THE 110 AN OK E N EWJi, I mach Jnxii: lli'.n:;s in tlic United S: utos circuit c oin at Rich n in 1, li.n nr.lvired that the coupi is ol tins ti.s'. mortg-nge on the Potersurj roil Ijj piil. These bonds were rliia in A-;il 1S78, and drew interest to 1'iat date. Ou fashioned modesty and reserve ce,n tu bo fast dying out, loavi' g he hind a quantity ni brass nirl impudence which htis pervade! every thinj and ooar'y every b. 1y. M.;u tv!n have a liitlj mml'Sty left aro linked upr.n bv lh peip'.e as bc'n. very fo-d- ih and H'lly, mid ridiculed because t!i"y ba?e none of llmt fiae me: il known ns brass. In business they are calleJ M fogies becauss forsooth they lu'e a I. tie honesty left. loung ulie ton seem ti hive l.iid aside their modesty, uu 1 now appear clad aim ist entirely in brass. They (we-ned to h.ivfl I iid asidj all'il'io foaling with ttmir nc.-Ue ! dresses a id are bejomin as bold as lions il fl may si sp-vik. Wait t.vonty year would have cul'.dd a bluJi t tho cheek of i maiden, now only m ikes her smilo gli.'htly or frown uhn et impercep tibly. M vi a ii w i:n.;u I iso deir own respect, nil i.ut of other people tvbeu tbey step beyond bounds. the tivr tsi) lis i;k'i:k. If we refer to s-itis'i:s wj wdl fiod that a mij irity of the )jw cr.v.ic votes Cast id N irth Oirolin Cime from what re called the bhek or nero counties The county of II ilifiK alunu poll,;d as large a tote in 13 j 0 as seeral of the small Western countios, unl yet because we have no legislative representative, one of those sin ill counties has f ir creator iufljoaoo with its 2V notes than Ihlifax. Tho c ons.'q ijojo is, though the Hut with its forty thousand rotes is avi important f.u:or i;j elections, after the ruing is done too proiitable placis are all given t so;no county that sends a member to the legislature. In other wards the spoils aro put wheio tby will do the u).it g-.jj regardless of natural justice. This is totally wr ji.g and we f ir one protest ag linst it. Vliv Halifax or Granville or V. 1 'cj uiihe should be told to .-land usidj and the bares and fishes divided nuiong i.!mr counties which Ium a lo-i.l.i -,s v., to is more than we cm umlerstaud ecept on tho t'nt the p.litioul ma chine is ruttan. The Kist m ly vote and electtha Ihitn o(!i:iah and those rery othYuls when they ha'0 ni ap pointment to mile, do It with a viy to help their ch nces to something higher without ones c nui lerie,r what r.eeiioa is most entitled t it. T:io Kut being without members of the leM u.iro is iven the cjU so ..ulder. Taere is one wiy iu which the l',ist can r.i it-.o it.Hi' felt, and tint is in cmvei.ti in. Lit her delegates go there and demand tint they bo recognized a id their claims con sidered. Let the n g.) there determined ou having its r'g'ais. If they go in their strength and united, woe be unto lira politicly who refuses their jut demands. '"try, ls c xnrnrativclv hicxiien- Mve, and so simple in i;s arrangement lH,.(. a boy of ordinary intelligence can a: tend to all duties required by its use There are seveial of th,-m ," i and they are being worked nuccessfu!l unu witii protit it could cot be other wise. The trouble and uf cin iiltig is obviated, in the first place, nhich is uu important t m. The labor n bal n with its ii.j ny to the finre, be Cmcsno longer necessary, nod the ex pense ot the c.' bagging and ties saicd. All the oilier expenses of i suranre, freight, coinru'ssions, stealing sirupnngs, anu OroUer igo are avoided but go to add to profits of production all ol which may bo saved in tho imme diato neighborhood of the fields where the cott.;o is raised. The ccst of th I4J..I.IHIIUI jr is mi smaii, mat in everv cut on i:t-ghb irhood n few eutr.rprisinj; anne.s urglu tonn n J nut stock com pioy and woilj up oil the staple pro u;ueu in tinil section, t';us, not only sav mg t'-.e pr.ifi s l.i tin ir mi ls', but giving employment to tti .se who would oilier wise be idle, and ut the sa ne ti.iie stim ulating tho ciiorgiej of tho pU.,iers to mo production of laroer and belle crops. To give an idea of the working oi mis netv invention we give a state NM-iii in us operation in one instance o clip the following from tho CMuiu uus (i,,!,) hiionircr : The We.tninster mill is the enter priso ul a younu mechanic J. V. S. rir. bliug, wbo induced his father. Mr S'okei Stribling, and two other neieh birs, Mr. Veer and Mr. Shnler, all firm Ti, t enter a stock comoanv with himself. They seleaul a suall creel:. alford.'d about six h..rse power, put up a curap iraoie UUildnw, SJoxoU leet with two 1 .or.