rai ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W B E K L Y , N E-W SPAl'EE, PUBLISHED BY J jl, liONti W. W. HAL L. Ono Yoar, In advance, Hix Months, " fliroe Mouth, " : f 2 no i ro "5 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R. (1 E 0. W. IURTMAN, fi ii r 3 c o n I) c n 1 1 t . Ulllce ovr r W. II. Brown's Pry Hoods Store, WMLItON, N.C. Will visit i'iirll"s nt their homes when desired. Terms lteruouiihli!. ' oct :i ly J- M. (1 II 1 Z Z A R I), ATTOKWEY AT I. AW, HALIFAX, S. C. 0!',;-i In the Court House. Strict attention jllvcn to nil liruiichus of the. jiromwiou. Jan 14 ly j'D W A K l' T. ULiR lv, atto::my at law, HALIFAX, N. C. mr, 201 y. Jf t.i B U A N I! II, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. 0. rttc-' In til' Muiiti,M nf lUllfa. Nash Elir.xM'nlieini I Wilson. Holiest kins made In ul reu-ts of the Mate. Jan 13 I f W. II VLL, ATT JJtXEY AT MW, " '; ' WKi.DOV, N. fi. Special attention (riven to collodions anil remittances promptly uimle. may I if. 1AMB3 H. Ul'l.I.KN. JOHN A. M00KK. ' 0 L L li N Ji MOOR K, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. P. IVncticO! In tlic count Ic'mif Halifax. Novthami tun, lidKccouilie, Fiti mill Martin In the Nu erenie court "t tin! Shale mid in the lVd.-ra! Court rrfthe Kastcrn District. Collections made lu any i-itrt ol I lie State. Jan 1 ly JAMKS O ' II A R A, ATTORNEY AT L11V, ' " ' ; ENFIELD, N. 0. I'mctlccs in the conrts nf Halifax anil iilj.dn iinr coiintl.'H. anil in the Supreme mul Federal courts. Col ncUons made in any lart of 1 1 1 -KtaU. Will ittlcrul at the cnurl house in Halifax uu Monday and Friday of each week, jan l'Jt f O B E R T O. BURTON J It. ATTOUXUY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Prantlces In the courts of Halifax, ami ndiniu" 'Inir counties. In tlie Supreme court of Hi Mate, and in tile Federal court. Will tfive anec.liil attention to the collection of claims, and to ndjnsthnr the accounts of ex ecu ton, administrators and jiuanlians. dee T,lf j. A V I N L. U Y M A M, ATTORNEY AT I, WW. HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices In the cnurtB of Halifax and ndioln 'ln counties, and In the Supremo and Federal wurts. Claims colleu'ed in all parts of N.irlli Carolina, office lu the Court House. jnlyllf fUO-MAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. "Vrae'tlcws In Halifax una adjniuiiujr counties atd Federal and Supreme courls. Will ee at Scotland Neck, onee every fort eiKht. ail.t 8 If JOd. ii. BATCUEL'JiL ATTOUafiY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N.C. VMfctlfles In the courts of the (Ith Judicial "Dialriet aiidiu the Federal and Supreme Courls. may 11 tf. p V,'. MASON ATTORNEY AT LAW, GARYdlSURG, N. C. l'ractls In th" courts of Northampton and a.lj.dnini; counties, also in Uio Federal and su prnineoourts. juiieMf, w. n. pay. A. r. Roixnni'i'KR. I) AY fc I O L L I C O F F V. II. A TT O R X E Y S A T L A W, V'M l'lVS. N. C. ' rraclicn In the courts of llnli'nx and iidjolniuir con nl ics. and in tj'-Miiuvni.' ami r1 t:i1 iris . Claims collected lu am- pan "f S r' Ii ri-oin i. Onv of the tirui w.ll always l" lo.in l lu Hie olllce. Jiiiie!f,ly. D H. h. I: HUNIEK, .H V R E OS n K S r I S T . Can bo found at hia oflleo in Enfield. Pure Nitrous Ox idt fi is lor the Puin Jess Kxtrinjiim; of iVolll always ou band, J u no 21 tt, A i XDRS '.V J. a URT ON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A- .Wi3LI)05T, N. C. Vractlc-a In tlmcinr'n o' II i!ifa-. Warren and adjoining counties anil in the Supreme and Fed eral courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. jour 17tf J u, amva, jr. ' ATTORNEY AT LW, 8uoTj.A;n Nkok, U.VLll Coontv N. C Vrartices In the county of Halifax and ad) oin "" '"(iiitles, aiidiuthu'sui'U'Ui court of tho rtt. (an Idly. VOL. VIII. I'u a And The Lion. N( matter wlion it may have boon Or .vFiirii HKn, or lint yestre'on, Whnn lifn was in i s noliten spritipr, r when Its loitMH weret wlllmrin, '1 here lived n man I know him then No matter where, n; matter when. Ito whs as fair and frank and free As any human kouI could he. For every wrong lio mad amends, Koi'avo all loos, improved all friends, Aim loved all women 'neiith tlin sun, Yet nuvor riu o his heart to one. Thus had he grown to manhood's prime And then lie met one fair spring tune, When snowdrops uriiw a hundred