I 1 1 i .1 4 M M,' M, M. -Mi M, M. Litt not tall iVn Km it' l)ill nlln ISi !! IP. lit. ilJoi M M. M. M. M. JI. M. il ,nJ rrf ROANOKE NEWS. A DSUOCRATIC W11KLI NEWSPAPER, PC BLI8H ED BT ' HALL it SLEDGE, Oas Year. In advent, LI Mmthl, Three M mill. 5 M 1 fit) 78 ct PROFESSIONjCARDiS ATTOBKETI AT LAW. ' KNrtBLt..y:b. "' ' Practice In the count! of HllfJC, Hash Edgecombe mil Wllaon. Collection us I til Jiartaof the State. Jau U It. ATroillEY At LAW, B(ior.4i Muck. Halifax .6or)f)T H. C Pradttcits In tho enmity nf Halifax and adioln- ng counties, and In tho "-uprisiu court m In tain, i ir- J M. OHlZUIlIIi . ATroitMEY AT l-AIT, HALIFAX. N.C.' Office In the Court Houe. strict attention f1vrn to all branches of tho prufosaloa. an II lr r UOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HVLIKX, N. P. practice In Halifax and adjoining counMe Ind rJMl and Snprom coo.ru. Will bo At Ise'land Hock, ones ever fort klgUtt . nil 21 If I &.US0. W. lllttlUiS, Sargeon Dentist. Offlc dter W. H Brown's Dry aoods Iter, WBLDOcJ. K.C. Will UU partl-s it (J'.elt.hoiaei wha dtir4 Term Hftnaoiuriet 4i: oetyiy T. W. M ; A H Q M AT roitlKY AT LAW, GAUYSKURfJ, N. C. Vrnntlee In th courts of NorlhamHton and Ajolnln t coiintlea, also In the Federal aid Nu- (ireine courts. . jnnegti. I . I "y-AlTBR I. DANIKL, J Attrny and onnllaf A4 WELD O N, N. V. I Practice In Halifax and adjoinlnc ontlei a ftpTial attH.ntion . privnn to aoileoiione In ui parts ot inc Stale aaa promc retarne aiaee. ico. 17 i y W. UlLU attskmkV at Lax, aAi.l ftll.rftlin ein to flAlleetioila ul 1 remittance promptly male. mi ltd . - avis m. mixlin. loan a. feoai 0 L L 8 I 11091a, ATTUKKRYH at law. . : HUFAX N. C. , Practice In tk counties of Hallfas, Norlhatny L ton. BlKM'iilii. Pitt and Martin-In tin- Ka i ftreme coirt of tki mate and in tlio Federal i Uirtml the Baai urn Oistrict. Celled Ion made ' i . ... . . . . . . . - i... i i .. I I BII l.ll VI i.n VI.LEI I"" j J W. 1. DAT. j a ntr j.; JJ A. . toLttcorrat. ISLLIOOf f SR. ATTat8iEY AT LAW, WBLDOK, M. 0. Practice In the eoitta of Halifax tod alnllns; ". ceanucs. and tn sanrame ana rerai courM j Claims olli.etr S in any vert of NVvrth Carolinav One of the brut will always be foaad In the :ee. )ne2ly . K. I: Ii U Ji T K H , o ti E O N l K at T I T Ca ba, found at hie olfio la Rafiell Pr ftitnma Ox d (h tor the Pain , Use Kxtractiki; f Tosth always an baud , Mac '22 it. a.toi.i.ieorrra. p. o.a. ioat.icF(H A. A. XOLUCOFFGB A SAO., rat nkiaMii an ri!izm, j WILSON, X. C. t Ore A. A. and D. B Eollieoff'-r. harln inlted ' A partner in the prartien of medicine under tin style and li-m of Ur. A. It. Zollicoffcr A liro offer tlielr professional ecreices to the piinllc , f enerally And solicit a aharo. or their iiatrounxe. M.thcy irtaraato e irefal and proiaol attention Is toalliMite. One of iheflrin will always li- found . ,t thijir office la Zollie-fff r's Druir Store when, .paiieiits wi!l he treated at all honrs and wnc beceaeary. Both will visit and ffle their atteu , tlon to naiienta wriaot extra charge, writ if. - . . . .. i ii ' GREAT BARGAINS. We ar now reeeitlar our new and beautiful fo4i rfoeully pucknacd of the tnaniifai'tiirers A eorwiauy lante yo to call and see tlicm. ; Tk largest aul b-at aeledted stock nf '0M WATTS M. SKTB OF J Kf RI.RT, BAND BACtLKTft, OFKBA AMK10ARD OHAIB, i ' DIAMOND AND HKM. RIMIN. I SLKRTK BUTTONS AM) HTtlDR BOLID fllLTKRKl'OONM, FORKS Ac Th Bait fit) I'MUr aal $ C lot k K V K K U O L If. 1 tse Tour's f. r. Olewes and Imprfe yr 'yeslfht. s Watches and iewelry revalrcd by tho best re. Bag rating neatly done br I. t. OI!N'll A BHD. ( Malay Feiimkurir, Va B, lOWK at C K R AWAY, ALirAX, v. r, HUtll j DACtt. IIBDICINBS, CHEMICALS. taiatax Oil, TaraiaWs, DyeHStaffa, Fine iTollet , Panes; Hair and Tooth rnakea. Per il famary and Fancy Toilet Arllelee, Triiav I aid Shoalder Draeea, Letter Paper, , Psaa, Ink, Envelope, OlsJs, Pst- . Ay, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chlin- to cr. AVPhyaiclans'i Prescrlptlonaaoenratoly com pounded. " I.AHDRITHl' CKLBOAATIII GaRPEN SkKIIS. . , W purchase these seed dlreet. from the Y.f tensive seed Farms of the Messrs,. I.sn.lrelh, and they should not be classed with Ihe seesls left on Commission thrniiithuat the eoniilr. Vs Und ret ha1 Meeds, and A good VegotaU tef2;'; f Uusurcd. The VOL. XT. Father. How stlllllie 1'niiso. What a dreadful catm hti Tii'l 'It on this one tl, in Lainv home. I ask : Wlmi tenure is the ri: ? W hut. veiinf p-nce tliat ciin oEii.v qui tin ilfDiiiinic ulnom" There l a presence missing, a presence lhat was pur. of hit life : God placed ii here, and whca the storuw grew luri uiciit ii to 'k ii ir m a worm ! suite , There win mTrv there, but then ihe pain, the bitter Initelinnss that are mine to duv. Alas, for me ; I misb tluit i-nlU' vtice, tliojiu lov ing lunula mat now tin; eiuy. Those llps-sn triu' I nt once 1 found them cold, then tuey were set in ileum. I pressed my own : 1 could hot warm them ilh the fi'vi-r of in Imih. Those pulseless hsn.is - ill, (ic.l !-I miss their pressure on mv l.rnw : Tb"trsot, thing touch 1 never nought 1 n vain. W here is Hint solace now ' They tell in (iod in luercliul ; Hi never ch. Hints W llllnnt CIlllHo, I)o I doitbl ? Perchance my toiir-dltiiined eve cannot read urigiil lit. laws. conn, t t Ii I ii k 1 1 gone. Mv wi.ii'pu I ivirt la ever listen!, nr for i:iv f iiudiai ihm.I . That t p winch "lull v m in. mi firh,i'-l can- not inuiK nun nil i iioioi. Kilrely y'.ur vol. o llvc-i : I I Mr It in tin- nlnmny ujifKi.f" - Hni infill : In tnn I nl rinli'iiri', dI . .i, il m ur 'nnrs l.i inc. thoiiL'li von ari' nolle Irom nt rht : Mr child '- uli vo. I lii'.ir It, himI ni Ihe ilnrk- ih'm I inav uiol cry hI'UkI l.'i inotr-- Tll ct I'llo n.ocUs in,-; then I (Ir.tiin-swcol ilreailiH-you urn wttli mc us of yore. Mury Km. y in l'liil. I inic, AFTER LONG YEARS. PART Kilt ST. 1.0V I I PllRTTT nilKAM. Yc, that ia Just wlmt II was: ami all Ihe more twect because of m? uttrr isolailon from the great, busy world, of which 1 knew lulli- luir. And, with the robins tiiiliiie; in my e.us from dawn till dark, rcveallii'r to hit lienil. better tlu nj worda eull. the in 'cl my. terie-ot mat lima word 'ioe," w.ia IL joiv wonder thai my diwim was all nf It? How could It no olhnrwiso, when the loses brc.illied It tliroiii;h their red, pirleil liis The eer- aulumi and verbenas ki-no I my feet miiiIIii-Iv, And suid, "You ro In lave;" uml cvhu His hix eyed piniic.i p.'eped ut mu from Ih n.