THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 18S1. STATE AFFAIRS. Travel to Asheville la heavy. The drought continues nil over the State. Charlotte is 'till suffering from burglaries. Col. II. B- Guthrie, of Chapel Hill la dead, fnrn Is said to be looking wall In Edge coin he. Tho 84th North Carolina, roporti la now tcaJy- Jail.'e Strong's law school will begin Sep tember 5th. Tub Show Hill Adroeate has suspended pub lication. The Cumberland county fair will begin No vember otb. j bales of new cotton received at Wllmlng Jon Ut week. The tobacco and cotton crops, In fact all, are short In the Slate. North Carolina Railroad stock and construc tion bonds are at par. The corn crop In Henderson county Is said t be unusuall) good. H iverly's minstrels are booked for Wilming ton on the U "( September. Major Frtutcrlck D. Polson of Wilmington, died ot paralysis on Die 2Ulu. A nogro boy was killed In last week by a runaway horae. Warren coenty The yrirh-riiinn conies out foi Col. John N, (.'.spies of Uuilford for Governor lu lsS4. In Buncombe county, State and county taics are 1,00 on the Hon worth of properly. There wks a disc at Lumberton Inst Wed nesday, which destroyed a good deal property. Tho artesian well at Durham is now 1,310 feel deep. The length of the rope is 2,000 feet. Mr. N. B. Brniiihton has been elected Grand Worthy Chief Templar of the State Grand Lodge. genolor Vance and ex-Senator Bruce will deliver addresses at the industrial fair in JUelgh. In Brunswick and Columbus counties the dry weather has cut the crops short nearly 50 jier cent. Andrew Schotrirlns, of Mitchell county, cut bit father and mother severely and then left for puis unknow n. Brsther Clark, of the Toburmuisl ami Itmem ssvs the Hynicuial market will open there early and active. A darkey of some notoriety, wns arrested list Sunday In Asheville for house-breaking, lud attempt to rape. Dr. N. T.T)rake, of Nah county, lost about SOO barrels of wlibkav a abort time since by the burning of his distillery. Th residence of Mr. Henry Hart at Tnlsnot was tiiirno 1 to the ground last week. Lots es timated at f 1,000 and fully insured. Two bales of new cotton was received In fliildsbnro, on Tuesday 18th and sold there for J3 cents. It brought 14 cents In Norfolk. Rome scoundrel has been Irving to take revengo by shooting at the Tarbnro train. "Judge Lyuck" should have a hand ill the sfljir. In the Penitentiary at Raleigh, there are "St convicts, 6o of whom are while. There are 51 female convicts, only two of whom are while, Key Seerest, the brother of Hode Score-1, who our readers will lememlier, kill-d his wife and child some years ago. shot and Instantly killed Wash. Helms in Uni in county recently. Governor Jarvis has Issued his proclamation declaring the result of tho recent election as followsf'-jrj.lfll votes were cast, of which 4S lii'd were for prohibition tunl Ilil.lslt ngiiint pro hibition. Majority against prohibition lis.outl. Anew gem bus been found in this State and it considered to be of great value. Mr. Win. Earl Hidden lirst discovered ll, hence It is called lliddenite. The lit .atones sell for fttXI per carat and It Is the only purely American gem that has been found. The p'oiioiiii.if says : The railroad work on the "F.dcnton extension" of the Elizabeth Cilv and Not folk Railroad Is being carried on with great energy. We believe the work will be completed to Kdenlon In 50 or '.Ml days. The heaviest work on the route is piling and grad ng the three-quarter mile swamp Just over Ferotilruaus River. This causes delay. But for that the work would be done In 00 days. William Brooks attempted to shoot his wife, atShelhv, N. U. The Indignation of his neigh hors was outspoken, and they proposed to have lii'ii prosecuted ; but be said that lin'V need not go to that trouble, for be folly realized It is despicable eh 'deter, and would punish liioi self with death on the following day. Next mornin : he shouldered his gun and a rope and stalled for the woods, telling his family that, when thev heard a shot lliey might know that lis was hanging himself, and could get his body. They did not believe him ; yet tiny went in search of him on hearing the prom isod signal, and found him dead. The University of North Carolina opens wiili s larger n inn tier of new students than ever lie fore since ISiiO. This Is true notwithstanding that the failure of crops in some sections has cut off a number who contemplated enter In 2. The law class of Hon. John Manning, and the medical and pharmaceutical classes of Dr. Harris arc likewise larger than ever before. We learn that there will he some von strong usmes before the hoard of trustees, at their me.uing on September "Jtlth, for tho position of professor of geology aud natural history. atm ami Ubsttvrr. A large, high tree, which must be lfiO or 170 years old, st inds about in yards from tne res IdVncu of (Jen R. A. McLaughlin, of this vl flnliy, and marks thu corner between Gen. McLaughlin. Dc. J. .1. Muliand Col. Julian Allen. It Is called for in a grant made by Loid Granville to Robert Simnionion in I Ml, aod is h'ikcii of in the irraut as having the hies It. S." cut on the souih awe. WrwiMe MMlmnrk. It Is Inlereeiiiif M know that l lie bi'e under which the English H irons met at iiiitiuvnicde. uu ilia Thames river, Uelwern Windsor and Staines,' ilea- London, is si laudiug. This .was A. D. laiJ-w yens "go. Timow off that despondent aplrlt-rrush that reeling of despair lie cheerful, happy and ell. Take Si ons Liver Regulator, when Win I and body aru depressed, Willi cold ex treinill F-vr KtU'h'.'S IJo' lyenius, dull Headache, had taste in the 'mouth, aud an lu J iolii in to sllr a'mut. Kol over forty