HE ROANOKE NEWS. 1UB3DAT, JUNE 18, STATE AFFAIRS. M.iJ. J- Whedbee, died ou the 1UU iiut. ; his home In lCII7.1be.tb. city, Bertie county commissioners havd refused to iue any more licenses to retail liquor. (apt. J. F. Pevlne of the W. W. Road li t Providence Khnde Island In attendance on 10 National Contention of matter mechanic. The Washinzton Slur ssya that lt"is reported Mtn North Carolina that Hon. A. M. Wsd 1 1 will be the successor of Senator Ran- m." There are 2)1 Masonic Lodges at work In lit mate with a membership of 8,199. Laat ear 8t members died aud there ware 3i0 Dew hci received. The monHrnent to the memory of Chief Jus O Pearson was unveiled at Raleltrh on Wed !idav of laat week. Judra It. 1'. Dick deliver ig the addreai. The Gresntboro Jtirriaf says that the con lion of Governor Reid ii a treat deil better, ,n hop are now entertained of his recovory urn tin recent attack of peralvtlt. Raleillh Iwiriir : Dr. W. R. Capehart, of voca, .N. C, haa been appointed and sc .pint the position of Chief Marshal of lb ap oseliing Suite Fair in October next. ialelgU 1Mnr A gentlemin from Aran He county tt In thn city yesterday, who li te ftths of 37 children. Mil youngest ion at alio in the dtjr, and ha la aged 711 years. Durham RerUr Thi pretcnt editor, Col. amaron. la atlll In chnrirn ana will remain aa limr of this paper. The cdUo ial manaca lent will nut bo aflecled by my business ,au(!i. Winston AWtnW : Salain has not been with lit a bauii of tuuilo for over half a century. Iticivea us (Treat pleasure to note the ac ivltv display In pushln? forward thn work oa lie North Carolina Midland Railroad. Frank Riker, a deputy alieiiff, wat shot and Iliad In Stokei county,' U., on the 8th by a csperado named Isani tuulth. whom he woa rying to arrest, timlth, who haa -,hot iiiveral len, mode hii escape, and ?IW reward Is ffered for his apprehcntloti. Toisnot lltmr: The address of Mr. Theodora !. Kinrsbury, editor of the Wilmington Slur, lelivered at the Wilson Collegiate Institute, 'ceterday morning at 1 1 o'clock, was one of he best and most appropriate, addresses vriS iito had the pleasure of hairing fur man a UJ. Rnleieh Bulletin : On Monday ln', a negro m the train of Mr. W. R Hlako, on the N. C. si I road, was klllel while crnsslntr Neuse iver brldire between Selnia and (loldshom. te was trying to pull a sill back on the train rheii he ityu,ck the bridge and crushed hii kull. Grtbam tlhtnrr : Mr. Nsmrod Moser, of this oiinty, planted a tobacco patch two years ar;o. 'he drat year he gathered two crops. lout ear, hs gathered and cured three crops from he old stalks, and now they are grofrin; again, i-ith tin prospect of wa dou't know how many TOJJS. XrM-ftbsermr : The white and colored In titute for the lleuf, Dumb and the Blind both losed ycttenlay. Ouring the term the att endance of pupils wai : Whiles, liM ; colored, 4. The next, term begins In September, by rhicli time tin new wing at ttio colored de triment will be completed. l.f urinbarg EnUrprize : A a mealing of the .'oiniiilsslonerl of lllia county at Kockiutrbaiu ist Monday, the applic uious for licenses to otail liquors In tho county were renewed, and strong appeal by counsel va made on be ajf of ihe liquor dealers, hut license was re used until after the election in August. Franklin Than : In his f peeeh Inst Monday, he colored orator Price, insisted thai theia rat no polities involved ju II, o Prohibition iiovaioeiit. Tue Republican Executive C 'iii littce bad eudeavered to force it in'O poll ics, hut it was no go. He suid Hut it w is a loral question, and It should be nettled as such. .Yif Shrll ; An excursion train left Wilming. in for Washington City yesterday, the fare, ur round trip helm only $11, I. II. Abbott, . C. Trice and B. K bud Icy, our coloml cit lens recently appointed as delegates by Itie laleieh Convention, to visit the (Jaiitoi an I oniult. I'retid "lit ( irlleld i-i. reference to the Istrllmtion of offices, wisely took otivau'i'.'e f the cheap etcursion train to pay slimr ia :ards to the President. ' Ashe county, S C.. has a ci'lzet eighiy-slx ears old who walk livs miles to mill lu ii-c a nonth and c irles a lii-hel of c mi ; has four "n ehihlien, whips nine of tlo ni when they iee I it, has now a wife twnly four y ars of t;a, has li'ien m irried for time, h is used to neeo for (If y your, g 'ts dru ik re'iil irly at rory omit t and Christums, never swore but nee In his life, loves to heir good preach'ng, otes the Ditnoer:itie ticket, never paid a law er'a foe nor a doctor's bill, and rava ho cau rliip in a list U'Ul any nn ol his au In tho Hate. Er. Kiniton Jou -n il : On last Monday morning, lulncey Gardner and .lini Urynu col. on I)enii ey Wool'i Jr. plantation 'in Falling Creek ownship, angaged in an iiil'ray Bliich result' d n the serious rut line of G ar luer. From what re can learn the wives of Bryan and Gardner ere In a fuss and they tooK it up. Bryan tabbed Gardner twice, once in the ubdnmcn Inch caused the bowels to piotrudu, aud igaiu in the chdst severing two ritia and ex pending into the plural cavity of the lungi. Dr. lull was called on Li treat G.u'diiur and in savs the wounds are dauger us. Bryan lias takeu to the woods. A farmer euKcrlbor In Meckl -nbiirg county, N. C having read the, report of Mr. Ueor ge tlle.il, of Newoern, upon the lreiniiiui cotton :rops raised lu Ivasl.iu Norlli Catoliua last rear and reu nesting inforuiation as to the nethod of cultivatlou in raiaing said eropa, we lent his letter to Mr. Allen, and tne loiiowiug s his reply : "In reply to your inquiry we ould state that a 10 acre crop was pianieu itb garden peas tho latter part of Jauuuiy, SO. The crop was eohl during April. Wa 'hen listed the aamo rows and plaulud with Itlckson Clvs'er Coiton, which waa cultivated ontlrely witli tiie Allen ittwl sweep. The crop Miinnaiiced to open the latter part of Septum lier, and yielded ill hundred and aeTenly nve V oitnd of lint per acre. The aalna of peas, f iraire. cotton, aud co'ton seed aiuou ted to over one thnnaand dollars, and the net profit was aw.) ou rour acre. tunun IVhen the Ficldsi rc White UKli ( OlIOII. "No money now; can't buy Planni or tr ganjtill cotton comet In." Yes you can. Kaku up (10 Cash on an Ortn, or t Cah on a Piano, aud we will sell you during June, July, Aujmt and September, at Rock Hoi- toiu Caii ikuB. Siliu Z It. utu4 tvi thu balance, without ona cent of intereit. Cash Rates. Three Months Credit. No I ttereat. 