THE P.OANOKE NEWS W W. MAI. I,, J. W, SI.KI'OK I'llf'HIIH'K'. TIll'USDAV SKIMK.VHKI! 11 1J. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ih( t .ivntr-,. vn kt I.iin.i. : B1SDEH iYLF.R BENNETT, l.f An-. Ml. 1mR 11 1'OK i Tin: -i rurMK trT : TB0KA8 SJFFIN, of irill:,;-. hrtl J.,J.. .'.if btl. it. rmi j i r".r. : JAME1E. 8HIPHERP, B. Mll.iM. riR soi. it itoii : JOHN H BLOUNT, fc.f I'rrriiniAlik. .VrOUff JmlU-M ll.tli M. MH Jl l. : FREDERICK PHILIPS, if Iul ml. rmi ni h ituh : 1LLIAMC BOWEN, t.f Nurlliuinlot. U ll.,l,t. rmi ll'l"ir. ; AIIMA1ID A KCKOY, uf ..llll"l'lll. rr.ii mil n i rnit : SWIFT OALLOWAT, of ilri-en. yifuilh l.iti,,t. rmi j i D'.i: : JAMII C. MACR4E, of runilrt-rliin-l. for mil l. iT.'H : JOHN D. MCIVER, f .M.r.-. Hfll. lhlri. I. ran jfimr : JOHN A. GILMER, cf iltiilf ird. run -oi.i. it i m : FREDERICK N. STEUDWICK. of onus;''. Si ilk Ili..!ri,l, mil Ji In. I : .WILLIAM X. f HIPP, of Mi-i kli'lilmr;;. ton mii.ii IT.ill : FRANK J. OSBORNE, of Met klenhtirjr. Si O W A SO Till'. ! In cntaiii C"Uiilir, in :i inly in tin' eattnrn part of tin- State, the iicrocs wcro ninl still utr in hii inilispuiuLIc majority. In otlicr enmities tiny were in sin-li larLe iinn-lii-rn, so ni ar an aluoliite majority tliat, ntnliT tlic Canliy system nf County (iovcriiincin, Willi a handful of scalawai or e.ii-jua-bHirTS to lul) tlicm, they liail entire rout rol. They sent whom they ilcaseil to the Legislature, they elected whom they jileaseJ aH t'oni niMniuinTS to administer county af fairs, to levy county taxes, and to control county expenditures. They fleeted whom they pleased to be mag iHirateH and whom they pleased to Inro control of the public school. It ii needless to say that the taxes thus levied under negro rule, and ex pended under negro rule; that the chools under negroes, rule for white cl.ildien, and the administration ot jitice fur white men by negro ini tial", were all paid fir by white men. It doen not net well on a hite man's utonucli to bo arrested by a negro constable and tried befoie u negro magistrate. Of course, when taxes were levied vid expended by men w ho paid none, the levy was heavy and tlw expendi ture liivikli. This would be true ot inen, whether white or black; but in addition to thi, the average negro Conscientiously believes he is honestly entitled to everything that he can get from the while man, and that get what lie will, he will never balance liia account against the white man for ncrrieeil rendered (luring slavery. Tiie records ho that, under the tin ce year of Ih'inocralic. rule, the li-im county cxienscs have bei n $3M,59I less than under iho thrtc j ears under the Canity system. And not only this, but the leiimcr.its with timt ranch less money, paid 'JOG. IDS of t iraier county indebtedness; and not only this, but they have brought county orders and county obligation generally from their vaiions stages of depreciation, as uliown in the table How before us, up to par, so that they are now almost universally worth dollar for dollar. ii - Ox