THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY JULY V, 1990. The t hl!l' l'n.lnl.iir-d I'myer. ",N. jr I H n,.." ii)' it, darling ; I n in.'." !; 1 !!.. 1 1 ny l.ft 0( ni) dsiiKhtT knr..n.g kentllag O cr brr Mtcd llnio-r Mt. "Ikiwii i..p!i lo I' D " she mui mured, Aint the rurly head dririi-'tl lw. "1 .rn Ihe Lord" I gvntly added, Tnu cm tt Ml I kiu. . "I'rjiy the lorrl." tliB w.,rl rvw faintly; .'niiit.r till "my mm) lo kor.;" Thm weary head lr"er. An. I tli'tlnUI was fa! Ito i; Bill I hi sy eyes lilf "pen"! When I clanprd )n-r l'i my lreit. An. (he dear v. 'If iM'ftly whispered 'Mum-nia,Utl kiiow.i all lh- Ml." M-y to In riv consigning, With a Sim I t.'l away : So inny !. In peare reelumij., lw lh" words aln tri 1 ly. U hi tt li(-a moments fa-st are ll -rtiim A ii. I Urn l .nl.iw ii.r.rT'". When til lit heart shall cense It beating All'l I lay llle il'tll t-i ! j. Tim III fliilillit.r '1 f pleasure, M ! iM-t.T ll'i' it'll lt Fir-t I Irani.-.! Hi'- w. r I- i I re .fill- ll n it- n't ' hi ' ; '' . , BARBARA. "VYm there any mail, Kben?" And leaning over the liUlo nickel gnle, tier daik locks fulling about lirr in rclt J-, careless trec, lUibata luukc.t willfully d')n ll" sdj lrtcl a"(l then up ni the toMitf; elms, w hero the buiy bitdi acre chatteiine. And tail to relet a frown of discontent crept over ISarbera't low, white brow. "No, there were no leUerj for the Leightons," said Lben, in rather a sat age mood. "I made especial inquir'us lor you,' nd YMu't loiter lip trembled a little, and bis voice sofieued wooder fully for bim. ' I loppoie you are am icus to gel away from the old place, Miss Barbara!" 'Ye, I am," said Mi'i Lelhtoo ibarply, with aa Imperial air, "1 am sick of it alL I .ball be glad to go gojebcre aaej from bero." Kbeu made no reply. He looked down at tbe tangled curl. , the soft, wist ful brutto eyes, the ditapltd bands clsipcd oter tbe mesh of buoeyiockles then away oter the tops of the suoiry baltams toward the great world where Barbara's heart was. lie was thiukiug wilb oiio cruel pang wbicb gripped bis heart at that moment of what life would be at the farm without Barbara, lie bad tried of lato to lire without con necting ber io any way with bis dajs atid nights, bis duties, his hardships and bis joj. but be bad uiaJo sorry work of it. It give Ebco a fright to koow how much eierjlbing depended ou Ibis proud, spoiled beauty, whose dream ow was to get away from such as ho the common folks around I.atborough. Larbira at eighteen bad a great long ing for that gay world of wbicb she bad read io suruunr evenings when silting under the musky sines of the fariuhoiio porcbor when lying amid tbe cowslips in the meadow where, under a grow it weight of cate, Kben toiled wilb great browo baods in ibe capacity of help to the Widow Leigblou. Kben was as much part aud parcel of tho placo as tba crumbling bcadsioucs io the lit lo grave yard oa the hill, wbero all tbo diad l.t-inhtons were litnc. ISj ono ever dreamed of bis going away, although Lis merits were acknowledged, nnd it waa cheerfully aJmittcd the boy hid prowa intJ a Blronr, bandsoine man, with shrewd capacities as a fiuan Cicr, anJ 0 luru tur ui:n..nucij. .i great many at the villago bad dropped Soto the habit of addrsitig him ' lately at