i fHEIlOANOKE NICE'S n-. v. ii a i.i., i .). W. Sl.hlii.K. J ' " 1 1 i ;ii i:si Y lllrVAUY ?, lwj. Tint Oxfnr.l Fife I.ancc p. iliiici.llv 6 i s: If it la Ih it 1 1 hurt, of Miirmtiaira nd ('lllity C,iitiinii'ltii;r ah 'llld he eie.'ti ll tv tin' pc iil , 1 1 y in It n t Nn nuhl that lliey li'Uii 1 have, ill-' a.uue pi ivjl-'i:' (if n:ti i ri hy p'.i'U'.iii vote who ah ill Ie' tli"'r l'tut M m I it, Kcemi'-I lie. t", I lilted Stat' J ml e,' a, hol-nton. Mirnh.iN, etc v. V it I ,m Mure fur III' poxe ahnii'd be a in''.- f r i!i.' k 'ii I it. .nut it's i li.il rule II. at Wotl't vr Tk t-lllh M :!' . J h KKI.IX iN U.lllsUas I'li.'ll '"T-il Willi ii'.irliiiijf Irons hi in :i i.-c.-li ri'i-rntly inmli' lv liim. We i ( k it' pi. .--I ll ('Ml' lll'lil f lll.il ll,(' Mil!.!-! I'll) iM. i I iii'.ti li I iy n:in in. i j ' - I ini'ii V.i' f.l's . Atl'l -.1 ill V MIT''. II. tv it what I..' il.'l i y aii-l it ! Imnor t. liim: " V'-li I, . . 1 i;-. n .:ir rcar,l, toil luie 1 I V IH .t'l'l i J r.lU'ij.irH ilt UoTI lit '. '1 jr.- H" l.'.''-.l! t I .1 III pr-'seriatimi I'f !!.' AiiM'nc.n l iti'in u llii y were wli.-n y, u 'un '., f .1 'li. in, and the cxiatciire uf llir heat v . n.iii-1.: ;li; wml I hit .i.r, Hie Auicricill I n .'!. ii at 1! lii-liaioluVy h mud Ui in the j ft:. j.- fir olnrli y. i fn ulii. fl still mi i.-i.ly l" li.'lit f.ir till, I, il. .ii, aa I wi.iil.l he il.i.i t i iiii.lirath.' iny nwi.ril fur i. I hiive ii " i vr-l. f.n llir put f.r it Involve the.-pi.i.ii;.',-.. ( 'hi. W n.i i v i .Inn ihs, dl C'liiir l.itti', wa fill to lip buuKi-riii;; after "lli.-i- mill li'ipril It ji't ii l.y an in I I Til Til. lll'IVl'MltTll il) this St.l'l'. (' .1. .1 i!iii-..ii has pulilislii'il a c.iril in l .ii' ll'inii- ami 1 )uin.icrat il.-iiy in"; tliat houtIii i.ilict' .,fth" IVmiIciU, that li'- il.V.ii'.l In hiv tlif iHTiincrary of N n t!, (J i.ii'i.ii.k ili IcatccI aii'l lli.it In j";in' l tin; iUlii-.il c-i4fii; bill at tu his Hi Iithti IitiI i-m-li il irs hi" says nnlli Iml s ivs if with tli lllilcilliiiiati' h-i-iali'iti an. I til in -i t;.-UK-tit ill Imtli sl.il' ai. I Inli-ral i"iitics tlicii' is nut ni'in' i'lini'i'ViTii'Tii thf parly will ili-i. ' tin I itself iinl rriir;'aniz" ninliT 1 1 1 -li i ii m i- "f i"-o!i'.-ii v, t( i r.-ncli tin-iit , re f i ;n an 1 ;';. i, ir rich's. - - - W 01 l !m:nai'.ii: Mai"si: an 1 tin- other 1 1 -.t ij 1 1 -1 r 1- i.li-! in Virginia an-n-r Aii'liti-r M.i-si-y nfliciin; a t .iit"i l 1 tin1 p illy fir 1 1 I u'iI'I.iit v tin- can ens; an. I llic lour II a-ljasti-i Sniatms w lin Mippoi ir. him i i hi l rar v to the 'If cisimi of thi-l ailrns an- uuin r, much trulllili' liy llit'T Sic llic. I Hi asnii It the pany. Anil T t S na in Mali.i'n t i k i he ain- p -i:iuu in i ) i - l"nitiil Si itcs S.Tialc ii. tl.isc nii-i .1 i in 1 1 ' Virginia I.ci-I.i inf. Ih- -aM in ,i sjH'crli m a ly a f ir i "I cpne Ii-tc in ri-, ri-rii- lii.i: p n,.!.-, i'i I. '(.'