THE ROANOKE NEWS. tHURSDAT, AI'UIL 2T, ISS2. STATE AFFAIRS. Greemboro bat gat. ftewbern will have telephone eichance. Work baa began on the Wilton calm fac tory. tClglit people left Iredell recently (or Oregon. Dr. Deems hit been lUleliti. Invited to lecture iu Kdirecombe tounty bondt are at pr in none for lule. Hon. W. M. Rntbius it tpoken of fur Con fcrtsiinan al larsrt. !The Minengtr nomlnatel Col. T. 8. Kenan for Congre iman at lar,e. It li laid that Thni. P. Dcvereut of Raleitfh tayort tbe liberal inovcraaut. The State anil-prnhlhltliin cainuiittrt wll1 Meet at Kilrlgli, May audi. Tin Ui-puMlean State Convention will meet In KalciKli on June the itih. . Report! from all parts of tha State aar that the fruit has n.t been Injured. Forty-seven young alligators wera found in One nest near vVilminijteu last weak. Richard 0. Bulger, of Rsleiirli, died at that place on the 2.'nd lual., aged W yeara. Tha annual report of thn Agricultural ex periment atation haa be n published. A stock company hat been formed for the purpose of erecting a factory at Hickory, Senator H ivard will deliver the oration at the Mecklenburg celebration on May Until. A Republican piper will be started la Raleigh In July wllh Loire Harris aa editor. The Temieaen connection of the Western N. C. Railroad will reach Taint Rock iu a week or two. An opiary baa been eatn' Ibhed In Gretna born and 43 colonlei of Italian beet have hern obtained. Books have been opened for anbapriptlona for a line of Hteauihoati to run from Baltimore to Greenville, The Xtrlh St.tfr asya the Republicans will probably nominate Judge Bynmn forjudge of the Supreme Court. A tnrnado In Brunawlrk anil adjoinlne rountira on Saturday deatroyed much propei ty. One child killed. A narrow ruhro road from Petersburg to Oxford U now in contemplation aud eliciting aoaae intereat and altcntloii. It la laid that, the aide of walnut, cherry aah and other valuable timber will nut the 'armors of Haywood county 150,0110 this yeur. The sixteenth anniversary of the Associa tion of the officers ol the Third N C. Infantry cotxiea off on the Kith af May at Wilmington. Hie Resolution to invettlgate tho affalri of Dr. Mott'a revenue district Introduced by Sen ator Vance baa been puascd by the Senate. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows meets in Wilmington on tbe l!)ih of April and the Ma sonic. Grand Chapter meets there on the 30th. Two colored meet had a wrestling match In Tarboro a ilnrt time ago. One win thrown nd to few day, died frura the eff.cia of tl e fajtl. A Jmntttock e mpanr baa been organized at Gitldahnra with a capital of $tW.lK)0 for the imrpoae of eatabllahinj a cotton seed ail mill u nkat place. The Demoeratie State Eyreiitlvt Committee will ir.eet In llalelgh an May 3rd for Hie pur pose of llrng a time for the meeli ig of the Btate. Convention. A German, I)r. Run commuted suicide In rarbarrns eounty bj taklnc; morphine on the 22nd and Robert Clarke of Albirmurle came to Ills death in the same way. Nelson killed Mabe In Stokes eonnty last week, In a quarrel concerning evidence given by the laltcr against the former In an Indict ineut for Illicit dittilliug. Bath white. Mr. J. P. Arrlngton, or Hilliardaton Nath county, has been appointed Chief Marshal of tbe Ktstrrn Carolinla AcrirulturHl and Me chanical Fair to be held at Rocky Mount next Ort. The Bnnlti Hotel at Ooldtboro was burned to the ground on Monday. Only the furniture and afle ts on the lower story were saved. O'luin of tlio lire is unknown. Borne Insur ance The premium list of the Edgecombe fHr Association a he dietiihuted. The premiums are iu aome Instances tnindsoii a and gencr llr Wm h ivi, rneeived a copy from the 1 ecretarr, Jubn F, Backelfard. Warrenton flwtte: It ia estimated that the hawks destrey one hundred thousand birds and chivkens in Wapen county a year. Ih Warren County (lame and Fish Club will pav twenty-five cents apiece for every hawk bill delivered to them. Tbe sentiment of L,"nnir Is staled ta he m' terae to giving any ouiity aid to the constrtic t toil of a branch railroad up through (i Irene, P tl and Wilson, and tha hmiut'ss men of Kinaton are said to stand 1 tl iiiiniidtlnn In .neb road coining to their place. i i N'ewliern Commeivinl : Joseph Walston, wife 1 and dauirhter, the latier ten rears old, w, re I baptized In I'I't county on Wednesday of Inst week by the Mormon elder who have hren In- k festlna; Hist section for the past twelre month-, during which tune they have made several I converts in this re liclon, sending them off to .1 LMab. j WasblnRton It; "7'he Independent move- 4 tnent In Noith Carolina, hnh has never i emerged from an emhryniic seems more Ilk -ly than ever to prove abortive. F.verv wind that 4 blowa from Richmond, laden with the effluvia I of the Coalition corpse In Vligiim, is futal to r3 the hopes af a new blr'.h In the Old Noith 5 Btate." ,j There are now bills pendlni; lo erect public buildlnira in this State as f.illotvs : i Newbcrn marine lioppilal. 115.000; K'stes- j ille, court house, poat office, etc., 175.000; 1 Charlotte, court house, etc.. tlOO.Orf); AAir- Tille, post oltiee, etc.. 7A.