f HE ROANOKE NEWS. I '. -ademdckatjc ; J JUKKLY NEWSPAPER, f PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE. n Year. In advance, ilx Months. 1iri' M-iiillii, 2 fin I no 71 .-In A D V EIITIS E M K NTS. DR. t,ma BSOtJLAtOtt. R KIJH'J NE fur prv-mtt-ry, K t.A IIim-I-h'Ih: I'l.-eiiir i ur-hu., A IT ctl()iim.f lV Ith-H-r nn-l Kf Inrvs Krwr 4t'.vt.-iV- 'lt.ii,--.. Mimh i-f Hiv s;-.ii,, hud H ,.f t U ht'V i, ? I inuiif-.;;- i.r I; jntiM-:i ol tliC . !tr R i ; ' .yt (-fill" lirilU'M')- ln.rt" rDKIUlM'Ul''! ' IIW Hl"ir irtUin in ( h 1 I v r u li .!) i ' ii" ni"-t prc Fftli'iif nll: l i t!.i 'uti-ii rv jih-I iu hi tti my I'm? m tie nt ts i l w i ili in thv rt'M'h t- ii jth j(jhui, 'I 1 tK-i tVil vh .in - niiuily i ii ti f -1 .r-ni i Icil Hi H p - J i th-l in I h- !un i in; 'iii 'V ,,"M' til-i-,"ii I vl V ji."v nn i -.if-. I'tur .'pi, t lie Hmr i, i r tti. "I 1 ! iN I! K' J I ' I. A 1 1 jit, 4bn' (MM h tt t ilultt, I Iii 1 si ill ll nfll III ll.'ils ami olii-lHli iii iii tin .s,niu'i I m LIVER II I" i'in Is i-lf ut. l.r die n nili hi hr. i mi 't t MU i-s il tiLk n itir lu'imi. iil-m in ":!nf Htm, "I ( Klntitich ii jBff.vTTj wiui I. -. .." .p t le ft'i-l hi. U if s ., Ii iv 1 In ti- icriil ntv ..n.i't iii''" illrruiitiuu' wit'i lu: tli In n l i ir.-iii-U'.l n Ii iiu ii inviiiu-Aitl-'d vi'li ii tin I, h iivv .--rti-.il. .ii Tin-:" is tifriilly a fi-ini-li'tuiil" hss ..f uic iwi ntT'-ui-vii with n i.i inn! mi oi' hit v i m I.-1 1 tiftIone Kuiut'tiiiiii; whit li mi'ii i Ii:i c 1 fen ,-rlftne. K nli(;!iT ro i ts si Mm I nitr an uiti-ml:iMt. Th-1 pttlk'nl i-uiniiltuiiHul we., iti-s- uu.1 d -Inli'tv ; h$ is i-ftiily snir l i. iiN fft-t ;in r. I . r l.un.ni'f. Ml I e lMtt!iilis ijf ;i pr f!i!y M'tiMtiui of Mi kin; hi sp ri'ti a o Uw; nit 1 nl Imn h -uti-(i 'd tht cst'ri-i.-o Wuul.i i.f h iifii iih h hitn.yi-i h- fun g'Tt'lyiuiiitH"n up f-.rti ml i; mii ( t . (;y it. 1 furl i s ru-ls I'vi-iy rt'iii- Uv. s.-vt-nil of tl;e ifrove vmpt -in- iii'cii i tlm ili'ivf. bnl t'lws htve n'(! mt'mI vh n I'. w oi Hk iii i-v m"1. J-t A9iiiui!i"n of the hoity Kit -r -Smth. Ii iishuwu ti.i; Llv-rto huvi b on ex ftiM-e'y l imyi il It slioilHl be ut'l by itli i.;,isnrm. o t ;iti.l turn j, wtipiievfi any ol fie fun.'i.'tinc vin-unii :ipp i II is a piTfl v 'tMuMe rtiinp.'ii;.il. ut it Ju rlituff tn rh mo-i ,it;ll--nt (...iM hiti.'i., m i will ilw liv"r in haltln ticiinti if tu-t-ii- prtii.---ly. J'erHon Hvil 111 uiiIrhI'I;)' I fiilitiu-" m T'i't nil b lftniH nttucitK .y t;ik'iiii l ist- uct: na tal ally to H'M'p ill txr U In-iiltliy ucti.m. l'V,v rlji'tln-n (.'Oinpl-itif inj f colic IhihI:m'Im, or b k toniai"'!, a t Mtap inlil ir noic will kIvi f.-lit-r. Clulil imi, an wil ha titlults. rat EEGULATOIi ouiftlm 'tt to niiKji s'ipp'p. or cut sonii'UiiuK wlili-li tlO 'S X t ii4ivt V 'II pnnlni'intt wmir Mmii' Mh. heartburn; a ( md ilmu will ,ive ri-lii'f. Thi applies to poi'snnH of nil ii'fs. Mnny peMitiii, fr.im natir.j; tqn mnr, pr; rest hhfint nlffht, or hi ifuy t ino hvv fnluefy, wool fathering, 'ii'8t mi ifrsinml wlmt thi'.y roixl, DAniiot ktep (Ij-'ir Hi7tK'b;h on uiy ne uijci'i so eto nnuioti well, or b-ynu IVi fiii. Olio tT two ble.HpuoiiftilM wiU y i vt r,'.ikif. JittNiiicK.wXakyiMi9iiir Kcunlftr ffiT futln-,' f li lucyl. tg inuiiivo on.) m. I ut-i.t.ii from ilie pixels exevv dav. )'r Kiitit ladifM will Hud Kiiro rt'lhtf rr nn their idn'h. o-tivn k-, Mvim-intiK i tho brad. Mltc, fytir nttiiu.irli. re-HI.'SMiH-s, 'tc. It it mild iMd fliiltM litem bettir than m m active nu'dirim . llT no ov.i)rM or nl'i'inrfiil si M 1(N 1.1 VKIl JtKulM.AI'iK u nl- in c,iir I'n.'iuvcil wniiiifr, well Tradi'-Murk.stauipuiid Siniitiir unliruttn ' ' J. K. 2?II.1N X CO Mnf'on. (1:1 rim! rj.lliJtJii)ihi. I SvJ BY ALL l)Kt'iblTv bbltly i V. J. N AW. jSAKER & CONFECTIONER. 1 W K L ft 0 S, N. C. : 4- very lr mipi'ly o tOk, Crickpi-B, (.aiiUiif, Krouf Ii nii Blaln, , H.umiia. KrwilM, Nuts, ic. . JlkelirgAst Htoi'k nf Tkj'h of fvy variety ever ' 't brought to tli ia market. ' Orrtr for cnnl's, paki, !;., HUed ai Uiort tiiolical Nortlifrn iriii'j. Wfddilift Mid ollirr partes Kuppllc, I ok rrieaH ft tllf chcaiH'Mt. iictlfily. The creat suncrioritv of DR. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP over all othercough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. I For tlw Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Jiron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption ami for thercJkfiif consumptive persons in advanced stage, of the Disease. For &ile bvall DniRgisU. Price, 2,' rents. 