deep, And violets just henan In peep, As sweet a little maid as yon Or, 1 or any ono o'er know. (th if I eonlil hut paint Intend!) Her lips were roses, rurrry red; Her poerloss lirow was lily whilo j Ker eyiilids were tint odn if night; Her eyes were monnllulit.and thtlr beam 1'iilo i you wilh love's onch '.ntcd dream. Ho did not f ill in lovo lil;o men, Who fust fall in love, then out again ; He Krew to lovo lier'day by day -I) illy slio stole some heart away, And whim hyd bt (juiio half his liojrt lie offered her ths o'.hor part. IIo sa'd : " I th mglit sooie time ago My stiei.gth could match with any loe, But thou hast cmtglit ni' in a net From whieli I cannot free mo yul." ( Indeed it snoniod lie did prefer Being caught, for ho went nearer her.) "Nay, hear mo, rrn thou speak again, A Milken cord shall join us twain; Around my lil'o one end shall lie, Tlio iilh-r shall ln held by tho". (lore, ut thy foet, I vanquished lie, Fair Ur.a llmii, 111' uili Lion I." And somehow how they never know Four lips were iu ho place oi t.vo. And loving arms (the silken cords) Were far more eloquent than wonts, 1 hero let us leave llioin happy then, No mvtter where no mailer w hen. JENNIE'S WORD. It was the morning after my tirth lay party, and slept late so In'e that breakfast was nearly over when I came, down stairs. l'upii looked pale and at xious, I thonlit, as I kissed liim sh' iviig the eir"cis of our previous night's dissipaiion and rxcitcnicut Car more than I did. As for me, I whs yotinj seventeen happy in the almost certainty of having Junes Marklnui's lore; rich, beirg papa's only child and heiress ; an 1 as for my looks, well, si ir.uny people, only the uieht before, had told me I was beaulilul, that I began tu believe it must be true. N t th it I cared to be beautiful iu any but J lines' eves. I lowed J imcs oh, si truly! I kuw very well that he loved me, loo, jjst as dearly ; only, be cause I was rich he wouldn't speilc. I was thi. king of the love in his eyes last iiieht. iud smiling l appily and in voluntarily us miseJ, win: n papa arose from the table ' Ci'ne to me in library, Jennie, when you have finished," said he. And something in his look and tone chafed ro y b'pdit drea:ns away. Nut without cause. 1 hae often thought since then when I lert the breakfast room and passed int i the lihrary, left bi hind mo the joy and happiness of my life, and e ten d struiijhlway u;nm its aiseries and cares. ' have receive I a pnpisul f mar tiage for you," said papa, ubruptly ; ' a proposal which I desire you to accept " The Gu lden ifss of the announce ment fairly took my breath away. I began to think that at last perhaps James had spoken. "Who has d ine me the honor to pro pise?'' I asked. "i'llmer West." I arose t my my feet wilh utter dis may. "K rtier West! And you wish roe to accept him? On paps." My father arose, and leiding me to the sofa, sit down besida me. "I will tell you why," he said quietly. He did so, there aud then, quietly, despariugly. "Last night, after the party, he asked me fur the twenty thousand dollars which he placed in our hands only six imuilhs ag", ut a time when a run on the baek seemed iaiminent, and hr.d it occurred, would have broken us, To comply with the demand i impossible; to announc that imp issibility is ruin ruin not only to uursrlvm, but to hund reds who have I. listed us tuin, dis- ooooi , i,L';p :;!r ! Much more be loll me, all proiing that them was no escape tut one ; the allernalwe was: "(live me your daughter' hand, and I will "ie von a rercioi for ico lhou-- ai.d dollars; the other ten can be her dowry." And Could I refuse to sac him, poor papa? It never occurred to me to refuse. How could I, in such a terrible strait, desert niv lather? And, hc-Ues, there had never been ore word of I vu spoken between James aud me. II iw could I be certain that he did love me? Had there been any. defi lite under standing wilh Junes it would have been different; but now I was confused ijoihing seemed real but the ru n I was called upon to aiert, und my misery. Like u;8 in a dull dream I gave niv word, and received vy lather's kiss and blessing, and went up Stairs to tuy on room. U i the way, still like one dreaming, one ol the servants ca.ue after me to say that a gentleman was wailing to bee :i.e in the parlor. I went down, opened the parlor do r, and west