Monday the election fir (low rriior and Congressmen in Maine was held and resulted in a victory fur ti e lrmhliean; by a majority ranging from seven to iiine thousand. This allows that Mr. Iilaiin; is nut without )wer mill although lie no signally tilled two years ago. Jrrma Ma-liauu l.racli, laja Dint lie wan't to V hti man Sk'iltt, suit nut s tt.i; ll:i tilttiU e.itnnit'itdiblf . ) tt brjan itia ci.n piijn fur III rail si s l.t-ech, but wlifii lir Tif.t kt WAihinKlon, Ihia Stile, and ll refused to turnUh ttf en'y do'l irs of wMch In need, Jmi tli.a-ii.tine'.y ri rlniaxt "1 itasn'l nrrji on this rstnpau l rty ipn". Hii ipotKimrnU si l'.ionuih mtn llud la fo kj dHill, Mil tttr fonnrr -nirTr halcr" Irfl fur snnts pntiil Norlh of MunatBil Dtion'l lint Tarboto StHthrr. r. UIIIMHLY AN A Bl I.HAIIK. I'll" Iladieal pl'itfortii "oh inii'v 're S lv s tli i! -clue it :.. is tin- It ilvi ail-, (.f A'iii-i lean 1 ii'i i t ) ," and in n w ol that in.p il iel 1 s'-.ivety resi.lven fur ther that the eliihlien hh.'il! be eduea. ted as I .ii g as tie; w bisky li-!ds out to e v. n! ore to as-ii rt without ll.u fear ol' stieceslul eontr...iie!iu:i that this is the li;st iii'..tlH'e in t! e history of Aitie. iean lidcrtv licit mc ol lis Liiiwatks was in. elr i.f Whis ky. Whi-ky is do'il tless a eiii ugh thing in its place and home times builds a man up wonderfully, they nay, but its most anient admirer may well doubt its usefulness an a bulwark of liberty or a basis o( educa tion. Hut seriously, why should whisky alone bo madi; to bear the whole ex pense of educating the children of the land J Is it just, in it eiiiitaUu ? Mure than that, can it be done? It d un: at all it musi be done by Con gress and not by the States. Is there any hope for that? None, whatever. Itcnines to this thrn; that all the K id party is willing to do in favor ol edueati in is to propose a scheme that it knows to be impraclii aide. 'I his however is a lilting conclusion to tie record of the Radical party in reg.rd to educational matters in .North Caro lina, Read that record as printed in this paper. TiiKin: is much strife let ween the Liberals ami the Kepiihlieans in this enmity. It is I bought that an effort is being ma le to have a Liberal Hum iliated for the Legislature to till the place of II fly who died a short time ago and it is thought by Home that the Liberal speaking at llalilaxoti Tuesday as in fin tlierance i.f that object, if that be so and a Liberal is nominated then: will be open war and we may look out for independent Re publican candid lies. We hear it stated that the Kepiihlieans will not submit to any Liberal in theirs and will resist to the utmost any effort to help the Liberals at their own ex pense. There is no more aflliaiion behvicn the two factions than there is in 1'. iin.