THE P. O A N O K E NE'S. TfTUHSDAY, NoVKMHUIl ;0 179. Gov Jakvis lias issued his procla matinn appointing Tlmrsd iv the 27th Inst. The President I) m also appointed that day for the sitir.e purpose, Till) !i:iIO U.V Til l'AKTV. Too Democratic party has a wotk to i in xt year, which will require all (if its tale (. t , lime and labor to accom plish. It will have to bend every en ergy to establish the fact that this is a government of the people and Unit the people in It n i to rule. The Ilcpuuliian party is rushing rn tu monarchy in spirit if nut in name; and success tn them in 1SS ii nbuliti hi of all I'cpub can in'ti'uioiis, so r.i r as llmso institu tion interfere w'.tli any c hjett they m:ijr hac in view whether it be to steal or keep in power. The failure of the Democrats will lose them all they have gained during years of troublo and al must bnpe1es tirupglihg. There can be (inly one wiy fur us 1 1 maintain the ground we have gained, and that is, tu be united and keep bo. No party can please each individual number, mid we should be personally dissatisfied, let us not boll and iiupedn the (lent. L.'t us rather pocket our disappointments for the pood of the whole. Anv luke- warmers or obstinacy will not advance our personal wishes, imr suotho our in dividual grievances. Kcry g'nd Demo crat i- willin" to do whatever the party may think best for its success. V have seen euouyii of family quarrels in New York and Virginia to deplore them and strive to avoid them. They are serious, and the consequences may be ruinous. Let us beat the enemy fust and then adjust our own difference if there be any; that some chances might be just we do uot deny, but that they Bre just nmv expedient is very doubtful. At all events there is plenty of time for quarrels inside where there is no evening in front. The convention of the people must maik out the course of the patty and the party must aido by it. Don't stay away from the convention and thea say it didu't do l'KOt I IO EtV the State ok Nuktii Caiidi.ina, JCxi'ct'Tivr. 1)i:pai;tmi:nt. 1) authority of law, I, Thomas J. vis, Governor of North Carolina, do set apait Thursday, Nov. 27, 1877, as a day nf prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the manifold mercies and bless ings lie h is vouchsafe 1 to us during the year now passing away. And in order for its proper observance I request the people on that day to close up their places ol business, and abandon ing all secular pursuits to attend their respective places of Divine worship to return thanks to tho Great Ruler of indi viduals and nations for the peace and tranquility which we have enj yed; for the exemption from pestilence and dis ease which he has given us ; for the kind and friendly relations that have exi'ted among all clashes of our citizens, (or the general and growing prosperity that has pervaded the whole Mat-', and for all His varied blesi'u gs he-ton ed upon us a d to invoke a continuance of 11m watchful care and protection over us duiiig the coming year. And while it will be bt -coming on that (lay to remember the widow and the oiphati. and tin' poor :i needy cvcrytiheiu anmag u-, and to minister to their wants, 1 especially com mend to the piayers und gills of the people the orphans i;i the Asylum at Oxford, who ate uow dependent for a import selelv upon the charity of the people, the S'ale appropriation for that purpose being cut rely exhau.ted. Pone at the city of l'. ileigh lliU the 11th day of November, and in the year of our Lord one thou-and eight hun t dred and seventy -nine ; and in the oho hundred and fourth year of our American Independence. 13 the Governor : Thomas J. Jabvb. Lee S. Overman. 1'rivate Secretary. (ItOOHKU KETIKMS. KGUEIHOI'S KltllnKS IN T11H M-.W YOliK ( (H'ST. New Yntk, November 11 Tho re turns from all the siity counties in the Stale, with the exception nf four, have been canvassed by the county turiicrvi tors and sent to the Stale boui J of can vassers ut Albany. The four yet to be heard from, officially, are New Yoik, Kings, Allegheny and Greene. That the entire R publican State tick"t, with the exception i f Mr. S, iule, as State En gineer and Surveyor, is elected, there cau bo no doubt. The maj rities al ready ollicially declared bei ig suiii.'