THE ROANOKE NEWS TIIUKSDAY OCTOBER, 23, 1879. LETTER FROM WHIIAKESS. Whitakeks, October Utli, 1879. EuitoiuNkws: Feeling Bfisuri-d that tunny of J"Uf rcadcra will ut least be will ing to bear tbe final rt suits of the late meeting al Battleboro. I send you tha fol lowinii particulars : Tbere were between seventy and eighty converted BcveD'y one ot whom connected themselves With the M. E Church S ,uth, sn I tue ercut accession to that church pr.uiilaes well for that cninmiinitv. The exercises closed last Friday night with a delightful sinking of hands and thediug ot tear. I hope not to out live my grade Jul reineiuberimce to God and the good po'iplo ol Bittleboro, while it was my piivelet'e and comlott to be there. Tin-meeting baj commenced hero with a Bsc prospect ot an interesting work at this place. Yours truly ti. LITTLETON LETTER. Littlkton, N. C, Oct. 15th, 1979. I arrived in this place to-day, on my way to the Ittlcit;h lair, I rind this a growing town. Messrs, Leach & Iito , aro opening a Urge stock of goods and with their energy and enterprise, I bespeak lor Hum uiiicli success. My old Irieud S J. Shillings, formerly ol King ml, has also moved tip here and is doing a fiir share of business. Col. V, A. Johnson has opened a first class hotel, and with his manners will succeed as a hotcliat. Capt. White, the gentlemanly agent bere, has ha 1 the misfortune to lose two children the past week of that fearful ncoutge (to children) scarlet fever. There are no other cases in town, Mr. Bulger has a first class photograph tent in town where "likeneeses." may bo bad at moderate cost. When I return I will give you an iiccouut of what I know about lairs. 0. E. M. KULES CF CONDUCT. Never betray a cofidencp. Never leave home witli unkind words. Never give promises that you do not ful fill. Never lau'h at tbe misfortunes of Others. Never send a present hopinj for ono in return. Never fail to be punctual tit the time appointed. Never mnko yourself tbe hero of your enn story. Never make much of your own perform ances. Never pick the teeth nor clean the nails in company. Never tail to give a polito answer to a civil question. Never present a gilt saying, it i3 no use to youreelf. JNever call attention to too teatiliea or form of another. Never read Utters which you may find addressed to other:'. Never question a servant or child about family matters. Never tail, if a gentliman, ot being civil anil pohte to ladies. Never reli-r t a gift you have made or a fivor you have rendered. Never associate with bad company, have good company or none. Never, wheu traveling abrocd be over b 'aatlul ot yonr on country. Never look over the shouider of un other who is reading or writing. Never punish your child for a fault to which you are a Idio.tcd jour-elf. tNevcr appear to notice a scar, deformity, or d loot of any one pre-cnt. Never answer questions in genarul com dv, that bavo been put to others. Never arrest the attentiou ol nn ac quaintance by a toiiih. peik to bim. ROUSE ON USCLS SAMMY. While Uncle S m my Tiiden wai eittinir on bis Vi iud la the other morning lead'tnn a newspaper, a middle aged man, nidi three weeks' growth of beard on his f ire, .wilted up the path, cat calmly dmv.n upon tbe steps, and aidrcssid tho great Uautructionis t as lollows: "Cicero lived many omturien ago; lut bis fame still lives, and will live upon ti e incandescent scaoU ol undying rjlory until tbe end of time'" The bar'l inan taid nothing. "And there was Sophocles; lie was another of liiem ancient tellers that won't die, bat will live in the history of litem ture like a circus poster in the mind of a Small boy. Soph wa the boss on blank verso. Now, what I'd like would be to have my name go skiting dowa to pos terity at a two-forty gait." "Do you write verses?" inquired Tlldtn ith a grin of irony. "Not at all, sir ; not a. all. Fin ft poli tician, and I i atne here to sro il jou would tee me through all right. I want Utile ; I want my name r rent bed in a halo ol .eternal glory, with ntar glittering on the edges. My name is Nutcracker, Jotham Nutcracker, my dear sir. at votir service, and I want to make $80 000 and have Nutcrutker b. come nn Immortal name. Cau't yuu tot a posiliou that will pay me that sum !" "No, bir ; all tbe daces are filled." "Can't ou get Mayor Coopd to bounce gome one to maku room for me ?" "I don't think ." "That settles it ; I'll sav g od mornina If a mtl can't get a pa him a paltry ?i0.. 403. tiieu il'o liuiu to u'Lt nut. I n!v.y wanted to pie-eot the city wilh a drinkmu fountain worth that amount. I want to have a medallion of mmll on one tide and an niscriution. 