THE ROANOKE NEWS; THE ROANOKE NEWS 1 ; " i it 8 I Hi; ?( t ' WEEK L " 'XEWg P APKIl, PUBLISHED BY I HALL & SLEDCE. ' he Yor, in advance, f 2 00 .ix M inUis, " - 1 ril rbr3 Months, ' - - 7" etc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1. O Hit. W. IH1IMAN, N it r o n Kent lit. OfleietlrW. rt. Vawit't Try (lends ftteee, WKI.liON, N O. VII1 visit jitf 1 1 at tlioir homes when des'rcil. Term Reasonable, octM ly .1 . j, ,,. HALIFAX. N.C. . . ; -OWre In Urn (inrt House. Strict' attention LHvantoall brano'tus of th profession. Jen 1! ly , T. B a A N C II, ATTOTSVEY AT I. A IV. . .... SSFIIO.D.N.C. .. ,. Prat-tic's lu tic r iiiutli-H ot Halifax, Nash 15 ljecp nbj ant Wilson. L'slMcUoua urn le in al pirtiorthustat.j, - Jan 13 if W: ATrJ3X2Y AT I.W, WELDOX, X. 0.' .islal att-ntlin fflvn tu collections and rmiilttanin promptly mailt. , . . , mr Itf. " ' " ' nun k. ti.ns. ' jobn a. moukk. JJDILES li MOORE, ATTOUXKYS IT LAW. .HALIFAX N.Q. , PractlM in Hi" sn'iullonnf Halifax., Nortlmmp tin. H l"no lib'. Til' and M i rt in In the Nu prsme court of t no H'alt and in the Keilera! Co'irts of the Kuterii District. Oollcelions inn.le iu ny part of trm HI ate. Jaa 1 ly I QO. MAS X. LULL, Attorney at Law, H iLlirAX, N. !. yraetlcM In H ill fax and adjtiinlu; enmities inl mi l Hnprnnrt inrts. Will bi at fc.i!li;r.l NjcIi, oii'sa eyovy test nUiit. nnfj'iif rp w. mas on' ' ' Afr-.lE' AT a..V.Y, OAiiYSfWR'J. K.C. ' Vr-i-ticM In th' cinrts of N.trtlia'nptoii and tljiiiiiln cavities, iu tin federal pr us ermrts: ' 1 Jn Ulld Ka.- le If. 1. C. ZV.UCOITKll. D AT J-HftLLtCOPPKR. ATTOK7JBYS AT LAW, . , WELDOX, N. C. rreUC4 In thn cour's ul U.klif and mlioiutn : Caililt.iM. Mi 1 1n t It-i Suprnin.' 't'l.l l''.'i 'r;il imiii'Ih. CliMmi illnti1 In imy purt. ot tforth Onrnlln. rf? of til") llr u will al.vayn Iks fnun.l In t lie t!8ee. Inn" ;ii 1 y. K I It O t B !t 1) P. I T t 8 T , x ' Cn b found fti. liU ollloe in Kn field. Pnr Xitr.iii-i O ln IJ.n lr Ilia Tain let Extnictini; of Toeili alw .yaon hunrl. Juno tl tt. Ril. SMITH, JR. .! " ' r ""at ron vey at law, f)PTLAND Slil'K. ll KLWW CoUNTY N. C Vratles In til.' rnnnty of Hnllfax itul ilJoin In jointl.', and in t lie Suprumc couit of the etxti. k iy. MISCKLLANKOUS. q"OTICK TO TKAVKiliHS. '.' " 1 1 nm niw ruiinins daily mail from Scotland Neck to Mnlifax. 1 hnvt a com fortable two hcirne hack, wlilrh Umvcs Scotland Neok, ovry murniiiK for tlalilnx and reluniH Htina ii'iy. . Will t a U a j'0scn. ger and tipissi park at i at rra.Ir.;iUti' ratoa. 1 am uio prrpared to liiiipriain travkiura, prouiisinit lo iiaio liu Jiuins to (atlvti tbem ocmfortHiilo. Hospectlnllv, k . ' V.H. SIIIELPB. NovSOtr."''5 J ' OUSAL, The f'lllowinn vaTualito rpal ealaio tylnK near Tillerv- AS ill. in llnlilni ootinly about niiioJiiUoa from Uiptuwu.ol llalilnit. About 880 acn-a inclmllnn oteiun rngino, iaw mill uu.l UxturcM, uiti. tfin lioiiko and flxturet, a IjoiiiinK tlio rosiduiioo of J. V. TlMiko 'WilkftAtbit Contains" abnnt 97 aorea. Pope place oontal' Imi? about l.'O noros. k intorunt in W'aJe H Villoiy tract, tU Whole eoiititinfiiK ali Mit "77 iirrnx., , , t , - Apply tu T. N. IIILIy, Attorney. Halifax N. j'. july f ... x W ari now recelvlnif our new mi l b-'antiftil Kooai rarently pn'rhased of the niaiuif.ieiiirer.', and oi-dinil i.ik via u'iiik'ir ile ni. Tnt Urgent and b' ul B'-ic'ied Iuol ot OOI.T) WATC'IIK. 5 Btil BRAi KI W - IJl'KUA AMI Ul' lt! CHAINS. 1)IA-4 IM AMI SI-.M. UI.VUX. I L K V 1-511 1 : T I'' I N A . I s T I - IIS', SOLID .SH.VKUM'umN.i. nmi . M - (t T Tiie ) Best ill) Cnlor V, V K U H I. TJtf Ymmit's 1'. i (llestn'.i and lull "' y.iur yulitlit. WmcIh 4 JewlijMrm'ir.l hf lfc but ,Qul I ly Ten t M " .... rnlurur, Vft. 1 u .nit r,m,Mt nt inV TflWHlUH K. 71 f ontimuif I tiy'.ti on A .'i-.p-'fnl '"- luM,iiiinmni wii,w ntnui ?"wr " li &f (run imtur. miuI ik:iiiuii,, .m rn mm .'-'" jh ila)niia, AM.-jt. (fc l,Vnan HI TIT M tiaJ i liirit ) 'aajMaaaLtMaMf --f- t til. HTTj'lliytfiSIHi.Tt.''. HptJDlbtir.. lliti ly 1 Q Outllt ellt f:oi to tUie who wMi to U eniweln tb unwi pl'aiit ami iirou tble buaino.'D kinvvn. H'oryib"' .Caoital not reqniroil. We will I it you vorytlilii4,,$l0 a ly and. upward in 'siiy madn wlllioiit stuvlni? away Iroin home over iiitfht. No rlt vliali-ver. Many new wnrkrx wairtitl nt r.aott. MuhYv r inakinn Inrtuiun nt llio biiHincss. l.adiii) nake aa tuuekiw luaii, alJ . yuutm bovit "d ttirlK nmith Crbal par.' ld "ne wlio nt "illinir to woik falls t'i ni ik iiinrn inoney ry day nau- b mime in i wcttn at y orUl'nury oiiiiilovimii't. wliu at oiion will tlnd a sliort road In fortune. Atld.-tsi U. lia'.kU A Co., I'ort Jad Me. rA'T.talOCltATY04 ' m v w w i ri'"i . 