.ieiit to establish that fact without A'b-glieny and Greene, which will still fuither in. crease the Republican vote. The canvass- hs developed the most i gregiom errors on the part i f the inspector in almost every couniy in th S'.ite, win . ther designedly or not, and m ire tricke. ry has been resorted to than at at y general election held for years r I istance, iu West (blester coiirfiy 1 ,GG0 persons voted fir Mr. S ulo for Suae K igineer. of for 'State Engineer and Surveyor," and the county canvas Hers, in pursuance ol the law regulat ing such matters, have counted them as scattering. Some R puhlicing claim when the returns for We9t Cuestcr conic before the State board to be canvased fiat these votes will be allowed Mr. S.iule, but this is not the case, as tli8 djtie. of the State board urc purely ministerial, and they cannot, like ' the famous reluming boards, go behind the returns. The most reliable figure, show that in round numbers the maj orities for the various candidates will be us follows : Cornell, Republican, Gov ernor, 4'J ."00; II , skins, Republican, Lieutenant Governo-, 1,200; Carr, Republican, Secretary of St-te, 4,500 ; Vtidsiurih, Republican, C.iinptioller, 7.700; Ward, Repu' lican, Attorney General, H (100 ; Wendell, Republican, Treasuier, 4,700 ; Seymour. Democrat, Kogineer and Surveyor, 10,000; Kelln vote, 77,500. The cou ity canvassers met again at the City hull this morning and returned counting tho election returns, heginni' g with the Fourth assembly district. The figures varied very slightly from those already published. The ballots in many cases were not Correctly certified, a' d the inspectors in every i. stance were summoned to rectify the o nissioi s. Judge Wateibnry was to represent the Irvine II,i Democracy. The canva s is going smoothly And quietly. The attendance in the chamber to-day was quite slim. The derelict i'ispectors of the assembly distric's already canvassed appeared in a body at the city hall t day. und were taken to the Governot't room, where the committee on correc ted returns were io session, and there made such corrections of irn gulariues us appeared on the billots. The returns seemed to bo very much muddled. A communication was received from the board nf county canvassers, asking the board to instruct the clerk of the buieau of elections to send them copies of the election returns as filed at police head quarters, the reason given being that the returns forwarded to them are deficient; Albany, N. Y , N iv. 11 Our tables this morning show the following plurali ties: Cornell, .TJ.l 72; lloskins. 1,1 Hi; t'arr, 2,21.'i ; Wadsworth, 7,(i17; Wen dell. 3.2S7; Ward, 7.1'.).). We have yel to hear ullicnlly from the counties o Allegheny, Kings, New Yoik, Ontario and Westchester. (Signed) S. C. Hi'TfliiNS. Albany Morning Kxptess. o . tw e km.ii. r i v .i:m vokk, At last ti e New Yoik Sun has receiv ed the nlliciul returns from fifty of the six'y counties in the .Slate. A close comparison between these and the tin olluial returns from the other ten coun ties indicates that Mr. Iloskins, republi can, for Lieutenant-Governor, has de feated Mr. Claiksm N. I'otter, by about 1,100 mni nty ; that M. Cirr, republi can candidate for Secretary of S.ate, it e'e ted by the simo nmj r ' t v ; that Mr. adswurth, the repul liam candidate for Comptroller, will have an increased majority over that of Mr. lloskins, and that Mr. Ward und Mr. Wendell, rep u'olicans, are also elected as Altrrney- (mreral and I rcasurer. The tuxi .rilv for Horatio Seymour, Jr, democrat, for ogineer a d Surveyor, will be over 10,000. John Kelly's vote is increased over toe previous estimates will reach ; 000. The election of Seymour for Engineer and Surveyor, in spite of the schism in tho democratic party, demonstrates be yond ull quett;ons thai New Yoik issa'e for the democratic presidential candidate