-j Ivaui.i or New Vmk and the Liberal aspirants will have to take a back seal. Tuesday at Halifax Mr. Moure, Republican and Liberal candidate fir the Superior Court .in Ige took but littli; notice i f I'apt. Pi ice that we could observe, ex cept to listen at his speech. Mr. O' Republican candid itc fo. Congress came on the same train with ('apt. Price, hut did not en-n walk down town with him to show him the way and tln ic was nobody to meet him at all. In fact nobody seemed to kii ov how or when he would ar rive. A straw shows which wav the wind blown. I We ptitil tn-di? ft tcit-tiram from if. T. Y...- in. .i u t!i it ( t'l! it i 1 I Ciilmh t ..- f i tnifi .mix-i i -ti. V--tr- il j ,- ; iit.;;-h.-. i o l e- ' " I' U ii- li itn"l), fc.o n 'Z II l llw!.'- vv,i t-ti.'tir -tl jl Ihi- i-.t'te- . -. A n i!i i.. Itin Jtnr.i.l I n'lli-h. .1 tie- -n..i'i-ni. if -I. in L.-'iMt, tin.!, r ci-rti'i. u'i t -in ' rl.uoman an.! Mrr'.i. if tin- c-io'iil.''. 'I'l.i n f-il l o-ii j 1. '. r fiiKii ai.u'tiir K j ut'li. :ei iti I.t no: i , s.i v :n' t !. :t! t.otu-h te. oi'i"il v . i ft in-ti.-i! ut I. iti .1 t!,c . (-r.!.i! v I-iih J Hi it lie M:: I t It.- r-r! i lieiit . Wtliavt- thii imirninit 111- t ot si'tlli-t.t of I I'll It-it ;tt !t. Tlrtltmi din- VL'titiiMi. It lit trrv pnitxililo we will liavo ethrr r.' nrt fot;:) llit-:o in a it.iv m two .-itflor :ii(; Mr. llulil.s.-.S'i.-Ktifiti J.un.til. V. It. Vn K' 111 . .i.ii .v-JIr. W. It. Vit-k in connuntlv juitliiiL' up iipw nicl It.iintmme liu -Cli-s In all ailr fur f.ili Hp ir-ln tin muti-tnil friiiM llif ttt-sl tiiiusi-a anit :lrrHiitA all Ills werl . Anj kiti.l ef liutL'V cm br Icii-r'it of liitti ; open atij tup, rlvptid, &ltp-tisr ant! ittlier . 8 ol Kpritua. ami tin- pricpt lew piidiiIi In m t the iitit't pureliam-r. lirpairlng wall June wltli it';itnptii ant ilispatrli. Wtij away fram leirur, when jou cm get Inigit-B hi-rp ? M-:V APVKllTI-KM MNTS. CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR YOM LADIES Tlic nMnr "f Hip Wlintmi A''.m'.'i'.-itu wa oTi r nt I.i-iinijtiin wIipii If nn"tt -nl e there nn 7 il il a-. Kvpntt al-n ftpuke. 'Hit' i'' ;,.i''t. .ot tv : ' It pn.Tel a fert niisiake in ptiiiini: n Kvi-ritl, ( ntnlor le ml s in t aajr v lu'Ti r hear I a nun .i u'teily i. .tin.lisli. il." II a I In tint (' .liinel II nne't "w a powerful" at l,i-Tint,Mett, 7 h! I It piililli-ot tp-I'tnnnr, -,..,:-v,l -,i I lo .-eii. in W irr. n .-. -y, N r . I-.H.I..I ..vlyi.i. the K. It ! "f the l.e.iit: . . -.. Ill- n- ..I Ih- Ma!.- :n..l i!., ii I. n li.ii. no Mini- "I ll.ft. Uvr.i.h tii-l l"'st ' wth t.i .i.o.v I..-.I1- '1 l.-.-ni . . ..-,-... t oi.- 'it... ut l-A-rlt- aer. i.:i.l I- Itsllftlt'.v .-li.K-l. K:.-!i.i; I .,: M-uts aii I Ma-i. s,.,-, I.,!! Mus.. T.t--Vr fll ..! it.-..f the Wi-sl-yat, 1". i'..- i -. ! . In- . i. -. . nr- .-v j..rei..-i- ;:, t .'-1 . in,-, i.i.-l " f e h Hie M:y hi --la"-1 enih-r-e in. nl- li,Orn:,,, nts, tie-v mi l Inf re.-I-, ii..!.e HS--.1 in ioi .! . -I. Near I'.i ,.i.ius. wat-r I'lrn -he 1 i ;ii. Iti iiipi'.s win-ii i!- .r. .l. Ch!K"s very !.... l-'.ill term ..t;ii.s s.-pi. Iili, Issi I-', r i':i:.-.! .4111-1 AilJtvos, ot-.f! -:i tr J. Jl. It II (I I) I S, I'rin. I illleloii, .. ', ' i ' 1 1 K L U M M U S, : ..,- ... -jaV- -. . v. . "" A I IV Kit HSK.M KYI'S. 11 . n . k 1 i; 1. 