rHE T.OANOKE NE'S T lt;i!SI).Y. JANl'AHY 15. 10 Th1''. Il'ii-" c u 1 1 j i ! f i - tin aretd li: f nit lull iipl"' pri nt i n j GOO Oily o pay Unite! States M iri-liu!, as desired by the Allorilf V-0'Mt I ! Rtl I Ml',' ,1'sled is Lis arnuil ii'purt to (.'in.-iess. 4V . -. . In his el' r l: ' to ti t i:aiiil jury in Auburn New Y.nk. .l.jilii ))Aiht in airneted the juora I hut under the Blalute iufi an 1 In t'Tit5 hi chinch fit" ra ate in- l-c:nlli' us nell as other lott'ties. inn Mi-'-ifiiii li'sUturc lias had twelve In!!. '19 lor I'ni'el S'a''.s Sena'or t.i piir;"' e i Setin'nr llmce, but has come t no chine. Hikslale i lii.st, Wa th.nl second mill S i n 1 1-1 1 1 n th'nl. St.sat. a Lam Alt who Iihs dei n in J ark n n Mis1., in the intereatj nl (Jen. Waithall who h a ran I iru e for Senator, was rii ken with 'iraltis Sunday n'lit U'i riiiiili inn is not corifiiteicd c.itieal. W:: )il.:', t i- lay the fii.-t uf the three R'tii-iis un llm li'e Tliiimin li 1.11'. t i!uu I r i .ii the Wilminij on S'ar. The o'lit'S i!! ippi':ir in due course. The (,,,.. ii. h' 'h'sc s'tic'ei uro wii'ten by T. !. K :),; lir7, il! ciiKiiiiin.l tl.mi to oti' n il.-r-. Ir i in''.! th i'. 'i iloiie tu li .ve a thort ii'-kinn is :i ine-t nn iiiiiiio'is anion;; cnti li .n.ci. bit "I I'.'' nine time t ln-rc is l.tt'e r,:;ic fi.teitiiin 'I by the more ix I niriiv I in- hi'mtj that an ailj ntrnnicn' v. ill Ink i!.i e I ef'ire lu'c in t'.ie sum ur.r. - Kl Wli I.l'.-I IK Sll , W h;i f ll-illic is Pn Wi II kmr-wi In in the i nil.. -r.ni.i piiti'rinl iiiin I'nl hi! h is in I lit" cuiir-i! nf time I nli!i hi .1 in N'r Y'i'k, ilii'il Sii'iirdsy. II wis Imimi iii r ; v irk Ivijhm t in 1921. H i I ith'-r'n n iine was Joseph Cniti-r. anil t.i: wis 'liiiix'.i named llt-nry Carter. D iiiiiif hi- vnutli he became la dilate I w i'h tin- aits uf ili"ii;nii)a, ilnminj; an ) fiijl iv;!!;,'. 'in I i' iiimi'i 1 1 hi,' limi'i'lf with the miravii'ir ib pailinci t "1 the L union lil.lstr l'i; I H e.i-'l Ins work ' 1'raix I.. - !. '' II.; la i.t to this coaiitiy in IMS - - A ii i' li ti, i n i nt i .. Ill n ! in I 'mi ore's t'i-!'ili' Ii ii-vi '-ii re'iiin h-"cr ollif. C. in il ,1 :i'.:t piiUnI tin' cmiiiti ,'. The htl-l-tie a of ll.e ! - I Ii tu I ulli ' '.is itH'liil-cl hi ti, it i'. ih cui a-s-iry to ni.ik'.' 8 nn: pin ViMn i l.'r ,t. I'.. .-iih s it wiiulil ijreatlj I Kill! it.: the I cit:. n ol tin. 1. live. e l ii-lle.p. F.f t Uf yeir i n -linij Jufc !!;!. 19 2 ' l.'iri eie liiiwiir.iL.t :o the ilivi'l letter i.lli .' '. I I thi-i! thi'ie weie Zl.'2i I i ( a- I, mill $11CGul'.t in il.a.tn clin ks A", 1" i ;r hta-iiiw Ac. $17 797, notes l-i! I -...i- .V 21 172 I! - .1 i the i'rH" - u! attic'ft n:::iH'l:itt'.l th' ic i .n ini i.' ii-e tiumtu r nl t: r -u t i.i.,i "t iM u in theii ti x'. ai Will ai eiicli.s.i eii :n I nth t tniiniss hil l hicihI i-en-e. Mi.i .iii'.iiiic I wiih il. -p isi h,n. h.ii- lie. lt 1 1 o-l!. A'-! . the litter Ill'iCtfi in tie hi he-! il. e hy I lie 'i ne eon-tune. 1 HI t: ii.sil. .M! to the pes Hi H'lui'-stl. On !h! 12 !i a ni.np I, ";i.-!.it lie whs (ri.i liv t .e 1! piitilie iiu in Mrne. (Wu, (' i in e. '. un h h ii nullity initin! ol l'u; Mite a it- kf 1 by tlnin wmlil he re .i.;i. . tn. in iii.l -iipp.irt tlmm with thr in li'it y I. 'lee o! I'm St.i e. II: t ihl illeir. p'ui'iU h: w.i il I n it. T'lis li.. ike n,i Cieir p ii,; i:r.:i'. Tu-y ih-ti lul l a r i e i ,i:i I .1. in ! I t i l ike pm'n-jnti ol In e e .pi' ni w Ii eh ill -V ill. I, an. I n. air, il. 'l in' .ii,l I in. a In in; mil; ii.,lj ii'i I'liv-I, I .ii' K l-i ril-U are ill hill fli'Il ''V r til.' -I'll I i.i'1, uili tl Il k they w: I I e i'i'c Iii hi! I the li.t. What the I .-.,' I i .1 he h i iri r. ,n tell 1 ! -!i. I'll i mi r ' i !i - I,-. !ie Mil', he Mt Vie I Willi wlu'. lier .tici-ii'ii the inn,- t nn. lei. I'l oui (ij iiii.in li n t 'tin nlie. I ih. It -1 . l - the power a-l.l he -.holll I I fCliilllI Imi.v lie Un it it. We ut tue S.r.il li il.i not lai.ey ai'thine; iinlttaiv i.i riiuneuttuti with L-islalurm an I ij:ii' i liou-c. ... Hlit:i Ai.lVK. On i.' t!i tn 'it .iekfiun nflfiirj, i' in l.i.!, 1 1 l nut the in mt horiiblr, wli.eh it huh in mi.r 'lui v l ehiiiiiele, hap p n ! i-t "Mti iiy on the pi. ;ni-.. ii M . S..I i i K -rev. all .in ( itit iiiiIik irmi, II i i'uvi e I li. re w i a n -k;.l.n : in p-ni;n-. a' I I" r .In el lin n, II i hT! n...t ii. iiiiii l'i ,i. li b. .'ii ri. l,.i; in'n a ill?,. .I.i! .I'mot et.'h 'tit- h nil in" l i tin jri! j cr.);i A !.; : Y.