4 ov 10-t in. rW-W-'lIALL, JCaaba found In tli Konck Soma Olfloa. Wii.diiv, Ji. C. tsrttiis, Brw York Undcrwr t.r. "Airlrultiiral" of WntnrtnwH. N. 3T. ' Voa'Krn, f Toronto, raiuida. famlleo. of Tariwiro, N ('. - Lynphliiir-r, of I.ynrhlmrir, Va. Equitable Llfu linuranco Co. o ii. AVtlll plM rUka In any other ood coinpanr low Mffratfa, ' ,n.'vli)y SHI I'HTBl 11 1 MiTTl I I llli.,',.l,rf.ai.kt.l' X JtlJli VOL. XI. KOW SILLY 'TWOULD BE. I'Yon hiv hour 1,'Vald a yauth tnliUawci'tliaart, li'i lood Wli li- h.'snt on acorn s!ic:if nt ilnylit'lit's At- Clltl'1 'Yon huv h,'iir,l oftti" Danish boy's wlilstlo of wood : I wl h tl. hi tlic I'ttuish liny ' whivilp wort-mine." ''And what would vim do with Ii ? 1Y11 m'' sha Ml (I, While an arch amllr lyrd over her bmuiltful "I wo'ild Id.ov ! ,' In. nnswrr, (l, l'and thru my f.ilr Mi il.l Would II, to my aid.' nud would llu ro take lor pliri'." 'N ttint till you i isli fi.r ? V- Ills AVliy, that mny ti W't .toil mi liii'i'ic'" lli.. f:,lr nialil'-li 4 "A Mmr -ll.-l,' ,i,i y . i . I n, il in Alld 'III' ,) Vj- m,; ,., lllTo Il .) Ilj, "1 ; ' I wiuild Mow II niiuiii i ll u in Id llu )otii!i,' and the Woi.ld i 'id, i linn ii. 'I ,'V'li in, o il, i No rt i - ,i k r' In. Ill ln lie l.".e.V'H Oil... ); k )"lir wlillc llllll.. l!n -.iiuli',1 nt,d sin- laid Ikt whtfl h:- link. "Y--t nt'i'" liiiM'i' I w,.itl.I lilnw, and t'n musi,- dl- Vlhl'. U o, ii, i.rln i mi' a tlrr I ntio' nn -1 n t t. i.iiv., And would lny jour I'.i.r clotk t t hi lo'uu u i,u And our lipn stfu a-t it woi.1,1 Ive no' if T' c maid n l:in-:h -d out ill li.T inn. t'fiit nice--" Ii i' a f. )il i, I yoins dl Willi the w lu-w io ynii',1 inuki' ! K i'v coii-jdoi how-dMy 'Hv.tu'd b; -r.iit lh eiii wli sl. ft..- wloil yo-i miuhl lako.i' ' COODr BYE, SWEETHEART. Twjniiiir ii; a fnist liomnl jraidcn; a ygniio; gii l wit li ii lji'yiti liiiig tui'i' am) soft, Iji't'i'V pjolilcii curls, wrappoil in tlie ricli bi"yn uf a xoal r-liin, tramp ino; up ami down tlio IVoa-n paths and liniiiiiiiiio- llu- ii'lrain uf a !ay ion liiiiiniiiiig it wit li a vicious little Miiilo upon her e ir.il lips, booauso lio knew there were a pair uf a Im ino; eye watehino; her ;m,( i',ns Ip-iouing tu her in the Kin iililiery. 1 elia Morse w.: neither unkind n ir inaiieious .do nut lor an instijt sup pose tliaf,; she wasjmt a bi'il)t, Ijj'ely litlje creaiure, mid like other girl-), would not refuse a mild flirtation whan it was offered lief, or in ii was in ihja ease, uhsoiiilely thrust into her face. Will, Lei hi kept on hiiiiiiiiiii; unlil a (I nk hh ido'.v loll uoross her path, and she knew she nyi-t halt. fcio she raised her blue eyes with a iiniii:i'' assumption ol hid prise, i x- claiiuin-; : Why, Mr. lj.irton ! How jmu startled I did not intend to. Miss Lelia, was Arnold ljartoii's grave repouse, I merely cauiu tg tell j'uu that I am gu inj uwar. Jilileed where 1 To China. She was stuiijiiiig in pl.ick i-i.i-.ier il golden ehrj ant heinuois so that he :i!d n i see 1 1 1 -i- f.ieeas he spulie. I!usines, I suppnse f die siid, a I, lixill, the VlT'ieiiee to Ann. Id said, I e.-lie yill- limiehalanlly as s'ie c nili hhi-sonis in h 'r co-it. It can make vei v little i you what calls mo away, angrily, ninee yuii have Vim. J-i ho 1, eri n iw t Yes. u as the deli int. r I have lieen to driye v.' ill. him an I he is now with 1,'e' ju the house having a em, ol tea III V aunt, Mis Morse, You find this Davis verv a 'lce Very.. And you like him ? NVhv'i houliI I mil ? nd he loves you '-t 1 caii'iMt answer thai ! Toil me at iea-t no you two ca- g lire I : Tiu'i'e w is a misteiTuI ii i in the man -s voice whnvi nritu eil (ue unmil girl ' Y"tir fi leStiofi is ' imp 'I'tineiil, Mr, llanon, -,ie eried, iioud!v, a id I reluse o"iuiswi-r vfiu.iT ;7 t ' " Y. U vi.l noi rel.' X i say'toijil liy'e, r , 1 l.l'lia .' ( looil-liyo. lie catighl her hands for a moment. in his linn tfi'asp, tin 11 broke oil' a sin gle one of tlie yellow Ciiristniiis roses in her bosom and lura 'd Iro n her At thu end of tlie pili -Ini H 'k 'd back and extended his hands dvading- (1 10 I bye, nwec! heir:; In; cn' d tin- stoadily. but nl,c did 11 jt raijie lnreyc-, lid tii;t :ttis er him.' Theft he was )l,e, and I. ell 1 Wis aloti". 