... " i r THE ROANOKE NE'S W.W.HAM I J. W. 8L.KLHJB, J FlwrW l-ToRS. TnCRHDAT Jl'I.Y W, 1--M. Jisti. k Nathan Clifford, of the I' nited State Supn-me Court, diivl in in Maine on Monday. Judge Clif f rl"s health hail Ix'en very bad for sometime and he was Ktiukin with puralysi. Prksideni Garfield had liecn get ting on very well and utrong hope were enurtained of his early recovery, until Saturday when he had a alight chill Vrrmuht on by the formation of a pus cavity. Hid pnkc rapidly increased to 130 and the gtcatot alarm and excite" went prevailed. An incision was mailt1 to the cavity and the pun let out, and hiii condition then became better. No cause exists for immediate fear nnloa nnother pus cavity forum, which the physieiuim do not anticipate. Many prominent physicians approve of the courne of treatment, but I r . Hammond late Surgeon General, condemns it ami i seven on Dr. llli.is and his assist ants. The hies accounts suy the l'i -a-Ment's condition is favorahlo and that he ia doing reinaikably w ll consider ing the great Hiifl' ring he has undur- B'""' Tint Chailte 1) m crat shaking in',' of the manner of electing Judges in this State a.iys : If there is one thing nf more im pittance in North Carolina than any tlrng '- in the way of (Vinsiitul ional Mtnendmrn's, it is a change of the m inner of eleelin? Indje. The elec- :on shooH he restored to the Legis lature. Khetiotis hy popular vote bun caused much alarm it has Hot promoted the dispalch of business in the Courts, nor h.is it added much talent or ability to the Bench, but on the contrary it has put in otlico some very weak men, good and honest, but feeble, weak and cf a negative char acter. The most popular man among the x'ople is not always the one to make a good Jndgp. It may not be popular to speuk thus uboiil elections md Judges, but it is true neverthe less. In every point of iew, it would tie better for a Judge to owe Ins elee. t on to 170 men (members of a Legis In'nre rlerted by the people,) than to 230,000 voters, to each of w hom he las to appeal to for his election, and v tilt whom he desires to be popular. As election day niuoiiches the tieojile begin to talk more concerning the liquor question, and the feelings are becoming enlisted. This is to he deplored. There should be no anger or bad blood engendered by the ques tion, but it should be settled like all other things calmly and quietly ftt the todl.it box. That the evil of inteinM-iance is great no one denies. Neither is it denied that something should be done to check it ; but we believo no law can be framed which will stoi it. As we heard a gentleman of acknowl edged ability and judgment, and one wl.u stands deservedly high in the Ojiiniotis of our N'0ile Bay the other dny, nu act of the Legislature will Hot effect what the christian r 'ligion, jiride, sense, morals, fathers and mothers have not been able to ac eiiiiilish in a thousand years. Change and improve the law so that it will accomplish good, aiid every body will support it, but it is initios ible 1 1 prevent drinking by for b d ling it. Tiikrr