next year. APVKHTISMM KNTS. .vi ILL TIILV I LUI uhil! D3. A. E ZOLLICOrFES & 3E0TIIEH, DRUCCISTS, WELDON H. C, Have lust reeelvn.l nml i.rn l .i!,. rmi,i.. inu, I'lotli Hiippliei oi' DKUiiS, MKHI 'IN!; PAINTS, OILS, DYHSTt. KI-', I'KKKUM KItT, SOAPS, S PATIoM AK V, COM !S, mtusii. KS, Tolt.F.r AllTICMiN, LAMPS, LAMP l'lXI'l.'ttKS, KK AND WIH I'K K KltOSKNK tUL. Also a lull lino of conloctionoi ius eoihitt ine; of PLAIV ami l'KKM'II t'AMMIX APPI.KS. Oil A ( KS, NUTS, (.'A !v IN, '. A-g. Thoy are the nolo Aueutu lieru tAo RED 0 OIL 150 Il (iUKKS I I RE Ti:T. They alwaya keep nn linno the larjit k( rtmiinl ol the titiost fi, in, ami is co.iu IMxarH to tie li u nl in tlio town or Wehton v. Ineti thev KiiiirKiiton to lm equal to anv In tli iiiarknt, anil lira mire II, hj- call plouso wiy Jiiiliiool a it khI t'.iK ir ut nnv pneo runiiliin from t to Z', e.nts. Tli'.'v iil-o keep tho best artielnot .Smoking aiKl elKnv. til e; foil icco, Mr. H. B. 7. illiei.ll,.r, one of tho the firm will roin.itn tluri g tho winter in Itiiij. morn, whiiru lio will h ivn an o,,irl onl i v 10 HKloet K'Kuls o iliu tiest quality ,lt bol tool I ii lens, T ey respeeifully Invito tho pultllo Kon. erallv lo mil hihI ixniiiitwi their stock No elmrivs lor loiikmi;. 1 hev will take Xreat plMuri in nIiowi.'K lln-ir (roods and qiiotinu nrieos. ll"Hieetl'iilv, Dll. A. It Z'M.I.K'Oh KKK. ,t RO Look lor Sign Vet hu!o Wash, Ave, , . UYI.Ion, N.'f. PrnteriplniiiH earerul'v nllcl ami ,,a. tmiilH irtmteil uinler thn iiniiKiJiatu huticr vision ot lir. A. It. , illcnit,.r, who wiiii lliankslor putt pair n.auo coniiiiiHw li,e praelicu of in-, Ileum us liiTntoloio ami l ull ho Inn til al . Uii'.ilTer'H ilrun (.torn at all lioui i niht uml day, when not pror,'Msinn. ally engird. o,-t. Ullm. 131. E 8 T A BL iT IlTF-! sTjTT" Old lleliablo Jewelry Mnro ot ARTHUR C. FREEMAN. 11 AS ItKMOVT.D TO 171 MAIN ST. NORFOLK, VA. Where can bo lounil a full lino of Watch"-, Jewelry, Ciniini, Uln'-fes, liiilloiis, Silver A'are, Weil.lini; and Kiiirii'O'nont Hiiifrs, at prices dofyini; notii petition. All'll'I'SH ARTI1CHC. KHKKMAV, Nnriolk, a. WatehnK anil Jewelry rnpaired and war ratitoil. (foods s;ut on approval, oel 30 ly. A E V V. RT I S H M E N TS . GREAT BARGAINS. V are now receiving our new him! heautlful (!- ivc-nlly jei-i'tins. (I of (tie inainif leturer.t, iiinl t-orilmli) mviieyon t., e.ill ana m-c iiieui. Tile largest Hint lii'nt .tel. cteil BtoCk lit GOLD WATCHES. liKTSiirMKWKI.RY, BAND JSIt.M 1-. I.I-:TS. OPERA AMI ll HI) CHAINS, lilAM'iMi AMiMvW, KIMIS. SI.KhVK lit'Tl'iiN AMI STflw, SOLID Mt.VIJl .i'Hi iNS. FnKKS 4e. Tno Itetl SIO t imtor mill 5 ( lock i. v i-; it s o 1. 1 . F'-e Vouiik'h 1'. r. (ila.-wes nml Improve your "Walehen met Jewelry fimireil 1 y tlie liest workmen. KinrriivliiK neatly iloin- l.y J. T. Vof.MI k HUH. net 2 ly J', ternliiirn, Vil. s OK I.AM). Hi virtue of of a ileeil of triift nin-Io t" in" t'J' Tl.ii:iia J l-'ii-I.N ami Mnriha A. Irs wife on the 1 1! h ilnv of Miireh l'7 a' . iliply re .-e-teri'il in In oil f.l. '!. Ill the i. Ill ftlie It 'irister of Dee.U of II oifm corinty. I shall on Momlny the :inM:iy of Noveuiher in t e to the hiKhenl hi. hler nt inil.lie.'iiie for ea-li nt the c.mrl llolH. ,.lor in the toH II of 1,' lhhlX. the folloWlnif ri al e.-ln'e .til ii.i'e.l III ll.ilif is eoiiiily n-r.r tin town l.f Wehloll, lin.l llOllllllell .It fl.lllOVH III Wit ' V. .. Iimiii r al W r. Ilill't c rner on ih- i-mnl h a ilinr from Wei Ion to li itt an I rmiton't 'nlll. rioiioim' .lowu (-al.l nunl II ty feet to V. A. Davit' l orner. thenei-at rlirlit iinul -m Willi mil. I roa.l ill. line hiiIiI Davit' line one liiimlreil ami for- tV IIV" feel to loioeh'x line tl ee nlolllf Klllil lin. Ilfty f -et. tli. i .aralle with nalil liavl'it Hi lie loin. Ire.l an t f .riy-llve fe. l In lh" Im-. innniu,' c intainlim- on- li ml "f nn aere more or h ts. W. W. II Al.l.. Trustee. ol-t li tf JiiTIl'K! NO TICK! Itl.U)' KKll)!! tti: 41)!!! .1. I.. UASS ik CO. have remove 1 their H KS- TAt'KA.NT from tlieirol'l phi n First street to the GREEN FRONT, ltet'veetiW. IT. Urown's s'or an 1 PriMCott tl h's store. MHAt.S AT Al.l. Ilni:il.s Ol'' DAY I'DlltiOCTC I'assenu-ers on the trains cm et ni 'iils eheaiicr met as irooil .n :iuy.v!iere els". Pleasant rooms, polite servants, clean service, ami cyerythlwr in llrs! class ntyl". ai.i. Tin-: iii:!,ti'Ai'fi-;s op Tin; shas ).v. Meals on the Kiiropenn plan. Vmi pay for what yu ,'et , We have also oiieneil at our tonner place on First SI i t a Family (irocery House where you can (ft , lie Lest Fl.ol'r., I. A nn. L'A'.'c:., C'tU'FHH C'r'iAH. .