THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING HATES. THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. On Ysr. (n advance, f It MonthH. Th ree Mont lu. ' 1 an 75 eta PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ..ZH.LK'ilFFKR. BR. I). B- Itnt.LlCOKfEB. II. A. II. 7.0I.UC0FPE11 a BUO., D rilYSK lXS AND Sl'R.EOXS, W (t HO N. N. c. Tim A. R. and IV B K.ill!eolTr. having imped as partners In th practice "I in "Urine, under t'n style ami llrm ot Dr. A. H. .nlllo'lfer Pro. pIT'r their professional services to th" ptinlii: p-nomlly ami solicit n share of th"lr patronage, they guarantee careful and prompt attention to patients, o ii of the (Inn will alwnvs be found si their office lu Zolllcitfer's Drier store where istliiits will be tr'st-td tit all liours snd wien necessary, li nil will visit an I give their atten tion to nttlunia without extra c!iar.f mr 17 tr. A L T K H K. D A N I Ii I 'Allomry until Counsellor At Law, W E I. I O N, N. 0. rrrtlr in 11 ilif.n met adjoining counl le. special att'-nMiin irivui to c-i illi-r . Ion In all parts of the state anl prompt returns made, fob. 17 l y R. U li 0. W. II A It T M A N , .Surgeon Dentist. Oflle our W, H. Brown's Dry flomla Store, WEI.DON, N. 0. xTill visit pxrti-s nt their homes when .b'slre.l Teruis Keainnahle. ort 'M ly J M. 0 11 I Z Z A tl 1), ATTORNEY IT I.AIY, HALIFAX, N. C. OH", in tn Ccirt norjie. strict attention 9Wi'i to all brandies uf Ike. professlnu. t . ., n lg E T. BRANCH, ATTOKVKV AT I.IW. ENPIKLf), N. C. frrtle'i hi th uriiU'M of IIilit.iT. Nash K tgac i uh i su I Wdsoa. CjIIjiM iom mn.l In al d irii of Cm RtaM. -i : 12 tf w. W. II .VL.L, ATTORNEY XT I,liY, WKLDOV, N. n. etii,l attnMii irlvea tu collect-Sops anil J.?e-alttansas pro.nptly uind. in XV Uf. IAMSS M. UVl.t.KI. JOHN 1. MOOHE M' fj L LE N MOORE, ATTOKXEYI IT EVtV. n.VI.IfAS N. c. PracMe In the cointlesnf Halifax. Nom hanm ton, K l -en nli . I'd' ail M iriln -In Hi" Su prsm" coirt. of the S'atii nud In the Pederal f otirts of th" Ku'eru District. Joll-'ittions tnn.le in an; part cf th ' State. Jan 1 ly T li9UAr, X. HILL, It or hp j at I,!tw, H vlil if A X, V. r:. Vrft lc In IIil;fi- nil a lloinln.i; eonitli-K 1 rV l.iril vi I S i.ii" ii " e i'irt-1. Will U. at Hoi.latii Xoiti(, on.e every f ot J3l'ht. aii-."if W, til A i U N ATTORIKY AT MW, .VUYdHUR'J, X. C. V-ietlRii In th enrM of Miirth'itniton nun 1 1 ilniiit o.ou'itii-j, alu in tin P.-ileral an, I mi rr a t e larts. Juno 8 tf. w. h. niT. A. r. zm.LiL'oi'Fuit. JJ .V T 7 9 t LI C f P P E K. ATTOltXEYS AT LAW, WSI.DOX, N. C. Praetlc In the eourts of Halifax soil mljolclnir e'! ntUi. aii.l Id the Sii)irMiie anl Feil ral eoiirt . CUim c ilieete I In any nirt of North Carolina. Ooa uf tho Irm will ahvayj bn fvuul In the (li'e. June ;4 1 y. R. K. I.. liUNTE iT, tf CUQEOSI DENTIST. (inn be founii at bis o&u& ii) RnooUI. Purs Nitrom Oi'do Oag lor the Pain Kxtrai'ting ol'Toelb always on hand. Jno '11 it. U. SMITH, JR. ATTOllXKY AT LAW, SOOTLAKD NltCK, ilALIFVX OilUNTT N. C Prattlnea In the county of Halifax ami ailloin- Ijtuoantica, and In thfl Supreme court of tin' lMy. auii-'a- -1- " MISCELLANEOUS. -OTICK TO TKAVrKEKS. 1 ana niw running a dally mall from hor.t I a nd Nfrk to Malllax. i liav a com. fortabla two hn bark, wliii'U leavra Hootland Nrk, overy luoriilnif tot- Htrljl'ax nd returns aame day. Will taka pnnti gara and exprs imokaKkt at reasonable rat. I am alao prepared to onlerliilii traveler i, promltliiit to apais n lajua to make them ooinfurtalilp. Heapocllnllv, W. H. BHIELPS. Nov JOtf. TO 11 3 A LK. Tli f illowlng valua'ilo roat fmtato I.vIhb near Tillnry'a Mill, in Halifax roiinty lnut nine milei IVnin the town of lUlil.ix. About 30' i crei liicliutiiir team niiinu, aw mill an, I nxtorm, gin. Kin liou.o an'l Ixtnre. adj iluinK the resilience of J. K. 'Tillery.' ' Mike Wilklna, that Qutalns about 97 ,acrB. Popt) plate pont ilulnjf nb mt loO aero. tntoi'HMt In Wailo tl Tillei y tra;t, tin' -wliol cnnlalnlug abonlHTi itrs. to T. N. HILL. Attorney. Halifax H. O.Jnly aitf CREAT SARCAJNG. Wu am now reeetvlun na new ami heauilful ooa reeeiitly ini'Chaieil of the niaiiufiieliiri'r.i, ann anralally Invito you to eall ami ee thviti. The larjtest ami b st aelocted atoi'k of iOOI.D WATCH US HK'rsopjKWRMtY BiM OPKIIA AND (lU.VltD CHAINS, Jl A Mi IN D AND SUM, KINdS, M.KKVK BUT TONS AM) HTIMW. HOLli) SJLV KUI SPOONS, POltKS &i Tiic Rest I0 HHtor nni tJ5 lo. U K V K It 4 I. . .vV.'tJit""' P' ul,'!",t" ""i li'U rve your Wit. liea ami Jewelry repaired l,v tha bent workmeii. Enjravtii neatly ilone i.'y J. T. YOliNo I, nun, o:tly J'eUTsbur,;, V. -1l SLi VOL. X. DUVT STAY MTU T-XU;UT. 1h liciiMh of homi Is ttMUii;uf With rajM tf ri-y Mlit : Aixl Iitvt'ly t'yt'H rc trii'aininti;, Am frtlts tin- Mluiili' of niirht : Anil whili thy stt-p art' h-nvliifr TliiM'irrlt's iiir' himI linlit, A tfii.l.T Vf.h'f half k'ri-viiiif S "Pm't rtiny I.Uc U nU!i1." T..p wor! I in v!il.'Ii thnn mnvi'.t H 1mij.. Iinv an 1 wul.' ; Tin w.iriil .f Ii.t llo-u ort lt a: lli- in rl- shh ; flu v;iiN fur iliy wirm