THE ROANOKE NEWS. I ' ' A I'EMOl'ltATIC W K E K L Y N K WSPAI'ER, FUULISUKD BY i HALL & SLEDGE. THE ROANOKE NEWS, ADVKHTISING KATKS. The N 1 Jlne V-ar. In advance, Sox M oiiha. tfaree M .n'tis, - 2 w 1 IK) 75 cts Wiix iMisrrnn.Y (lit BAD BKEATH. Not hint? is no unj.U'; in! us Ureal h. pen- rftllv Miiiif limit a l!-'rliTtl nUmruh. ami ran lie o n-iiy orrefU-il. by tiikUns Biiiimotw iiver lli'tfuliilup. I JAUNDICE, I fllmmonf IJvr H,'M,i't1' Hf,,,n frndlrntrt tMi 'iJHHJiM.if oin the ms si-'in. Ii-nviiiy; the hliiu clt'tir $nd free frmu itll inipiiri le. i 8ICK HEADACHE I Tho Stoma iunierf TI ly (Uire-tlnn IN 'on irtiis c iiiM-' i,-v'ri p.itu tn ih" Ium-I, ?i.'roinp:in fed by l irfL'nl.l1 irni-". -'.r ! hi? reh.-I nnl rir - of -ii1 rfsnt;' ultlu'l lull, UU' Simmons ,iver Kfxuiutur. MALARIA. J Jrs'Mis livin r In ini'ie ili'v loi'nlitie, insy Avqn nil Itilllons ntt u- lv ,'iri-usj.n:illy lakinn n 5ijittn)r Mtiuu 'lis Liver keululor lo keep llu t CONSTIPATION Should nnthn rii;irili!l' m triflliniy ailtnonf . Na 1 upc ili'inttiuls tit.' m! lib wt ri'miltti ity f the bowels. TtiiMi'j'oi'c Ni: lire by tnk ni: Sim Sikmis Liver lirpil.Uor il id no iiihl t. ;. ut l. EILUOUSX-SS. I One or two tu'ile-p mirnN will relievo nil the ih'oiihles nn'iil nt to ii luli-iiiH t 1 1 sUl'Ii ns, Kmsiit, li,ui ss, I r i w -i i . DM reus after puUntfa but r fii 1 t'lii in tli-.i moittl;. 1 ilLiDDIH AND KIDNEY3. Mntofthe disintfs of tin' lilnll -r nrip.iutc "fr-ni Cms of th 1 KblnevH r-' tin- uriioii cf ili I, wr t'u 1 1 v , jvhI Ii itli the kuiiu'js mul blu.l ..erwlll bu r t uv.l. I ALCOHOLIC POISONING. I Simmnnt, Avv.v Uo-.rubttor will t.'iin'.i:nit't iha ftWl of an; h .,e i.l muliix Uy i' dm- the tor .iil liver in nr.u'ti, ih ii.'rvcH ((ni'1'"l, the uartrio (lulurhanr. c ornH-tnl unl in.fiint'jiauce jjieveutuU. 5 YELLOW EEVI3. The H 'irultitor luis ivcii In i r. -n 1 valuo a riiti'iliul aout 1 1 ii-i 1 1 r t:i-.i p,-- valvin-e at that jerr.blo Hi-o'ir-i!. Sniml'ii' l.iV'-p I"u lator ever iujs iu no mi in a i iv lur u. COLIC. hlld'-cti nfV.'r'lii! wi'h e ) ! so m exm'ricnec jelicf wii.-ii Hiiiiiii mis I.iv:r l;i;iii;ihir a u'linin IsUri'U lU'conliii ti diritc iini . .Vaults nt w.-ll ,x cluj'Urea tlurive 0'r -lit iM-.iclit fruu thin C1II0. CHILLS AND FEVER. i Thro h ijo nectl of nlVt'-iii'f any Ion re with Chilli k ii it Fcver-SinmioiiM l.iver llcjj'ilntoi i ii bik tint chilN ninl c irried ihp fiu nut rf the .nyiitoiu. It cuius flrlu-nall other ronji'UU'9 full. DY3PZ?SI. I T-ifis niMipiniMvill losii'viviy curr? vm oftlrs i.'rri))lc ije- i-e. It i" no v iin b ;itv I'mt we lis irt eiin.) intiiu U uh.t we U mow to In! true, fciiivniuis I, vlt Keul i!ur will i-utc you . I 4'l';it(0 only t he il.'iin'ne whit-U uUvnvs )itH n t he wrtiyifp the pert I'r.ih' uilI siunu Jurc of J. U. jljn A Co. I For ale Ity All Dru-UU. 1 fab 16 1y IK. u H f. : -.'. H.f !v 1 . Li-rwnnrnt cite of Beidlnal EiuuU'im an 1 1 mojcripy i-v iti on Ulta !, TU . Dur.l .4 11 ii. r- , p ; -11 t i! I' N iw, Dig KM tfir m'l"lr 1 !! ' I 'I' " "' ' '1'- li"'. I'l l 'It I buffer uli UiKnilin'O p" '" " 1 " '"-I u-i.inti i ,r. V u 'Vh' Jl.iif.Jl nd rM. tuii "t r.i -, 1 1.. Ik I..- I'., i. -J J-t-tt l.l' i. HARRIB REMFD V CO. JlF O CMEMI8T8, HurUt .! -!' n.iy N ,I1 1-4, Mt, WHE ELE i? c VV I LS ON rS KEW NO. 8." i(ktet Ru:ii;li yj U ;l Seii:f .V irhiun i i in Tin: wckj i). ; 'IB I II BEFORE f UYINO ANY OTHER. A 11 B SI T N WIXTEI). ; jif-itnJ fur termi ftn.l irlu I.wl. ' WUKKI.EH WlLS'iN, Co 1,U luiioii l, . jt y u tin . I T Mi W Vr HALL, i jFlr Had I.Mo Inoiirnncc Asnt. f ,0n b founj in the R muika Nurs Odli-e. j Wii.unv, N.C. BSJKI8E:NTS, Jpw Vork nndcrwrltorK. i "Agricultural" ol VtH.n. M. T. t Wrairru. f i'liron'o, ( aii.i la. I'ninllc.i. uf TriHirn. N. r. f Lyucliliiirn. i.f l.ytir hlninj, VH. , JiilUbiu Liln Insurance t.'u. o( S. Y. : Willi ilprllii2lu any oIli'T jo'jd i""nimm ;. j.1 lew tul.'rntra. 1: 1 AIU'KUTISKM KTS. I K08E , ON THE t SQJ3S0S FACE ! - .f - U IHZ WlTHOat VOL. XI. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS. I kli'iw t'y l y.'s, lvo s.ift hrown cyf, Two eyes u x ...'t iui.1 ilv.'if As cvrr Jhii.-.-.1 with guy surjris(., Or nicll.Ml uli ntcnr ; in wliuM- fair r iyj. hntt mny bask Til 'lr fllil.lcTi, .1 luy-i Prr.'IlP Iliil. liltlp iimi.l, you in urn not nfk W In 'S. -nilc fyv-. 1 iiu-uii. 1 kito-.v u voice of T'.lry i-ii?, I.Ike lirookl.-t In the .him-, Tlmt sines lo i!cns It-elf iiloiir, A lllllc ol.l ivot 1.1 tlllio ; Vluiie music lumiti th.