THE ROANOKE NEWS. tHUBSDAY DECEMHER, 25, 1879. Thk Editor nf this paper In In no way responal tile tor the views or statements of Correspond ents. No communications of an anonymous character will tie published; the real name of the writer must accompany all communications. Anyone who may feel aggrieved at. statements made by correspondents can obtain tho name on application to the Editor. Correspondent will please write only on one Ids of the paper, and to avoid having their cnmmuiilcatioim thrown in the waste basket, will furnish their names not necessarily for publication but as a guaranty of (rood faith, ft'a will not notice anonymous correspondence. IV A CARD. I do not Intend to discontinue the practice of law, on account of my connec tion with the Roanoke Nkwr. But will attend promptly to a I business entrusted to my care. W. W. HALL. O O lu i Judos Cos was in Weldoo Saturday. Hon. Jos. B. Batckki.or was In town ' Monday, V ma old liquors and olgira st B. F. Sledge Co's. Eompkr 4 horse engine for sale, to Jas. T, Hooch. apply - A fine you nit harness opply to J, T. Oooch. horse Tor sale 100 bbls new family flour just rrcoivod for sale low, J , T. Goocb. Plain an! funny candles of evory des. Wrlptl n at V.J. Naw's Bakery. 1,000 bbls, corn wanted, shucked or un ehucked. J. y. yoocii. 600 Bushels or bolted moal for sale low. J. T. Gooca, Rrad notice of sale of land under ox ecutiou by B. B. Putlen deputy sheriff. Apples and rel and white onions In large quantities for tale at J, T. Gooch's. Nkxt year being leap ye t It will be in order lor tho young ladles to do tho court ing. Thb Catling Bind will parade the streets to-day at 11 o'clock. Free thow to everybody. Thb Christmas tree was much enjoyed by the youug folks, and old onus too 'we believe. Everybody Is invi:ed to come and ex anilne my Btock, of Tovs and prices. V. J. Naw. Two desirable unin proved twn lota fr sale on easy tonus. Apply to James T. Gooch. Mr. Lanb of the Observer whs in our office last week, lie was on bis way to Wilmington, Raisins in whole, half and quaiter Iboxes. Currents, Citron, Ac, at V. J. Tiaw's Bakery. Just received one cr load of salt, a quantity nf allot and 200 bbls extra family dour. J. T. Gooch. i TfeRxrAifPTON county pays the chair mm nf its Infeiior court ieu dollars a day while be presides. Now Is you lime to order your Fmit, Pound and Sponge Cake, with or wi'uout loins, at V. J. Naw's B.ikery. Youno America CiaaiS an be found at J. T. Ford's, among the Lest five cents cigars in WeHeu. Try lb' m. BassACo., will have a Hue Christmas dinnei to-dav. They feed well at all times, but to-lay good gracious f Tin ware of every description retailed cheaper than it can be bought at whole sale prices a' B. F. Sledge A Co's. For cheap groceries, eonfoctoneries, fruits, nuts, canned goods. A, dou't to get to call on B. F. Sledge A Co. For Salk. A lot with good two story building, and out houses, in a desirable partof Weldon. Apply to W. W. Hall. Go to Z illiooffer's Drug Stere for your Christmas goods. They have just ie ceived large stock of every thing nice. Firb Insurance of all kinds promptly placed by It. F. bUTLKttin Brsuclass com panies. Go be insured before it is too late. For Salk. 2) neat, substantial and handsome Top Knugics for sale, cheap for tasb. Apply to Jas. X. Uuoeh, Weldon, -H. I'. The excursion to Wilmington last wetk car.ied several bundled people. A brass bund came up to mako musin on the trip. K very thing went off smoothly 'id pics -ntly. Thk feast last night was well attended and a good sum realized. Kvory body enjoyed tho caasimi and regretted that it should end. Wb are requested to Stale that the Q tarterlv mooting will be hold at Pi.iroe's burnb iuilead of Eutield on the 3rd and 4th of January. Rupg Danirl receives fresh oys'e's everyday and serves them up in p.oon style oa the half shell, died slewed o. rcAsted. Try hem. For Rale, Taylor and Lnmmus' new cotton gins. Have in store 40, 50 and 60 saw gins of the above make. J. T.Goocu Dr. A. R. Z lliooffkrA Bko's. Dn.g Store will be open all the Christmas, where you can got every thing that is nice lor the holidays, WBcall the attention of our readers especially of the colored people to a letter from Jas'. E. o'Haraor Enfield published In another column, Ir you want n'oe set of vases for your sweetheart or lor your bet or hall, go to Zdliooller's Drug Store fur thorn, they have the nicest in '.own, Twkntt FIVB cents expended for one b tile ol'Shrltior's Indian Vorinii'ugo will savo your child ti e horrilj'e ? ,ny of being eaten by woi ins. R. W. Hawkins if Scotland Neck, was .in town Saturday on his way home from Kalllui re where he has been lor tho .few mouths studying law. Bananas, applts, manges, cakes, hom iny, raisins and every thit.g at Rufe Iauiels call huv your Christmas ealinus frutn him. Goods cheap a good. Ccr.. J. J. Davis was in town Saturday on his wav home tiom Washi-inton in pend the holidays, tn'. Davis is looking "remarkably well and was in xc Hent Vir.iU. He spent several hours here. Docs your eocinn or gin need rejwirsT Jf to take it at ones to the Roanoke Agri cultural Works, Weldon, where the work swill be cheaply and expeditiously done. Dr d. B. Zollicoffrr returned home from Baltimore Saturday to spend the liiolidavs. Ha will return Abo a I lilt) 8 h of January to complete the present oourse of wiiures. Thb avenues leading to an early grave "ve