1oq'i forget It, Grand Summer Clear nig Hut Kale of New and Second-It in I Instrument."--VjOPianoa, 500 Orgsns. All atylea. All grades. All price. Mu.t be closed out. (special 'l arms to Inatallment buyerj. Cash prlcos ad Tanced only Ten Per Ceut. Fifteen bays Test Trial. Guaranteed Iualruine.its from six best tinkers. Catalogues and full Information mailed frra of charge. Avoid belnjr Imputed upoa by B-atty, or any other man, by ordnr ng at once from 111 A Great Wholesale Piano and Organ Ueoot of the South, l.udilon ih Htei' Southern ia, Muslo House, Savannah, SraAina that poople will tuffer to much from dull the. blues and debilitated fcody, when they cap bp m turoly cured by aimply taking a few doses of Sliniuont l.iver Mediator. It will impart new life and vigor (a Hie whole system by purifvmg the Stomal li and regulating the Liver. Could our roadera 4e brought Into contact wuli tha host of feepectable witnesses who regird Simmons Uver Regulator aa the safest aud biat family fnudichio for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Con stipation, Uilliousneaa, Code, Sonr Stomitch nd Malarious Fevers, :lcy would no longer wonder at tha great fame It has acquired throughout the country. "At a geueral family reoiody for Pytpopsla, lorptd Liver, Constipation, etc., 1 hardly ever Jse anything elan, and have never boon iliaap polate.d In eliejt produced ; It teems to be al 'oo.l a purfi rt cure for all disaaaca of tha ptouit.l) aud Bowels. . J. McElroi', Macon, Ga " It ii said thai Hayet txctedel all other prstl d ntt id pardoning crimlnala. Pardont issued by h!m numbered forty for each mon.h during the four ye.ua he he d oQlce. It Ii probable that short grain eropa In Great Britain this summer are for a third time going to demand heavy exhortations of American breadstuff t and thus add seriously to the heavy embarrassments of Kugllsh agriculture. potrlllod foncst has b 'en found In Aleme da county California. Out trunk which lies exposed, ta about twenty feet long and seven feet iu clrcumfereuce. How long these trees have bean there, since petrifaction, It not known. SiHiTOn Vahos, a thort time ago wat re quested to roaka t speech at a prohibition meet ing; he declined and ai.ked the gentleman please to tell the meeting that "his heart was with llituu but Ills btjiuac'.i was agalutt them, and hii stomach wat the biggest." Tut! Rhode Island Legislature recently ad journed after a session of fourteen dayt. It was cither because thty ara not paid at all or are not paid by the day, or because board is higher than per diem. We can't believe they adjuurued with money itariug them In the (ace. It Is ta'.d that domestic slavery exists in Mbetta as abject and far mora merciless than is to be found almust anywhere. The price la from eight to II fteei dollars. Thlt la a colony of colored people tent there from the United Slates and It is strange that they have forgot ten how It Is thtmtelves. Patkick Kbi.i.xv, a son of a wealthy citizen of I'arkville, Connecticutt, died from poverty and execsaet. II is lather was poor when he camo to this country, but succeeded lu making a fortune and tried to rechiim hit ton but u like most prodigals ho refused the fatted calf lad conliuued hit manner of life until It re suited In his death last week. Flutters Kitpk, the last of the grandsons if Thomas Jeljersou, died May Hdtli, on hit or ange estate, uear Orlando, Florida, at the age of eighty one (cart. Mr. Eppes was tho son of the late Hon. James Waylcs Lppis, a member of Congress during icJTeranii'a administration, and for some time chairman of tho Finance Committee, and Mai la JeUui sonLthe President'! youngest (laughter, The i 'e fur the grand prize of Prla, look I lace on the 1 ti til and was won by Mr. i. K. Keeue'i Foxlnll. Turf honors across Ike waters have taken a fancy to American horses lately, thl- being the second race won In Europe this season by an American horse. Tho totnl amount won was $37,000. Foxhall is entered tor toe it, his stakes ana tho Ascot gold cup which will be ruu to day. Whb.'s the excellence of Rice aa a die', it fully u uloivtond hi use will be more frequent and of dally occurrence in every household. At this season of the year especially, It may properly be classed as tuperiur to any of the cereals which lire In such general use for the morning and midday meals. No other food Is to easy of digestion, and at lta present cost it is cheaper than po'a'.ocs, oat meal or grain grits of any kind. A harness has hern invented to put around the heads and chins of persons who snore, in order to keep their mouths shut so as to keep t(i ra from di-turbiug their neigh Uor. It said tliat if people .v.111 only sleep with tlulr mou'lis rinsed, they will not sii'Oc. and if Ihey cannot keep their ; mouths shut, the hurucss will do It for them. Hotels should he. pr v ded with a number of these contrivances along with Are escapes and such things. Tim sen si le resorts, not satisfied with r. liihlting the lli ijrews, propose to banish the children us w ll. A', thu Cliff House, at Tarry towu, N. Y., tin' sin eonsoii u uisly iei.lu;'uis, "Adults o ilv will he ciiteit lined." .Vveval other nili'l, In the vicmitv have urde similar Htiiiou'iecuienls, nipt ageueial wtifare iwuiusl 'Irll irin seems In base begun by the. ho'el men. 1'nrciUa will linv-to send their children to su