- li-totier'n nir, An. I will not Ic.iT.i it fnni ; lllll 1 Khiill never tell j on. ilinr, WIll.SO ftCCflllS Hi. y iniiy l;; I know a pnMni.liniHlinl lnn!il l'or whom 1 Imllt ii Hlirliir, A leafy nook of tiHii iMinous Minile, l'C 'p ill tliiH i 'il pt i loin,. ; All. I III Hint iMlm nil. I i Hoi rci'K, To mikr iter liono l. eiiine llnl, oh : ou', never, never uiiesi Tllllt lilllf in .elell M i iiiiio. A REAL LIFE ROMANCE. TWO I.OVIXI! MKA liTS I'XII KI) AI TIil! MAXV m:ai,s A ISiplcy (Ohio) correiomlimt of Hie C'iu einnall lella this stoi v : Comini: down 111 e river one ivenii,? wei-k, mi one of Um uleameis lliat ply lis v:atn, a Coinmeicinl rrpii'M, ve lud rclntcil to l.i.n a lom moe in reni lif.:, vi'iif)ii(j tliu tiinstaucj of t. ue love, nnj tlio ol.l inliim ilia! trnih I oft tiinen HiMi:Ker flciior. So ri'in.irk.blu was i! In i.ll its ilct ilia Hut lie resolved to prcenl it to tin- tnu!t;tiii!t of Coin nudum, ilin'inl.elnlie l hy nny fiinciful sdonuui n' or visional y H sr! n of im ion. Tlio scene is laid ut Mil i VM.i, a lovuly MtlU villuir.) on (Iil- L'pper Oliiu, nhoia i.n liundiiil miles from thia eiiy, cliarmintfly U lle.l amid IllO plc'lireMjlle scenc y of thlit ro nnntic region. Huen i Vit'a is niuclt like the uverifje fouu'iy v.llaei, ciluatcil away from tlC lllOTJ lllld llUSllcof Will 1.1, llif illh;ll,i:IU J enjoying life in tli:it rou'enteii in iiuiiir so iluir ai'leiUtic of rural eliiiplli ty. Tl. ii vill:ii' lni? olliiiiiiid ii national mpiiia'.lim from Its celc hr.iled and ti nsivo fice.-lono quariies p M I r.i 1 Hie run-cd hills round uliout It, Hie productions of which Ijein,' 1 irely ncd in creeling 'lie m in'.lii cut stiuciiircs of arehi le tn il he inly Unit i ni'ieilisli the avenues uf our i;re;il rliles. To II. is rural rctreit Ih re w ludeu'i I in I lie piiii of 1 -i? I a c'-ni ! -iu ii, !y appcoinj; tlr.inaei, l.'.j uiiue and .Me h plainly m imping lion a nrive of fciii;l.ind Hi! W.I. called I' n i .y. lie H al of a q'lle riUhiiiiT dlM).i.lo'i, seeiiiinly not dc-lroin of formlni; i)i quainlanixs He li id been in the place hut. a sli'.rt ti in " when he became r ii iainled with ano'lier K,i,'!is!im m hy la n.iine of Tin I ill. aUo a recent anivat. c.' d the two tMileic.l inti ..inneiliip and est iti!i.ln,, a nur.ery or tlie njlliv illoii of fruit trees and mil fruits, lio-y siiceeeded llficlj In their undel I .. k i n LT, c.p i'ia!!y iu pe it li .ovn,e-, w hit Ii ib lelop lo .ei fcciiou on those tujeed hill... 7'he vill.iirers were not loti In il'idoie; out Karney was a ueiillein an po-nessi. l of rue filnraio,! a aliliii.s, and in I lie fall of ISTI, heiiiK in need of a nini:.pil for their, he was ImuItvI tl.n ii,nitio;i, wh eh was acct-p'eil. Ki.'erinji upioi tlie du'ies, be f.ioii yroved hiinse'f a master of hi, profession, and the inh ilniants quie'ly i oiiii-.itiilat. il thcuis, hes upon their Hpt seleition. Auioiu: Iho pupils atlendin the hih school was n tirfirhl, lou'ly and accomplished ynuiie; Poly of eighteen Miss Woollati. She m a Uioo nlne . nun tie, pctile In stature,;...,i of nil the cnic and vii i ues hnaj in ililc, mid w.i;. a wo. nan ilia! Would llCc'llcl siii.fy ;i i,i;ll.i:ii,.l l'adr these cin u s" lie i' w is li it s'mii th it Ih p iui liecaite infalur.ed wiili Ilia lovely pupil, and the in fa' Uat iitl wis e.pllllv us d"";i upon lo r i irt. As tli-y b 'ca ne in ire. deeply involved in love's uie&lcs, rarney pro;iosed and was accepted. It. I tin aneien' siyiiithit there a'e always Obstacles in th i way of true love mid it was cxeinplili" 1 In this instance, 7'h' paren'a of the yo iii 1 1 ly, wlni were of m i-j, r tlie d. -cent, bitterly opposed the :i:t'iuie-t of Kar ney to. l o.l their d in filler, and she bein of a weak and v.icoi itin disposition. Ihey llu illy prevailed upon her to break the en ien"i,t She de I ne. I th it she loved only K irney, an I would never tnairy nn'lher. Karney lost all inteietil in his wink ftoni that tn ituent ten dered his resign ition, mi. I t,!aiel hi. resolution to leave. He as';ed the in ii Mee of a l ist In tervien' wl'lt his lieloyeil, which nil Krantcl. What was said is too s.iered to relate hero, bat as a last favor he rcquea'.cd her to sn that tender son of lirns. A . h"r linger v pp!e I over the keys of the, the words eiine out as a lie.ut-cry in low, passi ina'.e ac cent. : 'Mind never I ,v nl sne V I n.jl v. Hail we never I .ve. sae titiu.liy, N.-ver met or never part !. We hail ne'er h 'in l.nueii hearle I. ' 1 ari lice w ..el. i h m: !ir.t aiel fairest! are Ih ', weel Mum li-sl toi l ie,iiel, Thilie he i!rt he,- iin.l t routine. I'eliee rnio. hieiil love ami .l alsltre ' ,e fntnl ki and llnoi we .ever, Ac Irireiu i-l, al.iM ' f. vcr ' Ai II. ' uiei idf die I aw iv ha clasped her In his arms, preyed a lotii;, passionals kt.a upon her lips, an I b It t!o hoj i and a hi iken Ii.mi t behind. FaMieyleft thei!lii;e oil Ilia ll-at but I h it l i ne a'. in.', and in a few days Iho daily paper. cutiUiucl ,1 hii f uoticu of a drowned body liiiii i' luuti pnkel up a few miles til;. ive L'ineiiin Hi, wlilc'h, f ca n the iles ctlption, v.i Ideiillted by tlio residents of lluena Vista as their former lic.'h school priu cipil. 