1 4 i- ! 1 i r -i. . ' THE HO AN OK E HE"'S TV. W. HA T.I,, i. J. W.M.KlMii:, ) Fiim.UTokv Tlll'liMn Y J1NE Ci.kvki.asi Trailer : VM l ?" ;isU llie T.ovt, u I'o t, I f I-ri jiii jitf-J jv tlii' rriTLt iii iii'ati.MH iii New Yi'ik. 1 ti't know, lmt ci t lliinjj is i:i rtain, lie can not i;i't to In a L'icalt?r p iliiical nonentity than lie now is a Very jjuzy t,i: to the bA.liv weatln-r bv.iu u CiiUiii'' kilo. St. Let is (ilihIV noi i.it : Tlierr fs no intention to run t lie UrptiMican party in tin.1 Stalwart tut. ISnt if yon want to see a firs', class viieim j'lsl tiT to run the K iiliican party in tin' 11. iW luiril mi; ami if you want to sco all the animal loose am all tin.' keep ( is on a jiunp for ilrur life, just inn lie of voiir II ill I'lfcls for 1 'rcsiilfii'. KKiiiKsr.srMivi: ;iy of Ilt'if.ix.a life loir,' I i uioci at, hays liiliisi-!f ati-l .'O J o'Iiims l i liis county, "ill vote t'ic lilnial ticket, lit a I Nu miticr. AVil. lit. ('apt. l'.iv .1 nics having ai l lliis rt i i 1 tin; I've imiitlifl iitlicm will In' foiiml anting vvlirn tlio lulL.ts arc i 'Vintcl. Tin' ppop'.o of Halifax runny cannot hv lel about like cliil-ilrrli. Tin: i sivutsin, He have ni-iiir.l x vopv of llic lvputl in .y ill.' '.ont!iil I re up pouitiill.y tin) Ii.rtii.,' trusted to inves;i.iic t!i rrti'liiion uf tlie 1'iti vrinity o N. :), Carolina. It compli ments tr' faculty, iii'li i.luallv ami Now. wliat is c .llect telv an. I stmli'iits a'so. 'I'lif !-ihn' :.i an t-xti act from tbe re- p it : Your ci'inuiittee iY saying that ll.e I'liiver-ily li.is inei, mi. I i. hum ', nil lb.- nblia ioi.n vv Incli j'll in. n ill s,iy it nnr, to lie public II li i facilities !br teaciiiii', ami its fictiity are capable of teach iu. all wliicb is well il in university f liication. With the collegcn ami "i liools tf tbe State, it can raise North Cuolina to the plan' which we ought to oct'. pv, iiinl which, before many iii ciib-s siiall have passed, wc will uc ciipy anions the Stales of the Fcleral I icon. It shouM In; its aim, ami it is its aim, to enter with ijor into a final ami imblc co.uest (or the pro- luctioii of e;ooil in the inoi.il nn l in tellectual education of mil people, will. mi! In ai 1 1 .in nins and jaloiislef, dei' in ti iiiinp'i, not f .r the Mike of its o'oiici, but lor the bl sins which it c..ii!rn. ADVKUTISKMENTS l, o o l s. tit lllAt's last appeal has been lie l.ii d, and he i.s so in.-ar the gallows iiow th it h ' can smell the rosin in the p'no cross beam?. He can (stn ll the sulphur in the other place, ton; but rosin and sulphur are p.itvl disin fect mt, nii'l they will protect him from the daug"!- of malaria, ho com mon in Washington during the mini tier mouths. The keenest pang the g iiistical wretch will feel in his vio lent taking off will bo that he can fever see ivhat the papers nay about it. Is I S 0 the protectionists swore f- ib-mnly to the woi kinin.'ti that ' I'r 'teetion always secures hi;;h v ig' s." As mioii as (i.uli.'ld was (beted the barons lio.HI to reduce wages To -lay the vv "i 'kingim n are Ptriking I r hv,'lier w.igo, that th"V in iv meet the ini'ieasi d cost of bring. AVho started the strike ' The i.i uti i - tieii'sts, of course. They told the workingmcn