THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, JUN'E 23, 1SS2. STATE AFFAIRS. Dr. KJwin Barnet o( Vilon Is dead. rVtchri are dally btiu atilpped A'ortli. ) Tha UniTeriily Normal tchool li ia Me llon. It it laid tint the Rcpublicana iu Edgecombe trill split. I The wbeit crop li reported to be ticellctit 11 otsr wo state. The lute luliutry It beginning to attract it- teution In Uilt Bute. J Warrenton Dlttrlct Contereara will meet in Varreuton July USlta. J be Wilmington Xnir baa n a clorer prlj "itb learea. f Sales of fertilisers thia season In this 'Slate mount to EO.CUO tons. frafel is bfKiiinliiR to turn taward the moun tains and the seu-cuaaU f I The 4th of Jilj will he celebrated at Win ton by a military ditplty. f D . Gr'uom I- (1 rat V Ica-l'i calOcnt of the American i.'cdi'-nl Society. I Tbe c tton crop Is said to be Tery unfayora. Lie in all parts of the state. On fourth of an aero near Ncwbern yielded f l&J worth of irisli potatoes. $:0I 01 were made by one man on an aero Of straw limits at Uoldaboro. ;i June term of Wake court begins nut Mon day, Judge Htniiett presiding. f Ex-President Jeff.Tton Daris will ylsit the jf.ll.ilit.ic liotel, Beaufurl, In July. I The Charlotte Ob-nvr is In favor of a Change in the county Government. Johu Ileaden, Post matter at Hertford, hat Veen arrested for embezzling $2,0 U. t I Jud;e McKoy Is a candidate for renomina lion as Judge of the Wilmington Dittrict. I The Haywood White Su'phur Springe it to kit kept open all the year at a sanitarium. Land within ons mile of Newborn Is worth roui fifty to one hundred dollars per acre. , Vtncj couuty wi 1J have a speciul term of couit July 24th. Judge Craves to preside. i North Carol ua hat a greater number of cot ton fuc'.orira thau any other Sou. hern 8tate. : 1 J Tue first cotton bloom was received by the 'Wilmington Slur. It wat plueked June 12. ) Alamance rout tv bus the first rotlon factory And tbe first iron fuuudry crer started Iu tlrs Atate. . From all appearances Ju Ue Bennett hat the tead for the uomiuation for CougicsMuan a' " J It Is tald that Funk 8hober will be antl t) rohlbltlon candidnle for Congress Iu the nth strict. f From all partt of theS'ite tlia fruit crop Is re ported to be the largest known for many fears. I The North Carolina Fruit Growers' first fair ill beheld at Greensboro August Otb aud .10th. The Railroad fight between Mr. Best and the ' Bichmoud aud Daaville road seems to have Ouded. 4 North Caralina will be represented at the rifle matches to be shot at Creed moor, Long Island. An appropriation of f 1,000 has been made to tontlnua tue Improvement ol Iliu rreucii Broad river. , A flth oil manufactory has been established at Beaufort and disposes of several huudred bar fell nf fish a day. Circulars calling on office hoidera for contrl ut ton to the Republican campaign fund are Coming Into this State. ) Ths Ktleljjh cotton Exchange offers 35 cents per pound for the best bale of cotton exhibited at the next Stale fair. t Iron ameltlng workt will be established near Coldiboro. The ore will be brought from tlx lnenear Chapel Hill. .Matthew Wilton, Ellas and Cain 'Jenneit, Johntton and Albert HI ion the Plymouth riot- f I neaped from Jail last week, f The cotton receipts at Wilmington lait tea on hare increased I V bales ocr the tea- ton before, while the receipts of Raleigh hive fcllen off. . Mitt Etta Trov and Met. Kannie I. W.itsan of Ftyeltrvllle have pasted the examination Which ad id III them to the Freshman class at Chapel Hill. The Greensboro WWof tars Col. Folk la united for Judicial tervlce by rcaton of an ngnvernable temper and utter lack of coiu Caoa tenst. Jim Harris the colored politician received frem the government tVSi per month during the campaign of ISSOand did no work at all f 4xcept Iu electioneering. The widow of Michael O'ConneH tbe engin eer who was killed near I.ejInRton In Jtnuary by an acoldent hat received 111.000 4amagea against the illcbinoud and Danville Railroad. ' I It wat rumored that a duel would be ftuglit teleea Col. Jonet of the Clitrlnlte Uii t rter and Col. Ctnntday of the 'M. 'I tie tumor wit unfounded both gentlemen con sidered "gulltr." i!r. Carlij h will accept the Inrteptn .eleot nomination for Judre. He declined at rtt, but accepted It after tbe Republican Con tention endn'ted hi in at a Democ-at. He It (a favor nf a fair ballot, a free count and dec Hon of Magistrates by the pcopla. 1 A Convention of the Democratic pany of th alrat Congreatlouil District will be held at . BUMhelh City on Thurtdav, July 18i3, t 11 o'clock, M. Djrnicratlc nevtpapert art (quested to copy till aelict. By order of the Bxecutlre Comrnktta. t. B. MiRTlM, Clulroan. Goldtbora llt'migtr; There have of lato been many unnecessary delays and irrrgularl. Met In the mailt lu Eastfrn Caicllna and we re pleuicd to ltaru tint through the li.flu nce of Senator fintom. Col. T. H. Long hat keen Inttrueled to make a thoroucb over-haul iBgaf tht aereral mtllroulea and pott offlcei In North Carolina. A Hale Dim '.ah 7 lial -Mr. F.rutst King. Mlloroftbe Fall lllver (M iaa ) lima dit- ourse upon (he luerlit of HI. Jacob Oil: ' Buffciiug wilb rlieumtlic pain I wat Didv lui it lu reniedlet. I read of St. Jacob (111 ud laid here goei for a half dollar trial. I touch! a hotilrand bef'Te (I wai half ed lb -an-iu-liml atlrn bad gone treub ed tut J luiir. N EWSY POTS. CRKAM OK OL'R MAILS. Mrs. GAHPir.i.D It wo" tti $400,000. Watxkmbloss have appeared In Geerglt. Yomt GiimuM, of Canton, Ga., la 113 yeara old. 7iie wheat crop lu Virginia Is In a Bnt con dition. A .