'i'lio youn;, up ill li".iriuir of the t uici lo of her lover, w as in en iim! ililo, and, to all ouiwaid appe ir.oKes, was dead tu the pleasures of the woiid. Numerous suitors sought her hand, but her i.lea If ist dei.!,;n to her dead lover pievailed, and they n tired from the lieol batll il. In ls'7ii, ivhilu on a visit to rclatiics in Ilia famous Hlne l.rass region of K-iiliicky, Mlat Wuull'un attraeted Ike atli iiiinii of a wealthy Cue stock rdser, who was also connected with the I iilfcrj Stabs l;.'enu. eeivice. After a bilef ac quaiiilanie, he ptoposrd, and waa njeclvj. He t mk hi; r.,1 cti ui so nincli lo In art, fiat la disposed of Li. fai ;ii and w ent South; hut Ju the summer of Issl he waiub tivj Lur Hi old bonip, and, as It oppoi lumay hdpuencd, Miss Wooltan was a'alii tlicio on a visit. 7' In. ir iiciua!utaniTS nil renewed, Olid, by persistent attentions lie llnaHy won the con ictil of the you;.,' lady to many hint, a1lh"Uh ilm frankly told him tint It waa Impossible, fur her to lore hill), ai her heart w as buried with licr !ovv; but j!n wou! J cad:ayjr to bu a .:aOANO WELD ON, true and faithful wife, and would u.n all meuru to make his life a happy one. The wedding tromuau waa pnrchiseil re gardless nfcipenfe, and the weddljK waa el ebrated with crest ceremony, beluR one of the most brilliant and note-worthy nffalri that ever occurred in that region, famou, for Its Wealth and cultute. 7'he wedded life so ausniciotis'y b'i;aii nafl di'Stiiicl to be af ihoi t ilniation, scarcely n mouths passini; by until tko husband was killed by a railroad accident In the Southern part of the State. Ttui bereare.l widow with drew from a iciety, and lived tin) life of a recluse. Tli-ee inontln after the CmIU uf the hus band, Kiirn y, the supposed drowned man, uiiexperleilly turns up, to the ustonlshiuent of his lluena Vidta friends, w hn hud loi g liiounicd Ins decease. He hear, of the mm. ria,;o of hla idd lore, of the liusliatid'a ivcunt death, and immediately makes a trip lo Ken tucky. He eek out the lady, and after a lonu and Initi'hiiu; interview Inula that thir f 1 t in t a! t ich tn .'ti t has Mrenij'hened w ith the; years, and K"es away lb" accepted lui-hau l of his early love. Our readers will join us in nislooi; then) a l.appy and prosper ous iu an led life. THE PROCESS OF DEATH. SIM Kill A I I ST Will) SAW null M ' 111 Kll'a Sl'l HIT blil'AUAll'. I'll IM lli'.ll Itotir. A complete ilrscripikiti of tlio spirit's ili'ptirtiifo from tlio iio ly was ivcvntlv jrivt'ii I'V My ni Cittpi'ii'iM- in n IcUit lo Mr. .loscpli Maker. She was troateil liy iiii'smt'iisiii I'm" epilepiio lits, ami rinoii lii i'iuiK! a tii ul t!:iifvov:iiit, ami even! nully ;i neer (if spiriln. ".Jy niDllii'i' anil i li.i.l i if: on talkeil ol'deatii tttnl iininoiili.lily. She fro.titi t ly m:fj iiett.i'il me when site was in health, ami I was in iho clairvoyant tUate. I v lief tissiMl.itiee, when lite spiritual sie;hi was liist riven inc. Hv votir assistance Hiikei'.-) 1 actu;ie,l the power ufptp" lino; myself in 1 1 1 1 1 1 sitiic without ihe assisitineii uf an operator. Shu ha l often reipiesteil llial I wotilil, at the time of her ilece i je, put my elf m tlittt stale ami carefully notice the ilepnrt. II 0 ol lilt! spirit Irom the hoily. lief hilling heu'ilh H'lnn iiiicjlu'.l lit-r lhal licr etel lor this !ile wtis netif, hut she viewcil il, Willi calnitiess, lor her thoiioht.s were lull uf her life lo conic an 1 Ip r hopes JiI.icimI on her l'a'liei it) Heaven. Death hail, no terrors lor her. When she. loll its approach she sent lor me, as I was absent attending tin itivaliil. I uame au l retuaineil c, in stantly with her until she left, us for a belter hottin. Her last were aiiilress'il to inc. l'dcf iyino; thtit she was living. I sealeil myself in lie' room, aiel was soon in a state of spiritual clairvoyance. Willi the oietnn"; of the inner tilil the painful scene of mother's . I - ii 1 1 1 was ehan ;ei tu a vis ion ol t'ory boanlifiil Miiy;cliu spirits present w a t i hi li over lu r, 'lheir1 la us were ta'liatit will: bli.s, ami their! jrli .lei vrii'o ii!e I .'an-parent : MI 'W. I eou'd feel them as inalerial, .i:iil y.