that "Protection al- vays si-cnie hih wages." Thew.uk- iiiomen say : " 1'he pr tecl ive t irill' is in fall blast; niake pool your pledge. The barons are silent. . . I in: J I 1 1 1 4 1. oni:miov The diilicial Convention which nut lu re on Thursday last was composed of i ep: en nta'ive ineii from the sev eral c unities and all seemed to be an imated i'.h a desire to conduct the proceedings in an orderly, harmonious m inner. M ist i! the delegates had fu "I iles for th j'ld "saip, but. there w. r' no auim i iues or dissatisl ietinn. Taeie w is a go i I deal ol spirit sli v ii in th" lull. cm,', but il i coil lucteil laiilv and cuntcously and II i one ,h.uv'd a iy t.-illp r. ('apt. l'hili i", the lo en inei , w .llgrt the full V i.i' of the 1) sji ii ) and ., hive the I .11 suopoit of the pail II ii ill ti I the otliee w itll dij; ni' V an. I id t pi ity. Wee ill the attel.ti ui of the Peino Cl its I'Vcrj n liere to th leso'ultuiis o i coun'y g v-i n im 1 1 1. u liifh Wfic passed unaiiini uislv. Tin- repeal o A. M. IN(iK. I i-' Mt-rTut mnA rnnlonily srrlilni:. ni w nt- f i'ikt .Ir. rn.0..ii. W i Hit lt. vr.iir mtt-IV rat itled iu I a '"uu l.K,k ol Ir.v i;n(ns. ni lo.vs, UllSIKHT. Hoots, fc-IIOES, II ATS, (IHIHTRt E.s. CRis K KKV, (,I.A SS WAHK TIN WAKK. TOIIACCO, t 1'iAltS, 4c., hr. LOW FOR CASH. .v th i: a r I ' k nr 1 1. D n o. ' tr A M I SOU. W.-I.l.in. S. C. T III'. llSLHUt.K Mil l INKIIV lli'lsK th la an 1 i; u'.l Ik- scions lilundir ' I e ii .ped that no atti ni I W I b. iii e!e to ihai -je the pi .1 f u in "I he pllt iu tills plllll'ill.ir. I.et "Il ci eigli alone ami lli Pcmoeiaev .11 carry the next (lection; cui.leiiin th law .m I the result of the election o In' eVle.ne.V i I'.tl'lll. ait. riu.it t im it's. ('apt. I'hillips is a native of Kdge C.enlie, ah "it 4.' years ol ape, and a la AVer of tine icputati m. lb' c, rad ii it.-d wish ills! i 1 1 - ion at I Ic Culver sitv . .f North Caro ina, iu the class i( 'I n ku i: is not a wui kuipm.iu in tbe 1 .1 an I I avin,' soeiit two veais al country who believes that "protection J ,i !pe l'c.it .-ou's law se'u i .1, was ju-t iidiaiiccs w.i.is." 'a"s have lint pi. p.i-i .1 to Hegln tie- pi ..el ice ol his iidvun'e I in this country since 1 - it, p, .i.-mou h in n the war broke out. M. hen the protectK.tiists w ere hli; i k- ill- a! .uice j..ii,-, il,e 1) Ipoeoinbe ing . "ote lor protection mi l high Ml i inis as private, I ut was soon p o- WHge.s, ll ey have l'c II rriluceil. j in ,: ed, In e.oi-e ol pa hint conduct, to Protection in iti tretno form is in ; the a Ij ii.m y t the 3j.!i North C.u opera'ion in China, an I the lowest . olma Uepiaieiit. l-'or three years he d their, served under Slom-wall Jackson, shar w ages iu the world ui e (I im my ha-, a h'pli protective tariil, and ( i. i mans a:e i iiuniiip away from tin ir c uintry, d 'c'.uiup that thev can not nuke en uigh wap'-s to keep sutil and body together. The protectionist theory does not hold out. - - AIM. IY. Mr Day on Saturday, the 10'di inst., in fruit ot the Vaiboroiiph House in Kihiph, dciioiinced Mr. .l.u v is to his face, atn! told him that 1 ic lei a i ci of the stolen poods Was in mean as tie thief He also ie- luilllieed til ' 1 eni"CI atic s .voro