tc it . i t t 1". i. ." ' 1 1 11 11 THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, : XUKCIl 9, lssg. STATE AFFAIRS. Rdoigh liaj ikallog rink. Till) (I ilU'IKH trii ill Ullratlllll. I.ouiaburg is moving for a Ktndcil si Five capital coses will be. tticil at Mceklon buig court, Nxsh county sent ait pris mcrs to the peni tentiary last week. W. (1. llcrnctt of Alexander comity comuiit i d suicide last we-k. Tliln Stine in entitled to r,. .1 .-K'.tt - s to tlie Sou'hcrn ll.iptial Convention. Warreiitnn w 1 1 tt Congress to builj a pO.t Utlico tlllTll to cost j'l.'KHI. There arc three sen of triplets In (ia-Pm county, born within the last ilccadc. A bearer weighing H'J I lis. wan recently cap tured, ucar Macon in Warren county. Half a million'ls of com have lin n hipped froiii Nowlinn so far this week. Judge K. S. French, of Wilmington, died tin Mondiiy In tin- tilth vai'of his up-. Tin- I'nihale .F nli of lltnhain county W igha :!H(t ll. an.l Hit- shciitl lt lbs. Vis, tior. .luvls uriiii a sapphire found in M icon comity. It is pur.- ami niilooit flaw. I). It. Mnrclilon, of ii miitt -ri, Prc-blent Of till! C.llillilll CeUtl.ll Itonl, died I if.liT I v. 7 hn authorities nf llm W A- W. mid -n-,. surveying f.,r a road fiom (lold-liuin i r-,lv. eltl-Vllle. A petition for Hoi Improvi'iii'-nt of I'ar river li is been p.csenlrd to Congieas by .Mi. La tham. .lolm II. Wt-nvi-r of this Slate has li.-. ti nn-n inited by the IVosidt-nt I'. S.I consul at 11 ihai. A ln-ar w.-l-jliinir from (Oil In I'M II, s ten i"-ci-iHly killi-J near Hie (irjinl f.illu-r mountain 111 i K dale. It In rumored Ihit ex-fliv. Ililbn will t'tcrlly revive the. old .SV.uoai'.f iicitsiian.-i In Kikigh, X. C. II' Tim 5th lint. was the anniversary of tin- n i-st permanent settlement in the North Carolina which was made liiiil. The new building or Yiuuxin Co'lcge will b incar enough coiitpletivt to hold the next cum ineueetuc nt exnrcisea in it. Mrs Margaret llnrgwyn NeD.iir, daughter of lion. 'I low. S. Ahc, llii-dal Wadcsbnio on the 3rd Inst., aged years. ttepresi'iimlive V inee has introdue'd a bill n pn t all suvivlng soldiers and sailors who served in the Indian wars on the pension rolls. The negro, Henry .Ioiii-j, who killed un of llcer in Wake a few weeks ag has I,, en convicl cd by a Jury consisting of four whites and cijjlit colored men. Two nogines broke out of Fiaiikliu county jail Wednesday of last week, bv knocking the jailor dow ii, The j lilor shut, one and sto ped bun. The other escaped. It Is aaid Hint Ju.lgii Kissell, of tVilming ton, la trvlm; to t;et Ho-plaeu of II. S. ) .strict Attotiu-v now held bv .Itnlji- .Miieriison whoa, term expires on the I'ith inst. Joseph Kebllieiiner, of Taihoro, some weeks nio was inisRiiiK and could not he found Hi-ho-ly was ilisrnvereil Mond ay in iriini hi the live! by souie lUiierinru. i.i liie rjVer aboin a tai're and a li.ilf In low the town WiliniiiKlan Wei-; A well kmi vn Raltimore tjaiilleinmi write us that he happens to loi iw that. Semitnr Viinee has r-ceifel many hun dreds of letters from all i.uts of the eo'unlrv North, West, South-Weat, mid South, ng heartily his recent ureal speech on Hie tarilT, aril pronmiiicm-f it. "Ilia best spieeli Ternialeon the subjeei." We an. mil sin -prised in the least at all this. We know a ((real Djieecli when we read It. fiiomr mid .Vn;inic : ShalTer l in luel . With TnUIU'ei! his liuhl bower be rarely faila to play the lb-nee with his enemies, mid conic back from Washington Willi "liiah, low Jack (himself) ami the liiime." 'm Sili ,,f llolih n now has for company, at bis wigwam door, the scalp of lliixtou. ' I he Jiide"un e oltemled the Colonel (tiy chai iiini; J ho Jury ad versely in a law suit, we lieni ami when the re port nf Huston's appoint jieut came over Hie wires, the. Colonel lic.'an to pull a set of w in s of his own. llri. Uy Scyiiionr aiepped in; Iluitan bowed out. (ioldslioro Mn,v,i;ir ; learn that Col. 1'ope, (ienet il liuuiimaiit A;'ent for Hi- Sime of North Carolina, lias received notice through liis fun Itfii Hi;enry of the aliipmeut of quite a a.irifs tinuilir-r of Swiss luiiiii-iiinls. lie has iilso made aal of lame tracks of laud upon which the purliealpurcliasim:! in end lo act tie. Immigration is a matter of vait Importance In the pnople nf our S'aiu and Col 1'ope de foryes irrcatcreilll for t:ie enerixy he has ilis jilayed in Its man it'ement mid it is to be hoped ihat the next legislature will idi iw its appreci iioii of it by giving him aiihslnnlial ni l. A liAiMto.W) Drrii iAi. Intkiivikwimi. So', erery one n cheerfully cniiiuiuuh .ite-i his J4iiuwl -di;i! and opinions as reeeutly did K. I.. 'J.owerea, Ksq., cashier ol the Cine inu.iii 'Southern liailway, th it splend.d outlet la Hie Bonllt from the Ohio. Our rep cscuiatlve w ilteil pin Mr. I.'iweroe, and in reply to cer tain question the latter nenllcman o'luerved: ' 1 was sulfaritii; from a very st-yere nttack of rlieiiinitisui In my riKht fosi; it was in a ter rible condition; the pain was almost intolera ble; our family physician wailed 01111111 wiih Jul success; I sent fur another well known M V., but even the twain could do notliinii for me; I cauld nut tret down here to the otliee to attend to my duties; in fact I 1 011 I not p it my foot under me at ill, and after nine weeks KUITerinif I leirnt to if row de-perate. .My friend (wlioin. of e-iiirs.-you know, for he is known by cvervo Mi. St..eey 11.11, of the 'Mount Atihuiu ltieltiied i'lane Ituttoad Co., called toaee me; lie spoke very highly of St. Jacohs Oil, and re -oiumeii.ld tim re ii'dy to me in flowing leinns. I lauulied at the l ieu nf llsint! 