-k and cotners and in id'i in -try over the fact. II ivns ail love; the skies SuiiUil it; I he bees hiinnned the tephrra whispered ii, Hiul even Hie. shy litlle brook, us tl ilarU'd itloni;, s.in' in iuhes of snup;, whose burden was love, unl love onlv. Thus did life flow on, in its smooth, tin interi'dpLcd channel for live years. It ;is nil like a ill cam, heeuise it wns pc feel it h ast It was lo near perliict thai 1 licltliel' npircd to longed ioi' uuvlhlnj; hetlur, or for anv cbstis whatever. The great, rambling e'.d honst at "Idlewild," with its nallciied to tt, Its Title, -covered porches and Its quaint, ii.irrnw windows, kurioiiilited us it was l,y a den-e growlh of slirubbery, was Just the place, f or liiett a dream, in sacli a spot there eoird be no Herd of worrying ny" "dark nail ies." I'Ookinir back to 11 all now, IhrooLrli a ili:ance of twirity yeiirs (mid twenty yeais is a liini; road, you Know,) how plcusaut il all sonus ! lake a summer day a day "When ra Hani Kalure don her fcs.lval die- 4 And smilcNUiid blushes at her lovcltnc-.s.' tncle Ephr lm (who lind udop'ed me before my recollection,) sitliin; just in Hie h nlnw f the vines, Ihe checkered llirhl p aying lit fully ovi'r hi silvered head, his fallen usl p ami is himself a dreamer. Dorcas, Ihe ht ui.l housekeeper, Ii tilling up the huu pots with fresh ri)"cs, noitiltn In this one and to Ih tl 111 her odd way, and ilrcamini; that they un derstand It all. Do lovers ever dream? You ahnke your li 'ad w isely and say, "Ne. that he- loiitr to manlena.' Mol rutiielv. I lliiiik. for. us Max Atlieiten imp son my in a hands in bit own, while we sit touclher in the old KT.ipe arlior, and 1 tr.r (not very bird) to disengage t hem, he savs: "Now don't be rude und spoil thy pretly dream." W hat dieaiu V I Inquire In creat won der. 'Mv I fe dream,' lie savs. "of irolns some- where, inat be to the crest West, and ininlii'i for myself a fart unn sml a n line, and cumini; Bark and laymij them all il your feet." 11 Is my inru now; so I lake lip the thread of his unuuliOicd dream, just to s.'e how it will end, and drea u that 1 callicr up Ho se Jewels and Wear Ihcin. So, you see, we are nil dreamer. Max had been my best friend from child hood. Throueli that hlyiltc period he hid talbfiilly served as kniifhl, to hit iiiiiii iture lalvKhip. Many a time had his strnne; Inn. Ik pulled away the stub! orn apple. Iionelis, dis closing lo my lc lighted eves tlie new brood of the oriole. An I the sime lia ol, In.' and brown, hul tender, were always ready lo fash ion in v borders reset my planls, tinuicl a swine; or asiiAt lit nny of I'o; thousand .tn.l one thliics which a irirl tiiuls lo do. Hut dr ams, as a rule, have an enilln, uml lliit? was i:o ev eeption; I was awakened, llol nldely but ei'ld uaily my eye opened a lo wit it lire won d be wlilioul this "hero of my dwHiiis " lie iinhl have been the hero of real life to me, 1 Hunk, if he had remained near "Idlewild;'1 but Ihe time came when he IIioiikIiI he must i;o lo :li broad Hclda of Ihe West. Five yi ai wouul be a Very louir time we tlioiit'lit, but we ceuld surely remain true in each ether III) the eu l. There would be mountains und v.illeis and rivers liet ween us, lo lie sure, mid the thou ;ht of It Inspired ine with lnelinesi he toiling, and 1 waning, until he slteuNi come tor me. i can remember, oh, so well, how he ok d the d iv we partedl so liamUouir and rave, hIiu'VI had, yet HytiiiiC to cliecr nie wi ll pieiures of the (fold he was sllid to w in, ami then it would all be sweetness and happiness iifierward. ill Course 1 followed him to the the station, toil I shall not, even now, tell you ihe half of u?:at we said durlni; that liille jiuu n.-v. I was vciy brave, thoiiirn, and not till Max had said "good bye," and ,vs wavinir bis h m l st me tlmmh the ear window, did 1 rIvc vent lo tears, very much, however, like, an April shower. They were liniuedialely succeeded by sunshine, and 1 was anon sinirluir truyly on my way hoiiM. Ilone? WmiM "IJIe wild" eer be axaln the Paradise, the KJeu, that il bad been heretofore ? l'AUT SKCON D. The five years, which, in Hie future, looked so long to u-ou the tisy that Max whir. id awny and left tne itaiiding and looking after him at the little rillroml station, were gone, I had lived through them sll hul I had not been dresmiiiL'; 1 hsd been going around la a busy, rent world of wide awake men and Women, trying brave y 10 do anything that mv haiuls and hrsliH found to do, f ir I had he, n my own bi i'ad-uilxer fr a long Hum. l ncle Rphrslm, (or nearly five years, h id been keep ing his last restful sleep, an I good old I) it - cs Hud illsif, beioif left tliooe, iisd ilone "ihe best w could," whii'li Is all that any one can do. Idlewild, wlih nil lis lender me nones, had long linen passed lulo ihanjer hniuli. Bat Ihe knowledge lodiy that Mix Isenu ing and will soon ue here, fuilv n pavs me for every hardship 1 have rndutcd and all lue crosses I have borne. Many und tender and full of iweetnrss lud beeu In letters l i me during sll the yeais, Th fortune was made', enoilih, Max said, to bring us a plensaut home and furui.