-c lillc.l vs. h w it r w is n. ir hv. Tin' waier iii t ii e k nle h 1 1 Ii, -ii he it. .1 to Djeli h ile -lie li v.ev a. re n I ! Inr It t.i cm! a Ii" le in o. ... i In n.iili li-ijn in i', I'm w it. r v i- i ti it th it i 'i y i re ati..l I it w.nii I i " ih- h ,ir ut t ie I.. i i, Wnl.ie hi.;', t.inpe i ll e ol .in' Willi i. 'i i .. Ii i'l - lie . in . i i) i u ,i-l, ) u- i . VI- thr ill, I t,i; ; ,H.t tint he w in' I I'H' i. 'in iii the I,i-mV ii he ili.l.i'l i it up. a 'i. I; '" ', t 'ie p i le'n r Ir n: liei. i..i-t it .up j tin,', it i.i- j-rt hiiii, !;.i!.n'. nr. i 1 ti it a riT, he D'l.nn. ivn il h ive In Ki AU'i linn. I) ti'ii . r. ui-hl I - - . t kii.I p. '( 1 lilill lurkHi'il i i Un) line. 'Hull o' Lie ki ttle, lie p i si.-.. ..i n, li uli o them It .; their hi ns I teii m inwhile, ir.ril thee tint ii welt I'ca ihn into ill- kettle nl Hie'liing watei. Tlnir pi con, nwiul h.'. aim tn I mo ins mn'ti nice I o'her In til l pi . 'e, Willi ll.nilly exil' i.eil them Hum tne h line ho: Paul linn. Tney ie t i n. 'il I heir s. ti es . h -n li.ht t ikon on", un. lli.i. intense t(''tiiin utric t-lniplv b.-yon I .e."r i-' ion. I'h -y at onee t'oni phiini'l i'l tneir lmt c'.n'hi'S, unit Allen tln si! we-e t ik '! ""'ii their liin'n (jinit Ihkes o! b i le I 11 sli w nt with tli. cn, l-ivlil their I). 'lies t-xp iseil Their I'l' iT'ls (oil n it ail I their h.ilr il..i;i'i"l liotn th ir liea Is. They Inil li.ua' y been cookul a!:i! 1 Thu ie;lit w.i nuoli lha' t!i.i.i wh" w ini's il it tvme w. II n !i paral'Zil with Intro'. AH l Ksi' o meiK'Jrci oT i 'i . f were tiiei! ilur . n kj ih ' n if'i'. but I! 'he t 'I'e neat Hy a 'il D n-i't lie I "il M m l iy. - II iuu vi I ! (U) In J'' en 1. ot. A OKIII AICOI.IVA M I'l'KAI oi: roic. r.y T. li. Kiiisbur) . rillil.lMt.N.MIT. The South his been pr.'l.tie. in men ol ol mre uiat iiy. It 1 the hind ol tin ijiiri ee il not ol .ii.'. In the ut nit, at the bur. ill leuwUtiru halls, in the liiliine ol the peniilc t h-jic have been from tun to tiniest ik mi; an.l pplunlnl t xl'iliitloi.s u pnwe'a that tonir.il that pets'ja'le men. ami win cans 8. N nth Citnlina has 1; til her haie ut mi g fiit. d wall genuine elo quence iVhiUt fome nl her lnwyers ami s'a'e'nien have acmevel hiyh disiinction in the conns anil the pobbc a9embli i. an lid Uenton, Gaston. ruilj.tr, Iredell, Arcl.'.haM Ikvidemon, Grah mi und others ol the utllcii rtenl for orr.Jji v ol a per siiasive or of an iinposin' ''-ir tatliralliuc k' hlTVni;h",.,rll ti.e puipit weie the pe,, ol am, H j .''who displayed a roniiiinn'iri oi env wir.enta thst oucht to havi plre ti n'o Mriionii the rca'est saeied or itm, ' onl1 .'mes or ol the cent uij. Tlni ir.' v appeal t i iavui;atit to many, ami yet I oin 'ri in;' q nle delibeiately, ami alter a tonsule able aqu ill t iocu Willi pieachura aJ some acq laiitmce with t lioe mtsL-rpiecs that hare given to Itnssutt, Feni len Maisiton, li iliert Hall, Melville an i a dcz a others tucti woild wide lame. I do m t k-iow how the pi i cited nei inul a ol the elder J. Iin Kt-rr. or of II z kiab (i, I.eth, nr ol L i i k I'u-rce would have nail, but I do knoiv that men o; ma knil i n ' til 1 1 r,-ncu -nine ol thern ol tn uc li (lisl'iK'.inu ami tthiliiv alter hear I Hi! I iiuoiii p.eache s in this country ai d in Europe. Imvc Paid t!nU lliey heard none who Hinor i. tlio o yreat pul;it uialu s. I have 'mt little doubt Hint tins ti io nl noble ('hr.sloi'i o-atois werecq ial in a rich, poAer.ul, mnvio". animn'td elo ipii in e to niiy jet tun u on tlrj cou.inent. Ii. cause dies me tint recoii ;.:d as inch in it 'stun or New Yo k nr llie'r n nm s may havi ihvit been heard ol bv ihoe v. ho h ivi" ileli.ihted in the n.a nitici nee nl l.'liaiiiitti or the com)ant h';;io ol Ed wards nr the o. tiinality and vaiiely ol lle,.ry Ward lieechei, or the hi,-!) elo 1 ii nee and i ich diction ol Sto. i is, or the Milid ind elnhi.re.te e. qui nee ol John M isiiii, does t.oi in tl.e li".st ilet:ii''t from their ie.il ((rea'ne-s or disprove the cor rec ness of niv j'i.i(."nent. I)r Deems tdd me that he ind never hi nril a "renter preiicher than Loviek Pierce. I) . D.eitis is a Mi yl.ii dei' Hi v. 1).. .Icier, ol Hich moiid. taya Jhn Keir was I be ("realist pulpit "rator he ever