orpliau asylum during their visits at this place. Tub New York pret.i, feeling protiably sore from the failure of the scheme to get up a world's fair In that city, appears disposed to throw cold water on the Boston project. Yet there is no reason to doubt that if tha "solid men of Boston" enter heartily Into the project, as taey now srein disposed to do. It will he carried out, and the money required to make It, if not a pecuniary tucccts, yet an axhlhitlou creditable alike to tha liberality and energy uf that city, will ha forthcoming ju due tme. Tub retislon of the' new testament continual to excite Interest tnd to cause discussion. It Is generally approved, though there ai tome dlvincs.'ainoug Ihcm Talmaga, ho arc much opposed to It. Whfltbo or not, It will eui.cr cede the old version, cannot now bo told though it It probable, that after a while, It will come into general me. One man up north who wat a witness In court, refused to twear on any but anew version bible tnd he wut al lotted by the Judge to have hit way. The men o( IJ Jl'urd, a small Wyjmiiijj town oil tho Union Pacific Railroad were i-poiling for a spree, but lacked the money to pay for it. ;At this juncture tho passengers on a train were horrilied at the, sight of a rough looking man bound fatt to a tel-gr.iph pole, while a paify of miners were suspending a nooie from a brunch of a tree. The pijioncr befircd tho trurclera to rescue him , for the miners said that he whs a thief, ails' had Justly been condemned to death. Jl was intimated, however, that the payment of 1 100, the iimout he had stolen, would t' cum his liberation. The money wat hastily contributed, and the train went on, carrying the rescued man along; hut he Jumped off at the next station, and got lack to Hilliaid In to: to ta'ic part In !!if rc-rcl'j. Tux Atlanta Smunj Sou'h nys ; Th re lives lu Narth Caroliua a family nota ble for nothing, at far as It known, but an In dloiync.atlc fundnesa for being piarr.ed In ui - haard of and aluurd places. The wedding of the youngest daughter la just announced In a clilt near Cove Creak, ona hundred and fifty feet iu tho c(r, the place being, old tradition says, au Indian refuge. The father and moth r of this romantic young woram t)ik u;uu themselves the holy bonds of matrimony In a balloon, which, by the way, became .ninansge a ile before tht brldil party cim i to earth, to that they lurc'.v cs.-ipid with their lives, pass ing the bridal eight tossing shout In a bank of very wet clou li, Ihe bride being death. aea tick. The eldest ton of the family kept up the traditlont of hit house by wedding hla bride in a diving bell, although In taking a aecoud wife he contenttd hlintelf with a aiinple roar i lags by telegraph. Another ton bore home hit blushing consort from a in irrlag ! in a rail road cur; and ttill a third bio'.her contrived that his wedding should come In st part of a performance of am iteur thestrlcala, no one ho rde hiiniclf, the bride and the magistral who per oriiied Hie ceremony b liuf Ui the accent. What biiirre antics the ne$l generation will devitc it Isdillleult to imagine, but at least the fool catcher need not consider his uecupatiou "ouc wilile an) of tli-i fa nily rema'.u at Urge. Tut Editorof this paper It In no way twspona' hle for the views or Mlalenieula of Correspond - cuts. .No communication or an anonymous character will be pitMtMheri: the real name of the writer must accompany ail communications. Any one who may fo,i airirrteved at statements made tiv correspnndeiiTs can obtain the name on application to the Kdltor. C'trrepondentH will pie. write only on one aid of thn paper, ami to avoid having- their cmntnulilcatluiis thrown in the want tiasket, will furnish their names not necessarily for publication -tint aa a irnaranty of Kood faith. iVe will not notice anonymous correspondence. vA CAP. TV I do not Intend to discontinue tiie praetiee of law. on account of my eonnre tlou with the Roanokc Nxwa. But will att-nd promptly to a'l business cntrust-d to my care. W. W. HALL. 1j O O A- I A large lot of Gem Fruit Jars at L. A. Fariu holt's. A number of came cacks have been sent to Wilmington from this county to take part In the "dispute," which takes place there next week. W received an anonymous communication signed "Cape Fear," last week, which we de cline to answer, aimply because It had no re sponsible name. This is our Invariable rule. A large train containing excursionists passed through here Monday night from Wilmington to VYiithini! ton City. There wero about seven hundred i f them. The fare from thit place, roiiud trip, was four dollars. A match game of basd ball wat played here Tin tdav between thu "High Fivers" and thu "l.lltle'llocks." The Utile Rocks flew higher than tho High Flyers and won the gsme, scor ing 21 to Id. "Don't rock so haid leetle hoys." Tin entertainment at Mr. A. I.. Btalnbtck'a resilience Monday night waa qalte successful, there being a large number present and the programme very attractive, though tluut was not the usual number of recitations, it wat very pleasant. "WINE OF CARDUI" uittkca rosy tlieeks uiul clear complexions. For sale by Ur. A. R. ZolllcolTcr & Ilro. MinAt.. Willie Kitehin, tou of Hon. W. H. K itch In , wat awarded the gold medal for de clamation at Wnke Forest College, over a number of competitors. He waa highly com plimented. Ho ia only thirteen years old ai:d taket a regular cellcgiatc course. Comwkni kmkmt. The commencement exer cises of Garyshitrg academy, will take place on next Thursday the '.lord. This school is lu a flemishing condition and the exercises will be highly Interesting Hon. Kemp P. Battle, president of the University, lll deliver an ad dress in the iifieinoon. l.tniEs I'miiiininos Socinrr. The ladiet of Weldon held a meeting last Friday and organ l'jd a sjuclety lu favor of prohibition by elec ting the fallowing offlcen : President -Mrs. I'.llen