Mary's i.r.oly ii;sp -iiion. 11.: t.oi.d, loo. tnat beneath an wide, in oi.'j.r ni.e inaoiitr lav exquisite sym pathy, cuiKidaalle intollect and sou'id 'jCI.SU. All bright ihys Dintt come to nn end. Harold ran the yatch back to Newport at l.'iS't, hut uncle Sam was the gainer, f. r a wihimiooiis c orreso ideiice wtis kept up, ai d in this way they coiooled (Kie anolhcr in absence. I'.MTy tl.irg ian smoothly with the ij'.ers, and the wedili.ig day w .s defi nitely settled upon. Ooc I'V.'t.iog wiie. i (loiisin Henry ie t'lnied from t!ie cily. ha exclaimed, in ginut excitot.ient : -li.u ulJ fining has lest everything. A. :cj1 smash-tij). Fjulish speculations the cause." Jiiho Iooktul cxol'ant. ' N o.v doii'l be tin idiot," she said. "Il'yi'U btiva caught one millionaire so eaail you may possibly catch another Try at least," and there was a touch of sarcasm in her voice and a wiek"d gleam in her ryes an she left the room. That r.iht, in the soliludu of her room, M py c immmted with her own lua t. ."no had no w sh to ret iinuu!- sive'.y ; she desired to follow the d.c tatcs nf a Hue, puto .'.'"Uiat.h od. What would her luttue be? Sue was c-ilic.l to decidti the very next tl.iv, and tears splashed (nun her eyes upon toe paper as ni;o read the loiervin. l-tt-.'r : "When I heard that I had lost ever-, - iho.,-. i -a j. ::.v,-1 :.!, i -tu j.-. my U.-er-i'U? If I lu.e, I itefy I i'e; let it do it-; coist" Then i recteoi here. I that I i w, d a duly C y mi. ' I i no y i t, d.'-.r M irry, bey. p -(', .. r , I '.o . t i , ir, , ; , I. I the ill,, r '. ci c l"S! you li.C.te ii e.oi.iet, I o' lg( m. -nl. at t! in -s uo.V, tlltlll j o' I c' ti ycur r to loo sq ,-rely md dispassionately to e id. ire lifelong regrets. "If you feel that poverty is ton great a i evil to In je, ".'.'ii with mv love for a s'., itl'l pi o'li-i.i ip, siy si f-a k'y. and I will immediately answer, even il it bie.-tks ,-i li.'a'f, "Mary, you are free,' Hut if you love m w c tl enough to June i' in my company, I will say j y fully, -evens) :i .td deaik di us part.' Wnte, for is toiture to "Hai: ii. 1 StkoM: " The mill ro.'i.aiuel tlie same, but those t. i lioos were gone. What a te-t -T a lo t;t w oi!d I 1 1 w w Miry stand it? What was her :u s,ver r U itli th,! ivoildlv-wise Julie and her acihiti ttaa itit he--rtakii.;; counsel ..f her ov. o heai t ulnne. she v. rote the liiloy.i,.g: "U. ar Harold: I) n-'t think so meanly of me as to suppose that bides- you are u ofortunnte, I can desert you i a your Iroublo. Y .u were willing that I a poor git I should share your ;:i.:u t!.igl.t I nut to bd r.s williag to si.are y 'ir pove. ty ? (1 miu to me at otiee, II noi l. Y hi need sympathy, :.t.,i w'.o so -.villi.ig to give it, and thus as i..c ;, ii t f u.o sUb;.lly of her love, as your e.":i "Maky " th cmirse 11 irold wett direct to the villa Hi tie.) was elastic, his daik :ier than least like I it;!; e;i tent-. he was llaotlsO ever, tc d li I not look in the e. n.i'.cti man. There were no reproaches for bini for ha- iog doubted I in store er disir liito too ten si adce-s. .i ; .'1 iry ivetl ileaily to entuess leaily to enpu-ss unylhiug but the teuderest sy.npatliy. It was her viish to bo married in simple style, in k.iepioo vviih their alioied citcu iistai'.ces, and s in her aunt's parlor, attired i i a plain travel ing costume, the d,;ar gi.l gtive herself to llaiold "lor liable or for p mrer," Then lliey staited lor their new hoian uilubt iu. Harold assured her that it was a cosy little bandbox, and she W'.uld be it; gnoaiesl uriiti.tieut when the c n ri age stopped in a lasotoiiable street an ) she was ushered i.ilo an elegant mansion. Mary removed her wrappings at her !ii, band's idipies", and looked around in a liewildered way. "Wiiu'i v. iil wo t. a ear home?' !'