IT THE ROANOKE NEWS. TIUtSDiT, XPKIL, a 1SS2. STATE AFFAIRS. ? .4 lioTillc Ud t;,0Ui lire last woek. ' There are nine drag itaret la Newhern. A liorn-d snake has been captured near Sleigh. David Vne ton of the Senator, will tore lire lu I'tiu in fit- will be extendi 4 The Carolina Central Kd I Spartanburg, d. C. , A eat fih el'.'hlnif 4'3 pounds u recently etutfht In Wilmington, Charles IJ. Price, of F.isqnotank wa"ily lias invented I oolton picker. .'Afltr the 20io tho Wilmington tV-V will appear as a morning paper. ,'Di Talmaia's leetare at Raleigh paid IJOO t 'be I'resbylerian church. Tbe lmtl itorm of last week are. us to hare t-Jtfuded over the whole oUle. A nerro woman In Onslow comity It said to bf tevuu fret and two luchet high. Ilalelch received this season to date SVl'j Mli'i of cotton against CU,.")7S balus last tea-ton. Kew Ncrih Carolina role will be compimcd In time for cjuwiuaLlon by the next l.cxlsla-. tare The wheat nop in :ie Western na t nf i tic Bute ia execllea.1, Some u( it In al eady liwd f The Milton and 8u'hril:n !N " osd list been loas-d 10 tins Kicliiuoud ud il.iiivtlle I .ul road. On Friday night 8-nnter Vance aldrestod a toast meeting- of Hie New V'k free trade tlh, Jloii. C. 0. Clark, of Newbern, has been spoken of fur Cougrtniinun at liugu ou the Jjemociatlo tkkot, In ISSo, Norl'i C'a alina had 40 5,0'ft persons oi-ton years (if su who could nut w.itc. 8T1;'.)!3 were ooluicd. There nti lli'r:.v-lle nalti ui v cnmiianlea in the S a e, all of wliieli will at end ilie cele bi at luu t Charlotte on the iftMi. . The 8 ate Association of count? Supi'toilc deals of I'ublie Iiisiiiiutlun will iimct ul Chap el Bill on the first Wednesday in July. tra. Kichard Harrison, of Wurirn, com mitted suicide a short time nan, by shootiu; beraelf with a fun. Cause util known. ; Mr. W. J. Fitzireruld, who waa connected frith the Sunny, will ahorlly bei'ln the piialirttlon of a weekly paper at liocky iloUnt. 4 man wat Ip6t week trird In lllllslioro for olaideriiiK u lady, convicted and aeiiliiiicd to tivo yeara jo Ue cuuuly jail. Au appeal was taken. A sturceon woluhina; 51 lba waa recently raptured In the French Broad river last week. Jt was the first over aeeo lu that part of Ilia tommy, M. -I, Yo ivr, of Te:: dauj'.ilrr of CoL U. duller of I Ins 8 ate, died on this Hob, at flilve-ton. She, was a native of Uemp'on duuniy, this Sulo. The North Carolina Republicans In H isli Inzton held a Hireling and adopted rranluilnns bitterly denouncinz the Ualwart Senator Jonas on account of pot. lion on the Chi- aeaeiiu. OiplJsboro M'. ,i;r.-; We a'-e glad to leaiq just many or. our nrtueu are prdriirinir in to plant rice. It will pay. The tlrst shiii neat of at awoerrlet mil p 'as waa made, frqtnj Hum on f ueooay, ny .nr. u, yreepli. Wiiih'neton letter In Charlotte Obu tt natnr Kansnm accomuanied Ihe 1'reside it ou hia lsil to Ford'a Opeia Uouse to witue the Suformance by Madame Khea. The I'nai nt and the AVnaier are warm friendi and are IienueDUy together. ElUabeth City Carolinian : M'e undcrttand ' Inat among tlia Demorratic aspirants In this u awict are i. n. iwin .noore anil W. 1). 1'ru lien far Judire, and W. B. 8haw and .V.m. U. Horaill tor Solicitor. At Brlnkley's liali r. Dare county, ene d iy last week, a haul of i ,vvu neirinx waa mauo. Wllinlncton Star: The papers are tietting I ai ineir laverues ier hp ireseniadire at l.arire, It will not be a walk-o er and If the Ikmo prata wish to wlu really tiny must aeleut the iroicesi man. l lie people In the Kalel ectton are very anxious that they shall fur nish the man. How Keneious! Ealds?ilc 75.e: Mr. Henry Fdmnnils, of (Rliarlo'.lB coqii'y, Va, had a lr;'o rod lii.und pawed )ose," that one dny uaght a raliiiil In toe Bern wueie tticy were cu :iuv w'i -at and faralloweu It without billnir it. i killeq 'bp pog; tnerablilt sera died out. Our coires- Mndent vouches for this fact as a fact. Dnrkani Tobaao PI mi: Our legislature has always becu hut towjrd the colored race in the matte of education, stiinir them appioprla tiont for tin ir nermal si hoola and ail rq'iul nhsrv in the cAmrnon aa tool fund, and now they thains li have au opporlunlti adraaciair the mtereata or their race la this resptvt, we believe they will do It. Henderson fluid hf: At uo limn in Ihe his ory ot iienuerrou Das such an Impetus been Ktv te home bulldliiK aa at present. We re pleasen to learn that Col. L. L. Tolk, of Raieivh, ia to deliver the annual addresi b fore the younK men of the Henderson lliuli Bcbool, on the iilat of M iy. A bettor selactiou pOH nipt bave been made. Rm-ii'li fVirt.-.vr Theie is a man in Neue f.iif townsoip who has an Aldernrv eow lb n iai Friday mve birth to three o.ilvea. AH4v, all the way from Jack urn, Mullein, ia In Ihe eliv. to inspect the ai k worm rocoouerv Df Ht. h. rasnaib. We leim that a par M hru wall f"i.(HHJ Ui put into a ri)H();i f.'.r tory, prnvidi'd the capital stock can bu biouuhl Opto flUU.UtM). Aabevillf I 'Hi mi: On Muiidav mnrnlnir three paaaagef trains Ijeft 4 sheyille depot at nesily tf) (uue hw, oil tliir ti-u.ilaily aip'ilnlea ehetfales. on three distinct tiraa.hi'S of the Veaiern 5iorth Carolina Kailfoad, to-ifit; Ihe Iraln, as usual for tialis'oiry, at 8 a m , and the frain to I'aint Koek at f a. in., and u train to l!on River al t lie same hour. Tina la.l is ti (rat paeseiieer train on tba( branch and anarks the openimr of a jrruad sra to us tqi Iq lUM people West of B(. .VorVnii.iH : There Is ime vsgne talk of a apr, exclusively In the infreu of the (Jreen Mck parly, being atarted In Newhern at some Ay In the early future. The oyster cau- In? ea'ablUhuirnt Is ruil In full nperition fflvlSE e n4 ymeut to hun Ireds and disbursing (near initial thnuaauda of dollars. Mr. Jrd Welfanden, while eieavaMni; the aide of bill In