'Jothaiu Nutcracker to tbe city of New York.' On the other side a tribe of Iudians doing a war dance and su old-tiino fire outline rolliu: to- a con flagration. Wouldu't that make uie amous ?" "I think it might." "Well, if you'll put up ilia shekels I'l tJet you have your medallion on out! side, nd we'll dividu the honors. Ii it a 0?" "No, sir." "Il I will show you an original trick by whioh one billot can be turned iuto seven After it'b dropped into the box, wilt you give mn the mney J" "Show me the trick," said Uncle Jummv, his eyes Bparkling witli delight, "and I'll write you a chick." The man then drew a pistol fiota his pocket and said : "I'll now seek some qniet and seques tered fpot and quietly blo.v my bead nil 11 I know a trick which voil do uot. it's about time lor me to kill u'.yseil out ot ell-respect." Then ho walkal aivay, and Simmy looked tad because he hadn't tho inine lover's secret. N. Y. S'ar. I have ladies bats of tho kites' i tylo just reoflived from New York, which I will Knarautee to please tin most f.istiJioiis, 'hoy urn the proltiorit I over saw for the Price. p, p. M'ii its. The Ti liter of this paper is in no way re.spoiisl Mo fur t lit" views or slatenients ot Curresiioliil ents. No coninmiiicaliiins of an nnniivniuiis eliaiacter will lie pulili.-di.I ; Hie real name of the writer must Hi-company all ronnmuiicutioiis. Any one who may feel atrcrieveit a: statements maile liy correspondents rati ohiain the name on application to the Editor. Correspondents will please write only on our stile nf the paper, anil to avoid having their coininnnlenttnns thrown tn the waste basket, will furnish their names n it necessarily fur a.s a guaranty of oo.l faith. VVcwill not notice anonymous correspondence. KlrA r.Rn.-I ilo not Intend to discontinue) the practice of law, on account of my eonnce tiou with the Uo.lNOKK Nl!.VS. Put will ntt"tid lirouiptly lo a'l business entrusted to my care. W. V. IIAI.T.. Ja O C j. la Vixv. weather. Rumnuss improving daily. Toe Fair is a grand success. Cor.D onongh fur firn mornings, Pav your subscription Huh woek. Tot of cott n noil horn last week, FlXB old whiskiis at IS. F.KIcdgn A C'o's. Fcuinu ! hnrso cnidou for dale, until v to Jus. T. Hooch, A (Inn voiiikt harness borso for vain ripply to J. T. ( 100 Mils new fumilv Hour lust received for sale low. J.T. Oooch. l.OflO hlils, corn wantod, shocked or tin- Bhueked. J. T. Uoooii, Read our advert imimontA before buying. 500 Bushels of bolted liieal for sain low. J. T. Ooo(,'ii. Mr. and Mr. Wintiild are in town on n visit to friends and rnlatlvoH. A nopro man diod in town on Saturday, and was buriod Sunday ovoning, 500 bushe's of oats wanted. J.T. Ooncir. Onh whflol of forluno irm snrpiossod Saturday by lieputy Rhorill' Dickons. Apples and ro I mid whito onions In largo quantities fur salo ut .1. T. Gooch's. Miss May, of Jackson, is agaiu visiting friends and relative here. . . . Two de.irabln nnin proved t'wn lols for sale on easy toruis, Apply to James T. Uoooh. Tiieiiieinint H. Cuppil his resigned his liniitou nicy iu tho U. lj. I. on account oi ill health. Jitst re.'eived mm c:r load of salt, n niiantity (d'sn..t and 2!X) bids extra finiil Hour. J. T. Uooeh, Shout muie of all kind can ho h id Rt piililishers prices by applying to Au.irow Joyner, at the post (.lllco Call and sen H. It. Pc.po iV Co. Kn- from Kai'rond shod. Kvcrv thing that is uJiU illy kept in a lits'.si:lus Haloon. Finn Insiirati.'o of all kinds promptly placed by li. e . M'l'l,i;itin hisi-olass c itn panios. Clo bu insured before it is toolalo. - -- . Jr.-T to h ind five hundred dozen spools of cotton, first, rule fir basting thread, In cents per du.on or one coot por spool. K. P. Si'iKits. Ask your druggist for Shrine: 's fndinn Voriiufoge nod if ho i'.i'ls to supply yon, address the Proprietor, David K. Foul,, lSalliiiiore, Md. . - Pnor i.K win) want a good mo d can t'e' one at liarklny'-n for lilty cents. Nice dining room, chuiii sorvico, poiito mid lit tc.ntivn ivaiiers. I am now receiving now goods almost dailv, at o icli i f my three Htore, Weldon, N. (!., Sunny .Side and tiunitnit, N. C. it. 1'. .Sl'IKUS. An excursion train will bavo Thursd.iv li!"rnini ut si ; o'clock t tho llteliniinl lair. Tickets for r uiud trip ;2 ; ood until Saturday night. I bavo in store ngoml supply of Liver pool Salt wishing L'SU lbs. per sack at jl.ti"). Also a good supply of Cod 'O at 11 eenta. K. P. Sl'ti:us. h F. f.AUKlN's club hoiiso .in '2nd street is the place for a guno ol billiards, a di ink or cigar. (Jo ami sen bim, and come a-.yay vol! p! ;uwd. . - Paih-.M's mothers, nurses, do not fail to givo t'r. Mull's C 'ligh iSvnip to tho little ones lor all onsen of Coughs or Colds, Costs only 5 runts. Tub train from