in. James came forward quickly ! meet me, ' 'My darling," he said, "good fortune bas come to tuc I bate inherited jpaie fliik WELD ON, N. money. I can leil you how I hue you noV." I could have ciied nut with neony. Then suddoiily a ild hope sprang up in my heart. I looked into his face e iprvly. "How umoh money, Jaxes?" I ns'ted. He looked staitled for a moment, I suppose it sounded mercenary, but he enswered readily : "Ton thousand dollars." ''Alas !" I groaned, ar swering my own thought", "it H not half enough." He actually laughed at that and cauelit rne iu his nrm. "Little goose" he Slid, 'it is more than enough ; it is a vi ry nico little sum for me to begin business with. Vour father said, long ago, that when I had that mui:h I inieht ask !; r you " "lie did." H't never asked me if I 1,'ved him, nor did I n dU:e the ri.isii. osti -c!-ivelv we read each elliei's t h 1 1 u .j 1,1 s. 'Ripa told you th.,l? Ol , it I c inld have known that jou had s,)i ken I ) him ; but now it is too late 1'' And I t i l hi. -ii all. l'oor .litis! lie would give papa the tM thousand, he ai.I, and the lioipe cntil. 1 be sol 1 or niort;' ' ;"d, or some thing done, to piy lll.mr "e-i.'.- ui uuy, and si t uio liee aa n. ; We hurried t"oc:h,:r to tho library. Too h'te again I l'.ioa had g.o;e. When ha i chined, the bargain was conchrlel. IK: hclJ .bi receipt lor halt' id Mr. West's money, nuJ I was in honcr hound to become his wile. I pass over iry sufferings and J nuts' James went away from the: city; il was better so; the sight of him im could on'y make my cruel duty h.ir.li-r. I was r,nt to he called upon to fulfill my ei.fj ig ment for a year that much ics, life I insiiied nn. S:rii"i'i! and i .s.i u' ili'.ti nra the de signs of l'rovid ijiicc. IV'fire tluf, year was out, the dear fa'.her, for vihospsihe 1 had cnujui.ted to s;n.nfi.u the l:;i pines.-) of my life, died died suddei ly ol apoplexy. The shock had will nigh killed me, too. The ..ffiirs of the estate were M!l lled d -ring mv illm si. I'.ior papa had hee-i tetribly involved Nothing at all was h Tt for me. I sh u'd be compelled to work for my own li'iog, but for being obliged to (jiurrv K!,.-er West. I would woiked gladly aye, to n.y life's end, rather than become his i wife. As I In ked at the Rid reflation in the glass the pale, thin, l u k-ri'jt J shadow of toy former self, n faint li ; n stirred ithia me. Surely he wdl not wish to wed that sorrowful ghost I IVrhu;, vilien hu sees me lu! will set me fiec. ii it he I'ud no u.ii liii.".irlit. "t'lim ge and trave', and happiness wi 1 restore your h,- s iti," !.e said. I answi red (p.P t lv : ''Y 'ti can never g vo inn happiio s ; never, never 1" His brow grew 111 i..k "Vou do nut dat'er," he :iid, bi tcrly. "I begin to think mvscil' tliat I ipake a foolish ha'gaio. 1 I iv'-mI n hiigli', love ly, hrildaut gill. I li id inyselt ungnged to a sad, pale, (litii iy worn in. S ndi as she is, however, slu; h is cost me ten thousand dollars, and it appears to no she is in h moi' bound t make i.c an aff ct ona'e and loving wi:'c. Vour old locr might buy you off, .oih.:ps m ly the house in which he iove-ted his money bunted d Lt night. I s-!p-pose l.e U i.iinci!." I uttered a crv of despair ; my las', hope was gone, lor I hud i.. tended to uppeal to James In h( 'p cue. "You would have asked M i'kham to pay me ten l'jou-iiJ dollars:'' tail he, presently. 'Yes." I nnswiied, "if I cou'd pay you that money I would l u lie', but until 1 can do that I an iu honor bound to become your wife." "I am gh.d you see it in that li'.'.ht," he said; "I don't k unv that I can pay you a greater compliment than that 1 1 being willing to take you rather than the inoiiey." S'.range inOitua'i m for a woman who net oi ly Could not cue for I ioi, h it whits,' heal', he uwiikhtw, w,n ue otliei's. The di!" of our weddi.-j w.;s deft r- rud, of Co'liSi'. lie could n 't txnecl OH to go ; , the ul; nr betore my year ol inomnii g u pired. Meantime I had taken a quiet lodging i and begin to support iiijs?!!' by music i teachi'ig. A hard life for one oho had no-. cr j Icnwn want i r toil. No doubt hard ft'.nk is plraviut when '.he heait is at ease. As the months wore' on I became quieter, thiner, paler less auJ less like the "bonny denniu" of old. I thought sometime-' : "Even James would hardly care to have me now." It wanted but two mouths nf our mar ring' at lust. . I had learec-I to he.u him taik of it without pain ; I had come to look upon it as inevitable. 