! i THE HOANOKE NEWS W.W.HALL, I J. W. 8LKDOK, ) Pripbitob. T! UKSuVAY : : JANUARY 19, fs.: TVk havr- received tin' tir-H rninil'i-r cf tho Kuli'igh Clircwiclr, a new weekly paper which it was nimnrct a fthort time tince would be nilliihi'd in tlie interi RU of a third party in (lie? State. Mr. A. II. Dim ell is tlieedit.n . It will be independent in 'politico. Speaking of the political complex-j-in of the next Legislature it ex presses' the opinion tl.ut it will In Democratic. It cayo concertiiit',' it : Should the lctnnrrat carry thr LcttNlsliin In AafuM m-it, th. ) will haiea r.-.Incut majority In that bo1jr. Tha R'" iill i.-nri. rann, elect a tnajirlly, nurare the liidcdendcut ni-n of the KtaU). or the dlaiaii-fl-d rleuici.t of th lieu:, e alio (.any willli,,- u, unite with Ihe Kiiil'll cvu an li,t a ame tl c ir,-acul leaders nt ihr K-nMran party control tho tufar ii-ranlr-ailou. l! would nut mri'tlm in rery in irh tn hi a third triy In Iht field at ilie nnt el. c'lun. mi . The New York Tiiliiinr cay tin jilatform nf tlie Pi iiiiii r.-itic party in 1NS4 will be ciul service reform. Il the party trie to satihfy every f;i-t ion within it it will have fveral other pliiiku in the platform. Among them v ill be hard-money unl iri'i'ii!uiik and fre tradu and a protective turilT. It will boa long tiinu be fun; any p wrty will embody in it stat'Mncnt o! principle that of civil st-mcu reform if that principle should mean that no o;ie is to be turned out of office except I'ircitire. Tho Jacksoni.m doctrine that to the tic-torn belong the HpoilN keep parties together better than any ihini; in the world and neither of the prem-nt political organization J.ires to endorse a civ il service reform that prevent! the victor from rewarding partisan services. Wr see that several bid li.it e been p-esenteJ to Congress having for their vbject tho abolition of the internal revenue. Whether any of them will b,; enucted il is hard to tell as this is not merely a party question, both par ties being dit ided ua it. We are op pose I to any law that will entirely abolish internal revenue for ihe tim ple reason that we believii the tariff wmi'il have to he made higher and the protectionist strengtln ned. We are n.it well vernej in the matter, hu; sihee the discussion Ins been g iing on we have read closely those articles bearing on it and our opiiro I is till what it wait in the beginning tiiat it would in, t be advisable to do uw.,y entirely with either Internal Twenties or protective duties, but that hot! i should be reduc d -a It having been repotted that Col. .A.M. Wallell won!. I he tho Malione ur North Caiolina, he has wiitten a letter to the Wiluiin ;ton Iteview denying the rumor. In his letter I e : To Ik- "the Milium- nf N. r'li Cur .Inn." thrr t irr. k, ai I n .i-r.iiau I ,1,1, tl, uri'.ni iiir sint li-1 ter i.f a nvi ernt'iit t-y ii U, h il,,. Stale l t be turned to ihr K, -f - I . : i . o, I t' f i enti pul In n;p, th-ref. i. r, i. w I i r..iiv I., ,ln this ti.iii.i. Whil hai I ev r pmI'1 ur dona shut I --ntereil 1 1 . 