'I hat. id glu sin' did not coral down todiiiti 'l' with Miss M u'se :cid L"nI'C Ii.ivis, and when li"r aunt visited Icr I'uoin to iinptite into llu cause, sh" lounil 111" p ior chilil ilie-se l, lying in a soiiirl ili-oa.ii'i'S.s sleep Up hi li"i' lie I, with tetirt twinkling like dewd rops upon her golden lashes. I'iye sutntiieis havo burned them selves away; fue winters have howled their might in storm, and A mold Mar lon has returned to his native laud and tho home of his childhood. lie meets Leslie I'avi.s by ell me in the village, and receives and gives in return the cordial greeting of an old friend. I heard of your marnicro to Miss Morse, Arnold suy-i in a stiff sort' of way, ami 1 irtist 11. is not too late , ior me to congratulate you. You're are very roud. my dear f'el low thanks, Davis saya yill; languid lndilU'rence; yes, 1 urn very, tuuon mar ried. Wu were spliced soo after you left fur China. I suppos.; shy's as well as wives lrfiieraliv sue: but, with 11 sigh (hat, told iis story, I envy you hap py b o'l lor11. A mold felt his blood boil a.1 this covert insult to Lelia; he knew that the case would have been far different J if he had married hid first ami only ;ove. 'WELpp?:N;;a, Thursday, may 25, mt , ii... Von yj ilj come and dine with nn and M C l.l'IIU, (J , .Nll l 1 I 1 1 ,1'elifve A'lnl used to be g'lod triends, and she'll be jrhid to welcuiiie yon luuiie. AVill you foine to niolil f 1 , . . Il airifl'ahfe'to Toil ittel Vflur wife. I can answer lor both ol us. Don't fail us. Add he did .not; -pi was- noxious to see 1,-liij a fie 1' all llicse years, nud to see lyhcther her ill asoiU'd marriage had altered her. My wil'f, Mr. llaiinii, Davis mii.l, three hours later; and Arnold hi urd the swt'i'p of i I k c , 1 ro4ii-s cIosd at i;i; side. - : , Ki'l' an ins-lint he fell ns if he could not. misnltis 1 yes; but. at. la-t. he niadi! a desperate effort, and l-i! before him he saw the smiling countenance of ,1 iss M use, I."iia's wi allhy hut somewljat iiiieieiii auiit. Your u ifi ! he gasped, ai)d thj'n he saw lii-lj 1 in the d.i'ij'U ay . , The .imc'lovcly I !i.:, wiil. the hl.le eyes and ijl'h'ii liair. I timing to DiviPj -in an attempt to cony-cal lni' :iiioiiieiitaiy codjusion, ' he said, I.iCjrhiiigly' ; ' '' ' ' Yin; must introduce me, tu llii Udy also. t ; No ijeed of that, tin; gir n.i'x ad vaiieii.j with oiji.streehed hands and a In iglu smile, lor I am just as you left me Li-li.i Morse still. lie could have ulcss"d her lor those wolds, since her fond eyes told him that ijhe had been wailing, waiting patiently, waiting for his return, ami tor him only. It was a Imppy, jnyou dinner lhat nighl, and when tiny ruse I mm the tanle neiihcr Lclkil imr Arnold otl'ercd any protest as Mis. Leslie Davis an nounced her intention' of attending a woman's lights meeting, and ol having Imt lui'baiid act oMlpany !ier. In AeeJ wu Fy iiioivlf Can.' yuit Jiot guess the 'rest '( " '. ' ' , ' 1 Yes, the mania re of Arnold and I eli.i. was. the event, of lite seasun, and. wlun lie reluriieil to Hie oi l gi'ainl, home he h id mule for himself 111 the kingdom ol flowers ho, ha I mi need to pronounce those saddest of words ' liood bye, sweet heart !'' HDWTJ BE HAfvpSOE, Most people wo. ild like l i be lrinilfome. Nobody ik-nim Hie creat poner which try oi'I'moi ai.iy have who has a hanilscuie fa 0 uilil altl ids y.111 hv i;o.i I looks eien Ix-foicu word h ts ti -cu -.k'-n. And we see nil aoria ' of devices in in. 11 an 1 wouica to iaiptovo llieii looks. Now, all caiiuiil hive i;o ol r-'iit lives tln-y iue as d 111 i.li Ihe, 11 -ImL almo.t anyone Can look well, esp'i'l.iltv with 411. id lli'.lllll. U I-. 1. ir I to Mice i uI.-s in a very short iip.ice, but In brief Ih'Mi will ,!. K ,;( cleui -.i-.i n-.Jy. All the akin want-I-.'i.i. 1 act fiee y, oi l It lak' S care of it ..-If. Its ih ia-.in 1 of .1 r diolei iii i.t 11 it tin cIom',1. ; tC n i(,'ulailv, and sl cp en-uuli not too 00 noi -'i 'J ae st. 1 ni.-a e.m 1:7 111 ' re work all ihe 11 in-. ii.l;!,i, ai,.I d.iv, Ihuu a liui.e. U inns! h IV-' r-!u ir wot;; n.d rest. (1 in.U.'i'th an-a h '!p to -.'a . I ou!; t'Ush th -ni w ith a soft Inii-li. .p- -i.il'y .1 ni-(lit, (in tu bed "i'll . I an .1 nlli. Of emn e to h ite w hiip t .-el h It is in- ilful 10 lot toli.ic. 0 alone. A I no ne. 1 know tint. VY.i-.ties for It. e. leetli rh -at I he vrrv al.iiple. A id may whiten the te.'th, but it tikes ..II the cii.iincl an .1 it'j 11 'i 'li"ui sleep in a c "l r inn. i 1 pu-v :iir. No oni) can Ii ive 11 el-'ieily si.lu wli 1 i.r.-.iile-s ti.id air. Bic more Hi in .ni, in or I -r i lo .k w -1:, w .ke yp iiiiii I nnd ..oil. VVlieii the iiinid Is aw.i'.c, Ihe dull l.eiy look pis-i-s 11w.1v from the ej.-s 1 do not kii'OV tliii the In. 101 I'Xjt.i i.U, hut it s.-ein- so. I'llink, .il.d l"a I, n it h.i-'iy 11. oris, bill t oolvs uud i I" ih il It .iv a "tlni'i; iii tl.e.n. Men aiv tii.-y eai.tiot n!T.id I ka, and sp iietiuH-i. do uat u jv.j- f r a n-w.i'.ip- r. In Ih.ilcslse it does tlie. n little j;.io,. ttuy fe. 1 o mean while readinj th.-tii lint ui.-u can lllT ild what 1 ! i . v r.