3 ff i j in . irt ti , ... THE ROANOKE NEWS. A UKMOCKATIC EULY NEWSPAPER, PUHLISL1ED BY HALL & SLEDGE. One Tar. In advance, fit Months. Jliree Month", 2 Ml. 1 mi Til eta advertisements, IMISITIYKLY tlK ! BAD BHKAT3. Nothing Is sn nnpleasriiil us Uud fct-allv ariilnir from A iilcrltire't ltreith. in1" stonincll Hint ran hi so easily currciiM ny liming rouuuoim j.lvur lUgulaWr, I UDNDICC. I fllmmons Liver lt"gulator soon eradicates this lllsoa." f nil the S'sl.'in. leaving tlie skill I'lrul' and free fruiii alt iinpurli les. SICK HEADACHE. I The ftinniach Imperfectly (liircsting Ita con- fsuts catises sever" pain In tin head, iieeoinp'iii- fed dy disagreeable nausea. Kur ttii- n-lff jitnl tur- if thldisiros.stng allllctlou, lukn Simmons JUror Regulator. i; MALARIA. i rerson llvimr In unhealthy localities, tiny javold all billions attacks hy accasloiiall,v inking a fioti-nf sliuiii in Liver Kegululor to kui j" Ui ii healthy action. ; CONSTIPATION 'should not hi- regarded an tt'lfllliig ailment. Na ture d"iiiftwts tli' utmost regularity of Hie iowcls,. Tliet'.-fore assist Saturn by taking Sim Juona Liver Itvynlntop, it so muni and elleciual. BILLI0USSES9. i One ortwo tnUe.spoontiils will relievo all the iroul'lea Inriili'iit In a bilious state such . 4Naushi, Dirims, Drowslnoss, Distress afler anting a bitter I i nest" in the mouth. BL1DDEB AND KIDNEYS. Mostof th diseases of tho blad'l"r nr'einrite fr iu tiioso uf the K iilueyn rsstor" tin- nition of JO;,' Liver fully, and boili ilia kidneys anU blad der will be restored- ALCOHOLIC POISONINQ. Simra'ins I.lvur Itorulut'ir will cnuiilersct the V-ITaet of alcoholic poisoning H it nu f ha tor id liver )h aroused. Ihi' nerves quieted, Hie Vartrtc disturbance corrected anil iiiieinpciiinee jireventod. j YELLOW FEVER. i Th" R"gulatnr baa proven lit (mat value as Tmedin.l agent, durinir the pivvnleiiee of that -lernble scourge. Simmons l.iver Regulator Jirver fulls to do all that Is i laiiued for it. k COLIC. S Children "nff'TliiR with eolle soon experieiiee ielief when cimin mis l.ircr lieirnlator is allium Ihtlred aecordiiiK to diree. ions. Adulls as w.-li is children derive great bencllt. from this mudl l jcinc. I CHILLS AND FEVE&. ,i TJiaro Is no need of NiiflerlnK nuy lonirer with ;hllla and Fever Simmons l.tver Ketrupitor 'n breaks the chills and earned the fever ,ut 3f the symem. It curcu when all other remedies f"- J SYSPEFSI. Thl medicine will positively unre you of this Trible di.sease. it is no vain boat, but we ns- fcert emprialieally whitt we know to be true, tiinmons 1, ver Keirulat'ir will eurevou. f Wlake only the (jeniiiue wlni-h nlnnys has ' Jure of J. If. Zellln & Co.' Fr ale By All DriiKeiMts. I febllly n- t.fitltnf y ' trm m , UijtKl n,il:c('i to U,. v i .1 Shi ( 'F Jn. of A nn4f W ttitr.1 4 w"r- n.i ) i u m n ,'.n .-uirnrc in) Utorbr villi OirofJi.iry pufUiu ,f ti. to4 I ttM M m7 nrrtcuw, ,d ;i rr ti ostMim tbiiu thMftiw fia' ejl tMIMlt IWIIHM Otl U m U prri'rft ti Md4 by lit NH,j frthW'Di. lb i.V ... t r. t 'Mfo'cHV-MISTS, MARRIA REMEDY CO Mar-Let uud 'h Nrn-i-tn, 1".. WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. jjgt9t Rennlnt and Bjst Sewitif Maoltiut IN THE WOK J t), TBT II BEFORE BUYINQ AN? QTHEB. AUEMTS WAKTEl). Sand r ttrmi and pritu Lwt. WnEELSIt k WILSOV. N'k'. c. Htehnieu i, va. uay 11 tm W- W HALL, Fira and Llla asurnce 4(0111, f iOmA found In the Roanoke Kejra OBce. Wiloox, N. C. IIIPBSIITI, Mew York OudeTwrltF. ! ' "AvrleulturaJ." of Watertown, N, Y. Western, ef Toronto, Canada. Famlleo. o( lartMiro, N.( ' Lynehhur, of I.ynchburit, Va. Knultable Life luaurauce Co. of N. Y. Willi plaee rlsksjiu'any otliergood companr ( fw nf.'rat's. ;u:v 15 ly CXHVIII jTH"" ? WILL VOL. XI. TRUST ME DARLING I'LL BE TRUE. "l'was the sweetest "full momenta, Grunted Joy my lieait e'er know, When my nun dear sweetheart whispered, 'Trust rue, darling, I'll be true." We were out amidst the moonlight, IT' wii.s st and ,11 K by my sMe, When he aked me. "W ould I love hlni, Would 1 lie bis own sweet bride ?" And I felt Hint I peiihl trust Mm, for in his eyes of len.b'ri st blu., I ronld rea.l t In- sell Mine a, uteneu, "Till t ui". durliiiK'. I'll be true." Then blsnrms b gently 'ri imd n.o, .ay.d' ur friends, vh:it euuld I do? II" bent I Is head sml sultly kl.