i THE ROANOKE NE"'S W. W. HALL. J. W. 8LEDOK Pnormrr B. , TBCKrfcY : : FF.IIRl'AUY 9, V- TilK ritadlock at A'.Ijuhj h. s been broken ami llie of!icT?s of tin lain re licit el bj the Democrat). Tin few Tammany mi'ii am-d to go in o the IVniouratic caufiii if it would withdraw all tlif noiniiircs except tlir iiofiiinre for Speaker. This wuh agreed to and the Peinocrats now con trol. If thin had been ili.no Hooncr the iliagiiM. fur Tammany would not have increaKcd and ti e State would lave been richer by Home thousands of ik.Har j. Tin: tnn'tiiwl i-ui'tim f.r the 1'eim era-tie purty to d.iy in, nliall l)r. Mult and thf llepublieaii leadeis link' liie ii..ii'H (n which the next eli-etion in to tin n, or hitll wo doit? New und 0!ierver. The Democrat ti-iuilly allow thr Ucpiihlicam to make: t li: issues. In ine instancp tlio intir relief f ir the K.itt ra made by theDemi'cratrt and ejive them the victory. Now how ever they wish to avoid that iu by repoa'ing the county goTeniiiinl law. lio s'ow. Co.wersixii the time of the in it elect ions in this Statu the New an I ( Wrvrr s.iys : A casual examin ition of Urn ijiies tion l.-ads us to believe that the up pi".i- li'iit; State election comes oil' in November und not in A tij.ru "t , us we have heird it Kii!!eMei. Tlir act of I C "7 prescribeii ill it Hiich elections hIi ui'd take place in November, but by one of the hist MTtiuiH the election in 1 S 7 S f ir State oflicei s wan made an exception; the fnt pioviin of the ad, h iwever, applies to all Mihs.'.piei.t lecti-'iis. S i, unless the law h is been i handed by some act f have uvei looked, the lernl ir cirri ion for State and county otlicers and for mem ber o Congress wiil be held in No vember. Tin: motion for a new trial in (iui lean's case has been argued before J'ldrrCox. The motion was refn-i-d und the prison. sentenced to be liunj,' on the 3(hh of June. An appeal was taken to the coint in banc which will be heard in a few wctk. It is thought that the appeal will sustain the judgment, in which case the prisoner will be re sentenced. When the fenteiice was pronounced (iiiiteiiu declared that the cotniry would suffer, but said pothinj,' farther. He was very quiet and did imi en tT'i'je in any i t those (leirineiations Willi which the trial was character!., d. It is Veiy certain that (tuiteaii II lie fm ii lI in .lime unless he l.i-es his mind before then, w Inch Mr. ScuilJc Ix lieves will be the rase. ft-.t Ir the Diiilocralic party repeals the county eoivernmciit 1 iw, it will fac liti:e principle to policy and, ''that is nil tlcie is in it." And when it s a1 rilh'cs priiii'ide for policy once, what fl i.uaiiiee will it ive for not d-iiiij: so j -ain n hen policy dictates sin h a course? If the party betrays a lar'e portion of the State once, how '', those s i betrayed, be perstia e 1 to be lie vi tint the party will protect them in the fa'nre? W ill