irrt'-tin ; ; Thy ftnih is lnr tlfiii-'hr, H 1 t iri'iiih- v.i' ' iMitr-i'a'in r. Miy, "D 'it't rftay lat" to ni ;iit ." T!i" w.trl l.sii r.ihi. Inlrinnti, Will M"irt I1'"'' ,r 'I ' ill ; Tin' hiVHi'liiin' )unr winnau ouihisiH iiimI Mian)-1 1 Im in till ; Thy c'nlflrvii will rttin 'r nml th , l.i-t fait- m ilark nr ht lrht : Al Il.iMK' 1-" til t T t Will WmUiI.I Mirf . Thfh. "Idm't ;iy iilte l hlKitl." I KNOW IT. At nove'ili en y ir of I wan innrn of a mill ill in 1 luv'i liiimi ini'. I a'oie a loii uilii.l L'.i.ii a nl Ii i ts ( to w !,i,'b ilio appiirliMiaiii'D of Siiiif wns K"nrailv hi, no) a uiiiitai'ho wis qiiiio vi-,:li!o in in v npi u r lip, an I a tNii-iMotisiii n of ripe maturity nivtir lo:t inv m.iol. I win ait! 1 1 injc, for Ihu li il rnfi-ision, l 1 1 in tllitiimtof w iiitli I w.-ne wis poiiilini; my siifii'iicr varaiinn at ray i.ttliei's ii oi-n i, i iho i onnti ri TisiiRli so mniily (nliii -t K iMier liliti, I fiiirifd i 'ii try u( e iraiu'ii, my inner w is I iv no mu inc. 8 o stiii n as m v nutnr hi in. I lovn I inv inollifir with i-liiflisli t 'ti lfir U S', Hi.d Nooner Ihi'i pain linr pimis I eart, l uutiiur iitnn iiutl r m can ,,! lei iivrry Scmlay ninht t lln villiiji ilinreli, lo lin ii to loii KH i in i li s . I h c'i I (i illil in I liear a won!, f-r llin In miiloiiL ni'ci'i ti of lb viry ii(;.'d lulu tstcr who eiiiitliioLoil tlm .servii'ps were so famt as to l.o in.iudilftu wl.eru w sit. 'I Ii mull iiii'ilo.l liy love and ,'uly to mi'i j"i't inyself to this whelilv pxmni'fl (well ili'sorvml by in v wuiklv iin I my 'on- l It'lH'M MO ll.ll tint ptdVHIlt llll! IVo;:l Willi 1 1 1 l: away lliu lime liy noi'Ii n'litiss moil as lay at hau l, til l', na ne'v, of olis r i n and api'i'iil.ii iti4 on ll,e ivoiniioi inm s ot my i,oj.,!iIm i s, mi cccupat ) n if wlr.chl was fool, Tho ) v h io nnniy wliicli lntmetcil me more lUin a'.l otHhrs was of h y ii m Kill who sat not tar from us, a nl w i. no coinpanieil hv an nyni, pi'oliihly her graiiilitioiliH' lli nl J iet of her en r w.ilcliliil raio. Ilio uiiw fi'(i, tro:ii lint eiii'ilitiK in v ir m si in i i ti, in illy Hlisi.ri el inv whole .itientioii. I; v.;l- l' - lli.iolifnl nt apnt fro n Ih II II p.,.S".o'l Hie (;.-, oi. -r ,oihiM iot-et firtliB el 'T h i, I I , i a e onite.. i-,,-e v liit'li ileiioti d so innrli smiMoi't ; t ie i mot on lit iuir lllitnl Was pail V Wr:'.etl np ii il, bt i in k, del cilo r ,ai ft": notliintr ;.jis wai-iii.,i lull th lev ot a eotus.i I mif .1. o' -"i-t i.nv ii llm l.ehohler, to ie,i l-r ti lo'ir, jm.oe. lI s nl lit;" ao 1 1 1 if ii I, ml;, f r Hours I ui-7,e-l. ami i"'iii;iti ,1 on pal fur viniii la-'e- I Inioiln liow i.a-1 .nli 1 t.n ttn. lot of so sensitive a ti'one. i-hoiihl filo tinilo her to olio w l,o w.oilil nl k.iow h,,v to re nl nr;;-lit what was i ileii '.iteiy wi n. ten lit w Ii on llm van ini ex pres. ion , that s i et .i'i .;iiii"tiaiii'ii wonl.l he luit a blank who wool, tie nti t i i n in toti v ita ei arnr ini t -lie int -uf Iritoio 'riie-n was Ho etui to tin n-yties into vUiielij 111 I..O swui f oiiio i.;n.,,, ,,, i in,.. (S onetimes, hv eiiitu e llm Uir i.bjoet .f in V liusy laneies w nl i eiteh my yo. of, wiiiiout I i kiny at 0 c, M-e n t' know or lee! lint I wi u.iz Hi at her. au l I w te'.i o II.- ileliuh t'ii in r."tu"iio Ihn Ii ush wliicli i!ei p i.v.l on li-r fhee't till I w i ll, d ew in v e t . ( im Su mla v 1 lri pen" l, in oiling out of ilinii'li, to lie el solo 1 1 1 v lovi!v in i'i Inir I in inn liatnl v hehi ni Imr inv Ii ml net il a I ly t nic lej ho- riioiici m u ir ments. I imi an u ra-i-tioi i ilesim to foree her in ao'im w i to not leu ni" -to apeak to her -to uroasiou nun nl tlio.e chaniiini lihislms -niiythini - I know not whit. In xhoit, hko an liiiptiileiit ox comb ax I was, l Mtpiai'1 (oiwar l, a nl with iusiitln.-ahlo ii,solnico. wlnrli I blnali I 6 v 1 1 io iii'.nS er, I w.i.;;i,ji I i,i her o ir : 'You aro very preltv !' Never was I morn sui rio I than when klio iMimly reptied : 'I know it I' I was Blisohitcly slart'el. I hit I ex peeled a Mlent, consoi his li n--mi in. oiiiiint (jlanee-avthiiijj raliuir lli.ui 111 s cool, 'i ki iivv it.' J was izz: a!; hut I h a l plenty of tiim to Hull llii uia',t"f over in my mind, for In ft, few ilaN I ipturi.el to 'lleun. I can tl illy nay It was onn iroliioni wli'eh tliroii-h nit 1 1 ij inriii l'i . h nin on hi trouhiti to sal f o, iu.,1 coal mo tboiiKht. Another yeir elao e l ero I returned home, iui,l acini sat in thn liltlo vtllaA chiireh. My pet soml aiipe iranen w as. incuiwhiUi, soin.'W uat. a. to ul. I s ill woio inv mini 'ta-'lin, it ih H ue, but, my coat tails wtin not., or di I not so on quite si Ion and 1 ha) loll nil' my spurJ. My mother ami 1 wuru oa' ly a 'aird i i our pe.v, im.l I imp 1:4 oitt y w.ii.ed fir ll. o arrival of in v f v, ly bi,,ui. I triol lo i"epini mysi'lf lor 'fs.ipp i t innnt. '1 havn I'm l lli ink i ii a id ilr.