1. 11 s it n , A true alreoijlUcnioK uia lUliM aud 'aull , te Cixcr It Bruwu't I. 'ID ti ller. tih.S. IIO HI IIY, I) 1 the people remember when Hid den was -governor, when he tram pled under foot thu writ of habeas corpus the only safety of the citi zenand, in the trraphic language ol Judge 1'owlc "made it wadding for the musket of Kuk and his marau ders." Do the people of Cabanus county icniemlur the time him-ii .Fudge Kerr, that pure man. that gifted man, and many other good and true men were arrest and packed into a felon's cell, and remained there 17 days in Angus', without having com mitted any oll'ence wha'i-vei ? Po they remember when we all went to Salisbury to the trial before .Fudge lliiioks, a id saw those men marched lip the street W oh Kit k diawiug thelll about as their inastei ? Have we for gotten u hen the trial came on, Un law vers representing I .!.) -11 and the Mite, sun! there was no charge against these men, those men who had In v. 1 spending those long and weary days an I nights in anguish in jail without wat -r enough to ipieueh tin ir burning thirst but don't let us hear of these things again; madi. ess In s i-i that direction. What we want to call attention to is that when Uobleii declared military rule, an I w as or j iti ing his I m-es, that Col. (I It 'lWkciy, the pres ent I. .publican candidate lor Con- glessinati at large, was apotniited llligadier C.eneral by lioV. Ilol lell. hcuiocr.iis can you vote for him This appointment retiied lhnkeiy to plivale life. Concord Register. Tiik Slur ro ite trial which ha. oc cupied the attention of the public for sunn-time has nearly i Tin- east is now with the jury. Some of the jurors informed the judge that of fers of bribes had been made to sonic of them in the inlt rest o the defend ants. The counsel for the defence say tlicy have no knowledge of any thing of the kind. .Inry trial is not always as impartial as it might be, but when attempts at downright bril cry are made it becomes serinus in this coun try wliero trial by jury is looked upon as the great privilege of freemen. The jury was liuilly brought into court ami delivered a verdict of (ruilly as di Miner im I Ib-i'dell, and m't guilty as to Peek. Tltcru was no ugri eiiK'iit ns to ltiadv and the two Iniiseys, It is p issiltle tbal these litter will be attain put u.n So ends the grv it Star r-nite liial at a cost lo the ftooplc of a l.inslitd 1 tliotivin I '!c'l. rt. rilYSICIAN AND SURGE31,. II II II I. , . ('. -m.-e i:i fli 1 i:i -i . T'ni 'JMIK II M.I VHI.K MII.I.INMIV ll.'l'sK ..f iho ;; 80UTHEKH STATES! Hit. M. t.. HI I I,, N.t 1 If-, Syi .tmnre sue. t. rCTKliMtfltu. VA. V.mi w i',1 tiii'l 0 ' Inrtf. --t tnenl ittt.l tout ttt..-l s- h-h Milihi.-t v (.! - 1 s ,,f l':tr i-v. iy Itrliele ef III- h. I S..I.I f. ihe lowest pn. .