heard in tins euuutry nr in Europe IK .le'er is a Virginian II. zekiati (i. I'iyh was the most t.emen doiis p ciihei lever heard, and I never hfa-d In in when at his best by a piest deal. Iin lei d I III tint ne.r inm until Ins m i','ii:li 'ei t powers were waning. M-". L' i :h onee die-v his tonuieation to their f el inone ' I his i;ieat pernions at N'j.Iii k. V'l. Dr. Olintl.us O.'i viiiy, in his inti re-t-iiiL.' skulcli ol li ihert Hall, my this was o'tin he cafe when the incomparable Hall, pi.ihahlv the fiede-l I'reai.hc ninee the Apn-t . P. id lill.il the li plir-t pulpit ut Pi is'ol, En'thiiid, I have In e I perpler 1 "oinew liat to kn iw tl I Me ill I p ace the name nl I'a" cis E ll.wksb srle Hi 'si: ol Rerr i.n I Eei'i and Pierce. Hr Hawks wa-a di c'deilly able ijan, a line wnier. a cptiva iitii pit iichi r, an I when at the bar w s considered a ikillul and a Imi.uble I in nr. I hea d him p each but once, and I he nl him deliver but tnc add r.i. He never inipiesseil nie as bein an orator ol the hi ihest n. !er, nl' lion ;h he ha- e a Inurably I never In in . I him i x.i iiuin: i.e. linn ran not tl.e.elnie . j. i;'e hlni laliiy He 111 nle a i reat lepii'i.ion b lnre the Il iu-e of I'. shops III his OA'n di leil' e. S-iCl Was It e po'vi" ol his hiii i cli an a lj -niinmei.t v us i Ti l !ed that the niilll'.e.s inlyht have time In in i i r Iiiiiii the tie it ill li in- II lence nl the inas'er. The n.di'u tlnee to whom I have re'eried nioie parti nlarlv spoke til' e t i lice with 111 II liom f II minds, mi. I with a tiadv, copious elo quence, withou. noies or n.aiiu cript. I'hcv spoke as the p.rint o'at .rs nl the w irld li'ive aUavs 8;n.k -n when with in-ten-e e iiiitinii, !c .-limj every si'iittnier.t they utti re I, tliey poii.e I lortli in lapid buc-cc-sion th.ir ' Th niithts th it bioitbod and words that burned,'' Ei t u.s e.ui-ider (or a ni meet wlnt eln q . in e is We run do this bn 11; an i and .note (atislact ji ily by a relereuce to ciamp li . Mr. Webster Paid: "Tile i-lmpiei ce dins not C' nsist in spieih. Words an i phi'is. s in iy Le iil'itshailed in every wav. but the) cannot coin,) tss it. It iiii-t exist in the ina.i. and in thu ocea-inii. An I dr Weleler wi rih'. An m .t ir is burn, j ist hs iiiiieh as a poet. True el. q u n. e "must txist in the man." The iciioiiK cannot impart H ; neither study uor piac tiee can tiring it Irmu a'nr." Mr. Eveieit was a li'ehly arnmiipliBhed Ki'iitleiiian. Ills spceclii- read yery eh .nn injilv. He was a deliiihllul ihetoiieian and he .eeited his fine productions with ii certain pleasiusj s'ateliues lliat I web leui' tnher Kitsuiely he was no great ntator. IPs slattua were very tricetul, were vi y drbly Wioii-ht nut o1 pure lille II, l. Lie. I.lll lllell ll.ev W. .B llMli-. Hel.ik I i tic d vi: e till Ins "the !' il 'iHliuu nl wi'i;..i wo i is" -that Sent Ins in iii.'.'i'd 1 1 the Ii a t ik- .he 'jneriinn all I b mu ll i' sha t limn Hie alC aei s ho J'atnek II ''it V. i"i Ihu other haul, kne Inr li' h-ol . heto! ic li ti uili- o llu'int", was Il idi r baiin il nor t n'. rn.iv W lead w ,:8 im oi nit of si k in t led .'e I eloi'U'nin- n v I't'i. wa n't k''l-l in the n;n ;es c c ol s nn I ('"lei ii s. mil i. a livni' hat- I " V a p'i er I'll ma ,n ' in nr -I n i -in. po e si , a -on I i'l ol i i...iii. a 'd eo.n n in. le.l a' w nl the I iii.il i ;e nl Ni ure. Hi- el q 1 n e ivas a a t n hiiii-en : II "i xis 'e i in the in ni " I. is nn v; lU ler that he colli. I c.'iitrnl an and e ce "H a skilled r.der th nurse. Nii ii- culd sit und r i lie ni'iiii ..lintis ol ins v oi c iin j ciitici-i the kpe.iki.. The ititm-e in n;iii ti-iu nl t lie oi itor sW"it away a'l .e'lstauce. and held one in bah. W.i n .Mr. Kveielt sin k-' o'l could na'ili eiirioti It his tn inner -in-, his pos iiiiiiifs, his prmiiinnu. ' nil l Veil Hie I. Ill t es nf III. .t'll'lilll anil th arm'i In! Il ivv ol l is pt iin i,, mid In a! w iys si 11 I'onlaiin il. neiei l.ir I moi eiit vii-l'l.iii( t i the lull ii lire nl Ins ainli ial mil t'i t!i it i ii i n i ilneulioi. .Mr Everett dm not seem to f.il liiinse f, and, hence, cniil.l n n miiki! oi lit i s feel. The.e was I. id inn, in o' a t and e.o! e nniii'i ol nilti.e in what lie did -his pa Hons lenned ship H it li. y ntirpose in this paper is not to il n ii-8 i l s'oiy, ni to p esei.t w lint I con sunt to h ivu hie i :ho ili.iiif.i!shi