-0,000 re occurred at ( id.dtu, Ala., last 8iturday. Tin Georgia lunatic asylum It full to over flowing. Tins hit nearly 2,400 cocvlctt in her peni tentiary. TiiPRitlsbut one negro voter In Newton" county, Ark. TiiK temperance movement Is growing steadi ly in Virginia Two murderers were lynched at Denver, Col. on last Krldty. Neohors from Mistiiilpni are planting a colony In Mexico. Tiikhe ii an old lady in Virginia living with her l.'lth husband. A fourteen-pound cabbage has been shlpprd from Americas, (ia. Mixititti, water take the place of wlue at Alanta dinner parties. F.. A. o'Niut, l the Democratic nominee for Governor in Alabama. V',000 strlckcrs paraded at Pltt.burg, lift week. There was no disorder. A "hlld recently born at Dooly, (la , hit a well-defined hone on Ills arm. skvsiul mulct were killed In Coahoraacnun- ty, Mit.. recently by hail stones. HIKRE ire three ti. kclt In Maine. The Democratic, the Republican ami the Green back. Hon. 8. 8. Cox, made a powerful tpeech latt week In favor of abolUhlng the Internal Reve nue lnwt. Michael Davitt, a leader of ,e land league movnient it uow in America iceking fundi for the cause. A negrctt at Monteiuma, (ia., recently gave no -in io triplets wuose coitibiuea weight wat lilt pounds. An alligator wat recently cip'ured while on a promenade down the principal ttreet of Jack lonvllle, Fin. IT it reported that Senator !:impton will be nominated for Geveruor of South Carolina by the Democrat. Two noted talkers of Lake Providence, La., will toon begin a go-at-vou nleaao talking match fur $ o0 a tide. Mfi H property wat deilroyed on Satun'ay by u tornado at K iiitat City and Leavenworth. Five ladies were killed. A tverc cyclone patsed through Iowa and Illinois latt week. Much property wat dci troyed and many lives lost. Sni-THKiiN papers point to the Immense a- inoiint of farming machinery being told as evl euce of the prosperity of the 8outli. IUi'Okts from nil ovir the South indicste that the cotton, which was badly stunted by the cold snap, is coming out all right. rilE Chines question did not teem to help the Democrats In Oregon. That State went Republlcau and elects a Republican Senator. The River and harbor appropriation bill has pasted the Hons. Among the Democratt vo ting agaliist it, are Meisr. Cox 'nd Scales, 'of N. C. TmiEE new presentments have been mideby Ihe grand Jury against the. star route men. Thomas J. Brady, O. V. Mcscrole aud J. B. Price. Toe Obelisk at New York, Is tad lo be crumbling, owing to the act Ion of the elements. Means will probably bo deviatd to check the decay. Thirteen hundred and flfty-lwo miles of railroad weie constructed In the Southern Slates during the fire mouths from January 1 to June I. Cuts. Lot ubiiiineii, of New Orlrint, hid h't wife arrested for "tpmklng" him. Chart weight 100 pounds, while hit better half kitkt ihc beam at -IX). A Georgia man wat given a ewe and her two lambs at a wedding present twenty-three yesn ago, snd he now owns a flock of over 1.C10 from the present. Ii F.tiMtnt are more numerous off New Found land this season lb an ever before. Many ves sell have been tui.k and llvet lott during the pist three months. W an n am a ti Ell, ihe wholesale ready made clothing man of Philadelphia, baa been offered the ii'imluatloii for Congn itiii.111 at large by Cameron but hesitates to accept. J'lm female members of a colored church lu Greenville, S. C , ire eiiileavoilng to raise fund lo secure the release from Jail of in erring lister, who tlole ilntliet to be baptized in. Gi'iTEAl' will hang, one week fromti morrow aud the people In Wathlngton arc beginning lo make ready for It. At much is lo0 hs betn offered for a ticket to witness the execution. The people of Putnam county, G., assem bled in .he public niiire tt Ea'onton a day or two and returned thank to the Almighty for the hlcsslnga thowered ou tht tuw u and uouu ty, bouuliful crop, etc. Jamei Cain, nf Walker coumy, (ia., tucd eighty-seven, who raised twelve children to maturity, and has 103 grand-children snd forty tlx grcat-grand-fhlliltiin, it ttlll at lively aa a cricket and fond of talking politic. Dh. Talmaoe, doet not believe In betting, but In a recent tcrmon said, "7" here It no more harm In offering a prlr.e to the twlflett racer than there it harm at tn agricultural fair in oiler lug a prlae to tht farmer who hat tbe baid wheat. Tub Democrata of Virginia are much exer cited over Paiton Maury, Some think they should nominate him for Coiigreiiian at large, others that this ought cot to ba done. It I, saia that the State Central Executive Com m 11- ' tee premised to run him for thl office if he would rebel agilmt Malione, aud now they find I', dlilicull to keep the promise, Dr. S. R. Choc 11 k kon, an old nsljent of Natchitoches, Li., hat in his possettlon one of the Ui ret original copper coins, (truck off and submitted