-OA1", IIPTTKll. KTC. KTf, Also the lines! SnnlT. Toteiceo, rirai-s, K te., lo he ton;, 1 hi the own, cie ap for I'AsII, at J AS. I,. PASS, A- CO., oclli-ly Wnshineton Avenue Hint First SI. .atav Airs arizes ran rrs1 a&'Ac von SiNHi jiKTATn ca I? nvtM l-y reerv PP AOTI0AL TAINTrit. Cr.TIIiNO CA?AC1TV It iitTHABILITY VXCl TDAVY KNOWMPA! r Hull tinm l' 'l wiihf'iirl'r.-p,i'-cJ i'ah'K, if net sitiiUe tury.witl is r.eijiuttJ t o.:: Ericass. FOR SALE BY A. H. ,'Jl.l.H'l)FI''KU fi r.U ., June 20 1 y Wei Ion, N. C. V. X N A Y BAKER & CONFECTIONER. W ELD 0 N, N. C. A very lar,',-e sujiply of C A Iv !: S . (' 11 A C K K P. S , P A N T) I li s , F K K M' H AND V I. A I S. K Al S I .N S, F It C I T S, X L' T S, Sit: The l.'in.'i st sti.ek of Toys of verv variety over It 'ilifh! lo Ihi.s linirlu'l. Ih'.ler' foi-can.lies en'i.'M, nih-.l at shortest llotiee at .Nor; iiern prices. We.lliiiu-aii 1 other parties Hiippllivt as cheap ns th,. ,-!,, -iip,!. ,., , iy jjl )!! KKNT OltSALI 1 wish to sell or rent prlva'elv tnv land, or I iil le ino lor a Inrm ol years. I wmilil rather sell into tiai-t nn .u which I now rei.le, emit-ininu' li or 700 acres with iio( h itisn und out h'.iisns. oletr .nt w ater. A Ian mni triet eonlauiinn 2110 lu.r(ja j p,rn. wick e.i.iiiity. Va. Oiih or two other sma ll r places An Islam! in Koam ko rivor nne null, ,',v Uiistoi', emilaiiilu 7'i acres. One linu-n nml lot in Uastnu. Mso ,ny Imrsis, innlc.s, cows, hnn, hlioep Ve. Al ol which I will h.iII nn reaswiua.' bin tenin on iipplicnioii at inv houn W. P. CLi'.M KNTii, (iaston, X. O. oct 0 It N r o t 1 0 k I havn tiiis ilav Hold nut, to MnHrs. II, II. Pope A i'o. All persons indebted 10 me w ill please eoiim forward and (.eUlo wjih Mr. li. II. p. p. J. A. ML'SiiKOVH. oi:t. Pitf. N UT1UK. All poison iiwinu State id County tines or thn year 1S7H, are licrehv notified and reque-ted lo eoiiio forward and hettle tl;u same tts nnln'ev.nce ('.:innot, Im (rivon. JAMKS T. DArtSON, SheiitT ol Halifax County, N. C. oet. tl 4t. A D.MIN ISTlt .VTOil't) LAND SALK I!y virtue of a deorcn of Halifax Supo rl or Coon, 1 as adtuinistraiir nf Win, c. Ousliy, i!ei ei.-ed, sh 'i, 011 Monilav the 1st day ol Oecnnilur 1S7H, s II at pui.lij aue linn at tlio court houvn in llnll;,ii town, thn following land bolonuiti 10 thn pb t.ce of al I decea- il, situateil In Halifax county, to wif. One ti aet coiilaiui nn about oinhtv aeros aril HiljotnliiR the lair's ol Archibahi Steph i.snn and tho lands win 'noti J wnos l Oustiy liv'-. Ore, traet rnutHining aboui two huinlrml a"iev, lyinn on White hall kwainp, and ailjoioi. g too lands nf Win. Kvulinn Urai'ch and olh.os. Terms! One; third cash, Inlaiieo in ono and I wo j-otrs hoeured by boml with Hpproved ceeiiritv as reiiiiied by law-title rctsrneil till all porelmso money paid. Kor fur ther piirtienlars apply to mo or to my attorneys, Mullen it tnnre, Halifax, N.0. PKNJ. K. OAKV, Admiuiatrator. oet r,o u NEW ADVERTISEMENT. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Having just returned from Hew York anil Dnstor where 1 have PURCHASED FOR CASH, Tho CHEAFKST AND BUST HKLKCTED HTOCK IN THE MARKETS, I am prepared to sell tomy t'ustouiera THE CHEArFST GOOIS EVER OtFEUEO IS THE STATE. fiOOD WOOL HATS 25 Cents Mid up. PURE LINEN TOWEI.N 10 to 3!i Cents. BEST 4 PLY I.INKN COLLARS in to 20 Cents. PANTS FROM Sixty Cents to Hx Dollar. liKST WAMHDTTA THREAD !5 Cents per Dozen. COATS' AND CLARK'S THREAD 5lntSpool. CLEAR KI 1! SI DKM T) Cents, HKOULDKKH 5 CciiU. A LARCE STOCK OF LADIES' FINE DRESS COODS. A FULL STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. In fact everything found In a first-class Store. Call and examine at the old Stand of Wtntleld 4 Einry. nc2.t-a Respeeifully, T. L. EMRY. GIVE II 1 M 1879 FALL 1871) JUST RECEIVED E. BUTTE RICK & CO'S NEW P A T T E R N S OF THE LATKST A-IEIUC.VN AND EUKOI'EAN NTY EES. KEW FALL CATALOGUE AND MONTHLY SHEET now ready for distribution. sauipm 01 OPENING NEW GOODS ADDRESS snfit IS 3m SM.K OF VALTJAHLE LAND IN HALIFAX I'O I NTY, N. (J. In pnrsiianee i fa decree of the Superior Court of Halifax County, September Term 1879, the undersigned as eoinmis HionerM appnint'd by said eourt, will sell, fur divis on utn inirst leualous. nn Monday tho lt day of Deetniber 1-71. at the Court limine door in ,h town nf Halifax, that valuable traet of land in Halifax eoiinty, lately ownnd and occupied by the lute dipt, nice 11. lJmr !B, This land in Hituate'! four miles from the town of Halifax, ai d live miles from Wehton, ih liiehlv improved, end is well adopted to '.lie growth of all erops raised in thn scetii n, it contains between six and hovoii hiindroil ticios, ami is con siilerod ono of thn best cotton farms iu tho county, it is also veil timbered and well watered. There is upon it a com modious dwelling, two nllieiis and all lifli'Huuiru fill! ItnlI'MDU fi r fiirm nnrnA.ou Kood orchards "nod wa'er, the neighbor- I hood lienltby and the peoplo intelligent and refine !. I his laud will bo divided in parcels to suit piirehasHrs, and a map showing loca tion anil ti n n lurirs will be exhibited on the day of salo. Dr. A 11. Pierce, who lives near, and ('apt. i. R. Lwich and Mr. Ueorijn C Pierce, tio reside upon the plantation, will she w tho land to any pel son who desires tu eto it, ai.d any other information (iesii')d can be bad by aiidressini; the eomaiii--iouers at Hilifax or Wfchlon. Terms of the srle i'l be twonty five per c(it,t. of the purcha-o monej' in cash, the balance iu Uirce equal inslallninnts piyable in six, twelve and eighteen months, for tlio dnteirod payint-nts tlio pureha-er will lio rcquiroil to uivo bonds well secured beariim . ik'ht per cunt, in terosl Irom day of sle, and tho t'tle will be i ei lined until all the purchase money is paid. W. H. DAY, I .1. M. (iRIZ.ARD, Commissioners. Halifax, N. 0 , September 3Utb, 187!. oct 2 5t. IST'.l. Fall aud Winter, 1!SS. I am opening a new and desirable stock of MILLINERY COODS Embracing a complete Hue of li.ilH. Ribbons, Plush. Velvet", Si'.ks, Licet, Ornaments. Crapes, Frin ges, Km hroiilerod (lalloona, liuUuiiH, Kaiicy (loods, and Notions. dhkss-m.vk:.n(j cuttisu and fitting at short notice, l.ntit Styln Dross Trimming, KriiiKos, Hal tons, Fancy Oooils and Notions, Weihling and Party Dresses made, and If requested will liimisb matoiial. AGKNT FOK E. 11UTTERICK & CO'S. CELEBRATED VATTERXS. Catalogues sent froa on application by sendiui; stamp to prepav positive, HUS. A. II. JU.NES, 1 1(1 Sycamore Street. PETliKSBUHG, VA. sop2.r).'5in AT HOIAJE ACAIN, II. F. SLEDGE A Co.. lt SI reel. Weldon, N. C. We desire to inform our friends and the public genorally, that we have a complete ailCK, UOOSISllllg Ol B.icon, Flour, Meal, J.aid Hutter, Flah, Choose, Crackers, Cakes, Confectione ries, Starch, Soap, Tobacco, Cigars, Suul'r, Ciincer, Pepper, Spice, l'ieklcs, Jelli' s, and liraudy Peaches, Ourstock of liquors embrace iu part, French, Apple, Wackhorrv, and (iingor JJranillus, Old Hye and Corn Whiskies, Port and Sborry Wines, Uin, Kuin, Ac. Our Immense trade already enables us to sell goods very cheap, and we cordially Invite our many friends to give us a call. Our maxim Is ti trniii nil rhriii I I.., 1 let Live, Kept. liStf A CALL. Sent free, postape paid, to any addross on application, also uooua. DAILY, SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER. E. II. II liAfllitE, 118 Main Mroet, AUKEUEK, VA. ACENTS WANTED, THE NEW STYLE FAMILY ," OO- S E IV ISO SJt) MACHINE!! The Usual C3 Machine Reduced to 25. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TUB WOULD, Too I,oiib lii Use to Doulit Its Superior Merits No Money to pay until the Miu'hine is delivered to you ninl examined. It makes the shuttle, iloulile-threail, lock stitch, (the suine .in luith shies of the work), which r. eeive.l the highest award at the Centen nial Kxhiliiti.m. l'hihiilelphie. Pa., 1H7H. Ami Is complete with a InrpT assortment of attach nieiiis for line work than any other machine, ami Heillleeil t ly It Is an easy an,l jih asaiit maeliine to operate, reiiuin s Ihe least cure, produces every variety ol work, mid will hist until the next century tic Kins. Mriinif.Hinii.le. Rapid and Klllelellt. Tse it miff ami ymi will use no other. The money el fully rcturnlcd if it will not ont- work mil uullast any uiachinc at douhlc tho price. Airents sell them faster I han any other In con seiini'iic.e of their liclnif "ihe iJestut the Lowest Trice." Kaeh inachiiie thornii-'hly warranted with Wi ilten (liiiirantec for live years. Kept In order free of fhari;e; money refunded at once if not sat isfae lory. It Is the most s :ll,1, rctinlile. and satisfactory inneliine ever iuveiili'il for all kinds nf finally work. It Is an acknowledged unequivocal nie e hanical success, thoroughly tested, anil used in thousands of homes. An clllelent. silent, rapid, reliahle. and ever readv helper to t he weary wife or seamstress, it will do the work of a fain ly for ii i e-i line, or ii win earn iroiu i-i io fii per day f ,r any one who wishes fo sew for a living. This machine costs less than half the price of any lew machines of like quality. Has extra Innir, lurtrc-sized shuttle, easily removed. Kxlra larire sl.ed llohhliis, Im l.J i im- inn yards of thread dulnn away with tho frequent rewinding of holildns. II Is hunt for strength and constant hard work, lnterchamreal'le worklinr parts, inaiuifactiired of tin-polished stevl. Will run for years with out repairs, is simple to learn, easy to mauiwe, uiiih rsio'id perfe,'ily in an hour, ami always ready In a moment to do every descrli'tinii ot heavy or Hue work nt less cost 'or troulile than any other machines at any price ever did, or can do. Itwillsi'w nnyihiinr a needle cm pierce, Irom laec oriMuil'i-ic to heavy cloth or harness, with any kind of thread, and will run oir twenty yrd- per minute; It uses stroinr, slrniuht nee. dies, und never hreiiks them. It cannot miss or 'liop a stitch, ravel or hreak the thread. If yon havesiiy machine, hay tins and have a he'tter I lie ease and rapidity of its motion and quality of Its work, are Us host recoumieuila lions. Itwlllhi'in, f"ll. tuck, hrald, cord, hind irathir. quilt. ru!lle, ph-at, fold, scollop, shirr! roll, hast,.. fiul,r,,i,ier. run up breadths, etc. with ciiseniiiliiutckmss, unsurpassed by any machine ever Invented. llevtnrenl Iiiipnslloii. The prices for! onrnew machine are less than those niked bv dealers in sccond-haml, rebuilt and retliiisheil maclilm's, or those H-lltnjr out old stock inclose up I'usliiesH, munv such Inferior and old style machines beitiiroiiorcd ns m w at reduced prices; liewar" of Imposition nml onlv buy lew machines. There are no ii 'W llrstclass liiaehiiiesiiiti i'cd as low as tho "Family," hy many dollars. Machines fknt koh fvamivatkix uekoke tav- MI NT OK 131-L. Kxtraordliiary Iniluccments offered to Clew men, Teachers, Morekeepe rs etc: to act as nironia Horse nml wmp, n riirnbhcd free. Kor t"stimo- "'"'ss lescriptlve books moiled free with samples t,f work, liberal terms, circulars etc Address, FAMILY HKWINil MACHINE CO. ''t 10 ly. 75.1 Broadway, New York. Cf : A week In yourown town, nud nocapl-f-rP " rnl vlsked, You ran Rive the business atrial without expense. Tim best opportunity ever offered for those will inn- to work. Yn should tr' notlilnni'lse until ,m so,, fr (Mir. self what you can do at the business we olfer No room to explain her . You can devote all' your time oronly your spare time to the busi ness, and make irrent pay for every hour that you work. Women make ns much ns men. Send fur special private terms and particulars which we mall Tree. -, Outfit free. Don't complain of hard (Inns while vou have such a chance Address It. IIALLETT & CO., Portland. Miiino. July:il ly. It ? O 11 SALE, More and ilwclltmr house In the town nf Kn tlehlN.C. nwelliu.f has an acre and a hnlf lot iiitai hed. Terms liberal. Kor particulars nn- !,Ilv.,,"llV,w-W,ll,,,,loaJ Eutleld.N.C. or W. W. Ila.l, Wei hill, N. ott 2 lt ADVERTISEMENT. 