(KI: On enshoro, post office, rip., Ilod.taat; Durham, pott p dice, ale, 1100,000; total, 5J0.0U0. j, TorrhUgM: The Eit la Somcwhai clamorlni; for the nomliMlion i f Cong rs"onu at large We aay let them hare li. In iht conineti oi . we notion the names of ll.irieh. Howard. Hughes, Clark, Hill a id l v mentioned. I."t lilm be a pure mm. one of high nnd nnlm prachablo private cluraeler aa w. II aa sound political principles aud he will suit us, AVa lUrnhin: 0 1 last Mandarin the pea field of Mr J I, Rhein, near this oh v, eon- taining 100 acres we saw over six hundred men, women and rhlldreu engaged In pl k'ng pea. Mr. Rbem Informe.! us that it would lake aoout I.T0 ta pay for the picking on Mond iv alone. Ill peaa. Irish potnlncs. heaiH, sipiish, ' tomatops, curumhers, canli'lonpea and aihei rsgetablea Mr. Hhem has over three hundred , acres under cullliatlon. i Kalelgh Sim if'rr : In the spring of 18.M, Dr. (ieorge W. Illiieknull, then of Kit I trell, art Ilia waleli by Hint of the late t'apt Jeplha Ilnrtan, who waa ao lung pnnnri ied I witb the Raleigh ,t Gaalon Railroad, and was I one of the valued conductors. Yesterday Dr. B. eiamlred hie walch Just as the telegraph Instrument In Col. Andrews' office was in king , off twelve o'clock, Washington time, and I found, he declared, that he was Just tn sud a . half minutes behind -only 1SJ socauda lo.t In J ! years. Baltimore Herald : "A number of onr elli . tana havegreat faith in the Norlli Carolina gold and ailrer mines. They have examined them and believe that In richness some of tham will even sarpsss the mines of Utah and Colorado. They are in a belt that foil iws the " mountain range runniiu' through North Caro lina, and Georgia, toil In tha I isi-nann-d State dclicted towarda ttiai West. Sine very rich mines h ive been found and worked in Gnll- f''rd and David... u rotiiitlea, N nh Ca'allns. Tha copper mines "f Unit aecllon are rii-h, but nothing like aa pre luellve Hi ae of Lake Bnivermr, one of which baa yielded a return nf tt,flun.llilu. When the aniitlirn gold and ail- yer mines are worked propcily nnd have , 1 (treater aeceaa to, ihcy will be e- reedlngly protlul le, and will he a source of to many oaiumorcaui. ... ""1 SPECIAL PARAGRAPHS. It is onions that makes Jmnbo so strong. Itkms about women -The dry goods bill. Jons Bn.1,'9 locomotives have no cow-catchers. Danw is, the Scientist and Author, died In London on the COth Inst, Scovii.t.g wants Congress to pay him for bis services in the Guitcau trial. Tut Fords, who killed Je;sc James, have been pardoned by the Governor. TwKNTT-Korn men have been killed In Har rison county, Texas, within the last ten years. Hknkt Ci.pvient, of rutnam, Fls., pisims lo have killed 3iXI bears In the past thirteen years. An Alliens (lis. man carries a dmible barrel hot-gun when out collecting. A bright Ides. Vknnoh has been fooling wllh the weather so lung that he Is now down with rheumatism A trlpplr murder has just been committed In Idaho. Idaho hopes to he admitted as a State soon. Tim practice of smoking cigarettes In urlvule is evil il to be spreading among t lie American lad lea. It Is said Hint the Pop will shortly snnd a resident Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Onr hundred women work on the I'a is i a pirs. It is likely Hut the I' an pipers gel all lh! news. Artiii'u vetoed the Chinese hill Ivcausc Mo re had to be somebody lo do up llttwstcr's milled shirls. A cow at Viclisburg ran her tongue th ongh a lattice-work and had four inches of it bitlen off by a mule. A St. Louis man h is been arrested for mak ing butter out of carrion. 8t. Louis men know Low to carrion business. Ot.EOMAUOAHiNB can no longer be called buli butter. It is now made of (.it from horses and dogs. It still holds up In price. Tin India "S a few days ago mastsrrcd all the whites lit F.agle Beak, Arizona. Twenty persons wre also killed at San Carlos. Mb. A mum 8. IIkwitt has had calls for 2i"y 000 copies of hi speech recently made In New York in opposition lo the tariff. 2'his Is Big niflcatr. Tim A'lgjHta Evening N ws tiMIs about a cow In that city so Intelligent that she met her master near the newspaper office to keep hi in from advertising her. The House ha refused to seat either Ca1 -man or Campbell us delegate from Utah. They had not Hid backbone t give cither one a seat, which was very rude. Mas.sii iii setts collects an annual tsx of $'Jtl,IH)0 on her dogs. What a blessii g If those In this Slate were taxed. The stun would be a great help to the school fund. The Post Office Department is said to be managed more economically now than a year ago. For the last quarter, the nccipts ex. cccded the expenditures by fiT"-', t"J4. W. R Axxo, of Oilundo, Florida, employed a negro bey to eat 1,01X1 oranges aud save the seed. The boy ale iilnelv-lhreu oranges the tlrs t day and then gave the job up iu disgust. A Brooklyn woman cotiMimed so much cod liver oil for her health that her husband usi d to stick ii wick down her throat, uud thus lowered the gas bills. She went out last week. The llou-e of Rcprcsenlatlvei some time since Imprisoned a man fur contempt. 7'he courts have awarded him a huudrel thousand dollars damages. He would probably like to be Imprisoned ngalu. Mkmi'iiis Avalanche : The buffalo gnat ia worse Hun high water. A tlfty font bank Is no obstacle to him. Willi a giiud.tone under each wing he Hies over hill uud dale aud borei the life out of the f l.'iO mule. Till! lower House of thn Virginia Legislature passed a resolution to take a recess until tho 7th of June, to gain time, it is supposed, to bring prcsiure to bear on the Big Four, but the Senate rcfu-ed lo adopt It. Tiik Legi-lature of Virginia adjourned on the 2 In I lust., without bavin; p.i-sed M dionr's reapportionment hill. It w as out of I Is powi r lo do this, although It Is tnld he thn aimed, bribed and begged the Ann live to aid him. All Is not hannouious to the Readjnsti rs. Sinoium, the man ho munlcred his Ian ', lady lo New York has at last been lunged. He wis reprieved more than onre and every cIToil was nude to secure Ins pinion. It would have h nl depresrin tiffect on lanil'ad cs and bounll' a; house keepers generally, hid he been released. Ati.sxta ( imifidifii.n : Mill More, of lb Augusta News, has devote, I nia life lo nre iking down the superstition th t hangs about the number thirteen. He has room tlilrlc n at Hie hotel, w.ais li it in 1 1' r thir en .hoes, is eiigagid to thirteen girls, smokes thirteen cigars a day, and comes lo Atlanta thirteen linn s a year. AviuMi