THE ROANOKE NE'S. TflUKSDAY. OCTORER 16, 1S75. Tin; L"uit.'iHe Courier-Journal says: The game is marie up, and it's Grai t lid Tilden, tinh'-hfss and pop-corn six Rnd six and Uncle Sammy's deal,' with the likelihood of turning jack. iMr. Walterson knows Tildeo well and has unlimited confidence in h'u "turning upa jn.k." "Mebbe" he carries one in his slctve. Ark. 0 alette, 1MPTIST NT ATE CONVENTION. The Torchlight will be issued daily by W. A. Ibvii during the session of tbe ltipt'mt State Convention to be held at Oxford on Nov. 5th. It will bo sen' post paid to subscribers for 25cU. A distinguished Hiptist divine will super intend the editorial department, and the .... .. . . proceeding, of the convention will be roported each day. TiiK Kliiabclh City FJcon says : Gen. M. W. Ransom was at Jackson court lust wetk. He is iu fine health and spirits. lie says he can't tell about the results of Ohio vt New York. They are both doubtful Rnd hive no special bear ing nn tbe 1880 elections. He says of one thing, however, he is sure, viz: That we will be sure to elect the Presi dent next year, und that whila a little caution may bo necessary in our state rank, it is equally as sure that we will carry the State by a lare irnij iritv neil year, lie thinks Tildeu's chances good, and would not hesitate to support him. t:si. Many people who call themselves polite, and are considered so by their friends would not be found so if they were subjected to the test : True kind ness of heart and generosity of leeling. True po'itenen does not consist in mere bowing abd scraping, but in desire to make others feel pleasantly. While it cin bu shown and exercisod ia a thousand different nays, and on all gecasioos and is as often neglected, we desire to call attention to only one way iu which people could exercise true politeness, v;z : in answering any re mark, note or letter nddiersed to them. Many observations ire made to people which require no explicit answer, but something ought to bo said or done to how that tbe observation is heard. E'su how is tbe peism speaking to know that be has been understood. Another thing people forget is, that every letter or note addressed to them should be answered. It need not be a favorable answer, but there should be an ai swer of some kind couched in gentle lan guage. How olen do people neglect to write letters because they know they will oever ascertain whether or nut the communication has been received; and how often have letteis of importance bean written and received and oo ac knowledgement made of receipt. It is true that pcop'o writing on their own busi ness sbuuld enclose stamp for answer, but even if this is not done, answer should be made. The recipient of a letter may not consider it of any im portance whatever, and yet it may be of great moment to the writer. A prompt answer to all communications would sue much troublo e'.d annoyance to others and truly polite peopla will not fail to do so, unless tbey aro very for getful, aud we doubt if that is st'diueu excuse. As important as this matter is, e know of very few who make it a rule to return prompt answers to all correspon dence, but those few can say that they have been more than repaid by llio ob servance of this rule, not only by the pleasant kuowledge of duty performed, but often by a substantial profit fiuao cully. THE I'll It. The fair is uow only a few days o(T, and the prospects are more favorable than even we anticipated. We have liougbt and said all along that the fair would be successful, and we were sincere, but now wa can state positively that its success is a foregone conclu sion. All the departments will be full and there wiii be many attractions of every kind. All tastes can be suited and pleated from the most i efia id to the most un cultivated. A lgrgi rcptesen'itioo of the military of the S ate and Virginia will be present, and the nuintier of beautiful ladies will bo us Iur-,0 and larger than eer before. The premium list is larre all paid by the Society, no special piciniums being offoreJ by other parties if wo ex cept some u'lven by M-. James Nor wood, who has slways