he m v. r would v imp the g'oiics which the N'ollh Caro liiia "lost c.ivalrv" won in those davs of peril and hard lighting. ("apt. l'liihps was thrice wounded, the last tune s si verely that be was assigned to duty on the staff of the chivalrous (iriiiies, as assistant brigade ipiartcr inasti r. On the cessation of hostilities he applied himself with renewed vigor to the ptudy of the law, ob tallied his license and beg in ti pi no tice in Taiboiu in January, His course at the bar has been a sleadv p.nlv, and j progress towards the first rank in ll.e ai. oilier i ,..,,: .,, . i .. lV'iuoi'r.V.li.- tn'k-'t il C st. ' ' i i-.o- i- w... in i c. i, .i,.. .,r 1.. n ... ... l .. I I ; l 1 '' " i ti' :il vi- I 1 1 v i I i ! M s.lVslllit ', he above e' I let a'ld o'.hel' p u lion- of the same aitieh' are not ."..I'.e. si s-ed In the 'f m a tni'' .Hi 1! at the :i c.i-i that I lim s an I A lie p li I .' d.d n.c. 11" c a t'.e ii bv !o r p -iit'cini 'a; il'-n Mince ( i -vi rii -r .1 irv is, but if ,inv Ml. Il cotiv el - !,, k place il vv .is w i'h s .me other than himself. That hr s.iid in boll of the YalboKUgh )ouetha: he would nevi r vole the l1' uioci a'.ic ticket again, but be would v te ',r Cil'l. II. Ik Piibles and ('apt W. II. Kitchln. f a viporoiis umlerst-iiidini' oi a , 1 an acute and nbmt intplleet, a th-'ioiiph lawyer and a in hi of reeog n d iu'epri'y and gieat peisonal popularity, he is well ipial'-tied to a lorn the bench and inaintain the I high standard ol excellence to v hich he h is at t. lined. His lio niii iti m w ill give great natisfaction throughout the State, and bis name will add strength to the ticket. NKW ADVKKTISEMKNTS. THE LUMMUS, r Y TnwMriirTtrJlti rs. t I IMPROVEO TAYLOR COTTON OIN. With the m-wt H?rfrl-worlilair SIM".m d-T ""'1 IMit.li n-i r. nuit.rnehiii t lie Inmst imiTnvi'ii ents. Thii Is III" Tfiilh si-asm '' "ns pei'iiiai i hlrh. wiih iff r.-sciii lm' Miiu'ii"r nt imy erici. 1 hr si- tin-1. -t niHtrnHN, ami ni'i' un-iiri nsed in flni4i nn.l uorkMiiiii-IUp. We I'.'ill tli c ail' iiiiun u' F.iro:f!5 to ci ii r oiVi'llI'Mils. I'll II" 4 i us nrt' niiiilp fl PATENT STATIONARY BEATER. which never W-forc Iiaf bn uvd on any but the bLlitdt prifpil unn. nntl which we iuM at ft Ter' trirtlnft cost. Send for clr.'ulurs and cxauiluc tcslimiHilHl-s. Trie uf Giny. Saw .... .risw 1 itt MIW I 4S MW 1 fiit HW WSHW I 70 Saw n sivt I , f 7." (' . A'... Slxi .. . . If.' ("i .. ttth .. ?1'i" . . , $HMlO I'Tii-f if U s lf VtMcr i t'lHidfUacr. ... !' ID , ... JM"- ... 81 i.. .. l ... 5 MWll.. l'ife wit h t-t I ft tltr und CondeiiNvT. . JIM !' .. .?".' k . . t'KABKI.lN II. I.!M M V, Msinnu'T, J inlfT, ia. It V JAtlt 1. -OOi II, General oniinliKlAti etlerrliMtit, June IS 8m WKMM. X. l W. II. IIAKKISOX. SOUTHERN STATES! tilts l. y. Kl I L, No ? munrtf Stn- I, l'KTFKsnrnn. va. Ym rtli hrrc And t I Arc t a--Mrl!Mt'iit mid fiti.i nii'-t Hivlih Miillt)-tr (J.nhI (Ihh nidi if IVir -rvrr nrliclt 4 tlw lnt, au oh ki Th l.iwr?t prttrs nnd Wrtrriiulcd n give mthfitv: lo lun) Kiviicli H nitffn nti't HUH. KIM-.nv old Lndn" nn 1' fnit I ('sin, ii-ln. Urtilnl and Ttnip-IMtll- lit M M'lllH, V' H". riiitiici, mi.) i-.j.