-, and brought the machinery. i.'iiiivi"(; in fino coitnu cienner, one Clement attachment, 300 spindles, two reels, n bunch and balo press, Tob cost, s;), .,!o. They employ one superintendent U )0unger bmlher uf the proprietor.1 sev en giils and ooo boy, and here are the results lor the first twelve months: LIAIIIIMTIKS. I. 10,000 Ibeserd cotton at 2lc if 1,1 2,1 00. Iperatioi s nod contingent ex- Pf,nses 1 :,o.) 00 Jo,n25 00. !;!:sofi:ci.,s. lij, OHO lbs of yarn at lie. iyC.DOO 00. 3,000 lbs waste Ml 00. o.ooil bushels c uon seed M0 10 s7, ls 1 10 Ai;VKin'iKMK.TS. AGEflTS VANTED7 tiik nkw sty i k " r A TI I l v ," &.) s V. W l x ; gt) ji a i! i , k : : T!ii- tr.sual C,5 Mli'lilni' K-'Un-.'.I t, i ; Jkm i io:wiT ivn i! r i thi: woum,. i .hi oi I'.f (,i li,, ni, t ii.4 ."ii,ri,,i. M.'Hl.i No MmI.i'.. t" V II II I 1 1 I I . -i I i 1 1 . I l tl. iiv.Ti'il I" ymi I .-;uiuii" l. II iiioli.-s Hi- .OniMI... il"iil,,-thri'.iil. 1,,,-k- "I I" II. 1 1 TJ.- Ml., n, I ", .,! III,. wlm-ti r-i- v,l tin. In.rli.-4l rmnr.l .11 Hi,, c.1,1.... lino I'.vlnl.ili.iii, l'liil.'i,...ii", la, lJil. Ami i. .,,!ll,l,,. V, ,uv,T ,-t.!li !if 1,1 n'l I,. imoiN fur llii.. w.irk limn iinydlnT mai'liliii', nil. I KliIiii'imI tu "lily i.'.'i. II I-. uu I-H.-V inni nlrinnnt iii:icIuni tu ut,. i,. ri'iiiii.s llii- l..i"i, ii.,iu,-, .4 I'vcry v n r i . I v I iv.ii'li, inni will insi mil 1 1 tin- ni'ii i.,,i,hn-v t,... Kim. Mriiiii(,siniili', i,l iiii,! i;il..,. ni, I "II II ! llllil VI .11 Will iish Uu i.lli.l- Tin. III. il,.') I'll.. TfuMy Milll,l... if ll will in .1 ,,m. wnr.i mi l nulla:.! nny )n:n'l i l;i ni ilmilili. tlit- Jirlri . Ai.vnN s.-ll tliem fiisl. nny nfli-riii cm- of lln.-ir 1,,'ini: "Hi,, ,.st ,n tiR. . i wi'.h! IV ." Ivn'll in ;n-li i n. flili' ,ii.imI...I .i,i. Writt. Il i 1 1 i rri i . I .- f,,r lit.. ivjr K',,,,i ,,, fri-i' i.f ciiaiv'..; lini.M'V r. fiiiHlf.l nl nm .. if ,...f il isf.ii'tiu-y. Il is tin- inns!, r-l :i 1.1.-. nml s.-t l i f;i t-l i-v im-i.ui- i-vi-r hiv.-nt. .1 f..r nil Km, It ,,r i:,u- w.irk. It U an ni-kii.,wl, .1 -.-.I n.i i-,..-.i liaiiirlilslli-1'..-.-i. Ili..,v ii rlilv t-"-,l nml nv.,,1 ,,, 11 " in,li ..f li nn, ". -i ,.i, , rniii.l. ri.ii.ii.ii.. ami i-v, r r.-.i. . In-li.. rn.l i.- j,-,ri- wir.. niiytri- ii. it u in ,1,, -I,,, .vi.i-i. ,,r ,i f '.i, I... ifi'-tiiiH', in- il will . .-'ni in, in -?l in ,,,v f. any ! wlm wisli.-s I,, :, a liviinr. 'I'liis niai'lim.. i-,is., ti,.,,, i,.lr ,,,,, , . Il'-W lini-!ill,-.j ,,f nk.. inuhlv. II ,." ,.l-:i I,. hi-. in,-..-n..-i ."IniMli'.rasilv f,.mv.-,. Klra Inpl.. iz-'.l llnliliiiis, li.ililii,,; ...y,ii-,ls,,rilir,-ail .I..II.K .v-iy will, li., fi-i mi,,,,! iviviiiilii f I ii I. mil Tiii- nil itii.l i'uii-iI.-imI Imr.l work.' iit- e.-linii.- -;i w,,i-kiii t i.iiini.f ,,.i i l-n-1 -In-, I "l.-i'l. Will run t.,r v,.,,, w nl r.-.iirs.i -in,..i., I,, I mih.,.,,,, u, ,.,,,.. I i,'rI,--il,- In an h,,ii.. ,,,i, I u. r.' in a in ..M ,.v,.rv ,,.M.rji ;,V ii ai-y ,.r li.i,. w.,k at li-s-i .-. i.-1 or ilian "i "i hit iiiai-nni.-n ai any i,ni-, ,,v,r i . i,r niu M iiiiui-ii- an;, iiimir a in-, ill,, c-ni iiiiT.v, .in la.-., orr.iiiil.rir In h-.-ivy .-loth ,n- lnirii.-w, Oh any kiln I m lln-.-a-l. hii-I will ran ,.!r tw,-mv ir-l" .,-r !iiinii: il n- i ..r ,nt-. si i: , -l,t u--n- .in I ii. v. r tir i , , mi,, "I ., K'tt.-li. rvl r l.r. an th.. ilin-a l. II via im-any iii-i-:,-i:,,. I,,,-In,., ,,..,i ,;lv ., "I lafMi'y "f il" mm ami . .... s ... .1, ,.,.., i,:-.. us i, r,.,-1,i,,.,.iV. "" " "ill I" -II. til' li. hr:ii,. i-m-.l, ,in,. '"I, mini', l-al, t,iiil, in. nn. vlihi. ...!i.l.r...l-r. rim ii, l,r,.,,,ihs, . I ,-, wit ti tin. km-.-.", iiiisuri.ass.-d l,v any tuiu-iiin,. SKW ADVKUTISKMKNT. CHEAP ! O H EA P ! ' 0 HE A IM IlHvin just ri'turiiPi! from 3fiw York and Bg.stnr wh-iv 1 huvo PURCHASED FOR CASH. uu- ('hM' A.N J) lJI.M' M-.Ll-a't'K D STOCK IX THJi M ARKKT.i, I am lircimrtd to soli to my Custuir.cRi THE CIIFAI'KST JOOfS EVER OFFKKED IS THE NT.1TL'. (iOOI) VVUOL HATS 2.r. Cents and up. 1'UKK LINKS TOWKI.S 10 to .tS Cnils. BKST I l'LY LIKX COLLAKS 10 to 20 ('cut. l'A.NTS KKOM Sixty ami.