- toil mi an Ideal.' I said to ujvsvll Motilities w ipoi theyotiUK laly herself a;i,ie.ira, nil my II iniainioo wi:l v.cii-h -thorn e ri be no douht my I'anev Ins b en pliyinn trie'ia wi h oi", Iiim s'inn a morn counli y maiden wi ll tiauseoutlio t tcriee'i ami eh inns.' While I was no in Hum with myself, the jmiiihj laly app-aiel loalini; her old lolalivs with lemUr laif. W or-hlpp:ii an M.Iea.',' Ihilee.l ! M renieiiltiranre illil not le. i.i lo iln jislien Mine liriutilnl reality. A soil iul nl 10 uliTl.e-s and y si oilled to hue foinl a lit tnn h mm in a person and lane ot h perieei loxenness an.t graeo. KliH lilushi il wiioii, lookum iiinutid, Khn I'L.ilii'i d to sue me, and aitain II. o plav id' ex pressioii on Ii a' U' cs wii'eli h i, ao nil res' ed me f o tnerl v c i inn I in r, Tin' mnro Minlied Lien Ilio in, no I Hf-i'iiied to so, ilio p ire ilnpths of lii'r s nil. I eoulit iHVostikol niv l;li on htr nuliiu pmitv of t liiuiuhl and deed. As w e letui no I lo'iiiM I ileserilie l my fair nuilihor and aslud my un ther vt ho she was, Her iiaiiio,' mv in itlior nai l, 'Ii fjraee pi nny, and -he Is ttin lovet), t tlio m ot superior y.oii:j wi'inan I have ever in my wholn tila met wl1!). It is too rooii to think ul siii'ii Ihini'S ut,' she contiuu.d sinitini;. 'Inn soiuu yais hni i'ii 't Wi.ul I iioikn inn happy to sen my non married to Just such a w in in. ' 'Not qititM si list, linnher,' sal, I I, lanliinu; a i;oi d ,io il to linle a litlln tni i-h e n h ii r.i-siiiioit wnjoh I ivn most anxious to eoi.ceal. If'iridth tijri'Bhil liecinin a roti staut vtsllor at. inv imilhei's, ami I ili-l hut fail to improva tl.n upp ori uoily ,,f in), coiling holler Hi'ijuainti'ii wuh Mie was liiil -- ! .) fjjifiiil eii itiire, e i. dowrd Willi all 'oatnrt.'s hi t.' Sim mu.', sii" ilai i'ii l, sln eon verae-i w ii li ao imhi sitiiliahlti Kt-aeo (leouiutr lo ItoiM.lf. 'I'lioruh Kiuii-ialiv lli omhtful and eirm'st in In r di llieKiinr. i-lio had a ve,n il uii't hum ir, and her stn kes of playful diolleiy rlurtiii.' I all the iiioib fn ill luiin utiiK liri'ted. H it more alluring to ino than all lei' (tills and Heeniipii limi'iils as the a'iriiik inn Kenslhil ity iteuietnd on every le.iture ot lior aweet fane. I s i oi found u.vsuif deeply-nl llhiily liner Oal.J lu Uf, I 57 ilalljr, lot VfaCtt Roanoke VVrELDON, rceived my assiduous attention with a terloe: yo,. inn. s ami unaec ni', table nil roiiioin wliicli (jave mo great uuea.i ness. Soiiielinies I thought sli reineinbered my eirly liiipeitiueiiee, and was disposed 1 1 n i. is ti it, liut i lorn was a rival, a cousin of liraee'a, who always stood in inv wav, and iroin w h nn , r i v receive I, as a mailnr ofisnirso, luiinberloss little al tei.ti oiH which I ilH'tid not even nll'ur. I hated llii-i man; I was insuller ihiy Jealous; hut lira' U setoiied either pei fnelly one in Si'i ots nr pnrl'eelly IndiM'ireut to' the by plav ol'an. m isity w inch was curried on bet ween us. (iraen, swcit, noli'o (iraee, with her child-like Fimplii'ily and sensitive woman's heart Alio could resist her ? I colli. I not --my w hole noil was hers. In vain had 1 struggled In vain lull I call" I on mv vanity (of win, Ii I hid P'l.iiiv to mv .km to 'save inn limn the tu ii t;ii Miiini . I lorinK wnh out ret nr. i. 1 colli nit Mem nr control llie asion wlich, sironi us a nighty wbrlwind, h i I se . 1 1 mn. Onn in eninii I s it by the pin i. o while lirare saiu 1 1 me. 'Iho cuuiu was not I here, and ('car li l in e's varvini; enf r and Hi s em u eyes siiL'KHstcd si'eel hopes to mv x inn v . I fancied I -aw lovo in t:nc liriu'it ibwv eyes and on thosu Mifi, iiiuiit In e.u hint lips. It wa-t the last ovciiiiiu id my vacation, anl surely 1 re ul a gaiilie, farewell th n i;ht In I i race's fain. I was Inside m. sml w ill, j iv nt the idol I w is as ll in a b issfnl nreaiii a sweet dnliriii ni a rapture i t love. As (, race rose to leave th" piano I caiuht I or hand, it it ii iinahle longer lo snp.iH s the una Ihoui'ht thill tided my li'.Mit, I exelainii'd lervnntiy : 'lime ! -dear lirace, witii all my soul 1 1 vp v n !' Mm lilt, d her lar.-e. sof; eyes, and said s'owly, whilo a inisi'hivvoua smile stole over her t ice : I know i..' Mie was i;ono before I ha I lime In pie vent it, r to ri cover Irion mv soipi i-e. Tun next dav I I t n run I to college; ex pecting to i' onplet my studies in nnotlin eir A veil! how lontf a tmio t lio all si-it rriuii ' he bcl .ve.l hein"; who was to me, I fell, hdiceloi tn nod forever, whether snic i etc rue I m v 1 ive or noi , the imeleos roir. d which nd mv ih ni'it woiii,) re vohe. I i. en) not say how nltei) her straii'c anl n ns tils! ictory answer tor niKtiied me. I iierci ived in hor ri p 'tition if ilin s lino words, her reincinl-raticc o tl o lilli" s!l till ii-c lliioii h.if iro. and tin-, tl, en. was the just iiiiilitii''ut fir i v ins 'Ian -e. I to ti, j ui'soif hv htinuioit the wh,. lonn and ai;i'.n to in tn i v - m c .a-ioo i'h .'n '!ar Hi i i of love, and Ic r pinviki'o nplv, 'I know I'.' 'Ihei'mi o ou d '!' tln.uoi'1 onn. ti'iic. I woi, id I I, a I p i im-i the wtt to h n'n ten i mi a ii'l'o iitici ta';.' I f, ":l w u lo- til it I w is u'lin lo s'lt Ir, ,t al' ttiis limit, f or ic--!' il ( J io,,, n ;p , III V ! h ' uhl . she ll I I of my Ii the d J i.