Choeowinlty dlstriel, Heaufo.i rnunty, (meertbed Hut skeleton of a man of (iant pro portions. The jaw bones were icuiarkaiily peavt, teeth larire aud 10 a nerfecl alate of iireatrvailon. It waa evidently the renai of a eiuuci race. ' iKtantaTixrl TO l.iDinv-Our ladv readers an kardlv fall la hate their ailention enMed ikiasteek in th lit rnmbimlt.itt f !umu petitaj lu that most useful of all domestic lin lenwuls. the "sewlns; maehine." A e UD4islaud it. a mscUne for fjmilr jae should maei list ( all th iw requlreiwta; Mould be aiiuple In I s mechanism; it should r" !litlj'; It lliuuU de a wide ranite ot wnik: t abauld be a nearly noiaeless as poasible; It IhoMld be light, handaouie, durahle, and as cboap si Is cousUteut with exulUiiQe througU en. Tee conilition tie "Light Rutnlngew M""" certainly ntenls. U has alao aereril Very important aud useful attarhmeiiia and notions" of Its own, which go far to mike VS Its, claims to popular favor. No a great many families have been S"d archill using the old machines watting fitf the tinea to Imprnre; walling for the latest Iranrovencms lu designs aud iiucbalal ex pel knee. Bdt why delay longer f Considering the low prierl at which good njsehmes u.i uo sold, and tibe lioprovnueis that have beep mmle. o ia a good tltye ilo buy. and Uie "New llo-ue" si etlally recoiaimeniU rneJa! io pur chasers i accoant of Its aupeiior meebanlesl ron'hnellon. eaae of management and reaaon ' price. Nearly hall a iniHing iiave been afd it the laal three years, all of which are giving universal aatiaaction. TbU nrlvalled iBKttse Is masufactrei hr tbe New Ilnme Sswiiig Macblue Co , Sd Uuiou Sq iare, New part, whe w,sh is to aey that all who will SPECIAL PARAGRAPHS- Mil. Cahi.isi.k thinks th,e tiinfl o'ieatlun will cause a new alinmont of (ilts, sootier or later. Tns great ftrru A. T. Stewart A Co., have dtscontlniird bakiness and offer their entire st ck for sale. Tim firm Ave are still holding the fo t In the. Virginia I.c gUhtlure against M.tlmne and his reapportionment bill. Tile Republican party does well to be good 1 1 th Chin iman. It h is a great amnu it of dirty linen to wash. Ciinoi:f.: i has appropriated ten thousand dul lais far a mouunient to 7Miom.n Jefterson., to be erected at Montlecllo. Tns application to appoint a conservator of (inUran'a property for the reason thill be lei insane, lias bei.n n fniwl, It Is rumori d that Minister Lowell will be recalled and Sccictaiy Lincoln wiU suicied lilm as M in lit' r tu F-ii'-l'mil. am Tun New York Chamber nf Commerce lias endorsed Mr Hewitt's low tariff rcsolutiokr. Mr, Iloivctt is himself a ui 'lillfnoluier. Tin! Tempi roller of the currency has deel d to lae a pew live dollar National bank iiu.e w'lh a pin U.ill of President (iai lleid. lHrtHant. rep'ied to Itev. Dr. Talmage'a ser mon on Intldellty, reeentlv, ami he took for his text what lie called "Talmagiati 7'heology." Tttt fiii'inls ofjlessii J unes (irmly bcllere that he has gone to lie i Veil. Jesse had In him he elements of u very lively angel, not to Dicti on bis iwn llihlc names. Mu. Sm'tii, (!da (ireelev,) the eldest dangh le of the late Horace (Ireeley, died ycstcnlev nf diphtheria, at Cliapaqna, N. 1'. She leaves th-ee children, the youngest au inUnt four weeks o'd. Ilowoi . the Star Uouter, who was under rest lit Vasliln';ion, was allowed to visit hi family and during one visit he escaped. The ileWctlvcs hare fu, 1 tl to II n 1 any c I u.; t) his whereabouts,. As an evlileneii of how Mahonelou isinjurlnt: V. ginii, it Is stated that while 111.. Cs (if III t State are now vyortli o ily So cents, before M i- hiineisni was liiauui atcd they read ily told t"r SI and 85 cents. Tits President lug untitled ten. Portei Hint he can do nothing with regard to restoring III id to his lank in the army, as it Is beyond his pnircr. It is probable, a hill will be brought beturo Uingrcss to. icUorc Oe.i. Porter. Tint K-lltorof thla paper lain no way reapnnal. tile fur the vlewi or atalemenla ot CorriUlK'll'l enfu. o iw.iHioiiuleat Inns of au an.ijr iMvtan eliaraeter will be puMiilicd : the name oi the writer must see jiipany all cotnintiulclbnia. Any one who may feel airif'rleved at statements ma'le by e.irreMpoiulenta can obtain the name on aiuiU''a.tln to ttie Kititor. (irrtwinii.t'ii! a will please write only on one aide of Ihe paper, and to avoid having their emnmunlratlona tlimwn tu the waste liasket. will furnish their names not necessarily fir publication tint aa a iniarenty of good faith, ft'e will not iMtvi a;mi'ttt.iMCiXMVA'ondniii'. - s"A PAH). I u.'S liitenit to iHse.mHmie the praetie.e ul law, ou aeoniit of toy eonnee tlon with the H.uv.iKt Nkw. But. will alt"n.l promptly toa,.l Wiaineka entrusted to my cure. W. W. HAM.. (it'll AdHNTS -The f.itlovv in- -enilemcn lire atilllin iwwl In eOleel nil I reeeipt for nuberiplinlis and ailveriismg nr ttie IIoamikk Nkws, iiikI io malts eonlriiels uitb nit ,artif In our tH-hnlf. Pa-lies wislilnif ti pay llielr uborfptliin or lo se; t nilvertieiiienls. ran rail on tic.a nnlleniell : .I.J. IIOIIKII f-soN HNHl'l.n. i .1 W. II M( I.1TTI KTIiV. W 11 Will TKIIKAI1. ..... Ilaiim. U. II. SMI I'll. a, .... Scotland Ni:rK. "TTT rai l nv Hinting I Chi nfibi'ir pup ' will Inli unllee ha etpired. ivip r.'ii'tnvi Hinting a er'k. n.ark ell the muv- pitlMT. upiMrtl'C Hieir IHllnes emai itteir t.iifiseripii'in 'tpiretl. ivii'l the piUH-r will tie ili-i- unlhmuil utitevs they tuiler it renewed. i'tu ui'it iiin:cTiuY. lUerisT riiriicii W P. Ulnae. Pastor-Preach. Ina evei y ?ilil and I'll Smi.lavs , ui l a. m . aint 7. p. i." Snii.l.-i v seli.vd ev 'ry Siitiilay at 11 to a. H Prarel'.nie.' liiiir every W iMlneMl.iy. 7 l" r H. M KTH'ii.iT I'imsi ui-4 1, Cm urn. vv . 