Mr. Heiford, and Ebeo's muscles commanded respect. lie bad a little snuggery in tho baiu be called bis work shop, where at odd hours and oo riny days be tinkered si'.b Uibes aud pulleys nd edged tools. Whcu bis farm woik bad bei-n tidied vp aod the cows had been milked and turned into the green woodbinds again, Kben shut hiunclf up io his workshop and poltited oter his nuTicmus inven tions and thought of what great pobi iililies might have been his il he had beeu boro something better than Mr. I.eightou's Una band, llu realz.d sensibly lUl Uu-re were s'.ill possibilitiis for bim out yonder beyond lit i d itk line of elms and firs wbitb he c uld see from atud i,ui,i. l'ut his bei.efjclor bad died and left all tbe tangled threads of his affairs for yuung Hcxtord to un ravel, and be could not have diserted Mrs i.eighton and the girls-Barbara aod Theo. It would not bavo been tight or manly. Things were going straight now, buaeier; tbo farm was In a prosperous condition, aod even ao lodillereot manager could have kept the wheels moving nhkh Kben had fixed io tbeir pUccs. Hal l'beu remained oo at tbe farm whilo the seasons waxed and waned, and the gitls aete growing ioto fine, tall yntmg women, with restless yearnings fur a busier life thao was to be had at Larborough. lie had expected that a giit so pretty as Barbara would be some time leaving o dull a place, but he tevcrthelcss felt wiut. rain at bis bcart, when be learned that a letter bad been sent to distant aunt to see if she wnu'd not look alter lhibara while she etj 'jed the advantages nf a finishing school for young ladies. Tbe Wget summer days would fade Into short summer nights, aad by-and-bye. when the first yellow leavea would be dropping into pools aod hollows, lhrbara would go away perhaps forever. Eben was too much of a mao to sigh, nd loo muscular to do without hit suDcer. but be fell iuo tbe habit of tak- lns tnn.7 walks alone, or of sitting; under the bonevtU'.-Uee oo the prch wher he could tee the moon rise and where be could bear the young ladies singing rather plaintive songs, accompanied by the cracked strains of the old haxp- iehord in the best room. lie bad Utt plucked the firtt mund. fl rose of Hav. and, twilling tbouphtfullv In hit finccra as be strolled dowo tbe gardeo path to bi workshop, when be beard the breeir fl (iter of a ie.ti.Ua robe and a licht foolfal behind bim 00 tbe (ravel walk. Ha turned wttft blate of fire in but b.ack eyes and the rose extendi. Ilis bind drop d to his side. It was Theo hi can.e rapidly afver hiro swinging a white sun fceoflct by otc uriog.. Theo was a saucy, petulant, provnk ing young person of sixteen, whose prauks aod abiKS hrnl ulttn tntd I'iecu's temper screly Iiaiin bim stop the harvesting to saddle Hutof ber pony, ur oiedJIe wr.h bis tn4s ni d u set his newest invc lion. Hut Then's eyes were such lovely blue ond ber smile so bewitching tbat Kben had out the heart to scold, bts des ho bad humored her in all her willfulness bimseif, and there was the faintest resemblance t Barbara in the brow and dimpled chiu which tied him band and foot. "Ob, what a lely thing 1' said Tbeo coceting the roie and tUctchiog out ber plump little hand. "Is it for me?" "No," said Kben, rather gnffly. "I've bad ao eye on ibis bud for some lime. I