Daniel. Vice I'rcshbul -.Mrs. Beltie Mabry. Secretary Mr. Sallie Long. The olllce of treasurer has not yet been filled. Ji st Ui'.emvuK. Rafe Daniel has Just re calved a lot of No 3 fat miukerel, I'.astport her rings In barrels and half bartoU. Hams, bacon and bird. Fresh butter, cuuuine. Carolina rice, Fulton market corn beef, sllar lye and ball potash, washboards, rmoking ntid chewing to bacco. Fine liquors of all grades. Go and tee him. if AUf AX Seitooi.. The closing exercises of Miss B.'tlie Clark's school at Halifax will take place on .lime '.Mill. A concert will be givi n in ihe Court lloifse, to which the public is cor dially Invited to attend. This school has been iu existence for several years and tho pupllt each session show marked advancement lu all t ion- stndiet, Jniid their uni-rcal attainments would do credit to older people. Tin: Ititii K lien, inmt. -Work on Mr. W. R. Smith's stores will soon begin. Major F.mry, has begun to haul til lek to the cite aud in a short time ground will lie broken for the foun dation. Work will be continued without Inter ruplioii until the building is c.'Uiplettd, and will he immediately ti'led with mercli.iu.ii-e Weld ui improves ail the tinu and we hope othel houses will he ci)in,ii"in -d wiihiu the yeir. ( 'ii v mi ki Hamis We see that tlie Fiti . iii.Yof Ox font has been told to l.oekhart and rtronheiuier, mid Capt. Blggt retire! from the profession. We are sorry to io him snd wish him wi ll. Vor Ihe new proprietors, we enter lain the heartiest wishes for every kind of suc cess, one of them Capt. l.ocklnirt being i u personal friend and at one time, conueelij w't'i Ihe KiMNohi Nkws. Oxford will have i stsunch advocate in Capt, L , h'i w itlUs i grsxsful pan. Bisiiod I.tmam's Appointment. June 19. Sunday, Rocky Mount Coutecn tioo. " at), Monday, Halifax. " 21, Tuetday, Scotland Neck. " 22, Weilnes lay, Hamilton. ' 23, Tburtday. Willitmston. " H, Friday, Holy Innocents, Berlia Co. " 8.1, Saturday, Windsor. " 3, Sunday, Woodvllla-Ordlnation. " 27, Monday, Roxabol. Trmpkiianci! Srrrrii.-ReT. J. C. Price, the colored orator, addressed a number of people in thit place on (Saturday last. He advocated the a loptlon of the proh.bitioii bill aud gave many reasons therefor. He said he did not ap prove the action thn Republican Central Fxec utive Committee in making thit bill a political quesliou; that could not sucoeej because there was no political q lestloli in the mailer at all. He urged all to vote for the hill, as In adopting It the Slate would bo greatly bcnc'Med. We hear that this spoiker will agalq speak In thj. county dminr; the canvass. - -sss . - CiNv amino Board Iki.u tuo. It Is rnmored that the grand Jury of the Federal fourt last week, Indicted every member of the canvassing board of Halifax county, for alleged fraude In lt,e last aiaution. A miiuhrr of witnrssva were examined. There waa only one evccptlon Mr. W. II. Daniel of Faucettt township. Tha Federal court only takes cogulr.snce nf fraudi In Congressional elections; the State cnuitt having Juri dic'lon of offences against the State election lawt. We do not know that thlt true, as nothing Is authentic. Wc give the report for what It U north. TnmiK's Mimic in tii Watrih.-TiU, music In the waters ; uiutlc In the ocean m utio lu the toleinn foretl ; music iu the watching ttar; music lu the cannon; muiic everywhere, but tho twectest, and the moat for the money, It found In the Southern Mutical Journal. J tut tee In the J que number, that tweet forg, "The 014 Musician and his II arp ;" the grand chorus, "There's Mutlcln the Waters j" "Mascot Polka," from the latett opera, and "Blottom WaltJ," for the six year old music ttudent. Over 11.00 worth in thlt one niiuiber-113 wqrth yearly and to cap all, f '.00 worth of Premium Sheet Music preiuntcti each tubtcriber. Twenty pages ol musical reading matter, and eight pages of Musis ruinlbly ; and all for only $1.14 yearly. Bead a 3 cent stamp for specimen copy of the ueatest brightest and best Matlctl Magatlne In the laud. Address Luddeo A Bates' Southern Mijilc House, Savaunah, Ga. DsATfl or ax Old I.adt. Mrt. Rebec -a King, very aged and respected lady, died at the rcsideneo of ber ton Alex. King. Esq , near Crowclla on Saturday last, after many years of patient tuffcrlng and aftlictlon. She d been unable te walk for about nine years, and during the last few months of her life was allllctcd with both dropsy and consumption. She suffered much, and having a firm hope In a better land beyond the grave, where her toul should be free from the palut that racked her mortal frame here on thlt earth the crave 1 death as a welcome boon. Her funerai wat preached by Rev. Mr. Vaun Sunday after no m. Deceased wat about U5 yeara of age. Rbtirn or roncUAsxs. Sehedu'e B., revenue act of 1S8I, rcquiret a return of pur chaacs for tix raontbt ending 30th of June. Tha blsnks for the purpote say : k- "You are required by law to deliver or return to me, within ten dava after the first dav iii July, I8H1, t true and exact statement of the amount or purchases made by you, as principal or agent, or through an agent or commission merchant (or otherwise HII the blank amounts,) for six months ending June SOlh, 1811. The amount of purchases both lu and out of the Slate, except purchases of cotton snd other arm products from tue producer, mutt be In cluded In your return. Keep the sum paid for liquors separtte from that pant for goods, wares auu iiiercnaniiiae. nils return must ne sworn to. Prompt compliance with the law is requested." PlitsoMAl.. Capt. Coke, of Raleigh wat lu our olllce last week. Miss Kale Long, returned home from Bt. Mary's school on Fr day. Charles U. Hill, David Camp, Samuel Kltchln t illio kitehin and Wilile Joscy, returned home Friday to spend the holidays. They trt students of Wtke Fotott College. Dick Rattle, of the Xrwt unit Ubunir called to see ui Satuiday. He wat jutt