THE ROANOKE NEWS IIIU'.'.ll I'), l.i.l. 1 llhllshed I y Ki r)i;-,!. J) il U (1 ' 1 i It 11. Pillidcl 'on ! l'iltniolioii ! coinniy an,l lirlalil, W'l ill t lilspored tlio b r us ho turned in his I'ruiil, Ho ciinic lor it ki-s of my bright yellow hair, To speed I im away through the soft suiii im r ,ur. Iiiiiljil ion ! Dandelion ! w ill In, bo true ? Oilier tl'nvi rs Hi t; lain r, and lux's U'Vu t-' Woo "lie promised, I trus'cd, will trust him for iivp, l0 will I'oiin) fond ami faithful by u.,d by." She bathed every ni.'ht in lh bonny M i dew, her (iico might bo labor for him tried mid irui', Alas! Iiu wiiuo iiiil, L 1 1 o , ii in in t r grow i I, Anil lirnix'.i', I mid low I"!! the, 1 irk Unit w re K'.; i. Till Iho seli 'o! children, (: v 011H slop t,y Hi" way To p.ty il.o vt...tii.e; ni.o, gi,,wiii ho An I i x ii (In. iiiiii It ,', frivolous 01,0, 'loniHc w how do 11 nidi :;. 1 1 duty WHS liolif. Then Hill rOHP told tlio lily, HNll hllO Sped the ta'o To the drooping acacia that swain in the vain; And kho riiopped a in, to to llid clover bo low, Haying surely the !;iin y beo this uiih! t,, KIlUW. 1U was busy in truth ivh-n buckwheat 'A ;ls w:,tte, Jl!'!i;iit".f i' lini.i y-i .ehes 1, 0111 in r ri : i r nil ii.'.thi; Not l;il .0 to hii 1 ,t i" only rUi.U.i f:., hi day, Jli',1 iNv.-o trotn hW lab a. and b 1110 igiin stray. Now when i) clover ho hoard it in last, With 1 j .1 1 1 j In 1 (viwnil.oi'i-d the summer w is pasi ; And lett nil U' 1; ill, 1 red llio Id..' 11111 Wre:'ll there, Spcobinr oil in to. iini'ht thtoinili llio bloom inn douii.l .1.1'. Dandelion! Jiii,, i , in ! v, lu re h y, ur laith, Your looks, liicv i, it, nliifi f.r lie' bri ha i,l d, alii; " Hitr':! soft, sitc( t and low . H ,1 l.i r -I in, drum, Sh'.t h"ir s ii,o 1 iw in,! .1 the l,,i y-b, o 1 : 11 u . Tlion vol': I v.'.-,'.1, 1 , :, aj.oud. .,.r ; liail'b. I, re i'h, KnyinK, 'love, I ham tni-itd thco, eyuu tin iioiitiii Then whirling uinl'L en thu , ill 1 a,!, I liroe', Wonl Iho liinliii whim Ibnv ( r-soul rp lo 1 1 1 e tiecH, Up, up, In thOMii'Mdiio. iiko siats which ' astray, Would a-U of thf. cloudlet 1 tluir lit :. vi 11.- WMid tea; I tp.omofMent, ot the hiKl.t (if Iho rcuii- ! Inii boo, ' Wild a rcpiier,, chantv, r ,oro !v . ' - 1 .. ! Aincrti'Uii lino. Mile 111:1,. An linali ) tj., r 1 v , credit to A i,ur- I icall '.'l-liini lof at hiet lil'eih i ; ci, 10, i.s III! H'l r.v Ut tit it tUi.iinei; il not, I In mid dieii ric-i, liicli It u s, have luij,, f I-i I ilen can pconp up eiiiuiol tiiore in K'hiiii' I ah ov, r t!,e woi.d. Ti,, so lii- abiti'st iiii.v ol ll.e little atre.uv.j i-i the pt Otiid.e o! An ' in .01 ;r mi s ale ihes , ,t i. ! t"r, s or ebi i-. licit . ri i!ie; .'or fly 1 ). in.iMted: 1'iist. the e. i' 11 j.; ;' d. ' I" 'ioiiee. Il 'lie. : lann .rnvv 1 el! pianino n j ; t j ( ' 1 I, ( ei ,.s lu t'.tc; I 1 l'r il will .e ve me ili-s-u!.'. nil I oiam r' api r; I t i 1 ;., 1 he 1 i 1 1 y pn it. - llio pre-; lilt'i. '1 a: I'l l 1 i'f s',.,',.-.j , ;, ICXUICAL CfJ 1,UKICTI0S WITH hot ;r or . i, n- ,.,;o.l)i; ,;,, IKAI.'iJ In .V.OiiON. 11.1; line hl.'n ; ie'1,' 11 I c I , n a , :V.r j,,. M. ill; SJulifh I'-liij. a t'lfiirll Fcie-.i-du-ttj;'i, the .n. lii.i. 1,. 1 1 1 . j. : : I ic",: c ! " HiVciite I a mo le ol I'oiuuiiilil'. a'111 flf lioise shi 1 ; ti 1. tli, ih- j.i, 1 I,, j.,, 1 '' ith a nnniiii: li ii'i, lo :!i h in., "i m,,i Citrnue; e!i v, ntti. I ite : r:;.e 11' ; . 1 1 , h ' Hie ur on 1 K v 1 ot; tin t,', n'h, ai'thci'd ice Him. llla'Onic . ti lar ;u .!.; hil'.rtee ,1 ll, the eh el' at., I i'a prcti'ii! a;p:i ("tition, liliianHi, the coi:ii,,.,i', iiiiiehlne lor printers. - . A lfa!,v l!. A fiiherii.tin wh.'e out on Ihe b:" i-' N utllpOlt p'lililie HI ;is II,, L. s,,w .A jM.,,e teal rise to tlu sua , a' ol the mt. r" !.. by ins b at. K arrnrio nvir iprckly he cmt'lit l!,c yonnes'ir m his nan. Is" und fi'lllml lam into th.' bout Ivnowiu.; ihat live i-e'll W'Uliii be iplile H;ht ft Northji uteis In .roi.fcht 1,1111 ii.i,.,re urol lor hii lii.tir or tsv 1 p ,n e I ihe linie le!,,.w on h.t Hal vti.