noticed tbat your Lsdy Isabels are io fine condiliou. l'ou will have a cluster of them by the day after to-morrow." Well, you old stingy, I supposa you don t mind ru inin down to tho mail for me: I fornot what I tui bus nsked me to do. nnd 1 th ill eel a szuhlin" from oiainina, who Cnn'l luvc Bib crossed in an) thing, you koow. ' "I shall luvc In go down and see Nans (in about the wagoo gear anyway lo uiyht, and I can jtisl as well stop nl the pusti'fli.'o. Is it the letter from ft nm Now llaveur" Aud Kiioa very thoughtlessly bit IT the leaves of the rose and mangled tbeui wilb bis strong white tcetb. Ve, it was the letter from New Haven, and Kben was charged to bring up a new novel, and some pink tewing silk aud eighteen celluloid buttons by Tbeo, wbo ran afier bim to suggest chocolate caromeU io cjss tbo letter failed. It waa a sort of satisfaction to bim tbat the letter did fail. Hut it hurt bim to see Barbara's disappointment. lie had remembered Tbeo's womanish little errand?, and he still held the rose, which he laid now oo Barbara's clasped bands. For all she bad growa to hate the old place, she lovsil its old fash ioned big fbilfy roses as fondly as wherr a child, and Kben bad braided a long garland of tuocu for hor out of tho finest and best. She caressed the rose and tucked it in among tbo curling locks, where it nestled just against her cheek. Kben flushed aud paled as he remembered how be bud laid his bcart iu tbe heart of thai rose. "The loiter will be sure to be hero to morrow," be said gently. "Iam going down the first thing in the morning. Tho young ladies around Larborougb are not to bo without a gallant this season. A handsome young man from New York has cmnu down lo slay koine weeks in the neighborhood ; I met biiu with lr. O.imby in the gi;;." Kben was n l slow to note that t'uis bit of news nitakeucd a faint show of interest in Barbara. "What was he like?'' said Barbara, blushing a lit'.lo. "I trust he is an ac quisition. I'. J he look lika a gentle man?" i'us, he looked liko ono, Kben was compelled U admit that he did, and that be wi is elegant clnthrs, nnd had slender suit whito hau ls which Kben had not. Bays after t!, is. Kb'.i in .in stpny t f jeal.ius arguish w is compt I'.ed to ar- corj the Mtai ger it great many otlur ad'aiilnges and acu iinphshnients. He rode well, was a good shot, talked tluQ itly, sketched p usably, undeistood aoineo, and was Mot Loighlou's most ardent adn'irer. Kocn foresaw all this, aod yet once ahen their mingled voices United out to his li.tle den, he brought down a hammer wtutiilul'y and smashed his thumb nail. M;ning mi J t.iht he saddled and brought tuuid hoiscg ft r Barbara and Mr. Ney, and went away to his woik in tho h it fi 'Us, while they were cantering d mn tl.o shady roads, and Mis. J.c lv,, n nnd Thio were bcatiug cs in the bu'.lcry and gelling up tare dishes for tea. The letter bud cmnu frui Nov II ien and Baibata had anse:id tr.cfly thai she c ml 1 not g until some lime Inter. She had never looked s animated aud biautilul a oow. t-he raiely saw Kben, sending bim her r. q lests by her sitter, and hucn weal no at his inven tions feeling as if every blow of bis Chisel drove out a piece of his beau's Core. Aud, although he would bave scorned tbe idea, Kbeu bad