.I I' l::', I in ' .'I I. . .l i it (.-.till ,i In ill. hP4t t.ili'y nr. 1 n.y li.ifi.-t (-.uivK'tioiiii Wlu'ih'T lh" ili.i'h ir."' uf ih il iluly li ,il li-j.l me l.i mT Willi I lie? I:''put.liv4ti i.l' nf tliis i ti.tiB'i. r r witli llic I) tiwiT.t ir gi'li', tli.it ii frir me in J i l'c. an. I nut i . i !a piii'i1 l.y rauciit " Il Senator M:ihinn Ii is kucIi ev il tcil i'h as of h;s il il v tu h;s cun st itnohts Mii'cly Mr. M.i-si'V an I Ins fiiiTi.ls arc cniitlcl t the mine i leas. A leiter linin inn' i Hi. icnt cm h'v S ll pel 1 1 1 1 -1 1 . 1 1 -1 1 1 uf pill ilic kcIitoIi ejives Millie Licit w.il ill I oii-lil i in l.y mi' c i pic. It is true, ast'ul. Claik says; that no belter inviHliiicnl of the pi..ipl. moiity conl l iitiiIo than in the in1 ture oflhc chil'lreii. Ilm pe.'p'c mcl schoiiU ve.-y milch ami slmnM t.ike more iiilcrcsl in ibein. 1'nle-s iheie is c 'iicctt ainoiiT all tin- people il will be a dillienlt matter to put the pub lie Hcliiiols on un clli Trill h.i'-U. Cn, (Mark's letter slinnl l be rea l by every boily in the c'liihly. Il in iii-;r.icil.il tu tl.i laip' county that theie is imt a liecent pub licschoul house in ll. Weilo lint he lieve ill haiiil.siiuii.' bnil.liliTy, but we think the school houses ullht to he niaile coinfiirla!'h' atel convt iiient. If the people will ihey c.ni in a fi w ye ns make the public school cjilal ill e'lic'eiey to any others ami we tiu-t the time is n it fir ili-laut when this w ill be the c.ise, 'I'm: I bnise c' li-us coinniiltce have aici 'l up Hi a I III to re appoi ti"ii l'ie N'KW AI)VF.RrI3KMKN-7 8. I M POET ANT S ALE! In pur-u ii.ee of a jipl 'iiU'iit rcinlcrcil at Fall Term 1881, of ih - Superior Court of the County of Halifax, in the c.i-e ntiih'.l State ol Norlli Carolina, on llic relation of ihe Attorney (.iciieial aTainst lint i 10 A N 0 K Ii XA VIC A I OX CO A LP. I SHALL ON THE liTH, DAY Ol'1 FJBRLTA'HY, 1882, (I'i at e Millie b. in" the first Muinl iy of ail tiionth,) sell to the Iii.'he.st bi,l Icr at public auction, upon the terms lierein r ..an pI. ai the C urt House iii the town of Halilax, in the Slate of North Carolina.thft frtnehit.- rights ami privilijfes of ihe lioin .k" NaviT:iliou Coaipa-iy, ami lit work ami picpeity, l.elwcen llic lovvn 01 hci.ioii u.iu w.c 11. o ton ami at W'cliloii, im lulling its ('iinal or Cuiialt, Locks, nluiees, Acipieiluc.H, Draws, &c. . . The prop, itv ol sail company, to lie Kohl, consists of its franchise ami valuable real ts'ate lying in sapl county of Halifax, to wii: The.in.l c l.'iniic.l to the use of sai.l company on the I llh .lay of June 1817, formerly belotigiiiT to ihe . si He of Thou. Knl.ui, .leeeascl (p..'i: HID, Uo k 2, It-nitl'er's o'lic: of sa'..l county) The laml con leiniic I to tlnMi.se ol hai.l eoiiipanv on 2:(r.l, .lav of October, 181. formerly liel'.nu'inj,' to Willi Sparrow, Hobcrt Ivey, V i libs AUio.i, Jr., Maicus A. 