has always been a mistery about the fate of the second colony w hich Settled oil lioan ike Island ill l is?. After landing, the vessel re turned to Kngliind and was detained for sometime. When it anived at Iloauoke Island t'jere was no trace of the colony save the otti word "Croa tau" rudely carved on a tree. It has been surtnis'id that that Colony be came amalgamated with the Indians lor the reason that many Indians had blue eyes and some of them said some id their ancestors were white people and "could talk in a book." The Washington correspondent of the (ioldnbiini Mesaenger has found fnun old writings that this colony with the exception uf wven persona whs destroyed by order of 1'owhatati although it was not in his dominion; that these seven persons weio taken to Uitanoc in the up country, and were made to work in copter mines for the Indian king ; that they taught the ravages how to build stone houses having two or more stories ; that they intermarried with tho indians, and tliiit when the Iliitish arrived nt Jamestown in ICO", more thai twenty years nfer, they were s'aughtered ly command of Powhatan without reason. K i the fate of these eolonista has after many years been ascertained and no longer remains a mystery. The correspondent of tho Messen ger gai t"tW! acU frm ''Tu0 "jH" toric of Trarailo into Virginia Brit tauia by WiKiam Strachey Secretary ofithe cdony published 'in 1849 by th Halknyt S'iity. Loudon, ruid which lias been in. obscurity until re-autly. O Friday the Republicans of the New York Legislature In I I a con ference and agreed to elect Klbrid.e G. Lajdiam Senator lo succeed Mr Coiik'ing; so when the Conventi' n met on that day he wad elected, re ceiving ninety-', wo votes twenty fo ir more than a maj irity. The row ia now postponed until Mr. Conkling sees his chance to hurt somebody. We do not believe the Republican party in New York, e-s-cially, has gotten ri I of Mr. Conkling. lie w ill continue to make himself felt when ever he wishes. We believe he is ti 11 has great influence. Tns indictment and arraignment of James T. Chiistmati for the murder of William G. Whitney on the 25th of lat month attracts suno attention here, chiefly from the general impres sion that the evidence developed since the Coioner's impiest puts a new light on the case. The murdered man, it will be remembered, was the sou of .Mi s. My ra Clark Gained, and the accused is her son in-law. The former was a worthless, drunken fel low and the latter reputed a model vouti'' man. There was a mutual hostility between them, utt ing to real or imaginary favoritism of Mrs. Gaines and the possibility of a coi responding division of her piopcity, which is said to i.ivotvo millions. The local press has done a gool deal to wards wrongly prejudging the Cise in favor of the model hod in law, if sub sequent stories may be relied upon. The fact that the mother o( the mur dered man was believed to sustain the mind Tcr did much toward this senti ment. Nothing could be lurllier Inmi the truth. Mrs. GaiueB regards the deed with utmost horror. A boader