growo won derfully haggard and pale, wilb great datk circles uudcr his eyes since Br Oroisby had introduced K Igar Ney to the L'ightorj, llu touk It t e pride in the knowledge that be was the bettei mac of the two, but he did know that be could crush .Ney with one hand into a shapeless mass, and be wocdered sometimes w'ay be did aot. 0 ie day he aas seised with a tit ol trembling. II was pruning a pear tree when he looked up t .a uudira aloud belure bim, in h?r h-.b', t'tchv"' at th nettled btit teifl es that tl.iUer.-il on Ihe hollyhocks, snd around Kbeu's browu bauds. II w pale acd ill you lo. k, Kbeo." It was the least she could say, and it was the truth. Khc .'s heart beat madly for a mom cut aud then went on slowly. "I am mt one to get ill, Miss Bar- bars; lain not so much browned as usus', rerhp.' li s "M ss Baibara" sonndd oddly, and his lot ks l et el his word", She looked down at li.a ground aud laid oer vuusW : "I hnpe too will not armio with me this morning, Kben, but I're set my heart oo riding tbo CnhK Tain U'Shan tcr, to ihe fal's. I am no; ia the least afraid." "But I am," said VMa, culmly caaaot permit yi'i to risk rour life with that vicions c 'Il " "Mr. Nev will take care of bis victousnes," Bitbua answered, a ttifle insolently. "Mr. Ney may ride O'Fha'ter acd wcicoma, cut i caaii .t consent ir you to." "Then 1 muil ! it wHhout your con sent. Bt so kiuil at to hate the c 1. around in a tj'iar'cr of an hour." Kben finished Ins pear tree and went into tho shop to wash bis hands of blood, lie had cut himself to tbe bone Barbara nnd Ney sat on the porch read ing Ir on the "Briiice" when the horses appeared. The coll shied and reared when Barbara sprang lightly io her saddle, An admirable horsewoman, she held her own finely, aud Kbeo stood as if routed tn the ground until a tura io tho road hid them from sight, then like a deer he set olfdowo a footway toward where the railway crossed the road as with horror he re nembered tbat the morning exprcis would omo dowo in ten minutes. Tbo riders had stoppeJ by the way to permit Mr. Key to disooouot and gather the first cardinals for Barbara. As they trotted sharply down the road the roar cf the train was heard just beyond Ihe curve. Maddened with terror the wilt), vounc horse Barbara rodo reared nluhceJ and snrani' nwav from the other h.ic aud d.irtt J down the cut to ward the train. With a hoarse shout to ":L firui" Kben rushed out from the copse and flanc himself under his hoofs He caught the bit in his hands aud pulled the colt on his hauoches, and iben a violent kick rua.le Lim drop like a loe. S inie wooilchnppers fame to the rescue, and as they lilted Barbara ufftbelrttiu thundered by. Kbeu was picked up for dead, and eten Mr. Ney declared he was s brave fellow. Io ao tgonv of cricfaad remorse Bar bars bunc near him all those tedious days, wbeo Boon's mind waodcred aod lie muttered troubled, incoherent sen tenes. in which, poor fell iw, be told all his hopes aud fears. He wss now io deed haeenrd and ghostly pale, with an ueW scar in bis left temple, and bis baodi lay weak and nerveless on the coverlet, ihe first momont of sanitary and consciousness which came made him sigh and wish that be had remained oblivious to life and its miseries. It was Barbara who leaned nn him while her great bronn eyes fi led wilb tears. "Ob, Kbeu ; how cao you bear to look at me? l'ou cau never forgive me I" "You would not say tbat if you knew what is in my heart." ' t annul you tell me, hocnf 1 am si wretched." I am srry for that; I must not tell you. Barbara. I canuot sutler more than I have." "Then shall I tell you something?" and she hid her face in the pillow. He pot out his band and touched ber head caressingly. 