i trails ol the thre.! (ileal prracliem id .be Go-pel I h ivu nam,.. I 1 a'ni t" filllil I.i p ,rt a prniiiisc nnee in nle in a ipint ol phasanlry and in hippy iiio'iieiit whin ij 'Vinit the ib. ij;h. fill toinpanioiisli p ol A r wetter ail iinie entrniii ini i liint t han a y I havi u line I, tha i iny 1 have known, lie was mi' their tqial In the dra.n i'iC q'H'n ei ol Ins itiiius; he ws n d th'i' q'i d in sunny an. I ma-ruliiR yi.jnro' Ifi'.el it; he w ti nil thili eq'lal in that urand, sonorous, command'uc, awuiL' eloqneice ol wnich they weie masters. Hut in eloquence ol another kind he was supreme ns tar as I know. I 'old lli s KoMen-moutlitd, simple hcarter1, unspoiled sen of nature one day I hat 1 th ut; Ii t I understood his gifts and r races tieiter probably tban any other person did and that il I survived him I would prepa e a skelch of his lile. I have fought in yiii 'or many years to obtain the material mcis-ary Inr the writniij of such a mono LTiph as liiind-hip would dictate. I must, the.eloie, content myself with a mcaure outline-sketch unci) as is suited to the columns of a daily newspaper in its Sunday edition, and without an; ol those minute ptrsonal touches which are thu realcharm ol a i biography. In two more numbers I will endeavor to introduce many of my readers to a yreat natural orator who Ins been at rest in the spirit world for more than a decade Wilmington Star. Tub New Y rk conesponiient of li e Philadelphia Leiluer wri'ei: "The most important political event, lor the tromcnl. is the i e laiut v now that thre is to be ii" division among the New Y rk democracy oo the presidential qiestim; in other wolds, that John K lly and the Tarnm try Hall lac: ion have informally committed themselves to the support ol whonvcr may lie notnlna'e l by the na'.lnnal convention. Assuniiicis to that e.Tect have, within the lew days pa-t, been civen to pri minent democia ic ha leis Imni other States, who have come In ie expic sly with a view ol biitieini; about a pacilicatin.i between Tammany and the Til Jen fnc'ion. I hv c reason to believe ti nt a iloubleleadeil an O'lunreine lit to tins eff.ct will appear in ih coiiise of a dav or two in Mr. KelU's newspaper oryan. The siuniticsnce ol this p.nceeilinn ccti'ia.s in the fact that h re'o o.e Kelly and his followers have e nphnl'C'illy declined that under no con Civahlu inreuinsta'icej wnuh) they sup- )i)i t i he lenominatioii of G iv. Tlldcn. It is dillicult just now to a'cerlatn what in tlueii' e has been excite f to b'ini about Irs ciitinye of mind, but the eff et id ii iini-t he to iiiimi nsely itrcni'thni Tildetis I -oiiilon in the national convention The stloiio point ol the Bayard men and other democra in aspirants as against Tilden lmt been that he coulJ not unbe the party in his own Stale, nut with thu practical sun- press on or c .'ilu e nf Tanima'iy Hall that stioni; point i bviously is uot wotth any. thinu to ihem." WSi.Z JSjm. ia.wwiim;.iiit;W) AKVEKTttH.MKNTS. 13 INtill AM SCHOOL, Willi I NEVILLE, N. V, Is now I'ro-Killlnrsnt Ulilnmp Mmiflinsn Ihinriliiu! Schools for linys. Thu ITIwl uiHui.ui ii,.l..! I7'l. lu-ii -.--" ....i. ...... in,.., has been the ri.nst nrnsii.eriiiiM m tlm .sii yt. rs ol' I lie Sriionl hi tory. The 17Jud Suasion will begin Jan. 14th, lioi.rd f 12 p.r month. Tuition ?,',0 per Session. For i'a!ahiiio (fiviiit; full l-"1-tioulurs, Address, MA J. U. BINUIIAM, Snpt. de.i lstf fuunitureT We haye Just jilaeeil I'l uiir Wareronms l.uryc M )ck of Xiw l uriilfiire OF ALL KINDS i)F THE LATEST DESKiNS PflATTRESSES VERY CHEAP FUSSir0B AT NORFOLK ASD PETEESBUKO TEICES. All sorts of furniture st.1.1 CHK.M'KIt THAN EVEIl. Call anil he colivineed II. BOEST. WEI.no.N, N. c. ii"V 2n f GEZUCT THE BSf3T: iitnwinR'niMARTiiinjzinMni Ulllll l' Li II I llVhU '. Majvi- .... wtr. --''vi: M A3T von rwmrDiATa tjeh 1 f nclrrtfil hy rmy rHACTIOAIi rATTnTH. COVERINO CA?AC1TY It DURABILITY V'XCKF.D ANY KNOWN TAINT, lliiil.linc r.-.ioi. .Iwnho.irrrs, ,- , Pae,t,( if not i.nilsc- tory.w.d be aojaiuuaei Oir ExToase. FOR SALE BY A. R. Z'lLI.IC'lFFKH HUM., Jim. 2it I y Wei.ion, N.c, J Ol'IS II 1 I. 1. 1 A It I) k V o. C31T0S COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORFOLK VA. 1'iiM prices an. I nuh'k returns Kuarautei'il. 1 T AI.IK X I'oljNTY SUl K K lUK IL COUKT. Jaenti K. rnpf, as adniiiiltratnr with th w ill Hiinexi d, nf Kor-a Pupa, deceased in i u in ins own nll Airahttt William K. Aarin. 