I THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC Vr K li K h Y N E Y S P A P E II , PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCC. HE ROANOKE NEyg ADVERTISING RATES. llO AN i ! I H I $ 0 ti m b4 40 00 46 oo to 00 06 oa 75 Of SPACE -L HE 0KE JEW8. C b I 8 00 00 H 00 S 00 10 00 20 00 8 00 Jo 00 30 00 10 DO 18 00 3ti CO 15 00 20 00 40 00 2o oo no oo eo po One Year, Ono Square, Two rxiniim. Three ritiuari-i, VOL. X. WE L DON, N. O, TIIUJISDAY, JUJAr i28, 1881. NO. 0) our rtriuareH, Fourth Cnl'n, Half Column, Whole Column, One Year, tn ndvane f u Moulin. Tiirae Moulin. 42 on, 1 mi n ft' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. lis. i .u. ir'it.i.ic.iri'Kii. nil. b. . Kii.i.iOd'KKR- I)" VR. A. tt. ZOUlCOPl'RK BRO., I'lIVSK I VXS ANI Sl'ROKOJiS, V K I. I M. M. C. Drs. A. It and 0. B. cillicoffnr, havlnit uiiPed partners In the pnictlrt! ( in '(Icmh under 'Hi.- shlc mid llrw nf l)r. A. K. StiilllronVr Km. 'ittir i'Ii-u )r.fKinil services .. thn imblm ;r"innllv ninl solicit h share of their putr.uni:", t hoy (fii'i-iiiil"i' c itvtnl ninl nr. mint attention In "tint boils. (I n of th" tlrtn will alw.-ivs t" fnilMil at tli.'lni'lli" III ."Hie HI.T' Urii rStnr.' ivln't-" -,.;i' boils will li" tfit'.l at nil hours and iinen ti.tiwHixry, I. itli will visit nn I iriv-' tliiiir iilii'ii tt in in ii-iri.'iits without extra cliur;,'''. in r i; tr. y A I. T K 11 H. It A N I h I, Attorney anil C'niiollor At Law, W K I, l S. X. '. Prartlcs ill II dikix ami ft I) 'iiiiinr e iinil lea. Sjl'l'ial U't'llMo'l ITU' 'U to l-dlai'lll'l in ..ill purls "I t ho Slate and iinuiiiit returns marie, fi'li. 17 1 y Jj !l. 1 H i). W. II V H T M A X . S II P t B i II I (' II I I N I . Oino ovsr W. It. Brown's lry (lends SI. ire, wianox. x. r. W'H V'si ifl I n! Ilii'ir liom.'s when il.'-vtv't' Terms lt":lsoi.al,w". '. d I.v J M. II It I 2 li 1, VI' I'(5t' K Y 4T I.AtV, HALIFAX. N. 0. Oflin in tli" I'nart Hun", strli'l r.ttcntlnn fllveti to (ill braiia'ai's of Hi i p rotes iinil, I n n 12 ly Jj T. BRAS C II, AT TOW VUY IT l.ttt. UN ICI.ll. X. I'. Vm-lic m in t'i hi ii of Ililifax. Nash fcLreen nli" in I Wih.ci. (' 'II 'I'ti i.n mi I in (il Urtsof Hi'' Siale. Jhii 18 If A.TT9UXKY 1 V MW, WFJiOOV, X. C. Hp 't'llVl att-'lltiou ffivil to Collect inns nii.l jremittaiuvs promptly mad . ntiv Itf. IAMVS! . Ml'l.t.KV. Jl.UX A MOOIIK Jjr 0 1.1,11 S A M I) il R K, ATTOKXEY T l.ltt. II I.I FAX X. I'. pii"lc In lln' e. unities. if It-ilif-tx. X ir'liiiinn 'a. K I .''' i nli'. l'ir 'I'i'l M t ft in -In tin1 Nu prin tMiirt of Hi" fi:i,i' mill in tin- P.-.l-r.-il flsoru nf t'i' KH'i'rn lli.trii'l. I'.illi'ct Iikii in ulo ju auy jiart of ttM Stnt". .inn I ly T 1 IIG.MAS sr. IllUIi, AKoi ucy n( Law, H VLilKAK, X. C. Pri"tl!''M ill UlllfU (VI I !-1l'llllll I'Llilll il'S n.l I'V'.I Til iii.l S'ln.'i'iu I'.i'ii'N. Will In lit Siinil.iiiil X.-i:l, nui'j cvry foi'l .fht. iinr'.'Hif rp W. M A S 0 N vrrnnxKY' AT MW, (? VUYSiiCR'i, X. ('. yrx(..M in 'i ' I'l ivt oT X tr'trinu.ton ainl A 1 1 ii :i I it r ivKiuM.'i, alio in Hi ! l'',l"i':il dii'l s,i trj n c i.ii'ts. Jnii'' 1 If- w. u. hay. a. r. zoi.i.'i'oi i n. D AY 4 Z J L L 1 0 ij K F K K. lTTS:tXKY( AT LAW, WKtDiiX. x. r. Pri.-tldi in th.-' iM'ir'i of IPiIif'is (i i.l n lloiiiln ,' O'lllll'"!. ntl'l ill t'i" S'llTi'llI ' SI II' I l'v"l-ir:ll I'.'IU'I . Claim ((..lli'i'lo I In any part of Nor'li I'aroluia. Ota of tlii! firm will always lm f niu.l in th" offtor. Jinn-'Jil 1 y- D K. E. 1: li U NT K B , SVUQGOSI I E x r ? S T , an bn found at his ofticn in Ktifioiil. Pun) Nitrmn Ot'iln (Jan lor the I'ain It"" Kxlraotiiij; ol' TtHitli ,il ways on luiinl. tt 0 22 tt. H. SMi rtI, Hi. AT rOlCVEY AT l.XW, ooti.aso Nkck. Halifax County N. I' Proe! lent i" Hi" coim'y "f HuHfax mil a ljoiii Itif (loiiiithiH. ami in tin- SuiTiii." couit ..f tlio HMtii. 1" iy- "illSCKLLANKOl'S. OliciJ X0 TU4.VKa.K1U1. 1 am n iw runuinu i-viiy il ""' Bo'itlmiJ Xni'k to Mull I'n i. 1 lniv H'-om-f'lrHol two licr linck, wliloli lia,vni iooilAiitJ N.nk, everv uinriiini! for fluliliix Bid nil unit " iy. tt'iH put'-"-gorn ninl e prtwt piuiKiiisiit rt HHiiiial.m j-.ai'i. I am hN'i iripni't to fuiwiain .ir.iveler-i, priitni-iini! to npiird nu piini in upaLo tliuui o 'iiitorialilo. HoKpiictl'iilly, W . Hi SHi KLIiU. Nov SCtf. ,(JLtHALiK. Tlie fotlDwlna nlnnblo real nutste lylns nt'iir Tiilorv'x Mill, I" HaliLiu .'oiintv ,boiit niim liillon from tluitowii m llulifux. About uiii) acres inoliiilint? U.nii itiiui'. hw mill nii.t tlnturni, itiu. Kin Ihmimi uml Ilxtnren, ailjoiiiiiii? tbo ruiUUinto of J. I' Tillery. Mik Wiikiurt, thit, oontaina about '.( ,oros. Pope pl" oonlAlnlne about KM) norn. InterHst in Wmla H THIory tiHut, lb .wliola uonliiiniiiK nbout :I77 iihioh. Apply to T. N. HILL, Attorney. Hiiltrux N. O.jnly :iltf GREAT 9 AR CAINS. Wti nr.' now reiii'lvlnit our new ami 1 1 antlful (inula rfctnilly puirh.ised ot the nniiuftx-t n n-rn. .ami tit.r.lially Invitn yu t" cull and sec theui. ' The lar.ireat and b' st selected tflocli (.( ,0(iL!) WATCHK-!'. SKTMiiKJRWKUlY. .ti A N 11 lllt Ai 'KLI'. l'S. ' OI'KUA AMI (iPAKn rllAIXK. lllAMdNII ANIl UKAI. HIN'lS. hl.KKVK PCT ftlXX AXIISTI P". . af OLIil MllrV KH SI'OU.NS, KllltkS f. Tuc Bnt !10 t'aslor uml $3 C lock l- v r. it n o L n. IN.. Yoiin jf V. V. (ileatit a and linprve y oir .eyi'siuiii. Wateh. a and .Ie"try rei aired by the beat .workmen. Kngravinr natly done ny .). X. t ill Mi ti lllpi. ictjl)fl retcrbbu,r0', V. WAITING. Tin'' liilc mils In ami tin- lull, rolls nut While tin-iian.liTinu Lri'ivi-s jiluy, ' Ami tin' LrlKlit itar.i wat.-li from Hik lieiilliii: ky Knr tin' dawn of iinotlu'r dny ; And wearily wali lilni; the ios'inu wucs In the llirlit or tin' i'i-v ilawii. She L iK'cN mi iIuiniihI, Willi a worlillon ir;i or, hilt' the liilv ciiiiKs Ihiiniii'iiiij; on. Oh. when' l Hie Invi-r o l i.l.l nii.l ti ne, V h.i u.'iit m lijs w;iv wild 11 'uti;'" II" kioMtl liii Mi mi a lrii.ii r Mini", Aii'J tier li. art wa- br.n't :) I stmu Ali i mIu. M al.