1.. ( 'iiiiinii ax 1 m . I':i si i r !'reiii-liiig eveii l-l ami 'Inl sim 'ays lit II . M . mill 7 I P m, lllhlsv Sl'lmul every S'.mlnv a' ;i .'t M. Pniyer-iiu-eilng every Villus Pa'1 evehimr 7 l.'t, e. M. Piiniorisr Ki'i-i i'1'U. C'lii ni n .--,. S. Smith. Reetor I'l'eaebtna tlh Siiml n s a l , v.. lti,d 7 in e M . aNii uu i'rnl iy i efore the It i Smelii) s ai 7::i0 :. M. 'l'Utt mutt popular resort for ladles at the lYii'&cnt seiiHui U the popular establishment ef Mr. li. Cl. Kd wards, Weldon, N. C. Where ihe linett assortment of mil inery, ladies wear and gloves are In a large and varied abundance and lit the most le.isoniible ptleea. lylwaid Irs tvikeu a hold upon the people, peiuiaucnt resi dents and li niment lUltois of our town, rarely ever equaled; and so perfect ill quality are al' of bis goods, and so ressoualde in every res--trfcl tun piicrs,, ilitt ilie name of HiU es:.ib miiinent is a household world In thU secilon. Foil Physicians Th Ilon.1 nf Medical Kxamiuei s of the State of North Carolina, will meet In Concord, N. C , 01 M JiiJay, May 8 h, l'3. Without a liccuse from this Uoaid, no phy sician whe commenced practicing lu thla State after April loth, lS."j9. cau collect hit fees by law. Applicants for examination mutt bring sat isfactory evidence of g'ii.1 moral character, and of their luvii.;; altainc 1 the age of twenty one yuais. See ,aw nf N. C, IS.VS 'V.1 aud 1S:0-7I. PHTER K. MINKS, M. 1). V,, i.lnl. H. T. BAIIN80N, M. I)., AV. rj. "ill 1. 1 ' Iloi To Test Sinus. It is linpor ant th t teedt of, all k,inda be tested before planting 0 that Hie plmitctm-iy know whether they be good. The following la a simple way ;o tin thif, requiring but little time and no trouble. is from the Ai.'r i.c Ag-irul .-.i-J: Select from Ihe whole mass of seed 1U0, llf.', or even ten seeds, tlial will lie a (air sample m r II. Bor larijer seed, us wheat, ceru, oa s, pu.s, etc., tai.s ii thin, tough s-ul, and seal n loe ceunied seeds upon ilip car h siie. Tut upiyi the seeds, aiiother sod cavlll t ile dnuii Met tnis double sud liy the warn moc ot the honsr! nr other iiiiildinir, er id a t glii feuc-.i, moistening It oec.uiini.illy n needeo. If Very culd, cover or ifm ive to the kitchen or celiac at ni'.'hl. The upper sod can be llf. i d for obsei'Val ion when desirable. IThe saelllng and starting i'f the see Is w l, In a few day-, according lo the kind, tell whal percentage ul tliem will glow. A box of cm-Ill will answer Instead of sods, both for large and suall seeda. Small seem f vegetable or Rowers, and even larger nnet, may be put into moist colon, to be kepi iliuiitly mi 1st an I placed in the sun o In a ligbl wanii loom. Fo small quaiitilles of valuable flon ur svds and the like, half it di- n wi'l snIUtai for the trial teat, Willi any ncd, for Held or t,aule,i, however good, It is alwnys Very desirable, ami useful lo know i xat-lly limv inanv or few. ore defective, and thus be able to decide how mucusetd lo use on au acre u: oilier plot. tBS isaiUl akt, mikt da tl Ir.vr Davis made $JI IKW on his book and 1 decsn't now care whether lie goes thuudci iug down the j-'es or not; and we don't blame hlui. liven, v-oue thousand dell.ira in hnnd is betier than a blown up iniinumcnt in the bush. An exchange, saye turghum seed, aa a grain for Sour or meil, Is gradually beconiing uinler. stood. It Is preferred by many to buckwheat and corn for batier cakes, aud will sunn be me 1 talis' icto-ily fi,r L, ismil iaihI raised btead F.vh United Stales Senators arc of foreign b rill. They are Charles W. Jooi-i, Florl a. born In Ireland; -James B. B ick, of Kentucky, but ll In Srnlluii.l; Julio P, Junes of Nevada, b iru lu Knglaud; William J. Scirell, of New Jul s--y, ljgri i) Ireland. A bill has patsud the Ohio legislature sn-l only awaits the (iovciuor's slguatiiic to be caine law, which closes nil luirourna mi Sun day uader lieary penajlies. The iei inuiis a e opposed to it and It Is thouglit they will here after vote with the Democrats. ANuriai bll Is lpOiU Cnngrc6S lo prohibit Cliine-c immigration, which limits the time lo ten years. The. Liriner hill was for twenty years. If It is con.iary to (lie livuty wi'h China to prohibit it fur twenty years ns the 'i i-f idrii t says, ten years la also coiitnuy to It. It is a curious, yet unexplained, fact, often notice:) by ordinarily chne oliscrturt, tiat a talkative man, after brii. much about a buu.e where tlp'ia are lo oi lhii;e ladles, gradually loses his talking habit, and scarcely speaks word more thnn Is absolutely uccess try. Thr n'tcancea of the I'acitl: newspapers on Ihe veto of the Chinese bill Indie .te a strong feeling against the President, and the It-publican tmi'ugrrs lu th tt State practically (,-lrc up ll.i Stite s not worth cotiteftlng. At several places on the Pacillc coast the Prcsidcut was binned In elligy. run trial of the Malley hoys and Ml inehe U.iuglass, for the mur-ler of Jeuulu Cia'iier, will coujnieiice at tycw liayen, l'i;p.,on 7 ti trs- d iy, tho IHlh Inst. It promises tq l,e a pintrae ted ai 1 tedii.Ui t, jal and oi.e in w hich uu im iuei;se anjijant gf di praviiy n ihe uf uiany whe move it) aristocratic circles w ill be dcvel- "IVW- St) ' Kit vb business ineu of Now T irk having ideutilir I ex tjov. M-isesas a in Her, his pic-, lure has been placed In the ro ;ue gallery. The "business ni'-n" of New York aie skillful in ideijt ifying a rog'.'e ' l'.n it i; too late. They didu't see aj;ythitij w;tmg Ii; hlui when he w. n (ioiernorof Souib Carolina, and if lie had bet l) put up for ';esidei;t they ifyi'ld have cheer fully givcu hhu all the votes they cuu.d cuiu maiid. M tQiMR .i TI14N, wi low of th;; Fr neh peet, has provided lb hcrvyill lliijtlir, heart be bin ird l h lie( 1-rj.iiLli l;mLand, lut Unit Is.' bndy repose beside that of It r tlr-t hii-bind, who was au Auericiu. If M tdainu A utr til ha I been t!i. 1 w idow of four or live persons, as some ladles are, she weuld bave found hetsclf cou- i.uciablv seallered bv Ilie tinm be 4 "i-D each of them a piece. How dear to my heart L, U;e sehiwl I a'leuded, 4 J how I remember, dl, and dim, Tint red headed li'l', am) the pin that I bended And ctrefully L.1 on tut- bench umlvr IiIil I An. I how I'rrcallthe surprise of the master Wheu Hill gave a yell and sprang up wit I. the pin S 1 high th lit bullet head hustc I the pi ister Above, nvd 'b1' scholars all s -'. up a grin, That active b ik, kiljy, that high leapiugU "y ' 7 bat (,)Ud sVoyting hlly ktal trt ou a mi '. 