-i h;.i,r u !''! 'I ceitrn 111 ! o,-e ,1 o; a, id Ins fei1 wn one ol a li;;ht er,y c tlo;'. His i.i"e win one ol tni! 1,1 t iiitellioeet 1 ever mi upon a ilutu') i,n in, ,1. t r.,i,,j n, a v. hi,,. h t "ii'-l rry It ko 11 .: ! he r- r.r.U., 1. itnd tie: t, in w 01 1 p: ; ;L. ,j.,w ,,. clitiks 1:1 a vay mI way. T,,, ii !,ei man look him mm u, , ,l!u., 1... , . 1 . . ' na 1 n-eii 1:11.1, Me: 1 '.It I. .a i:,'.i th. ' I Watei iiei, a. smjaiso roa coeks. Il a Sc. Ich : I!;.- , , t- ,,! a -rlmn! ,.. qtiire '. t tie nt f., ,:,,us, . 1 1 Pe l t lo innenioas mil1:" I- ! a, ,,.,1 ,. ,.a', l Irntti the ina-tt r. Iu Mn tney iv. p. . c.'ssiiii, H'l"! one ivciliio, u hen the M ter cau -ht them puilii,;. In st 'How no (" li ante I !,e to one nl ihe Culprits, -liny ,,ro y , iM -n,k Wi" "U." Hil l tho boy, ' I m ,!,. j.Ct I.) hea laches, rnl a pip,. .,k, 4 f i:. pain." "A id you I una ,,( i yo;) j iiiii lirwl the pnlt,;., 1,., ,j i,-ii ;, CV(.rj hoy iij I,'- tu-ri, u ... 1, ,. ..rH, mi, tooth;" miolher, " ;'' 1 ; i,.,,.i ,, "C'ltia;" i ,;,,,., ,.,..y hl( tlllll lor which ihe We.. I , ,,!.,, tsiuely." "N w, sar.'i T I., ;;.,. ,., ,". in st,.r to the ;..,( . ,; " ,lV, wi:,t ,li order do you m ke lr I " A ',, I u.l 11,,. exeu-ts were eyi'in lei, but iK in;, io Kl'ial .irelii:;, do t 11 h,i; ( i,, ... ,, , lookini; up in his 1.1 i-'ia's I up. s ad in; hyimoiitpj,! tune," ".Sa, I sm ike lor corns." IlriiiMn an, .nuiUiiis. An rai Ie in the ('..nt, i,,p,o.,,,v l;. vea, 00 tlie phjsioio.ieM nca , 1;p, .ie,,-,,,..' dnr.k by Jr. W. it. ;,,, ,-,, M-.,:,, that cxen-ivc 'n"kt;,e tend- 1,1 cre'e im ppeliie lur licc-nM. liroka:;;, i.n I thai too l,,"tvy iliiukina 1 . "to in. creape tha rt,-i,e r ,Xr,s-iVl. kl,. Dr. liiclead.-ni! sm, tint ii. u-c ,4 tohacro lo.veig the toce ut,,l ueinm Hie heart, an t this cabs ur Miiiiitlnuts to Murl il up. The minute vs .i Is t ;,e termina. lion o( the aiierinl caaiat are com rue e 1 by tlio ponerlul pot,..,,,, knevn an n'entitie winch comes Iron, the t. ba. Co, mid tins in .ken Hie mirlace nl u. iMjy n - i v i nud cold ; a uh ( f sp r u ic ax, H,,.H. V"se, warun Ih,: sii'tac: by (i ,tjn.j up Ctrrmbitio'i, ,! tt,u partaker lenilv' In. limn that Iho din k Inn J.m:c him a R'eat ik-.l ol no nl. Ibit by Hiiokn.e; mil dimkiux he in (jiving hu svs'ein a severe tet, by the unnatural urtiou or.eas o l by 1e.l1, and alter a wliibi onn dm, A Hr another remits, ioj t(l8 pi.,aon'a Cf). Ututloo It broken. a ynnni; ccn'lim .n ha, peniiio to Mt i:t !' iuii ii iu ;i ;r.v ll 1 , , I : ' 11 TO' V. 1 1 H ' 1 1 II I V- II it 1 iHllV oil Clipii , uluuil l.f. cm,. i C ive l ii t.i,H,-:i vi V.t fa-in'i. '.v,.s iKir.i'M o it; to a cocr'ship on till! Spol ; 1111,1 ' ill' 1 K'yi-licv o! liie ;),t .,;. '.;" '"I lo!o ii,o j j ! , r. : II,. politely Inii.dci his I ur lifioMior 11 Ibbi . 1 pen with a pin mick ii) the I obwii'io tixt; Si i;,iti,i ((,'! Ir r' Jiibn, y.-r-n fibb - "And now I bio, eh llicc, lady, net n 1 (1 n;j Ii 1 wrote a 11, iv i (unman iuierit nn'o Hity, but that which we I,. id in the hoeii.eir ... that ve 1 no one an tint" S e rc'irnd i', pciitHio to the srcon-l rloip'or of Ruth, no-" ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 inn f)K 1-11 on lnr lai'e and b.nw-d her nil to t!,t, roiin I anil mid uto inni, whv Lain: I tound cr'-ci: in tl inc i-yf. Kcino tiiat I urn a Urtmect !" Mi- uicn.e 1 the lioi k, poin'inrr to the tlur- 'eettth virse of tin; Uiitd epixile 1 I ,1 din ' ll.ivma ni'ttiv Ihini.'j to write ynt I .void, I rot wii'c with imp. r nrri inli, but 1 tin t In conn; unto you ai d npcalv luce lo !.li:e,'' F10111 t lit; iibm 0 i, !, 1 vi-tT a mar na;.'i; !ool( ,Ui n A AiDiotv Im ipc. A ("a'ifoitii 1 cilitav I't'oiniir had a toirrow i -e 1: ! fnoii n Inlt, ,111:1 . i; a lo'tl.i ;!,t 117,1. He hnl ilia! jo nl a m . -ti lie! 1011 ':ain 111 il ,i hii'ilino plat.! A fii"r' d shi i it nut ol liriiii 111, h 1 .1 I c V"lld tiol-ellilin lil I'ulnt, H 11 pler'l' ' t l!l lurid. Thom-iiiil Mini tlmuiiaials o( yurd ol dnt were thrown upon it when the rcid win built, and u. in a Mi'Tt time, even during the niylit, out of hi";lit tin; whole wnilhl an. At last the mad n balla-tcd anil the truck biid, ami the railimid mi- tholitlis WCIO Ml,i!il.i at tholllill! Ill ll'l.'ilie tiicii r, ni in o.,i), winkini: order bv the li:-t ol S. pli iijl.e:'. 