years Simmons Liver Regulator h is proved its gr .at Jalac In all ulauase of the Lln-r, Bowels and Kidneys giving lite and health to thousands h'i wuuhi otherwise have sunk into untiuply graven or endured the torture of a living death, ,'T wasa sufferer from Dyspepsia for sever il Tears, and was at last eoutiued to my bed, sod should no doqbt hive remained there uioil "'alii should h avc coin 'o my relief, but for a Pit'inl of mine at Weldon, N. C, rscoiinncnd l"g Simmons Liver Regulator to me, and at "ie same with a request that I would ue It, inch I did with the must happy result, I am nnw well, aud eat anything I wish without bad effect. ' n "W. A. ratnsoN's Gaston P. O. N. C." Tut Dr. IWhtf.i. Mkoicinb CoMPAsr, of P' Lmiis, Mo., Is one the most honorable and jut)tmitj, establishments In the country. Pr. Darter's Iron 7'ouic is one of the sta third '"d most highly esteemed preparations of tin) 1v, and tiistlv enjoys a wide and increasing " TMils is hiought about by the high merit 01 the goods and the Judicious and extensive manner in which they are advcrMsed through I'lt the country. Laudatory columns might lie Hy written In their praise, but wilh goods so J"1" to speak for themselves, simple fads servn ln-llar nurpnao. M J"i, 0"'",) ler .',., Jimniiti 'We 10 3 in, .''''""bl.aToSlnirer Sewln Machines ""'ired by Tryl.r Sweellnlnl. each l J ' tiloroti'rlii.. . ....i M,,..a win, mniiu niHetiine , and filled wilh utmost "elllet, (,.,;! W, . c.Tl lll. l '"raHle. f,.r live vrar.. ale or 'rini stents wanted. AP?,y to J. W. Beasc ' '0 1-huri.u Jl., V. Pool selling is causing the ruin of a great many young men in New York, and cuusitig much anxiety to business men in whose employ they may bo. Young men should learn tint the alow way of making money Is tho best and the surest. Next session Mr. Gladstone will bring down a bill for the rcill-lilbution of sents, which will bolish the small boroughs. 7'his measure Is hailed by tho Radicals as an altai-k upon the 11 iue of Lords, the old families being still powerful in many boroughs. A gentleman of Lexing on, (ieorgia, says the mother of (leueral Robert 7'ooiulis was a l'cini sylvauii lady and came from a staunch uboli. tiou family, 7'he General lias a miuilier of near relatives In that State, and they are dyed In-the-wool Radicals. Every rose has its thorn. Ujtoi.a Sammv gives it out that the Pemocra cy will beyond a peradveiilure carry the Stale of New York this fail, and with Ohio, New York and Virginia Democratic in lssi, bow rati the Republicans, even witli the uid of their new friends In the South, hope to win in 14. m A terrible storm visited Savannah on Satur day night doing grout damage. Vlie wind b ow at the rate of eighty miles uu hour. Sev eral persons were killed, buildings blown down, streets blockaded, considerable prop erty was destroyed. It was the severest storm known since the memorable otm of 1854. Torn belles had a fight on the vcran U of a White Mountain lio'cl. ''he cause Is a secret, but Ihe encounter was public, being lu the presence of about fifty guests, ''he girls scratched faces, pulled hair, and tore dollies ill a lively manner for a few seconds, and wore not parted before both bore marks which lasted several days. 7'hey belong to wealthy and re putable families. On tho 2filh of August, a lire in Chicago, des troyed nearly a million dollars worth of proper ty. 7'his time, the lire was not caused by a cow, nor by kerosene, but by candles which, it is supposed, were placed on some of the wood work of the building for convenion -a and Igni ted the timbers. As long as people are care less so long will accidents bo frequent. 7'he property was fully insured. 7'iIK Imurmirf Jnurmil calls attention to a new kind of indemnity company, which insures against breaches of trust mid burglaries. It is Claimed that this species of insurance Is likely to bo of use to the public, by creating moneyed Corporations to whose Interest it will be to see that burglars and embezzlers arc presented mill aud punished. Prosecutions brought about by lire insurance companies are said to have les sened the frequency nfarson, and it Is thought possible that n similarly bcnellelal influence may now bo exerted upon burglary utid em bezzlement, Gkn. Wickhvm, the leader of the stralglitout Republicans ill Virginia, has published a ietler announcing his purpose of voLlug with the Democrats, and of supporting the gallant Daniel. He concludes his letter us follows : "For my self, I am I this canvass heartily for Daniel, Harbour, und MoKinni-y as far less huitfiil to the best Interests of the State and of the coun try than the lleailjiis'.er candidates, but when this canvass is over I shall evert all Ihe zeal I possess to resuscitate and reunite the Kcpuhli c ll party of Virginia, and to bring to it sue- 7111! applications! for discharge from the Navy are so numerous from thu men and their friends that the Department has issued orders forbidding any discharge except for cause ami ating lln'.t i-iieli uppF.cullons from Seu.itois and members of Congress wilt not lie aicd on until referred to Ihe superior ollicer of the par ty for whom the application is made. 7'hlsis done be mise exigencies of tlr: service requires it. Patriotism seems to be at a discount now but should there be a war, the ranks of both army and n ivy would both rapidly till up. A term of enlistment will take the siaich out of most any one. ...... Tim Republican State Convention of Missis sippi enthusiastically nominated (Ireeubaeliers and Independents for their eaml idates. ItenJ. King was tl'.eir choice for Governor. One col ored man, James Spcllmaii, is on the ticket. L. J. Jknmnus, who expresses himself on oc casions very cautiously, Miys that Kuglund Is growing revolutionary urn! that a feeling is be coming general there umoiig people with prop erty Dial it would he a most excellent, thing If they could tlallsfer llleluselyes and their proper IV lo the Coiled SI ilea. 7'he belief appear to be becoming ptoialent thai order and seeitiity exist in America to a gr ati r et nt tlieu In anv F.uio country. And so al' eyes are b ginning to Hun lu us lu re aiua-s tho water. Wi tuke from the Kliz.ibclh City o'.oi a correct account of Urn death of Kuink lliucs who was drowned atNag-llead l. st week. Mr. Iliius was a native of II '.tie coun ty and h id relatives there, 'lie I'uUnn s.iys : 7' bo young iiinii had ben enjoying ihe tine surf, to'goilier with his mollier, Mis Knto Skinner and p oi Ip r la l'es. in luml of (he billiipg lioii-es. 