11 "1 ? Iu iki .' VOL. IX. lUMT. . . f ' . Vhatilinnrh the wlntir!'iM, Am? llrcriri'Mri; I uts Hi,. Iiia,,. TImuiuIi Iccuii'l hiiow vml cvirytulqfft .w. ' Tin; priiiK will I'uiur in lint. ,, . . ,. i, x " ' ' ' Wlial thoiich the mint. H fast dfll tlilrl(,'t" Anil little (he hiiii'p ttlrlit my ; T'1' uliiiiinir Ihrouirli In.' k'Ii.uiii oiii'c tnorn, 11" wakea Ihn wt1iI ti-d y. Then blow, yesinuiiH. I lonlietce nn, v,J, t 'orni: 1 anvt i few r ' ,J TllMe f iH",,tMf1 Hm",(, Hiveel sprlii;,' In luif!'iiliih- near. Tiie earlh then ivnVeii". Mooinln.;, rTotn th-tllelit Kk'Pp of, file l:iil;'li,s al Ihemillliy lieaveiH, in men-;-, wild d. IikIiI. slit trhiu Iier dreMi with vofB fair. k wi-.eilh UMiies romi, I herhend ; Tin' I'.ilililiui; livonUifli a ;.r rkloK clear Like li'.jis ul joy fho sin d. Reil jrllll, ,n h.nrl.f"lltcntfil be, TlioiKh cold I e ll lh" dav. For, on. nn. I nil i he world, then enm-s A !iap, y. KUdsoine. M;iy, An l llionifli life lie a liell ofeirtli, , U( tu:voi'4, Ktnle mid pain . Uiivu cout.i no, only iu Clod -I-'or hprin inns! eumi' a;;.ile. . MT PUNISHMENT, lam not yrl Uirty year old, but irv hair is itroaked wlin Rr.iy,my li.wrt U like leg in lily buHoni, ami niv lifii Hvtmi only a dreary wiiiic, a pinii ilini jut ! Ab, if my xin was jri-eat I wan trimly tempted, and my puuisliinu:it will only end u itli my lifu. When win it I II rat loved my cousin Kale! It miitht bavo boon wlmn Aunt illeied bnr suit ilicck out of a bundle of 11 .m.ol Or my boy to kiss tue baby, j I I was w.j liny, mv fa lior liaviiiK left mtH foi tune when I wn hixicnu oid, that had been uurRd ivirnlully by my ronscieniinU'i s'l irdian till it nearly tnbljj I u ra'ue Wliau I 'laiilo of age. Aunt, in y mother's HiKr, Irid only !;o Hinalli'si iin.MHii'i from hurdeid liiiliand'n entalo, and lived in a imiujo not far from thn j;rcat liouso tint would bo my hotno wbenercr i oaoae to occupy it. My own m itlior hail died wiion I wts a baby, and all home allet':i in in mv lirerl uouieri'd iu Aunt and c m-in Katu Yet it was ncvnr a brotherly lovn I tsavo Kate after 1 was old Piioiieli ti think of my own homo and tutu i u lui'pinoi. 1 know that m bi'.iutiful li mio would h.i to nm d.Hol.ile and o:ii;ly it K.ito re f.lsui to !iai e ir i!h n:o, ninl, a tlioujli ho laughed al ma it I inado love lo liur, 1 never i-mio l to li ipo until llirard liup kinao i iwivi to llirton. lie was, without exception, thn hand aoinnst man I ever saw. Yet ho. a vi iib out a dol'ar in tlio n-n ll t xcptii i; Lis salary as '.n k in my H'cirdiau' utiiit d v, l!u' (i ir.loii Mills. lu.l Iji'mii all winiui vidiiutr my itrand iiiother, nlio had wnllui mo a iimsl nil plorinii lott ir, li'vyin.' 'to Heo nie nncu Hior iof no alia ill si, and i niiiin nt iiea ''r k oi vvheii'vei I proposal ! leave b' r, Hut I rum lined until .-lio died early in May. I had left Part mi iu o ilier, nm! ust one wok nfior I'I7 departnio (liiaid Hi pttni'Oi r ime to uko a po ilion in my guaidiau'n eoinitli bons.i. Tien win it'll III tl .1 f I lie lonli about John tior ion, mv l:i.a'i!;oi, and rinding his new rlni U lo bo a itomlomaii, lc in vi'i'd l.i'.n to b s own In use, mid iotio (in, 'ell t l!ai lun.soi 'it ;y.. ):vorv.v;iete be in't Kiln, the te'.le of Harbin bv universal eon.e it. When 1 eaiiin h 'tue in May aunt I Id mo that (iirar.l and Kilo were eneajjed. I will not ilwe I on v.'u tt I Millcro I. M v w lioie tils sFouis i to me a blank, hut I I nl no word i.r Hi Might el' bi.inio for Kiito. 1 li il my pain as best I c mil. I. , Aunt knew nl', lor mv heart lia 1 b"!i an c on Lo k for I.e.- loving yeij all my j lif), and when wo were all together alio j i!ci'p:.".l iny aiieiit'ons m matter of i coin so. I evtUK " '"Vcia t cue f em boiler. To ai tl only I eii.ti lcl inv plaos for j opnninir hit own ro v !i one in Co. winir r i and aim e or eiiifd lo c nno and M.aio my 1 liome K .10 s m.irri m . Intkt 'b 'rl wont away to norvs iv 'ell by Bbaenet for llio wtddiiu-, ai.d 'o piirrha. 1 u.a i.v add li' tis l toe melii.t trotn-etu aunt was making l.r my (ottsin. It was l,Ur. a thunder cl ip to me wlirn my Kti irdiaii wr .10 to in1) lli .t (iirard had rohun.l 1 1 int. -.-..- - 'U was a very clover forger be wrnle. ',1'iit it has b "Mi in 'el dir'ty ti !!o,. komon. Kvans, wlio l..s t.ioii iMi me tliirtT yoirt.aU'i has lot pi fuel etnll leu re, delected the fu'tfery, and tracul it up (II cour"0 li.ipKiiiMoii iloniiH it, bnt Ills too' (dear a Mid r n.t lam", s nak't) I shall not pros.-ciilM him. lie is thn .ton ol'outt ot luy ileaiu.t lViends nme.v vears and -ih ii'cd this tlisirra -e. I liavodWliim'i.l ri'd. ot c. has left bv. I h ill k nil. ill foeret I l-ave t lid i 1 irst, ainl lie ',t th 1 wholfl iu;- a nut and noiisln nt otis elan.' K ite ki.o'.v tho'i. Mv liout acho I ;or hor f .r I knew ul:c loved tluard, in on us L I-jv I tier. 1 wrote to ninnl i aud leceivr l le.ter alter Idler, ttlbei; me r.r hati a cner and her linn tt .li. I'l l lior lover's liinocn ice. 