'l'l.o 1 n.;in, er lu.bre I t!ii.t t!ic tarlh l.a I a ilc) ii s,il appe ir'itii'c but he 1.1 1.1 a !y,i: , i ti. a n iv.i- i,-i. p " ii ! to - p. -ti I 1; ivi: ;; .11: a 11 i.v. i 'til I ( ' '1 11:1. he opi in d ihe vaive and f :tt rt; !.:io' "Vi r :he dai-eciou. p!a, r II' i at ll 1:1. 'I'I'.i' h''hc or. Imi.I h-' if! h'r ibi: tt.tso. i i 1 rn mi -it t(,.v '. "f, ever 1 lie 11 oi'a-- :i';'l !l.,n:i clocXi-o' t! " ' !!;!. the c ri . 11 (In. tuna lo ke I h ..'!. a nil lor ii i s ' 'i 1 , 1 1 1' ol itv er t f, r c ' ha ,i 'bid 'i"'t tiny ' 1 a ' In' orouiid, the t ce and tlo !mo!; If 100' ,' i t bo!y ii tlrwu into ll.e l.s..! l,.u.,i : . pn a ai:,iai,ce o! Ill;; f.. el. rt USE OF riJIiSj V CISTlvKS.tC WEJ.I.S. In a ii-ti- r it t.ii M'. ).' vi I; .tin ii, oi 01, I'oiiii'y. l):i!o. l.i tin' eJ.tor id tin ('hiu (.'uilivatol, we ii iii tiio '0 .o.v- iiii : I'lio.-i! who are trou'.iinl anole wo'in i 1 their Wc'b, as nunc are in ndy or ;:r i- Ve IV iliricts 111 hn m ,y In, pru j Isil l.'J niL'oetion ttlilcli ttiil piiunpi.: t iVj I Inni s line IniuDn id pi npino oat Hie .M.!i 1. I itch a small li-'i (a bun Ii trout i? perli rnblc) mid put it tn'n tin well. He will devour ail tin) wornm and I ill en oti 1 hem, ( ,vil hout a' nil ino 1 1 svveetus or puiity ol lh6 t utei .)and il any nre n!r:ii, he mI lie, th,." ran, altei a whih, bail ti hook all I taUe t) i in out lor ,:u' 11 '"'': i ''b "i'P1)' I'' I'in'C 'lli .mauur. Ai,'aii' : I hnve ha I a cittern of pn feel It clear tain wnli.r ad i"iuiiiier, Ire,' from ail .vr -ohis or .-miirv.i 1110 ,, ntoen, by meie 1 , . 1 , , 'f"-"'- !" " ,!VV ' - ' to three loeht lor.,:. 1 he li'lie ,,m. . Ill lo I' I !im !y m d ire , i.'. 'I'.'elv i;.i wintir. ll they live Ihroild', I"'1 -'iti, 1 hey i! perheiu th- same 11 -e- "'ll ti mi ci on tne Un'tci laotvir, ol I'un. Ah'iio Ihe cuiae ol tin' bi.e, til tt 'on the r 1 i ! s, 1 11 its mi utdtnaiv lelej.i ,p i' C. will', piacid 00 lit;. r iii- eon;,,,! .i:il the a-1 1 -1 -i 11 ol 11 im oin.'ir, , j.a s, n cvn Ihe it iie liei-iy, t'lit it very e art I nl! iso'ii'-'d. In Ihe ti 1,11 is a v ,11 1 ...maii.iuo 11 tih..i:ih apuaia'lis at,i,i!cd by i' 1 -.1 ;,t h at clc.!.. I1.1111 it iii reads 1, 1'i.tvii.le unlabie hver w.lli a ie.:i! ic' ii p id it Inch run . alone u euuiact i:i, t lie, the 1 1.1b ol whi.ii hi ? 1:1 i col ii : 1 -it.-.a-' Ion with i-pct i d 11 p ; in at the v.u i nun M.iiioii.-i. co that a c:,:'iiit ca.-eit is kept no, ;a. d a Iraiisn.isdou ol r.n.-.- I'ttnei-ti liie t.'.'u tin 1 lii j t! .tion i n i"ty ut bet .vi ni a ay two I.Xi.d pnini, on land. As i-o 111 us Hie Ir ai:i hit :i-,il n M'lMnn Hie is cat ol!, so ti, it iiollun; 111 ay impede its ititfi ;; Willi I ln one K is i-phresi. !ai o. , ii,i l"ia be .sent In the iiioyiiie 1 ., .(,,., ui 1 ase tin-ti n k is t np.'.MC i, and tl. r:;'i 1 .;ti oive iioticc 1. 1 i.s v i.e.. at: 111 ant ivi'ii i.ioiiti nt i.v Pm 1 ii;...; 11, a im .1 01 ii V si'iid.n ' nn -a.','. 10 A IjWH lhOJ TIIKIViyr. Tiie lollown.: is Ibu ce ibeeleyN t,ua ol d.iiuo ii. Wi co,,y 1, an I ash cvi - v fit., tl ol Wi l n to 10 ol. then on t cut. ajd t;c: It .10 ill '.i n r.i,,.,,,i 1 place, whi: ,: ca.i he ,,n cvt.v tune ym, 1 r,tu '1 ,'ii.,. : Ii e.i i,i to kin p a town Inirn llniv 110, ilou't put up nn y any more luiihliuH 'hail you can Co, n i aiently occupy your- I'. Il V"'l sdould .leeidieitly havu an en.pty ihvelliitir u 11. 1 any one flnnild wish lo reut it, (leiinniil a nhylin U j rice Im t very spot of ur, tun, I tin I Ii h t. i Vi-11 ynn stewardship over. Turn a ("ihl ihou'lnei ' eery inn liainc ami hc-imai nun ,irk lit" a I.. ' ft. I. a! t ,'. t ;, new rn.iur wi'ti a -1 o.vl. K.pi ,Uaii th, woik oi iti.y ':, ,.. wo'laiti'i. ll 1 a ,iea 1 :, 1 1, ie r Ih.n .'. a' a h Pa .-e . i ... 1 " i't do i.o-ini -s i:i yn'.tr 1,.! 'a. 1'. 