'T have been very willful and blind and u happy, Kaen, I would bave giteu my life to saveyour?. as you gave yours for uio. " Baibara; oh, Barbara, my dar tin r;, 1 pi$ mine because 1 loved you better thau life, than lii-aveo. I would rather have died lhau live to lose you forever." 'But you will lose me." Her arm stulu teudeily around him, aud she laid her check against bis. "I owe my life to you and it is ynurs." ' Barbara, think what you ara saying. I shall be mad enough to think thai you Cure for me !" "K'len, my hue, ynu are all the world to me Canuot you see that this is S'"?'' "My owu!" With one groat rff .rt anfl a spasm nf his old strength Kben p.essed her to his heart. "And you never meant to marry Ne., ?" "I am nfralJ I. only meant to make you jealous," ss'id Barbaria, ni'U her oldsa uiiucss. ' I shall met d now fust enough, but not until you have promised to abide by what I say, my datln.g.' 'I promise solemnly." Theu wo shall be married to-mor row. A Piii!v!i'!pi,U you'll who committed 'tiuide lAtnty yta S as' W caii.-e a lovely icui BiV. It I ii tn widen hai been liranl run ' li t ti ii h :i no' " vn nic'liom. lie says vtb n I.e ua'S through lite mii-ly vail w.'iii'h itiviili !ite an.l deiili. anil sett Ins Id flani'i with Inuileen children lying .trotiiiit luonf. while the clean Ui the house he tit 's ruail eno 'i;ii at his lolly, to torn mil suicide S"in. ami his ure-itest poai-li- meul ia in the reflection that he ca i't Ex ADYKRTISKMKN1S. L OLD ANO RELIABLE. JD. SasroRD'a Livkb LmQoruTOii Sis a Standard Faraily Remedy for .S tssoi thoLijer.Storaaeb Tiff and iiowets, It is Purely fcial cgctable, It never Debilitates It ia m my rractie iV ami tv tbo tin Mi e for tioro tlinu P3 yearn ! with nttpttfeejentiM rosulta. SEND rOR CIRCULAR. JS.T.W. SAIF8RD, M.O., ISSilSr n' ctitt ttrTuriL loi its atn t.iiuh. Jind Bowels. It ia Purely ,V2' j Vegetable, It never tfl Tl JDebUiUtes Itia tfl 1 I gi SOatbarticand M fA( t U 1 1 1 1 luvif'tirntorj ;!fe.iyifj in my rvartie.'J ADVERTISEMENTS. JOANOKE AGRICULTUK WORKS, WELDON. N. C, JOHX n. roOTE, Proprlet the RICHARDSON COTTOif PLOW A SPECIALTY. UANUVAt-ICRKR Jr, AKO OFrt KBJkL AORMT FOB, ML KINDS OF FARMING IM PLEMENTS, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTON GINS. Also Agont fur tha Cliieago Sealo C'oui j.auy'n UNITED STATES STANDARD SCALES. Everything in this line from a If 0 TON R.ulnmil Nln to the UMALLKST TKA Hmle liiriiinliaj gt Hurprjainir LOW Fig- urot, A l latforui HAY iir HTtM'K Seal. of KiH'KTOXaicspMlty for (160.00 and rieifiii. All kind of .IRON AND BRSS CASTINGS Fiirnlahetl at SHOUT NOTICE "end at Puloiabnru or Norfolk rHR ES. I am prfnril Repair Work for lu do AMY 1CLND ol ENGINES, MILIiS AND GJNS, COTTON As I have ao KxMtlout UACLIINIST UUlLJClt II AKilK. I kf MimlJintta' on hand of ManutacturaeUUOD OrK'Ji