-h It tastefully. The day eamu How unreal It all seemed. How lucky II was that my Ural quarter vt school was just nut. Max bad written to mo that a ch nice ac quaintance of his, a li ly, wns coming wi h bira aa far aa H., and would pronnniy resr lor a day or two at my boarding house, if agree able I me. Of course It was agreeable, and uot only so, but delightful. One, two, said the Kills eliK'k ou the mantel. Two o'clock, and ha laid he would be I lie ro at four. It sn lime to drees, hut what sliou d i wear. A passage in his last letter had madu mo aiuilr; "I fancy I can see you running to meet mu In joar suowy frock, wlili a how of bright ribbon ut your throat and another n your hair." Ah! Mr. Max, he bad forgotten; he had tint been counting the years. He did not know, or rather, he did not real me Hul I, Nellie Dalloii, whom lie had left, a plump, rosy-faced girl of twenty, bad grown tail and thin and that 1 was now twenty live an J bad not the slightest idea of trying to appear 'Vlrlnh." And I could lint help wondering Just a little, if he would not le disappointed n seeing mo. After look ing carefully over inr acuity wardrobe, I ss leti'd tliuiifioiu, not Hie ptuUivtt, af Roanoke WELDON, I plainest d'e. and. having utlirrd tny.-'lf as : neailv os p -ib!c, I surveyed myself, which, i of couise, resulted In n alejh, anil descended lo the pailor. It was yet twenty niloute to 4, ; biitjl thought I heard earriaire wheels. Yes, 1 1 was not mistaken, for Just tlien the big Iron gate creaked as It awumc back to admit tip in : the driver. Max and his fair cdnipmlnu, ! VS'hst was she like, I wondered. And Max. i wis he much cliainred ? If i could enly net a glimpse of the bcfori they discovered me. I ilaiioued myself by nil opcu window where I e nild see Ihun aliirht. .lle'was yofy lill sl t;rei. Time hsd dealt mucb mora tcadeily with liim him than Willi tne. Me looked older, more dlnilled und composed, that was all. Ilut4 aesrraly looked twice at him, -for tho Vomit; lady nit I red In dorp mourning. WLo liune; mi hi arm, riveted my iilteutiou, ftlm reiiainly had tlie m-l beautiful face I had ever ceu, and. oh, sucli tyr I l.iige and dark, Willi loni;, em liiij hulo , Her skin was soft, and beautifully while, and she had s perfec t itseiMid of s mouth I felt a slianee pang of something I cntihl hl ilctlne lis he led her to ths d.ioi, but rhokiuir Ihe i;reat soh Unit ro.e and 1 1 h d to smolder me, I Inis'rnrd lo answer theiiiiL' nt the tlooi. We Wire once muni face to fa.iv. shall nero' forget the unbar rassinrnt nf Hist ineeile.', I iliott.-lil Ihal my appear -li e was a shock to bun. I did not un drrslaiid how II was, toil 1 1,-lt ll,,u lie was ill ipp. tinted, in ine, ami Ibis itself m uie me iliisrrrl.le. . slm .k Ii no Is and I lliluk Unit 1 smiled. I know that I tried to, bill nhil we said to each other I never knew alterward. (ira.luallv, however, we drifted into a ceo heeled L'siivrrsation, and ill a slierl lime were ch il'.inir us gayly as if mi woid of scutiineiit iiadevcr passed between us. You may he sure thai I soon f mini out all about Ihe bear tiful stiaiiu'er, l'.ihel Vane. She uus III" daughter of his li st f iend, .luiige V.me, of Westvllle; had lately lost her iimther, andluid Mkeii advaniaiin of Msx's cseort to visit fii. -lids ii few miles smith of II . During the nexl few iliy Max and I were togelh-r almo-t constsnlly, littl 1 lontrivel tluit he s'ioiiM not. approach Hie snhjuet which I be lievi-d ss trolilrlnu' liiin. A insist week had passed since his a. rival, a week of tor:ur lo us both, I believed, mid I was resoiy, d to end It. Sonne brieht ilav, a wo were relnrniiiu' fi oina walk Hi winch M:ss V u,u h i.l not I Us, I sai.l. "W e do not suit each oiher, as e onee I bought at did, do we Max ?" "Indued," he answered, secitimely sur prised; "1 have nlwais Uioiil'IiI we did." 1 was mute, and he went on: 1 (If course we are now t aiil, and li ive oul'i own ihe sil'y m um inrnta Ism which hoys and gir.a iucl in." ' I do not believe in nti'niowliig seiitimeiit,'' I iiiisivete l, la t v; "I have I . uiim-i) however. that you nri cap 1 1, le of being mui li u ore in love witli a yuuug and pretty woman than with tiiH." "Yon are certainly glft.-d with s mos' for. 'He fancy," he said, holly. "Wi.l you be kin I enouuli to loll m why il Is you heiieie Ihesa things ?" I siisn-ereil iiell.lng, parity from a desire to vex him and pirilv h-ailse I reilliln'l. "I think. Nellie," he coulliiued, "that your fean in litis mutter " "".'. (''"', indeed," I interposed, with a derisive laiiiih. "It eoa think I nni Houhlel wi h the ghol of a f. ir you are inch mis taken. 1 am only saiing what we he'll know lo be true, Dial we ate te , hani;ed we never could be t each other what we h ive been in ilicpa-t lam too plain fur you, and we would never agree in anvllilug, and II would he heller to part on good terms " My voice was husky at the lusl, :'iid he n Heed It, 'Now, N. Hie, hare we no', qiiinehd qnlie en-ugli?" I nis wilh soni-lliing of thu ul I tcndeiuess in his voice '1 should like to see th it lo..k of disple is'iio off tour face Icforel av g i,ii hv K'hel wants me to lake In i to Ihe end of her Journey, and 1 promised I would. " "1 thought we were golmr In tho lake," I said, "but of course her wishes must be res pected lint." t'Now (lauglilii sr.) don't he jealous," Max sai.l. .1 mloiis ! It Is Ihe "last drop" that makes the cup run over, and mine was fill a1 re.uly. I was siting to tint quick, hut . should not know it. 1 s ee'herod my aim. r us hesi I eotihi, and nnswered calmly entoih : " Well, I athin I did not think ,',"" could p. .a eitllv be so i g ili-ti.