-lli'J ll Mil .iil ..'n il,i. VrikI' Ll'iklit III III" Kk.n III 111.' liMUK Mill ; Hilt III" ilarkni' f.-II. uml III- limit rami' not, A:nl :l in it 1 1 1' t ilay i l:a "(Hi, m it hill'!" 1 f nioiini' l. w'th a hlllcr wuil 'I 'll II a i'Iuvi- In .il," III" Ullli-lll -li:.". And gl "l Liv l lu-.il l, Lh" 11 mii in u lull- ii-. I, I ho liiiint!" n pi ti.-.- I- lut.l. Ili-l l.o. r mo in.:- nut mi ll,.- - in. I) T1 ,, A 1 1 -1 li.T h.'.-i I in i Iii- In. n il An I Hi" l i.li- I-.!,, in i oh a .ii 11 n r ..it-J I iilii'i-, li-il hv lii-arli mi hl.-i . CAUCHT N A STORM. II j;li up in a i;.iii-.'iv valli-v In Smli'ilun I, nlni i.st 1'iiUxi'ly Iiiii In I" emit incuv i-liiT-t, win a lit 1 It- chalet vheiu tt .Jow Julia .nnl her I Li lie Ikij-s liveil. They weic very poor, ownliii; iipilih (if nu (iiloM inily, im lUin, r.n'.y s.i.l, se.oecly Millieh nt to keep l o or three cows, 'llii-ir lionii' was of tin! pnorot 'ilesri -iptiou, thn Wrtll'i louse stmii-s lilh-d in with inos, nn.l the proj -elilii; liliif hire heel" of pine lellk i n 1 over poles .nnl weij:heil di wti by heavy utmiet, while a hl'L'e siiiure holj in thJ top aili-;;-J both for wnnlow a.i.1 i luniiii-v. Tables anil LeO.-teails wi-re naUiiuwn luxu ries, as slUlll-.n W.T" Hllii-titllteil tot 1 1 ic fin nu-)-mid haik cnVi-iTil Willi liav or the latter. Hill lliey ivere strung uml liniilv, ninl lenl never been aeciistoine 1 lo anylliin (liU'ereiil ; :iiiil the hoys, in summer ocpiTially, ll.i-il a free, joyo.is life, their iin-ny "joihl" nfleu wakinti; sweet echoes aiiuiii llie ioeky elill's. .lull. inn, the eldest, a lad of fivleen, was llielr i-'iili'f reliance, ns lie was already quili' u skill ful liiinlcr, filluwiiir; the chy chiitiioi.s to its Iniinils on snow i l:ui pi nks, where It Feemcd luipossihle that, a human foot couhl ti cad. Fiedrich mi l i'raneoi were several years ;.iwnii.rer ; hill the) lie 'pi d their mother weave liaski-ts, und in siiiiim -r lil'e 1 llieiu with Al pine slrawheij-i.-s, wliieli the eairied uii her lieiid to the nearest, tn-iiket loivu und nolil. Yet Ihey w.-re ofl.-u reduced to L'reat w nit ibiriii:; the Ion,', col I niulei's, iu cp.te of every .i;i-i'eiiliiiou to lay ill suppl ii. In the :i it t n in u of ls?4 a un.it niit foi tune be fell this (ami y in Hie iU.iib nf their mils ly the inurr.iiii ; and this sca-on was follniicil I y un iiuusiially severe ivinti-r. Kiriy in Novi-iu her tin-re eanu; a h.-avy fall of siutiv s t th it all cuuiuiii'iiralinu ivas cut oil wi'h t'i" ti'-t tiovn, while on Ihc ln-iulits above it at cumula ted to mi iistonishiiiL' (It'pth. 'I le v us. . I lin n-suppl.es of fun tl vei l sp.lr ina'iV, hoi'inx eaeli d.iv a eh niu'c would cunt", win n a litllc siiiihiie: ami warmth w mid fi.llll a C.llt olel lliesuil'u e " the se iv. suf teiillt '"' bear 111" lives' Wcilll. Hill Ihce. 'iil eiin'iiH."d e.v'n-llie, wild, .4.1.1. uicd hv hill i.li-unlailis, llie wiultv .nil I. .el lilt i- l "Wit. It wa. ii sad, anvil. us lit!.!.' croup lieit il1. eltil till- all.-r day in-'Iinil 1 1. .' 1 ilih-. liiiire ilin'l more scaiiiily ,-prea.l. Witlow .lu'.ia was a i; I, ( liiistian wnniiin, ui . . I sue piayd ear- ji.'t I v I'm h Ip in tbeir ev r.-n.ily ii "! p.ilienee In elidure iwllinill liilliuilllin'.. as fre-l. alls nf snow wire eoiii. inlly jtiliie up the liie; p 'W.lcly tl.lkl s, al: t ally l.eai Iv fVl'tl v.illi Ike V.ilde. x-'ohanii saw with nl.iii'i .h.-iv f.-cl.le Lis lliolhei- V as t;i oivii!i,r, and. fieiiuLT I lint lie nin-t do souiclliini; liel'ore his own streiiih was i-v hill, led, lie t- S i in I icil to llie op inn;; ly llie riihrcpole, and looked about him. 'Hit! but mini.! likh up on the side ot the mountain, und altlnniLh the sti-ep slnpes iicar h d bvt three or our t'i 1 1 of mow, lie kneiv licit it had nceiimiilnted to Hie depth of twelvt or lillccii in the valley thi..i':;k wliieb lie iiiu-'l. 4i - to ita, h hclii Hill llie liv. -3 ol loo, i ilea, lo bi-.l i1,'jU'..il:'il ! tipiiu the ell nt, and lie p-Milicd to tiv. .'.s he j was alioul lo liesi-ciiil lu.o 111" hut Hint te'l tils niolln-r his d" ei niinalioii, l ii dnek joon ii linn ant! said, "ILiu't you Ih.iik we Iw u'd i;.-t as lar as Hans iiiaitte's hut '! lie's a u I Ituntt-r, ninl sure lo liavi-a eliainois or tivo i-i -.tore. Il"'(l let Us h;:ve Si lt;-. Ullt; t Keep US i.hve til' Hie lliaw ccuk's." "1 had jii-l inatle up my mind to ir i,'-' i.-. plied .loll. Hill. "1 Hlppose if Voll Went w 0 ll me we could IniiiL' hack a lik'er lo.i I. Siill I don't like to have )ou lake the i.ik.'1 "II would be youiliT (or yo.l alone. We could help cacti ot'.i"i If you 40, Ji.liitin, 1 140 w i t Ii you." Then vi e li-ul In tier start at once, bt f 't e an -nlhei htotin uouies." I hey told their mother nf lln-ir plans, ami hade lief not 10 ivon v if tln-v del not i-'tnru thai llie.ll!. 'Hieil Ihci fas'.elli'J sn oi hoops on I heir shorn, in-ntf ( the lou-h lir.u.clies I of lir tiei s, iiiteil .eed with slintie; cud, their I lucid suilac.: l.cl.iiie to .sustain Ihcni m: tl:e lull ul llie situov. 1 It w-.is cirly In Hie mnriilns when t-n-v In -'.' in Iheir perilous joiirimy. Their imiilier suv tliem ilenait witii a sinkim heiol, L11I -h" knew it was I heir dutv ami lonhl ml ho'il I Ihcni back. Tbo air was very cohl, and ni most at the Hist su p they t-aiik into t... act Sl1nwt0lhc.il' wais's; but t'H'-.V lielpul each other tip on Hi" locks ami .liiut'-il nlim"' nar row irv lct't.'.s uheie Ce li-i.-t slip would throw Vhein down steep pieelolees to BU'e de stine:! ui. V -t for sis In. urn Ih-.-y . 11-iie. 1 for ward. kiiouincHcit 10 slup -.no! rt-l w..u:d he cerlaiu'.leaili. ns sle.