1 1 lf.. t j,u; fv such an linn'ry I m.iv I ml t.r. p.,Mii n ina-1 to me. wh-ii I',,' I'..-- urll-m psru- mt. iitii,i'it. nt In lun s . I., H, .'..,i i', hih . littler In In fill, an I In .lit 1 ...I y lo-a a nominal on from II,.- It hi m-mi.,- .art, taiin u Itami r In i;, .l,i.t, a i.l wlion, ,n tlilsriMrli'l, Cere was ' u a i .,nr l, ,1,, r- reivi c,-," anil f,r fljll )tiri ,' r id that taniwr li victory ljr i-v,t in nmIih,- nm.'..rlt. . I I, ,r bnvi Oil, I ll,a' I au I rihdi.l t.r a i 'Hi Irian. Tie- rSa-K-- nny l in," At ui,) ? t ni , ihe tt k 'f I'lfy n : It In -nyix llMtlhive frriil-litiy , r,l i. lr.l II, ,,,iu', Pli-nt of the llvni'M-ni i, larfy an. I wl.l yrbA I I v .1.. it "CI n, I. llni w' , n t n.i it I., , j ni ,"1111 in n with il I ulll .I., il in,,' n. , mi I In,. nndiT t'' r.-t,"t.'rv, I i,; i',. III l,..-t ,it,T '..f 'h i . ),!-- , r''i i .o n , -i wii In- , ,i hv til" r I till. hi . t I l ,,r y i , i o r ai,.th n I , lni,,' Iln. i 1 1 1 til , ,,'ti... lit .1 kn , If l Ih p wll Ian- ..( u ,, f oil- lr,nn itn. ami i.o: iintu rat., iiyn titi u. .i', -re irrt-i,'. 'ii't 'ii T.IK SIlCCi'SS i if Ihe movement m Virginia, eiigilierred Iroin Wushiiigt n shows that a corrupt , omhiu.it!, ,n luay be made to hold log-tlit-r, by thr i-ooesive power of pliindi r, l,u mie Hf.isoii, It is s'rong so lung -ih eveiy b i.ly i'XH'cts a share of the spoils; ' will be Weak when the spo.ls hate been ,,l I llillleil ant llllol eieryhoilv lias been disippoiiitt-l. H it thete i, nothing i', ihe , nieial situaiiinSoiiiht iji-i.lv the prede timis of such a bi.,k up and liar rangi'tiifiii of poo","! !--rC"S :ts JtKli.y of our coillellip tra.'ies seem In expect. Oil the contrary, Mahone is tie lioiineed by all respectable people there, not merely -i a lepudta'.or ol holiest debts, but a a renegade and traitor who has betrayed both his party ant his Stato tor the sake ol p itroa ig '. If Stalwartisin mean "Vivthing be y-ni l the tradiii ins ol thetlrinl u gone and a lovely leipe ol Us ie-lo:i-tio i, it means fidelities h istilny to Ihe white peoplo of the South The Siilwarts desite ho "siron hind' laid upon the South; il was for lot 'string hand'' that they sought (Li re election ot Oiaut, Tliev am now m power. Are tln-y nine likely to d -vidi: tlie SihiUi by just an l ino,lera!e nieasiires, or to drive all the elenieiits ol deoi tit society together for com-in-ui defence against the common enemy ? !et our esteemed crnitemrMirnriea -lllll!llll lIllOP -J....1 -Tl.u ..I.,.n.i v.... . w-M.t iivKiiuniiiniiuu i,. ll, ,.,l. ... II 1 I .1 I .1 ' in the S mill 'vill lake place when the ire u e.iange in tlie iSoiii'iion K, tuiti- lican pi ty his taken place, and not a day leforv. ?. V. Sun. I A IMtOF'OSHI lit KG I'. A number of Pcmocratie papt rs, sunn ot tiicm in the caM, have th elard in fnvor of the election of Mag istrates and Ceunty Coiniiii.