my own COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Aln good assortment oC HOLIX)Vt w a Ktc. LU M ItF.R fnrn W -din an v qawlity a tbe LOWE iT Market lUlea, tep 8 1 o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Hsvliift Just n-turuej frtim Kew York nd Bostor. where 1 have PURCHASED FOR CASH, Tho CHE WEST ASU BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE M ARKHTS, I am preiarei to sell to my Customer.) THE cnEATIST GOODS EVER OFFERED IS THE STATE. UIX1 WlXlL HATS MCeiila ani np. ri'RR LINEN TOWELS 10 to ffi Ct-nta. BEST 1 VLY LINEN COLLARS 10 to W Centa. VANTS FROM Sixty O'lits to Six Pollars. BEST WAMHUTTA THREAD 25 Cents per Down. COATS' AND CLARK'S THREAD (Cents Spool. CLEAR RID SIDES 8 Cents. SHOULDERS Cents. SUOAR t'L'RED HAMS, 1JH 10 BOXES NO 1, II INCH TOBACCO 15 BLS BEST k MEDIUM FAMILY FLOUR i TIERCES .'HUB LEAP LARD Nnw In atnre and weekly arriving. A LARCE STOCK OF LADIES' FINE FULL STOCK OF HEADY-MADE In Jaet fverythlnir found In Call and rtamlne at the old Stand of Wlnrlf Id k Erary. oe 23-a Respeclfully, T . G GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE, KEEPS ON HAND A G H 0 C E li I E S PROVISIONS Which will be sold low fur CASH. aprfl fim " - - T HE OKKATKST INDUCKMENT8 EVEK OFFERED. M. E. KULL 113 SYCAHORKKT. I'ETEKSBt'Rtl1 VA. Will sell ynu the Finest Ready-sada Clothing for the least mooey, io tl tLOTIII.VU TKAIiE. Men and Hoys SulU in Ureat Varioty of Superior Fit nnd Workmanship, LlnUt Spring auita of Frnnch CiNimere, in grant vnrielv, liHKl white Vests from 75ot lo 5.00 each, Htrlptd Hummer Coau from S7eta up ui any nru. (jiotninK nann lo order in bitl manner, at ahorteat notice and lowest, iHiinra I rlminlnga, ueuU rur nixblug Goods. DRV COODS. Tbe iMKOitt and tuoHt cmplete atoclc of Droa tl'ioiln, liomtwtii-a. Nuiinus. Ladies L'ndrrwear and tlnl a gontlfl man, lady or child wr, fioin the oourtwit to the beat. PauioUm union appliratiun. and ordara tilled tiromiiUy. Uoodn warrnii'.td to mve iwllxlaoliiin. Remember Uin ulaoe to call or order your goods of M. E. KULL, ' 145 Syoniniire atroet, Felernburg, Va. M ILLIM-.aY! MILLINERY!! MRS. M. E. KULL No. 145 Sycnmore street, PETERSBURG, VA. In connection tvllu tba above bouts, odors the largoel and in out aetool stock I Millinery in the South, at wholesale and rruiil at inantifaetnrers' prices. Ho-ineis aud bate, brnlsl bunneta and veils, minor Mid oiii'dreu'a gootls, old ladies' good., glovea nd curtcts, ribboux, sashes and turn, veils, wrenlbes and iiht land's Sowers aiul plumes, oollars, cufls aud ruotiing, paranoia and umbrellas, huiftary, silks, smiua, velvets, bstr goods. Ijidios dresses made to order; gootU and Irirtmlinn furniabed cnuirlxte. All orders ailed promptly. Any article not SuHlflg cau Uaxebatixed to pieaso, itespeetlr lv, Mltn. M. Hi. KULL, H5 Sjpamore Street, l'etorsbug, Va, Ort2Hf lUl LBS SWEET FRESH VA MOUNTAIN BUTTER DRESS COODS. CLOTHING. I flrst-class Store. T. U EMRY. 0 0 C H 0 F COTTON, CORN, &C. FULL STOCK OF MOLASSES NAILS, & C J. T, COOCH, WELDM, K. C. jSTOTICK TO TRAVELERS. 1 am now running a daily mail from Scotland Neck to Halifax. 