WilmitiKtm was nn hour bohind time on Sunday. Tho delay v:n cui-od by the blowing out of llie tlirotllo ol the cngino. Foti sale, Taylor and Lnmnins' new cotton gins. Ilavo in nloro 10, ill mid (in saw gins of tho ubovo inako. J. T.tiOOl'lt Rrad adv. riiseinenl of T. L. I'imrv in anoiher colomii. Ho is selling goods as cheap as tho cheapist. all and ei bis goods. Kvory thing at bottom prices. Dons vonr englno or gin nrwd repairs? If so take il lit onea to tho Itoanoko Agrl cullural Works, Weklon, whim tho work will bo cheaply and ( xpcditiously done. Havk on hand a lull supply of lumber, will fill all ordurs at short notion as ehoap as Iho compost. I also Mill shingles us low as any poison. It, P. Spinus. Now lot tho merry go round, To music's witching, niellin stiain; And tlyiiu.' tool l"i uiei.snied sound, keep tunut u I tiiuu in glad refrain. Mr, li. (i. Kvhkictt lisi bi'ought his family to town, and will lieniiiflor livo hiiro. Wetdon will ru.iii b a largo plane. Thero is r niul lor a low mu' o clever people. It is now f.lioui the season of the year to get out vour l,it winter's atovn and I'll it up. In puiiii g the ipe log' Iher is rght whiro llio yd commandment is olien broken. To Whkat C now mis. 1 " oflering for sulo excel lent wheat lertol i:-:'rs. Call ,.,i,l s...i eirenhirs and co.-i ilicates of Iho iin.iriirlltf noil adat't lti III V Ol tl'OSO gllllll Oil. J. T. Uot.iui. i roniiif tu! nf hul. dressing for tho ,.o..:-ii,., i t,i wav all til l hair and twist . it iin it 'l.-nrH of nielit, verv low at m Icier nf iho heail. ti-austlxing It who fiietal ano'V. Wn;:x filling a cavity, d.-mists some times plaeti a dam in tho p.tient's iiviuth. When tooth is timi g extracted, t!iu don tisl is rciiovuil ot that duty. Tho Piiuout Btipplin all thai aro required. i:u;i:.i Si'oiu: ovrnu Coiim:;;. To my friends and llio public Kino g roe erics, honors, cigars, tobacuo and any tiling Headed in mv line Hespeel full V, ,1. It. ll.Ml.KY. Pe-il tlio adveniM'tiieiit of (I. Oppen hclu. cr. Ho has one ol' tho tied saloon and rcslaurants we know of; nli.o fe.'nil.V i' rn cries e heap, Call and sen hint. 1 lie mi ' is' pilous 1 be s.l'lslil ll. Ari'r.crtoNs, ll.;o ppring llowors, broak through tho froi'ii ground, at last, and tho heart, which MOt'kx hut for anotlior hc.irl, which seeks but for am fhor hoart to make it happy, will noer seok iu vain. Wb boar it reported that Mr. M. P. Puriioll intends fcllinn his residence in tlulifax and removing to this place-. We would bo triad to Woleomo him. His family would bo quito an acquisition. U, W, Daniel has niaekerol, N. O. cut hi'i'ring.s, butter, cheese, lino liquors, ciirars and everything olo to bo f mini in a first-class family gruenrf. Call on bim for anything in his line and you will bo suiu d. A larger lumber of entries woro made on Monday than on the siunn dav ol anv preen filing fair. Th'j weather I us been lino and the er iwd largo. Kieli f the railro.ils bavo brought in lino delega tions. Mkshiis. II. 15 Foi-K .t Co., bavo jusl oponed a lioo nssort'iient, ot the very best liquors ut .1. Mn-grove old tind. 'i'liov also knup on hand a nicn lot ol canned moats sullloiuiit to ttuipt any nppolita. Cor,, rni sc ii r h is rem ived lo t iwn and occuoks tho rcsidei'en fntnnrlv ocupied bv Mr. V. I. Winfiold, Wo want, all I be good people to come to Wehloi,. Thorn Is no better place, to livo In If wo consider all facilities. Tiior needing Metalin burial would do well l nend their onlors to K. F. Rtrri.Kii at V.'nhl hi. Ho funilslies all at inainiliietiiiers prices, fi per cent otf for casli or 'U. O. IV orders sent by express A certain young lady who W.u little bo bind hand in g.Snng her lull outfit, su priso.t her father ili.i ot.hnr day tiv asking why sh.o was unliks fjri.rn WHshinutO'i. W'uei ho gave it up s!io i i:d him because .ho bud no J i 1 1 1 o hnt vot. Mr. M. K. Ki'i.i,, (d Petersburg, has on exhibition in Kl iril Hull a beautiful over coat. After tim premiums are award's! he intends rallling it oil". If h can feeitre fifty chani'iH nt ono dol lar a ch inco. Lx amino it and buy a clianeo. Crr ITariusom, of UiM'j'.vood, die! oo bi-t 'rhni-iliiv loot n ii:g. nlier an lilness of about three '.v?.-ks, in Cio "iti'h -" ir of h s aga. Col. II u-rision was well iielovoil.y ad who know him, niul niinv will bo Iho to.irs shed lor him by his li iends. Havk made an nrrangctiient with a sah, lilind and door factory, to supply everyliodv in IhiscouhLy with such goods us cheap us e in ho t'uind in tho Unil ul Stales. I swap luoilier lor lie in Jitnl call sell cheap ut lactery pri"0. !. P. Simkhs. - St'oTM Y morning iust beforo div, it. luroed cold and begun to rain much to II. o ploisuro of all who v. oro intere.sied in the tair. 