'I hotnus Knro, Kufiia II. Shaw and wife.Aim K. ,haw, the hoiin ami leiful reiirnsniitativea of Jnsroh J I'npe, and tin) ehil lren nf Mary S. render. 1 ho heirs and loal represeiitaiives of Josr-ph J, Pope and thn children of Marv S. Pender are hereby nolllied thst n ac tion lias lieim In Kim bv Ih" lilulnt i It k ail ininistriiliir with the will annexed of Kosu I npo, ileee iso I, allium tho leKileoa ol Ka il R. ma for un Heeoiii.t and t-eltlernont el th" es'a'n of said decaro l. Thny will tlx lorn appoar before the Clerk of the .Superior court of Halifax at the court tinuvfe In Kalifax town on or be lore tho 1st day ol' February. IHHtl. und an Hwor or ileinur to the petition film) therein elso the plaintiff will apply tc the court for the renin nn'vcsi in inn petition. WltnnsH, J i. Iin T. Hieuory, Clerk 'f the supnrior (; i.irt of HhiiIkx, at i llloo In Halifax town. This tha Sod dav of Decern berlS7,l. JNO T. 0 KKllOKY, Cleik Supnrior (' urt, Slid I'robatn Judue, K. (. Rtirton. Jr., pllfs alio. deo 4 A . ildlt SAI.K. I will sell on easy term the thorough- bred liotso, rmoy Woods, and also a vil Uiilile lliorolii hbrod mare, and a now to) iHKicy. Iflinauanv. Applv In '('. W. FA t't'KTT, rt'iv li f Halifax, N. (', IIU NEW ADVERTISEMENT. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! -:o:- Havliiff Just retumeii from New York and Boatoe. where 1 have PURCHASED FOR CASH. The CHKAI'ECT AND REST 8KLECTKD STOCK IN THE MARKETS, I aui prepared to sell to my Customers THE CHEAPEST GOODS EVER OFFEKEI) IS THE STATE. OOOI) WOOL HATS 2T Cents and up. l'CRE LINEN TOWELS In to .95 Cents. REST i PLY LINEN COLLARS 10 to SO Cents. l'ANTS FROM Sixty Cents to Nix Dollars. BEST WAMSUTTA THREAD 25 Cents per Dozen. COATS' AND CLARK'S THREAD 5 Cents Spool. CLEAR RIB SIDES 8tii Cents, SHOULDERS a Cents. SUUAR-obRED HAMS. 124 10 BOXES NO 1, 11 INCH TOBACCO !5 BLS REST & MEDIUM FAMILY FLOUR 1 TIERCES PURE LEAF LARD 100 LBS SWEET FRESH VA MOUNTAIN BUTTER Now In store slid weekly arriving. A LARCE STOCK OF LADIES' FINE DRESS COODS. A FULL STOCK OK HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Call anil examine at the old Stand of Wlnflehl & Emry. cc 2lt-a Respectfully, GIVE II 1 M A C A L L. 1879 FALL 1879 JUST RECEIVED E. 15UTTERICK & GO'S NEW PATTERNS OF THE LATEST AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN STYEES. NEW FALL CATALOGUE AND MONTHLY SHEET now ready fur distribution. Sent free, pout sample 01 OPENING NEW GOODS FALL AND ADDRESS sept 18 3m TICK! NOTICE' KE.4IM KEAI) ! ! HEAD!!! J. L. BASS k CO. have removed their RES TAURANT from their old place oil First street to the CREEN FRONT, Between W. II. Brown's store and Prescott & tioneh's store. MEALS AT ALL HOURS OF DAY FOR 50 CTS. l'asseniff rs on the trains can pel meals cheaper and as rooiI ..s anywhere Hse. Pleasant rooms. pmite servants, Clean services, and everything In flrst-eliiss style. ALL THE DELICACfKS OF THE SEASON. Meals mi the European plan. You pay for what you get. J AS. I.. RASS.it CO., WashliiKlon Avenue. oetlily CREAT BARGAINS. We are now reeelvinir our new ainl beautiful no.ls ree.-iitly iu i'IiiisimI nf the iiiaiiufael urer.s, ami cordially invite you In call an. I see them. 1 tie largest ainl le st seleeleil stoeK nl (JOLD WATCHES. SEISOF.IKWEI.ItY. BAND BRACELETS, Ol'EltA AMI lllWIll) CHAINS, DI AMiiMl AND SEAL KINOS. M.KEVK lll'TI'ONS AM) STUDS, SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS ie. Tiic Ui'Nt fIO fiisilor hiii! $5 C lock ti V E K S O I. ID . Use Yoiiiik's V. V. Ula-sses and Improve your eyesiftiil. VMiti iies ami Jewelry renaireii ny tne In-sl wnrkiurn, EiiKravina ni'iilly Umie l.y J. 1 . i it .Ml Ji Him, ret ! ly l'i tersliurn, Va. 1H?0. Fall und Wluter, 1S0. I am opening a new and desirable,. stock of MILLINERY COODS Embracing a complete line of Htn, Ribbon, rtiish. Velvet", Sl'.ka, Laces, Ornamenla. Crapns, Frin gea, Embroiderer! Walloons, HuUoiih, Fancy Goods, and NotioiiM. dress mak:nm CUTTINU ANDFITTINO at 'no. t notien. Latest Stylo Dre-s Tiiininl i'(s, Fringes, .ut loin., I'.in. v lio... . and Mulioiis. Weddlti't aiid I'.ii.v Dresses made, and If icoio.sted will luinish matc.ial. AGENT FOR E. nUTTERICK &, CO'S. CEL ERR A TED VA TTERNS. Oatalounea sent frofl on application by aending alainp to prepay pontage. SI KM. A. It. JOS El, HO Sycamore Street. 