1 have ooin forlabla two horae back, wbieb leave Scotland Neck, every morning for Halifax and returns aame day. Will take passen gers and express packages at reasonable rates. I am also prepared to entertain travelers, promising to spare no pains to make them comfortable. Respectfully, W. H. SHIELDS. Nov SOtf. JETALIO PURIAL CASES. AT 31 A A UFA CTURERS P&fCES. WiMn orderirg send length and width at elbow Slate Mrhxther Jaconet or hall Sail n lining preferred. & per cent off list for ImineitiHio cash. Uoods ordered by,Ex press. Sent C. O. I), less Uian ft per cent list price, R. F BUTLER, Ajct. W'Ki.ruN, N, C. 4rAt Btown'a Drug Sire. une Sly. GREAT BARGAINS. Wfarenowretlliiftoar nw and beautiful RVxifla reeeiilli imtrhanMl of Um niaiiufarturem, and nvdlally Invltf you tn rail and them. Ttie )AisrUi jid brut aelecleij jtoi'k nl (mVIPWATTHRM. HKTStlKJKWRI.UY, BAN II HHAi'Kl.KT!), uhkra AMiwan mXifts, I'UM'iNU A-)KL KIrit.H. M.tKVK Bi lTK.NC AM) MTTIU. ritit.ID Slt.y KRM'tXiNS, Ac. Til Rt 10 t'aatsr khI $S C Jock II V t It MOLD. I! YivuiMr'a V. P. Utasaos and improve yonr t'yrw!Kin Watrhes ami Jewelry Ni.alrril :j the JjohI vorKiurn, Miraving iieany unnr i.y J. I. Yorso A PRO. tx-ttly IMereburg, ya, EAILEOAD BOHIDULIS. nSANGS CIP BCUEDULS. RALEIGH A GASTON KAILROAD.l pUrERlNTEriDENT 8 UFFICB, I Kalelgb, N. C, Kov. 1, 1878, MAIL TRAIN, Leave Raleigh, ( Arrives at Weidon, Leavea Wrldou. : Arrives at Raleigh, I 8:00 A. M. 140 P. M :0 P. m; 8:25 P.M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Ralolgb, 7:00 P. M, A.M. 10:00 P. M. ' 6:30 A. M. Arrives at Weidon, Leaves Weidon, Arrives at Raleigh, Mail train makes close connection Weidon with the Seaboard and Roanok" Railroad and Bay Line Steamera via Bali more, to and from all points North. Vm and NorthwcHV, and with Petersburg R. road via reterarturg, Klclimond, anj Washington City, to and from all polnfc) North and North west. And at Raleigh with the North Carolln, Railroad to and from ali points Sooth anf Southwext, and with tbe Raleigh dt Aogna. ta Air Line to Haywood and rayettvlle, JU. O. WiJSUKK, may SOa Oen'l Supernltendent, QUASGE OF SCHEDULE. Office Sup't. of Transportation, h. rv. n. It. LIIMPANT, Portomouth, va., Not. 8, 1878. Trains of this Road will leaye Weldoa daily, except Sundays, as follows : Mail Train at t :. 1:30 P. M Through Freight at : : 4:45 A.M. Through Freight . : 6:00 A.M. Way Freight trl-Weekly t &00 A. M. ARRIVE. Mail Trains i : 2:30 P.M. Way Train Trl-Weekly ; 1:48 P.M. Through Freight daily : 9:30 P. M. ' Through Freight daily :12:40 A.M. Mall Train stops at all Stations. ' Steamer leavea Franklin Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, far Edontou, Ply mouth and landings on Blaekwatcr and Chowan rivers. Apply to R. O. Edwards, Agent, Wei don, or to E. G. OHIO, Sup't. of Transportation, Portsmouth, Va. w IL MING TON A WELDOH RAILROAD CO Change of Schedule. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally Arrive at Goldsboro Rucky Mount Weidon Leave Weidon dally Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot At 7:00 A M 10:02 A M 11:37 A M 1:00 P M 8:22 P M 4:50 P M 6:19 P M. 9:22 P M At EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGff FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily At 8:00 PM Arrive at Goldsboro 0:29 A M' Kooky Mount 12:35 A it Weidon - . . 8:15 A M Leave Weldou daily . "10:00 P 11 Arrive at Rocky Mount 12:40 P M. Goldsboro . 