'Ilmwiary wmer pasaml, and Kale's health ftile I m tir r pM md lniiiMiia'ion. AH Jlailo i koi'iY M IP r ot n ikcineiit, biuim k'l'-w "f lb-' it Imr ..eTi!i:,i1ni1 .tlitr tltero. wua tlo l.'llortl at 01 III I Pints I" l 11 li'il in addtii in t ) lit 1 u.'d' 11 iruili. ' I was s!i tcl.e 1 w'.en lu, .1.,:, iih.miu ba.l'.V of kll iWiiij) the ' r ril una I lo my bright. t eiiitilnl C'osi'i in Iho p.Va, lu l ri I who grimed nil wit II dstrl ttftiilun. 1 ; I c niuiiud 1 11 r old doctor pi'Titidy, j and lie atrnnglT ' dvised I'iisiute of -eoi.e. 'Sim U I mil I IW lieie,' esid be, 'and r, rvil.inif rmniuds her of h'T lailhiet jover. li di "ei.t awnv for a )ear ibe wool.) .ir. iwe-t Il.'" s'i. . ; Armi J with this opmi "' 1 lai 1 ieR3 In, tin lit. ntitl. tlJ rtsi'll we wt broad..i;o lluii) kct for our fetirn. It wai a I.Hi f ol i nn w.ta 11)1 i 1 win my ooutrtn bnr'.r to her lieorfuliss, and II a pifeislike iu iny alU'UUona I w Bt least ,'mueii) 111 my dcvoUJU. I believe I O'rarl M bo t.rr, one 1. 1 Inl robbed not only hit ruipmver hut his fi ie'Wi od 1 ,linettiy :llo d' VU9 iplni,.n that Kauo'a lnppiuasi eonld best lie nertrred iTsriiS could lorrt him. With thie e mvieii on ami ni v own love. I Uo)d mvaelt blaneles 'b (I I tried l" win lvate-a heart, even though I kuew I i-nii lit never be Urn' liier" ' . Jfel It wHtivro vein, bs.'mo I yuulurol to aiK Jvt lo be in v. wn'". . , Wo we're Iri T-'Hs whrf bi 'put bef hand lit mln ayl'ii;- ", ' yoa kniw:l.. k wll.!' y)r truo, r.lihfnl wile, hince vo" I "J "M In "pile of kiiiwinu my bout wis L'lvul 10 Giracd. , , ' . There v,m no re.noti to delay of mar rhiiuud I nude every preparalion lo be married on the Kith of May. ,ld "U fjr liniiiu early In Jtin - ' . ,,.i.i,.i .im to aiioiber h )lel lirn ween U f'te lliu e.uotiloiiy to have Kttio J Hiidivldod aitenli m U tin. tn.ossian, and other daiaile of the weddinw. for We l'1 mny IViiMiJ invito I, a-'d I'al to have a itrand bieaUfait after t'rt iet"l fromlheehiircH. . l)n the ll.h of Miy I rrcoived a letter fto.n uij- e.;.ii'd:.i:i. Ho Roanoke AVELDONYN. 'My Ukar Bov: You will be as g l H I wh to Lear tbat tiirard is nn Innocent man, I cannot be too ihSMkf il llmt I never npeiily awused him of fnrry. Kvint died last neelt-eommltled mii oirle. IIha b cn roldiiuit me evate-u-niieilly ever allien I look bi n into my full roi fldenoe. The firery was pom. milled In rover a Ion by epneulmlou but li has (rone on from one venture ti an. other niitll dlecneiy mw luevitAble and anicld itieemeil hta nhlr eeapn. Mo left a lull . o ifossl 111 a id fortunately I ki.uiv whrtntn find Ho;ikinep, 1' wrnin t him and lie is now in llirton, In I'vi'tis' plan", and with bis a tlsiv. Nd ( lie is till I failh fill to Kiu'f I oucl ose his letter to I. or. There It lay, (he letter that was to do clroy mv whole anbanin of liai'pi ifvs I puMlirard's letter into thn flame 1 of tbtMi b.uner, and watched it bum to as I in. Then I folded away my Ruardian'e let ter which had aomn b lsinesa details 1 iu tendd to c py before do.troyinir it. W hat excuse c mid I mako for delaying our return to Rarlou f Worn out already by montal ex'lte mont I left that qusslion np m. undooi In I whether to lake aunt into my eoetidencn in a 1 far as lo tell her of Uirar i'j return to ilarto'i. I heard mere (ban ono eommant upon my pale face at the weddimi Liinitk fa-t . biit everylhhiK posted Oil' Woll and Kute was my wile. Willi Kale my own I bad thought to defy fortune lo injnio me, but bef ne our hnney-innon w;smer I kuew that my wife would bo duti ill aud tallbliil but never lovieir. W9 had been mirrinl nearly two rr.otnba whoti one ninrnlni; Kale ran e ii:t the r i:n of our Lou Ion Hotel wh i n 1 sa' rea.linir. I'pon one pretext an I another I bil l de. Uy.'d our letiirn lo H u t mi and wo ha I bt-Mi soiiin wiiem in liiidon, I looked up in K ito eamn In, and her Rhastly and sot lips absolut ly fright ened mo. Ilrloie I could speak hho hold out my Kiiarijiuu a l.illi.r 'You asked inn to e'ear up your tib'e drawer,' Rhf sai !, 'and ibis wfis tolled In another paper, but so that I cool I not rea l o:.n lino - li .rani is an innocent man!' Then 1 read tuu lei tor. 1 only a-k one nues'lon-did it reach you before wo were muri ieii?' 1 e.mld not lie to hor will) her eyes riveted 00 iny f mo. ' ite'ere.' 1 unci. 'And vou deitr lyivl the inilosure?' 'Y.a' .Shu uttered no reproach. Siin simplv put thn letter on llio table Icnido mo and thon left the room, lint it kil ed her. lor monllis she f i led a vav. col II v du tiful to 111 '. K.Miilv all-ciioiuilii t i her m ther, but crii-li.i l ly 1:10 wi iht of Imr llliseri . Her only lipe of bip;duess was goi e when her q nel ail'icl 1 10 I' " m 1 In ri. d to I'lli-o ronteino'j an I 1 fdlieiel in eerv atlcuipt to Win in en the dull s.