THE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE. ; One Tear. In ilvnce, 1 Vlx Months, I Three Months, 5 On I Oil' IS cts' ADVERTISEMENTS, SI rf MOSS 111KB RKOULATOB. ) R MEDICINE fur I J J I t pyephla.;ilcn(1iirhe.JiUiiu1i(.e,f,otlvcnO''f,Ciiip l)v-Mitrry, Kirk Hi'nd .. he. chronic J,iirr.mii J AfWMu.isorthe liln.l.l.-r and KLIupvu. Kuvcr f rvnttnfst, -h PI . DiM'H'OHof the Sktii. Inipnl j ty or Ina lilooil, Mi'lf.ic-iuly or Duirtiuu hitirii Ac, Mat of ulli.ioi a lunc tMiu.iiernted bv liVlr I origin In a (iKon'tt I vi-i'. uh rh tn Him mont pro jj Vftlt'lii hHv. l,i llilv rniitiiry. tt.wl a tn nuny : nui'H i tie pa will i if ( wMit.i the reni'li of plus- Jj li'lMlt. it riMH (M ,, k.illH' H'lllt'il)' ll(Mlit l0 HO- 1 vi'li'it tiinl wmilil mil Iti lh li'imt tin, all' lln t ml i htllUllnil. ft. nl Vl't ll ' Hl'i lv ttil'l Utif". Tllllf fllrll t the I'h.u'tci T oil 5m KM.()Nm U KilM..Tu. ( Hum1 mn h nntUiiilit, ilm .' Mlm Miy it. hitit tivtlri ! will ti'MNh. NYUl'Ton OF A DlNKASI D mIii In the s.1.. Sithii'ilnw LIVES (I'll' I H'lt iiMtlcr tlui Shoiihi'T ni:iit': mi ii IHiMt Uttik n fur ' liuitiinitihiii hi e tirin. Tim num. mil (m J, t fcr.f-l wnh I". nfupp t!te mill kiii', tmw- all In tfftitf.-iil ure pus ivi. smiici iaii'f- iilti-rhiitiiiy; lux; tlu li'iw, l U'nulili-tl t..h ituln. au'oi.i- piiil 1 will) it iliill. h -uvy t'.i il-iii, Thtvi' U pfiifiulty n f oiithlur I tjj losxuf uij.nory, ncntm paimM with ft pit nml m'im .n of linviiitf It'll UHilmie sontt'i'ii.rj whic.i tni;,it in ti.ivi I teen ; A si. i,n co th In Mii.ici iuicm hii HlU'iii'iint, Tli prtt ivni (iiin uf we i. i u. t a .hi ; is i ftsiU jtui. I -.1, his tt i-ol1 .ir Imiiil.i i, .-uri l mi.1,H;i..i of n pl'u-kly Mnv.tinn of iti kU: Ills .i. R low; fln l Hlilinuh siitlii'il Mliul i'ttn-1-e won Id i.r li-iifiicinl U) iii. ,,yt". h cmi n-p-ci'ly ku ii ni tit up ft it'll ihI." i ioii.i to try It. In furl ti il vni-ts pvrry h'-iiimIv. Nveri1 of ihe hOV6 8Vmpt-l)lS HtltM'f lllfl li e. S'5. ljtHl'ttiUi li.ive ti o.ii i'ctl wh n ii-w ni tht.Mii ex ''ril, yi-i i nt tuition of t lie ody it it v lU'itih. howil t.tu jJ.iVTtr hllV I) "Ml 31.1'lisivt'l) l' "' if tlXl'li i H shou'U ix iih'i ijy iiM persons, o'i ou.ri, ' ; wlifinvr nny o. tl fniriu.H syuiptoiiiit n ti-. It in n piiifty T-'irmivhle, 19 not l.ijti j tn Hi- in-i-l ditllrfie cuuM'tiiiion. nu ;ill krf p iln liv"r i't h nlltvni'iitin (f rvytl '.trfijn.!). i OrHiis HvIut In it.tiiiiitlliy lutrtjiutci Hi.iy vnit) nil b ti'Mtt Miit is 'ty li'kiit r a t.u occas IoiirIiv to k"'p th livoi 'ii In ivltliy acltud. For rtilMi'-n j-iinmliiinlnir REGULATOR "f rniin. b.v.t.'Miiu. 01 il k ."louiitiM, p. t v-p.t-ntul or note will kU-c r-i('(. t h it' .11, us wt-ll an ailtilu. rat Hfinitl..i h io lym h Mi.iprr, or eat souiHliilm wlilrli to " .Kt ul e L w 11. proHiu iiiir sum- simii fell. ht'iM inrii; a K'iJ ito-e wi: hU'8 r H'i'( TliK Hl-piifH 10 p'-I'mjiik Oi :ut ;v"kt Mmiy peiNnitH. Iiviii entity; ion rnurli. are rtM If .t nilil. or in il.iy tune f 1 laluoi yt wu) k:t hiving, niMiot lit) Irrmninl ',i;t iiii'V rcml, r ',iUot kerp tli 'ir tlion ,li s on mv auu Mitijc'i ko an to .-oiiKan well, ot h'(oiiiu i.u'ful. itije 1 r two liioio.nmii v 1 1 Miv 'umh. 1. JCNO'iK IftUpriiQiuh linuulai' 0'l eiitlnr rnc.i uiful. loproiliidt oui fit'l n.'ion from tl.t ,jovol every tiny. ) Vt 'mnt in.iii'M will find 11110 rulief froij tlici. Jie Mlnchoi. roMivirn sh, k nii.ii'Mtf III 1I16 lu-inl 4'olic, Konr Htoimu'lt, ru-illrinish, -u-. It t mtUl .ud uuitn t,Kiu biiier tlnin ui in ai tiy njll n : 1lftOill A I 4 I IO. I Bny no pow lrrfor pirp-roil KlM MOT I.IVPH KU IT L ATi l iiiilcx ill uiir i-ii - tivml wriii -r, Willi I r;ule-.Murk,iauiL) ju'l M.-nui urc 11 11 1. iu ken J J. H. ZEILIN A CO ' Ufli:oa. tin M'i'l i'ljiltnU'lt'llir I Bold v all yiii'a'(r( fob Illy W' tiiSur AnBtirl NtwiiH notlltvalr tfreli' ,j CUM 1 TM J InMr Rrntdr tr (he irJf ind MrmiBfnl curt oi Muitiiml jsmtuions ana 1 mpoinry t i.4 oxit rwitli UhmIuiut uurwiM 4 Uf. Tl M. ) I . I- kt ... I' Ik. Iw. I , 4 mi HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF S CHEMISTS, K pitm MkH4. J It- I WHEELER WILSQN'3 NEW NO. 8. IN TIIK WOK r 1). f&T II BEPOBS AHT QIHB. 1UKITI W1ITKD fftfni for tf,ra)id prltt LUt. nit 11 tin WMSBUIJ t WIUOY. Slf. C. UU'lllUVUlt, IB. 1 -I TV W ilALL. SUBMISSION. AMiWF.K TO K A HI Kit UVAS's "l:tT." Poor wcarii'd f-"t t l'o r ( irr-.l Inmls Willi liil-or slrcst-1 : ITcss on n little tt liilt- liic .s HlcinlU" stnuula, 1 ill omiftli ri-t . Thine rye )i.mi 1.1 never kunw tlie te.n-s (II hitler l inn : Thy heart hIuhiM n -v.