-s d nw, 'h'vp,Tliig, "tru.t iiuidnrllnj;. I'll be true." Then lb" little stms looked brighter, S eined to know m se- ivt too ; Twinkle I, that the sky beliec.l him, When he whl-prred,"! l l. tri,.," On toy hand now hrlchtly sparkles, HImk of plile-t siipidtlre I III", rlaecd Ihere by the one that whimperer), 'Trust me, darting. I'll lie tin", " TOO LATE Clyde Involuntarily reined In his horans that I ha lutein Inve a belter luok at H,i) young: ' Kill who had Just passed hlni. lie bad seen her coinine;, ulieu thn was ' a lout; distance down Hie roml, cnnspirnoin ' by her bi 'i'lil c:irlet cloak Unit made sueh a ' Ifhiw ngaiiitt tl.a dead while of the snowy I landscape. (ml then as she came near Mm, and looked up, ha resll)i"d Hi it lie was face to fare with ' the mo.-t Kloiioin eyes I1i.it ever had lifted to ; his, and ijlyde was Ihlity li.o and felt, forty five, and U id traveled half over the world, and had been presented to princesses and tlueli csses and charming woman w ithout number, and had broken more hearts Ihau be could re member. Handsome, wealthy, ailstocratic, dii,siislei Will) life, wearied with the satiety of cond tiling, that had all his life been laid at his feet for his taking;, lie had lushed away from the holiday festMiies, and bad come down te "lioseliolme'1 and spent tils Christmas and New Year in absolute solitude, so fur as hu man imip.iniunsliip went, with bis books, his horse?, his thoughts, deaf and dumb to the score of letters every mail brought him be serchiiiK his return even cruelly negligent of Virgluie, le liietou's little coaling notes, who certainly, of all wonien, li.id tljo best right to command hiiu ncelug that lie lull been her most devoted for the pa.-t three mouths. And this sparklinir winter morning he had had his fastest pair urderi'd 1 1 hi rail, ind in teal-kin cap and driving-cloves, and (ui-lined and trimmed overcoat, ho was ilriviii',' at his gsiMl ictllfis pace over the mauniiiretit road, when he passed ()!ira Meni.iui. wr.imied in her thick li.nj; cloak of rl.epest searb l clolh, aiW a scarl.it mphyr l;ood a I l)ossy fiingm ami ribbons .,u her bead, h-rdaik hair peep ng out in liatf-i'iirlinij rings mi In-r Jow, "bile fore head, her i heuks II .slied, h,er lips warm y, lucebnuly red, and her co Clyde felt as Humph an eleeliie shock had been ailiiiinibleied as then eyes met In a brief, pisual Kluiiee, and aeling ui'on the ini ul.e, a tiling- he yvas very iiiueli in ll.e b u it of doing, as ull your handsDitt", cellWi iimi are ho te n ed Ills burses, sharply lu, biiiigini; them b.irk under tlielr haniulies in (uiveiiui; nilij -ciniu to bis low, authoritative Moid and his strong wrists. And Hjen he turiiei) around, more Interest in bis face th in any one had seen there in the last five years. Just, as Ulna llerilam turned around im pelled by that mysterious .y, hologlml leiii ence all have felt; and met his glance, and -slipped on a tieacbeious fiozcu lump uf tuow and did not get up, Clyde was out of the mail at her tide In a second. Are you hurt f Let me assist vou to rise Jl,s, ' "I am afiaid I have fpriuind my ankle. It was so stupid of me to fall." i What a voice, even through Its Tibtalloi s of ill-concealed sutlering ! ''I hope not. Surely such a little fall would " l!ut whi)e he spoke Olga fainted at li.s feet. 'I l,eie was but one thing to do, and ill the name or common humanity Treior t'lvde (ilckeil the unconscious girl up as gently as a woman might have done, as only a strong man Could have doll", nu l lifted her into tint car .jagc, and turned his horses abut,', and jftllop d lo li' ,se holme, Jialf mile olf. And when, ten minutes later, Ola came back front tbo lonj;, dangerous swoon to liud herself on the lounge in the luagnitUent libra ry, and Dr. Lawrence, her own physician, and Mrs. Burton, the housekeeper at the K.isc Lolme, iu alleifdaiice, while itoseholme's mas ter, siulout, handsome, interested, stood watching thu proceeding, si.e Liieiy her life romance bl begun. )l was so perfurUy natural that Trevor Clyde fljould fall In love with her, be who had falleu lu lovu u 111) a do.eu 1. rel;y wumei) it) his time. And Olga was parti ularly loto'y, saucy, pi (juant yet rese yo I and ireud. And a week fioin the Hun) be anil ()r. Law- renee lis.) r,T.n hr home fiiiiii UdiH-lioiuie in the col c:i, with a mattress and blankets tnnlf itiS a warm, comfortable nest, 1 revor fL'l) tie was ready for almost anything where (hp was concerned. Not day but lie hail called at the little grey c.iltni;n where she abd Iter sihut U.ru sisU'r lived. Books, hot house Dowers, hot-hou.