-allf ill in.;" If ull Ihe i'"iev ejn'nl in -c7 iujal vi. o, in Uui iful ill dtil-janc", apeiit la bonks and impera for self improvement, we ahoiild aee a chance. Men would srrnw hmdsoine, mid woaien t'io. Ihe soul would shine out lliiou-jli Ihe ayes. We wi ri p. it Iji jiint (Iff Hf ,n.ere uiiimala. , I.r I us hate took ami ea-J 111 'in, heed iln-ni. I ' 1 ' : 1 ami paptia ami VViut Siiljkw'-VoW-,ttorili describes thu clown's appri-'-iitloft uf nutiire : "I'll pronroe I iv th', river's r o , , y.-liow prlinioM. was to liiUi, 1 Ami il u.ii. i ni . i in uioie.'' And Sir I'll nil is Hro-viie said, "Uod reei-ivea no honor from Ihe vul,' r liua.ls Ihil -;api! alioiil llr-m anil a l'illro lua wurlis with rustic star". Hut wh it la 11 to look up in the world with a devout sense of its grandeur and beau ty, we never aaw more lluelv expresed th in by a tiUle nn 1 of t. ii years, w ho went. Up Mt. Washington Willi her father and aeveral Uieuila. 7'he day proved aliuwery, and the partv felt much disappointed at the ahutliny nil'..f the t- jir.opr.et, B lyw, stretcliiii-; uut ward in all dlroethtua, lay ilvp allvera.-a of clon ic amid which lit,'htnliiL;a were sern to pan mid writhe like ijiljed aerrent, and rain which the thunder came lip tu the cur, ijeal after peal. We, knew lhat down the valley rain was deu'emllu-; In a torrent ; wlufj on lie wiio weie ahtnte the rloiiifcialionc tliu aun lu niiclistrctcd and awful aplcudor; TU eye wandered away like the dove Srom Noah'a ark, lhat found no place to rest her foot. 4 Well, I ucy," said her f ilhcr, hreaklui; the alienee, "llieiills nothing to ho teen, latin-re?" The child cauittrt Vcr lircatli, at.i respanifud rov trcnlly -"() pipa, 1 -.i the doiulojy!" Yea, eieiywher-i n.itu e epeaks 1 and aava : "I'taiae Uod Iroiy wli mi all bU-aiuj;e f!uw." Hobliisun fuller a loinr whist buut at the clu'o) "It'a awfully )atc, llinwn. VVliat will von sav lo your wife ?." I'rovvn (In a whlsner) - ."Oh, I shan't miv mm ii, lou know; "lioud inornini;, dear,'.' oy Soiuetblit of that sort, shu'll say tli rest. - - - , . ; ...... . , . . Thu time for ynutiK people to tpoou in cur ses', is licQ the lie cream scasoa ids lu. - NEGFtQ SUPERSTITIONS. Thtra tins lietn no factor In Anirrlrnn p dl tlc will 'li tiaa lu-eli to potent an t forinliUhle t the Aii,fiiciin neicro during t lie last half ci'iiVmy. , Tlii la a ioa!uUt(i which haa bt-en o lborna-;hlv prnrrit y the liii ory of our Country for Unit peiio l Hint It limit no nit-ii-meni ; mul tie r. fore. anyiliUii; relulliig to hi tare in the L'nltcd .State 1 lu'eri'stim,-. Ilia polidcul atalua. Ills fnpaellj for ioitkal ponl tiou, and his lliiiena for llu' I'll -.lil-j.'iil exi ri-l.e of the elei'llte franeliiae are n -.1 1 i 1 1 s to be ile ti'inilneil liy an ripenmeiit yet too incjpii'iit to allow of even an opinion. Hut hi. aoeial and 11101 ni st;il ii in ctoarly ili llnecl and hat louif beni tini'oiii;lily iiiideittood, ut least by Ihoae who have been liilluiiiif with his nuno;nsdln-, and j a-m!r-itioii-i. 'flu' moat prominent il ileviloeil trait, in Hie ni-ffi-o eli'iraotci- la aupi'rsliiion. It may lie I naid that aiipemtilion la the religion of Hie ne 1 urn raee. In llm older Slate of the 8"iiili, ea- pa-lnlly Viih'inlri 11 n . I Nortli t'inu!ina,lhla la eni- iui'iillv and roi'apirHOiiily true. Bun e of tlieie I iperlltioiis are exeeeili'iijlv f.m;ifnl mid poet j if, and II is u mailer of MIlpLulo me, Unit some iihi-eivant niilivi'SoBiln iio-r of education Ini-i not J. 1 iiji ami iven to Iho lileruti;ie of Hie copiitiy a volume on tlila ahjet-i. It un-jr.la' heri- roniiirked lhat all the muiiy tliln-; wnttcn about the Southern d.iiUy, from "fncle Toin' C'lihin'' down to Mr. .toel t'liainller ll irria' tji'iik, are exin,'i;crati'i tinv.--.ties, bolli of lllc ipanni'ia 1,1; lai jf na-c of Ihe in- r. -. If eoiirae iiobndy who knows anvlhinj; of life In the 80111I1 ever belii veil in ll' iilisurdilii't of Hi". Sliiwe's bonk, which fioin lla title p:i-;e to II linn in i;roas imd extrav.;a,,t nii.repr ai ntalion of Soulliern io'kioi and .Soiithi ru aoi-ictr. Hat nolliin better coyhl be ex peeled from one who from her cradle wa tauulit to hale the South and lis Instltutioiia. Aa for Mr Hai-rio' hook, 1 must protrat atfainst 'Unelc. Kenno-'' m a rcpreai'iitailve of the SiMiihi'i 11 in-cro race. No such i:ion-.trofily ever exialcd oul-dde of C'oiin, and no such laiisiniKe was ever nsril' In- ai y planlnlbm dari.cv as Mr Mania pm Into Ills iii-uiUi. I can 110I po.Mlhly biiii); iiivaelf 10 believe that Mr. Harris in a native Soullii jiie;-, or lhat l e tin u'ivi-ii Ilia) stn.lv to (I1.1 rhiu-'ictcr lie nt tempts to llliis'rale which a'lowld entitle linu to writ" and ul'llo a look 011 IJie suhj-i t. 'I In-10 (.