1 ear Uad of Pilnre Hay Just received at J T. (iroih s. Si n rises t dav at ,1:19 and seU at fi;u!, Day's length :i Innira and '.'0 minutes. Pl.tT'Ml marbles Is a firoiite pastime with the younger portion el our p pulalioii, I ; is thought that tin friit in thla section was not much injure, by the recent cold spell. A full feeling after meals, dvtp"pi.t. b;virt- biiru, an I iteneril ill lira (Ii relieved by llrowu's Iron llilli'is. No use of talkliii. Wlllsis A ('u. have a forlime in their Sewing Ma.-htneSj nud te. 111 willing 10 shai'f it with, i'l Iff-:. M ajoii K.u 11 v is at wo. k on the streets, it Is much iieeil, i. Q inii ilies of gravel iiuiild do iiuinense goo I uu the wall,. Snort 11 y, u lie a sufferir from dv-t'snsin. Indiirestion, malaria, or v eakunas, you can be cured by lliewu's lion Milieu. Nkw p Ing prin s just re rived snd rn lyiiiK will be solq ih ap. 0 t.,t:NS & I K'iNS. A short time ago a cr.lornl in, in called or one of our physicians to go lo see am in w lio be sal.l was dead nut l;ad not tieen ilea 1 lorg. His faith in doctors was evidently gn al. Mil. M tin aki. Ilnnim , 77 faigent meet, Cahoes, N. Y., was ruled oT a very severely in jured knee bv St. Jacobs Oil, c.iyi the l(i,.h etter, N. . ,' Sinntu j II ,'- hi. (!i!Ki:iitcj; :u. Wo nolirc that pnbicit are nut giving t lit- in.i in it ion Ih it theie will be a meeting of (Iieciiliae lcrs at this place on ilie 'irili Inst., ( '' h 11 ssl 1 1 at which Jesse 1) .rprr of Illinois nud John ll. Winstun will make soceches. We tvoniler if llii'ie la uny ti it k in It? I.trE otf (if iKAr. Mr. Saiindeis agent for this work, is lead)' to deliver the same to sub scribers and also take oilier siilisci Iptiops. lie reqies:s us to say that those ulio liau ordeied copies will please call for tliein lit the llit on poituuity or notify lilm what dlsposiiloii to make of them. Dni: .1.IS11 llnriR I'.i'knkii. The residence qr Dr. Y.. W. Wilklps wlie resided near (Lislnii was liirnod tin Tiptsiiay night yf I tat week. A goid deal of the furnitiirs was also desi otrd, It is suppote I III it the lite was iiecid ntal. We di I not latrn the am on it -if 111 lo-s but It yill f.-icli several thoiisind d ill irs. Un run. The report lint Andrew II mil, the colo-ed nun wljo (lied siiddenly In this plare last week was pol-oaed Is nor. true. He h id fallen into the river and gotten i hilled af.ei being very much hsated, and .it Is sup posed Unit '.bis lirong it on aq n( ack of 1 ou g"ftl"ti. There ll no foipnlailon, vhiltve-, for tin! belief that lie wis ixijtoje l. Wei. Ion h 1 enough to a-.iswer for w ithout crediling 11 with such a cii-tigt at ibis. A Lai;i'.. It it ruui iied thai ihe Wilmington pad lu.eii-1 to convert Ilie low land near the Academy Into a lake by il.ii. tiling Hie stre.ini from be springs 011 the hi Isldu lu older lo Lave a full supply of water for lit eu glues. i windmill recently erected It lo be used for pumping the water into the ta;;ki. Tint a,e cotilu be 111 tdt! a thing of 'icaqt;-, utit It wou'd poss hly be itl-o 11 Hung t;r 111 ilatt.t mid ciue ceunlless chills to n,ai,j the ei, j -m nf this town. Arioiu. On M in-1 iv night the heavens wee linlli intly ll ' 11 111 1 ti it , eil by the Am ra I'.o'eabs. M.ii-y of the man stiiirrl.tio is bs Here Hist this potato is a wa , 01 wit t grounds we do not know. few ye.i-'t a -o lliern were a t. o;.,s every night f-ir a w ek or mure whleh across Ihe whole tm h but there has been no war. 7 hey are 110 h ing but whtt are cal'ed electric stopna cauteil, ome say, by spots on the sun, and are ha inlets. . . 7'he 1,'nioii meeting of the I'.oa. nuke s clloii nf the 7"ar River Association will 111 el at l)afn's X Roads, this county, on Fii dty bi-rore the IK1I1 Suiiu ty In this unintli w hleh, Is the 'i-ib lint. A prol acted meeting Is In prpgie.. at the baptist cliiitrh in tlii" pliice, cmiilui'led by the pit 01 Lev, . P. Blake, assisted by !',ev. A (i-Mif.-inaw ay of Loulslnrg. Ul-lpip Lvm.iu ineiivh here on Tort-lay uluht lo 11 ye. y go-Mi rou-;ie.gation. The su'ieiil of his tlisi out-si' was the ' Witness of Ihe Spirit," his lest be'-tig lite Kith and Will vi rses cl the 8lh chapter of ihe Kplstle to the liomuns. Ills serinoii nas veiy Ins r lift 1 v 0 and attentively li-lened V. The Bishop left yes'erd.iy fu. Faison, whcic he will preach l-i-ilav. iiiikm.T Wrtt;i;M'ii "I siiff-'ied with rlu-iiiiiiiisiii of the l-aek a-nl bip fr a until her of yrais," said M-". Tlioiius M Super illtei.iielit of streets. " was waited on tit p b v -; e i a 1 s , bill lliey give no perinaiieitt ieli--f, and I resolved lo Hi- S'. ,a-oln till. My tlieiitii'iiitin weak'-ned ip the tlist aiiiiek ef its Cteat etieiny. St. Jacobs (lil, aud soon 1 was. v ell.- I'ii.i illtiali 'i.,if . .SVc. - Fiiom II a 1.1 1' a . - !