THE HOANO'rvE NE'S. TflURSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 17!) 1ST. TESSA MIMUS V.til. A'thongh the precept is nearly s old as Christian .ty , the idea cm taineil in lbs advice: ' Prove all tilings; liol.i fas', that which is go ,ri" has 'till recently been taker, in ami thoroughly digested by comparatively fe.v N otb Carolinians. Thanks to the much ahnsed Iepnrt menls of Agriculture, both ,v'tate and national our people arc slowly becom ing aroused, and it does really seem as if a better lime wt re coming. The largest and m ist luscious npplcs in the world are raised in liuncomlo county. Dried apples from Ihi! middle section of the Sta'e command a belle r piice in the New Yoik market, than tbuse from any other region, f'napejol different varieties and great excellence are shipped North from the famous (Lirrett vineyard of this county and the Tokay vineyard of Cumberland. Thousands of gallons of good wino aro also annually sol i fro n them at prices, that are rapidly making their proprie tors wealthy. A fine article of tobacco is now made in a cou.ity as far cast as T.enior and in many other counties, wheo ten years ao not an acre was planted, we s'u it grown and cured so BcientifiiMily as to command leadily n dollar per pound. Ii '.lie inland county of Wayne the farmers for ti e la-t two or three years have been raising im mense quantities of Miawbenies, peas Ac. and selling them in the Northern markets at paying prices. Krery year the people of the const and fcnunJ re gion hate been extending their truik ing and melon business and in many other sections of the State the sitir.e spirit of euterprisj is being excited Our friends the Yankees have never had the reputation of being a visionary peo ple ; still it has always been a rulo with them, when they heard of any new idea in Agriculture or manufactures, that s iuuded plausible, to test or prove it in a smalt and inexpensive way and if they found it "good" they would hold fast to it and drive it. While 'till litely our slower and more conservative people would sneer at every thing new nnd Cooteut themselves with grumbling at the haid times, and in this great differ ence of character lay their strength uud our weakness. In times past some of our people would be mlicienlly nreus d from tl. ir lethargy to test a new thing. Unex pectedly and it would seem against their wishes, they would fi id it "good." l!ui inslra J of bold'tn la'.t to it and maliinc something out of it, 'hey would (nop it ts if it burl ll cm. As casts in point, we well mention, that several years since, wheo cotton was 17 or 13 c' eral farmers of the lower Iluanoko f x perimented with ground peas, caili planting a few acres. In every instance if we recollect was confessed that the profit was greater thin on the same number of acies of their best cot ton. Why then did they not hold fist m me pea tiutsf lo this day no t.-.o of them will give the reason for not doing so. Three, or four y u s :ioi one ef the best Tar rivir fa i;:.r is of Pitt County, sowed five acres in high land rice. The. yield was very gu-al od be shipped it to Wiluiii.-t n and S dd it in the rough sr,i. N '. !,.n sin -e, whilo talking with him about i, ho ac knowledged that with half '.he. trouble, it had made him oori: than any five aires he had in cotton. W'ii n .ivko.l why hi did not plant ayaiu and m ire l.rel,' his reply was -'Well I d nu'i lu nv, I an used to cottofi," Whilj mine of the farmers w hae releuej to a.u s pm r spirited, there are fur men on the It an oke and Tar Hirer, who are miu'js at heart, ailed the name ol planters and love to boast of how many In'es of cotton they make, and they will continue to make it to the end of the chapter, even if the bale they sell for j 1" cos: then $o0 to make it. H it we won't Miold. V e hail i utiior piaiso nod it uf fords us pleasure to say that ihu pus ent actiou of smie of our Scotland Neck farmers is worthy of all praise. We undarsUad that several of Uieru bavo formed a company and tho f,.. mous Ciiiont atlachuieiil is to have u far trn 1 ll is said, that in onion fuc. lories, uuo of the ui m rxpeusivu pieces of machinery, islhit which bri igs the baled colt in Ij