-t . nc's whl'-h lead tl.l u iv v ul ins ii i a I x, , t ever, and s' u I v h Ifd. ' I. race, I ciot Itol, ever ilu oi t fr o n "'.mn llie driMin I' atl lie' I vn ssu In o i scatter d i I di I sin I at I tie end how if tin htch prion term p is-e I ex imin ili oi ln,inr -much to mv i!f ar m with liber's '1.1 v. I o. ter ii lie I to lie ii iser whti I saw I i a e ai: n ii -to dlo .ie- hey ot I a d oi ld I' I we (. :o I.-" I h- loy.. ), i,', n I eo ii to I o I ni' -elf ;n I h.,,1 d'e.e by f o.i-h sp a low. l i or 'cr 1 1 s it sfy m r oi' f nu this p n, a d pi" hap' also to ,'ifva liltlo pi i", w h ti I i e! u rued home I di I m t ir I n iiicli iii'ly I i s oi i r i- , as inv teelinus d:-'t .ted, hot waiteltill. at. mv tiiothoi's siiminoii, aho spent an evenuitt with us. I'Wen tl,nn( thmiith mv hoot, w i full nl t imi d r 1 1 ess or 1 1 ' i . 1 ille.'tel coii.c-s, 1 h id in nlc up iii y fiiin I to p! iy a pi t. ail I sutler a- I uiuhi I w ml I act it out. Tnere was a ycii'ii ladv st ivitur with oiv mother at this (imi) wh ''early loved t i Ho t, I w is ipilte ready to c lutriiuiut to her itiinsenmnt. 1 devoted nivs"lf to hr Iho w hi. I" evenin; mid felt the sweetest lain I everx pio.,incet; when 1 saw by liraeeV dmr, eiiar iilnir, sensitive face that, -he w is deeply paio- -I and woll'lded. N.'lii il 'Itis I i- li ry ti I heen cartiol to its IimiiIiI, I pi ieoved lrai s.i.i l.hoilv r'se, uu I step ihroii'li the open window out on the i: i. i. In a le v ininii'es 1 tallowed hei , she st m I wnh liar bead leiiiim; aeiiost t'i rnlini, weeping. S;e iliiii s iltlv behind hor, I passu. I my arm r oind In r, and w ds-ierol: Ah! il.anst tituee, do nut deny it. You lovo mi-!' '1 h' l'S was a little pause then l.itij'iliii j m M.ll h ill' ci vinn, turu'.'ii u.cie Icr l,e i I and s-'.id : Ala ! I I. now il.' . . - 4 , v a i r i x u. " "!';. walling f. r.'vr from i'raile torave." ll ov in'eriiitnaldi' seem the liours whilst iimiei oin t h at pen inco of w.utini ! ,. nr siun.y il is a I einiiuv, an iiioiieineot in simio deji'ei', tor an undue impatience in tn im; to steal a march upon the old Mow. r, w ho ni -1 1 i i J v tsiiii os at our puny ill' iris to put lack". ltd or toi'wrrd tho In. ii la f Ins umirrinc; -li it. Waitine! ' Itstnilv a drearv, moil to mm utl nr. and vet it s e us as if lite worn p. nasi in thus fxcro sing m ' t ll'-w inanv whuiiis will Mime'.imes or. 'in- in one liltlo i! n ! 'l lie anticipated call of tho letter c t rier, who id course is late Willi Unit iill-'iiMorlant missive so III XI. 'list y ex Wei I, We Hill lot K'VO 1:110, lo u ts I e hut U' nd news. n old scttish pr 'veil' tel.s us, "Mitiy a mil k e makes n tiiucklc;" and, oil titm-s, llm il.iy I'liiniii'iini'il in the tn! in in o!' w a t in::, s ' coir in lies i. nil I I he end. Th 'so ex pected fr et i!s i i vi-r ' nu ; lite ilium r Is -p i e,l, and c mst iiii'iitly the en k itcls 'ma 1.' Then- tho l luarv is closed ,. tie mom du's waitini;, eru thn nironv of su-. pens" ovur thij lilu of ibat iiutortuiiaiB Iter toe is relieved. Atbou'ih, ariii is ll,o o wailel-for solace ol h id tone- 4,To sleep, perchance I i dreani." s dih ijii llatnli t, yet a l ir m. aier trouble 111 in tho die, una ha no ilreilells ti lie au.ike, ciiintini' each sir l;n ol the clock, and aw uiIiih the cold, pun dawo ot another day, o'er which may " th,. three well il sivlers, I n I lo ir 'iai li house i I eh-in!," e,-:-c:s 1- si nmli tllily ! lb w ni ,nv tliousiinds are now wailing f ir this loni! liimi'i'iiiK w inter to nive place l the sweet sprint; tide waitini; fir one tint id'cieeu to vai v Ihedarksonie hue of llec-e bleak, hai e Ii uiiih", ami t"i the first ilarint Mi le tbnver lo pu p above the old earth's silr'ace! I lit, sweet ,1 inn,! hasten I iv tardy f ml-jtcps, and ajnliilaln will we i mix 1 I hi e Iroin our very hearts I A ml hi n tl.ero nut lift's ivaitino.? Kor who auioeif uiorlals can s t down, saytnn, 1 1 inn s u t i - ti h l,'' and tho phantom form ol ope rver h a lien onward ? In youih, Ih" sha lowless hours flit by wliil-t w ailiiiK to ehiim Love's promise, fnore can he in. tiling moro we then duum Woiih llie walchn g and '.he watting. lint, ah, that was Imt tho swet idlenes "1 nu in in r'sdiv tiiiiaa'.li II7J1HI skies. wl e i eooipaii'l wit.h iiianhood's sterner slrile- f e wailini;, pel bans lor lottr; yeats, ero success croivus the Salt ts of " the lintid they iimke weary, The heart liny have s.iil.leiieil, the life, they 1, aye dreary." Then there la but. una wore, willlpf - " till Hie tlliiels (i,t, ii wid" the inystle cat". l.i-t Its 1 1 -sl.