in the house at the time inform you correspondent that no doubt now ex ist in her mind that it was a deliberately-planned murder, coolly executed when it was thought the plea of t-clf-defense might be successfully made, whatever the subscpif-nt develop ments. The Court acted upon the ev idence ljelbre the Coroner and lived the bail at .1,000. Mrs. Gaines was asked to go his bail by Rome of his fiiends, a proposition which she indig- n tutls' ret used. hxciiatige. AT T1IF. UOTTOn OF IT. One of the greatest political errors which any statesman has ever com mitted, lies at the bottom of .Mr. Conkling' present failure to secure the siiipoi i of the llepiihlican Legisla ture of New Vo k. This error was not his resignation, although that was something which could not be justified on the ground he assigned for it.. . It was not his an tagonism toward the late Fraudulent Administration, nor toward the Ad ministration ot (iai field, which he helped to elect on an cypress under standing agreed upon at Mentor be tween (Jen. (J.utield and Simon Cam eron of Pennsylvania. Neither was it his lack of coinage to prevent the inauguration of the Fraudulent Ad ministration. Lamentable, grave, and pernicious as that was, Mr. Conkling has been guilty of a mote pernicious error, of a fault more dillicult to for give. This error, this fault, this dark and deadly political sin, consists in his ad herence to the project of a third term for (ien. (Jraut, in defiance, and vio lation of the unwritten law of the Ainefican people, of the most sacred and impel a il tr.uliim connci ted with the Presidency. Had Mr. Conkling chosen to puisne a different course; insteal of favor ing the unjustifiable :m litimi of (Jen. (Jrant, hid he exployed his brilliant abilities in resisting it lilce a man and a patriot, there would today be no other citieii of the Empire State so powerful, so honored, and so enviable as Uoscoo C'oukiing. New Voik Sun. Al liKll.-K.MKN I S. OTIC K. X Tlia ii"i.W.!thvI luv nir on ihi lull .ly nf Jnnp l.l iiitlil.'l lit-f.ir.' III.- Cr.il..-il.' Cniirl f H.ihfnt r.uinly ah Aliiilnlii r.i:r well lh.a will niilirt'-.l f Huritt-t W. I'nnt.-I il.-r.-n.-.l hrr.-lty ltnltSi- all .-rii'li li..l.liu i-lailim a nt ln.r-.'f I,. ir.-'iit ih'-m lor n.tvtn.-iit .luly ailtlirhllrali-U t.y !h. Hr-l .liv nf Aiikuk l'i. A M gt'AHI.Ks. A.liur well will niMii-v'.l of tlnrrtfl w. Hanli-I. Il. atlinvill'', S c. Jniirlr. )mi. i T II K X 1 V J. h 1 T V -OF- NORTH C A H 0 L I N A. KKXT SK.SMON Wil l, limits Altil SI 25TII, lHt. I '.nitiliiii ihe ilviinlH?c nf iIm- i. fiif-li-iittiin. !;li nm-iiiI sii l i-ii..iiili,t liitnii-Unn a. i-.itillug 10 tin- I HIVMsn yt in. i'miiiii-i-Ii-iI with il mv c)iisi4 nf Law, nf Me.ll-i-tni', nu.l of riianme-v. AnnWllml nu.l A irli-n Itilnil ChenilMrv. I anil suncjittr. I'raanii; lkva. K.h iii, HikIiii-s l4iw, rti.ifi'.Mhy, -. . n-i'. iiii-lu.liii oillioii ,-ui.l r--.ni r.-nt, I IsS Im a.'.H' M-r antiuiii. Ailtlri-. I..r i-Htiil-i:m-nn.t p.ii-tu ti!ar., Hruip I. Ilnltlp, I I.. I. I'l'.K-lllt.NT. i hii mil. k. c. jir n !w J M ! 