-, to nix D(,llarH. UliST WA.MSL'TTA T1IRUAI) ;.ri (tpnls jut rinzcii. COATS' AM) n.AKK'S TIIKKAI)5Cont9 Spool. CLKAU RIB SlllKS 714 CVntu, HEdULDKUH 5 Cents. A LARCE STOCK OF LADIES' FINE DRESS COODS. A FULL STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING. In fact flverythim? found in a Mrst-class Store. Call and oxnniln at the old Stand ot Wlnfleld 4 Eniry. oc ii-a ReNpectfully, ADVEKTISEMKNT. II F- B U T L E K, Fire and Lite Insurance Agent Places risks of all in first-class Compauies aa low as s;ifoty will pormit Call and soo mo boforo inuuring else where, at, BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Woldorj, N. C. Jnlv 13 1 y. NOKTH CAROLINA, Halifax County, Olline Board County Oommlssiottprs, June Mootiiiff lfjTi). It is oriloietl by tbo Hoard that al! par ties linldine; claims against the county by order or utlmrwiso, be requested to present the saino to the dork of said Hoard on or before the 1st (lav of Sept. )S79. By order of the Hoard, K. J. LEWIS, Clerk. Juno 5 -1m. ALE OF LAND. T. L. EMRY. I!. mi si i ACT l I 1U ly We tioM that it is the paramount duty of the capitalisf, tho planter, tlift mei chants, ami in fact till tlio penplo u( the Smth ithohe utticlitiieiit iiy birth nnd the gliriuus trmliiiniis, u,a as well us those win hit vn tirc ;nc its' ci1 iicns by ttiloptinn, to il u i thoir power to dcvcl.ipe its r.nrces, increase Iti wealth and nourish U:,J foster evtry laudable enterprise by whicl, it, di. w may be maintained and it prosperity i. fc-d. Tbrre lus been, ,,d e lear theru no i,. too mu.l, ap.ithy in fiis renpetl no..)i,R tl)u uts,v, prlioil uf 0U. pcplo. Wo have been ewily conto.n with rauing u,lr S.OOJ.UOi) Mcs of cut loo anauully, withom c iri.. for further profit fron its production, while nine-teeo-Uent.eth, of this important crop h been shipped to the North to swell the alreajy plethoric puro uf thu ua. trutturers of that section. Wo are i., Tact, prorlgcinjt a crop every ,0J of wt magmtiide fr, wlieh Wfi buo, btam a livelihtmd, while the N ,rth is Mapinj imuieuo foriuuea fro tb laaoe, TbW canditiiin of thin, is ,11 wr3n, WJ-1J R!J!y ee it clun -.d ,.r the better. Tner,. ar i.e.,,..." . b.e ..bugles t) pre. em the chi.ii.e.' mountain in im inntiou is but a n" 61,111 reality. U ii sim .ly t di. rect capital and machinery t i!,e ,. terul. in,t..'ul f s.n.di.i- Hi,. .l(.r ou thountid miles chaso in ipjs- f the former. Thu is an ae f inwentioti. The 6mus of man i, being tniod everywhere ti create applimcss by which to lighten hihor and cheapen ,,.,,1 "peine prodictinn. , r,llt illen. ttm bis mide tho rD imficture ,, u the cotton raisud in ihe 8 here Where ,t ,s produced, r ,aKe rai. easy posi'iu. Th, nl(.ii! iSUifem-d bv , .Mr. ( ,,,,,, a , is k iotu as the tJnt.nent aimch ne-.t l!y in operation the ou.,,, ,liy bo u..1'i from the field as it is picked, and p mred into asm: of hopper ul u,. end of il,e inuchme wl.ij, jt pa,SU5 liiri u(J C'.jies out nttha other en 1 gp;, itl, Ini as perlectly as can bo douo by the mut expatisi.n and c plicitcd ma- -.'".-i, iierevii.ire in HC. plQ -V'-'t profit fl.SC'JOO No v, here is nti inftunco in which a small uinoimt of capital is invested, a small until';! power is required, and uiit lew i; irJUj are iifci-ssarv, yet there is a lar:o prof.t saved to the 'rieiqht'tir, hiul which, under ordinary circmn ,11.-.: .-,,, ..1,1 1. 1 .- uu.i.u inni iHie.i rc.i!i;:ijj m I' .ill li-ver, I. .well. M inch,- , tor, or s itnc "iher Xotthcrn iiisniifiictufing city. i.nuouu'.euiy experienco will make much iiiiproveinent upon this shuwiiii;. Tlio enterprise is jot in infancy, lu other ilnce-i tlio niMiItu )ae been ..jwauji oaii.siiictory, ana e hope to see this ninelincry with ns many im provi'iiients as the fettile genius of man,-, L-oniu i:it ) (le iLral use in the cnlirc c otton j;rowinj; section. It can be ni xi! a souiu of vast wealth in the otc-aie, and we trust the wisdom ot our penplo will dictate and their capital and energy push the enterprise to porruaneitly successful results Wil. lloview. r iiiv -ii',-,1. BMVif ot Iiiiiiosiiio.!. I'l l' I 1' ivi fi, mir n, ,w iii.,,,i,., -it-,, I ,e. ii, o.. ." ikIii'.I l;v il..,-i.