11 proprielai y midi.lue, and vet the party riMiin-iiendlmj it. (Mr. Stieey Hill, re ineinncr,) n-ln a ill 111 nf sound judir'n. n set me to thinklm; the matter our. The next .day, when the physielnis c.illed, I di-mis-ed them, and f aid In mysulf Hi it 1 wul.l I I n;i ture take Ha tourse. Tlie resolution la-t. d Just a day. On the following imn uiu ; I, in a Jit of desperation, tent a servant for a buttle, of St.. Jacobs Oil. 1 upplied that wmiil 'i ful irem- dy, ami It, peiteirated me s itbat I thniiLhl my foat wak about to fall olT, but. it did not; in fact It did just the nppn-l'c. The next inAriiiuij; the pain had rutiicly left my fool, the awHiuir was re luce. I, ami it-ally the ap-peiraiii-B was o dillereiit altn-jellier from Hie day liefore, that It actually surprised inc. I applied more of 9t. Jacobs Oil, and after -ion I walked down here to the utile, mot was ablu to attend to my duties and i;et around us well as any one. me say f..r St. .laobs Oil !liU il li uiu niiiimiit timr, and is always sure to Wiu. 'i'H4t!i .'Y.i,,ri, wbal that excellent f irmer, Mr. Hlu forit Wllllailisou, of Nash coriiily, tar 111011 1 il: "I bought two tons of Uu tv luml 'a Jmprotcd, vvlrch I used on m-rea of c-ition tast sprmir; I have prcvinu-ly useil nlnin-t a cry iruano sold in soiith-rii' uia'kets, a id have never had heller results than from this. The weed ia larger, has mine bulla, and Is clearer of rust 1 nan any crop I have i ter laised; in y cotton is said by my nritilibors to be the best in the nciirbbof I I. I would coinmenil its use, or at lea-t n trial, to eveiy Farmer who has been payin-,' t.dt.i ?il per ton for (riianos, as Ibis costs oiny IIA per ton anil a half 1 shall uso no oilier n. t season. Hi. i f ntn Wn.u 1 "ii See tilrertlacmaut of II. T. Minnious, iIiiil; gist, acut. W. R. Vu-K'a Bioiiitn.-Mr. W. It. Vick is Ciinsianlly pultlnit up new mid handsome Inu--tt'es In all styliw for sale. Ile g Is his liialeri. I from the b at hoiues ami nr.irraiiU ali bis wiui. Any kind of biiL-cy can be buualit of liiui; open and top, clyptic, ldo-bar and otlu r alyles of aprliift, anil the prlcea low puoii(li to suit tlie linikt economical purchaser. Kepalrlm; ell done with iiealnns an I dispatch. Why kViaway ftam home, when you can jot hu;iu beta ? I. A, Pxiimini.T s.,f.., i 1 li l euiln st'i.k al ugr. u, ruti d j.i.o o. SPECIAL PARAGRAPHS. Anoi T I,0iX),ii0 of the public debt have been paid since the war ended. Franca has now nearly treble lite debt of thu I'nltcd St. t-j and ir'rrat llritalu more than double. Even Spain has a bigger debt now thau the I'nltcd Slates. Miss K Tn Fiki i) thinks knee breeches o ilit to be adopt-d becau-e in the present fishions wallers cannot be distun-in-hed from u'-ntlein.-n. 1( the style of die-s is th oulv distinction b. 'tween w.iitcrs and wh it so eiely eal's i;eiitleiui-u It is lith thn-t a dilTer dress is inlro.l ice.l f ir one or the other. Tun trial ot S -n; -ant M nil for sin otinir st U.iil.Mii is ended ami the report sent t-iCeneral II meo.-k tbrou.-h the ordinary channels. Ma. sou's c iiuii-d subruittc i evi leuee show in Ihe ifiiud character of the accused ami nlso to show that he was not as at roue; mentally as he should In-. It w ill b sometime before the findings of Ihe (Joint and the action of ( llaui'iuk w ill be known. Tilt; lb 1110, rats in Cotieje-s are to hare a (.'iiyiis-ioiial ( auipain Conitnitiee, consist ol 'iSiie Com-ressniau from eaeh St lie hay in.- a D.'inot-rat i-t its delegation. ,is cam plit'n corn iiifee will t house an Kxeclitltt Cu.nniiite.-. I I, is l'.y eutive (' milt,-,, mil In cou inetion with tin- Nali.o al I), ic Coin n l , have i h ir;e of c mserv Hive 111- t'les s III the In- I I'l'i" Idi'llll il camp lien. 7 II' ill' nr nu- people in Hie world, th r li' o-.i do for tl 111 the llloii' they w 111 n. ii.'CL von. Hi a" 111 for lliein tin thei will h it mi" pe .(ile, the nioi'.- toil ile .re lliey 1 pi i t and th,- mor 01, if you don't or if miii do. So 11- will teei , y nil lale'ir, eive veil lie t 11 1 1 Is s 11 1 1 I beli,w t heir pi !iics 1 ei-e 1-s iv.iMiy mid (Ii- l iving stlil III want oil to tall into 1 si'luehoilr Ah ! A 11J llnir waif. whi'iis 11 I thinking and lie i iliem do Hu faa iiin. Tiik ureal, wnlls it) imi'ih in .New Yorv enl'd Satur. liv niijlit 11 I Ii llanl winner. 1 iweli th c 1 nu ,j 1 , h 1 1 to n tiie fiiim tie li'ael; on 11 count of sieklies-. Seveiill ch.ll-IfiK-. have :tir'.idy li-.-n giten to llt.-.u-l fr anot'ier 111 lieh an I we h ip.-if tin- in 'e'.i is ran,'-,! It will hef .r 1 '.en i, oi-nud m:lu atrniU track, to slut at X York Suit 1 1 Auieriei; nr pr.i'.a'ily ill ilU'i'1 to disc over Ihe X01 Hi i n 1? the tricit in tint dneolion. r.ln doiV'i iitti th y could lii pole by point. Till! 1'hil nli lpliu V'.i.. speik nr 0f the 'Society ladles," in that city, sits; I hey aie In the Ii ihit nf Indal'n:'- n fi ll- III Inlovicatllli; heveiaes at Iniirli dinners a- to aet in an utiladv like, liisr.ieiful, 111 antler. '1 he ii- v . l: Hie r-'i-tor of Holy Trinity, i.- of 1 able churches of l'llll..d.-i Ira. si that Hie pilnl'iil siirht ha I I.. . "I Hi imn Ii in Hi it i-1 1 y ot a la lv - . int.n ins a'nl t lo s.iv 1 Y.cka' I I II .11 recent ! , -il it 1 d lllll sin- to lie remote I Ii mi tin- 1 -oni on a slreieher, and the liven -M'de k en-r, hai. lie. 1: uns-l.'ill-j eiv fie- .y i.'.-r t:..- rep.l-.s made by ill i vers in their employ who hare been in tliu seriicu nf "f.i-uinii.d'h- ciiL-les," ''lllllti; !S a belief lllll. . ; illoi'.il.l people Hi at. m.idiie-.s in do.'s is eaii-i'il by w.n'in in the t 114. le. Tin- I'ollowr u t-v 1 1 ni t fioiii 1 letter to the Xl-W Ylllk ''"I plobabiv I'M-laillJ II : It. II Ki.-ilim.', .1 jus-ice i-fPcareof K.I I' io. Ark., and one of our be. I citizens, lias ..d UK '. Il.eie is a erisHi- in Ihe nuiler part of a duels loie:u , aliout no in 1I1 or nu 1111 h an.l nl.e-h.ilf lone;, shaped Veil' much like a worm. lie ca'ls II H ,..le'iii,'i' win 111. ' IP- sau Hint wtili 11 slurp knife "he has often tak.'n tin- it on u out it I- hunt iniv app oe i.t pain to Hia d"i;. Ile s it's n it ,t i, ,1 i-.o-iili! e;e s ifeeii nd tn ey.iv instiim-e nu'.inst the il.