0 U T .1 S T TO THA V tLKHS." UKKAT Itr.Dt t TIOt IN lASI .K.It ItATKH. -OKKItE SEAIHiAltll KAII.U(lal). I'orlviiv.iiih V., .1 nly Till jus) fin ami afti-r .Inly ih mil lu, and mull fur. Iher nmliT, tin-1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 K miiior raiea will Im o'.M-i vi'.l li- Iho umip-uiy. W ptilnn in I'uriMi.o -.(: Ii I ; i. " " " linl " m.ki. " " Vni an I llrinrn II i. L'Ull.lo-u l'lwi'ni , an. I II ycap.. hmf laiM. A nH-iti-iMiiniia rrdiu ti.in lor I..-al imvrl lo. twi'i-n ay fitMliuiii ha' sImi l--n nni.li'. K. it. (illio, Suiit. Ioiiifliillwu. july llili Im. ADVKRTL-T.MKNTS. I KV l.OUHS I NEW tiUUDS.! R. 11. DANIEL k CO., HALIFAX N. C. Wa Invite I lie attention nf lha cit:7.iMs nf tliis mi l tliK adjn nmi rouiiliea ;io i.ur largpaoil well IbjI"i sIock. We have on Inn 1 everything imiailr kepi in a FIH8T CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. WViini mnkni't a Hju-rlilty of cvi-ry thine -nilVooiilis, notions. I! nil's. SItoKs. .. IU KS AMKIK.NTS FT IIMMI 1 .Ml IIOi l, (.KOl tHIKS. ItAlUiW 'ARK. i:K- h'KKKY. In Fart We tau t ill the Hunts ol ANY UK OUH CITIZENS. W ire Manufacturers Ageiila and have alwaya on liaml BHifilES. WAonvs CMITS. M HT A I.IC Bl'rtl AI. CASKS AMI CASK KM of all deaeriplinna, which we can place as low an can bo bought in any H0STHEN MARKET. lUvinir honithl our k-hhIh with the cash at Kock It iliiini Kii!iirn we tiiniraiiiuH to cive HHtiHlttetion MhII who purchase from us as u PBICZ5 AND QUALITY. In tlie rear of nur atom ImiiK-, Mr, J. K. li-nii-l t Co., have Hi -siaurant, where pan Im loinil as rliolce a mili-et'ini nf I.liiior, Cigars, Ac., si in ny Ii lino Smith (if lUllioiois. l'tii'a1'-ltilrt Iti-fr Frnnli vnry ilny. The puhlie will Mini cur eli-rkt evr rniirtHoiiH anil at all tiinea rei ly aim m ; II -ini; to kIiow Konda. Wwaxknn- Irii-mls to ri-onriinlzs and llicy ran ilo mi b. piirchavng nf im, at we ran x4Vh ihHin in n-. 'J'Iiiui k mir Um i ti t 1 1 - for 1ib very Kner una pAtiuiiae herttofure te-inwpd upnn um n titiBi. hv our hm.iai i!ialiiKil iiiri it a coiiliu ilsni-v ul tin' mum, K. H. DAMKI, ,t CO., r 7 I v llhfa, N. C. rjl II K X K W IIOUK KKH IXJ Hlt'HISE. J. 11. HEAL, An'T, llarkurjr Hrott llugicy Wurkti, J. II. HKAt., A.,'r. Esrir.i.ii, X. C. Tli -H'-M e-!iln U p.'H n-i iih rvi n hi 1 "f T!i- mi - !- r- ! 1 1 .-. I n' l"V-'-.T emh I'l-le.'i H--a-...iiftlilt- t'Tiin on npj'lkutioii. J II IlKAI.. A., T. M iy P'h-lyr. Kvi iki.ii. N e. W II I T K 11 K A Li A HON 11 X L I 1' A X. N. C TIIK KAltV lilts- Ml.lti ll AXTS. owi;.s' oi.u k r a s i. A i!oiiiitot(M..k ef MIV (liiotw, (ilto KltlKs, i i.oi'Mi.vi, IIOI I I S. Mli iKs, It A I S, CAfs. NOTIONS A Full Assnrtiiirnl of All ;ioU to Im fun ml In lli hat it ire-, ai il pi ic,- aa uiw ii mil inner III .in any slum in IN Tills SKCTIoX (IF 7 II K STATK. Ituv atlkiii.Nnf Oou:.try proJuea nr inn niKiieii cibii iriera. Call and pxanilno. M. WHITKIIKAI) .V HON', llalifat, X. C rrtHK nnsr saloon in Halifax M. W II ITKIIEA n A SON OjHiiialtf Hie Hotel TIIK IIK.st It AK KI'.l'T IN HALIFAX All kin In of Li,iinr, Winns, ItmnJies