1 to a , veil ,-e m in irij o'hi r v.:,.; ( , , '"ll Jn-r pa; or, ,, 1 p, ,,ple ;u,,,, ,, , v lai A' !,, tin r nny I-h hhss is ;;oi:i,f en ni y.'iir 1 "wu .,i not. Wrip juni.-'.eivi - tin iv tliai -,...., Iv. s 0 1 i miti-i vioiis clltaiac-'-. I'b tt ll" eoi'i.' 1 11. a til d Way to I,.!, no 'he i:r,,,t ih ol 11 town Hiai ne'io.i- ii,; tlo .-e eirnn -r it, .1. There tne people 11 i V;iv tottn wi.o pm p .s" Ilie t.b,.ve coin 1 (tvi ry d ,y nl n,,.r lives, uml t j vli, an 'in deift: it;., ,pp, a',. r.-; .:.!..! y clleied l( r tin a cotj.-i.ii a ,1 1, t;i. .- To make tain , ,..,11 ; lis. lake Hav fitic-ii', rloht iiiiiit't'ii; titeain ot tarlai, one otitic. ; -larch, two dnnlnus; linelur.' ol balsam ol tolu, mm iliaehin. liiinir In a proper consistency, und ,ilm into h . -ii'.'i'i by mc'iiis ol a snllicient i laniiiy ol iiin.ilii.;e id oiiiu tiaeiic nitli. - r Il i'riii!.' illie I apples in s.iak, tin r i n, nl, inn in the world Hut cun vel oill like 11 woman in a now led Btictt en. I'niiatlel'lnit Item. Johnny, are you never uoin to fhow any u'ood bretalm.. nt b? Sit up utiahjlit al tlio table" "tin; ntiimuu, Tomniy Vi. n's bltle lincty hen has out rni,,.. little on s; Im nays that'll bully breedin'." Kasily wnd of-A ;, Tin1 HoIIm i foss. j They nrc! .-. ! Oh, jr-nlly, ttenl- 1 v k 1 1 ini' K these hitter words. Avcit that col I, rrin 1 stare, tec you not the liar I'll eye i Al'.-l 'hat mirow i-hoibd ivir make a tin Id's heart its. home 1 They arc unit In ricss ( Strange lintide niiiii.-terine to their daily wanbs stianotr lieats iviaryino ()i 1 he 11 ks in,! d ill y. No fond, swei t kif.-es of waim embrnce! N 1 oentle winds ol conduit unit love X'i soli luldnio ol little humid in pi.iyei ! .' 1 1110! het ! M -.s ne tl.e low. fve t ciidcnce ol hei voice; iiii.siiio that ' (In. id nijrlit !'' he( kilto. p'.'ckliio, ml, n' a!! 111 mi:i, 'hat ink lor the cay il, i'-ti n; ,'het's: In ait, Diatv the Intie lorais near In your h'"r'. Pdbiw the aclano head u poti your bosom Think o your sunny childhood your IU ithcr'.i h,ye, ht r o, ntiii 1 ire, her pat e, t I n be.irai i e, her pitcioiLs loiiveness 'l in n only in kindness ie1 jniir hand n t in eiu''! Iion trt.l l;:i!e ht-ol; onlj in loyu le prove thai li'ile H ,ck. Oh! let to'.iis be ,e h ird that wii! lead (hem in Ihe o;een pas'inr. and by tin: -ti 1 A alcr n! tic pi, clou- Siv iour's jovi ! 1, t j it ,:a 1 e 1; e bl - . d In lie i.c'a 1 : "In. f lin. ell a , j c 1, av. doec it lo I he ie i-l ol tllt-e. f have bo, 1 i' li'.in 1,0.'' l!i'lli:ll'.s l pie a, ;., is d 1 elf, am In hold the luce o! our I'ii,i r 111 he , yen. 'I' ,11, il oiay lie thai a chil l's h aol . !i c! It id y.01 lo 11;,, I l.eiteniy lioiio! a chi' I'd hand phi u tin ClovMi upoi:Jour htiid. IV it ant! Ilmiior. Look not upon tho appln When ils led upon iho u n. und Ih 1 auso tho baner-y hull ilug May bo soiue'.vhiM'i' round. Vlo"i Spraeiie e'u.iit c-1 : "Hut il ii Kpt.'' he relVrrc! to a l.t ! J,:n. k- pet. Iiu k 11 y loi's, con! a in iii I v ic o 1 n ; r s:' ii s, lit- in.t v.l-ai t!:t:i aittt'i'it Ke.l (,p to if. I'i taph I ,r a 1 ea i"t a ilirt ';i,e ! vul I', t v. 1 1 .t bit 1 .v.. s'.., ! . -,S i'.l .'i, A ll. I) niir; the de''iee Mr. Xti'th wu- ni the hiitnt i.l 1 a line his lle an a'k nnje.. ii.;o h .1 t l.f woiltl ibu.'t kii"y wiiut t!n: olio r lull! iu lie ir ..i:i a I,"'. AV'.hUIi is niucc'c i out In those w'1,1 m hnit It . tl.e.'-t. tt h,l sli al 11, and i hose who die lor It. Vv'h it 11 "1 uii. 11 . tlioi:(;l,t It ;p that tl C inli lelii e ol ihe alin.'jl.t) iluliar C '.iu, i,t t ic e : aye. Advice lo so'lie W(;ii!t l;c wit., A lit t e v. .s nun 1 ci v a. el '.hen Is ii.islel by 111 St (nnllsil ineu. The 1,1; Hj.ij'o idino-t :ilw:ys S'lt Cot lis in on tiiio a -p'ceh Irom the peisou 11 liouoi. wi'.h a Mreaaile. 'I I ij aiiot Is o the Suniiay-scliooi-i are so 10 t nn. s I he ,b a, ens ol I lie iiichiri jiatch. JlJilern Aron. Tlio tn iti who mm, ds one chance in s. Vi n o a li'e-ed 1 ti iiiily, is he who lias ri'lioMu nn ."i'.iudays 1 nly. It is evident that the earth is feminine, limn the p,"i i.tency with whnh she n 1 11 ' e ' to tell It a ilL'e Ilris; i- i,n alley of rnppt r, thoU'di li.uny 11 Piui 1 h. v- a !iuti!ul fi'.pp'y ol in.iss n .tl: in y r a copp'-r m his poek t, Xotwith ' :,!,!, ii 1',,. h.