often been opened by a Cough or Cold. Thousands have been cured and ved by Dr. Bull's Cousu Syrup. It Is wheao, only 25 ceuts a boit'e. Yocns attorney In Halifax cnunly to n old merchant Well M r. M., I believe " get mariied and seltle down. Uld mrchant-ShwI you had better stay Ingle and settle up. Tableaux. You will find a large and line selection f French and plain candies at Z Hi net1s Drng S'-ore. Also line apples, rangrgt tobacco, clears, Are crackers, Mua mugs, toilet setts.perl'umery &a. To Whkat Growers. I am ottering f sale exoellent wheat lerteliesrs. Call nl sea circulars and rertiticales of the Priorlty and adaptability of these The quarterly meeting for Weldon and Halifax station, will be held at Halifax on next Saturday and Sunday, 20th and 28ib instead of as announced heretofore. Revs, J. E. Maun and J, M. Rhodes will be present. Thosr needing ; Metallo burial cases would do well to send their orders to R. K. Botlkr at Weldon. He furnishes ill sines at manufacturers prices. S per :ent off for oash or 'C. O. D.' orders Bent by express. . If. Borsit, the furniture man is dally re ceivlng furniture of every description. Don't go or aend from home to buy furni ture, you can nut it lust as chean here and save the freight. Give liliu a call, you will be treated right. Mrs. R. O. Burton, Sr., nf this county has been appointed one of the vice presi dents ot Woman's Missionasy Society In the conference of North Carolina. Mrs. X: H. I). Wilson nf Greensboro is presi djnt for the ensuring yeer. I am still on the oorner and prepared to serve my friends and the public. Grate ful gentleman for past favors your, most excellent aoods vou will And there. Truly,' J. H. Bailkt. Drc. 18th lb"0. A Goon School.-. Vine Hill Aoademy, Scotland Neck, N. C, Prof. I,. W. Baglny Principal, begins Its Riving session on the third Monday In January neit. This Is one of the oldest institution of learning III the State and fully susUlns the reputation It always enjoyed. oad advertisement in another column. D'kd. On Frld iy tho l!Hb Instant In Northampton county, John PhMipa, Esq. Mr. Philips was slcl: for a week boforu it became sorious. Ho attended to his duties as clerk of the Inferior court to the close of thK term, then wont to bod where the dosoase rapidly developed Into typhoid fover and he died as above statod' Rksionki;. Mr. N. R. Odom, we learn from the Reporter, has resigned the office of clerk of the Superior court of North ampton c iunty, and Mr. J. D. Boone baa been appointed In his stead. Mr. Odom has held tho position for a n umber of yesrs and gave entire satis faction in the discharge of his duties to tbe beucn, the bar and all who had busi ness with him. He was an efficient officer. Marriaobin Colorro Hioti Likb. On Thursday night of last week a mar riage in colored higli I'fe was celebrated at 111 Uetbodist church. The contracting parties were William Long and Henretta Joyuer. A good many people both white and colored, wore prosent to witness the ceremony, which was performod hy Rev. Mr. Davis. After the ceremony the bridal party attended a reception and supper. Good Music The Weldon String Band met last Monday night, for the first time in a long while, and discoursed some very sweet music. This band has been organ ized about four years, and each member is master of his instrument. One only has to listen to them a short while to know what they can d i. Like the rippling ot the waters, tlioir music falls upon the ear in onchanted beauty, and echoes in the memory long alter tbe magic thrill is bushed. TrtK Plack, We desire to announce to our Iriends anil the public generally that we have on band a complete stock In our line ol business, and are selling to suit the times. Small prollt and quick sales, is our motto. J list 'o band a very large lot of Toys, Toilet Sets, French and Plaiu Candies, Nice T iietSoap, Raisins, Nuts, and Orangos. Pure Golden Grain Whihkoy, said ti be the best anil purest whiskey In tho market. Wines and Liquors of every de-cription. Give us a ca'l and be con vince '. B. F, M.mmik it Co. Thb Voc u. Comjkrt. The concert or public rehearsal ol Prof. Wilsin's Sing i'jg School on Friday night was well at tended and uave much pleasure to the audienco. 'I he class sang well, and the whole town should feel indebtod to Prof. Wilson for ttaininn the voices ol the ladies and irmilleiiien. tho irood effect of which was apparent at oliurch Sunday night, Tho class wil". probably re'ain Mr Wilson for another session as thev want to continue the iustritutiou and practice To-day our prompt and Iuk2 faithful Carrier, Ma .11. ALSTON, wait on our town subscribers with his Chiistina address, and ask some recogni. lion of his laitbful services during the past year. The smallest contribution will be thankfully received and appreciated by him. Us is allowed nntning ex ,ra for de livering the paper, nor do we charge any thing lor it in addition to tbe regular sub, soription price, bence we can, with pro priety, ask that he be rewarded Come diu with the lio and maks bis heart glad. No Papkr Nkxt Wkkk.