-r know the n;ir in m.ih. j i;iiiui. Thine eye" t'ie h irveM 'h.ill n t c.iniit, 1 ny inuriniirtlu eejie ; The barren wavHtrrcu fiiiul il Hum Unil'n fount, II 0 elVft ll lT.'IIM'. Then scalier xecil in s in I n t ine'ii kUmim, On rni k iimi m .I. . AnJ he will iri""'r l enni.! ihy A lijuve-t (;i.iml. Thy reml. ss .li((iies furilie "llllier Sh'T",' "I'lir ilu '1 l ie eMt" Miut ii'itlu I h' liiri vei i.(ii '. 1' lil' (il'li klle A ! ll Jt. A little while nn lull tor nil lo.'i r, i'hy hen. t upp etl .mil know no cure mo' reM!e .ii t:ii n in Hal I'.e-t, .-.will 1,'e-l : 1 7 ll -Roanoke News VOL. XI. WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1882. NO. 11. Tlirli liu-Oi ihv "hiun.iii lie ii Ii -n ihv hri'ti Krjlonp; on iu th -i in .i; t rt rry"lu tn l.rnw'ii the LIFE'S BRIGHTEST HOUR. Nllt loll"' tr'wn'X- 1 lllfl 11 .'lllllllt ojrll- tlciicin wlin is iis-irs'ii'tl I'm' iii'ire than million. SilviT was in his hair, nu: iiiiiti hi.s Iii'um, ami he st(inic I lir rii'ath liis hnnliMi of woaltii. We wnv pikin of that icii'nl til life when wet Iiau wail.' a ti,t nmst jci icci. ci jiiynicnl, or rather when wo hail lniiinl the lianiiincss ncan-'st ti) he iiiiailove l. Said tliti lllilliiriairc : "1 will icll you when was tho hap- iiest hour ol my I i f. Al tlui :t tx ul otic aml tweut y. I h:ul savcl tin SilO, I was earning ijfilH) a year, ini'l my falhi-r d'nl not tako it I'm n nn', onl rniiiiirin that I sliouhl pay ho. ml At this aire ol' twenty-om.' I si'iuueil a n'etty ciittaije just outside of the city, I was al'li; to pay two-thirds of the money down, mid also to turni-h it re- spfi'.tahly. I was married on Sim lav. a Sunday in Juno at my lalhei .-. house. My wile had entile to me poor in purse, hut rich in wealth ol worn. hi- hood, 1 ho S. ml). nil an I tlie natilial Ii niijhl we passed lieticatli my f itlmi'V roof, and on Monday morning I went to my work, leaviioj; my mother mid sinter to help in prcpaiiu my liouie On Monday evoniu when the lahr A MISSISSIPPI PILOTS'S STQRY. of the d:iy w. re di I went in it to past, fir and 141 Insurance Afui. Ji t) found In th RoanoW? Qawi 0Oe, I f 4 WlLDOX, tf.C. BIPQIIXITI, f' York Und.nrrltPrn. ''Arrlenlturml" of Wittirtown. N. J. W'mern, f Toronto, Cmiil. Vamllro, of TarlHiro, N. C Lynehtjuric. of l.ynrhlnirir, V4. ; ri'lulUhl. Llfa Insurtnf Cu. ol N. T. . Willi rle rlk In n other 60i iomrn U low alitiUcs. JUiTjaJ (lie parental shelter, as in tin but to my own lionv. Ihe Ijoly al mosphero of the hour seems to surround mo even now, in memory. I opened the door of tho cottage and (tutored. I laid my hat upon th: little stand in the hall, and nasse 1 on to the k'.U'l.o i our kitchen ai d in n room weje all tho same then. I pitshed open the kitphen door and was in heaven. Tljd table w is set against tint wall the evoning meal was ready prepaicd by the hands of her who had come to be ray help-mate iadivd as well as in namrwand by t!iu table, with a throb biny;, expeutaut look upon her lovely lovinij face, stood my wile. 1 tried to speak and cou'd no'.. I coul 1 only clasp the waiting amrel to my Iiomhii, thus Kliowino; the ecstatic burden of my heart. I'lio years have passed lonjt, long years and worldly wealth has flown in up in me, an 1 1 am honored and invited; but, us tineas heaven, 1 would give it all, every dol ae, lo -iiie joy of the hour of that lijiit.' evinine;, in the long, long a;;u. THE HOTEL CLeVtTwHO KNOWS. A newly arrived and singularly as sorted couple at the Fifth Avenue Ilotel.consistillg of a IOiidoner and an out and otitAuioi maii,stood watch itig the throng of pie coming an. I going at the marble counter the other evening, and listening with surprise in the endless (juestioiifi made to the clei k about trains, rooms mid individuals, and hit, instant. moons replies, when the. Englishman broke out with ; "Most extraordinary man, cocms i know eyorythitifj and everybodv V'onder if there is any ipiestion iibotl a railway