ri ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC HBKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDGE, THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE a M IS a O Mews IHE IE? . Y'tr. In advance, i Months, ree Months, 2 on 1 (HI 15 eta' AD VEIiTIS KM EXTS. 1J1.X. tim EEGULATOR. ) U MEDICINE fur 'l'f t-,ia.;U(n(1firho..tiuniilla,irnillvnicis.rmp -"tilery, Sitk Ii')ilitriu.'. chrrniir Irjiftm-u l-ci lotiH of the ll;nll'r uri'l Kline vs. Vvwr rvoiMif-s, Chl'K D.m.-wh of the HUin. Imp iri nfthu lMoo-1, Mthun.'1ily r UcpwhHi ul the TlU. Ac. nui of th. i.l!inpiV lu'rr'nnnion,l(M -HVr tiV.r iifin In ri (Iixmh-imI I v i wit rli u Hie most, pre ii'iii aOi'i'tlmi In tlii ci'iinf iy. ami tu tii ni my nyt iiie patient i m t with In llir ro ich nf n phv nil, !t riMpiircs l lutl hmiit- rriii -ily hhunld Ui pro h'tt (hut vnil not fn Ihe v.s impair lh coti tutinn ft'i'1 vi-t ' him tv ami in IV Tlmt i Hie churict Tnl Cim MuNS KK'JI I.A Toil, re fii'i l" no tin u 1 l, i he irstim nv oi luii 1 rvd.. II i-l -MM. svn Totis or DisiMsi i I In In the S.tmt'thiP LIVES II P' i 'i'lf uu.l.r tlm lliMlll r i)iaP: 4 HO M 'I l till'" i.iUtn'i n fur lit'iitii:i1iiu in rhe iirm. Ti.d utonuWl in it if. I whIi !'. nf ipp l le itnd Mirk n . liw hi e.ioriil are ivc. "niiietiiiu-w ..lU'ruuiinu l i lux; Hi--Ii.-ihI I-in. nl'lcd wild pitin m-r.nii-nl""l villi ft dun. Ii' iivv Mfim;nl.iu. Then Is H'rully ii (Mit-iiii-riM.' Ws "t im-mnry, armm nit'tl Willi ft pa n fill "iifi lion of hiiriiK l''H ilone hoiiiehiitt wliii li n it m h;tve l-rcn ne. A, MixiH ro itih is woim-luii". mi aitciidant. ,i pat io'il nun pi, lint of weii i n - ami il'bilily ; is -'Hsilv slur hi- feel -ire col I . t hit nun l ie c-mpl.iim of a pi' i lily Pniti.n of ill iu;!,tss ritw a-.' low; ami alihuiuli Niitti"il it oMTcUe ivoiiltl l.f b tH'ti. iiil to liim.yt'i he caa i velv sum in n up f.trtl ntl i mu t i.i try il. fao! it' rul-s iviry remrtly, several of fie ove vmpt"iiM ulti'iiil ilie illci-c, but ease ve oeiMi'i'iMl w h ti f'-w of idem ex siid. vt tx i Mini inn of t lie ho-ly lift t ilt.'ih. Ii.m shnwu tho f-Tt'i hnvi' I). 'en i''ieuiive'y ranged It slionld In? u-i"l hy all perMHii, old aid .'.m:, )iH'vi' any oi I'm1 f.ire.iMi mvtunis tip it-nr. t a putviy ?.'p'(ude fuiiitx nhtl. uoi Inju uft Tu th-' iiii! deli' ale iiin-liliillon, and will ep id1 Hvr in ln-nltli v im-i Ion If used prip"i lv. Persons living hi unliali hy l caliiios m.Ty liit all b lioti - all ie's 1 y i.ik nir a d M occas nally to U i'i tin liver in heiiltliy ooliun. Kor chlMr-n ooinplainine f rolir. headache, or BEGULATOR in inir li. , L 'asp i.tiifnl or moie will nive rtdlef. Child Jlri'ii, ft well us adnlU. eat methii -H to i mnrh supper, or etit wnni'Iliinj; ileli de.-fl in t ilie t w-ll. prodilehiK our hto-n-li. heartburn; a od ilo.u will Ive r- llef. This phes to perwinH oTall tt's. Many pr-tMii, from eutin' loo much, lire rt't--b at niurlit, or in oay tune ar fidgety, woo diierhiK. ran not tm leisiand '.iat thry read, .niiot beep tli'ir toon ih'.h on any no suhjerl so to i-eaMJii well, or hri-onic iVeifni. one or two hlespoonfui" wiU pivo relief. Jaukdicr T.ikcenoutih tteiriihir after eathu eh meiU, to prod ued one full action from the iwhIh everv day. I'r 'tfii.'uit i. lies will find sure relief from their ' laaelie.euviiveu a-, hwinnnnijt in Hie head, 'he. Hour iUiiD:ieh. rotl'-f"nsji, -.(e. It n mild id nulla them better tlnin lunre iirtive niedh-'iiif . Tiny no now .let or prepared SIMMONS I.IVKK Kuri.ATnK uiiUwm inuiir eurnivrd wrapp'r, ith Trade-Mark1!3luuiiaHd hlnai nre tinhroUen. J. H. ZEILIN A CO Macon. M and riiiladelphia. Sold by all Diiuia.i-rs. cure u( Seminal .iuiaious nna lm potency bv the uni ut nt , Dirta A)1(" ' v i i Vji "f if.i lmw. 1 U OH nf th rtz.fi a itif'i-lrJ Ot' i ur .tu.-n mhItiii, kii.I Jji but iBtarhrt villi Ihror-tietrj p irtum -4 lif. TU11 f (m'i.D( I m-ooA ItM tMt IU irtf Mttrr i:if. i l l II '"' t- ml WM 1 U no umifiu.' thrill iW prr(iarHiM ficl'tl l (rnitiun aukutat ui M pOiiUTtl (uartJiM Unit H il " lurrrct llrcliB. Il il - ti of rciii.t u4 mii( iIjh ' V'""' r.ubl. Tin lUnm r .,u.n..,. .(..- I I'--f nkwd. j it I HARRIS REMEDY CO. DBF U CHEMISTS Market unrt '" Nlr.M-m, M. 1 Ol lHj Mil. WHEELER & Wl L S 6 N ' S NEW NO. 8. Lihi 'itRmmlng and Dial Sawinc Miohin IN THE WOK? I). TBY IT BEFOEE BUYISG ANY OTEES. AGENTS WAXTKD Jt"SDd foi kJ'ni tu J prlct LUt . WnKEI.EU k M'u Co. KUillUOOU, V. tnty 11 Cm W It HALL Fire and Llle Iaurauc Agant. 