-H is a custom for a long time observed among printers and newspaper men to have a holiday dnrinjr t'lirimiiias walk and consequently there will be no pap ir isnued from our olllee next week. For the past year e have gotten along pleasantly with our readers, ami we h ipe we have done some good. We havo tried to make a readable paper, and hope we h ive at least partially u.t we nave committed errors we know but a remembrance of them will onlv make us m )ie particular in fut'in . We wish our Iriends and readers inriro f 'hrist mas. Our next paper will appear on the 8lh of January whou will wish you a bapp new year. ClIRlSTMVS AND Our Mkroh ants. Our man limit, imvo done a good trade ibis u.a-nn ami thev have been weil and faithfully served by their clerks and salesmen day In day out during the whole year. Not a single day havo any ol I the stores neen closed except on Sundsj since lai Christmas. It is nothing but ri.rll a. Ill nAUArOllS for the merchants to close their stores on Christinas day and ii.,u. ii.uii emnlovees to have one day for amusement, when all the world engaged in festivities and merty-maklng The employees will not be hurt oy bolidav once a year but will work all the better lor it, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," Is a true saying, ir an the stores should be closed no one would lose a. cent bv it. Il is a general holiday .... t . -B n.all OH nOSul and BIlouiJ oe ooseryju t We by all, old and young alike. Close yonx storas gcntleuiun aud giv your dcrks a rest, Cali, and Sun Us.-Clothlng, Hats, Caps, Shoes Boots, (hand made) choaper than ever for cash. Btst brands of prints dress goods, paterna for men and boys suits. Ladies and gentlemen's undorwoar notions, hardware, cutlery, wood, and willow ware, crockery and glass, snuff, tobacco, soap, An., cheap at Fresco tt 4 Gooch's. Call and see us before purchas ing, we will do you good. We are deter mined to soil. Polite and attentive sales men to wait on customers. No troublo to allow goods whether we sell or not. Prksott A Uoouh. Neuiw) Exodus. Some of, the negroes who went to Indiana from lo.ies county stopped at shelbyville. A dispatch from tha, placo to the New York Times says that tho pe iple there are Indignant be cause they have to provido for ll em. Tho next day aflor they arrived much fouling a'ainst them was shown. Another arrival was expected, and a large crowd collected at the dopot to prevent the col ored people from stopping. The train was surrounded by a howling crowd of men waiting to mob the darkles if they left the tram. The negroes did not g t oil but went on to Indianapolis. Tho white at I'm North despise the neitroes. They ril ho treated in that in inner as lor. as they no there. But It is their business not ours . MKTiiontvr Inciikask. It will bo Inter- esting to all Methodists to know that tho denomination shows a ilocidot inoroiso during the pist yoar. Acconitng to tne statistics read at the late eonl'orenco it appeals that there Bro 0ti,3S;t members of the Methodist Episco pal t hiircii in toe state. 1 his is an increase of 4,081 during the Conference year. Th ureate-t increase Is shown in Hie Nowbsin District, the num ber lining HOP. There me 7M) Sunday Schools, an in crease of 411. There are 4.H'3 Sunday Scho l Teai hers, an increase of 317. There are 07,vCt Sunday School Scholars, an Increase of 3 3)7. Jii.OOO was asseased fir snporanuated ministers. $1,180 !H was oollecte 1. 14 Holt till was collected lor Foreign Mis si 'lis, yiililS'il tor Domestic Missions, mtkitiK a total nf $7,018.70 raised for missions this year. Dr. (rayen tho Secretarv, says the assessments hive b en more promptly paid up than during any of tho 11 years ho has held that position. Tub Hahk.h Corpus Cask. Aa we shued last walk a w ril of hub as corpus was sued out before Judgo Eure by Dick Long and Pluimnor Williams in j ill on a charge of complicity in tho late homicide The wr't was re ornaole Salurdiy. Shiriff Dawson had the piisoners ptesen', and made his return to the writ. Judrte Eure made an ord ir lo tho o e making the writ returnable before bis honor Judge Seymour o l the 5th day of January unless the committing migistratos W. A. Daniel and R. K. Mosoley should reopen and hear the case themselves. The defendants eounsel made a moOon before Hie Justices to re open and har the case, taking llio grounds tint they h id therghtso ro do under Judo Euie's order and lb it as tin pris iners had h 1 1 no examination boforu them it would not be improper for the n to allow an exominv tion. The State argued that tho power to bear tho case under a writ ol that kind could not be delegated by a superior court fuU'o to a migistrale. That as only Supreme and Superior court Judges lou'.d issue such a writ, they on'y could hear it. Tne mattor w is argued by both sides for several hours and after consulta tion among themselves tho magistrates declined to hear the matter an 1 the prisoners were taken back I t j til lo await a hearing bifore Judge Seymour on the 5th day of January. Provkkbi fob i-.iHi-cRinKKs. A wise son in a kit li a glail lamer, ami prompt paying subscribers causetb an editor to laugh. Folly Is a j iy that is destitutoof wisd'm, but a dolinq'tent subscriber caus- th suf fering in tho liousohold of tbo nowspaper maker. All tbo ways i f man are clear in bis own eyes, except the way the delinquent subscriber bath in not paying for bis newspaper. Better is a litt'o, with I Itthteoiisness, than a thousand subscribers who failoth to pay what thoy owe. A j'ist weight and balance are the Lord's, but that which is due upon your newspaper is tbo publishers thereof. Better Is a dry morsel and qulot'-es thereof, than a long list of subscribers who cheatelb the printer. Better Is