taken a great in-t-rest in ihe success of tbe Siciety Tnere aro no doaali.Mis, but nothing has been omitted. Not the least attractive feature of the fair are the bops which will be given every night at tho hotel where tbe you ger of the visitors al ways enj iy themsrl-es. The Society ulm, will bold each night a meeting to discuss tho business or the Assumption, and to listen to good ad dresses from well kmwn gentlemen Concerning tbe various branches of Ag liculturt. This is truly a home enterprise, and should be wll patronised and supported by oil who drsirc to f.te nur section built up and on the road to prosperity. As we lime suid before the Society has done much good for all classes of our people, and under its present ex ' llont management will do much more, a nd it is also a nucleus for great assist ance to our people in mure ways than one. Let every one lend a helping hand and make our fairs second to none. FEKTIM.CK, TAX M) AGRI 4 111 I KK OKIMKT IIKN I'. The discussion os to, who pays the fertilizer tax and as to how much bene fit the S ale receives from the Agricul tural department, is the only thing, thin ut present causes a ripple in newspaper circles Some of th ise, who aduncate the repeal of the tux, contend that it dimes nut of the pockets nf the farmers. The compare it to a lurid' on forei-Mi I poods. Suppoi.e savs one, that a vara jjf rerlaill,c,,)lh ' , be ra;l(JeI ,n i the United Scutes for loss two dol ing ; but it can bo imported lor one uonar, ii no amy 10 oe paiu. Ao our (loverumeot to encourage home en terprise places a duly of one dollar on said cloth. Consequently the laboring man, who makes a dollar a day, has to give two days work for the cloth, which , ,i ! r . j . . I. .1 . . . . without tbe tariff, be could obtaiu by the work of one day. It is true, that Invevcr roach a tax tends to raise the pi ice of an article, by so much are the consumers of that ar ticle injured. A id it is eq ially true, that if i lie tax has a tendency to de crease the price, in propoitio.i to t'nit dicieas me thu consiMieis benefitted. Tout is always supposing that the intrin sic value of the nrii'.lo is the same in both instanci. J hat tho tax has de creased tho price of fertilizers ulready mil that, l! it were higher, it would de crease tho price still more is sucepli ble ol prool. I Ins usseilion sounds as if it was opposing all die roles of Poli tic tl Hjoiioiiiv ; but it is not. 'ome of my tieigh'iurs are disp ised to judge and speak harshly ol those, who advocate Ihe repeal of the tax and the consequei t destruction ol the Agricultural Depart ment. Some of them really believe that the newspaper advocates of this measure are bribed by those Fertilizer Companies, which, as their goods could not stand the test of analysi", have been driven out of tbe State. Were it not known, that the ablest repealers were honorable men, the fact, that compauies, which have to resort to sand, sodi and lime ia making their manures, are too poor to bribe any b dy, should convin them of their mistake. It is touch mure probable that at the next session of the Legislature an ef fort will be made to double or possibly quaurupia trie tux and the unseen mov ers in this effort will be several of these Companies whose sales aie Ion o4 in the State. Every tax upon this commoditv has a tendency towaids monopoly. The present tax reJu::cd tho number of fer tilixers sold in this State from 108 to 12 A $1001) lux woul I probablv bring the 42 to 1.') or 20 0e of $2000 would probably bring the number to five or six. With the prese it prices and prod s, n wide fie'd. or a nurower o .e in which it has little or no opposition, is the only thing that a Feitilzer Company needs to become wealthy iu a few yeurs. The Analytical liureau affects ouly fiandu lenl tompanies. )at there were many good Companies whose sale?, individ ual v were small, but which in the ag gregate were very large that have been driven away. Tue tax is felt in inverse ratio to the nu.iiber of tons sold. Weak concerns, the prime cost of whose goods would bo double that of wealthier Com panies, while selling ia tbe State