-ll for 1 heir footsteps, Vol "nor vices far away ; When Inry call us we are wal'dnir, iMly ailiiit; to obey." N. C, TIlUlvSDAY, APRIL 21, 1881. m:s of tiik imy. The Okolona States has iuspeiidod. filadstone's life has been threatened j the Irish skirmisher. There were heavv annw storms In New York and Pennsylvania on I ha 11! ll. A SlflO.rm fire ocenned In Wheel I nu Wist V.i. lad werk ill a furniture hou-e. A spiritualist, Mrs. Fletcher, has been sentenced in Loudon lo one j ear's I in prinoiiinont. Sergeant Hues, thn fanonx tramp, li re polled us 1 1 v 1 1 1 m in abject poverty al Say. brook, Illinois. The Nebraska T.euislature has submit le I the iiiBsiiou n," w i ti i ii sullr.ii!ii in the people in a constitutional amendment. At the tlrinley sale, In New York, I'htirslav liluhl, the Hultenherir lllhln, the tlrst hook tolotel will) inuvable type, w us sold fir J.s.l. 111). The hi'iimer with which .lohu Paul J m es naile I tho historic 11 it to Hie mast or his ship is owno 1 by a "iilleinan 111 1111111111,1, l'eiin. Mr. 0 inilo, Presl lent of the Yoiktown (Vitnuiis'l ni has invi'ed President (iar. lin'd lo ileiiver Ilio address at the hiyinit "f t h-t corner stone of the nioiitituent and ho has c uiTiitti l to do so. of the Si-'ft .00.) naeeisarv to lnsnrn the success ot t!ie Cotton Exposition f !!.).() .0 has a! re nly been subscribo I. A monu ments are now tnakini; for reprosentxtioii by llueliiud, Prance, (Jormany and other c uiiitrius, A walnut tie-k wliicli once helom;iv to Wi'shinnton has Iihui discovered In a second k ind furniture store in Staunton. An Inscrlp'i m shows that it was ne seoted in 177,' i,( Washington bv Mr. Wl. lister. Secretary WI"dotn was n taller In his eirlier davs. lie learned the husiiiess of I. 1). Unik.ol Wi'-terlord, )., an, I partly supporie I Idtnseir in the M artinln.rK, O , Aeii lo'iiv hv inil'.injr (ino.toals fjr llm Vil.iji tail irs. Tin Uhode Island Stals election re sulted to the election of the republican ticket -(iovernor, Alfred II. I. nth field Lieut, naiil (! ivernor, llenrv II. Kav, Atioroev-liuneral Willard Savles. treas nter, a.u.,. ( lark. Liltli lield's nn i .nty Is r).ij7:. Teiines'i'9 h is a iv"v Vuv f ir eliinr llm "Pi 'e ot every li o itt who permits a pris oner to h- taken from his custody. This I. Intended to put a st ip to lynch inn, and ei lolled on the lied"f that ni'd,., hemi; al io ist nhi-ivs 1'iiiv ir.lli' nil 1,-t e:!''cllvetv ot p .sell If tho herill's have tho (lustre lo do it. A Mississippi planter wintol to turn his I -in I m' ck firm. 1 1 is neih tors. who sti ! to eotto'i. ai.-'he I ton c mil lor an Ii Jiiiieilon to rs,raiu him fnun mv Imr nr cs "d. on thn Kroiiml that thn ura-s won: I sireid over ai.'l iiiiina; plan I ill ins an I unlit Iho uronn 1 fir c iltou. The i it j ii lift i- n was iianttd, Luu'i Hi I I a ill in . the eeli'hra'ed deif d lt.ih'in l Do-id Bill, was present at a ni 'eti'ii ii, la It isi ni the other divlo raise n too. I of T . .' ''.. to "imply raised hi lor Inn k i ho- ,'p.i hl'lld. Willi enn hand s'-e t racs.l ' he le! t evs i o one of the pro par 'd hooks oi thn Script urns, and com m inicate I wiih llm lli.eers .if the other hind to an Interpreter, .who spike to tlieui 1 1 the mi lieu to. 0 i Tliurs lav bist ,i nan named Onn I win w is ai resie 1, cli irucl wnh larceny, at) I h d,-e I in j iii a1 I 'learlie'il, I'a. Tim niitht a man uiiii woman, elaimin; lo Is (he l.r .Hi t nod sister i f the piisoner, drove to the j iii sod were adinitl.-.l ti I! ii dwin's cell. After III 'V b'I't iloo.lwin w is loiiml id from knife wounds. I ho sheriff pur.ii'ei Iho stranire lu til and woman, overhauled them st Cumn'iisville, au l they sro now in prison. J iinea O'ltrien, alias Kobi rt nr ' K di 1 Lindsay, who dnritij Iho list pdltieal i' i in p 4i x n ilepo.ed tint be knew II, L. Morey, tip. in 'ivi dual to whom it is al leged 'resident liirlleld wrdo whit is known as llm "Morey Chiiiitsa letter," a id who siihsequeutlv niiifnssH l that he h id perjure I himself, w as seiitcnc d to iho State prism lor oieht Teats in New Yoik i ni 1 1 e ,it ini y. il p. sad K"l"7 J Hit) hidictmetit. A rnnorler nn n Sin I'mclsii pmar wrote the loll iwiiin HC' oiot ol his hate I r v.l 's iuarriaie: " rii lirtda was radiant In a lavender silk dress, with iiran-.'O w re .Hi and six button No. 0 kid k'l 'Ves. slmhtly burst in iho lliumbs. The Itriuii wis as straight as black cloth ittt, const fueled by Hie best tailor on 'l etuitia stie -, could make him, and as re! in thn lice nu was consistent wilb a p i , r of boots two hi s too small, amis No. 1! c il ar encircling bis manly lt! Inch no"k. r'oriuna ety tte'oro the cero iiuiiiv was oflr the restraininii butloti mi tlie back of his shirt flaw out and saved L..II l. om striliic'ih.ttoii.' A IIkai tif"I. Im iiiunt A o nn blind In tn bis l.lrth, a in in of moi-h intellectual visor and with many eiijtiuinit social iU . lines, found a woman who, apprecin Iiiik his worth, was w iilinu to cast In her lot with him and become his wife. Sever sl bright, be iiiliful children became Ihel'S, who tenderly and rij in ly lovu I boll) their pare. its. An entinant l'"ronch Mirueon !ii!e In Una coiinti v en lb d upon tlimu, and mam iniiiK th blind in-il wi ll uiiicli Interest and c ire, sat, I to htm ; "Your bllhilness is wholly arlllicial; vmir eyes are natural ly i;n nl, an I could I have n iirated upon I hm tw enty yens it I tlijiik I c.oild have eH en you siht . It. is barely pos-d-ble that I can do it now, though it will cau-e von much pain," "1 can bear that, ' was tl.O reply; ''so y"ll oiia 'li) mu to see, "4 I he Kiirueon operated i.'tion bin), and was ci'ttd mil I v s ji'Ci sl il I J lirsl there was faint uImuiiiui 'inis of HkIiI, lluiii more (Its Unci vision, '1 ho blind fathor was handed a r se, he kail one before, but had i. ever seen one; thou ho looked upon the face ot his wile, who had been so true and f.iilliful to him; and then his children were, wlioin ho had so often fond led, and whoso charm inn prattle had so fro iileutly lalleti uooi) Ins pars Ho then exclaimed: "ii, why liuvo I seen all of these before Inquiring for the man Ly whose skill 1 h ive been, enabled to behold theiul Show me the doctor." And when lis was points I out to him, he nnihrauvd hlu), with tears of gratitude, and Joy. So hen we reach Heaven, and with un- clnuihij eves look upon its Rlo-'es, we shall tu t bo uontent will) a view ol these. No, we ahull sav, "Where Is Christ? He to who ii i am Indebted for what Heaven Is; show me 11 i in, that with all my soul I in iy adoru and praise linn through, end lea.s ages.'' Tin? .'rf litest IIIcNKluj);. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents diseiso by keeping the blood pure, stomach renular, kidneys and liver active, is the gieitest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Hitlers is that remedy, and Its proprietors are heiiiK blessed by thousands who have brun saved and curvil bv il. Will yuu try iC-Eanle. I.KT TH K. I.tTTI.R NKS LAttlltt A child's mi r t Ii is easily aroused. How still is the bouse when the little one are all fast asleep, und their paltering feet aro silent! How easily the fnu of a child bub bles forth! even tliiwe poor, proma tnrel vnirul liltlo lines, bred in a culler, cramped in unhealthy homes, and ill used, it tnnv bo, by drunken patents, and you w ill 11 ml the child-nature is imt all crushed out nl then) They are children s ill, nl belt they look so b i.'uard slid wn Try to i x ite thnlr mil thlu Iness, and ere lonii a liiiiuh rings nut as wild und freo as tf there were no such a thing as aort'o v In llie w "l d. Let the little ones 1 iiikIi, tb in; too soon, alast they w ill Hod rausa to weep llo not try to silence llnmi, but let their gleelulues) l ing mil a ghidsoino peal, istintiiling us ef Iho days w hen wu loo could laugh w Itliout. a sigh. IlKiii't i' "iioo I inoreln' Mlstna Snow,' said a Juvenile female Ethiopian, as she popt ed her hea l into the domic. le of a motherly looking woman of her own tinte and color. 'Morlif, lisiicv" sild the matron with a pleasant s.iule. "Yoli's a lo. kin' brighl and pncrl as a little javblid this innriiin ' How's your lu.un ma ills inoriilu'? degood 010 soul." "M mid ma's puny well, ail but do rheii inntis." ' Pore soul; feared she never got over that Iheumalix o' hers. liCliu' too ole now. How's you fai'doi?" "K idder pooty well." "Pmosoul, Ise glad lo hear it. An' what has mv liltle huiniiiin' bin) git to sav to Aiiutv Snow ois inornin'? 1 "Manim i 'cut in fur 1 1 ax yer fitr de loan of yor liinblo " "He loan of my li iibb? Hear do bral! Whar's thill ball ' h-es wax what I loun yer iiiamnia las week?'' " Doii'i know." "I dar sav you d in't know Lot mn look 11 t 'r ihit moiif o' yours. Vou good fur in. Illn litlln brat, d ara be.'swiix slieliin' ill every tvf v ui got In ve- he id! Now you wanis my ll nhlu to swallow dat, I reckon. Ho homo, von Utile polnvi', an' ax yer criititin' ole itiuddor weddcr she 'spoets .' ( gw ine Inr lo 'strihulo my prop'ly uvor ll.e c uiitry liko dat!" A It , n MlsTAKK. ISecently, says a Hu buiiu paper, a Russian, r ho could tint understand or speak a word of llie Emilt ll language, enleud tho nllieo of a well known dentist, His Into ill m was to have his photograph taken, but be got into the wrong box, as he soon dis-covered t i his gru f As he entered he was met by ti e ilentb t. who kn.dly oxinndo I to liitu a chAir, thinking he had a new pa'lcnt. As one c uhl not un. ler-t un 1 Iheilhei. their tu k wasciri'iel oil by signs. Our Ittissiau woiihi diaw Ins hand ueri ss his face, signi hniii-lnd to havn a pic lino 's.k mi, innocent that he was running Into the verv j uvs ol liotiliie. The dentist nu uradv siipi'o.ed that llm stianger w, s mi Hot it't; greu pain and as an x puis 1 1 I 0 relieved. ,M dionieg him to the high chm , he nooii had his j iws two feel spatt, und was lg a av hr the unrul y molar. With one j lli and a tw 1st the llll-sian was rais "i from htschur, Hu' demist was purali .