'llamill ami wife, John D. I'owcll, pAiiit l I'owell, Daniel Mason, Daniel Wchloii, (pajre 517, book 11 in Miiil oilier.) A No the l.iml convevcil to saiil company by Thomas Hudson on the l-l lay of August 1S'.':5, (pago 12, bonk -J7, in sai'l ..Hire,) ami all other real estate in sai.l county ol Halifax, acquired by aiJ company, except one in- two small parcels whicli were suhl by saiil company. The xaiil hunl .Tiibrnr. s a number of valuable lots in the town of WcMon. The canal of tui.l couipaiiv, which runs throiiTli sanl laml is about nine miles in length extending from a point on I! lam.ke Kiver near llastoii, to the town of W'ehhui ami lies along the line of the Italcigh A (iaslon Hailtoi.l (at about an average ilislancc therefrom of ihrcc loin ths of a mile) the said land being of the width (throughout i s entire leu 'lb) ol aboii? one hundred and sixty-live feet. On said canal there are three 'ocks, one next the upper or Gaston end, tw. ar the centre, 1 t Od feel each, built in tirsN-lav stylo of solid granite, masonry of which is in good oiiler, al-o, in detached ne.-tioim about one mile ol tolid rock win k. Contiguous to the canal are large beds of granite. The inai.nii v and It- Is of gr mite are on that porti. f the canal having the greatest tali, (near the upper cml). There is al-o iiiAii ie bict abo it one ml.' from Wei do I I'll feet I rig, Hi feet wide, w th thirty feet fall. Tiir aid pi it. riy is siiua'.-d in an I ii"ir the to.vn of Wcl.hu, (he p .int. of junction of the Wiliniugton and Wchloii, lial. i -1! ami ti.istoii. reter-burg and Wrldoii and Seaboard and llo .iioke ltailroads, ami the head of llic navigation of .1 I.V I I' 1 I . , I" 1 1 I ... V .11. V . ., l u in. In- ..I... of llio Itli..ul 'III. I IIII1UI i lie I . oailOM" Ik , ' l , .1 ' I I ' . I lliil'T on lei 1 1 ill ll . lit: ni - n I mt ai .i in . 01 iv, . .i.i 1, ni.i" i". ' i ""' " " ....'... f li'c grain and cotton producing Mictions of the S mth, is on account of the excellent water power afford, d by ka:d t .: .p.. ...;,..:.i. I i ,.,., i t....;, i.o- inenibers of the lloiic of K.-preseiita-livi s. They liij ih.' iiieinlei4 nl S'JII an I ihe roll.) is I'll, osj. 'c wcie nir la-t iMie that I "ii'Ti'- could pass a law makii a I il iiniiece-M.irv to call a special s-h- si on o lb.- Lc'i-laturcs in those Staler. I : i ;..i. 1 1 i ,.e i Ill Mill! 'I llll- llllllll.1T I'I V HI ' I . .. 1 1 IIU are increased. The hill of the Com mit lee provides: 'Ili.it in .-Hch Stale th" nijinl'iT to which Mii h T.IK coir '"poii I ti -e between Mr. l!l line while he as Se ret.u v of the - a'.e and ih M "lisl 'r t i Peru has b .... laid before the Sma'e, it b 'in - ri-1 ' '" :,v'"" ' ' i' ..ii d. .iiainh .1 by l h it bidv. It looks as i! ih - Secretary ha 1 beautiful visions of iinening Peru to tic Unit, d States an I ions iiieii".