1'ETEUSUUHG, VA. 8ep2T).1m AT HOWE ACAIN. II. F. SLEDGE A. (o,, 1st Mlrerl. Urldon, fi.V. We desire to inform our friends and the public enerally, that we have a complete stock, coiiHis'.l.itf of Ilaeon, Flour, Meal, Laid Hutter, Fish, Cheese, Crackers, Cakea, Conlectione ries, Starch, Soap, Tobacco, Cigars, HnnIT, Gintrer. Tepper, Splee, Flekles, Jellb a, and Jliaudy Poaibns, Oar stock of liquors embrace in part, French, Apple, Blackberry, and Ginger llranilles. Old Kye and ('urn Whiskies, Port and She ry Wluea, Oin, Kuui, ic. Our Immense trade already enables ns to anil (rooda very cheap, and w cordially Invite our many friends to irlve us a call. Our maxim Is to treat all rijibt, Live anil let Lire, sept, i'ltf In fact everything found in a tlrst-class Store. T. L. EM KY. ape paid, to any address on application, also uooa". DAILY, SUITABLE FOR WINTER. E. K. RIVIHIRK. 110 .Main Street, KOHI'OLH, VA. ACETJTS WANTED, THE NEW STYLE "FAMIL Y S E IV I S (1 0t) H A 11 II I N 11 ! I The Usual to: Machine Reduced to 'J3. i n w TIIKCIIK.Vl'KSr INI) BUST IN THE WOULD, Too Lour In Use ti) Doulit Its Superior Merits No Money tn pay until the Machine Is delivered toynu and exaiiiiii'-d. It innkcs the shuttle, diuilili'-tlircnil, lock htiteh, (tlie same on tmtli sides nf the wnrk). winch r. -reived Hie hiudiest award at theCenlen lii.il Kxliit.it ii .ii. l'hlhiilelphie. Pa., WO. And is enniiele with a larirer ussnrtiueiit nf allaeh Ineiits for (Ine work than any other machine, ami Reduced to only tari. It isiiu easy tnni pleasant machine to operate, rejoin s the least cure, produces every variety nl work, and will Inst until the ncit century Li Kins, stmmr. simple. Rapid Hint Ellleient. Use it mice and jnu wll use un nlher. The iiiniie) cheerfully refunded if it will lint nut work ant outlast any machine at double, the price. Aircnts sell tlietu faster than any ntlierln enn Heiiueiice uf their hciiii? "I he Best ; t the Lnwest l'rici-." Each mnchine thnromjlily warranted with WiilteiKliiariintee fn. Ive vears. K.-.t in order free oj charge; niniiey refunded at once if not satisfactory. It :s the iiinst solid, n'l'.at.l", and satisfactory uiachiiie i v r invented Tnr nil kind of l iir work. It is in. ekiiowled red unequivocal nie ehnnienl success, ilioroiK'hlv tested, mid used in tlmiisaiid of homes. An elileicit, silent, rapid. rcliaMe, nml ever rcnilv h, li.erlo the weary wife nr seamstress. I will i'n tin- worl. o .. fani'ly for llfe-tline, nr il win a-n from tn : ier day for any who wishes In .-w fnr a iiviiiif. This machine costs l"ss than half the ( rt if any new machines nf like quality. Has eilra lonir. liii'Ke- i.ed Slmttle, easily reniuved. Extra larife si.eil Boldiins. holdiii'! IMI yards of thread dolus away with the fi-equen, rewinding nf ImMilns. II Is luiill fnr streinrlli ind constant hard work, lntereliaiiirralile wnrkiiiar parts, nianufaetiiriMl nf In -pnlislu-d steel. Will -uufnr yenrs with nul repairs, 'a simple In 'eani.easv to maiinire, uiidersiiind lerfeetly in an hour, and alwavs n-aily In r .nnineiil In do every deserli.tinn nf Ifavy nr line worl, it less cost n tnmlile than any nl her teach Ine al any prti ver did, or can do. It will sew anvthiin a needle can pierce, from la.'., i.r I'.'nnl.ri.' tn leavv rlnth nr harness, witli any kind nf ihread, am' will run nit twenty yards per minute; II uses strmnr, at nthlit nee dles, and in ver lireaks tli.-m. II eanent nilss or drnp a stlteli. ravel ni nreak the thri-ad. If yon haveniiy inncliliie. Iniv .his and have a lietter niie. The ens- and rapidity nf Its iii.tlon ai'd Uiialltynf lis wnrk, are lis heat rei men. lu ll,, us. li will he n, (ell. luck, hi ii,l. eor.l. hind iraiher, iiullt. riittle, tileat, fnld, seollnp, shlir, Mil, haste, embroider, run up breadths, ele.wllh ease and quickness, unsurpassed by any machine ever invented. Hewnreol IinpnNitlon. The prices 'n ; mo new iiachlne - are less than those n-ked . i.ei'le s in , ii.ii -l.i.nd, rebuilt and r,.lnlsheii uaelilues. n i,,.,. K"lliii)rniit old slock Inclose no ..u-I.e. s ,i ,- , cell Inf..rinr and nl. style lii.u inn, , , n.'.eii'i ra new at reduced prices: beware n ... uislilnii and nnly buy new mai hiues. T'.i 're are no new drstelass innchiiies i.ifered a.s low as the Family," by liiaiiy dollars. Mai MINKS HUNT POU FX A Ml V,TI0N III.KnliR PAY MI NT OK Bll.l,. Extrnnrilinary Inducements riTr'd tn Cleriry. men. Teachers, Mi.rekeep.'i s etc: tn net as nTeiiis lb. rse and ii,ron f u rule li.