- iiioi, are cluti. oni j. bo'iiiini:;-li,e,sr, . ,p, r i l,;! contaii s I ilse Inn:. - i!tei;y I e I 'uii'ii 11 le. We don't Jiipp ae III" 111 in liven who nil) t -II win be r 1, ht Mve :: tibhtal her t e or :ieppi d 011 her dies" ivin-ii she fell. Veeehi'dcs c iui'' up ijti'cli' r nn the n a til in no Ihe hi ,,l i spia ia! 1 y it y f ll hav e'tb ti a l.uiiiv tiiiiior 1111. 1 the water h roatl. i 1 1 rt : 1 r r. t , :T.rr.iTs tj'i zfjzsyz-' -MiVKirnSK.MICM'.S. THE GENUINE ''ch'l r.tli.t! Ann 11. .a) WOi'M SPLCIRC YEEMIIi'UGS. SYMPTOMS CF V.'ORMS. THI'.i ''iittti'P.ini'e' paleaml lcatlon t a'e rctl, w it'n in ci-iiiiKtl tltedics. or n ' in 11111 .nil , t! s; ,.t an (,ni or Imth t l.a'. K't ; liai 1 1 s lie 1 an Ha tli 1 11 ; the ttl i'tls tlii. tb:; nn n.w :.i iisii in Ic runs it! tt:'; the lower ITl' lo!; lllCllieii.' is ir- ril.:'.. I, swell;, :v,i s. at; j t i i n, s Metals; 1 :ave!!iti.; al' ilie Upper Kj.; ur, ,i-iii,.il l',!.;i;L',, !i.', wt'h l!tiim,.in.; er lltiMltliiii.e ol tho on; tta tttnt : rt 1 i 1 m ol" i-.i!i.!; !-l;ti.) (! -...iie.ii,.; l,a,.ih ery b:i.l, i..,iii. ti'..t.;t. iti ll.e Itii thie; .':l'a'litev.i;i,'li!. , sietietjini':, apt, ims, rh a ;n;!y.i:t.; m n-.n ' a 1 1' ti.e ia-;i- "' 'i, r.l fl'tfia, et'tlr, !y .j'l,c; ileaiht; I . ' s l'l !' .' o , -. tlttt I, ; 1 in .ci.',.i i"" ; ifii tn I'tais nittrei ;:r. 1 v mill aoi.'i:. ',111.111 u.o hi'th 'tat't: ; t.ow 1 !; ir ri e;!,,r, at tiiiu-s ct '.tiw ; s'.t.f! 1 t-lititv; ttia'pe tien;!y lin eal with Mom'l; bi lly mvialeii'tl; urine tin! ml; resir;itiei) nci'hManally ,!dl',( tilt, ntnl .ii (.'('.tliieil l,y liiii,ai,Ji; uth.;h sp'tiietiiaes tlt y and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with "rmdin,; of the teetli ; temper variable-, but gener ally irritable, t. V.'hetkef tb.e ttbove sunolonis a:e I'eitle.l to ei DR. C. M,I.AN!.'S VI. KM I FUt;!' vi.l 1 vf!-'i;.i; tl"l'.'i I .1 1 live. 1 1' 1 " i i N" 1' 1 1 'M iN la I la t ::Y in vvy (ort'i ; it is :m intim ei,i jir.-pan-t ;, ., ot'Vf rf J, ;' r i,;e;,J A'T ''.' mrst f.-r.-J,r Tl.e ja ntii i;' Mr I.anp's Vru ?!i! Pt;;: be as t',- sitaril itn s ol" C. Ah -nii.l l iiyt'N,; Ilitos. on ihe .......I...... 1 . 1 11 er. VS.. C. HcLANS'S LIVER PILLS .ne not re, ei.iitiee led re; c ictiv. .ly "for :ill tin: il', ll'.U !li h i . heir : ," l ,n in aft'e, t'Le!is of the ht 7, mi.l in "il lalmu.. Coiiiphnn!:,, I'y.p 'p.itti'.ud Siek Ib'.el.ii he. or tb .vus-ni ch.iiai'ler, tlu.y Maud wiihoat a aval. AG UK AND Fl'.VKR. No In tier c.itlirn tic cm he Used preparatory to, or idler lalai ,; 1 hiimne. As a Miiipl,: i'Un;.uivc they aro uncqualed. iti tvAfti: of in rrvTiovi. The rennine arc never Mti;ar cieiled. lael. box has a red tt.ix d 011 the I iti Willi the iniprcaon 1 h;. M. I, wi.'.s l it 1 u 1'ii.i.s, I'.uh viapper bear, Ihe signal aic of C. Me 1 AN I', end I'l.KMlMi bun:!. Ii,..i.-l upon hat ui(; the jn nuiue I V. ( . Me l.ANB's lavr.K I'll. l.s. picand by l'l, 1111111; l'.ios., of Pittsburgh, I'.i., the inmkel bciiic, bill of iinititi'mns if the name Me Lane. 1 ipell'd tb'.tereii'.ly but snine proauaeiaiioli. AIVKJITl-KMKXTS. ,l . .-. . .. t; 1 . . V", TAI.UU'1 1' A KUS!4 nocKoi'; MAnii.N'i: works, RICH?.10?i!D VA. Maiiufieturorsi ol I'oi't able and stal iotiary l-l.ii;.nos und lioilors. Saw .Mills, Corn and Whoa! Vi ills, ; Sua!' ni;.', llaiiL'ors and 1'ul let s, 'I'm ! inn Water V.'ln ol, Tobacco Ma cliiio iv, Wi'Mieh.t Iron Work, Hraia and Iron 'listings, .vlaehlnery of Kvory "r.pi.ioo. bilNMNCI AND TilllllSIIINO MaCIIINIIS A SPKl'IAII V, i:i-jnir!iiK rrui.-ip'il.v A t'arolnll y Hoiii'. TA t.liti r f. I'll'B r M'AKK-A tilt KST KK. 'ilie lilt t iilitm il llioA;i'. Itdt'snot de.tiov tho draft. It docs ii. 