'the rain laslel unlit about 11 o'clock and ce: sed. Til's wealber since he's lie.Ml cool and cxeilllelil for Visitors t i tho fair. A large crowd 'A as in town on Satuiday bliviug "" ls nn-l selling CO ids. A lari-e trade was done by our tnerciioits and a (piai l ity ol cotton bought, i.esnlos the nier dnnts ri sidotit b"r there are ono or I vto genlleiuen in town buying for northern firms, Tbeio is a treat di ll o! bt'.sines.s liooe li'iro, Et.K'fl'.ti. At .1 mooting of the iiomoko Light In'ir.itrv I'ridiy i,i,ht Mr. 11. If ill w is nloctn 1 2nd Li:iti' to fill the vac. incy cause 1 by tho resi:tu! i -n of W. II. Cipell and V,'. II. Harris was elected nii'iuimoiisly Jr. 2nd Lieulotieot. - Ti'K I'.Ar.l.. Dr. Flaoner and his corps ol'illieient nsst:;i.t marshals, will have clnreof tho bill room eii'-li night liuiieg tho fa'r. 'I'hev will bo known by their sables, livery 'liing will bo kept in good order, and all will on v theni'-filvos.'.vi i). Dr. lio. V. llarlman, sur geon, has moved his ollieo over llr's storn on tl-.o corner. Ho his fitted handsome rooms an I gives elofO at tentlou t" work of all kind t in his line, fie ! his card in column of profession:. la. - i - - Oy Monday night a runaway couple came out, from Kichmoiul, and having secured i ho necessary papers, were made ono by Mayor Daniel, who pci fonue l llio ceremony very gnieolully. Tho pair want back to Itichmond tho samo niglu on tho H o'clock train. Foil tiik Fat u.- Head M. F. Kull'siiew advertisement. H'keeps a largo stock o' clo'hing and fiirnishiiig goods. During tho fair ho will have room over W. II. Itrowii's store at the corner when his friends and th" public generally aro in vited to call and examine his stock. Ov F.xiiiiiiriov.--Dr. C. W. (larntt o1' Hingwoiid, hid a handsome pxhibitimi of his winoi at tho State fair Inst wek , I'liov wero arrange I in tlio form ot a pyr amid and wero greatly ad.nircd. Ho his largo vineyards an 1 wino collars and makes iiniiually n pre..! iiuautlty of wines anil brandies. Ri;rmiNi:i). -Mr. Jame? W. Itrlggs, ono of ourold typoes ro!urncd homo last Fri day from Danville, wheio ho his boon living past iiino inomhs. Wo gladly welcome you back to old Weldoii once morn "Jrema" and hopd yon will decide to remain among us tho baianco of your allolled l.nie. Ano".iiI;ii V km.. The eointnissionn h have begun lo dig a woil on VViucr siiecl. It is much moiled mid a, conveui enco. Il Is iho third well which Iho hoard Ins erder-j 1. Just h"i" w.i v sav Unit lln biard h is douo great good also by making the streets such good fai'i's. Tl-.ey n.-o well gradad and are much improved. l.Mi'lloVn.MUNl'. Mr. H. 1', Spiers is putting up two fuiuie buildings on Wash ington Avenue. They will be used as Ht.iifS, WoM'Mi I. .isn't un ompty sioro lo jt and those will bo easily looted, enter prise and push will si nd Woldon ahead. Il lias very I'.atui'il advantagos and our ei iJi- in should givo it every opporlunily to grow. M.iKBiKii.-At tha rosidunco of lino. W. Young on Wednesday oveuiug tho l,rth, W'm. V., son of W. H. Nash nnd Miss .letiiiio II . llie tcautilul and iKtcom-plislK-d daughter of John il. luvis, Kkj , Pie,-, Mr. ilud' ollieial ing. After Ino cercinony til" party ri-p it it d to llio i osi. denee of Mr. J. P. Di ea l lue, w hero ti.o evening was spent in various am isc- tnonts, Tl- A Fink I loiisK.- ; Merrill Hri:s, K-'l , of Norlha ;n pom, has onleret! his hoivc Pi t lor sty In mi l bounty. Pt is an e'eunl., she ho ds her head its if .she knew every ono was looking at In r and indeed she is not far wionjr, she alt racls alti ntiuii Iroiu all I y In r niace, beauty and (.-eiieial nppi aranci he will stand a l'"o-I chance fur tin- pn miuni. Kacino at Tira Fa tu. Tuesday : Trot ting race, best two in tlireo. Honiniittg Girl entered by J. li. Pay first, Ilird eutorod by T. Paxon second. 2 o'clock saino day, running race J mile best two iu three. Pillbox enlorod by Joel Whitakor first, Ouida entond by Hassard Short, seonnd. Sknd tiiu Nbmm.-W'b would bo glad if our f.