the delegations of Indians Hut have recently visited Washington waa one who wet very popular, especially among the Indira. He fell iu love w th a socle y bcMc and thought alio liked hnu. He aaid nothing, thinking ahe would follow him. Hut when he gat h ilf way home and she did nut fullo.v, he tried to return to Washington bul was prcveulel. TuKAyrtfStttJ says : "To-day lhe South is progre-sing more rapidly in the In the build Ingot cotton mills aud the development of her iron . Ids, than any other part of tho Union," and adds : "There is no rcuaon w by the South should nut manufacture t veiy pound of her collnn into cloth, or why her Inexhaustible coal and Iron mines should not yield her a per petual harviat of riches. These things a-e patent tu all, bill to none more patent than to the people of fie new South." The Petersburg ludtt save I Ilscrmt to ua that the colored people are giving altogether too much attention to Senator Jones's speech, In which I e meuly staled Hie old Idea that one race had greater capabilities In the way of im prove, unit lb m any nth. r. Il was a naluial opinion that S tutor Joiio,, tabu belonged lo the f ivored race, to hoi I, and, while he may be wrung, there Is uiilhiuil iu hisloty lo ahow that he la wrong. The proof wb Ich uju.H he brought of hit error la proof which our colored fliv.ii aiuat y.l piuiuia. Tits Rd I tor of this paper Is In noway responsi ble for ttie views or statemelilH ol correspoiiil entw. No communications of an anonymous character will lie puhllsliei ; the res! name of the writer must accompany all communications Any one who may feel awrrieved at statements tiy correspondents can obtain the name on application to the Kdltnr. iorrespomtents will please wrttp only on one side of the paper, and to avoid lisvlnu their communications thrown In the waste basket. will furnish their names not necessarily for pnMiratlon out as a Kuaranty of a-ooil faith. vVe will not notice auniivmniiH correspondence. -A PMtn.-I do not Intend to discontinue the practice of lav, on account of my connec tion with tbe Rhavoiis Nuts. Tint will attnd promptly to a I business entrust, d to my care. V. W. HAI.L. HMt A'IKN'T-i -The following rentlemen nre authorized t" colled an 1 receipt for subscriptions and advertising for the Hoanokf. Nkws, and to make coniraets with all parties In our hchnlf. Parties wishing 1 1 pay their ul.rriptlon or In sert iiilvertisenietilH. can call on these icenllemen : .I.J. ItoitKIt I'-iitS Ksrtfi.n. J .1 ' II A!!l!s1 I.ITTI VTON, W tl WIIII'I'.IIK.Ml HtllFAV. K. II. SMITH. J it Scotland Sirs, V 7 Parties (ln. line a cross mark on the mar- Kloof. heir piisT. opposite 'heir names w ill lake notice that tln-ir suhscripllnn ' h :i eviire,. mi, I the paper will In dis. eoutlnuoil unless they order II renewed. . ritri.'rii iiiiiKcronr. ItvcTisT Ciimi'ti - W P Hhike. Pastor-Trench- I nir y Jipl i ml i'h suml'ii's. m i a.m. ami 7 . l'. m. fsninlav pverv Snu.lnv at 9 Hi A.N Pravpr- I'lur 'very .,tirnny Tl.'. e M. M rruonisr Kfts. ori. ( iicni ii.- v. I,, riming trim. Pastor -Trenehi ik everv lt ami tp siin.tu ys III It . A. M , 111.1 7 I i I' N. Still. blv school every Snuliiv iij.l'i i. Pn.ver meeting every I'liurs dsv fvenitur 7::.S. c. M Pi:orsriir Krisi or,i. Chi'ri-ii.-.. 8. Binlth, Keetor I'l-.-aehine Itli Suinl'ivs at it A. M.. ami 7 :ni I' vi. also on Friday i eforp the lih .Sundays itujr. st. o c; Sl'shht Is the lust day of April. Heaii notice of Win. Turner to creditors. Nkxt Monday is the day for the town elec tion. The struggle for coal Is over for the sea son. Vskt little sickness In town and vicinity st present. The Roard of Cotinly Commissioners meet on Mondsy next. Stiiawiikhkie and cream will soon be the order of the day. Brut tl"S te-dav nt, V10 and sets at ft:!.'. Day's length 1:1 hours aud lio minutes. Paralytic strokes, be nt disease, and kidney affections, prevented by the use of llrowu's lion Hitters. A grc-it d-l of put ton Ins been planted al and In a week or Ua it will all be under the ground. Tun Scotland Neck R illrosd has been com p'eled I In; lust spike heiug driven on Thursday afternoon It w is not a g il l spike hut the people are Just a gla I as If it had been. Mtt, W. R. V'ii k has removed his biig;v nn 1 carriage works to the co-nsr of Seond un I Sicaiuore atreeia, below the Post mil 'e. lie ia lllling up the h.illilun. In a first -elaa slv'e iid Is prepared to do all kinds of work in the best manner, (ilvc him a trial. Fupit Chop. -We learn llnl the cold has not Injured Hie fiuit, l.ut Unit Hie tree, bolh peach and apple, arc unusually full. All hope they will come to matmlty. It ia hardly probable ihat Iho crop will be hurt now as wo will not huve'any very cold weather. . Dm.r.0 vtks - At a meeting of the Vestry of Orace church, held nn Monday last, the follow ing gentlemen were elected delcL'iites to the Church Convention to he held at Tarhoro on MiylOth: ,i H. Tiliihman, Sr , nnd W. W. Hall; alternates. T. A. Chirk and It. V. Spiers. - . Important Hi siniss Bkkouk the Litkiuiit Soi itiTT All the mcmbcra of the Literary 8 iclety are resprc'fully rccjuested to meet In their llnll on Tuesday the 2nd of May, to re celve Iho F.iecutne Commlllie's report on tha new building propose I to be rrertnl. (i. (i. Ltscii, Vice-riesidint. The co'd weather must he verv tnnoyin to the la !, and gentlemen too. what hive had their spring uutlils ready fo- two or Ihn e weeks wlihiiul uu eppor'an ty to make uie of them, but thru there are so many more who have no spring oat lits, bul woul I an a sudden warm spell have to spnng out of winter clothes into those nf mid summer, - - . . The l'liKssli isn i.t uf the metnb'rsof the press association pissed through heie early Maud.iy inoi iiing on Iheli annual excur sion. They will g i lo tl,,, ti,., .s and then 1 1 F.ll.ihfth city where tli-y will b ild Ui an nual mellng m l then g to Norfolk Ihey wi I bt e ilurt.iitu I hy th press of N ,r. folk. They ami. Ip ile i Hue time. SfeiiKMi: foriiT l)::i istoxs.