-e fruiU Dotliing was too good, too expensive for lo r, and to see her ryes light up St sight of him, to watch her resolute efforts to hide from him the lovu for him that was growing Willi every day was the keenest pleasure that had couje to liim fur many tear. 1'or she loved hliu. IJuw could It have been ollierwito J lie was i be man above all olhets to com mand her, rb.ips the only master hey heart would cvur Lave known. So i much was crowded into thi)l little ten days' lime, and altljougli 7'revnr Clyde had by some unaccountable powr quite uslgnlsliingly strange to himself refrained from a dlrict srowil of his iiasslon for her, yet they bulb understood It as well as though the must ex plicit words h id been said. O'ga was perfectly happy. Proud, honorable, unsuspicious, she never bad a thought that Trevor Clyde's.love foi her was O'.'t as tx julslloly !ovj j:., fur biro, Roanoke WELD ON, and so when be came one day and told her be was tclr;rahcd to return to town for a day or so, but would come back to Roseholmc at the very earliest muinent, she never for a secout) doub'ed him. Nor did 7'rcvor Clyde doubt himself that he would return. M,ss le Breton hod telegraphed him that bo must come, or one of her entertainments would fall flat. And Just a littlo ashamed of having buried himself in the country sn Iouk, and b ill-won-dciinj; what she would say; and moro than a little foar'ul that some ono would fathom the attraction, Clyde concluded to obey bis fair Mend's behest, and then come back. lie fully meant i; yivo liim all the crn'.lt be desei V'S. Hut when be went bii'U linoaj ils asso ciates, when he was at lioiuo again aiming the fashionable ladies of thu day and suw the dif ference between them and the iftrl lie had so madly dreamed of pluclne; at the iiead of hs Hble, It was a teirible strugirle perhaps the t! i -s t that 'i'rcrur Clyde bad eve) had with Iiiiut self. All bis life the way bad boen made smooth lo liim, and be bad only to go whichever way suited bun best. llut now he realized there must be a decis ive choice made between the little dark -eyed girl In tin' country, who suited his heart as no other woman ever hail, or ever would, and the city lady who would do such royal honor to his ii one, his taste, w ho would queen it In so ciety us Trevor Clyde's wife would be expected to do. Uul which. Amid nil tin) rapturous welcomes that greeted ills return, that niinstlou, stern, ljilcuiiipioiiii.ini;, started ll i ill perpetually in the face. And so Hie days went on, and still iim.'e cidi d, he did not go hack. Days when Olga waited, at Hist all sweet patience, full (if trusting happiness, then busy making excuses for him, until He made bis decision one day, and with tbo Impulse so characteristic of him, gave himself no rest until be had sealed bis bainin (be bargain which, in b'.s very soul, bo knew was the wrong one, mid jet the only one t'iat tbe Iron bands of cusloiq and pride and souial ob- l:;;u;ioii periniltea. He went straight to Mis; lo Jlrctou, and found her ns usual grtcious, elrgant, the Teiy woi:i.in, be told l;iui-ulf In a feverish sort of exultation, that would do hill) credit. He told his stoi y well, and she listened with a rare, grave grace, mid then--informed lttni i:i ii siic nan teen engaged fur some time lo a gvutlcinan absent in Kunipo-e:;piessed her rc giets and -rent him aw.iy feeling siraim'ly be wildered, bemuse bu cnttld not tell whether be wai relieved or rhagrined or disappointed. "It settles it for me," be said t himself. "I win many tue gin 1 love, au.i itie world may smile or fioun. 1 have made my oalure ioi us tavor, and tailed. 1 will suit my own uecds." And ll was with a lighter heart than had t!,robti"d r, his breast for ninny a day that C'ly le J iiinie.i ed by the Ijr.