-iends would give us nny items of nows that may transpire- in their neigh borhood. Anything that will bo of int r est to tho publio, no matter what it is, let us know it. It will cost you lilt'e tinioor money to drop us a postal card, or call in to see us and tell us tho news just givo tha facts and wo will dnss it up in pro per shape. If you want a roadablo paper you must holp us mako it bo. Wymis this Wiz.vni). Wymin the wl.zard performed in Literary Hall Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Hlsuso less to say any thing about hira, as he is well known to every ono in the country, having been performing for twenty five years. Ho w ill exhibit lo night and Fri day night, Adniissi in 25 cents, children Ift cents. Every onj who likes a go d lau'gli slrmld go and seo bim. Ho plays in Uichiiiond next week. "Ciivi: Us Tins Day Ouit Daiiy ItllHAl).' A beggar boy stood at tho rich man's door "I'm houseless and friendless, and faint and poor." Said tho beggar boy, ai the tear dn p rolled Down his thin chook, blanched with want and cold. "Oh ! give me a crust from vour board to day. To holp tho 'oeggar boy on his way !'' " a crust, not a crust," tho rich man said ; "I!o nl',', and work f ir your dailv bread." Tho rich man went, to tho parish church, His facn grew gravo as ho trod the porch, And the thronging poor, and untaught mass, Drew back to let tho rich man pass, 'I ho service be in, the choial hymn A'Mse and : wollod through tho long aisles dim ; Then the rich man ktinlt and llio words he said Woro, "liivo us th'n d.;y our daily bread !" - (TT - Tun (ii,Ass Sneonxi . On Tuns day at. i! o'clock tho shooting ci uimooced with twenty n, ranee. Fach bad ten hots, and Mr. Mai' Hunter won the gun. Tuo hcoio stood-, J. T. Uullen S, K. . Potts (I, J no. W. Cotleti o, W, ,'!. Pi.niro o S, W. II. Pay li, J. (). Hobgond D, .1 no. r.uttle 7, Jim. Phillips ' , K. M. tiri.ird !l, It. li. Pceulo i, li. 1.. Monro U, ,1. I). Croeeli C, K. H. Knglohar.! :i, J. M. (iri::;-,,rd K, M. II. Clark ti, .Ii h. Iliiifel), V.. L. Hunter!', May Hunter IU. W. I.. Lot'.!; fi. Mr. Ilouso's last shot was cli il!en;:ed on tho gioumi ho .shot both burls. Tim roloroo Dr. 1'icot was sustained in tbia ruling by Col, col ton, Mm had charge of tho sbotlitig by tho c mttfi'.anls and many of the sp i'tatois, u la due Mr. Ilouso lo say was aid Ih-lt tl-.O dischargo of b..!h aoeiiient il and I o uc.dtlo itttrilnited to him. PSOQKAMME. barrels motives 'I IIUIls HAY- KollllTII 1Y. Thursday at 1 1 i.'eln"k. I roiling rcce, mile h".iis Z in ;t to harness utilraiiud Il irses imt drill n ly joc'leys. ('Ifl lo receive O.lll). seeolol to rieeive Jltl Oil. At I-:!I0 o'ch ek same day. Itonning race. Purse Jl.ill.(li) ono mile and repeal : three to eider two to start. First, to re. ceive rloii.tlil, sicoinl lo receive J II "O. At K o'clock p. in., samn day. Itutining race, two niile dash for all ages, fiirse .JiHi.tW. First to receive ?',M.un, poeond to rceivo , 2d no. khioay - l-'ll'l'tl HAY. At I 'J o'clock. Trolling laeo to harness milo beats. First to recelvo jllilli receive V-H Ot). At 1 o'clocli p. in , s lino day. ltniiniug raco milo and repeat, for all ago. Purso Ji'i.i.OiI. First 'o receive J.iil. tit), Hiaond to receive $ IH.ot). A l 'i o'clock p. in., same race, half milo d i-di for llirco to start. First to lay. Ho tining saddle1 hore, receive flO.HO, second to recelvo J'i.I'O. 2 - Notici: ! Jotii i.!! Noiick ! I ! lust received a large and variol nssortnicnt of groceries fir f ill aud winter tr . I '. inn bids, new Family Floor, bids, of Sugar, all gr.i b s. 31 bags of t'ollee, all gr ides. 7 "i t ixes ol coin moil and toilet S aps. Ill bbls of the best leaf lard. It) reams of paper bags Ac. -It) gross i f Kalph's Scotch Snuff. f;!l boxes ol T"bueco. 10 bids, of Mackerel. 100 kits and oases ol Mackerel. ,"ii):i bushels of oats. ,10 boxes of assorted cakes. 10 bbl i. of ginger cukos. SO boxes of crackers, 100 kegs of nails. f two lbs, of bulk sides and shmildnra Ac :'h lbs, ot ha ois. Sail, starch, mit.-'.ios, spico, popper, mu-tard Ac 1'orsiloal R'e'liuiond and It iltimor.) prices, freiglit added, at tho wilolesalo all ! retail grocery store of JA.MKS T. tiOOCH, Wohlon N. C. I'aUsK, Ponpkii and Pkhiisi: ! ! The In veo I ion nl I hal No pci ior and Complete Sewii.u Il.u'hiiin (Tho Family sYwin M ielnoel, marks one nt tho mo-t iiopor tanl evus in iho history of machinery, and wheu o eonsidor ils ureal usefulness and estreme'.y low price (Sii), it is vi iy dilli cnlt to ooliceivo of any invention lor (loiucsiio u.-o of more or ovn oiUiil im portance t li'.niilhH. It b u (jrenl capacity for work j beautiful, smooth, and movement, rapid oxncnlioii, ci rt.:iuty and di'iihlful ccse n op-!.nti"ii Itial t oih'O commi mis it above all ollleis, i lii) virkii'K parts nre nil steal, Mronu and dur.iiile, and will last a lile lm; Iho bobbins hold 1 Oil yards of thread ; the stilcli is the firmest of nil stitches nnidi , neat and regular, and run bo regulated in a moment to sow mitenes from nil inch in Innfjth on co iixi inateiial il own t i ilu t'ne-t, no infinitesimal as l be Ii irdlv dis cor able " ilii the naked eye, unci with a r ipiditv remiei inir it iinpnssible to e oiet lieaii as f si as made; il has morn attach ments than iitiv other, and il does