-al as to sllpwisc lh.it anv erne could In- excited to Jealousy iduiplv he e.ms v. ill no'Mie L'lllllllt" 'I hell I put out mv hand mi. I added, in the pleasiiitcsl man ner possible. "I shall have lo say goml-htv. now, as I promised Mrs. M.uka to make, some calls Willi her." "Uoo.l.bve, N.l'i" he srswered, then ad. I. .1 kaj l v , a he dropped my baud, ".U i""e. "All, Mat, poor heart," I llioughi evil In mv IIU'.T, "iiow I'.l'l you realize I lint wo may ne.er egain." That ''.lu iviwV." II ow it sing in my ears for week und months. r.utr TiiIitD. One, two, three, four, live years more have gone, taking with them all Ihe bloom out of my chock mo I the i lasllcliv out of my step. 1 am an "... maid now,''' I lliiiik, st.nid ng alone under the pines o night. ' 'Ihe convic tion however, d ies not appal, me, f o- I have every comfort, inn .ea-.oitlv situated for lite, and nil 111 It. Tine, 1 have not. found all Ma (din's lamp, nor su, c. ed' d in laving mv I: Hlds on Hie famous "ln ( g,,:,' w Inch Ins at theonil of lb.' rsluliow, birt hate Ix .'ll f.ir-tunat'-ln a small way Hut dining 1 1 -- J'.'ars, nu. I even to i ighl, I liave I. eon haunted w (Hi the eons, inusiiess uf u rish mid willful set, one wlreli r. -'ii:e,l in iiuiueili.iie ui.il mi ee isiog ri'L'iet. I'ln r.-has been, sn.ee n tor t.iiu memoi able d ty. a vacuum in niv life, an uttri Ion I.n.-ss of hcait, which 1 expect vtill P Ilnoiuh life, know my p ui- ishuieilt is J,,, in , y,., ,(c (-.,( ,,f , f -el ihal it is "g eateV 111 in I can bear " Why iii! I wilfully ili'siriiy, by one swift resolve, all my rose colored 'visions nf future happi ness? Til it evil spirit must have posses. i... I me Ah the comforts that. 1 posse-, und w in II in. .s. people p. i much, a -ein lo me to ingi.i hni a mock.-ry i f w h..t I might have h id, an.', as if to shut oai ihe dull pic ture Hi it is loruiiug itself hefo-e me, I In.le my face in mv h mils. Ibowli.l Ihroug'i Hie piu-s are plaving a dire-hke seeompiiid neut lo my lielings. There Is a raining ef dry leaves down Hie path. Win it a haul or a bird, scared from tho overhanging bought? I nerv. iiis any way, so 1 luni towai.l the house. Then I h. nr a slop, and, looking nver my shoulder, I see a slinugcr man. He I coning loi-klv up the path, so I step a hie lo let hlin pis-. Hul he stops j ti -1 apposite ine, an. I for a full minute stands silent as u statue 1 lull p.llllliix out ill hsuils ni,..!o-..ly -Hit-s- I dear sirong hoids, whose tender pressure I have in, f. i for so many I .ng years -he says siiiiplv, ''V-llie," hul in lint o..e woid, on, w liat volutin s of love ile. p and ti He, nf leu denies., o ss.iness, nf hope ami unspeakable J iv I can not au-iver; siuicho mv tongue will not or can not give utteianie lo the tl.liius mv lir j i s coulains, but, with glsik cry. and a svieel sense ol peace an. I rest, 1 walked Hiiht into the sinewy arms of Max Atheitmi, for I liev are waiting to receive me, "I have fo ind yon," he any, "utter all these yeara. The spring llinu nf our life Is past past with the loses, its freshness and sunshine, but the sum mer shall he nil tho avveeler, shall II III. I, darling'1 My answer it tubbed rather than spoken solihe. I out on hi tn-aving boom lull they were sobs nf'Jov, iih-Ii aa I never knew before; fur happiness, iw.-e.l mil up. spe ika'ile, h is 101116 lo us both uficr all these ealJ of walling. Hiiotiien Gariinhh tm Insanity. "Let me any to you dat 1 dou't believe in insanity. He Insane burg'ar who enters my cabin will mis do top of hit In ad. D Idiisllc who drawi a kuifeon meain gwluc lo get hurt. I keep a dog tn bile the Insane thieves who wants to plunder my garden. If I am drawn on a ju'y, I shall wote to send cbery Insane prisouer to ihe 1'c iilluiiehary fur de longest possible 'period. When a in in steals, I r hull call hiui a thclf; lien a man robs, thai call hi in a robber; when a mail kills I slisll call It murder, an' ho d dat de Jury w ho let him off tm entitle to thirty lashes apiece al de wbljiplu' jiott." lktrU N. CM THURSDAY, Myrtle Iluthumi). "I can never forgive, you," ami aa Myrtlb llatluway spoke these words, saying Ihem slowly and w ith mournful cad-nee that show ed plainly linvr tcry libra of bur being, every pul sing nerve in liellillie.sliapelvho.lv was be ing sireti bed to its utmost tension bv the cruel weight of woe tluit wa bearing down upon her, she threw her arms iiround Rupert Hiorrlan's neck in a passionate abandon of grief Hut knew no bo mills. And yet how licuutirul she looked, as site stood there thai soft, sensuous day in June, when the sky wus quivering w ith tur quoise hlo on and a large red and while cow siood outlined uiialnst the western horlxin. Wonileilullv clear brown eve shining through a mns nf tarrjrert hurrtttut rrrlfteit -nver ttniir."l A pair t.f red lip quivering a illi Hit soils Hut sli.i.tk her slight frame, Soft, peach cheeks, down w 11 eh Uio l, ars ' hose satinc, Injtunejr ing ev iU iIicms o( a broken heart -wen falillig like A nl il r .Ins. "And is iheri no receding fioin this resolve, my s w.iit 1 ' whup.'icd liiipvui, iu ,olt, plea I iu, Wal.a-h HVviiiie tones, n he bent Ins ) oiing, iu n ly f -ii - over Uie t idly luauuful oun below, sn.l l.odi -w the pl.iinplv i.uiinle I fonn o( iiig sobbing girl st ill i hisif lo Iqj iusieiiitei ; "Yott surely eaioint nii-aii, tny low, for this ope f.iu'l, tins little lo. in, at the quarter pole, lo send nieuvvav from you forever ..ill into iho dark, starless future o f u lllillid love, over which your own fuir ti in.ls - ilioso little hau.ls 1 whll'll can Win k ull ice ereiliA spoon with such a tender pathos, and yet al eu -li a fcai (ill clip have spread Hie li'ai k pall of the coldly criu I wolds vol! hive Just spukell. Sav il is only a blnlf, my iliirling; lh.it ou do not, inesn tlie I word, ..n h ive just spol.euthc till ,'lil lug car I holie acid w..r. tlial have wiped lioui the slate of iiiciuery lliose rose-Huted visions nf n hapiy pa t and left iu their place oi ly Ihe dreadful inonstcis of remorse and anguish ih il