THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 10, 1879. WASHING- FLANNELS. A lady correspondent writes as follows : I will Kie J'i a I'f'le ol my experience in washing flannels. I whs taught to wash them in hot water, but it is a great mis. tike, la Italy my flannels were a won der to me) they always came home from the wish bo Bolt and white. I learned that the Italian women washel them in told water. Many a time I have watched them kneeling in a box which lm l one end taken out to keep them oat of the mud, hy the bink nf a stream, washing id the miming water, and drying on the fcank or travel, without boiling im I tuver had washing done butter, and 11 in tools never half so well. I tried it since, nod find the secret of nice soft flmnels to 'be the washing ol them in cold or luke warm water and plenty ol stretching be lore lunging out. "W00D3SFULL OF EM." In Wayne Couuty, Texas, lived a well Renown character, named Bill Dean, lie was always endeavoring to perpetrate a )"ke at somebody's expense. One day, while riding to Rchmond, every loot o' which he kuew, he spied ao old geutleman named Cbetzum, accoutred for hunt, earnestly looking up a tree. Approaching him, Dean asked : " "Can eo tell me the way to Rich. tnnmi I" 'There was two of 'cm run np this tree." "was the response of the old gentleman who Was somewhat deaf. 'I didn't ask ynu anything about squirrels. How lar is it to Richmond ?'' "One of 'eui just went in that hole ; didn't ynu see him?"' the old uan mid. earnestly. Out of patience Dean yelled out, ''You mut be an old fool I" "Yes," Uheczum responded, still gazing Upward, 'tho woods is full ol em." A NAME FOIMIH "ESTATE, What is a name wuith I A good deal apparently in the esse ol Allred fennyu. who is ao lully alive to the limbic charm ol bis patronymic that he tins declined to become the heir of cer aln estates in Iiincolnshire rather than exchange it for that of Turner. The laureate's elder bro ther inheiited Grasby II til and some neigh boring la ma many yean hark, an t for the sake ol the 1.000 or 3 000 a year which they yielded he Entirely dropped the Ten nyson and became the Rjt. Charles Turner, a name which stands on the title page ol bis book of sonnets. He died a few months ago, leaving no issue, and his wile ollowed hi in to the grave within a fev weeks. The next heir is the lauieale, but he will not accept the condition which Ilgoiounly enfeices the entire suppression ol the Tennyson. Donbtless there will bu found a brother or a nephew, 11 not a son, williDg to lorego the prestige attached to Ihe family name for the sake ol a comfor table inheritance, but the succession is still, I believe, unsettled. London Tiuth, ICE AH jTb EIGHT S DISEASE. The latest medical theory we have seen 'about Origin's disease of the kidneys Is 'tlutdt 'is largely caused by the excessive 'use-ol iced water and iced d'inks, and its wide prevalence in this country is thus explaiued. It is surprising how much ikidneycoinplaint there is here, and how (went vpropr.rtion ol all the deaths occur therehom, Bright's disease i9 com para tively uncnminon in JLurniw. owing, it is ssseited, to the verv small se there of ice and iced diinka. We are pi one to think that Europeans do not 'Use ice lieely because they aie unwilling to piy for luxuries. But they are opposed to ire, many ol thetn at least, on hygienic pi in ciples ; they are afraid ol it, particularly the i icuch ana Ocrinans, whe can sel dom be persuaded to touch it. They like beer and wine oool, but not ice cold, believing that to diink beer and wiua at such a tempeiatuie as we d link them inut do irrepaianle harm. It is Paid that seventy live per cent, ol Blight's disease .kuown to civiltziUon occurs hero, and that we use nearly ninety per cent, ol all the ico used in the woi Id. These two facts are significant : but w'tiethsr thry stand related to one another as caute ami illec.l has not been clearly detci mined. The al .most general prevalence of the tenihle malady in the Uniltd States is startling. There must he some sprciat rcan tor it, and it behooves Americans who are such .sufferers to tiy to tiud cut what ihe remuu is. TWO GIRLS' TEURIELE FLIGHT. Ad episode in tue caieer of two well hsnwo younir ladies is ton good In be kept 'iThey rosido in the uppar part of the 'City and are food ol riding, aod may be : seen on Main-street almost any day io a bugy. diiving down on one side and up the other, b iog deligh e I with beiia' the observed ol all obseivvis. The o'lier .day thev took it into their beads to drive .out to the bauks ol the Maqnnketa ' Tying their horse uo ier an uubiageous -tue, the society damsels sought the de clining bank of Hie river, and seated themselves upon the ve vet giaa, fcar Jle?s of snakes or nf intrusion. The amusi d themselves awhile by throwing pieces ol Wood and pebbles, when Mis9 II. propnurd (o Miss 8. that they go in bitliing. The day was hot and sultry, and the proposi--tioa met with lavoi. They souicbt a reltied spot, hid by hanging