to (len. Washington for hit approv. al, as a national currency. One tide It a wreath siirround'tig thu wordi "one cent," and around the border ' Uniird Stttet," bearing the date "118.1." On 1 lie icr irae tide la a inedalllon bead of Washington, with the wordi "Wash ington and Independence." TU coin It the genuine and original then stamped. Its adop tion was rejected by Wtslilugton, with tbe re nt irk Dial "this was tht opk's co mi try aud I loI Waebiu.lou't." Thr Kditorof this paperia tn no way reaitonal- M for the views or utatemeiitu of OirreHpond pntfl. No enininniiirattniiri of an aiionymou eharaeter will te pulillNbed; the real nam of tbe writer mum accompany all communications. Any one wnn may te,-i atrKricvci m niatemeniN made by eorreAooiuleitlN can obtain the name on application to the Kdltor. OorrcKponoeiit will oleae wrtteonty on one tbtenfth, paper, and to avottt havtmr their coinmiliiteatbom thrown tn the waMe t.ftsket. Ill fiirnlnh their name n-tt necenartty for publication fut a a irtiaranty of irood faith. we win not notice anoiiyiiioua corrcBitoiioence. CARD. I do not Intend to discontinue the practice of law, on account of my connec tion with tu Roamiee Nkws. But will attnd tromptly to all bnalncHa entrustej to my cure. W. W. HALL, ortl Ar.F.VTS -The foltowlnr irentlemon are authorized to collect an t receipt for nlwcripUon and adveniNini; for tbe Roanoke Nkwk, aud to make contrueti with all partlet In our belmir. PartieN wirtbini; t-i pay tbelr itlcrlptlons or In ten ailveriiM'metiN. can call on these irentlemeti : .I.J. ItOHKItrSOX KNFIFI.h. . .1 W. It HM I.ITTI.KTOV. W II WII1TKIIKAI) Halifax. It. II. SMITH. .Ir Scotland Xkck. X T Parties (tndllw a ero--i mark on lb mar ai ..til..... ,i.nU ..u w ill lake notice that tbelr siihierlptlnn has cxttireil. and the itnmr will be ills- coiitlliut'd unlcv, they order It renewed. cnvRvii niiiHi-ronr. Bh'Tist riiriu h W I" . niako. Paiteir-Preach-luc every stltl and lib Snmlavs. at H A. m , anil 7.4.-' r. m. Kotulnv sebo.'l everv Sun.lny nl :m a. M I'rayer-ineeiluif every W,nMny, 7 f. r. M. Mr riiomsr Kn opal ( iii iicii. W I., ruiiloit Riul. Pallor ri-eui'hliiK every ll nod :tnl .'.nil lav-i n 1 1 1 . a . M . , 'i 11 1 1 7 I ' 1' M. Suii.Ihv cliih'l every Sunday tt a ;a M. l'rnyer nieetliig every t'tiurx ilr eveiiina; 7 IS. p. M I'noTRTNT Khim (ii'ti. Cm acii . S. Smith, Rector I'l-.'aebluc 4th Sunday M It a. x., and 7 IU r x . aUoou Friday before the -ti li Sumluy at 1 JO r. M . 1 C I GatiTsnrtiO Academy. The session of this school ends to-day with the usual commence ment exercises. J'here will be declamation, apeaking, mu'ic and a collation. The exerclies will begin at A o'clock this afternoon. A uuin- btr of our will attend. Wotn Woi:k. Samuel Long has established a shop on 1st street, right hsnd side Raleigh Road, where be la prepared to do all kinds of wood work at low prices. We recommend him to all those who need work of that kind. Read his advertisement and give him a trial. 4 Bid Fun The largest sturgeon ever caught in the river at this place was caught on the slides Momlty nU-ht. It weighed 2-13 lbs., and was a big around at a barrel and wat about right feet long. A few more of the tune kind would ttock Weldon with tturgeon meat enough for several monllit cotituniptlon. EllflECOMllE JO. KEY ClXII Tllil flllll holdl III summer mietinj at Uiintiy mede Park, Tar boro, on the Hid and tth of July. Many hone will be entered tud the wet will be good Edgecombe people love goed horses and al ways have them. We return thanks to A. L, Hassardhort, President and E. T. By 11 urn. Suretary, for an Invitation to bt prcieut. Mftir r. NT brta inment. A muslctl tntei- talnntent will In a few weekt be given here for the purpose nf raising a fund to tttlst in pur- chisiug an organ for the Episcopal church. The programme will be good and the price of tdmistlon moderate. Due notice will be given of the time and we hope It will be well attended. SitniE We learn that K 1). Iledgepeth, of Hlckiford killed himself at that place on Sunday night by Jumping oil the Railroad bridge. Hit body wit found next morning and It Is supposed from the circumstances that ba committee suicide. No reason it known tor a rasn desd. 1 he deceased was a shoe msker. Diro At the resilience of her husband, Mr. W. II. Gray, near Gsrysburg, Northampton county, In the S4ih year of her age, Mrs. Snlly (irav, after an Illness of shout ten days. Mrs. (iray w as a devout member of the Meth odist church, a kind neighbor and excellent 111 sll those grsces which are most attractive to womanhood. W e deeply sympathize with , rr afHicted family in their sorrow. Some CMii'Kitt. n e were shown a dav or two ago a chicken with four legs. It was dead, being just ha'ched and lit thape wat perfectly natural, the wing,, had and feet all b ing per fect. The difference between thl chicken ind others, was that It had four legs, the rear legs being attached lo the hind end of the body. It was in the posaeislou of Mr. M. F. .oilicoffer. Dedication. The new Baptist church at Scotland Neck, will he dedicated on the ti rat Sunday in July, the 2nd. Rev. Dr. MunJay of Warrenton, will preach the sermon mid Revs, R R. Sivige, R. R. Oveibiy, R. T