-t ex pi eat lo liosc holme, one blight, bamy early .March day, when it seemed that the south winds a ml blue skv were stolen fio.ii the J;ron;'se of the ;Iad May that w as to come. And-J'is ii) time-to meet, us be sat con ti inedij back in bis barouehu Olja MeriUm's funeral. A W3RK0F LOVE. A century sttu-c, in ilie imiUi of Ha- I OpC, Ktutlll Ull ol'l IMtlll'ill'lll iii,ni out' ot the iiiclii'H nt wliioli was a cnli- ttitvil ltd1 ot woiiiltiiiH lii'iinly. It Win loiij liiilili'tt, until one day the sun s lioiil, ti 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 -r t ti r. ii r 1 1 ;t x!:ititcd wimliiw, ri'ticluol it s tiiiHulilc-'S ftaturt'i, -ii cvi'i- alter, year uy year, iiion the davs wlji'ti (lira Iniel' hour it was thus illiitnineil, urnwij came and waited eagerly to catch Imt aj;liniisu ol tltat lacu. It hail a stianu history. lien the calln dtal was bi'iiii; Lui!t an old man, lilnken with the A'eiht ot years and care, c.anio. an t besought (lie ati liilect In let him work mi il ))ttt of pily (or his aire, litit IVaifnl vtt l.iilino; st'lil ami tietnliliiiL' touch Illicit iimi' to!(e t'ajr de;.i-ri the mas let' set him tn work in the shadows uf the vaulted fuol'. One day they found the old man asleep in death, the tools of his craft laid in order U side him the cmiiiiti ol his li'ht hand tfoiie, hit) face upturned to this other mai veloiis f;icc, which h.t had wronjjljt, there lite face of una whoia lie had loved and lust in early manhood. And when the artists and sculptors and workmen from all parts of the cathedi al came and looked upon that face tliey tail). "This is the grandest vork of all; lovo wrought this '' In the great cathe dral of the thu temple hciti"; I'tiilded for a habitation of JoJ we shall all learn some time that love's work is the if rainiest uf all. J. L Unsseil. . TliE ri nvst'llK OK Mkmoiiv Ilnele Ike vl one day rldii.g a inula and bid a little negro boy Billing- behind hltn. "Tell you what, IiiK Ike, 'possum mighty kooJ things," said the boy. ' V'as, 'tis" said Uuncle Ike, as the mule struck a brisk trot. "'Specially when ymi got lots o' gravy wUl hlni." ('iiclj (ke was silently, but secine4 restless. "An' when you got some Masted 'liters lo (op Jn de gravy," sal I Hie boy. Uncle Ike used till switch with nervous cccrgj, and the mule In creased his speed to K"HoP- "Yes, Ung Ike. wheo da 'possum right brown sn' da Kfii'J dreijln' out an' " "You sliet o.t)r muuf, yuu little fool ! You'll make dis mule ruu off an' kill us boaf," Arkansas Giurtte, Cook : "Madame, mav I ask you for n)V tea tiinunials?" Mistress: "What do you einect me to write, you worthies creature f Surely, j cannot ssy that 1 am satlslied with you." (look : "Isn't noeessnrv. Duly write that I re mained with yon three mutl)i. Tba wl)l be u;y betl coiuiueiidatiou.' Ah, my friend, said a clurgynut) to :..!.! ... i ..ii! i pai ivuoiier wiit) was ma nusoatiij oi a termagant, and who had made nn application for divorce, wo should bo yielding and forgiving, There are no divorces in I leaven. That's the reason said the sufferer, why I am bo auxiius to get a divorce here, N. O, THURSDAY, THE LAME -BACKED BOY. now II B I'l.AYKD IT OS THE OLD MAX. A boy went into a store the other morning, limping, auu seemed to no broke up generally. The proprietor asked him if he wouldn't sit down, and he said he couldn't very well, as his bark wan lame. He seemed dis- cotiratred. and the pronnulor asked him what was the matter. "Well," k.iid he, ''there is no encouiw agctneiit tor a boy to have any fu.il nowadays. If a boy trios to play an ninoconl joke lie guta Kicked ad OTer thu liutise, Voti nee, my old man is no pi'iug chicken, mid llionjjli his eyes are nut what they used to bo, yet he can kco a pretty girl ftiitlier than I etui. Hie oilier day 1 wrote a nolo in a tine hand, and addressed it to him, asking hint to be on a certain corner at half past seven on Saturday evening, and signed the name of Daisy to it. "At supper time ia was till Bhaved up, and had Ins hair plastered oyer the bald spot, and lie got on some clean culls and said he wua coins: to the loiljre to initiate some candidates, ind ho might not be in till late. He didn't eat much supper, and hurried oil". I winked at ma. but didn't say anything. At hall-past seven I went down town, and he was standing there hy the post olhce corner, in a dark place. J wept by him, and said : Hullo, pa, what ate you doing there ?" ' lie said he was waitinur for a man. I went down tttrcct, and pretty soon I went up on the coiner, ami he waa standing there. You see, he didn't know what corner Daisy was going to be on, and he hail to cover the whole four corners. I asked him it he hadn't (oiiud