04U b (ounJ It tba Rnanoka Xw OlBce. Wildon, S.C. BIPEB 8BIT8, K'W York Uii1nrwritiffl. A vrlrultural" nf Wnti'rtnwn. N. Y. VKmrn, .f Toronto, f'nail. Punllno. nf Turl'oro, N.I!. LynrhlMirir. of I.yiirhtiiir, V. BqulUble Llfu lnnurniire Co. of N. Y. Willi plv rl.k In an othrood fmniin 11 WW interati:. JolvlJly VOL. XL SCENES OFMY YOUTH. &ren nf my youth, whoe mem'ry ever hrlnc Joy to my heart, and sweep it ten-PreM strong, Onre nmre I rre.t. with miiik'le l l-.ve nnd pride. My ehtldhood's home, win re kindred frlendi nhl1e. O nweelit vlnlnn of tt p past t in ! Hon ift, in fani-y.lnive I azed mi thoo ! Thy imad"W piuhn, thy em 'raid Hlnp"' nnd bow'rn, Wlir re childish sportM rnaad happy hours. Seenen nf my youth, with joyotm hope I coni' I.miniiiir t( ser mv childhood' happy home, K t.-r in Km! HtTeetiu' haudonei mure, And he i iili voire !' e win on 1 ndure, l) rrijituve iniiif hi kn-iw I shall rmhrnr That foi in "o d'-ar. and rae up-n that f Speed no, O Time ! t uioiiietitu -W!l'ily fly : And hrln in to the one lnr whom I n ii. LILY'S CHOICE. A K' lllarj llur", with t rr linen of coinrll ncm or Kmc.', John llolluwuy tut upon thu iiii'mlnw unlf, looklni; nil Into tlir illnlamc Hi' was wlimllin' lofily, anil ji-t he vui-mril to ! In ii ilfi p rr itjilf, or liit urcnt Irmlrr ryoa lud a fir-nwjy 11, nmion In 1 lit-l bion Ji'pths a lie fitrri out uvn tin' fnnlil nit-ntl- where the liloa.l r.-il cloTir nml I In' olili n hiiterciiM nVHU'il uniler thu soft, carei.rr loe.'ze. Sii'lili-uly uu liiiprrinu Toloo broke i he Mlenco. "Mr. Ilnlluwity, please let me Like jdoun the bun. I'm In u huny uuil ealiiu the sliorlcst w.iy." The youm man Rhirti-J ; lie had not heard her np,ro:ich, and there beside him stood the very olijeet of hit lhotii;hl. Ah, clover blooms mid bulti'rcup, pulod were your elianiM now ! A lithe, gr .refill ftg ne In the d lulit-ft of catnlirlc dresS'-A, and nil deiui'iith Ihe wide hat a s'v.i'l, u'int'h face, with vulvely, pe.ieh tinted . heeka and t'yes a.. Hue ui fiohly uathered tlnl t. tuth was Lily Lawrence, Ihe pretlhst mi-sn the popu lar terdlel ran in all the 'country round. A tliMi rose to John's sun-hiowned fave as he quirkly lo.-e and bc.in to take dowu the bars. "Out for a walk. Mis Lily ?" "Yes," fcry briefly, "So you are fond of quiet strolls? 1 om, too." L;ly drew herself up and looked at the pre sumptuous speaker. "lle.illy, Mr. llollaway, I don't sro what it Is to you" I lieu she ftnpp:'d. She did not mean to be rado, but truly, she thought to herself, It was hi'h limn ahe shoul I k!iov this young in; n that his openly eipresscd admiration was ex cot'ilinly distusleful to her. It had been Hoiu on for some time, and every one, even l.lly hcself, had come to sec that the sun ruse r id set for John llollaway where she was. "He must be in ensely siiiphl not to know how uf.erly iiididVmit I am io him," she thought. But John was not stupid. He understood the 0 nliiiished sentence, and ns he drew back without nnodnr wm J to let her pass Lily saw he did, and a tbumc-factd, coiupuuctious look alole lu'.o her eyes. Kor, ruin the richest tu the pooc St, evciy onu acknowledged John Ill'uway's noble, sterllnr; charae'er. Lily walk ed slowly alon' the load, half de termined to inm hack and npohen.c for her ludencas, until a turn brought her face to f n e wiih some one whose haiidsoino eyes met her own with sii' h a k'l ol welcome that nil other though s weio for the time d iveu completely away. It Was rtlcha'd Ulake, the most admired ttritl courted young man in the village. Ah, good afternoon, Miss Lawicucc ! I was hopiiiK I would meet y.Mi." And the wavy black loeks were bared to the Ureeejt) as Rich aid courteously lifted his hat anil walked on beside In r. What a contrast to John llollaway ! And the centrist was great in many other ways than Lily thought. Dill Ihe girl was bir young to read character, mi l that Kichatd Illaku was Very handsome mid elegant none could deny a lover of who, u any onu might be Justly piou 1. W.ien Lily's home was reached, and with another graceful bow lticliard had left h she did not go directly Into the hoti-e, but ling-red awhiln among the flowers that titled their little garden. Her thoughts were very busy. She knew that she had behaved very unkindly to her old friend, and her memoiy went bit:k to the lirst time she hud met linn It was at a picnic, and she had (alien i.nd sprained her ankle. She remember d