-.. ii. ir ti'i ril'ii v.' Ilr i .bth-Ms thought such an acitHMtion tlii'iiuh hi d pl nnicy would be a l.i.r .. ill. .r im I. .a ...... ..I , I... S'alr inuv In- eiiii.li-il uii.liT Ihi. iiitiiii tiuii Pico liTH...! Coin eti'.i.Ti: but he .!d ne-nt in the Kmly . -iyht ml inih ut.f.pinit tiol i Ii.il'he ion.; t-nii.ili lor hi ; (.'"iiLprM ftnll !" !'!.ti..I tv lltiii-t. coin- ,,,, i ., .p. i , i p.ii-il nf r".eli;iif) i liTi-'in nu. I .'"iri.ii.ini; , p. .ins to l e r- t-il v cir:ic I ' III i , . . ni-.trlv . pr.uTn ahlr .ii. f.pi .1 i.u nli.T of in. and he u,i g. t b..i:iie lalhi r tl an ; ,., ;,,., i ,.,, , ..,, r,.,,rr. p . I -i-. : frnt.it iTrt to win- li n'nTi ret'- uuv lie entii ie I T 1,'V.i .p-net.U mile bv ,.. ! ' "'I'-oi't .'t n-n.oriMi,, . . ' "I"' lepr Tl'at.V.'; r.!.l il lint uiil.TI. lie pulilication o the corn spniidcnce i .. , ,, . i . , , ' 1 l. .il ire ,i'I rm li .--: jit n li.ul lln i in- piw. 1'IWS licit ll l ll"l Safe lo entrust llle ! Vile Ii fee tlie eerlluli ..full ll l'..,ei.i, iv.l y iv.-i uuii-nt to a in ur w ho is n,,i re-1 ,!''" l ,k" l''',c'' :" l'",r l'-1 I'.v l , wle re mi ,i , f i .TiJI'e sliiill he her. hr ili.nle In Hie lepn-n-li .'"ii hie to .it, v one. .Most of 1M. , . , ,, 1 ' "" ' I.CI...I nf a Si, lie, the li. pie, ht.ilii, , iliorei.f I.e.. id as made 'l,ilc 1 'l esident tu K'.rt rijuli . .nifre-i Mi.,11 Up rl.ifd i irlield was Iving on his nick lied ' '"''I" ' ""' .! hy law If tlie iiu.ii MAXl'KACTrHlXC PLTvPOSES. P nd. r provisions of its charier of incorporation, said company acquired riaid land in fee simple. The title to said property has h.eii csiahlished bv Iwo decisions of ihe Supreme Court ol North Carolina, to wit: The cases entitled, (ioiich is M tiee, k: N ('. II. .'iH (pigc ...riH, vol. 3fi American lteporls) and State ex rel T. L. Hargrove, Attorney (iem ral vs ihe lloalioke Navigation CotnpatiV, h4 N.C U. . lhr. T KICM.S O F S A LE: One fourth of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, the residue on the first day of the term of the Stipe ii or Court ol llihlax County next alter the nalc (third Monday of .March 1 S.'.) I'or liuthiT p ul'celai s, apply to the lindcrsigncl . THOMAS X. HILL. m'ElYER Halifax, N. C December 1, ssi. 'I Im folliiviiii .TrailiiR l :t map nf until ( .nial, ho Inj; Its full ..ml rPlatlve petition to tlie liuau nkc River and the four Railroads aboY ' imtir.l. 4 f s? s. m i in iT .... J,-:X-:-' s3. ' s. S -i Q-- A sT -t S . uu'ibii- to pi rtoriu his diitiin and th. n iv. is a part of the the routine business w hi'Ti ll ! N'crctary was said to he trans iciiiig. J,4, d,,.,,. ,,,,. ., sii.iosiii'e he i, I of the g.nei nmnit c p I'.le nf p if if nmir his dn'ies Mr, I! .niie u o uf not h n ,. miuicd the dig'O.y n! i,-i:- jrov. ni'iient ill the OjHii..i i of, smith Anna lean nations. Iiei u in r In p- ni l .1 f..r nil ill lie Urir-r Hum it lief.ee i .1 mire, ll. n l,i- .nl llllnlial li' pr i'iiiii iM-1 ur r pii-viii niv. .Ll. wrl tu dl .s' te tin ler tliii iippurt i iiiiii'-nt may lie flri'teil liy Hie Si ile al l ire, mnl (1,,. mln'r n po . lit .live- tu III. h Hie St Ce U pnllllril hv the ihit, it' s ii . pr.