-l tiiey coiniiriaieateil a sonsti- I lion 1 can only describe by saying it seetneil like coinpresseil air. Nunc o these heavenly at tionlants stoii 1 ill her lii'tt 1 and some at. her feet, while oth ers seemed to be hoveiin;"; over her form. scmcd so pure, so full of love, ll.tit it was so sweet to look at them as they watched tin) change now taking place in my iU"lher. '.'1 now turned my attention more directly In my moilicr, and saw the txtciu.if sense leave Imr. Firut (he power of si'j;ht departed and thun a veil H'ciued li; drop ovei' the eyes ; then the liciriiiir ttud next the sense of feclin j;. The spirit, Ih'ltiiii to leave the limbs, and they iliud tirt, a;id the lit;lit lliat filled each part, in every lilirc, drew up toward I In chest. As fast as this t.ioli place the Veil secined to drop over the part from whence thy spirit ii il life was removed. A ball of i livjht was :io; c'allieri;;o; pist above hei hea I, and ihis continued to increase as Ion x :is the spirit was coniicelial with ill" body. The lijrlit left, the brain last, and tbeti tlie silver cord was loos.'l. 'Ihe luiitinctn :ip;eari;cu soon hi "; in to issiimu the liuuian form, and 1 could see my mother aain! Hut oh, hew changed ! She was lilit and o'loi inns, arrayed in robes of daziincr whiteness, free !'rnin diseai.e, pain and death. She seemed to be welcomed by the attendiuo; spirits with tlio joy of a mother over the bir.h of a child. '"She paid no alten'ion to me, or any eatthly obpM't, but j lined her Coliipan ions, and t hey seemed to ;'o a'A'av t'l f' iiilc 'be Hi'- 1 attempted to lol low them in ihe sj'nit, for I lelt strati Mely tiltiactcl and Ion cd to X" with my mother, 1 saw them ascend ti! lio y wvi'iio d to pass liitotoj an open space, when a misl came over my nielli, and I saw thein no more. liL'liolo l'hilo; o,hieal Journal. . Lois in. Kt v A ij rcA !). An old miner was bionoht up lielori! .ludo Mellow- ell lor iieinv; ilriiiil;. Thu .Judoa) giw. ihe old lellow il iiiiil nltolesomo lec lure on the sin ol intemperance. "Were you ever diuiil;, Jude?" askiMl iho old veteran. "No, sir, said his Honor; "I never was." The olij mat; bun?; Lis bead for a moment ai,d ll.eii ej ici;l ited. "Wall I'll U d-d! li lt it oin'ltoo late ytt.', tbere's fin ulietid l(,r Votl --lieaps of fun !" 'J'liv' old fellow was discharged aitfid a roar of lau0''iler. It is easier to bo good on Sunday than on uny oilier day of tlio week, and yet, ear aJaionitiotis to bu good ice iieirlj all received cu SdtiJay. N. 0 THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1SS2. FL&RHARITY'S ENGINE. I.TIN0 1 MII.B A IM T TO DKSTKLCTIUN MIHAl I LOl'9 r.scAl'S. John Flarharity. an engineer on a Denver and Kio Grand engii.p, was mining a "pusher" at Loadvilhi. Ho was ordered to j;o down the road and meet thu incoming passenger train tit Kiler's. Just us he started out of the yards the strap couiieiiting with the lever broke, and he lost all control of the en gin! The engine, was a new c.ue, and in good condition, aid he says he never can explain just why or bow it huppeiied. Itiip,ing tit a tre mendous speed, down grade, be ex pected every moment to be dashed to iiistanl death. ' It, was an awful moment, paid l'l irhaiity, "when I found the engine would not respond to the touch ol the lever, and she was beyond my control. The cylender beads blew out, the steam blinded me, and everything 8 'cined to conspire to hurl us to des -t iictiou " "How heavy was the grade?'' One hundred and eighty-five feel to, the mile. Dawn the steep inclino the train dashed. I lijgged at the lever and brakes, but it was as if I had been tugging ai the solid parts of th ' en jrnii! itself. Then suddenly I remem bered tlmt I Wiis to meet ihe passen ger train at I'.iler's. My fireman jumped oil' early in ihe race, and 1 was left alone thinking I had left him dead on the track. We were making more than mile a minute. I.itile pieces of sand lllld dii t flew tig aitist Iliy fa M' and stun like lire. In the distance 1 eouhl see the. approaching train. 1 yelled and s, -reamed, for knew that our only hope was to Hag that train an I gi'l her on the side track, I saw the operator, Woodward, running for the train as he saw me coining envel oped in a cloud of smoke and bte.mi li 11.1 dljst, "With one last effort T opuned wide the throttle, hoping that the riiine would throw hi rself fiuiii the track on ihe curve and save Ihe passenger train from ilestruelio:). Then 1 jumped and unconsciousness overcame inc. When I I'cijviTed I saw thu engine lying on licr side within forty feet of the pas senger train, ami people were crowd ing around mi" ami bathing my head, and hoping 1 was not killed." Flarharity escaped miraculously with only a few slight bruises. The accident was one i the strangest on record, and iu it not a single person was injiiied. Denver Tribune. A CHICAGO MAIDEN. A i i.r.v lot Tun h sun pi