-rs in ii-l-lmml, r.'lm'ili I films in ,, -hin, -I, ,- i;,s,. i:i, ;,,, ,,,,, I'll InrI ,s- .ii, I,-1 ;jn ,,u. itrin.- ,i,,l, 'i,.r.....- 1111,1 ,'lii sii I.- I'Ll.-lHii,-., li.iini-Mli,.,.,,.l ... I n-ii-,-s; l,.'Vtn I ili!.,isii,,. ,.r., - r-'iill-s. Vil.-r.. in-,' no 1,,'w llrsti'li'ss ii. d as l.v ns tl,u "I'limii.-.'' i,v lillV 1I-".V iii.-ii-liin 111,1111 M .iriri' i - -i x F"i: i:e r.'.v- A Danoroiis Virl. It is said that our danycrous girls prc ler Long Uraicli to any othersummer resort. This was .iMirmrd by a centle nnn who ou-ht to know, aid I asked hltn first : "What is a dangerous girl? and bow do yen find them nut?" "A dangerous iir 1 is one that is en dowed ihosa subtle, indefinable m.i;iietisiiis Hint compel a man 1; feel as if he had known her all his life onlv hve minutes after he has been imro duceJ to h.r. These giris are wini,,g nod cai.odiiijj i iu,;,. waj.Ri ns jf ,( hlmuld say, ' nust you, depend up,,,, you nnd admin; you If you should nsk ma to with you, to ride with y, u "r to wall; i (,e moonlight r stail'i;.it ululiu wiLii y m, or even to take .i Jl, vtlijou, I should no m ire hesitate to say jes t, y,m than if we were already ...... mat is what her eyes, her sitiiles and her manners sav to me. It does not matter whether Ruch girl be plain or beautiful. Of course, by plain I dj not mean downright ugliness, but inple comeliness with her enoKiB manners . Ves. engaging is j,.st the adjective I have been looking after. I say, with her engaging manners a fellow is booked for an intimacy before an hum's conversation is terminated. Add t c -r-!i-.-, ,:f fa::c allJ fij,urtf 8(J(iuc. tiven( :;s of manner, brilliancy of conver gallon I mean a brilliancy or talk ac finrdmg to the usual caliber of nira ' v-... ia.1.-, mm peruaps a .egnl orl,.e raoe , p,)s0 a,d beauty of eyes nnd hands, superb, fasci iia'.iiV. and nn cver-clmngiog bewitch-m.-iit i.f iiMp.irol, nnd there" isn't any more viMnrs that a young man who is weary with a year's hard labor desires lo fi'id in a young lady at least nothi.,c more than thesa for a summer's lion." r ':;v.Tioy m;- "' i'"i IT, i.. I'li'i " Ii., t'lr -in, his (,ir..p,..i ... i i.,.. r-. M..I-. l.'-i ...' ..,,: t.. :i.- ii nuvliis ;I -' ' " l'i. iii-l..'.l trn'. I'.,r l-:it iuto--.'rii'in-.' ! i... .....n.. i a'li.,.M,, u,,,.i. ... riiviihrn, ,-tV.' ' I'-l-ll.i .vKl X M.l,-!HM' rn i ' ::r..:...-.iy. ,,,,v ..i-'k. i: i tll'-n, lY.-h-l', !! r.. :u.. ; ni il. ; ..I. t 1,: ly. tuli and tjn.ivr, .s. O 1 V E II IM A C AL I, FALL 1879 JUST RECEIVED E. E U T T E 11 1 C K & CO' 3 NEW PATTERNS OF THE LATEST AMEKH'AN AS EUROPEAN STYEES. NEW PALL CATALOGUE AND MONTHLY SHEET now toady for distribution. Sent free, postal pr.i-1, to any across ou application, Sample ol Gooils. OPKNIXGNKW GOODS DAILY, SUITABLE TOR FALL AND WINTER. '. 15. BUHIRf;, 11 Main Slrei't, iMMii'OLK, VA. ADDKES.S sent IK 3m U T H K. Mi-iR TiPttin riirl-:e will open a wbool in Halilux town on llio 1st ol Ortolicr. Nlie. tiM' lies thi' ii-ual Kiilisli braiieho-, Latin, I'lcui l), German nii'l A! usie on the IMuno, Is folly nmipotoiit to propnre yoim la.iins to ctitoi-Hi;. Junior cless m colltiao. Has liail iiioi-Ii I'xi'i'rieni'H as tn..('lir.r l.i.ili i.ri. in ii iils sulinols. ami Imlieves sho i-aii ivo her natronis pntim ntiyim.ii..n op 11 3 w. WllSAhH. V I am open.,, a ,,vr mul J(.s,rabln stock ol V6 k Wax U)T STyU.D JS ii. inirsuaniie . I a deereo of tlio Superior ''O'irt of Halifax t'otintv. Mnni.i,l,n, 'i.k MILLINERY COODS Kmbraoing a complete line of Ilatfi millions, Plush. Vi'lpt, ! m. . ii.iiiniuiM, i rupn j,, in. gef, Kinliroali-ii-il tiallooiH, li'.lttmi.-, I'anrv itoo.N, a.i.l ...i ii, n.s. i)ni:".---ji.s:.ii irrii:,:, a.m, ki.ti.n!i r.t short noli, '.a, l.,,tNt SV Prcsa Tn mi it is, Ions, faiii'v (.,.(. no r.nt,ris, W mhlini! ami J'.,r;v .-..- i and If r', v;,'i turnHli ma'u.ii'.l AG !;T i'oit E. IIUTTERICK & CO'3. (JEL EBRA TED V. i TTERKS. cation liv Catii!op;ns m vaca- ADVKItTISIIMKNTS. I'iit run KAIK. MI.M1..'