-il free yr t. stlm.i- id'ls s lescriptive bnoks mailed free with samplvsiif work. Ilbernl terms, circulars, etc. Address, FAMILY SKWINfi MACHINUCO. oil IB ly. is,', lirnndwny, New York, N. Y. A wM'k '" '"owl, town, and nocapl V" vJlal risked. You ran (rive the business a trial wllliotit expense. The best npM.rtunlly ever nllered fnr Ihnse wtll.ii- In wnrk. Ymi ahmihl Ir iinthliiic el... until v H,. fr ,1Ir. self what you can dn al the business we ntfer Nurnnui In nxplaln her.'. You can devnte ali your time nrnuly your spare time to the tuisl. ness. and make irreat pay fnr every Imur that you work, Wmiieii make as miieh as men. Send fnrspcr'al (irivnte terms and particulars which we mall free. Outfit free. Dnii't enuiplalii nf hard tltins while you have such a chance Addis-s II. II Al.LETT CO., Portland, Maine. JulyM ly. O R MALE, Store and dwelling house In the town of Kn flehl N. C. Dwelloiif has an acre and a half hit a'lncheil. Terms libera'. For pnrlleiilais. nn. i.lvtn . W. Whitehead, Eiill. Id. N. i'., ,,fW. W Hall, Weld, m, ,. C, 0(.( t ,( JiSsm i ADVERTISEMENT. gTILL THEY FLO IT It IK II J BK. A. B. Z0LLIC0FFER BROTHEB, ORUCCiSTS. WELDON N. C. Hare just received and are dally receiv ing, fresh aupplios of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYESTEFF, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, STATIONARY, COMBS, BRUSfJ Kl, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, RED AND WHITE KEROSENE OIL. Also a full Hue of confeclioueriea oorsist ing of PLAIN and FRENCH CANDIES, APPLES. ORANGES, NUTS, CAKES, fo. 0. They are the sole Agenla here fur tha RED C OIL 190 DEGREES FIRE TEST. They always keep on hand the largest aK( rtinnnt ol the finest 6, in, and l." cent CiKurs tn be loiind In the town of Weldon, which they guarantee lo be equal to any in Ilia market, and are sure they can please any Judtceof a good cigar at any price ranging from 2J to 25 cents. They also keep the best article of Smoking and chew ing Tobacco. Mr. D. B. Zollicoffer, one of the the firm will remain duri g the winter In Balti more, where be will have an opportunity to select goods of tho best quality at bot tom prices. T ey respectfully invite the public gen erally to call and examine their stock. No charges for looking. They will take great pleasure in showing their goods and quoting oricos. Rspectfully, DR. A. R ZOLLICOFFEK. & BR0. Look for Sign West side Wash. Ave, Weldon, N. 0. Prescriptions carefully tiled and pa tients treated under the immediate super vision ot Dr. A. R. Z dlicolt'er, who with thanks lor past patronage continues tho practioe of medicine as heretofore and can be found at Z .llicoffer's drug store at all hours night and day, when not profession' ally engaged. oct. 9 6m. 1857 100 I ESTABLISHED Jiuitiiiry 1st, 1837. RUFE W- DANIEL Illsstork of Liquors, Groceries aud Confcc. tluneries embrace In part FRENCH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY and WILD CHERRY BRANDY, WHISKIES, PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA aud CHAMPAONK WINE. 0I0ARS, BACON, FLOUR, MOLASSES, LARD, GINGER, PEPPER, SPICK, APPLES.JELLIES, PICKLES, BRANDY PEACHES and CONFECTION ERI ES Appollinarls, Scllzcr. Urrman, Krouiliul Natural Waters. And many other articles too numerous to men tion. R. W. DANIEL, in Wash. Aviiiue, Weldon, N.C. oct ! ly IVEUY BODY LOOK IIEKE I I wish to inform tho citizens of Halifax county, and the public generally, that 1 keep a Drst class house iu the town of SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. I have a complete stock f GROCERIES & CONFECTIONERIES. My bar is stocked with the choicost French, Apple, and Pnaeh Brandies, , alto all kinds of Wbbkiea, Wines, Gin, Ku:u, aud Champagne. BEST BRANDSOFWIIISKIE9 A RPEOIALTIY Lasrnr Beer In Bottles and on Draught, Faini lira supplied at lower rates by the dozou bottlos. 10,000 Cigars of the Bent Brands. I have a first class RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SALOON a'tachid lo the house. I wiil endeavor tn please all who will honor .re with iheir patronage. Mr. J. P.. Stalon it with mn. anil will bn pleaed to serve his old I'rionds. My servauLs are polite and attentive. G. OfE.NHKIMKR. Sign Central Kalenn, Oct 23 8m. Scotland Neck N JOTICE. Ilavlntr dntv niinllflr.,', a r,lti..ui. .Iab of Richard Alshrnnk, r I ic.so.'s v.,nj clnlius st,raiie.t It1- esta.e r e " 'n.:,lei' ri, c- qie:.,.'i il ii.isen n n ce '" l" em if.. . :e. ted o.i o before . .1. " . or i . o i.eii lo l .ie . id estate ,i,-e ce o .