-ioneis by tie' H'nple. There can posili!y be hut two rea sons for their advoe u y of ll is mens liTo and the only in,e whirli will he publicly word is that policy reijuiers it. Indeed oln o tl, h( ptipi'i'S, the Charlotte Observer, has i,-e'an-d it to l.e a IniMen w.iu I, tin p ..ty cannot cany. In fle.it the I e nioeraiic party, in order to keep tlx- Mate government, irt going to acrifice tlu; eastern coun Hex and thinks that it can only gain the next ( lection by so d ung. Hefore doing this however we hope e will !e in! oimnl how it will help the party. Sin h a move would not gain n mii, 1 vote from the He publicans and while it will possddv keep in the parly mune of our nclli-h western brethren it will as certainly drive from its ranks us many or uime Democrats in the east who will feel j disheartened at such a coiir-e and would become hopeless of ever In lug j benefited or aided bv the Democrat , in their efforts to secure honest home governmeiit. We cannot we hoiv the Democratic vote c uhl lie incrense.l by Hiich a course and defeat afti r th s tnttve of the party would leaie it H a worse 8l ate lo inei t tin' eiitnpa'gii ot than it has ever yet been. A party which shrink Ir u a Ci n test with its opponi nils; that every two years changi s its plalf uui to su t the enemy; th..t abu.'.oiM nearly I. .'til' of its cniisiiiuents to the iiiiiiancH and co:tuo ion of men who In- ye r have robltrd them; lh.lt is loo weak to shoulder the consequence oliliown delibe.Mte and solemn acts; tl.a' has not the bid I courage to face its ndver sary and make a npiare light, and il need be Miff.T defeat in niaint aining issues of its own creation, for the sake of so called policy and victory cannot command the respect of its own followers nor avoid the contempt of the eiieinv. We see no use in a victoiy gained by saeiilicing evinv piineiple which makes t ictory worth having, but " do not be.'iete the Democrats will gain the victory by aban lolling tin plank of iheir platform. 'the eastern counties regard the election nf Justices and Coui.n: , sioiien l y the Legl.-latuies as being their only salvation and w ill be un willing to give it up. 'I'll K Mormon question though still agitating the public niin.l does not leeeiVe ipnle as luueli alti ntioii as it d.d several nioii hs ago. Tliat tin., practice should be allowed ny the general governmeiit is a-ionMiii'g. Not one ell'oil is male to destroy p.,! igamy, Imt wit h-taii hiig there an even miuy .Mnnioi.s who are oppose, I to it. There is Ho telblig whele the matter l ill t o I il allowed o o i ,,,, .i it le ' ii ! some Ml leuipt lo Ma n 1 1 it out I in' Mi ,i in ! .el l ines e idetitlv sUg.o-sled lo ,..-s tl, . e-'ablisli m n ol' Ins lii'l.y ( ln, i la eomiiiuni y tl the report n an i in ,ie ,, thai , 1 1 n ills! itut inn c ill be beliei , d the pi ae l ices ean ie I on there ai e lar worse i ban t i 'se pi .( in I'lah; an I it is di-g, tee to th" Slate Ih .1 tins c 'ill inanity should he allowed to exist. 1 every ill II,' and evel y body to ti ijii di-turlie l ! Alt' the l:i'i ii 1 In en foiei , at al! Li t p:ii.