Vann, Dr. John Mitchell, W. P. lllake, W. J. Hopkins and F. It Underwood, will alo be present. No doubt there will be a largo crowd lu al tendance. a - Boss Camiaiik We received from B. B Pullen, F.ia , of Littlelon, 101 Tiieidav, Ihtee cabhagea which were the largest wt ever taw for the time of year. The line.' weighed 'M lbs and the largest one weighed Upon ml and wit a big around a a flour barrel. Mr. Pullen it 11 good a ganiciirr a lie la a Tanner, but we knew he cannot have many such cabbage In lilt garden unlest It covers 1 good deal of g-atiud. The Roanoke Nk men keep Ionise and these cabbagrt are moit acceptable. Ttuiiki. The New I.iteuuit Hai.i,. We have been shown the plana and tpecillcatlnni for the new Lttertry Hall. There will be two ttorci 011 Ihe gioiind floor end a large rntrince between them in tue srciiml noor wblcli contains a library an office and an opera bouse. The hall will be .VI f. t by .' feet rn-liulva of the stage Th stage will be large and there will lie two private boxes. 7" he hall will seat fiOtl people Advtrtisemeul for tealtJ prop ottli can be teen elsewhere. C01..I. C. W. Heiuifkt, of the Porett Paik Retuurant, St. I.ouit , Mo., wi entirely cured of rheumatism oy St. Jacob! Oil, tayt the bt, I.OUII'M. Convention or Beetib Cocntt. Tha Con Trillion wat called to order on Monday June I'jih, aad Jamea Bond elected Chairman, aud J. P. Jehr.ton, Secretary. On (notion the following delegate! ware ap pointed to tba Judicial Convention ; J. B, Mirtln, W. K. Capahart, IVm, M. Sutton and R. II. Korfleet, Blata Convention : Jama Bond, Wot. K. Capeblit, Pe'er Rnscae, J. T. Ravnor, J. B. Martin, M. L. Wood, W. J Bishop and Joseph D. Tssklns. Congressional Convention : J. X. Nicliolls, S. B. Spruill, Jos eph II. Hardiy, Thus. Gilliam, T. R. Askew, Jos. 1). Yasklns, Jas. loud and W.u, M. Sutton. The Convention then appointed the following County Executive Committee ; Win. 1 Sin ton. Josiah Mlarll, W. K. Capthtrl, E. K Outlaw and W. J. B!hep. J. P. Joumioii, Secretary, Jambs Bond, Chairmtu. Ho! rott tub Deaitiei i, Si'Iiino.-Go to L A. Fitiliiholl'a tlore for tba lalett tlylci of r-pnng ilrcsi goods, tuch ai Figured l.awni, Phiue, Jepaneaa Sl,k, Nun Veiling, Linen nd Victoria l.awnt, Brusaels, Nalt.Ctahnicrci, Alaparcaiind Flauuclt io ill lha fakhluuablo hl io. Peiisonau T. R. Manulng, of the Ilender- to n O'oltl Jxaf paid ui a pleuaut viiit Stlur dav. He alto visited Eufleld before returning home. Mr. and Mrt. F. 11. Busbee pasted Ihrouih here Saturday. They had been vltltlng rela livei In Scoiland Neck, and were returulag to Kalrlgh. Mltsrt Annie Hyman, Annie Plttman, Mattit Nichollsand the Mlttrt Shield' patted through here Saturday for Scotland Neck, on their re turn from tchool. Rev. A. 8. Smith, returned home from Plttt- boro Convocation en latt Saturday. Our townimtn Mr. Jot. II. Gooch, who hn been in paor health for the past three or four week! left last Monday for the Littleton sec tion to recuperate. A little recreation now and then It laid to be ettential to tht health of men, and wt hope fiiend Joteph will soon return well and hearty. We regret the illnen of our young frlenl aud popular druggist, Mr. B. T. Simmon. He hat been tick teveral dava with a fever. Hit many friend will j ln n in hoping that he nny toou recover. 10 tacks coA -e, Mibls. inolasse and tvrnii, 20 libit, liet lings and mackerel, lard, AO hbl, pi line fnmilv flour iiitt received at I.. A. Far- luholt, Weldon, N. C. llAl.trAX Items Judge T. N. Hill, bat had 11 oltli'C circled upon hit lot. Our loiviiiiniii Dr. O. Gregory, lia greatly Improved the look of hla place by huihling, palnllug, whllrwaslilng, Ac. Halifax ha organized a B. II Club with the following named grutlcuivu telectcd for the tint nine : Chirlet Fivellch, t'ratideut; J, M.Grixtard, Captain; C. T. Wood, Secretary and t reasurer; I.. Froellcli, D. C. Fenner, R. L. Fenuer, J. L. Whitehead, R. S. Guy, E. M. Grl.r.ard. Tblt club lay that they will play any club in the Slate. Mr. D. 0. Fenner hid hit Anger broken while playing base ball last w-ek. Mr. L. II. Hale lias Jutt returned from a vltlt to tee iome of Virginia' fair daughter!. Mitt Ida Plummer of Petersburg, it visiting relatives In this place . Your correspondent spent a few hoars In Littlelon, one day latl week and to Messrs. Irby, Derby, Dr. Picot, J. II. House and others lie retur is think for courtesies extended. Ll'tleton can boast of clever citizens. District Attorney W. S. O. B. Robinseu, spent last Sunday in our town. Judge W. A. Moore, spent several days with u last week. Let Fenner, a very worthy colored man who has been In the employment of Col. J. R. Davis, of the Weldon Hotel for some lime, died ia this place a few days ago. Our old friend G. W. Bryan, spent a few days with ut last week, Mrs. R. ii. Jarratt, Is on a visit ta relatives In Littleton, also your correspondent's better half. W. II. W. EK'IKI.I IT EMS. THE CHOI'S IN nti.irix AN O KnOECntlllK -IlinN ANII MUI.KS IIUIINKO OIH AITlllNTF.O EXCLK-SIIINIsrS-l'llJ -NIC ANII HOP AT IV IliT A K BUS -IT.IIS SN A 1.. At last the cro pi are doing well, though about ton d ay b ehin l, at a clan think faruie 11 can beat the worl d on grumbling, to it Is