a poor man who walkcth In integrity, and p-yclh his subscrlpllon, tn u a rich man who couliuually lel.etb the "duvil' to call again. Hope dferreJ makelh tbe heart sick, is a proverb realixed by the publisher who sendeth out the bills. A righteous man hateth lying, hence tbo editor wajfth wroth against the sub scriber who promises lo call and sottle on the morrow, but calleth not to elllo. It bitotb liko a serpont and stingeth like an adder, when Hie addor gem through adding up tho amounts due from hia subscribers, I'AUSK, i'ONDKK ANIt PkiHISI; II Tli6 invention nf that Superior and Complete Sewing Machine iThe Family r'owing Machine), marks one ot the most luipnr tsnt eras in the history of machinory, and when we conider Its great usefulness and extremely low price ($25), it is veiy diffi cult to conceive of any invention for domestic use of more or evou equal im portance to families. It baa great capacity for work j beau til in, smootu, and quick movement, rapid execution, certainty and delightful case nf operation I hat at once commends it above all others. The working parts are all steal, strong and durable, and will last a life time; the bobbins hold 100 yards of thread : the stitob is the firmest of all stitches made neat ar.d regular, and can be regulated In a moment to sew stltcnes from an Inch In length on coarse material down to ihe line-t, so infinitesimal as to be hardly dis cer able wiih the naked eye, and with a raoidity rendering it Impossible to o unt them as f at as made; it has more attach ments than any other, and it does to per fection all kinds of hevy, oourse, plain, tine, or lancv needle-work with ease, and lar less labor than required on other machines. It ncods no commendation, the rapid sales. Increasing demand, and voluntary encomiums from tho press, and the thousands ol lamiues wuu nn iuchi, amply testify to their undoubted worth as a standard end reliable household neces sity, extending its popularity each day. Machines sent anywhere to tie examined i.,,ivri nv iiion'ev is caid. AGKN1S WANTED by the Company. Address them fir Information. FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE CO.. 755 BROADWAY, ,JWI0R1 -NOTIOBl tlOTIONll NOTICB I I I -Just received a large and varie assortment of groceries for fall and winter trails. ; 100 bbls. new Family Flour. 25 bbls. of Sugar, all grades. 30 bags nf Coffee, alt grades. ; 75 boxes ol common and toilet Soaps. 10 bbls ol tbe best leaf lard. . 40 reams of paper bags ,to. 40 gross cf Ralph's Scotch Snuff. fit) boxes ol Tobaooo. 10 bbls, of Mackerel. 100 kits and cases ol Mackerel. ' : S00 bushels pf,oat.:; , , , , 4 60 boxes of assorted cakes. 10 bbls. of ginger cakes, j 80 boxes of orackers.. 100 kegs of nails. 6 000 lbs. of bulk sides and shnulders ,tc . 600 lbs. ol hams. ' Soda, starch, matches, sploe, pepper, mustard Ao, For ale at Richmond and Baltimore prices, freight added, at the wholesale mid retail grocery store of JAMES T. GOOCH, We'don V ' '. Watty Moiihiion. A Scotch ! tj man by thn nntiinVf K'atty Mori Is in W m a man of most Irrcpressib'e hum ir. H i one occasion a young officer scoffed at I ho idoitlxt it required si much lime and study t write a sermon as ministers 'pro tend, and offered a bet that he would preach an hour on any passa'jo In the Old Testament without ihn slightest prepara tion. Mr. Morrison took the be', and he gsvoforaioit "And hn ass opened his m- lull and he spake." The parson won the wagor, the offi -or boing rather dMn alined to employ Irs eloquence upon that tex. ' On Brother occasion Mr. Morr's n cn reated a i officor to pardon a poor soldier Air somo offence he had oommittod The officer agreed to do o if he would In turn grant him .he first f.ivor he would ask M r. Morrison Biroed .o this, In a day or two the officer demanded that the coro mon v of Dapt 'sm shorld .e pei-'orme l on a puppy. The ole.'gytri.i sg.-eed t it; and a par j of many geo lemen assembled to wi.coss the novel baptism. Mr. Mori'son dos.ied tbe nffi or to hold op tho puppy, as wis customary in the baptinn of eMIiI.e i, acd slid : 'As lam a minister of too Church rf Scotland. I muat p oci d according to the ee-emnn es of the Church." "Ceralnly," said the Mayor; "I ex pect all tbe coremonv." "Well thou, Mejir, I bejln by the Usual qiiesion. 'You ' kuowledgo your self the fuller of this pnppvT" , A roar of laughter burst from tho erowdjthe officer, threw the candidate fir baptism nwav, and ihus the wlttv minisier i.inietl the laugh sgiinst the lull del, who 'ntomlod to deride the sacred or dinanco. - - FciB Last Thi'-stlay micrW-g an alarm of lire was s iurdod an I it was fouu l that Maj. Kin t v 'a gin house near the Pe'orshorg erino house wks In II ones. The lire had made such headway when II-at discovered that it waa !m 'OS i.ilte o oxi,!ogiiisb II, and the elf iris i f tho peon's were, directed princioaHy to sav ing what property Ihey could. One or two bales of col mil were saved though much damaged. The shed covering, Mr. Entry's s eam engine was it.i down and the en gine was aavod by this means. A frame bouse adiicent soon took tiro anil was burnt tn tho ground, two other buildings, Ihe locKup and a lenemeot house wore by much exertion s ive;; it being i ecessa. y to pour water on tnem con.inuilly to pre vent the sparks from soiling them on lire One or two shanties were torn down to prevent the Are i'rom spreading. Ha l th wind been