-r. 1, in his iior iial coiidilion, la a ii'-'-rtei 'l( Arieinua War.i u'd eayl "amusing ii-.s,'' He is full of kiii llv feelln-ra aii.l e-tnJ'ious impulsi-a, am,1, allhoimli hia sku 1 ia lliiek uud lui l-ialns Ihlu, hit Ii i t li aofl ilml full uf'L'lowlue- fancies and i. liui.ria fervor. Ills icliylon is n iiulnnil Insilin-t HI:. that uf the iiii'iiloiid Indian, iiinl apiiuu from an ihii.ite i otisci.Misness i ' Hie aoul'a ill) nmrl alii y w)iicb the Creator mercifully linplniiled in ;.'eiy hum. u loeasl. )le helieii s that the iei,'th s avast stationary plain over which the sin. u; io i and stirs ciicle in Iheir daily and ii'mhtly i or; lhat the a',y Is a Ian -;il.e sulifl nice un -ji. nt!, 1 many mil. -a H'-.oe Us nnd forms the ft .or of heaven as it docs thu l-eilin-; of our woil l; lh.lt hell is a venial. 1c lake i I tiie and lulu stone one siltint' d ,il thu renter of tlie catth, and th.it Hie aoltl is trans .oited iiiitne.lia'ely after death to one or the ol her place l.y an invisible iiu'ency vvheie ll a-.suui. a the f inn and body it wore In life, and wlo'tr It ut on. e t -,. t,t its eternal lnppi-lie-s iy liH-rnetlt. 'I'll it on the .l .y of Jn-le;. tnVnt those y. living and I hoso who ha.'.- died ill Ihe p.i-t will lie uiih-;oi..1 to receive llieii atutenee - the t it. r rem itided to ihe'lr j.l u-es of nloiy or pei.lltiun. as Hie ca.' lloiv I.e. Tliey believe Ih .t all III-- nppli Hu es of the J'ld ;uielit, the lid one, U.ii -jidl.-ii pn-mc'ls of luav-.n, an;, li" haj ,vs, us well a Ihe Urea of fiell nnd ail its un.iuii ed lion .i, are iiiateii.il siilotan ces. In abort, t In-v t iU, all the utclapliut and li:;ur,ilive lano me of ihe Lil.le in a at i it-' I v literal "en-. I'll. V heli'-ve as impo i'v III Ihe so nl Identity of the "Old ,h'p of Zimi" aa miy Bkipper bi'lievn In jk ifal'.ty of Ihe trim craft w ho..' ,1 ck he Heads It'll uiid. rlv. m; nil this mailer of -fuel aliu pliciiv tlieie tan v. in of superstition w!(cl: even more thin his u.-neial teiiimnis fmii no 1 feeling eontrols his conduct and i.c'i.o s tho . uh lif -. and In wh"e tinlh ;..i.I iii.'alli- tll I' V In (.' ices an .e idll.-; c til lii. i ,( '.'. A f.'VV e:. nn, 'o'fi ni iy sci ve iii exh. Idi u jil.iin.-i- view of his ch -l.l, ler ,.iu.l ni.y Icno'd tleali-o oil plivsiol"-;. iitul i t, Ian, in In- I;,iiv iii nnd his lll-ctptes. f f a person p uses III roll ;ll I. f iiief ll pr-ieea-sli'll III- will die le foir the oldest pvisnll it) IVit pi-ice-'ion, loll If he wails until it h a passed by before at'cuiptiu to rr..ss the road, he wi.l outlive ihe y immtt child in ii. ll a doe; lies oti its b ick nnd howls ft 1 a aure aij;ii of an cuily deeh in llu- fiuiily. If h-- w mis to steal n doe; (un l this propen ail v la nn inherent we ikueas in the uc-;io blood Keeenilly) he exercises a charm or spell which Is as auiiislui; as ll is itleclual. He lirat en tic" the animal by the temptation of a Ininc to his cabin where, after belli"; assured (if its pacit'e disposition, he c-;tri clv three hubs from the i ud of its l.ii und burns Ihcui; Ihen lie uieusiiu'S the tall with a f.tiik which he binl.-s und.-r his cabin iloui ; and tliully he tukes a pteco of bacon akin or r 1 ml , nils it Into the .liupe of the pievui In-; moon (crescent or othei vv m-, ) toasts it aliejiuly, rubs Ihe do-;' noae with ll and Ihen put It Into the heel of hi lime. 'I hat dotf will afterward follow that ne-iro wherever he in.iy gu, Icnorini; hi f .inner tr-B tiT CJIItjilt''y .UftuU i'uejr ever chuuee to ineet, I', il well known anion-,' nearer that forest anskea of all apeeh-a when the Iltf.t ui.tiiiimal frost comes crawl under old de.ul logs, where they rest In a com ituac slstn durln-r then In ler. When the Jfrsl Ihut'der comes In the iprinj they turn over once In Ih-lr beds, and Uio nert time It thunders they turn ineraicnin, I outfli their old Uiu and isaiin forth Willi re newed hula uud vie.or In purouit of jouiijj rab- aiU and oilier amall fry gaina. . in Hie lung drouths which ofter prevail In the laiddlu latltudia llm negroes (;i nake liiinliiiX, and if lhey kill one or inure they hniii the loti(i at cue up by Ihe head tu thu lower liuib uf a tree nearest Ihe field needin-; rain, Jam willnu tvventj-f. ur hours a, coyioui and ri'Vivlui; chowe'r la aurc to fall.