- -,. Iiiill'..pli..liia. lb- -i-la,'s an iiise 1 I,,-,,. two like y yoilii; p'ips w Te bitten by a rat id do; In a sti :'! iv h ie 1 ' t er ' bet w.n 1,1 I n In- tool, the distemper iwim .oil nl 1 lirii tongue., anil ta dloph .In . r loin In ,1 thiu, Hill- an.i'liel do ti 1 i t i: : l Hie .i,u. Illlle Weill in 1. 1. . ir n, ,r j, taken on', ol his lone-ii,. T.I'! I'.-lers'uir,' l,i I t l,i i" says : A 11 111 Ilie iuiportiint bills pie-, 'nte I to the l.eis atnie this, is tint, riiivin,' th seh'-in-for a riilioid, to 111 1 this Ihiii'i' i llm pi id'teliv,- en iutn-s of Din vi Idle, Iti 'inswiek and M -.-klenb-ir lo (' ir din 1. Tins to III ll.,s heell llillell ll"e,'. fur 111 III V v I , .Hid had III - pel line energy li-.. d - ' , . '-I- , its plojeclo.s when lir-t pr i;i 'se I 1 1. - ie- wonid ii.tve h ten built a little 1 Hni, i,-n years as 1. Tli -r is no line of 1 1 I 1 .1 111 j nine tin-. m ;'i or 11 - ir ei 11 ;' tt '. 1 Iwo li-t Hauled eoilulies a-l I, a - is ill . 1 1 1 01 . : 11 j stances, Hi.' p.- iple of th i-iirr!; to- tic ! cities an I I i.vis 1 1 t!i h ill m motlj 1. Ill is hap -d this S.-iieul.- lllll' I'eeeil',- eil.'ollr i:;,- itietii, ami th it the iti -s mini -d. will not be slow to ai l Pi ils aye, on di-ti 11 'ii', m e 01 ' jiliicttoii Willi the is-ic rn- - ttiil is pr ijios-'d to tn- broui;iil. into r. . ii.iti,.n by mn rtieru j capitalists as Inu been refuted fills rotd will prove to b - Hi - k-'V lo fi it euiire section ' of eo.m'iv. and iv:l! hit'' d ed d a Iv ml to-j iiv.-l tli lliehuion 1 in I 1 1 tin .lie 01' S-.i'ioirdi and 1! 1 1 'oki- nit 111 in." lli'iee etteiidiii'; I to Kaleull. l.-'t the road be Imilt l.y.ll ine.ius" j mil Hie pc.ipl: nf P -lersteu j; sh.iu d keep I their eye-o,i -u, s" li i.ii n.-i- rit'iis in,; ,111 ' netnciiin:, mil s,-: to w..,:, t., ,!, (. . t,, ttl-liate Hn ir st-li- liles if ;io--,'l, e ), r Hi ,r suete.-s w ,il plot.-a s V"i.r blo.v I 1 III stity. ; (iSi t. M ir -h II A nt in fr n t is 1 1 1 1 . 111 tills C i t I , 1 1 1 till- .UU I - , It I. f mated r-ali .11 on tin- ..mi l o nnt'i 'inn... Ills-Ill. sod he b I'eveil llil-"i Youtljl, sll I alive. II.- sad Hi ,1 Ile saw Hi,. i,,7. i " li '. Ii w as siippose-l to be Hi it of Hie Vliirmoii le ntel , and w in'e il lni;tit hale birne s,t, s i;l.l icM'iiib.iiiice to th it id IP dm n Ynun: It wn 111 n-aiity tlnit n some nth, r miu. r said lie Un ew of a I lied l.'lliir Day Siin; w ho lal led to leeiien!,' tl,,. t,,lf a (hit of Y.-lilo,'. Ih- bad In aid llnh.i'n Youn; ol'eli pii dlet Hi ll le- .Innild lie lesllirei Ic.'t from tin-dead; 1111 I he lii uly li 'j,.v,', Hi, iibi-ii the cri-is iirnvea In II Ifilrs nf p,,. M' ramus, Ihe n sin n do U-e w n (,,. P'ated ut the lei mi, MipiTs'itinii', ami liilialleal p'-nple who compos,- Ihe ,i,nM.: l hute tl. Ins i-ininicL' p' 01 will l e 11 1. , in.' Willi Hie Villous 1.1,,,, :i, :, j,,,.'. Hi il ll'iee ell It'a el i 1 1, d III' Mem in l'i,iv, Mine its tin' p'loll. Il,,i;!ti'il 1 "it ".;, a -I 1111. 1 r,. . - m ; I.:., u ;:, ,;.,. ,. ,, 1 I far w h"ii a timorous ciu.i,,. would n- tn ,, llp-'ll lin- M'.lllion I llillell. an i tie .1 I .,', j-, Ies llleellon nil ', to be ,il l,lo onii a lime w In II lb I ;i . ill n ... I . ,,iui m Hi'- sh me of a eio n-le to ;i, ml y (- "i it tlnon l-ie r and 'i;iii 10 in nir nu tin: Ciples uf the lallll. pin I'.ie 111 11 w .1 tu id Hies" s i-eai uts , ., Mm 'lion, but 11 it .1 11 ih'.'iiu.t. II - is nl,,', I- know 11 as a .1 i-i-jiini ; ,11- a b lien r m 1,,, till- Moiino 1 H i, 1 eh f it-i,l -.1 bv .!.,! nii,h. an I tie ib uies, iv.lh all .l.iseplni'' , ir poll u un v w is ever a pu! of Hie M e .ii,,, filli preiched by Siiiilu II.. i ex, ens 1 v I'lH.I'.'ed III bll-ill- K. ill L l lll, ll'.d ia li-e.nj. us a man of huh el j nluuieiit and r-i 1 ti Will.' heie In- tlsll'd solui of thf O111 (t Jo-e,iiiti's. and it was to tln-iu Ihit he mat,. me revel 11 ms nt tae pi 111 tiy winch Itni lian I inn:-.' is lo cleat.- Hie tie itest "I, ,f nuid rn tllll' s. lie lia, I iiioiy Ihi .(ii,. i, lu.'s with j-'ini;, and was 1 11 1 1 111 1 1 ipi lint'-d wilti him. lie as., r's th.t, wni,. coliiplele uiianic ,1 on anil s,-, .-l ttorklns ,f ine i iiini'ii. 11 w nun ii.- an easy matter lo lie ftp Itria'i.iai t'Olo: e.'nee.,le, ,- leuiilli of tin e, and reproduce In 01 w In 11 ii, lll-ded In revive Hi- f .1 ,1 o." bluyeis by , nppirent resiirn-iiioii. Tliis Ins lesiureeliu, would he I a'ii u as . 1 111 liter ..( fact, th- ie i, ,,, ib, inn, mil (tie ' siipi rstil'n'is p,-n. w.., follow the prophi l's iiainii-i' uita th,- 1e.1l f f inaties, and slied ih.-ir blood In ils ili-l-iicj I Ills -lo. (illile s t lie ni'll' is 1.1 so 11c 'Vint continue I by a i-etircl army olll er 011 Hn iii..l (ileiiilly ami iiillinate lenns win, Bilah'ui Vouiii. I'lns ulll. er, w ho rlew.-d 11,,. -n....... 1 i.. v . .. , 'i r ..i.oi 01 iiuiii;, mis, n is mine hi" assertion 111 u tin.y ili.l ,! in "l-JC least iva.iublaiicu uf llnhaiu Vsn .n o-r Is In 110 way resi.oiisl- Id flit 0- lhe.'Ws (f"s or staleiiieiits nf orresi,,mt- .l f li't.-r 1 iiuillnleslloils or nu niiiint'iii.oia e liar l.lll.llslled ; the real HBOie of t tit writer hi"' H' eoiui-aiiy nil t-onitiiutitca! tons. Anv one a. may teei iiMrleye.l at slslemeiita mi le in- ,.es,ii,.,ltH ran obtain the name oil ai.t-He'ii'ii to the K.lltor. i',,rr-sii' jrl'-nts w III tilensi- write only 011 one side of th l'"r. and to iivold bavin- their eominiiniii'"is thrown In the waste basket. ill Inrii tl "i"ir names n il 11 -ssarlly for pn bl t. aj-but as n iruaraiity of irood faith. 1(p ii'Oiei- anon) minis eorresi-omlenee. I-A rlH' -I do imt Intend to discontinue tin -rae:ii'of law. on arrount nf my eoiinee- tlon wll'i e' News. Hut will all 1 promptly Jft 1 bu.stii,.ss eutrusti d to my care. W.W.HAM.. or II .fl'vr'; -The following eentlemen me mitten i,-.)