rear their lil-siiu.' hnjds amid tlie trackless vvUsle of ruined hop.s." As he spoke, llup. ii had drawn M rtle nenret to him, .ml whip, tliy last wonU f.TI in .trem bling ace.'iiis on In ric it her h.Ad Ii:p diypncd upon h.s sip. ul, lei aq.l slio was sol. biug, more violcnilv Ihao ever, - When lie had linishe.l she looked up lo hiui wilh those il u-k v brow II I'VeS, from which the teuTs Were wiillirg.'niid slilltug hy a Iniglii v elTorl Ihe sobs that : vv, re eomiul; Hiick and fnsi liotu bcticaih her liver pad, spoke : "You know, Hup -rt," she said, u winsome, tleuty-ufc-araincl-this.wcck look selling geui y and uuosliiit.i ;pusly over her pare, pasMeulcss f.o-e, "ihat for months my life has been wrapped up ill yours; that your success wa-mv sip cess, vi ur giiefs my tsi'U-f . You know ihal in ih-'f II, Ihe g,l'. n lintc.l fall, vv It-. n Ihe le iv es are liiriiiug brown and the miiiee pe is biul ling in the piuiry, I have piomisi-il to Im your bunny liiide-- lo lieq, keep y.oi bloke for the balance of your life Of eour-e it is bur. I for uie to give tins un, in put forever lu-liiiui me In the woodshed "f in soul tne luie.nl visions of a happy Inline lhat I had setmVsi.lkcStopiSsWI.il you 111 the Lotus 1-ianiis of a Chicago hoaidiug house Hul my duty is plain, h ml iniisl not shrink fiin ir. l)o no! Hunk n. love lor v.. u has e(. It hits never been olfeied in start. D. not press me f..- an explanation. lc. Il only say Hut i tiy man who is sucker ctioue,h lo back Ihe fa vol lie in a six-dav vv alking-maicit is not it v enough lor me:" and slipping in Hie pailor M vt'Ue hi: g in singing thai briiuiHul chant "Do uot tlx the igate in summer," while Unpen, hit piuu-l sp nt ciiishcd ami his heart desolate, slutted down lovvii to gel full, I'lmr-cii I ii II up ii rn. Iiitluet'ce is one of the strong force! nf tins woi.d. All (M-i'Muia have in sotiie pciiud ol then lilcs, he.-n c-ipse i,,i of ji magic power, and hive vielded lo lis t each oil's, ouu secni to posses thu will Unit is easily gui.leil mnl dii nil d bv oiln r. ''hey seem to be giild-d, w In!.' In ealitv thev guide. This iius. en liillu- cure Is iho most pnWeiful and i's subject uie i the iii. 't forcibly linpiessed. How much un seen Inll'icioe icouneetd with nssocliiliuu ! How u.iicli lhu purer iiicmet'le and assochitl !i of chiiill.oo.l all. cl our life ! One woid, k pt aer d fiom youlh to luanhood, will lotieh a hul. I. u spi.ng In the in. .luni y und Inlng to Ihe lips iltc .eUii..ii, "la-ad us not Into tempta tion." The woid "in ilhnr," orouiid which cluster the awe. tet, holiest memories, bus lalletl upon Hie cat of the youth who is fast losing hi-honor uini reputitilon by t h many ilownwaid s:eps h- has t iken, Icailiug dhee ly from g imbi'iig an I slight, insslpal ton to hud di inking anil ru til uml hy its sweet ii flipnce has tunic. 1 hiui from I he broad path to Hie sti.Hghl mid narrow walks li ch liually lead to an honest name and a noble life, It has fallen upon ihe ear of the statesman ati.l caused him to seaicll the pages of time long past an. I to be hold again the sweet vision tlu: hover around Ihe un oiling of his life, lie Inars Hie uiwug. gen: le lone, a she ealle.l hiui 'motln i 's h.y" and (old hiui he was all she had and she lino, d Ins lile vvou il be puio und uutuiiiished 'ihe VOll'O l.f CnilSficllCC Usks llilll if lllBl hiving pruyei has been aii-wcte,, and if, iluilug the 111 -1 1 1 yeais She has been at rest, her piu-pccls have be. n tin iiiulto ami Ills guide, and if he con hi I -ok up to heaven und honestly rav : "Mr life ha been lioucst, and noble, un.l true." 'I tie.e li'fliienecs lend t our improvement, but thu.c .n e ojheis, .lark and mysterious, ihal are just Ihe icver-e. 7'herniuo evil tcnipta Hons, evil H ghts and evil iiellon.s, nhkji erep In all tiuhiil.len ami strive just us hard to root out Ihe good ami sow iu Ihe t lace wicked deeds. Yes, how poiveiful is the influence w Inch Un se messengers of ev il exert, our is' nv. I), spite oiiiselvcs, Ihey shjipe iu sous)' il- g mi hull 7s uml, Ihixnigh lht.se, our Icon duet. We cal.uol Havel heavenward Willi the same s I as if tin se di 1 not itraw us luck. Are we resp iiisiiile thai il is an? 'Ti hard til any. We knuw there, is a dillereiice in chlldii n. ' I r. .in t In- -nine cradle side, h iu 1 lie same iii itlier's knee," one shall go forth I proclaim (iod's iiolv woid. Hi" o hei to he a d nk pige In the history of an otin i vv Lst happy family. )K v ril AM) Si.Kgp.-I), atli snd Sleep, Die angels of slunihei' an 1 D-uih, wandered over tlie eai 111 Iu hr 'titer like emliracc. Itwutetiu in r 1 lie reciiiieil upon a liill not far from (he dwellings of men. A pi of-und stillness reigneil, lirokcu only hy thu vesper bells of the far olf villages. sst til and silent, as is their ctil'om, these two In nellecnt tiianiuins of the liumuii race sal, uniii ihe nlt'lit diew near. Then the angel of sle, p ar fiomhlsiuossvcou.il ami lightly suuiH'ied Ihu invisible seeds of sluinhir.l Tim evening wind bore tht-iu lo Ihe quiet dwellings of Ihe lired peasants. Now swcel sleep came to Ihe iulisi. Hants of tlie lowly collage, from Ihe gtsudfatln r, win, luancd upon his slatT, le the Infant Iu III wether's arms. - I he sick f..i -g ,i pi p.io, th" tumrtirr los 'giof uml the po tr his care. All eyes were cluse.l. When Hie lask was ended, he laid himself ug.iin bv his brother's side. "When the iiioiuiug light appears, " ho ctled with Joyous innocence, "all Hie world will praise inc as bei focuU ami benefactor! nh what joy unseen and s cre'.lv to do good ! Hot happy uro w, the iuvlsthlc iiiesseugeis of Hi gm.d .Hpint ! llow ljeauiiful I bnr silent veu- tp,,, o So spoke Iho kind angel nf slumber. Tlie death angi I 1. gai.leil hiui siullv .and a lenr.siu II ui Hie 1 in in i.rl h ia weep, stood in his great du: eyes, "Ah," Slid he, "tlKt I ilio might be the re cipient of Joyful Hunks. .'I lie world knows me only ne tier enemy. Mid the dcsliour of her Joys." "Oh, my brother," replied the angel of sleep, "Ihe good man will know thee .a hi frieiul at the lesiirieelinn, ami will gratefully thank thee then. Are we not brother! and meisuiign of oue lather ")".