it -i t weaken the ' ulli ol in my and thus lose heavily in (.lections hereafter We believe so. Tiie property holders of the east are largely Dcmo.'ratic in th -ir p i I ticnl ideas and hen they are placed by the I) 'in icratic party under con trol of the Ilepublicaiis in the inu.ie tiieilt ofc ui'ily nerieil 'tit, se'f pre seivntioii wid pos-ihlv snej.'st to them to make terms with the lb-pub-li a.is, il they can, in home affairs and mii h a course could no! be e n learned by tlnne who h ive deserti d them. --- A nil no w comes ( i-neral C'l!ii'maii nn 1 says, accor IU to a reported ii.. t rview, that he in sick, weary and disgusted with the corrupt oij,':niiii tio:i of the 1 - i n iciatie party in this State n it ovists under tin leader ship of in-e, l.'ansom and Jaivis and that he is ready to join au honest, iudepcndi nt movement l"r the re dempTion of the State. Il there should be any independent movement it till hardly send (leneral Clni'jinan back to the Senate, neither, in our opinion, will it be of any as sisianec to others who have not oilier bat desire it. Whenever an independent more iti'iit is iu.niuirt'ed with any hope of success the people of this Stale will see ut its head some one ho is in onico by ihe grxm of one or the other of the two political parties now ex t'tingand wliocati only keep in i tin . by a new (iepafliiie some man whoso! parly deairca to relieve him of office, I bi m unwilliim to minetider it and vviir, by the help of mulootitents and the opositioii declaio in fawir of a new party, to keep his ofll e. Such a cuiirje woulj not li patriotic, but thu it "fiiiM Le jpr-fitl'I, h is ,oiid thai the 1'residi ut has ii- (used to receive anv more delegations fo:n N.Mtl. Carolina an.I I.:.h inti-: I maU'd that he w,U makers appoint-. n. eut lor this Stair until the K-veial 'actions unite on a a'atr. 4t will take Kom.-tiuie for the "m ek-rs (, j a;ree upon the ones to be left In the , cold, lint e think It is m n-iMe to take such a position. TilK Taihoro Soin hei ner is oiioih to any clianp in th" system of county povernmen'. We hope the Democratic party will not make any change, but thinit look that w.i. Hut here irt what the Soiulierm r sayp : The tVmocratiu party lina hereto fore said to the poopie '"Vote our ticket and you will vote for economy in the expeics of the pivi riilneiit." Our party ban appealed to the people to vote for the patty that iraye them the best i'iivci iimei t (or the least money. The people did so. Now why change? Wtiether it is popular or not is not the question. Let us remember that it is belter to die upon a death bed of honest conviction than to 11 itirisl) under the night shade of deinajooisni. We would also impress this up n those who think the sun rises in tin West that there arc seveial voters in th Ka-tei II counties who have a'w.iy been I ). 