to per- Inchon till kinds ol heavy, course, plain, line, or f.ini'v ueeolo-w.u k with ease, and Iir Ic.s labor llui.i rcipiiiod on other machines. It, ni els no lomiuendatior, the r i j i I sales, iiiornasinn demand, and Voluntary t ncomiuuis fr nil the press, and the llioiisanus oi lani'.ln.s w ho Use them, amply leslify to 'heir uiolou'iied worth as a standard and reliable household neees-. sit v. ex lend im; ils popularity eaeli dav. Machines nent nny whore to lo cv.auiincd beloro any money is paid, A i I". !' I WaNTI'.D I'V Iho Coiiipiinv. Addross llo.i.t 1'., ti.l..r,,,li,.,i V l I I V Kl.'lV. ,N(i MAVHINKCO .,' 7.V.' illliiADWAV, I NMSV Y'.iKK, M A RKE T S . Wki.i'un, n.c. Oct. r it. iVMon-Middlinpr, Slls'ai-, llrowu 7i " Whlfe'V" " Uriinnlaled liidill. ColTees. Kio l:i..i 11. l.acnayra ITim is. " .lava Me Kvtra Klmir a.v Kaniily Kl.uir t7.".i.. Uncoil sides 7'-i. Uncoil slieul.ler fl- lllllk sides 7 V Hulk sholders . Salt per sack. l.a. Hotter per I'outnt i.'st. I.iu-.l lie. .Molasses per gallon. 22i-'iric NntiFOi.K, V. 0-t. 2 '. 1H79. lec ijrrfi'i7 ''M-. ri.i.i. O.oo. it, it ton MldilllniT (loud orditiary I'lirn, per Intsliel, oat: . per liushcl l-'lonr. Superllne " Kvtra " I'll uiily, Petkksdi uu, Vk. Oct. J.t, im. rotton-Mlddllnif, Mc (lood ilrdlnary. u'-i Pork per pound U.tU't Daeen. N.i'.,c. liains ll. !'.".. Flour. Kaiullv, d.iMii ii rm. " lislr.i, , ',r'"- " Mnpcr. HaV'nl.'i'i Kinrar, (Jraniilated per Hi. HSi. A's 1"'. Yellow. 7'i, (-ottee. prime Klo Hal6. - !.ii;naira, ir.aliv. .lava, ar.iaitc Molasses -Sntrar house per;nl aeic-'l- (luldi'ii Syrup X" l". " New Orleans ''call' A1V KHTISKM KNTS. r VKKY 1SIY LOOK IIEUK I I wl-h to inform the citizens of Halifax county, and tho public generally, 1 keep a first class homo in the town of S OTJ.VXO X Kt K, . '. I bavo a complote stock ( f (iltOCF.RIES A CONFFXTIONERIKS. My bar is stocked with llio clioicest Froneh, Apple, and Peach Itiandies, nlH all kinds of WhUk cs, Wines, tJin, Kntn, and Chatnpano. n:t;v kuands ov wiiiskm; a srnnAr.TiY l.acer Peer In Hollies and on Dniuglit. Fiimili. s snpplieil ut Imvnr rates by il,e do, hi buttles, i;,oa 'ig!irs ol'ilic E!csl Brands. I have a first class KIM'AI U ANT AMi Illl.t.tMin Al.O'Hi a'tiiehed lo Ibe house. 1 willcnde.nor lo pleas all who w.ll honor mo with ilio'l' pni rou.igo Mr. .1. I!. Statue is with mo, and will bo plo-i.ed In serve his old fiier.d.s. Mv polile and atlentivn. I!. orV'MIKIMr.l'., Sign Central Saluoii, oct :;ni. Scotland JNecK. 31. Vj. k u l l 115 KVC.inORRs'T. i!:'i'l:t:illl!., va. V A L L 1' 110 S 1' E C T S, 18 7 1. Fo'diii'; it duo to mv friends noil cus tomers, to place bef.irii ihem tin thanks ol in,sotnnd Mis. M. F.. Iv nil. lor Ihclr lilieial piit'onii'Mi in e, irdnd to us, I take III s method i f cioinit so, snd ask a contiu u iocs of your appn o' led favor iu tho fu r.tio, to my ( xtensive stock of READY MADE CLOTHING nil mannf iclnred bv nivelf in this city, tb ueiiv siipportli u nianv ol our own peo ple ; also no nhraetive a'sortment. of CLOTHS, C-VSSIM KKKS and TA I LOUS' 'I'UI M MINUS, tocothnr with a lull litio of F.ish'oiuitilo Dry ;( U mid iolioii-t of every discrijUion f r the 'Vlioloxi 1 1 ccd Kelail trade. Tho EXTENSIVE M1I.I.INEIIV DEl'ARTMKM' O F. M R S. M. K. K U I L U In the nam building, beinst psprcially lilted op for tho bratichns of trade, via: LOTHIM1, DRY ijnODH. NOTIONS AND M 1 1. LIN Kit V. Pled dug to sell all goods as low as cm bo boiiL'ht north All orders will ineoivit prompt att -nllon. CLO Till Nil lor At FN and Hliy.S' wear niado t.i orilcr In bi st inannnr at low raio. La lies' ))r-scs io:idn to urder complete. Ifridul nutli's furnished si short notice. Konot Is from all sect ions sh-nv a gradual revival of beil-r limes, and a spirit ol en oouruomnn' seems vidble In every direc limi. Dn till a baals I rft'-r Increased sets pies lo the trade, and e,mi;r.tolato you as li.ivim; successfully ovore.ioie tho (jloiuiiy pasl , Mend ill your orders niul and sea us winui y u visit our city. M. 1". FULL, who will bo at W. II. iti'own'H N(or WELDON .f. C. durinc tho Fair with a full line of (iuols lor Men and Ladies wear at Polcrsburg pr,ct. Oct tf V. J. MAW. BAUER flt CONFECTIONER IF 11 L I) 0 A', A', c. A very tin";.. -,a,i'iy f ' A iv l: s , c it v K E US, (' A N D I E S , K K E M il A .N II 1' I. A I It A I s I ,N S, !' K ti IIS. N tt T S, Ac. The largest stuck of 't' of every variety ever t'l-oiuld to llns la-irk'-t. Orle Itol ice r fori-an lies cake at Ninth in pin . lilled at sliort'.st V"ll.llll'! Ill I ol .r I II II". Ilppll.-ll 1. ell. i I.; i . i; V A D V F.RTIS KM KNTS. DUtS III I. 1. 