tha oiud '.i mi it M j while in the blow )f couisu with this "A'tuclimeii" there niilbrj no nee I of this. Then ton instead of ihe fi ire being torn and broken as when it passes through the gin saws, it is caided from tbe seed and will naturally make a finer aod stronger thread. There is an other industry, which b'is assumed giant proportions in the great Xirth West duiing the last two years, and il is the making of sugar from a variety of sorghum culled the Amber cane and it has even been mado t suns extent from corn stalks. It j now spreading like wild firj through tha eot'uo West end reaching as hr south as Tennessee and Miss't'.iippi. As ovtrv in the U mon can grow the different v-iet-i f sorghum and all are equally interested tho next session of Congress, will doubtless place a tar'.tT on sugar, syrup aod molasses. If such ac'.io:i is taken, the iiiakiu;; i f sugjr or even syrup will for the next few years be very profiable. We know of two instances in this county this 'fall, where the. patties using a patent chemical to remove impurities, have succeeded rti making a first rate ar ticle of syru;. both from Amber cane and from corn stalks, and but for un avoidable cinismusances, by which the following o( directions was prevented, su-jar would hare been probably uiude ou both occasions. - ot Tin: i am:. Tho lair is now a little less than two wicks oil'. II 'ports from the. Executive t'jinuii'lee auj from nil sections of the c tunny justify v, in saying that the suc cess of the fair is beyond a doubt. The Secretary and Treasurer have received assurances from uutnbers of people, of many and various articles for exhibi tion. Fioral II ill will be more attrac tive than ever before: the stock depart ment will have many entries; Michinery Hall will be full of all kinds of machinery ; Agricultural II ill will bu full nnd last but not l.iast, thi; racing will be, IJjsi'Ies tho as already entered, the hor ses (roni thi) I! aleigh fair will be on the grounds an I the running and trotting will be all that can be desired. AuiJcs lor exhibition will be taken in ciui.-iM! and placed on the grounds by the S ipeiiu'.en lent of transposition and placed in position by the Sjpeiin to .dcul of the proper depattment. Ail nr' ides sent to the fair for 1'xhibiliou will be charged freight, one way and the ru mey will be refunded wheu rc-shipped so that exhibitors, will be at no expense. All Loiseti or cattle lor racing or ex hibition, all paultrr, sheep and birds wiM be taken care of uud fed al the expense of the Society. With the present maniigurDent no one need fear that injustice will be done, partiality shown or i.egligenco or care lessness be seen. I) ery night during tiie week there will bu a meeting of the .Society to which the public is invited to hear auiia'ili! tuiilrcssc-i by distinguished and well informed men. All persons who desire informatiou in regard to anv thing connected with the fair can communicate with the Pres ident, Secretary, Treasurer or any mem ber of the Kxjcaiive S iciety, whose ad- dru-i's we give in another column, and we assure them of a prompt and explicit auswer. The grounds, from present indications will be crowded every day, by people Iroin this and ail sections of the Stale und irgiuia. Accommod tlioiis can be obtained by ull. uud excursions tickets will be issued by all the Railroads, livery one should m.iko an cllut to he.lo the luir. Il is a home institution, gives the people new aod good ideas about funning, and every thi ig else and does much to produce that unity of action ninth is uia:'i neuled anuria oar A"ri ciiltutists nni tho nb-.coce of which cusses muc'a loss. The Society is u nucleus for great g io.l a'td b u beei of .mini ufimii. Kremlins Willi tie peo ple lo Cirry out a;,d perfect its ubjocis. d' - ii jm; .tv:;uv. V.'e s!d iu iru.t min'ilvis ti spnak if the (jiminc. We ll.i ili. as a rule, the pre- -h ..;! !,-t !); hc-neli stand or fall on its mv i merits ; but in this case we regard it as nothing but our duty to "lender unto C.i ;ar the things that arc 'i ai"s." .lu.loo Aierv has borne him- I. i e. ., ., si!'' with so noich property, and ad-m'tii,t,-red the functions of Lis exalted '!:!