na w iiii.k th vvp.i ino. "Is; tips seat engaged ?" he asked ol the preftiest. giij in the car, and find ing il wasn't, he put his sample boy, in the lack and b: iced h.insell up I' r u did elijoynient. "1'leasant day,"siid the girl, coming for him belore be could get his tongue uiikinked. "Most bewildering day, isn't it v'' "Yes yes, miss," stammered the diinnincr. lie was in the habit, o playing pitcher in ibis kind of a it( itch, and the position of catcher didn't fil hint as tioht, : s hi. pantaloons. "Nice weather tor ttavel ing," continued the girl; ' much nicer th iu when it was cold. Are yon per-f-M'tly coniloitable '(" "Oh, yes thanks," murmured tin) drummer. "( Had of il," resinned ihe giii, cheer fully. "Von don't look so. Let me put my shawl under your head, won't yon? Hadn't you rather sil next to the window and have me desetilie the Undscape to you ?"' "No, please, he murmured; "1 1 am doing well en ..ugir "t an'l I buy you sonic peanut,: or a l;o,ik'! Let me d i something to make 'lie nip nappy ! Mippose l slip my arm around your v.aisi! dust lean forwaid a li ille so I can! You'd have to excuse me! gasped the Irum mer. 1 I don't think you really mean it! You look so tired, she pleaded; w ouldn't jot; like to rest your head on ti i y shoal If r ? No one w ill notice. Jiist lay your head i ight dow n and I'll tell you stories. No no, thanks! I won't to day) I'i very tomloi lab'e, thark you! said the poor drummer b.okitig around hopelessly. Votir scat f f in is coming out. Ja l me lis il. There ! and she arranged it deftly; at the next station I'll gel vti a cup of lea, and when yye arrive at our desti nation you 11 let Hit cu,lo:i vou and she smiled all anxious pias. r li bl up nit ii his pa'iid countenance. 1 think 1'il jo away and Hinoke, said the drum nier; mid hiiiiliin' down bin jnion iek, bu iniiije for the dooi- kiief-deep in the oriliM sliowel'ed ,,'uUlid h'lll by his lel low ;assei;jrer. Slraiiere, iiiurmured thu ftirl to llie lady in front of her. 1 only did with him just what he wan making ready to do willi me, and, b'vx and strung ai be is he couldn't stand it. I really tli i nk women have, ntyoncr .itouaueh.i tlcui liicn, nd,betiden that, there inii't ny Hiuokin car li(r llieni to lly to for r,cfuo;p. I don't understand Ihis tl)in. Hut she hett led back contentedly till tliu Hiiine; and at a convention of drum mers Jield ju tlie smoker that morning it was unaiiiinously rppolvcd that bet scat was rngajjed,' jo fsr lis (tlnpy were coiici-rncd, lr I be balance of llie sua soil. C'liicoo Tiiiiics. ' When a man says you lie lie cither does or docs not tell tlio truth. In any event tlicro is no eatisu for nner on your iiart If he tells the truth you should rcspiMt him lor it; if he lieu be is beneath your notice. AN INOIAfiAPOLIS SCH30LMARM. A CATAsTtioriiK witn it lli:ri:t. iieii is A m kim'- ISO CAIl. The public schools will close. In a few weeks for Ihe summer vacation, and the maj irity of the lady teactiers will bce,in their annual exo dus to the country and 1 1,0 aeaside. In view of this the followini; true story la ret. ted, In Ihe lnpe that it will servn as a terrible waru ini; to tli-ie of Hie I tciu'hfra who con tctnpVite a Journsy en the railway : .In Indianapolis haolmatin ol doubtful ar;e b-fi htdianapolis a feiv cveiilus since, for Hie of visitine a fiier.d in Cleveland, wi.o was very lit, which waa proper enoui;!i, as every one must admit. Soon after the train pulled aw., Irnin the mihnrbs, SatBii, In Ihe form of a aleeplni; car conductor, pasnlni; down the aisle In wliivh was pile 1 the Indian apolis maid.Mi aidrobe, ilouo up iu bnid boxes, shawl straps, etc., sollcltlne; cmlonii.ri. 7'he schoolmarin, In il moment of weakness, Mibsctilird for the lower half uf u middle I S lion, an, I in line time w a. tian'frrred In lie sleeping car and soon after bi'cati tier prepa ratlnnsfor retli.nir. It was her II, st exper ienee, and no wonder she blushed hs she liutiu I. or cork-screw curl on tin) font of th. berth and tied a stocking ah lut hei nick as a pre ventive of brmuhliK After becomiinx nc ciiilurncd lo Ihe job jie of the car sliu drop ped lu'o a contented dme, li,lly tJpe iin to llnd In -l self ill ('level ml when slu iliva'oue I Suddenly she was startled by a snor.i, the llrst male snore that had ever fallen upon lcr maidenly ran. She sat up and listened, and (rushed ae.tin when she miw tier slia.low upon the walls of tier berth, but heard no'lnn, and prepiiiin.,' to n .r.iin court lie) tui.'i.'e.l enitnace ef Moiphet;-, lieeau to f.,11 ha. k upon her pillow, when licr sharp eye detected nuue t'.lni; suspeiide I from the legions nhove, In the evcitenteiit of the moment f,e