fifty aud one bundled tons would pay $10 a id $5. respectively. A id those whose sales were one thousand and teu tliout aud tons would ouly pay fi ty cenls aud five ceuts per ton respectively and would in addi ion step in the places of those driren out. A nni' nia, Piiosphoric Acid and Potash are the valuuule Constituents ol every brand of superp'u isp ialc. The first i amed cither us silpluteof Au di m a or as fouu 1 in Peruvian U lau s sold in Kaltimore at (Yon 15 to 2o cents per pound. Tlx suhoric Acid ut from to 12J cents ond Potash at from 4), to 1) cenls. If of the above ingredients only the highest priced are oed a too of fertilizer, which before the tat would sell for $1."). and at preseut will sell for $10, would cost the Company abou'$35. Hut the highest priced are never used, aud there is no reason why they should be, for as iu other things the most costly are not always those of greatest intrinsic value. Consequently the real commer. cial value nf the average superphosphate is cn'y about (30. per ton or less. A wealthy mid etierprising company w ii Import sulphur an I mal e lis si.lphuii acid for less than uie-1 a'f its markei (reft. ly gelling out llio S. C. l'lios pliute lock themselves, grinding it and ing tin ir a :id. it will cost I he in $10 instead ol $J0. per ton. It will import its Polish from tiermvny in the form of Kaiiiit and valuable nitrogenous matter iu the shape of fish nfl'il.&scan be had aim ist for ttie trouble of collecting. So it is seen, tint a i aniclo which really costs in money $1 j per ton is sold ut $1) and $ lo. A net profit, per ton of $2.'). or $:(. and should ten thousa' d tons be sol I th.ire w .ilj ha a profit tf two huudrtd and fit ty or three hundred thousand dollar. Toink for a moment, nhut a Guano Company with a capital of ooe million could alT ird to give an nually for a monopoly in the one S:ato f North Carolina. While maintaining the quality of its manures could it not alfoid to greatly reduce their prico and pay enough to run the entire S ate govern ment? Or if monopolies were allowable woull it not pay the 8. ate to grant one to a company which would furnish a good articlo at $23 per ton? Without doubt it would pay the Company hand somely. The Farmer and Mechanic of Raleigh oue of the best pnpers of its class in the State aud certainty the must cnleitaiu- ing, sometimes in this discussion allows its zeal to get the betier of its judge ment. A short lime since it said "Tbe Pepartment of Agriculiure is a costly institution and unless it can he demon strated to return at least the prime cost say $22000. a year, it should be abol ished." If it has been shown above, that the Fertilizer Companies can afford to pay the tax or even a higher one, sustain the grade of their goods and re duce their prices the Departmeut does not cost us one cent. Dot suppose it did. There are many things the value of which can not easily be estimated in dollars a woman's virtue a man's hon es;. A.c. The amount of education ob tained from thu various schools and colleges iu the State is supp sed to be very valuable, still it would be rather hard to prico it. Tho schools stand in the same relation to tho youth's and maidons that the Agricultural Depart ment and the Agricultural papers do to the farmers. Yet who will say that be cause it can not he demonstrated that they yearly return their prime cost in dollars, they should all be abolished. Again the same paper as a sort of com promise proposes to abolish certain branches of tbe Department, by which s me of the mooey arising from the tax will be saved aud proposes to expend it in Public schools. Now as a rule the men, who buy guano do not live either in towns or villages and it is a well koowo fact that the cross-roads public schools are not worih a cent except for veiy small children. If with the present t'x more money is raised, than is needi.l for the purpose for which it was raised, whv not reduce it? For if tho fanneis really do pay it, they do not feel called upon lo educate the children of mer chants, lawyers and mechanics. Thai a certain amount oi biltenicss would be aroused by the coi troversy was to be eipec'.ej. there is a feeling begin ing to show i self, which should be kept out of siht. It is that, which causes men to hale and defame those, whom they lancy more prosperous than them selves, which rnuk'M the man who walks dislike the one who rides, and which since tbe French llevoliuiou hts been koowu as sans-juluttism. Fakmku Referring again to the Politico-Economical side of the question. The prop osition, that all things being equal, free trade in an article inures to the benefit of the consumers of that article, is axiomatic. 