from Wakt Foretl Commencement. He tays ho list beeu on the go for a long time aud wonts rest. Call again, brother B., we are always glad to sec you. Dr. W. R. Wood of Scotlaud Neck, was In town Sunday. Mr. El. Shields of Scotland Neck, towu Monday aud Tuesday. wat iu r.iNuw oon lTtiu. The uiop prospect Is fair, though m uch cotton hat beeu killed by the re cent cool nights. The Methodist Protestant church bat been commenced and we hope loon to see it ooiuple ted. Prohibition as it stands in the law under con sideration seems to be unpopular, though no one can tell the changes that may take place before the election. Rev. Dr. Smith In the P. E. Church, two nights the past week, delivered lectures ou the ucw revision of the Bible. The F.plseopaliatia have furnished their church with an elegant chandelier aud uight services are held weekly. Rev. A. (1. Wilcox, preHchts here every tec ond Sunday evening ai d Is un earnest and In tciettiug speaker. G. E. M. Oi Next Fahi.-'1 he premium lists for the next annual fair lo be held here ou Oft, lilst to Nor. 4lh inclusive, have been printed and tre being dl.trlbiilfd, 1 ho list is laigcr, more varied and more liberal than ever before. The arrangements are perfect and vNltort and ex hibltors can test arsured that everything will be done to make the cvhinliiou a success. The officers give their time aud attention for nothing but the good f the Society, the ad vancement of the material inUi csIt of this pait of the Slate and the aonscqueut beeelit and improvement of the ptopln. This fair is always well attended and the ex hlbitlons large and mirllorloiis. We hope all our people will prepare something for exhibl lion. Ihe races will he excellent and blooded slock will be abundant. How To Makh Caubviiks. Wc clip from an exchange the follow imr which is worth attcn tlou : The piae'i'-c of burviiig half ripe plan's, such us iu.il. ', .ve., in uriler lo ocvciop their more nourishing qualities, has iu id a uv departure. The ti'iiiitineiil is uow applied to cahh.i.'. "An range c-ointv farmer ' who has suffered loss lieeiiuse nf his e.lbhrigtl lioi maturing into Miilid heads, but spreading into nurses of unripe leaves a defect but too well known to our gardeners.thouglit he would try how the French system of burying the plauls would answer. His success was complete, and now the cus tom Is comiiigf iiiiii high favor, and lini mure so because the calitiago lreati iu this wav, when voi'kcd, dues not j,ive off the powerful odor so olijeelljiuable to m.iiy prisons I he mode of pl'ocaJurc I. lo open a ti eneh about inches deep, and, afler sprinkling some snil at Ihe bottom, to pack lu the cabbage as close as they can br got logdlier; then to cover the bq with boanls, hru-.li, cornstalks, aud dually with earlh The ends uf the trench are left open. We should suppose It would be necessary to protect the tieiich from rain water. Cabbage, after In nig bin led as described for Iwn mouth; it report,', I to ha crisp and of Viiy supsrior qualily when cooked. 1) si.ika x Itkms Several of our citir.ei I have Just returned from Rileigh, litre thi y have beoii lu attendance upon the lulled Slat s court. Several of our citi.ons are lisvlqt; II) lr dwell mgt enlarged and r 'p.iiyted, which adds great ly to their appeai'auea. A number of our young men left f or Wash ington on the cs-ciiMuu Monday night. Mr. snd Mrs. Hale, formerly of Wildon are now residing iu Ihit place. A grand hop wat given at the Southern hotel in thlt pltce on Friday night last. Mr. T. B. Hale of this place, who has been acting In Ihe cnpacl'y of telegraph operator at Florence, S. C, f r sc era! months Is ou a visit to relatives In this plane. Thmnss Is a clover fellow urd wo are glad to See hiui, Tho farmers In and around Mils place were visited w ith a considerable rain on Tuesday laat Which was mil1 h needed. Mrs. Skinner of E Iri.lon it very ill at the residence of Mr. J, thn A. Moore, lu Ibis place. The colored people are creel iug a large Bap. list rhiiN.h. which, when Completed will be an oimmeut Ui the place. W. Six RfasOns Whv vou ahould use the Seven Spilngs lr n and Alum Mass, made by l.aiiilrum A Lllebneld, Abingdon V a. Keail them : 1st It It the medicinal properties of 111"-. eral Water, condensed, and not a pttent nicdl- CIIIH. 2d. It Ii the natural properties ef Mineral Sprlngt, It thcrsforu not au artificial concoc tion. Xd. It It a gift of Nature, and therefore not a combination of noitruini. 4th. It It simple, himilesi and pnre, and It, therefore not poisonous to ths tyitein. Rth. It t cQiiyauluiit, reliable and tafe, and therefore Just the remedy everybody ueeda. (lib. It lets upon the blood, and through It penneatei the eutire intern. For tale v B. T. Simmon! and Dr. A. R. Zollicofler at Bro. TlIK Chlrarn silnirer Sewinjr Machines nisnit. faetureil by Tr.vber ami nweellaiul, each marhlna Is thoroughly well made, and tllletl with utmost eunclip'ss and furnishetl with a cerliOcato ol warrantee for five years. buvimr tirents wanted. Apttly to J. W.ljeascr ley, 1"5 Chqreh St. fsorfolk, Va. Si'SiNU tso S"Mi;u Ci.otiiisij.