-s 11 tut w ;i. raiili-.l ;o -e ;i - ..11 lnu. I.e I ; i-e 1 I -on- IMPROVED TAYLOR COTTON GIN. With Mie perftvt-wnrkliDr Self-Kim ilr ami (''Hiiit'iiH-r, cmltniciiitf t tie int-'nl iniiirovt'tcciiln Tdi-" is Tmitli M-'.is tn nf thin popular Gin. wliirh. with Itft prt'K'iit iuip-ov.'i.ifiit.s, luts no mpn ut any prio'. Tlu si' (iins nre nirulii of the li'-st tiin'eriuN, ami arc uiivUrpithSfd in Aii'l w.-rkiuaiMliip. Wc rail tin aitnitioii o far. 1 vrs In cur PATENT STATIONARY BEATER- whieh never le'ere has t.een tiieii iinntiy tint the hL-h...-. prieeilohis. it 1 1 . 1 whieli wc ml. 1 11 1 a very rilllni; test. Seinl for i-iiviilurs a 11 1 cxiiiiiiui-i-stiinnniul.s. I'rli'C l l( ol'tiiiist. I e.'.lerst nii.l OnilpiiMerst 11 f Kitelorv t "... S:tW 411 Snw . IS SIVA Till SHIV . 1 .11 MUV . n sHW . mii sir.v . I I'm .- wi'h s.. II I ii.ler 1.1 r, in- n 11 It .self. I ... ,t-r I'tie. i.fiiins. ( .iii.Ii user. a ml l en. lens. -r. s;-, 111 fp.11 i,n ajivr, en ....I v7 'H in; mi !!!!.'ih mi .. I f I' 11 I'll Sr.J 1.11 'i;s iKt ... . . tii. ti i i ui ut sits r.ii .....Z ... I fl-.'Ti is' ! lilt.. Sl'l-, 10 ... I I'"" Sls'l Hi j:o Ml""."., .. siMi.ui s 11; en ,, nn ...I iMHKi :: mi mi I'ltAXKI.IV II. It'MMI's, Miintet -r. . I inip.T.t.a M -l.l IIV JtUll I. .MKII, Ucueral ( omiiiisslnn nerehnnt, June IS ni VKI,l0. . V. 51. V. 1IAKT. W. II. IIAlMiLSON. AnVKHTIKMKNT- I : M 0 V A L. T I fllfi t ti ! innf livl nf iufnrmiii" m nutrnnu amllbn ruibKr. r?aiiAi ill.. tl... r i " 1 hs.iv.,..., , iihvo rnieTifl Di-uk I'liiiH'vs to the store formerly occupird by Uickc-un U lick'ns, iu Smith's Brick n I w here the tiUiihuSb will he continued under the name and style of "4 liWH $ ilMISIi Thanking nty frlemls fur their libentl pa'riinasi- in the past trnrlially Invito ..n.. ill-Miiiir. I t-liiill eiiiUtuvnr tn sillily their Interest t.y mpplicl with k beh n..;s to the limn Buslut s, lunl hy ill.peiisiii,' only cueli (roups as iiro IIKL1ABLK IX ALL RKSTECTS. My mem lsover finnt ef stnre nilp.irtles isliinit ni.Mlieliioiciiii (lint mn there at alt hou i 13. rl S I M M 0 N S the nl;,-lit. s-2'-ly GRAND DISPLA Y OP OUR NEW ARRIVAL nn. II I....'..- i I ..II I r. an.' J- ,e 1 I III!. ii. .i i II In. -- l Willi i 'I u. e - i II.. s. ! .1 !.l IliilTS. I. .. .-s- -. r.nenls ..! I,e, I nl .- s nil. I; t ..I l: I i ,-i O t!,l I I ' , S..u s ' -r In -. -1 in a ! . "II. MUS M H. KI I. I.. C TATK OK VIK01MA AMI NnllTII CMl l HI.I.NA. TIIK Llltl.l -r rl.tlTIIIMI ,V I t'iTII llol SK IX Tilt! SOUTHERN STATES. 1 Ki ll,, I-.'.' str- et, l'l.Trilsl'.i-uo, VA. hsv .s t-, t I ; sli.-.l i in -w :tn,t l;lei; ii. i 1 -ihin I I., h H. .us.-ul tin- il.i,-.,. ii tier, ttli.- e v.iii w!l tiiet 1:.- ni.-t It.-rtiitilnl St.., k ..f sup,.n..r l.' lin-le I -..:hlliir. Setilh nf V w Vi.rk, M - 1 1 mill liny-, W H OLESALE AND RETAIL. Hi-- -.: I" ml', r -. l.v tin. great llmi-e nre :ttl m -ii.i( i- i n t in it. nn. I -vi-rj iii iii.-ni nn mn! in ti. i mt. hi ..v. rk. ..uti 'I al -. i lpi.1 ill tins 't-i-il htt'ls" every, tli-.n. Ill t In- i.t :il (I I l rn is ii.fc.' ., s-1 1 i - su k-. Iiiii.ver-. si in i'r,.i ts i.i.m,-, N KII sl,.,., Sll-I enil.-i. I if. fi. . I 111-. l: s.i-i .-ii ; i he rn . pi- .