-. Suiitli tilled hit regular apt-ointment, here Sunday. Our town is euliveneil just, now by aeveral la-ly isitots an.i tin- youiii: men, it neems, are ''inal,li,g h tv w hile the sun shines '' ("M iking love while th-- laili- s smile, " perhaps rh V) Ou Suud ay moining a Utile child of Rev .1111a11ias Ituek, the coloted Baii'.ist pteaeher at this place, ute a q i.tutily of yellow Ji-ainlne Mowers an I V.i 50 violently poisoned by th- ni that she died in a f :w bonis. She was about two years old. "Whi. Ii will nuke a dog run faster, a tin can or tirecraekria ti-i lu bis tail V is a problem that is agitalin ( the ininilt of a -itj of the la l).es. 1 have seen a ,).,; tlpit tlpniglit It ll-ie fun to dance to the. music of a pie 1 of llie craekers. For the t-tleel of a tin em Ihe leader is rcfeier.l to "Hopkins' Comic History of the l'uite.1 States." FntiM -4. . Till: Viol itioti of 11 1 1 v nf nature's I ws. brings ls wall I ii' by Ilie feeling of iliscomfol t. ;p,'-tllr ill ii.drt-'e cohls, 1 1n nut liis'-a"es, c 1 i.-uuititi.iii, ele. all of willed gives wa:uiiig bv a iiouiinsoiiiQ coui; -,. l'e lit. Hull's C oigh Strep tq ti l e, unit remove biifh th tatise mid elT- i:l of your ili.-eo:ufoi t, Litti.kton I ruM 1 We h id rain and hail In uhtiiidaiit-c holiday ; w'dcli ma I ' s .hie the 1 tielpal ions of those who go it ll-iiing, as thai w is the day pl.inuej 11 it by no few for glltig. The yotiihs p 11 lie jlativ, mutt hue worn sad c-iuutcnauees but, pio'itblv, they got it T. R. AllltlOTLTUHALSo' 1L B. tvl". Jsckson, OrritcR. 8. or 11 CtK.TT. PlCalItt; y C. treasurer; It W. Brown, Weldon ieeielary : I. M. Long, Weldou. Vlce-1'lc sldents: R. II. Smith, Sr., lion J. J. Yates., P. K. Smith, Dr. J C. Jacobs, Dr. W. R. Capeli;tit( Col. L L. Polk, W. . JVebles, A. L. llassaidsh it, C.ipt. R. E. Moseley, Dr. It. II. Staueil, Henry Williams, J. W. Powell, N. W. Buddie, . S. Bellls, til III ird, (1 fa t. J. M Col. J. II. Zollll-ofler, Capt. II. M. Colllm, Dr. M. T. Savage, I). II. Harlow, tt. J. F.. Newsom, T. P. Braswell, Col. ti. W. Stanton, Col. F. M. Parker, (Jen. L. (i. stes, Sterling Johnion, W. I). Coker. The S itiely will offer much ld ia-i-v pietiiuuis for the next fair than have ever be (ore b-ei awatded and the list alii be, ready for distil billion lu s very short time. ' lie t-fll) era are determined Ih it the exhibition s,l ill be nnex aud that the nexi. fair, al'.ngelhrr, shall hi; the most successful one e.cryct held. Th" premium list will le publhed in this paper in s ion as 11 Is completed. Any ofbeer uf ihe Society will give any liiforinulUu de sired. Mi'iiy new features will be added tliit year to ike the evliltiilloii attractive. a nibble .u'ler ill, as the sLorm did utit been until the iiflriitoon. Mint; rain fit last nit-lit, and the earth, this in lining, i toe wet for tilings. Fanners ate busy ii -p.liiig for cotton plant ing; but. t-i this tli:i ll me ll it bee i sown. I. itior brings a he! ier p lee than tin pre vious year, iiq I Is, probably, generally Heeded. Mr. J. F. -laeksoti has a singing dust of about li'l iiieiiitiei In town. He It a No. instructor and always makes hit school ii; teres! lug. yirt.lerlv meeting held licit! yeatcrJar, Congrega ion. good. (l.llriatit; ujlu-(tei Messis, llo.ii - and lino int. Jack. t s Tnkm Is probably wo newspaper man of ex perience In the country who does not hold sir crcts of Imurtaute Jn bla mind, which, If nude public, would .-rcite sensation, but would stamp him as being unreliable lyl con aequentl)' Ulil for hit profri.g. Ie grial ra;e fr yrecrdeuce lu the publnsHgu of news Impels bio) lo do bjs V'Wott to outstrip bit contemporaries, but a higher feeling, the dic tate of honor, kcpi saerctt trusts rrpostd. Freqiienllv a persyn w.mld like to know ti e auiliorshlpof ctytttin matters published, and wbethef hit clforta sje directed lo "pumping" the man iglng editor or the galley toy, they are "4 tVtr Iheir new Illustrated catalogae ind ulike fiulttta. Kvcry compositor on a paper, itii atertia.iipenl ,(prltilea on an- , rMe klloyj ,lie handwriting he t"U uo, but pHiw page,) will foeeivoaiat cf fancy adver- ,. ., ' ., .. Ilalng novelties rJ .iu ,n tiw .n...i It uj other pvr.iut think tbey can learn It cords, &e. I luui him -well, let thcai try il. A S'ttcvr Ski:vion.-()ii Monday a man of the tr.iuip speeb-t arrtt'ed in tqtyn, gijl a th Ir, mounle I It, tang one tr two hymns and preach-d a ser iiou alio it three ijti o lei t of au liotirloug, A few gathered a oil id atlrietid priuclmlly Iy cuiloslty. Afier ihe sermon wat over the man Iha.iKcd his uiidictue tor their at cnl ion and depar.cil wi limit ricj; hm ling around his hat for t-o-iti ihulio-is. he. was poiP,lr i.n.e f,l tlfe iiilviiuee gaard of uu attachment uf the salvation army. P :i o it.. Jud-'o W. A. Daniel ja pelting ou will with bis iuokejj s-iii. He was ablo to be no the stieet Monday. Capt. W. II D.iv and Tims. N. Hill Ki , of this county are in attendance ou the Supreuie colli t . Capt. J R. Thjxpcn to pJscc iinl.c jrs,i Iji our odleu Moud'if. He was on bis way to to attend ihe I lard of A ;nctillure whleh uir-t in that pl.yo Tiles lay. Cant. T'h.'i-.yi Is one of the largest I' I at; 'erf Iy f)j county, bay lug lifteen hundred 0 inwp acre! vudcr culti vation this year. . Nr.w Anyiu t skm.'n Read notice of sale of laud near Scotland N ack by Waller Claikc, , C'liuiulitsiouer. We alto call a llcnllo'i to tho new advertises nieiit of M. E. Full, Petersburg. Tills house is well knovrn In lliis section of con i try. It. doea a good deal of trade our people and need! uu Jecoujinendalion. Lead A. M. I.ige'l utlter.itcmrut ,qt t pi iug g ions aud remember tke pltcf v. lien you inase your purchssei of ipHo goodt. M '. fog stilt goods vey low tin those who purvhaso of hilll will be suited. I IIS CAN tl. Silir TO UK SOLI) AT I Itl'.