'inoer.it s, :md i h it alth-uio'i those villi H oii'v niimhei' about liny thousand, yet w th-ni! their active rn ojierat ion our i ia 1 1 v e.mtiot be in the majority, lien tol'ue i,ey have oiven their best energies to keep in power t tie party uhieh would n qn re by them the least taxes, If our present system of c ll ly ijovcriimeiit is changed to hai il , wh-it will the part v oiler ns in I'tliunV Wc do Hot want a stone W llKSKVKI! I.lllllers aic llepelillellt on others for a pait of the supplies they consume t lu-ie w id not be eieat prosperity. In this section of the Country every body who (arms at ail, doe hi with the s'ni'e idea ot in ik nu' as much cotton as he can and linn ,1 there is opportunity they make coin an.I raise meat. Wo kmnv noih.iir of fanning and may be mistaken, but il seems to lis that farinci should raise, corn, hay, meat ai.d uch things first so that liny uiil not have these things to buy. Then the Cotton which they. rake il he so tuti. li del' iiioncy. Win n e.i.-iin, ineiit. and lar imi s other thii. os iiei ill'nl are Ii n-ht a profit is paid to ivtiv cealer who handles them ; M hen t hi sir il.ll ;m ill ide these .f .(it are ed . In ord'T that fa i min liiiiV le made to IMV Well it is liei essa' V to produce nt 1 .1 home as many of the tliints coiisiiiind as p Ksihle so that the inonev n aned I on what is sold need not he paid mil iinteediati ly. : We hope i. Ill' fanners Mill divei.sil'v ' t'n ir crops as tmirh as they can. They ,i i r ' I inav not liave as mucli linen v for a ' vear or tw , hut lln v wiH ,,,.,., ,.sri j Mk. m. j swi -i....is. , . , . , -, ' i , i I E A i' K ii n and it! a short while they wi.l tindtolll he lll 'st pl'oliuhle This Slate will produce as fine hay as Maine, as line potatoes as Vermont, as line stock as Kentucky, and as fjood wheat as the treat West. And all this can he done as cheaply here as elsett here. The people living in tho-ie sections where cotton is not j;r iw n are more pro-pi rolls than tin y who inhah t the coit.. n I e't an 1 and have n it ha't the a 1 :in'ae;es. - . Itllt.niY HOICK AMM'I. I'AI Kli.tl, N.T., 1'YhriU' y 'J I'as . in,' events of the last two m mt lis leuo shown that the pim-hase of th,- Co. . hna font ra! li.nlroid, mnnio-,' iVom Wilniiiioioii to Ciiarlolte, and from t'h.il'lotle w est lo Nielliy, in t'h iive land comity, l.y Mr. .lolm K iliiiisoe, for the Se.ili.i.iid and Koaiioke Kail road Company, is a ni.itt. r of much more siniii '.nice and of Hindi jrreati r imp ii tanee tiian w as at first supposed. I 'ei's .ns who o.in a majority id lie stock ot the .-'c.th ail sod U. .iii.le coinp iiiT 4ilso own a coiitroliiii juici est in the ll il. ikjh an.I tiastini com pany. The li ains on these tun roads now run ihioiiVi from Noifolk to liil eih without eh.ilie. The A li;u-t .1 An Line i .ii Ii i.i.l, which inns 1 1 . -1 1 1 Kileiiito ll.imlet, on the (':iiohn:i Central road, is also ow in d and con -tiol'.. .! :lic i-a;ae r....i.s. I'.i-s.