ho" 'he great fellow, so much stronger than Ills mates had persisted in cariying ln r all the long ill tiiueu back to ln r home. Since then lie had sh .wo In a hundred way what she was to him aad knowing his noble nature, perhaps her heart would have g me out to him b fore this if KicharJ Black had not come back from e il le;;e. Uut be had, and 1.1 'y fancied hia gay, de bonalr manners, and his entertaining eouver sallon, and like many another young girl had begun to take for true, heart-deep lovu that liking which wu all have or things pleasant to the light. And so she shook uB'ler reproachful feel lugs aud wdut into the house. "Why, mother, dear, what is the matter trying, and out enjoying myself! It'll me, what Is It, desr? Let me share your trouble Mn. Liwreiico lifted a face, smiling through her tears. 'Yes, frying, l.lly, darling, but not from grief. Pit down hrro beside me, and let mr show you what a load lias be n lifted from my mind this morning. Li c, 1 did not teil vou. but stoij tiiuc ne' Mi. i.tiitou, the law yer, came to me and Informed me that th bolder of the morigiiL'o on our home was In need of money, and intended to foreclose, un less the mortgage was pal l In full when he should demand It. .Vow, chill, you know what a trouble has In en weighing upon mr for 1 knew that It would be impossible for me to raise the sum necessary, and that we must leive the dear old home that we bud loved so well. Aud now, this very morning, Mr. Bur- tou came and told me that a kind fiiend, hear iug of tin intended foreclosure, hat paid the amount In full. . ' ' "Who Is It that helped you. mother f" 'Tlut Is the strangest parrot It, l.lly. Mr, llurUn said he had strictly promised uut to lull the name of my benefactor, lud as to who it can be I have no idea." ' But though she did uut say so, l.ily had and when later, In her usual Impulsive ,wV she told John Hollawuy bow sorry she was that she had been so rude to him, aud then asked him frankly whether ho was or uet the kind friend who had come so opportunely to bor mother's relief, his manner confirmed her suspicions, It is said that gratitude It neighbor 1 love, aud nbctbor that be true or uot, it is ccrUiu WELD ON, that from that time Ihe manly young farmer was often In Llly't thoughts, while Hlchard Blake was Just as steadily losing ground. Hut John o( course dlJ not knew It. He was not one to wear his heart upon his sl"erc, tnd at length, after a hard stru.-gle, had decided to abandon his hopeless suit and leave the Held to that rival who evidently was the favored one. LI y noticed Ihe diff -renee; but, woman like, she did net appear to care, and so the i niths went by much the eamo, until at length the crisis came. Tim vll. age In which our heroine lived was Jast on the shores of a little bay, and many w re the pleasure parties that enjoyed 1 trip over Its limpid waters. One afternoon lilchard Hlake, obtaining Mrs. Lawrence's consent, Invited Lily to take a sail. When th'V reached the beach who should be waiting in readiness to manage the boat but John ..,::. .vuy. Hallo, llollaway, are you turning Into at i ii m " exclaimed Blake, In astonishment. Lifting his cap to Lily, John answered: Not eiavlj; but Jon came to me In gieut lislress, s lyin-i lin did notfeel well enough to go out, but had promised not to disappoint ou, and knowing 1 could manage a boat he Hsked tin take his place. Joe his done ine iiiauy a good turn and sol could not refuse him," lie added, wrongfully Interpreting the tie Hush Hi it had risen in Lily's (ace a- she listened; "nud he said, loo, that it was your sister wlio was to bo your eouipviion, Klse I ould not have come; i would uut fur the world be a mar sport. yiie bitterness lu hit tone touched a like chord in Lily's heart For one liltlo time back she had been slowly hut surely learning a sson the difference between real worth mid -re glilter; and now her liearl sank as she or thought she saw, how completely her induct h.'d driven nil affection towaid her from John's mind, uud that she had foolishly thrown away her own happiness; Well, llollaway, I'm sure I'm much obliged. 