-RVT. Aecoriling lo instinct ions from 7'liomas N Hill, F.sq , the Itt-eel vet, ue h ive disiouiiiiue the notice of sale of tne canal property which was advertised to take place on May 1st. 1 Uf reason for tilts Is tin- tact that the else will gn to ihe Supreme court on appeal. ( apt. R It Peebles who bought ll;e canal at the lirst sale has appealed, ns tt e understand from the tilling of the Judge which allowed higher bid lo he mini, bcfoie the decree of sale had been entered and after tho Receiver b tiled bit repoit. We do not kijoiv whether the rnje yali be r gued at this tei ai uf the Snincinc cnpl or v li - uver until the fail trim v!.'".h tp'g'ua tle'otier. Ve sincerely tiope there will bo no tl ii tt ssary delay in settling this q'lestiim, the delay is Injiii inns lo Weldou and the c miinity cener.iliy. The sooner ibis propeity ; ili-veiope.i uie heller it vill ue or or pco" e atul we hoi-e Ihe court and the sijflors will h ist- li matters io a liual settlement u much u they tan iithoi;t injuring their rights. - Rim, ivii'jn I Ti'tts. We have bad told and f.os,y weatlor, but it Is laid Iy lliose wno I iilljhl lo know, thai there will be li,tf.i(f fill It (J ii lit! ii phenomenon w us w itiietf-rd bv lluis who were intake i.b"iit niidnlgjil on Sttiiilay night. A great light in the Nor;i east, run mug Last, so that a pin eou'd I e seen on the ground, I idt ed nearly as lit lit a;, day, las in In. I.. A. Fs iti,iini.T las Just received a utlfu'l line of Ladies .s'prjni; Drcst liood and Mr ben '1 UolUlill, until day seen by a fcond man. Wl.ut it Dr. Stnirt 1 ill has been visiting fn Scotlanii Neck, foi a week and has not )cl reliirm Many here would like to ace the ili)ct,:,j'i genl. smile again. the death of Longfellow Jj a tail evc.t. On of Ins pieccf ali,ne, which Is f i, lo Ihe public, is a g.and achiercibeiit wortliy of all hoiflir ; "Theri- Isnoftoek however watched and tend Mill one tb-nil laluli is lb--rc; Tln-ie Is uo'rt-'si'lt- bow' -ver defenik-d Hut basiiuv aucaut chair, Postal Cauii. W. R. Vick's Biooiiis.-Mr. W. R. 'ick C iiitiantly pulling up new snd handsome bug gies In ail tt) Irs for sala. He g- t his niterlal li inn the b'-sl bouses and wiu re nts JJ hit work. Any kind uf b.riggy tan be IniLgJit 0,' lilm ; open ain tuj;, elaptU:, tide-bar and o.he at) U a oj aprlugs, ad tje pricea low enough lo mil the mos ecenomleal purehater. ill-pairing .rtll dvrie w"li neatnoas an I dh.itrji. Why go away freto home, when yon can get buggin bv NKW A I) V K RT I ? E M EMS. Know Thnt Brown's Iron Bitter will cure the vpxs cas of dyspepsi. Will insurea hearty appetite ftnd ircreaseai digestion. Cures fjeneral debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ingmotherto full strength, and gives abtmdnt su'i-. tennncc for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves.enrichcs the blood. Overcomes weakness, wakc fulncs,s,and Uck, of energy Keeps off all ciiils, fevers, and other notarial poison,. ViIl infuse with I'ew life t;he W-'aljesI invalid. 37 Walker St., Ttallimm-e, Vtr. iSdi. For tix ycnr I Ii ive been a Kreit BtitTcrer front ttl,s,,t llisrasc, i y peiMa,aiiU'oniiiaiien,anillieraiiie SU del'ilitalcil thai I ('mild net retain anything oil my steinacli, in tart, t e had shmt Iwrimie a l-uully, trllea liape tladallllet t.'lt me, lily liusli.nid sreiiig Uhokn's Iron ItiTrls-t aiivertiied in Ihe liaper, in,lucrd',,,r loijivc it atrial. I am new takeii lie third bultl and have lint r,'lt so well in s'i'i yeau at- 1 uo al lite iirrv-;it time. L. ADVERTISEMENTS. hthk: mitiuki I lit concern nf White k -stulob tek have made an ss-Utiiiieiit in hi foj tlip lH-iie.tit oftlfir caM- loirs Ml persnun iiui-iii.-it ia aato concern must make Immediate payment, or Iheir tv-- oinits w ill be. placed in bauds of aiiuttoruey for oueeitoil. '1 Ills S.h Ki b, fell !l tf . X. SlAISIaVACi;, Trustee.. X V 1 C K, To the crediloyt cf J. R. Vinson, deceased ;. Take notice that a special proceeding has been. Ik-kuii l-eloi t lit-rterk oftbe ftnierl r ( oust tig Hiilifat Couuiy. Norih (Jaro lint, against W t. Powers as AduiliiNtiatnr of J. K. Vinson, de cea ar.l. tor an aeerunt and settlement of bit ad miiiist'rittlon, and to compel him to pay lo tW ertell'jirs of sa'rl ilec-ased what may lie parabla loluem rc-pijll'ly. You will tbe eforeapfieart b -tore t. e saiil 1 1- rk.a' hla ofliee In Halifax town on or before the'h ifuv of May, m, and nil your et l.leiu os ef in (ix aiitheiitlestetl. ot, this iH liee will e plead In bar. of tlit-lr reooverys (ilveu under uiy hand, Ibis with lay of April, I6i- . JiiUNT. OHRiWRY. ClorkleiiiverLor Coiirt. npt 13 fm w 0 It SALE. Tin-farm sliimti-1 Opt mlb-t soillh welt nt the (own of Littleton, containing betwet-n AnO itnd "ki acres, and fnnntrly known as lho"IIoopci I'laee." It is In liiiint'llii'e prntlml y to tbe prsal "I'antlce.l Opting--," ltetljeui-,t large ami coiitinodtous. Terms unpri, ed -ntedly easy. For partleiilars, a-ldr-'HS MltS. M. K. Mil. IS, Ltllleton, S. C. 1-2 i. I N L " KStl.lM K 8 1 F. P(riiu. " BLACK-DRAUGHT" niukca chills anil lever impossible. For sale by Dr. A. K. ZoMit-t-fTcr A Bro. es llVMi.MML.-ltii Wednesiiiy, Ao'il I'Jth, Mr. er.ekiah -I. Kyaijs of Weldon, N. C, sod MUl M.ny-J. Hart Isott, of (iieenstilki county, Va , were inatrled at the resnb-iice of Mr, A. W, llarrl on, liiietitville, 'a. At eight o'cloeU there was assembled n iiiuii- ber of rarely IrMiiiftil youiij' Indies and hand soiiie. yoaug gents, and it host of married ieiulsj to va it ii ss tre ecre'tiiHiv and fharc t(ic leasiitpnf he eveniiigls citerluiipui;nt, '' lie waiters were uirauged by Mil. 7'iirnui' it Ihe ( ing order Mr. K.I. Iluviiin, Miss Maggie Sleilge, Mr. 1. T . Snuiuoiii,, Miss M. A. llenii, Mr. U. II. Wmlleld, Miss li F. I'.tltna, Mr. .). I.. Jtidk ns, Miss I). II I ins, Mr .1. I! Watkins, Mist Sallie 11. lViiiou, Mr. M. L. Mabrv, Miss Lucy Clair. Wlieu they marched lu'o the par',oj they weip met by Kev. Mr. (;itv vfhi; in his graceful in .t n rinr iiuitet Hie,-ls of Ibe happy couple and w illi ;lt-ii their putpiset of life, .Many and lii-oi ; v Here the congratulations with which the bride and groom