-iiihtai,(ie .l 1 y.i s'le'iis I ti i" 1 ' 1 -.h w 111A, lam Mfui;.s' ill my o.rn homo at'.oli. Kale's ilniir wish wai to bo burin, I here, and wo lir inhl. her homo lo place her bcsnls Imr lather iu lt.iriou coiu- etery. j Y.'-loidsv Ihe c o'lln 1'id hell my lie rt 1 was I nM'ii d in the urave. Aunt knows hi lo'giviin mo mi l will vhare my home. I', was her lund that burned the fatal leiter, and no ono baa (piesUoucd u ub nt' it. M y KU rdi in lias in I lea tuit it reached ni utter in v 111 im v), an I (jirard stiaies toil hotitif, l!ni 1 know Hi it my lr i -licrv ! as k illed the only woman I ever I ivu 1, and tnat my life will be olio I-j ia a-Miy of re morse. - - . t - . - tisk i5sui o-ji: ' i!:ti:. "1 -.ok,' roi- t 1 I'iH (lie 1 Adelaide Nei'soll in tel. olivsie' in aceiidiiu: b"r in her nt-, "lo-.k ..1 uri al bird IK' Ine." ll w is a lat In. 1' bad last mom ini: 11I1 ait II iwn lid ' her ilmth chamber, and nr. Alomer drove it mil. '! his l,i !o in.-i ii nt is mc'estivo of the sin. 114 Lelii I hn li Oil obtained in i n land and S Hand Unit lbs anp- arince ol a bud 111 the siik room w us a suit) omen id iipproiichinu da'b to the nceupanl. S r Walter Scoti, ie tits b-M'k on W it. bciaft mid Paiin 'iioi"'V," i;!vc-i in mv ren.aikn blc in--!.r ('. 1 1' It. Is s,i;-Ti t.t!"ii v. hi, -It. liko ., . -Uiersi:ioi.s, is ni vcr nt a l"s I -r eve witucfses and ci cumsianlial ev il'U cti. l-'al'h In the omens of birds is in-lee I one ot the most an.-iont ot pojiular dodsi uis. It was an ui tide i f universal I'.'-iih am on.' the ancient. Creeks, and Nnponrlus, Ihe m out (htlihlliilly luiinan ol urn irj.-ntv writirs nt Ail. era )p its if llie sine propiii"-ies and toi el. How le 'i'( to l.-o ili"i ved tfoiu birds. Ir on the all idelit inis of lull K""wn o. es t" ih- ymini; on. a 1 wh calioW wines reluso lentlieue I fiitihl." '1 lie C is do nl the '-" eat bird" winch ko tc-rilie I in" d-, mi: ii.'tie s reminds us also u one of ll.e. siraniifst of hv'S and .tomb 1.1 lie mol a nn in llie V. I'-iisli lu- inrv. 'l b miss, the si cor.d sou of l.m.J, l.yiilet "i, is li 'iie-. e, by ma-iv erlllca U, this dav to I e the sutlior if the turnout "l.etlnis el" .lupins " 'ihnueth M icpiiev llie 1 Lies dt did allv to-lir I'lullip ' I-ranci.. C-iiuiii 11 is Umt lue wsini)ii n Uiv Woialtnll: fie H ;1 !er' boy, of I' I'll bv HI 1 11' thin lo'Ulom.iii, nn mji" 1 loll Idel s, c I.I. lac .f! no d. and awflr-l, wh 1 nn linn the M.4 , el 1 letteiS." aecaitli w lib the of l.or 1 l. tlie.011 11 1 - nil 1 Imt ol Sir I li l.p I'rai.e.s. Moreover, when tn f.iUiera.'Ol e 111 the tiou.e .f L rd tolainj elecUilisd .bn, andieniO by Ills power ol ;nvei tivo and surcasiii, mid it la a iiolable ooinniderce tliat many of la rd I.Vtllo.i.o'e expressions, Hlieli as 'women, and men like women, I' aie I u id a s in Jen. ns. lint all Una. ol loo ..-, It I'Ol O01 i-l'i.sivn, and wo only ncdl I'll) '.'.-aiia I nobif iinin who, even at Pl-in.nas l"oKal upou with uwo for bis mid tii;tuin of morose atoicisin wilh distipalion, because h;4 rl'Vith, en st l'isi,he nsserled, had been piedictml to him by Ibe appearaino of a wlnit bud in hi bull-own. Thia wa the third n';hi b -f -ri) he die 1, in I lis diulurod tbiif his ditib would Inke place at mid ipiiln. i:i-t when it did. lie was at a coin vivial 1 4-lV at, a biolbur nuUi'Uis)" scoun dv liou.i'.Vnd lookiiiK t Ids Sv.ilch be aaid, will llie 'anionic tuille pe.mlmr v hliii, ".f I bve half an hour lonu'ir 1 shiill j 'ik".y the Kilos'," meaning tha. be would ptvo the lid to tliomueii. He re tired aborlly alier, aod aant hia aervant f.,r a sp urn tliat h i unsht t iko bis cusioin nry done of rhuliarb. When 'ho nian re turned h found his rnaator dyinn In cej vulsionton lUrt Uxor. 'Iiltr) aoume liUU d.tnbl that he bad poisoned Iniiiself, and had predielel his death in the lull pnr rtullillli'ii the prophect bv euioide. L.i 11 ii,..i ii-1 fi.,'biril may have been trne.'abd tho b-'llefin audi appearances of the feattieidd tribe, es eel illy or oftJ or lii.w. two while birds, before 'death, was very prevalent "vcu among thu upper classes of h.iclely in lUD.oilnya. . A follow In tit. la uis who had bin Hiked l y bit Bwnethent for a awlakin ta'-'tne "went to a dark iilley,lno"kcd Inni- '..,..., i.iuelin.t britli his eyes. Ragged his motitti aud then went to hit L dy love j to ho consoled l r being lounu-i m mv ptc-iunt 1.0 Mis Just nbgiit to li'VO jor. 0.; TO O I IS1) XT," JEBR U A R V 10, 1831. XKn'MOF TI1K DAY. Is to have a gymnasium. h is rumored llmt Mr. Oladstone he .nado an earl. ia to The Senate has Count resulut.ou. passed the