a hard miller fur all to get at the esacl atata of IT 1I1 a. They seem to bs utterly ruined every spring, lbs grumblers are the ones who do the most talking, it Is from them we get oar Information. Occasion illy one is seen who Is candid eneugh to admit that if the crops csu be put in good condition by the first of July, all will be well for an average crop, and wo have every reason to believe thst it can be done, tho' they are, most of tlicw, "mightily in the grass," and labor scarce, thereby eoin mi'iiding higher prices than farmers are Justi fied In p lying, but It Is to be hoped that they will get tbe 11 iper hand of Ihe grass very son, then they will be relieved of the present exor bitant prices. Crops in Halifax aievoypoor. It Is slid there are lieldi between here ill I Halifax that have been planted three timet. Upper pa't of Kdgeromne, county it much heller, but a till farmers over there aie much disheartened, have not, however, heard of any one planting, moie than twice. John Speight' haul was bi.rn d the l'ilh with leu mules and a yvke of oxen. Can not lesrn how the lire origin- ateil, suppoio incendiary. If so, hanging Is loo good s death for such a deed. Dr. J. A. Collins represented Kareka Coun cil No. 1M Ameiican Legion of Honor of K 1- lleld at the first meeting of the Gtand Lodge of the S'atc in Wilmington. F.nlield It proud of tlie Dr. and would gladly have 111 111 repreacut her In every important matter. 7'he popularity of Ihe rink doet not abate. The tkatert propote ta satisfy liieir fondue for the porl if It take "all tnmmer." The weather doet not throw a damper on It, but there is a tuperabuiidanca nf d.unpneit attandaut thereon. If Ui ere It aiy one thing more than tn other calculated to ainaie and make a philotophcr of one, it It to tee di - ippoiiilineiit depleted on the countenance of our'l fellow beings. A riowd githered at the depot Ihe oilier ilav wi h the Intention nf "ex- aurtiiig" to Wilmington. 7'he hours draggid and wi Ii Ihe cirep Ion of an occasional cm ph'lic utterance by some hardened tinner, ) alienee teemed to be in order. Al latl the hll!e wat bend long facet rounded, grlp i.h ki wrir clutched tnd an eager rush for the ' Dal fut 111" wat made, and but. to lliry could r alire Ihe tiiuatlon a cloud of dust f ir away down the road, told them tint they were left. Tliough chagrineii, they Nil better when In formed that the excursion wat a "butt." At the regular inn-ting of the H. N. (J'a. the gen tleman fro.u Ihe country wat "taken lu" at usual. He pcikiilt In leaching Ihe O,. contrary lo Ihe advice of bit frieudt, Young mail we urge you to detiit. Several of our young folkt attended the plc nle i whiikera lait week, and eipiost liieiu selves tery gushingly lu speaking of the de lightful time they bad. To lay that tho pic 1110 wst 111 tinged by the good people of Wlni akcri It luniclcnl for any out who hat at tended one of luciD, to know thai it wai a tuc cctt, tnd that It wat enjoyed by all. Tarboro wit well rapretenur) by soma of her fair daughters and of course "The Gang" waa de lighted, for sport from other accomplishments they srt Incomparable waltxera, and if " t he Gang" has a special weakness, 'tis for a good wait. The bop wai In keeping with Ihe pis . nlc, and, aava tba dirk net without softened by the stars and the glira of lamp-light within, causing the sblna on rich silks and latins to dazale tba eye, waa a cuulinustlon of the days doings. Our town has been much enlivened by the return of the young ladies from Hit different schools. Mlstet Sadie Bellamy and Maggie Guuler from Peace; Misses M.Ltau, and Maud Files from St. Mary's. Mist Stone Iro n Mass. and Miss MacElrny of N. Y. have been visiting Urn. end Mrs. Kttet. Mr. 1 nil Mrs. Bradford and Miss I.lteie Co ton of lia, nro visiting Mrs. M. C. Whitfield. Nor an experiment or cheap patent medi cine It llmwn't Iron Kitten. It it prepired by ane of the uldett and niott reliable cheml I i-al linns, aud will do all that It claimed for jll. Littleton Iteih. Mrs. Allen of N. Y. and Mr. Jimmie Jenkins of (isston were married lu tht Baptist church here on the night of the IS Inst. Another uulen of tba North and 8outh. Missea Morse and Atkinson ef Enfield, who have been stopping at tht Littleton Hotel, re turned home to day. '.ltt Dixie Leach of Pltttboro, ia vitltinj in towo. All of the fruit git) wert ire quite busy now relieving the burden frost thrlr treet. They are shipping frtit tve'y day. The wheal has betn niewu, and a plentiful yield. The eottoa It Improving and begins ta leok hopeful. Mr. Baule, tha Methodist paitar, bis been 111 far tome Use. Rev. Mr. Lewis preached In the Presbyterian church Sanday night. Jack. Midsummer. Yetterdty wta the longest day In the year. Heat expand a'l thinga That I why the days la summer are so much longer linn In w inter. Yesterdsy was a sort of half way house far the Sun. He mounts up to ihe top of '.lie Urrld l ine, to the Tropic of Cancer and thence begins hit retrograde movement The crab It therefore suitable food for the ars son. in nttt alo are in onler, ami If aotite of the people In this towmlilp don't make baste and list, they will he left nut in the wet. The mosquito loo, Is Just putting iu sn appearance. Long days suit him. He retlt himself for the night attack and robs us of our few hours of sleep, the hum-bug. These long, hot days perfect the blackberry end Ihe wheel. 