-id, and th'-re was iroulite in camp, l'hii man w i h the good teeth filmed and poll red cbargn alter charge I-n;n hta Hus siaii mouth piece, ami the dentist stood ai d g.ue.l, hold i i g t he dislodged tin-infer bet w i-cn his ptucer nu I in tut to expla'ii lhat ii was ill tig-It. Hut the more he talked the more exceed became the bus. sisn. nun lie was finally f reed to leave ihe parent alone in his liny. A gentle mini w li i happened to drop in found the sti auger rtilioiug his chops before a largo inn mr and ta king wildly to l.imc!f. He then impnrcd inlo Iho niatler, und found how i hi. gs lie, nine mi xo I . It wis a mis lin lcisi indiiig on both su k, and thn iten list, by e ismg tiiu m ih's I'liio . was again allowed to take posiess oii ol iiis nllien. """""" j'y '(;r " """ 8IM'JSS L1VK nr.CULATOR OB MEDI LIN B, Is e'liiiwnlly a Eamilv Medicine: and by being kept inadv for iinmediat'i resml w III tave many an hour of siillenng and many a dollar in time and doctors' lulls. Alter over I'orly Yean trial il is still rect ivii g the most n ii . u o I , licit Uistimo nials to its virtues from piirsons uf the highest eh 'trader and responsibility. Em inent pli v.,cnius commend n for ait dis easus of th Livtr. AS AN Kl'T-VOCTU AL SPECIe'ItJ oriMo.v or run i,k.k;y. Simiiious Liver Regulator Is cor t liuly il specific for that chess nf compl tints which itcliiiins to cure. I f any of our lei low beinei uie suf foriug froui henatin disorders nud have doubts in relation to the ellU cucy ol this populsr prepara'ion, we can only i lf '" them the simple till I ci'iilhl argument of Philip to Nathatncl, " otnei and see." Try t (i propositi remely and then mi can Judgo lor yntn s"li es Key, Pavid Wilis, Pastor ol Pioabyte riu Chiiifli, M.icm, CI a. TAKE MHMtS I1VI.U R E C U L A T O R. The yni loins of liver complaint aro uneasiness and pain in the side, S inn tunes (he pain Is In the shoul der, nr.d ts Mistaken for r lieu. mi lisin. I'he stomach is ctlncted with loss efappe'ite and sii-kuess, bow nls ing'iieral costive, solution's n'leriiig with lax. Tun head is troubled wilh pain. an. I dull, heavv sensation, fotisiibo utile I iss ot tuu.ii. .ry .ttcoiipao edwiih painful sensation of having loll undone something which might to have been ilonie often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits, iiuiiiv of the ttboio sympt ins attend thod snase, and nl othur liuios veiy low of Ihein but tho liyer is g morally tho or gau most Involved. The Cheapest, Purest and Host family Mednnee in the World ! Kor Dyspepsia, Constipation. Juindlce, Hilli'.ius aitii'ks, Slclt lleadutlie, Colic, Depression of Spirits; Hour stouiachu, llcart Htirn, do. Ac. Original nnil (acnulnc, MAM'KACI'UIIKI) ONI.V BY J. II. y.EILlN A CO., Philadelphia. I'a. Sold by all Druggists, jan i!7 ly 0 Out lit sent fie e to thoso win wish to t)') engigein the most pleasant and protl lable busine.s known. Eyerything new. Capital not required. We will lurnish you everything, fill a day and upwards is casiiy made without staying sway from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at rneo Many are making lot tunes at the business. Ladles insko as much as men, and young hoys and girl make great pay. No one who Is willing to wntk fails to make mora money every day I linn can be made In a week st any ordinary emplovmect. Those who engage at once will llnd a short road to rortune. Aildrrssj H, liallctl A Co., Port Jj"J .Me. NO. 8. ADVERTISEMENTS. purKusuuKU ua:lkoau I'orerleisnre Nale.' Circuit court of the t'nlted states for the fourth .liidlelali'irciilt and llie lliist.rn Dlstrnt nf Virginia - Atkins, liros., Co., ainlal.. Vs. The 1'i'tersbui'rf Hallroa I Caiiipatiy. Ity virion ef stnl pursuant to a bi.hrmeiit and ileeri f fiireeinMire ttml sale ri'ii'leri-il nmt en- tered on Hie mlt tlay of xn, and llilieliile.l by .leitr ntere.l on llie full day ef ..eeutiier. li""'. l',v sai.l eolirl. in llie nt'OVeoMl- tit led set Ion. I . C. 1'. Ilainsilell, Master, at'i'otnteil tliereln to sell nil nu.l s'lunilur llm niertirageil preuiises. frniii'litses and property, real, person- III. mid UllV.'d. Ill, -III lolled pi the K:, ,,,. nielli ami decree. i'-ir t leu In rly In llie;t.l section thereof lii'tllS tin S'llue iinn-tgaire.l. or lliten.letl no to br toTlniuins Itraiieh, and .lohn p. Diyis. trustee, by ileeil beiirltiKiliile of the 1st day of May, l"7a, do lit-reh give not if. that ou WKDMlsHA Y niK'.ern iuviif Aritu.. 1-1. at 'J I'. M. lit the fr uit door of the etist,,m.i,,im of the I. lilt fit States til the cdy of 1'etersbllM, Vs., I shall proceed to sell nt public niictlon, to llie inchest tnu.ier.tlie lolltiwlng ili-scriheil per soiial pro.erty v: , it, 1. 1 in: riioi-KHTV of Tin: ntTiatsni ini ii.ut tni in eoiii'.iw, hii'hi.liiic ail the l ands ami Real llstate of said cnmpmiv In the city of l'el.'rshurir. State of Virginia', nml nt Wel.loii ami (last. ui. N. c, ami aloiiirtlie hue of ll.e road. Ittiil aloliir Hie line of tlie ro.vl tietlli said places tu the c. 