!" e,.li,-,-i ;m I reeeint for nlisei mid 'idi tjrisuw 1' 'i I In- K11.W..M: Nkws. hii.I lo niiiiie coai-'eis with all nanlcs in our IkIiuIi. Parties ivl-lim' ' l"iv Ibeir utio'rlpt Inns nr ill se I I :nl iir'se'io-ilts. en II i till nu I hese cell lieuiell ; .1 .1. i;i)il-'l: ''-"'N' t:nv.i n. 1 .1 yy t Mttn-i 1.1 r ri.KTov. ty it llll:il K AD Halifax. It siV'ril.-lii Siiiri.A-.-n Suck. SAMI B'J- WniOlIT In ks.,x. 7 fai Hes Undine a erns iiiiiik i.ii ilie nun'. ' :ln ol' 'lli'il' )i iper. oi...-iie 1 lli'tr IlllUles ill lake notlee that Ihi ir siil.sei iiil..ii a V ',s i'.li-.-.. and ll.e ,ii.,T will tie .lis - 1'oiilitin unit - they 1 b'r it rein-wed. irui'ii iA'vyiiiT. r i-i II W P lllnke. Pastor-1-r ; .tii.l I'll i'l'l n- ill II t. t I i -- 1 1 1 I e tv Suiidiiv al aeli- in. -I I 1 1" lill .' e-.e Weill!, 'silny. T l'. I- M 1-7 I I' m. S11 nhiv si'l,i,., I'ti-rv Pi .!' 111. . 1 1 1 1 1 it evci )' I hiir i-- ri-i - '"'ii. ('in in 11. - . i: M:' till Sllll'l l s .'It 1 t ei prnl iy 1 efore the lib Smith, M . . r.ii.l illldays 1,0 c: AL. I 1 11 .11 is sear, e in Ihe ciuin I y . I 'tii'i.r. is n li a billiard saloon In Wcldon. iVin - i'iii"' eld "tl have a graded s.-bool 1 . i si l ( - mi In i isioin is met in regular ses sii.ii M.imiiiy. Tut: in nr 111 .1 1 K c t Is not 11s brisk now IIS il lias bel li. I'iii- first thunder storm nf the season took place last Week. Si rises n-l'.l no s-ls liall. I) iv'j lcnt;ili II bonis and -Ii iiiiiiiiii s. Tiiosk who have it.elee'ed llicir burdens siii mi ui h---L 1 ' lo pi ' p ,ru tliein. A'-i'Dtiinvo to t'l'1 aim 111 ies winter lasts nut 1 the -Utll and 111 11 spi ine; eoulnn-nees. A fall Tlie nf l.adi . Ii -tils and Misses hand made slnies at llartA:'sou's. U'i: lie ir of hii fe.v can II Piles for the sev eril eon itv ot'i.'.s but il is rather soon lo be- t;ill C llt l-slii;;. K. II "1, SherilTnf lleitie ronnly, has S' tiled miii .h State lieasui' r for lax.s due, 1 it in ; 111 .s.i.s l.l'l. S ;; n- Shis'! Sri 11s '. ! -II. T. Siium- na Ii 1- ; i riM'i il anntiiiJl' sutildv nf this pupil lar li in.) 1 A em '1 it cigars of the blond anil ptitlll. r nf the iasit'hle and lack of Ctleiev; 1 lion IPtteia. W11.1 rrs ,v ( ii claim to sell the I van a sni. r M i-nhu- fur .e .' I cr .Ma 1 him- ts sold for In i.tln-rs. . nuay -what a U 1; ilesiie to not.fy our friends and the pub- j oe ' it. 1 a -. 1 , iiiai we. tie uriiii.. inr ine "D.a.uui.d Cotton Pi .w " II uir ,; II utitiso, I 7'iif. c is.- of I. one; ami Kerr tr.irteea vs .1. T. 1 I iooeh et al - fi o 11 Hi 1-ioiihi y was cirri. -. I to the Mipi'.-ine Coin I on appeal. The appeal has been tli-misscd. l-'i-in:iiMi:- here are beL'inuim; to eate'i ll.h on Hii- slides and -villi. -.kiln nets. Mllllils are cauelil and several shad have 1 11 taken also. 7'in-y are selling at ;"l) cents 11 piece. 1-'I'e.l an extell-ive Use of St. Jacobs (Id I1 lio'i 's f nnily, we are atib' to st' c, n ti le il y nf us area tvortli in 11 11 111 , 1 , 1 . ai. ni-'ti's and r 1 1 . V reeom in-n I it as un arliee iii-.s' I --ii' 1 nl 1.1 h i.e ,. 1 han I in Ihe medi cine. 1 lii'-t. v-niti,,-, 1 1 ,.,,,1,1 l,i',l. 'WINE OF CARDUI ' f. 1 sate In ,ir, A. I!. ' for l.ailii s only. ZollieolTeiA Ilro. Mt.ktimi at Halifax. -A I'c'ii'ilie.ins nf tins en iiniy Il illf iX nil the 'Jlst iHt., f,,r mei'tine; nf He' w ill lie held in tlie nf l-lei'tj: . ,1 -ijiles to t he eon yen fun of colored ! people to be held at l.iililshoro in the latter ' part of Mar,-!,. I Sl-.ili lMI Nu Il H-kv ,,unl la Itilif.i.x and I.Jj n:s. 'I he chicken dl-pn,. at -I ti k was a Coldest between ib.- 111 which Halifax 11 u 1 leloi ',uis by a small ma iorit v. 1 ' '" 'In'ti-h we ,.i nut vnin-li for "' '' '' ". i:i- rep irt, lb ,t th rill be ''" ! li.'ht In lb s dae ' noinel ime in Mat, bt Iw.-.-. II dif.ix "iinly and p aitn-s in Norfolk Hll.1IM.IIIB DllM'tl, Coi.t.KUK. i-ilne receipt of an Invlial i,,n t , Wo ark now ! j the. 4 Jtnl 1111- mi il cuinmeie,.mrlli ,1, Haltiinnie Cnllcgd firirery, which takes ,,laec al Fnrd'a pcm House to day. Mr. J .;. &MA ,.f Sn,t I nid N who kimPr r, t . a . . 1-.-. I u. "-'livll'l'l'1 as Dentist mil will ii-turi I mm- ui .1 few days. .s,.,.,.H i him. Tim I'.K. 1 i-,,,,n -on Ihiirsdav nieht flic re- '"' ' I"'"'1 1,1 "l Mis. 11. II. Zollieoller wash M... the Hn;, ,., An ,U. ,,(,, "f Ilie er.ll I'., ! oe.l 1 I II i " i I ' .nid L'liioui liviiu; in town, and sev 11 V.rlh.impt,,.,, wen. presimt and en ' "'ai't 11 1 1111. eh. Mn, ,- wa. i.,,i - n I'ete si. ur; and n,,- .,,,re dinin.' hall h 't'-l w as lil:,.,l 1 I, .,,f, .,,,,. ... ,1,.. uf 111" inn. n.s and the !ii,-lii, 1 laie hour tripped until Ai.M-.-r 1 Sbiiioi . A. .1 s 1-. 1 in Fiidav ! Klnle a llitle ilau..hter nf Mr. K. O. i:,lw.uds as walking along Second -licet, a cow ran lo caught her nu her bonis and threw her lip ' 1,1 "''Ir. 7'he girl f, l !,, the 1 1,01,1,1 and lb,- J ' t Ium-head forth,. puip.'Se nf tu-ung ' hel U-.iin bill fiillliliali Iy a gen 1 1, Ulan s.l Ihe 1 alTdr 111 time and drove the cow nil'. The little ! U 'I was H"I bill' h'tolid a few III 11 1. . , but lur v in 11 f, 1 ,' mjilled. she iniht iiave luel) I'. 11- iv 11.. -Mr ,j, . i,.,!,,,,,,,,,, tin- clever l' -pn -Ml Hive ,,f W. I'. Ill 1, kwell ,V Co., eilli d 1 ". I''b iv. lie ha- j 1-1 rem I fin 111 ill i-l!i':i-liii ,S,ii:l.i, I..,,, III Ihe lllli'l'S-s nl los linn, lie f, . .., ,. ,,f ,n ,lha , ul t, . "I ' l"t of In, c tie., which 111 c ill ule of -ui" blight leaf tub ecu Annoig t he c niiliii ten aii,,iuli d I'' '' I I Uf 7'l'll-tec. to V -ll t'lf I'liitcl by I mil isity 1 I'litiiluet, li. lVeblcs ex mime 11, .1, ,t , ,j,, notlee ihe name nf N.n Hi uiiplihi. 1; l'l 1 inn I A11 nuliiig In aiiiiuuiiii'iiii'ii', Iju nil rly iin eliiig f ., litis Slalimi, w,-s held here .-aiiiiil .y, and Moud iy moi n ings. 7'lieic w.,s in pna.l.iig nn .