brauclies, where they uisiobed themselves, and were -looo art to their waists in tue cool water, splashing one another in a plavlul mood. While they wue Hmn innocently plunging about la the classic Mnq ioketa. they were .not awaie that a .oral entleinan w revel log in the beauty ol their charms, or th it he saw them disrobe. But such was the case. Two piles of muslin and lace, like .email hillocks, were "n tlm bank of the etreara, and mine distance from tho shal low plate whoic "Undina anil Sintrsm" . loyiu vvith one another. To .remove the hillocks ol lace and muslin was the woik of a moment. Tho wick il thought eoiered the mind ol tho ami) ou ouag man, and in a twinkling the the't was committed. Tho young la lies found themselves sans ekirts, sans dresri. Hoe was a plight 1 To beautilul girls in the rmb that natuie uve theiu. sn or eiaht miles Irom home I What to be done ? "One who bad attended chiiich mom tliau he other, suggested fig leaves. But toe Other thnnnht Eva a fool : besides thele were no flg leaves to be had. Miss II. started for the bugy. Theie was a lap robe there. That would answer immedi ate purposes, as, like the ostiich. their lieals and faees could be covered bopir." bat the villain would relent and te'um. 4heir clothing. Mies 8. was deeming onnetved. Miss II., while Hoing lr tho Jap. roe-, found a wliite petticoat and a black overskin, which the thiel ha l drop ld In his fl ght. Tue girls soon got into 4hem, and, teariog the 1"P tobe in two pieces, thry ai ayed themselves in pilrai ive style. Tuey then got luio the buugy nd drove toward the 0'ty, lemaining in a rnve until Luna shed her latr light opon the scene, and under whn?e pale climmer the young .ladies ung' t their homes and rs'iij)4.;.,.Dabuquc la) Herald. Tim Editor nf this paper Is in no way rcsponsl- un- lor inn views or siaiemcnts of Correspond ems. no cnmuitiiilcatloim o; nn anonymous character will lie published; the real name of the writer must accompany all communications Anv one who may fi-i-l aggrieved at statements made by correspondents can obtain the name on application to the Editor. f'niTcspnndents will pit ase write nnlv on one side of tho paper, and to avoid having their communications thrown ill the waste basket. will furnish their names not necessarily for piibllcatloiibiit as a guaranty of good faith. vVi will not notice anonymous correspondence. 3A CART). I do not Intend to discontinue, the practice of law, on account of my connec tion with the. Roanoke Nkws. But will attend promptly to ail business entrusted to my care. W. W. HALL. O O .V I Finr old whiskies at H. F. Sledge & Co's. t 000 bMs. corn wanted, shucked or nn. shucked. J. T. Qoof.'ii. Tamm will bo ten our fa:r. thousand people at T Fair days off. is almost bore. Only four Knt.ipsR 4 horse engine for sale, to Jan, T. (iooeh. apply Tnit whole State govemmaot will be presmit at our la'r. A fine young harness borse for Male apply to J. T. Hooch. 101) bbls new family flour Just reooived for sale low. J, T. Gooob. Bomb parties propose having a walking iiiatoh at the Kair next week. Nfxt wnok will tie fair wook and !-roa will bo cowled with visitor., 500 bushe's of outs wanted J.T. Qoccii. Tin? "airisonlv four davs o(T. Every -will be body's co nine;, and eve'-y body here. A. laiiro crowd in (own f-'aturdav last.. Trade v as good and a quantity of 'cotton sold. Two desirable unin oroved town lots for sale nn easy terms. Apply to James I . UOOCIl, Til B prusuoets for a good fair were novcr belier than uow. Everything seems to wori light. Tim Reporter says Northampton coun ty will bo well represented at our l''air next week. TnERS Is an unstamped letter In the Raleigh post ollleo, addressed to Mr. Ix'ii Allen, Halifax. Just reeeiyod one car load nf salt, a quantity nl'mint and 2(H) bbls extra fatnily u mr. j . i, uoocu. Sheet music of all kind) can be bad at publishers prices by applying to Andrew Joyner, at the post olliee Mu. J. T. EutTTof the Free Lance called to sen Hi Sturdy. tie was rolurniug home from a trip north. Thkrr will be a hopoich nisht dn. liig fair week', and those tond of tho Uei uian will have g;oat enjoy moot. Til B lair will bo a jiiccohs without doubt Kvocy dcparliuHiit will bi lull and tho uuiubors ol people will b:i largo. m t On Saturday night soma onn with a ln iti Hlioi'ter broke a p I'm of l.tss in ono uf llio windows of froseutt and tiooeh's t ro. Kikk Insnranco of all kinds promptly placed by It. F. liuri.Kiiin lirat-ulasM com panies. Uo be insured before it is too Into. - Tiik Index-Appeal Nava that tho l'oters. Imrg Itailroa'l ih liuililiiiK an iron bridge over Fouiiluin's Creek near Ploas.-ut Hi'.. - - CAr.r. and sen IJ. I!. I'opo A Co. En tranco from Uiilio;i.l Ktied. r.very tliiiiK that in usu tlly Unpt in a HistcUsH a oou. For.TY-fivR h ii ml rod d illars given in premiums at. oor next fair. Semi somn thing to oxl init and get a a.t ol'llin moil oy. I am now r.iooivi"'; novv oid almost drtil v, at flieh of my 111 mo stores, Wnldon , N. (.'