1J it when a number of wealthy corporations combine and sav ''that for a ton of our stuff, containing 15 per cent, of water 8 per cent, of Phosphoric acid 7 per cent, of sand 4 per cent, of Nitrogen and oue per cent, of Potash, we will charge f!5. and what it costs us concerns us only." Then all things are not equal. Even then competition would bavo a tenden cy slowly to bring down the price, but tarmcrs can not aflord to wait years and years for a result, which can bo V tniued by legislation iu a much shorter time. F. !;. I all and While r. lSO Inn open in a new and ilusir.ililo xtock of MILLINERY GOODS l'nilir.iCiiiK a colli pli to lino of Hals Ribbons, Ptusli Velvet. Silksi Lices, Ornaiu.'iits, t'rapss, Kriu ph, Enilnoiilnrecl (nilloons, liuttoiiR, h aney Goods, and Noliuiis. wiess-mak:nij cirrrisu and fittinu at sh u t notieo. Latest Stvlo Dn.'ss Trimmings, Friiino, lint tons. I'auiiy (iomls and Nolioiis.' I'-m'.v Drivsm inmln. aud If .Kijuntou will lurnisti maleiial. AGENT FOR E. BUTTERICK & CO'S. CELEBRATED PATTERNS. CaUloiiinH sent free on annlicatlnn ho son tiag stamp to prepay ponuipjo. mts. JOXKS, H0 Syoamoro Stroet. 1JETEKSBURG, VA. ao(i2o3:u s AI.K OP VAI,UAP.L12 LND IN HAUKAX I OUNTY. N.t!. In pursuance, fa decree of the Supmior Co.irt of lliiiifix tloiiiitv, SoiilHinljor rurm IS, f), tlia iinilorsiKiioil as ootumia. Hionori appoint.d liy faid court, will sol, for division ainouuvi leiuws, on Mondnv tlm rd d:y of November 1-.70, at Hie Court H' lun door in the town nf HnliUx, tliat valuable of land in Halifax county, latiily owned and occupied by the Into I'apt. Kico 15. Piereo. Tills land Is Hituaiod four mlti fi om the town of Hallux, and flvo miles from Wnlilon. is lii'-hly improved, nod I wuli adoiilod to Hio growth of all eropa raUud In this scclli n, it contains hotwren six and seven hundred antes, and is Kldnred one of the bent notion farms in the county, It is also well timbered and woll watird. There is upon ii a com moil imis dwelling, two oftlcua and all nm-ossHry KOI, housuH for fsrrn piriosM. Rood orchards, Rood water, the noiifhlinr. hood healthy and the pcoiilo iiitnlliuont and n lino I. I his land will bo divided In parcels to suit purchasers, noil a in n p nhnwiim Iocs lion mid linuiiiliirifs will lie exlnliiu.d on the day of Halo. Dr. A. It. Piorco. win) lives liiur, and (.'apt. A. fl. L ncli and Mr. Dooi'kk V Pierce, who rosido upon tliu plant nion, will show tho land to any poison wlio dosiTs lo bio it. a..d nv oilier inloriiial ion di'kired nan lie had by nihil essoin tlio eoai.liihcioiiors at llilifax or Wfcidiio. Terms of the sHo wl'l be twontv fini ner coot, of IK purchase money in cash, tho biilaoee in llirco equal iiistalliniints inyalile in six, iwolyo rod eimlitooti m int (is, for tlm deforri i pay mniis the pureha-cr w II hu ri 'inro I lo 'ivo bonds woll scciiroil heai lin eiitht per cent, in t' liviii day of i .ilc, and tho t'tlo will bu rot ilruj until all the purchaho money Is paid. W. II. DAY, I , , J M. MKlARn, Commissioners. Halifax, N. O , September 30th, 18711. oct 2 5t. rjHK IIKSDKHSON TDUACOONIST. P. B. CLARK, EDIT0H IRQ PH0PBIET0B. HENDERSON, N. C. Fi. o AdvertWinK Medium, Actul olMulation In lJolnln(r counties IOTA CLARK'S JOB OFFICE Job Work "xccntcil with neatness and ilpalnh and t iirii'i's tlm" ileiy ci.iiip.i liinn. Not tin: lamest anil clienpesl In America. But li.'sl Work in cliciji aa any Firat-eia oiilce In IlieSiato. uc.tJ'f NEW ADVERTISEMENT. GIVE II 1 M II 1 M 1879 FALL 1879 JUST RECEIVED E. BUTTE HICK & CO'S NEW PATTERNS OF THE LATEST AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN STYEES. NEW FALL CATALOGUE AND MONTHLY SIIEET now rondy for distribution. Sent free, postage paid, to any address on application, also Sample of Goods. OPENI.VH NKW GOODS FALL AND ADDRKH.S Ropt IS .Tin piKDMONT NtKsi...jl;S. GREENftBOKO 1. C. OREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. I ii'"le to h'tve. tn tin' hatroHn of Piedmont Nlinu-ro't, Ihe lienellt of tile truvlllllK BHi'Mlo c ciinniK'iioiisoii my Nurm'ry Slock. cmiihIkMiik nt I'r.l i T'w, ., Mitl Imve reilneeil the irle 30 nei' ii ut, Aiplen nufl PoiMilien. lnt, rliMH. 