'lie nor lieasier rolled in huge 'billows to t he aliore, and lioi:d ly kept tlie parly elosu In to the land. 7'lle f irinei ll ivillg ret ired, young Ui'les Has joined by Messrs I'liailea I'eitliew ami Mullen and Major K. II' Bailey, tin: iliree venturing out into shoulder ib c;i water, the b 'llei to en joy the line mil. Mr. I'ctt grew was ul t iwcoly yards ulueasl of Mr. liiip-a, Mr. Moo e perhaps a Mule luriher on tee oilier si ic, ami Major Bailey had withdrawn, wnt-n linns a it deiilv slioineil, "Look ouil'' as a mousicr wave camo rolling in. lie then so earned: "rnr (Jod's sake help me'" the woids dying away on bis lougue as if lie h ul H"t sti'i ngih f'ir fur. her utterance, and immediately Sauk from view. 7' lie men made a dash foi his rescue, but ihe heavy surf threw llmiii from their b.i'auce and , swept tin in to ti c beach, blank limes was never seei: again alive. Men rushed out Into the surf in Ihe direction that too body disap peared, s -archill.' dilig only a id a' rain nig the r ev, in every doecloii for a s'ght of the body. 7'lie shrf hint from the li'e saving station was .pee.liiy iii.ioio d and l.u.n.h. ,!, ,i-;i;ci i!.3,i'd, dvnamito cam olges exploded, but all lo no pit po 7'lie search for Hie lioily was prose ciib'd diligently, though many lliougnt it had been eaten by a is sael that one ot llmsu luouslio'S was seen a hundred yards fiodi lint spot where .Mr. limes went down, sliori'y after Ihe occurrence. 7'his ilp'orv, howeve , was c 'tirely dis-ipa ed by the liiiil;iig of the body on Wednesd iy mo-uing aooiit one and a half'mlb'S from the bathing houses. A colliu was at once provided and the corpse placed aboard a steamer aud o rued lo Edenluu. NotickI Norii'i: ! ! XoTtrK ! ! !-Ji I rccetvuJ a largo and variid assort mo. it i f (rocoriim for fall ami willlcr trnilo. 300 bbli. Klour, hII grades, ?4.r,0 to $-t.g,r), 50 bids, of Sugar, all grades, S lo Pie, 50 Imgi ot tlolloo, all ura.les, Jo to 300. 1110 hoxosol Si aps all gia U's. Ill HI llis ot lard in t imcm ami tubs. 50 roams ol pap r bags Ae, 50 moss i I Kainli'H S 'oteh So nil'. 0 lioaos ol Caddie Tobacoo.'d'i to tide lb. 30 bills. ot now Mackerel. o") libs Kastpoit I li-i riiigs. 6ii0 Imalieh of ontH, V!5 bids ol i a"s th cakes, Ao. 50 kigs oi i alii lu oiio lbs. u. ..k aide ami Mlioulilnra, low) lbs. ol bains. uiH uLi, Ht.ircli, iinU'lios. apioe, poppnr iisian), ( ignis, tVo. Window shkIixs, blinds door, Ac. 50 biiHiiuS aeeii wticiii re and oats, o car loada Liverpool Salt. 1! i ur losds I. in c. j 1 am aoil'nt! tin- above go. ids at tho luw ' est prions lor cash. I JAMKS T. tjOOi'lJ, Wo'Uou N. t. pnperis In no way resi-onsl- lowi or Mat-ononis of Correspond Miimuntear i.ois of an anonymous II be published: the real n:uoe ot ents. .No i character w the writer limit accompany all communications. Am' one wti.i may feel airirrlev-.l at atiit.-nieiils nia-le by correspoiolenls ran obtain ihe name on application to tbo Kdltor. Corn-spon boos u ill pleam write only on one aide of the paper, ami lo avoid havlnjr their rommunleritloin thrown in the waste basket, will furnish tlp-ir tonnes-. not necessarily for piiMlcatloii -but ns a guaranty of KO"d faith. A'e will not notice anonymous correspondence, -. CAH11..-1 do not Intend to discontinue the practice of law, on nerount of my connec tion with the Koinokv Nk.vs. ytut will attend promptly to a I business cntrusti d to my en re. W. W. HAI L. LOCA lu. Bvn iiTit Summer. Fjumkus complaining. l!ur.i stuffs will be high. Cotton opening very fast. Ir will soon be school time. Bui col Is seem to be raging. Till! clreurloiis iP't Tuesday Cotton will bring a good price. Tun melancholy days have conic. CiiKKK up farnieis, lis not so bad sftcr all. Til K fair ones will soon be gathering homo. Cotton is said to be good In Mush Island. Pi I MP little misses wear the Jers 'y basques. Now is the time to supply joursi hca with coal. 7'iie. next fair w ill be Ihe best we have ever had. I'UOTHACTI.U church. meeting going on at Spring Tiik nicest grapes that grow can be now pur chased. To euro Ileal, bathe camphor. tho par's affected with Look out for the premium list of the fair next week. Sum k of our merchants will goon for goods in a few days. Smiitofonr citizens spent last Sunday at Spring church. Tun bUli price of lemons is Inducing many to take It straight. Tiik most liberal advertiser crowds Ills stoic the more frequently. Pi'.oPi.K applainj the successful, and kick down the do-appointed. IliiiNi: something to the next fair, If His noth ing bill your BWeclhenrt. M SNNKU Is everything with some people and something lo cyeryuody. I.tTi'i.rTiiN seems to bi; quite a summer re sort for some of our citieiis. Now is the h'iisoii when the darkle pulsion self outside of a good log watermelon. Tin: girls arc now we thev are no longer one iiing pointed shoes, If 'annul sec the point. Insi hk your gins against flic in good compa nies. For tales, apply to W. W. Ham.. Till! Albany (N. Y.I .iynt observes: Judge Mctiowan, ihls cily, cured of ihcumalism by St. Jacobs till. Miss Km M r CoiPiii'.l.i.'s school for young ladies an I boys will le goi in a short lioic. A limited ii il iii ! r of lioaiders mil be taken. K I ft Biks Si Airs i-oit Sai.r. A lirst rate pair of Fairbanks' I'lalfoini Scales in good coll dilion cheap. Apply at tins idliee. Tiik cotton season is coming on and gins should be insured against lire. Apply i-i W. W. IlAl.f.. Tlticiii! is always something to remind a man of the shortness of life, even if it be nothing more than a drug stoic or a doctor's bill. Till! Salem (Mass.) i,,;;r mentions; Mr. J. S. LeKavonr, artist, sin p' (singly hcncllted by St. Jacobs till. 1! 