'a very kind of you," was Blake's reply. Aud the two young men soon hud the little craft. In readiness for its fair freight. Blak ' had seen Jehu's liking for Lily, but his vanity had uot been alarmed; he knew by experience the power of lilt dark eyes, and ily Lawrence was like any other young lady she wero ten times prettier. So she reu toned. I hey floated lightly over the blue w ater, an choring after a while under a bluff, and drop ping their lines to lish l.lly chatted gayly In her own fascinating way, and never had she seemed rnor lovely in Richard Hlake'. eyes, lille poor John, who had thought nf lute that he hud driven her iiungo from his mind, felt the old charm creeping over him ugaln stronger than ever before; but he hid his pilu manfully, and kept his pari In the lively con- veisatiou. Time crept on, and juit as they decided on returning, te their dismay the heavens sud- i'ly clouded ever, ami a peul of thunder rought them to their feet lu alarm. Sipalls were not common upon the bay, but one was evidently now upon litem, and John saw the great danger. A inoi.ieut and they were dash, lug at a mad rate over the waves, while rhead the uwful darkness gathered more ouiin iiii.lv all Ihe while, and every now aud then vivid flashes of damn seemed to envelop cm ou ull sidi I. Suddenly there was a blinding glare, then a nillc flash, and halt the mast dropped over the how a, while the 6tlla wore dragged into the seclhiiu water. For an instant John was al most stunue, I; then his li'st. thought was l.lly. Where was she A second more and he caught the glenu of yellow curls lu the cruel waves among the tatleied sails; the ropes lud twisted about her light ligure and diagged her to Blake's side. if she is to he yours. Jit is you win ougl t to save lor! Quick, or it will be loo late! Your ihiince will be gone !" Bui III, ike still cowered tremblingly where he was, unheeding the peril o( the one he pro fesbed to love. Another instant John was struggling among the satis; a few aeccitids of uw(ul suspense while the waves were turning s.icrlvnl bim; then, weak, iiluiost fainting, he cn fi luik Into thu boat with Lily's Insensible form clasped close to his brave heart. Ileli'id suied lier! 7'hen, still in imminent I'antrer, they remained eltnlt g to the dismantled boat, until, as siid- i.ly as II had fallen, the npi.ills lifted, and a I'lcome hail from the shore ptoclaimed that dp was near at hand. l.lly came to herself at lust, to find that John was holdlcg her fast, with her face close to bis owu. In au instant the memory of what had passed came buck to her. She did not druw away, but raised her lustrous eyet to his at If to read hit Inmost thoughts; then the cold cheek pressed ilstlf closer uguiust his own, while her urini wound themselves softly around liit neck. "John dear John ! wat all she said. And John knew that with the treat, st peril thu greatest blessing of his lire bad conic to htm; while Kichard Bluke, looking on ith isle, scowling fare, comprehended clearly that John's words had been prophetic whuii he had laid, "Your chance will be gone." My Moiiiki:. Holy words, only (it to bf uttered by tlm Uuly gmul, lint two tsitn pic words, via how iletir to t'VL'ry lii'iirt. 1 hey litivo no i'iiial in our tongue. 1 hey would wi'igh as it ton iiiraiiisi a learner 8 wo ii'iii. w no iloest not, in his moie tlion h t f.tl mo ineiitH, revolt to thu liaiiy hours o( tiitl'ihooil where a mother s gentle lov itio; n;um iruineii mo twin- in uiu way it hI H 1 1 1 ui grow to ustiiilness and proud position fttiioiijr its peers. Wo can trace nearly every distinctive ehar ucter that's good to our mother. When every oilier li iend mid every hope is gone, the, true and fait lilul mother is to the rescue. God bless "My Mother," sent here on earth to ameliorate the myriad of beseltintf vexations that greet us on every hand. When the grave opens to embrace, our mother we will culth u glimpse of heaven, to which we were nevei so near before, and from whence, no weary traveler to tell us ciuo-lit of it. Co nmou tcmo duet uot Jatk in Impossible chess board, buf taBct the one befuro It md playi the game. N. C, THU11SDAY, JUNE 1, 18S2. EL KHULIL. To me there is in all tho Holy Land no spot so specially holy, none so full of sacred inetnoi ies, carrying me back thousands of years with breathless reverence, and leading my thoughts forward with mtuvel and awe to un known ages, as an unpi el ending cupola in the village of Hebron. U rises within lite walls of a gorgeous Moham medan mosque, surrounded by all the pomp and eiicuniMtaiiee of glorioin Oriental splendor. No cross marks it to bend ihe knee of ihe worshipping Chrisiian; no crescent shines atop in mystic splendor to make the faithful music in Low his Intvhciul to the ground in