.!M WKI.IMiX K. 11 (MMl'ANY LvlPH Ncli (. lie So. II. l:i.TiV!.r i;.,'i; M .rxr A N II v, i. ''"" ii: 7- i .M M Mi'l.-.y O.'t Jnrl ' "i i.irr, ii-u ij . . .1 1' ".I. M. i-'i'lJuy lint. .V.rM.. Artiv-- l..-ri', M J in 7 ! 7,',. 8:117 r l.l f . il., U--i,y M. nni, lil'll, l WliltaU.'ls, I ,i, im I, i, II il:(:iv, I'"" nn, iimls, ,-l.,.ii, . A. M. I 1 . 1 r-i in -. , ... i m,i ; t,,.,,M .M'1-r..v.-.i. 't'N f i-f vi.r.:.-ii v:. I.'. M Sotitll. Ari-iv-' l.i-avi. 7 i'i I' M. ...I" iM7 imi n i i. II i;.l.: r. . r f, l I' M r,:Hi IVrr llii fr,...hi KMi.tir M T, snot fro on am . i a"l'll'l ni.Ulip I'I pn iU' p-i,--injj.,. nits. . B. i in Sv.'iiii.if.a v.,-,...., 1 KIKi;sHL'Kii, VA. AT HOM!E"aCAIN."' ,k. tii.r.v.vr. & ., M'o ilnslrr, to inform our frh.ii.ln ,.,! n. 'iiiine e.'rii'r i' v. t nit I.-.VA i..... Sll.l'k ,,,,vi.l.. . " '""'I'O'll' Il'i'.lll, Klonr. MomI l.,i... i.-i .. ... ' . ...... . ' 11 1 1 l-I . I' 111. "'es''. r.i,-K..'r.s, Ch,'s, Cooic-notit. no-, Siarco, .oap, Tollmen, vr, tiuiil'-, (iiti,...r, P.'iiorr. Sole... ' rii'Uli-s, J.-IIi.h, in a Uratniy lVielics, Our stock or li:.. rs embrace m part, r'mich , Applo. MlacUicrrv, , (j.or Hraiulles, o, Wi.i-.kiun i'orl and HUo'ty Wines, (j,, ' Hum, A,;. Our l.nnipnsnlra.ln en,il,,., ll8 o soil kooiIm very cli. up, iu,,l wo cor.lially nviteour many frlnnds to i;ive in. ncali. ) r maxim I to treat all r.tu, l.ivn .,.,.1 !J HH.2olf OLD NORTH STATE, I inlurn my Kra!.'nl UllinKs for tl,ir U'ii'ri.1 pairona-- i ,i, p:,.;t rovpcelliillv invito nil l want of (ioo.'l. Ni l ami Nr..n t,,lo H. of, ..,,,1 Mi...' i in call ,,,,,1 .Vl, ni()ir ()ni) l;iliraiitci.,l, J'IX TKl'fcllEiu. N". 1 ii Svcaimiri. Ntiect PKTl'.lt.SHU KG, VA. Hop25 lm XfOTirK. 1 i " '-in'V" i i' ' I"'imi 'in. 1,-ivim- claims :lv.;;;; - '.rf.uiv;;: A.linr. of Ui.-lnir.l ,.f , t( lty K",'lli" I'liini. any. Of' ' A ,-, k in y..uri,n t.iwii.iu,,; .n1'""1' Yo,, cm, jriv- 11,,. l,,is , 111 wiilitnr lo wrk. V.i I .1 -..ut I tri .i.ithln - .'i.-i. nn'ii v,, s,, ,,. ,,, ".If what ,.., ,1,, , ,,. i,,,,,,,,,, ,.-lt,,,. .No r. .in to .'vi' In-i-.. Y -in , vi.t,. nil .v.. nr nr., nly y.n,r.iin. ti t t, ,s. less, n ii.l in;'!..' nr.'lit pay f,,r ..v.n-y ,r Unit J"ii iirk. .mien iniikc ks iniich in u,,,,,, si-n, l,i,'s-n,, ,i'v,,,. rm, ,,, ,.,,.ti,.rH wli ii-ii A.-.ill f,.',.. .l.onlM, 1 1,, n't I'niiipliiin ,if . , ', ,K.M" '"" ,'v'" n ' I.'" ' II IIAI.I.KI'I 4. I 1 . I' ii-ll-ui, I. M tin The following valuable- real esla'o lvlne mar Tillery's j!ill, in Halifaic oouniv about iiino milosi from tlio town offlaliiax. About :;,;) ncros incluiliiif; steam online' sav null aj futures, sin, Kin honso and lix .iites, iKljoniiiijr theresidance of J. H, I tilery, Mike Y,Tilkins, tbat contains about 07 acres. Pop" piu..0 oontnlnlng about 1,",0 acres. i interest in Wailn II '.'ill whole i.'otit.iiiiiiit; about rt77 acres. ' it r,- Wir', V N' lLL Attorney. Halifax N. O.jnlyliltf s I oiler for' Halo tirlvaifllir. Il, Ornnt. Creek farm, lylnp; on Deep Creek, ail)oin iiiK the Innils ot Janao (ilasirow, Peter Hines, Perkins estate nnd otliers, tliree miles south of Gaston. TI tains about 800 aeres, nbout 600 acres of wliicli i.s cleared. 150 or iilin low grounds. This land is wo!l adaoted to the cultivation of corn, cotton, tobaeeo, small pram and Brasses. A Rood youna orchard ot assorted fruit trees in good con (linon. The land will be sold in small lots if the whole can be disposed of. Parties wishing to see the land can call on H. E, lloseley who will tako pleasure in show lug it. Terms modnrato. Apply to R. K. MMSKLEY. Gaston. N. C. Or W. W. GWATHNEY, Norfolk, Va. sop 4 3in. ADVKRTISKMKNTs; 2 O TICK Haviiin-ijiiiillHc.1 1 , nu uv,,rt..... . . . Felicia N. Mili', in the pVoi...!. !'10 ' M.. f,, "'"ii colinly of Halifax, ,,rKO "L'rt to, ?' itKHinst tlie decnscl arc l,(r 'nv , cl.i sent them to inc. nr in . ""tilu-d tn '"ir;ni.n ..l..lyntl,e,,ti(.ai(!, 'oi, 1r',H Kih, 2t!i iliiyof.lnne )hni. Persons , ,,f,,r t,,. estate will uleasc ny,d iml It'"'1 to ftUAS.T. i.awi !"n' RXcriitnr of p. IVrKitchi,,; jHJj. June 12lf. Sc. it In ! '.IiIh. "I'CK, K,c JXKruroif,sNOTicK. IlavliiffqiitiilfKia asExenutorof h , anrt teslanieiit of Georifn W. n i ' lll before the ,1,1,1,, ot V?nhato fo? ZA'e county, I hcreliy notify all iiiirt e. t,n