plucked at III" o' j ct and W itll a si'ieam of flight leaped Into the aii'e, for Ihe thin-; proved lo bu u nun's foot. ;'h c, inductor Iminciliao ly put in an appearance and explained to the trem bliin; schoolnianu that sect Inns w ere compos, d of lower anil upper berths, a, id that sh. was ueeiipiliur Ihe seclimi with u inc. Med man from Sira -use, who would not h inn tier, us lie was oi;t uf reach, belne separated from her by Hie holt, on o l,,s hi,!), ulj, the uccouipinyiin; bed clolliuic, t"il the woman would not con tent tu the in in's remaiuii ir, and w illingly pant for tin' e-Cie sec-i o a id th ' in m evti-eloll-lv consen:, ,1 t j leuiove himself t.l Ho hover poiin.ii ol the ailj.iinii.e section. 'h: anan 'eitii lit, .', iteu completed, mve sati-fic -tion all aro lint, . iln Ihe t,iul,t lv,ue on tindls I iitt'e I, except by an o 'ciKlonal auorc frami the sot, cjed Individual and an hysterii'i;.! llu r from Ihe inilia'.opolii wotnin, Jn.t the clock in St .loin,' l atliedial tolled Ihe In ur of .S the m 1, i l in a i in in, .ikeiie.l with a yawn wncu awiKei'c i a wiekei iiiiea;i ilrumueri ucro.s th-, and also si -inh d the eata.ti.,- i h w!il h f ile w ... I i poll y l ;i n- down ! upon the oe ti; eits of the car. A lie the ma d.u lad a IJu-bd her nilit e ip Hint attended to a few other iinv.s.ny nut', is she made up h.-, inicd to mire ,n. I Kel a dunk of water, a h it'll which she had iudu'Rcil her s, II in f. I n, any yran, ll foie ,iiie she drew buck ln-r cm tain and p mo.t per.', e' ipii.-t r. i-ued, coin ,ie j,,.., ),, r licai t, and, etc 1 f rT 1; tlie v lirli in-til'i'vl b'ltlly luinitij: I;. I, t'ie hi.-U-of a hack h, u 114, -ie fi't-.iiije; with 11 1 Hii- fir- ,1.1m in, I h, tU It f..i,. t.H.k, 1 llll'lli 1 1 v Inch 1 . iij' lur iiMteli to tbe wutcr V t, ilie pioruied firm tun (t lift ll.lM'lb ie ll Mil. ill H.-C t Uf pllpl r, pioi ri-.b'.l to pill up ,'H thy t til I '.till "I hn Ir nli, p.. 1 h a nlif ChhI.1 nut uuk u iiosUtve ten nlif rt'tuiiinl t-.he 11 J 1 1 Upon Ha w ioiil; b" A t I Hi. 11 .he ki.i;!s'.J for tlie ism 1 Atol 1:, .1 U..i tb unim 1 dovil upon his hack and lauehed nnd kicked hiiti f. 'f wl h Joy, after which he elided fminhla lair, and wpli a ib monlac il,m kle proceeded lo remoie Itm piper fioin Hie rel.oolinarm's berth nnd pin it upon tlie one ucctipic! by the 'I hen he tdmik talk nnd whs soon lost Iu Hij ivuinjebt uf thun J ll .1 t hi n t tic i ll;;i ne slnicked for the c; o-s- in tliis si le of Cicstiiue. which fii M,-n.-.l 1 1 , I ichoolmaini ti 0; it slic shrieked i,!,m, in d acu-iej f"i her beith, whlcli she proe -cle 1 to fprin upon in a matin, r enthdy h. r own. '1 h ire was an oml'nun ail, -nee of Iw.i si e oiida, nnd then came tlio climax. Shriek nficr brick aiei curse alter eurse Here he. ml in the iu liatc pmi iiniiy of the Font i y, d tnaifj ' i, ninl an in-li,l later two f nau a, one lull wiili vi.m, laiment 1.1. d the othur hint w it It i ed no a i uo aecotiipatiiments, sloo.l e;.,r. intf at eaeli other hi the renter of the aisle. 1 he In llioiap.doa wuinai; ha.! rotini into the w en 4 pew. And the Chicago diu nuier laueh.-d Join; and loud, and heat his head, and tore his hair wilt' cestacy, while Ihe Niracuse man swore and the in fail, ei,', It is almost iiecdiess lo add that Ihe train no ived at tint t'liion depot on time, uial that when the Indiana woman uipiin tiaveU the will do so duon the d ,y liuie or not at ail. -I'leVJ-lati.l ... Why in: Wi r.-"Ho ml fo da.tliu;' -and at she spoke Ihe woi.s,p,,ke ihcai in low, tender tones that Ihollid loin from main tiuck lo kci 1, on, ti a eiidol. il V..ili.,ltv laid her soft, while cjie.-Ji o I'iutaiji llioidim'a shou'itcr au l .iivv I lin a look willi lo r lustioua dote like i yea thai would m iku your head swim. "1 cannot stay," he rephid, kisslue tlio penchy-rrd bps ua he spoke, and feelm ; wist fully In his p.n.ket t r a plu of to b.weo, ' I mii-t i;r,iiow, ii;lit awav. lint tl e jjirl p a I lu r arms aioiiud Ins n -k -arte- vie ae s if;, round -d curves an I pinl,--tiiilcd skin won'd have in i In mi anchoiita throw up his J jb, ai tl plea l-,l wltli him tu atav a liltle longer. ' I," bo aain aald, lookfne; at her tendei ly, 'llannot " .epeiile I lb' u'irl, a shade of atujcr Unpm the tone In which the word was uttered. ' And play, sir, what is It that s .'inperalivily calls y ul hence ?' Il' ii onit over hi r wltli a tai te.s (jraca that arlfully concealed the slight baee n., ut u,. knees of liis p.n's, 1'iuliireli said In low, tiller tone.s tba'. Were terrible In their inicn ait v ; "J have bioku my suspender 1" - When you hear a man assert thai there is but one sido to a question, yen may bo reasonably