humble ndoration. And yet, fur three thousand seven bundled years dews, Mohammedans and Christians, with a unity nut found again on (bid's earth, have united in doing honor lo I his spot and in ntl'ii ing w orship un divided and undisputed. For here lay in times ol old and who knows how old '! lhat mysterious cave Maehpi'lali, bought in strange ways ly the patri arch, and held sacred from that day lor evermore. It was a plain stout staff, upon which Jacob lenl when lie exacted the fortni ilai'le promise, that his smi should carry his remains to Hebron and bury himtheie with his fathers in the land of promise. A si a ft", uncouth and un dressed, in ils natural stale, only worn a trille, where the hand was apt to slip up or down. Uut il was the sceptre of our day, designating, as no gaudy tool ol ivory or cosily metal ever could have done, the priestly rank and power ol the gteat ruler a badge ol ilignity ami high authority still worn by every prince or sltiik ol ninleru lu lotting. No sight, greeted the son of the Kin press of tin! F.ast so strange and so startling as ihe way in which the Kadi and the .Mtil'li, the (invcniur and lite Patriate'1, of Jerusalem met him at the gates ol that Holy City, dressed in gorgeous robes of richly ellibl'oi tried silk, btttjbearing in their bands a rude stall', ihe mere straight bow of a tree, that neither knite no.i tool h id ever dared to touch. It was "leaning upon tlie top o' tins stall that Jacob, by laith, worshipped, as the Apostle I'aul so specially points out to us in his letter to the Hebrews, lie brought all his faith in tied, ull bis authority upon earth, to bear upon the s.icred oath that Joseph was to swear. For as the latter was lord of Fgypt, its savimir in the past, its wise, all power ful ruler in the present, the million lies would, no doubt, have readily lavished iviyal pomp and distinction upon the p.ilriatcli, had be but chosen to rest forever in llgyptiau soil. Acres of living rock would have sprung in existence, hewn into deathless monu ments and sculptured it, to p a lit, un ravelled mysteries. The whole of this land that A'tis gieatest f till at that lime, would have lamented and be w.idi'd the weary wavtaier, and inccne would have risen on high bom the vast ocean to the mysterious Mountains of the .Sun. lint he, strong in his faith, strong in the promise Ironi on hi"'i. pfi'fet red to rest in the hind ol bis lathers, the land or promise. What lie gave, up we may see from the fact thai all llii'high oiliiials nf I'll,, nuh's palace, all the l ading uo'des of the land wilh a siorireons escort ol tlmus- m Is of the great ;u tuy, actually did lecoinpatiy the ctlin a distance of four ir live days' travel. Thus he returtii'd to the thrice hmi- oreil cave, the one apparent pleil 'e that Ooil's promise would assuredly A n l how w m 1 runs! y H is come t rue. woiil ptolecti'.l llts servant ! 1 lie iio- est iiiotiiitneiiis, the most sacred graves. Hie last resting places ol the mightiest pha.'oahs, have been rilled or destroyed and lie open to reckless travellers and native rubbers. l!ut the tomb uf the great patriarch ever has been and slill is, in our day, the one sepulchre in the Holy hand that has never been entered, and is guarded with ceaseless vigilance. Ihe very mosque, built over it by the present lords of the hind, has been entered but by two Christians in our century, the lYince nf Wales and le:m Stanley. And then two thousand soldiers had to protect them against the jealous lury of the natives, till tho people of Hebron were consigned to their houses, and alter all the floor of the urns- pie was seen, but not tho sacred tombs underneath. And yet there is little doubt that her", b''ti";it!i a t!irccf..IJ v.iet d.uk cave under ground, there rest in peace the wondrous ancestors of the chosen people of Ood, Stupendous walls sui- round the sacred place, wheru the Father of men fu st bought for money a few square yards of tho promised bind, and where after him was carried in gloomy pomp the lifeless body of Jacob to be by the side of tho Friend of (J od, and of the'belovud wife of his bosom. sacrilegious foot hits ever nince stepped on this truly holy place; no dariiig hand has ever touched this tho greatest ot all mysteries in Pales tine, and for well-nigh- four thousand years now the ruling races of tho world have come to bow in speechloss . won der and silent adoration before the mysterious sepulchres. For, however