- 8o he tpoko, and th eye of the Death Angel glistened, in these iwo brothers tenderly em braced eseh other. Wliriu tho btt tliitigi nvio not jini 11, tlie liest may be itindu of tliosc that nre. ' ' . How Btranrro Unit men prefer to crosd tlie tbit'tal of vioe wbt'U tlie door of virtue ia evfv''ou the jar; .News APRIL 0, 1882. OrsAino tub car Window. Msyb a man feels' happy and proud and flattered and envied and blessed among men whrn he tecs a pretty girl trying to raise a window en a railway car, and he Jumps up and gora ahead of the other boys and ssye, "Allow me?'' Oh, ao courie onlv, and she saya, "Oh, If you pleas ; 1 Would be so glad," and the other male paasn irrs Win green with nvy, and he lan over the blck of the teat and taeklsa the window In akovfngwy wltnone hand, if peradventnr he ma less It airily wilh a simple turn ef the wri.i, tup It kind of Ileitis en, and he takes hold with tinth'handa, hot It sort f doesn't let g te any stunning extent, and then he pouudsltwi h llai, but it only seems tosetlle a "leelle closer Into place, and thru he cntnri aiouuil and the gels out of the -ill loglve hi in a fair chance and he grapple ihat window and bow up his back and lug slid pulls and sweats audgiunta and Irsitis and h liat falls off, tad his suspeii dt i bullous fetch loose, snd his vest buckle pni lssnd hi face gets red and his feet slip and people laugh, und Irievereut young men in remote seals grunt and grosu rvciy Hint he lifls and cry out "New thru, all together," ti If In mockery nuii he biiisi his collar at Hi (inward hti ton and Ihe pretty young lady vexed al hav ing b. eu made so cnpli'Uousiv In her Iciest muiiiier, "Oh, never mind, llisnk you. It doesn't make any iliff.ireiue," and then calmly go. I away and si's down In aneHier seat, and that weaned man gathers Iniusiuf and reads a book upside down oh dotsn'l he feel good, Jnsl ? Mai he he isn't happy, but if you think he Isn t, d.m be foul enough to extend auy if your sympathy. He doesn't waul It. Ti r roit Tat.-Ne'glilmr A. had an unruly sheep that, wus very troublesome to neighbor II. N eighbor B hud a vciy unruly swine II ai was q nte ss troublesome to A. A's sheep would get into neighbor It's, vvheal-tlel.l, and crop Hie young wheat Hist wa Just shooting up. !', swine would walk along by A's poiato patch, push her lung snout through the fence, and toot Ihcui up. Kacli leino is.ratcd witlioal success. One morning, neighbor A's. sheep came home vv iili a Inn. I fool slicking through Ihe g uiihril nf the fore leg He knew the man un. I slarled for II". ".Now, lieighliar It., nny man lhat w ill do such an inhuman act, I .-an whip In two minutes." li. wus too well phased f,r battle, hul laughed lu'tilr. An Idea Ihi'ucU ucross Hie mind of A., und home be goes. I he next morning It's, swine Is seen coining up Hie sirei t, wiiii a very open couuli nance, Ihe lover Jaw diaggiug tha ground. iv.vv, b knew who II was, and down he goes to A's, I ia fu. o reddening a Utile too lllll.'ll for a deacon. "Now, A , any man that I guilty of such nn iineln isilan, h.irbanoiis act, I van skin alive." Il costs A. n act of vest butluu. before be could speak. - ' You see, neighbor 11, how it win; jour swme wss down In-re when my aheep riniii j hopping lioine In such an odd manner, ami I being to tickled, she J itt spill Iter luoulh lieill ear in ear a laughing." Now iielghbur 11. lusl ret ef vuat button, ; iu leiuru. Whit suit saw in ( Mi ni ii. He itayrd nl home and lie went to ctiiircL; and aflcr din tier he asked : "What was Hie text, May? "Oh, soiio-Uiing, something Iu (letieriitloiis; I have lorgoilen the chapter snd ver-e. Mr. Highi sat light before me with a Mother Hub bard bonnet on. Haw ceuld I In ar anything when I coiiid not pee Ihe minister ? I wouldn't have wont rich a looking 'liing to church if I had to have gone bareheaded." "How did you like the new minister f "on, he's splendid ! a id Kale Darlin was there In a Spanish lace cape Hint never cost le- Hum J al; and they cun't pay tin lr butcher's bill, and I'd wear cotiou luce or j;" wiilio ih any tlrat." ' D d he lay anything ahaiit the new mission fund ? ' "No, and His June girls were all rigged out in lltetr silks emd ' over; yen Would have died laughing lo have seen lln-in. ."uch a tHSte iln.se gir l have snd the minister give out Hint tlie lbTcis rUu'lety will meet at aialrr Joins' residence Hie old poky e'ace." "Yoa d'.n't icem to huve heard much of Ihe s-'i inon." I "Well, I'm sure Its better to go to church, If I von dou't bear Iho sermon, lhat to I'ay t j ii.use rending newtpaprre, and oh, lls'try ! j Ihe ntw in I n ia; .r has a levvly vuiee, It ncur y pit's nu to sleep, uml I do tell you that the i Rich's are home from Kiiion.i, and Mrs. HI. h had ii real camel's hair shawl on and It did not look iiuyi hing on lie'-. A long sit. nee, di. ring which Harry thought ; ol several things, und hi wife waa bnsr con- I tempting ihe sky or view, thuii she auild. nly I exclaimed : ' l ime ! I knew I'd forget to tell yon lome- tli.ai.' Mould mui believe it Harry, the frimre on Mia. Jones' parasol wa oi Inch deeper tbau miue aim i wire m i.eivyiuu, dear, what a 1l of imiiule litis ii 1" A tlvi tiKi.on's lim.Ki'i.MN. Wlmt a miser iil lc nl cvnic nf an old bachelor II must hsve lieni who wrote Ihe ensiling description i f iu in ingc. He ought to be ashamed ul himself: "Look at Ihe great m is of marriag. I that lake p ace over the w hole world what poor eon t aipiiliM affairs Hicy ate I A few soft