185' i ESTABLISHED 1857 January 1st, 1997. RUFE W- DANIEL His stock or Liquors, Groceries and Confer tumeric s embrace in part FRENCH, APPLE. BLACKBERRY and WILD CHERRY BRANDY, WHISKIES, PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA and CHAMPAONE WINE. CIGARS, BACON, FLOOR, MOLASSES, LAUD, 01NOEK. PEri'ER, SPICK, APPLES.JEI.LIES, PICKLES, BRANDY PEACHES and CONFECTIONERIES Aiipollf nnrlK, Sclfzcr. Oermnn, Kroutlial Natural Waters. And many other articles too numerous to men Hon. R. W. PANfET., 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldnii, N. C. oct t ly 31. E. KULL 115 SYCAMORE KT. l'ETEKSBVRG' VA. FALL PROSPECTS, 187 9. Fooling it due to my friontfs und cus tomors, to plane before them the thanks of mysell and Mrs. M. K. KM, for tholr liberal patronage aerded to us, I take mis method ot doing so, and ask a contin uanoe of your appreeieted favor in the fu ture, to my txtensiTe stolc et READY MADE CLOTHING all manufaotured by myself fn- this city, ineroov supportlnK many ot our own peo pie also an attractive assortment, of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRKS and TAILORS' Till M M I NGS, together vrith a loll line of r usuiunauie Dry Goods and Notions of every diseription for the- Wholesale and Ketail trade. Tba EXTENSIVE MILLINERY DETARTBtENT or MRS. M. E. KULL i3 in the same build Intr, bointc espeeially luted up tor the nranclies ot trade, via: CLOTHING. DRY UOODH. NOTIONS AND MILL1NKKY. Plediring to sell all goods as low as can re bniiKlit nnrtu All orders w ill receive prompt attention. CLOTHING for MKN and HOYS' wear made to order iu host manner at low rates. Ladies' Dresses made to order complete Bridal outfits furnished at short notice. Reports from all sections show a gradual revival of belter times, and a spirit ol en- eouraiMwient seems visible in evpry direc tion. On this basis I olfer inoreaed faciN ities to the trade, and congratulate you as having suucesstuily ovorooine the gloomy past. Send in your orders and call and bee us when you visit our city. Oct 23 tf ,1 VERY BODY LOOK HE ICE I I wish to Inform the citizens of Halifax county, and the public generally, that 1 keep a nrst class Louse in the town of SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. I have a complete stock i f GROCERIES & CONKFXTIONEIUES. My bar is stocked with the choicest French, Apple, and Peach Brandies, alto an nuns oi vui.kibh, wines, Uiu, Kuni, and Champagne. BUST BRANDS OF WHISKIES A SPECIALTIY Laser Beer in tlnttlus and mi Drmnrl.t Families supplied at lower rales by the UO.dll UUtllOS, 10,MU Ci;rM ofiiie Hvnt Uriiudi. I have a llrst class RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SALOON attached to the house. I will endeavor to please all who will honor me with their patronage Mr. J. H. Staton is with mo, and will be pleaded to serve his old friends. My servants are polite and attentive. G. OPEN H KIM KR, Sign Central Nalann, oet 23 Tni. Scotland Neck N OTIOE. TTxvinir rfnlv ni,nllfl.,.1 ..i Richnnl nil i '. ' ' , . of ,.., ,, .,,ua iiiivoi eiiinus airiinett his estate are herehy not tiled and n- niiesteil to .r.wi.Mit tli"in to mc ilulv aulheiitlcn- teil on in lii'li,,, n,.t lut iuu,t i..... ... . . . . . :, : , " '-ioiis iiiui'oieii III I ,,'NR 'I IIUUI. ..j t I . ,'. ',. '. '" io i'Isii'ii to inline 111UK. diatesettlciueut. I). I. Al.SliltOOK. Admr. of Richard Alslmink, 0flt 2 (f By Kitchln St Dunn. atty. 1 nn tm !iki yr. " to J l UJJ dav in vnm nun l,,...,il,. risk. Women do as well X4 tnnn Manu niHke more tlmu the amount Htntnri above. N(l Ollfl CAW full tn ninl-A t.... -..... a nno ciin io tlir work. You can make froih Mn:m, ui i-whh uour ty uuvntinfr your even in IM Wild untirn tlitiA , n. l... .; . It costs nothing to try tlio business. Noth- ...k iiku i , lur iiidiicv niiming ever ottered beforn. IliiMinuwa .ln......... ...... . . 