train or any peis a that Ii can't answer?" "I'll hel half a doyen champagne that I'll put liiu a 4icstion about a tram ho cin t answer, said the es ternof. Done! ill stand six to see him u' to grass, Baid Her Majesty's subject. Well, here goes then, and the Wos terner Htejipeii up to the marble eouu ler. S'ay I You appear to know ivory- thing and everybody j who is there tro'.iiur lu li 1 uud wheiiil the tram start ? Charles J. (luiioau; Htau .10th of June, sir, replied the clerk looking hiu right in thd eye without moving njlisi le. Well. I reukon Tm are rilit, but can vou tell mo where I cai, iro and get a ticket ? Go to the devil ! said the clerk, turn nig away. Mister, said the Western guest looking over to Parker, the blonde bar keeper, alter tho laughter that subsi ded, you can charge six bottles of l'li. (11 my Din lor tne uso or mom genuu men, for I must weaken on this bet as asm me. He withdrew and tho clerk koiit an sworintr ouestions about other and U)ore luminal- routes with pcrtectcqu namity. See the hue cloodi ofj tuioku ni'lini fi em the lil chimney. It ll the chleney uf u nen ptper olDce. Why (lout the hu,'0 clouil roll from the chimney ! Terliapt the editor Is . writing iu t41(:l.'l.-('u :Wv. ;ut. The pujenfer, who wm golnif down the bli; rlyer for the (list time in hit liTe, tfcured per mission to dimd up In-niili! the pilot, & grim lit KruybU'k, wlio ncTcr toU a lie in hi life. "M:nj all iir itors In llio lirer?" impilred the tranter, after a look nroini I. "Not o nninjr now, since they pot to ihoot hi' 'cin for their hhlin ami t.illrr" was the ro ply. "I'nid te he lull, eli ?" 'i don't want to tell you nhoiit 'em, strnn pcr," replied tin: pilot, slliina hemlly. "Why V "'r.iuni! y iu'd think I w,n a-ldu' to you, Hint Unit' Mi'iitliln' I never d'. 1 ran elicit nt ki ei l, ill ink whlakey, or i-hw poor Irib.u'ker hut I ciin' t lie." ' Then ihere u-M lobe lota if Vm !" In H'lireil the pili.eni;er. "I'm mmt iifiuhl to tell y-', tn inter, hut I're com. ted 'li ven huinlie.1 uliinl irit to the mile fr nu V lekuMnir el'ur iloivn to New Oitunn. 'Iiil .n yej njr i, iifore a all ot win ever Ihe.l nt 'em.'' ''Well, I don't dntiM It," replied the atran-i-r. "And I'e iMiiiite.l 3.tin f 'em on one turn! tin," innliiiiiiil the pilot. "It looks bi to tell hut ii unveniineiit sutveyor was aboard, mid he I'li-i'k'd 'cm off at 1 called out." ''1 haven's Hie least doubt of It," said the p.l-i''lii;ei', us he heaved a 8Uh. "I'm o' that, straniT. Some fellera would think 1 am a liar, hen I'm trlllnj; the 8o;euni trulli. Tliii teed to be a p.iiadnto for alligator, an I tley were 60 thick Mini, the heels of Hie tin it killed an average of forty nine lo the inile !" 'Is thai no ?" "Trueim t,',u pi, mister! I used lo feel sully for the ciiised toiil' S, 'cause ihe'd cry on ! e'en iii'V like a hinniin beini;. We killed lo'a of 'oi a 1 said, anil we hurt a pile inure. 1 sailed wilh one captain who nil tin carried a thousand tint ilea of liniment to throw uvor to lie' iti'iind' d ones !" "He did ?" ' True na you live, lie did, I don't 'sped i I'll ever tee another such a Kind, t'hrutiaii nun -And the e.ll iima got to know the' Sancv Jane ai.,1 lo know ('apt. Tom, and ' they'd a wiin am ami nib their tslla hu'iii her I boat an' pur like c its, an t look up and try to smile!" , " t hey would ? "S ileum tiuUi, t ranker! And once when we e'oii'idcd ,j t,,it lv,i, aM oiiposiiiaii b.iat ru;ht behind, Ihe ulli.i tors ,-iiht..d urnimj i e.,L ui.dtii' hei' fctiru, mid jumped her clean I over the bar tv a tr.i ml pusli. ll looks like a ' bij; eluiy, lull. never told n lie vi.t, nd I never dial!; I wuuhin't lie for all iliu money you eoild put nh iaid this boat." There a, a piintul pause, and after a wliilii the pilot continued : 'Our eiuiiies i;iu out once, and a crowd of all.titor. t.ieu a tow Hue and h.i iliid us forty the miles no the stream 1 1 Vickshuitr." " 7'hev ,:. - ' "Ami w hen lie' news jj..t aluiiij tne ritor that apt. T on was dead, every alliRitor on Ihe i iter il.iuhe I lii- left ear wilh mil I as a had'e ! f in lurniii', and lots of 'eiu i.jied and died." I The iiisxcii ;er left Iliu p, lot house wilh the j in u k that he didn't d"U'jt the blatcuioi.t. men!, and the ul I man uan- ih? wheel a turn, i ill 1 i eplie.l : 1 h .i's i. no thiu 1 won't do for 1 rs nor money, ami Ih it's inaku a ll.i uf m.iiielf. ( w.ii briini; up hy a (jood inijiliei', an 1 1 11 slick u the truth If this don't ui. ike it cent." Viclmbui ll- v. 