in an oppoe e direittion tlie It e won I d have ou-nod a much larger prt of the town. The people worked long and laithlnliy giving eve.y aid thev could. Ma. Emry cstimalos bis loss at about three thousand dollars. Stvenieon bales of cotton wore burned, a large lot. of cotton seed, a c it ton press and the two birldings. Thore was no insurance. On tho samo night M ij. Kmrv's tin boose at Mooro's rarm several miles in t h country was discovered to be on lire. The Hre had been burning fir several hours when first discovered, but having caught in seed Oo.ton it burned slowly and was put out without any oilier damage than thn loss of seven hundred pounds of seed c itton. CimisTMAl is IlRRK AuaII. -Christ-res is at hand again, following so clono upon last year's Christmas-day that we wonder if we are not lisioniiig in a dream lo bells just rung Have we been awake through the spring. Nil miner, and fall of another j ei T Yes, 1870 draws near itsei'd. Snow flakes will soon be flying to weave Its burial robe. Soon it will be folded away In Ihe past, never again In be seen by us except with memory's eyes. What shall we say of Ihe past year? What has It bnuglit to mi ? To some of us, deep J iy pwrhaps In happy marrlaue bells, perhaps in precious baby eyea, tiiat arejust learning lo answer Inving smiles; pei haps in the blessing of a friend whom one year ago we did not know. It may be some dark cloud, that lias lung brooded over our lives has this year been Dispelled; it may be that, anxiety and care have giveu place to rest and peace. Tbwse whom are thus blessed, God grant to them an added blessing. Upon others sorrow's lot has fallen. Death hap come and taken away our der est and best beloved. Cups of untastid joy have been dashed to the ground. Per haps sweet baby voices are forever hushed. Pfrbaps parents weep for chil dren, and children ery out for father or mother. Dear mourning friends tbe Christmas bells will break your beans, for memory will ritig among their chimes tbe bells nf other days when your beloved were with you. God bleu and comfort you, for He only can. Christmas is at hand tbe time of peaoe and good will. It is also the time of beau tiful extiavagance, when our hearts grow warm together, and all our kind Impulses rise to warm other hearts and scatter seeds of joy. It Is the lime when we spend our hard earned money as tl.ounh ilhad fallen like manna from heaven. We are royally generous. It la weil that, in memi ry of a blessed birlb in Bethlehem our hearts should thus be filled with love and kind ness. Let ua spread tbe goodly board aud make ready beautiful gifts, and let Christ tu is be of all tbo year tbe gladdest day, M A RJKJE T 3 . Wi.ok, N.C. Pro. M, 18TO. cnlton-Mlildlliig, . II. Huirar, Drown 4iKI. While "IT llwills). , " Oraiiiilatt'd II. Cpffeea, Hlo 15a". " Lairiiayra fi'a'i. " .lava :'. KitraKloiir 17.7. Ml. Family Flour 7V.iV tlneon allies . vc. Hulk shosldrr , Hulk shies . - 1 SV mtlt per sack. . Hotter per pound 36c. Ijinl IN-. Molasses pcrHallon, IfK.iriC I Noukoi.k. Va. D'C.SS. mil. 1 I MsnSr. 45H.VIC. 6M. 7 mi . - H.Uv. Ml.ltllliiir ,'i'o'l onlttttiry i Vrn. per bushel, t lals. ,er husliel Klmir. Stipe I'ttiiu I" Ktlra Kutiilly, itilton- tioocl or.1 PtTitBstll'afl, Vx. Dec. S. WW. MMilllug, II 4c. Ilnllnary, II llncim. clioulilurs ' IPse. i" " lianis ilimhlS. Mlour. Family, I.ikws wi. " Hxtra. I.W. I " Sup-r. i ., , U.'itid .Vi. HuKar. ilranulaleil per In. l"Sj. .- A s ; UN-. I" Yellow.; s. OUIee, prime lllo UI7. " l.aKiuiyra, lHaiTc, i " Java, SSa'.'tle. Volassea Siiirnr house per gal mmSI' " llnlilcii Syrup SSatS, " New Orli'tms 8:talil XKW ADVKUriSKMKNTS. If INK H ILL ACADEMY. SCOT LA Si D NECK, N.C. The Spring term opens third Mrmday In January 1H80. The price of hoard aud tut tion is $tii to $70 per session of twonty weeks. i Foi circular and particulars address the frlncipal. L. W. BAGLEY. i dec !Wtf -SllJ Ul I If i'l, Clrt I. I'.. Desiring to move to Littleton, I shall on tliesintli of Jauuiry next, offer for sa.e at auction on the premise, the Inllowing property, to wit : A lot of cattle, mostly good boef, between 80 and 100 sheep, near ly all ewes with lanili, one or two h rses corn, fodder, and other articles. Terms Oisli. It. A. PATTEBSON. dec 25 2t pXECUTlON SALE. North Carolina, i Halifax County. i By virtue nfati execution Issue. I to the Sin-rid' of Halifax county from the Supe rior court ol Warren county, returnable lo the Spring Term lSil ol said Superior Oourlni Warren county, in favor ol Wel don Shearin, plaintiff againitC, B Perry aud Thus, L. Hureas delendants, I shall sell for cash ai the court house door in the town of Halifax on tho 2nd day i,l Febru ary 188D, that being the tirst Monday In said month, all th right title and inteiest of Tims. L. Burgess In si.d to a tract of land in HsICaX comity, Brinkley vllle township, adjoining the lands of A. H. Davis, J. l Leach, John Hardy, said T. L. Biiruexs' homestead and others, con tainng eleven hundred antes, more or less to satisiy said eX'outiun. This 2jnd day Of Decern bin 1870. J.T.DAWSON, Sheriff, Per U. B. Puilen, Depty. dec25 flw JVTliW YOKK. WEEKLY HERALD. OW. DOLLAR A YEAR. Tbe circulation of this popular newspa per, has more than treble I during the past year. It contains all the leading news c nitaliied in the Daily Herald, and is ar ranged iu bandy departments. FOKEDiN NEWS embraces spool l dispatches from all quar