1 1 inn nisin l-ieiily years. A Professor Harris says "there is a coining of Up- nieroeosiu ii it . the tuiroeosm . '' Tune for foiuc ("Iks to bike to the nooils when Ibis hap pens. Tri'tio malari il fever still holds its own in Ibis vit imi v. Tncro are several cases in a'.d around W. ldon, though none of tbciii are very serious. Wiiks yon come to the cirem don't fail lo c.ill on II. '. Simmons to get your cigars mid tobacco. "Our S'ubs" is conceded to bo the be-! live cent cigar In Weldon. Somh of the glils of the pctlod are parting their hair on one side. Thev do this lo ciuse they do not wish to look like the soft young iiieu li 1 1 pail iheir in the middle. Vi:call attention to fail Prints at M. J. Siiiiggius A I'o's.. a I the latest design at low prices. P.olies wotihl llnd it advantageous lo examine their stock before making purchases. JtiioiNO by Ihe curly Importations, 1 1 - 0 colors mid eoinliii atious which promise to r. igu in dress fabrics next fall ale if possdile mo' e si lik ing and original than any heretofore t-tlnhilcd. Mil. B. K. I l l is has at. out ten thousand shingles on the river a few miles from II -lif.isc which cannot be shipped on account of Ihe low w.iler, We tnqie he w II soon be able (o slop by rail. Tiik watermelon crop b is stood by us man fully during lite long ill v spell but as all ihings llillsl b II c an end so the fsluc Hod. 01 tinisl soon pat,s uw.iv, carrying A ll ll it chills by I lie million. Tut: Ho:rd of M igis"r ifcs nie.'t on Moud iy fir the piopose of electing idlieeis of the Info rior court for i!o- i iisinug P roi. We do not know ol mi v other business llnl w,ll ileiu.iud tin- r at .cnoon, Sim-k hoops again came Into fashion lliey are alluded to as domestic ciieles. II Is not known who jwroeti.tied tlie pun. bill lie Is no d"ii't some renegade Jillrna!ist w ho should In- exiled lioiu lh- bustle of life lo Ihe very outskirts of en ilif.alion. Wk acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the ru'es and renti lai ions and schedule of premiums tor nil il iiiiiMi il i-alr ol tin- .North t aroiiua In iliislii I Association, which is to be lo id lu Lab-igh on ticlnhcr 11 1st aud November 1st, 'iud, 3ul, 41 h and ol Ii. N i ra'u yet and crops are needing It. It, is sibilate, I Hi il two. thirds of a crop of cotloi will In- made in ibis seel ion. 7'he gencril fall ing off of the yield ll i thought will run the pi ice up. liood prices for coiton would supply the loss In quantity. I. 1st rrnlay morning, Mr. Jesso Rhea, sent to tile Nkws olhee basketful of nice peaches. They were un loubtedli the finest tii.t.d pi aches Hull we have -'popped our lulls" into this ,cason. (lb! ils so nice to lie remembered, especially in way. i n v tunc the average citizen attends a circus he remarks in a disgusted manner, "when you see one circus you si e all." And to prove the tiu'h "if the siiiP-ment ho uticuds each slice eding arcnle exbibilion wi'll sctopuloil regularity. Watch and see if we are not cor rect. WuitN the rains commence, "f thev ever do, the d impness will let loose all the malaria which has hc n accumulating during Ihe summer and ha been la'cul on n n il of the dryness. People should le careful lo hay.' their prs'inlsei clean and well limed and ill a me.isurii over come tiiis poison. On Fatiirdayla't Dr. A. R. ZollicofTcr ampu tated a toe for a color- d man, who lives near here. 'I he bono lu bis top h id been broken, and bad hcah d up, but give him a great doil of trouble si Hun's so lie decided to part wilh it. It was indeed a very sue essful operation, the p nienl losing but very lit tin blood, and not a ilfcrlng much p aiti. Ho went on h a way re J 'icing. " BLACK-DRAUGHT" niakca chills iml lever impossible. For sale by Dr. A. It. ZolllcolTer A Uro. Town Taxks Our tax collector, Mr. J. II. Mefi'-e, requests us to announce that tho tax lists are coy ready and that ho will now re C'lvc ail taxes due the town. He w ill soon be on ihe war path aud cit zens can save trouble ' , ud expciijc by M'ttling at ojco. Tiik K litor .f tli ble for t lie vii-w, Ni.w Ao9. Administrator's notice Abram Brinklcy. Sale of land John T. Gregory Executor. Wesh yan Female College. Dissolution of parlnershlp Wetks & Fu-trell. Ckoweu.s Cnofi'tsos. Rev. Mr. Vann, preached at Dawon's Sunday ruuriiiue aud at Crowells III the afternoon. Rev. Mr. IV I e is assisting Rev. A. G. Wilcox, lu a revival at Harris' shops beyond Halifax. Key. J. F.. Ilutson, the F.vangellit will com mence a si" ics of meetings hero on the 4lh Sunday lu '. ctober. Han unkii. Rev. W. P. Bluke, pastor of the Baptist church at this place, who was married about a mouth ago, returned borne last Satur day, biinglng with him hla beautiful bride. His in .my friends were at tbo cars to welcome him and offer congratulations. He also filled his appo tit incut here Sunday. We wish the happy pair a long life of happiness. Fiusr Cotton hp tiik Skason.. Two hales of