-M, ; Tllle-y el sis. ya. A. Wr tio, el nls., fr on llilifav; no error; jil kni 'lit aitlrine I. J T. tlr -norv. ev -c itor. v II F. liti s et ats. from Nortliauipioti; no error, Jn Ig Miunt af llrined. H.O. lltirtou,.lr. a lunuispnl or. vs. I. A. Kariu lioltei al.., from Halitai. err.. i; demurrer sin lalueil. 1'i:rhiI..-M . Aaroi I'r.seolt. an 1 Ml-s M ma I. oi- left M .ii.hy f. rav.sit n Kultiinore. Miss Annie lonm-land of this place na I Mis 1,1 1 Trav isol Huh av. left Tin-day for it vis, I to Plizui eih C ly. Mr. Martha William who has t,e,.u vuitlnn here left Saturday for lleiolersiri. Dr. M . T. S.tvatte of this colttity pass d Hi r.iuKli Til s lay, lie is k- nK. to l.rviiiginii to attend a llicctinir af tile Presbytery. Uki tutors -The protraete I msctliual the thp-tl-1 cliureh villi continues h Iner-ase I Inter Pvt. The con-real on ar lurue and tip re ate many who show much concern about th.lrs,lrit weltitr,. Rev. Mr. ('utiiii:r ;lni ha he n ronduciiiut a protr ieic.l nieei in at II dur n t this w rk ami t w II pr.ihil,!, -coulinii.. nevl vverk. The rite orimi.iisni was s.tunnistered to an p l i lt Pi Hill place on last tun lay by llev ir. Sinlih. Not Half iivs I'.veii uekn Ioi.p. Thedul'ci of Iho genuine lived In the wool, siiiion-piiin Pdilor are inultif irloii. and mn!1itiulliinus Ilia mk ia not only in "do a little vvrliin', " aa It toinetlmes supposed, but to ciiil, to glean, to tehe', to discriminate, to decide, tu foresee, to observe, lo grasp, to explain, to elucidate, to I iflate, to boil down, "tu he. to do and lo suf f ir," and aeveral hundred oilier verba, with a I rge number of distrieta yet tu hear from. Well Caveo in.-D.ive Powell, a colored man, waa digging a well for Mr. F. J. Cheek on Monday. When he had gotten about eighteen fe t In the ground, the well begin to cave and l.inl.d hiiu up ta Ills waist. He could not get out and fparlng the caving would continue act ;i a lusty shout for as sistance which w is limnl fir snd near. Aa ristauee toon arrived and lie waa d ringed out much frightened, but none the worae lor hit partial lulrriuent. Rookino 7 bain. On Wednesday night of last week as Cupt. Slocumb'i train was ap proaching Ml. Olive, some penona threw four or live rocks at one uf the .passenger coaches, breaking two or three windows, bul fortunate ly doing no fnrlher dam igc. Thorc people ara probably the most depraved Iu Hie country, at they attempt to Injure pisseojera who are ttraugcra and are not even actuated by a feeling uf revenge or retaliation bu! by a mere brutal nulure. flity should bu caught tod tcTcrely dmi.rhuj. A Pizit-E. The following was sent to an acquaintance of ours w ho could not solve it aud turned It over to us but we can make noth ing of It. If any of our readers can nnd out what It it, we would be glad to hear from Ihcu: No nun can live without my first ; Bv night and day 'tis us. il. My second is hy all accursed, Hy night anil day abused. My w hole Is never so oi hy day, And never ne I bv nl-,'hi ; 'lis dear tu friend when faraway, But hated when Iu lhl. W. R. Vice's Brontes. Mr. W. R. Vlck ia constantly putting up new and handsome buc glcs in all styles far sale. He gcta his mateiial from the b al houses and warrants all, his work. Any kind of biiKgy can be bought of him ; open aud top, rlvpllc, aide-bar and other alyha ol sprints, and the prlcea low rnotigh to suit the most economical purchaser. Repairing well done with neatness an I dispatch. Why go away from home, when you cau jet eucgiea here A Nantiuw Escape ehom Devtii. A few days ago, a colored woman who resldea near the cans, walked out t) the Railroad and took a seat. A little child who had been In the habit of accompanying her, followed on and began playing and crawling upon the tm-k, ua II neareil the switch lis nee became fastened between thn rail and guide, so that It could not release Itself nut even with the assistance of ita mother, and In the meantime the I'eteishiirg freight was coming up In deliver the can to the Rale gh road nnd so frightened the woman that she Ihteiv up her hands In despair. I'luiii mer Williams being near, saw Hie slliinlion and hurried lo its rescue and bul for Ins presence the child would have I n crushed to death. Mothers should he careful and keep their lillle ones at home. Slllll'KKN with il'AltAi.tsi.-On S lay morning last while Capl. K F.. Moscley was silting In a H lire lis had out iu the country about eight miles from here, near his home, he dropped Ins cine and on atletup ing to pick it up, found himself helpless' It was an attack nf piralysis. He b.ciuie unconscious and re in aiued so un til T ursday night, when bit be came bclUr 7'hia Is the third utiack of the kind he lias had and is the most severe, one aide being enlirelv useless Krerv asiis ance was rendered and it is sincerely hop. d by hit many friends thai Iu will entirely recover. Capt. Moseley is iu Hie pi line uf life uud his strong constitution it Is hoped, w llla-s:sl Itself and give him a long hasp of I lie vet. He Is one of our Inst clil. iis, well known in the county, and bii friends we know will sympa thize wiili him in his illness. . The Cash. Cash. -We learn from good an thori y thot in consideration of the public im porlaucc of thia case, the Supreme Court will suspend their rules which would require, the cast lo lit over until next teim uud will hear il this week. This will prevent so much delay ill settling the raal'er. lithe couit decide in fivorof Capt. Peebles, the tale ran be ci -llnncd at once aud should it decide against him. we believe the court can Hi a day i f aale without waiting for another I, rta ol the Su perior court for this county. In tli