0 iff morning stood at my window looking out. It was raining, and I hesit itc l about setting forth. S iddmly Ja nes M.nk ham passed ail saw me. 1 gave a cry and stretched out ray bands to him. I gasped for breath and fnk into a cbair, half 'faictiug, justasJatues caate into tba room. if hh I C, THURSDAY, lie rinsed the door, and stood look-' ing at (i.e. ' " "I'onr child," ho said, softly "you havo not ga'r.ed happiness either, it seems " Then, glancing with surprise around tiie room ; "And what rue you doing here? Your liiisb u.tl is a rich man. l'ocs the scoun drel neglect you'f" Mv surprise was unbounded. "llus'jand I" I repeated; " havo no h'lshand ; what do you mean?" ' No husband ?" lie stared at me. Were y u not mariied six mouths ago t. Wnsir" 'No, no ! 01), J.ime'', so S' ou nfter poor papa's death. Who cou'd tell you so!" 'II.? t i!d me ., the villian. I wrote to y i 1 1 , noil received no cuswtr. Tli"n I iviole u, him, i fuiing to pay your la'.lu r's de t. lie sent nos in ii'jdy a tc.vsoap' r ai nn utiCf du'iit of your tuai r'lige on tl at very day. lilt, Jennie" he came to me S I Idetdy i "1 c!as;i . il ir.e iii iiis arms "now havo you lived?" 0 at his t' rich at the id.', t.-ml.'r l "ie, I) uv the fl .o.l gates of my g'iel gave iv.iy, 1 sl.ing iii his arms us on tliu day 'e paited, and pomej loiih inv love a id soiru'V on his luenvt. And, in the mi'ist of it all, a wel! kiu wii .ste;i sodiidej outside, u tap on the door, and Jliiuer eiitered We. .it vi r moved. 1 clang closer to my true I uer, and James lu'ld ii) o lai-t. "We are i,lad of your nri'ua', sii," said he, coldly, ' I have come to set this laiv lice." I'.hr.er stood Fpeecldcss. James n cut ou : "She I' is held herself i.l honor bound to you. S'.e iv. is wrong ; you huve mi honor. Tiie bond between vou is l.er f.Uhei's del.t, and that i!eht I will pay. Now, sir, ,l is )0i win is i.i honor D 'und t set hi.r lieu. H you refuse, I It'.n'V how to C if.ipcd you, lil.iicr sco, vie J s u i i s.' : 1 1 . "Vou need not ta I; about compell ing," he smered. "1 am 11--t fiaol'C lover ; I hold the I nly as no great, piiz.1. I even suig'slod I ono that she should ask ynur assist mce." J unes turned to inn. ' Why dl you not do so?" ho ask ' 1 "My money was nol in thd h"use. I had .lit'idrawn it three days before to pay for your rele so. O ', my dirling, wh it misery would have been sp ired us b t!i had you uritteii to me, ai d 1 should have cotuj ul all risks to make i: quiries ill i rs n, but I' r t'p) printed lie l.e s:'nt rue." Tureing sukideily to K'.nier, he threw on the table a cud. "There is my address. You will fi id me. there, prcpan d to day the money, this alti r ..'ion, li'.od mortiii.'j, sir." lie fl i ig the d ii I',' ; , d r. tini'id to mv bide. "llvgooe, sir!" he said, "your pr."se -.c? herj is an inu'i." Jo hit toek the Ciid and di parted, nor li urn that h.'i'.r h is mv life again been darkened by his evil face. I' or (lie moi cy was paid, und J.t r.es i and Jennie were martied. Happy v if'j niid wo i an is Jennie Ma; kha n iio.v, and earnestly tl cs she lha: k heaven for the faithful love thai rescued her before it was too late. Mnoli lug; ii'iit Hit '!': li. ,v- i'N'i;!.!'.1: si n ; ri- r tuinm that ii:i'. r I'm; a;;h r.i siic'rn.i) i.y Tin: iiAinr. At ft r su.t met ting of the OJonto ioKicul A -cict? id tirtat 1 iiain, Mr. II 'p'o'.irn iei.il a papir mi the result d his l.mvt e ati 'i:a on t'id S'l'ljeet of il.f i ffect id ri.ii- ki c ou the iciih. It -C r. si lets '.'l it l.'ie direct i cti'Oi of nico tine upon the te. (h is decidedly benefi cial. Tiie uiknlinit v of the smoke must necessarily neutral Z'! any aeid secretion .vh ih may to; r-sent in tin! oral cavity, and the antiseptic property of the nico line lends to finest pu ref icti 'ii of the c'.ai gi s in carious cavi'iei. In al.li Hoi , he ii 'n cliu'.'d 1 1 he'eevo that the link deposit on tint teeth of some h riiui il smokers is largely composed ol the Careen wih , l.i .h t ili irvo smoke is inip'cg .;.;!. It is tl'.i i e u'j ii whi . h is ii.y.i-1,, d li..: cjl!: part of throat a d !ii i; g ii enhrane of thn ui ruiii.d t'j'.i.