., .SiMiiy tjidi) and Summit, N. (!. K. 1". Npikiih. Afil Dwinll. Baih.hv of Kdcwombo will bo nt liio lair with a fino show of horse-i. I'Mgnuombo county lias so:no lino racing muck. Jusr received a Urge .supply of nicti spplRM, cia:''a, raisina, candios, oratiRns. mils, and can i zoods nf ovary description at K. V. Simile Co's. . T.rn prnpar.itions for tho fair both bv ihn sn.-inl v and th cV'jS'Mii of A ldim are iroiinr on with crml amiv'ty. Tboro will bo ton thousand peoplo hore. a ' TitB looking n'asa r'iows human mtnre il Kino anil the Inlilo It ' iaults. Ann nu man nature W nrono to look Into llm former twice to the Ultor'a onod. I have in sloro a good supply of l.iver nool Halt weijhinir 230 lbs. pur sack a J1.65. Also a good supply of OoiTee at 12J cents. i. t . opihi s. At.t, who want refresbmenis In tho wav nflnmo s or canned meals eanimt do twtutr than nav II. B. Pope Co.. a call Kiiieranue from llio shod, oast sido. JnsT to hand live hundred dor.nn spools nf uotlou. lirat for bastinir thread, 10 cent per dozen or one ceat per spool. It. P. Sl'IKKS, Tun Pete sburg R.tMroad will run an excursion train to ibis phtce on ,.'m 2d. TicKe.s on rogul ir mail fains will be void at half rates ech day during tho fair. Ww,nnn fairs have alwavs boon imtnd lor the liindsomo ladim 'h atlemt it. Yhis voar llio ladies will In handsomer and their uumbor graaterlh n evur belorn. Fort sale, Taylor and I.ummus' i.o cotton gins. 1 1 avo in store 40, fa) and (W saw gins of tho above inaUo. J.T.Ooocil nous your eni'iiui or gin need rnpeirs? If at) talie it nt onna t tno Roaiioku Agrl iMiltnral Works, Woldon, where llio work will bo oheaply and expeditiously done. . . . Hayk on hand a full supply of lumber, will fill all orders at short notion as clump as the cheapen. I als "l! shingles as low as any person. K. P. Sriiais. Mr.Jno.Ki. Jhokins, who has boon soriuiiHly 111 for S'linoiinio past, has Im proved vn v much and in a slioithmo wili be well enough to return to busi ness. Ms, VinroiNiocs Huwtom lost a mule n.ij uo.nir .h it. wh r.S veais old. He died in the harness, hitched t a earl, and have hmm in his fuiier'a possesion ever aiuco be wrs two years old. Om Thursday ol the fair there will bo a grand paolng race between Sunday Sam ..I' V.ririnln. an d Filbert of North Carolina. Both ate olbratod borsos aud the raoe will be worth seeing. Rkv. Mr. lltii'KHAM.of Scotland Neck will preaoh in the BapiM churou in ibis place on Sunday morning and evening, and administer ths orditl nice of Baptism. , Iho ji'ib'.. J uro l::Vited U ittiad. E0O Bushels of bolted moal for sale low. J. T. Goocu. Mr. V. J. Naw's baknry buainoss has so increased that he has beon com polled to enlarge his store which ho lias done ly putting his furnace and oven outside, which gives him much more space. Havb made sn arrangement with a sash, blind and door factory, to supply everybody In this county with such good's as cheap ss ran be found In the United Stales. I swap lumber lor thorn and can sell cheap at laeiory price. R. P. Sri Kits. I have ladles hats of the latest ntylo just received Irom New York, which I will euaranloe to please tlm most fastidious, they are tho prettiest I ever saw for thu P'ice. B. P. SrmRs. To Wheat Growkiis. I am oftorine for sale excellent wheat lertelizers. Cull and so,) circulars and certificates of tho superiority and adaptability of those Kuauos. J. T.Ooooh. Mkssrs. II, II. Pop i? ,t Co.. have lust opened a line assortment of the very best liquors at . I. A. Musrove'a old stand. Thny also keep on band a nico lot of canned meals sullleieut to tempt any appetite. Thos. N. IIii.l, Esq . was In our offlne nn Saturday. Ho was on bis way home from Northampton oourt whnre ho bin! been during the wcok. Mr. Hill was still weak from an attack of sickness but bad nearly recovered. Editoiis are always glad to lee their friends but visitors should not expect to cntertsin or be entertained by editors. Py short cal's and always leavo the money lor the year's subscription. Those needing Motalin burial oespn would do well to son. I llnir onlors to It. F. Riiti.ioii nt Wei Ion. Iln furnishes all s'zps at inaniil'aetiirers prices, ft per cent otr for cash or 'C. O. I).' orders sent by express. A bi.e from a rattlesnake is sometimes not more dangerous than a severo or Cold. A well merited reputation hnn D-. Bull's C"ilj rb S, rnp, nn I this remedy is sold oy all druggists. Price 23 cults. Ttrp. following horncs wont to Balcieh Saturday :n enter for tho races: Mr. J. H. Lii'ani'a 'Cad" and Swnnnannh, nndnr llio charao ol Mr. Wynhn. and Annie (J., nndnr the charge of Jack Joynsr. They are in elegant ondition and hard (o beat. RKAn advnrt'snmont of Fnmllv Seeing Machine (! o,, o Now York, This com pai' V sol!" (rood m ichines f ir twontv fivn dollars. Pf riles want'ng machines should correspond wiili lliom as they annd maohiiies for examination bofore py monl of bill. DiviE Fui't. Baltimore MP D"nr Sir : Y -ur Shrinet's Indi in Vuriniluge is ready sale with us. O ir cu'tnmcs sny it