7'liey rejoice the Soul of the Ire cream purveyor and keep the soda-man busy with chei'rful clink of Ire and "buret syrups tlnrt with cinaamon." Summer days arc economical too. No heavy consumption of coal, though very exasperating 1 1 a man Just now paying for last year's fuel. Not much occasion far lamp light either. Moonlight is much pleassnter and cheaper. Angelina can imparl her rtnifldi ncet a good deal boiler in the dink of the even ing, puiictu -atlng her t'neoiiric with llrrflies, than she cm lu full glare of the lamp-light with htr terrible small brother watching her and her dear Au gustus out of tht tall of bis eye. riiese are good days to lie In the shade of old trees; for the children to wade In the cool brook, under the ahadow of the outrageous oak, as Mrs, Maltprop has It, good dart to sit Ii a shaded north room and admire the varying thide of the llelds as the cloiidl roll overhead ; to heir the sigh of Hit wind among the pine; to anchor by Ihe leafy tide of the bank and be guile the tilly Hsh from the co il depths below ; good days for (be little school people to go coutiulng and hunt in roomy old mows for eggs logo out snd help make hsy and get tanned lo ride the aid farm horse to water and let down the bars for I ho homeward bound cows, to forget geography and Ignore the multiplica tion table. JUDICIAL CONVENTION. ElHit'CuMltK Ci KT3 TIIK Jl'DGKSniP. I.A!,LOTIX(J. KKNOLL'TIONR P.KI.ATIVR TO COPMTY UOVKKNMK.N r. t hang e ia the Kxrcatlve Comiult tce. At eleven o'clock tho Convention wat called ta arder by W. A. Montgomery, of Wirren. Ou Motion W, A. Montgomery wti mtde permanent Chairman and the members of the press prcieut were requeued lo act as Secre taries. On motion of T. C. Fuller, of Wake, a Cala mities of one from each county was appointed an credentials aa follows : John Long, of Craven; Gaston Lewis, nf Edgecombe; M. Moore, of Wake; II. A. Foott, of Warren; W. ('. Bowrn, of North nipton;T. L. Emry, of Halifax tad R. Nor fleet, of Bertie. T. N. Hill i.ked that Halifax be accorded tho vo e to which it would have bean entitled hid not falifax precinct been thrown out at the last election. On motion this was granted and Halifax given 40 volet. Mr. Iled-o, of Wake, proteittd tcaltut the tppolniinenl of M. Moore on the Committee on rrcdentlali bcciuie the delegation wat divided The Cbtlr ruled Hut the remarki were out of 0 d r. The protest wit too late, it should hive been made before the Committee retired The Committee ut thlt tlma returned and re ported that all tba rountiet were represented, all Ihe credentials correct and legal and that the representation to which the counties of tho Dittrict wert entitled wat as as follows : Rerlie -I votes, Craven 24, Edgecombe 31, Halifax 40, Northampton 30, Wake 80 and Warren 27. The Com,.ilttee alto reported verbally thai tha written pioxict of ahienl delegate be rec ognised. The report wat aloplrd except a 10 lbs verbal portion which wat re -ctrd. On motion the lueeliug adjourned until 11 o'clacl At the hour agreed 011 the C iareution re-ai milled and wat calle 1 U order by the Chair man. On motion of II. A. Foote, of Warren, it wat ruled thai tputchat be restricted to live minute. It was also ruled that no gentleman be al lowed to spaik oil tht nun tu'ij"ct more 111 111 once. Oa motion of Gen. Gutnn Lewis, nf Edge com be a committee of one fro 11 each enmity wat appointed lo draft rasolutiont In regard to Couutr (Jii'irniiiriit. The Committee, col littt af Gaston l.ewit, John Huchri, II. A Foote, W. C. Bowen, T N. HI'I, II'. II. Bled toe, tnd J. B Martlu. llcfare Ilia Committer wat ready lo report Hit Convent 011 proccrdtd to ballot fir a candidal for Julgtof tha Su ptrior Com! of this Dla'rlct. T. N Hill nominated R. R. Pceblet, of Northampton. W. II. Bledsoe nominate. I W S. Mmon. W. A. Dunn nominated Fred Phillips, af Edgecombe. W. II. Kltcbln 110ml ni'.cd J. ti. l!ll,eir, Mr. John Hughe nominated Henry Hryin Mr. J. S, I, lug iec onded the nomination of Mr. Bryan. II. A. Foole iceoiid lha nomination of J. B Batchelor. R. II. Bitllt alsnieconde Mr. Foote noml nation of Mr. Batchelor. II. L. Stat n seconded tha nomination of Fred Phillips, Armstatd Jones seconded tha nomination of W, S, Mison. T. L. Maion seconds1 tha nomination of R. R. Peebles. It was mared and etrria I that Ihe coantlet be called alphtbtllc.illy ou tlr.l billot and In revrrsa order on the tteond and to alternate as long as there wi any voting, 1st Ballot : Batchelor received 07 votes, Peebles 50, Mason 51, Bryan SI, Phillips 41, Hill one. There ware several fraetlont of votes east In thlt and tubtapient ballots, but by or.ttr of the Convention they were not to be eountrj unlets it was necessary to a majority. Neces sary to a choice 13:1. N 1 election, "nd ballot. B itehelur US. Pceblet Bt, Mason 50, Brtau 31, Phillips 4 1, No rl action. 3rd ballot. Batchelar 71, Peebles i, Mason 51, Bryan 2, Phil lot 4 N 1 elrcllnn. 4th l.allnt. Ilsli heioi 41, IVcblui 10"., M 11011 ,50, I).; 0 :i, I'alllipt H, 5th ballot : Balchrlor 115, Pceblea S5, Bryan 21, Phillips 38. No election. 