3 to c":; linn Improve'! Fruit iw ire Kmwn In Norl o cuiolliii', anil remly lor limpeetlon. Itef cit.'ih i vi i to any Nuiwryiii.m In (lllllfuril mill v' l'i'.c.;n" unit Apples ruiinliiir from tlie ,.,.,.iv ,ii. In,r,t vnrh'tli'H. Tri'i-H will ln Ii.HiT. ' iv.- ii pi .ii h1 i.r; nova or ImIi-h, aim H'- il o '', 'i-'in! oi" Kxprt'.ia (Mllci'M r . i' for hovs or ili'llvvry. . 'ut lovi.i'; iov; rite : IViii'Ih' i ,-, i iiii'irovMl fruit. I" . i A i-iroN. Ni'i't.'irilM' .. ' , i ( ii :ri I. 'Hi-!, , , ,. I'l ill ,'! Will III' , . ..- iii. :iv ."ny N'Mrni-rv iu .ni.iri iiv . lit' nriliTs. ... I . ' ..I ,1 iy Hill H Hull' lo , . -I iv iiiii-i 'nii'r. lo in I- ' hii'i' rii in' inn. spimitlint I- ., , ii , 'I'oiup.'Miv tn'i'H unit iv i ' vi'i 'ii. M' i I'insi'i'.i pny , . .(. i ivi i" Mippi'il 'n , (' r -I iii.: .I V.1'II III llli'i't IV i i '.' '.' 1 i' -''."inly wIh'H' , '. i in . l.i-i li'ri or lini it ii-y I IV IIIIIV I' I" fuel Ion, i -'ii'ir. ii. i -iiiui'it'ii noil Miuirt 'iiivi1. fM'.ni .1 o i i'i' i ii. onxi'. M.I!. KIXOX. Proprietor i'kiiKiioiu Nurseries, jiilyniiiii. SALE, The following v.i'oa i - real estato lying near Tillory'a 4 ill, 'o Hull ax conuly alionliii fliiiilcn om ; in wn o Halifax. Aljoi.l 'Iccre' i'lci io sie.mi engine, saw oii'l a. '.1 fix eve o, 'iiii hooso and t)!tiiiies, aJjoioiu iuo il'i douce of J. B. T'Hcry. Mike Wilk'ns, tbat contains about 07 acres. Pope place containing about 150 acres. i interest in Wade H Tillery tract, tho Whole contaioiu about 377 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C.jnly31lf N' OTICE. Havlnir duly nnallfled as arlmlntstrntor of Hiclianl Alslirook, all jiersons hnvin; claims naiiiKt. his cstnto are hereby nolilicil ninl re qnesieil to pr.'sent tln'iii to me duly atillieniica fi'il on or before Oct 1st. . Persons tiiiteliieil tn the said estate are re ted to tiiake lininp diatesettleuivut. 1!. I. ALSBROOK. Admr. of Kiehard Alslirook, ByKitchin Jt Kunu. atty. oct 9 tf A2.WA73 emSCT TBH BSST.1 Is fni'""iil Vy prr, P!?AC?:0.T. PAIMTI COVEIllNO CAPACITY i DrTXilKILII rXCI'KI) ANY KN'OWM PAIN'T. ItuiHhst Paint. d with ourPrcp.irtJ Painn, if net KitUfw- lory, will Iw Eopaiuiod at our Espoaso, FOR SALE BY A. R. ZOI.LITOFFKR Bill)., Wei .It hi, N. (!. June 2S 1 y rilC) MY FRIKSUS AND THE l'l'B 1 LIU OK TUB OLD NORTH STATE. I roturn my grateful thanks for their liboral patronage in Ihe past ami very rospeotluily Iuyito all in want of Good, cJeat ami .stromi Hand-made Boot and Shoes lo call and leave their orders. Sat isfaction guaranteed. JOHN TRUSIIEIU. No. 1-16 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, VA. sop2S lm NORTH CAUOMMA, Halifax County. Office Hoard County Commissioners, J una ftleeunn 1S71I. It Is nrda-cd by the Hoard that al! par ties holding eluims auainst tlio eotmtv Iiv onlcr orothcrwisn, bp ri'iiiisti'il to presnnt ino Ktime to ineciork olNiii.l U.mid ou or before the 1st day of Sept 18711. By order of the Hoard, R. J. LKWIS, Clerk, june5 4m, lOUTllEKN HOTEL, HALIFAX N.C. J. W. MULLEN, rKOl'ItlETOK. Table well auppliod, clean rooms and attentive ner van U. MoaU 60o Lodging 60o. A LWcry Stable alao kept vliore teams mBV lie linn. I. Ilnrsosfod snd well aUoinind to, bj espi licncod hostlora. Tne ti'.:v. ii ; public will do woll to atop ut the S ., !l. em iiolel. nne 6 1 y. . vs'tCti.rCt ON Manufacluiersof .n 1 D.mlorsisi nil kimlauf fA'-XIiCC:, A tSSES?, SADDLES, bkid;.ici. C 'I.LAU c r r.s. WHKlCL-s, AXJ.1, FARM WAGONS, UORSK CLOTH INO, LAP RO BIOS, Ac. Nos. 11, 10, 2-1, and 