-i -vs, lUIr (.imis .lk. iiim. Vi'.v.'ii. ItuMoiM. r rincfit, atid Ainl ;i tf.MttTftl rt-Mtrtnti'iii ct )rr-v Triintniiiff. ( hlMrenn H' in trrcrt nritjr. .M.if' liff. (JimhI hi nil tin iratihK Kshrtra m ii h nil n- rrx-arv Trin. in 11 irs to liin'c'i. ! : i it--. rmh-r tr riiir ntn J ; tr ft l.ih'fit llfkf, ( 'I. nA P lllllHtll llul Mi. us I. I 'lulih h i ( ltik. 1 ho l-t Ktd liiov A myt'' r'I ruh'iM, I'um'ii. Hftlr Orniiincnti nnd r-'ifuiiif rv, H.indLvri lut'l. r.r.- t. Itnlinorul ."km-, und l.idi. !' nnd Mi-1' t't.diT kiri.H, Ili'i-lAi Oiitit'n .t ally n.l r' im--""-1 ni:td'' tn .-rd'T In 1k"i ninn !nr KiMlu iru it'Td iiuii If uii niphc.Miii, All nr.U-r (iil.-.l iin.nip':.. . MIt M K. K ( I I,. LjTVrKOK VIKi.lMA AMI NoKTH ( AH t'l.I.NA tiiu nnf.ir t i.oTiiiMi i ictii not -n in tiik SOUTHERN STATES. M F, K! .., I;, c.i!:i"rt' fri'i, VKTKHm'K'i, VA. hi '"LiI'tMifd k iicw nnd Kltk't'il h thiini niul t Iti h f f mi nt the filiMvc tinilM-r, whi'if ymi w !l rind tin mm "l lirdiiiifnl stc-k f MijuTmr lif t. Ij mtilr t'li.;hinK, .vuuih d Nrw urk, for M'ii nnd H!, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin' pix-ii urt'iTcd hy tin Brent Hwtc r all in Hindu tui' d m it. ninl fwry uniifiil tut and in fit' iml t- fust, ni wirk. Y'mi will aIhi litut in this -rt'.it honn' cvorj-- t).ln Ill the jrn,! lit t . - M i rn th i n ir i w ds. .luris Mi' li-. Irnver, Miin Krnt.H, 4iic!t, N'k'lit MmU. Sum 1'iiderH. rnli-ir. Tn-, C111T-, Iii ii' i' t.i j.r vent M-inj. luv Tin- If tiir Into! Sti-)n ii lcr out "I he cuMmiu d 'partnn nl U liei-h-d hv t' nnt -Utifu ;i rti-! in ruttimr Hiid liltintf th'thiinr YiM'Uil ll.tVe ! li-I ci IHH lln-1 III idi tn nrl(T iii t nlny. A rhart fur fieiniiuir yiir m nurc will he mailfd wu (m .'ippliraUoii, t.'ftii'T wtih H.Ulipi.- U( l )i 10 M'l'ft fr- 111. A 1 1 com h I. -1.1 1 tli i h'Mi-e nrt w nrrnnted; th1 nt n. will t. r.-fini t. ! ,f h.-v d I iVim. All nrdfl-i. -r ..llt!v tilled. Wll.dei.-ile Hint ntnil. No i !i niv ( r r- lurninc iiidih y nhni k-umN are S'-nt co h t pin HetiH'iiiti.T thin Kit nithrru Imhm Im ho) fail tovnd jour tetleni or mil ' M K. KI LL. tMt;;Uy h; brovn7 TIIK LKADKIl OK LOW PRICES! I hnT )iMt rreirrd my Full And Winttr Stttk. Wtdeh im fuller Mian eTeM. f..r. iweiat atten t It'll to BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 ''!' f.ill llni. ,.f Z-UI. r , .,. ,i ntt,. -.. mr Unix l im-.- 'l.i Isr.-.- . i-K liAKKr.li i HlU.lt l.N sll K HHKssI.Nu P"il l o;rs ami i 1UI.I'UK. Mj Slu.-ki.f lKV GOOOM MT 10 N. J k VV t t. R Y. M. V. 1IAKT. OUR XKY AEEIYAL Wi' h.iv. jii.t I'l'i'iu .l n fi:i.' nnd iinpt-i-.li'iti.-.llv tnrni' Ht'H-k cf tin? nt.ovc naim-.l if.to.ls. wliiiih we I'flrr In inir riislrmi rs nn.l tin' innlc s-. ni'iiilij . ul vi ry luw jirli i s. i'iiiiiiiiMiin ill.' fiilmwing : Our .Niiii'm el 1 1 ii g. iimtI'iii Kcikpm Kmu-li Wool I'lnl.lM, Vovi'Ily VailiuiiM. Iliiii lliigN, nxliuHTOi, l.iurii iillinN, I.Iikmi I hwiim, Ainfricuii nnd Ir.'iicli Oiiisliniiix. WhnIi I'oplltiH, llrNK l.nWMN. Itlnrk hihI t olorril llrrnti Ti lnniiini(H hikI MllkM, nil nil olhrr now hihI I-Nirnlln lj lew ul llreiis diood Wilt I 111" ('HSIIII. Our i.tin k of Mali's Kiiruisliiiiii (looils I iiiisuri';iM..I, lii'inT i-onipU'te In ovi'ry detail, luotudini; ni.Ti'ltli-M In i'ck v i'iir. A MIK.I. TO Ii OF P 0 0 T S A N I) SHOES. ZEICLER'S SHOES DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY. THE CORRECT STYLES OF SPRINO HATS. Iiionirtii-lfiii. rt u-k !V I.iil.. i-i'i.'