-s. a-,d with whatever dk a -,t i ois e'.ecl it in ly act ii t'o'se situ i ! inns, l.e thioki ive are j i tifp'd, lrm what we knn-jf ol i's nntisep'ij propei-ti'.'s-, in c inula ii 'g tii it ii uc'ioii ir.iou thn oeih it) list, ho 'ieiiefuial lereoie this tU'pcsit to.!5 (1-vje exactly in those pi.si;ior.s where caiies ate i;i u,i I kely lo uri-c and o,i thwsO surfacei i f the tci.'t'i wii'.cii escapu the nnliiai y cleans i 'g acttiHi of the hiu-h. It is fi'imd i,iler::'ti ,liv ii a!i nsinute depressi ii s, and (iili g the fissuris on the C' ronal surfaces. It may ba iciuotcd with scali' g iiisirnmeids from the surface ol the enamel, but where it is deposited on dentine this structure become impreg nated and stained. Indeed, it is only hen the enamel is faulty, and there is a' n, ss to t'.ie dentine, that any trux dis coloration nf the tooth takes place ; but il is I eniai kahle, he sa;', how the slaui will pene'.ra'e 'iii through minut er icks, provided the necessary nucnli m to cleunliiifss be not exercised.' The s'.ainiuj pnwer of tobacco oil may be seen when a deposit Inl taken place on the porous surface of tartar collected on the posterior surface of the inferi ir incisors, lu this situation a sh'niy cb.n.y appearance is occasionally produced. Ttr.lt tobacco is capable, of allaying, to ' NOVEMBER 27, 1870. S me extent, the pai i of toothache, is, he think", true, its effect being duo not only to its narcotizing power, but also to its direct action tiinu the exposed nerve ; and he is inclined to attribute the fact of this comparatively rare occur reii-'e of the toothache among sailors, in t reat nieususe, to their habit of chewing. He has been struck, iu ti e case of oi e or two C"i firmed smi'kcts who luno come under his notice, by the apparent tendency which exists toward the gradual production of complete necrosis of cirimn teeth, and tho various stages of deiilli of the pulp, and death nf the pei iostouin taking place without pain nr discumfiu t to the patient. This condi tion miiy, nl course, he brought ul) nit by a variety nf ii lluences; but in these special cases he inclined lo think that the presence of i.icniinn in the motidi lius acted piwerliiUy. Tho experiupec nf other speukets, in the sub equent di.--eussior, appealed to corroborate that id Mr. Hepburn. ( pee. ii I 1' i- in i ins. Tor the newest married coujjle, a jar of honey to last the ul ion nut. f r the hi st disp'.siti hi exhibited in th. line at tin" ticket i liice. nu nppor t'.mily to wail tiie ldt.gc.il tor a ticket. For tiie young uia i who carries his cai.c in the nn. st urlislic ir.aniu r, the admiration of the y i-unf wouiin who carries her parasol on her arm. l'oi' the nl.le.-t fashi me 1 hat, penile man, one tent ; lady l. ldT.'S.Vi l'i2J l'.'i' the sac test smile on the ground, an older for new teeth when the present lulls ii to the si. k with a crash. l'or the most elaborate Coiffure, chignon, French twist er hanged, a hack action mirror hy which every fquare inch ot the head can be seen at one. and tiie same lime. For the iims' c uilented man, sonie tiling to stir him up aud Mil n: life in him. A man has no bush ess to be coi tented F rlh'b st luroou', n choice l c tveeu a dust heap aid a inud-puddh , The weather will regutite this premium l'or the I'M-t prominent uiuiruiiid C 'li'i'i , a i elerei.ee to the city clcik's olli.ej F r the most disigreeabh: person, a" escort out of tho gate hy the police. For the Idi d man who h dds his hat wilh the in 'st grace, a gmtuity. For the largest harvest of babies, a ticket to the pmr house. F r tiie I i,l v who dresses within the me i s f l.er bus mild, if si e is there we d ue n d nieilion the pr.Z"; referred to St. 1'iter Willi a hint t have the angels handy when sho arrives at heaven's at''. Fur the tell "w wh i says "Never?" A co mpulsory season pass to I'inalore, six ui.'lil'i a wei k ami two matinees. V ir the. b wh i runs a viy fr on school to see the show, n mighty good time ai d a foiged excuse tho next diy. Fir ihe i. lost chai oiiiio and he,t look ing yiuug lady, a per., dial introduction. A w ud t i the wise is sulii .'ient. For tho most hooest baiikmpt, a sat it -factory compromise with his creditors, and a chanen to say ' not guilty" bolore a jury of his peers. For the newspaper reporter who fails to m ike himself "solid" w'uli llu Com mittee, a ham sandwich and a glass of beer bou'ht -villi hii own money c -siipiC'di) a