2d Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. anp 18 Iv T. J. .1 A RII ATT, COMMISSION MERCHANT PETERSBURG, VA. No. 3S N. Sycamore Street, Four door below his old stand, next to John Arrlngton Jt Hons. Strict personal attention given (o tho sale nf ail consignment n 1 reiurna mad i promotly. Baygiugaud yios furnish. d a. ihe lowest ratua. sep 25 Iru A CALL. DAILY, SUITABLE FOR WINTER. I',. II. I5I.4MIRK, 110 Main Mr''l, KOHI'OLK, VA. s ALE OF LAND. I offer for snlo privately, the Great Crock farm, lying on Hoop Crook, adjoin ing tho lands ol Isiiao (llasirow, i'oter Hums, iVukiiiN nstittn and others, throe miles south of Gaston, The farm con tains about MOO acres, about 600 acre of which Is cleared. I'll) or L'O acres creek low ifrounda. This land is well adapted fo the cultivation of corn, cotton, tobacco, small grain anil grassos. A good young orchard ol assortod fruit trees in good cou (I Itl on. The land will be sold in small lots If the whole can be disposed of. Parties w Ishlng to see the land can call on R. 10. Moseluy who will take pleasuro in show ing it. Terms moderate. Apply to R. 10. MNI0I,1CY, Gaston, N. C. Or W. W. G WAT UN H Y, Norfolk, Va. top 4 3in. $50 REWARD $25.00 apiocn, for tho two prisoners that lirok 1 it i 1 at linlilax on th.' llth nf July. One .ack Tinns or HurgHss, hniglit 6 feet ti inchts, weighs U.'i pounds, lii iuhl. (jinger cake color, closo cut hair, quick speech, sharp black nyoi", is thought lo be in the neighborhood of Littleton, when he was Ii rut caught, Onn Mines Manly; height fiyo feet six incites, weighs lou pounds, is of a near white color, eloso built, course straight til nek hair, a few black whiskers about the mouth, largo black eyes slow in speech, was from Fanuetts township near Darlington, is thought to be in that neigh borhood now, J. T. DAWSON, ShorifJTof Halifax county. July 17tf. Q.REAT BAEOAINS AT J. A, MUSCROVES. VOOT.1, SHOES, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS AT COST. I wish to close out my line of the above goods and will sell out at cost. Finest and purest Liquors always on band and sold in any quantity. The latest and most fashionable DRINKS OF THE SEASON. ;uotioitu:s of all kiih CONSTANTLY ON HANI AND SOLI) LOW FOR CASH. Mr. II. B. Popo is with mo and will bo pluasud to seo his friends J. A. MirSGROVK, WoUIom, N. C apr. 1 Oil in W. R. VICK CAKKI.4GES AM IIUUtilES MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW PRICES. All kinds of wind work and trimming done in good style. Blacksmith work done at short notico ami with neatness. All new work warranted. Fine painting for buggies done at low paint used. SPECIAL ATTIO.VriON GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Cofllnsaud Cases of all sizes constantly on baud. Carriage Materials kept onhaod at price below Petersburg inaiki t. w t, XT r lino 5 Iy yyULDON JJRICK "yyoRKs. RICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. Long and Wm. D. Rrlse having formed a copartnership In ihe hrii.k butfiiicvs, takes this mo hod of in forming the public that they have on lisnd and for sale, the finest stock of brick In the Stale. Win. D. Kocsn, tho practical man of the concern 1ms had an expe-ionco ol more than lorly yours in Itallimnro oilier cities, lie hits til ado all Hut brick iu Wcliion for the past live years, and has given entiro sHtislactiou to all who have UM'd tbeui. II A U D n R I C K A SPECIALT Y. THE ri.AYHKLECTHI) HAS BKK.V TKSTKI), NO II A LP URICK OR JUTS. Parties when ordering will please state where tne bricks are to used, if for an etit sido chimney, or insiile chimney or tin. derplnning, Ac, thoroby saving expense and trouble, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The iinderslgnod respectfully refer to Capt. J. K. Divine, W. A W. Railroad, r-Bpt. KG. Ohio, 8. ,fe R. Railroad, and S. T, Hand, 8. A R. Railroad and niBny othori on all the roads who have used the brick made by W. D. Reese. Please send your orders addressing LONG A RKESK, Weldon, N, C, may 15tf ADVERTISEMENT. It- F- BUTLE It, Fire and I.lle Insurance Agent. Places risks of all kinds fn firstclas Compauies as low as