-iiil! lln.ir ho luiv.' I. si'iiilliii! itii'ir itIi'I'k nliniii.1 for tlli-s. .ml, . In rflv. II. II r ll. ,l W ill li.' nl.i.. In Mill llit'in tl.i llLOII 111 lilt mini ity of Ullf l'DiiiIs. wi-ll n f.r.lTs. A i-iill is r-'i : f u i 1 v Miiii-ilo 1 li-oiii nit. 1I.AKT& U A I vPvISOX, WELDON, N. 0. i't't j ly rile, iim i:. 'riii" I. ! i il ('.itivi'iiii.iii ini't aiiil liiv li' its ii"'ii :i it. ii. aii'l al'.i i w .mis tl.r ) iiili'ii:iil p'vrly rlnl iisiil tlusi' ii.!iiiii;i'in is, m Iti.i' I.ilii'r.ilism an. I ll ; .;'..!';. .'...'...;. t am imli'iuirui. It ymi ur a lilu iaf yuit la. I ai vvi-ll he a Ki juili'iii nn. Tin y luiv tin- n.niii' t .t -(.mi ami in vi ry i irlii nlin ait' jm l.tii'V.'y tlio :nir. It is usilisH j ii t ii iv t.i n'vii'vv lln' i!.i!fiiiin uf tin Ui'- (itililioiv or I'l'tnoi'i atio parly. Ilotli aru vvr'.I kiinviii tn tin' ni!r; Imt tlii'ie i mt'' vii'W i f it tint wo ilrsiii' to i:iiirrss on our H'.v.lri!. Tin1 issur up.iti w liiili tin in -it ctitnptiin will ln fnugtit w ill bi' : S!i:ill iii'rocii or vvliiU' oii'lo c iiitiol the noTrriiinciit of tlii iaiv ? Shall the vrcaltli ami inti'Hii'ttfn of the State. li ;runnil uitiliT fiKttliy poverty nn I iinnitiirt'? Tin iintj Iron i.rriiiraiinn tti.it i!"H not tot ir tlip Irrth, ml mil hot nuu lir iilm lip nr co tlfnll'in. at olhrr iron iirrpurttiiiiit xlll, it llrimn't I on Hitler. Al) Kit I'lSKMK. NT!. M'i- Ai i. M. liiiois K K A Ii : ' 41 Mn M J "v i., ,ih, I K A U : II K A II IV 0 i- ipt'lll) till tie ui- ff,f ,iU fo 1.1' ft;; H....H ...i. h nt -.-rnu n.l siiiniui-r II I I HII lll IN. .V ii .-' Ii I ..( flow -t m il Wr-.il'iju.l r I.l Vn tun -nt nf I. nl.ro -i l h Han i.ut., mini.'- iii ! i ui,. i .1 Im... roil, in lUi.,1. .fi.ln i. I nu n II ii, ill rr l.ii r. hill. IU i.ik tIi rU in II. ii-v(.uw 1 ol.i-. m.H . Ii.lr i,-, II,.,.,, tt; r..l iii in, ) n.nit nii ll ", I nr ; i t.r .iim I' iv lui i.-.. t - ilii-li nn- il--ri'i-,ir f..-s..f, l ollnrs. fun. sliii-i., ll.ioi.k,ri,. Tr. ki'V ll-l ll.i'.lnu . Jriii irv . I'.-i litiurv opl,.u .n.l I .l. I s..,.. A.-.-.i) t... u., tlrl,,u. i, i. Iln VVrilii.o l ui-r. I'. .ii Mr.' I Hi" l'..ii'i'. II ii r.. . f limsf IMu lUkrr. ft Ihi... i i- .niili'r. .in. All of will. i w.. ul.. vrrjr .i. hu lriuiinr.1 ami ui .(, nun unr.iii..,!. Mils. M. J fti'l'lKiilNS ix. WELDON, N. C. nov 14 I;. is roin.. ... Al-o ii r.,ni,:i.i. Imr f Drrai " " i i-iiii. pi'. silk 1 runiiiiiiurs. rr.nK '. llnli. iiH. i',,rs,.. Hm ami Unit H,,,e I 'i i.m.iii-o .Hill l. I, m, M, CI1KA1' V OH i' AS II. full Mul .-naiif ni in v stork l-f,,.. i,mI .. . .,rwlii."-... i.Tin r First fl ,nt Wnshlnirlnn Av- niir. in r 11 I). " V. J. N A V7 BAKER & CONFECTIONER WELDON, N. C. A msr lnr ll..lr of ('ki n. i rs.-k.' f.iii.Hr,, Kmnrh ami 11. la nun. nn, Kriiiln, Nuu. h house FURXisiiixc; goods. .ortini'iit In (Julitu of I'vi-rv l.