-nl St ... i.i '.' nut Tins is tt.e h.-i'vt in .t 'p irtin li I- l eri.t" ! l.v C .- in.,t -H i !'l .11 I - S. Ill I'lllt tl : 1,1!. I litfl l I . thin f V i 1 1 . i v ii o 1 1 ix It . .. nt nl" tn nr ,er in ti , 1,-irt f .r s. ii.ini r v. tu.ii.iir" tt ill . e I:, nili .1 ..ti tin itlii.lirnliiiti. I,.i;"tlier with Slllllpl.-. 1 ii to elf. I Ir. lit. All '..'. s.,, ., tin, p n,i. .,r,. warrant e.P lit" in te t l I..- r.-f ii II l.-.l if I li -v ill. lint .--:ne. All t.lel-. pr .uipllv MIL-. I. vth...-.e ihmI i..-,h. N,, Ii -rite t. r r.-luriili'ir ninnev t hi-n c-.i.-N itr" s.-ni I'll H l.y e.r.-.s I ; i-II..-IH I ..-r liu- i u s,, linns... 1 1., nut fail I., sen. I .uir . i.r eall M K. lit 1. 1.. t r. i v I I. A. M o II I! X oriels l.i the piiMu- ;tl I ssi i: ' .! ;.-.v T (i F Mil'ill.TV, N..I1..I... v il.i,ls. 'l.ill. I Alln leu. I lie.-tp Iji.i-.. 1-nilieH Kiirnl-hlni,' iluii.Is, e. IIKAI Kilt AMI. Mlt.S. M. A. MniiltK. -s'niiih's t'uik, Wtl.l. n, SC. n .v .1 ly ti K A 1. K T.t I n) l.irt litis in Km it repair eheiip. A Is,. i. lie ll.tll I iilt..n pr.-ss ie:l.iy lor Ih.-yiaul tie lt..,,r.l M.i- i ti.lie SI..-J.S in , ' llllAM.KY. Jul.. ii Mils Al i K M. IIHUWN h k A li::: intiMimipajiiwiiJiwjiiuiiMMiiiiiiiii igiaaiim TDm Unitize? sun-rHlfs flriirjirf We have just iip.iie.l iiliiie niul iinpt-eileiite.lly larK" stuck nf till) ill.uve llaliie.l ir,in.l. which we i Iti i I r, meri nii.l I he llaile f." in rally, at very h.w- jtriei s, (-i.iiij.risiiiK ill" liillnwiiif; : Our N iinf4 VeilliiK. nu-i-ieii u It.-i i;.-h I reiu-li Wool IMaiils, Novelty Viilliiiusi. HiiiiliiiKsi, Miittii siiilnts, l inen l iiuus, .4 KirrK-iin mitl tr.-uHi ; i ii-;ti)t iiih. H usiii loplinN, I.hhiisi. ItlH.-U mill I olor. l li es Tt tiiiiuiiicM Hixl Millis, a ml all oilier new ami .li'siruhle kIjU-hoI llressi dluodi out iIiin Season. 1I0KSK FUHISIIIX(3 GOODS. A hii" n-nr!Tiu tit in i,'ui!t- f rv.-rv hM i ti..ii; Mirctii,; 1'flUiw-nisiiitf; Tnble-clotll fttid Napkins-Itriniii-k lliii-k uthl Turl,ih Ii-ui-Im in inm j-r t utMU. I) R ) 8 S T R I M AT I N G S. " Iinve n line as-i.rtnient i.f all ehissi's ,,f Til Ul in i ..l .. Ill" n-vvest I hi ill's nut III this lilt" ennst inei.f -ilk-, s-iiin-. Unit .lis of every .1 -s.-iipiii.n. A Inn;" an I complete ling ot llatnlillrL. Kiliiilli! uli.l Illsel'ln il I Hi e s. el( i'f NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS I.n.itveiitniil.-ie lii all ii i.raiieht-H. I'aras..U, Fans. Ilnsit-rr, I.a.lies' liahlrluK.-in, Faney stripes full ri-unhi! iiia li-n.. ..Is, at etr -inelv lo-.v p.-l,- 'S VI us,.,- nii.l i hil.lreti'a in Krt-at variety ' We hate a (nil line ol l.ailies- Seek We ir of all ihe novelties of tlic season 0 L 0 T II 1 N 0 . Our -t. i k n( M.-n's l-iiriiishiiifi Ho uls ! tinsiirpisseil, hein coinpl. te in every detail inehnllnir lli.veiliek in Meek Wciir. ' " A Mlt(;t. STIH K OF R O O T S A N D SHOES. ZEICLER'S SHOES DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY. THE CORRECT STYLES OF SPRING HATS. Ine.iii.-liisiim. we nk t'i,. I.