'hi. HOW HE LOSTJIIS MEMORY. He had asked the man in the seat behind him for a ehew of fine cut, and after stulling half the contents of tho box into his mouth, he had put the box itself into his pocket. Whorl re minded of this he replied : lUess me bless me ! Why, so I did ! Hope you won't take offence, lor I had entirely forgotten it. Dear mo! but I find fr.'sli evidences every day that I am not what I used to be. I see that lam losing my memory. That's too bad, said the other. How long have you been thus afflicted? Kvaetly thirteen years ago to day. Pid soino accident happen to yon then? Accident ! I'.less you, my dear sir, it was ti terrible thing. I was huipj by a mob. Is that so? I don't like to bei im pertinent, but 1 should really like to heat about il. Certainly no impertinence about that. 1 was in Denver. My business I here was to sol' pian s and organs. One night I called at a house to sec about the sale of a piano, and I found the lady murdered in the hall. While 1 was standing there, horror-struck and and toirilied, several parties camo up accuse,! me of the deed, and iu it'll minutes a mob had u rope around my neck. I was dr.iggid to a tree, given two minutes to pray and then ptill.'d up, Haaged by the neck ? Yes a regular hangman's noose, and the end of the rope was made fast and I was left, swinging. C.ieat S.Mit! And and but you didn't die r I diinno, softly answered the piano man, 1 date my loss ot memory Iroin the minute they began pulling on the rope. l erliaps 1 was cut ilmyn and resuscitated pui haps the corpse was t iken nut and Inn leil. As 1 told you before, mv memory has sadly failed me. The other pii,.led over it, blo'T his nose, got red in the face, blurted out Say, tnisier, I believe you are a gi o iuiie liar ! lake as not like as not, blandly re- plie.i tho piano man. lieu a man s memory begins to fail he may hit ' truth or he may be like h I, jest as it may happen. Have you any good chewing tobacco wilh you? A MATTER OF BUSINESS. A B3XINQ WIFE. now sin: cent:: in ii Wl i n . H. IRTISH insinsi m nt.. 1 The handsome anil muscular youn w ife of a Philadelphia man, who is a phvuician and a ne.l a.'ilt'le, found thit her hiutiamrs ac tions we c in a fair way to he luiusrelled lo another lady, a fonuer school-in ite. Instead I if sittiai; ili.aii n crushed and heart-broken' woman, Mie resorted to nu cn'iicly original ; means of irntelin her h oior. !s'n! went to' the most, noted b.uln' master in the city, and ; in a few w eeks .isa very liCC'inpllshe I slu-j dent of the art of self-defmuc nnd olTenso. The husband Icu-ncd nf Ihe h tier's lo , his wife, and dt'iiniti led en explanation. 'I lie I result is described iu Ihebox.'r's luh'Mi iure : Well, 1 wa iu ii nice box, now wasn't 1 ? I ' couldn't lell linn "h it I went Hi re for, hut I ; was hound to snu. ire myself, and si I up audi told Hie whole thin,'. He didn't i ..a. !y be j lievi! mi", 1 think, and weni aw a,' half satisllcd. I'he next day 1 saw him iiiln. lie had been coiiviiifiM. A In ick eye, a .swelled note and a red ?plotch on the check proved It, '(.'I nk, old man, eaid he, isteudiin Ids band, T understand the v. bij'e lliin,'. 1 went home with a still shoulder last lu'ht, and my w ifa very coolly Informed me that the believed I was n d the sort of hushiud I oulit to be, and to ','lvc force to her remarks alio let out one fiom Iho shoulder that caught me iu Ihe eye. She didn't wait, but follawcd il up wi)ia cicnlilic belt on the einclb r. Then, before 1 knew what b id hsppemd, I not a sllnitn; iihl liander hi thu check. 