-(! with si r.oie.l, grace and i IT-cl d ir ing his stay I c" that we should feel tint a riii!:; Ii.i l been com.iiitted unless we nu ll! all isi mi to him. State is ti'ost i'oitunaio in having Mlc a man to hold her scales i f jotLe. His charge to the giiind jury on Monday was not only luminous but iMiiSm -im the whole field of criminal law, and mado upon the public mind a most conservative and elcvatiuc ii fl nvice. His constant bear ing as a judge and gentleman has grcitly endeared him t our people, while his iiilL'MigPiiCA and nliility as n j have won t"dd-ii opinions from the meiuheis of the bar. (In ull sides w bear but one cvnrn,ion of confidence uud ad'iiiiatioo I. u Uus distinguish man A c ouuiry must always be in a site con dition l-u her y is pine, enable am! patiiotic. --N.-uuampt an 1! potter. 'A e most beaitily cudoisc- the just tribute which our neighb ar, ihe Nor.b auipton K.'pnrter. renders to tho distin guished gentleman whose naiuo heads this article. .Judge Avery is indeed a model North Carolina . Judge, and we think North Carolina has in the past rendered the best tjpts of judicial character. The restoration of a judiciary like that which once honored and adorned our Sta'e, is cause (or grrat congratulation. In our eiper'ciica no j idis has made a belter i Df rcssioa on our people thau Judge Avciy. In his modesty, simple habits, iriiform curtesy and gentle bearing to the lawyers, the suiters, the witnesses, the officers of tbe court and the peop.c generally, ho represent the true North Carolina gentleman. In his laborious attention to business, his uniform ni. ,,icnC(ti h;, )r(1,((1 o01.i, ,,, ,)is (awill arity with the precedents, his general learning in the law and his strong com mon sense he is as we have before said "a model judge.'' From all class of our people we have heard but one ex pression ol undivided satisfaction at bis administration of justice in our II is ii fluence has been that of a good man and a wise und upright judge. He is indeed the honorable scion of thut illustrious name ia the Mecklenburg Declaration, I'noi'i.K should be caretul how they send articles to newspapers for publica tion. What appears as a j iltc to them sometimes bears serious consequences and the paper is held responsible. It is a rUe among editors to throw into the waste basket all communica tions of whatever nature, unlets accom panied with the name of some reliable person ; and even with tho striut en forcement of this rule editors are some limes imposed upon as were last weik by either a foul or a scoundrel who had neither wit nor delicacy but who had impudence and effrontery enough to supply tho whole country. If we only were affected we would care little. We have grown callous to all things of the ki..d. Hut ut, fortunately innocent people are sometimes amde to suffer and when that is the case we lose our temper which however we do not plead as an excuse f"r these remarks. W'e would make them stranger, but desire to pre serve our dignity. now no t.ihi: t ti.itc i'jioii "Thnsc having ripe cane and no chemicals on hand can go to work on a plan that I have tried tor the last three Jays with good success, being out of materials and unable to get a supply in time," writes (1. M. Sclmaiz. Ednards- fille, III., in tha Kurul Woild, who de scribes the process as follows: Heat ihe j lice to scalding point, about 1.80S ; neutralize wiih lime soil neither changes the blue nor red litmus paper; bring to boiling heat and run into settling tank and in a lew minutes draw off. If a 7 porous alim is at hand, one pint to a hundred gallons may be here added to lighten the color. If not, a little less lime thould be used in the heater if the j lice is very dark. For syrup use only lime enough to change the blue litmus to purple. Noiv evap orate rapidly to 2l'0 degrees and run the srup into a ta. k through a hao strainer. When through wiih tho days wink I start my cooper finishing-pan and draw the thin syrup with swing pipe from the tank ns fast as needed. This fin'shing pan is four feet long by thirty inches deep nnd tho sides fining nut lo de grees. It is fastened with a pair of strap hinges on one side of the furnace to fencing trips driven