-p v.. 1.1I1I iiis'mtly ov. r coini tlii-u;. At last -l. -v sav, Hw sic.i.ki' t ur lui"; up from Hat.s (liaille's hut. I hceied l.y the pi, , sped of Hie r.-st and f.M, ihey cave : Ion. I "jotb'i," which liioiml.t the nltl liunler to Hie top o Ids roof to st'i who eould l e up proaelrii'':. t-.ceat was hn am 17 mailt wli-nln: recoioiiji'tl the hov. He u.c.v them n h. u.y weleiinie ns lie drew Ih-nl lli lo lie' blajt nu' lo"; liie ami relieved thcni of their ml I. wet il.iruicnts. Th-.'U In' plan il fo.'J ami nnlk he fore lli. ia. After lUe pv.'T fa:nl l.e 1 li-y Lad mi! is Coil llielr hull'.,'' 1. Hit)v tul-l him of tlitir tle-'t'u- lion, an I mill thev ll ui com" to In 1 for s 1'i-tii laioU- to Like haek In t In i r iuiu: I niolhei- a -il liu tt l-r.i'i ... iii.iii'v ii.'li i" u eiiee, pi imt-ii II. ill. He next niniinei lo .1 now ri i.deicd. I lie old 1. 11.: t-'oli inn. u i' i e,' I i ""Ik for . .'. r the 1 tp ir i-'.itli y en scu'i d to 1; i v.i Hiein all Hi' V The in-x t day wis qiiilc tisid tin in lo u .111 "V-r, as roll,! i m i-, mild, and he n I a nidil's fiei..u; emu to l.e-ir their iitiu'il make a mi)!:. lent w cm lit, and liny iniiit it-inn nun inuiiiiis. finiiiui!. liny lolloiKil nu aiiuct, "in .loli.iliu w.u so iiuviou. uli i il Ins motli.'i-, he iuh'.ste! I'l'-'U stai'.iu,' very early the tn.-con 1 uioruini;. I liny fn.leiii tl He ir of provUI-M -i loiil,' pole ; ami .li'linitn p i.eeti one i .u on n. .liou'der, while I'r.-.lericli fnlli'Wctl, Imliliii:! theother ; ami, mill wain iiieir .iiuii" n-i'" n tlieir liai.ds, tin V ftai'ted lapuliy ioiwato. I h mil. fill to Iinil Ihal. Hie miow ynlilnl Hit lillle to the picssiire of Ihclr broa'l hoop-i. Huns (tiaille moiiuted ins mm imam unu w.ilche.1 the lillle lu.utcs, till, just beloiu tiirnlm,' the pmnt of proj. etln;; chll. the hoys, sci'iuu liini, cave a louJ partnu! iinL Mis' lb', vibialiiin in tlie ir caused by that mrrrv, thou.'htl.'ss cheer set u i;mit uvn'anelie In tnolion down the steep precipice over their heads At hist I here was a low ruii.hlinK sc. und liislaiitlyliic-i'iisiiiu'ln Volume ami m teusitv, ami, U.'okine; up, Hit y saw U (.'real y.liiln'dotid rUfbiiiK UP ' t1"'1"- , , ,, . There v as no escape, iindj droppltifr their lutrdcn they clasped their arini alioul cacti olher, anp sank down buncd beu.iu li forty 1'eet of the cold uliile mass. 'Hit old mail hesid the lliuml. rin'.' aiuiiul, and saw tin' poor hovs drop up in their knees, hut could do no hiiii to hel,' Ibt'in, for he (,;,,. too well hat iwift in I sure d"slruetion u'v in the palh ul the terrible aralatu lie. Weil auaie that Ihey would be dead ere he c.uiiil rescue lln m from that deptb of i'"', if thev had not I n iii.tantly killed, lie fi- ci I d a 1 his elf irts to save tiioW' slill left 111 Hie cotta-'C far up llie (lemltile valh y. Afier a Ion ' and perilous a'k lie succeeded In lind Inu'lliespolibut aad slj;lit Ibcro Kreekd ''''ttl" l'r.itieois was asleep on Hie rmi'li Lij np'uu UiwU UUiuuthcr M piled til all Hie elolhinv; to keep him warm. She w as nil -tlmr by tliu rulil liearth an lifeless 11.1 llin whlln Binh'.'is lylnu upon It ; yet a happy duiile still lesletl on her face, for upnu her lap lay U10 old I'.ilili, uml her IliiC'ir vet poiulctl to llie verso, "KluMvd are they 'that jo his com maiiilnii'iils, that they miiy liave a right to the tree of life, 1 bihI may i:i)'.nf lit tlirolieh Iho (,'au-s fn In the city." tt hen fct lu-r (he porliln h id np.'iii-tl I Inn could not tell, but he thott'it thin wiiuld itrarct'lv havw doited rrp nhe wni Joined Ly tho riin-oiiii-d M;diits of h r buys, ll was a Idttcr atvukeulnn for liltle I'raiieois, Imt the kind liudt.-r took him to h is own h "lo , itiid .nl-'P'ted him in his own. It was 11. il until Lite in tie' sp.:i; that Hie lft",i iioi iliift uatli' hv the avalanche iii'lieil awm, ami Hie ho.l'. ,if Hie two In tit h -eisw-re foil d With llie. r .11 , ns still haked ah nil h oHier. A i-oiil;!, wooden cross now milks the spot, 11 i'Ii their nam. s ami th" dale of lln-ir itcit ti rild'-'y c 11 Ve I Upon it , II11I tlo-s In 01 otllv tUie iiT the 111 my Hi it I p n' d 1. lie I0V1 iv Htllll-lne-dar on rr w.ii over Ike I . t.-.u to ('h.iiuouiii, e.u-'i iiiiikii s.iui" s.i.l record o In. ui-n lam tHui'le wi'h ll,.- 1 . !:, I.iller 11 i 1 1 1 - r in Ihii.e I moenlaiil ju-ii's. ' 'ie- . . "Now 1 1. 11 Mi: Hons niSi 1 1:1. I! vutuc o I's n:;" and value lilitl plelloiis a.sociilt ions, tais i.Iile ir.icr Inis lieeuine a l iable, ll llill-t l.e 1 erv am ii tit, for who c-ui tell when or hv v horn it was wiilteu? Thiiil-amls, from the s.hci-h.ihi'd pil.;riin to the lispnie; inf.nt, Rink to nightly s'uinlii r uiuriuut iu'i Ilia simple peti li.u. il has Iu iiiii!i ..l 011 the lips of the dyiiir;. One. i,,.l:ilice w as that of uo old aaint o mijliiy si cais, whose mind had 10 failed that lie could in rccoi.'11'ue his own ilaupltcr. "Very loll, hiiii; (..ays tin- relaloi ) wai, llie se.-ne one iiiuht afier rctii iuu'. ns he called his daiieliler as i slie Mere his mother, s.iyiiu; like a liltle chilil, ' Mollier, come here by tnv beil ami bull' me say my prayers b, ore 1 uo to sh't-p." Hhe ciuii near, lie ckispi-.l his while, wRUercil lianOs, and reveromly said : i'Now 1 lav 1110 diovii to sleep, ' I prav I'lii'e. Lord, inv .mil In keep; II I .) i, .lie l.t 'i.re 1 wake, I .ia I lice, Lul l. lll, .'Mil In take," Hun ipiiitly fell asleep and woke In heaven." A ilisihieuishctl tlinle, who inauy years ai;o died 10 Neil Yolk inevliewe old aL'e, said that Ins ninl her ...ul Liitihl llie staua lo him in iu fauey. uml IL.il he never iiiuillnl It at niull. ,l.,liii ijiiinc, Ailanis made a sinnlnr n..seiliou ; and 101 old sea captain dec! u-ed that, even hij forj he In I'li nt! a decided I'liiistiali, lie never fo'-ecl it 011 t mine; in al tiiulit. An eminent Iti.h .p, 111 add cs-iue a Sunday school, said that ee s iiiuht .in.