1 A K II S CoT' L COITON C0MMISSI03f MERCHANTS, NORFOLK VA, Full prices and quick returns guaranteed. il OLD BELIABL-E DD0 STOKE. r sv --v,.rv y' M m s.i- t; Is always supplied with FroNh Drugs and ModUcIneH. NKW UOODH UKCEIVKD EVEHY WEEK. Tlicito-kof l'ANc iniiilH. TOII.KT AHTIi'I.KM, I. AMI' (lil'llis, ll.l.b'MINATIMl and l.t Ul'.ICATIMI (ill.S, PAI.NI's, I. KAfls, I.INsKKI) (III., and nil Painters Mapu to he full. ala will he alwnj'K found (iarden Seeds and Kield S,-eds in season. Clinic" i un for Mel Wines, VhMii"s nnd rirandlc c:il use. pie.' ci,rai-t. clu".vin; and sni,,tinir Tiiliac-.-o. Prompt .tllcntlon lo I) J Miiil. nil Ordcrt ila-Pliysiclans preierint ions carefully coin I'oitn.'il liy c uiipcieiit e.lerKs at all hours, day er ni(po. c.iii ami see nc. ii. w. niiiiWN, oct C: t Wki.ihin, N. I N t) T 1 C H. All persons owlnsr Slain and County t. ikps im- tun year iSiP, aro horeliv nolili mid riotio-ted to eomo forward and settlo tbe same as indul(;etiee cannoi bo irivon, M KS T. DA '.VSiiV, SherilT ol lialihix. Countv, N, C 0"t. !l It. t1 M! HUNT Oil SA LK. I wish to soli or rent nrivatolv mv land or 1 i!l loiso for a form of years. I won d rat her soil ono tract np'ti which I ni w reside, eont itninir il or "tin acres with i;ood house niul nut houses, elegant water. Also one iract eoiilaininL: '.'od acres In Ilruns- wick county. Va. Ono er two other small' r pl.nnM. An Islin.l in Koai.oke river ono milo nhovo (iaetoii, contaiiilnK 70 acres. Ono lioii'e mid lot in lliist.nn ANo mv leir-e.-t iniiles, cows, hnits, shoep. Ac. A!' oi wlia-h 1 will sell i. u reasona ble terms on applies lion at mv houso v. r. cLi' M i:nts, Huston, N, C ocl 0 It A 1,1! A li LL LAM) FOIt SAl.K. Un Monday, H i day of Niivembnr next iho un lersiirned, coniinisstiiners, Ac, un der a iudirioent of the Supremo court, of North ('.trillion, will sell ni pulilic a, lotion at the Court ho iso door in the town of Halifax, the tract ol land in said countv u i oil ov l bo lain Calliarioo A. Kdm.)i1 -ton at 1 he I ime of her I'.oalh, nnd known as "l,-i.i;. inir tila-s," con'nliiiiu; about iweh o buiniiod acre , on ltoiiioko Itivor and I.-1 ' tilass Creek. Term ', one foiirili c i-h, tho residue to bo paid 1 I one, two am! threo years, witli mtuiosl ten ii d tv ol s tlo. Hold unit ap praved seem it y rciiuo'ed. Titlo rosurvod T. M, All . I', J. W. II1N.SDALH, octDf Coiu'tJ, An. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Will oiito er prcveiu umonui). N,) lt.mss U1 'U'' '" 1 ,l"T" or Lu," ' ,. i -... I,.. .l .i ri m e n-i-il 111 t IllIC Pmii 'M'.iwili iBWillcir.-iinil prevcnl lleo CnnLiaa Koi.l.- I' mil ina-M-iil Ul'B I" tfc .- ... ... i..M u in in, ri,,u,i On niiitntltv or niua mi cn- iiu iwoiiw pvr cent., nnd nmlii' U' Umuir Ana f!"j's V'liW'tent wilt circ " I'revisll almtWt IIt Pis.s to uiiicli ll.irs.-H ana v min- '"" -.i.t v... Km t.'s I'.nvnaiw ii-i- oivK s.risrAOTio. lll"V'5s(j'u E FOUTKi Prrri,tor. llALTlMOKU. Hi in: so n iiv DK. , n. .' iI.LiCOFFFK lKO ocl !l I y J l iM. 113 Y iVeld ni, ,N. J l.O! liisll ! EE A. R ZjLLICOFi'tll A B20TIIER, DRUCCISTS. WELDON N. C Hare Inst received and aro daily receiv hi, Irosli Hiipplics nf DRUtiS, MKDICINKS, TAINTS, OILS, I)Y K S Tw FK, PF.RFUM KRT, fitlAPS, STATIONARY, COMR-t, RRITSH- F,s,TOILi:r AltTICI.K'?, LAMPn, I,MP FIX ri'illtS, Rl'.D AND MMIITI'! K KitOSF.N I! Oil,. Also a lull linn of coiilcctionorios col slst InK of PLAIN and 1-KF.NCII CA N ntl.'s, API'LI'N OR A N't FS, N F'I'S, CAKF-t, if c. Ac Thcv are the solo Apoi.ts 1 ere lor the It E I) !' i r. i: COIL T H S T . They alwai s keep on htiud tho largest usi rtment nl llie ti'iost 5, in, and la eoots lira's to I'C to iiid iu the town nf Woldon, ix inch thev udi e to Im equal to any in the inarkel. nnd ,ue solo they can please auv jtiduool a Hood cimr at any price laturinil Irmn ti in -'o cents. They also k -ep inn bel articio ol iiiukin(r and obow ii.jj rubneco. Mr. D. H. ollicilTir, one of tha tho linn ill rcu iiii dul l K tho winter In Haiti more, wbero Im will h ivo an opportunity to select K ioda uf tlio best quality Rt bot tom prions. T cy respectfully Invito the public Ron en.lly lo call and examine their stock. No eh.u i;os for look in.'. They will take grout plovsiirc in nhnwii their upiods and ouotiii'4 orices. Hespeetfiillv, DK. A. It ..iLl.ICOb'FI'.K. A BUG. Lo o: lor Siku West sido Wash. Ave, Weldon, N. C. Prsscriptious carefully tilled and pa tients Heated under the immediate mi per vision ol Dr. A. K. illientler, who with thanks lor pnM patr'toiuo coiiliiines tho practii'C of mcdiciiio a heretofore and csn lie found at ., IllcolVer's ding store at all belli s nii-hl and day, when uot profession, i.l'v uttil. oct. 'im. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jOT!CK! NOTICE! UK AD I HEAD!! BEAD III J. I.. MASS A CO. have removed their RRfV TAUHANT from their old place ou First utroet lo the GREEN FRONT, Between W. II. Brown's storo and Froseott at Uooch's store. MEALS AT ALL HOURS OP DAT FOR M CT5. Passengers on the trains can get meals cheaper and as good an anywhere else. Pleasant rooms, polite servants, clean services, and everything In tlrst-clasa style. ALL THE DELICACfES OP THE SEASON. Meals on tho European plan. Too pay tor what yon get. We have also opened at oar former plaoe on First Street a Family Qtsjoorf Uoiua wbor yv cau get the best FLOL'll, LA HP. BACON. COFFER Slid A 11, HOAP, BUTTER, ETC., ETC. Also the finest SnntI, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc., to ha found In tlio town, cheap for CAHH, at JAS. L. BASS, &CO., ortll-ly Waslilntrton Avenue and First 8t. NT (J li. will not. nfter this date, pay any debta eon- tract". I hy uiy son A. L. Tope ocl 2't. A. B. 1'dl'K. Olt W ALB. Store and dwelling house In the town of En 'IdN.C Dwcllinir has an sere and a half lot attached. Terms liheral. For particulars, ap- Iv to A. W. Wliitelicad, KnUeW. . U., or w. w. hill, Weldoii, N. U. oct I It GREAT BARGAINS. We am now receiving our new and lieautlfnl loils recently piitchased of the niuiiilfsctiirers, ami cordially invite you to call and see them. Tim laruest and Heal seiecieu siock Ol HOLD WATCHES. PETS 01'' JEWELRY. BAM) UUAi'ELETS. OPEKA AND UUAKD CHAINS, DIAMOND AND SEAL KINUH. bl.hhVri Htrr i'ONS AND HTPDrt, NOLI 1) WLVEllSPOOk'S, FOKK.S 40. The Itost IO CaNlor anil (IS Clock tt Ut MOLD. Use Yonnir'a P. P. Olaasfa ami lmiirova your cyeslffht. Walches ami Jewelry mpalrd by tho beat workmen. Engraving neatly done hy J. T. YOUNO BRO. oct 2 ly P.-tersliunr. Va. g ALE OK LAND. ltv virtue nf of a deed of trust made to mc ny Thoinas .1 and Martha A. his wife on tho lltli day of March 1H7B and duly registered III Look fd. I'nirctll, In liie olllce of llie lleKlsler Of D. eds of Iladfax county. I shall on Monday the anl dav ef November next sell to tint h Ink est Kidder at pulillcaiiclloii for cash at tho court lionse door in the town of Halifax, the tollowlnir rcal estate situated In Halifax county near tuo town ef W'cldon, nnd hounded as follow to wit 1 He rlnuinir nt W. I'. Hill s comer on the road I nilinir from Weldon to Uassnnd Ponton nilll, riinniiifr down said road fifty feet to W. A. Davis' corner, thence at rbrht ancles with said road aloiiif said Davis' line one hundred and for ty live feet to (looch's line thenen along: said line II ft v feet, thence parallel with said Davl a llneoue hiinilred and forly-llve teet. to the. Im irinnintf contaniliis" oue third of an acre mora or less. W. Vv. HALL, Trustee. oct 2 tf JSTOTIC'F. by virtue of an order of tho Suporlnr Court of Halifax, I shall on Monday, tha 3rd day of Novombor, 1870, expoM to public Halo at tho Courthouse door la Halifax town, tho followlnn real estate bolonpjinK 1 1 my intestato, Kdward Conl Khind doceasod: 1. The River tract of laud near Halifax town, containing about l i t acres. This tract is vorv fertile. 2. Tho "Upper Tract," bounded tr tha land of P.onjamiu Pholps, Hoi. Williams and others, and containing alxiut 210 acres. This tract is heavily timbered. 11. Tho "Pono Placo," lylug on the east side of tbe w. A VV". R. k., and oontalnlnir about 412 aoros with valuable building and lmproviuiionls. As doubts have tieeu suL'UHsicd as to the title to this tract, I will, It desired, pay all costs of getting doeiKion of the Supromo Court upon it before exacting a compliance with tha bid. The best Icpal'talout of the 8tst bav pronounced tho title perfect. Termas One fourth cash, remainder In three equal installments payable m 12, 18 and 21 months, nn IkiuiI with approved security. Interest at S per cent. Title retained till paid for. R. O. BURTOV: Amdr. Halifax, N. C, Sopt. U'dh, 1K70. oct 2 St. 1857 1857 KSTAIl blSIlED January lut, 1S37. RUFE W- DANIEL Hisstork of Ll'tuors. (Irocerlos and Oofrfec tlonerles enihracc In part KKENl'II, APl'I.K. ni.Ai'KBERHY and WII.Di'HEKKY BIIANDY. WHISKIES, PORT, SHERRY. MADEIRA and l'H AMl'AGNK WINK. I'KIARS, BACON, FLOUR, MOLASSrW. LARD, UlNUKR, PF.FPBR, H1MCK, APPLES JKLLIBS, PICKLR8, BRANDY PKAOHKS anil CONrKCTIOHKRIBS. AppolIliuir.'N, Ncllie-r, German, Hroutliul Nwtnral Wtera. And many other art Ides too uumerous to men tion. K. W. DANIKIn 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldon, . C. oct i ly JTOTICB. I have this day sold out to Messrs. H. II. Pope A Co. All poisons Indebted to) me will ploaso eomo forward and aettla villi Mr. 11, B. Popo. J. A. MUSUKOVE. oct. lUtf.

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