Klectoral A wiieheile l by (-ilvanlo current will cut wood like a w, dm fluid continues lo hold ids tongue with uiarksd ability, Mr. riprumrl Tliiirman wa kind 'id Roiuhei u p. is iiiera durlin; Hie war. . a -a Tho.)ilore Tlltooi "If a man only " es lovelini'sa, be doia not love at ad," Tilden list suhicrlhsfl one hundred d d. lara for a walking match, for the Astlcy Hell. Ho nelmdv list sent (Imeral Oarlleld a hn rel of Miirar. Too much autar for a ' ten." There has been an eartlKpiakf In Tlttli, Maine; and the petplo were much fright ened. Another fire in Philadelphia on the 3rd inst. c 'ii-nms 1 properly lo tho amount cr f i'iS.'X.'O. ' ln. Uobort Tounibs refuse! to give J 'tiers m fiivls hia picture to put lu li is (Mr. ItavU'i book. (ireat popul-ir tv is anticipatol for the W.ishinctoti Camphslhto Church which liariiald will attend. Mr. Uicliii'l Wlndcll ol Dinwiddin c ninly. Va., died m l In-ily, iged 70 years 011 llie Cot Ii of January. Mrs. I.aniTlry thn fi-timis siclaty biuuty of I, tnd in it is r i nor.t I will gj on tha s ae; ami soc c'y is Ii .1 rifle, 1. At a partv ir. Duhiiq 1", Iowa, a voiimj woutaii pulled llie nose of her ua'iant be cause ho negltotnd t .il nice with litr. lliiL'l ;, Hie snccofl pedestrian, who has um won the (I'l.t'iry bell, made $1 .01 in 111 I lakh by Im, Mx day wali, s - The loni;eii Nossion known to history of nnv de inera'ivs li 'dv was lint of Par liuinoni last week wlnoh lmlc i forty-ono hours. Wcl.h Haves, w!i went lo W islil u elm (liin ami tfiwkV, h is lei'iine Mprucn and Kill I'll . (Lie 1 iJy tifs that be ia almost tiiud- 1 no. Mr. William 1). ILiwnlN, the editor ef the AilaiUic MoiiUilv, la likely to have consideiable uwer Willi tlio liar field ad ministration. Miry pins'imptives aro cured by il'i i' t'i Mitinesott, while ii-inv native .l.o uvit'.in; 'I.nuesdi pa p!e dm with lung troubles. The lleri-.hirdt 'im eaunoi ncco M'trcss Lecm-e .luh'.v Ir. lined fa sivs (list M irv Ande--- m 1 1 tl 1 - 1 1 an much ns an she faded to fit thor r I'm :l(J, liaitt'd ii lint ob'ig'.t 11 mavei a'low from h s s ill k at Mm-tor. ibentli seekers li e;i a t eitor. pith ('p)ll diiiun; the licivie-t s:i iw htorms. I.nt Ms a. ''eAtiiii play Taul to Km na Abb Mi's Virginia, nil ! thn kissii ir liusi ress In the Alibott trouoe would noon be nlopl id. N nv l)i ic.uis i'.c .y n . flUlIlOU-t U'llUsUl), of lb IJ.itliutoii Haw ke e, us ! to lm kupoiioteiidyiit. of a llapiis' st i ndsv nchool in that ci v bo lorn L sot Into the habit of lectin ing, The llmtth T'npirnnent of Raltbnore hss or lerod a v iatl"'i of the eiiv In roll icrpinnro of tha prec il -n '0 ef ams.ll p, x In P.i ladji In i and otii 'r I'l.ias . A ''lilcn ) physician ava that piobsbly 2-1 1 ' 0 peaplo !u il; it cilv are iiiiri' g their heiith Hiid cnd.uig. ling lln'ir livoa by Using b lii cosiii'it ic i and ine powduia. The Washinctm I' tst rritln mya Ma-y Aiiileison has uiiuins. presence, volro, Tervtliing, b it slie It loo much of a scriumer. Col. Il.i'iiiil in inilli'i Mimud h " l-t i. that thel'ost critic h is a belter aal in st lime. The Ailanlui Coiislil ill ion sees I he lime in I'm ii it ills nil fuliire when thn seat of tin cotto-i msniilacluie of the cotiuti-y will be in llie South, it only needs a l lile capital and some pluck, leuacity a "I energy. It is generally belleyid lint time aro li ol less tie in vim Indians, in bands of Ir on ten to tnirtv, on tho war pith In New Meiieo, ami Ih it not less lhaa forty p-opii! luv" b on iiiuidercl by tbum (tin tig the la.t litu-oii dan. C il. Iiu"'is ill 1 11 tin s.ivs it was drink I: hotel collie Ih it in.BiiS li 1 1 rt an I ill'lrl. A f ei alt, t he re ia anna imti'ii for the C I'liiel. II del ooduo is cab tl it I to ah iko a mail's l iiih lu ll.o tbe uy that all t'llnirs are oriluri d by a incrcitul I'rovl- ibliico, Tli Wa.liinntin IL'iiiib 'C.m creji'uj w Hh Ki-ing tin! when Cm 1 1 v . Henry Ward lieo'linr met Sonst'tr Conklln last M in lav for tho tint l':n ainrn Cinon e'e t, be isaiiltt hive lnt,!;el at bin eouilciKv and uci limo i ; '.sow, joil k i" J how It Ix jouisell. old liu.l. About th" most impiu-liiiit genlleniau c ttiiii.utitd Willi (lie iiinveiaa now in ! bone, if Vnitinii- A man who nan a ir. the liuiled Sbtto Senile by I e tad hisoi-ailvss inu.'h opporluni'v to at tract attention as the In as in llie Wlnta l!ollse.-SI. Louis I'uM. I'i patch. The W.ssiern tTi.l';t'TMr4(H Coiriinny las conplioei lli purclu.i) and laluin possessi hi of t'" Anioticaii I'niou aud A Mailt ic A- l'a die linos, and animnnriss that ii'l (itlicers and eiiiployes of tlm e ini panlAN iia'ned will lis retained iu service until flutter notice. At I'liiicatoii, Id., two ouiifdea wont fb'igli t idmg. A b tile ol whiskey was I eq icn'lv pass. I around, and llie port w a. iriivened bv llie tiring "f pistols, lhey were fouii't lying In tlui 1, 111" IW I 111 0 I IIISCIIMIO II lIOlll ill III K , oiugiildcil ti'.'in il bullet wound, and tha other I adiy wmimien. It ia no secrui lim ing lleiioral (iaili iid's fric.