.it : iu '-i!. OCTOBER 9, 1879. The young husband clasped her fondly to his heart. " This is our home, my darling. My losses uro not as great us I first sup posed. In fact, I am richfir than ever, for those 'speculations' huvo proved t me that there is nt least one disinter ested wo'iinn on this planet, and that one is my own dear wi'e." M iry never knew that Hurold had io.ielged ia wholusome falsehoods, that might test the stull" that she was made of, and as they wero tho first and the last that be over t old her wo may sup pose that "where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise." When Julie, the fascinating coquette, beard that II livid Strong had tided the wave of trouble whic'i had swamped Montrose, aud Inn devotion to his wife, who envied her m ire fortunate cousin, and began to think that mere personal char us will not uUa)S wit . Now she is a faded eld maid, sour and irritable, .whose chief delight is to boast of bar conquests and to descaut volubly upon man's perl! ly, - A Voiiii;; I.ildy's Loutf Swim. A recent f, ike fjneva (W s ) dispatch to the (oiicago Tiibuuo siys: Tl o most remaik inlo event nf the sraioii nrcured on the I'ko yesterday Miss Mamie Mtnier, ;! uighter nl' Mr. and Mrs. II. S Mode', and granddaughter of Judge Aver, of Harvard, III, a bright-eyed bin i lie ol sweet sixteen, performed the uiHiar.dt led feat of swimming from H ai vard park across the lake to (Jimp 0 ! lie, a distance of nearly tw i miles, in less than ball' an Imu, winning a wager frotn her father, the ladies' natatorial cham;iiondi!; of the United State', and numerous souvenirs prnscited by ad miring fiien ls. This naiad q ieen wai ac-omptmied by a gentleman swimmer it o,l hy boats containing the judges and spe-jtat -ra Tiiere was no ti ne limited to 1'n! performance; Miss Miner did not hutry, but nioiicd through the water with easy giace, taking a regulation Btrolie, onihisionaliy changing position for re lief, now on one sub-, now on the other; then listlessly dialing for rest; again s.-.i-ntoiog with fa.te up, and arms folded on her breast. Thn heroine of this ad vt.i.tuie was only slightly exhausted by such an extraordinary feat of skill and e .d ranee. Siie was r.l id in an elegant bathing costume, which allowed full and fret; movement to her magnificently rounded arms and physique. Miss Minier has been Foniewhat celebrated around tlie lalte during the summer for lier skill in aquatic sports, and she was determined to close the season with a p,r c d ilfort which would ellipse all her eocip anions, and iiho has thus met will) udiuiriug success. E:t;il(l. itnoa's MriiiUe. The Cincinnati Commercial is now the coiitdry's principal reservoir of snake ii ios. A ic'.ent i-s iu contains a i...r.."i one of tells ho.1-' Willi g'C" l,:;s I' t; wi'-.:'i w ; r i,-.o;e, a.nong v, men there) is nculiar mi oil The narrator In: was ceoo-ed in (.lasting . low ler so. no Urge and tO )gl) ' .ol one ol tlie lo r's thus spiiit i '. vied un enoimo-.pi serpei t. is e isi'y killed. Tha man who si -ry eo'.'.'.a a; s fro n this po'l it ws; () a sttciehiug it out I ti be thirty oiu feet tiV.) inches h. an l th,! thickest part of its 'i-asmed cvenly-iiius inches in t. If. 1 as f.. found in lee. ho ly Micti nli i i',;e ti w is a ailiereni species nl serpe it I'm-n any I had pver st n i before. Us fail was ur ned with a sotirp.poi tli!. autl cur .'eel tiorn ; its ootlv w is tariet'iU'd itli till'ri.atu Ir iwn and diity yi iio.v stiip. s, ici f on close ioati'.ii I di-coveieu f' it had been totally, its i yes teeaiej to have tur-n'tl into a r-. 11 -ctio iless, hard I) me lilte subslti .e.i!. Tois explained its un decided, he. .it.itit g -.novemcots win?, i it first came fro ,ii the I ig. A strtmerij nru.iia app-arel about tlie neck, jut batkt'flee hial, which I found t i ce cnused Ly a si"i,t il.oog of leaiher. about w-h c'l ihe :'-sh of tha serpent 1 ad gr.i-.v-i si- til it sunk aiup'St out of view Cu ting tin! th o.g no d removing it, I fotiu i attache.! lo its under silk u copper plate whicli had heivi heretofore l.i Idea by the hotl ol the snake, and on one side of liit!t as scrutcbeJ. -1). r.ioee, Am. I lo, 17i"2' I split the log iu two, a d ueir tb.a lower end of the l.o'd.i-.v 1 found wh iie there had once bain an ojeuiiig, but long yens ng.) it bid b.