looks, a i walk, a il.on e a squeeae of the hai:d, popping ui inr quiriioti, a purciiasing ot a ceilaln iiuiii ber of jaiils ( ( while sutiu, a ring, a mlnist. r ; ii stage or two and a hired carriage, a night In ii o.nun'ry inn. and Ihe whole mailer la over. r or live or m wei ks tw o sheepish looking per sons mo seen iiaiigiipg on eacii other s al ius I looking al waior (nils, or making morning ca I then even tiling lull into Ihe most m ino'onnu routine; Ihe wife ails on one aide of Hie rutin Ii and the husband on Ihe oilier, nn.l the little , quarrels, Utile pleasures, little caira anl lil'l I elnl li en gradually gal her around them. 7 his Is wlnil i.inoy-nine out of one hundrrd find lo , be the delight of matrimony." We icuil I Ins a ; luoiiieiil ago In the suuctiiiu to a young lady of eighteen with large bright eyss, ml and dewy Dps, a uialchlesa figure, und sliu tliiuka it I "alrocious," and the man who wroie it "a vciy I great fool," If the writ, r could huve a. en our friend win n she said this t believe Ihtl Would have becu till opinion also. 'His Hani: n ink Kisii. The hsre ltd the lili, having bone it cd tobacco of each oilier (or reveal luoiitha. and agieeing pet. feclly on P' liln s, . l lo nl ike a j .urin lo g. liter and see Ihe a gin qf Ihewuilfl. 7'lu t h id tn' pi lie l.d ) miles mini a well waa d. scot, I In pursuit, lie liaie at onee aHrtrd of al the top of hti speed, but the fish railed out. "D , mil leave ine lliua; I cannot run ! ' 'A ll-h who riiunol run has uo bu be-i lo mase ajoiirip , ' leplied tlie bare, and away he llew lo save Ins l aeou. The fish bur ! "cd after us fust us possible, and both found i t'o-ms lv.s oa the bunk of u liver, while the ! wolf a it a furlon.' away. The tliti at once rot ud lulo Ihe water and datteil uway, but the I h.'ihouted afler him: "D nut leave me; 1 ; cannol swnn 1 "A huro who cainiol swim hai no business io tali" a Join a. y," and ho sailed uw av and l.-fi Hie haio lo be esitu on Die half sheli. Moral-Anowl whohnd overheard Hie affair fruin Ilia perch Iu a persimmon Ireu drew down bis left iye and aoflly iid: "Yuu dou't know a ruuu until you have traveled wilh him." lliitinn foresight often leaven ila, proudest piissensor only a elioice of evil. A too luni? retirement weakens the mind, so too much company dis-tipates it. It in no point of wimlom lor a man to Imat liib bruins about thinjjB impos-il!e, NO. 5. ai)i:i:tii:mkni'. DR. LIVES EEOTLAtOR. I R MKDKTSE for HysKpsia 'lleu.iaclie.Jilull.llcc.rosllvtness.t'atlip Itvsenterv. Sick Ilea. lin lie. i 'Ii ron le ll.sr-lura. All'.-ellons ot Hie lllmlder and Kl tneys. Fever Nervousness. I hill s. IH-eiisc. ,.f lhukin. Imp iri tyi.ttlie Wood. Melancholy ur licprcslnii of the Iril-. Ac. ost ot tie' alliiittirs liere enunieruted lave th-'ir origin Iu a d.s. a.e.l l.v. r, winch is n sl pre- vnleot iilloctnin In tin-country, und ss ill many ea-is H.e na I lent is n t vv Ilh III Ihe resell ot rt t.hvs- leuili, It I'.'.iuires tin, I s.une icine.ly -itoilld he pne v h e.l that wou'.l u . I In Hie leas' impair III" e. sliliillon and u l I, ne-Ii.. an. I s(e. I hal in h I the ilial.icl r ol Hie "Ut Mi iS li KH I I.X'I'i'U. there can be nodoiil.l, Hie icslllunliy ol hall. I re. is Will l-lll.llll SYMI'TtltlS OK A IIIKKD Pain In the side. Sh.meiinn LIVER II I'" pun is 'rlt under tlie li oil.l.'r pla.l.'. is so. n -nines iilstnk n tor . heuiiisiisiii iu he arm. Tlio sioinaell cilieeu anli I, s. .-fapp lite and sickness, tmw- el- in ge u'tal tile e, s ive, s onetime Il tier Illltl llg with lii x, I lie lien. 1 1. troubled w nh num. ueeoun Piltiied wilh a dull. Ileiivv .ilsll.,ii There Is ueiier.illv s eolisi.ler.il'l.- 1...V, inetuory. aecom pal I w i(h s painful sens.llob of having Iff! undone siiiiictnlng vvhieh i. tight to have been ..l-'ite, A spttht eougll is soi.icl lines an ilttenitsnt. The pal teul coiiiilaui.s ol w e n lin-ss and ib-tnlHy , no u cusiiv star, leu, ni- te,'t are col i or inirnin, und te cinnlaillfc of a nr.eklv sensation of ih" sklu; his sp rilsiirelow ; und nlib iiuh suiisiled ihatexercisc would I e b.-iieilclal lo hnn.ysi he ea scarcelv suuini 'll un f..rll u.l e u.ugli i t try It. In fuel lie d.s i n -Ls every rciiie.lv. .Wrrrtl of the above sv int.l 'in- nl'enl the ill-ea-e. but ases hav e i ui red w h n few olTbein eai.ied. yel rl- aiuiniitl.ui of Hie i.o'lv nil r .leiiih, has shown the 1.1V - r lo huve b tn exit nsiv elv tlerallLcd II shiond he mv I bv all pel's.. us. u .1 an. I votinc. wb 'tu-ver any d t'n ti. redoing syiupl'Uits appear. It Is a pul-'ly'v, gelnl.le couip..uinl, is Hot inju rious to til 'mnst delieute cmst'tillioit. and w ill keeo ih" liver iu h-ullhi a. ' i . i it" used properly. Persons livinr in unhealthy localities may uvtii'i ail t. li'Uis aiiaeiis bv lasiiir a n.'se oceas- toiiallv lo k"cy ihe liver ill tieallliy action. l Fur rhll.lr '11 conipl'illilng BEliV LATCH IM ''oo-. Iieiui aetic. . r sick I (stomach, a t -as uiul or I lonue will clve r. licl. Child ' i I, 'en as well 11 adults, out aoinetlni -s too niueli supper, er eat something w lileli .h- s in t due I well, product ne s.oir stom ach. Iieurlhuin; a g ..id .Io n will give rilief. This Uppltes to prrsi.iiH ol'ull ages. Mnnv persons, irotn isiiing loo lnnen. pre resi les al nls'iit. or 111 day tune are lutgety, wo.d gall.t'ring.caiinot un lersiiiud wiuil ilu-y read. c inlt.'l Weep Uieir lltotls'hls on any line sul.ject so as lo reusun well, or become ti-ctiul. line . r two liil.lesi nfuls wi'l elve relet. Jii-Miiei:.-lukeeuouirii Heguinr alter eitiinu i i.'h nielli, lo proilueo vine luil iiclioil front Iho I bowels every dav. I Pr giiani ia. lies w III ilnd sure relief front their I lut oblehe. cost I yen ss, svviuilnlllg in Ihe head. colic, sour st.. in teh. restl.-ssue.s, ,.(,., Jt is mild nn.l stlilsthem heller than more active utcdh'tiK . I H I'O It I 4 VI . 