his man yet and he said no, the iiliin was a little lute, l vent up tin; street, and saw jia. cross over by the drug store, tupl I could see a girl joing by with a water proof on, but she skited along, uud pa looked kind t solet;t the way lie dors when 1 ask hiui for new clothes. I liinied and came back, and he was standing there ID the doorway, and said 1 ' I'a, ymi w ill catuh cold if you stand rattttd wailing for a man. Vou go down to the loOe, and let ute lay lor the man. l a sum; '. ever you mino; yon go about your business, and I will attend lo the man. ''Wei!, when a boy's pa tells hint to never njitid, my experience is that the boy wants to go right away from there, and I went down street. 1 thought I would en, ssj over and go up the. other side, and stir; how Jong in: would stay. J'heie was u girl or two lriiiiijjr up ahead ol me, un.l l see a man hunying aci'on from the dni;. store lo the olher corner. It was pa aiel as tin' o-irls wiiiil along and never looked around, pa looked mad, and stepped into tim iioorwav. it was about eight o'eloi k then, and pa was tired, and I tell itiiTt' lor linn, and J went up t.i Mm, uud asked lit he lor a hall a dollar to l'o the theater, i neve) knew hiui lo shell out so quirk II 'r:ive me a dollar, and I told him I would go and get it changed and bring linn hack the hall-dollar, belt l;e said I needn't mind the change. it is awlul mean ol a imy mat lias been treated well to play it on his pa in that way, and I felt ashamed. A" I turned the coiner and saw hltn stand in x there shivering, waiting (or the man, my conscience troublud me, and 1 told a policeman to go and tell pa that I '.lis y had been taken sick, and would not be there that evening "Well, when I went home the iol o was so good I told ma about it, and she was mad. J guess she was mad at me (or treating pa that way. 1 heard pa come home about eleven o'clocf, and ma was leal kind to him. She told hiui to warm his teet, 'cause they were just like chunks of ice. Then she asked hiiidiow many they initialed in the lodge, and he said six, and then she asiied ljini if they initiated Dairy in the lodge, and then blip began lo cry. ; "Jn the morning pa took me into the basement, and gave nm the hard est talking to that I ever had, with a bed-siai. He said ho kiey that I wrote that note all the time, and he thought he would pretend that he was looking for Daicy, just to fool mo. ljut v, h;)t did he give that dollar lor? ".Ma and pa don't seem to call each other pet any more, and as for me, they both look at me as though I was a hard e.iluen. am going to JMis ni- n to take Jesse James place. Ihere is no encouragement for a boy here." Aj)d the boy limped (jut to spprato a coupie oi uogs mat wore lighting, Peck's Sun. 5 Too Goon x Ti.kkr. Scene small lawn on Seneca street. Time noon. Personages A parrot sunning itself on a perch beside its open cage door; and a strange dog wandering upon tho lawn. The parrot speaks lirst. Sick! sick giclt him I The dpga wiilj cars and tail erect looks about lor something upon which to charge; ho espies tho parrot, and an exciting nccnu unauei. l'rom out the poitfused mass of (jog hair and parrot feathers enmps thn slirill erv dot. ontt D n vou. rat out I Dos btcaks for .. " .:'.. o ' . street. Parrot, after lookinr; nt her soil lfoni neaa to loot, gravely ex claims : Polly, you talk too much! 7ho balr of a Providence girl Is so fall of electricity tint when she combs it tbe crack' 1'iDg Is as loud as tbe snap uf a whip, i'bock- Uf, Isn't I! ?-j-3We'il C i(t; I, JUNE 29, 1882. ONE OF THOSE AWFUL CHILDREN. Boston Oazetto. One day I sat in a car seat on the Paugns branch of tho eastern road be hind a pale, oare-worn lady who was taking a ijttlo boy from lloston to Maiden. As the littlo boy was of a very inqnirinir mind, and everything seemed to attract his attention, I could not help Imteuing to some of his ques linns, W hat is that, auntie ? the littlo boy cointnciiced, pointing lo a slack of hay on the marsh. t h, that's hay, dear, answered the care worn lady. hat is liny, auntie 7 Why, hay is hay, dear. I Jut what is hay made of ? Why, hay is made out of dirt and water and air. Who nmkes it? God makes it, dear. Does he make it in tho day titnp or in the night ? I u built, dear. And Sundays? Yes, all the time. Ain't it wicked to make hay on Sun