-en close I up with a plug made of oak wood, and ov-r which the maple had grown until it was almost cntiLcah"). Tda dead appearance of tlie small pom o; visible of the oak plug was all called my att.'ntiou to its exit-ie ice. Mf theory of tha matter is this: Hanied 1! nine, rcitiny years ago, probably on the date lecorded upon this p ece of c ippt'S ca aght the snak.', I hen young, and imprisoned il within tha hollow of tho tree b; me ios of the plug, where his suakesiiip had renamed until the day I delivered him to the free air aim sunn gut again. t.oo.l ristii. "Are thfse good fidi, b iy?" said iutlViJuil to a hoy at a fi.h stand. " i es, sir, quickly leplieil the ooy, l iioiiing up lo the customer yviib a de termiotition lo make a sile at any price "l low do you k.iow j" questioned the old man. sharply, looking iho littlu lei low stiaight iu tho rye, determined tJ get the lia. Ill fro in hi, ii. "'t'.iu-e, they were caught on Sun day," exclaimed the youth, as the sh u;l;ad customer made f mr hps to the iiti!': do. vn the str. (,'t. O C) Mndeiiit. Mr. I'dgar S. Werner recently read before the Albany Institute a pnpnr on this subject. Mr. Wirncr himself wi.s, at one time, iilllicted with this terrible disease, and hu says that parents al mnst invariably treat u Rtuttering child with nn ch seventy, und thus by fright ening him increase his in, or spoil linn utterly by ton miuh leniency. The proper way in whioh to treat such children is thus described : In nothing is the adagp, "An oHnce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," more ap plicable tlmu in sluUetit'g. Indeed, in this instance, an ounce of iho ono is more rflVctive than a bu idredweight of the others. C.iildroo with stutteri-ig tendencies shoal 1 bo especially well nourished ; they should take a groat deal of physical and out door exercise; care should be taken that their lungs are fully developed and tin!, their nerves aro not irritated. I.ato hours and highly seasoned food, and everything to .ding to derange, weaken or unduly excite, mentally or physically, should be avoided. The childrtm should not bj allowed to talk too rapidly or when nut of breath- If he has trouYo with a word he should be u-ked to repeat the whole setPe'ice mid rot merely the offending word. ' )ftctiti lies a serious mistake is made here, Ttiu child is dulled upon his most dnlicult words, ami be comes to fear them, and, as a remit, his ability to urtienla'a them is continually h s cm d. He s' --ild not be pormitted to associate with another stuttering child; indeed, no child should. Inveterate stuttering may be caused by mimicking others. Through out, tho child .-diould bo subjected to kiod but film treatment. F r ! e ii il s h i . The condition whie!) friendship de mands is aliilny to d without it. To be capiihle ol that high i lliee ri quires gleal and sublime puts. There must be very two before theic cau bo very one. Ihnrr sou. When a pi rsou is no longer his own Mend, he go- s io his toother who ia so; this onu talks gently with hitn and ia able Iu oivc him lile a;; a oi Jcun l'..ul. Every in-tn lias need of a lailhlul friend and a Intter entp.iy the one to advise, tlie oilier to show him his faults. Socrates. llu that hath inatiy friends hath noun. Aristotle. The loss of a friend id like that of a limb Time may heal ilie tiiiiuslt ol the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired, Soilthey. Friendship is ultcn ouigro'vn. und hi? I Tiiier child's clolh 'i will no nnoe fit a man than some of Ins homer iricndsdiips. Friends in Council. Winn nun and women p'ay st fiiendo ship, liny piny with c.'.g ,1 to.i.; one nt t ie two is surely hurt, und I think it is ,.1 ways the woman. 1 .e if. Lay this into your breast: Old friends, liku old words, still are trui-ted beat. Webster. How sweet the task to s'licld an iibtent friend. Hymn. Somcllitog of the heart should go with all couilisy til-it l.e-pi- ks Irieinl h p. The hand ol Djuglas is fits liulwcr. Friendship is loya without its wings. Fiei eh IVov.rt). Let Iruanlslcp creep ::enily to its iieigh ; if it rush to i', it may i "U rati iucll out ol tinoit!.. - ten:. Fr.en fsliip is a phtc ant elixir; love is un intoxicant. 