-, uiVl n to ct cry ,ui - w ho eh .us , in ,,i ,, ,, , , sweet wid with ui: being a. counta b I N ntlr lj,t is. ii.' .,i,l ill it. iii r tut1 N ,t li C it I,. II I II I i; v.,'.i iimm- U,., i, -1 1 1 ..l it. , i,v li,. I"'" ,'l't I-Ilt In. I. II Wool, I linn a oii-miu .0 ( .r I uii.ti'. t.i ,;,, ,, ., n ul la : lot Iln- eli-i liun ,,t (tie n. n.li mi. inbiT li ilir SUlf .it I iitj- Ili.ni In Ii.ivi an rMr.i m -,i i, I Hi,' (.oisUt-iri In ,'-Ji,li.-I tin- ui.. (if film luia n'l 11,1 1 , tn rtv t .s I,, MtlU'lllllO lllltll'iKT of Clill -MHir i ii.t, i , ri' .M-.l lilt If.litli i ur mi .S'er I, no r.-,l,m i , , r.ill,-i . i-.. ill, I ,.i Iln , 1 1 lit 'h k ili .l ! , so 1 1 l.i, jin e w.,.,1 hive lo prrtiiii-e lit hi ., in- y. Il s.in. I'lii S'hi ..C. n ill- ua i,.r ..ii I h N.iyltiir ' It ,l I i. mi . r In a I, i . ti r . , .. , I II-' ,,, I "I I I I. - ; -I, l, l . I , , .1 i- Num., I- , ,n , - M 11 III llli till,,-, ,,l I I' It. UM' Il 'IV- III it -i , 11 in . II I lo, "I r . a .... ii. I ni-.. , h i ii, i, ii i i xi r.t s.. , ,.,i win ', f,,s iity N I I-' li Inwii-m wi w., ,,,1 ie ii ..l 1. 1 1 v ui ii ti 1 v i' i u '..r.i ii it in lie r nt thr k, mi iii I f i ii iii(io , tv e ni. I in-, I, I ,, r , fl: ,ii, I,,,, i.i.it s, ,1 y lu ir.' m iln mae.-r .il hv iii ,.ts l .1,1 oi si.- ! i.i Ii s a . tha tt l, ie ., . , ., ,i ,tt ti tnf-'ii lr v ti,,.' Iliri, ',' i i' I' Ii, t'. stat. I., mv . Il )' sh ,11 I. rl- I -.1 ' s. ,. ,.l, I,,,, . .., s m provl I.- ju i. tin i.,..i n.i :,-neo in r T h ml Imt i i" i.otiirn .r u o y p .tv.r ,n i-h,ii.. thu inTi'.mry in i I, , y ; M ,,i nt ti. .t.j , . ., h . .' 11 , it i n it . v tii,M ti,..i inno I.- 'ii ti' l - In i, i.-ir.. n . Mr. li I .' liny I'l ' I . t I, ill n ill 1. li a-i i". , , n t .r a n , r , , i H t Ut I ' I . ,l -tl) .. . ,.....) , , , rl a,s. r.a g l ii. iix. a , I ,ir, i Itrn - sl .o ! i,i.. "I t I i I'',' lit .in I mo 'if me -ikitirf lulu iiipo'ly. A' ! : I S.-i li m ( SiC.hvlslBii I of Ihr tin t' ltii liu'ion ,i( I ,.' t'nlinl stm,., mytt: "7' ,i- titti-s, phiir, ,.,! ii,.,t i,t h ,l,li K l,-i-llnl), tor ."-i n. a.., ,in, l,i i'. irni il ir, hil ! r .i i in. ,1 i , h ,st ,i , il,,- L ui lalurr ii rri-ot; l-ul Hit loii.n'- in.it al Kt'.y tuna til Ian i,,,ikf i.r ithir (inn rr jtilslinn, cxrtjii ut in iht I'l.m a ol i'lni,ii,K , it,,n,i." Il t i ilitl ihni vra C.-nri-a. I lit iikIiI to tii t, ill poivi'lin- f,T IIih iiilln ol riln m-mii. ra in lliuj.-Su whtnt lUen r,- t o rrcu ar .ri,t-w nf iln I.;i.Uturf. Ilila yrnr. In t il sn- l-tlt.'nj thai ti iili r Ihr arrilnii nf Ihr C iiili:utiiii (:iiin ulmii Cot enn has a , i.. . . , r",ln,"'t ' -tlll lg llW tkMlllUcf ji,ullir, W atu nut rin l ill pi,i, J ,m xet, a it ri t ra!,in ,, n,,. l., tt , p; u,,,; It ou!J tf turrc f f rtt'tc 'o tbo J'-it.. I M I'O UT A N T A LE! In piirsiiance of ajnd-inent rendered at T ill Term issi, of tlr Sunerior Court of the County of Halifax, i case entitled State of Nortl Carolina, on the relation of the Attorney (ieneral against thu I JO A N 0 K !: 'X.W'I