--.,1 in ilat. lb v. Hr. I I pn-ai In d Sum ay nuiming and u, uilitls'erei; the lluly collninitiiuu. ltev. It. (, lliirion preaclietl al tnght. I.arg" in 'gregatliuis wen- pic-i in at bolli sen ices. On MoiuUir a I meet nig ul Hie Stenan s was held wheirbu-l-1 lo -coiiiieeled with Iheel.ureh was Haiisacliil. Dr. (loss w ill gai fiom here to Stilly Crosa ihu oil un Na.-ln ilk- cin nil, wlui" a enufci , cm .1 w ill be liehl un tin- Uili and I'.'t 1 lust. ! Tne piolr.u'le I 111 etiug whi Ii has Ik-cii In pr 'Cie.-s at tne ,M -tliudist Ciiiieh In this place lor Hie past Iwo weeks, still cut,l tills week. U -v. Hi. Clous, im ached on Moll a night. Kev. Mi'. Cuiiulil ;giiu I- cuiuluc Inj; ' 1 the luvctitt.g. j Til STlTlsTH s of Wrlihin anii IlM.irtx Sl'A Tins M. E. Ctl 1 lie 11. Tlie following statistics of Ibis Station are eontaimd in tint report nf the North Carolina Confervuec, which il nil our table : Amount pilj Illshop, I'rcsldini; Kldcr, t'.l.'IO. UIK.Ti. loll tr.. f H.S7. (.!. jii.ta. Tastor, Confi renee Collections, Foreign Missions, Doineslle Missions, Selmi-ls, lluilditn: and repairing churelics and parsniiaes, Incidental uxpemes. Wl .Hi. J.'S.tJ. Jijui.r.'.i. 7'ntal, Halifax circuit the same nurnnsi's as inentiontd, cnntriliuted the sum of $1,41.07. W 1.1 Hon MUTs'.,'LATiiix.-Theainalleat town In (he V nit. tl Stale-, perhapa Ihe smallest in Ihe world- which In Isisu lUp orted a daily iiew'sp,,,-r, K1 stran-rlT ,-noue.t,, not Norih. ru nr W.-rn town, but Wcldnn. .North P''ilbilioii was lai-l'hila- (ii-lphbl ec.s. Can II b.- true that Ve!,,, had but liabinuit. In so, ,, ,,, ltij-h n th i tear a daily We can .s. ,he ,h.,t e .ave.lie,,ni.l,stellle,lV,.ibul Is th ,lv low,, ) . !. li.-r. I. one will, ..-v-enteen Inhalntants, and j,i bd , llcht .0111 Ihe ear. i 1 il , -,U,-,, )Pwl II, Sf'i" ' "' "ri'"M'11 I U I tilllii;. - 7'he "town" uf Wcldon had 1 '"habitants and since then mere luiTf been a u .,1 ,.,,., addition, by , mlnr.1 Ion and nth, rw,,,,, win, , will pmhahly run the number to Mini nri.-am. The daily mint I. e the ,'.",,s T,.l.r, published hce for f,,e di.lrtbuli.inbyil.A. liar , II, Wcldnn has not bi-i-n a "citj'- in t,. J(:llh A Niioitu 11,,,, , li, ilr.l;,;0 Vann, a ne-ro man who about lw years so caught slealiii-eiimfrnin Mr. iil, All. 11 , r away t avoid indictment, ,, b,.n, ncetl, visiting Wcldon for soinetinie . her 1 Sal- urday ineht and seriously H, ,. .,., , his w ife', house mnl found another 11. 1; o, Slokcs Davis Iheie. II ill, ,.re ,1, ink inir. Vann uiileredlii,,ni,it,D.,vni k. up tl, hlt ( seems he did 11,11 ii,Vl. f.,,t cc,i.. and V .11111 took him In the collar at tin same time hnld " 11 ra. ir in his hand. I) ,vis seeing the razor, seiz d an In, 1 pin and struck Vann ,,yer Hie bead with it fcictm in tlu. skull just above the eye, mid split his nose and ,.,.per lip to tile bone. Davis was arrestc I mid trie I hefuri Mayor Knny whn held liiui in a 1,011, 1 o$.'iki for his appearance al the next tcim nl the Supcruir court. Dr. A It. Zollicdl-r was call.-d maul dressed Vaun's wounds ami pronounced then, sever,- but not daiiecroiis. Hll. IFX IlKMs Died nl the lesiduice nf .Mi. J. X., In tin. place, on Tuesday iii;;lil, Un- '.Mb, iiitn. Mrs. M. .1., widow ,,f Hie lamented Kcr. 7'hntnns (I. l.owe, n-cj about rai years. Mrs. I,., was apparently in e, health, up In about 10 o'clock, that i-veiiin, and died belnre nr iibout II u'elock. Il was supposed that she died nf heart disease. Her remains were Interred In the funily biirvim; uroiind, of her s.iii-in -law, Mr. .1. (, uu Thursday last. She leaves tunny relation, and Iriends lo mourn lluir loss, who have our heartfelt sympathy. We 111,! nhid t see Mr. C. W. Kain-elt, n ha his been quite ill, for some lime, on the stnels ntiaiii. Miss Annie Squire nf Mae.111, X. (.'., Is visit ing fii, aids in this section. Seicial nl imr eilizens will leave fur Warren Ion lo alien. I court which cnnvi tics there this week. Several of tin in aril witnesses in the Louis 7'aylor rase. W. Lit 11 i n. DoriiM.s We 1- iri-. t lo nti- II. .111 ee tin- death uf Mr. Frank .lohllstim, brol In r of Col. W. A. Johns! who died at his I ,e 11, ar h-rc on the u:h hist. He was ill aboul two weeks, Tlnoe has 1 1, a union ineetiii' nf some I11- leiisl ir.iln u on at tlie ITcs'n tcrian Chinch for s nights. It is conducli'd by Hev. M 'ssr, li nt atd of South Carolina, and Wi is nl Virjtina. It will cuiiiliiiie Hie prisent week. Warren court coiireues to day, t Monday ) am some uf nur ehiens who aril interested the c are in atlcli'lance. Sprlnc; si-ems ilt-lermlncd to make her adteut before the '.'(lib of March. 7'he weath r Is superlatirelv mild, ami so prupilinus to f.irm iuu', lhoiii;h the ai iculliirists, as yet, arc dila tort. 'ho ladies of l.llileliui mid vicinity have oru-aiii.ed a Melhoillst Savin); Soclely, for Ihe benelit of their church here. An Intereslliijj S unlay acliJul has recently been oiicucd In the M tluidlsl i ll 11 1 i ll, suin nil- tend' d by Ilev. Mr. Ilho Ies. Kver since I was a I nv ( nid you know thai has hci-u a lone tune.) (llir Melh", lists h .to aileccidcd al wli in icT tlu-y uiiilcrtske. Jack. I ' 1 n 1. 1: t K iv I Inu-ro. A wr'ter in the Huston j .If.,.. ,il find .s.,,'...'.if silts nf plitk-'M- ; 7'liis iPsc.'im- In bor-es Is on,- ,.f the v arieties j nf e it an hal nr iulliieiix 1 c d i", so e.i'led, prev j al'-ni In this climate aiming human beinits. and 1 springs trom tlie same eiilse, nimely, cvees ; site, uicr ft. ipt -ut, nr lUherwi-e in j .1 .1 1 1 t-ois eating 1 he 1 u-toiu nf winking nr exerei-lng : liitr-cs diieellv af'er citing; uf feeding iVcm I directly after hard work, and befoic Hn-y an 1 lb 'loii.-hlv re-let; b.u'iiig at iiunii, when both 1 t Ii .'- vii ilat ion- of a It 1, ill al l.nv an- com ml' ted; tin s are the pic dlsposln e iu-es of pink ;ete, and nf most di.-i-es that alll et nur I h'-r-cs. 