11. F.iindsliip is like love--all the stronger lur separation. --Andcrfon. Fnentls are discoveicd rather than made There arc people who are iu their own na tare Irielids, only tloty don't kuo.v each .'het; bill ci-'talii Hi i;.", l.iit! p-diy, ncl ic .Hid piilntiiios, me li e - 'lie Fieeoi isuu'o ign, tl'.cy revuil that initiated to each u'.h"r.--St,iwu. Fein i'e rieiidsliip ifl to man tip' bul wark, sweetl 'ess and or-l lllli ill ol his l-XIs- Uiiec. Incog. Tliu sinuu tuity of our friends is like cm. in and leinou -ti". I, a Kiidaeid mid Isiul liitieineas whieu eiie . st to the Ir lll,;lll nl Il.e. It is tin: plca' .iut tour id UP. wliieti lit-ts an 1 keeps uu apputtte. Mien Iho wliilils and oidtto.i of v,'rthy iiicu ul'.ract und lis to th an. Incog . Me.tirnn llorni'ts. ll.Tsu am tiled in grout uutnuers ut fie ililler ul liac eiiilat in piovm es. fine I the l.ngcr loiui.s hsvipg cii,iy or hundre I llou .i-it e i'.tl.' and li'irt-n Iw.iiy thounind mules sidhoi-cs The pa-liii it!e it, t.iit'ii nli lot- year imni.i. nu.l ilni animals ricciveno o'h.r foo l Tin y uiuiliply hs the birds no, ao I well as httle pi old to their ii w n. re. ( , "in r-m y spi ak :iii. tin-) run wild until w.nted. whin lh--y are csut-'ht witll 1 i.-so hoilwotl.el and im- tni.lliU'ly niountcil. For the fust lilieeti or twenty niitiiitis they i x rt tl ur whole treiiii lo Ihr o.v ilieu ruler, but, lia, hug their iff rtf uiiav.iittng. poi'i.nfy fuoaiit, un. I uinerul'y give hut lit i i o troulilo tillcr .iird. O .yint; to their iilltlieii-.i' unmhers, hones are sold very cheap, the. average price lor an unbroken henl being eight or leu dollars a lieol. with but licle lieiuuud at that. It snui'.'times oieuis tint the g'lvi-runiitut purchases a lew hundred lor the army, but, gi nc'iilly speaking, (hi re I'D lew occiisinim when they can be sold .Mexican horses, as u rule, urn not hutid s ime, and are mldom more than loiiitecii hands Itjeli ; still they have noilcno ol the P' Ciiliur build of Hie pony ti'iout then). Fed entbcly tipiui grass, tliev yet eudute u oro latigui) and are cspaliie ol main lainini; a rapid ttait for longer ti'lio tlinn the griiiii-fid l o-ees ol other landf. Iu ho towns and eitn-s they leceivu 111 aciiit lest of cure aud tho lueiigercst allow ill), e of food. Tied up the whole day in the still ng courtyards, tin y stand patient ly awaiting their eveinn nnal Fupiin ly lliey are turt.ed loos.1 toociher when it r q-iiri s iho use of a bisso to catch them, to liiniiliar willi this instrument do they bicouie, that the inoinint tue animal (eels the ropa alioilt its nei k it stands stock tdl, when without it would u it cUer it--ell to be s'i ldh.1 t. r iiMdled. NO. Q H 8 00 10 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 M I s li oo 20 00 80 ro 36 09 40 00 Ono Sipiaro, 3 00 Two .Squares, fi CO Three .Squares, 8 00 Four Squares, lo no Fourth Col'n, 15 00 Half Column, 20 00 SPACE 20 tfl 80 00 40 fd 46 00 60 00 05 0 0 75 80 00 I 60 00 v hole Column, One Year, JOANOKE AGRIOULTOE wonns, WELDON, N. C.j JOIISI n. FOOTIC, l'ro(rUt Tin; UI MAItUMOSI COTTON PLOW A SPECIALTY. MANOPACTUftB J AND ODHMiUL AON ALL KINDS OP FAIIMINQ IiJ. l'LKMKNTS, STHAM ENGINIK AND COTTON Also Agnnt for tbn CUloago SosAa p ally's UNITED TATD3 AfcQAta Kverytblnu In this llae from a 100 TON Ittiilroad SealH to the SMALLH8T TKA Seiile furnished at Surprising- LOW Fiu ures. A Platform HAY or KTOUK Boole of )UU TONS oapaoity lor 90. wkI Fi-oigUt. All kinds of IUON AND BRASS CA3TINGW Fiirnishrtil at HUORT NOTICB'n4 M 1'utoi.sburg or Norfolk PKlCtt-S. I am tireparod to do ANY KIND Of Repair Work for ENGINES, MILLS AND COTTON GINS, As I have an Exeellont MACLHNISV'mmI UOl LEU MAKER. I koop raviiNtantlv'nn band of my own Manulauture a UOOD OFFICE COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Also a good assortment of HOLLOW WaKK. LUMBER rnrnltr.H In any quantity a tha LOWEJT Market Rates, s .'p 8 1 o M O

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