G AT I OX COMPANY I SHALL ON THE liTII. DAY OF FIll'.iH'AUV. 1882, . . M,,n.l i v of ; af ( f , ,u curt n,,w t. of the Kouioke Navigation Company, and its works and pmpeity, between the town ot Heliloti ana tlie town oi uad ton and at Wchlon, including its Canal or Canals, Locks, tiluiuc, AcquedncK, Draws, ko. . . The proper! v of faid eonipinv, lo be sold, consists or its franchise and valuable real estate lying in said county of Halifax, lo wit: The laud cud'-murd to the use of said company on tho I llh day of June 1817, formerly belonging to the istite of Thos. Katon, detvased (pit:" !(), Ijo tk'it, Register's o:liee. of t-.vd C)U,,ty) 'Ihe land conlemtiel to the use ol said company on 2,!rd, day of )cloher, 1S1 rt. formerlv bil nixing to Willis Sparrow, Robert lvey, Willis Alston, Jr., Milieus A. "ilamill and w:ife, John D. I'owell, Daniel Vowell, Daniel Mason, Daniel Weldmi, (page 517, book in h lid oMii e.) Al-ti the land conveyed In said company by Tlmm is Hints u tho 1-t day of August 1823, (page 4'2, b.i. k 27. in slid ollice,) and all other teal islate in said' county of Halifax, acquired by said company, except one or two small parcel which were sold by said company. The said land embrace a number of valuable lots in the town of Weldon. The c.in.il of said company, which runs tlii'ou-h said land is about nine mill's in length extending from a point on Roanoke Kivcr near Caston, to the town of Wchlon mid lies along the line of the Raleigh A, (iaston Railroad (at about an im t il,'c distance then fiom of thrce-lourtlis ol a mile) the said land being of the width (throughout i's entire length) o! ah .ir one hundred and sixty live feet. On said e in il there arc firee 'ticks, one next tint upper or (iaston end, two near tin cetiire, 1 'i I no feet each, built in l'n-.t -cla-s st yle of solid granite, masonry of which is in good older, alio, in d, taehed m littns about one mil; of did i oek wm k. Contiguous to the canal are large beds of granite. The masoiiiv and be Is of granite are on lli.it portion of the canal bavin; the ore itest I'ali, (near thu upper end). There is iil-o an Aen to I net a bo it oil' m le I'rom Tne -.aid pro o, i ty is km ii.Ted in an I n ir I lie tmvii ol W eld in, l lie p tint, ol unction ol I lie t i lining! on ami V elilon, Ra!t i,'li and t.i-to,i. I'i lerli;iri: and Wi ld ui and S, aboard and l!o ui"ki' Itailroads, and the head of the navigation of the lotauoke R v n, a'i m! inn -t v miles Vo n th seib u;d u N t, :'o!k, V i. au I, s irroundeit by out! of the lines! ami most ferti'e grain and en'toii producing nations of the S ,iith, is on a conn of t tie excellent water power afforJeil ly m d canal, i specially su, ta.de and preseills iiiimii p.i-sed facilries lor MANTFA( T('IUN(; PURPOSES. I'lider pr.ivi-.ions ,, f its charter of incorporation, s iid compatiy acqiiired said laud in fee simple. The title to said properly has been et il 1 1 -1 1 1 be two decisions of the Supreme Court ot North Carolina, to wit: The cases