destroys and expels woims i ffectually. We have sold all wo had. Send us another supply at nnee and nhltije, C irmmichaol &De Vault, Astivillp, N. C. GoonntKs! (ioonniKs ! I Givinnip.s ! I ! Mr. V. J. Naw N in receipt of his gooddios of various kinds for tho Hoason. Ho lias a complete stock of every thing usually found In his lino. It will rnpay you to visit his store and Hon thn handsome and attrnci'vo tn innor in which thiugsarn ilis plnved. For an oiiiiineration nf some of tho tutieles ho has in storo read his adver tisement. Taxks. Pcpnly Sherilf 0. V. H.irdv wilt collect thn taxes In this township and lor tin t purposn lias made the following appointments : Woldon, Monilstv nnd Tuesday October 27th and Will ; Me)W Slorn. Wcliic day (K'toher 2'.lth ; C. W. Whilehoad's Storo, Friday October 31st. All persons owing (axes will savo money by atlond at ono of the above places and settling. fU,;i llu.ii Sn MiTiNO. We- publish olsowhe,-c the rules which wiM govern tho trip bill shooting at our next fair. Tho pri. i, a breach loading gun mado by V C. Scolt Jr. Co., ami to cost ono li:ind'od dollars, will bo given to Ihn person link lug thn best scoro. Wo tiro authorised bv thn society lo s'a'o tint for thn sncoinl best score a fh y dollar breieh loadint gun w'M bs given If the uumbor of outrios are su llie'ont. New Coons. Messrs Proscnlt A (Jooch have just loi'eiv d a largo lot of good embracing In p:it boots and shoes of tho host quality mado by Diekcrsen and 7.oii'er: hits very low, clolhing ol nil sir. s and cradns. cheap and elegant. A lar;;e and besutiliil assortment of prints, nost brands. Hardware and cutlery, wood and willow waro. croekery and eh.nn sets cho.ip and line. C..11 and e: am I no all tho latest stylos. Covim -'kkov Ttm But Ditxt.KnCoM 1'anv. 'IVefo'low 'iig gentlemen hive boon annontod by the Society a emumittoe en the mili'arv display and award the prie flig, to he given lo lh-i best dr'lk I compmy at tho next fair of the Itnanoke ami Tar River Agricultural Society t (Ion. Kobt. Hansom, (Inn. Oa-ion Lewis, (lew. W. R. Cox. Col. F. M. Parker, Col. W. F. Beasley. These gon'Jemen ar ' well versed in every tbinar portainlng to military sl'iairs, having served with d'stimsii in In the army of Northern Virginia d irinr iio iaio Witi. The isrlo.tlons :ir wll mado. Paosii. Pomu:r ani Pkhi;si: ! ! The ioventioii ol ibnt Superior ami Cnnipi" .. !U-wing Mielimn l Ti to I'limily ivevni V. nchinii), marks lino ol tlm most linpo- liint "-as in ilm history of maciii'Kii y, mu when we coii'-idor in gi eat usefulness mm exiremelv low pneo (fi"i), it is vei v d'lli cull lo conceivj ot any invention l"r doinesiin use of more or even oo'ial liu poii.inco to r.iiiiilius. It has great ear acitv for work : beaul'fnl, Miioolli aid n it ink ini'Veniiiot, rapid execution cnriauilv and iloliglilful rase nf operation lliat at once eouimeiula )t above all ollinis l lio working naris aro ad steal, sirorg n,t durable, and will last a life Hill?: the iiohlmis hold Kin yards of throad ; the K;iioh Is iho firmest of all stitches nmdo, neat act! regular, and can bo regulated in a moment to sow t-.tiunes from an Inch in iHnirihoii coarse material down to ihe liue.t, so iuHniluslmal as to bo hardly dis cer able w ill tun naked uyo, aim wuu ranidity rendering il imposnibln to couni them as fist as made; it lias moro aitacu inents Ihan any oihcr, and il does to pel leoUoii all kinds of l.otvy, courso, plain. Hue, or fancy uewllo-work with ease, and lar less labor thaii required on other machines. It mods no ( imineudation. the rapid sales, increasing demand, and voluntary em otnlums from tho press, and the thousands ol families who us lliein, amply te'til'v to their undoubted worlh us a standard anil renauio uousenoni lciws Mitv, exuinding I s popularity each day. Maehinos aout anywhere lo bo examined before any money is paid. AUKN1S WANTBD by llio Compaiiv. Address them fir inlormatloii. FAMILY hKW INU M A'.HIINE CO, 755 BKOADVVAV, SKAnoAnrj iND Hoanokk RAii.noAn. Exciirsion rates from station to Woldon and return duriug I'air week : 1st class 2.1 elas. 40. 50. 65. 70. 80. 90. 80. 90. 1.00. 1.25. 1.75. 1.75. Soaboard to Woldon, Margarotlsville " 50 60 75 80 90 100 1.00 1.00 1.25 l.f 2.00 2 0:) Branehville Boy kins Newsoms Handsome Nottaway Franklin CarrsvlUe Purvis Suffolk Portsmouth K. O.Uuio. Anothkr Whcppkii Nailko. We tin. dersland a ridiculous rumour is in cir culation to tho eireet that tho town authorities had recently passod an ordi nanoo imposing a heavy ponalty on all persons, other than Woldon iiiorchants, who may horeafter bU fur, or buy cotton on tho streets of Woldon. This report smacks of bad motives and wo cannot holp suspeollng that It was conceived and fostered with a design to Injur the trade of tho place. Mayor Daniel's attention has been called to the subject and he authorizes us to pronounce tho report false from beginning to end. Ho says no proposition of tho kind has ever boon brought before tho Board f Commis sioners and notliliiK