into the ground as fastened to the furnace. In this pan I reduce to degrees Fahrenheit for syrup, or 2;11 degrees for sigar, accord ing to lledes's thermometer. I boil rapidly in this at fi st to mikn it j imp until nearly done, then slacken down and stir until done ; then, with a snail rope over a puiiey above, I lilt the toii tents into a cooler nt once. Here it is immediately stiried and run int. another Cooler for measuring not. My coolers stand on a true. Ttiis can be ru. through tho whole building on a wooden track where wauled. This process will tnuko sugar from the early amber where nothing else is at hand. Of course the lidcher cotcpnui.d makes a better IranKpnrei.t svrup and finer fi ivor. It seems to take the place of the bore co ll fi ter. It is not, strictly speaking, a granulating compound, lor thero is no such thing It the peculiar ity of the early umber that it will natiir nl'v graiHilitr, with skilful woikship, with Ii no alone. II nv many of our va rieties will do this I am not yet able to tell In using tht! I'. -leher comp iiind, I use one filth Irss linn? nnd fue pints ol the co np .und to I'M gallons of the j lice, either ril t alter the defecated juice, I liavc not as jet found much diHerence. Some seem to ha o an idea that solu tion 15 is s ilplrtr acid. This a great mis talc. I do not mean to say that there is no sulphurous acid in solution . The three ingredients of solution IS have all been used separately, but in combina tion ihey seem to act dill'-rentlv, which is Professor Stt-wan's patent. I would advise those tint familiar with sulphurous acid to let it alone. It does not make syrup granuUte. Il will prevent i .ver sion of sugar to some extent, if rightl) usd. hut H"t io I'm shiipn il is n.-w in intk.'t. I forgot to state in cutting eaily amber cunc t.i cut close to ihe ground R'd lop anywhere clear of the s"('d. Oat when fully ripe and work up as s inn ns cat. l.jlchci's conipaund referred to and claimed by soxe sugar-iniikets to be equal to or belter than Professor Sle w arl's patent solution It is composed of about three parts of porous alum and two parts of sal-soda, and is used in the proportion of ihroe pints of compound to uixiy gallons of fluid. AKVKKTlSKMliNTS. f o i; is 11 1 1. I. I A K I) c . ,t C3II0N COMMISSION KKRCHANTS, NORFOLK VA. Kull prl.'.'s nn. I .nilik r.'tunis rimnint.'i'il. r 1 1. ) MY V H 1 K I AND T 9 K IW 1 LIO OK Tilli OLD NORTH STATE, I return my (ifatelul thiiiiks for Iheir liliiinl pairiuiau in tho past uvl very reipi-olluily invito nil In want or lioo.'l, Neil mid .-iron Iland-inade It ots and SIioms to nail and leavo ihnir oidors, Sat tslaetiou y iihi ant.'Cd. .u urn nti.simn. No, I hi Sveainorn Strnet, I'Kl'EltSIM'lli., V.V. "cp-i m. NF.W ADVKIITISKMENT. ( I V K H I M A CAL L 1879 FALL JUST KKC K I V K I) E. N E W P A OK Till: AHI fill 11 ASIO El KE'.V FALL CATALOGUE now ready fur distribution. Sent free, postage paid, to any addrons on application, also auiiiii OPENING NKVV GOODS DAILY, SUITABLE FOK PALL AND WINTER. ADDUESS sept is 3m J) I ED MONT NUK1.....1.S, ;keexsi:oico . c. CHEAT KEDUCTION OF 1'IiICES. I ,r,..csi- In .-iM- folli" patr.'iis cf Vi.'.liuoiit Nin-ii'Ti.-.. tin- iM-n.'lll "( thi- Iravllimr airiails' i'iiiniiiIkmIoih on my Nil r-r-'ry Stork. I'l.iiMlM'nur of Kruit Tri'.'.i. it,:, : t ill ti-i v.- r--l m-.-.l tin- prii-.- r,n 'it t, A,pli--mill l'"ai-h.'.t, 1st i'Iiiss, : M 11 fi-i-t ; linn iinirov.-.l KruilM a- lire irrown In North Cnrollna. ini.l i- 'iely f.T Ins;., rtloii. K"f-iT-'iii't' iriv n to imv Niir'-ryinau in lltlilfoi-i', i', 1 1 1 1 1 V l'.'ii.'In'S an '-1 Al'i'l '" nnniini' from III" -n rl i-'-t lo Mi.' hi. -st viri.'iii'.s. 'I'r.-cn will hi-..-k.'.l in it.. I slroiir I or ImI.-.i, art liviT.-l In Uailnniil I )-i t .- or Kxfivn H1,-.-h withoirt imy i'l ru cliii l-;"' f"r Ix"n or ilrlivry. I will tiirniili nt III" f'llt'.wiiiTlow ran- : IYhi'Ii.'h liinl .'i'l".i in anv oieor ity. iiiiii'oV''l fruit, I" -ii : .- 1 1 . 1', ar. riuui.i. Ai'iaeotn. N.'.-lanii.':. guiii"'-. rral. A i i -1 - - . Flfi. Ti.-!. :e? him, i iiiuiii"iii o I Tr. .-.. H"S.- aii'l Kiow.