entitled, (Jooi'li is .M llee, Kl N. C. R. o'J (ptge o.i, vol. lifi Ann riean Reports) and Slate ex ret 1. L. Hargrove, Attorney (ieneral vs the Roanoke Navigation Company, 4 N.C. R, p. "05. rI." E i; M S O F SA LE: One fourth of the p irehase m nicy to be paid on the day of sale, the residue on the first day of the term ot tlie Supe rior Colli! ol II ililax t'otinty nevt afier the sale (third Monday ot March 1S2.) l'or further put culars, apply t the iiiiileisigniil . Halifax, N. C. December I, lsst. Thr folU jnj; i irtmlij; i a iiinjiiit su itl tuini-vl. M I'. HART". II ART F A la L A N A- I I) AY I - our !. k ih N KW niiil 'VI '(lift I VIHI'.s' ci ol'lls, t A si m Ki-:s, I'l IIHV lillilll nl liViTY ll, s, rli. n. NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. A .1 T I .V .s . A' S, .1 A b I I; I M M I X I, S f () 11 1) 11 K .V S K H. HATS, CATS, IH)()TS SIIOKS. ntt i: a vvuks, t zi ii,i,i:itt iiamm nv. siiors iit I.ADIKS, MISSKS AM) ClllbDlil'N AT LOWEST' tt'.. il. h, .. HENS, I till, lino et IIKNTS It t N li M V,: YOUTHS, BOYS AND OF TH i NEWEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES- lt"l 'i'W wan mill Will, it liar,. Ill fn,i t i.Tythitt r In h" f.nitnl in n Wl-.l I. KH1T STUHK. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ABEIVINO. HAIiT& IIAIilJISON. WKIaDO.V, X. C. I -t-'.'.l IV WIERCHANTS nl V 0r-!'n-sx T - TT i7 1 i " 'r DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, I'l uila-., TN rnviifi nM tir th-PM-min of ' ofhulnrtM.wi-Ak 1 1 It TOO U T'ur duttei ituiil timuUntaftnil u rrnt-nillriK OTrriii! ii(.')it win k, tf rr Hop B.ttr. Inn hrwn ii'rviatna uf Hop B. j If yo3 ur ymmc inrt I ilix'irllun or tliitAl nffftrlnir from mnr in rira nr Pniajri. nM orl INrbraltlt or Iauic iUI nuiilf, nuiTfrlnif from! nif mi , bed of (tick ! it y-Mi arr nur itr my on Hop Blttor. wheiK-Tfr jron fn-i (hut your PTi-rin in or Ptlmuutltur W niU rleannlnir. tvtn v f im ..f Kidney I hftvr tn prt'vrntarvl lliye (mirlT nuinf HOD MopBitterg HI U) aMU'lKI.Vt 'Iw or nrrf n You with rurd If ynUi nop Bitter j If ji ar wtm ply w k nl Sc.itrttil.ln ii It may iiTtvourj 1 1 f It ha nvd hurt Ml aT - 4 1 1 ! an ahanltiu 4 I I ui of onlum 3! NEVFR 1."""" Ifailit vi ,-h.,i.t. 1 ajir, 7 1 v. NKW At)VF.U TiJ-EMIN 7 8. aid month,) sell to the highest bid ler nt public auction, upon the terms herein- t,v f Halifax, in the State of North Caroli.m.the frtnehm rights and pnviIigcB Weill i il.l leet 1 ! ', Id feet tvid ', will THOMAS N. HILL. Ciiiuil, tliou Irj Its full innl rclatln' position to W. II. HARRISON. ALLISON. X T i: II (J 0 0 I) s. U Kin II T. i-nii-isl luir nf - ANN M.S. MI.K sIlTIN'tis, iikks HOOPS AMI PRICES, sm.Ks. CHILDSEXB CLOTHING - ') - yT'AI.LSi:r.t)Slnppa - rliftOTa - rt roflrrnl to both Mrrchanl antl ttinniiiiirr. VMnr.Tiisr.AHni:sr.i:is - "' " ''" ' "' to Una purpoir, arrtli Ty gi O J? v -"r-" M 11HI1 roil yi'ALITT. If WHOLE. oAI.l TUAUK I I. it t thDi Inr frcnla, In Imlk or otlirr In rm, umllrti la norolianu on unlit atlon. 