-hCi lli -il liv ho in aji.l S'.,l.', iiml if th lillaib r lea, T y prnn-li-il f,.r h.ii! Ill in. st..t. li- h-s Hi in (1 ttj In rl p Hie liiini; ' in" r, liy in nl.- He n the hnle in, u M 1 '. HAKT. W. II. IIAKKISOX. ( ' u it ke s w on d i m:o, J 1 i V. 1 .1. CV il-i-A 1 XI A l-O V.i N , is ,'lHin St. Korlvlk, m. j WiiU'hi'B. liiiiiiiointH. .Ii welrv. Silver un.; Plate jWiiit',1 luek, .spees, Luiit's mi.l Kauiy .iuuiis. F A L L A N I) W I N T ) Tv (J 0 0 I) S. 1 .nli,fM.1(. PRICES AS L3W AS THE LOWEST, KOETH. Kur.iti..k liMIWaiid IIKKillT, rnnalatiiiff .it , . . ., . , v if ..j in,,,. ie.v-nv ,,iiiiiijii nun I ll 1 1 1 ll 1 ntteiitliti. net.'. Dm '.'""T" , l..-r t.. '..'h S-..I.- hi-ieliv t-rmiil. J f..r ImII Im- O,,: reader, ali.-aly k thai1, ,.,..,,;,. ..-atur.-s ,.f .aMi (..:!.',, w.i, cnii.-ed hy ,,. jury '..,,., ,.,,.,. ,,u,v;, llp h-t week. The verdict was rrndetcl ,,,,, , l4 ,r ,U, , x, election ef rep on i I'TiieS'tay atteniooii aul the ;ui v v is d s, h irg".l. The p- is. th r ,,k Im' Ver bet euily and in-i-ls that the it w, I n t be can ie I i.i'o . fl',.,.t. Mr. S 'oville on Sitiir.lay tile I a bid of . i'.',,i i his an I a ino'.i ,n 'or a new TIM III I'.IU ' tll'Tl ill. . I'll h-r this lull it seems that (lov eriaii Jai v is caul. I call a special bcsiuii W .i..t he will oi not, a . he choos. do i tnaitis to he .s.'cn. Pull tin ie w.ll di'iihtlcsM be out nsi- l.a.ii .... the giou.id that the imlict- ; ,, ul. . ,i,i is l,,,,,, UlTV i.ient conlalne l s. veia! counts ami the Hu..( 1,,,-a,,,,. the members Ir.mi veidict Wring 'Mindly hh indicted" wan t,.,M. Slates which lose a m.-mb. r will u ic-rlaiii; llial thr rourt had ,,,, ju, is- ul j,,,. TU. , ,-t .ibjrcli.m will i:..:;.o:tl,:i! the jury rea 1 newspaper,, !,,,,, ,,. K.tmiclal!, y,,, J i to .',!. Tllat'd to p., juice ti.il IlliliiU the stateluelit of a S. Ill hem Deino. a'a"'sl "" l"U l;tl11' ,,r,v "later-1 cr.it ii: member publish. .1 in the Kich. i .1 evidence hid been ..blained since m, Stale, lies, is; the trial; that the verdict is contrary v r . i . . n . , , . ., ' 1 he N.w l.iiglaii l Mates generally lo fie law 'nl the clidetiee. There . lm. a nicuiher' each, and a Uepubb are h vrial oilier cxe, piions b it these , can l.egisl iinrc c.uild, iimlcr the iru tire ll .si iuii nil. nit am) il si cms ' v isioll "t the bill lel.TI'.d to, gi),- I . Us th i' ! , I" ..u is ei,.itb,l o a new ' M '"""I'1". ;l "-M lb pi.l'll- . , , . . ,, j C.lll deleatio a lo thr llollsr. 