-rs win l.e niil.l ; i : i j J- lleui ran I..' soM l.y any Nurs.'ry in N"i'th rarnlina. C;,sh n. in'i'.mii'.'Oiy Hi" i.i'.l.'is. Any .ui.' not having rnili inny nil ..ill anoli'lo uri''"iii)','ui' i.i.l. r.'il liy'i'lia.-i.'i'. lo I." wli.'ii tr nr.' .Ii'livi'ivl al ili'...t M'.'ill,.i liy i'iin'i.;i"i'r. .t" lo a .nij.itiiy Iri-rs nii.i .:ti, w.i.'ii ti'".'s in.- lii-liV'-n .1, 'M!va:i-;"r."i i.iy nil fr-'iirlit--.ii sat':.'. 'I'r.'. s vi I I." shi..f.l in N-, villi.. -r o ti. i iiir.-t.a. r ii.'t iti" l wli.-n I-. nn rt f lii'in, lViN'.ns'i'itm 'ili ..tut" i.lniiily wli.T" lopiliip. Nam.' Hi" .l.'l'"ti. I,"tl.'ls i.f in.liiiy iin-iwi'i'i'il . ln'i'rfiilly. iii'.li'i'M si.lii'il.'.l mi. I satin-fa.-linii t-iiarant.'.'il. S'lnl in nnli'i'S alone. M r. niX ).-?. I'r, .ii'i"lor l'ii'.liiutul Niit'S"rii'.i. ,l'i!yl"'i;n. 1,1011 SALE. The f'lllowins valuable r. a! e-itate lyiiiir near Tillcrv's .Mill, in ll.iliiiv county about nine miles from thetown oi Halifax, About llii'l acres incln.lin steam online, saw mill and tlxtures, (,-in. trin house and lixluros, mlj lining tlio residiineo of J. V. Tillery, Miko Will; ins, that contiiins about !o acres. Fopn pla -n contalnliiK alioiit I, "id acros. .) Interest in Wade 11 Tille:y Iraot, tho wholu containiiiK about U77 ae'ros. Applv to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. V. jnly :tltf A iv.'.'k in yniirown to'.vii.iiinl tu i-npi-' ' 'id risk.'.l, Yoti ran ;;ivi Hi" l"isiii"ss a trial Willi.. nt i'xp"iis". Til" liest opii.o-tiinity rvr nll'iTi'il f'T lli ..s.' wiilimr t.i v.iii sii. .ill. I tr tio! Iiin r "b-i' mil il i.iii s. c f.o- -.iii'- -..If w hat y.m r.ii' .to at If." 1 iimii"s in- ..ii'.'i'. Ni. ru in P "Xi'lain lu t . You nn li'V.r.' r.ll your lim.' or .-lily y.'iii spar.' I ini" lu Mm- f-nsi-li.-ss, nn. I 111:1k" i-l'i'iil i ii." fur rv '!' li'.lii' y..ii 'i-nrk. W'.im.'ii innki' :ts iiiuc!i ns m.-ii s.'ii.l f,.i'il'"i'inl privnt" t- rniM nol pnt'tii'ii'iu v.-liirh w,' mnil fr.'i'. i-'i niitlii tr. " lloli't .'.nuplnin of lini'.i Itno s wi.!!- v.iii i.nv" siicii n .!ini..'. A.l.liv.i II. 11AI.1.I-.TI' l'ln-liainl .V.niu.'. jui;. U ly. "" ' "'-":'v--'-'.-"vv'''i'l.,' Is rn.!nr,-l y r-.-nry PHACTIOAi FAlWTEH. tO'.'ZTSV- CATAO'TV - rrT,'AT,TLITi' 1 XCI I.I) ANY KNOWM I AIN V. r.uit ' nrts I lint. .! wiih cmr lVi.irit j'llnn, if tint srtUtic. tury, will lis l:e;)auua ct txjonse. FOR SALE SY A. 11. y.OU.iroi'HKU , I!Kd . W'.'l Inn, .V C. iiino 2.1 1 y JXKI't.'TOIt i NOTK'K. II:;vini;iiinlill"iI in Kvenitor ol Hi" last will lOl lll'slll Ill i f Ul'l.l'," W, IIW.'IIS. ..'l'".'IS"ll. ."f..r.' Hi" .In, I..-" ..I riMlmtc fur Ni.rilianiit.'ii .' 'inity. 1 li"r.'l.y n..ifvnll partii's li.ilillii'r claims il''.-iiiil snnl li.v.'iis In n-"M'hl il i ,i iiuiv iniili.-iilii-al.Mlnn or l.i'i'nr.. Hi" -,t ,nv of .lulV l--ii. "l- this li. .Ii.'" will I," j.l.-M.l in , ,r i.f Ilii'iV r. riivrry. All prrsinis'lit.'.l In sni.l uwens, n n- r"iiiii'i'. lo mnk'' iinni.'.lini" i .- iin-i 1 1 . I fiirtli.-r irive imtir" Hint l.y virlu.' of tlir l'.'W. r v.'slcl in ni,- a-sai l Kvcrutor. 1 shall ui .i.'h an. I i'V.-ry S-it unl.-iy, romiic'in'iii-Snt ur lny Inly I'.-ih 1-7:'. si-ll forrn-hnl pnlilir auction nt til" sioi-.'-h.-iisi' of Miulow.Mis in H.ilifn town, n ilnnl.l" lot ofirooils, wares, ini'l nn'ivlinnilis" nn. I olh.'i- I'l'i'ishnlil" roiM-rly l..'l..n,-imr lo M. ''state of s.-ii.l 1 1 iv. 'lis. I sliall -. lit inn" s.ii.t snh's until further in.t ir.', oi- sni.l .r. ..eri v is ! i . .si-,1 of- JOHN' T.liltKnulU, Italif ix N.C. lixeciilor, iulynif N'OKI'U OA Ui H.I N A, Halifax l'. n lily, Olliee iioard County t'omiiiissionors, J mis MentniK bT'.l. Il is or.lo-cd by tbo It mid IhHl nl! par tics hoidini; claims against thi county by order or oiherwish, bn requested to present the saniH to the elei k ( l nai 1 IJourd on or beforo tho 1st duv of Sept 1(ST!, By order or ihn Hoard, Jt. J. LEWIS, Clerk. juno 5 Im, s 'OUT 11 H UN HOT K L, HALIFAX N. C. J. iv. jii i,i,i:v, iMtoruir.Toic. Tablo well supilind, clean rooms nnd Htt'jutive Hcrvauta. Meals oOo Loilging od-.i, A Livery Stable also kept w hnro tennis llluy lie hired, fed nod well uttoinled to, t.j ox pel ieiietil hostlers. Tho travel tig publio w ill do w ell to stop at the Southern Hotel. juno 5 1 y. A. VV