ters ol the gl 'be. Under bead of AMERICAN NEWS are alven the Telegraphio Despatches of Ihe week from all parts of the Union. This feature ab'ue makes T IE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable chronicle in the world, it is tha cheapest. Every week is given a laiililul teport "I POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive de-pilciies from Washington, Ineluit iiik full leports of lie spent-lies of eminent p . in ici, ins ,oi th quelioiis of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the We.'klv Herald gives ihe latest as Well as the most practical suixtf stious aed ? never es rel ating lo Hie tttities of the inn, hints lor i.iisuitf Cattle, Poultry, (irilns, Trees, Veeialiles, Aa., with sui gesliiins for krepmu inn I tours and farm iiiti uiensl's In repair. This Is supple niKiited by a well ellUd depsrlmuut, widi Iy copied, under ihe head of THE HOME, givion recipes for practical dishes, hints I ir n. akiiiK clothing slid for keeping up with tin latest lashinnsat tne lowest price. Every item olcooklr.K nj econniny Snk-Ke-ie'd tn this department is practically tested by XMrls belor- publication, let ters from Citris and London rorrespond etna mi the very latest fashions. The Home Department ol The Weekly Herald win save tne nousewiie more than nun nit.dred limes ihe pi ice of the paper. The teres a of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and everything relating Vi mechanics and labor saviou is carefully to. 'or. le t. 'Chore is a pane devoted to ail ilia latest phasca of lbs business markets, Tops Merchandise, ,to. A valuable fea ture is found In Ihe specially reported price and Conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sportintf news at home and abroad, to gether wiih a Story every wee', a Serin n by some e.nlneot divine. Literary Mu-I -ral, Dt sin nt ic, Personal and .Sea Notes. Thera is no p ioer in the world which con tains so much news matter every week as tho cVeekly Herald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You can subscribe al any time. THE KKW YOKK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YF.A R, Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann Street, New York, CREAT BARCAINS. We are now receiving oar new mil heantlfnl irooils recently pu-chaseil of the manufacturers, Kiel coislially Invite you to call ami see them. The largest ami b'-st selected atock ol UOI.D WATl'lIKS. 1RKTS OK.l KW F.I.RY, BAND BRAl'Kl.KTrt, OPKUA ASDtlUARD CHAINS, ' DIAMOND AND SKM. KINDS, M.KKVK BI'TTONS AND STPDS. HOI.ID SRVKRSI'IKINS, roilKSac. Tiie Beat CHO Castor and 05 ( lark KVKK HOLD, Use Yonng's P. P. Glasses and linprov your eyesight. Watches anil Jewelry repaired tr the best workmen. Kngraving neatly done by J. T. VOUNU a BRO. oct t ly F teratiurg, Va. J 0 U I 8 11ILLUH1I (I Co. COTTON C0XMI8SIOV MKRCHASTI, NORFOLK VA, j Pull prices and quick roturni guaranteed. NKW ADVK11TISKMENTS. JINUUAM SCHOOL, MEBiNKVlI.LK, N. C. Is now Pre-Einlnent among Southern Boarding Schools fur Boys. The 171st session ending Deo, 17:1). 1879, has beea the n.ost prosperous in tho 80 years of the Sohool hl-ttirv. The 172nd Session will begin Jan. 14th , 1880. Hoard f 12 per month. Tuition $.',0 per Session, Fur Catalogue giving full pat -ticulars, Address, MAJ. K. BINGHAM, Supl. deo 18lf -1 IRON BITTERS, AOrcatTouia IRON BITTERS, A Sure Appetiser. IRON BTfTERS. A CoBifiltU 5trBD(lhraer, 1nhj momitind1 tn tin' public for all dl fniK'fl rcqul rl n t rprul n nnd ffll. Imt TO.XIi't ("((MTlnlly tn I Huh, ty my epmtm, f i trim it ten! fl rrr, Haul ofAp Srflft. leif of tmtffth, tAtrk of f'nrairvt rtti. It en rlrhcs tho bloud. ulrt'tiKthpim the muv clff, antl ftlvrs now life to tho nTVtR. To tbo nHl, Indus, and chll dri'ii requiring rfcnjmr nttnn, thin vnlunblo n-inedy ctn not bo too tilfflity m'onuiH'nded. it nrtm lik i rharm mi tilt' dlwBtlve ortiHiii. A tca8(oonAil Iwfijre in pa In will rentovt mil dynpcptlc aymptoiDj. TRY IT. Sold by alt Druggists, TE BROWS CUBICAL CO. BALTIMORE, Md. IRON BITTERS, A ValuablA Medicine. IRON BITTERS, Mat Sold u Bt tfiffe. IRON BITTERS, for Dllttt r.nuU. Uuu J ly ua vvh riiun it:iuiF. TRADB MARK TiiK(JHr:fT K- TRADC MARK m.iMi Mvnr, An ii n f n I 1 1 iur run fiirSnnttiHl WVtikm'Ms, Np-r-tnnlitrrlicH. I in pnttMiry, mitl nl itlrft'ltrlfH til til fill low, n ft - t REF0RE TAKINQ.o' Menmrr, lint-AFTER TAKING veriaiLaxftliiili'. I'tiiii In the Hack, liltmiri-H of VIhIiiii. I'ri'iiiKlnre OUI Ane, and iniiny ether l)l eases that lenil tn Insiiiilty or I'miHUiiiptlnu, anil a rremn'iire wrave. -r'nll partlenlara in our pamphlet, which we ieire timenil free hv intitl to every nne. The Hpecltlr Meillelne N hy all ilrnirirlMliHt si per pnekavre, eratx piicKnjref Mr fri. or will ne Heiu free hy inallon receipt of the money hv aililreH.1 tUK I HUtlltAV MKl.lriSKI D. Mim-IiiiiiIch' Hluek. Detroit. Mich. f-Snlil In Welilon, ami everywhere hy all nruKKIHia, dec 11 ly THK HVTi t'Olt ISSO. The Sun will iliul with the events of lite year 1HM0 in Us own fsshlon, now pretty well utulor-tooil by every Imtly. From January 1 until Dooemlier 31 will be con duetetl as a newspaper, wrlilun In tho Kn lisli latiKt'SKO, anil prinii'il lor tho pooplo. As a newspaper, The Sun believes in gettln(all tbe news ol tho world promptly anil present inn it in tl'" m ist tnteltiKililo aliape tnestiapi that win enao e lis resit era to keep well abreast ol the rge with