-e his niotlicr taught it lo him w in 11 a haiie .11 lice kuce he was aeeu. ioined to i .-pcat it .,11 ret n ine;. Tin-it! is an tfc.'t(-ittiby wliuiii iinLtiiiv 11,1 whien Hi 111 v's lii the linen es.nr, ivnie; a dis Uiieiii cly Lhristiau tnue t ' tin lines : lint 11. .11 I I. iv l.e- down to sleep. I p'-iv l l , .-. 1'n. I. lav nil 1.1 lo ep ; II I -ilollld .1'.- I-. !'.. V I .!!.,., 1 ,!.! I i,t-e. l.ilil. li I y soul 10 lake."' , ml ilns I . ..'1. I'm Ji-.'u.' sake." 1-ruin another iinkm",. 11 source is ion praia r for nioruiii. whi.-h 1 a eompati' :ay 1,'u wel i oie.e to .on... ,,r our n a lei's : ' Now I v ik-e )( 'Hi "I slf"i I pt.iy 1 I.-.- I ,.:d u:v . nil I,, k 'I; I: I .1. -il.t .1.. l.i-ii.ri- . lit- en' I .i i v I in ", I 1 .1, 111 -mil 1 I li.it 1 :a :y w iiii ia,i s.u lour ,-ive Aim 11,' A l'i.iMi;iii:Tt:n ni'iMiiM Ai'i'i.ii'.n to Ci'Mtti-.r inii I'l ir r - Suppose Couklinu' ntiil i I. til s illlle faille of IdlilV sie.tlld lilltllly Will, ll.ll lli.li.'l still be the C 'llnliy's nplllioll (if thi-.e two wonhlt . '.' The tpu .lion Is hc-t nu sui-rc.l l.y a r,:e. a.: ii.eii'.-ut iu Aik.ins.is, Tao Noilhern fharki had liiiirercd nt. the Hot Spiiniis until their con'oint ftin l.i d win Ih-.l to -T- J., llllil ll rt'i il 11 oil l0 lo la(,o t llflll Home, liose. said Hoc, ''we iiiii-I rai e as take by hooli or ''rook. Von have noticcii tltut n!j .Diuie, v.llo.os (i Ve.:'y iift-'lliooli lilidcr 'lie hi" nuk tn-e in h -t I of his 1,,'iim' ce:y nl'.i riioon. He is li'pt.rted lo lie Hie happy I' r of bnlli dollars and opinions. Yon saunter (low n thai way, casuiillv cntam' him in eonw-i-sut'oti, lav a wa-er with liiui on a y prep i.t' toits pi-opo,,i -tinll, to he tlicdcil I'V the liiM mail that conies nli mi -r. Pet hiitl that his oak live is a heccii, and w he. i llie iimm-v is up. tip me u wink down at the cm in r. 1 a' tuiiit'ied lo the t u-kt ! w II h tii.il .piickuess cf p-rcepltt li ihal is ll.eihlidof "...a ..hv. Ie ainb!.'.l !i .'li .slv .lowit Hi" -Ir. -'t in a heie hi. vi.-lt'ii sal v. nu uii. over, il lieaC in the s, ,-!, .f Lis faioiile tree. " I llal's it llllt! Ilea, 111 V" tlit'l'd,'' H I ol Lu( Wll.lt k.lel of a l.ee do nil t ill it;" " I'lii-t tree'. Why, any child iu Al Lucas ronld tell vou t'l-'t Ho is an o.'k tiee." "My o ir si:-, 1 ilo not Lk" to tpn-siion lour co'-iceiness, hut vt'H are ceil 'inly mistaken. This is a lu-ccli ir-e." "Well, now, 1 woiihl j tt-1 Hue t t you spill thai I li is is nnl a heccii In e," replied old I'iVi .. a-'-he ran Ills I'.llll lo th" el "W into the c ip i. inn. p irkd n( his panlal.i-m-i. 'T don' ii aid our lu-inel'," iin.wcr. d Mr. I'oe, and I haven't so much a. $100 w ilh toe .in. I low. hi i I II s, e urn ?.'5 and I. a.t' the ipii .iioii to Ike I. .-! p.l.-ci Ly. I p lieu! llie li,, ei. y .0.,! at... came Uo.e Iu :i urerit hurt v t-.- li.i't t a iiiitu on tin- n--t corner. "Inn ;aitl..n, slian ,er," laid II. ie, '-Inn e'le not, a lillle dilli-rem c of opin ion a. to w hat s.u t of a Ire that l.,, at. I .ui slia.l sc'.li" this til. iiuie. llial. said K.-'. Willi po.divc Pip di.mlerest' d mr, "why . nv foi I n'liulj ki.ovr IL.u is a luei h tree." Dn. s hn n. led over Hie iiuim y, and rising floin his st it, he reiiuti ked m Hie uiiht.sl m. tinier imaL;- i 1 1 :t 1 1 1 1 : "tieullellH-ll, Villi' Vo won ill'! .1 ike and i o li ' re ii i Iconic to ii, leil L, I me in: se a rate permit mo to say ib it you ste two , ll'. d -dest Itiols tli.ll eier set loot ill Hie iS'.att of Aikapsii;." Pit.- Ari'os- Moi'Kii.v t Hi - nr.-1 1 1 1 I ion Sony of lln' lillle chaps nf this e,-ni--,ili.iii, I'm they are -11.11' il and er.n d Willi every eauul I lie-; li. d'oie liicl Retold cti'iiull lo injoy it, iinil i heir vn cradles are In led with iiiail-les, mid lot.s, ami pot-kel knives, au.l hall., until II,. v are Ml' f lie. I Ilia I i;e! I, lt d t.f , vi'l 1 lllilli; an I Ho jlmiil unhappy ai-t ithtpine; lor ionic ll,ii,U' el h'll.lr.'ii aoi'l childi.-n ii. ..v. 'Ilia liol-ilo t la) 1 1 1. .-11, It. -r li'WII ball, nnl ( it, in -, i no (...pal., -iiel stiine; em, und put Y:n atie.tiil Hu ll- ft .1 t-i;l llc.ll I 's. Ili'i ks .Hill s'e. l a !.;-. lot pay I !--;ti' nl'er I a -.1 i. 'ui. in'., i -I u ill a!-,i .ii . iciiieliilier th" liisl s.'eel kiss I :: a' i.iiii mine, l-iiije.- cike., v.tie lil'j'li'V '"oil in tin ir I'.iy, Imt Hi v lien r tin '"' d n. c, inn ivakul up ill" i ui jm. tk.it ..liiiiiln ii il iii niv iisloii,sti"d hoBinn . ttoiiilerif tie- iike of t ni. is lo collie liai-k li a iu in in 1 1-Ml i i:'' I hope, for love i.i Ht.iM'ii, ami Hint kind nf h'M W'.s pii.tii-t.pt ui il oiiip I lioi'.'til Iv I t-hi've tlie lio)s of Hie iildeli'liines hiM-d "mis a heap t "tier limn the bus do n.uv, and v"r.-ii il.ia. Tli'Tc wasn't so man) lli'itt to distract lln-ir a'li iition a..d scatter it atte.iiid piniiii.cuciu. hv, wk, ii i'i" t f Hint: oh: Vim' li n. hoed a unl'iic l oci ber as I1.11.! i.. .1 mule f uld tie!.. I.ov. d In r nil over; In-jii.l felt t vai tly like lie t ..u'd '.i ale iluoiuh In o.i.l ,- seis to .'el her. It.it now there is mi many liae clothes, so unlet! jewelry to ilisliacl a yoiiim irirl's iittcn'iou, that sue thinks more of fashion ami clotlus than she does of III" bo . I.'