'i,'niwiii uu KiriULlV honorable. Header, it you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, soud us vour address and we will sntid full partieuUra and private terms free; sjtmntr.M .u.rii. i.... .. - ' I " "' 1.0 V oini li ho; y,,u can then make up your mind fur yourself Address UliORJK HTINSUH d to , Port- ADVKRTISKMENTS. LOOK HERE?' READ THIS! READ THlSl And Stop at tho Corner, and buy yaar Cheap goods from 3 Y II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. lie keeps always on hand a full Una of general merchandise, such as Roots, Shoes, Hats, ('aps, Urv tioods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hoisory, Ac. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for Cash. Corner 1st St. at d Wash. Avenue. Wbldon, N. C, nir271y A. WRENN & SON. Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of CARRIAGES, IIAEKESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CARTS, WHEELS, AXLE, FARM WAGONS, HORSE CLOTHING, LAP ROBES, &o. Nos. 14, 18, 2-1, and 2(5 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. sep 18 ly JjlOR SALE. " The following valunble real estate lying mar Tillery's Mill, in Halifax county about nine miles from tho town of Halifax, About 36') acres including steam engine saw mill uini fixtures, gin. giu house and fixtures, adjoining the residence of J. R, Tillery. Mike Wilkins, that contains about 97 acres. Pope place enntab lng about loO acres, i interest in Wade H Tillery tract, tb wholo containing about 877 acres. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C.jnly 31tf s tOUTEERN HOIKL, HALIFAX N. C. J. W. Ml'LLEX, I'KOI'im.TOK. Table well supplied, clean rooms and attentive servanta. Meals 50o Lodging olio, A Livery Stable also kept where teams may be hired. Horses fed and well attended to, bj experienced hostlers. The travel ng public will do well tostop at the Southern Hotel. June 5 I y. IV. II It O W IS ' H OLD EELIABLE DEUGSTOEi Is always supplied with PtoiEt llru;N and Medicines. NEW GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK Tlie stock of FANCY OOODS. TOILET ARTICLES, LAMP GOODS, ILLUMINATING and LUBRICATING OILS, PAINTS, LEADS, LIXt'EED OIL, and art Painters Materials will be always foan to he full. Garden Seeds and Field Seeds In season. Choice pure Wines, Whiskies and Brandie' for Medical use. Finn clears, chewiD(f and Suiokintf Tobacco. FroDipt Attentinn to all Order' by Hail. PouikmI hy ioniiiotMiit clnrkH at all hours, day I ',.11 1 ui Mim. ou aim oft; ui'j, K. V. BROWN, OOt.eif WKI.IKJN, a. c. S ALE Ol1' LAND. I rlTer for sale privaiply. the Groat Creok farm, lying on Deep Creek, adjoin ing tho lands ol Isanti Glasgow, Peltr llines, Poikir.s ontaie and others, tlire miles sniith of (iaston. The farm eon tains about .st 0 acres, about fi(0 acrei i f which Is cleared, liu or 200 acres croek low grounds. This laud Is well nriapud to the cultivation ot corn cotton, tobacco, small gram and grasses. A good young orchard ot assorted liult trees In good con- ditlon. Tho laud will be sold in small Intl if the whole can be dispoi-ed of. Paiths- I..I.I.... ... ' ., .... i u " niiuiK ui f lih) Dinii can can on ri, Moseloy who will Ukn nlmmire la sl.0W lng it. Terms moderate. Apply to ii. r.. imi '.M'.L,i; y, i.aslon, s.. Or W. W. UWATUNEY, Norfolk, Va.. sep 4 3tn. NortlTcarolina, Halifax Ooiintv. Olllee Board County fommissioners, June Meeting Itt'U. It is ordeied by the U mrd that all p""" ties holdini! i laiius Hcaiiixt thn ciilli.lV hy order or otherwise, lie requestm! torrepeul thn same to tlieelerk of said Hoard belore tlio 1st dav of Mept 1H7M. iiy oriler ol tlio Iloara, K. J. LEWIS, Clerk. line 5 4m. li- V- B U T L E Kr Fire und Mio IuNiirunce Ago1 Places risks of all kinds In flrst-elns' Compauies us low as safety will permit. Call and sue me before insuring o's0' where, at BROWN'S DRUG STORlS Wolduu, N July 131 y.

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