tbe least unpioiluotive expenditure, or tlmo. Tbe grentost Intorest in tbo Kresteat nil oi lier, that U, the law vontrolliiiK Its dally make-up. it now has a ciroiilatiou very much larger than (hit of any other Am t loin newpa 6 s, anil enjoys an whleb It Is al all timet prepared lo spend lioerslly fur tho lionulll ol lu readers. I'oo pie of all vendition ol lit" and all ways of till ii k in it bu and real Tbo Mun: and they all derive aatisfictioii of some sort from iU ooliiinna, lor thoy keep on bnylnu and read I :t ir It. In In ooiDtneuts on men ami Bffairs, The Sun believes that tbe only iinlilu ul policy should be common seuso, inspired Dy L'enutne Aineriuan pr.naipins ami banked by bunesty of purpose. For Ibis reason It Is, and will conlinue to be, abso lutoly Independent nf parly, class, ol'que, ornatiir.itloti, or Interest. It Is for all, but of iiniir. II will continue to praise what is Bond and reprobate whal Is evil, takmu oire that Its laitKUSKS Is to tba point and plain, beyond the po sibinty ol beinir in It undersio d. H is uiiinlliiHiioe I by m nlres that do not appear on tbe m face : it has no opinions to sell, have tboke whieb may lie bad by any purchaser with two oeiits. Il hales Injustice and r soallly ven more iban il bates unilecesssrv words, It abhors ft suds, pitios tools and ileplrirts nliioouip ions ol every speotes It will continue throughout lln veir 18H0 In 'hslise tbe Ural class, instruct tbe second, and iliaeoilnleriniioo llio third. AC linuest men, Willi honest conviction-, whether son nd or intsl.iketi, are in Iriends. And die Sun inakus no lionet ul lellinii the triiib to its inends and about lis fiien is wlionover ihoishiu arises lor plsin speakini;. These are too pilnniplns upon whicli Thn Mun will be eon JntHed during the year to come. The year IS., wl 1 be one in which no patri otic A liter nan can alford lo ciose Ins eyes to public atlairs. It la Impossible lu exai erate the I n,nii t.inee ol Hie political nveuts which II has in store, or the necessity of lesolule viuil nee on the part ul every elliren wbo desires tn preserve the Uuvern ineut tbst tbo founders eave us. Tlmde tiates and acts of t'o'iuress, tbo uiUrauui s ot the press, tbo exctliuii oontosts ol the Kepubliuan and Deinooiiillo pin tles, now nearly cqiitil In ntrenutti Ihrounltout the o unury, tbe varying drill of public ontl ni snt, will all bear direi'tlv and plfis-tlvely Upou the twenty -f urtb Presidential elec tion, to bo held iu November. Knur years ago next November the will of the nation, as expressed al lite polls, was thwarted by an abominable con Holmcy. the pro-iioiers and b,'ite .etaries i f which still hold the , nics titer Will the crime of l7tl I" 'I'vpcaied in Issnf The pist ile cmle of years ot.ei ed Willi a corrupt, extrava- fr mi. and insolent Adiuluisii-alloii Intrenched 1,1 Ws-lonirloii The Sun b.l somel Itthir lownrd litsliidrini the iramr and breaktnn Us power The same men nr.- now minimus' to restore their leader aud thriiis, dves to phei'i from which they were driven by the luiliirunlloii of the people. Will they stiecei dV TI omini? yeai' ili brin r the aiMvver to t hese uiotuetitoiis il nest ions. The sun will be on IihiiiI to clirotncle the furls as they arc develop:',!, and to exhibit t tii-iii clearly and fearlessly In their relations to expeiii 'iiey aim ritftti. Thus wiih a habit of phllosphlcal (r wdhnnior In lisiklinr at the minor alhurs of life, and In Kr,-at tliniirsa steadfast purpose to maintain the nirlilsof the people and the principles of ttie OoiiMlttitlonairaiiist all aitirrvssoni. The Hun Ik prepared to write a truthful, Instructive, ami at the sain time euHTtaiitlnff history of Iwm. Our rates of Hiibsi riptinn remain unehamred. For the liiily.un, afour-paire sheet of twenty eiirlit columns. Hi pries by mail, post-paid. Is tiSceulsa month, or ! 5U a year; or, iiicltidiiiK t he Hun. lav paper, an clirht p.m-e sheet of nfiy alx columns, the price Is A5 cents a month, or 7 7i'a year, postage jisid. "The riii inlay edit Ion of the Sun Is also furnished separately al a year, postwre paid. Thepriceof the Weekly Sun. eltjht pa,'es, fifty-six columns, lsl a year. iistaire pahi. For nbihs of ten teiidliiK vlu we will send au e;tl Copy tree. Addresa I. W. KMILANO. l'ubllsherof The Sun, New ork City. s JALK OK LAND. Rv virtue of of s deed of truxt made to me by Thomas I Fields and Martha A. Ins wife on the 14th dav of March 11711 and duly registered In honk tii, paa-c Ml. hi the olllee of the K,'ist.r of Deeds of H Ifax county, I shall on Monday llw Rrd day of Novemlier next sell to the hik-hest bidder at public sue Ion for cash St. the court house door In the town of Halifax, the following real estate situated lu Halifax county nekr the town nf Weldon, and hounded as follows to wit : Beirlnnlna- at W. 0. Hill's corner on the road leading from Weldon to Bass and Ponton's mill, rininlnir down said road fitly feet lo W. A. Ilavls' corner, thence at rlitht anirli a with sahl road aloiiR said I 'avis' Hue one hundr 'd and for ty Ave feet to Mooch's linn thence alonir said line tlfty f el. thence parallel with said llavl'a llneone hundred and forty-five feet to the ho-fflnnliiK-cjiitaliilmtoii" third of suacre more or less. W. W . 