wo may doubt tho identity of rive and mountain, of temple and of syna goguc, of well, of lako and river no one in our dny can doubt tho identity of these, humble and yet so precious graves. Hero they Have rested, thoo immortal lathers, whj walked with God as man has tieviir siuoo been able to do, sheltered by the perpetual honor ami inviolability with which the East, in the midst of ruin and decay, sur rounds tho graves of His saints. Hero they sleep, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and llcbi'kah, Jacob and Leah and well may we ask in awc-sttuck marvel, whose eyes will bo blessed by the sight of the sacred graves ana still more sacred ashes lhat have rested here in deep, unbroken sleep for count less ages. Or shall we have to wait for the day when unseen hands shall roll away the giant stones, burst open the secret chambers in our mother earth, and nid even the patriarch to come forth, to stand in tho presence of (iod, to behold (hi! Son on His throne, and to enter into eternal, blessed peace T l'rtif. Scheie lc Vere. NEARLY KISSED TO DEATH. From the London Tcli'ifraph. Osculation is unquestionably a pleas ing pursuit. Il has been recognized as such Irom time immemorial by gen erations unnumbered of lovers, pets, and even philosophers. Thero are doubtless at the present moment in this, as in other countries, many enamored swains who ask no better than to be permitted to imprint "ten thousand kisses," one after another, upon the lips of the damsels ou whom they have bestowed their affections. They may, however, esteem them selves for their opportunities in this direction are somewhat limited, as the following true story will show: At un evening party in Kelkhein) a few weeks ago the conversation happened to turn upon kissing, aud the question arose how many salutations of this class could be exchanged between two ardent lovers within a certain t.p:iee nf time. As usual, opinions differed and I lie discussion waxed waim. Present ly, a fiery youth oil'eted to bet anybody present the (lerman equivalent of a ten pound note that he and his be trothed would kiss one alio her ten llioiisaiul litnes within ten hours, pro vided they were permuted lo partake of some slight refreshment at intervals ol halt an hour (lining the perlorm- ance. His wager having been accepted and the money posted, the allianced couple addressed 1 hemselves to the achievement of their congeuial task. Al the expiration of the fust hour their account stood credited with two thous and kisses. During the second they ailileii anoi tier iiioiisunii, ami during the tkird seven thousand and fifty to that number. Then, pitiful to state they both broke down. The youth's lips were stricken with cramp and the maiden fainted away. Later ou in the evening she was compelled to take to her bed with a sharp attack of neural gia. An even more distressing result ensued from this surleit ol tender en- ileiiruieiii, for it led to a breaking off by mutual consent, of a hopeful niati i nioinai engagement, l iiiing lovers should keep this sad tale in mind and moderate their transports.; lor, strange as it may seem, D.m t'upid himself may lie kissed to death. COULDN'T KEEP ANY TEACHERS When he had llnished with the climate, soil and productions of Idaho and had stopped to blow his uo'e, one of Ihe group ssked : "How about ..ducattonul facilities!" " ''hat's the only thing we lack," replied the old man with a mournful sigh. "We've got schools enough, Lat wu can't keep uu teach ers." "Wh.u's the treuhle?" "Well, tukn my school, for Instance-only I ,w" miles n-oui ine nearest House, iiuineniiy i '"ul1''' "" '"P "f a hill and paying the highest n.iiary. e can i hcep a leiicner over iwo weeks " "Do they die!" "Some do; thougli It's no place for tiling. W- had a young fellow from Ohio, aud he ui 't a g I itly and whistled for him. The grl 'dy cum. We had another and a wldder run him down uud married him Inside nf a month. The third one was lame, and the Injuns over took hi in. Then we tried worsen folks. The first one got married the night she lit down heio. 1 took the third about the middle of the wick, and the next onu was abducted by asuge robber." "Why don't you get the ugliest, homeliest woinun you csn (hid some perfect old '.eiror, like that luiileiti Jawed, ruzor-fuccd female over by the ticket window !'' "Why don't we! S. ranger, you eastern folkt will never uudeistand ua pioneers In Ihe world -never. Thafi my wife