new cotton, raised on the plantation of Geo. VI. Branch, F..q , was brought In town to-day, and sold to Messrs, Branch it Pope for I'.'l els. It Is useless to spa ik of Mr. Branch's reputa tion as a (.inner, as ll Is generally known that he is one o( the best and most successful plan bos lu North Carolina. K.NfiKi i, N C, Aug U'dh 1SSI. U. ItrucNov run .The F.xpresa olllee at this place has recently been repaired. It has been plaster d and painted Inside und otherwise Im proved, aud presents a much better appearance inside. Mr. W, T. Wbiltlebl, Ihe agent has been connected with the Express Company for many years and we do not believe there Is a better agent anywhere in tin; c lUtitry. There is never any trouble in the office but every thing moves like clock work. Goon Piiospki'T The prospects for a suc cessful Fair are bright. Tim tluie llxed for tho exhibition has 1 ll well chosen and large numbers will doubtless be prosens.. This Fair lias become an Insliiuilon of tho Eastern part of 111" State and every body makes It an oecin lon for an annual reunion. Friends incot friends, reliilves llnd out relatives and all hive a good time during th i wo k, th-rehy refresh I ig and resting themselves af L'-r tho labors of tlie jc ir are over. An F..( itinii Gamk ol' Baskihi.i.. A' match game ol base ball will be played on the Aeado my grounds at this place, on the hth lust., be tween the Halifax and tho Independent clubs. Tlie hitler Is fioin the upper part of the county. The Halifax nine will bo selected from the Halifax and F.nlleld clubs and the Independent nine w ill be composrd of Ihe independent and Littleton clubs. This will be a well played game as there are excellent players oil both sides. Tiiini'TK to tiik W y rniMKi oN. -People deal unjustly to Ihe watermelon sonic times by eating a hearty dinner first and then topping off wilh a melon, and then If a moral earthquake sets up In the Interior they charge It to tlie melon. The watermelon was intended as an episode an Inleilinle a romance without words a hoc, irue lu green and red not to be mingled wilh bacon aud greens, lis indulgence h aves a certain eplgastral expansion, Inn Una is pain less and evanescent. The ruiucdy U to loosen the waistband, and lake another slice. ... - -Ki iki'OMuK Full. The first exhibition of tlie F.dgceoiuhe Agrlcullural and Mechanical Association w ill be held on the grounds near Tarboro, beginning November the hlh. Win S. Ila'tlms President, E. D. Foxhail Secretary and II. L. 81 at uu. Treasurer. These others wilh a large lumber of Vice Presidents, will certainly make this fair a success. The pre im ii lit list which we have just received, shows a hands uue collection of premiums stid diplo mas. 1 i-i-is' IT 'oiiaCco. Some time since a man hi the n one of Meru't went through North ainpton, lleitie and oilier count es sc'liug un stamped tobacco. A number of merchants bough; w e bear an I Mr. W. II. Hughes of Giaimlle a special deputy went around and cawghl some of the p irties w ho were brought before I'tiited Slates Commissioner J. W. M nib a, w lio l.ea'd litem )esterday. 7'he par lies were In charge of Marshal Hill and the Govern i. cut was represented by District At lorticv Alhertson. Mil. F. 11. Mint, of Davidson county, has brougnl suit to ii cover a celeoralcd mining properly in (l , vol sou voiml V, Hgai'ls'. tlioMd- Itillnnoie company, now in possession, it Is ei.niiied lb 0 Hie coir.p i u y only h. 'quired the in ter, si of the I, le Colonel' Philip llctno!,, and tli it on his death lo ir title c used, lie having but a lite esl it,-, and Mr Sinl b ri pre-euts the lev-rsiou n v interest. '1 hi' propel ly is slocked III $i,llil.0O0. .M.nV J.eoi.i. Mi. .sii!h is well known in and Ins many fr'p'nds hope Cessful. this community, he will be sue- Pi.iisox yi, C ,pi IV . II. M ii -e, of the I'eiei stiurg It til oad, w bo has for some lime been ill from nia'aria! f tor, Is, we are glad to say convalescent .mi! will we hope soon resume lu- ilulles as eoiiilu 'lor. Mrs. Waddell and Miss l.o-sie Hill of Peters burg, spent sevcnl days horr la-t week. Mr. ,1. 7. Hooch led last Friday for Asbevillc mid Tennessee, combining business aud pleas ure. R II Suiilli, Sr., of this county has been ap pointed a delegate to Ihe Atlanta Cat ton Ex position by tlie thu North Carolina Agrleuliu ral Society. lsiMKcriNr Mils is the season when litenic lasts should bo f.ilihlully olnerred. 1 lie cess pool-, privies, pi pens, sod other soirees of tntli should be 1ohk d af'er. A iouud or so of copperas dissolved iu water snd sjitinUle I otcr the ace tmulatcd tilth w ill su.ui remove nit olb tisivc snicll and purify tbo prem ises. A little C'h'orlde of Lltllo will also have the siitne elfect, but lliu cbeapest and must avail.ible disinfectant Is dry dirt. Beettre the dust of tun street and sprinkle ll around Hie premises every day and it will absoib all the noxious a r arising f 'oui the dccouipo -lujr vcu- ctiible matters. We hope these iur'ction will be acted upon as they ait) attended with litll ; or uo expense. Look ot t roil IT. There Is a counterfeit silver dollar clrcit'ated, which is pronounced the best counterfeit c utt ever aeon. It Is be.tittifully made, mi l bus a lliejlt iron ap pearance w blcli Is ofler foutul In tho genuine sl.iiid.od dollar. Ilia silver plsU-d, and acids do not efTccttt unless tbu surface Is scratch ed up. Tho Weight Is tbo marvelous point In the deception. The counterfeit ; as 11 stands would pa- In slue easily, and Its weight would mil be detecied on any but a small seals. Il weighs '.Is1 per cent of the genuine, while tlie (Venn,"' ifood counterfeit tloos not wei jh more than 75 or SO per cent. Tbo data of the coin lt-7S, allliotiKh that may be, ch.iurd lu the future by the makers. A CARD ." 