like It ovon been sug Resled. Wo are k lad to have tho oppor tunity ibns officially to contradict ibis mischievous report. Our business men are too magnanimous lo desiro such lcgis- lafiou, I hoy iiro opposed 'o rings, cliques, and moiioooi to , nil th iy want is an open Hold nnd n mir ligSt and will groin wit'.i (irdial plen .uro all honest ootnpotion eoiiio from what quarter H may. Balk (in it 0 asion Railroad Kxci'r. fiioN. Excursion trams to llio Woldon Fair on Wednesday and Thursday Oct. 2'2d and2 '. l, leave Henderson at7:10a. in. erriveat Woldon at 10:10 a. m.; leave Wo'don at p. m., arrive at IlC'ideison at 8:!5. Faro for the inuud trip, inchid ng ad mission into tho Far Or uiids. From U iloigh, f:t.50. Nnuco, 3 10. Wako, o.lil). Fores, villn, 3.00. Toungsvilln, 2.N5. Fiankliiiton, 2.(55. Kill ell's, 2.40. Henderson, 2.15. Middleburg 2 I'D. Junnilon, 15. Kidgewav, 1.75. Warrentoo, 1.110. M.icon, l.l. Littleton, 1.15. Uaston, H"). Persons not purol.aslng Mckels before on ering the cars will no cha'goil lull fare. Not to k I NoTioult Notick ! I !-Just received a large and varie ass irtmout of groceries for fill and winter trad. 100 bbls. now Family Flour. 2"i bids, of Sugar, all grades, .'10 bags ol'UolTie, all gra los. 75 h'lxos ol common and toilet S.'aps. Ill bbls ol the best lour lard. 40 reams of piper baj's An. 40 gross (.f Kalph's Scotch Sou IT. 50 boxes ol Tobacco. 10 bbls. of Mackerel, in:i kits and c.i:es ol Mackerel. 5tlil bushels of o.ils. fit) bo.xos of assorted cakos. 10 bbls. of gingor cakes. .SI t boxes of crackers, 100 kogs of nails. 6 (WO lbs. of bulk sidos and shoulders ,tu. 500 Mu. ol h mu. 8 id i, si irch, in r.ehns, sp;co, poppir, inuslard ivn. Forsaloat Richmond nod llilllinoro price i, froitht added, al tlia wliolusaln and rot iil grocery sioro of JAM KS T. (iOOL'U, Wo'don N. C. GLASS BALL TRAP SH00TISO. rciilh AiMinal Fair or lite It. A T. K. A. noddy. COL. JNO W. COTTON Ifl CIIAIIOB. Rtn.R Isr. All matches or swespstikos shall be shot at eighteen yards riso from Card's revolving trap. Kinglo balls. Bule2d. When tho trap is rerdy tho rofcree Ks, ready I Bfier which the .hooter cills pull I In all ca-os the puller must pull lair for oa li shooter. !l the trap is sprung before the shooter has given the word, ho can take tho shot or not ; but if he si oom, thn ball or balls shall bo scored, whoihor broken or not, as the case may bo. UvtH So. Koforee. fn all casn, a referee shall be appointed, and bis decision shall he rflnal. In case the trap, when sprung, breaks the bull, the reforor, In all cases, shall require the party to shoot at another ball, whether he bad previously sbot at broken ball or not Bulk 4 tit. Position at tho Hcore. After a shoolor has taken his plauo at the ti ;)io, he shall not lovo) bis gun, or raise Iho butt above tho elbow until bo oalls pull, .Should he infringe on this rulo, tho ball or IihI's ahull bo fccurid bs In.-1 , w hoi her broken or Inn, Bui.i! ,'iTii. All balls must bo brukou in tho air lo c.iuut. 1;l'i.k Hi ii. 'llicrs i!i:;!l be no restrie i1oa as to mu of shot iwid, or elinrgo ol pow doi, but the ehrirgo of html tiiiall not esceod 1 1 nz., fiixon moasure. Any tine using larger quantity of shot shall tin foil all rights in iho mulches. Altera Run is lo-ideJ and challongod, and tho bhootor dis-hargos his gun, the penalty will be tho same as for overloudinii. Bui.K7rit. All lies to bo shot oft nt 21 yards rso, at livo single balls cauii, and in case ot a second tio, live more balla at 2tf yards nnd so on, until decided. In all rasns, tics must be shot oh" buforo sunset, or postpoued until next day, unless tho lutorestod parties agree otherwise. P.ULK8TU. Timo at tho Score. A par ticipant in a match slnll hold himself In readiiioss to come to mo score wuen uis nauio Is callod by the scorer. If be is longer than five minutes, it shall be dis orotionary w th tho referee whether be shall allow him lo prooood lurther In the in At oh or not. RtiLK Urn. Sho'uld nun Mlss-flro. miss-tiro or fail lo discharge, from uuy Criu se, It shall score as a lost ball, unlets tho releree fiiiJs, upou examination, that tho gun was pro rly loaded and Iho miss lirj uuavoldablo, la vhich ho ulia'l 1 allow uuolher ball. ItlM.B lOru, Loading (Juns, In cso of bieauh-loadurs, the paity called to the score shall not place his cartridge in the gun until he srrives at the score. In caa of muzzle-loaders, tho party called to the score shall not place the cap on his guu until he arrives at tho score. KuLBllTir. Ter.b reguns shot at yards rise. No one but a eoniestant has a right challenge. 21 to M A RKE T S . Wki.dom, N. C. Oct. 18, Wl). (Vlton-MliMllitff, rtiiirar, Brown Whife'V" ' Ut-aiiiilated Cnffees, llio ' l.:i,'iiayra " Java Kitra Flour Kanilly Kluur bacon shies llacou shoulder Bulk shies Hulk Hholilers Malt per sack, butter per pound I.anl Molasses per Ration, 7m a. SSl'ilH. Jlllfllll. Kiwis. ).'.(. IK. :i. trr.r.j 7.rsi. Vi. sj nrc. ye. NoRfOl.K, VA. Oct. 10, 1879. lflc . 