safety will peruait, Call and seo me before iniuring olse where, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE, VYoldon, N. C. July 131 y. G RAND ACHIEVEMENT. A New Process for Kinking' Wells A GOD-SEND TO EASTERN N. C. It is a rare case that a well la sunk twon ty leet without (lulling marl. Good water can always be had by boreing below the marl, and shutting off tbe water from above. I have a new process tbat excludes all surface water and effects of marl, Ac. I-lain well complete for use, onedollar per foot ,with surface preventative, one to one fifty per foot. These wells never vet out ol order, will last a life time. Orders so licited, reliable Agents wanted. Special attention giveu to moving houses wiid ray rot Moyer. J. D. MERRIT & CO. Weldon, N. C. Doc21 tf. .1 ii" Ti. '"wu,l"uv,wlnM'1 ' tlm VVurld h Literature. Kindle copy, 2lto., or f2 per Jiiiir. . An Oil I 'ltrumo Olxa) inchem of " l'onumito V iilley," iirico, " Black Shuop," a l.G0 hojk, in luilior limiliiiR' "Chriatian Onkloy' Mintnko," a fl liimk, in tinpiT liinilmii. ami nminiiliiciipj of "Wood'a IIoiiiwIiiiM AlagazuiB" nil post-paid, for only 30 oent In liinnuy, or in ono-cont pontaKO atamps. AireuU wntitt'il. MiPt liliural trma, but nothing sent free. Aadrcsn S. b. W ooil, TribiuwiiuiliUiig, Mw York City. 1 M.itnntlilv lirLii.intt.i,. U.lil.. . . LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your iuoap gooos irom W II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. He keeps always an hand a full lino of general merchandise, such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Woods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoisery, Ac. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for t ami. Corner 1st St. ai d Vash. Avonne. Weldon, N. C, nir2ly V ALUABLIi LANDS FOR SALE. We have for sale and on easy and reason aide terms, the following valuable tracts ol laml situated in Halifax county, N. C: 1. That tract formorlv belotmiim to W P. Solomon, deceased, ;known as 'Elm- wood," coutaming about 380 acres and ad joining lands of Dr. G.H. Macon, deceased and others. 'I. 'I ho tracts formorlv belongine to Jno. O. Randolph, and located near Crowells -v Koatls, one tract kuown as the Rodgers tract and oontalniug about 11(1 acres, the other traot known as tbe "Cookran" or "Mullen" traot aud containing about 300 acres. 3. A tiact situated In Warren oountv about three fourths of a mile from Little ton on the public road leading from that place to Warronton, and containing about 210 acres, and adjoining the lands of Mrs, Dr. ('has. Skinner and others. 4. Tho tract purchasod by W. II. Shields irom the administrator ol Jacob Higgs, deceased, containing about 300 aores and adjoining tbe lands of W. H. Shields, Oeo. P. Pope and others. Parties seeking In formation as to this traot, can eall upon us or John v. Randolph Esq. All these lands are In healthy sections, If Dot disposed of Drivatoly before tbat time, we shall ofTor said lands at public auction on the first Monday in October. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call upon us lor information. MULLEN A MOORE, Atts. Halitax N, O. aprlOtf OTICE. Having dulj qualified as administrator of J. Oscar Tamp, in the Prohatocourt for tho oountv of Halifax, all persons holding claims against llie deceased, are lieteov noliliod to prettont them to me, duly au thenticatcd, on or before the 12th day of August, 18H0. Tersons indebted by .udg meut or otherwise to the deceased are re quested to make i in mediate settlement, or collection will be enforced. W.A.DUNN. "drar. J. O. Cmp. augltfiw Scotland Neck, N. C. M ILLINEKYI M ILL1NERY! A LAKtiE LOT OF LADIES HATS HUMMED AND UNT1UM MED, OSTRICH PLUMES. FEATIIEUS AND RIBBONS. Hat Trimming A Specially. jrr At Evans' Coroor, Weldon, N. C. MRS. M.W. SMALL WOOD, jul.vS If 1 r.nATafaM.vw.orJitt) 20 a V tM7 V day in yotn own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You oan make from Boots, to 92 an hour by devoting your even ings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Noth ing like i for money making ever ottered before. Hunlnewt pleasant and