'I ii.i' ieero w I'll do atilriL' tho liibc. Il wol not clioko up, and n (iiirea no clean nn,'. It retjiiiroi no tl i root dampora to bo opoiied whtui raisini; tOoain (dainpios bu i n K o'tjeftiotiiiblo, iim thoy may bololtopon and itlh w s' 111 ks hi escape ) ll I'e.'l'lil'. s 1,0 v.atir to i'tini;'iisli spaik ., v, hii ii, by col tle.iisal iot!, doatroyf Ih" draft, lie- idoi, tvlion water is used, "if iiiaih e'ed, Hi,. ci;i"iem'i' i. ihslioyid by ov 11; i" 1 a. urn ol iho water, und the boiler h. to'l't in a :i''h'. (.i!.!;ti..., 1 1 i 'an, pn-a--,,! d;,i hie and ca'i bo ro il' ! Ilpo.i. Ii cm he .','t.ieii" 1 lo any holler, 'to plan ! i' h. eild i.o 't ! iio-a o'lo ol I. 0111. i'.o.i .it c 'in; oi "' will i: so ' o ;.:ins nn. I 'tires v.!:',-,, pn 'ia'bet l.ia'ioc and 'i' ii A : ti , . , al- . ,1 ,i ,tt s.,u,o rati) a.s "' at.." ! ha' v. :o ," 01 h '."so . ',',"!f, l'"-Seutl 01 iiU:-t.aiii cnoiihirs mid '-r:oi list. i'.latieil ll'.ll n, ( t, 1 I. .''I .,, X. ('. .'. A. I! V r.-tl'.i:, ( en ml .',! :t',:i;ror, T. A. 1 I'. A .N( i i-'.ii, l.'.c.i :.;iti.aj.!i-. ni t-, s i;i jj -N C T. I'' O Ii I) , 'I Te's' s p!( asll ro in ll'llMilooi!.. (hat he ail aliii In; loinel at laa isluinl on i' 1 it 1: e T, Wle re bo baa mi bahd a full a:o ol tlio I'mosi IV l.s. Ulll-KIFS mil lilt A lil'.s. ToliACCO. (Tfl.MlS, inni SM'F!', HI. A , .:. Al'Pl.KS, and ( DM K( '1 Kill KS IliH aloek of Canned 'loodn and (jrocor ies ia uniiaually !' nil 11 11 il ' 0 in p 1 t e . HI. It I'll:!'.,. I' Wlll' tiKV A .t-'i K ''V. !!'.!: H I Mil !'. ltiatl: OX HIAfUIIT. It "iiarmtt-M sailsh'.otion. ('nil and s' :. ban, ' Nov 21 1 y. i"' r 'Mt- st'ViW fi.a mm, t iJlK Ba.vfohu'.' Lrvuii lN-virton.vTOif? Jiii a h''l F.iMily fr aJ (..lihcaHoii of tJte Liver, Stomach ,tf,t& fttml lkiwc'A-It j rurdv 4!?$ K$ Ii l.ililatcK It is f:ilh:lrttCiia.1 ,, V. I.1 i-i 1 rreo' -14 1 1 p a. i'teiv ti'y,','ii '' fiu.-yT s MlV 'p.',1" ,ay rnadiccj WA Vi'(-""lul l'.V Iho public tkPiS Vl'i,!l "1' j'.aiilta.g i'v SEND for cine U LA!? S3. T. W. SAKFOCD, M.D., 'SAvl 3 1 "'. liiiisrmi.nti.i, vot n s maa r.cna.i. j rWJW:'lir1i ?'.". ia,-ii,sAfte1 WM'j jJAU I. K Ii Ml tip. ' EHH HOUSE S'liaviit". slianip "lit', an 1 It'i'r.oniiii,.. n ""'"' 'u !'! '"'I'" t 1 '. 1 . ,;..rlal.i 1 !,:,ti's. I I " ' "' " "" -t II r,v ,,,.. .,ri!, ,in;,:., '' '"' ' " ! '" ' ' " -ha- I!' I, , . l-eeh l'..,l . . I '' 1 ' ' Vt 1. I nn, 1 i..r ..lsl lav ,,r.s aim a.', o.iir 1 air ".'t In i n -I'"' ll il't 'lt; 1. ,11 p.o.i ',., e r I ii f , )il tren'.s It"" V' M.ll I, v I "VI, 't 1 To-,-,, in V. .' M l.:,'.!, ( i'i"iilli laiaraoteed. ?;o 'JO t.f day 111 loan 1 mad" by ll,.. 11,. , Instil eis. (' l'e.tlii-..,l; tt o u ill strut voii. Mim, ,n, 1, ,v-i and itlrls make n.oiiov I'astorai work lor us thtm nl Hit tlni ;; I't-it. Tin, w.a K is lllit and p'o., el, inni sneli as any nun e.m jrn r'stht at. 1 h' ec tt ho int w i-'t'vl. 1 son tins in), tico w ill aid ua tlnor nd.lrcci 111 01, cc 11 ml s"o lor I bono o vo-. Cnsi ly (bl' lit and lerois ill'll, Nan w tho timo.' 'Iho.o nl i' a, I.v at woik 1110 lav i" 11;, hn-.:ii sums of nioiioy. Addiess Ti'.',.' ll ,V I'd., Aiiusta, Mi'iiut. 1.. K UI. 1ITT A CO., WHY aOIM A XI) JVOTIOXS 10, 12 and 11 TWELFTH STliKIlT A. I,. r, 1 A.,ll ll.soN Watiuns, I .,,.... ,, Ci.VY HllKWItV. ) lilluM l'S" A S. IS. Ill noKs. f ijlf, .-, a Zrn l'l f ',1 f.'l Z-UrJ l.i: 1.1 1 1 h fe V :At i? E W ADVERTISE M ENTS . FRESCO T T & G O 0 C H DEALERS IN GENERAL. MERCHANDISE ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE OPENED TUB LARGEST AND BEST DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, &c. liV E K O V V K K E I T O T II E I' II II I. I V I IM HELDO N. Thoy aro to bo found at tho Old Sinn 1 of .1. T. Oonuh and are selling L 0 W F OR CAS II- fiivo thorn n call anil got more for your tuonoy than anywhere olso. Deo 11 ly J . T . GOOCH, GltOCEit k COMMISSIOxN MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY P :ODUCE, KEEPS ON HAND A OROCERIES, PROVISIONS Which will bo sold low fur CASH. apr fi dm i'; W Kill M. .IAS. Ty. BASS, B. Tj. IJAHKI.EY Wol, Inn, . 