-neeis from N'oi lolk now change in 1J ih ioti and then aain at l!amh-t. The pn . eha-e ot the Carolina Ccntr..! w ill e; ali!c the pttrcl :i-iers in a f. ". Wicks o run their trains throiioli fmnt Nirf.'k to (.'harlolle without change of can. It Is expected thai H is ai laneiiieni will inei'e.i-e the ti ncl oyer lie -.i hoard line, hee.iiise lie- I Jay- line s si popular with all u hii lone nu i .1 joyed the p'e ii rj and coinfoi l ol a trip from Norfolk to B.iluinote, and "vice crsa," over tins I Tlien, a'aiii, if Mr. l'oh;iio'i, who is p e-i-dent ot the three companion a ready incut on '.I, is on the look-out tor an opportunity to extend his load Ini ther i-outh, he can io v do -o I'r iii Ham let to I'M iinh'toii, Sm h C.i ii.iu , ii is only eio'hieen nne . 'onpiet-- lies yap, and i In m , n e 1 1 i n i,. a he made w ii . 'Ills . , -m ,, , i and olhei Si-nth. , !, , il i s ',M lii, ill of this g p v o i: I ei.alde the S a hoard roul to- coinpeie at Willi North Oiiolina,, lor the tray.-l lo Hoi iila, which iioiv t-ikea the W;. mincton and Wehlon toad at Wchl in and iroea on hy Wilminjrion. T ieru rj vprarJs of 0.co penutj veLo j annually pass through this Stale rt their w y to Fl nida. The jrr 'liter V:"!'"" "H,arK' l,m,',?r l V iiin ns-li n, a h w ifo hy way of ( ;, .bu,, ,, Atlanta, over the IC rliitimi.l ami lanile line. The lniil.liii; of the link fiom llaudet to 1 nlo't-.n would open a thud line, Mi .ru i and inoie tlnect than el'lierit the oil pis, .nid would, for these re.'i Hon", obtain a lair share ol this travel. As b the increase of fieifjht, it was considered by Mr. 1! iliiMMI that the narrow nauje load liliniiiiir from Chester, S 'it h f'Ki'iiliiiji, to Wades b hii, on the Carolina Central road, won1 1 he i he in aus of (rival ly increasj ini; liie Ireitjlit tiatie over the Caro tin i Central road. This connection opens up a lai'u'i' cotton belt that will add from :o,oiiu to lull, Olio bales nf Cotton to the number heretofore trans porti .1 over this line, because, nhai aji s ln'ina- eipial co'ton shippeis preler N'oilolk to W'l'miiiotoii or Charleston. A t. LillColn'oii, be otnl Chai lotte, the Chester Narrow (iniijc r:id a'.ii:i coiiiiects with the Caioim.i Central road. l'Voin I.inc.ilnlou tin' narrow irn-ie-i r i.id runs north to Newton, in CataM ha county, and then on to noil-, in C.iMwi II county From I.eiioir to t he c anbi I I V lnm ". I k-, in .Miti lo ll ei iiuiy, is al t thirty miles Th's pieec of i-o.id will h -C 'in ph ted ilnrin ; I y. ar. A few mill s li--voii-l th" iro'i wo-';s in .lohn-on's ! I pol , on ll.e I'.as! TclilM-see, Nil o-iici a;i. lie.a-j'a r ol-oi t, wliMellie ! narrow 'u iee roalwill end Wh-n cinhtel to the Cr.iiibeiry lion I Works the .'omp.'iiiv o.vn.nr thcc I wrks i'lten ! i i ,. urn to o, t oir : larrf- 'pi intitics o piir III, mat will lie s.iippeil out the n iiri w anj:e roid to Lincolnioii, a i l fr-'in there to Norfolk, over Hot i.ison's line. The I'raiil en v oie is theequil of any iron in Am -rica. Tlieie spp- ars to be ail ilie ihaiisl ible Mlpp!. The IliiliC has not been ih vcloped, for the want ol a railroad to ship the hot), (ireat ret urns are e.vpee"' , I from thi" one ar tn le of Ireioht by .Mr. Ilobiiison.