i.uaiiiMKim i l.ier, larijur Unur. ALSO rt'1 A ANI1 Ton.K'CO. Mi Jod ilrlnka of all description put op II II1U BUST ST 1' L K. Call and net a nnil rlrlnk of any tiling um j-du mav ran Mr. M. WIIITK.HK ! nv, Uaiif.1, N. C r' K R It Y . V hava rsnteil tho Karry airna thp river at llallfai. All partira in Nnr.li ainpt-iii nmniv rill lin.l It to their advan lL' to tra In til lli, aa llify can gi l a dl (nil in in urrT lli-Kets, Km ry tiekt-tti kept at thnir stnro in Hall fax on Mile. M. WHITKIIKAI) A SON. Ilalifai, N. V. oc-t 7 if. c I.OTIIIMU! ( l.orill.VU !! All persona wantlnn units (if clnlliea nr furuialiiiiK K.i.iila pan call on lli under alicoavl wlio will tako their uiuaauro an J have i-ului raaile at T 1 1 1 1. A l K I, ! II I 4 I' It 1 1 ' KS. 8am pla f ir exam Inatloii ami aulociion. CiiyB me a call, J. T. EVANS, Wki.iion, N. C. Agcot fur Wauuauiaker .t Itmwn. jm 27 ly NKW ADYF.RTISKMENTS. 18317 SPRINGGOODS 1881. I havi-JuKt returned from the Northern Markets with a fnll lineof Dry Oood, t'lothlng, Mior and Itoota, Notions, Hardware, tirocerlra and Prollon, KnntlnK, Suiting, Linen, Uraft Clolha, Hose, iiair-liottp. Hamburg F.dglugs, lnsrrtin., Brrton and Torchon l.nrrM, I.adlra and tirnls Ties, At. ZKKfLSR'SSIIOra FOR LADIES MISSES AND CHILDREN. OEKTt FIRE HARD MADE 0AITERI, LOW QtJABTEEED SHOES Art qnlllrofeTeryrtleleiiraiil'e.ttn te u represented . I'rleei tow as any home south of Balliumre. doiiiK a Ifitnnate Iiuhiih-m. COME EARLY AND OFTEN- L A FARINHOLT. DAVENPORT & MORRIS' It I C II M 0 N D V A. I M I'ORTUS A N D WHOLESALE G K 0 C E 11 S. OLD G II 0 V E U D I A M 0 N D -A." W II I S K E Y, FOR SALE BY E. W. D A N I E L, apr 7 fim SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. AN IMMENSE DISPLAY AT E A R T & HARRISON' S- The larRost and best Belcetod atock of Hoods It lias ever boon our pleasure to offer, DRY GOODS IN A.MIllKKKM FROM 50c TO 1.30. F R E N C H BUNTINGS In bluck and colors at enticing prices. PACIFIC LAWN'S, VICTORIA LAWNS, LINEN A BISHOP LAWNS, THE LAKGK8T STOCK IN TOWN. HOSIERY H ALL STYLES' TKIMMIMJS. SILKS A NATIVS IN ALl TOLUKS LACKS, LACK TIES AND KICHUKS, Searfs, HaiulUurcliiefa. Cornets, Kid GIutsh, HambiirK. Swiss Embroidery Mull Muslin, tVanli lilnmln, Znphyr .Slmwla. CLOTHING. THE LATKST STYLES IN MEN'S AND YOUTHS' A Hplundlil line of Ldie, Mihsch, Gouts and Child's HAND MADE SHOES. Ilata, Caps, 8traw Uoods, Rnota, Shoes, and Trui lu. t fcD.in't Tail to Make an inspection of iau in HiLiaci nose uujcii. up 23 I V REVISED NEW TESTAMENTS, I, A It (i K STOCK, TUB REVISED TESTA MEN T. DIKFF.UKNT STYLES AND riiICE3, from 20,-U.to 10. S K X P YOUR ORDERS AT 0 N C E FOR THE OXFORD EDITION, A Sub. 7 Ort. Ilose wooU aae Plana, C'ovf r and Stool lor 175. An Klrgnnl Ntop Orgnn mikI Ktool. . $73. N K W MUSIC IN (J R E A T VARIETY. SCHOOL HOOKS SCHOOL STATIONARY. I. H. mr. 3 Om. JJ H O W N A V K R A Y A Y. II A I.I K i X, X. 4'. D E A L K It 8 IK mints, mkhici.nf.s, i-iiKMirAt.fi. I'alnta, (Ut, Vanilihi-K, tljn-iituftH, Iiik Tolli'l K.ii, Kane)- llairan.t T.iotli Bruatn-a. Fur tuniiry an.l Fancy T.illnt Arliflra. Triia. a aixt N.'i..iiM-r Ura.' -a, l..'tl.T P,.t, ' a. Ink. Euvi-.ii-, lilt... ju. t-, t'artinii (ill, l.ninpn, rlil.n iifys. -'hrlaians's Frrki-rliiliunaaiyural'ly com- llUMll-l. I.mniiKTM.'CKi.r.BKATiiitKiiraSEnvi. V I'uwliaa.' thcii ,U rllrot, fMm thn fx- tonl.. Parma nf II,.. Mi-sim. Laniln-th. (I tln-y ali.iiilil not . rlasH.