1'lnTi Irial It t'le s! iti'Tt' lits nt y, Sc AI c ,i ,, n , , 1 the mil i'.',uilly obp'ctioitahle in re c.iti lie Misl.uu. d in the ai ui,,.T,l j.,,,'. to t;it, h havii.T ;. iult,lM. which will cotninener, piubably. in a j rcpiesentalioii, because in ease their few . lavs, li aitea-i r. fut -d at first to i "is1'-!! urcn do not redisltiet, then make an affidavit but b -ing told that ' the a,iluioii il member or members U'lll III' i ll I'll ,) III l .rrr, 'IT.u .....11 , , , , ,,, ' ... , ' i n , lino miuill .. it was ,, ,t done thai ,l,.y he could g;M, lV,m,vli ania u.id other Uepub .. . .i . . . ii .i P .... li it gut into court at all, promptly swore to and signed the affidavit. Mr. ScoviUe kny that Guiieau'a talk d i.'ing the trial made ihe verdict, guilty. It is generally conceded that Ihe trial w.n fairly conducted which is d nib'.h-ss true ho far as Judge Cox aril the jury arc eencrrned, but we do ii it tl i-ik the counsel for the prosi'i ip ii m nlmwed any dispos'n ion to be fair. They i'ltin bleed as evidence apart o lis i ii Mat. s like il iucieased licpub bean leprcsi ntation. Now, it happens mai tnere are no losses in Ihe South ern States, but gain; in all but Uela. . ... I . . I. I ll.:. n.i i .iii , which iioins oh own. iLelote aie in Kepublican States;.' " m 4 In Cineiiiratl .Inly we nnti.-e tli ,t Mr. 'I m (il.ri'Mi. x nirmlHT f Hie I'.in'nil fr.nn ihe Fmirlll WarJ i.( t Iml my, J h' illfrereil lur rilily well ih.-ninitinn ill" at winter ml iprl.nr. Il IrUiil all kinila cf lliilmrnta ml meil clnea wilhiuit any I en. tit lliilll he uarj M J, nl'. (111. Ihe dial application of Khieu nitureil full nirlit'a irp.a. and lit in Lie. a written statement I'V the in isoncr ' "' u"'' "Uioriy run-.l h ni. It li a nrl . . 1 I : .... ,,..u ni)...,, n.. ...... ...i. . . I... ii.- . i . i ,l " nun ii in't,eii iiirn nine mill Hiipprcsse.i i tlio rcmaiinler which Mr. Scoiille 'I n f-'it'r, sa nf i lenee i .! t(W t rlieml i a.ii. il woiil.l linvo lii'iT'. hoiii.Ti; .1 I,. Cttl i.r .'4i.iii..n for ih- preieiiiluti ami iiiiima . . ! tl n ..f ileaill) iii.-ii.., i hi imililiiK nmre too l"!cuce. Il is almost imp.iKible airlktnlr lllu-lraleil Ihjii in Hie am-reta whirli , . . -, .s ., ... i Im. Ntl, iiiI'mI Uie Uae nf lih 'rn.h vUl'Hc I ' ac( Hit (niie. in I'veii if in mil , . 1 1. 1 1 iii nc -"I " ) ; r uiu pie leniive ami i-llie nr a.nall pm, l. Hil ili.: oliiiiioti i.4 mrnnrr nn.l rnhl ! l'l'H'"ii. o liT, iniUnal an I )ello f.ro-a ... '' ' H i no limireraniniiier nf iliiuM that l.v Hie UliaV'.l.lahly have It.t infiuciKO Oil ' ti"l th n.'ilifecll.ili.ill.eain a niav lie j ad jn and j,,ry. i ;;r;,7),',,,,""r r"6' .AIIr.iK.s I MHKf ri.oTHS. lAsllMKHKS, Kt ANNKI.S. WLK sflTINUS, DRKSS (liidllS AMI l K A I, I'lll ll'l IIK.I'I IVi'TI 1 l.s.TI 1 1. II . t NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. ! .V A T I .V S, S 1 1. K S, A .V It 1 111 .V M I .V U S F 0 It I) It K S S S V II ATS, (JAPS. HOOTS k SIIOKS. M M K t HtJKS.AMI) ZMt.MCK IIAKItNADK NIIOI.il FOR LA DIMS, MISSUS AM) CIIILDRKX AT We lao Keep nice line nl OKXTS HAMI MADK Mints. MEH8, TOOTHS, BOYS AID CHILDBEDS CLOTHIMG OF TH E NEWEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES- 1I..1I..W wure ami Willi. w re. in fae. everylhinir to .e founfl