R E N SON- Manufaeturors ofaud Dealers in ull kinds of CARRIAGES, HAB5ES8, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, WHEELS, AXLE'S KA KM WAtiOXS, house cuoriiiNi.. LAP R(IU:, Ac. No. 14, 1(1, 21, and iM Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. nop 18 ly COMMISSION MERCHAMT PETERS Itl'liO, VA. No. 38 N. Sycamore Streot, Eour doors below his old stand, next tu John Arriiitoii Sons J Strict personal attmition niveu to the sale of alt consignments nnd returns made promptly, ItaL'irinir an I Ti,.., rM m I the lowest rates, ,., or, i,h 15 1' T T K KICK & CO'S T T E 11 N S LATEST UOl'E.VN STYEFN. AND MONTHLY SHEET oi i.ooii-i. K. It. IS L A MUt!'., 1(0 Mufn Si red, aOKFULH, VI. s ALE OF LAND. I r lfer for sale privaiely, tho (ireut Crenk larm, lyinu; on Dncp ( 'reek, inl.joln ini the liiri'ls ol Isaae GIhnsiow, 1'otor lliiicji, Terkins eituto hiiiI otlinrs, tnro'i miles poiutli ol (iaston. Tho larm eon tains about m:0 aereH, about nOU aeres cf wliieh is eleareil. I'm nr tluil aeros crank low trroii ikI.s. This land is well a!iiiteil lo tho cultivation of corn, cotton, tobacco, Hinall (rrain ami urassns. A nooil yoiinj: orchard ol usmrtil fi uit trees in pooil r.oti ililion. Toe l.iii) will liosol.l in soiall lots if llio whole can be disposed of. Fartl'H ishinii to see tho land can call ou K. E, Moseley who will tako pleasure in show ing it. Terms moderate. Apply to It. 10. MUSKLEY. (iaston, N. C. OrW. V. UWAT1INJ2Y, Norfolk, Va. i-ep 1 Mm. 8o0 REWARD J'io.iitl apiece, for tho two prisoners that brt'k jail nl Halifax mi III llth of July, Ine Jack Tines or lhin;css, hoiht n fiet 8 inches, we.iba 1 In poundK, brh:bl yintri r eako color, close cut hnir, quick speech, sharp black eyes, is thought to bo in Ihe iici','liliorhood of Liltletoi, when be vvus first eamrlit . (nn Moses Manly; height five fect six ou'iics, wmiiljs n.u pounds, Is ol a near while color, elos-3 built, cnurn striiittht bmek, a few black whiskers about tho moiitii, laro black ovos slow in speri.h, was loiii I'aucntH township near Uarlmutoii, is thought to by 111 that ne'gh boih'jod no. J. T. DAWSON, Shoriffof Halifax county. July 17tf. QilKAT liBGAlNS AT J. A. MUSG.10VES, 300T.S, SHOES, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS A T COS T. I wish to close out my lino of tho abnyo goods and will soil out at cost, Finest e.nd purist l iquors niways on hand Moid in any quantity. Tim latest and moat la-diionahle DIUSICS OF TUE SICASON. . I i:s or ah. kixds (i.STANn.Y OS HAM; AMI SOI.l) LOW V 0 11 C A 8 IT. Mr. H. Ii. I'ojio is wiih uio and will be pleased to seo his frionds J. A. ;! USC, ROVE, Wehliio, N. C. npr. lntiin W. R. VICK t AUHIAGES AXI JtHililES MEADE TO 0 K D E fi Oil REPAIRED AT LOW TRICES. Al 1 kinds of woo I work and trimming done in cood stylo. Blacksmith work dono at short notice and with neatness. All new work wnrranicil. Finn paintins for liUKgios done at low paint used. NI'El'IAL ATTESTIOSi TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT '-v'G-s'.sa s . , ,., j hi . mil, ''j " .'.-.j'i."i'r'5El Cofllnsan l Cases of all sizes constantly on hand. Carri.U'O Material kept nnltniul at price bolow l'nioraPuii; niai ket. Weldon N. C, uno 5 ly yyKLDo.N jjiiicii yyoiiKs. D3ICKS! DHICilS! Col. N. M. Lon;r and Wm. D. Rcesi. havnm lormed a coparliioisliip in the brick business, lakes ling niohod of in foroiinu Die public that Ihey havn on hand and for sale, the finest stock of liriek in the State. Win. D. Keese, tho practical man of the concern has had hi; ex pfl"ioin'o of more than lorly years in Itsltimoio and other cities, lie Inn mado ail tlni brick in W. Id. in for the pust live years, nnd has Hivon eniiro satislaetiou to all who Lave used I h u in. II A R D n R I C K A S P E C I A L T Y. 1I1K iiKl.Ki TUD HAS KKKN 'l'i:-Tl.ll. NO HALF KIUCK Oil HATS. Pattios whrn nnioriiiK will pleaso state w him tho bricks aie lo used, if fur an nul siiie chimney, or insi 'e chimney nr tin. derpini, ,to., thereby saving expense and trouble. I'lUlEN TO SlIT THE TISIES. Tho undersigned lespoctlully rrfcr to Cu t. .1. K. liiviuii. W. A W. Railroad, dipt. E., S. A H, Kilioad, and S. I. Iland.S. ,t 11. Kailroud and many ot hem on all 