-il with tho nfr-.tn l'-It nil I'nIllllliaHinn tllrnUKllnUt lllf rnlllllry I rr l.an. In-lli.' rw.li,, ami a (t'HKt Vnirrlalilr ilanli-n U liiaiirril. nrt 7 ly V. J. NAW. BAKER & CONFECTIONER. WELD ON, N.C. A very largrmipiily of ( k-. Crnili.Ta, famttna. Kr.'iKl, ami I'laln Katnllia, KruKi, VoU. f. Tliolar(,'.tiitnkof Toynnf pTnry variety ever- l.riiiiKht to tills inark'-t . Orilr f.irramlie.. rule., ac, Ollrtl at ahort cut niitid-at NorthiTii irloes. W,l.lliiaiil.iihorr'arti(;j3Uiiilloit rheai. a llic ilii-niMni, vilely. WELD ON N- C. GREAT VARIETY TIIK LARGEST STOCK TO HE FOUND our Stock, Our prices acd gnodg cooot HECK WIT H A CO., I'eierabnri, Va. 0. J. MOSELEY, Keeim rrnatantly on hanil A COMPLETE STOCK OK FAMILY CROCERIES. Sncli as HiiRar. (MtTee. Pl.mr, Ttaeon. l.arl, M.ilainpii Syrup, Flah. H.iap. Tol.aeco, Bmitl. ami CiKara. A Full Mot oClonlrrliooerif. Krviw-li, and riatn Can.1le, r,iV", ( rarkerii Jellies, I'aiineit (Iimi.Is, a,-. MvalocKnf Tlnwsre. W.wkI ami Willow ware klry an.l (Haas ware Is nneieelleil in the TOWN OF WI110I, I hiTcJa.) relani.-d fmm Bnltlinnf.. amt mv f.iek Isn iw ct.mi.leie. with ail .k.,i. h. Kuuu in a ' ' FIRXTlXAHKUKlX-KllY HTHUR. holr Family It u Iter for Table- Va. AND SELECT t'RKAM CIIKK8B Asiierialtyclnrlngthc winter x-aaon. PSICE8 BOUND TO 8UIT;yO0. S.r,,loV.e:'nrn'rn,, 10 Wllk'"9 U. 1. M"Htl.KV pril 20 ly. IHimt IND DEVELOP TH FflUM. IIi,"".V f T n .i. . " '" l"-nli nu nd wnd atnina l" I I I. i'o . Allnt.u So hintii Uf Hnu. a n-rHwra. CorrwiiWM euaadcniial. mr. 3 It. P OK 8AKK OK KENT. The OI,l Offlee l.iitMlnir. niw known aa the VIs-a-VH t'lllti House The armVr nained pmi'erty will t,e .,,1,1 on r-nsnnatile Irrma or Itasi-U tuajfooit tenat-t for one year Ani'ly in JAO. M Fi'Ort,,WclU. n,.t. C. J.VM 51 f ADVKRTISKMENTs. B. 1 SIMMON S. DRUGGIST AND PIT ARM AGIST, W E L O N, N. C! , . DEALER IN PURE DRUGS, FINE TOILET B0AP, FANCY ERFUMERY AND FACY TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, and DYE.STtiFKS, LETTER PAPER, PENS, INK, ENVELOPES, G LASS, FUTTY, CAllBON OIL, LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS. Specialty: Wiiitk Licknt Oil 150 Deoreks Fihe Test. rl'lirsrlaua' I'r.'acrliitliinii Accurately funiMiuiiileil.- roCSTKY MKKOHANTS that keei In stork a .r.iiric Patniii pun. Castor I Ml. hi'.. Ac. will thciuoimui h tilings tM'fnri- )iirrhaaliiK In the Northern uiarkels Kesiiei'liuuy, se25-1y WH LTE & STAIN BACK. L E A D E II S 0 F IN THE BOTTOM. Fvln(r jttst returned from the Northern Marked wbero they have purchased a large and com (j lets stuck uf DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, II ATS. C A I S, hoot y. SHOE S. II A 11 D W A R B, CUTLER V. SUA W L S. DRESS GOODS, Y A N K E E N 0 T I 0 N S, JJROff