4:10 A M Union Depot 10:00 A M The mail train makes close connection at Weidon for all points North via Bay Linn and Aequia Creek routes. Express Jrain conuecta ou with Aeqnia Creok route. PULMAN'S PALACE PLEEPlNft CARS on this Train. . FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wil mington tri-weeklyat 6:00 A. M., and ar rive at 4:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE. Uen'l Superintendent. Psitkr3bur(i Railroad Company, Okfiob Superirtbndrnt, Pktsrsburo, Va., March Slat, 1880. IHEDULE OF TRAINS : TO TAKE EFFECT MARCH S1ST, 1 noma bocth. New York Expreaa leaves Peterabura; . unym 117 p. nr. Arrivr Mt U'rl.lon , n .a.i n u Frrlffht with Pajtsena-er eV.ieh atlarh- ra, it-ave reicrsnura; dally, except huudav. at t.jr p if Arrive at Weldou at .-. I S0 A, M OOINO NORTH. New Tork Express leave tVeldon dally at 1:10 P. H Arrive at at l.w f, M r rriRni wu n t-S)iaeii)r..r coach sttach- ru, leave weiaon;aaiiy, except attm- tlay. at i:n A if Arrive at Petersbjra- at .(XI A. M rimi-cians eoacnra ana parlor cars will n a tlirouirtl between Wlltnlntn mnA U'a.hlnirt, a and sleeping car on nbrlitand day trains, f leap- ma-ear twrtn can be had foi Sl.w Richmond to BalliuiorA. No change of esrs. Throuab tlrkeU anld to all Eastern and Pontk- ern poluu.auil tHi;gae checked thrnus-h . w. J. URO WW, .. Plspatuherol Tralna. R. M. 8ULLY, Oenerat Superlntendrnt. febSo-t Tilt'HMONn AND PETERSBUBQ BAU Coramenrln Pandav. June lath. Mum inhn ou this rostl will run as fotlu- taaVK KICUMONU COUTH. U:0O A. W Thniuirli Mail lil. .M.nmln ( I'harieatim, Aufrusta, and Alklri (via Cliarlestom. 8avannah. Hitlnli. Jart aoiiTlllr. parlorCara to Wiliurafftaa,. Moi at ataucheater and LUei Ur. VH A.U-Lynelibi'rg RTpraas dalr (exefrt ("inula?.) iiakes cloau coiiLecflein. at l'eterat'urfr with Atlantic. Misa I Ohio Railroad for Drlatol, Chalta-nooa-a, Nashville, Mrmihls.Xynrli burx, Fainvllle, and othur local ata tii'lis tm that read, umklliH lauia t luie as by ally other line. Btors Si alt stations. M0 P.M-Acetmiuiotatlon train dally (exrai't Suntiayl. PvseiiK-rrs taking this train will make dure crnnrctlon at fet-ntlirt; for Norfolk. (Stops at all stations. 10:31 P.M-Throu rh Mall dally (. xeej.t f aads?.) LF.AVE PKTERbBUd fiOKTH. J! A. M-Tliioufh Mall, tlaily, (rxrrrt 8iin.tay) conuectina; wlt Kii'liiiuiud, Fre.lerlcksbiirij si' Volomae Railroad lor ail iKpintaKerf and gtrna at Maneheater and t'licKter and Hall W ay and .... . I'W'W'ya Blurt on iKua1. H:!5 A. U-Areoiunindatton train dally (exct'pt Sun.Uy). Wtaat allatatlena. T'OO P. M I ynelitmrir Kxpresa dallv, (f xf'P' Min.lay), tv,ls 0iy at Chetter a4 M inehea'er. S:U P. M.--T)i3JU(.;h Mall dally connecting w1 Rlrlnu,.iid, Frraerirkkl.ura; and 1 tomae Railroad for all lolnta F.a and tt. Disking close ronneflles wllh t'lioaapeake and Ohio Rl' or riirlnla nrlnmi and all lioin" Wt aud Nonh. abla lr atoiia at Manchester an. fheM'' and at Hsi; W ay and lircwrys. Bins on !Nial. SuniUy Excnraion Trslua leave RlrhmeM ) A. M, and S:M P. il. Leave feUrabufl :.'! A.M. and d:.KI p. M. rv.-ry AH trains leavbig l'eteubmx will stAft trojk the ttioinaiti'x licu,t- C. E. TOMPKINS, Train nisiiaJeiier, J'litO. 1). KLli'E, UeU'L S'li' Feb 11 1,

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