-s-ri ) t i. m : shrrtini;; I'il Iiiw-ctt'-In";; Tnlili'-i'luth an J Siij .k lluck iiinl Turki'li Toiii-ls iii uroul i.rofii-liui. D R E S S T II I M MING S. Iirvo n flnp :!oort me nt nf nil clu-sr- nf Triinininirn. thf iirw.st t Iii tips mtt iti this litM ,li ilk, t(lu. Ilutt uis tif iv'r' ilfstTipt ion. A Uxw an I oomph-lv line of liuinbury Kilyin tli'ii. Our Hli-rfc f NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS I iinw ciHnph-tt' in till 1 1 l.runrtic-i. l':iruils, Futw, H.ii-ry. f iifli.-w' IlnViriirnan, Fancy Sir, -, full, rrwnlar niH-if 'K i-' x tr i it-1 v low prh'.-a M i-i-.fs' mill 't hihirfn'H Hum- in gvv:ii variety. Wc hiive n full Iim- ni l.iitlics' Ni-t k Wi'-ir of all the noveltiiM uf the t.tHtn, (5 L O T II ING. MHTALLrc BURIAL CASES t ;"fascs lurninliiil lor Cash at five, per cent, less than catalogue priet; Ordt'i-dbv tclfcraph or letter promptly attended to When orderin; I send desired lenir th and width ot elbuw. Uitises Bent by Express C. 0. D., utikuown parties B. T. SIMMONS, AGT.r WELDON, N. fc. 1S82. 1882. ? r I 1 ilo 1 1' -iril i 1 ru It leu h l'a pi I 8 SIMUXC & SUMMER STOCK F HOWARD MACHINE WORKS. HOWARD BROS, ENCINEERS AND MACHINISTS, W K L D 0 N, iN. C. ' To tlio I'sers of Motive Power nnd General Machinery : l rnll your ntli'iitlon to tin-fai t ilmt in' nn' i. ri iiari'd ivllh tlii moiwiry tools anil umrliincrv in uknV:h m. v uiik us ' hiiRinr., Sii iv M i!U. I'oiton i. Ins. liri-t .M.lls. l oiioii I'rooHi-s, llor..' rowor-. '1 lin- tn'Ti. I'lil.i-js, lliintriT.. Sl nftiiip. roiiplilH-, Mnl ticariiiiT An ' AHTI US O V IKON OK Bit ASH OF AY SIZE. "Vf ilo Bur. ul your j.l ice if nanti-il. Swoml linml Kiifjinvn mnl otlior Ma.-lilui'iy bought. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO G IN WO R K H.i v inir n i l i in I'M t I h r wi- run 4 all klinl- of (iin work. Now brush w lire's. Xrw mwa tif.. it-. ,mv -lii-pf n--l. i-ii't v i 1 1" i ;inv I mnl -r-tainl our tui-itif-s. W iii im;u inif, al! our work to lio llrt t.'lu,.s. 1I0AVA1U) BROS., ANtY r IIivWARI', JOHN C. 1IOWAUD, Wll.I.l.VM li. KoWAitD. uir .1" ly !o: OV :o: V IHST-CLASS (i 0 0 D S A T L. A. FA RI-N HOLT'S, WELDON, N. C. Iliivinrliomilil my cnliri' stork for CASH. I am prci'iirril toofTer superior Bilrantajen to th trtull'. My s t i-k t' n.lMS if FAslIKlXAllI.E DKHsStiOODS WITIISILK ANDSATIX TRIMMINGS & BUTTON'S TO MATCH UK V UOOIIM, HOOTS, AM) MIOE. HATS, CATS. 1LOTI1ISIG. HARDWAEE A SFECIALTT. NOTIONS IN ENDLESS 7AEIIII, A Kl'IL LINE OF OUOCElttES AND PROVISIONS. U 11 N I T U II I, T U 11 N I T U II E. Ilci.-li iuK Ul.K'k Wnlinit lleil Knoin Si ls. Wii'li .olamls. VVunlr.ilics, Mid Funiiture gel c ally of til .ouriu unit til till Trices, I invitis tin' public Ki'iicmlly in n ruivful r.xiiiiiinatton of my stock befor. purchiultir eiM'ii ni-ro. i.t'c pet uuii oct 2(1 ly. L A FAltlNIIOLT. i ! I ' ii j : t cf f I 1 I i ! f I. ( IRANI) DISPLAY OP I & & 1 1 1 I 1 V A X ( 1 Y G OODS. I liavc Just returned from the N'orlh with a lnr;e iind bfautiful lint of MILLlNEliY AND FANCY GOODS. EVERYTHING TPIAT IS NOVEL- Hie Mont (omplrte fitook Ever OflTerrd In TU!s Kection, To all who ilopiro to arquulnt thwinsclves with the Styles oflliln srason, 1 uxtend a cordial .l t'oiiiv to the exhibition. I i: HANDKEECHIEES, GLOVES, NECK WE&B, FANS, PARASOLS, JE1 FRIKOZ, JET BRACE LETS, CRAPE, HOUSK KSTABLIS1IKI) IN 18.'