- ' 1 If a auaku bite a negro, he (the nt i;o) IrDmc iliately drink a i'.it of whlr.key (if lie can ifi't It) dihiied Willi a ,tabl.,puaufu ot anuuouU, alter wbieh (if he Is sober enourji) ho kill the jPat black chicken, with whiio tall feiithera, h i run catch, picks the white f cut hers out and i -?" them (f MXra c" Pr(otm no c,(fpclive spell without the aid of lire,) then lakes out the Klrt ird of Ihe fowl, upeua It, swallows the saml found within, nud applies the raw meal to the wound. If this remedy fulls, and thu ID ike h'Jpp?us to be I potsotieui kind, the pa- News I lent rltht-r semis for a doctor or gives up II I hope and dies. If a lereech-nwl utters Its ij.iicfal cry at night near his cabin door It Is a, certain sl;n that an enemy with a bio ly kiHfe, a "i-eat b l tie of alcohol and a small bat;' of live II. z irds is lurkhif; ne.ir 1 1 c-iat his spell of Kildi ! craft over him, and cauoj Ii i -n In eiltnbt fall at the critical moment when h"o Is ii'iout ty' take thu y.aunrr pi from Ills ueii;tiboi's pen or the ali-eplnir hi,ii fr.,'n Its tii-jhtly roost. If a yoei;-; iitiKKt Io isjun n his liutids (us ill l n v of them have tiy rensoti uf llielr fond npss f,,r p.iddlin); in mild ly ponds in quest of hull fnuis,) he picks up i tunyy, eniuU pcW ble as he has warta, rub eiieh wart with a I'parale pc, 'iblii.tie ihe p. -Miles u,i ilia liatlur bar;, iviil) it strip of dried oclalvln, mid uoes at tiiuriii to Ihe lie.irest cross roads and drops It in the middle of Ihe pull. Thu warts by these me.itis will be Irainfeir. d final hi hands to those of the unlucky person who happens to pl.k up llie'ba;' of pebtiles. 'hi Is a simple charm nnd win 111 reineinberin-;. If a nry;ro starts on uu rrr.iml, and hnvlliK for-;oiti u bis hat, oi Jick d. or h.iiitln"; knife, ttiius back f -r it he H at makes a cr.i.ss mark in lus path with his lefi forctincer, uud apits in tlie cross or center other jwise l,e is aurepo be Ii iinitcil thu followln; ui.'ht. by a host ll knee breeches und cocked hat, with hi tliio.t cut from one rar to ,ir, 'l,-;is is uhe woitli remembe'lu and Imll.ilin. If a person bus Ihu "ilult 'is" the (unst remi'dv for that unpleasant itlllielion is to creep up behind li i iii unawares and knock hlai down with a raw beef lon";iie Just taken from the animal by nn iliiui iiriml butcher li it in. r twriitv-ouu years of ni;e. If h" ll n the l.lec.iii,-!u he looks at the new moon w illiout winkiii"; or L ikin breath while lie cents cue liutidrcit. ' Thia is known to be an ctT.'i tu.il reinedy ut ceiluai luner alae;is, i but of d iu'itlul elllcie) at other tiling. A toial eclipse of the moon ia a sine fore runner of war, and n meteoric display Ihe har tdn";er of limine and p-'.-dll-'iico. T!n'-e aa I a hundred others are the harmless f.oita its w hieh the ne-;ro climrs to nnd tie-llev-'s in, mil will li ;.. In form the most pioininent featu'ss uf his char n-ter, ,V'Uioi-snll believe s"oOti;y In chus's. of course, uud y.ii con:d lu more ludiif'C one of them to visit alone a i;rivc yaitl' at uijht than you could Induce him to eremite hiinaelf on his own lo tire, 1 Ii ive ku iwii ui.iny a inxro who h id the moat awful vxp 'ri.-uc.-j in this line, nod to hi-ir one lell of hin .islly eticouti tela ii it 1 1 escupes in all the i l.-ipi.-nce of his un tutored spe. ch and ch iih faith Is a rare lie.it, alT'eilni; i.s well ns auiusiii-.-, and one vviili vvhl -It v- iy few p- uple ail! fa I'ill.tr. 1 imiy In a fill in e ti . ii. her c l v e t Ii" t e i I " - of tli" N u ll III.- bell' Ill of smile .'f these Wild Kid IIHIIO leu I,..- ii. -Iy l.'ifii Is of Hnir lu,i-y bixtliu-n oi li.e S.ih'Ii. i. rii r.'0(in.i. SHE RQOSTEDJiN HIS OZE. now , nuSNY ctiii'.Min mtnm was won r.v i UK i-'muviii i.i.m.if unci; uk a niiiMiiiMi in: i:r. "Must I really m, sv ei thearl "Yes,' rep'icd Lillian Mcliiiiiv, placing her rhapely white hand in his, and looking into lus face yklia tender earnestness lhat iwcil the true wo -iiiaid.iies:. ol le ; nature J "it is belief, 1,11' bet let' for boll) ut us lhat 1VC should part bneve.'," but as she spoke ihe hot tears nl pain welied Up into hrr I etni lilnl biovvn eyes llio-c eyes thill had uit. hi'd w.tli tin ir In ghl glance and dicamy tenderiR'SS so many men nnd with ti little soli ol pain Lillian's heud Was bowed upon (!e rg W . Simpson'-, sl ouldi'i- in an ccsiacy of grief. "(.'oiildii't you put ;i ten-year limit on your lull ilarliiig ?" -;-.l'ed tint yoiin-j man, iaJiii ' .geiiliy over Hie iltlc ''.--'.I'" head tl.ul w is wil. i d so trusdnoly jil-tt. lllld.M' his It'll car : "J certainly o i ;.t io liave as pood (.hiiianian." a liiaiice as' k 8 and a eonvi.l head was the A low iniuti of pain sivc shake ol the littV only I'i'sp. ms". Hat ti org" was not to he 'Can I have one h. e htllc nickel idalert. ll 'llieii so easily. ' said, "nt! ii' ! 10 l.e cent hep,'?' Lillian Idled her h.