were gicrLal and for the Lime I lit- scene was changed ffoii) one of soletuul'y lo one of tiicrriuieiil. and glee. After u shin lime all mcd for congr.iliila- tloiii Mr. and M.s l'.vaits, together w ith the waiters, were u-heied into the dining ro", where thev found a table ijclitr laden with li b goo 1 things us toli always gire us pleas re 'o look upon We will not uitcaipt todp seritie the su;i, er for we knotv otij- fertile pen is iiieitKtt to the task. In this fi-spect, as vvrll as all o hers, our host well tn-taitied "Old Vilgiu- la's" n put al inn fur hospitably. After supper, the lively conversation, re'e ved at Intervals by music and danco, was kept up iinlil Ibe "n ee hours," and lu our opinion little t-iipiu was not absent or idle a moment of the lliu-. We know l;U arrows pierced our heart atnl li.tvj leisoii tor beticvlug tbev I lerecil many more l).oic the cvcnlng't enjoyiucu' was over. (lu the foljiit) Ing d iy the h ippy cpuplj h 'I for the gr.iouii home in Weldon where tiny w ill in Intuit inside. Wo oil tr otjr i-qugiatu-lii.lout. S. Prown's Irom will have a better tonip effect upon any one who 'needs "bracing up," than, any medicine made. mar I Iv 'J'llK P.HU.UII.K Ml I.I.I N Kit Y 111)1 K ,o: of the :o:- SOUTHERN STATES! NKVtI. V. Ki l l., No tr,, Sycamore street, ;i i'MT-:t;sr.i no. va , s. a-mi ( noil- . .-. . , it ml -.1 ill i.iV!' . iic-ti r.el i-iV io iti few Oneial A -eut nn Uie line eiiaino; also Aae for tin- Kell.-M- ell,-me 'I hresblng rill (In and mill iiincbliicrv generallv. t'orrcotoiittruet su- lleltcd J .1. W. IIAKRI. I.trrtrro, X C. TWENTY DOLLARS WJUt, BUY TUB ' Krwlnjr Marhlua. A b tier M.iehlite than CUB bo biiiij-lii for FOUTY HOLLARS, ANY WitfEttE, It b a a Prop Leaf, two lar-te Drawers, faaejl Half i, otitic Cover, Ca-tors. ninl tvimlt tbe Hub t.ltt wltli-iilt rliniituc Ihe Machine. WARRANTED FOR Vk YEARS. K AM IN t HON 01' Mll llINK IlKrolK I'lVUKMT. eiul your orderi oraiblress. VII.LKT-I(.(I. 'KM. Sev.-nth St. I'll Indelphiit, I'a. feb Ifii'.in V t T 1 C I ft j vim." of ilie i Hit bv At L. N.C. . Hieioiii; A. Fariubolt's hug,.' "torn Weldon, lie found Pii'f'aiait Toichoii and nit 1 Vciniii t ill' L.icca. 10 sai l:s coll -e, 5 iibls. molasses and syrup, 'JO li:ls. lie, rums mid ni;icKeit-l. lai n, ,"ai t.lils, prime faniil) Hour just let cited at L. A. F.u, Weldou, X. r. Yon v.ill l-e e lino t'-e Ir it. I lll":.,'s y'!-b VO'le,- , 'a,- s eve y nr e'e n' !'- I .t .. t-st p 'era a"d war 'il'i, r.i l-'r -i-e i I", "lei i nil-l Ha ,s, P, oM I ii'lics ' an 1 ('ait s' I l,; Cap: '"i-hrs, P.riilal i ml Tiiu --ii.-t ; 1 1 pi ttre'o as. Veils, I ,111111--, r;i'l 'l''-;oti- s. Hi-ii- c,,o s, s Iks, li.,t',us. Velvets. L.I ,,-lls. 1-',- -;e. , a'l.l r. ul s ,,i rn I as. 01 tun ,t o. Hie .1 T l oninf -.s, ('iiiiileits Hat i ti (i.e t ttire.v, l.a-l s' l (1-sals i i nil be leu Hi K' I'.i ib , ';((lh nil neees a-e '1' l nt. I in-s t,, llllttc I, I ltd'es' I'ni'er Kl..ilci'!s Jlo-lerv of In, . nuiite, t'l.-iil,-. Ilallnalis HI- I Mi lt, ' CIllli'ien H I tit . Tim ,,-t K'd ll ovi e ni'lre.a'l colors, l'olti'i-i. Hair -! it;t "it and l'e 1 it .-,-. He-ill., rell'el . ( 01-.-I-, ll i n.',-' . 'I 'd Ll .'. s' 1. t Ml.-S. I I ;c,- K. 1.' . 1. - 'at tilt Is a s.icc nl.y . 1 - Kit- . - wad I er. Kil 1 ll -nt -.reil snmj le .III ir', tt : lillru p oitt-il I, . VPS. M. K. KI I.I V ' . '.r'-. T.7.. ... .: : . . .o Tl " X r 1 1 . s K. I. mg aid! M. v. Long, ntlr -lste-eoT - '!... ...I. , .. . , l.n If. ...n.l t..w 11., lit.. J t'Outi' J in li--ot i,; on pag - r., twin on .-aiur-tin V 111" i'-'li day of Mav IMti sell for rash lii the town of Wet. Ion in sail county th ' lot or parcel of Inn, I lu saiil ileeil ilrser-tie.l, containing out ball' et an acre, alt uttte st Hie corner of H.-ctiliif nn-l Muibt-ry sir-.-lsan-l ,elrg ihe lot wlierentt snbl L- M. t.Oltff mitt s K. Luna- l-esiile. ' J. T.iltiut'U, Mtirbraevo. Wel.l-n N. Keti., lsi ltsi. febll.HB. VLJ r.Bilr N,ir.f iVtll.lf M4iA 2rv I hMd r vt prlf - rrmin oil tip t mr'll s I at. 'S n .V V : a 1. TtTK OK VIIH.IMA AMI XOHTII I'M! UI.INA. .i 1. t ( .-. (' ,111'I.IMi iV t'loTII HOI 80UTHERN STATES. .1. f. A I 1. 1., Ilore sir. c, l'LTI'ltsnnt! l-a- t. st-eT a new ai-d K'", i-.-i( ( I-' ii' t o n tr,!!-.! . i -i- i-iiou- jintioci. n:if a- yo.i t.- 1 i nf the ni.L, Pcain1 11 As, . , , -ft ,,r sM K''iof I i- ily ii -i,c clo, Itin ,-on li d .New Yw i., To.' )1 "i nun P-, is. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 'Hi-'i.' .tl", "sf'dliy .l'l..t llo-rs-etil lo ir " e ii .-.I i it . ami rtciy a'-iuelil i u( r .ni 11':' e i . i lit .o L'li t.-ni woi k. ' oiiv.i'lrt j ji'd ill t:ls rre.-'l Im-e i-,-,.. -. I' 1 ; l I'-l- H .1 art 0 boys ,e I- s -. I-. ,00,1-.. s - so. 1; ,, l..iwe-. t ' K Mi',,' . rh s. c.i.l.-.s t o'i It- ilcet to p veil. Sloopl . I' s ji'-pc ele-- out. . T he celoiit d -p ir m III I- l-cai'e ss I ,i :n . Yo.i e .n .-.ive ti ,i till, ii: vs. A i w oi i e ma. Icil v . s.ltll ele- ol t it o s I lot, ( . ' e I. . e inn. it., ii t i .. i ' -i, ir, I ' 1 .,.' Koti i:i:r on Sti.K.-liw -1 lur botisi-an I tot l.i W l.l. ti X. (' . tonne Iv nr. npic.l l-i 1' II ) io ; Apply I" T J. I'l'.lisil v. ioir, '-Ijiirg, N. ('., . r Ii.iY Jt jl.l.lC-il'l-'t.K, Weld X. t-. lurk:!. tt. No licail-aclie or lack-nclic for lailics who ilrink "WINE OF CARDUI." Ft.r a le by In. ,. tl. .wllicollcr o: llro. .'tv : I.! wa'er, to bo had ef d,ug;i s, will tike out '. in. o u!. kinds I. .mi ina, b e tf we, i as cioiii. ii. w.h reipoyt; uilklew, rt.-t, ink and I till otiif's. AI-KIM's .'-I 1- . i.t inev ttt'l I.-- r.-t. ii o .le.s psi.tiptly 111',' , I ''ue f.T r.'Oll it iy (III! I.V i-S s le II". O I L.v I V.'i'l I Ilo hoi ii-il ii, iy ii T ' 11 SHU 'C--I M k. i;i i.i.: I .. ( rnp ihe s.i' , 'or cl C( bi and lo "Ct of ro r l i al J nil lie I. t.a. ti i ;t c..'