'j,0 roads who have use.l the I. nek iinido by W, 1). nu(ISOt I'b nso rend your orders addiessini LONI, .t REKSl', Weldon, N. ('. may l.iii ADVERTISEMENT. ll- F- H U T L E 1, Fire and Lite Insurance Agent, Places risks of all kinds in frst-clasu Companion as low as safety will permit,, Call and hoo mo boforo insuring else where, at li (TOWN'S DRUG STORE, Woldon, N. C. July 131 y. G 1 KAN I) ACUUSVKMENX, A New I'rocess Tor Sinking'. IVell.s, A GOD-SEND TO EASTERN N. C, It is a raro caso that a woil Is mink twon ty Icet without lindinrf marl. (Jooii water can always be had by borcliifj; below the n.tirl, nod Rhiittinu'dn' tho water Irom above. 1 have a now process that excludes all surface water urn1 effects of marl, Ac. Haiii well complete tor use, onodollar per foot ,wlth surface) proventativo, nno to one li fly per foot. Those wells never pet out ol orocr, will last a bfo lur.o. Orders so lieited, roiiablo Agnnts wanted. Special attention nivon to moving houses wiih ruy Pot Mover. J, D. MERP.TT & CO. VVeldon, N. C. Poe21 tf. ., Jpiamnnthl-, KXl-piiKoWcrnii liookofthooreamef til..' Worl.l u InOTtturn. Single coj.v, 2Ho., or 11 iirr ,-:ir. An Oil Ohruliin flls'i inclieK) of Vosciuilo Vnlly. i.ricii, fa. Hlfic-k Klu-.-i.." n .1.0 Ij.pok. in I'.-il'. r liniilini;: "Ohnminii Oakley's Mulnkr," a SI hiiek. in iiimei- liimlini:, nii 8 PUUIIllu enpj nf "WodiI'd llouheliold .lln -lu.ine" nil, for only 30 cent s in iniraey, or in one-cent tilnnips, Apentii Kiinl.'iL Mont, iiherai terras, Im t notlnne "ent frro. Aildroua S. b. W ooil, Tribuuu ljuiluiiw, Wow York City. LOOK HERE? HEAD THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your Choap goods from W II BUOWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. LTo keops ahvaya on hand a full line of Konoral iiiorchandiso, such as Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv Ooods, Notions, I'ocki't Cutlery, llii.ors, Jioisory, Ac. ALoa full lino of (jrocerios, Choap for i asn. Comer 1st St. ai d -Vasli. Avenue. Weldon, N. C m i'71v ALL A RLE LANDS FOR SALE. Wo have for sale and on easv and reason ablo terins, tho following valuable tracts oi inn. I siiuntoii in Halifax county, N. C: 1. That tract formerly belonging to W P. Solomon, deeeasod, 'known as "Elm wood," containing about 30 acres and ad- joining lands of Dr. G.U. Macon, deceased aim othors, 'J. 'I ho tracts formerly belonging to Jno 0. Randolph, and located near Crowells X Roads, ono tract known us tb.) Rodgers tract and containing about 110 acres, the other tract known as the "Cockran" or "Mullen" tract and containing about 300 acres. t. A tiact situatod in Warron ooiintv about threo fourths of a milu from Little ton on tbo public road leading from that plnco to Warronton, and containing about -10 acres, and a-ij lining lha lands of Airs. Dr. Chas. Skinner and others. 4. The tract purchased by W. II. Shields from the ndiiiinitiator df Jacob Higgs, diiceiisod, containing about 300 aeres and adjoining Iho lands of W. II. Shields, Gen. P. Popo and others. Parties seeking in. formation as to this tract, can call upou us or John C, Randolph Esq. All Ihcso lauds aro in Inalthy sections. If not disposed ol nrivat.oly before that time, we tjiiill offer said at public auction on th first Monday in October. Parties wishing to purcliaso would do well to call upon us lor information. MULLEN & MOORE, Atts. llalilax M. C. apildtf OTICE. Having duly qualified as administrator of J. Oscar Camp, in tha Probate court for the ci'iintv of Halifax, all persons holding claims against tho deceased, aro hereby noliliod to presont them to me. duly an Iheniicati-.l, on or before tho day of August, ISSO. Person- indebted by ,ludg mud or otherwise to the deceased aro ro tiiistod to make inunediato setlleniont, or collbctiou will bu ouiorcod. W. A.DUVN. Hdinr. J. O. Camp. wiuUOw Scotland Neck.N.C. M ILLINEKV! M ILLI.NERYl A LARUK LOT OF I, IT A T S 'I KIM.MKD AND I'XTRIMMEP, OSriUClI PLU1E.. FK.VTIIERs AND IUURONi. Vri:mn:g Jpcfn!)'