11th : Batchelor 61, Peebles So, Bryan 74, Phillips 59. No electloD. 7lb ballot; Batchelor 05, Peebles 85, Masoo 71, Phillips 3i. No election. Stb ballet: Batchelor 55, Peebles 93, Mason, 51, Bryan &S, Phlilps V No election. tth billot : lltlchelur V, Pocblei 87, Mteon 108, Philips a. No election. 10th billot : Batchelor 115, Peebles 8(1, Brytn 21, Phillips 39. No election. llih ballot; Balchrlor 05, Peebles 87, Maton 84, Biyan 24. Philips 4. No election. lJlh billot : Batchelor 01, Peeblea 10, Philips m. Necetiary ta choice 133. Philips majority The Committee then reported tba following retaluliont : Rimived, 7' hit the pretent ayttem of County Government I tbsolutely etttnllil to tba welfare nf tbe people of tht Eailcru Ninth Carolina. Rrtolvedll, Thai it would baextremely In judicious m l ahsolu'ely fatal to their Intercut to nuke an) change whatever. These reiolutloiii were adopted uiitnl saously. On motion Ihe present Executive Committee nf the Judi'lal District were continued In force with the exception tint Powell ba tub- Itltiltrd for Phi lip from Edgecombe and T. L. Emry In place of Spier VYhllaker from Halifax. Tlit Convent 1011 ailj iurtitd. AT L. A. Farlnholt'i large iiore Weldon, N C, rtn be found Riitsimi Torrhou and Bieionne tnd Vermicelli Lice. Mr. L. A. Fanixiiot.T hit Just received beautiful line of Ladies Spring Dress Good snd iriminingi. 1A5 bbls. N. C. cut herrings Just received, J. T. (ioocii. NEW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. 1, E A L K D PROPOSALS Will be received until July tbe Mb f r building a two story brick building SO x HKifeet. Plans 1 spec fk-atloiis cun be seen at the l'ott oltlee or by apply to J. T. KVANii.or T 1. KMRY. Weldon, N.C U'ghi r rveii;to reject anv or all hi s. June n If X E W S IL 0 Y . All kin Is nf woo I work will Id don driguct al his shop by the 1111 0 FIKST NTKEKT, aflllahthaiidsllc Itnlclgh and Hasten Hull raid. charges low. Fatconngc solicit'! from Ihe public neutrally. SA.MI'hl. l.O.NU June ; 11 J O R N K II H U O O !., OXFORD, ftOKTII t Alt JIM SI A, TUB PALL SESSION or ISsJ HKUINS TUE IWMTU MONIIAV IN JULY. ih sthTctobs. J. II. HORN Kit. J.lMlOUNF.ft. J. M. IIOKNKlt. WI h tuch as.l-lant In triiclors as the cileud 01 1 ne aciinni may require. Th chief work of the School la den by Ihe S'-nlor Principal and Ins two amis. Tho lent Important work Is uiveu to nssist tnsti odor wlm ar. selected with rsprclal reterenc tbelr peculiar lltaeas lor Ho' iliitles assiRii them ; and tha nuuib'tr of stiidcnla will hot be ,lireusol beyoml the capacity of lite rrincipala lake personal charge of all lb Classen inlhc laise to ihe b-adiiiir branchoa taiwlit. a id to supervise all the wnrk of the school. I be actioni has been utnl-'p Us presetr man aa-cmMit for luuri' llian thirty years, and this sense. It la, w. believe, the ohleat schotd In Ihe South. Asavral of the Cadets will leave for Co leg, iher will h' room nexi session for about twenty new alu.leuis. ror catalogue apply to tbe rrinelnals, J. II. a J. ('. lb ill N' Eft GREAT BARCAINS. W are now rece'vliw our lo-w ami b'-aiitifol goods recently put chnsotl if Mi manufacturers, ami cor, Hally invito you in call an.) ee thi-iii. The lawsi ami te at select, -.1 atock of UOLI) WATCH Kri. SKI'S UK.) KWKt.RY. 1IANH IIHAi-KLKI'S, OPKK.V A N II OL A Kll CHAINS, IIIAMUMI AM) SKM, MINUS. Sl.K K V K II I ' T Ti 1 N s A M I ST IPS. S1II.II1 SILVKKSI'lluNS. KUKKS k Tub n'sl (tie Hlr nml JiS ( lock V. V K It H I, l. C Young's V. I', liletses and Inii rv yo ey.'slirbl. batches soil jewcirv rrraire,! l.y the be workmen. K igravlng nenitv iboi by J. T. Yol'Nu a llltil. net t ly iVlershurir. Va IStl K N I, I X K S Upii-rsl A-cnt for Hit Kri.-t'liiritii'; ai' Ant f'r th" Ki'ili'M- iMiirm'. I lir.'siiiii out ni. ami ml1! nun liiiuTy fthMallv. 1 orrvtniinlLMire s I. lc-1 J.J. IIAHUW, I.ITTI mn, NO. JrATi: UK NOIITII CAIUil.lNA, Superior Court, lirrlle County. I.nnlsa Williams, I'ltlutiir Aiiiiui-t Samuel Williams ii.-f, n.huit. In til's ai-tlon l!ui 1 1 ilinin Is a illvor c Irom I In' tl'.'lliliiitl. Ami It il.Marlii; lv trtMasit I 'ai i'io .1 lr'i'1 nn rami, l i .In . ,nll riii hi ll in ml in Mil Mil' i. II Is ol'lcrf't Dial I'tltiilt'llli !' inn.lit oiu-i a wt-lt for sit sure. Htivc Mi.ks In nn- it"ini"st rt.'ws, a m'w si;..-r initiiih .1 in tin' Hi vi it WKIi'll. Ilolirylin: lliv ii. 'frmlant I upi'iitr al llm neti wrm of t' .i(M.rtr v l.'-ili. I'linnly, In Ih' hi'l'l at till? Onl'l'.t In Wlhils.r on tlir fl rlilh aflrr l list first M'Mniay In '.'U'iul -r, iNti, Hi -ii ninl thcr lu answ.'r nr l niiir to lln coiiit'lsinl, nr that nifiit will lit ri'iuli-ml aiiMnlnnj tu I lie rulirf ilu uiitiiili-i ilii'r.'ln . WIiiims Kra"Pls I) Winston, Clerk of sahl ( .-nr . al III" oitl - In w, un.ItT llu'sral of k.u.u oiiil, mi. tiny llli.isi Kit A . IS I) WISsTtiX. I lerk Kui-crlor tnurt. nny is ft OAI.K or VAl.t'AltIK I, AMI S K 11 TIIK i row .si 1 1 r K r I Kl.n. Tills ! I tjlvu n.illi'). Uihi iimli'r an.l lir iMrtni nflMn iIm.'Is iiiniti. to nn- hv H .Ik' I n Wliltllt'lil. Illlfilf tlil'.tl Ii I1K illllivl I'll till' r.ili .Isvi.f Mny 1M ami n'lanl. ii In llifiittli-of tiic Hi'ili.'f of Ui'i'ils for tin .'imiitv of llnlltat In lo.ik Al on pairi's If.s a l IM. thu oilier U'lnx ilatcil nn thr t'lli lay of Jn y ls sml'. I in the nitl -i' of lli Iti-ft-tor ol lii-wls for ths coniitv uf Halifax III h.H'k i.'i on ni!'". V ami In. anil iwn iti-.'ili. itii.i,. In mi. l.y li- tin' W Wli'Mlol'l. "lie nf thi'm IIiik iIhIimI nn Hi.