i i; ity. Far tho ''i;; ' hire, :i fu 1 comple ment of reacti i ary artesian well ooicli'iieiy With no inie bul himself to apply it to. V .r the you ig g,i:.lli:rian who knows every h .r-e mi the gr und aud rothing else, a s li ces i m of lost bets that will le ie his puisa as empty as b s In a I. I'd iho ion. i who entertains his wife's mother and her thtce sisters, a chance to eat one sixth of what he pays lor, und that in tiie humblest manner. I'iisij'm CirutiliKle: A True Slory. Pu-sv c inn! lo I er mi-dr , moaning wil l pan, I'. hi poor u mild had .wnllowed po'-ou. I do ii i kiio hu.v ii e mie in to r way. Y a k iio v no eats dislike water, except to dr. nk; hut poor pussy was so hot with fever, that she. Jipptal her piws ill 8 p oi of iva'ir. Tim lad , limped her in wet linen, f it h i with o'iK'l,oiv hi r medicine, mul tnl s.-. I In r like a II Until In ing, ltd li e i"Vt il l! and in "lit , I'a-s. iu-i'v "v i, mi I he' oi.dltcdc an ' all e'i hi to i:d In r kin t (.'end knew no h iiln is. Slie lollowe I hei uhou ; lu ll lal In. i a v iv. e i'i to in.!. . her oa her r dun. (oir'e.i und i ulfbc I in linst her I ' l, l i ' v. rv it..!l.! Vt. sho.ve l liei I . . v . . '! i' -l.e .v .s not sa'i.li... willi giv iii - t ! 1 1 -1- in in. "i "root.'. One night, nil r llii: la II wen' lo lu'd, li hold mew outs ile In r window in kv h r. Site rose, opened it A pi ar tree ore .v fiive to the house, ..ml on this pii-y h id rlinilied, with a in it-.- in ln-r in 'it Ii. w liieh she h i I just e.u.'.c. S i,' 'iid it at the lady's Icel sil l w-ntiiwiv. .1 i.L'i u inr iii'striss's taa'cs hy her own, slie h i I lir iuolil what she niiiite I the M i-l valuab'e p en nt in her power to obtain. There. wc: real 1 d' T. (ilicnee. hp I te I d.-ni'il in the gilt, how ever u el'ss in ;ti If it might ho Vi'iist seems ihe sfjiuoest thiag in th'S tuie stin y. is ti nt ussy lor more than a i r ContiliUed 10 litllio mice to her I r it'll.. liven ivh. n s ie Ii id kittens ono moue was revive! tor th- lady; mi l il a kitten at tcinpte.l 1 1 touch tt, h lap Irom her moth ei's l aw checked her. A 'iff swh'l tiie la y oniUJcil what pus- v woiiite I Si e HCi epiud the ti t, suemiuii p case I, thanked - d p ttfd tho eul, aud iave the uio isc I i ihe kitlium. Tile in dh- r the i ma 'e no obj-etio i n th ir eaticd it, a .1 e "'.e I her irt Wide Awake. r ' A p'i oi. rr but bloo Mursty Rnuliah en. !!'(.-! . - ilmt I r every person wlo d;ta ol typhoid ttTcr buujo ouu tbuuld be Lauj d. 'Ml BWI ! II II im II IIIIW Tho ItowlIilat'It'N Joiit . "A little more skill expei rled nn ihe heel would make ii commend ihle j ill nl it." This wal said to a Hoiwry bunt black near the corner of "Jra id fctieet early on Tuettlay forenoon. "I)'emii d hittiu' n.e thtre ogi .' boss? I didn't quit n tuinldi;." "Touch up the bill a little runic; make it shine." "Certain; bit yer see, boss, ihis here wind blows the thine oil' fasler'u a fc IU r can put it on." "I did.i't know that 'twas blowing us hard as that." ' lllowicsl April F id's Day ever knon'd in the lijwerj-" "Indeed 1" "Certain. You ought tcr seed the cleik in the iter? up here nn the c. r ., i get fooled his.selt. I Ie c ime out wil n brick iu his one hand ami no old hat in the nlhei'n, then he clapped llm In it. U down on the walk and siapp. d li e l al over it, 'n' got where ho c ml I peek ul V the winder. All the fellers w..s watchiu', ami bimehy an old ilu.let Come along 'n' drew iij) 'u' kicked the hut C Cft t ut into tho mld'le if t'.'.e street. The biick wu'n't ibere." "Where was it i" "The w '.nd blowed it oiil from under the hat w die the feller wis goio' b.ic. into the sloro. Hut that w is in fore ihe wind begun bl w in' much. My ' ".! .'.) out a copper ou this racket " "Why, ver see, he g t up Iho alley there und heat a copper in. i t ri !-'. ' wni a niece o taller candle und t:iuc:;:d I it out nl) the sidewalk. Hut li e wind blowed it Conl hel'oie it struck, 'o' an old apple woman walked oil" wid it Mehhy yer think the wind was hi nviii' then ; but 'twan't nuthiu' to th-,' way it blowed later." "No?" "Certain. Why, thcifi wis a feller just beyound tl.e 1! 