.ld Ul. II tin te Hie so mmiv halls atul round dances unit so many priiuil.cenus nuns swiuu'iti"; her ..round that she likes one fellow IIS Well ."I I'.liol her, ll"il Hll! Iroiilile Is afier she nets married she keep i n lovliiif 'em. If I was a ynun man luiv, I ibm't Hunk I would iiiatt! Willi Hint sort nf a y,lrl, uiouey nr ica tiioney; thai Is, if there was iiuv nlki'i'sorl wilhin iiiarryiui; dislanee; nil I if 1 was a ulrl 1 wtm tl say,' hands oil, youin; ientle ninn, until the preacher makes us better ae ipiaintetl. Tlie.e are old fashioned ideas I know, but soti.cliow old folks can't Ke,t lid ,uf 'cm. ;tii Wise uml iiaii) . Jfyouivill stop ul! your i'Xlrav.ie,atit mid wiouit uoliiuis iu dyeioiiu"; yourself ami fain Hies with cxp( m ive doctors or huinbuir cme alls. that do liai iu always, nud use only n.i- lure s simple rcineiiies fiir all your ailments you will be wise, well and happy, und saiM ori-.il cvpeiise. The, create, t reinetlr for this the i;ie.il, wise and (,'nod v.iil tell joil, Is Hop liu tci s rely on it. f '' .. Said l.i.l v Mon'airue; It noes far to recon cile inc. to hem woman, when I rctlrcl that I am thus 111 no dsner of ttver iiianyint'out'. NEWS ITEMS. I was a cood deal more, ot a Semitor than Miller will ever be. "At Too," At present li nil call seetus lo be Iho only 111 Active politician aimnij; llie sjlalivai'U. Tho certv.-tcii flirurcs ilmw Hint llie total re. coipts from luleriiil revenun for the llsi'al yeai ended .lunu liiltli were J.ri.U.'il.itGO. - Th 'renin In P.ielnn.md Smtlln mil.. and feinah! adulls, priiprielini nf heads of ninnies, im ttuMo 'Jti urn while au.l I ; J colored. Mr. W. II. Kilzinmh, of I'leilerhL.-biir:, fornierly nf llie I niversit y of ir:;iuia, h is a, . copted il i.o.l t , u the ;1.IIU Slhool III Noilh I .irnlin.i. Cotiklinr; il m lllier ulilpped nor vlnJe alcd. lie I-, as ii wen-, .tan. Inn; w III iclueian' feel win re the In in k and lln- i:r ui.-el. - ( ,., e ((.' .'i,' Mi.i. It lie-liH o tlai.ii Lpoii llie IL in. i r.i'ie moid lli.it the lit pnlilic.in psrl)- ill eon iy li-oui Hie cmle.' at A 1 lii n v stvonjer tlrm it Las L cu foi iiiiin v years. New link ,. ,.,,, ,.. The Pit, shunt '-.."ilc'i save Ht"re have Iumi iu the la. t it ii yt ars l.'iiri-ss for murder in Allceheiiy eoiiuty, and only four b in.r'up.'s. No wonder clime I'.oiiiislics I here In bloody ItiMiriancc. l'. Isenator Thiiiiiiiin writes from Palis thut Le v, ill remain In Kip-ope. mine time after llin leecss oi the conU-i'cuco, wUicli lakes place di reclly, nn.l that he and Mrs. Tliuiiuau may re main abroad tinlil lit It Sprint;. I .lell'elRon H.ivis' IJiM of jolirililli illl Is III t ' the people want news and Inlorm ilion, and want It lu parni.'i-iipl.s. Thev will hmdly sliind n licit m ire tlnin a )ar:ii;mli of i lilorhii, und rebel u;;niiist anything Itl.o an essay. Hilly Iho Kid, the notorious murderer and outlaw, who for years liu liccii Ilia terror oi New Mexico cait'e men, was killed on the I Ilh Inst, by Hie sherilf of l.lucolu county. 'Hie Kid was a native of Ncv, Vork city, mid his real name was Mi I.'; i thy. Mr. .lames Dtvls, of Paul, llnr eoipity, Is Ml years of ne;i, and litis this year' ffteen ' a "res of s-au ii. a ,al' h af collon nud a petatn iiu.l melon patch, lie has perform tl all lhi'wo.k ncees.aiy lo itf cnl'ivtilion, ciecpt a hall da, of liked labor. M.h; ,','.. Sitliin: Hull and Hir.'o liuinlie.1 followers have siirrcn.leroil lo Major I!:otliei!..u nud aiu secure. Major lirothertoii has hecn workiii"; for ueai ly a war it) set urn hiiii, und h is al last ;-,ui'ci'idctl, lie was starved into liutitnis- SliMI. The Mi.sis.ipjrt 1'rol.ihitioiiisU die to hold a State Convention in .lacks. m on tt cdnesdav U' .'.t. The Vickslmii; ..-.. ,7 piediela Ihal it will be lirifidy nt einli'd, nil pnnsiit llie Stale bt-iuu' r.'iiii senle.l, ami il fears that the move ment will injurk.usly coliipliinle the i ,. lilies of tie Mate. The (,. ci'iitl altitLpt was iL.ide -I ii 1 v ihe 1 1 lii to roll the ui iii c it t u-r between Kockv oiin, I'Vaiiklln ( n'p.i'v, S a., nu I Ikon-ille. Ihe en Iter was shot In the hand, bill c..c:tpcil with llie mail by pultint; his horse ul lull speed. The di'piiriiuenl oiler. f.'IK) reward for Hie nr. rest of Ihe hiehiva) in in. Mr 1 "i'i lard has just shipped nine uioie ! in. J lean rai e h'Mses to l-aieimd to reinforeii his .table UiiVe. l lie victories of Inhpio,. and Koxli.ill have itiven il hie; boom to llin belief Unit the American horse cull heat all crca'i mill no doubt he will lierclol'urii he re re.ciite.l in nil Ike enait nu in' eveiiLs In i:u"lan.l an I KraifC. I he imiotiiieciu, nt thai n serinu einj.i";c. Weill- had taken place near Sf iv on S.iliiul.iv IS comb lied. M. ' of tl. i' le id. i-s r.f lilt- r,i volt weio killed, 'i mo result has iiioilu,'.-t a trreat itnpi ,-s. i.m on the Aribs. l ln 1'nueli ciinniaiiiii r ul STiin hn in ib nil Ihe imnnni ate di.ariii.nui ill of the natives, the dekicry oT ho. I'l;, -s and lh" payment of II War 111- deuiniiy of 1.'i,0iI,i,ihhi francs. It I unlawful in M.i..-a.-hus"i.s ,, keep a di inkle:; liar in liny pl ic" imt visible fi-oin a i' puiili.- slice!, and ni'icciis t.r otii, r oii.ira,' lioiu to i-l.e v "w r re pioh'bi'i'.l, ;:s well as uni an . iii. ;cui ml nf ii. i il.-s and c i-ks to i-ilcel Hie sa-ue pll'pose. l ln-- :,w Is now strii til en I'liccd ill LV.stou, wlicrc, in iiiany in.tanees, lie barn have to be rem mr I to front rouais, and wiiidows cut llii.-iihli Ihe walls. Two inemhere of the Slate Centra.! Itepubll c.in Coinnd'tee, wlio Lnre h.retof c ncled wilh (leu. Wit khaiii und ll:c "Sirnhrhtou's," have leccutl) cniut out in faior of Hie Iiislou it'll! M.ilione's forte. . f. ri .til. I'mlf ! shut s 11- veatte Co'lectoi' in ll e Klf Ii N'iiiiii.i His 'iicl. hcialof. rc a strony; Mr.ilhtonl. has alro il.'i'l iiftl hi, adh. -ion to the call. ion wilh Ma- limit One t.f Pi-.ifc.sor Nc'iicmue's :is.s:s':in;s sum Hi ll he t ollt luce's .'.n.pilil.iiilii (t.me!., niiie nl les-, evi n u-.ir. A'i:io.. nil of I hem sic i:;:iilcd Ly I he rapid passage throiii.il our lit-nio-plic re inel bi'.-oiiie .b-intiii" siars. .Now ninl then miti docs i.n. !i.'.t,' in ,1 sUiku the t .l'til. I llesc llie ('.lilt d tin lentil' l.loncs, ot' ii nil ii a vi") lare sp. ciiiieu is iii the Smlih soman liuoilelio:!. The tiuivci,i' ,s dill nf I hcni, A SI. Pelt r.