7'o Ihe Jimtitn if njfll VmtnlJ : I take Ihls melliod of nnnoiinclnif myself a candidate for Solicitor of the Inferior Coin t. Yours very rcspeelfullv, V. A DU'.N.N. RiNowoon Items. The g cat drought that Is uow prevailing all through this county and other counties of the State, is the all absorbing top e of interest to our cllixens. The season U being far advanced, and at this wrlilng, tlu-ru are no signs of rain. We are satisfied that Ihe yield of cotton and corn will be greatly shortened by tho drought. There Is no news of general interest to glvu you this week from our towu or Its surround ings, should anything of general Interest turn up, will let you hear from me. Our town la located out In the Interior, away from Railroad facilities, Out, nevertheless, a good many pushing and enterprising drummers llud us out, with their samples of tempting ivares, and often a great source of convenience to our merchants. Tlie physicians s iy, that It is distressingly healthy at this time iu this section. Damon. Forty years' trial lu proved "BLACK DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine iu the world. For sale by Dr. A. R. ZolllcolTer ,fc Bro. . .. , ... Com.kuk. We call atten tion uf tlie public to the advertisement, of the above liiilltutlon, which will open Its fall sea slon on Sept. 'JSHi. It will be a new tf illdlug, with the latest Improvements, lieale I by steam and well fin ill-hod. The (acuity of the school will consist of nine prof ssors aud teachers, and will compare favorably with any Institution In the South. Wc clip the following from tlie Hiii'iru .Vcaei on this subject : Mr. E. P. Parliato, who for several year had charge of tho Witrrcuton Fein tie l.'o'lcge aud who, by his scholarly aeeoiuplishnieuls and popular management, attract ed to Iho College and educated I here such a goolly numlier of young ladies from all parts of the Slate, has 'been leccullv elected lo the Presidency of tlie We.slcyau Female C .liege. This in.tillltioii was burnt out live or six years ago, tint hns since been handsomely rebuilt und now bids fair soon to In- one of the mosl desirable schools for young Ittlie in Eistetn North Carolina. Mr. P.trhain Is loo well known lo Ihe people of Warren county to require even a favotable men tion bv us. He was universally popular both ill the school room and iu the social circle, it. is sullleieiit to let II be known thai he again otters Ills services as an instructor. No lioail-ncW or baok-nolie for ladies who tlriuk "WINE OF CARDUI." For sale by Dr. A. R. .oibcolfcr V Bro. Si iiTi AMi N'Kt'K Diunos. Tlie subject up permost In tho minds of most people In ihls section is (lie Railroad. For many years efforts have been made and p ans suggested to accom plish ihisohjo-t, but filled until the plan now being put iu execution was adopted. Some way of f'luiiiiunlcatloii with the outside wothl lias long heen needed. The river which Is the only means of transportation Is dry a part of the t'uie and now is so low that boats cannot come higher III in H million which is eighteen miles olf. For mouths the wa'er lots been ao low thai ll could bo easily ftirdcd, and w hat tho people lu-e haven't been fully supplied with, Is not obt.iln.ililo. The completion of Hie Rail road Is looked forward to Willi gn at interest as a blessing for which they cannot be too thank - ul . The next session of Vine Hill Academy will open soon under Ihe charge of Mr, Uig.dalo an accomplished cducitlor who was elected prineiptl by the trus;e, s after Iho resignation of Mr. Ilagley. The academy has been p it iulo good riqiair an 1 als i improved by a new coal of paint. The female depart m tit has also been enlaigeil by a new building, foiim-rlv the II iptlsl fhnich.which will in a day or two be put Into position. Tills depirlnieul will be tin I r the supervision of Miss L"u.i S nith aud Mrs. McDowell former'.)' of Murfrensboro, who has nil mill v wilh her duighters. 'Mils Is an old school and a good one and Is one of the best evidences of Hi" culture and ivllnement uf Ihe cillr.eiis of the place. Mrs. Joseph Saunders of Pitt county and MissSsllic Irwl : of Naslivlllo lcnil., are visit ing in the neighborhood. The health of the indghb uhoo 1 is excellent, there being few or no diseases of a maiari. 1 nut urc. Mis Joe shields died recent ly after an illness of oulv a few bom s. The crops mo -iitf ring gieat weather though fioiu repoitsfi lions, we me inclined to liclicvi v from the dry olll olher sec- Ihev WW cum pare f ivoi.tntv w lib any others. Rev. Mi llilliui of II. mil ion, will settle here ale nit Ihe llisl of Ocloher as reel. a- of Hie Epis copal church. Ho will divide his lime between Ibis parish and Hamilton. NKW AUVKK 1'ISKMKN TS. j ystil.t TION l l-' (UI'AliTNl ItMIII'. I hellrmnf.l li Week- A Co.. Is Hits day dis. solved by the wlllohaH 111 ol of .1. l. Wc-ks mid J. I'. Kutlell I to- l.usliiess s ill ller- sller In- coll dueled li .1. It. We. k- III I In 1 1 o0l -1 llnl u ho I- author!., d loi-olleel all inoni-y due III- firm and receipl lor Hie sltuie. Aug. sllh, ls-Si. .1 I! WI l'KJ. J. ll. W lil-.K.s. .III. Ju. I'. I I Tb'lil.l.. si p I It X O T I C K. I he niitiTli:n(l hftviiiir Ihi l:iv iiuulifi.-tl Ikv f-Ti thf .1 U"Ki' it rri'liit' ol Mulifnx noittty 11 u.lnilniMiiitui ot I; li h.utl To niKU y, tit . si-t .1, hn ol.y not nit-nil p r.m i Ihihi n-Hlu-t lii .'si.iic in pitM'tit tlo'in lor p.tuiH'iii iluiy uu. thi'tilK'ntt"! 