0. tiarysburir, N. C. Having opened a first oIhxh IvcnI unran a-nl Oyster Salcon, noxt door to W. 11 llr iw rt's, on Wa lor Stretit, aro pntparial to si.rvo tlioir frioiidh with anythiiiK in their lino. Tboy havo a Hpk'iul'il Oyster Cook, w ho will sorvo the dolioious bivulvcx In any rst vlo. Ovhtors by tlio quantity to their country oustoiimrw. Thoy w ill also knep on liaml a kooiI supply of Kainily tlrnenr irs,, Tobaceo ami tho best a cent Clears in town, Oct l'.i IL'111. Wator Streot. JOCKY MOUNT MILLS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. G. January 1st, 1870. V'o arc now prepare:! to luruii.U the trade with IsMEKITNOS, SlllIULNUS, TLOW LINES uud C0TT0?J.; YARNS, all of tho (jtiiility and at low prices. Our teiina slnctly net Cash, 30 daya. Atl lrcs3 BATTLE & PON, an 50 a Hocky Mount, N.C. "JjJ A (1 L K II K K V It Y. CEO. W. ROBINSON. IiUKWKH ,V DICA LER IN MALT.t HOI'S Con. YVkst Ci.ay AND IlAimtsoN Sts., RICnMOND, VA. Oct 2 tf. SELECTED STOCK OF 0 F COTTON, CORN, &C. JULL STOCK OF MOLASSES, NAILS, & C J. T, COOCH, WKI.DON, H. C. piUTKIt'S KHW HOTEL. On Aiiioricaii A I'.uropenu PIiius. II O I. I, I D A Y STRE K T, Nkxt IlllOK TO 11(11. l.llltY mtiikkt Tiik.vtkk, anii Ol'IVSlTi! U1TV 11AI.L. Rnnrd liar Imy, ...... 82.00 Tabid hoard per Weok, s - Jil.OO It torus per Day, ... 7?to$1.00. L Y N II A V E N OYSTERS API'KCIAMTY. Kiirrlnl ImluriiiPiitM to Commer- l llll IrilVl'ltTH. w. y.. vr.rrv.r., 1" r o p r i 0 1 o r, Hall imorfi, Mil. Aim mitm, TStHIC IC Tt ) T It A V l'l 1 . K US. 1 am now running a daily mail from Scotland Nock to Halifax, i havu a com- I'nrtiililo two hi.TMi buck, wbloli loaves .Scotland ISoek, every inoriiiiij; for Halifax nod I'otiirns sainy ibiy. Will taka pnssoi-. Mrs and ttxpitiss paeknircs 111 icason.iblo rates. I 11 111 also propaieil to oiiierlain travolcrs, proiiiisiu(r to s-paro no pains lo uiako llieui ci iiilnrtiibb'. Jtuspnetliillv, w. ii. F.niF.r.ns. Nov 30tf. 1 : A Ll A M A N L' l'A'.'TOKY. HI A K JI I TTi: I. !0 St E U. M ANUFACTUUEit OF AND DRAI.Rit IN SoCIKTY AND MlLITAHY O0OD8. KANNJJRS, 1LAGS, SCARFS, RADGES, Also C'nstuinos for Tournaments, IiaUs! An, at lowost rates. ' lit) Itrnnd Struct, het. Fourth anil Fifth. Sept HI ly, EAILROAD SCHEDULES'. pHAN'oE Oi' SClilOjUliE. K A LEIGH - GASTON KAILROAn Kl'I'KRINTKNUUNT's OFFifK Kaloigh, N. C'., Nov. 1, 'igjs, MAIL TKAIN, Leave RaloiKh. 8:00 A. M. 19., in 1. Arrives at v eldou, j,paves we don. : j 3. p ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Ealnipli, Arrives at Woldon, Leaves Weldon, Arrives at Ka!uip;b, 7:00 P. m. 3:41 A. M. 10:00 p. M. 6:30 A. M. Mail train mnkes close connection ' Woldon with the Seaboard and Roanni,, Railroad and liaj Linf Steamers via rti7i morn, to and from all points North wB and Northwcsi, and with rotershur'i; Rii road via Petorsdurtr, Richmond, 3 Washmirton City, to and from all North and Norlhwest. P"m And at Raloinh with the North Cnrollt,. Railroad to and from all points South mf southwest, and with the Haleiuh & AJ. la Air Line to Haywood and lavettvlln. JNO. CIV UNDER nla --"a G.ui'l Superniti-ndont, I'ETKusin Ro Hailroai) Company, Ol'FICK SllPKIllNTJiNDKNT I'KTKiisuuitu, Va., Jau. feth, 1S7IJ, J gDUEDULE OF TRAINS : TO TAKE EFFECT JAMJAIIY 8TH OOICl HOUTU. New York Evpress leaves l'eterstnirr i'inl.V f t 12'r,t', p ur Arrive at Weldon ,it ' r,'.,' Southern lix press leave Pet ershinV. " ' ' (hilly id 1,. m p ArriV" at Weldon at '.'.'w A 5i' Fi-ei'lit with l'.assei,,rerc,,'iel, nttneh. eil. h'live I'etoi'shuix dailv, exeent KlIMi.'lV. nt ,,. . a ri'i v.. .1 it',.1,1 ,. ..V m 5:10 P. JI CIOINO NORTH. New York Ex-pross leave. IVeWon dully Arrive' nt" 'pi-V.