'tin- sviliptouis tleli'iuiiiialed pink etc J s re nut be lie ative uf, unle-s j feeding is kept Up; lull if it Is, then J 1,11)0 I 111 1, w inch is inert ly an ai-gr iv.uion of the j utlginal disease, i. vel y likely In le.lllt. Keep Ihe hoi -e qn-'t, ill t , Winn aid ill a pure al- iiiu-pln'ie. I In- iicaier out oor air 1 lit in Iter, and ..',. 1 . ,'. ". i-'ifn'i' at tie lii.l symo j loin nf tlisease, llllil lie Will y dlly lecoy- ' er. As pnnciitl -ii Is In tter than cure, I101 seincll w ill d 1 well tn heeil the hint here liivi-u Old k ,'l'p I heir CI eat llles f.olll eon 1 tl.ll'tlt.g Ihls ul anv tilhe, llllmeut It h ,s been ! deuionsirated in tens of thousands uf eases, in family life, 1I11I two meals an- not only iimjilti f,,r Hie h lid. st and ill i-t i-xhaiisltug lalnus, pli tslcal or lin 11 'al, but iiltogitll r best. The I same Hiilnr hss tiee.i fully prove I lii,ii.'.ol s I uf ills'.llllC' s with hois s, and has m-tc.r ill a I s ugle instance failed, alt. 1 a f ur Irial, 10 wor k I the best le-lllts. Tn.i Tun:. - tl is Tciv piquilar with ople especially siiiali-inimleil nin-s, to Indulge in cousidera ile die p wit ah nit the defects uf newspapers, which nfeniii'se they have, from the great,, weal by city daily tn the small, struggling euuntry weekly. We hate seen penple throw dotvii the large dailies w ith disgu-l, and say there w is nothing III II, em, when they were erunded w illi -t-ndiitg mailer by Ihe sipiire yard, set In Hue type at that; but it was because- Ihe subjects did nut Interest them, nr cl-e their pel si hemes were nut sulli 1 ieiillt pulled up. I'i ople talk about the liitiul items found in country pipers, and such is the ctsc frequently, but nfteutluii.s them Is noth ing else lo publish. 7' be strong point uf u country weekly Is local news; bill many people expect mure novels than 11 a sloiy papei, tnoie telegrapiil: news than lu a nietrnpnllinn dally, inure editorials lb an in a monthly uniriv, nunc gtisslp 1I1.111 in it sewing circle, and inoro facts than in an uitali Idgetl dictionary or a Ihe hun dred dollar rneyclopn-lia. However, when a person sees his own name in print, uu lualtc" how sin ill the lleiu, It suddenly becomes quite impoi taut Unit Is, both Item and ncWMiap' r. An iuraluahlo aticngilieuer for the nrrtrps, uu.clus, and dlgcitlva organs, pruduciug aliciiglh and appetite, It Uiuwu'i litu Hitlers. F.NFini.ii In-Ms. Mr. .vwecuy has npened a sehool for boys. Our tow n has been in need uf (m il a school fir 11 bun; time. 'T ramps" clauuln' to be teachers have coninu need schools here, only to break up or take "Frci cli leave" in a few weeks, consequently parents arc very dubious about semllm; their bins lo any one. However, we hope these dillk-ttltlrs will easily be .siirnioiiuted, besides, the some uf them, are t ikini; an Interest In the matter, and under tV-se favorable auspic s, wii hop 1 Mr Swe.ny will succeed in buildiux up a irood seliool, thereby bcnelilln himself and the ci in 111 11 11 i ty. 7'he iirm who was nrreslcd on Selniday and coullucd, was released on Monday. It ap p-ars that a in-jjin iniide his escape fioin the Friiiikllii county jail. Descriptions of liiui were sent over the county. Tl, neu'ro who was ar rested, made his appearance Saturday ami be Inaa strainer was shadowed'' ami answering the description so nearly, was arrested Imme diately after telliui; some one. iibniit rhliiii; a hnrsc eli;hty miles in one day. The Sheriff nf Kranklin eauie iluivn tn identify liiui. When he saw the tn-itro, said he was not the man f i whom he had been looking. Mis. Sykes who lives a few miles above Imre, died uu Siliirday ninht. She was about euhlt Jcars old. lion. .1. II. Ilieh,-' from llab leh, was in loan this week. On Satiiiil iy ni ;lit on , uf the ti.iius killed a cow ti, l.uiin to a e-ni I w ntn 01 111 lint it. Scot 1 t mi Ni:i k I i 1.1: a m Nu.. 'lie last f, n d-ijsufi! I wea'lu r have u-iven nur faiuicis 1 an npp.n iinii'y to cimiitu ncc uu lln ir crops and they have not faibd In take :ulvnlil.n;c nf lb Agriculture is the wealth of this conn In Hud whatever advances lls Interests, b lie ti s all. A in--ro, .lad;,- Du keii, was liuiiil su bad y same dats ao Hiai be died from his li'juilcs. "'t was st lin- by the lire, and bis spron nc- Sl.l. lit.illv took the. Ile j imped uu the bid and H ied In sninther the liic, but the bed eloih i also caught, iiiid there being nu one in the house except a little - li I, he had to endure Ilie torture until assistance .-mm- from a noili In .r in' lb-Id It w is ni b s une d 1 tli ,-iilty that thi ll inns wen; extinua -he, and tl,,. house saved. I wo colored b ns, alter Hie work nf Ihe day was u?er, thmiglit they would t ike mine rec reation in tiling lln ir skill at wrestling. The result was urn- them h i.l his leg l,r Moral ; Hois ,111 ;!,! n .1 lo w r, si le. . ken, l-ev. Mr. Ill, I,,.-, retinue. I to day, aft ter weeks absence in llaiui. Iiiii. Mr. .1. C. I'ltiin.u, h 1, returned and will at ulae npen a hist diss glue- y store. It is lepoib , Ihal we aie soon to have 1111- ollier ii ug s,, j, lb. r.iih.uii tcturiied from (irainlllc last iiiilit, w Inn- In- had hen, 111 search of II nnls. Mr. (iersou II I r 1 1 111 letiniied tu day fiom a visit 11 'lib It na, 1, poil, ,1 jestciilay thai l,c w.ui'd rim, tuck a ' Uouhle" man. lint alas the -vpoi t pioted to - i, v,.t and In- is still ciijoiing Hie iiullcip ill, .11 nf lis fii'lillnielit. Mr. Noah llig! I- ft M.tii lay for the tidith to pllli'li iM- Ids spring sloek of goods. The "highest" thu, g in innn will be the s tep 1 un the new llap.tst chinch. 7' he U . Ilro id is exe et. .1 to be In siglil of town b) next Saliirdiy. A big "j .lbiicalion'' meeting ought b. b had ivln u 11 1, eoiupleied. Il w id be a joylul day f..r our "lo be city." Mi. W. II. ll.iinl, who Hied making tobacco don 11 here last year, wo leal ii, h ,s sold his clnp al an average uf one hii idl ed and twenty-liie dollars per acre. Wi I, lliis. both as a tobacco and cotton sec tion llicie will he in, necessity of going west. A Iml package nl " BLACK-DRAUGHT" free uf charge, l or sale In Dr. A. II. .illicoli. r A: llm. Is 11 'dll 1,111 tn li . lal ; .1 n il of -11 'al s. e ,b cs nn al. I! -nr. I -i -1. c . 