5B7sjr. 45a.Mie. 4ih, Mil. (.IN'. Ootton-MlilillliiK (lootl orilluary Com, per bushel, Oats, per bushel Plour. Hiipcrlluo " Ultra " Family, Fbtriisiu'bh, Va. Oct. 10, 187. fotton-MlibtllUR, ne, (In.'il Oi-'linary, ti', l". irk per pound Sf.ijitc, till N.I'. riirrill','-. " " hams Ktoiir, 1'amily, C-imw'tl-M. " Ultra, B.511. " sup.r, afina'.rm Smrar. ilniuulfttcil per lb. Iisj. " A's tie. " Yellow, 7 ' i . Colfee. prime llio ltal!i. " I Hr.'iiayra, iriatac. " .l;iva. irn'.'iic. MoIihs.'s -Sinrnr liouse perfral XCal' " (l.ilrli'u riyrup arm IS, " Mew Orleans 3:ialo A DVKUT lSli.M KN TS. V. J. NAW. BAKER & CONFECTIONER. W ELD ON, N. C. A very larye supply ef OAKK.S. CUACKBR8, CANDIKS K R E N 0 II ANT) PLAIN, R A 1 H 1 N R, FRUITS, NUTS, 4c. The lar .est sleek nf Toys ef every variety ever prolixin lo una niaraci. Oflerr forcnniHea cakes, 4c, filled at shortest no, ice Rt Nort hern prices. WeiM'nT sii'l other parties supplied an cheap a ; uic oci 10 ly. JOH THK FAIR. WH..MINUTON 4 WKI.DOX R R. COMTANV Kiln JUrlieiliilc No. It. IlB'fWKHN RO 'KY MOUNT AND WKI.PON. Ooliitoopr rslloiiat 7:: A. M. Mo'lilay Oct. tilth ft'i'l reuii'iii 1 1 force until 7:10 P. Al. ITlilay Oi t. i.'nir IM:i. No'.h, Si itlons, Houth. Ar.'lve l.eavo. 7:in P. M 6 It 0 J7 lt:;l t:M 11:11 :.'l r, :til r,::w r..n5 5:15 Ariive l.eavo, A.M. 7: 'HI Roe iy Mount, 7:..l leii.l l::ll Tiis 7:5 Kill h::h IIMI'l ilia A. M. Hi llelioi-,1. Wlillakera, Knilelil, lliilifav. Ka'rr iiisuinds. W.'lrl.ill P.M. r,: Wl. .1.1 t takes lirefcr nco over all .'rcbflit t r.ihis A n'O'i'Vi'i' Joll.M F. UIVI.NIi lien Sunt. JAMKS KNUMIT, M.T. AGENTS WANTED, THE NEW 8TYLK " F SI 1 l Y OrVt) )Ut III INK l lehlll i I The Usll ll P.e.u"ed to ; n ll 'i lw -s-t- a 3 TIIKI'IIHl"i:Sr tXiiiiKST IVTIIR, Too Long In Use to limibt Its Superior Merits No Money to pav until ih' Maclitue In delivered to you anil .s'laiained. It link's Itlis Mil 111 I In, dntlllle-lhreftd, lock- t.1 .eti, (I e sane on hold aide of lie wora), wtneli receive. ill- lii;;liosi awiti'd al tYM'entcii nial Uviilliilioli, I'liitadelphif, l'.i . I"?ii. And is couipieie wiih a la'-irer assort. neul of aliaeh inei, h lor line work than -my older niaclilne, and It '.In. e, 1 1 iy fj:,. It l- on ea .y an I pl'-asant machine ti ooerate, miir f a i lie l.eisi rare, iiro.luees every variety ..t worl.. nut will last nut il the next century lie Ifins. suvier. Simple. Itao'd net Kitle.ein. lise It ..tire and yon wi'l usu no oilier. The inoiii'.v eh -m:iy refunded if it will not. out- wo"k en I outlast any machine ai double the price. Arenlss 1 them faster than any ot liar 'n con seiue:iee of lliu r belnd ".he l!i si nt tho Lowest 1' ee." Knh innchiiie thoronnhly warranted with Wrilli'ii tin irae'ee for live yearn. Kept !u order tree of c urge; money refunded at once It not Kilt isfac.or. Il is liie moNt aolhl. niMalile, ami satisfactory niai hiue eve, Invenied for all Kinds of family wo.k. I; ts an ae'inow I'd ;vd imeiiii'Vocal ine c'l.iu eal.-ii cess, I tioruirliiT tested, nad used In tlioiistuds of iiomes. An tlclei!l. silent, rapid, reli.ilile. and evur read he'pe .0 .he weary wife oi' I, will ilo Ilia woi-K of a family for I'i'e-ione, or it w'll earn sun si ;o t5 per day for any one waow-ahes to Hew for a living. This iiiaehfue cosia less than half '.h price of any new i.iaeh-nes of I Ice Has eKtru loag, lHr;fe- i'eil siiultle. eaailv re aoved. K!r.i lare sl;.ed leilil' iis, holillii r nn y.iilt of thread doing iiM-ay With Ihe f.-ei iienl rswiudtii'r of bobbins, I! i- 'milt for s. (in rla a el eons, .nt hard work. Ini-r-'liaierealile workiu t p r. i. luauufaelnred or tun polislie.l le !. v Ol run lor yi'rii-. wiiii- oul i oi.rrs, is aiiuple to learn, easy In uiani.-". U' pi'riei ily hi an hour, and always ill a iiiiiinenl to do eveiy do'crlotton of te a(or hue w.irli at less nisi or tt'outde tluoi any o' her inaeliines at any price ever del, or can do! It . dl sew anything' a n lie can pierce, from lace i-rcanil-ne lo iieavy eloih or ham 'ss. wiili any kind or la. v. id, ami wn1 run olf twenty yar.l.i per etiiiuti1: it uses strutur. straight nee dles, ami n -rer breaks Miem. H cannot ui'ss or ilmp a aitieli, ravel or li.-eak Ihe llirta I. If you liave any niaeiiine, hiif urs ainl nave a Heller one. '1 tic e rupidiiy of Us lunlioii and ipial'ty of i's work aro lis hest ri inuienita- liulis.' II will he n fell. tuek. hraid. cord, Inlld, piillic, iiuilt, r.illle. pleat, fold, aeolliip, shirr, roll, tiastt. einl'riniji'r. run up In'cai'th-i. etc, with case and ijniekucss, umnirpasscd by any mai'lilun ever Invented. Ili'ivuro ol liupiiHltinn. The prices for our new machines are less than those asked bv dealers III nee md hand, rebuilt and rr dnislied machines, or those selling out old stock to close up business, many Much Inferior andoldntylc luai hinea lieiug oliercd aa new at reduced pr'ces; liewai-" of Imposition and only huv new mactilu s. Then' are uo new llrstcla -a maehlaes olfeied an low as ilia "Fiiiully," tiy many dollars. Mll'IIIsKS SKNT roil STl'IISATIOS ItCPORS rT- mint