day, auntie? O, I don t know. I'd keep still. Willie, that's a dear. Auntie is tired. Viid after remaining quiet a moment little Willie broke out : Where do stars come from, auntie? I don't know; nobody knows, l'id ihti moon lay 'cm? Yes, I ucm so, replied the wicked lady. Can tho moon lay oggs, too? 1 suppose so. Don't bother tne ! A short silence, when Willio broKe out ugatn: Pienny says osiiis is a owl, auntie; is they? Oh, perhaps so 1 I thins a whale could lay eggs don't you, tiuulie ? Oil, yes; I guess so, said the shame less woman. J)id you ever upp a whale on his nest? Oh, I tie.s so. Where? I mean no. Willie, you must be iiniet; I'm getting crazy! What makes you crazy, auntie? Oh, dear, you umv so many ijtivs lions. Did yon eycr see a little fly cat su gar? T cs, deal . Where? W tills, sit down on the mul and be still or I'll shaue. Now, not another word! And thu lady pointed her finger s,arply at the little boy, as if she was going lo stick it through him. 11 she had been a wiciied woman she would hiive sworn, TI re are 7,000,000 little boys liic Wiiiie in ihe 1'iiited States. THE MATCHIESSJJAR OF CHICAGO, 'Tou do not doubt me, Myrtle" "Never!" exclaimed lle girl, putliuj; on her invisible net as she sp ,keai,d phigjug her ban doliue bottle wbcru alio wouid be sure lo seo il lu Ihe moi !iin' Ihe sui) bid glared down fiercely all day upon tbo parched earth, and now that night Ind con;", the lje.it wuj men more opp isslve than ever, because t',c cool wind that bud been ratted from the lake during the day bad died away. It was a dreamy, sensuous, one gausc-undeihlrt-.ind-no-vest evenliix, such as one often notices white traveliii.g u I'alcsliuu. "You have great faith In uie, have you not, little one?" Vivian McCarthy said. Uhiijs; thii n'ui'a oil bijrid la ins. "Yes," replied Mynle, "I believe in you with a child-like faith akin to that which ena bles a boy to bile a pie lu the daik, and I love you with a d -ep tenderness and fair loyalty llut can never die." And would roi; belieia aiiylhing; I Udd you r V ivi.ni murmyicd, kUtiuK tbo dimpled bind that lay iu hU. Looking ut biiq wi) her stiniy eyes, In wbb b there f!eiii,ed Italy love light, tho girl replied, slowly, and with Indellnite pathos. would bellevo your eveir word, no matter what you told inc." ''turn," said Vivian, while a baleful light shot from his near eye, "llieic is no Uo cream liCbl-ago." Koran lustant,'daxed by Ihe sl.ock, Myrtle gid run speak, mil presently Hie yoiea ol cr heart found echo In words. "I can never leave you now," she wills pored. " I here i'4iiuot be at)olher S!)cb linr It) all the wide, wide world," l'ntjnMI.ITll H IS CoVillsA(los. heep clear of personalities In general conlersalisn Talk ot llil'.gs, objects, liougl,to. The small est minus occupy the nisciirs with persons I'crsoualltits must sometimes be talked, be cause we havu to Icatu and find out men' characteristics for legitinata objects; but It Is to be with confidential persons. Poor Burn wrote and did many foolish things, lint he was wise when he wrote to a young friend : Ay, tell, your st ry fr"e. niF hand, When wT n bosom erouy ; )ut still keep something lo yoarsoip You'll scarcely ol tu ony. Uo not needlessly report 111 ot otbtrs. 3' here re times when we are compelled to say, "I do not think Uouncer a true pud honest man." lint when there Is no need lo riprcss sn opin ion lot poor Rouncer sviaggrr awsy. Others will take his measure, no doubt, and ssve you the trouble of analyzing hlin and Instructing them. And, s far is pQisllile, dwell on tha good side of human beings. There are family boards where a constant process of deprecl. , tiiiT, assigning motives, and cutting up char acter, Roes forward. They sro not pleasant places. Oua wbo Is beallby doea not wish tn dine at a dissecting table. There is exit enough in men, God knows. Uut It Is not lb i mission of every young mm snd woman to de tail and report It all. Keep Ilia atmosphere ss pure aa possible, and frsgrant with genlk j.er tod, cbtrity.