sure thai bu is a :.m of oae ti !eJ j jdj ui.;. NO. 20. T'lii: I r. l m. vim ami in. Pot, A crowd was coll cl.'d one day near a pile of slotiea iu (letilral 1'ark, New York, evidently very Intent up in some utJ,-et that had brought toethor quite a number of p.iliicm ii. Oil drawing noiryou would have seen noihine; leuriikalde; inly a drunker, man, st'etly Ins UMbly, laying il pin a pa'l't of llislct r.i ks mil stoiK.. Uilt for ail ilier-i wcr i ho many nffl e-s mi ban I thev ronld not take th-' man away. Tliete he mast kiay, lo all apjie u oi.e., and d iliirtoe ilia pound, until he csuie to hlrnself sutll rieutlyto move olt on bis own hook. He lud ft friend of whom lie waa wholly uunoithy a fiiend w ho stood by biui like a l,re.;lici, not withstanding his tlel ad lie 'II. A IHllllo N'CW fom illaud doi; st.iod ov.-r him, lo -kit. i down Into hi. face, an I would suiter ti one to up prourli, lie did not like the hulks of tlio pt) licemi-it, an I lle y tld in d I ko his looks l'v, enty fei ; v, a. 'Ii I ' ili.'a'tre tisd aelih d up "ii, an, I it wis a'. I, is ink I hut any one came iieuer. To . br ei-'i! -evei il pels of Cold Wa'er, iitid threw it over the doe;, hoping lo di i vo bim a ay; 1ml l.e only drew closer lo bis unwor'-hv companion. "We can't take tl-.. in.ui iril'-ts t. ilmot. Hie doe," .aid o;pi, ' am! lie tea nubia an animal to kill." "Which la the br'.it'V" ai'ie.J a pa-.crby, 'id ti f Uppropi .alety, t.el. Tip" Aiin.K i n .; v Ww..- Ono of lho-e it 'in i iir.i'lv h; ;'!it r!i 11 f Viii M" ulw.iy- -Smi,' 'ip'e !'i' (I 'M n!'i''' a a :'.ii-r ni ',':i'; t'. ' m''it er ii.m; u u liit uinU'e.-, w'.v ti 1;j I ii'.o': 1 : " . ..y n, .,i- l..i.tli M : i o ';" ,: .-.i," wli:-- p -iv I hi tu !i 'i t-.i:;'i o'j 1 "l ' u li vinn." ' No, It uiti'l, tin" eoii.oi',1 1 ('ii lio ' 'u', ''iL'1 :t vv . j imii's (i.i v, wiit ' humit lo Ilin li M . tv r" Wi iu," t, ( u .!lur It it uli.ily vim--, ")'! i' t! '. l .i r. , i the ui''t:iiL;. Ii im'iiu L"'n;; l.t Ik ivu , . die no inore." IVu lit mule . tin, it n t Ui-t pit mi v Ih'Ji' ?' Mt i:iiiUt rxjf'.ilticil ns Wei! us -hi- co.t! 1, iin I U .llif t..a niiil for 1m! f il ;ii:ti:ii' clnirrli. Iti-n I'tV.l.! i' S 1. trill.; tl't'Ult tlie l'!wn he vk- i i'i u ir;ll Mr-:pi-r: "M i, I lio 1 out tUISWt'lnt Ih'..' " l'h"ii wli.itV Mi f r, u'. ?' c out! choir Mit li'iit cl iM'.l w Ah a in Cfiltle Ct-'iet1 ! if !iivn y ' No i--n, no no, " tl - -1 1 a ; i .1 .-in i'i, f.iiutiif. . Kelly itiimiiiii !hii me''tinif liiii .i I!) ,,.! i'!ii! 1, Tin' .loiv.i Itii! v.-: ti.e tnclitu :ih'tit of "ill-ill lr i) fr, h i Y.i K-!lv I;-:: I. Hi: ' vi' Hoi s..'. V i hoar w isliiii j ti ituinnnti loi in.ui c.iti L'- s.f. !y tiu-W'J, wi! mti-t li.ixitd :'ui " ileni"iiL tl;e i;mc w!i n ft liMti'i. voii w i ns in,).! nn Ins biiittl (ii'f.iiK to hive b Kiiieii to ..nut' h-moli.- j.'tio.l. The pp,..,. lit i'l; ..'i'.it ji'Tl iooli-l II 1 1 ' ut it -villi !s tntich iin'ii .lu'.ily jh Uj oii l!i, l.iliie.-i fuiinl i:i cbislc myiliolo ,'v. Vet lU'c iiKi illy v. ii'Mr of per-rsoi-j uho p'.i c so ir ur!i conil 1-ui'o i'i fr.rn ln liiil Ib-y i!o Lot i' ni j i w .1.111 a, ee nen , ati 1 il 1 w 1; 1 t!i-' b; -li e 1 - ; ' . 1'-,..-il-It .if n r. It ii'jy b-' ? ei eriy.' one. .s. iii't, l.oin . 1. . 1. ;.: i;li -i', mi t f . o m it !, .Ml UllktliMVIl l.lll l, CO M ;i mini ' b "'k, 'el '.V I.',' -ct ,-f I 'i -ir ill- ' - I- -11. 1 t.i lie ih : best 1, but It is often a very ,s he, a ho, in th." b ;iu .1 .1 1 ll lie: history of o 11 . ,s bun. la i bl:lu,r 111 in .ti sense te n li, a one and not fo ill. lily attempt lo llnl out of el 1 f 1 mi- If. Slill theie ll e Ili'ltV1 ' 1! ttlf 111 It it i'M'1'Cisl! Iln-'M 1 p . ... ,s such eo.pi Inn; ir -: 1 -'y di 'leu't f-'i- tliciu lo "f C ,.1'l'U. a - I n- a before Tl.. t r. r-l : n ; is it t'ets polilli.'e t!l work in. wasp If, as naturalists say, all animals have a lan,,'iu -m of their o .t,, then the Ian- ijita x' Used by cattle must be low. - - - , -Calling I'm a divi.-.i m of tin' house Filing a petition f'.r divorce. It is easier to vrain knowle by Istciiin:; than by talking. This is not ;;eni'ial!y known. I a t' .i c .1 a-lii ! IIS l.e, upline; the f" I'Utter. I Usually f, , t rank V mh. rut S trolly Toe man wl.o ll.u.ks u!l I'l'n is Hot lo b!...i, . tbercl'"!'. The cannot t hi;:k M i '.! w in) is utilise I hinkiti''. body man 1 to T .d i;i: nsr.MKNTs. . v rr M- s ?-. i.'! l .- 1,4 4,:. -.