or I'.ii.i.. Kxl'-annl'nary Indiieeinenls offered to Clergy. nien,Te;;cliers, Slorekepersetc; to act asaireuls lloi'sc and w.i.';ou fiirulsiied free. For fi-atluio-ni lis see descrlpllve hoolis uial'ed freo w,lli tamplesnf work, liberal terms, - irrulars, eis. Address, 1 AMII.V WKWiNO MACHINE CO. oet M Iy. T.r Urnadway. Now York. JTOTItiE, I have this day fold out to Mei-srs. II P. Popo A ( i. All porsons Indebted lo me w 'I I lei so come lorwa-d and settle witu .dr. ll. li. H .i'O. J. A. VUSCiROVE, oct. llitf. NHW ADVEIITLSEMENTS. JOUIS H1LLIARH 4 Co. COTTON COMMISSION MEECHAHTS, NORFOLK VA. Full lirlces anil quick returns ffuaranteed. W. B It it W It ' H 0ID RELIABLE DRUG B T 0 B X. Is always aui'i'lleil with FrcMb Urnga ntl Mettlelnet. NEW GOODS KKCKIVKD KVEltY WBKK. The ctock of FANCY (toon's. TOILKT ARTICL83, lamp ooons, H.I UMINATINO and LUHRICATINO OILS, FAINTS, I.KADH, LINHEKO OIL, ami all I'alnl 'rs Materials will lie always found lo he full. Oanleii Seeds ami Field Seeds In season. Choice pure Wines, Whiskies and Tlramllcs for Meittcal use. rmo riiws, I'liewiiif unit SiuiiklUK Toliacuo. Prompt Attention to by Mail. all Orders J-Pliyslclaiis iin-scri pilous carefully com pouueil liy cmipeteiii clerks at all hours, day or uih'lit. Call and see nri. R. W. BROWN, oet 8!f Wki.iios, N. C. OTIC K. All persons nwlnir Slate and County tixos lor the year 1H70, are horeby notifleil ami roqnosteil to come forward and sottle the same as ludulRmicn cannot, bo given. JAMKS T. DAWHOX, Shoritr ol Halifax Couuty, N. C. oct. 0 4t. F )K RENT OR SALE. r . ii . I I...J. i wibii uibii ur rwiii. imviuoiy inv iaiiu", or I will lease for a term of years. I wou d rather well ono tract npiit which I new reside, oontsinlnu 6 or 701) acres with good house and nut housos, eloitant water. Also one tract containing 200 acres In Bruns wick county. Va. One or two other smaller places. An Island In Rnsnoke river ono mile shovo (las ton, containing 70 acres. One houo and lot in Oastou. Also in v horses, mules, cows, hogs, sheep, ,ye. All of which I will sell on reasona ble toruis on apilica lion at mv bouse W. P. Clif-MKNTS, Qaston, N. C. oct n it yALUAHLK LAM) FOR- SALE. On Monday, 31 day of Nevomber next, ihe iinilnrsigtiod, c I'liinissloners, Ae., Uu ilor a (niliiient of the Hiipreme court of Nnrtli Carolina, will soil at piinlm aunllon at III" Court house door m tho town of II ilitiix tlm tract ot land in said county imreil bv the late Catharine A. Kilin in ton at the timo of hor ileith, and known as "lyooUiiiir Olass," coiitiiininu about twelve bundled aoro , on Koanoke Kiver ami Ijo ikin (ilnss Creek. Terms, ono f utrth easli, thi rnsldiio to bo paid in one, two ami throe years, with Interest, from il iy of mlo. lisuil aud ap pr jod security required. Title rosorved T. M. AIU.O, ) J. W. UINSDALK, Com'r,ike. ocl!) f POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER8 7, t- .. - nrHMll TllMAU. Mo noma will din of colio, Bot or Los I via. If Keiiuii I'owilrisj ra uioil In tlms. routi'i Powilrrn wllli-ure anil prevent Hoo Cnotssi Foul..'. Powilrn will prevent Oai-ks IS Fowl Fouti'i Powilrr will lncrea the qiisntliy of milk ami eresia twenty per ceuU and main hutwr oral and ewei'L . , . Knni.'s l'owdorn will rnra or nrevent lmot stist Pis lo wlilch llerws anil I sllln are unliject. rnrn'i PowiiKiw will oiv s.risr-OTioa. Bsld cvvi'ywl',,r''. DAVID X. TOUTZ, Proprietor, UALTIMUIIB, Ud yilt Nil.r. II V DR. A. K. ZOLLICOFFEK BRO, onto I y Woldon, N. V. gTILI. TUEY l l.OHKISJI ! SB A.E ZOLLICOFFER It BROTH KS, DRUCCISTS, WELDON N. C. Have just received and are dally reoelr Ing, fresh supplies nf DRUGS, MEDICINE-!, PAIMT3, OILS. DYESTlv FF, PERFUMEKT, SOAPfl, 8 TATION ART, COMBsJ, BRUSH KS, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, RED AND WHITE KKR04KNKOIL. Also a full Hue of oonfooliouorioa oorslat t like of IM.AIM and FUENCII CANDIES, AIM'I.KS. ORAM IKS, NUTS. CAKES, to. & 0. Thev are tho sole Aconts horn tor the iinneioloxive Royal Saloty lied Kerosene Oil, 1.jO" F I It K TENT. They always keep on baud the largest assi rtmnnt ol the lloest fi, 10, and 15 coots Cilia, a to be Ion ml in llio lowil of Woldon winch limy guarantee to bo equal to anv in the market, and are sum they can please any Judge of a good cigar r.t any prlcu ranging from 'l to 23 cents. They also keep llio bost articlool diuoking aud chow log lo banco. Mr. D. B. Zolllonllor, one of the the firm will remain durl g tho winter in llalti more, whore he will have an opportunity to solool goods of ihe best quality at bot tom prices. T oy respectfully Invite the publlo gen orally to call and examine their stock No charges for looku p. They will take great pleasure la showing their goods and quoting nriisfis. Koapontru Ily, 1)11. A. R .OLLICOFFKR, A BRO. Look for Mign West side Wash. Ave, Weldon, N.O. I'resertpuons carefully nil oil and Da. limits treated nndnr the Immediate super vision of Dr. A. R. , illicott'or, who wilb thanks for past patronage continues the practice ot medicine