11 ALL, TruoUO. oct I tf ADVTiRTlSEMKNTS V. J. NAW. DAKER & CONFECTIONER. WELDON, N.C. A Very laro supply of C A K K . CRACKERS, OAKDIR8, K HUNCH AND PLAIN. KAI8INS, F R U I T H, NUTS, Ac. The lartrcst stuck of Tnya nf every variety Te I'i'oiiKlit to tins market. Order' forC'inillfx cakes, kc, fllled at shortest notice at northern prices. Weddlnir and other part lea supplied as cheat) as tho cheapest. octlsly. D KSIRABI.BLAND KOR SALK. Bv virtue of nnwer vested III ma hy a deere of the Nuperlor Ciiiirt for the county of Halifax, ? ranted on the seventh day of November, 179 nhall on Ihe i.'ird, day ol, lMtl In front ot N . BIkwh k Co'a store in the town nf Hcotlanil Neck, at 11 clock sell ,u the lilirlten Mdder : The residence and farm of the late J. O. ramp. This Is a very deslratde place. The residence, contains our monn with kitchen and rtlnlnir room annexed. The farm contains atiout In hundr-'d aitres, KhI acres ready lor cultivation onttiefarin Is a niimher of out houses, pin huuse. Ac. The residence la within the corpor ate limit -t i f the lown and farm adjoins and the I'ri i'k plantal lull of Ihe said J O. Camp. This tract Is located on the Kntteld road atiout two miles from the town of Scotland Neck, anil contains ahout three hundred Slid fifty acre Sim acres or more ready for cultivation. Now Is a ffooil clinnee to secures frooil farm III one of the tiest Ciiiiimtiultles In the flare. The Baptists, Methodists, an I Kplscopallunn each havo a church here. There Is a ifi'ed male and femalu school In the town. Terms: (lite alxth of pur chase money cash, hnlmtcc Is six eipial anntiat lusinitneiiis. ftoies or the pnrcnaser. neflriiw elicht per cent. Interest payable annually, re- HUtred fur the deferred pavmrnts, and title re- serveu inn ti piiiu. V. A. Dl'NN.a-uardlaii of Annie B. Lawrence and others. Nov. fill 179. riov. J7-4-W M. E. K ULL 113 SYCAWOUKIT. V A L L 1 H 0 S V V, GTS, 1 8 7 0. Feeling It dun to my friends and cus tomers. In pUoe before them the thanks of m.isnlf and Mrs. M. K. Hull, for tbelr liberal patronage accorded to us, I take this method of lining so, and ask a contin uance, of your appreuirted favor In tbe fu ture, to my txtousive stock of READY MADE CLOTHING all in an n far tu red by myself in this city, thereby supporting many ot our own peo ple ; also an attractive assortment of CLOTHS, ('ASSIMKKKS and TAILORS' TKIMM I.NOS, logoiber with a lull Hue of Fashionable Dry Goods) and Notions of every discretion for the Wholesale acd Ketail trade. Tbe KXTK.NSIVK MILI.l.NKRY DKPARTMKNT OF- M R 3. M. E. HULL ii In the same hnildlng, being especially lilted up for llie branches ol' trade, vis: ..U)TIII."tl, DKY UUODN, NOTIONS AND MMil.INKKY. Pledging to sell all goods as low as can be bought nortb All order will receive prompt attention. CLOTH I. NU lor MKN and HOYS' wear nude 1 1 order lu best manner al low raies. Ladies' Dresses made to order oomplete. Bridal outfits furnished tt, short uolioe. KeporU from all sections alio a gradual revival of beitrr tunes, and a spirit ot on eouragnineiit seems visible in overy direc tion. l)n this basis I rffcr increased faoiN ilies to tbo trade, and congratulate you as having successfully overcome tbe gloomy past. Send in your orders and call aud see ua when you visi'our city. Oct 23 tf s ALE OF LAND. By virtue of an order rf the Superior court of Halifax, I shall sell on Monday the dy of January, 16(10, at tbe oourt bouse door in Halifax, the following val uable real e-uto of luy Inlosute, Joba K. liary, deoeased. 1. The home tract ot land, near Halifax, containing about 260 acres, subject to dow er. 2 The tract ad. lining the dower tract, and oonlsliiing about 118 acres. 3. The 1'oo.isi'i tract, eouuining about IU0 acres. 4. One ft flh Interest in tbe tract of land whereon B. F. Oary now lives, eontalulng over four hiiiiilrei acres, suliect to tan dower of Mrs. Mary Gary. Terms made knowu oil day of sale. PAUL GARY, Admr. Halifax, N.C. doc4 5t. XTOTK'K. The nndershnivd havlnc this day qualified he fore the Probate court of Halifax county, as ad uiliilstrator ot Klttalietli Owens deceasi I. here by not in. -s all persons holdlnar claims aftainst hla Intestate to present them to hliti duly authenti cated by the first day of Pecemuer. pen!, M. WUliKUKAT). Halifax N. C. Nov 10 6w Admr. N TICK I have tbis day sold out to Messrs. If. n. Pope it t'n. All persons Indebted to mi will please come forward and settle with Mr. H. B. Pope. J. A.MUSGEOVE. oct. l(Slf. gUPERlOR COURT, HalinixCoanly. Before the Court loth Nov. 179. Benl. Vhelna and wife, Harriet K. Phelps, W -moinlT. Phelps, John H, Fl elisv B enj. F Phelps, J. C. Frlvett aud wife, Mary A Privett vs Oeonre W. Barnes and the heirs at law of the said uconr W. Barnes to the plaintiffs un known. The defendants will take notice thst thai Is a proceedlna- to appoint a trustee under the deed of trust of the In h day ef March, A. 1 imu from BenJ. Phelps to Ueors-n W. Barnes. of the lands therein described and that the prayer of the complaint herein will he art-anted unless the n fendants, on or lieforethe loth dav of December A. U. IS7,app-ar at the office ot the 1'lerk of the Superior court for uld county st the Court house In Halifax aud answer said complaint. It la ordered hy the Court that publication of the foregoing notice be made In the Roanoke News, a newspaper, published tn the town st Weldon, North Carolina, onoe a week for six succeanive weeks. JOHN T. OHKUORY. .... . , , Sup. riwrV ' W. S 0. B. RoHnson, atty it i12. novio

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