!!!. KTI LlOIiEDCih & BROOKS. Ml t KKKOKH TO KII MKY t it, 1 Til KKt.DGK A I1HOOKS. COTTON FACTORS it CEN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOK TIIK MILK Ol' AI.I, SO I I II F.K . I'KODl'CTN. :c: AND DKALKRS IN :o: BVIDKKS, AMI AtilUt I'LTl-KAI, l.IMK, AMi I I.A!TKK CKMKNT, M'I'KK 1'lltiSI'H ATKS A' TM'.UANO FOR COTTON, Ai.SU NO. I PKKCVIAN t.UANO. -Wuri' II. .no.. :i 1 1 tjj Ii st tiid lor. of Wiierai'il yur-eii 'wli, VOK rs.Vlm-Tlf VA -6 H. I'.l'lHiiKK. Klllll hliK KMI. -!.. ni l ri-iH-. tfullv inform my frii'inls il, ul I hiii S. .1 f i-tt I i i Akhi f,.r the iiLnvo linn, nivl oiilil !. irliiil to M-i- lh. in hi In V -tois. in r.'iTiir.l lo fiirii.sliln.' tli,-m Hin.i.'ii, r..r il .n.ii. , .rt..n 1 han in .tor- a !;,ii,.l liim lii-.n-m n-i, liry tinu.ls. linois an I Sli.ws, h lii. h I uill aA i'ln n. for. 1IAI.II.VX N.C. W. T. rAIMvEll, AGT. fi t. 9 1 1. A I, K The lari-nt !. of T.) M ry varln'.y ...r uniiiirni mini, niarati. Ord-M for cMi.t'i.., mK-v Ac, O.Ie4 at h.rl rut uotiiv at Ntirthrrn jirlova. Wi-ililln ami ntw part Ira illiil n rhrap as the rlii-.in.t. ort II ly. I V It K N N 4 O N, MlSl Hi 11 l.lH.or sr I'lilllll.l au. HSl of i arrlif, llariir.a. Ntlllra, IWkl A i'utlara Cartu, VVIim U A air. VarmG. ar llotsat loilnud, Itubca. At, So. H Ks 14 A ?8 t'nhiti St., Norfolk, Va. is-! s iy. 1 1 ALIVS STANDARD FIHE AND BUlfOLAR PROOF Hoivil tlio f'lllowiii"; frum N.C. Snydrr, HankiT at (Jii'iiuil.i, Miss. Tlious mind of himiiar It lti'm mi file from all partH uf tlm I'nioii. n.v.NKiNii iiiifsKiiK n. r swnni. liui.N AiiA, Ml., Man-li tmii, ls.sn. Iln' Silr .mi l, Oo , l.onl.vlllo. Kv. v. st l own ni. If fsnlv In m ni iiik tn oii of Hip inrrlu of tin- Kir. and TtnrcUr Vroof sf,. you ni in.- RtntiMhri-f yiHr ilrfo, au.l lil.-li a. an Mner-lv t.-.l. I Mini tin- it r Nut-i-mi.... m Ii ii-li i-on.iiiii-.l miTf il'iin twin! j l nihility, on inn. .tri-i .f rli'i . I'.y. M i linnfciinr.tiini. frain.' linllitiiii rf..T Ti i I hoi. ii. imrk nmiii (s-ll.-il wlili oni- .l.inli. In ati.'iii.inu i,, ,, iin. snit. out of ltit lioll.r, fr in IN uri-m w.-Ulil, tt Im.ki- thnitiirll Hie II sir lli-arthe tl'olil ilon-, and wii. liM. movalili'. Tlii- i-ollilili.r.l It mo of n lionv lu-nr tin- ri-.vr ul ami Ilo Imrk rnolu ol Ihr li.i ,k w re run-i-eiitrati-d umii tin' suie fiiruilui; n klmt of iiiinnniiiil .ni.i ii . No onu aLinumtnt u in, ih,. ,,,mi n.- of ipm, Imt will n. k n.-w li-lir- llml no .-uti-i i.- t .-..ui-l h iv.. iKs-n n.. i i.iiiy iii.,u,., , inirn a Mff than llil. Hii mi oinlin; II. hen H a -till hot. 1 In- uilirt' i oi.l. nn of h,. Hur-'lat llux wen-iilllnl'iri .1 Til" I i-lif-r -iiiin.l. s..t f Mi, tMik- f -mall anil ullirlillv Uiil'ul li,.." -loir Illlf Wii. tif.-il. uii ll.-il "fl. w lillr tin. ni ,-r .. I .oMie ; ,;.i- raw. nihI iiiN-ki-l-lioi-ks uns fi-ni'ii I'.i- ! IritNlly nt Itn- ti- at. i it un. 1 ni.ny from liuiu" when Ihi lire ni urul.nil when u ll iis l.v l.'lMjralli. I f. lt Ilk.' thf hot III Ofxil and. who i. I.. were I ii.r a frlirliffnl prei Inii-e wH. n-ked If h' "l "i' . hi reidy a "no. ni) fiiiln r h.l.t Hi-. ml of Hie rn.e. ' Snwith mn I bail a Hull Safr. and I Wl .ut Its r..rit nia arts' aafe and liiil.iirlil.'li li'lnc In, eolitl.laui hi ibi el tlre -r.i Mt'Tmir Hrand Hurylsr I'r.K.f sf,. i,.r,.. I h.ivr ihe ideamrr to-av to vmi ii i-,r i. Kire an.l lliir-br l'ris.f sal.