the Iilen11c.il school teacher I married, and the wat the handsomest tuc In the drove I" PrKBSAt. Lii'K. Arsrue llonssnye repro dncr. iu L'Arii.ie a professtou of failb recent ly inude, by Victor Hugo after a dinner al Ids house. "What il death but eternal life " said the port. "1 esl to witueis those millions of worlds that iuvlle ui by their radiant sympho nies. And beyond those millions nf worlds what It there f Infinity, always Infinity, If I pronounce the name of Und, I raise a smile on the faces of lomt of you who do not belicTC In li.nl. Why do they not believe In tiod! Be cat so they believe In the living forcet of natur Ilut wtiat la nature ! Without (iod It Is a grain of sand. Whal tt the earth ! A cradle and a grave. But just as Ihe cradle bat Us beginning the tomb has Ils ruys of light; It is i door clo-cd upon the earth, but opened upon worldt of which wo catch a glimpse. Let us live ou the visible, messieurs I'-a savants, let us also live an the Invisible. Scleuce will make earth ly discoveries, but It will always be wrong If it is not domluated bv t radiant ideal," A doctor who won't advise i man to leave olt bis flannels the first warm day it uo trleud 10 the profession. fle'reif rVe I'mi. "I tell yon, genlltmen, that dog of mine 11 Fogg; "but you wouldn't think It, Judglug I Uom the comptoy he keent," NO. 13. A Novki. wt or Ksimno Ciniicii Wind. Up at clear hike the cliurchct became tired of Id stereotyped plans of raising money and after i leug discus-ion it wat decided to bring about the dcslrtd end hy putting all the girls f the church up at auction to be disposed of to tho highest bidder. Tlie time came around, and eveiy man In that put of Iowa In or near Clear Luke who hill any money or could possibly borrow any was promptly on hand, eager te bid to the fullest extent. But there were tome of the girls on whom it would hare been Impossible lo lib I ii l n the bid of au old fashioned copper cent, while thero were otliert for whom the lovesick swains would willingly hnve bid their last dollar, and, In the tpiiil of Artemus IKud, Ine last dollar of any of their relatives. Solo give hII I tie boys nil equal chance, Ihe klrls were wiappeil up In sheets, so is to be completely iiniecegnir ible. Kach youi'R man was positively lhat beneath the snowy folds of the sheet he could discern the outline of the girl on whom he doted, and when from fifteen or twenty of the yoiniit fellovs singled out one particular sheeted obj-ct on which to slake their fortunes, excitement ran high nml money ran out of pocket-beoks like water down a slanting roof. After all tho fair inices were disposed of tlie outer was given to "haul up the sheets," and Vll i' il ensued uu iudc.-cnbublu scene of mingled happiness ami disappointment. .Maidens who had been purchased fr a mere song, owing tu a luck of bidders, turned cut to bu the best looking girls lu the town, while beings whose sylph like appearauvo under a sheet excited the greatest admiration and drew hird earncil money fiein unwilling pocket-bookt were found to be most cemrnon place creatures in- leed. But all made the brat of II and the dis appointed ones bus themselves bravely. l)t Moiiif ItetjUtrr. Fie;llh doctors say lhat plans In slerpln.' looms i t unhealthy, lteuch doctois say Ihey produce sweel slumbers. Anieiicundo -tois den't say any thing about It, but chaise II In Ihe bill. adv kuttskmkn'ts. THE GREAT mi iron Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Spraias, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and tars, and all other Pains and Aches. i Preparation on earth equals sr.Jicmnn at a tu', turn, s.iHie and rh of. t- xtcimil l.clncois. A trial .suet's but the compuruliv. ly trilluie. uullny oi .tu l enl, and every cue soil, run; illi pu.u evui liuve cheap and s,tiuve pmu ul iiacuiua Diruclioiil lu Klcvwn Ianii;UHius. SOU) BT ALL ERDQOlBTa ASD D CALCES IS MEDICINE. A.VOGELER &, CO., iJnllimore, .HJ., V. H. A. July T 1 v. A. W I! li N X Si s o s, M i si I'll TI III its or ami I H! M r us is All risks or ( iirriages, llHriiessi, NiislilleN, 111 idles. Collins. I 'arts. Wheels A xles. Farm I Icar llor.-e I li'lhiiiK. Lap lintics, jic, Sos. 11. oct ly. I1'-. 'M A 26 t'nlon St., Norfolk, Va. B K U W N Jt C U H A W A Y. HALIFAX, ti. V. BBALKRS IK DIUIBS, MKHIITNKS, i HKMlCAIJI. P.ilnts.Oll.s. Varnislies. liye-stults, Klne iTollet Soaps, Fancy Hair and Tootl Urushes, Per- fuuiery and Fancy Toilet Article, Trus- aes and Shoulder ltraces, I. .