- As the teasen Stlvancea we would remind ur ruaders In want of clothing to call al ahrler flioa., US Main St., Norfolk, Va. They have thn largest anrt finest sssortment In thn city, and will sell tliein 20 per cent, cheaper than anv other hous In Nor., folk. Frm axd IruoMD. The negro, Vlnaon, who aome time lines wat committed for selling whiskey without revenue llcente tu Nortnamp arapton county, by United Slatee Commlitloner W. Mullen; an account of which we gave at the time, wat last week convicted In the Feder al Court, as we learn from the iVnut ond Coast- vtr. Judge Bond in passing sentence said : "Tou have been convicted of earryinr on the business of a retail liquor dealer without hav ing paid tba tpecial tax. If you had been a tlorekeeper, engaged id tne taie oi various avr tielet ordinarily purchased kf the people, aud had surreptitiously told liquor to a customer, your conduct weuld not have been to bate aa it now la. But you have, fur the aake of the gain to be acquired by it, tak en a ttock of spir ituous liquors to the chuich at,embliel, pic nics and utile gatherings of your own people, who assemble from lime to time in your coun ty, to debauch them wilh liquor. From such people as you represent come an me uisiuro ancetof public worship, and all tha breaches of the peace among the quiet people no assem ble lu a neighborly way to enjoy each oth r't society. lull ought lo be puniiiisu, ana mil severe ly. You have attempted, lu violation of law and forgetful of the struggle your people ara making to acquire the ealeeia of their follow ciiixeue, to slop thtl effort by destroying with liquor every uoeie impulse mey nau in insi tliicctlon, and that for the paltry pennlea Jou unlawfully received. " i he Judgment In your case It that you pay a due uf 1,UU0 sui) bo impriaoued for tix in on tha." " BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures sia, iutlige.liou aud heartburn. spqi. For sale by Dr. A. R, ZollicelTcr ,fc liro. EsriKl.t) ItsmI Major Mayo, through the Editor of the F.iifield VnCmr, complained that wc did the people of Whltakers Injustice, In laving, "but little effort waa being made lo teeiire the capture of Riekt Blake, the mur derer of (irlffiu." We fulled to tee the connec tion between a murder on the Mayo plantation Hid the people of Whltakers, uesrly three lllllcl away. The facta are these; the murder wat committed on the morning and tha murderer was on the adjoining plantation all day and was teen by three dillereut men at different times, aud hit eaptu e by a few armed men would have been an easy mailer, uo force of Ihit kind wat tent out. The reception at Mr. J. II. Porker't Friday evening wat quite a rechmhr tltalr. The house wat danacly crowded aud most beautifully and artistically decorated with lovely aud raro flowers. The bride wat becomingly ond ttyHsh ly dretsed in lavender silk and dauicssn, m train. Dancing was kept up till midnight, when the guests were ushered into the dining room where their eyes were gladdened by the sl'ht of the tables groaning beneath tha weight of lux in Ion of every description. The presents were numerous ami costly. The young gentlemen of our town, gave a complimentary hop Tuesday night, to Mr. R. B. Parker aud bride. It wat attended by ll.e elite of Enlleld. Many ttiangert were pruteut. Every one seemed to enjoy It and pron unccd It a great success. Many thanks to tho young gentlemen, of Eulleld for aueh s pleasant even ing. The music was excellent and iutplritig, Prof. Mctiwlgan commenced mi Monday evening, a dancing school at Parker's Hall. It la cxpectel lo be well putronUrd. Mrs. Wills of Chapel Hill, daughter nf Prof. Hooper will spend tome lime witii her titter, Mrt. Spier Whittkcr. Mis. Cotten, Mist Lli.le Cotten, Mr. ami Mrs. John Bradford of Talln basset, Fla., arrived at Mn . M. C. Whitrield'i Tuesday night. Mr. an 1 Miss Hunt of Oxfoid, are visiting their sister Mrt. Sam Paikcr. We wcro glad to teo again on our streets Ihe smliing and bright face of Mitt Sallie Whitfield who h it boon on a flying visit to Mrs. U. O Edwurda uf Weldon, and Misses Masui) of Northampton. She relurnuj home Sunday evening acicnmpunled by Mr. W. R. Suiilli, of your town. Misses Mattie and Allen Hell re turned lust week from (Iraham ll'gh school. Servieet ware held In the M. K. Church Sun day nioruintr. Mr. Watklus gave a most ex cellcnt and practical sermon. The church was very much erowdvtl. Hereafter Mr. Walkiiii will have rervicet every first Sunday, Instead of the second. A prohibition meeting at Parlor s Hall oil Monday evening was well attended, over llfly dollars waa raised for contingent expenses. The following LtJWU.ship eommitti e was elected (Juorge H. Curtis, Cla.'iuia, T, J. Dennis, and l. B. Hell. '1 wo colored men yet to be od.lcd; the two sleeted declining to tcrve. X. Wit l'cg to call the rrtlor; atlontlat to tint riIvhi tisnnent ol hi. Martin's Iron Tonic, wh loli will li fnuui in Biniilior column. I Ins medicine U a prep irai ton ol linn Hint ('ali'nv balk, in coililna In. li Willi the pliospptes, noil in imlnrispil tiv tin medical prnfi asion, anil reeniu inen, leil by tlioin fir I yxpepam, lonoral Pi.tnllly, Female, ('uinp)auil, Want ol Vitality, tc. It la inauti'ai'tiircil lie the Dr. Hurler Medicine ( oinpinv, No. 2111 Norlli Main Ntrect, Si. I, .in-, Mo. It In certainly the iiioM viiliiahin reinoilv iu tlio inurkol, and un I.iilnlv nIiouM I.. II to keep it in tho lioino. ToIh.Io, (Ohio) Northern Democrat, mr. Id 8m. NEW A I ) V E K Tl S K 1 K N'T S Tils. Ill Kl.lisil OM UAH KKVb. The most fsnious aper west of I'bleaeo. A n 'W'spaper t.f the Slffl. Alwa.lN Up to tile Utiles. AMv trttlullli-ted It f u rll Islit-a the new s, and nn one h is ev r ehall.-uged Ihe reputation of "The best paper Jo Iowa-" rim i;cni.ixt;rn hawkkyic. Is more quitetl frttin thrut:hnut the f'nlfetl Ntatti and Canada v 1 1 it it any oiher paper now ptiidislieil. ip aeeitiiiit uf lis iH-igiual and timely humor, wil autl silire. Tlie tlots, naetclies aud letters of the fauieas huiuoi 1st. JtOHHItlJ. IIVRUKTTF, Apiear In no other paper. The weekly will lie s-iit to any d lrs-s for v no per y. ar. tl On f..r six iin.utlit. tlaws deal ers sell II everywhere. Asrenta wanted tu every ettqqly In Ihe Tutted Stales. den, stamp for tain pi" pev tnd terms to ageula. Address 1 K II W k KY K ' liorliliirion. luwa. TOK KALE OR KK.M". Taos(,tres on First street fttr sale or rent Terms eay. 1'o-sei.sinn given at once. Apply lo 1. R.tTM.OM. June tin D ANIKL Pit A IT tOITON Of. .S. nauuluclurcd l( I'raitlTlllo tltliaui! We are aide a rents In Norlli Carolina for the sale of the lla I Pratt L'.'ttoll Unit, renders, autl Con. I 'Users. The he.i inanitions In Hie world for