--New Vurk I inies. Al' I.K I lKMK.N 1 All' K PII'jI'Kkl'Y T jA SAL If Iti BIT V 1 ' it iljir,.l' ir- r!f v'tiittai nr ih Mf!!;i'. st 1'r 4 .tsiil i.tir.nmjf. m1 hil"Wfi M ttn M.Mv ir-(r'T. r. n-.i-t'tnf cue Out ilw. - n.r. n-if ,i.iu-."4, inrirt' iMt a. 1 hit In .f iff ilrit liMU' i I i Knfii'l 1 ;it rwly new aiul b : v n a- VM !ar.' an I linii'ls-n-ir roomi. A it 'Mil i 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 m i f y u i !T.'r i f.r prufltatltj 9-v.'-Hn-'M', P r I'Tiuj it ', ftl'fljf lo .! tf It. H HULL. s U: OF A V.l LA It IK I HUT 'K I.AM'. Vr i 'i 1 1'V v i'tti'1 f' a - ofh Supi-i l t ('!.:; I tl. i- um: f lln if.n -.11 in '1 n t 6 ii'i t t !i tri.- I'. I iwrt'inr. n,p in V I t wpH ' ' .lion 'I. Iii-.iI.i-' . w:i .11 tin- t'.lli it f i-f I . lei ev 1--J. o. fro. 1 if l..ri'.- II tel. m lti I mi.. I K 1 M ..-Il ul . .lln- ii 'l..'i to Hit li -..iic l in I l.-i f, i i- ,. t; it im i ,.i lsn.1 c.n .o.ll.v !..ii-a-.:ii.-n t. Ii lu.-i. ;.. Fei.tneiiiJ II u. il, run li- I-I it.M ,.i M i. s... ,T Vf.l r.-. -i.li-1 ei I... k ''. 3 '.' ei liie i ffli- ' ..f I! f Il i,vn-r I H f ! Ini ill i..ieii ol Hid fn wlnc.i i ,'iiiet'.l iii'ur Hi.- I Ii rt.-.-ii lir. L'i-.. "ii I! o l."'l f - Ml t-ii-1. ..I l.l S.ell.lll'l N.- U Ml.tlllt Illl.lWHT 1 11 ''''" ii-';gi..in mi wi.ii-u ilo- . a u.. i lliiri.r-i- 1 . WMlukt r lee. it 1 ' "'""it", loin- r-1 arn. 1;li, n,.,. nn. Ul . a;ul w u icu tou- II. K . I: K I li ' Coiioai-k w 1 1 r vv i hiin J.'ili-- 1 1. s iioahh ami u'ii'ii.u t'.ci I-- Siii.l ly aptilvii j In , M l.s. I OA T. l II KIN. . fe-.v .t ...r l.rli.w 1, r I'nnl lifl.i,. eip,.liie ., ' ""' -t--ei. uiirf if. Wt'.,.,n. K. C. Miin Al . VI. liiiown it H a I.-, le-li. i.lsin, mtliiut lfcff . l OCi.uui r.j.1 rrnai nil. I im. A.. . i il .o.r . I UIOl-l!.. ( :ir Hi. K.uiit. I.i-el. I'.ill. lilH"WSll. Jl nlif-t Bnrmi, fcllk ll-llinlifri-l, Itfl, l.udi IUi . 'i l iliiili.ui;, l.-i-e. Kilitinnt, JeweirT, I c ir,. M.iiff. Tlarro ic .,(.. iin.l mi y elli-r r irl,, t, n uncrmn I.i rn- I.OII. I All St!,! t-l,!t1lll Mil- il J Syl lll, INS k I '1. WtLDON. N. C. IHIV '.'I I) . V -dm . M , .... ... .1,., lA .iiluii-iai-. lint ii l-lii:1., I "I 1 41 .4 r.Ol'r., HI I'iif, l IMlil.tM,, lUMII.I.IUN. IMlTlIf II "'".I . - i ) e , , lj, A. , Os... 4,, . .....I.. I .1... I'. rr 1 1 1 : v i i : i : r M vil la- 1,-.. SICOO l.'J COLD. vei l. f, r a r-14 ii . v v 1.. It. il.. vl 1 1,1 ', ' 1 !.' . 