- ,.e i:.nue dir.te '.etl iemeiit. i.:, , a- LT'OOK. Adiii'. o" c . A ' linaik, By ix: t.oii Dunn. atty. oct 2 If 1:U. ESTABLISHED 1831. Old Reliable Jtwelry Store of ARTHUR C. FREEMAN, HAS REMOVKD TO 171 MAIN ST. NORFOLK, VA. Where can be found a full line of Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Glassig, Buttons, Silver Ware, Wedding ,-nd Engaetieut Rings, at prices dsfyiiig com petition. Address AHTtlURC. FKKEMAN, Norfolk, Va. Watches and Jewelry repaired and wu. ranled. Gonds seut up' approval, oct 301 y. ' ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at the Corner, and buy your vuo.jj guuua J I U 111 W II BROWN. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. He keeps always on hand a full lin 0r general merchandise, such as Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv Goods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Holsery, fec Also a full line of groceries, Cheap fcr Cash. r Corner 1st St. and Wash. Avenue. Wkldon, N. C. mr271y A. WRENN & SON. Manufacturers ofand Dealers in all kinds of CARRIAGES, IIAIIHESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CaRTS, WHEELS, AXLE, FARM WAGONS, HORSE CLOTH TNG,. LAP ROBESrScr Nos. 14, 18, 24, and 26 Union Street, ., NORFOLK, VA. sep 18 ly jOR SALE. ' ' The following v.i' iai)le real estate lvinr near Tillery's . , . in Halifax coimty about nine 'iiile - i.nm ,ie town of Halifax About ".GO Feres oicl.K.ins -ieatn engine' saw mill on., ds . Rii . gin house and' fixtures, ai.jnini. i - . je i evt ence of J. R Tillery. Mike Wilkius, that contains about 87 acres. Pope plaee conf il. Ing about 130 acres. I interest in Wade H Tillery tract, th whole coniaii ' 'P'oont 377 acres. Apply T. HILL, Attorney. Halifax N. C.jalyCuf J COUTHERN HOTEL, ' HALIFAX N.C. J. W. MULLEN, PROPRIETOR. Table well supplied, clean rooms and attentive servants. Meals 50o Lodging 5uc. , Livery Stable also kept where teams may . hired. Hoi sas fed and well attended to, j) expei ieuced bosilers. The travel ng piiblio will do well to stop at the Southern Hotel. June 5 1 y. W. B It O W HS ' OLD E ELI ABLE D E 0 0 810 BE Fresh Drugs and Kledicinei. NEW GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK The stock of FANCY QOODH, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMP GOODS, ILLUMINATING and LUBRICATING OILS, FAINTS, LEADS, LINSEED OIL, and all I'ainters Materials will bo always foau to be full. Garden Seeds and Field Snedu In si nsoa. Choice pure Wlnea, Whiskies and Brandla for Medical use. Fine Clirars, Chewlug and smoking; Tobacco. Prompt Attention to all Orders, by Mail. rhyslelan prescriptions carefnllr eem- lioinin.l liv eo...t.,t..i.t elefbu l all hoiim. dA9 or night. Call and see me. oettf Wkmion, N. C. i rrnn T ,fu(i0 vear r ,o tlPiyWUday In youi own locality. No risk. Women iin es well as men. Many make mo e . i , oe Hinom't slated above. No one can M o n,, e timnev fast. Any one can Co t wo I . Vn,i e.tu make from oOcta. ..i.ir . uotii iiv evo :n', your even ings mix! so e n e ) ..id business. It crista mull' ", o i v ihu i!n"lnes, Nnths ing like ' o.' uinnrv irmKloi ever i fl'nred before. Du Ire n'e.'s. ni. and strictly honorable. Pe.u'c , ' yo.i 'v.int to ' tl) all about i 'ie tie.' n vbi- btrdness In lor the public, remi ns vouc ai.i'ress and w will send .nil pai'.lci'' and private terms tree- t.iin!lt; . wo- I fj also free; J.U pan then inal e i" voi-r niluii foi yourself. Address GEO. CE.STia OR fc CO , Ports land Maine. NOR1H CAROLINA, HallTax C"iinly, OfUee Board County t iommlssioners, J one Meelini; Ib7!l. It Is orde rd by , iie Boaid thHt al! pars ties holding clsliris e ,einst ihe county hy order or olhorwi e, lequesied to rresen I the sanriH io llieeieik nfx. id Hoard on or before the 1st (lav of Se n l.".7!). By Older o ibe Board, K, J. LI'.WIS, Clerk. Jure 6 4m. ii- V' B v. tXeT?, Fire and Lile Insurance Agent, Places r.sks of all kinds In first .elsa Companies as low ai safety will permit. Call and sue me before Insuring els w hero, at lUOWN'S DRUG STORK VSrldmi, Ni Is always supiuied with July 131 y.