la connection he Oxford '1a.Vi,A ajys : We regret exceedingly the delay in thl mat ter, and look upon it in the light of n Mi, for tune As we have before said crtslulr Hie K .stern un I central portion of North Caro lina have an interest in this etilerpi ise, If not Hie whole Slats, Weldou catch-s pretty well the whole of the travel froai Norlh to South, it is Hie Hist Impression that a visitor g -is of the St ile, and If a handsome factory could greet the eye al Weldou it would make a fav orable impression and bu au advertisement for the whole State. Wim.don TwKXtr Skvin Ykvhs Ano - Du ring the y How fever iu Noifoik in lsVi, the town council of Weldou pissed an ordinance forb'ddliig any of Not folk tlopjiing here and imposing a line of f 100 upon any one tin" regarding the Injiiuctlon. S.oue hunioruiis haul of Norfolk wrote the piece we copy below and il was published at the time In the Norfolk .Iciyii. A medal had been given some years before at the world's fan at Loudon, to some cilir.en of Weldou for a dish ,.f i at lisli stew nnd refei ence is mane to it iu (he piece. We vvuiild like to know who received the medal and what hut become of it. The II cs were given lo us by Ihu Rev. A. S, Smith, I). 1)., who w is him-elf In Norfolk du riiu lbs lime and had Die fever. Ile gave us a Very graphic discrlpllon of Hie scenes thai look place. Here is the iece which Itself show , what improvements have been made snd the changes that have ukeii place lure since 1 ."'. Dining the recent smallpox epidemic Weldou patscd no quarantine ordinance what ever. To Tin: urn: ir citt or vv xi isia. Orp it town ' Hint s i like Kthl. p's ijueeli, II ir I I v ll;e It l,e s nimbly strcaui. Hell -etl !,( iii Its turbid lido A lilies el nr, h bet Ural pet, le, t'oin ais p.! 1. 1 ' thr- e b " st.oi-s" and Ivvo II b I - -and ..f l In-in l-ran tien ! W boe popntnpini. vv ie and w 1 1 1 y , Itiiv-.' in id I i.irlal v oir f .ir t;lly, A nd - In-1 at ir, 'ii I to , ,, o,i shore The il :ht of si icol tl- I .re ; And nl I lis World's Knit even train, d A prw ,iv iiie.tal. r clov t ,,ni d, Kar I ir et.-el in r all c oni.e. rs In ' At; p e eivative f r y ais ' In art ol Il c i von i i, u .1 1 -i III tcw Coneoctc-I lr..ul':il Ki,h ; 'I'oe lurwith Ihumleiliu t ies,s, lie Clip he of that pa I) ui I. I Say. w li d has Norfolk d, nr tl utyo i sli.,inil l.isi rlcu b- l.-r sull -rill.; I'eoplc ; And interdict their pis-nu( Ihronli 1 our o. wn of tlir.c lotc a -nl one st epla ? 1 ;l bei"itl,e all epidemic. II. I h. entiled Us peslil -nep lip.,11 us. I hat I tl you h in lead., soil shun us .' A ii,l eu i ii . n tioin s iietv tlv mil To plae.-s IV here f,dkU II I a it V 1 11 IT For liivrat.ce. lo y, ur l.ovn ,,f pise. ., illr In the villr.te. ' liltie lUbwsV' Wlo-so 4ir is pure its idiiliei ' And lia. san,l levels nr.- a Ileal. 'I h it .-ii e in on y taste w In ir. 'I vv el ve llret iii- mi mi i lis tu cv cry vear -tlreat people' ivhil have you in 'fear? (tut so II Is.atid Norfolk n mm, w r'r.uu fate no ,1a, ker gtisun can ln.rrow. Krooi libh noil, I s ee. oi, ,11, arliriiii,. Kro ii Pel Tsinirir snrviv the h'o.y ; Keoln H .iiitiiini nortt .. s-r cvpr.'fil -Its f ilk with qinir.ii.t ne b ice', tl And e en tlluil.ii I from Hulfo.k's quiver, Hh pout, I h iv,- stood vv lilioui a shiver ! lttli Wrhl, ui ! slcrn and elin'l I ilv. llriinfiill of Ilea and scant of pity. To h ,eh irred Ironi voiir b- k0i b Your slreaiulliir cal-tlsh and sipt-llowers, Is ui ire I Ii ta li mortal man can bear - II cups the cllin ix of desmir, And will kill all d asciuay sparr ' In pity tnoursifprliij; people, (lti 'I own of three stoics and one steeple, Sqilll'lloK like Ktil'0i'S(uceil beside Toe. muddy marge of Koanove s tide Itovo vour eillet, culm veur Ire, I'omiiasslonnt our misery dire ; And let us Ilia In hope to view Once more your glories, or pass through Anil enirli a hiwtv irlimpsc or o. While eiililn'il car d al your depo', Secure al h a! iroiu line and inur tee. While wailing there lo push un "luidor'." Do this, and we will send yon soon, A monster medal plated aoiter As bright and big as a sick moo ,, Oul Isle a' lilffhls on It. Inst quisrtor. One of ih merciful edicts nf Weldon, Hp t liny citlien of Norfolk, who dan t lo tarry in a day thi-rc, ia liable tu a Uud nf oue Ii uud rid dulUrt. - A Tei.mso Law Mr. Charles Law, Jr . In conversation with one of our represpntalivps, recently said : "I have hem a ff.r,.r (mm ' rtieiimalltm and neiira'gla for the past tin jeuia, auu ineii an Kinua or remeillet. Havliif iicam ao much about si .larobt OH, I tried a ' bottle, and found It truly w1Jiidc;.l.-Po'.,j. , fa I : Bi'rnrnr Cot ar ( asrt Mary F. J. hnaon vs. Ira W. Kutrcll, from Northampton; arirncd by R. II, Peebles for thn pleiiitlfl.ands. J. Wrlnhtfor the defendant. A- J. Had hey vs T. II. l ong ct a's., from Northampt on aruurd by 8. J. Wrlirht for the plaint: If, and K 11 I'o'hlc for the defendant. Jam 'a Yasser vs. J. A- lluxteu Co , from Northampton; argued by S. J. Wright for l! a plaintiff, and II. B. Peebles lor the defendant. R. T. Slp icnson vs. Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad ; argued by R. II, Peebles for the plain, tilt, and S J. Wright for the defendant James Kc.