Ti,,hll',,W90 nifimist sHiU Owens to im-scio thmn illnf nathrntloiitc,! on or hcVore tho '1 I"e J 1 w. or this notice will he p "a 1 , ,?,,ay ' July recovery. All i.crsoiis lil!'i,, 0' ' ' thfir nre rcuilred to make Immediate ?m, ' i further tflve notice that bj viVC U. power vested in ie as said Kip'nt i" .of " each nnd every Saturday, cm , , , ,?'' "'""on July 12th 1873, sell f,,r Hsl, at ,u, ' c,,S" urd, the Hlore-hniiseofsnidUweiisin Hnr ,,tn a VHliml.le lot of ifi.nds, wnn rtH ' nml other t'erislmlde property ,, 0 '?ndl estate of said Owens. I shall oiVtli... "-. ,1' mil il further imilee n.uoi .. "" '" ""Msal,.. of. T;,',;r.v.'. ''!'poS.d naliMvN.C. -nwi(iRY, Julynt.r !t!CUtof, 50 HE WARD S2.J.00 apiece, for the two prisoners that brok jail at Hulilax on th'i 11th of July. One Junk Tinos or liuress, heiK'ht S feet 8 inches, weighs 1-15 nouiids, brif-Ut Rinuer cake ccjlor, close out bair, quick spoecb, sharp black eye?, is thought lo be in tho neiKhhorhood ol ' Littleton, when he was brst caiiKbt. One Moses Manly j height five feet six inchei", weighs 160 Hounds, is of a near white color, close built, course straiuht black hair, a few black whiskers about the mouth, laico binck evos ml (v in speech, was from" faueetto township near DarliiiKton, is thought to be in that neigh borhood now. J. T IHtvsnv Sheriff ,.f Mliriv ,.o.,t' Julyl7tf. Q.KAND A C II I KVjTJjJntT A New Process for Sinking- feht A GODSEND TO EASTERN N. C. It is a rare case that a well is sunktwen ty loot Without tilldin marl a.1 1 " 7' can always bo had by boreing below tU marl, and slmin8 0ff the water "ri above. I have a new process tbat exeludS a'l Kurluci. water atie effects of marl a? Hai.i well complete lor use. nnedolUr Zi loot ,w,tu surlaoo preventative, one to 0UI fifr.v tnr tin TiiUt!0 n,. ' w OUfl i never ijflf. nut ;.l oroer, will last a life time. Order, Z licited, reliable Agents wanted, rtumrMovermit0m0Vingh0U J. D. MERrJT A CO. Weldon, N.C. with my Doc21 tf. pi ED MONT NUKtSli-iKS. Tonn INT1,) tlio uniinrsiiiod as eoiniois. kioikth aiponid by said court, will soil, lor divis:o i iimonu'st lea'.tejs, on Momlay tlio I'.rd day of Novo, n her 1-71I, ut the I'ourl House door in llm town ,f ji i!i',x t'oat valimble ti.ict nf luii.I in llaliiiiv county lately owned dud occu ',ii,.l I,v il... . GREAT i::nTnTTnr at? nntr-ny IM.' Cipt. Uice I!. Pi,c.o. ' ' ! wr This land is siiuaed four miles fmm I I propose to irive. to the pafro-n of Pledmnnt : dm tnvuo! I-, ,:, an,', live mitos l,l:, Mnseri.'s. ,,. tlt of t!,e trniHnV a S W el, too, is highly I npiovc,!, r-n,l is well ! ";,'"!"ss,""l'"" '".v X'iri,-,-y stock. co;,.si.,i ; -Hiloptcl tothourowili i.f all crops raised i ,,!'", , f'0-',- &,V' aM !'?v" "''"- "i" l'ricn t llm Si'C.I, n. it contain ,v .... f I" ?';' A''''1 :- .Peaches, 1st cl;,ss,;tto -N'iil.u.,i,..,na, nnd ready f,,:. inspection. H,.f i1" ""y. "'''"'ry'n.iii in IliU .nl ,'. i, ' . . 1 ,;,;'-i",sa'"' Apples riiunin;,- f,-m tlio I, est to the hitest varieties. Trees will l, .V'' " slrt'inr I'oxcs or bales, and de livered to Kii,.,i, ii,.,s OP Kspress om.ies Wllhoilt ,,y nxh'i, ,'hrKl. f,. l,x,,s 0,-Hv.TV i win i iiii-ii, ii in the rollnwlii.irlow nite : Pencht's . , i , ""-v 'in.'intlly, linproveil fruit, (l , i',.. ,' : , . ; 1 lu A,.riftit.s. Kectiii'iiies ,' , , , -.I'l'e-s, i'if.'s, tjnerrii-s .l (" ins i , ., . ''"''s' noses mi Flowers will ! tv .., ! ' 11 "' s""! "i' ""' Nursery In ' '"" .--n ,o acriiii 1 ii'iviu.': easn may nil out a pole to ......,.,.,.., ,,.,,, i.iir;. ny purchaser, to I V nil-!,'.... " ' "leUVerclat .lep,.sp,.,'itl,., i.i,, ...,, ' . ..".. ires nnd iiiif'. .. i .."iiv.ti'ii. piirctiasers pny .... . .. ..,,.. ,,,.. .n-t-nwii ne snipped f.oM.i,i.,.ai purchaser notill 'd when t ,,.,.t liiem. i crsoiMorderin-r will Htate nhiitilv where Z .,;,,-:i,'!:::,v.v,' ,l,;,:i,!s-. L-v '""miry . 1 ".".v. "ini-in s.i, ,,',,,, a, , satis- fnctloii iruai'iiutccd. .Saul in orders lit once. m.o. nixn.x. j I 1J6 ' roi'i'letnr ricdinont Nurseries, '2r Ava EE'ircT ran best: tii.t .viB i ei l.iiiHni sir.? iAi iiBuiMi . , ,--.,'.. 