'v 1 1 iv tlr-I .I.iy ol u.'iol.T IKv, Auroliau SprntL," N (', ih 'S1.! AKKAIIAM lll;lkl.i:V, Ailuir. Sep 1 tov WKS,.KV an kkm.!.i:'oi,i.k;k, MURFREE5B3RO, N. C. Tlie ?l!h nunihil si'v.iou of this well -known ii fur yuM- l;iiu' will Ivciu on i-pi. mth WM. Fine liiiiNhii, 11 i:rKD nv rK.M, ln-st m IiooI lixiiiri'o, new pianos aiol furuilitrc.anilttll iu't't!HU ry HnatiLini'iii for hntitli aud emniort. Imi.u-iI, w n niii; , lit; lit-, Ac M.nn. I.iti-riry itillioii. Im ludiiin Iniiu ioh, k.U. iMht-r i,har(;t.'Ji iiitntfiHle. K. K. I'AKII AM, A M . m p I 5w rrt'Nitnt. X otic j-;. EXECUTORY UND IALE. Ity s Irlue of an older of Noitbtiuiptnii Sujo-rlstr Court und ol lbs-inn li-ii ily ve-te,t in tne its Kx-i-euioi-of l.eoie W . I OseiiN. ib-eeitsed, I, as sin ii Kr ifsr. is "'t si...).! ,.-, ii.,- .. j . .y of ',ictot,tr, Issl. Sell nl public itiieliou al tin- Court House ill Halifax loan, the follolvllli valuable p-ncrt)-Ih'I uikIiiu lo llie t-slaic of test., tor, and sliuale in said eouniy. to wit: 1st. Thai valuatde mill properly niul nppurilnenee located on ijniinky t'reek, ullhill one mile of lllllilnx town. Jiul. One uuillsnleil llurd interest lu ihw I.omo Intel, adjolniiik' Ihe lauds of Win. 1(. Tiller)' and others, lyintf o'i itoek .swamp and eonlaiiiiiit; about lour bundled acres. Three lots in die (own of llulilsx, to wit: l.oi No. ,"i.'V known js thedld I lerk'i oltbe lot, upon wlnrll is a iiood I, rick olthc I .on Nos. w und t.l to the rear of Ihe snid btiek olhee. Terms, one. third cash, luilance In six nud twelve nt-inllis eredil. s-ndorsed by bonds well sccurs-d, and llilc retained until pityniioit of nil the pttr chax! iiiollcy. .I'iIIN' T. UUKi lOU V, Kxeeulsir U. W. linens. This .nth AiiRtist lnl. sep I Iw ' N "TIC K. To the creditors of Jno. Jos. I.otiff, sr., iloceaaed: Take notice that a special proc. -dliiir has tiecn comineneed t"f"rs' Ihe flerk of tin- (Superior Court for Halifax eouniy, North Carolina, airatust James T tlooeli as Aduiliilslralor sb bonis tiou of Jno Jos. le'tor. Hr. . deceased, b r an aeeotiut snd settlement f his ai I'll lu "air itiou a 1 lo pay lo the eredtlors what may tie due theitl respeei iveiy: attn Hits is to noi ity you to appear lieforss said Clerk oil or before. This Hist day of AukusI ls. at hlioiiten in Halifax town Halifax county. North Carolina, and lib. your evldei s of debt attaiiist said d ssod duly snthenticaied or t is nonce win pe pi-no in par of their le ooverv. l.eiaeoiy nf this notice l.o posted at the Pourl House In said county of llilif ix for forty da a. and a copy thereof bo published 111 the ltoau ike News, a newspaper published In said county, one,, a weoa for s successive wc-ka. Tliiathe Willi day ol Jim- A. 1) Its) JNO T illtKUOHY. Clerii of MitiM-riori'i art, and I'roPate Judte for Halifax l ouiii v, V C june ,'ie !t ADVERTISEMENTS. CTATK OF .SOUTH CAI'.OMN.l, n HORTHAKPrOJl C0UHTT, SUPEBIOB C0TJBT, M. C. Ciiineron, Pin". Against Gilbert Klllolt and wife Lucy KUIolt and the heirs III law of li. W. IJrlce, decvast-d, defendant The defendants In the almvtt entitled action will lake notice that unless they apiearat the Coiil'l houst. iu the lowu of Jackson, In Norihampton eouniy. North Carolina, at the next lerm of said rutin to be bebl at said t'ourtltoiisn on the slih Monday ufler the 1st Monday lit Septeuibt-i' ISM, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action miring snnl lerm of said court, tne planum will take judgment against them for the sale of tin- tnterr.l ol (nll'crt and I. m y Klliotl III and tsi erlaln tl'Us-tof Innil situated in said eouniy con- lultuiiK one thousand acres more or less tlud known aa the mil rianiutiott ami tne unpiica- lion of lbs proct-eda to the payment. pro t-itilo, of a bond In the sunt S dm-plaiulitr and secured by a tb-i-d In trust on said land. ii. i . crtce bitng tin- trustee named In said deed. Witness, uy baud and seal of ottleu at otVtce ill Jackson, the glll day of August lis , j ii lt'iiis,!'. , Clerk Superior lourt. nog la ow AN 'OFFICK STOVH FOR SALE CHKAP (i()()D AS NEW. APPLY AT s i AKKOF LAND. By vlrluo of nn nr.lrrof nnlo, Krnntt'tl nt Sprfiiji li'rm, lfcsl ttf llnllfHK SiiKrinr ( inirt, lit tin iiiiir til tfllrn W, )itnit' und ntliiTM ntiliiNt Jt'hn Wlllh Julitmton, I ilmll mi Munitnv lln I'.'lli d.iy nf Sfptrmli-'r, ss, fnrriLoh, at ihe t'unnhmiso ilimr iu llulitiix, trut'l ol liuut in IhiUfux (..'nuiitv, coii tiiliuntf ii hi Mit 'MiS iicrt's lntH;rlteiltvful"I.I"tiiintiiii I'nnn liii I'hUut, W illls IuhiM(nti Htnl nll.ttt lo mi id t fi'iui nit ill the i au-ii of K.J. 'hvnk iiml DthrM !; pnrti'. AUi one iiOht tnu-t n' Kii twron, hmulit y Mii l Jolm-sinn of t hns .1. (,,!-. tA tu jostniiLf i In' anU of Imihc Fiiuli-ott nu. utirn. For fuithcr particulars, upjily tn mo at llulilitx, N. C H. O. Itl llToS. JU.. A ilk;. 10, ltiSI. Coiiiim-MoiHT. It i IK 1H I W s .LK OK LANK. lt' virlui' of Hn i 1ir ol -mlft, Rrnntet! at Sprint; utiii, i?v', oi itipu ix Miporior Lourt, lu (lie i hiih1 ot.l.T '.ioorh. Ailiiiinltiiaior il. h. n., ot Murtha M Kp)H"i, (U.'HM-.t, akiiiisti tlif hi-iri at luw ol hnt-1 lti f iMctl, I fh:ilJ M'li, at Ihe CiMirtliotiH' l'Kir lu Halifax, on Uu- p.Mh lav of ScptnuiiiT, lNt tli" one tiiinl Intfi-tM of Miil ltM H.Hsl iii the of l;iitil in Halifax town, adjoining the oUI uaiv Iiouhc lot. Tltiim, ouc-li.tlf I'li-ih, rL'iittiliiiU'l' lu months, uu imiKi .vim uprovi-,i MM-untv. Mile rt'Uiliiel. Wehluii, N. l, Ailtf. iKth, JA.H. T. HOOi'H, auk 18 i w. CommlMtlouur. 