-t-v vs Wiliiiliiirtou on. I We! Ion Railroad Couihauy, from Ilali nx; a gued by Mullen Moore il.y bre-fi for Hi : pluiiitlll', and Spu r Wh taker fi r the defendants. W.J. Rogers, execu'or, vs J. T. Hooch, ad ministrator, from Halifax, continued for absence of counsel. J. I Shaw vs. J. It Diiiney. from Halifax; ar gue I by It O. Hurt ui, Jr, and K. T. Clark, (by brief for the plaintiff, aud T. N. Hill lor the de fendant. It, W. Daniel vs Polly Ho lg'a, from Halifax; continued forabaeuc" of counsel. J. K. Roycll vs Thaddcut VaughBu (No. Ill) from Halilax; niut, on for writ of restitution; ur ailed, by cotisout, by Mulle i li Moora (by brief) for the plaintiff, mid T. N. Hill forthe defendant. Si vri.avD Nki'k I) ittinus ; The spring trade bus fairly opened. Our merchant! ure busy and look bright. The clerks have the pleasure nf seeing the "fair ones almost every day, and uud lln'U the delightful work of put ting up the goods at nigh: which Ihey have pulled down profusely during the nfler noon, Just to keep I h r ui a "few momenta" longer. Soma of the building which have been going up fur weekt are now neailug, comple tion, and add much to the appearance of the (own. Our Commissioners anil lown nuilinrilh's lute been exceedingly uclite, uud have, put things In a bctlcr cn lilton Hun Ihey hove been for y -nrs. There will hp a meeting to-morrow night in I'ltlui. hi's II all fr the purpor of nomina lug c in, Ii, lutes to lill tne town offices fur the en -suing year. We cannot do butter, and we Irusl that e cry one of Hie present incumbents will be renominated and elected. It It ex ccedingly Important al thia period of our his tory that we ahould have the tight men in Hie right plac '. The charades came off at expected on last Tursday night. They were un entire rue ess both In execution and tho amount reallted. The crowd was very large, l-.ielligciit and ap preciative. Th re Is no such words n fail here when I he ohj -et Is a wnrihy one. As we p rllcipated In them we cannot tiy what pr .bi bly ought In be ai l Iu respect to the perform ance. We will only say thai it waa the g n eral opinion that all did well, ami the ubj ct ol pleasing Hie audience realized. There have been in my requests that they be repeated will probably be done iu the near fu ture. The R illroad has reiKhcd town. It was completed ln,t Fiidsy. We feci like saying hurrah ! for Scotland Neck, uud I lie bravo piicrgp'ic people who have put their bauds Iu Ihcir pocke a and gnen us thia pledge nf fu lure siioivas. 7'he laat tplko wis driven by Miss Ketic Sinlih, daughter of Mr. Peter Smith, who Biirveyeil thu road, and who has taken consideraiile Interest iu thn tnlcrprlsp In e Us im Ipteney. lie cau b it believe, and we arc not auper atltiaus either, Unit such a comp'etinii of llil. long looked for, and inn, h desired o'.Ject will more fully iii'iir ilhe linniedi.ile teallr ilhui nf the many benell a which a e ao anxiously ex peeled. Wo venture the iiasctlioli Hut Ihe neai fn'ire will prove llnl this road Is hut the beginning of the prosperity and iiilv.inreinent will, li alii in ike Ihis placo one of Ihe Urst places af Kistem or Western Carolina. We tie sorry Hull lliere w is not more ile mouslrsthiii al lis coin lotion, bu'. hope vet that thcie niiiy be aome one who will tuk hold of the matter, and get up a big "Jolitlea tlon" ineellng. A big dinner was given the hands an Satur day. Sump of them, I presume, from appear ance iltatik as well as ale, and we have haidly even seen a Jul ler ciowd. They have given us the toad, aud we ure (;la,I the dinner waa given lll' lll. Il is reported li-rc today Ihot Mr. Henry Johnson, a in, 'reliant near Palmyra, died yes terday from injuries inflicted by a negro named Tavlir who attempted lo rob lilm tome day tgo. The Coroner pissed through luivu Hps afternoon on his was lo hold an inquest over the deceased. We are not Informed of the cir rutnsta1i''es and facta Iu Hit case a vet. Messrs. W. II. Kllchm and Nunli lll:;i;s hsrc been absent several days in Noifoik attending court. Mist Nellie Wl llims It visiting the Misses Cotton. Mist Mamie Shields will leave to morrow morning lo spend a few days in your lotvn Miss Miii'ilc Kdiuo'iilsoii has returned home from I'tice ltis;l'tite vvlicie the has bean at school. 'Ihe Roanoke Unlun will libel with Hie chuich at I) w ni.'s X lloids uu licit Friday. The church w ill he d iliculoil nn Suu liy. Dr. F. II I'nlclur I, Presided of X k t Fa . t Col leg' will preach the a-rin. m. 7' here wilt be. a la'g - allcndaucc, (Mai III. a place. L 'ok out next lime fur tome more matri monial llciua Capid Is stl I ut work in lh,-e pan. Ke p nn "olj F I, ' pi, lily of material down here This is not intended for old in ,1,1s and old bachelors, if any such Ihrrc be. . Apiil -J itli. is-;. V A R iTtT I iTs . A bhls of ' 1 1 in, lit !', . r I Rne lri-1. Pntstiiet for s, cond p: jilting, Jusl ri ci tv,d by it. W.I Daniel. The n no Hi it no in nf Hie I uguc ball clubi ! caie lo laekl, all vehiiiue. Mil I.. A. Fai.imiiiit ha Jut ree.lnd a' Il uuilful line nl l.a lies pi Hij; Diss (iund and , I r Ii o, . 7'he I. onl's prayer is 11 pi ifcct model not o wont, l.ii ..f j-n l;n ut. Finest filll edge (ioshen Hiitter, and Hilt rdu t rt am Llm se on hand ami tn uinve i It. VV . IU.M1.1, s. A mnn who w fnnn.rlv a night watch man refers to It as his Ia e orciipaiiou. Mb. F.d Tun Kir, the reb iiralcd oirsinan, Kinvsloii, Cuiiads, ss)s:'l have fo in, I f". Jacnbs tbl a sure and certain cure for rh u iiialism, etc." New Yo k ( .1 iwc. Th' re is one thing lo bp avid In fsvor of kti"e breecln a-tliey don't bag at Ihe k:ie Ni'Ksixn moth rt gain tlrcmlh by uslii; Hi iwii' lion Hitlers. It ncs liKe a iiariu 10 re-lrlng to health and strength overstrain d nn, ure. Life appears too short to be spent in nurs ing animosity or registering wrongs. T MB Governor of Norlh Carolina said lo the Oovernor of Mouth Carolina : "Sir, the be.i remedy In the world II Dr. Bull's Cough Sirup" and Hie hiiler accended (ho tn.ii. lie who reigns wilMn himself and rules h a t a-join, desiit's uud fears, is more than a ,u.'. AT L. A. Farinl;'i large tlore Weldon, N.C, can be found Kiisainu Toichou and llietouneand Vermicelli Lacea. A npw kind of ma'crlal for rooting haa been discovered at Fort Worth. Ihu News a va "VlnJ ''rnomhlcy la mo"ng Ins new build lug with cbaraclerbllc energy." We It ipe the n. V u.lerul urill com: Inl) giiic.'aj u a The highest perfection of human reaton la to know tlwl them ia an Infinity of truth be yond Us reach. Take BUCK-DRAUGHT " and you will never Ut bilious. Far tale by Dr. A. K. Coll e ffer A Br . Some men have a Sunday soul which thev screw nn In due timo, ami take oil agaiu cvety Monday morning. The Republican who I kicked it might out nf a Mstolllcf, liniurillaiely reuses lo be a slraighi-oin Republican. 