21 & 23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA W. 11. iiKUWN. THE LliAliKK UK LOW PRICES! I liav,! Juit r,'ccv,'d my Fall And Winter Stock. Which Ih fuller Mian ivcrli,f,r 11,'tt tu S-cial ntlt,n- i i BOOTS AND SHOES. j 1 k."i, a full Hue r t ZKl r n I.sc U't lluttou j Ml. lea f.,r l.ailirt. I liavn i Imi lar a fliick l,f BAKKhH't UmZM.IAN XHK HUESHIMI KllR l,Ali;tNAM)CUlLlillL.N. My Stock f DKY GOODS NOTION", JEWELRY, Ai ls c-Miii.1 li. AUo a cnirl'i' line "f Hr-ss rood. U. .rated, Cassllll.-r.., hllk Trllllllllnira. t ''-' """ n. io, iiuau a,iu aa.iii Jaime for Ln, lies and llvtits, a'l UIIKA1 Fill! OAS H. Curl and einmliie my stuck licfure puirhaaluit 1 1 . rti- r Ft t , and Wi-Mi ajr -Vrantie. T II I; riirwiiere. the thirty leet lull. tlie lto.iiioke Kivrr and tlie four Itailroadi ahev GOOD COFFEE, Everybody wanti It, tut very few gft It, Irvnuse most peoplo ilo not know how to seltrt eoffee, or It Ih tipolletl iu the roasting ormnklnir. To obviate these dlUleultles has been our stuily. Thnrber'a paekago Cofreeti ure HeleeteJ by au expnrt who un ilerstaniis thu art of blemling various lla vom. Tliey uro ronsteil In tho most ptrfeet manner (It is linposslblo to roast well In miiall iunutltitt), then put in pound pack ages (in Ihr bmn, not ground,) b'-nrlng our i-ltfiiiituro us n Ruarauteo of (rtiuulnnneHS, uti'l each paekage contains the Thurber reelMi for miking K"""l Ctiltet. Wn luu k two kinds, Tliurber's " No. 31," I Htronir and punirent, Thurb -r's "No. 41," I nillil ami rich. Dim or the other will suit every Uite. They have the three i K-'eat points, gtvxl qunlily, hmirnl iwin lily, reannnahlr. price. Axk your Ufo'r for Thitrbrr' roattrtl Qiffrr in poimti park j a'J". ".Vn. 31" or "So. 11." l)o not be put , nil with any other kiud your own paLvte ! will tell you what Is best. 1 Where Mrsons deslie It we also furnish the "7,(,nf" ColTeo pot, the simplest, best ami elnvipest coffee-pot in pulatotien. (Irooers who sell our t!olTie keip them. . Ask for descriptive circular, ltespeetfully, Ae., 11. K. it F. II. TlUTUHKn CO., 1 liiiiorters, Wholesale (Jroeem ami Coffeo 1 Koasters, New York. 1 T. S -As the largest dealers lu food pro ducts In the world, wo consider It our In ' t'T.-Ht lo miiniifitctureonly pure antl wholtv H inir kixhIs ami pack them hi a tidy nn.l Ki'.lsfuetory milliner. All goods bearing I our mime nre guaranteed to be of sujierlor j quality, purt and trholrnomf, and dealer aro autht)rl7.td to refund tho purchasa ' prlee In any ease where customers havn I enusp for illssatlsfaetlon. It Is therefore I to the interest of I -nth dealers andooo ! suineru to use 7'Aiirfcfr'a branrfj. t, in,li'r IS Im V. J, NAWi BAKER & CONFECTIONER WELD ON, N.C. A very lara auiily nf Cukes, irsikcra. Canrtlca. Ktvncli ami Plain, Kal-liis, Fruits, Nnla, c. I The largest stork nf Tnr of fTfrr variety trtt i l.mna-M lolhl. m.eif.l 7 I order f,,r randies. caku, Ac, fllled at altort est niitlce at Northern ,rlcea. f Wad,l'iiiandohrrsrteiinpiie. ia rtins ' 'I I ' !