-'i-Aiiu iv ni ! " H" p ' Horn hem H.vpreesi Jeaye Weldon dully! M III " O.SJ . . Arrive nt relorahurir nt ij-iio Am Frettrht Willi I'nssen,.;.,,,. ,.,aeh rittneii- ' ctl, leave Weldon daily, except Sun- (itl.V, lit ij.nn p Arrive at Petei'shui'irnt ii i P M Virst-eliiss conches and jairlor ci'i'm will row ln'omrli hetween Yv-iliiiin;rtoi, ami New York on ler . trains, nnd s pho-ears run throuffh on it ht ' '".uns. Sleep,,.,, car liortli enu be lad tox i"-llieliinoiii to Uiiltiinnre. Thrianrh tickets sold to all Eastern nnd South ern points, and baase cheeked through W. .1. HiltoWN, ii at ti-nv Pispatchcr or Trains. U. M.SLI.LY, Oeneval rpei'lntendi'iit. teblio-tf QHASGK OF SCHEDULE. Officio Rui-'t. of Tpansfortation, 1 n S. & it. R, u. company, I Portsmouth, Va., Nov. S, 1878. j Trains of this Road wilt leaye Woldon daily, exeopt Sundays, as follows: Mail Train at : : 1:30 P. M Through Freight at : : 4:45A,M. Through Freight : : C:08 A. M. Way Freight Tri-Weekly : 3:00 A. M, ARRIVE. Mail Trains : 2:30 P. M. Way Train Tri-Weekly : 1:40 P. if. Thiough Freifjht daily : 0:30 P. M, Through Froight daily : 12:10 A, M, Mail Train slops at all Stations. Steamer loaves Frauklin Mondays, Wed. nesdays and Fridays, fr Edouton, Ply mouth and landings on Blackwater and Chowan rivers. Apply to R. O. Edwards, Agent, WeN don, or to E. O. OHIO, Sup't. oi' Traiisportatieu, Portsmouth, Va. Ay I L M I N U T O N & WELDON RAILROAD CO Change of Selicdnlo, MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily At 7:00 A Iff Arrive at (ioldshoro . 10:02 A M Rocky Mouut . H.-.i7 A M Weldon . :fio p m Leave Weldon daily At 3 22 PM Arrive at Roohy Monnt 4:50 P M Ooltisboro . fi:li p M Union Dopot - S:1U P M EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily At 3-00 P M Arrivo at Ooldsboro o-ai A M Rooky Mount 12:35 A M Weldon . . imc a itr Leave Weldon dnilv . in'oo o r Arrive at Rooky Mount 12:40 P M x.Idsboro . 4..10 a M Union Dopot . 10:00 A M 1 lie mail train makea olnon at Woldon for all points Nin th via Ray Lino ami Acquis Creek routes. Express Train coiinpoia on ..;n, a : r, 1 ' 1,11 n,i urn Creek route. 1 PULMAN'a T r APtit til rrin-Tn-via CARS on this Train. J-K1.KJ1IT TltAINS will WII. JOHN F, DIVINE, Oon'l Siiporintondeut. lVniml)Avj; hail ('"tniiieiicliifl' Huiiday, May 11th, 1879, tralM tli lids roml will run as foloWM ., I.KAVH KII'HMONI) SOl'TH. 11:IW A. uC-Tim.UKh M l dally, e.., etlnrf.r ( eir rst . 11, Amrnslii, an. I Alkln (via ( lltll-ll'Slelll ..Vo.,l, tl.,1,., ,jj t,..t. rouvl I Ie V,, i r ( , H t 'imliiV'l'oii,. Hlopsonlyi.t.Mam'liest,.r and ilies ler. 7:rd A. M- Aee.-nneo jntion tre'n daily (except t-ioi t-t .) .yap,, ., , j.,,,,. c i.neeiioii in I eiei'sl ar,. wiih Athiiiiie, Miss 4 I. toll..,,, I fP iiriM(,, , hiitta-- 1 H ira, Nashviile, Memphis, 1 ,.. I in'., .ai'inville. and th,.,. haan ta- lions rim ,.,,,(, lllllKjllH tMm, t ae as' l,y any t.r iillu. M,,,,,3 ,lt , nil la! ions. J:.',i P.M :A, C'liuiiodatl,,,, (rni,, ,i.,,py (except J-aielati Pn.-Ben.n'rs tnkiinr tins iiaai will make elore connection nt I "t, ,,a,i,r,r f,. xsorfoiK, etovs nt nil stal ons. H'i'iriP.M - Throu-i, Mai! daily ,;mioctiiiir for HC I, I o, WlllioiiL-t,,,,, )ta.,;ll, inir esion, S.ivnmiali, Aiiirii.-ta. i'o luiiaoa, AH,-,, ni,. j:i,.n. Moiitiroin ory. Sioliil,., N,.w uiiinns, nud nil points s nrh mid rioiiiliwest. l'ull '.' ' ' ' 1' " cur from lioston for W liiumc;!, ,n, .sev.iiniali snd t ll fl ch"si''.r M"''M 0"' Mllll:1'iteraiid fi n, 'i.AyK'vkTKKsnna nokth. M" A. 1! -ih (iiih .Mail, dully, coniieetltift tt illi Uicliii.oiid, Kredi r!ekshurr nnd 'a, nine llailroaii lomli ,onts North I'.s.n and West. Stops at Mnnelietter 1111, 1 Chester anil Half y and nt, ItfeWl'V's 11 ill O nn ul 1 !:2S A. M Art inn d.'itloii r,i,n il'nllv (exceitt ,.i '"""'"'lyi- Hlops 111 t:l s 111 ens. 7-1(1 l. SI-Aeeolllllieilatl. n t, 11 ,!nllv. (excel t Sunday I .steps 01, l nt I hosier nnd Mllli.t. est.. 1, 3.1M'. M--Tl.roiiHli Mull dally ootiiioetlnir with nn 'milium, rn (leriiRsiiur,. rani re lonnic Kailrond for nil olnts Unst ami West, nuikii jr elone coiiiiectitiii with ( h. sniienke end Ohio Kiillroml for Vireliihi spi-'nvs nod nil polutil West, ni.d Koni h. Thin train si, 'is nt Miinei esler am ( liester nnd nl Halt Uny und luewrj s, Wutl on Kii.tuil. HlUldnP l-txi lirNinll 1'i'nliiti l..o.... P li.l.molld t!" A. M. inni R ;tn P. m ' p..i..rui,urir ll:SS A. M. and ::, p. M. every Mindiiy. Al trains teiivliiir Vete.ishuor W'H Ktsrl h'010' the Ai'pomaltox Depot- A. SHAW, ll K. iSiipci'iittinil' nt.