-haii. di iniieli s-iy II,, it tl, . SI be, ;aii pl-iii", it h:e!i itns iicentl, r. portt-tl us hai in-.' made i's appe pane.' iu the environs of I'-at ci y. i. . Ti'iitl ii:,' n"li iilaiiiiai rapi-li, v. Il,...es aic .1) l; by scon., ini.l inanv p, ...p me iillcc't'il. ll.e ii.e.ii lllilli. illlies are In !p less, ow i-i to the want of ( Hit-b ut il ictors uml thn f ict ihal pens iu s si II tun skins i f lea-ts II ll'.cll h.lle tl cd of the iliscl.se. A hi"!! nf lii 'al has left St. pe "i-s'iin ;o take actiye uica. uies lo nrii st Hie cpidciiiie. At Lyons. 0, some lime ait ii is ii.i.beil. nu. 1 .iu-'c then i' the pos'ofll o Mill lsli-1 I '. K. I ai iiiou ha. b u Vei v ti iii'lu! c,!.i s. A iit.ul - o't l n-k I ucsdav 'ir Ihe loii. IIIOlUOIL' III. II i iflll '11 ll 1 . II : . I -id III' S'- ll ' r .y.f ,.( i'.e Ii .il-.-. a I'l he li.c l a lu-. .-h I . idi'ii: i t !m, i' r i.i. i:...l e t 'i tl: lite CU leu's of I' r I.U'l It, l,"i, ,. r. v,uu!iuiti..ii ti v-'ili l I It.' Mil 1 1 1 1, l-l- 1 Illl"' the lloltiltie f ICi llial he had klllitl ll f.illl- I eu year nl I so i Klui' T. ii ho h nl ".one mil ci'lo-r l.i a lit of s .itMaiiibulU.u i..- t i st . k r,. II, f fi mi Hit. limine In. it. A m-'del of thn moiiuineiit a! Viiikltnvn Is on exhilille ii ul Lal'iiiniii'. Tlie uiontiineui, it sl.otil.l lie reinc'ub' '-e I, w ill he 7 J feet hie.li, i:d I., tit. tun; 'i etl wtih n statue rcpit sent no; the Itoddt'.s of l ib. r'v. T!te lias.' Is '.'ii fell S'liiue. 'I oil ein ll.i.ifi. r.-piiseat iiu; Hie tu i " i i i : 1 1 Slales aie c n vcl mi III" tl'sl sh ift, ticniiv tl'i-in betii"; the in.ciip'l on : " iiie country constitution, one destlnv," Stars -.-p-reseuiiii"; ihe pre. ein iiiiuitier of slides are cut In (he top shaft. The uiontiineui 111 be par ticularly l.Cll iil.lt LJI.l. nnl. Tim Merchants' iinil Miinuf.ictmers' As,i-ncla-tiollof Halliillnl e. CoUIioM'll of nil the lending ini-rehiints, in oinfaeHirers, and husniess men, liave ilcei'lcil to hold n (rrntiil Mat-ill (Iras fes tival iu lh.it illy in October next, iu coniii'ctioH with Uie formal celcltrat ion n llm iiiUotltiethm of water Iumi the new KUiipowder walcr works. It will be nrrani'Ccl ns to lime, lo precede or Immediately follow Iho Voikiuan i entetuiliil. I ho Board uf Trade, Com and Hour htcliiiiiip'. and olher (irnnniiaiioin will co -operate, and Hie display will be. ot Iho iDiisl elaborate character, (lu the cast fori, of the uba liver, alioul live lulles above Dow lie villc, Cul., is a snow slide, which eoinpleieiy rovers tho liver for a d isl an. a' oT several hundred tiet. 'IliU slide formed a year auo Hits winter and vas then perhaps seventy-live feet deep. '4 ho summer sun of last year failnl to nicll It and It is now, w ith some of Hie wnitea'a snow at Jca-t forty feet in depth, the old snow brim; ns bind Ice uluiosL Iho river lias worn i.s w..y Hiroiij;h and llie arch is i nxular ss lh..u;li formed by liutnan Ii nnl.. It lies in a uoree where the euii strikes It only few bouri tu Ulo day. wbmmwmwmkiww m wwsiiw mwcm Omr I.ittlh Wonii The foPowinr; i,a u should be read in every family : A niothiir mi the L'le'en hills nf Vermont w aa liohllin; by Iho rir;lit hand n son, sixteen years old, mini with love of the sen Ami as she slood by lb'' cnnlen cate one iiinriilnir, she said : "Kilward, liny lell me, for I never saiv Ihe ocean, Hint Hie ercnt lemptnllon of a seaman's life Is th ink. Promise me, before you unit your mother's lunu), il.nl you will never drink b'iior." And he said, for he told llie story, "I ft-'i'" the promise, and 1 i nt Ihe (. lobe over to Cut-t-iitia and the Mcililetr iiicau, Son l-'i-ancisco and the Cape of Hood Hope, Hi" Ninth and Month pules; 1 saw tln'in all In forty iciirs, and I never saw a irhiss liiled wild .eukliiu litpior that my iiiiilhci's format Hit- ; did net n.e up lie fore my etcs, nod tu day I aiu iiiiiiiecnl of the ial, - in inpior. W. IS not that itwff I el id"lee t.f the tiowef cf a snnrle word y cilhal Is not half. "Kor,'1 Still cttllltllU' ll lie, "tfstelil IV tlieitl Clime Into in) coiiiiiii- room n man foi iy veals old." "Do vol. I, n.i'.i nu' ' ' ' ' No. " " tt ell," I'll I In', "i was brought diutik in.o your pre ence on .llipbo lid; you Were il pissen- ".el, lln-V 1.1. k' tl llie a-, le; loll I.Jo., lc III your l.i . Ii nii.l kepi me Iheie Ml I had slept t.lf my bito . -.pi. in. Voallieiiti ke.l me it 1 had a ninth t; I said I h i I n.-ver hcaid a wnul from eel- hp.: yon t - Iff me of it uts at the lruree!'. wate -and to-dai 1 urn m;i.t"i of ono o Ihe l!ii"ft .hbis in New York h-uher, and 'ome to nek Vt.ti to coin" and se ' me." How far ihe little candle throws pj beams! 'I he in. ih.'i-'s wolds on the cd'eeii hills of Ver in. in t ! (tt'd be th.uiklttl or the iiiihty Powel ls a single yvoid ! Oi.'on Si:n.i'. IL i'c Is SOII.c'hllie; tkiit OlljUt to be read liviicnii.l miiiy ieopl" ; "Don't be iifinul uf killint: yourself wilh over work, sou. Men seldom work so hard as Ihal on (he sunny side of lliiily. They i'.ie miiiic linies; bit! ii Is liecause llu y tiit, work al si y p. tu. mid ilon'l j;et home until two a. in. It's the intervals Ihal kill, my ..on, The work nlvcs you nu appetite for your uic.il ; il lends solidily to your slumber: it ;;lves you a perfect anil k'rateful appri't laliou id a I'mlidiy. Tliciti urn ) oiiiie; incn n ho do not woik my son --youn"; nu n ho iniike a liyiii"' liy sucking the cml of a cane, ninl who cm ii,- a necktie ill a ( levcii ilill'crenl knots, uml never lay a wrinkle In it; iiho can spend more money in u day than you ein eai n In a month, son; and iil-o will i;o' to Ihe Shenll's to buy h io.tal curd and apply lit ,;l.c t'd'a-e of the s ieet e.miinissioi'cis o;- a ll. L.ia.' ll 'i'll-c. So led out l' k it you Haul to be and lo do, son, and take i our curt nil and make success in Hie llothi. The busier you are Ihe It .s evil you ii ill he apt '.o ";ct into, the sweeter will be your sleep, the 111 miner and happier your holid.iv, und Ihe belter satislitti will the win Id be wilh vi tl." 1 i.l 11 1 1 1 n is . Can I hero he sucii il Hiilu; as Innocent lloiation '! Is not llirlalioii Itself cs s.'tilially watilon ami I'loiie lo evil? Where Is Ihe voting ivtmiau ihii can itnlisei imiuntely pit-k tin a lies u on lie- public hii:h nay ti it bout re e.irdiiie; Lei. elf a-itl procl.umiii"; a reckless disit ti:'! lur the lilies of socic'.y, which Is Hie liis' step to ruin. I n is'i'y is 'he b'iit.1 in a yr. nu in s charaitcr '..iiith is i i.