N DUMESTICS, AND EVERY THINC ELSE FOR CASH. COTTON AND ALL KINDS OK COUNTRY ntODUCE BOUGHT AT HIGHEST CASH PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LARGE STOCK. ACENTS FOR MILE END SPOOL COTTON, OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST EVER 13R01'C11T TO W EL DON. H ANtiXOMK AN1 WELL HKI.E('TK1 (lOOPS OP EVERY HESCRIPTI05. CI.0TUINO OF TITE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE I.OWKST PRICES. WHITE & STAINBACK STILL THEY FLOURISH. DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER AND BROTHER, DRUCCISTS WELDON N,C. THE LAKUEST AND 11 EST HE1.ECTEII CT X'K OK DKIJdS MEDlfl.NKM c IN HALIFAX COUNT?, WV A. R.ZOLLIW FFEH A n0. HAVE IN STOIIK AND ARE DAILY RBCEIVIS FIIKKII M IMMJIH OF Ilt K;4, S ( As MEDICINES. PA1NTK OILS DYE STl'FM PEFI'M K.li Y FOtP PTAT'""' CtiMrt.-.. HHUMIKH. Toil.KT AHTICLB". LAMP AND LS P VivTlTKM KEHOSEXftANDl.UriilHMTINUOILH OK THE IST OI!AI ITV ALSO A FTI.L LINE OK (ONFEC I TONKHIES SLTH A 8 1' I A IN ' AND FRENCH CANDIES. APPLES, OUAN0ES. KL'TS. c Tl.elr stock of Drug.. Medicinea Ac , is complete, and they rrspecfullr invite the public genererally and ihe phvaicians to call and einoiine their stock before pur chiaing elsewhere. Any doom n.U in Uock cn bi' had in 24 hours notice. They would mot respectfully invite the ladies t etamine their stock of perfum ery aud toilet rticlei. as Uiey are sure ll.ey can pl ahC them. Their .tuck consist: nf IMPORTED FXTACTS AMR I OI.OUNF.S HVCtt AH Farina's Gkrman, Hovts GERMAN.Lntixs Extract?, Fi.otttnA Watfr, and all other Colonnes ranr-ing in price fron lflcts to 1 50 e. hottl- Ti,..i, t.,ii. P.,.. dcrs embrace oil Tetloas Roods, Lir.v Wiiiti: Rorai:s X'hantom PoWDtii. aird to lact an mat any one could wish in this They always keep on hand the largest aitortmeat of the finest 5. 10 and 15 ctl. Cipars t be round in the town of Weldon, which thev gnsrantee to be equal to any in the market, and are sure they can t.lcasa anv lud... nf a onod rin.r i n. price raofjiog from 2J to 23 ccnls. They They are always clsd to see their friends their goods and quoting prices, whether M. n U l li:.. rr. .. ..ii. i ,oiotoiier, one oi tne nrm will remam during the winter in Baltimore,- here be will have an opportunity to select goods at bottom prices. 1K. A. K ZOLLICOFFER k BEO. , . f f Sipn West aide Wash. Ate , Weklon, N. C. I rescnptiona carefully filled and patients treated under the immediate supemis ion ol Dr. A U. nllicolTe r, who with thai practice of medicine as heretofore and cao i. nours aigjii ana day, a Leu not r.H regionally, erfsged. cp iSlj MEDICINE 8. J CHEMICALS,- HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. Y TOILET ARTICLES GRASS AND GARDEN SEED. small ftssnrttnciit of Drills, Bitch as I.aiidnnum, it, i w.'ll. 1111,1 an Inviteil, to cxauilhc my iirtcva to B. T. SIMMONS :o:- LOW PRICES. WELOON, N, C. line. aUo keep the best article of saekii'g" and will take tbe sell or not. .... ks for past patronage continues the be fnut d at Xollic ffn'i dine st e at

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