10 sacks coffee, fi bhlt. inolasses nnd syrnp, 20 bhls. he rings atnl mackerel, lard, 50 bhls. prime family Hour just received at L. A. Far, Weldou, N. C. "Tin re will be no more parting there,' said the in a ii alien i,e loosed in to ma uiirr. r tl uv in r his hair shingled. "WINE OFCARDUI" four timeJ JaT makva a happy huusclioM. For a le by Dr. A. R. ZollicniTcr A Rro. Wo are gralilled lo learn that Profenor Tlce, a ue nualhei piophct, Is SO ycurs of age. We will soon gel some wealb'T we can dupiud uu. IVnttty, licallli, ami linpiiucs for ladica in "WINE OF CARDUI." For aalu by Hr. A. K olllcoffcrA Rro Hllnd Tom plavs 7,((X) pircps nn the plsno, II" it sec iiiipaui, d by a kind hciiited man who sees Ihat inihodv cise lakes advantage of Tom. Specui. Notice. - Having rcceutli piirchafed Wliitc A-StuinliaeH's eniiie slock of goods nt a sacritliv, d will oiler for a short lime the cnllic stuck at and below cost. Now Is your lime to secure unheard uf lnr.':iins for a little money, al Ihe ot, .laud nf hc A si.ilnhack. Rcspcitfullv, 7'. L. F.miv. Several Tciana are In J ill at Leadvllle. We always niiseive, I III;, I no mailer wheie Texans liny be, I Ii. y move iu Ihu very best so ciety the p a t has. Ho 1 i on the R mi tiki i, Si'uino.-Oo tu I , A. Karlnh I 's sto'e for the 'nlcsl styles rp nig dress goods, sin h as Figured Lanip, Piques. Jepiiu.-sc si ks, Nuns Veiling, Linen mi I Vicioi u Li wits, Unisscls, Ni ts.Cashmi rcr, A'apiceus and Klaiiiii Is iu all the fashluiiabic shades. They make paint nf Ihe ancient F.gvp' Inn Mi n in in i, s found at Thebes, and too much paint mak.a tin- modem women look like ancient Kn'v miiuiiiiies. The most truthful and uuobs'rulve man in the comiiiuiili v, w ill, In one wet k after he becomes the owner of a nMtei doc, develop Into a talented, gaudy and ions Mar. Talmtigc s-ivs "men of talent uud command ing intellect ate never good dunceis " 'bul is ihe hist lime iv e have seen n-.y public allu sion to out a v u dues. In dan, I114. ' we""aaaaaaMisaBaaaaaiiaaBaKaBaaaBi NKW ADVKKTlSlvMKNTS. OTIC K. Iliiv lng ilisposed of nil my real cs'al and pe smal properlv. I hereby noiiit all pcrso' a hold lug claims ngniiisi mo lo pr. s -nt Ih on for pav m .nt. ami all ,cions win , ure Indebted mm, will si t le at once vv Ith uie or ellli v. v. Hal niv attorney. WM. TI'IINKP, Weldon, IM C. April ,ii v. ap-jJKt My prrcelaln-Hnnl Puiepi ire manufschired under license,and buyers arc guaranired against any and all r'aimi from the Cetepmy holding the patent. Hitn't juil to luuler a nolo nf liia iuinr. ALL the moit Viluable Improvements :a:-. T ie DUTCHIEY PUMPS arsforj.loby the bed houses In tho tra e. Namo of my ntarcst atst il bo furnished cn application to C. G. B LATCH LEY, Manufjcturrr, 808 MARKET ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. apr V, sin rMIK KI-a.lAIII.n Mil I.INKHV Hul'Sli 11 of the .0: SOUTHERN STATES! l MS. M. V.. Hi l l., No li', Sycamore stru.-i, ruTKicnntii. va You vv 111 here llml I' c larg st a-sorlincnt anil and mosi siv -1 1 - la MiMu.-li I I this s do ,, Pars every arlleie of the best, nnd H,,, t lowest pines and lliirr.ililcd In It,, satisfaction Heal l-'r 1 co 11 nueta an I Hals. Hit, hoii. old 1 .id ies iin I, lallis' I 111 e Cap, iish s lr, Oul uud 1 our 11:1111 ut reath-. Veil, Plumes, an t iViot 1 1. Hnlr lion i. Silk. Satins. Velvets. IIiuioiis. Kin. ties, and nod a ip'oeml avsoi-tim-ni ,,1 ircss ITtiiiiuluas, l hllilrens Mil's m e,re t vitrnlv. Indiea' In'. s Uu. Iu nil llie I. I 111. u' I'iiItIi-k with all n.-ies-arv to ma:, oi, 1 a, in ' i n, I, r K irinctiU llositrv of li.levl main-, i 'l.,i,ks 11., minis nn I Hi. m I. I 'hi iilr 'li's lloi'.s The b-st Ki I II ov, 'lade ll'l t l'-otuinerv, i'miuIk I'iitr Vr na 111,-1 1 1 .1 nnd 1 1 lliilmornl Mis-its i ib r .sLIrts. llnndl., r. h S' 11 1 . uud I a l 1,1 , 1 llli Inl llotii' 1 -, 11 I es' I"ie her l-'lt mi -r.l I All r Icrs lllle.1 p id" t" order III best luilll yi:ii Ies on application, ' MltS. M, K. ki l l. d C TATK OK I1H.INI A AMI NUItTH f'Alt- n mi.. tiik i.iui.csi 1 1 nniiMi A- 11 oul inn si: in thk SOUTHERN 8TATES. .'. A", hi I I., Ilf. Svcainorc Strict, I'll I THSlU'Rii, VA. has .M I.I shed a new and I'h unul clothing and t' 11 h llous. at t,,. i..,oe Miiulu'i-, vvheie y,.ll vv 11 nini r,e luo-t llcnutilul s-toek of MllsTlor Ib'oly 111 ide rloihin M -11 ami Hot , Nimh of .New Vvirk, For WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I It. ipioils o'ter ,1 by this creitl llo'l'cni'e ntl III .loila. tor il 01 it.. in, I .very pariuelit rill and made 1 ' , p 1 it I t enst. in work. Von w ill nl-. 1 H id In tins i-ifiil hnu,. every thin 111 lb- g- nl a: d hi.) s f 11 11 1 1. 1 . 1 1 u Is. Milt mi -In. Iiriiwers. M.lrl Fr nits. (,t,ses, N hIi! .-Ii il,, soisnn., i, 1 oiisr-. Ties, Cutl-i 111 nee lo pr vent M toplnt. Tins Is li,e la'cst Sillspell ler oul, Thecil-t on d ptrtlll. Ill I. headed hy t.,. H,,,( s'sllli iiil'.K 111 cult n: nil I fillli i il.lhliK. V011 can luiveali si , ,ss )l e.s made In nrter inlvv .,i,i Aiturt lo" -.ei.iiiiu y,,ilr 111 -u-uro will I c mailed voit on iip, lie ,1001 t. .pet Iter with samples III' II. -O S 111 lleel Ir III All co 1 - s d I ,v ml . i,,ii-c ar.' warranted; Ih In ut v will I, r.-f 1111 led if . li y do nol p'l-.isr , I order. proiupHv llib d. w liob snle sid retail. No i ll rce f. r r- nir.ii"c v vv I, i n a; ,k, iu,. h nt I'll HI.) eypii'.s lieu,, ,.i,et iii 1 Moithcril lion,.. 11, 1 not fail loseinl v our .o.b rs or etl " M- K. Kl I.I.. oef.':t Iv siJ. 1N"1. 