'we-y (linlea thete. he fastened u tlnvad to a s'lver (purler 'o' thing it out on the i!lt. Another feller as seed hirj do it y.eit op a d w is goi .' lo step nn the thread V b ig the quarter. The shaip fellc-'i i v! ; 1 in h's ney, but he'll have tcr let it g ' lor n 20-jent p'ice. "H'.w so?" "Wind b owed the inki out o ti.e edt;es, and ctesm d ell the fi uivs iff the side that was up. 1 tell yer, b s-, it's the blowicst Apiil I'oo.'s !iy ever kiinwed in the It iwcry. Hi, there! shine?" The gamin was on the liack ol a Jersvmai who n:M c 'tiling ecress the slreet in a pair of ruh cr b iols. Tlit Trui! Tesaclier. That toucher is line to bin lt n 1, who sei ks to leloriu as ell us Hhtrpeu the i.n icilcC'. Da y shou'il impel luiu lo lisun at once niien tiie vieaoiiS und wavwa'd wilh all i 111 oi to change tiieir char a' o ., hei- g iissu'ed hy me good a id ,:..ble m liesrl, l hat ui ike ihe iinn a! u n.ospi eie nf the lilllu woil.l ii nl.ieh lo mo yes To rulnrai as well us impart intellect ml s'.i.ll should be renar led as a test ot the lii..;n. n power ol a teacher. ocicty i- to tie mud -hi'tlur hy a eouMsnt iiiirodn tiou ot lo w ii.auru.1, mold 'd und a lupted P r a l.le ol wink aud uselultos'. l o Hhii'i ii Iho in tel ect to tlu mghet ol I lie heart, is to educate a generation ol cm ang, iheep live and unsocial beings I'o luri i1" vici ius mind Irom the seliool-roodi i ay induce q net, hut will not nerve to di :.. il tlu i'o,. i when awuv In in (1: . " I and seho )! in fi irnei-s. All iniads h avc s.liul points winch liny use imu iv ly. to s;ty. Iheir varii us piupnfif. Tlu te peivtrti.l nrs ii llileni e I he g ii d I,v a i'.'.M r w h eh. it po.sisse i l v the t' aei er, woul I i' Il i" eie'lheuia d save then) Ir.'iil wnn.c and ruin. All have not ree. ive I lint un'.h ne cue and k ndly I r- a' iiimit w. i, n un have enj iyi d, and In in e, tin y d uoiti i a ihe haeils ol the teacher, lo he .:iio ! ! .e.! saved lor a fu'Utu ol lienor mid V 'Hie To relorin one miutl in a fchonl-ro.im, is s boon ol mlety to m ny that are d uly j tcinp'e I by tiie Ilor;s ol tho e pi iceitidi intellects. That tesnhor. then is tiie true j teael cr, who stuoi-s lo reh r.u the vicious, in ik u ! su in Dunlin r the iiistriiuu ms nl wroug to tapiilly aciuniulaling uinong us, - 49 - kin iii itroii. None rf the srlm'is's have rvp'.in.d why it is that a uisn is ti'waiii the steipu-i j'i't helore the tin; is uisde a tliu inorn ing. The miit) who le ie I ti c I'.r-t il w.! I- Ml: al v.- ..I.. I i. -' iio.; a', I! ' M i" m, 1' i I'n.' inai; w ho li.'t".l tli" I'.r-t climi w.i,' lo III- l'MVc M "in iig", "unwept, an! I and iinhnuo.'' I i aii "I t Im'n iu V w V 'lli Si 'ti . M r hi i ti i clef i. nee w tote in peiu il n li at .1: ' the w h ile nioves w dh vel. 1 1 1 j "t uh i .l.n i' I.i'ily i I witir that woi '.l cntiv I. re :ii a m ii. t t lit) wold in a 1 . i :.,.(. I . I ' c tune. "M i," said a lit'le I'irl, "do m-n w-iet 1 1 ml tu a' r led s int t Ii us w. i.i. in do!' "I'sl a 1 In,! ui )oii t.nkiiie iiLi.ul . ' "Why, ma, the ladies wl'o come lure are always la! King ubout (jttt.nj; ni l lid ; the in u don't." Delaware nn a nrcusienallv have dom s tic tioullin. like otlitr in k, O-.e wi s lately observed at ihe ,rivt nf his wi'c's Inrmcr husband. W'teping mil txilaiu- ii g to the deeeant d : "Ah, why did Jill die ? ab, why did yu due i ' Some In ks won. let why il U Hi it a to in worth quarter ol 1 1 million will step iff tha sidewalk Into the mud to pick up a lost cent. The reufon it plain enough. He does it to prevent a man worth hall s mil lion Irom pet tiou hold id the Cash. Detroit Free Prti-s. ' Do you really believe that an ac9 ever poke to Balaam I" quetitd u num who prided hiin-u I on bit lutelhct. Ci le i-in' tu whom the question was put, nil cud V;ry culuiiy lor a t v ni"inauU and Una ifspon ltd, "My Irleod, I have no iboibl that Ihe ttery u true. I have been u;uk.u to iu the same way uiytclt." NO. llll HPIIII III IMT'III H II UIIMIH IWlllMIIIWHIin Jl lllll II III 'i T H E HO A NOKE NEWS AIjVLKTIMNO rates. SPACE i "nr. Square, 3 Iff) 8 00 ti 94 WO Two .squares, ' i 6 I 10 00 10 bt) fail rhrne fsqiiiires, 00 15 1)0 30 (0 B M I'.'iir S'i'iaics, ;u on I is no ;6 (0 6 Ml l-'mirlh i'n 1'n, I.- nil I in on j jfi Mil I'l l Column. 