-ol tin. I lo..lo-l at ,-d him steadily. IVi hap-," she said, in cohl, I' illin's l!av tones, ''you wuiiel di'.'p il' a h;ill-;T fell i.tl y oi, but I be gin to doubt it. Know i hen, since you will have it, that under no ciretim stances can I ever accept yoi.r prof Kicd love, for I am a packer's daugh ter, and picker's -daughters come high" tliis with a haughty expres sion that low-ease type cannot convey. (leotgeW. Simpson saw that this proud beauty had been making a play thing of his love. I he revelation was a terrible one, but he lure il bravely. "Very yell," 'he sa'd, in Itu-ky, haven't -ha l a b iuk in two luniru loai s "You have stamped v illi tlie iron In el of scorn up oi: the lender violet of my bud. ling love but some dcy, when your children winsome brata yuh piiuny nii.io Wud nil iissuiiim'tii, id e.oiiij tiiat will keep von up three r.i.itis every week are ulimblng upon your kne until you are in d inger of becoming knee sptllllj,', you Will perhaps Irmeiii in", with a tinge ol siuiness ni iiie rc enllectioii, bow jt)i toyi'il .vit i the love of a loyal, trusting, IJixik County heiiri, (itirl ttyraw lorover oyer a young and happy life the black pa'l of a dis appointed hope and crushed ambition, I have seen the tores of toy love wither and waste away until tln-v lie shrivel ed and llight ed by the dusty road-side of life, nnd you cm Wf iTmt I feel pret ty lough about il. I h;ive seen my beautiful and stately ship of hope, with its tall, sh ipely mast and tower ing yiugs of snowy canvas, that sailed awmy so buoyantly and bravely over tin; shimmering sea not many mouths ago, come back to me a shapeless wv 0': ti p tapering t.p irs that wet.' so white and clean uuw. j:iXKl ami bio ken, and to them clinging Ihe daik seaweeds, while of the sails that rivaled tho clou Is in lleecy purity, there re main only blackened shreds 'that fl (I dismally in tho mourning win I, whose NO. Ii2. voice seems to souiil the icquii'tu and dirue of mv dead and buried love. I have got the buss vy.'eek, and don't you I". r;et it." Lil'ian o i!;cd at hitn steadily for a in mil nt. "D i you mean iln se words ya'i .have spoken, (l iorge ?" she asked. loll can iiel your ,i:e ii.;,- lie answiy e.l in low pissionate tout's. ''Ami do you really love nn: so dear ly ?" "Well, I should gisp," was the re ply, a pearly tear jjlisictije-j in llcorgeV oil eve. "Then," said Lillian, twii.iu-j her anus about his nui'k, "1 will roost on your ft'iiei! next. Tints lay evening as usual, l'api wual 1 not cr forg ive nie if I let a itiin who em talk hkj that go out ol the family.'1 How Cu.vr. in i i; (lunws Many people Fce.ii lo forget lhat character orows; ill il il is not Milnelhiiig to pu( on reaily made wilh womatiho i.l or man hood ; but day by day, hcie a liltle lltnl there a Utile, gr.ms with the rj A-th( and sf renglhi'iis vwth the stretiglli un til, gooil or bail, it hi comi's almost a coat of mail. Look a! a man of bu-d-ii"ss ptiinipt, reliable, conscientious, yet clear headed at. d cue g "tie. When do you suppose he developed all these admirable (ptiililiesV When he was a boy? le t us see how a hov of leu years gets up in the morning, wo ks, p'ays, studies, and we will tell you just what kind of a mail he will make' The boy lhat is too late ut, breakfast, too late at at. school, stands a pooi' chance to be a prompt man. The boy who neglects his diili. s, bo they so small, and Ihen excuses biuis.-ll, by saving: "1 f-irgot; I didn't ih nk!" wi.l never be a relia b!e man, und the buy who Jitnlii pleas ure in ihe snlVeiing of weaker tilings will never be n noble, generous, kind man a gentleman. VI- f to l-'OJt nr.' li II V rii k H " UauralgJa, Siut,'cs, Lumbago, Backache, Soro.isss of Iho Chest, C'.iit, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Sivoliings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General uodiiy rains, Top":, Ear and Hczdzchz, frosted rait and Ears, and all other Pains and fichos. No Trepnmtj -n i a iff, . re, unrip' i Ji tllitl etlliliN Oil! ll." 'tie!-: 'ti till !'- On M (C. f Mi l lllll la'tin ly. ol' All S rnl-,. and Cwr i ll" Mlt'elil-: ei 'i I'll. 'I call ti i v e , 'i. r.l id J - .,::: i I i t l.i . .... !. Ilireetiot;-. iu l-'levi i! I ... i - ':ii'.-. BOLD BY ALL DKTlfiWrs ASD Dr.ALLK" lif HlU'h'INE. A.VOGELTSR. -fe CO., ;i;(oo..r. , mj., v. a. x J 111 V T 1 e. A. K K K '" M IM 1 VI I . 111.!!.- of . i lll .vl I. iirrlnui'N, lit i-ii m C N, I.- IN A. 1. KISI'4 ' , Slll!lill',, Hi. ! oliars Carts, VV I e, N Horse I l"ll.,ii.', I. up Colie V. .-.nn i II. li'.. SI oi I'tilon St., Norfolk, Yn. oel ii lv . V H H A W A Y, la A I.I I it, ti, (', f K sl.BBl-IN liLUS, MKIifclNHS. i'll IIMICAI S. Paints, Ojls, Varnishes, liye 'llUs Fine .Toilet Soa. s, Fkiicy Ijair an I fumery and Fancy 1. H'-s and sti.'iild' r bt Tooth Itrush.