--.da linil he ieteuds I ) call into ll.e I'abtii'l Itobort Miicolfi, of Chicago, tho t m of tie great I'lcnlent. Mr. Lincoln Is a.aotnd lawyer ami a a-'aious Kcpubll- r.iu. He was an ii main man in up) nioveui nila i.ieliiiiiu ti v lo the l I r'.upi ruivebtioii ii ii .1 prukided st tb gtpit (I rant meeting tn tint ctt?.' Tt is tiel!ed that this selection w ill be g-iitifylng to tieneral tinint, and It is known that It will bo peculiarly gratifying to Oeuoial Ieigm, who does himself desire allitilnet place, as he prefors to remain In Ihe pien no, bill who Is an ardent (riend of Mr. Lincoln. A preaeliT tit one of I lit) churches of the colored poo;. In In Chatham county, hold Inn a niuuting lu a neighborhood where a turkey bad bee-i atnlcti a day or two be I re by eoiiie unknown pe:'Hio,aininiiiioed lliat be Waa nli out t i taUo up a c illectton f ir- mlssienary purJioeM- anil kd asaourt ly do.iro I tho person who had st ilen thn lurkov would not contribute, anything. '1 lm rollec'.ioii box w.i' plu - id In Iron, ul tbesa rrd des!; and those, win (l-Mrvd to conlrlluito t thcaii-o worn requester! lo c mio up and deposit tlp-ir pittancn thero in i.rcont 1. 10 tu.key r .gun. Our inform- mil .si s that cvetv in ni worn in and chill wont forward and doptitd soiiiu amount rt tl.o box. jmiir.-s t;oon.Miiir. At a late hour lb other bight Pn"r old man, weak Willi hunger and still wlta ooU, entered tha Ueuu-al elaviou to ae for lodgings. W hile bo tt by thn stove to gel warm, they beard him groan like one in distress, ami tho captain a-kod s "Are you sic, or lnveyoti liecn InirlT ' "It Is hare," answurad tho old man. as ho buu'ho.1 bis ' ll all came back to mc an hour ago aa I passod a window, and aaw a bit ol a boy in In night gown. I wind lo i "1 that I were dead!" '-What is it?" asked tho captain at he aat '.low u h-'Viht the man, 1 It ia thn heart a. he-it la remorse," the old man anaworrd. "I bavo bad lliem gnaw 'ng away at my life lor yiarg. I have w anted to d c -I liiun pra.veil lor uoaii but life still elioga to Ibis pint old frame. 1 am old and triioidless and worn out, aud were noma wlioel p crush mo It would be an act of nierev. He wlpad his uvea on his ragged sleeve, made a great elicit to control bis fueling and went on i l'Vnv years ago I bad pletily. A wife sang in my homo, and a young boy rode on in-; knee and filled the bouse with shoiita and laughter. I sought to be a good nun and a 1 1 id father, and people called nil) each. Due nlglit 1 came b un i vexed.' I fund my Inv ailing, and lliat vexu I nm still tnoro. I don't, k tow what ailed inn to m.t eo tbat night, but It serine I n il everything wvnt wrong. The child bad a bed bnalda us, and every nlglit since be had been aula to speak, he had called 1 1 mo before do ing bis eyes in sleep, "good night, my pa! 1 oh, sir, and I bear Ih iso w-oids sounding in my oars every dav and everv h nir, and ' e wring my old heart i.ntll 1 am filtit," l-'or a moment he aobliud like a child, thn. i lie I inn. 1 voice t cmtlnun : "liod firitivp me. bill I was cross to the bov il.nt nilil. When lu ci led to n e gi-ttl night, I would not reply. '! iod night, my pn!' ho kept cslliug, and liond that I was, I would m -kn no ainwer. Ho inns! have Hi ui ;lit me asleep, for lie final ly cuddled down wl It ii (oh in his throat. I wanted to get up and I; i-s him, bill I kepi waning, and dually I foil asleep. " Wtl f q lorie l the e ip'ain, as the el I' iie: grew I mg. "When 1 awoke it was dav. It will a shriek lu my o.ra wh-'dl btokl mv slum bers in. d as I alar. e I up mv poor wile cnlh il : 'ol Hi. 'hard! Ri' h irllf our poor J mills Is ib sd in his be I' It was so. lie was dci i and colli. 'I Imm were tears on Ins pale face the lnrs heba I slis, whn he h id cade :: 'io d night, inv pi!' ami I ri lined to ncsan! I u'i dumb. Then il'inorso n imit and I las I unli.i. I did not know w lieu t)i"v I, u i it,l Llio, lor I was under restraint as a liuiitio Kor live l-mg jears lifo n u a da k mldniitht It mu. WLun leasoti n tin no I and I went I'orlh i nto the wir.d, my nifei lepl betide daiiiio, my Loiiin was -.-one, my f. lends h.t I lorg-lli-li ine and 1 had no loirsion in litii but lo Mill' r r.'llilil.o. 1 1- ,1 1 : 1 1 1 it forget, I I was a. no s: ii lrt imp ago, but Ibr nigh the mist ol yem a.