1 1 1 ..Nie I. ....I .ill II.. k o.'ir ilniiT'il f- r II, -i rittrrotM i. lion ,-iK.ii- ), iC-.p 'I'skc no (jiU.r. IIOTIKNemNU 1 M'lllMK. J. 11. DEAL, Ao t, inekne; llroa Ituuj Itorba, J. II. IIKAI., Ao'T. Ea'iai.n X C. Th'f Marhlnri.llu.inli-a 1 1 Wsit -ii. sn !, 1 1 nf lii iiii.li'rsiini'il al lowpst mill fricna. R'a-inatitiTnuon a..liialion 'if ti-rma 01 A-Islrnta 1 u ukal, Aor I -.. . -.. j - - .r- 54 'a 'A M 0 I I 41 4l.,!lU V,. l-r.4l'i -rr-r f t , r e l".k--..r. .,.-. I .. .!, ., ,, ty ui h ft'aa'a'aaaaTi t-iar, r a l ir. 11.4a. nnaal H 1 "' 11 1 " '" X. a Tmu S m-lfilaWU'' Vmtt1!ieTmmi Hl . 7 I II K NEW u, . ,. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. KTIIKRKDGl-: & BROOKS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Thiiwrllknu.ru firm of tl. city "f rorttinuutli. Va , K-.taU;.l.r I In ' aiill headquarters for hichest prices for cotton. W 111 coin! aalw wllli any ec-mnilMon h-iune South fit Unit Imnro. I . n .till A-t r..r th-m, furnl.Mn,. monr i""l sueplies. ff.mno .ml n1T'h,"XV;",',r!;''e' rounl Wl.nv little .rilrl- that ihe.v nt in tl.o vf.rof,lry RivhI, h.w I e- u i una; myofflce la llallldi, N.i:..na t will .vy.jumouf.v nd do yuu K"oJ. our -m- rtl -t-xTrTT-i 1 f P VV. 1 IIAl.tt AX. N.C. FIRE AND BUKGLAR PROOF Read the followinj; from N. C. Snyder, Banker at r.rctiaila, Mi.,s. Thou.s .sands of sitniiar letters on liie from all parts ot the Union, uVk.naoa, Miss.. .Mnn-h 2(nh. tm Iliii. Sire imi I n. k. i (i . iMii-villf, Ky. ,., v - I ,.., ,,., lfoo.lv In .i-rrnt in you ..f the merit, of the Hr, tn.l n,,rglr-too Jf, i . , .. . . i i 1 1 ,n.i i r tbp to t Si Willi nir, i niMi ii n 1 1 lliiri-l .r IT...-I ii(r i. n Imn- M n.l'v nunlf fur in-, leu I "-en for senif w ceks in p -Hioo li my mw icisri.r. sn.l li,. .k.ll ,'f II.- irer'. Jim-I.l- met Hi' lt.ity ..fits a.r..i..'e ar. s-OMlly a.lmlreU. I li.nii'l mil tip ' wilh liny niliT sun- thsn veiir. sNYDHH. Vuiir WHEN YOU WANT A SAFE , M.3 if rs Uso Lawrence & Falartirs 'N'l I Iwk t-S m l ForCOUCHS, COLDS, SOKE I H liOA'f, tROKCHITIS, ASTHWJA, PlU-MO;-ilA, CONSUMPTION, Dlsonat s ot THROAT, CKC3T AKD LUNCB. , a Jf (ONSI .-ill'llilS i.i ii, ,. le.i l.t l,-.,.! .:,.; -I .i an.I l.l M.S. lint II h H 1,1 i-r . i-:i .i ,i . .,.i l.'VK. It e.iiiii;, ; h iin .mii- iir.-in'-;'- h ;iii- I ;i I.Oil Ul OtliT l. n: tull 'll ..S In i a . '.(-, ,!. I,. ff All T t f R1 T 1 1" 'n t lii- il- i i ,m-.I I'v i!-i!frs tin irv In .alm off Rnfi knd lira WHU I USJlVl i l:i 1 1: f ef e.ir lull'. IJiK'ti A Mi IIVK. wl.icli li Ilia OSI.T II I.Oli ; A I i:i m-iii-ie - tin. i-.-ii ii-n a I'i , .-.-I.. ii.. rr.sui-i..i i s;..iiii ii r vii boiil, uhlah p.'ii.ii'.t. .I, in Lo Hulil by llnini-lso, l.roi-e.-o unU trenlervi Hvery wluir, wiTnocT srrciAL tas ca licskse. The TOLU, ROCK AND flYE CO., Pr oprittors, 41 River St., Chicago, IIL I Jiniliily 1 f. m.&J.I .. J Jitk t!, U '.1 ' SUPER PHOSPHATE r, vj m Fiairiv.'iiArn rn -ia I XI.VAiiUa CCV i" IS JLLTI 3IO R 13 aii.Pho9.Acio 8 ro 10 In ml Phos Acid TuuvlCuncPi:o&. 