-i. I i -s. c-pe' -iully llms.- who have hoc i m-m.iIiii; their nr.lers nl.rninl fur ""''' ' tuirlve us a call, us -.. will I.e nl.h-to Mill tPnu this,.n in ihe oiiiiln, nf i.ur uomls, a Vlel us l.r.ccs. A call Is r,.--i'-rii!K- w.ili.-lt,. I f,-,...i .,11 1 liAiri'iv iiAm;iso, WELL) (.IN, N. O. s-pl-3:i-ly UOUSli I-STADLISIIKI) IX ISM. ETIIURUDGE & BROOKS, HVt sISMHtsj III MI1IIVIH, I T 1 1 V. It I'. IWV, A IIICOOHN. COTTON FACTORS & CEN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ton Tin; xii.i; ok all sin iiii icm ntuiims. :: AND I K A LKKS IN :o: KL'IIHMtS, AND A lilt 'I t'LTI'ltAI, I.IMK, AN It I I.AVl'l' It I K.M KM', MTKIt l'lltisi'll ATKS A D (if UNO KH CUTTON, A.,s.i) NO. I'KKUVI vN (iUANO. a-V:ire II,. u-.- i Hi.Mi si. ,ui i-,,r. ,,f Water act fjiicen Slreets, I'niiT-iMOKTH. V A -f. , , '. r. . h K.t, jolM-liintr i;enl. i . w" r.-speetfiillv inf.. nn tny ffiet its tl at I am s. li.-irttc Audit fur the iil.nv.. tirtu, nml w.inl.l I.i- -la.t i.i il. -in i in y M.,ri. in r -irar I 1 1 1 ii tn. s, i , .., Kii,,,n,.. f,,i- ihe e.itiiiiiir scitM.n. I have in t,.r,. a K..oi hue of i,r Key li.... I-. Ilnnis nii.l Shoe., w hieh 1 Mill sell olicap l..r. IIAI.IK.W x r Mus M J Svt-i...Ss. j) K A 1 1 1 U K A If Wreor.lialiy Invite . nrtrie!u t,t rsll ami ci itininc nn r l... k ..I Spring nml suinni, r IIAIH Al HOW KIM. A it'e.. l.-l of l'.iw.-rs si-il Wn-uths jusi ri-ceive.l All uo--lt I of 1.1. lies .s. Pb llauil.lll'KH, (white lunl i-ii. .re. . I lie ( ll.lli.l aetvhl.-ts. I In. ii llaiiilkereliiefs. sink -rehu-fs l.a li, H I ics.(.nk) I Jkllll-s Htlll I hllltrell II. .H.-, (Cn-iit vanetyi llents half II se. I ur'e I hr .tin. 1'ie I Hi es. ii ill'-s nu ll, ri.ilir Corset.. I olliirk, i nfls Miirla, ll.v,.nliit-u, Tur in) lie. I liiii..ii-. Iei.-:r , l-.-rliiiii.Tv. spleu .il.ri' .l.el s .np. Ace. 1. 1 Ili.rin.iii. lens, tin, Willi!,!.. -bmt, Ivueils, Nice I. lue I .. life, ti, ii ri I Ihi.-u-Inle Haker. I h,.c .Iiile, I im-- antiu'r. inn Alli.r whleh w.- ...l.-r v.... !..,- Hiin. iriniuie.i ami sniisfn. turn Riinriiiil.-n.l. Mlts. M ,1. Sii'tii;s k ci WELDON, N. C. iiov vl ly. V. J. NAW. DAKER & CONFECTIONER. IV E L DO S, A'. C. A rry nr NUl-l-tjr of CaK-'ii, ('rii k'-". riM'.h, KrtMio'i mh! l'latn, KiiiBUin. Krulln, Nutti. Thr lr,jrst tov of Toy- of cv.-ry varlrty fver 'Mitifiu it) mn inarKf t . (mtrr for thil". rak". kr.t Qllrii at ahort ful mifi at Morthmt i-rlrpn. XTrtiltrw .n.lrtfT.cTpflrt.t'U 4 i-x 'Hp AV. T PARKER, AGT. fell II If. H 0 W A OR MACHINE WDH1 I IOWA I.I) DUOS., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, W K L 1) 0 X, N. C. To tlie Usi-rs of Motive Power utiil fi'i-iu-nil M:u liim-r)' : W' rail your nllentl..n m ihe fuel that vvi- lire preinr. il vvith the necessary tool, ainl niin-lilni ry lnilo I.KN1 KM. Uiihk i IN l-.ticiucs, saw M ill. I', n lilns. llri-l Mill. I'. ill. ill I'resse., Hois.- r..u.-rs. 'I hri'-her. I'tll.i-ts, II;iiii-ers, SI attit-c. I'i-uplines, Mill I.e.lrliiK AM AS'I IXiM Ol' IICO OUIHtS Ol' AW M7.K. IrWe ilu nrk M y. ur pi i. e if nanl.