-r tl.e val'ev of the past, (i m in - unlit giavit I h-oi anda ol mi les aw i , I Ii" ir the pi tv ca'l us I lie inl it that night ; 'O i id nttiht. mv pi!' Send me, In i r h mi, to llie poor-lioiise, itnvwl.ei-o that I msv half lung ih dnl I am an old w reel . in d I care not bow aoon death drags me dawn.'1 liu was i. n ot. e t lood bn' be c mid not eal. lit roci.ed Ills I) mv 'to iiud Iro and wept iioil S'lttlted. and by and by when sc"P came to b ul, th y tuard him wbis pti : 'il iod nigh'., mv b v, good night, inj Jamie!" - I '.sir i! fee 1'resi. II k Hot Kin OF Tn km l le bud ii' ver eaten a Mai ijs criiti ', ami be "(i.. i . d tin iiu'iiili'i'l in n b'tweui Ins ilitmili and linger etpec lm.' Ill" pulp to lly oite i inl hi, mo--ih, Itkn any d-cent sort i t grai-e. I lie tough akin ll' leokimr tlehioiia ly be tossed It away and trie I another Hie, Tuts ono crushed in bis lingiii, the i 1 1 i -u Hying a I over Ina IIT rem iieoktin. With a louli of iiniitier ilile d -i,,lst liu ap beal. d 1 1 a aire it g tun, i : 'llei n. bull. Iho itlit green grapes wu. u uni l y, but I ill dliiued -I' lliey ani'l lielung 'em let I'll give vou 10 cents if you'll cat Iheso dm ii liiiiitfs-'' And that Ii v a ll on H dry c iod le x. M'viing his feet, wagged Ins iiiii, ilckid Ina . ljoiis nml e.iiiid ll.o 111 miiv, (tie rn.'.iie tea isiouai.y i xul timii.g lii'iwern his lils ol uncoil' reliable laugh tar: "Kits 'diii skins and all, durum! if liDil ni'i! ski is an' all, iik ) a co cua tug a puukiu!'' The Secret Sery, co Itmeiu of the ITttl led s; nt s Treasury I o.iarlni lit Ilia j nst il sMWvfcl woe xtstsnce ot oouutirivH Un .nl,, it. , !, it beiug olr- i ii. ale I p-iiuij' nly lu ll.u fsotitii, in i n v wy thor iia nan be p.-ovinl a entn le felt is by a.niljlujf tli acid iesl, win oil it will not staufl. wrtiaixfjai ADWamSKMKNi.H TUB SUN FOltlbol ICfcrvln iy reads Tim Sun. Jn the odi li oii of litis ' nciwsp.iui.r ihrougbmit ti e veur t i "iiin everv U"dv will lln li I. All the tiorld'a neft t an piesentod that the renter will get the greatest amount inl irmatiit wl Ii tbe tii.proi.iutile o time and eves grl. J ue su -t I nig ugo ii;a r 'VOind Ihe ui'tJuu n eau betaeiu reuuo dan t 1 1; I .ess and unsali .l.icl'.ry lot nty . II. M iieh ol tli 11 aoitidni-ws wLI'di do pertda lets upon Its reeogn'f I Irnptrratiee Itian op in Its interest lo maiixlnil. rioiii iii'.ruie to tool uii'u i nn isun prints i'oi.tiuti". a'.'-rv cl ih" lm j ol ii .il iu and w unco, and . I ibcir .leeda, plan loves, and trochlea, Ti is al. rv iii"io vetitJ a I nip i ng than an v r 1 m an. -e I bet w is evr ilevt - ed. III. ia m l u i it 1 nit 111 every col 11 111 11, and freshness, origiirili'v, scciiraev, and ilu coriim iu llie tn atmiml ol every sul jirt. IV. I lonest "om icei-l. 'l'oe Mini's habit is to ape ik 1 ul fearlessly about 1111 U'ld Ihliigs. V. Iv j u il candor In dealing with rv h political party, and iqiial rradincsn to cm ii tii e n 1 wh't is praise tv 1 1 ih y or lo re buke what ia bMmiihlb 1 tt l.eiin crat or ltci'tibltean. VI. Absolute In lepenrlen t of r''tisii organ isnou, lint unwavering l- yally lo truo linuio.Hratlii piliicipies. The Sun It's l.eves tli it tho liovernmenl which tbe Cniis'.injtitm gives ns -,s a giod one lo keep, fl'sj. nfioiis of July It -to letist lo its utniOsl pbwar the 'liruei, H"f iuimi In ll)" liepiiitliMii-ii irtv islii nnoHiernorto of tfoyerrrmenr li nlsee of that -whi"h ex hts.i ,Tbjt et Mil sn l llii veni nuni" (Laitly hillowihJj will probably derldothis nit. finitely iuiporuiit isuilesl. Sb lin belirvcs ll.ttt tlio vi.'t ir.y wilt bo wi'.li lb" people as tin I th" longs li.r iii'tnopoly, Urn Kl.igs for plunder, and tho Hinys fur Imperial power. Our terms nro aa follows ! For Ihe I'nlly Sun, a four page alieet of twenty e Rill, the prln ny man post nn Id. is fi."i cents a nionili, or ;(l.r''J a jesr; or, including Hie siiinduy paper, 1 iigbt-iaite abei t of tlftv-sli columns, t pr ce Is (li cents a month, or 7.70 a year, postage paid. " Tho s-'iinday edltlin nf'l'he Snn Is also furnished aepntalcly at l.yo a year, post uue null. ' The pi ieo of Ilia Weekly Sur,ec;hl pages liftv tlx enltiTiins, Is U a ynir, postaite it tltl. l-'or nl'iha ol ten aeii(i;iic; J!0 wo will ti n I an cxlrn copy rre 1. ' A.l.lsfss I. W, I-'N'H.AKn, l'ub. ol ih.' Sun, No Y011V Oil j. I A DV KltTlSE MKN'TS. If you leel dull drowty, deliilKsUd bave ireoueni neaoacne mourn taste Dauty, poor appelate and tongue coated, yog are an (Tor in if Irnm torpid liver, or "bil.oot ntss ' ami noming will cure vou id speedi ly and permanently a to take hlmmont Ltiver Keg uls tor or Medicine, Tho Cheapest, Purest and Ileal' Family Medicine In the Worldl An Ktl'HCtusd Hpe. ride for all diaenae of thn Liver btoui. licit ami spleen. Ungulate the ldtor and prevunt Chills and Fevora.Malsrlnni Kevere Howil Coinpluluta, Kettlntauesa, Jaundice and Nausea. BAD IIKKATII t Nothing la en unpleasant, nothing an common as bad