20 00 i iio no 66 CO I S 9t Vle le I.' i iollltl, (!,u Vl nr, )i " 'fi J-rT'.ffT "T ' TT TiWii f, f " T, , I'''-i I H A I. ISO I T tV MOXM hockoi: MACHINE WOBKS . RSCHHCriD VA. M I'liirueturei-s nl 1'ort.alile and .Stationary l values ,,,,, n.iil r-i. Saw Mills, Corn und Wheat M d !s, Soali inir. Manner and fill li y-, I ' llnno ; a'cr VVho.'ln, Tobacoo il . li. i . , i. ii-iit lr.ni Work, lirasi nud iinn s , -r i :- , .Machinery uf Kvery po eriptl'd . tii:,:;;:;. i and Tiiliiis'itsa .UACJlNSa L ::t:i IA.1.TY. ;.;:-.;.) j;; .V-3i;sMy k C'arcluJjjr io;ie. i' At. .(); T'.s I'Ai'l.ST t-f'AltK-AIlUKSTEB, "i hi' I a vetitiou ol lliei Ape, l! des not. lies' rne thoilntft.' It U 'i I ditor; re v. : leO'.nio the tubofe. It w i not i !i ko up, u..ti r- ,j'iirei uo cleiu ii r. U re'i'iirea no il 'ro, t, damperi to bo ! i led w! en r tiv, s'eaoi (.UuiputS' be ' o ,. j.c'j. . .We, tu 1 1 1 v in, ly ho lellopou .i'!'! . i.... s- arils t ) e-i ir, e ) 1 ii.jii'e, hi weter lo txllninlcti ; o I; '. v. hi ii, l.v e.u iloosat.iuii, tlestroy I .liar. 1 '., m i.cn wiiii-c in uicd, if in '!.. v !. t Clin i.ry l ilcsiroyrd hy :'.;. ii., I n ..I :!,,. water, nad Uiu kiuiier U '... it .ti a lii'hy e iiolitine. ; i ,s siu'i'i ' .' d diinihln and ea'l b-j r i; M ' 1 1 . ' 1 1 . ii e .a I P u.taebed to unv hoiln. s i pi ,. i or .- ..mi .,! ha w'tiiont ono of t. ewj. ii .Mm lie - e 'iiii'.uio s will instne ginn n4 '..lis I, lirrc iho 'I.i!. i. It Knijiiie'i auit '. I,-';-A.i es...r,u.',i us"l ul s,.ini rate an e l.l. it I tor Weill'. I lli.'se (il'Wur. s. nil lor iiiuv.m:ej c:cu!urt and pi lea list. Jln-.i.''li I'.oiiso. '; t lte r,i( 7. C. J. A. II !.sr:it i eimrsl NJi.m'SBr. 1'. A . liil A1S Ij l.K, Lutal JJ.aiiuor. te 'v s hoi DiiiUiiii; . 'l'11:iu..,1S, oii-i.vT ;;i:uL'i.'i'ioN oi i;ucEi i I .r !. ! Ive '..'' ntroiK of n-dinoitt! Naiv . r:. Mie n. u-'l. .0 t1' ' luv.'llli. r -;elitg' i .pi'in . eon-"ii la, ; i : i- - - r M di. r.n.s!Nt:ij rd'h-U't I'.'.'f . ,s- , M'l I tl.'V I'.'ilue.'d tll prtr j.,' r .'. ; i , A,. , ai d I'.-.-.i'liea. 1st cla-s. SW il n-d . 'n.' h.i.. ! Ki'.i.'.siis hi-.. fcu..'U lu No-'h '''i,.'lhia i"i.l r.' i fo- tnstHrtia. Kt-.-r.-ii.'" ,r .n .' . aov Ni'i'.ei'viii.iii in Hil'irortl . '..',.-i, ... Ti l v I. - r iiiidier froi Um .ariii'. 'o Iti.' :..'. st n ,-1 i, s. '. rce will li P.!. k-'-l .ii '. 1 si . a - . - s i.i- ti.,i,-, gnd ! Ity. It" Ki n .'". li !"' ' ! Ftiur.s.s (ducisl w.t'c'il ;.'.. e.ti iie. '.i " for liox-'i-or deltv.-r. I .V I! farm h M Ho' !',.! o.vili '. Lev rite : P.'Hchcn a i I A id '" ' in au in i"' i'y. luii'foved fiu!t. III . . .e s i a -,.. I ar ; i. iro ..'.s. N-'Ct .ina i,iii''.- ' I. 'Ill s r . N- r" Am i r'.c t! s ?1 eentt. i';.l I r It mul t'.nii "rs will l I- ri i" ' ..?. ! : I.y n-.y :.iirrt"tT Hi -.-. ' t r -I; ' a.'.VMai.imy the nsiera. t ii li,., oi - e.i . 1'iiij I'd out n iotf it i .' ... 1 1 i-'iv . .1 i. i". i I'', nil' dot-, r, to tii pa: ' v.d . !i :i- 'i s :r I -1 i v r . i a! tl.- ot speitltleA I ., 'i e a- r. .V I-. H 'e iui;.:i,i., t.,-,'i p i.; ... ! a '!.-. ; a".- ''iv t.-'I. l areteiseri pay aii II ".-ill : -0 s-lol... II--S .VI1 l.e illi..eit IH '. .-. ' i .. i-a .-l I'lin-: as- i-1. .1 dl'-.l wh-'ii l,. m.'M 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1'. rs, i.s ,.'-.',-i-ii'c will -tat,, tda, nly whem to s.. i' ..a'u !!" ..e, is, l.t iter.. ef iniulrf iii-.-A.-i-. - I ,-t ' a' y. nr l.'i , -cie, tied sntii f.;. 1 1 .1, -la ant 1. Send ill orders a' nice. tl c. hllo l. I'r.'i'rle'or I'leilinout Nuraerit), J'll.-lTi'ea. r. R. rICK i',;V 'U:ll4iL.f AID UCUUlKOt r.r.ci: to oozn OR RErillliT) AT LOW Vlu.C'ZX A! I kind of wood work and trbnmlrR .lone in i;iX.l style. riaeLstritli work doue at si t inli 'ii und wilh neatness, AU iii 't tvmk wirrtnle-t. 1'ino paintitnf Air Inl :-ies d u e at low r ee, best p,iinlused. Xi'V.-t ai, Vi'i'SATSO G:vtsiT Till: 1 Nl-lU'AK.lNiJ DiiPAHl'MSNT. '-':Ts?. f, i":i' ;.:i.l Cases of all :i:a cvnst.ai.tly ".I hand. I'.inia;" M rriaU kpt onhaud at prtc t.eli.v Petorsuais umi Wet. WMJon X. 0. J.iM.i ly J N O. T. I'' O K D , TaV p' ':i"i 'n announcing tbal bo can aiiil lie touud at I. is a'.ae.d ou , , Y IKS'I S T K 13 E T, Vherc he has ou Laud a full llr.e ot tha Kn. osi 4 WINKS. , , vi.ixirs und liHM'l"s, RllJAOl'd. CIWAllS, and .sM'r'c'r Ot'.AN'.tS. APPLES, and t.'0NhKCXlONiCKlE3 . TTis stne.k f Cauued iioodi aud J rocor les i4 dimsdai!;' " .' full aud Coiuplel (tin rttiiNET 'wnirxv A priccuutr.' l'llKsII tAClHH VKKi O'.i DSArcIIT. Hjri;iuwrtntee3 satisfaction. Call and see l.iin, Nov :i 1 y, i S&Ts. r c i i t

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