1 11 no. liny no povv.lers or preteired si M M'l.N'S I.l VI' It ithiti I. a i nu unless iu our enrrave.i wrupp-r, w ilh Trade-Mark, htaiii i and Sigiuiiure unbrokuu. J. H. ZEIMN Jc CO Macon, ila nnd I'lillsdclpliia. Soi.p HY AM. Illlll.l.l-T . fehldty 'mm i i; emu FOB l3STCIir3BT(SJK UM tiUiil ll I LlefeAlr; Kturafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sortnett of the Chest, Gout, Quint, Sore Throat, Swellmgt and bpraini, Burnt and Scaldt, General Bodily faint, "" Teath, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. Jo rseTtlU'fttlon on earth espials Pt jAona On a S ', sure, slsstpe and rlirufi Kvternnl Itemedy. a trial i-nlrtll. put ine e-unpfinutT. ty o uiiiig ounsy of AO I'vule, and every one sliltiTtng with paiu oau have cJieitp itL'i (sisiuve (iroof ol IU. ciauiis. Ib)eti.uii In I''Vun Istngiuigua. BOLD Bt AIL DR1I00IBT8 AID EEALtfll II ALDlL'ISi:. AsVOOsEIsER fc CO., im Mm ore, Jttd., V. S. X .Inlv T 1 v The .t stitcriority of DR. TIT'I 1.1 l-1..11t I.l rrv . ,r. l.tlLl.11 SiYKll'OVCr ftllotliercotiijh re mctlies is Attested I'jr tlie iinincnua jiotgilnr tlomantl for tliat old csUlliihcd remedy. l'or the Cute of Coughs, Col Hoarseness, Croup. Asthma, Bn: thitis,AVh(K)t)inf Cotieh, Inciint Consumption and lor the relict of I consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For & III Oil I lflllTlTICIC l'l'll'O O's irJrtt-l)t Nov 10-t) IU. A K 110 llllU (I 11 HOL'rlbl. Fyetlcvillt Street, Ualeich, X. C. Tcrme' ro ult ibt.'ne. Jr IfLACKKAll, Proprietor. THE ROANOKE NEVS ADVERTISING RATBft. - a I si I a S I 2 I h O I H I so 8 00 A 00 U 00 S 00 10 00 lo 00 fl 00 15 00 SO 00 10 00 18 00 36 00 IS on 20 00 40 00 20 oo so no eo to SPACE a o One Square, Two Krjuarns, Three square, Knur Siiiarcs, Koiirtti Ofil'n, Hair (Column. M SO M 4 I 44 M ft M M U M WlioleC'ilumn, One Yer, Advertisements. R. DISPENSARY. tiu iiitd wr t u a. ftut. atmt, vs. lorn K9. fpiIK 1't.TniriAnj ffi efrg of thisnld and wtll kvnnwtl A. iiituiiniimi trt rtcukar grivi9$ in idiciiM m4 'iTfs-ff Ynara of Iitwplf no in tb Irtatm-ot off Cbvonifl DiMtwaa ti uivl itatir 4vkilt and tbtlitf ao tnurh iiiirir to t h f ih oriiDttr prtasClitmBor, tlml ttittT 1ik aci iirt-ii I BfttXiOAl rtpUUUdtt Ituouk Ihtnf (f,pAl'nt nf runin'tfut.-. ,rw. IMDISCRETION OR EXPOSURE ul in. blooU, aAttH ei iMilae, li.si.-il wilh tuewM, An .st.iil,.- i.rllM-.uies, willioul usins UsrsurSutciAs l ni,,,n.Mi. M.'t. -iuv snd si mM.rsls sipsiM. YOQrtC frlEN ""' 'h"f mid.lls wee aa r r , mmMnmmm ..-rTs'ius frnm oresmo wank. nensltisl iinlltt II. vlelim. mrhtislneM or asarru, s.ri,isnm l i-arel, si iii.Hl.r.t. sipsins. EATIEfliT3H,EAfl""' I-rrt,o.l u i.n.,1. , ...ftr.T mi , t LIU nf . inti, on lo bt intf-l f f I ')a i TiBilvel Up i an t1it m iiy'lra1 a Mill Isl Irrme It h,. MMI.I. '.! IrM taffHH rtwBt RaalMr.il4taJ " i liill , ad Ultra twiiala; la latlr Mtial, llhietttmif watrinii.rt'i.on.,,.irl(,fnl,n.,M,,lii .honli ba Iglrnlitl nit uirr ia Nvru Bik cvii. utkT SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ixjss nf ADoetite. Bowels Costive. Fain ill the Heed, with a dull sensation In the back pari, I'atn under the tihouldef blade, fullueea after eating, with a dlam elination to exertiori of body or mind, Irritability ot temper. Low spirit, with a feeling of hnvmg neglected some duty, w eariness, uis?.iueee, nuttermg at me Heart, Dot before the eyes, Yllow Skin, lleadaoho geuorally over the right eye, llestlessnes'. WitM fireitl dreams. bJahlt' oolurod U rine, and , CONSTIPATION TTTT'S I'UJS hT9i f-pfcimllT tlntHj tt of r1iiif iu ti n.(oni!h th RiilTerer. Thfjf inritw hf ApptlM, -nd mu.A th tvwly tn 1h nn I'lf-h, ihu Ur s)ttn. t nonrlahtMl. antt hr itiHr Tnnl 4tIon nn th Iklimii primn. Ue'suliir NiiMkU arc nrtv dtisjfd. iTIr Jk iX'iiiv nun at 7 Hi., IH. T. TINT'S HAIR DYE. Orat TT'iRoft WniMcritpi rhancM tn ft (.liwwy lii.Ai K ny ff,n(rTiiiinrrtittin trihts nvtt. Jtim- imriH naiumi riiiir, act Kijii.niauftUriiy. ly lruici;mu. or nr nl hy rxprn on r1!! nf $. OrrU E, 33 ni'RRAT UT., NEW TORK. (nr. TI TT i IIM.I, af TJtnM Uf.rU aaa V tMflAl lUnlau tUlM atAil4 UtvJA a tppllaUm J IITATI a u h c t- IhartastabllsbadaKEVL B6TATB AQIHCf in the town of WELDON, Nj Oi I huv left houses In TTeTduti FOR SALE OR RENT.' About halfoftUeia ilorea. oiksrs dwallhsa. also buve shout 000(1 ACItES OF LA BID IH HALIFAX C0C5TY TOS tklX. For fnrther nai'tttnlari. ParUt vrl.klat as ks or l nil ran apply to m la pari.. a or by letup. I am now bikini an all lands ivarHaa wish a sell and adeeiitslnit the sumo at lay ownexpeua, tinles a sale made and tlien 1 eliarge coaiatkay sions. for mv tnn. tine fti a eunllainun and a Matt worthy to be trusted, 1 refui- bv permission to B. II Mmlll, V....I1.....I SI....S O L V,. ll.llfc I... ,..... . . n , ... ... ... . win , until. comity; W. A. l'aiilcl, W, idon; T. W. Harris. HsaV- rax couniv. k. r brravkul. flee .Illi W- W- II ALL, Fire anU Lite laaarauee Agvai. Can tv found in the It .snoko News Ofl Wi i.poi, N. t". REPltilXIl, ' York t'lpinrw rller. "Aei lcultliral " of W ntertowii, N, ". Western, .f 'I'oioiito, rnua.bi, Pamlico, of Turhoro, M t', Lyuehloirir. of Lynchburg. Va. H iultuble Life liisuraime l o. ofX. T. W'lltl pfsre risk Iu any other enod o.iiimsn nt low snferatee. lulvllk1 18 d!85T Oi KSTAIILISIIK Jannary Ui, isst. RUFE W- DANIEL Illsstoek ,)f Mitilors. tJroerbis sud CinLs. Ilnnerlea embrace In part KKKMTI, APPI.K, BLACKliKltllT and WU.DCHHIIKT BRANDY, WH1SKIK', I'ORT. SUEUHY, MAUK1R. and CHAMPAONE WINB. I'KIARMtACON, n.OIJU, MOI.AstSKS, I.AKI1.01.XHKR, VKfrSR, fPICR, APPLKS.JKI.LIB8, ITCKL.BHAIXDY l'EAtTIES and CONFKl'TIOSKRIta rOIXTXEirS LAUEU BEER OX I C E. And many other art idea too numerous to naen. liou. R. W. TANIFI,, ID Waah. AtresBuo, Weldea, K. C. ectl ly l VA

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