-ciiw.d lo nil other ft male yirllle., ui'il the can only .'lail it hv cha. lily n I' aetioii and llimihl. 'liie moiiii id she adver'i-es to the public Ihat lit r ilC'U:lilll 111 'e is puhiie properly she lieeotnes a practi.-al free lover. Ihe l.-asl division froul Ihe strict part of Hie prnpiicty and decorum Is dangerous. People tin nol "emT;i:iy to einncbv le. ips ; tin V ";o L'l'adll'tlly and I'V h'l pt rccptible, nud to them, harmless diver ucitclt'S. i oani; Indies should remember no wnithy yoiine; mii will fiicou'-!!" e flirtation, and ci-eti the u-iiii'i-lliv lime no respect for Hie foolish yoiiii woin.in who li'clilessly throws he;-si If away. Why is a inueli-admircd youie,' hub of a w heel'' Ill-rail se she Is ro.it 1. J hi Minus. -Iv like tho aliviys si:r- S..i.l iMie.'n llni'iiiia: 11 in ii ipreies of ai;icea'.ie M-rviUi.le to be under nu ohhalitiu 1...1 one w li'iiii w e.tccm. A po.-! ri eciitlv si ni a fin,' li'l.-.l "What Shall Mv L ive Wear. " to an editor. The latter rivardeil Ihe -pi'stlon wh d'y Pi its moral a..p. -!, uml s it t.ti n and n i-ote a kind hut tirui arl.'.-le, iveomii: "iii'liia; Ip'r towe-'r clothes. CS3L VT.X,KlSKSrTJXT. ix?.tciiixjaixn aivi:i;tiskmkxts. im , vi . X'.'-a., ! .( - viv...-.J.vi'ii'1 r THS GREAT mm n 1'iiit fi'iuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soronost of Lha Chest, Govt, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swcl.'inqs and Sprains, Burns end Scab's, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, FrosteJ Fuel and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No rt"rnmtlen nn enrth ctiinl. sir Jti .'iist,.! ss A stir.', ..MC, nim'L' loitl fliniplai. n.'t K. eit'ty. A trial i mailt but the c. uipuri.liv- y IriMnc i uti'iv of mi Ci'ilts, aval every Mitlint"! null ui;ll call have eUi iipaiiit si.llive proof ct II. ilaiui... liirectit.Ls iv Llc.vuii lamitiiairts. GOLD BY ALL DUUOOI6T8 ASP PEALEr.3 U A. VOGELER &. CO., k ilnKiinore, 31,1., V. 8. X July 7 I y. 'JMIK PI.At li TO BUY X Villi yiH'PS. Groccrijj.s! I'liciplsilnV t'iw les .ld In ilie tow-uof W el.l.iii. Nice SOUTH I'AKOLINA HAMS 12 4 perpmiinl t'oiirt'Cllom rlrH oi nil Hiuilai Slve uutl I rt'tli. My EAR Is stocked wl'li thn Usl ami purest Ll'IOol'ti Ol ever)' ilt';aTtillo,L. Call ami see me. n. r. sr.i:nuF. Virul Strrrt, YV Hun, X. V. I - la fcf ism APVHUTI8KMKNTS. Q Outllt annt frt'f lo Uioho wbo wlnU lo tjpt) cnnmo In tlin mom pltmiuit hiuI prod lablo ImsliicsH kiinwu. KifprylliiiiK new, Ciipitnl not riniiirpil. Wo will flirnlMli you cvnrytbin,;. fill u Jay ninl iipTiirils In ciihiiy imuli' wiilit'tit "ntnylntt n;'.V from lunim ovnr tiibt. No risk v biitoviir. M iny noyy workers n led nl niioo. Many urn lil'ikipe; l irlur.os nt tbo I llsini s. Ladies nitikn nt iniieli a men, ntul yoiuitc boys inn) itirlv iniiko t'lo il pnv. .No ono n is w illniK to woii. fulls tu in u U t morn money oiorv ibiv thnii oun bn iiirmn In n wink Ht liny nitliiiaiy ciuployinoi'l. TIiomi wbo imihiii-'o at oin o w ill lltnl a sboil ro.ul to fin luiiti. Adilrtiisi H, luilletl & Co., I'.irl lul l Me. I'llO 1 I.CTIOX riti luiniinoin urn Ihe (lev 1'ipiuei.ts ul Mala 1 1 1 Hint people rmitlii. I I. OM ualiv miller from llils noxious poison when they lea-1 Iti'Sitlito il in nil.AICIVt linkup In llicr sys tem. Chillsj ninl Vovnr. Headache, Inliii iiiillioit 1'i'ver Coiieral llel.ilily lliliniiH I'tivei, J, nam l n de, 7'ypUotU Fevor, J.atiseti, AHRTIIIC PAINFUL 0JF3raiSG3 OF MAT.ABIA1 nud liavn tbolr origin in a iliseovoroil Liver, wliieli, if not rctftilatfiil In time, Krml miflorlni;, wrctcbiilnoMi uml ilcutli Will VllHUO. MSI.IIO.V.S Lit EU REGULATOR, (yriiKi'V vi'.niii'Attt.i:,' Is alisolnlcly cpi't iiti In lit remedial I'lToots mid Ht tN iiiurn promptly in cm In nil loi ins nf .Maianal disiuiseH lloiii calolliol or 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 ' , wilhout any of the Injni I ois coti t iiumicos wlncli ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 v lilt i r usti. Ii luktm octaiioiitilly by puuou? rxpo.ioJ t'i MlllMill IT WILL KXI'KI. TIIK 1'lllsoH A NV I'UOrjUCT llll.M 1'llll.M AllAl'i; 1 Arivi1oiico son fxtrnet from W. It Yules' lellcr, wlie.ru Uio HoKUlnlor ulTordod pr ileetion from the ivorsi mid luimt dead. Iv tvpoot Miilnrm to wit: lellow I'tivor "Siut: 1 liiivuHtoo l Uio morniM ul lour eplilomles of tho tlin Yollnw l'ever. I had Il the liist visi Htinti, but during I lie utlicr llni'i I iisoil your medicine. I wan mil tinuallv in tlin rooms of tlin nick and tlv in but 1 esi'ipnl. I havn b id r.evera; lo ask mo hoiv I usciip:'.!; I lol.l tho n It was nl I tni in;; lo llin v li Ino of your Simmoiiu Liver Ht fuintsr. If lint Kevnr wnsi lo break oulticjmii mid I bad a lioiilo of your Kcitiiliilor I w 1 1 ii lit lee! as salo us if 1 will l,(ii (I mill's away. Mmnpliia, Ttmti., 17, lsr',1. HHViiie nun t r;i' i7. "l thn poison of M ilarla Ul mu'Ii exlroiiio c iH(it, it can bo rolled tin us mirprclgn fpcieiljo ninl unliduui In iniltlcr l.inna. Sen i hut you got (Lit Unniilua In White Wnipiior, vvitli lod , prniiuiDil by J. 11. niliii A Co. Mol.l by all lrjKKlstn: J;m 27 ly hop bitters; (A .llrdielno, npl n Prlufc,) CONTAINS llul's, ni lTtr, XAMiklHK, DAMICI.IDN. NI Tnr tYr.e-sr imi I'i:it llrnlfil.Ql iXi Tiks oi- all, uiniis lorriius. THKY CUltF. i.ivcr. hiiHf (lllli i iihh: 'rtnn, r VOUMR'lf, Mi'i plcMlH itt tjwC4IIJT 1 siooo in COLD. Will l.i'isiltl fur a ri.eltitywill rn.tnireoi bile, or fur sei t!:!:.e iiT'puru or lujuiioui fouiiil la tin ru. year ilnnrtttt f"r 11 -n Hitlers n1 tr - in nt uiiuiv j.