- fir, J.'n NO. IT. WIPE MY TEARS, She was nothing but a bahy, a little, quaint 1 l-fasbloned thing, with tumbled locks of sunny hair and Jeep, i ultu! blue eyes tht were always full ot clouds or sunshine, oi e following the oilier In rapid succession. Duly a baby, toddling about after her weaiy mo liei, falling down and hurting hcrsalf a dozen times a dsv, and going jast as often to held up a s cct Dower face all wet and dewy, with the lisped icqiiest: "I'lessn, miiiouia, wipe my trais," or to oiber members of the family In a more dictatorial and peremptory voiee,"1Vipo my tears I" Ii iher she could not or Hould not attempt In brush awny the tears heitolf, Slid sometimes we laughed to see the shut eyes and tightly drawn features, bathed In s liquid shower; sometimes there wss a pitiful accent In that little household wail that made our heai Is ache, but o. lener va talked non sense as wo w iped away the pretty drops fiom Ihe lonif cuiled lashes, Ihe dainty cheeks, tho small, quivering chin, and wo drew Kay pic tures of the baby going about with teai-bot ties huii sroung her neck, and crooned her tu sleep with an Idle repetition of Tennyson; Tears, idle tears, I know not what they iiieaii, And we wondered among1 ourselves what she would do as alio Riew older and learned to know real sorrow, and it Ihere would always be somo diar one m-ar lo wipe away the ready lei as Ihere was now, And (iod himself hhatl wipe away all tears. We had never thought of Him, olid aliens still only a baby, a sweet, winsome little thing that we thought we had safe in eur hearts under lock and key, with love for the keeper, when all at once her tears were dried and ours began to flow, fur ve all sluol beside her, and she knew us, uor wna Insensible to her inoibei's voice, to tears and prayers. V'bere was a short, sharp struggle with the destroyer, hours of ins inability ever) to pain, and then for A moment the baby woke and knew us, and as she fell llio l.,st pantjs of dissolution, her dear little face kuottud and seamed with llio deadly p il ii, she put one liny, trembling band up tu her mother and said in a whisper, 11, s old, quaint words: " W-l p e-m y-t-c-a-r s." Then a sweet, clad smile followed, and she was 'oiie where there shall bo uo more death, neither sorrow nor ciyii');, and (iod shall wipe away nil tears fiom their vyet.lktrvU Fretl.cat. Ill' Coclii Tell. "Is il not beauiiful.swec brarlT" "What 1" a-ks 1 (iourge V. Simpson, look iug (etideily Into the deep blue cVi of Daphne HaL'iutliV as Ihey wore raised to his, and glsn cnig arouud lu a ne. vuus, stccr-cauKlil-iu-tlie- co:n way. "lhy the aweet perfume that Is beliiR wafted lo US ot) Ihe summer all," said the girl, shifting l.cr chewing gum as she spoke. "Do you not feel Hie eensuous languor that Is all about us -the sqbtlu perfume that seems to b wUisscdlht! air with deny fragrance !"' Lie wlstiul, fuar liaunled look catas again in'.o the man s face Ho sniftered Ihe air iu seven)l directions, end there cam upon the rfect featics of hi. Ysba:.h -av line face sinl'e of calm content. "Yes, darling," he said, b "iidlug over the girl, "I luiublc now.' And what is this perfume, (ieotgd?" the girl a-ked. "Can you nut tell me, darling?" 'You.bct I ran, my angel," replied (ieorge, peaking iu toucs of putsioiiato tenderness. Thi y are (ojiig to have corucj Lccf for sup per lu tbe uett hou.e." Wii.limiii m un WosiAt;. (iod, m all of hi creation mad" woman Hie s eetrst and love- st, the Ii i)c-.t and best of bis baudlweik. Iod made the 0 )rt eis of cart!; for tho pm iose of giving to uunisu tbe expression ot her puie beait, as the increase of her loveliness liud hu manity. It was woman who made decora tion day lu lleorgla. It is to woman we owe Hie peippluul observance of that day. It Is to the evrctucos of woman's naluio Hut the Southern hcatt is brought onru a year to con template the love we owe lo our (.'onfcdaialo id. ll Is by the band of woman 11. ft th gaiiaudsor Ilia sweetest memories lire sirewti upon liouoted and unknown graves, it Is so natural and lovely Hint woman should be tbe Ijrst at our birth and the last at uur bier. It is she Hut Impresses the last ki as well n the Hist. It is woman's sv,'eet yoieo that liist Iiill.ibics man to sleep iu bis most helpless In fancy. It Is woman llut guides him to man hood and prcsertes li I ill In bis moral integ rity. To m.in woman Is eveiyihing she Is a 1 10 bun. -Cutcrsviilii 'V ' ',',!. AUVKUI'ISIMKNI'S. .w. Say ''timM THE GREAT lllliEM ftllltVU lll tll HrFLtlf Nquralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Ihest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swellings ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and tars, and all gther faint and Aches. K.i Preparation en earth equals St J imr On n a , sHrv. fiitijifsaiM cirufi r.Tiernai Keiuisiy. A u-lsl "Mulls Lot lbs romnaratirclv trilling oallay of SO ( anl, and every one sull'i ri-ig web pain cau !) ciuap 4 uire pro" oi )u cuun,.. fJiraeUous lu Klevtn ljuigiisges. SOLO BT ALL DRD001BT8 AHD DEALERS II KUDIOTNB. A.VOQLR & CO., BaMmart, itd., V. B. X July 7 1 y. EDI. 11 '.!'