1 foi'ot nil about boiih for the time, I was an taken aback, bat rccoyei. d enoiieh to sec uiy wife wilh her left foot out ini'l her props up In Ihe regular style. She ationt'dif d tne, I can tell you. I hen all of a sudden, she thiew her a: ins mound my l.ui k, burst Into tears and kissed me. ''his inoriiiii; we made up like a pair of tuitle doves, nnd new cve'Uhiii ' is lovely. I've promised te be a k' "1 t'oy in tho fiCuio and propose to keep my wild, o you can sea a pair of bo-'n;-tjh'Ves broil ",ht i.elo my senses, and made inn see what a w retell I had been t.i ami of the best Utile w ives iu the country." "You were out lute last nitit, dear," laid Mrs. Creeay, takin;; her seal at the breakfast la hie an I f a n bli in; u n easily with her foi U. "Oh, n," said Mr. llreezy, "It wasn't late. You sec, dsi lhiK you were asleep when I couio In, and " "No, Mr. lirsery, I wat not asleep, but, at yon say, It was not late for you. N'othlni; would co n mice you the clock struck three as y u rlused the ball door. Of course bus -le ss detsine I y m, niy dear, ll is wonderf 1 how mil h bnsiu -ss a man w ill tlnd to trauss I after iiildnii;ht, but f couis.1 we women kuoiy nolhitii; about such tilings. We c.n never nu lei slmd you men, can we dear! V c. arc always iiuairiulni; all sorts of horrid thin ;s when you stay away a day or two without sending us etcu a linn. Women aid to ner vous, arc they not, dear? What silly crea tures we are, to lie sure. If wc would only go to bed, and no to tleep, It would lave us a koi Id of trouble, wouldn't it, dear? Wc might know that you reit mini stionjj men can tike cue of yourseliea. If you are obliged to nt up until 'J or It o'clock It) t no moiiiliij; talkini' lunluen with your customers It is n ally m grateful for us to complain, for, of course you have Ihe worst of It, don't you, darlinc? How I must have bothered you, and how tired yon niusl gel, and that in nil for our sakei. When you como tottering homo so tired that yen can baldly get up stain, and tlnow yourself on the bed without even the slrcntrih to remote your boots, we should up preci ite your devotion lit thus laboring to sup ; port us. Now, last, nijlil, dear, when you j tumbled over tho rocking tlialr, nnd found yourself ohln;i'd to cliiiK to Ihe headboard lo support your weary form, you presented really sad example of the overwoiketl bus baud uud father. When your shattered ucrrca c auseil ou to upset mv iieih bottle of cologne, a, id s'att'-r the coitlenls of my wink basket over the lloor, you really looked the typical tnarlyr of luariied life, uf course youth) not remember it, dear. You were toe tirod and worn out wilh thntl.oirid customer te remem ber ativllilui:. What a dry, stupid time you miut havo talking. 1' -.M('l lpi'A OF WirllH Willi). 11 have no worse eiiiim'c itiati woip.'ti. One must be a Woman to Liow how lo i ever. go. Woman conceals only what sha dot s not knew. Woman is a creature between man ami the tm'rels, Woman is more constant in laU'.' l llinii in love. JOSH EILIINGS- A New York coi iospondent wrii"' "Ihe bent form and wh-i-ned I of Josh Ullline'S are leim ntly s among the tlpon rs on Hi'i-adw The famed writer of the Yankee i erbs has chosen Now Yolk lis home, afiur achieving his ,ono i ol elsewhere. A dozen v.ii s a;o no a s a country anciioneer in l'mi'ili ( , with the leady'wit and humor o ' - icli'ilstic of the pi'otcioii. He n ..I i certain droll way of te'ling n , i y ,i' t. was very taking, and his n .'I nl -i loles and nroverhial vil it i'0 " I ine:;liaiis..i"le, I ,inn a imtil s o suddenly lumped into tiolni and became a public vri;er. Ho ' a qetet life Wile tils ,'imily m Sf. third slveet, oecnpyin :' a 'it iiii am! irrleiilious house, ihe a id, of rhieii is made to serve the double pu pose ul stnr'ii'oom nnd sa iciuui. As ho g o older ho seems to more and more than ever supremely indiffleeiit as to the opinions of others and to all on, side mt nonces. As lie ''roots vm wilh an amount on-like grasp of tin' hand i ml mil'. 'nines a mechanical 'How- de-do,' or '('o id day,' Ids manner im. presses you as one who has reached ihe summit ot his ambition, with little else to a'. i. iii) or care for. Ho is vorv iacilurn and reticent lo everybody ( k- oopt his li'ionds, to the l.iiler of whom he is so( ml and an.ble. 11 is loyalty from his publioal.ions and proverbs yields him an income npproM.mH'tiig is.') ,000 : from the proceeds of his labor lie has amassed the ooniforlablo com petence ol JloO.lHK) or SuO.UUO lie is till occasional and willing lecturer, lint not ft highly -attractive or sucoosslul (.no." Tint Uii'Oiisiiii.K (I. lit.. Ho olfereil her an Opal thus. el'xewe me," the tahl, while a blush crept over her cin eki; "opals arc nnlirky." 