1" and seven liundrtiil ucies, and is con siil, red oiin ot tlni best cotton farms in ihe ."unity, it is also well timbered and well WHterml. There is upon it a com modious dwelling, two , Ulcus nr.d all iicciissiirv out houses for farm r,iirposos Kood orchaiils, ood wuter, the neluhlior bood beallliy Hd tho people intcliiiTont and retined. 'this land will undivided In imn-fls In suit puicliHsers, and a map slH'Winij loca tion and bnundiiries will bo ex liibit,. I on the day of sale. I Jr. A- 11. Pi..r... lives i.eir, rapt. A. ti. Lun U and ,.Ir. (.eori;,. O Picrco. who reside upon t ut pliinuiion, will show tho land to any pel son who desires in sin ii . ,i . i. other information d.'sired can bn had bv addr?sinv il,0 eoiii.niiniior uf i .i,...i or Wftldou. Terms of the sr.lo will bo twentv (ivn per cent, ol nurcbiio i.. .... the balmieo in ihreo mual in'sliil! :,-.m,t J piyable m nix, twelve and ni-lneen months, lb- (ho deferred i,av,nf..,,s n... purclm-or will be required to 'j-ive bonds well seen rod I eurimr eiylit per cent in torcst lr.,m t!av of sal,.. ii i ., ' bo ret iluod until all the purchai.o inoiiev 1 ( tltl. W. If. IMY. , J. M. (i K1Z,AH!, ( ommissionors. Hami-ax, N.C!, .September ;l(lth, 1S7. net 1! at. O V T 11 K K N HO T K L, HALIFAX EM. C. J. W. MlM.i:X, PKOPItll TOIt. Table well sunnlind. c.l attentive servants. Hls 6n0 LodjjinK wie. A Livery StnblosUn kont may bn hired. Horsrts led and well attended to, b experienced bonders, Tim travel nu nubliu will do WmII lrtuli, at the Mouihtirn Hotel. 1 '""8 S 1 Vl A. WRENn"& SON. Manufacturers of and Dealers lu all kinds of ARKIAQES, IIAIiHE33, SADDLE3, ItKIDLKs, roLLAKS, CaKTS, WHEELS, AX LEi, FAItVr WAGONS, IJOKSE CLOTH IN'G, LAP ROBES, .t-n. Nos. H, 18, 21, and 2 Union Htreet, sepl8 1y NORFOLK, VA, T. J. JAIUtATT, COMMISSION MERCHANT PKTisiwnima, va. Xo. 3S N.Pyeainoro Streot, Four doors below his old staiid, noxt to joiiu Arringion m Sons. Strict poisonal atlenlion cU-en n... " " coiisiKtimuuis and relurns made promntlv. liatiirlni? mul Tis f,,r.,iui.., ... i the lowest rales, S(,p o-,m QKKAT B A KG A INS AT J. Ai MUSCROVES. BOOT.S, KHOKS, L'KOCKEKY, DHY GOODS AND NOTIONS AT COST. I wish to close out my lino of tho abovo (,'oods ami will sell out at cost. Finest and nnrcMt 1 han.t ....I n'i.. 1"' 1 . . "" v" Tho latest and most lashionablo DRINKS OF THE SEASON. UKOCEKIE? OF ALL HIM OOSSTASTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Mr. H. B. Pope is with mo and will be pnaseu io bob uis irionds J. A. JIUSGROVE, Weldon, N.C apr. lCflni -- m. ''.! Ml LIIM II 111 i--ft --wiiiiftiri '"liv-''"'"y r-''.t w -H,Ht a?SS - v 1 , li b 1-J1 hJiAn tots saasrrasiA a uc nT,??.'?!,br ewT PHA0T10AL PAINTER, f XCI- KnAN'Y KNOWN VAINT.;. J ainl.. ithr,iirl,r. ),ar.1l PainU, if not :itw lory, you be Jicpaiatod at our Exyoaoe. FOR SALE BY Julie Ji! 1 y KLDON A. U. ZOl.LICDKI.'KH 11KI) , SVelUon, N. 0. DRICKS! CRICKS! CRICKS! Col. N. M. Loiib and Win. D. Keeso having lormed a copartnership lu the brick busimiys, takes this inoihoa of in torniimr the publit? that they liavn on hand nod tor sai, U,i l'.ntwt slock of brick In the M-ito. Win. 1). Koese, tho practical man ol the concern has had an expe'icmee of more than lorty years lu Hallimore i,d olher eitles. lie has mudo all the brink lu Weldon lor tlio past livo years, nnd has irivon entire siitislaetiou to all who have used tliom. HARD BRICK A SPECIALTY. T1IK ClLAV SKI KCTKD HAS EEKN TESTED. NO HALF l'.KICK OR HATS. rallies when ordering -.i-m ,i,. .. .... ylieri. tne le lis a.eto us.,,1, i, fllr ,lt. side chimney, or insi,i0 ci,,,,,,,,,.. r ., tXr-' lM I'UH KS m SLIT THE T1MKS. Tlio IlilderMsned iosnretl,ily lrf(T n Cat,!. .1. f. Divine. W. W. RailroM.I s. 1. Hand S. .t H, Hailroad mid many "lln rs on alKho roads wlio have used the br k iimdo by W. D. R,.8S0. ",u 1'b use send your orders addressimr LOMI ,V RE ICS I.", m,,v i,n vVl'1'1""' w. c. W. 11. VICK mm mi CAKKIAdiLS AND KtGIES MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED AT LOW PRICES. All kinds nf wood work and trimming done in Rood style. Rlacksmitli work done at short notice and with iieatnpss. All nw work warranto,!. Fine painling fr bugiosdouo at low paint used. SEtMLATli;S ! los CIJVLMO THE UNDEIITAKIXO DEPARTMENT. r;f7 i. j. ft -.