1I1-. 1. .. Pal iuti"ll wilt ke I llllll " I li.l'ul 'li I'llleit lillK'tliv p nln li it. .e d ami 1 -ed etover. coin mid e .1.1 111 1 1, .tine 1 I.e a 1,1 si b al th loaesl 1 . si ble t-r ee. for 1' a -t:. I . . t Aliivuoi r hii-re lin e, I the to n es ,,f i e" d- III I i- lllie. I be luil-t b s 'Id to make I uiu for . 1 . r 1 1 k .to k. l all, 1 1111 i.u ,iu, ..i b li;.iilis. L. A. Fakimioi.t lia. j 1.1 r.ceived ami will k"ep coii.-tanllt uu liana M.uke'.s Dixit- P.utts a ul Ca-lnigs. ' -- I'nii Sil t: on lh x r - A iles ianh- Inn stin t tlweblm: n Olse culilaluiii s iuo'iis, w llh In o r in kln lien and niin r .011 Inm-e.. In pleas ant part i f ti wu. Apply at this ulliee. Fii 11 l.iv.s Sivitn Dr. Hulls (nurdi Syrup r"li. eil four uf my elnldr. 11 of 11 ,1 , , t inu uiuig a'laek uf Hooping l ough, flu which ill i 1- Ihroa's and 11 cks Inc. une ,0 SW'lll, tl IIS til pll'll lit HlC'41 fi Olll PW illlllll bit; . Nuthtll w until i:ii e t hem even t em put at v re lief lint I this tsy II p tv is tiled. One tmllie, in une lllglil, saved their lives, I teuly believe. tii:o. W. II tun i. r, Capiaiiinf I' e, liiliiinuie, ,. NKW AliVllUIISKMKNiS. lit l K I l ai.jiili ir 1 .1 b r- il-ii' bo.' i' tiou e: . 1 1 el, I. i I 1111)11 '11 It ,1;,, I .11.. I M. I 'll tel III- 11;. I'll lo .1. II M- It Ml, .1 11 k-o FORCE AND SUCTIGN as. .V' 'Hfi i.,"H'c.f :' .-11 . ; 'jtami I rf f , j'w"- "fc.-. '.'.vs-JV ' ' .t. lift-5.' TUK BEST tr-,-. 1 illW! Il 1121. Tilt nlid too. R, l.-.-l , " "r '""' l"m,'r snl fli.ii.ll.liv ln.d iiillili.m wao-rfr aiiyd".ih,if well Ilea,, be,,. to for. en.,1, , , ,,, itm, I irtit, ,11 ,1 , l,r. ,(, , B111llhl , ,.1,.r -t ea. It nf sny mln r punii, Waler ran lu itrawn fiiea siuln nr ,li,iaul well (in.. ll, ,.,. uli a liiis,-atta, 1,1,1, nt 11 1,,, -,., ;,,, a, Hie f.esl M, ft -hmo), ,,a,,., kli.fiaH, Mu,u. Ui.'li'l'd f. .,,,. (I,, ,,,,, frcru,Urv .Maliiilaciiirtd I y !. CA237ZH Is CO.. EleisaS. Ta. .Mar II If NTY DOLLARS WII. I. IH'Y TIIK NvhTiiu; lu eh Inc. A b 'tier Machine than c: 11 1 a 1 b. iiiibt l"r j I'nlt I'V 1 il l. MIS, ANY WHEitt, ! lib i-a ll"i I.eif, luo large Prawcr-, fancy Half ibilli e r.iter. Castors, and winds tlie II,, I, 1 Ion w ill, out rililiilu.' the Mat blue. WARRASTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Kx AM, NATION Uf M 11 III NK Hi Kolll P tvill ST, Send )iiurnrtlcrs nradilress, II.I.KT-i k I..I '! N. S, v nth SI. I ll l.,,l li'liiu, p., ft It in Liu NKW A 1 1 V K II T I P K M K N TS. BROWN'S BITTERS will cure il vspcpsi.i.he.irtliiirn, mala Ha, kidney disease, liver complaint, and oilici wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS fmi, !us tin-1 luml am! puiihes ilie system; rules weakness, ljck uf energy, etc. Tiy a Untie. tsxsasssa BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron ptrparatinn does not colorlhc Iceth, ami will mi cause headache or constipation, as other luui preparations xtiil, BROWN'S IRON " BITTERS 1. 1 adics anil all sufferers from neu ralgia, hysteria, ami kindred com j l.ui,l-, will liiui it williuut un cipul. N O T t l- K. lly t Ii tin- of an e' i' it'-iii 111 nit blinds tor col-let-I on In ot N l.t'inyer. l-.t li re-lg - lirooks t - .lollll II. Moiec 'ek I -ell at the I nun II "ti e door In t u- I" vi, ot llidfax tn, Ihe :tr. II lld-t ill .March I-.', sunt M, lecisk'- r'gbt. title anil int re-t 111 -it' d and twenty a. res of land It im; 101 tluankv I reek In lbi eouiiiv. a Ij.'liiiin; Ih" luml- ..I II. II. Urii-ln ll ami lOlier'-. belli r ,0111 of thnl liaet wbereoii John V. Mole k ll"W li'-i le-. to -iili-fv -niit cxceiilloll tllnl nut thi. l..lh K b. is.) .1 f. T li V Wsn. Hiieriir. IU 'I V. Hardee. Ill-put. fell VII If 11 T I I II. ty virtue of I wo executions In nn liaml' for edict Hon I -Inill -ell al the I "ml II,, me in lli bom ' I ll'ilitat on Ihe :a--l In Mar, li Iss 1 In- follow linr luml- 111 -aid county b.- nt y in. I. X. II. 1 (mules Ihal tract w lien-, 01 snl.l i(uai le- rc-bles!j II. . l t (1,1, rle- lllld "liter-, l-oll- t I'lllll- 111." Ill Tslil.Te. ,1111- ,.t ol blllilabuilt une itiid 11 lia't Here. ,11 the fro-, li nnl. near A. M ','iiiu .es liou-e ami -iml I, . l i( 11 arle-1 lt-lit and iuter.'st In t ti ael of land near II, ulli-t llle ml i II I' I' l','l"'l Hie lli.ll-.' "I W I Woo.l mid oil,, 1-1,,. Inif ilie la-id where II W. Dunnd. lately r -1 led. e, oil 111 111 ny .'tin aire., to .atlsl't -aid I'Veeillloli-. lill- l-vh. t-sj .1 A-i. I. HAWsnx ONLY 75 CTS. ft jvir t-i uliiirlr niil'Hfrit'iTH. ONLY 50 CENTS a .venr to elut'sj. ntVtlMH I'llHMIl ',IM AIIIIITIIIV.TO III II lillMftH. - .it bin 1. t'e '.-' i:M!.'i'I:;'.',ii- . rat- . T .. . .Uillxl" ..... fcl R.lfLLUSJ '"'ti .i .... - W "J V" THE POST IS THE CHEAT NATIONAL WCCtdr. S.-ii.l 11. t.inr ii.,,,,- ami get a .nci Inn u cni-i . , tier sill can earn A SILVER 01. GOLD WATCH In uiu- ita) tn rul-lin: a cl,ili l,, Tiik Post. Addreaa Mili.KI' j; fill IMS. WASHINGTON, D.C. rjj II K N V. W iiomk si:vij J H IIIXK, J. II. llKAL, Ah't, lliMkiii-y Ilrws' lluijgj UoiUh, i. II. IIKAL, A,i-r. KxriRi u, X. C. These M.ieblnes, Uu ., ;,.., ,1,1. 1 Wagons can he bad nf the iimb-rsii'iied nt lowest cash prices. Ileasininblc terms ,01 ,.lii allon. Address L II. lSIIAL, An'T, May ' "h l.vr. I'm n 1. 1,, ,-, 1 : ADVKRTKEMENTS. 0 T I C E. Having qualloeit lfore the I'rnbnte Cnurt of ll.-ililax county a. aiitmi'tlnilomf XV. W. Kills, defeased. I herein iinllly all persons holding chilins against the tf.uiie of my inn-niu to pre sent lliein i, me duly authentic! I by the 1st diiy ol i,ire, iss;. J'AI I. liAUV. 'I Ins Kel. 7.1,, IKS'.'