In WELL KF.I'T STOKK, NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ABBIYINO. IIAUT& 11AHR1SON. WELDON, N. C. E s T A T K A 0 li N (' Y. I ImTec-tai.l aho.l P.E VL ESTATE AtltNCT in ihe town uf H'pt . " l.v cremation i Tr MERCHANTS 1 T T1 " XT M'l'l'S In pnprr left airrtl t U la..iN clnnfiseiiou. Send tun iinilllliina of tilt NKW S VST KM, Ilia Moat Atlvniitiicroua ' rv. rofTered to both Merchant and Consumer. NLvVXDUKTirS OAUDKN SKi:iS frnwo on their own t rm. OVKK l.f.flO "ACItKS drrntrd lo Una nununr, nre tlm KTAMlAHIl KOU OVALITT. f V 11.11 K. NAI.R TK1IIK l-pirr I !To for.SccJi.Iil l.ulV thrr form, milled to mrrcluinta on amnlientlnn. DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, 21 & 23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA l' einluTT J ly iy;atfimti2x j r miyi oi c..-rs.v m aei s. - i a K i K W HOME SEWIHV MAC IIISE, J. U. DEAL, Ao't, llarkner tlron' Ituugy Uorkii, J. II. DEAL, Au'r. Erini.t, N. C. Thau Mii-hliifa.Ill,fsM ' U'I Wiinaeiin be hail nf the umterolirnril kt luwnat cash prlooa. rta.ifnahre t'rma on. a.p)(,iino. A J.lreia II UKAL. Ac T, W. II. BROWN. THE LEADER OK LOW PRICES! I l;v juat rcealve 1 my Fall And Winter Stock. W KI.DOJ, X . V 1 laivt t -ii liim-e' In tVi-Moit FOR SALEOR RENT. AI..UI hall'n'llieiu itoroa. Cl'jen iti'dllnri 1 Also Iiuac aitma oooo ci: OK LIM) IN HALIFAX COUNTY FOR SALE. l'..r further ii.irtl. 'ilnra partli'Mi Mil ia ,, ,uv ir r. nl can npply .. m in peisi.iiiir l, kll, r. ' 1 inn n.w inaiiiB ,i,p tHliiN pniim UTh lo I -ell un, I n,v, iil-liiK ih,. sU. ,, , wllUXwll(. in il Mile l uia.li. mid then eliarge cuinn, . t..r my ttnn.lin ; a u ci'iitleimtn ami n m.m , ....111., 1.. i... In, .i,.,,, 1 ,v . niiH-l, ll I . i 'I inl'h.S Inn, I v,.i", . It K. U.iM'lei HuTiax '".imt)'; v. A. Urn, lei, W.-hlun; -f. y. m t-i Is, lluij. '"'1 ' .'"'Hy. u. p srri-.Ks. I .l..-s;;ni '! V. J. NAW. I BAKER it CONFECTIONER. NKW ADVKUTISK.MtN'IS. THE PLACE TO GET FIBS Uni All M E D I C 1 H g S, Whleli Is fuller hD c rer lieforo. fpeclul atton- , Hun to , BOOTS AND SHOES. I k'p full line nf Zelkl.-r a ami Bullmi hoea for lA'llea. ItuvetOan hr.-e an.ek of I RARK RR'M BRVZ1I.IAN HH.iF HRKsslNti K.iR I.AUthtiAMlf'HILl.ltl'.X. Mj- Shick ef IV EL DO N, N. C. DRY GOODS A very larfre anm.ly of t . aWra, fr'-keri.. ramli.., Keinp1i and Plain, I HnUiiw. Krulla, Nula, c. NOTIONS. JEWELRY, Ir, la e.impMc. Alao e.implete line of Ireaa Th.-lrL-et .tnek of Tova nf everv variety ever -nmls. Wormed (as,liUere. Silk Trlininliiffs. linmirM tn tlaln iiirli.-t. Prinire. Hult.ina. roraeia, Hose and Half Hoa, l.ir l.xili'a nU o. nta. all CMKAI' FOR OAS II. Call and enmloc my atuck lK-fre purriiaslng Isewtli'l-r. 