0(UlK. Mtlllll.K WtOKKW, (Ks:abMu. iu im;', I Carefully made 0 Drvt Selected Q limber. -3 Sycamore slii-et, opposite llsll in. IKIKUSLlflKi, VA Mo 11 11 111 cn (si. Ion In. rellfl, ll'nUMonai nnd OritTrsitnnr of every descrip'luu mad to nnler rai'itins In prle Irom t', ut,, lieaigoa sent by mail in any nd, In ta, with post ag .'ami iciiiM'd lor return. av li n order nr.- reecived, the Work Is pre. pan-il and forvv nrded; if 11 docs not ulvp perfe, I sntisflietlivii. prehlis"is are reilliesled In return nt in eiens I paying fiMK'ii born, ways l.o .vest prices mid cheap fr -Ighis guarantee 1, t or c-1'Ohdt' solt 'tte l from all sections. iUM. M. WALSH. 11 l iy. Anvi;iiTi.sraiENTS.,c STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate boinetaldt strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, " Oh ! I wish I had the strength!" If you ara broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life.was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501 N. Frrment St., taliiatera Muting tlie war I wai in jured in the stomach by a piece nf a shell, aud have inlicrnl fi omit ever since. Abontfoar ycarsago it brought on paraly lis, kept nic in lied sit months, and the best doctor in the city laid I could not live. I inhered fearfully from imlic;estion, and for over tw o yeais could not cat solid food and for .1 Lu ge portion of the time w.tsunat le to retain even liquid nourishment. I tiicil I'.iowu'j Iron liiilcrsanil now after faking two Lotties I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Deckkju BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tons to the nerves. N uTIi V. I Mil U K ! the cotieei 11 ..f While slainbicU h.avs miida nn 11. I iinii ii! lo in.. t,.j pi,, bviield id'heir cr. tt All pcrsoi, s Imb-ld , lo hi. Ill colveeril iniit make iiiiuietlliite pavnieiit, or 'lndr ac count will be placed III hands ol uuiilt .rney lor collection. '1 his Wll Feb. IM'I. I'.X.iiT.VINIl.VCK, Trustee. fell if X OTIC K To the creditors 1 f .1-11. Vinson, deceased ; 'I'il'.l ,,,.1 ... II... I t .. I I. I ... L , ..v -., i ,,,, low oeeil -. .11.- , ,1-1,, 7.1011-11 r t otii llnl, r,i 1'., ton,- v., I, f V.. Ilowrrsn .Idlllillistralor of J. It. Vinson, I'eass.l liir an aee. lint unit fcett l.on,.i,f ,,f l.u deal- inlnl! t it' ion. .'Hid to en io,.-l 1,0,1 t.. ,. ,.. , t ervdilors of sa , ,b c used wlmi may parshla You u 111 1 1,, ..,.... tl oore I' e ..-ii. 1 I Ins oltn e In llii'iin loan on or bi-f,,r Ihe .".itli tlar of alar. s'J. snd til youl' ev Idclii e , f I'cbl duly ailll entlcaled. or 110. I, I i...t U' , o I... l..l I.I 1... ... 1... . ' ' 1 "' " "i 111, 11 rreo.rv. Illvcn nil, lei Illy luiilil, till llllh day of April, . "i 1 . vi iv re 11 1 1 , fU'iL Superior C. urt. n;.r 1,1 i 0 It S A I. R. The farm si!uut.. dv-a mlli south west or the town of l.itiietiui cnniiilnlni; liewen t ami ai res, and lorui.rlv known n. Hie "Hooper Place." Ills in inline Ii, ne pnnimly to Iho irrsai I'sniiec 1 Kpiiua.," Kcvl leiiee larito and coniiuudlotis. Tectii iiiipreei.,teiitctlly easy. For parr.eiitars. uddress Mils. M. K. Mil. Ms, l.miatun, X. C. i I N V. ' I K N j 1 N KM (.it.'i nl A hoi 1 for (he Krle rns;iii: also Aiit for Hie Kciipse eiijine. 1 hresti n k mil ills and mill machinery generally. ( orre p iiitcn.t a..- Initi',1 r J J '. II.MIKI", kto-v, K.C. X O T 1 C K. He virtu.-of Ihe paw -r conferred u; on mt m im, I bv a deed of un. i tmls-s evccuti .l bv I.. V I one,, K ,,i,v ,n ,v. .,, ,,m1 r..V'1-.lrfit in tlieoilkn. of i ,e ll.nsirof lor llH'Ifat con ii -t iu Hook cm on psic I'1". I w ill on .-alii r dnv Ihe i.'li ilsy o( Vbv lion m il f,,r cash in lit-, loan of Weldou iu siil e, unit . ., ,,r p,in-cl of llli I ill suul ile-d heil, eontiiinli ,ma hs'.frfsn sel',.. situate at the corner of Seeon I and MllHivry str-elaalnl hen u the lot whereon sin, I I. M I oli( uud S K. I "lie I, idc. ... J T (iina II, MorU-nee. Weld n N. ('. Feb.. 11 1'S). fed mm. W1JL1Mrt'1 I An tr.lirt Nf it (ri nr-iliylf tfftrtl M ' Ha-nrj, (,r Mtr rj .J (a)ftn tmt t rt 8ir.ihfti liniN.tnu u t Imvotfiir h iu o!r tH . u . i. r.,sl M,.i,a. e, , , Shi ,( ,1, t MM. T ka rfili eiai4 1 ia,.(4 a it a. tiiai iaMtta, ii im 1 lwy(tra Wi'l Mt tf-li.t't p-tfi "t f .if T t. af iMlu.aait aaat ih let l ia atta t. ttji ,. . i i , jl lama TTrys, a) lH4i ii t rnti. .1 hi s4aa .tM at tat M't'tl) fstarajatM Ittl l I 1 rt asa-r.yl taii.faiisjt. ( M aa bsj if iha M. -ii. U I r faa -s t iw ! (-: mmt itws l f tav .! a4 M tall i.r; ) tvt,.i Tin fcm.Ji ,.i,.w. af . I s, s ae-.. M H. I .,.., rf..... ....... a r - 1 .k, fc..,, i aas, w ) -m- f .a i.. . k, bm.i,MM4 m r. i. ... -. .- , s (" tW-H-a I- -i t, ,u. w.t tsV.s Wm-X H ii risVc ms bv cbiif iE'mi c mist's . V O T 1 U H. " " " ' Hnv,i.Kriii!inotlb rirptlic rft.Ualo J.ilir of HtlifRK t'ouniy iu A-tiU'iiiiti itlor of Virfrtr Kin dtM't'iiv 1. Im.- ol Mlt, roniitT. NVrioe t hfr.'.iy siwn lt nil p-Nnii liIUrc rlnhn HKMiiH tli -.utc il piiiii i(r-'yi-tiHi. to ltrwHnt IhHin t.nni, duly imtln-nticHte.,, on ur hufuro April Huh AH p-mn iii.l 't.fc ) to lute fth- rrinrstrj to nwku tmtrtxlia'a? Ivinout. April Nt im. j i.. stKniiK. A'itiilnntrat.ruf Victttr tKltit, dcofiiftoJ. pr6 6w W A N T K D. To purchase nicn from Mo years old, wo'ch In IS'"' lbs . aud up vards. Parries wishln io s II. will sial ace, s so, eon Iii lull, whether bmka or uubroke and price. lt'KKSJtIlTII,nuckhorn,Va. apr f II. , i W K t N N S O N, Mam TAcTt-iiKtianr avn Hiu.i;bin au. kixmoj 4'arrliirs, II a run si. Naddlrii, Brld'ia. Collar. Curts Wheels A y'isi Varmdcail ttnrsa clolliuiK, laip Robes, ic, Se. H. l'i,tl'nlonSt., cad ly. Nu-'alk, Vt. I', tKMT-1't.ASS I10.UID AMI LOlitilMi l ull ba had by applvin to " MKS. IP - T WII.KtXH. A few diavisbcKiw tin I' .-i neee, ppsis.e of the slrt si, togl u. Viidcn.X.C. f ssiyar'sy1 sJ''' ' js-ws"