1 Iimi he llshcd a package of c iranieli out of bis pocket and attempted to present it to her. "I never touch them," she murmured. "They destroy the teeth and draw the lillitiif inil. My mother got tome between her teeth the other day and tier Jiws were held togetlitr totiuht for two h mm that she couldn't talk." "You must have hud ipilct In the house ".Sir!" I say you must have hud a tint In tho bouse J menu that j our mother was provoktd that the could not preserve her usual state of beautiful serenity, but l, us oblige. 1 to give way to her feelings, In spite of her l.orolc efforts 10 be calm. Would yon like to go io tho nil , strcls to .night ?" "No, I Ibtnk yen, she whispered, feeling ly, L am always saddened by such woeful dreams as 'Camilh'," II unlet," and 'Miss Maltou;' and the hist time I was at tho min strels ! law how those plays could be rendered much mure heartrending with the jeket of tho minstrels worked Into Ihetn," lie then hulled her lo lake a walk, nnd par take of ca er en to and other luiuries calcula ted 1" llll the feminine mind with ectnsy. Hut sho refused each and nil of them. And ll.o young man itntieed around with his pocket book in his hand, und thought nliat expense men would tic saved if all girls were like tint one. And then ho sang : "I have found aie the wife of the future, J'vo found the Impossi ble (iirl. Then he woke up and ascertained thai he had been dreaming. 7'hc Impossible girl hid yet tq be dlscovcrm!- A Fsw leiiini(iii. Vrsti'i lav afternoon s stranger alio was coming up from Ihe union depol stepped aside to nsk uf a mail hi the door of a clothing store : ''My friend, can you tell me how Jar' "Do you want to buy some clollilnj; ?' Inter rupted the oilier. I guess not. 1 simply wanted to impure how-" I sells you a spring oafercoat for tree dollar " "I never wear more than one spring overcoat at the same time. I want In nsk" " have some w ests for a iolar." "That's cheap enough, but. don't care tel invest. NVill you li t iie ask von how far" Doati' yuu vhant some buutleoiis fur twelve shillings!" "Some 8tuclhi.u,s fur ten cents J" "No." "Homo siMrpcudcrs for two shillings ?' "No. I wanted tn utk " "I sell you a hat for sixty cents," The ttranger picked up his talchel aid llicii, facing a unit, Tits Man or Dpli.bts. As I tat on the hotel ttepsat Dalton, (la., talking with a drummer from CiucionAtl, the landlord camo out and asked us if we wanted to see a mini who was carrying six bullets about with him. (tf course we did, and we were wulked down to the other end of tho veranda and Introduced te t'ul. ll.'acli. I was golne; to approach hiai alovly and giacefully, but the drummer rushed right at him with : So you me can ring six bulled about with yon, eh ? ' "Yes, sir." "Do they pjlu you minh ?" "Oh no " "bauds alive 1 hut I don't see haw yon lived through it. Haw many bailies were you lu T" "Kighti'tin.'' "Did you g' t til these bullets al unco ?"' "Yes, nil at once.'. "It (ieorgc ! Well, I never heard tho like of ll! Colonel, I don't want tr bo impudent, but bul " You want to know where they are loca ted " "Exactly exactly." "I'm carrying 'em In thit packet to day," IS the quiet reply at he Ashed down and brought up six old bulh'tt picked up oft tl Utile field. It was a Job put up on me, but t Ho drummer got in ahead, mid he wat to in ad about It that be wouldn't eat any nipper. The Louisville Courier-Journal ii ginuales that if truth lies at the bottom of tho well, some one has stolen the pump. Nonsense, old fi.llow, yon didn't know how to work it. - A man who quit keeping a diary because he could find nothing to write iu it, was the next day run over by a cart, beaten out ol throe dollars in a dot; trade, blackguarded by a fish wile and draw on a jury. Ho will re Biime the diary. ADV r'KTIMll.MKNTS. tv siK MM ADYKRTISING RATES. .STACK lino Square, Two Squares, Tliron Stpiarea, I'Niiir Squares, Koiirth I'nl'u, Hall Co I ii inn, Whole Column, s I a a I k O I fS oo I o 3 00 8 00 14 00 CO eg 5 Oil 10 00 20 00 30 00 K 1)0 15 00 ltd (0 40 09 io oo s oo :;o eo 45 (to 13 00 M 00 40 00 . 