'Xruur iirat kt , aaj WmUiiigl'sa Awi'i flr.lersfereinil'es.e.ilc'.a. e , fill' d at hort i-at notiO'.1 a! Northern pruiiM. Wrt4 r ai'ni,irjrtU-ppl.'il n eheaji -AT TIIK- LOW KST PRICES, 13 AT 1)K. A. ll. ZOLLICOFFKR & BRO'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE AND OPPOSITE BAILBOAD SHED, V K L I) O X. N. C. NTOC'K KBIT COMIM.KTK II V FltEtlVKSiT AKItlVAI.M. Kf rRESCItllTION DKI'AUTMKST FII.LKII WITH TIIK1IE8T 8F.LECTP.ri MATEItm, iMtK iiirTioxs t nnroi .vDKD at ah- iioium with ckeat, MT ( AKK, PERPDMEBY, 6TATI0NEBY, FANCY SOAPS, AND BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES TOBACCO AND CIDAHI II K SI K M D K It that ft hearty wel.-uine always awnlN ynu nt ZOLLICOFFKR. nor. 17 1 y. LAEGEST STOCK -tu: OF :o:- FIRST-CLASS GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO J HnvliijrliniiKlit n arty all my stock for CASH, I i n n sell (.'noil. aa cheap or cheaper lhaa ANY OTHER MERCHANT. FASHIONAIILEDKESSOOODS' WITH SILK AMI SATIN TUIMMINQS & Bl'TT0N3 TO BATCH WHY iiOODH, HOOTS, ASil KlltlEV. I A TK. ('A VS (I.OTIIIG. HABSWABE A SPECIALTY. NOTIONS IN ENDLESS YABIETY. A FULL LIN'E OF (JUOCKltlES A Nr I) IMiO VISIONS. F U R N I T U R i:, F U R N I T U It E. noiht.ails, Hlai k Waliiul Bod Itooin els. nh Stan.l. Wan'roLes, an.l K.trnlture genf rally of 111 .suns nun ai ;;u rrues, I Invite the pulilii- generally to n -.n-e ful exniiilinitton of my stock lefor porchutm flaen here. n peiuiiiiy, L A FA It IN HOLT. net 1 ly. R. 0. KI)VA1M)S. :o: I wish to cnll your ntt.Titl n lo my L AIi'lS ami varied stork of :o:- M m rrii i"i i ' . rv i ' FANCY NOTION'S. A Fl'LL LINE OF LADIES" f I.OAKR, FANCY SII.KH, 1'ASSAMENTKKIES, BEADED tlliN.VMENTs, i:oi!DS AND TASSE1..'. .."..- jri fTrvp'-f : " ' ' . - Ji.lVir- : v- .'.'. '.V -l''",- 1 ! - N ATKINS, TOWIU, Rinnoss, i.acm, Ill'TTOSS, CORCKTS, HOSIERY, OLOTU, LACE TIES, HAND- ... ii KEItCIIirr;, rnin HOOP 8KIRT9. Aim a full I iiienf C.-iits- Furnishing liimik ami iiiimerein n-lier U'lmls In tlif flreaieat Tirlilf; My I'r.i' w ill ulHii.vs lleur III" i Im-i-i uve-lijr ill mil My linmls HI'E AH K. lit THKMSKHM. I M .1 1 .' il a ei' In It v nl" Mill IN 1. Ii Y li l. I M l i.l.l v n; v I P h'. My stin k nl lililni r.v was se imt .1 h, MIS K l.i i ENCIt Kill' KIKH'SE, nf MalliinnM, Mllllf of M-verul Vi i.r- expert I . e. M 111 I kli. iie Ims i liure of my Millinei'v le.HI llll Mil. lli iiM In re.Tiv.Ti lilieinl shun, ni y,mr irade, I remain H.'i eetfiillv ymira. ll. il EDW AUD.s, w tl.lnn, K. C :.f:'-smith's iiuicK iii.uck. o.-tciy -I. W. I'.KASI.IOVS SIEVING MACIIIM- & liKPATI! Ol'l'tfE, mis ii r "1 ii s i ic k i: t, moRroiiU, T '. Whrn- can 1' found an of the leading first class Hewing aiaehli at BOTTOM FHIt'i Bend for priea Hat fall on me before I r ehaalng elacwheri1 and save mnncjr. V..-.' a-,tlwr' . .. i .VV'' I -''"Vjjfc Mfdla. AMk" an J rf ,cr aAH' Old MmhlnM ly rrlr4 b wurk aa toni a O rel atroBil htld mael; lit r. -( bounu Krl leliirc in rcrff-i oi lor itov. M' '.0 15 rr rit in-ilinr 1 t.' r "i f"''.' "' li f I h r.ttv, i f 1 -ntt f . r. D'. 11 t,". ; 49 the fhttSfflt c.r H ly. o:t;:-fa.

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