'Unties nf lltltwnlilie. Prince (lenrire. Sit-sex and (Ireenvillc. In the state of Vir, tuna, ami .Virllminpton nml Halifax, In Hit' stateof North Carolina: loiretlier with all liu prnveiuelit.s on said lands: all rlirhts, privilefes. an t tiilvantaires tliereto sppertalnhuritlie entire Ihiilrcitd and Track; Hie entire Knllhi.r -stock. Machinery. Futures. Tools, K.pilpiaei.l. nml Knilroad supplies; all other properly, redds, prtviloirea, and franclllses niliertalllinif to said Kailroad in Hie States of Virginia and North Carolina nml elsewhere, as fully set forth In the sanl Judgment and d-eree. copies of wliicli w ill he furnished to persons appl) Iter therefor. Sal t sale will he made li. iii the terms specified lu I lie decree of sale, ef which bidders will tike ii'itu'e, and subject to certain stiti.istlnsT pr,or liens upon th preiuls s. particularly described hi the said .hldguielit nml decree a .stateluelit of which can It" seen nt the clerk's olllce of the snld eonrt pi-ior lo llie sale, nnd at Hie ptsce of sale on the ilny of sale. C, 1'. KAMslHai.. Mister. ltlrliiiiond. Vs.," January lslh, lsl. Ja sv Ids I lU '"1 V ' A 'ti ''-e-ts-U ' ".lltt "ICS -leil 1 StWH "I I'l" "-, 1 1 V n.i axs "le.i mil pu n.iirnoi 'mis,!., ,, .,.n '.unnxnnjfr IU1J JailJe;.ti,.Ji.Hpiiij.1,lipiiK UU , j J '( I 'aatltO en nii,, not Ajnitin isi 1'iiti faJiug uer ji.j ).:uiu Jlitu X..Y I 'til H) in pnne fin in minimi .sin.o oiti jo in 'itpn I lOtlJIIJ J.IU lltaieile.uj n i, j'tlltlwtl UtAll '0100 Nl OOOIS tim.ti1iiin, ntmii.t j lift vft. iMnis-..ii-,i.iii,,i iic 'jn.inno X'I1 Ulli:.1.l(A'tMll.l 1 IMIV 'H -MMIM 'JIVlT UH1L') AMIIX mm. 1 1 ih TIT jTO mm 'xon:uiN:va :iMvi(ivvit: Mii.i.ui wjoii f XlT'tSOi T K 11 I, I .Ml U A ll V HER VEY'S OLD STAND II A L I F A X, X . C 00 II It t I. t. It I s 11 1 - liHOCIlltJKS, thiol's, SllHIlS, II AT.4, C 5, Alts: is. All (ir.iaes, All Prices, All Slylj . MilN sC'JH.Dlir.N'S, WOMP.K'S ANDIMISSKS NlIOEcl, II OEM. All kinds nf family .groceries on linml nud to arrive. Stock eoiiiietity new. .lust purchased from the Northern Markets. 8 M. H.VUY. ii .iifsx, N r. sep ;in l y A T T JC N T ION, T1IK l.iri'l li (HAN T COTTON fRKSS. II Y I K A U 1. 1 V rUKSS l U E. The only Hydraulic Cuttoa Piess for planla'.lou use. HUE I1 ICAMCE. Risks placed lu mSTsCLA.33 COMPANIES. A. IV III LL, Ait't. HeotlauJ Neck, Halifax. Co. N. C. apr "y if tf a a (ino S(tr, Two Sqnarca, Three Squarta', Pour Squares, Konrth Col'n, Half Column, Whole Column, 3 00 It 00 8 (10 10 00 15 00 20 00 ft 00 10 00 1.1 on m (to NHiMir ao on to Ml oo No o S8 i 4 so oo I M ft) CO I 66 CO' 20 00 30 CO One Yeat.,' 76 jVI KY BODY LOOK IIKBC f I w ish to inform the citizen nf Hsllfajt county, and llie public generally, that I' keep a first class house lu the town of t'OTI. and rxk,x. c- I l.tiTB a complelo stock f (JK0CERIE3 A CONEECTIONERIES. My bar is stocked wiih the choicest' French, Apple, and Peach Rrandies, also' all kinds of Whiskies, Wines, U.u, Putn, and Champiigiia, H Ks'T rKAN'l)SOFWIIIP,KIP.S A BPBCIALTIT Eager Deer In Itottles and on Draught. Katnilles suppliial at lower rates by lb do.eit liulllos. 10,000 Ignrn ol Ihe Heat Braneh, I have a first class UK'TArUANT AND BILLIARD AL0OX attached to the house. I will endeavor Ul please all who will honor me with l hair patronage. 1SEKK BOTTLISU A SPECIALTT.I Orders for (rule Filled at Short A otter. The trade will find it to their advaosfat to ordur from us. O. OPRNHEIMER, Si'n Cer.tral Salann, Sooilsnd Naek oct 21 Sin. It'' & l A nur rani manilaii Drihf sm viii war ronlaiDini I h.itri q a emstat Wimm iittsio, lerii. a of m.i. j-vittstkcttB f rirfts. a i ISssa.i.iM. jn naaaa fsywt mmf HwM. L... CwitW Is-rUsM.u u .W, L. a ,'..'.. i'n bn,-. J .1 ..... m li ii k a " I'nvftto Medical Advtacr " 4mami n. nllmi (rom mij ur midaJ itl.iaiiiti. arsi am leU ibtm-Hn f-M rtv.l tl r,.t. (4 sdarl S SrUt llh, K i(tl-l 1 1 1 tl 'a. lao Htllna (" ' lrmi.Miu.tM "IS,,". - I- tl 1 Sl SU. WMh W ISM ,U,.IM. J jstst " I) T T y"e I s Vt 'jivirjt a T , .!. sis st st. September ltlth ly miJrP busiuesi now before the pub JO i lie. You can mske limner fu-ter ai work for u than at anvluiiiK else Cnpltul uot required. We will atart ymi. Jl ! a dav ami upwards mado at horaa by the Industrious. Men, women, boya and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now- is the time. You can devota your wh ile time to the work, or only jour pare moments. No other business wilt pay you nearly a well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormoua pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and lei mil frto. A great opportunity for making uioiiev e.i.ily and honorably. Addrea True A Co. Augusta, Me. July 15 Ij. W. ll VICK .Tf!, .-.1 M ' I j CAKKIAUE-l AND IttCJUIES MADE TO ORDER OR KKPAIHED AT LOW riUCBS. All l-Imi. nfK'il work and trlmmlrwg don. in good style. Blacksmith work donn at il.ort notice and wltb neatness. All new work warranted. Pine painting for buggies done ai low prlo paict ua4, siVECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, v-s-'-Ajrv. ' t:.Vr;-;,t: i . fr '' Collins and. Cases of all slina imniksga ou Laud. ' Carrisie Materials kent ouhan4 it nrla below Petersburg market. Wehton f a June A tv 'jnili I'LAl B TO BUY YOUJi. U00PS. Groceries! Cheap as they can he sold lu lu to an ot WeUami Nice SOUTH CAROLINA H AMU 13 '4 per ponod. ConrerllourrirM l all Kinds Slc ad Freak. Mv BARIs stoeked with th best and TurssJ) Liquors of svory description. Call and see me. D. F. SLEDGE, First Street, Welti. n, N. f. airttf SPACE

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