0 ( U M 00 W 00 CO 00 05 iq OnsYesr, 75 (iQ , .umm PROFESSIONAL CARD 8. JAUN'i'lI & lll'.I.L. AXTOltoS KVl AT LAW, liSriKM), s. c. Vraetl.j's In tloi e.outitles of Halifax, Naak H'liretiuinl'i' and Wilson. t'olloctlfliiB maiUlu al) parts o( tho State. Jau U II, ATl'O llKY AT IsAW, S'tlTHNIl N'sJI'K. H LIFAX CoONTT If. O M In tln e.mnty of Halifat snd adlolUj lies, Mi l III Ihu riiirt'Uie court of tl, IVae ln co Stal". Uiy- .1 M. (I UUill A ll It. ATTOItMKY AT I. A IV, hAI.IKAX. N. (J. onieit In tint I'ourl House, strict atteatlojA k'Iv.oi toali lirauches of tlui prolesslon. jau 1'.' ly T UfMAS N. UILL, AKorney sit Law, HALIFAX, N. C. lu Hilifax nod nljoluliis; ceuutl ouris. k, once every fortj aunt fit Prae.t I sil l Ko.l Tal ao l Sioirein Will l,.i at Sei.tlai,! N ulirht. IV lail, W. It A U T l A N , S ii r K o o n DmiIIsI, Olllee over W. II. Urowu's Dry Uooda blare, WHI.DON, N, C. Will visit parti 's at Ihelr homes when Aeslredj Terms Iteatonalile. ocl t'i It T. w, M HUH AT TOItelKif AT LAW, GAltYaiit'KU, N. C. Vra.'tlu' inth' !. tilling e.iiiutli preiutt eoiirts. enurU of Nitrttiainpton andj i, also in the ks-d' ral an. I Su, Juua tf. DA SIUI, r a i v v. it i. 1 1 A(lot iie' anil Counsellur At Law, W f. L It OX, N, ('. I'rat Iii es lu It illfax tin I a It tlnliu' cnuiilles. S 1 1 1 t I a I U'li'lltlei lvol to t.'ieie Ions Is, all parts i. r the statu and prompt reiuma madts, fell. 1J 1 y yyr sv. ii alu, ATIOltXi: AT LAW, WEM)iX, N.O. H. .'ial att"ivMoii uleeti to colh'iitloua Al t, remittances promptly inrel-t. may 111'. Q U. K, I: H U Ji K K, K V It u r. O X ! Ss X T I S T A '""AC'ISI) IISUN1 A U'Mllll-SI f'. mcichaut's we'e yt'ileidty gayo 111 in the fol low, tig Inlet, wiih Inn, ructions that It should not be opened until he got to hit plauo of bus iness : "lam forced te tell you something tint I know v ill tioiiblc you, but it is my duty to do to. I am determined yon shall kuow ll, tut the result be what it nny. I havo known (or it week that this was Coml ig, but kept it to my elf null) to day, irln'ii It has rtt'che I n ciiss mid 1 cannot keep itauy lo"Sor. You must not cen-uio mo Jtoo luir-shly, fur you must reap the ben. llts as well as my self. I tlo hope i. vyou't e.iish yoa. The Hour is all out. I'lcnse scud inn some thit n.'U noo i, lthoaght that. by t'als uicdiod vou would not ( ge; U." Thu li neti.i : J iclcpho.lcd iorlb, ul h for n bntiel ot tliu best fjour in the mar k t to be sent to his homo InstuuU'r. -Naeh- ill0 .lotil c UO. Most women cuise sin bcfoic nn- hraciug penitence. omen who l ave not line teclii o il f laii'h wilh their eves. I'l iendship In'! ween women is cnl' a stisponsioti of hostilities. Women ask ifa man is discreet, as men ask il a woman is pretty. lion woman is no longer auraunv.' she ceases to bo inconstant. Women never weep moro biltcr'.v than when they weep lor sinlo. The most chaste woman may bp the most voluptuous, it she loves. . When a woman pannot be revenged they do at children do; they cry. A wuiiian and her servant, noting in accord, would outwit .1 dozen devilg. A woman gives the audacity which her beauty piompts us lo bo gadty of. Women like balls and assemblies i.s a huulei "likes u place, yhcio g.ino abounds. Woman is a charming creatine, who changes her Lp'art as easily as her aluu'a- . . SHE 1 THE CRF AT a iin itr 1111. FOU mmmw, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreiesi uf the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Spellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Ganoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fest and Ears, and all uther Paint and Aches. No rVtrflratlnii en earth epial" Sr. Jtc. in 0,1 u a ', urv, stiMjiter.l. I rh.-of 1 ' tcrciii I .dm ly. A u ml tinnils lull ll niiriitn. ly intone "iitlny of .10 Si'iiln. an. I n.rr one suilirui oh s.,u 111 have t beep tin, I imfciuw pr.iol ti ll.,n. IureeUiais iu Klevttn 1 -niigt.uTt. B0U) BX ALL DRI'OCIISTB ASD DEALERS IH KUDlfllNn. A.VOGELER & CO., llnKiuiore, 31,1., V. 8. X J ul v T 1 v. Ctu bn found nt Ins ofUco la P)u field. I'urn Nitrous Ox .In (las (or tho Paint less Kxtraeting ui Tooth ulwuys ou band, Ja ia '. tt. ,iiK i y, 0 q k n, walked i;uross the ttrcei, he shouted out "I warned to ask you how far it wat from Dan lo Her-!'' Hut the clothier drowned him out right there wilh : "t'nd call nnd examine my midcr.hott fur r any cents I 'I'rtUWitOMJ Kelt A very excited colered biother hunlod up an otlicer patrolling High ttreel yesterday nnd laid that he had long borne the abuse of a man of his color who was then In 3 hrmsc on tl;o deal black, and added "1 doan' want te broke do law, lint tho time lilt nrrove alien I la us' crush dat poison to dc dust r "If I catch you fighting I hall ivo tu take you dqwn. " 11 can't help It, tali can't help It, nohow. If dat paston iBiikct bit ditappearance on da ttreel while I'm aroipi' da fur am gwlne to fjv, If I ele fur it ! He't slandered me an' lied about m,i, an' I.e gwino lo k rush him tame as you would a tiger." 