breath, and lu nearly every case it comet Irani thn stomach, and can be to easily oorrocted if you wli take summons Liver Kegnlator. l)o not neglect eo sure a remedy for th repulsive disorder, ll will alto Improve your Ap pettto, tomp.exlon, aud liouoral Ueaitti, How many auffer torture day after day, making li e a burden t.nd ribbing exist ence id all pleasure owing to (ho S'crel aiifterliig from Piles. Yet relief Is ready to Ihe hand of almost any one who will use ayslemslioally the remedy that baa permanently cured Ihouaauda. Hitnino. s' Liver Kegnlator, It no drnatlo ylolciit purge; but a gentle attlstant to naturo. OVSTllMTIOJU Miotild not lie rogarded at a IrlfJing a'lnient In fact nature depends the nt most regularity of the bowls, and any deviation (rum this domund paves the way I'ftnu to aermua danger. It la q ilte as nron kary to remove Impure aeeuminulatinna from the bowels as le is to eat or sleep, and no health can be ex poo ed where a ooellve habit ol bedy prevails. Mill IIEAUJ C'llK This distressing nlll ctloo occurs moat lieii'.eiitlv. The disturbance of Ihe slum aeh, anai uk from tlio imperteialy dignie.1 i-onleiila, can sea a severe pain In the hi ad, aro 'tnpaiiled wilh diaaioeable nauaea, and this eoriHtiintea what la populnily known as Mirk lleailaciie. Rewaie of rnunterfeila, take only the) 1 uennliie In while wrapper wilh red ', In Ik nt prepareil by J. II. oilln iV Co. Mold by all Hr.muisu; an .7 ly s TKELISU Jl. tl A K Y HERVEY'S OLD STAND HALIFAX, N. C, tl K O. It 1 IK UKoCKIllHI, BDOTij, HHOI'-s, HATt, OAVH, Allsi ia, All flrndcf. All I'riioi, 4'.l .UrUa. MKtl SCUILl)tlB'S. WOMK.Vti ASl MISMIX K 11 o t: 11 K ll () I. S , All kln.U' f family frroreries -mi l.aii'l and ti) arriv). (tln.-k euuiuleleif auw. J asl pun-Ms. as f.-ui'i Ihe Nor. hern Markets. tl M.11MIY. tvp V) ly II illf'iv. ft I' yl'f liNTlUN. THU I.ITTI.r. M' ST Tt)T to.n rrtii.s.t. II Y ! It A V 1. 1 V I It I. II H li It ., The only Hydrnullo Cotlou Trcsa fori p!anlatl.ui use. nun ivsr Aaxie. llisks plaited !o Flltsr-CLAsa COMrASIErt. A. II. HILT,. Aff't. HootUnd Neck, llulilax, Co. N. C. pr iiJ If rsn k l'LACB TO BUY yorR HOOP.. Groceries! f'lirapas tliry can lajaold lathe tonnnf Wrldoa. - -' Men NORTH CAROLINA tyaMSISsj pcrpoomt. t'taufatcllouerlrit ol tl Ult Rlee ud . . Ny HAK la stocked with ihe U't tfld Purest l.''liiort uf every dgacrljdlwM- Lal ta4iict IU), ' B F SLEDGE, llrttt Slrtcl. Htlditu, A. C. fir !t; ADVERTISING RATES. BPAC1S S i t'x t o h I a o ' s M ft oo n f t h 00 lu W SO 00 80 h oo 16 oo o oo ton 10 M 1 09 86 00 1, IK) 20 00 0C0 ft 20 00 SO 00 CO 00 S 9$ One Sonjira.' Two ISquajrea, "; i uroo squares, , I'onr HquarM, ' Knllrth rol'll. Half Column, WholeCcmaati, One Yeary TS M QdME OWE, COM K ALL TO MY FRIKMD1 a THU PUDLICaB5AUT I lata pleasure In infTtrmlriff jo tbat 1 have com men eed the mercantile buelneea in the town of Halifax, at the ataua ISar niorlv occupied by Mr. is. II. Ulekene or thai place, where ou will Had every thief; uiuaily kept In a General Mercb.nnu.iaa It). AMD AT THR XOVTIST PHIOIB, LIQUORS. - ... . WINES, . ,4 ., i . ClCVARS, ' AND TOBACCO, A SPECIALTY . ,.,i y, ' ' ' TH R ItKtll RNT MICK PAID MB COTTOI IK TUB SEHnORBALB. All I Auk It A Trial. Kemsmbor the plaoe, , , . .' . - - DICHKXS' OLD STASfD. , Mr, Robert Irey ia with me iod WMld be glad to eee bit frlendt. ' , Very Kopec(rul? . ... TlOBT.Ii. WWITK1IKAD, 1 Halifax, K.O. ' east H if 1 J-. - J..J. u JUll II.AII.JK, BE 8 T six'Corp . -FOll-.'' MACHINE OR If A tTSltt, ' ' ' r j. , tuomas nuiaL & cxi,! HOLE .AUt.SITfl. i' TOR 8ALK BV ' ' ' WlllTKHTAIniArK, Oct T 3m r, .11, Y1CK WW9 . lAKKAUtS AMD Bl'UUJEf MADE TO ORPEff OH KErAIKED AT LOW miCEi. AM kfnds of wood work anil trinimln done iu good alyle, Ulaakemitli wartl done) At short notice and with neatness. All new work warrante. Fm painting for buggiot Uuue at low pii!i,beat paiot uaed SPEVl AL A rT:Tltsj GIVEMTO fRK USDEttTAKLSO DEl'AIiTlf niir.' .s's-i.,1""' . i.i 1. .-a .'.:. : j.i-s-.. -j , BS,r,M -t-ia.ST sMie .TW 'f f r ColTlns auJ.Ca9a of ail akea oouUotl on hand. O.irriage Materials kept onkaad iatptkui below l'uiursouig market. , Wdl.ton N. a Juue fi ly , , 1 .1,.., - w -I .- '" : t JaNO. oi Take ploaaitre In aunajuticioa that tM can mil La to;iiJ al hia tland oil Where he has On Land fall litv ol ta rTueat , fc t Xi.g tl .;. a.-; , WINI'W Wni4KTWs:nif''l !H K ' H , , , JHANIiKSj' s iVJi 1 is , TO0ACCO. CUAKS. ', '- 1 aadlsNUrF,'" ,- 111! 1 VilEst IVPr.KQ ,'1 and CONKriCiTOSKUlEg rH iinrk of Camiod'OooCi.saiid Qrocear ll 4 ybvaqajl .., tu: I -u '.' ; ' rail ti tl 4 C o tat p f t i ' ' v 1 . "' ' ' Oi.o Oabinkt Whismcy A FrfsAtirT, ..''..', '1 i i FRKfH I.AOKR Br-.KR ON DRALiQKT. Ho Buarantettc ' atkt$sfj:tCtHi, (saII au4 co Win. ,5