-il Sccii.t hiui.l Ihiiiincs nml tit her M n hlneiy ljiui -ht. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO (i I N W 0 H K. ll;ivinir a fir-t v (Mm HuiMit w i nn -to nil k inl uf tiin v m k, New hrn-sh wlic-'n, i-nut. - kiw -h.-triwii'-.l. r hii . m - i, S I uiul-TNtuml our ii'-iik-. W ill i:iMi:nits't nl! our work to Im tlrt i luin. a ssssa m m FANCY GOODS. I lime just rctiinicl from the Xorlh with .1 Iiirjic anil beautiful line of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. EVERYTHING THAT IS NOVEL The .Host oiii.ll(. Mock Ever Oirond In lliis Kfi-ilon, To nil who ile.irc In neipniint thoiiisclvi-s with tin- stvles of thin season, I extend a cordial enllif In tin- I'Xhlblll.ui. ' ' HAKDKEKCHIEES, GLOVES, KECK WEAP, FANS, PARASOLS, 311 FKIKOF, JET BRACE LETS, CRAPE, HAMBUHG. AND T01 CHONE LACE, SPASI'I LACE, BLACK CErAif FLOWERS, PLCKEI, WBEaTHS, Ac. Ac. Onlers solleited. and nny (roods I send out, not givin.; enlire aatisfauiian, can be returned by ei ... O.-, ... ,,, J I" "s. . Thanking thu public for past fnvnrs, I ntn Very llespti-tlullv, R. 0. EDWARDS, :r,SMi7irsiiRicK iiLocK. W,'',J"WS,o?tii,iy 1S82. ' 1SS2. SPEING & SU.AIMEK STOCK -lo: OK :o:- FIRS T -CLASS GOODS A T L. A. FAEIHOLT'S, WELDON, N. C. IIuviniThtiunhl my entire Mot k for CASH, I am prepnr. tl to oiler superior advantacM to the trade. My i-Uck. c iislMt of FASllI(iXAIlI.KIillS(i001)S WITIISII.KAXU SATIN TRIMMINGS It BUTTONS TO MATCH IMtY UOOIIH. llOO'l K, AM) .Ml OKU. HAT, IAIS cxotiiixci. haedwake a specialty. hotions in endless taeiiiy, A FULL LINK OF (.KOCKUIES AND L' 11 0 V I S I 0 X S. V U II N I T U It E, V U It N I T U It E. Ili-iUli-add, lllaet Waluitl lied Ittttim Sets. WVh Stands WiinlroheK, anil Furnllnrc Keiierully of HI iirisaiiilninll Trices, I Invito tlit ptihlie Kriierally lo a i-ni-eful rxiiuiiiiatlon of my nturk liefors l.urchiisini eli.e hen-. ltisK-iifuily, L A FAllINHOLT. iK-t 0 ly. ANnV 11 lltlWAl'.l', mr .1" ly .1. HI N ('. 11 1WAKII, IIOWAHD 1UJ0S, I. I Ir. til III Ml. u. Wl I.I.I AM II. IIOWAMI. METAI.LICIliRIAIX'ASKS . -. Wi '- " II. i , . C Ciipi-H luniislii-iMor Caeh ut five j-it n-i.t. k-ss tlum catalogue inicc. Onl.-inliy u-;t-iiiii,li.)1-kt c-iirom.itly attinilul to Wln-n ordering iilwavs m-nil il. ivJ k-n-ik and v i lib at i-Ibuw. I'.im.s tctit ly K. press V. 6. D., to unknoti ti (iiu.i, . B.T.I SIMMONS, A(;T., WELDON, N. C. THE PLACE TO GET mam iiBieiniF AT TIIF LOWEST PRICES. IS AT DH. A. 15. Z0LL1C0ITER & BKO'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE AND OPPOSITE BAILEOAD SHED, W E 1 1 I) 0 X. N. C. STOCK KEPT CO MP I.I. I'I-'. II FltlQt KIT AKKIVll.M. rrnKstiiii-riox iiki-artmist fii.i.kdwitii theukst ski.eited matehial i al'r MJL,,'TIO'XS "MIrli:i AT HOI KS HITII VltEAT PEEFUMEBT, 6TATI0NEEI, FASCY SOAPS, ABD BKCSHIi, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAB K E M E .V D Y. R rt.t i Warty wclfomc alwav. a nil-i von nt .,...,. ZOLLICOFEEIt'S.

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