-u ... . I-. i imc mi timer. (' l.ninhs.i'iil-'sn.tlrr'-flinll.l.Tiirefi.rl viuiim'iicts, u.e ei i',iintii, ivl .ieci and n reel t M. Srxti ron CiKcviai. I'V .1'1T.''I.. i'i' linn. .iii..' . . i. . ii. i'i, v. r tiT.mv , upi. 7 1 y. ' t t; it 1. 1 u n. ci a u y H ERV FY'S OLD STAND H A L I F A X, N . C . -oo n r a l r. h OJ T- il Hot Klilh.s, liuul's, hlloKS, ll.VlS, C f. Allsii 'S. AIIUra l '8, All Prices, All Htylu M I-X S ("It LPU KS'S, )'0M KS ' A SI) .MASSES. SUMV.S , U II 1 E ti , All kiu ksnt family Kroecilcs i n hnd and to arrive. Mock coiupletely new. Just iurcluun'(l from ttm Northern Markets. ft M. OARY sep te ly llalilai, N.C: L? O 11 SAL E. A NI'MBKR 0X8 CI.llSR CAHRIACIK I.HATIIKll CURTAINS, I;PH0lJTKUKl) IX S1PK WITH WII1TK PL'l'K, ritEslIIY PAINTKP.CIIKAP KOR CASH. Arnv ATyiisorFicj-, i - ll,':A. .WMi;tS'd) 'V -'; ,r t1 1 . el cTikAV 1 : . is.l 'I '.i . fi t .U i' . v f fjii " .1 f. J " 1KJ V'tW. J, ' ' .: .' - Tt.i t'lis'M 1 tUVU i.HALrll. Kxciilont Tonic, Alterative and Dlur tie Medical asg. riatinn, l.yrnbliUtt;, V, I mil wiUi j real lioiiclll lu Alalurm ana) 'iptliprlii. Siieeosxfully uhoiI In riyspepila, rLroci nu rl, to i and scioiulu. l'ruf. 8. Jackie!). M. I)., I'niv. Pnnn. Invaluable as a norvou tonic Uou, t r'owlnr, Tenn. Heeommeiidod a a nro'.livlnetlc In ma. larial dlHtrletM. D K. Kalrox, M 1). N.U, Ksstorcs dobllilatml avtitoiua to bualtb. T. C. Itforrcr, M. D., I ml. Adapted in eli ion in diamines, gornrul, ninl dyspepsia, Uso. T. Uarrliion, M. 1)., N. Y. . ' Nut'cnssful in dlptboria and noaralgU.-r I'. Neeso, M. I).,N. C. Excellent lor certain iliaoaaoa pfioullar lo women. Frof. J. J. Mouruiuu, M. V., 11. Prompt In rolliwlng hbadacbo, tick ttcJ nervoiiH. luiv, I , Doilson, Used with (trptit brnetit ill dyapenala. , MeKiilph, M. D., l'a. Snilod to bronchitis and disease nf dl gnntivo orguiis. J, I''. Koiicjlitoii, M. I)., A In ' Most valuable rrmody known for fomaLa souses. Juo, I Mot.ouur, M. D., li, L, V. Of prowl ouratlvo virtue. Tbos.F. Sua- bold, M. I)., Mil lli'ii(.;ieiul in ntorina ilerancoment and nnilarlous eomliiinna. 0, M. VT, M. D., Cblo. Clmnjlnrr on the onmplexion, tnaklns It Hinomli, o!oar, soli and rosy" Mis JJ. cf S. tl. Thn nrincn of mineral tonics. Francis tllliiam, M. 1)., N.f. liiosiiiiiatiin ni a tonlo and lateratlva, II inner McGniro, M. I). Va. hum iipeti T Htid lib luil purifier. II. isln r, ,M. D , (!. Very lieiunieial in Improving a reduced svntelil. liisbon llockw Illl, nl lia. Invalids hnrc find wiilciiio and liealtli. v John llaiiuou, lute til' La., now dt Hn liiiiiii.il, Yd. r iini li'ets free, upon application. W "lor, f i a c.iso. Mis und l'illa, S6. fifl, 7fi eeniH. Sent poMt.pald anywhere. Is il minor ho ison nf rluriugn bsii'na Lh fun", f ii.. a I'lonlli . Ai'droHs, A. M. DAVlKS.PreVt of the Cu. t Mum -St.. Ltynelilmrii, a.f.O. Box 174, .nl ti in' ri. 'i.i' n i li. T. Milt! HONS, vi:iibu., n. v. apr. 21 ly. tu i.ia uddv luou lib itb; I w i di to Inform tbo citUcna of IfalfTnK county, nud the publiu "oiierully, tbat j mti ti utjt t-iiiM utiunii in niu tuna I have a compute atoek ci liitociaaci sl co"i:ctionerie3, My Lar in sloeki'd with tbo choicest French, Apple, iiii.1 Peach r.randiw, a't) uii minis ni niNKiiM, which, uiu, lu:n, nud Cli.ut pngtio. EST HbAMiS OF Vi HI. -Mi-a A SPiicIAtli jf I-.-.eor P.etir !o ltotiliis ui-d roi T)rani.J.I . Kntllilies sntili'.'.oJ r.t loner ralcj Jiv li.u lloi'.l'll boll its. 10,000 t luurnoi (he Ueist UraiVs,, I have a tint clasa ULSTALHAM' A.ND lill.LIAUD SAJcX'lif attaohrd (o tho hnn. I will enileayar lo plcajso ;1 who will bouor tue wikk that i.itron-ii;0. IlJSKK WIIT'LISU A SPECIALTY. OrdciN for Crr rilled t StorJ II ll I t O Tbn Lra.lo will flud It Lc tlu ir iwr1viuial lo order from un, ' ' U. orKNHEIMEH, Kin Central ba!aa, Hoollasd Nestk out ii Sni. DR, BUTTS' li.sl nllohronle Pieites, and onjon a nsii almi. ltiitltinlhrtiitt.KlltA.. ..1-, "ai ?-XZ7? i mwiIwi?! tjaalL? Jf, Miii tPOsa'JctE''rw'i tn'l .jits I. .1 l)i"""ila7a5MseT otiss. untiiMitn.inii Murtuiror I'elmtDutM MvlwliM YOU NO 11 E M win) w Miltnrini' (nisi thii'ttV.' tsaHraitiHtsi ul a t'.istsuw tlittl nuliui lis vir Mm" I'll t.-it-lnt's ci rniSH-lnew, I'Prnmtiimlly cmrwl. i"""" 11 " .i i" 'iriiiru, it in ti ii i nun mna ntw l-.il M .itn.liuailo In iiiiw. r4 St ..l',.UtlMUiuc tit? miilia IrM ttt in .Jdr..i m .t.iW.n.ia. (CintM. luR-rrlttf rnM Kapliw. .ItmiM w4 tkrid.VMS, utl hstr MMnrtSlNf fa, lltlr stliiiNShe. It b al 111 Ctwai'tiiic ... -ii. !fu-ii ri'uSI.:iliil, iiMlilltitilJ I. - -'-- -i.J UU. Ul lT,l.irUnAat,iblMiK 9aiAi . September ltiili ly "I) TJiyfll buiiieaiioW betoreUe pabj. JLJ-LJO i Ilo. You oau make mnuey faster at-work for us Uiaii at anvthiiikj else Capital cot required. We will hurt von. f 1- Jay and upward made at homa by Iba ii'ilust.lous. Men, wooieu, bora atulgirla wauled everywhere tu work Kr ua. Now la lha time. You oau devoM your whole tliuo to the work, orouly your spare moments. No other business, wtil pay you nearly as well. No en willtait to work can f.il to maka enorinuu pay by ent!at;iiig at once. Cos'ly Ouuil and lasrni frM. A great opiiortunity for makiaa; nionev easily and honorably. Atldrea - iJTruett Co. Aujti9U,;NJe, liijt . .1 it il I..- i f ' n -i- , V r i ei ' ' if; i i r r. f i s I 1