iilnnlng oiion. stn,s issier, iinis eieanor ami we rusr antee th th" mauhines l.i give heller satls'ar- llo than aty in use We are al o sole a-renta In North cam ma lot tlie tale ot the Sen, ,11, 0,1 Macon lleinijla. Hand, llurse. Water or Mtrain power Uutloii Vresa, Wrongest aud beat ad) u .ted Press lu Uatt. If you are In want of l Oln or Press write to us. nii.iriAitrwici a t r ucrijjii, Kalelgh, . C, R'lfereiisie to Raleigh Nat. Rank. lunt I Sin, N OTIC K I desire to warn the Bublio ptnuarallv agaltiNl employing my ami, John It. Shaw, who ran awav from inr premise tin ilia t Slst nf .May. IS81. TLe aald boy la only 17 years m tin. June: lm JC'UN I. SUA', ADVERTISEMENTS. rp u K NEW IIOnESEWISU M4CUISE, J. 11. BEAL, ACT, Hackney BroV Buggy Work. J. II. BEAL, Au'T. F.r.rm.0, N. C. Th -se Mwhluss, B Hflet and W ig nt can be had of the uudersl filed at lowest cash prlcet. Reasonable terms on application. Address J. H . BEAL. Ao'r, Miy Uth-lyr. Kxriiau. .V C. V. H. BROWN. THE LEADKR OF LOW PRICES! 1 have Just received my Fall And Winter Stick. Which la fuller Mian aver before. Special atten tion to BOOTS AND SHOES. I keep a full line of ."Uler's Lace and lluttou Shoes for Ladles. I have nlao a lane slt.ek .f UAKKBIt'S IIKA.II.IAN SIIUK IMtrsSIXO Full LAI)lfc.t AM) I'UiLliRh.V. My Stock of IMtY .'000i N ll T 1 O N 1. J EW K I. R T. la complete. Also a complete line of Dress oo.ls. Worsted, t'tsulluere, Hllk Trllllinllitrs, Fringe, Uul tout, Cornels, (lose aud Half Hose for Ladle,, and Uenia, all 0 11 K A T K 0 H OAS H.J Call and examine my stock before purcliaaiiif elsewlo-re. Corner First St.. and Washington Avenne, iiov It ly, JNGINHS AND MAW MIL LS, Wo oiler tli inline Una excellent lot ol Kngiuea, which wo warrant Milo anil ill good work lug unit) aa wo try every ma oliiuo bulote tliippiug. The ainall onglnva are iiggtul lor gl'iuiog and auwing an, on skills. II 14 11. I. Engines and Hollers are f7,'0 aeb, 4 li H. 1. Engines aud Uollert at tr'5 to i't'M 0 It'll, 4 III 11. I'. K ii gin oi mill Hollers at $".50 III fiilHI. 1 7 H. I. Kngine and Holler 42. 1 ft II. f. new KligiiiH ami Uoner $173. 1 11 II. 1. Ktig.ne aiij it,r fipo, 1 13 II. 1'. Knglne end It i.rr fjtiu, en gine new an I iitiiKir nearly mo. Iiisw.- II. f, PiiigiiiH mi Hhepl$7 t0. ii II. P. Holler and 23 li, 1. JCoginc, $l,'i')U. Light Frletlini Saw Mill, 20 foot carriage screw ha.ul blot ks ami 4S lni'h Diaaiou Saw, Heavy Friction Saw Mill, 25 foot oar rlage, Nt'rew lioad iiltiuks and 62 ItlllU I'lsa lon Saw, $173. Kacbnl FwhI, $."fl oxlra. Our. let I'unij) will ruiao water out ol a well Ml let't tloup. Write for circular, giving dimensions ainl price. New Kngines ami II illora of any aix" in ado to urd or. TAPPEY .t STKKI., mr. 3 6m. l'otnralirg V. ' ,) Alans sir 1 ,r, . sl ii'-.f.'ilv XO twism U1VH JIKALTU- Kxcnllrul Toiili. A Iterative mid Diura lie- Medical aa iation, Lyitt libii-g Va, Ct 'd m itli great beiictlt lu Malaria and l)intlit-riA. Sutvassfullv tispti In dvanepsia. rlironio iliarrbtei ami soroluU. 1 rof. S. Jackaou, M. !., I'nlr, Penn. Invaluuble aa a nervous tonic Hon, 1. C. rowler. Trim. Rticomiiisnilc.,1 at a proi livlacilc in ma larlul diNtrleta. I). If. Fairs. M ). N, (), ltn,torui, deldiil Hud a v -tie lus to health. T. ' Merrer, U. 1)., In, I. Adiipte.l in clirnnio itlanlioea, sprofuli nntl il.vsi'psa.-,tJoo, T. llairiNon, M, I) N. Y. NiiccesHici) in diptborin and nouialgla. J f. oiil-o, M, P., K. I . Kxeellnnt fur rertiln diei pertillKr to woinon. Hr.il. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va. rrninpt in rlieinn headache, tick and nervous. Itov. I., t . Doilaon. I -ett nn greal Iniient id dyspepsia J. Melialpli, M. !., 1'a. Suited In tiroub:lis and diseases of dl Restive organs. J. Y, Kuiiiihlon, M. 1 Ala. Most TiUiablo rntnejy known for female diseases, J no. I. Meltoaiir, ki. I)., L, 1 U. (if grunt curative vlrlue, TUos.K. Bum buhl, M. 1)., Ma liHneflcl.il In titnrlne deransement and iinilarlous uondiliona. 0. M, Vail, M. 1) (llilo. Charming mi the fl impleilon, making II Minonth, oloar, soft and rosy! Miaa M. of 8.0. The prlnoa of mineral tonlos. Francis Oilliam, M. I) , N. V.. liieatnnaiilti as a t nilo aujj lteratie, HuiiUir MfDuire, M I. Va, Kino spot or aud blood purifier. II. Fisher, M. I , (. Very benellclal in linprovinK a reduced aystetu. Ilislinp nockwith, of Oa. Invalids here (And welcome and health. Rhv. Jtih'i lUnnon, late of La., now of Richmond, Va. Pamphlets free, upon application. Water, ft a caa. Masa and Pills, 25, ou, io oeuta. pent poai-paia anTwnere Nuuioier season or Springs begins 1st June, f3A a month. Andreaa, A, M. DAV'IEI.Pras'l of the Co 7H Mala SI , Lynrliburi, Va.P.O. Box 174. KOLl BV 11. T. Kin10't, WELUU, N, C. apr, II ly. 1 VSX-- ADVERTISEMENTS. i n tan JSttW buuna 1 SfcW UOOD3!! A. II. DANIEL Si CO.. HALIFAX N. C, We Invite the attention of thi citizens df tli 1st and lb adjoining ooautiaa ;to our large and well aolacted atook. Wa bave on bapd every thing utuall.v kept la TIHIT CLAD XJTABUSHMSST. -We are roaklur a apeslally of every thlnjt-. DRY 'toon, NOTION. BOOTH HHOK. LA 1HK.H Al) OK NTS rURMSHI.NO OOODK, UROCKRIBS. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. In Fatt-t We t'n Fill the fT a at In ANY OF OUR CITIZENS. Wa ara Manufacturers Agents and have always on band BL'MdlsVS, WAdONM. CARTR. MKT UO BCRI AL CASKS AND CAHKEra of all descriptions, which wa can place at low aa can lie bought in any IQSTHIW XABXIT. Ilavlnsr bouabt our (toods with tha oatb at Hook Itotloui Kiktures wa guarantee tn give aatiafactlon to all who purohaaa Irvui us as t P1ICK3 AND HOALIir. In the rear nf our store houte, Mta's, J. K. li.nlel A Co., have a K-atatiiaia, where ran lie found aa choice a aednot'oo, nf l,i,iior, Clgaia, Jtc, at lu any UoUaa Sonili uf Halllinoie. Hil'atlelpblrt liter Fresh every duf. Tie public will (lini uir elerk evur cotirtnoiis and at all times read and will ing lo show (lotiils. vveaskon- liltmla to ecnnnm'sa -a Ihey can do Mn lit puroliatlnj; of aa vt can Nave Ilium m mev. Tliiinkiiiff llio piibllo for Ibe rfi gmntf nua patronage Imrttoforo lealotviii upo t us wo trust, liy nur houiai dtnliii;, til merit a uuiiliHiianee of tba aaina. K. H. UANIKI, A CO., apr 7 ly Halifax, N. C, OTIL'IC. Ry virtue of the power nfasMa onntalneil in a mortKaito niatio to ut by ii. U. Pant ton ami bis w it'o l.ucv K, roolon, dul executel nn c ho I'lh day nf Auatitt 1S.