.. jutt received 1 1 veu w ant somethlp La Eh' Ti,,l lii ttiit tiieri-t tall ou ; nice Jij l,e wav t ffiir Klines and "Hipper On ki:ns ii :in kkns. i of I ali.' Ool,ntv. e ei, r-i'i 1 li t'lis e .toe I i nt lie Cor -l Hon -r 'l. ' i.t .. C, O." Il'lltl - ii : r, I-. in l". b-i. '" in i y . . - l i 1 1 K"l'n".l a i; i o. 'and i -a i e hi i.l- o,' IV .( II . w i b -. eon,.' ' '.v e ma o. n tl'etl him, W io : Xt S. l nr s. i ii. I'e-.e- c - i .'I'll WW 1. 1' Ml t t Ml'". (Jollitit tl t ,'. I .'.. '.. Ot KalK n tit It 1. 1'. TOKKS, c ' lliiic ' II..' :i'. ..Mi ; -Mm' n-'j . It I r li, Irmi i t 'ji hi . c i . f r. .. a hi tutt ( Sr-mm-kl EmiMiotii nti Impotimcr b -th i-f .). tit . 1'iie. I . !nl.o i 'taMl M of im 1'kHaotj. thliao( f-rtn wt llf. Ho an Inwr-'ov ! I ies-4 lU tatt 4lLftll lUtttti thtt -TttMliaUtjUvOi. l'r'kSl ttVUH'lt tLtt It a ll r IW'faet Mtlt-fwtMOi J I'l.sfVaeirn Is ho (l meo rati ontl iol ortrf.( -o,.f.i lm.w4 I'levtft Tltwnj irUts4 Ka I loot st . a.t 1 tl Hi 1 itttt'Oi ('CVaC'P.otiotr. oi.Bo X U. M.H ' ..."-.--'. f'- a).tMl -l to- J hap r is Ve m Fo V cb ,'iiiV o chVm ,'$ti , N O T 1 C UavliiR t,iiii:l;.Uf.r Jio n-w nf H.tiifm (vunlJ A'int htsttrnlor tf Victor K.iir lU-ri'ii- l, l;iti nf n.ti-l coimtT. No te ll .um !') Kirn t' All li'TNim hotillitK t'Ulmi ,ninl th" r-Alitc of intul tn'rHtHl, to prewiir. Hm in in nit', liilv riu','itntti-ittril, on or bfor4 April lK h l-.V All Hid it. to iMd ra- idU- An tviiti-fuM to lii-tke tmiu.ltut i?iymut. April 1hs. J I,. 8ItKlUiK. A liniiilMntl'Titf Vlrtorlft Klnr, tl.Tcattu.!. 1 Bpr t. tiw ' i r. fi' Tit imri'liTiMi men Umn to vt'iir nhl. we'rht Lii: IS 1 1 am ,nn1 upwunK ritrttc witlifiif to, w til Htat ir , ati. tMiitlll .wlicilitr brok4 or uiil'iok ali i pi li 1( Kt k SMITH, t.nrkhru(Va. . npr ti 11. V5 ft BUOWN." TUE LKADEB OF LOW PRICESI I hake Jusi rev,ei,ied 111 Full And rfi lifer Wbl li Is fnller'haneverl tfoli'lp ' ' ' for. Stock. HlH-cialatteo Hi) ! ron mat Bi:ai tiki i. fin to 1 . A. Fariubolt's store for the hitcst styles of !?p'iun dress Koods, such as Figured Lawn', l'liiie, Japaii-'se tibks, Nuns Vclliiiir, Linen nil 1 Victoria Lawns, lirusselt, N'ulf.L'aalimt-n-t, Alanaccat and FI tniitls in all the fashionable pbatles. SlTi't tl. Norn K. - ll.ii lug rcecutlv purrbased White .V Slaiuliack's eiiiire slock of piod at a saciiilee, ;l will niri for it s.iorl Uiue the ciobe :toi-U at and below cost. Sow i your time lo svi iiic unheard of b i.mIiis for a Jitile uiouet', at Ibe old stand of N bite -t strim)! ,,, Kcspeitfully, T. L. Lmiv. floMi: itisil nke In the J i Us of MUses and t'lulilieii't Sappers and Sandals can be found very cb .ap al Dll'KKN Jt DlCKKNt). Fob ("tiKii. A larce (' Oran, Iff FW'Vi e-Vv'i'i'V n 'tjcli liml aa :ood f; Lew, la offered for tale very cheap, fur cash. Apply al "Tuts Urrit'R. For 9ai t on Ufnt A iefiratilc lyo atorv dweUuL' house contaluliu: ait rooms, with two rooms Kitchen and other it;it bpusea. lu pleus ant pari of town. Apdy at this office. NKW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. J US i A. I. A Sj 4io A U U A X L I.HIX 1 1 X li Cun be had by (Iti-ilvlnt: to " ' M IIS. JDA f A few d'us below Jhe l'o-t (Jttl to tne -irt t'.l. un :t it. W l ILK Vl, e, opposite si R eaiiinre h! ret-t. opposite HnM ri x. rhi'Lusiiriiti. va Moiiniiit'iitM, I o IIA. ' rt ttNU't. (It'ittlNtoiira; atotl t.raivotilOBrt nfevery iberip:ion mad lo order ranting la prle i'roiii f. uo. H.-siuns sent by l ti n II to any itdili tn, with poat-nu-- s'aiiipseuc'o-i-.l lor reiiii-n 11 b 'tioi'ib-rs itre mceiv.-d. the work Is pre I a- d and fortuinlt'd; if il ibies iiol elve perfe-'t satisfaction, ptirebaN"iM sr retueste,l m return at my ei. tis ; paylmi freiu ,t l.otli wars i-s aii-i eneap ir -imius )tiartuieea. L-ln-e soltt-hed from all srettuns. ('HAS. M. WALNII. apr. Is I jr. BDOTS AND SHOES. I k-ep a I ill Hue of Z -Islera l.aee and nut Ion rAboi-s for r.tdtes. IliAvenlao a Incre aloek ok ItAltK Kits UK h I Al SHUK HKIiSSlXli l ull I.Al'l'f K AXH CHILI HK.N.' ' Jafy Stock IlllY GOODS N tjT f ON 5. J KW U.UL Ae , Is complete. Also a complete line of Prraa, I'ooils, .,r-te,l raslmer.-. Silk Trtiiimlinrs, Knur-. Iluitons. i or rs. Hose and Half Hoso for Ladles ami (eii; all UIIKA1' FOK OAS II. call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewtiere. l orn- r Kirs! St., and Washington Avenue. ' liov II ljr. ii" V ' L N N A HO X, JI;f,i j v, T- i Kitso-' ami Hrti.ris ai.i Ki l. Carriagpti, llnrnrsa, Matltllr, B'jtoci- Collaisi Cuts, Wheel A x'es VartnOea IIoIpc t lot, ii in;. Lap ItolH-st, Ac, l.oe.l price. Con c 'pondt-ii A DMIMasTltATOK'S SO I ICE. Ilitvimr qn.tllftel as Ai'niluistriitor upon the e taivol nun (Yitnki") Title, y, Into' ot Halifax r li ny, I In reiiy noilfy all pcis.,11. Ii'oIiHiik eltliua kKalnst li tin to pivseut si, me to dyily niitlien. tnaiedoiior before A.rll IMIf, ltftl.l. Fentons bill-iteil to lilm sre reqiued to maUe lintue d Atepuvinrnt. J..M Ml'LLF.N, ll'illfnu.ft.c, April C, lfsj. Admr. liprl.lCw iLlllt a wee 'i lu y nirowi: town Tim n tuit fri'e. A l ui-. Won, N C. 1 I'o Hand, M tii-, Trma a i l lj ll. II .lii-H L ry Nim. II. oi l A ty. lit, tl A i In Ion St., Xor.'olk, Va. Mns. Ai n t M. Browm. HKAH!!! Mas. M.J (tgi i.t.iisis. .11 Ettil It K A 11 Kreneh, pliiiu, walnut, fcitTy.cotvanuland eresaa eiiiull.'S. T Apples. Oniuites. Currants, Citron; 1 Itaisitt. tales. I'ylls. ' Cb'ssilVAy'-P. J lin.lrSO HtirtNius. ua llsuill,err,iiel, a.lies Hit's, A rl in i it nys, Laisst, ' r Kili'sons - .ti'.vt-''V, v.i: i, tt r. - - - - Vou-'Cctj. aAy f ..... ind V'f-w "I j iiiiele, loo numerous io 'niei& loll. Call ri'di xanilno. ' " 'n "MlK M. J. Hil'ljial.VS CO. au r I t - 1 T i a. of I i N . C apr 6 I,. ali 4 1 iy, -

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