as beretolore and can bo found at Va IlicolTer's drug (.tore at all boors night ana (lay, wuon Uut profeasiou ally reg'igrd. out. U tiuu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOTICEI NOTICEI HEAD I READ It READ I II J. L. BASS 4 CO. have removed their RES TAURANT from their old place on First street to the GREEN FRONT, Between W. H. Brown's store and Preseott k Oooch's storo. MKAt-S AT ALL HOURS OF DAT FOR 50 CTS. Passengers on the trains can get meals cheaper and as good as anywhere else. Pleasant rooms, polite servants, clean services, and everything in flrat-claas stylo. ALL TUB DELICACIES OF THK 8BA80ff. Meals on tho European plan. Yoa pay for what yon get . Wo havo also opened at oar former place on First Street a Family Ctrocery House where roil can get the best FLOUR, LARD, BACON, COFFER BUOAR. SOAP, BUTTER, ETC., ETC. Also the finest Snuff, Tobacco, Clffars, E te, to tio found In the town, cheap for CAHH, at J AS. L. BASS, 4 CO., oetll ly Washington Avenue and First St. N OTICK. I will not, after this date, pay any debts con tracteil tiy uiy aou A. L. Vov Oct It. A.B.POPE. B ALB. Htore and dwelling hons In tho town of En field N. C. Dwelling has an acre and a half lot attached. Terms liberal. For particulars, sp- ly to A. W. WUIIelieail, jsnueiu. a. u., or w . vv. llall, Woldon, N. C. oct II 41 CREAT BARGAINS. We are now recelvlinr or new and beautiful iroods recently purchaaml nf the manufacturers, and cordially invite you to call and see I hem. The largest ami uesi aeieciea aioca oi OOLn WATCHKS. BKTJIOKJKWKI.rlY, BAND HRACKLKTS, OPBUA AND OUARD CHAINS, DIAMOND ANI1KBAL RINOH. bl.KKVK BUTTONS AND HTUDSI. SOLI D HI tVBR HPOONH, FORKS 4. Tlie Best 10 Cantor and $5 Clock Kr an HOLD. fjao Young's P. P. Glasses and Improve your yesiKt't. Watches anil Jewelry repalrt by the best workm-n. Kugravlng neally done ny J. T. YOU Nil UKII. ect ly Petersburg. Va. s ALB OF LAND. By virtue of of a deed of trnut made to ne by Thomas J. Fields and Martha A. his wlfo n tho 11th day of March 1"7B and duly registered III book M, page 31, III Ihe office of tho Feglater nf Deeds of Halifax county, I shall oil Monday the 3rd day of November next aell to tlm highest bidder at public auction for cash at the court house door In the town of Halifax, the following real estate situated In Halifax county near Ilm town of Weldon, and bounded as follows to wit : lleirlnnlng at w. C. Kill s corner on ins roan leading from Weldon to Pass and Fonton'a mill, running down aald road fitly feet to W. A. Davis' corner, thence at right angles with aalit road along said Ilavls' Hue one hundred and for- Mlva feet to (iooeh s line thence along sam line fifty feet, thence parallel with aald Davis llneoue hundred and forty-live feet to tho be ginning eoiitaiulng one third of an acre more or less, W. W. HALL, Trustee, oct i tf TOTI(JE. Bv virtue of an order of the Ruperior Churl of Halifax, I nhall on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 187!), expose to public sale at the Courthouse door in Hallux town, ino lotiowing real estate belonging to uiy Intestate, Edward Coni- gland iloopaiiod: l. 'rue Kiver iraci or land near Halifax town, containing about 1 1 1 acres. This tract is very fortilo. 2. The "Upper Tract," bounded by the lands of Benjamin Phelps, Sol. Williams and others, and containing about 21)0 acres. This tract Is hoavily timbered. TbJ "Pope Placo," lying on the east side of the W. W. R. ft., and containing about 4 acres with Valuable buildings and Improvements. As doubts have been suggested as to the tltla to this tract, I will, it desired, pav all cesis or geiung a decision of the Supreme Court upou U before exacting a compliance witn me bid. The best legal'talout of the State have oronouneed the title Doriect. Terms : One fourth cash, remainder In three equal Installments payable In 1. la ana i months, on bond with spprovod security. Interest at 3 per cent. Title retained till paid for. it, u. nu aiuii; amor. Halifax, N. C, Sept. iWib, 1.79. oct 2 St. 1857 10U ESTABLISHED January lat, 1857. RUFE W DANIEL nisstoek nt l.lnunra, aroearte and Coufeo- tlouvrles embrace lu rt KRKN'CII, AFl'LK, HLArh.Ur.KtvV ami WILD CIIKIIRY BRANDY, WUISKIKS, PORT, SHERRY, MADKIKA ami CUAMPAUNK WINS. CIGARS, BACON, FLOUR, MOLASSES, LARD. U1NOKR, PEPPER, HPICB, APPLES, JELLIES. PICKLES, BRANDY PEACHES and CONFECTIONERIES. AppoUinarls, Scltacr, German, Hrouthal Natnral Watcra. And many other articles too numerous to nicn tlou. R. W. DANIEL, 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldon, H. C. ft Ily T I C E. Miss Bottio Clarke will open a school la Halifax town on the 1st of October. (She teaches the usual English branches, Latin, French, (lormsn and Musioen the Piano. Is fully competent to prepare y urn ladies to enter the Junior class iu college Has had in noli experience aa teacher both pri. vate and In high schools, and believes sua oau give hor patrous entire sattslaoUou. sop 11 i w.

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