'J'he elllcer passed ou to the cr.d of hit brut and relumed lo llud thu crusher with his tack to tho fence nnd a woman lending him a Wet rag to bind his head up. "Lot s see r lou aro the man who was frolng to crush eoup) one S" observed tin) oltlcer. "I pe:U I are." "Did ho come out!" "1 ipnctt ,e dh." "Did the fur Oy V " 'Deed, tab, It did ; but de trouble wat did it waa de wrong fur I Do oiiety scoundrel re fused to be cnuhed.1' "nd now ?" "ell, Us gwlne ti) git healed up an' lick hit brudder-lu-law I Pour ou tome 1110 water, nilnee, for dl ole bc:d beglui to swim tjio. ' A. W It ll S N aj S U N, Mam k . ri ui.its or ami Oko.mks is Ai t. kiMis or ( iirringes, llHriu'Mt, SikIiIIcm, Itildlts. t ..I!..r.i, in., Wheel V lo l'anii 1 icar itoiics t i.l!.,r ran., W" llei-p I I 1 1 1 1 It . I jiMk-s m. 111 1 1 vs. 'i):i( a: IcoiJSI ATTOKXI'.YH AT LAW, II V I IKAX N C. nrnntii.e In the iniiititiesnf Halifax, Northamp ton. 1; I .-'com!..., Pitt ami Maitin lu the Sil, preni" e.oirt of tlie Stiittt mm 111 tlie r."lera Hi.iiris ot t !- ll isterii lii.,ir,t,l. (Mllcctioni liiinlu In nny part of tin. ntatt, jau 1 ly lot . 1 . II. o 1 1. itlt. H Z'tl I. H Ol- r'llll I) ll. A . 11. 7nu,n,()f ft1 1HYS1( I47VS n llUl.ihSH, W 11 I. U o N, N. C. )rs it. ninl l- It. -..l.iiV.T.T. Ktiviti unlt- Ji! rtlH'I.H 111 till' ITIlitli'i' 'f tlH-.lfiJ IMHU6 thu u u ninl tirui t l'r. A. it .illu'. tTiT h Uru. nili r thrlr iir.ifiuloiml norvifft to thu utilla h''Hur.iily mikI Mi'lirlt wtmro vt ttirtr ntrounrii, tlii'y ;uiraiiti' o;u-.'f ul nml iTniutit tttti'iit ion M J l 1 1 ' I ll H . 'T I ll'' 11 till W HI ttlU t' f'iUU'1 tl ih' ir i'(!l'-' 111 nlln'i ili'i-: pti(t: atur lnr'i l-.-it i- nt s w i:l I'f tr- nt-l rli In urn miI wiut iift'rsM ury. t'iMli will Hlni i;i Vrt tlii'lr atli'U: ti"u ,'niU nlM without extra clirKf. inr 17 tf. 1) II. IIAV. AY Jt A V. I 'LI.KOlll,!. Z 1 L L 1 0 O f If K 11. ATTUltXr.VM AT LAW,, r. c. rrsetleo In tlie courts of Hsllfnv and adjoining untiut les. ninl 1 11 1 h" Supreme ami Ke. I.' ral court s , rl inns c.,ll.'.-t... lu ant- esrt of .North I'nroltual on.'tif il,e tiiiu will always be found In tha otlt.' '. June 'J8 1 j. e., No-: oi l e 13 II. li"', St It, l (lion St., Norfolk, Va ' MOWN ti. 0 It K A V A Y. H AI.II A, N. V, p k A L it r a i la PftfljS, M KDItT S US. ill UN( It' Al tl. Faints, Oils. Varnl.sbfs, Die stalls, Kiue ;Tollet Soaps, Kant y Hair and Tooth ltrushea, Pel fumery and Kaucy Toilet Articles, Trus ses and Mioul-ler Urate's, Letter l'api.r, Pens, Ink, Knveloiies, dlnss, Put: ty, Carbon till, Lamps, i'hltv neys. SS'l'hysieiaiis's Prescription. accurately litmiiiletl. I.ANimuriu1,.' i;i,r. Suuni. We lturt'llllse these eeetls direct, from Ihe 1-1 tt'iislve S I Harms of ihe Messrs. l.atidi-etli aut they srXiultl not lit' classed with (lie set' left (ill I oiiilnisslon throll rholll. toe Cttlilltrv l's l.aiidreihs- Sei ib,ilht a K' P'l VcKt'tublv (,srneii le lusliretl. evt 1 'y S5' I v. a t 4 I! M s " k p Jiuiiitry IhI, 1H7, RUFE W- DANIEU '! stork of Lbinors. ilrocorlea and Ceufca llouerles 0 li lraco i) ar PltHMil, Al'I'l.K, 111. ack nmi ny it:! WILD CH HKU Y BltNl t, VVIIISKIKS. pou r, suiiRiiv. MADKIHA and ( HAMPAtiXti W1NB, I'Ihars, nAcox, KLOIllt, MOLASSES, LAUD, (JINOKK, PKl'HHH, SPICK, AlTLRSJHLLIRij, JMCKLK.S, BKiSIUy i'KACHKS and COJIKliCTIOHlsRISS i'oi;txkh'm laulu bicu w I C E, Ami many oh(.T articles too r,uu;en)ut to men; Hull. out J ly R W.PATftKL. 10 Wash, iironuo, WcIJju, N. p. Y AllMOKOUUll. 1IQUSB. t'Mrltcvllle Street, Kulsjiiish, S.'t".. Termj' to (Ult the Hint's . . (i.W. ItLAeji.NALl, PrepristCf. ornate

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