. s-STM Evaus' Comer, Wuldon, N. C. MRS. M. iV. SMALLWOOn. juljS if A 1 '"nn To imo ayoar, or Jito iia V lOW day In youi own locality. No risk. Woi:u.n d uis well as men. Many make more thau tho amount staled above. No ono cm fail to make nionev fast. Any i r.n can do tin- work. You oaii make froi'n titlcls. to 2 an hour by devi ling your even, iiigs and spare time to the business U costs nothing to try the businoss. Nolhs ing like i: for money making ever otTorod beloro. Ilusinesa pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, il you want to know all about tho best payiug business before the public, send us ynur addioss und wo will Rend full particulars and privato terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up vour mind for yourself Address t.EORiiK STINSON A CO , Port land Maine. ADVKUTISKMKNTs. lriiviinriiimmti'das executor of tin- ntn . Kdicia . snii', in Hie l'roliat.. ,,urt tLW.V' county of linlilnx. nil li-i'srnm liolilinir It, nijainst III.' .l"C'asi-(l arc h.-rchy n.t ill.-, s.'iit tin in to in.', or to my attoni.'vs k-!!'"!!i nml Huiiu.iliily niitlicntlcareil. on or i''.f,V, '' ftr mull iliiyofJuni' Ihmi. l,'rsiiiis iiul.'i,,,.,, ; estate will please iiinUe iiumi'iliatc i,,,..,.,, ,,, Oil AH. T. LA WKlJlvi'ij Kxiviilor of K. N. shi.Vi., rcrlvit.'lon j, I),,,,,, KcotlailU .Ni'ck, y'c June 12lf. y J. HAT, 1 WELDON, N. C. BAKER fe CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fan cy candies. Koops always on hand tha' fullest stock of Candies, Fruits, Nuts ,Vn to be found in Eastern North Caroling, which ho soils by wholesale, or retail. Orders ior wedding parties, and ballg. prepared nn short notieo and al most roa sonaule prices. Oct 20 tf. GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKS, HENDERSON N. C. JOS. E. POGl E, PKCI'KIETUr MANUPACTCRKS ALL GRADES OP and Th-Ist tobacco Axn Cadhy Work, OENERAL AGENT FOR E, II, POGUE'g GENUINE "SITTING LULL'" DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. lllavii Om JJETALIC BURIAL CASES. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. When ordering send loncth and width at elbow-State whether Jaconet or half Satin lining preferred. 5 per cent off list tor immediate cash. Goodsordered IjyjEx press. Sent C. 0. D. loss than 5 percent usi prico. H. f . JJU TLKU, Agt. Weldo.v, N.C. j2-At Brown's Drug Store. juno 5 1 y. OC LA M ATI ON. Beit known to all readers of this pnr thatyo l borcaltor order your entire wai Is in wearing apparol anil Uouse-koepii g goods oft he UNDERSIGNED, AND GET TIIE MOST KEI.1AULC HOOPS FOB THE LEAST MONEY Heady mado clothing for Men and Roys wear of custom make; uud best quality at lowest prices. choad choTrrs, HRKSS (lOHIIS, COTI'ON CLOTHS, 1I"K.-'KIN. (slI.KS.SATlX,-!, t'l.A.NMil.S. CASKIMHHKS VKI.VKTS. 1-l.fSHKH. JHIMKSTICS. 'JAILOIts-ritlMMINdP, VKI.Vl'.T HKN." .SIIKHTI.N'U.S. Ml HITS. DUAWKKH, SWISS MUSLINS. CHUCK Ml'SLINS I'll. LOW CASINII, UNl'KRSHIIU'S, K AISsOOK. i;ki TICKIMl, IinlSKKY. Hl.ANKKTS. t.LOVKS, A full linn of Nations, and Fa nay Goods at wholesale and retail, at less than AUKTEIEKN I'KICES. Clothing mado to order in best manner. Fit guai antoc I. Orders promptly tilled. Samples stut on application. Ucspeetfull v, M. E. KULL, 115 Syo. .St. Pelersbui g, Va. T LARGEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THE SOUTH. All impound and mamifaettii ed by me, and sold at loss than Northern Prices. Real French Runnels imd Hats, Straw goods, by the ense dozen or pioeo. Infants Goods, Flowers, Wreaths, Plumes, Tips, Ribbons, Sasbes, '.ties, Ruchiiig, , i!ks, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, EdgingH.Eridal Wreathes Ladles drosi-rs mado to order, ceml leto, iu best manner, ut lowest prices. lnuiiAL ctrn-rrs a stkciai.ty. All orders rromptlv tilled. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct V. Ir.i. o T I C 10, Having taken Ihn tlmn llmt A. Ealrn formerly occupied. I am prepared to do all kinds of rooaii iinr. vood or iron. Having been hare over twenty years everybody in t;,fl cnuntv knows that I ' n- dcrstiu,,! my businoss, nmklng MHg"f' and carts, busies, and ironing mm". Givo mo a cull. D. C. RICIIARI'KU.. Jan 11 run. QOTTON GINT FOR SALE. 1 hav6 for sale a fifty ?aw "eeiile -01' ton Gin, in gnod icpair. Partirs can fB this Gin at Johu M. Koote's Fi-niulr.Vi. Weldon, N. C. J, M. ML'LLt'N' uprl7tt

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