-: 4'.;ri4i. "'ip LOOK HE HE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop tit (be Corner, mid buy yonr Cboap goods from W II BROWN, THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Uo keeps always on hand a full lino or Kt-uural merchandise, such as Hoots, tdioos, Halt,, CapR, Dry (ioods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoi-iory, Ac. Also a full lino of preeerios, Cheap for Cash. Corner 1st St. ai d Wash. Avonne. Wkdujj, N. C. mriTly "yALUABLK LANDS FOR SALE. Wo haVO for Sale and on Olv ami rnaann. able terms, the i'ollowins valuable tracts ol land situatod in Halifax couuty, N. C: 1. That traot formorly belonging to W. P. Solomon, deceased,';!, nown as "Elm wood," containing about 3M0 anrns joining landa of Dr. O.H. Macon, deeoased and "Vbers. 2. 'I he tracts formerlv hnlnntrimr to .Tun C. Randolph, and located near Crowolls X Roads, one tract known as the Rodgors tract and containing about llii acres, the other traot known as tbn "Cuo.U "Mullen" tract and containing about 300 acros, . A tUlCt Situated in Warron nnnnf aiiout thre fourths of a mile from Little- ton OU tbo Dublin load loading from Hint place to Warronton, and containing about 210 n:ro.i, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. at. v nan. ciiinnor and otliers, 4. Tlio tract imrchavril l.v W TT fihlolda from the r.dmini.- trator nf Jonli TTiirir. deceased, eontniniiig about 300 acres and adjoining tho lands of W. H. Shields, Geo. r. i-oiit, hii oiners. I'artien seeking in formation as to this tract, can cull mum ns or John C. Randolph K-q. AH tlieo lands aro in hialthy soetions. If not disoosed of v imr,.io that time, we shall olfor said hinds at nuhlio auction on the first Monday in October. Partus wishing to purchase would do well to call n pun us for information. ,., MlJia.KN it MOORE, Atts. Hah.'ax N. C. aprlOtf CofriusauJ Cases of all sizes nonstnnti.. nn luioil. v' Currliiio Materials kept onhatid at price bolow Petersburg market. line S ly Weldon N. C. N TOT1CK, llavins duly nuallflBrl ol'.l. Oscar Canin. In llm I'n.i,,,.,, ". 0ll!ltv Halifax, all persons holding claims aiMinst tl,n ,ir-a.i,t i ... notuiml to nresont tliHiu in .'. .i.,, tlinntinated, on or before the liih day of All-I1 I.JI. , 1 ' .einous in,if men l,y udii. mentorotliorwUtn the , L outisted to nmke iminediato settlement, or collection will bo onfureod. W. A. IiTJNN. anell fiw edmr. J. O. Camp. Hcollaud Nrcit, . c. rSli) ''"' a year, or Ji to J'jn a ii- "wn local ltv. V.i ot.ll n well ns ii.oM i mako inoro than the amount .staled above -No nno can .u to nmko m.mev fast. Anv one can , ,, ,! work. You can make from odcts. toan bourbvdevoti,.. v.,reven. liigi and hpar ti,,,,, to tho business. It costs nothing to try the business. Noil,, ng liko i , lor money making ever offered Detoro. Business pleasant, and strictly hnnoralito Reader, it yon want to know an about the best paying business before the public, send us your address and wo will solid ll parlieulars and private terms Ir. e; samples worth $5 also free; yon can then make up your initid for yourself Aildross (iKOUilB STI.VsON ,fe ( b , Port niud Maine, jILHNKRY! "A TILLINERYI A LARUE LOT OF LADIES HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, OSTRICH PLUMES, FEA.TI1ERS AND 1UUB0NS. Hut Triiiuiihies A SppctaHy.. fiS-At Evans' Corner, Weldon, N. C. . MRS. M. W. SMALLWOOD. July 3 tf v. ir A.. ,! . , S'"--li "P,T, aio., or 2 prr il r I,,., ? m.'. . Hl"ck Shfp." l.n houk, in eu..h,j K l'iD,1"!('' ",'' "lii'lnoo,,y of "Wooti'il in Tuimu, or 'S2'"0 I"'8'-I'"l. for only 311 will liiitt'il III w ri 7wn ")","' tmp. AKi-nU . Ajar s h wJ'VW 'int,notl,init'nt 'roo- . Address S. S. owl, Triliunu 13uiluinj(, Kuw Vork Uily. J O T I 0 E. " Having taken tbo nhnp that A. Kuton Jot llierly occunii'il. I mn nr. r..,l t.i rlo nil kinds of repairing, wood or Iron. Having been here over twenty years everybody in the county knows thai I un derstand my bu iii' vrnrrntlS and ciits. liugjies, and ironing same.. Oivomeacall. Jan 11 Cm, r. C, RJCIIARDSON. QOTTON GIN OK. SALIC. I hay6 forsulo a fifty saw Kredln Cot ton din, In good repair. PmliiH can see. this Uin i,t Jul.u M. Foote's Kwiitiilrj ,, Wt-ldon, x, J, m, ML'LLll'N. aprlTtl

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