- v n h.v.. .-rlally n.s.l, for in... ha u-eii f..r s..,ir w.-ek. In ..i.lilon In hit iVrw niiart. r- an.l ihr .kill , f th work nian.l,l. mnl Ihr H,,, uf ,t, aiiH.'araneu me ri..uly adiuirid 1 hould not li aflt.tlrd with any i.thi-r Safe Iban y.nira. ' ' lotus vi-ti 'nth jj (. s-vviivii WHEN YOU WANT A SAFE CALL FOR HALL'S MAKE. HAMBURG, A5D TOR- CHOSE LACE, SPARKS LACE, BLACK CREAK FLOWERS, PL. ME!, WREA1HS. Ac. S.C. Orders anllctted. and any eooda 1 send out, not el vim entlro !,ati-ifai,i.iii.ean be returi.ad bf I'Ti'.s. tit my eXi'Use. rliatikitit; the jiubue InrpAat favors, I urn Very Uei-iictfiilly, ' ll. 0. EDWARDS, U fcLltUK, Ji. I . .'-SMinrS MUCK HI.OI K. 0 t 8 ly THE PLACE TO (JET pure nni m meoiciie!;. -AT THE- Tl.. f . .ItllKf.i I M.aa -.11..- .1. . i,, , i a ' i w ill i inn vrt( ij 1 111 l.u'l H, Ine IH'triiM'H in Uu'ir : th maihil Li?ilr..ii rnntuhilnf ..twrn V IUSVfl.AS-i llli.VKI) AM LOlHilNU I , I ... . ; " '1 '"' m-rvm. ami lornirrn- ano an aMIir "llm. per m-M'tit HIU'iIiliMtuiI foiiillllim an- Hot 1"..,.." in. lo irtimni,-, , n.x y iu !t t n l badhy ap,.lym . ft i i . i I.i;,. ..n;, ,.,.l l.. r aror-a ---V-KaiBaaaM ar- - ll.-! li. n - l.rvr and 1 ' IO. M T W N.KI Nt. ii. ... im.iii... '"".iv ni- .no, i;i- ii-iui..l.iit. 1 , nil ul.lire, il i.botl. .... a .1- i..i. .... i. .... - . I r .arl..-.iiio, .,11,. .. J ... t . .- . t r .- t. -ii. o. ii i ii i i . r o iiir'on t. ' a Haiti ainl t!i'v li ul as w .1 im li'it:ii.il it. it i.i i ii. Wel l 'it. N.' febltf M.IAII ItllltVV N.t harlnllu, .N. C. LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DK. A. ll. Z0LL1C0FFKR & BRO'S, WEST SIDE WASHIR0T05 AVENUE AND OPPOSITE RAILROAD SHED. W K L D 0 X. N. C. NTOCK KEI'T COJII'LKTE UY '1U:U KVr AKK1VALS. l-RKoi-UH'TlaX DlArailKSI rll.Lfs.ii WITH thf.kkst FEI.ECTED MATEKIAL- I'KKM ltlTIO!t lom'Ol'XDEU AT A 1.1, HOI KS WITH CiREAT 1- H 1 4 ' . It I". PERFvMERT, tTATIONERT, FANCY SOAPS, AND BROSHU, FANCT ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CISAlSs K K M E M B F. n that a heart) welwnoi always await vimi at . ... ZOLLICOrFER'S. WHOLESALE LIST TIIS TI 1 0 MERCHANTS ! 1 UBIIUII OS' v y I 1 v uii'Ttl.''; ly SEND US YOUR BUSt KESS CARO FOR TRADE LIST. D. IANDRETH L SONS, PHILADELPHIA. vENTY DOLLARS WILL 1!LY TUB .Kv. h(,i:u fliiK i artiiiK', MM M " s 1 A T T 1 K A. a OO I I m 0IV'i tu th. pul llc io A . ASSOUTM KXt Of Stillitiorv. .Notions, Fimt'V Hursts. Tnll.-t Arli-I... A bolter Mai'httui than can U ! li.-ittlhl for KURI'Y HOI. t. Alts, ANT WHEnE. Tt i'isa llr.m lif. Inn lnree lltaw. j. fam-w 1 Hilt imthlc I'over, Ca-.li.rs, ami whtatt. lh. hob-! IiuimiIIoihi rim 1 1 1 ii t; lite Mai liiue, i WARRANTED FOR FIVE TFARS. j '' IMIlAlli.N OT M ll'IIIM: Ul.lokK r.n Ml M. I iiinl yiHil u. .las a or ii J.r. -. ! VV I1.I KTS A CO. Ill S.,v i.l. l 1-1. I... l I..I.... .. '' " .-..,... , n. .nit in iree. -vuire.s II. Iltill.-tl h l' .... i..v... 1 ill I l.ll.l. Mill .1. .l,n. Clivaii l.iieeft. Lathe, rnmlkhhti nonda, He. 4 I1KAF FOK .. II. MRS. M. A.MIH1HK, 41-Siiilth a Hrh'k nioi k, Vldon, N.C. Buv a I ly tilif? I wl In ymi-nwn tnwn, Ti-rnaa unit 1 0t' .iiilih free. Adtre.s II. Ilallni At'