- yK "vAi- ' iSSHr-illd htslii s.i3lJ ial i-ii RHEflFtlAIIBS, Neuralgia, Sc.'ctica, Lumbago, Backacha, Soreness cf tho Cast, Cout, Quins, Sera Throat, Suoliinqs and Sprains, Durnt and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Toaih, Ear and Headaho, Froiied Foot and Ears, and all othor Feins crd Arhcs No Tr.'i .ii rn a ,ie,AH.,',aitop, A irhll -no sis I ' I llie .Iu 1 1 ills,, an I . can hale cheap runt -'. s'T J fsnr.s Om ra fi 1 Mcriet1 l.i in- 'Iv. i 1 ne . O'lOel:' '."i: tile H liny .' one .e;!i r i M eh J five iMfsil of iu cinUuk. Pill VA !'"V V.--.-t'- l'irectioiu iu llli'i'eii I ime'.iui.c''. BOLD EI ALL DiitlOOISTB AND DEALEE3 13 MEUKUNU. A.VOGHLER & CO., i.'ol.M'llieer, Mil., C. 8. X Ju'v ; i v. M 'ino S.inare, Two Miiinrtis, Tlirnn ."ruiaros, l-'our Sijii ri"s, Konrtli I'ol'n, Half relntnn, Wliolo (,'oluiun. 3 00 & I") S (-'J 111 (Ml l.a III) Ut) OH S 00 1(1 do lo Oil I h IO Lin (HI o en I I CO L'li on :;i i o i o lb 00 i.u 10 TO I a lid I 0 10 (0 4.' 10 .0 10 lif) I 0, 7i U line Year, PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJMlXi ji HEM. ATI'UUSI KA'H AT LAW. KSt'IKLI). N. C. I'ra-tleis In Id"' comities of Halifax. Nafk K hreeooil " au.t Wilson. Collection:, ma le li, ml 11, " Stale. )au li It, II. SMU'H, Jl. AT rOHVEV AT LiW, sevrt.vsu Nii -K. II iufu I'onNTV X. O IVae'lee. In tli 1 e."inty of Halifax and a-ljoln-oi r .- i.iutiea. a.i I in the s.ipreine eiiiirl "f tlti Slut-. lit ly. M. II ll 1 1. 1, A H Ii, A T I okm:y A T I. A IV, l,Vl.ll-A, ,. U. !"... lii tlie C'lrt House. S'rlet attentloi, e I vei. I i an f II T f'v iloii. j.oi li ly rjplloMAs. M. HILL, Alloniry ai I. taw, UAI.It'AX, N. Piae'ee. In Uil.fix anl n.lioinlng eoiintl, and I'e l- ral lla I sup'-ein . e ear, a. Will hi ic. S.,ol.iud N.-ek, uiiec civry fo'-t; nbtht. aiu' as f ' J- ll. (1 1. 1). U. . tl n V AN. S n r ; p i) ii II c ii I U i , Odlc over W'. II. I!;-" vn's py no, ids Stora, nuns, n c. Will Vis't lias'l -a !lt their h"IIes when deslrec, Terms il. as.oial.i, , i i,. rj1 W. M A S I ) : . AllftltSIiV at nvr, (i HYs:iVTlt', N. c. Vra. !,-. In "i eo irt ,.f Nor'hauipton aiu at , nun. r co. nit ies. as., in tlM Federal anJ l"i-. tir -me .'"ilrts .llllle K tf. A l. I i; l'. i: t: : I 1: i., Alloriiej uml ( ounsellor At I.nw, i: i. t , sr. f. I'rsctleei In II ilif.u an 1 a ll itnlnit e iiinllea. S,.'e,al n'l ion ,r I v ot to c il be , ions la. all .a' t-i .,f ili-i state ami prompt rol .irna in ado.' tl,. 17 1 y .irro:;KY v r i.wx, v;i:i.iit)v, n. v. Si ill n't'ti'li'i iilvii to coUecllol.3 nni r.'uitti'iiie -a promt,! ly ma 1 !. in iv III. . L. I.. H U N T 1', u, s r It H K OS I V. S T I S T . Can hn fouinl nl liis olVi. o in rnfir', !. l'tirn Nitron Ox Jo lie. lor llie) l'n'n loss ' ! r t iling ol t'ei ! Ii al wa vs on Iianil. Ju i ' it. a .'in n in -1 . r . k sj . ;o,'s a. vmus t; I. I. li N A i 0 0 ll ti, ATl'ltK.Y IT LA-.V. nvi.irw X l'. I'raeH. In the e .-mt no of II, Nortbamp. loo, l.i;...-, ut. In' a : M-I'lill- III fie Sll I Me n ,ll "f th" S a--' niel III the lederaj four's. .f lb hi. .-i-o I'-lle'ii'ie m, in any part cf la" '. J in 1 ly I'll. 1 It. n in ., in;. in ti. ii. 7. u i .itnii hfl J y A. I'.. :'"1 l.lri.I'Kl'll a Hit')., riivsit i iss tx s5'K(;i-.txj, W b I. lj 1) x, u c. lire A It i..l 1) 1! Z.MI c If- r. loivM' - iit:ll,'4 as partners In !'te i ra -ln e f ii,. :;r i:e i.i ,1, r, lb" Mile anil in , I I r. A it .'' tl. r 1 re. otter lli. ,r l, ! e ,. i l -i.i . . to ihe punliu Keourally ninl holi.-.t a shaee , ( tio-ir ittroiinL;n, they i;iia-antee e ir.f u I ue.l ii-omi.t ,i: . i.t l,,n lo piitieiita. i i.e of i le ttnu w id always b. fouaj it lheir ot:iee in .. llie. ;T. r's In sl, ru w lo-r. patient s w I'I be lr, at-. 1 at nil b, lira and w lien neeess aiy, t'otli w in vi; a aiel k'v.i tbi-ir ulleu. tlotlto J'l! i. 111.. .', ;: !e ll! C Il .1 , l,;tl;e. lur )i If. , w. II. 1UV. AC. It'll. l.tcol'l Ell. J A V 4 & 0 L L I i. U I-' 1'' K it. AT TUK I'. AT LA If, A'K.i.niiN. x. r. I'raetlee In tw.mrt of Halifax ami adjolnli , l'i. O.l ies. a I. I II, I to. Sill'l-eme ,111,1 fe.l-rul ,-.., it, . f, anils e .11-. Me I l:i toy ear! of .V r, li . a . . .1 it,,,; iiii'ofltie li nil wdl ai.iays be f..uu,l in tb. I'ilice. June's 1 y. , i 85 I K S T A II L I S II K I) 1 801 jniiuiar) lt, IS3V. RUFE W- DANIEL of .,ii ,rs. lroC"rle aiitU'olitei . t' lleriea ellibriue in part r' l'HI'NcIi, AITIK, HI AflillliltKY and WII.Hi IIKIutv LIUM.Y, IVIIISKIH l'Olir, MIHUUV, M AliKlHA nnd ?'!i.Mr.(iXi: wish. I'KlVts-. IiAiMX, Kl.cfit. MiiI.ASSKS, I. 1U. OIXdKB, l'riTTg. M-ll'K. At''I,KS,JKl.l.lK, f.n :ci.i-..s. l.ii.vsuv .' . l'KACUKS and I'H.NKKt'I UIN Kill KS I'UitTs i:st'.H m(ji: uEi a ox i c i:. And in my .'"h-r xrti-lcatoo C!:mc',i;n '.o nul lum. ' rt. v,v r win., ll) Wash. Avenue, Welti mi, N.C rstJly Y Ml Ul) ll 0 I! oil 11 O 11 S 1!, t iijfllovllle hirer!,, J(. f. Teruii' tj 9Uit lli.-or..- i.W. tlA 'li.NAU.tieir.cti;?

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