. THE ROANOKE NEW9 ADYKKTISINQ RATES. a a a 0 I H I GO 3 00 8 00 H 00 5 00 10 00 20 00 8 09 15 00 30 00 10 00 18 00 at) 00 IS 00 20 00 40 00 SO 00 80 00 60 00 STACK a O One Sqtmre, Two hiirrs. Throe Squares, 20 04 30 08 40 00 4fi 0ft fO OQ es oo Four Squares, Kourtti I'm u, Half Column, WholtiColumn, One Year, 75 t PROFESSION ALCARDS, JJAK.V'll k U,Kl.v ATTOUHKYS AT LA IT. AFIELD. N. C. l'raetUvs in the counties of Halifax. Nash K'tireeointie ami Wilson. Collections made In ail parl.sot tli" Stat". Jail 11 If. Ii. SMITH, 4H. AT rtlt K Y AT LAW, Scotland Nkck. HabiKAX Coontt N. O Practices. In the county of Halifax anil adjoin. inx coiiiitiiib, And lit tho Supremo court ot tlo Stat". 11 1- J M (I IU A A A 11 IV AI TUUVEY AT LAW, II A I.IK AX, N. ('. Ollb'n in Hoi Court House. Strict allcatloa, iriveiitoaU brm,i.hu4 0X the protessiou. Ian 'i ly T UOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices lii Halifax and a ljolulnj ceuntla and Ked'T.ll and Supr"m courts. Will I," at Sooilaud Keck, ouea every Torti nU'lit aiig!S If 11. (i oil. W. U A It T H A R , Hnrieoa Deullil, Otrice over V. II. Brown's Dry Goods Stera, WKI.IION. N.O. Will visit parties at tholr home when rtoalredj Terms Iteasoiiatd". out til If T. YV, M ASOS ATTOHNKY AT LAW, liAHYSIIURG, N. C. Practice In the courts of Northatnptou and, ,nloiulii count li'H, also lu the federal and su premo court a. Jitiiestf. A 1. T K l K. I) A M K I., Allot ury ('aniiscllov At LW, W K L D O N, N. Practices In Halifax and adjoining counties. S lal A'teniioii t-iveii to collection. Is) all parts of the citato and prompt returns made, leb. II I y 4TTOUKBY AT LAW, WKLUON, N.O. Kl"c':! ,'lttenl loo Klveu tu CulleeliuUS u4 ri'inlltaue"s promptly made. may nr. ll. K. 1', 11 U N T K K, Can hs found at hi odlea iu F.nfield. l'uro Nilioqs Oxi'lo liaa for tlia I'aini less KMriioliug of l'eulli always ou hand, Ju ui :j ll, J IMkl H , MCt.l.KS. .'uii.i . Huosa, I. I. U M 4 M o a K II, ATIOUXKYM AT LAW, UAI.II'.VX N. U. l'riictle" lu 11;" count les of Halifax. Northainp. ton. K, '"CoiUe. l-itl and M irllii -lo thnSa IT'on" e nirl of 111" S'al" and In tin Kedera Courts of th" I'. isiern District. Collections limit tn any part uf tho statu. Jan I ly tot .b. .oi.i.tt'orrKH. nn. n. H. XO.LICOI tX BUD., I)'1 A. I', y.Ul.LIi'OKKIill k I'llYSK IlNS AM) Sl'K(,asOX!$, W iS L DON, N. C. lira. A. it. and D 11. Zolllcotter. bavlnsT ulillej, as partpcra lo I be I'rncttro of pit-dtciiio uudws th" aiyle and llrii o Dr. A. it. Zi'lllcotler k tiro, otter Ibelr r,ifesatoual services to the publla wusrally and solicit a share of their patroiisxo. tliey guarantee careful mid pro)nt attention to patients, no" of ihe Hiui will always be fottud t their cine" tu "llieoiter s lirior istor wbera patient s w i'l to treated at all houra and wtiwu necessary. I' 'tli will vlMt and glvo their atten tion to ii.tticiita without extra charge, lur II tf. ii..' '. ui. i."j-i ' uimiimi II l.l AY a. c. xot.Licot rsa, 7. o) L L 1 0 0 V V h U. I) ATTOKKKYM AT LAW, WKI.DON, S. C, rriti,M lu the i.ourtH of Halifax and adjoining conn tl.'s. au l hi til" Stiprcui" and Kederai courts, Claims i oil"' ted I o any part of North Carolina. tin" uf the tlrui will alaays bo fouiul In tha Otlle JuneSel y. I i: 3 T A Bh I 3 11 E p JJminr)r n, l57. RUFE W DANIEL risstoeit f I, i, i. i ts. urocerios and Cubic. tioiu ries eiubra.-e In part FIlltNCM, AI'IM.F, IlLACKUKURYaii'l WII.Dl'HKIlUr BllANDY, YVIIISItlKS, 1'i'HT, bllbllllY, MADEIRA and I'll AMI'AONU WIN 8, flDAUS, BACON, KLOtllt, MOLASUKS, I Altn,()NUKU, PFirpBK, brum. ai'I'lks.jkllibs, t'lOKI.Hsl, DU4VUT fUAOHRrtaud C0NFRCT1ONKRIK3 roilTXKK'JI LAGEK ISEF.B I C E. And many other artWlestocnuinoroas a inen t loll. R. W TtAItlRt.. le Wash, Avenue, Weldoii, N,(!. Orit I ly YAllliOROUUtl HOUSK. I'HjUlcvllle Ktrrrl, Knlrlsh, N. f. Terms to suit tit'i"e G.W. HI Af KNALL, rroprietor, ( f a V"'f