--l. ",. IH,. N K W ADVERTISEMENTS. TBE PLACE TO GET no fiim m MEOICIIBS. at the LOWEST PRICES,. IS AT Dlt. A. It. ZOLLICOFFER & BRO'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE AND OPPOSITE RAILROAD SHED, y e l i) o x. n. c. NTOCK KEPT t Oni'LKTK II Y FKEQtlEXT AKKITALS. Kf PBESCKH'TION DEPAKTMKNT FIT.I.KH WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL -ft I'M M Itll'TIO.Xtt OIII0l'M).D IT ALL II O I' If SI WITH CHEAT. V.H T CtllCi PERFUMSRT, STATIONERT, FANCY SOAPS, AND BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES TOBACCO AND CIOASI. HKMKMDER tliut fc'iic.irty welcome nlwnrii awult vnu nt ZOLLICOFFER'S. nor. 17 1 y. LARGEST STOCK !o: OK :o: FIRST-CLASS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO EAS''l-:riX CAROLINA. Hiivliiffboui-ht u-arly oil my stock for CASH, I inn sell goods an cheap or cheaper tli ANY OTHER MERCHANT. KASHIONAHLE DUESS UOODS WITH SILK AND SATIN TRIMMINQ3 it BUTTONS TO MATCH ' BUY OOODH, 1IOOTK, AM MlilK.y. II ATS, t a rs CLOTIIiXti. HARDWARE A SPECIAr.TY. ' NOTIONS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. A FULL LINK OF GROCERIES AXD PROVISIONS. V U R N I T U R E, E U R N I T U R E. II, 'dttrtda, Illai'lc Walnut Ecd Room Sits. Wash Run-In. VVanlrohcs. anil Furniture fenfrally of HI tjuris ami at nil I'xices, I Itivltr the public K' "er.il I y 10 a ciui'fii i 'ixiiiiiiiniUoii of my stock liofuri purchasing I'lm-w hiTtt. Jtet-jieetfiilly, L A FARINIIOLT. oitlUv. R 0. EDWARDS. ot I wish to cull your att-ntl ntony LAUGE and varied stock of :o:- FANCY A FULL I.AIUKS' CLOAKS, FANCY SII.KS, VASSAM F.NTLUIF.P, HEAIiF.n (iKNAM FNT, CtitiliS ANDTAKSKI.S. wa-,. i - f " A Al-,, n full 1 iiit-i-f '1-iHV Fiiriii-lilnif n, mil-., anil numer nis o'tii-r -,i1 In tho riroattat Varlatjr. My I'm- will ,ilii lii.ir Hi.- l,i-i Inv.-iia ,i,,u. ami ly ii.i(. si-KAK FnK TllKilhlLVM I M. ui its i-rlnliv ,.f it it. l inki:v ami M ii.i.im i: i; , t. My , k of llililiu-ry itn n i , i Ml-S H.niiKNl'K 111:1 Kllfit'K, of ItnUlmora, a Hllllnr nf Mvrr.il u-itr- i-Xi, ii ncf. M k Hi 1 Mi Iiaao , li'ir i- i,f my Mlllitu-rv iirtin-nt. Il',iiiii li, iit-i-tv.-ii lilii-ial sli.ui ,,l ymir liuili', I ri-miiiii Kim; i-, Ifully y.itira, ,, , R. o EDWAIUiS, Wcldon, N. C. .!' 'SM17 ITS IIKK K lil.llt'K. otlBly .J'.W. BE AS LEY'S ,SKVI(I MA CHINK I 0 S ( II I K ( II STKEET, NO It FOLK, V A , Where can lie funnd an of the leadlnt; flrst rlasa sewlnj aiachli r at BOTTOM TUICFI "end for lirlee lift Mil on me bofuri or chaainir elsewhere and save raoni y. II -it I pcvind hand ma, lilne In la rfivt wiIk. ft l,i- tu-i-j hmiM.-In ha.r!h ur I'.-rl ln iilti. u..i'i.i. NOTIONS. LINE OF- NAI'KINM.TOWILS, Rinnosa, lacm, DLTTOXS, COREKTI, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACE TIES, HAND- KERCHIEFS, FttlNUM. HOOP SKIRTS k BKl'AIlt OFFICE Haedlea. A tor ants to .dJ parts fr all makaa. Old MsahlaeaUiOpaBlk ly rcpr.lrtd aa aaaala work aa rood aa wkm 4 im tin tu I3. For fair di-.-ilIni; I ref-r to wirst tT .1. W. PFASfl.KV, (.il.l.'in h rn I. eriok Vs.