strictly honorable, Reader, II you want to know all about tbe best paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send full particulars and private terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address OEOROE STINSOH A CO . Port land Maine,. ADVERTISEMENTS. N OTICfi Havliiffi)iiftllflcdasexccntof of tho i.t . Felicia N. Ids, in the Probate cm,r V M"' county of Halifax, all persons how ''U1 against the deceased arc hereby no it fa f'all" sent, them to me, or to my attort 4" J"1''!! and Utinu. tluly authenticated, on or fir? lth day nf June MM). Persons imicho. ? t" ejtate will please u.nke imincllnt" , , i. th CHAM. T. LA.WRENCK '' Executor of p. n rKitci,ij-Nni;::;w?i Junemf. HC0tla"d li"o. E XBCDTOR'B HOTICB naylntronallflcil as Execntorof the w , and teatatiicnt of George w. OwotViI a . wl" before the JitdR-e of Probate fw,?,' county, I hereby notify all parties hoM St" anainsf said Owens to present them t,, ? authenticated on or before the 1st day jf t 168(1, or this notico will lw ,,ied In 3 recovery. All persons Indi'lited to nM oi "'lr are required to make liiimediato navmont I further (five notice that, by virtt - Af em power vested in me as said Kxecutor. I iVii , 2 ouch and every Haturtlay, cotmnencin Ha 7. u! July 1211, 18711, sell for cash at iiithlle Cw,n ? the store-hoiiHo of said Owens in Halifax JI a valuable lot of goods, wares, and inercha , I TiL' and other perishable property heloniiuJ . f,1? estate of said Owens. I shall continue Sin V Halifax W. C. ExepiiiA. GHANYILLE TOI5ACCO WORKa HENDERSON N. C. JOS. E. POGUE, PHOPRIETOR, MANUFACTURES ALL GRADES OF and Twist Tobacco and Caddy Work, GENERAL AGENT FORE. H.POGUE'9 GENUINE "SITTING BULL'" DURHAM SHOEING TOBACCO, ma8 Om M ETALIC BURIAL, CASES. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. When ordering send length and wWta at elbow State w hut her Jaconet or half Satin lining preferred. 6 per cent off list, for immediate cash. Goods ordered byJEx press. Sent C. O. D. less than 6 percent list price, R. F. BUTLER, Agt. Weldon, N.C. Jffi-Ai Brown's Drug Store. June Sly, PROCLAMATION. Beit known to all readers of this pa(t that you hereafter order your entire wai Is iu wearing apparol aud llouse-lteepii g goods ol the UNDERSIGNED, AND GET TIIK MOST KKMABLE GOODS K0B TIIK LEAS MONEY Ready made clothing for Men and Boyt wear of custom make; and beat quality at lowest prices. BROAD CLOTH'S, DKKSSOOODH, COTTON CLOTHS, DO KM KIN, SILKS. SATINS, KLANNHI.S, CASSIMKUK8 VKLVKTS, PLUSHES. DOM KSTIC8. TAILORS' TRIMMINQS, VKLVKTEKNP BHKBTINOS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SWISS MUSLINS, CHECK MUSLINS 1'IIJ.OW CASINO, UNDKRSHIRTS, NAINSOOK. BHD TICKING. HOIHKKY, BLANK KTS. OLOVKS, A full line of Notions, and Fancy Goods at wboleaale and retail, at less than NOUTIIEBN I' It ICES. Clothing made to order in best manner, Fit guaranteed. Orders promptly filled. Samples sent on application. Respectfully, M. E. KTJLL, 145 Syc. St. Petersburg, Va, T LARGEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THE SOUTH. All I m potted and tnanufaotuied by ma, and sold at leas than Northern Prieee. Real French Bonnets and Hats, Straw goods, by tbe cud doaou or piece,. Infants Goods, Flowors, Wreaths, Plumes, Tiis, Rilibons, Sashes, '.lies, Ruehing, SIlkR, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Corsels, Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, KdBings.Eridal Wrealhe. Ladios tlresRf a rnndn to nrAar. nomnlftv in best manner, ut lowest prices. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly tilled. MR!',. M, E, KULL, Oct 1?. lm. .7 OTICE. Having taken the shop that A. Ealetr formerly occupied. I am prepsred to do all kinds of repairing, wood or ir,n T1..l... 1 , ' . ... voarSi,il urfit uore over iwritit.y j"---overybody in tho county knows thatl ' derstand mv Imsinoss, making wsfrn1" and carts, buggioR, and ironing ssi""1. Give mo a call. I), C. RICHARDSON Jan 11 6m. COTTON GIN FOR SALE. i - .. ji Cnt i nave ior saie a nity saw ppi-um ton Oin, in good repair, Parlies can w this Gin at Johu M. Foote's FfiimlOv Woldon, N..C. J..M. ML'LLt'" Berl7tl