0" A H. '. ALLEY M.VNt'FACTUHKR OK t'A.lV 1U ( AH FN, Wholesale and Ketail CONFECTIONER. AND DKAI.KK IN KliniT.i, ITtlAUS, ToIlAfi'O. 4c, 4c, 7 Svcuniorts Street, l'El'KiWltUKU, VA. id r. 3 If. g (. U T H K UN 11 O T ii L, K. 11. nKHEKH, I'roprlclor, HALIFAX, N. C. Hi lltle l. repainted and thoroiiifbly arranged for comfort fables supplod front Norfolk and Wlliniiorlon uiarketa- Hood aervniila aad iroo.i fare, t'oinforlalile rooms for all. I have also a l ivery statde, where, borsoa are promptly alleuded lo, vehn-les bind out on ims ouilile ternts lo partlea WIshlliK tllelll. t:i ly jIKST CLASS ItO.Utl) AMI I.OHlilNIi all be bad by npph mi: to MiiS. IHA T WII.KINS, A few doors In-low the I'osl lllllec. opposite ildu ol tne street. ans t if. Weldon, N. C. lllil'A'AN IIAI'TIST FKMAI.K IXSTITI'TK. ' MUBFREE8BOR0, N. C. Koi Nni:p in this The next session of Ihls popubir Inslltiltloii b Kins on H edlie-iliiy. o. ts. , location -luciiuiily I ..-1 ii n it I t n a nulct and beallhv ihiu-e on o sile o. rnre beinuy. und within an en elosiue n js iieres. 1 lie tree u f II- property lu.-d at o inm, enuliles It lo oiler sios-rlnr in I mi Iss-t's o iii'ry uioderiile leruis. Iloiird and tiillloit In fod, Konli-h course, tier session ol iiina lnoi,il,.,t is. tilhei eharKc rcilsoiia lu. Fur particulars address .).. II lib KW Kit, I'rcshlent. aui; I tin. i. out: s a I. i) o s, lit Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. The friends of I'nl from Halifax conlitv will iiml Ii i in wiili Cant. .Inn Meioovaii and w here the most f.istldious will lie pleased. July :s Im 'O l) T II K F U 11 I, I I'. I lake Ihls opportunity ofsnyllnr to the pub lie that 1 am audit Tor the Hevised New Testa ment. Finn bibles and an slvle of bookslhat Is wauled. I am alo si-, nufor Hiirbard brut tiers Flilladelphia Newspaper a renl f ir True a Co. also lor II. Ilalleil A Co , Portland. IV.- J i .-At N'liKKS, Weldon, N C, l un. n. j. NqriuuiMst a o. IM ILIN K II Y . LADIKS llOXNKTS, HATS, RIUDONS M,tn r. Kfs, ic. I. OKSTl.KMEXH VSDMWK.Ut ALL KIN IIS IIKNT QUALITY OF OOO T Klt r Qimlily ol I.nsllci ClnlerH NOTIONS t FANCY COODS rntiirr of all kind s. MRS. M J. SQt'ilillNS a I'd., Wei loll, fl. C. June 1.1 lm. AMKL, PKATl' lOrruN Ul.N. Mttnularinrcd At 'ritllvlllr Alubstma We aw sole sifsnts In North Carolina for the sale nrtne imoti-i Frait Cotton Uliu, Feeilcrs, and Condensers. Tin" best maeblnea In the world for (Uniting sonoo. Mills m-i'-r.iniisru'iuil.rillll Wll ITUar antee Hie th" tttaehlnes to irive hettc attlafae tlo i than any In use We am al o sole airenta In North Caroline for th. sale of the Sehotleld, M.teon ileork'la. Hand. Horse, Water or Htesm t'ow.T Coiton Fre,Mtrom(caI and beat adjusted Fr-'ss In ii-e. If you aie In want of a (tin nr Pre write to ua. WILLIAMSON I'lVlirucil. HaloUu. N.C. U f-'reiiee to Kil Igh N it. Dank June i lu. advp:i;tkmknt8. W7n. JiU0VN7 TIIK LEADER OF LOW PRICES! I bate ust recelTml my Fall A id Winttr Stoik Which la fuller 'hart ever Ijs.-fore B y trial atlM- lion to BDOTS AND SHOES. I a-eep a lull Hue of Z-ls ler's Lace and Bnttoai Allies for lotdira. I have also a Inr.a atok il BARKKU'S nHA7.ll. IAN MlfOF. PHKMtlNO Fl'K 1.AU1KS AMI ('Itli.l'llt.N. My Slock of DHY GOOD ' KOTION1, J F. W K I, R Y, Is eompb-tu. Also a complete line of Drxassf oods. vorsie.i, t asHiuier,'. HUH Trtiumliiira, Fringe. Huitoim, Corn-la, Hose and Half Uiai or. Ladles aud lienfa, all CI1EA1' FOR OASH. fan and examine my stock U-fore nurehasstur elsewhers. Corner First St., and Washington. Avnae. no ii iy. JJKO W N A C K K A WAT. II IMF IX, Nf. r. . DUALKRI IN ururas, vkimi'in eh, chemical!. I'alnts.Olls, Varnlalie.s, Dyo-atuffa, Fins Toilet Ho.ips, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, For fiimeryand Fancy Toilet Articles. Trua-a,-s and Hliottlder U races, Lter Faper, Feus, Ink, Knvsilopes, lllasa. Pat ty, Curbou till, Lamps, Cbliu Ueya. l'h;airiana'i Vreaerlptlons ace uratelf aoDV ouiiiieu. t l-ANiniitTiis' I Ki.rnti tTi:ii(;itnr.x?Eiia. We purchase these seeds direct, from t'i fit- tensive .seed Farina of the Messrs. l.aiidrtilh, snd they should hot be rlaased with the aceda left on Commission throiis-houl tha eounlry. Use l.andreths' Heeds, and a Kood Vcaolabla Harden is luaurtid. tint 7 ly V. J. NAW. BAKER & CONFECTIONER. WELDON, N.C. A very large supply of akea, Crackers, Candles. French and Plain, Knlsliis, Fruits, Nuts. Ao. The largeat stock of Toys of every variety ever. prolixin to una uiaraei. Orders for e ind'oa. c.ikH. Ac., filled at short est notice at No 't hern prices. We tdlnir and other parties supplied as ftrat as the cheapest, net IS. ly. JNOIM'.sj AND SAW MILLS. -1 - - -? W offer tli" ptibllo tills oicfslleot l"t (if Kiiuiiies, wbinli wo warrant sain ami In iiooil worHnit on! , as vvn iry every m. tli inn bolors alilppiui;. Tli small shrIum are tl(iKO.I lor (ji'ining an ' Raw. tig au.i on akiils, a 14 11. P. Knsinoa and Iloili rt at 7M oacb. 4 li H. r. Enclnei and Boilers at 4T$ to t 'i eicli. 4 10 It. 1'. KiiL-ines nnil Hoilera at (AM to fihlO. 1 7 II. P. KitRlna and Boiler I2. 1 H II. P. now KliKliin and Holier $475. I II II. I. KtiKine anil ISolliir Ki. 1 lo II. P. KtiKlno and Holler S'.KIO. Hi.iu new ami boiler nearly an. new. II. r. KiiKlnnnn wbeela 7 SI. 4i II, P. Holler aod 'lo 11. P. Knuiua. fl,2-s3. Light FrIHInn Saw Milt, 50 foot oarrlau screw head blocks and 48 Iticu Uiaaloa Saw, 27S. Heavy Friction Saw Mill, 25 font ear rlaKo, acrew lioad blocks and ii Inort Diaa ton Haw, fl7. Haoliet reed, MI extra. Our .let Pump will raise water oat of well SO feet tloep. write lor circular, eiviuir diinanaiona and prico. New Knalnra and Hollers of any Mm intdo to order. TAPPKY sxTF.Fl ITir, S Orn. rutitirif Va s T K tt L I M (J n. U A It Y HER VEY'S OLD STAND HALIFAX, N. C. UROeF.RIF.S, BOOTS, BOOKS, IIAT3, C r All Slsia, All Oradea, All Trices. All Styla . MEN'S CUILDRKN'8, WOMEN'S AND MISSES SHOES SHOES. All klmls of family frnioerlea on hand an I to arrive, frock eompletely new. Just purchasef from the Nortkeru Markets. M OARY, II ihtax, N. sep nily r u s-A a- , r ,.. -sww UB(

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