-0. nml ret'oi ilt tl In book til.' paea 13 ) ai.U 131 of the Itcg-l-ter'a olllce for I i all lit K uou"ly, N. U. Kaitl iiioi Ifiao tuvlog lituiu exeou ta.l In lieu nl a prior mortgage uiada to lit by snlil H. ii. and Lucy it, I'uoluti boarinn even da'.o with note exat ute t by aain H. 1. iimi Iiiioy H. Ponton ofCSrd, Auk. 1J7'J, we will on the Htb day of J one) 188 , in the (own of vYehlnii aell for c-! to tho lil(ieat I'l.l If r I tut follow lug real esiHto tlost'ribH'l In tii.l inorinaiti ai ona uiilIi viiltt.l oinhili intertsst iu and to Ilia rttiwr hinds of Mrs, Mary Ji. Day, do eeaoil, John Malpiiiov an I Edward Mahonsy trading and iIuiiik tmsinese as J, fc K. MaUoiioy, y ULAKK CLAKK, Ti eir Attorneys. mr. 10 3m. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMERS' "BON A.NZ A." Maiixf. a new vrartatda from X. A.,4inrtnv fruin aultilna avev grown aTe. ttelltilous raw of rooked, heed sent by mail ilons. a paper. htrr bean of Japan, half Itean bslf lisa. said by chem ists u be Iht rlt-hest ImmiD ffotl knowq. Klnt fitdder plant, also. Keetl IS els a paper. Cuban Uueeu Watermelon, lust Imported. Inrgvst Tarlly vr aruvin lu I'. H., Ann. luscious, erlsa, anst tncsry ; best to keep ur ship. ' els. a paper uf St teeds, t papers tr l. Very scares I.tftf-of-Wshm Mtisktuslitu. larrst known. :' tol fel Umt tint uiialltr. sarlv and priilirtc, IS els a pnptr. I'lluiaa TiiMiaiti. nt'ltei Savtr early, prttlltlu. pnllU-wu. tspittleU In every wav. IS rts. a paper. Vltlt Karp tian Cum t fn.ni ths Nllet. leMs Immeliaeif In Ihe Htttllh where tilhereorn falls. ViiH)uali fttr tsbla or stitek. ets. a paper.?! ets. a pound. 'IVteiinle. me plant fetlsactiwlwuilass: luioU f, hlctt. I& els. a fiaper. Ctitco Corn aralnsl In. Imif , S In. brtiatl. Hed will bruit fatitiUetsprleM. Ilelt, a paper. All the above sent fur tl.S of each for S2, Address V. H. UII-Bt RT A t'O. Atlanta. SJtk Retrrriiet; Jloil. W. 1.. Callleuu, ilayor 0$ AHaiiia. u T I c li Fxerutora l.und Male. Hy virluiof am order of Northampton Soiinri or ( 'ourt ami of ihe anth irity veatHrt iu me as KXHiiitiir 'if Wxtirita W. (Iweoa. IttcMsmut, I a aiititt evetoitor. will on Mm, I y, tlie 4;h tlav of I ilv. IHI. sell at nub. lm auction at llm .inrtli niaa nf Halifat ooiinty, fin f illiiwiiist wimble pioperty UeltiMging t Ilia eitat nf mi teslittor aud sitiiatml iu ai,l eoiintv, to.wit . let. That valuati'e mill pmporty hii I appm teuanoe loeaietl nn luaukey Creek, witbln ona mile nl 11 al it s totvn. 'jn,, ona undl viiIhi! lint, I inietest in the Ijowa traut. ads j tluing Die Uu, Is nl VV. i. Tillorr and itnvrs, hirii nn Kach Hwsmp an I oou- tainiiig about four liiiniirnd iterea. ) our Iota ailii itoti Iu the town of H ill fax.towli: Nn.HJnn Main sirre'. unn taluing aloro Imuse (now occupied br J.J, Wood at post niaatorj and a gon, warebjiis u cio. o.tj known aa tlieul.l Clark's ofll' lot, upon wlneli Is a good brick nfUee, and No. 3i and 3:1 to the rair of the aaid brick oiljce. Ala i the lot near said lown on tha A limington hihI Weldon railroad aud ad' joining Ilia MilUa Kppna lot. 'I rinsi : One third caali. tialaif nn nna and two year time, evi. lance I li y bonds wall MMi'iirnd an, I titlo rottinod until pay liient ol all I ll 0 lillre'ta-o) inonnv . JOU V T. (rHKjORV, Klecutor (f. W. Owens. Tula 30, h day of May, ISM, Ju i if Q 0 M K TO TUB WIInou .ilrnU Normal sabool, Nfwaion bejfins July I'ltb. Tuition free. Board, imduding furnished rtinin, lights, and servant I- $10 for lbaaKioii. All the uaual k ios taught. The IimI tsaeheraau 10 ran employed, ataxia l.aniems, , ..rttug ctluimu light 'i 1 lull descriptive leeturet, used t.i 111, it. trate tlie sonsucea and a vovsgs round tba world, tn winch will ba ex'iloiled viea olcilieis, p ilanoa, castles, cat bit Irale, man tlineiits, perk", gardens, tonntaioa, wttr ialla, celttliraletl apnuits, lakoa, grottoes, mountains, vllevs. ooea is, lore-t-., dto. All leacliora alii wiah to Improve theinr selveia in llmlr hoble oalling, and, mean while to have a delightful tunc, allot; 14 not rail to altaud. Bring VQgr iMioks. oapeclally lhna ra. com ma n dad by tha .State II ard of K luca Hon. H. liASHKI.lt. A. M. Jtius2 2t uptiiiitsuuoitt. . L A IS U BALK On Monday, lh 8th day ol June s, at puhlio anulion at the Ceurt house iu Ualifat town, will be sold tha following valuable propaity, aitoatad In KelifaX 0'iuutv, to wit : I. the tract known aa tha Hamll plana, lying on Q iankoy Creek about ona and a half in Ilea from Hlifai town, adjoiomg the lands of W. T. Purnell, Mra. Marr Puritell and others. At least one-half nf tbia tract ia cleared nj iu cultivation, and la tine oottoo bind, tha rtlher half U well wooded. Terms : Cash, but aatU faotorv terms rta ba made. 'i The land btlonging to tha estate nf W. C. Ouihr, ileoetsMl. adjolniug tba landaofK, U Shaw, W. T. Eura. A, 5iei beoaou and oiliers, cnuatstjng oftw t trsota, one oontaining eighty Sevan aeraa and the oilier two hundred and twenty, fire acres, more or lew. AH thi laud is wooded exoapt Iwelra or flflaau a-ras, but about ninety acres esq ba ea.llv cleared, Tho balaoaa ia heavily timlieret with Una wblta salt and biukor'y and U oa tha Una of Ihe proponed Htllntntl fVom Scotland weak to Halifax;. Terns: One third cash, balauos iu oua and two years. for further particulars, apply tn ML'LLKN AMOOKK, AttM, HaUfw, ft - aisr u t.

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