2iv20H AMftOKA Uwm M 4. 4,,S- '-S RV; I Ul1 ljf"4.. , - n 4T3Z.a6 -'a, x. b3. he yr v 118 W. Lombard Jan I9lrn M 1 '. 11 AWT. HART & f.-' ...1 Ull'd S.ISKJ tilAl.'ll F A L I, A N 1) AV I N T K (1 0 0 I) S. Oiiral.u k la .N EW and IllltiillT. c.insis'.init nf ('A I. Ii oK lMUFs'ci.ivni.s.rAsllMKKKS. FLASNKI.S. HII.K sflTIXd-1, IIRKSS GOODS A XI) Dill i.iii 'li-. ul Every lii si'riiien. NOTIONS IN CHEAT VARIETY. AM Tl .V 1, S 1 1. K S, A X I) J HI M .tf .V (IS F 0 li P H K S S IS. HATS, CAPS, HOOTS k SIIOKS. nu t: a WKKkN, Kn 7,1 ;.: iiamm ik hi m iok I.ADIKS, MISSES AM) CHILDREN AT Wr also k.'i. aiiio linnet OK NTS HAND M A DK SHolH. HERS, TOOTHS, BOYS AKD CHILDKEHB CLOTRIRO OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES Hollow ware ami Willow warr. In fad i-v.-ry I liliifj to lio fonnil In a WEI.I. KKI'T STORK, NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ABRIVINO. I IAHTic 1 1. I U.I SOX. WELDO.V, N. C. aspl-Ss-lr cremation 1 Tr. Din 1 FiNMi-4iXi-X 17M -talitiriaa ill" HAI.E f v jt y v. r jr-aA. a. s"iw . k. 1 ikr" k ,M4 J 1 r 111 111- Uxr form, r-. DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, I'AlvlVtUli, AVT i - T T x 4 TAIN CALL FOR HALL'S MAKE. ROAM IlltliWN.Cliarlotte, N.C. tin nlwitvt li-'n fill ef the mrst tmiKinaai . .ii... - n.el.li.l le, liie Ml.lillV.I. FAitt'i.Tl n siiimi iM-rii.-..-i.iin 'il wf ( 'iilililis.coi.iia, l'.,;i'M'lll l is, ASTHMA. SokK TllltOiT st '. - :: .1 I ' il i.-js', ef 1 1 I 11 l.i IA 1 .1. It KS t .us:-, rf !-i-.ii.ir..!.:l i.i iii tlio Till.!'. Kdt'K and :,:i'.i-:v- r.t i o 1 1 ':. nl nn. I tunic t- buiid hi tin .. Null, I in'.' C-l ' ?ri.!r.VINi; t la - w .-.cison h-.s con "u" e ' I'..- i; l! .0 -:it i I. -.s n! j hir.lcra. In I 1 v Ini I ion : : 1 1 1 - H..- 1 e l -1. i 1 i nr.. v. I FiilST-Cl.fcSo FtiiTiLIZZl r -1 . i" 11 n. - 4. run , ,: : '.. ' la I t.-.i.-ci ',: 1 ei .r in car Ne 1.1,. Tl. -i- nt-',- v: ., .an j-i lu!1:::::;;..1-:.,:;-;. ia a: t.i.. iTt.ii.itl... ti. ic 1 fell line of .--... ...... .... ..rr.iunn- 1, ,4 1, i.i 11.,, .a -.. , V... M'r-n- i.-'.-i. lo'lmi', . " Alt It"" s '.'- I U.tl.i u:t:.'-.- , of 1 10 Il f.-.' ... i'.' -h. i-iir. m 11; ,i-. 1 siiriiii ' o l 1.4. I II 4 h,C lid ..... il l.l. ...4 i.lt, v-.r to ri r t. to inj -t - St., Dahimoro. W. II. HAlilMSOX. HA 1.1. 1 SOX. in v 1 . H 4X MERCHANTS ' i2isi run "oyT'l-t4TAIX SFF.n la paiMira lcfl OTcrat ' aw r a -a, ns uuii aut nnift--ons cr offerf-d to both MrrehADt RndCona,atuer LANDKETH'S G AltDEN SElDS ttow on their own rami, OVER l.fiOO ACRFS rtcTotcd to thla nurnoir. an tha roR QtiAHTT. a- wnoi.B- TRADI rRICE JAim for Mreda, la balk or' mailed ! marcbaoia era aPDlleatiaa. 21 & 235. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA NKW ADVKRT1SE.MEN1S. THE PLACE TO GET FOB DRUGS AND M B D I C I N E S . AT TH E LOWEST PR ICE a IS AT 1)K. A. It. Z0LL1C0FFER & BRO'S, WEST IIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE AND OPPOSITE KAILKOAD SHED, W K L I) 0 X. X. C. NTOC'li KI'.I'T C OMIM.KTK II T F.tEQUEXT AKUITALS. M- rUKSClill'TlliS UI'.I'AUTM KST FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL a PRIM UIITI(S tOHrolVDLD AT A I.I. IIOL'ltS WITn GBEAT. KMT t'A KK) PEHFUJJEBY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, AND BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES TOBACCO AND CIQA1I. BEMEMDER that a hearty weleoma alwnyi awaits ynu st ZOLLICOFFER'S. HOT. 17 1 V. L AEG-EST STOCK !o: OK :o: FIRST-CLASS GOODS KVKlt BROUGHT TO E A STEI.iN" 0 AKOLnsr A. Havin; bought nearly all my i-toik for CASH, I i';inell ttooil.. it cheap or cbrapar thaa ANY OTHER MERCHANT. FASHKINAHT.E IiItK'-S (jOODH WIT1ISII.K AMI SATIX THIM.MlSOS & BUTTONS TO MATCH DliY GOODH, BOUT.?, AM) II ATS. ca rs CLOTHING. HARDWAEK A SPECIALTY. NOTIONS IN ENDLESS V A 1 1 1 T T. A FULL LINE OF G HOCK It I ES ANM) PROVISIONS, F U It N I T U R E, F U It N I T U It E. Ik'ditcadi, lllark Walnut Bed Room Sola, Wash Smnrta, Wanlrobcn, anil Furniture gaiiarallr of all Hons mill at 'ill l'lica, Ilnvlt- the pulillo crnernlly to a rnrofiil ixiimliiatlon of my atock btfora purchaatm rlsi-wln-re. liekin-i-irii.l)', L A FARINHOLT. i-t in ly. E. 0. EDWARDS. a: I wlah to call yourattontl n to my T.AItOE and rarled atoek of :o: 1 1 & i F ANCY -A FULL LADIES' (I.OAKS, VANCV MI.KH, VAS.'-AMF.STlLllir.S, BEAIiKDUiiSAMKNT!-, I'OKIlS ASDTAsr.l.S. , i i jlk r" , ' A hyjt -j -4''i I" . . 1.4 V r'A M0 Alwafnll l.lnri.f Ornlv FnriiNhlnv l'ii, ni'.l tiiiinrreiia o'h.T pk! in tha fireateat TarMT II y I'ru- a lll ahull ll.-nrllii l-.-l nv.-lla ill.in. n;n My (io,H HI'E A K Full THE MflKLVM I II . f. i. 41 I'l'lltl I - nf II II I I K .11 V ft 1 1. 1 t II I I v v i, . IT .. 1.1 .... .... t .. .. .. ... - - -. .,. ,-4 , , l .If I. 41 .Tll.1T . HI 1. I I.I.I Mil mill .111 1 IV I l . I l- l My i.-k "I Milllnrry aa.ar .vi- .1 I.. M.s H.iiiikM V. HV.U K IKU'.-K, of Ballimora, a Milllor nf f.-MTHl ywir-1- perl -mi. M . Hi I kh..ii- lm .-inn-.... of my Milllnrry iriarliiint. Ilii.lii to iwi-lveii lil,i-iul aliarr ul jniir inuli', I r.-inaiii Ki-aiurifiiiv ronra. . ,? "iMini-H UK1CK K1.0CK. "" " Mti J.AV. BISASLUY'S SEWING MACHINE k ItEl'AlIt OFFICE. 10 5 ( II r It 1 II TKKKT, IS O II i- L K , V A Whew can he (nund an ollha lraulnf first clans acwlni machlrr at BOTTOM TRICf Srn.l (or vrlCfi Hat . rail on inn tM'f.m 1-nr rhaaliii; rlarolirri' ami aave roonoy. flood armnd hand maditnr mrcrrrci nnlnr froui "J1"" hnii-c l-i ctl it IV ii- tnttiitli, C!'1 ' m NOTIONS. LINE OF KArKIKS.TOWH'l, RlBnOSd, LACM. BVTTOnS, 0ORET, H08HRY,GI.OTI. LACE TIES, IIAMD- KKttCniEFU.rRIKOM. HOOP BEISTt- ion, n,i . y Xaadlat, AMaakaiMla- ' xai rarta for all aakaa. OldMathlBMikoraafk- ly rapilrti lai aiaJf work aa good a ka' f m 1 lollS. 'ir fair iluallnt I ,ff-r k. t"T , , ny tip.l KT, I t Crurck f:r-.i'., .' '!-.