. Administrator. I -li l tw V. J. JN'AW. BAKER & CONFECTIONER WELD ON, N.C. A verj large anpidr of lukrw, Criekera. Caiidl-a, Frneh aal Pla, Ualslui. rrulte, .lata. a-a. Till- Inritsst stock ( Tuvs of evarr varttl bruuxkt to ihta iiiarkel. Orders for eaudbo.. rake Ille4 at skurl est iiutlce at orthera prices. Wetbt in: ami ntlu-r pan Ies sai ltl as bs Ss Hie Chi'.liei.t. in If, I' A T T II! A. U II 11 K II 11 lirTsrl to the publif ;o .1 .v .i .v ,v u i r si n.r ur Miltinerv, N ill,. ii.. l illlev Hoods Toilet i ti. le.. 1 hc-ip l a. es. La-Mi's I'uiiiMiii k ci ihJi, fllKAP I'Olt ANII. M Ki M. A. ilOullK. it 111 1 1 11 nrifK r.l't'vt, Weld jo, 5.0. HARDY & BROTH ZRS, (Ivdabli-hed 111 IS.S.) 0l 1 1SSI( .iKIU II ATS for the snlc of CoTTnM, i.PMtllllt. PKAM'T', AMI OTHKH Ml.lll II VMiI-K, And dealers In ri'llI'VI W ftVANO and other .-i'AMi.i;ii h:i;;m. M ike liberal ea-b lulvaiu'es 011 eouiliiinaaia. Plolupt -ales mid iiile reliiiii- I1A11HV .-' WTUitF, .Norfolk, Vi. nut- t; am. IM)W LAN I)S IMPROVED FERTILIZER I- as g.1,.,1 as the b -t ami Is the ehe.-ipe,l fei till rcr tli-.- lariner. In this scetinii can use. Send your it une and ad. Ires to Tt. T. stiHK-iHs, the agent at this place slid l. ttdll s,in,t you a eatal"t;ut! po.t tutiii. bib) lia nT'li'l NiiTU'K 1 e.uic , 1, 01 st line ,x ..iiituiiu-K liava nmO'l an 11--I .'iiiiii-iu t 1. a ttu- 1,-u. iii of ibelr cr.-i Purs All p.- .on. t ... I. 1. 1 -, I,, .aid ,-onecru mil. I 111. ike iiniiie.lial" p.itmeiit, ur their m eoiints 11 ill be placed 111 hands id an all irney Inr collection. I hi- Mb p. b. s-c. f. T. STAlXll xcK. Trustee. fel, 11 tf N" if 1 . I n lei an o'der 1 l ib sup nor Curt for llm eoiiuly ..I II ilil.n. made In lb., ,-ivil acliuii of .1. s. ,li v. JeiiUlu- A 1 o . an. 1 11. 11. itrlit ataiiist N. I'. Kalle-ll illul iiltier-. I will on Muiuhiy III" '.''Ibilat Man li Is.; th.. I .in 1 Iioiim' dour III H e tow II ot llalllnX. - II at I'tlblie 1111. 1 1,. to the Intln-sl bid.l. r I.u eti-h a Irncl nl laud -llllsted III Hie . mint) ut llalltilt I I 'It IIS (ill lulls UU tlie lit -t In lltt er Ham S,viiu,', on th,. mini, .v the lioiil of I'. A litiiiu. loruu-r y the pruts-riv 1 f t II Hat i-...ii tit., soiiil, by ilie bunt ot Klelcbi r Whihikci nut ..ln'i . am I naming three buu- tired aei -s liiiiii' or less. ."I'lKK 111 I'AK Hit. l'u,,iinis,.,,er. t.'..'1-si. r-1. vu r N o I' I V Hy tirticuf Ho- ,m-i -r eiilin-et'.-d ir oil luo tu nil I b 11 d"t, ol III,. Una re 1 xcuteil by I.. M. I "Hi:. II I. 'nit and ll . w l.onir, mnl r -t;lsie--eil i" ' he" "I fie lb b s-.-r "f h-i..U t,,r Halifax e.'ilii In lt,"k il' un i.if IJ 1. I will ,111 Sat,,,-, d-iv Hi Il ilat of -av Iss. . f,,p ,,,., j ,,,,, low u of Weld ui ui -a 1 1 cm at 1 tit' ,,t ,- parcel o'l'-'U-l ill I ib- 'd d.-ser I.. .I nln 1, In, one bail .1 1111 aei ". situ. ile nl th ,,.r of S....iu,.l mid Xlull.ert sir-t.iuid bel g Ibe Mhervoii -at I I. .M. I.i'llg mid S li. I .ui;. r-s dc. ... . J. T. inHK II. Mnrtpu n-,.. ""Id. II N. C. r-eb .IsllKso, f.b.'!l,l. t A I. K II K I. A S Ii lly virtu" nf an order of ibe slnpxrkir I'mirt nf llalil tx e., unit, ,i,.i at ibe curt house .lo.,r in Unlit ix. oil Xo,at Hn- viii nav ..f M i,-, h !-.' ihe iiu.-ii-i ,.f J.,hn I.. Miiitli. H .li.-rt I . "mil b si,, Virginia p. sinlib, in lb it 1 rn-l ..f tai-d In H.ililav i-iiuiitv. foiin-rlv owoeil liviieorre P. -VII Hi. all. I boliu leil In Hn- I-ind. nf s. A, ,1. i;J. .'w. HI, ii, i;,..oei,thi. Inn-of Jack llmwi , decease '. l.ll'l Ul-1 . 1 , 1 , l 1, i 11 1 1 1; III I JIJ nere . aid uile 1 I, .jn; tn ,,i th'whil-. Torino tbii'l 1 a-h, r.siilue 111 il and ti 1110. lb-, oil bond ttjtli itiiiirityeil s.-in te, tilth - P ' ''"' I"' I 11 b.v u( sale. Title ra- tam d 1111I1I pat men n, r 1 1 . II. ib Ill IITilN. JJ tl.. I'oinn.i.-io,.. r. Halifax. r. I'. l,. ','h, Mi M, Id i'v. 1 K. Ky v 1st in- i f tin- lower con recti up .11 m- In ai d by a .1 -e t of ni.'i-lg lie I by I.. M. la.-, 11. I.. I.oni;, s. t-;. 1 nn. I M. V. I III III.' lllll 1 III" II, "i.ter of 11 I. for 1 1 a I if a x c .nun 111 h,ik Wiui inn: -.' s, 1 will "li Nil uidn tl. Is Ii dtv.'f Miiieli Isn-J,: sell mr ll-'l I I III - I..WII . I Weill HI III Slid eolmtV. V I 'tstu p ireels of l.tuil .al.) ,(e,., .(.-serlbe.'. itinile a . follows ; urn-In, n and bit on Ile f. leer 1. 1 s.-e iml and alniil sti'eeis. known In Hi - p an of -iirt'"i ..f . il I ..wn a. lot no a;, b"'i- 1 I 'I 011 tin-.- it iter of I'on'ar iiml See. olid sir -et. known In tlie p'an ol -,n y of s,o,l t'.wn lsli l 110 ,','.. line I, ,1 o , tli -0 o ne,' of Pop. lar iiml Third sti.-i-l. k'niwii 111 fie plan of survey ol sal I tow n a. PU no St. M- 'I. Will ni. M ntgage.l. Wcbl.m, N r. y, 1, t 1 1 sj. " f k? i.w. r.VLf .U:i.K I'ut'l l'.ili t oil tl.VLB J.N KN- V l-lhl.ll. I'bat tle- ral.b. properly sltinted near Ih" Mi-lboit st IVot 'stanl parsonaif... nl,. known as 'he M.-s' lj ir.iperly. c.n.i.i,tf f ,,r tin, -'" ' r Ihoiise., laree stiibl.-s A;.-. Tins I. ' hou'es In 1",, ti. Id enlns-lv new mnl U n-liur ."--til lar.- ami handsome rooms. A. .. pp.. run, Ity Is , r.-. for pmlllalile tu vestment. K ir terms ike. apply to '""" " n. n 11 km.. J,MUM-1 I.As.s llii.Mtli AMI i.uliiitxti t nil be bud by applvlnv to . , . M Its. IP y, WILKIN. A U'lV tliMU's Ih'I. I W lilt- Post lllllei-, uprHMilo siiU nl the -treet. tltlu I tf. Wcldon. N.C. M11-. M. J .,i n.i.iN., M11. Ai t, r. M- llnowx" ) K A HI I! K A II! I It K A mi; KriMii-hv plain, walinit , talTt , en- unit and cri-nut Apple-.' inauges, t 111-runts, I liroii, lial. Ins. ,l-e. ll.ill.. libissxvarc. .I 'l am-e Itun-niis. dk llniniken'blefs, l.'lillrs Hals. 'I I'lmnrNgs, Lines. ItlblHIII-t dcwelrv, Cigir.s. ., Mllltf, . i ' Tulimsso, iind mauy other af ieles. ,, ,mm,.rnu' 'to'me'i. liiui. ( all and ex ininii'. - ' Mlis. M. .1. oi lcui.Nsi co. WLLDDN, N. C. 4 Ss 5 f "c . - -

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