-.s, Per iliet "rlly'ei,. Trim . s, i..'t"r I' iper, fens. Ink, Jiuvclvii".4l4ss. Tat ty. Ci rhcti Oil. I,.in,;.s, I'hl-u- iO'JS -l-h)':di'i(.us tn si i nun. ns aeei- rulely Co pOllll'led. I.nNi)nr.Tii' C'i:i.i::i:nTi:n(i vuhkn Str.ns. Wf iitii-etmse th"s- s"".!-. dtcet, from tlie Kx tensive S.'i-il F inns of s Messrs. I nli.lreth and they ahotil l li-.t be cls-'S-tl with the seeds loll on Commission throughout tin- eoiiutrv, i in- i.niinrei ii seeu-i.uini a to ou l egeianii osr-i'-u i luslti-eil. cut 7 1 ADYKimsKMIlNTS. , SK'I . ,: e' l(-f.H THE ROANOKE NEWg ADVERTISING RATEj. a"r- sUj a- SPACp at O CO ono Square), Two Sojourns, Threo Ni unrra. Four SqnaroH, l-'onrtli Ool'ii, llstr't'i'lnmn, WholoOt.luinn, t on i (si 8 (' 0 10 BO 16 IK) SO 00 DM 40 4i 0 1 M 76 foo Yoar, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAR.fCH BELL. ' . . - ' ATTOmiF.T!! AT Llffl', ' (' ' EHFIRI.T), It. C. ' ' ' Praetke In th poiidtlea ofTtallfai. Vial K.l-reeoiul.p and WItaou. Colluctloua made la asl parts of the State. ' )au ll tt in a. sMirn, j it. AT roitXEY AT LAW, Scot f. an J Nkck. IIalivas Coostv N. Q l'r.n-tie 'H In th county of Halifax and adlelo Iik eoiiuiles, and In Ihu Hupretua court of lbs Slat.-. Illy.' Vf. (I U I Z I A K J), ATTOKVEY AT f.Af-T, HALIFAX. N. C. o-h,-,. in iliu Court House, strict attaaMoi irlven tonll braiichesof th" lirofeaslou. 1 n 1 J ly T .IOMAS. N. HILL, Attoroev sit Luif, HALIFAX, N. '. Pr-.-l.'-s in Ililifix and adjoining- eanitls and Federil an-t supreRi-.iiuria, Will b.t a. Sci-tland Neck, once evory fort night. ' auitlllf " J It O li O. W. Tt A It T M A N . N ii r j a o ii l ri ii t I t . Otll .- over W. II. Ilrowu'a Dry Uooda IUr, Wlil.llON. N. C. Will visit .iftls Terms lleaioitalili at their homes whan deslrasl T. V. MASON. AlTUVi:v AT LAW, OAitysisUKa, r'. c. Vraetlce in th .ldoiiiine cimti -.rem.- courts. courts Of Northampton and also lu th-i Federal aid Nt1 Juue I tl. A I. 1' H 11 K. ll A N I U L, AKornej- uud ouuscllor At I - W K I. I O , S. C. Trartli lu H iltfax md vlJ.Uiilinr eooatlas. spe. eil a''"n'lou -rlv- 'ii to eollpottons la all i' arts of the State and prompt rutiirna aaaSle. t"i'.in; v,fs. u vLi., ATfttltXEY AT LAW, wuLpqx. N. 0. S;. l it avtt -titlou nlven to collecUoni ta '"iiit!t'iu.'-s promptly mado. m iv nr. Q It. E. I. 11 U.N T K K, H V It UKO) O E M T I S T . Otu be foiin.i it bis ofUre In EoBelal. I'nro Nitrous ()x il l U.is for tfas Pain-. Ies lOxtt ictinir ut'Tootli ulwayaou baud! JU nt 2i tl. J IMKS . UI'I.I.KM. -tons A. xooal UK I M il 0 l R ATTOHXEYH AT 1.A1T. HALIFAX N. C. Vraetle- In tli" eountl 'sof llallfai. Northaoii t. n. I; lT"eo.nli. Put aid Marlln til the S-pr.-iii- e oirt "f th" S'a'.- aad In thu FedaraJ ( ..iirts of t lo- Ivisiorn Ouitrlct. (.'. Iloetloiia inadaj In any part of t he Slaty-. . juit 1 ly in: K. Hl'LUCCm l,U pH n. b. oii ii.-omf I) It. A. It. i'.ijI.l.ulorFUll k'HYS!! IAX.-4 XD UtfKQoiA, v i; I. t) o N. N. c. Pri. A. ii. inn! I) It ...lliei.tfer, havlnaj uiillrd Ss i irtn. rs In the praeli-- of Tiieitleti.e miller ti e style uii. I ll r. ii . i Dr. A. ft. ollic lli-r ii llro. I'li-'i- I t.eii- pr..f. i s,. ii.nl s.-rvi.-.-s to' the put.lle ...'UerMlle ...l tkolleil f, Sloti-.i ,,f II, el .-o ..-.--, they -I'lU'llot"!' c ireful nil.) promt. t atlwlillou la al tent s. ime o; llm linn will alwar ! toaii'4 vt th"ir oftli e t;i ...III.', ijer a Druii more wtiari .it noil vvi l treated at all boura and what .ess nr.--, both w ill visit and a-ive thelt a.llav lent itli-nii w Ith.'ut cNtra cl.ar-fe. : ''' nirUlf. VV II . ti v c i n t tcurria. h ll L L I (, 0 V V, It. I) A Y ,V ATIOHXKVS AT LAW, wm.nox. N. c. Prodi in flie courts of Halifax and a.lJolulDi la co'intl." in th" Supr.-ine and Federal eourtaT, i. in-. .oli...'t.',l lu any part of North Carolina: i - of tin- linn will always be found in the JuuoJSly. is; 1857 J I K S T A II L I S n E D i'iaiftiir- 11, IS 57. fiUFC Wr DANIEL llisstoek of l.hiuora, (Iruccriea aa eaj ibrae.- iu part ' ' tiolt.Tlea .-in I FIIKNC1I, A 00 14 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 30 00 18 PO 30 CO 20 00 -JO 00 3n oo ep oo AIPI.K, lit si'h TM'lU'.Y ,i:.d V 1 1. II I'll H It ll Y ltHANPT, VlltSKIHS, l'l'ltr, SI1UURT. ' MADURA and ('; VMIAONK WINH. '1H Alts, BACON, KLOL'll, Jli.)LASSKS, LAUp.lj, NUKg, l-KPfa. HI'U ', AtTT ES.JRI IJB, JTCKLFa"!, BRiSDI PKACHKts and CtHtFKCTHaUUlJ ' POUTS Ell'.- LAf.KU BECB OaJ ice, : And many o.ther articles too crmeroiaa, W aasSBr R. W PAK1RI. 10 Waab. Aveiiue, Weldoa, M.fl. octj ly Y A P 3 O HODUH 11 0 D S R a-'HyetleTllle Slreet, IlitlclKh, N. C. iTerme to suit thetlm-a G.VY. BLACKNALL, Pr'-ttor. mm

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