-Iter Paper, Pens, Ink. Kin'elopes, mass, Put ty, Carbon Oil, I. amps, chim neys. -Phvslctaiis'9 Prescript Ions accurately com pOUIUU'11. I.ANDUKTlls' C'CLr.lUlVTKIlC.AIlt.KS SKKI13. Wu iiirrlinsi lhi" priW d r'Mt, fnimtiir Kt tonslVH S'M-il K .rinn -if Mi Mi'strn. l.nmln'th, Vi,l lh.u ul..sil.l ii.it Ins nln I lav.th tlsn HdSi.l. Cmuintssloii throuirhoiiL Ihe country, i I nmlrcths' s,, I JJi V!y seeds, ami a gegd vojfciiuuo TBAPH MK 1101 S 0 SO CO 40 00 4fi 00 .' 00 fi on Th roe Squares, 1' our Squares, Fourth Col'n, Half Column, WIioIh Coin nm, Ou Year, 7i ( . . LiAU'lM PROFESSIONAL CARD. J.VR.NCII k BKI.L. AT TO It FYS AT LAW. KHPIKLD, N.C. Practice In thu counties nf Halifax, Wash KiUeeombe aud Wilson. Collections made in 111 partsof the stale. Ian II tf. II. SMITH, JR. AT roil KY AT I. AW, Hcivrr.asn Nkck. Halifax Coontt N. 0 Practic e In the county of Halifax and adloln- lii counties, au 'I lu tho Supreme court f tbt) Stat". ltly. J M II II I 7. Z A It I), AT rOUX KY AT I.AiY, H.U.IKAX. N. C. onto In the Court House, strict itteaMoa Kiven toall branches of the profeaslou. .in li ly p HUM AS K. U1LL, Attorney at I.w, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices lu llillftix and adjolulnr cenill and federal and Supremo courts. Will bu at Scotland Neck, ouee every tori nlsht. but I If it. UK 0. W. 11 A. II TM AN, Murgeou Dentists Otrice over W. II- Drown s Dry floods Stare, YVKI.nON, N.C. Will visit parties at their homoa when dealr4 Terms Kcasonatile. oetftSly T. W. M A S O . ATfOltlKV AT I. AW, GAKYSUUR', N. C. Practice In the courts of Northampton and adolniiu counties, also In the Kedaral and la preiue courts. JuueSlf. A L T K 11 B. 1 A N I B L, Attorney and 'oniielIor At Law, W K I. D O IV, N. V. Practices lu Halifax ami adjoining counties. Special a'teorion irtvu to eolleetlona It) all parts of tlie State and prompt rwlurua Baide. fell. 17 I y Y W. ULU ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKl.DOV, N.O. Ho-elal attention given to rollittloBi reuilltatiC''s promptly tunde. irniv It I'. Q K. K. I.. II U N T K K, MURUKON UKNTIITi Can be found at hi olTVe In F.afleld. Puro NitrousOx do Has for the Pain less Kvtriietlng of Tooth ulways on hind. Ju io 'SI tt, I jimh sun.i.Ks. 40RN A. MOvll U 1. 1. U tf k MOO 11 K, ATTOKXKY AT LAW. H V1.IKAX N. C. Practice In tlie counties of Halifax, Northamp ton. K I r .mis'. Pitt a i l Martin III tlie Su- peine court of Hi" sou.' and In Ilia Federal Courtsoflh" Mislcrn District. Collections mad In any part ot l lie Statu. jail 1 ly nit, i it mi. Licni rr.it. mi. n. ii. zoii.ii on jyi. A. It. ZOM.ICOPrai 4 URi)., rHY.NIt I IMS AND St'llUF.ONN, W X I. t 1 1 N. N. ('. Drs A. K and P 11 Zollie. lT. r. bavin united as partners in tin prncli. f inrdlrine under style nml linn ol or. A il .oinroiier K nro. olfer tto'lr profcsslotinl services to the punlie freiisrally and solicit a sbar. of their patmuaire. tney Kuarnniee carciui ami pronipi aiieniioii io patients. One of the tlrm will always be foam! st their otnec lu .ollir. liter's DriiK Store where priiienl s wi'l t.e irenieil at all hours and when ccssary, i.nrn win veil aim r;ive metr atten tion to i, am iits viiUioiil extra cliarge. mr 17 tf. 1 1' 1 I' ' 1 ! ' JiBLSU n nsv. A V i A. 0. all.LKUiril. I i) L 1 1 U O V f K 11. I) ATTOHr.Y AT LAW, WKI.DON, N. C. Practice In the courts of Htillfax and idjolnlntf count ies. a n. I tu tli" Suprvnii' and Ke.l.Tal courts. I'ltiuns eolb.cte.1 lu any part or isorth caridtita. one ol tlie linn will iilviuvs bo found III the o II .- . June So ly. 1857 SUES 1857 R8TABLI Junniiry Isit, RUFE V- DANIEL lll.'tork of l,l ii.,rs. (I rocs r let tu Ceufee- tloueriet eiubrucu in pari FltKNcIt, AI'PI.K. lll.ACKnKltrtVaii.1 wn.n cHErtrtT suaset, WlltSltlKS, POUT, 8IIBRKT. MADK1KA and CHAMl'AllNB WINB. C1UAUS, UACON, KLOUU, MOLAS8KM, LA UP. UlNORtt, PHPPRR, Sl'H'B, APPLBS.JRLL1B8, PICKLF.S, BRANDT I'KACHKS and CUNFICTIOKBKIIS I'OltTSEitVH LAUEU BEES Ol I C E, And many other articles too numerous to nea turn. R.W. PANIRI.. 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldoo, N. S. oct 1 ly Y AivaoRouuu U 0 U 9 B. ine Square, fwo Siiiuares, 8 00 R 00 14 00 6 00 10 00 20 00 8 00 If) 00 IU I 00 10 00 18 00 8 (10 15 00 20 00 40 00 20 00 80 00 (iO 00 t'ttyetievllle Street. " Kalel(h, ! C. Teruia' to lult thetlr ea O.W. BLACKNAlL.rropTiitoi. SOatl --s r.-an

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