- day of May I'M ami nvunlc l In llifollti I'of thr Ki'iflsl r of lliv is for llir i-mmiy of Mn'i'ax In bunk ii.l on i.Hirvt 1711 anU III, tin ntli-l Wina .Ui.l on .'. li iHy of July Im anil is'iwili il in 1 hi iiitii i.' ot th K"K sti'r of DcwN fur the I'minly nf HshT'lT ill lamli Ui nn IKt- It anil IS, I will nil the first stun. Isy m S,.,..l. H1t . Utwien the hit'irsof Ulni'liN'k A. M., ami 4 '. rinik f. M , at the I'oint hnns' .Innr in the tnwn of Hslllnt, . II al I'lil'lli' tui'tion lo Hie hihst hiililer fi rraxh 1111 nnilivlili'il fmir nrtlis Inieri'si In ali'l tnai'i'rtiln trart nf taml sttunii'il in Hit r.'llnly nf It.ilH.u near Ihe town nf Knll lil IsiiiiiiIimHiv 11,.. nf K. ('. Hiislln. Karali II tiuif-, Jnmea II I'arkfir. Corne'liit Kin hii.I nili rs, ami ro nltiin llm and llilriy thrro acna iunr ol l . Hl'IKIt WHITAKKn. May lit h lltj. limy IS Ms. CiTfj wr ily nt linnn'. hsm.i-s '"." e iis-s-, A'liiri'ss r 1 is h ts l.'AU VnNaii l, Ala int. ADVKRTISKMKNTS. STRONG FACTS A great mny people tre uking what particular troubles BkoWN'S I rom Bittkas U good for. It will cure Heart Disease, rani. Dropsy, Kidney Victt Co sumption, Dypeptia, Khtumatum, Neuralgia, and ail similar diseases, Tts wonderful curatire power li simply because it purifies and en riches the Hood, thus beginning at the foumUtion, and by buiMing up the system, drives out all dnea&c. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Bittlitvir, MJ , My f, iM-. My hsUh wu mw K ihmif rd by Rhfumautm when I commtnctnl ukinK llruvn't Irvn llilicn, nJ I icmrcclf had tireiuiiH tnounh lu tt tend to my daily nwuehold dutlr. I am now utinic inc third Mtl and I am retraining trni;th daily, and 1 cheertuily recommend It to all, 1 cannot tay ut mu h in prat of it. Mrs. Mtutf E. Uha.hiah, tji i'rcttnaAal. Kidney Disease Cured. Chntifatubiirc, Va., itti. Suffrrinf (mm kidney ditraaa, from whun I could grt no relief, 1 tried Hrown'i Iron llittcrt, vhich cured nit completely. A child ol mine, recovering from cartel fever, had no appetite and did not teem ta tie able to eat at all. 1 gave him Iron Hi i ten tth the happteit remit. J. K.Ltt MuMAblaL Heart Disease. Vint St., HairUiSurf, Pa. lec. a, i Mi. After trying dirTerent phriKtarui and many remedies fW plpiutioa if the hrart without receiving any bene lit, I wuadvited to try llmwn'a Iron liittera. 1 have ued twv bJt tlct and never found anytluug that gave ait to much relief. Mn. Ja.M4l Hk. l'tir the jieculiar troubles to which lilies are subject. Brown s Iron Bl'lTr Kb U invaluable. 1'ry it. Be sure and get the Genuine mar t ly JJKO W N A V R K A W 1 Y. Maura i, n. ; I li L t II I IX DRI'llS, M KIUl l.N K.i. I'll KMICALS. Paints, Oils, Tsriiisli.-s. llyi'-at iitts, Pliia Tnllet Moa;i, raiirj Hair au.l Tooth llriith.'a. Vr ftlini'ry ami Kanry Tolli'l Artirlra, Trut- t 't an.l Slniulili-r Ilnu'oa. I.i'tti'r Vapor, l't'iis. Ink, Knv.'liipM, disss, Vilt ly, I'arlMiii oil, l.auis, Chlin ni'ya. "I'liTsli'lana'a Pntrrlitlniia K-curmltly I'Otiuili-d. I.AMIHRTIIs' (RI.CIIIlTri(i tunr.M Seci.. imri'tits.' ihi's s.-l illfM-t, friiui liio K tiMisfvi St.iit Karins of Iti. M.'srs. l.ainlrtlh, slut ttipy shoiiUI tint tt rlassf.l with the eli l.fl nn roinniiMsioii throtiirliitiit llir country. IN..'ilM' Si'i'.ts.aiul a k1'"! Voc tal.iit tlartt.'ii Is lijsiirt"l . :i 1 ly My peectitln.iintd Ftimp trt mtauftcttrtJ ndr llctest,ind buyort ire rmrmlted llinst iny ltd til f ilimt frem tht Compiny holdint; tha pjttnt. I'on'l nil im n.uAe m Hoto uf IAi pint. CaraTully mid of But Ssltcttd Timbr. Thl BLATCHLEY PUMPS irfor4l.bjtht bait houiei la tht IraJS. Nimi of ley aiartit sefst will bt farnithad ta application ta C. a. BLATCHLEY, Mituficturtr, SOI MARkET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. a i IT tin ( OCHADP. NtRBLR WORKS, (RvthllshtJ 111 ISA-1 Sycainnrt strcl,pKislto Hallfnt. .1 1 KCaV all llmprovtmtnU. 1 XVrtitKa- I'M t.nsiii in., vx. nasjtntiiti, TotiibH, ( rttfiaea, llradotonra a ntl tUrsiTtsatoarti of I'vci y iti.erl)tloli mule U) onlcr ran.iuir In I'rio. fnmi . nti. Ileslirns sent lir mnll tnany mlilrtss.a ith iwt as; siaiiiis em Iumi1 fur ivtiirn. T 11 lien nkrs are reoeiTnl, Ihe work Is pt lai'd ami fomunleil; If it ilix-s nnitite ierlM t tnilslui-linii, iunliaa'ra are reittiealej ui rvlui'ii at my expense I paylm ftvliflu Ixith av ' l.nwe.l imeet ami elieap frelKliit niwrtu'itewl, Curitspundencc sulielti'il from all si'iil.nis. , . HI AS. M. WALSH, apr. II ly. yl)MIMrKATOK B NOTICK. ' ..tTlnif qiiallil.Hl as arlm'nlstraior upon Oe' esiate of H. K. M.wnly late .f Halifaa uui.t.. liei-ehy iinilfy a priii hnlillnt elaiint agVlnst h m Ui present th tame In me duly antiientli-a. te.lon orliefn:t ihn 1st day of Juna m. tVr Inil. li'e I lo hlin sru rr.inlrv'1 lu luaka lm. lnerl'a'f payment. Welilnn, N.i'., Jlav Isiih !". j,,,,,,..,. ' N,A.,ur.

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