L IOANOKE NEWS. TilL' AY, : : : SKI' IK. MB Ell 14, ls-. NDTES HEREAND THERE. Yellow fever Is Increasing in Hrownvllle and de re.isin.' in Matamoros. Auntie cliulrr l.ai broken out iu Newpuit lUiolc Island, ll is not epidemic. i'a'il II. Haync's latent litiirary work la a li irt out! In m --ill iry of tin; lata Snutor Hill. (u CoMt eountv, Ci.i., a natiir.il Ink Is found which neither corrodes, fades nor frerites. Tim records of the etiunty aro kept with it. Tho Ashevillo semi -weekly Citizen Ins en l inted and is now a seven column piper. We are triad to see tills evidence of prosperity and a icccss in our coiemporuiy. 7 lie candl dales Tor the teat va'Hted by the d alii of Senator Hill, include (iencral Henry R. Jaekion, General A. R. I,iswion, (ioveruor A. II. tolqull, Hon. M. J. Crawford, Hon Junes Jackson, lion. A. (). Hacou, Hon. A. II. Stephens, lion. ,. J. li.ua uoud and Hon James II Blount. A Biographical Sketch anil Portrait of tho Rl. Rev. Tlios. Atkinson, late Bishop of North Cam I ia, will appear in October 2nd Issue of Tie .W Svili, published at VV il n hii on . V.. ..-..I. ...I...... R:l..l .l I ..I . .. ,l "".--. uuvisnit'it-s, hiiii uil Bluer lleair- liu; any ureal nu.nber of copies, should order atonee. Piiee, In quantities, 3 cents each, casn mill oraer. single, postpaid, 5 cents. Hiiiiam j. .iiunueii and live negro prisoners broke out of Hertford Jul Saturday ipt-ln by cutun,' on mi! hick to the cell door, and Him chiscliuc; a hole Ihronli the ,ri, k wall on the ukiii ii.Miii sine oi inc on er iloor, lciviii; the elii.cl Used Inside the Jill. Tint J ill.ir ia a Ur publican. Miimlcii is a ineinbur of Hie I.cis- J .it il i f from I axpiotank. Wilson .Sj'fnn., : Jerry Cos, colored, who escaped from tlw uallous by turnine; States cv lienci! iu the Woiley murder trial se.cral years niro in Wayne county, and who subse quently turned up at It.ittieboro and was ar rested for the inurd r of a woman, was tiled last week at Nash county Superior Court. found sriiil y aud will be banned September ill). POINTS tN POLITICS. Sliaekelfoid will canvass t tie Third Distict fr(ireen. Greene county Convcutlju endorses 07aru for Congress. Wilson colored people demand a place on the couuly ticket. The Greenback District Convention will meet at Newbern Sept. i'Ulh. Of the $12.0(10 State taxes paid In Edgecombe conuty white peop'e pay 11,500. Edi'ieoinbe county Republican Convention endoised Hubbs for Congress, The (loliHb orn Mewnqer thinks Green will be chcli'd by I ,.riit im.Joriiy. It is said that the Convention of Jones county endorsed (J'll.iiu Tor Coiit;ri!.-s. It is said that Randolph aud Guilford conn lies will have temper ll. e candidates for Ltg Islninre. 7' he Xorth .SVn.V. at Git -iisI) m, notes th t the ' Liberal1' aie drawing away fruiu the Ri pu II mi party, Cocke, the Chairman of the Liberal Commit tee, has an iun ed liltus"lf caudi Into for Con-rre.-s Iu the West. The s'ioi test political plutfom on record Is ihnl of the Ohio Convention. Il ls: "Iie-ulVed that we will beat Ihem this year." Jav Huhlirll, ilie in in who levies vo'untary coiitiToitiou of government, employes has been defeated f r a retiumin ition in his District. II M I.Y TO J IKK. Halifax, N. C, Sept. llth, lHj. Mnssiis. Eoiroiis : I am the uusi alluded to by yoar correspondent froinl.lttlctou of i lie favorite name of "Jai k" in til last Issue of your paper in regard to the analysis of the Panacea Sprng. I will ask yon to let rue Insert a few simple facts in the nut issue uf your paper and show "Jack" he should not speak before UilnkituT aud especially should lie be cautious when tia! line not endowing bim with extra thinking power. I made Hie analy.li in the Analytical Lsmiratorv of tha I'niveisliy of N. C under t!ie diecllon of Prof. A. F. Uedd. My analysis Wis verified by two qualitative oil four auc-ces-iva qiunli.alivo determinations, and t g.yt to the public only what chemical analysis proved lo be present. I ha I no nioiive whal ever to prove or disprove anything in the water, bll' fcave a pure and correct analysis af what the water contained, for which I avi able to vouch. I wouid not have written auyiblng bu fur some man of little education or sen-e tried to detract from the correctness ef Hie re sult of my analysis. Prof. A. T. Itedd would not have let me make an analysis for put.li a tin if he thought I wis not crpa'd' to in ike, a corret t one, much less give me a diploma of graduation with distinction In the school of analyllcal chemistry. Tills la enough to let the people know Unit he, thooijh cmlons of one person, has triad to throw disci edit on mvself by telling tho veopla Unit I have presented them, with an analysis nf the Panacea Sptiug faulty, by benu ine .iiii:ent to inakj a cor rect one, and this may deeeUe the public; I will positively aert that the named lugredl nta as given Iu in a i.lysi are In Hie water and can be found if tented for by any skillful f hrmist, but ine spring may cutitaln more or less of some of the cons itueiits, ud not be I lie exact amount (In fiaclioii.il part uf ar.mu to frsllnn) as the water may have irrowu itrou;er or weaker In the course of three years. As some eminent authority has remarked Hut l lie most suitable peison t in ike a crilicii n s e m r.cwlw be one I at aeqaalntcl ivlilj lUe suti Ject of which he Is discourslu.', this I think Is laasfreat muauro correct, and I will so rnn aldcr"Jick" In Hie last iuc of your paper of that type of au litiioi aoris wti lias less nraius aud more brass Hian an ordluaiy In. II l.lual should posses. I sincerely ho,ia that the hawsprinns will be fouu I avalinble wuler, ml be a help to Hie Ihrivini; little town ot l.ltileton, and also that Hie I'auacra Sprfui; be sHI'l considered va u able healln rasort, an i us Improving aud us taluablu as It has been with former paileuis. It Is liopnl that Hie wise "Jack" may not be i ITeinlrd, bill think lie was ri maikiii!; up. n a subject entire y foreign to IiIiiim'II, and it is also hoped be in y draw himself into bis hole and rouirmi lale inukii tr mill. rl water i luclaliy a"d b able to discourse on tliini mure wisely tl.jll at the cnuiin,i liceiliint uf his career. I am Very Itespocifully, IlKMity II. KriuiKKsoN M D. The letter shove alluded to, was, or should h ive been signed "Jake'' and lint "Jaek." Jack Is an eutlrely different peison. Ens, Nws J - - - - I'you are sick and ImutileJ with dypepsa, Utjwn'j lion Dittuis will cure ttj. OUli NEXT FA Hi. rm:in i.i; oi- l'ltuMifMs up tmk U. & T. I!. Ainnn i.i t i: m. Shciktv. '.. A-oii ',nid lrn,hi, t. MASON, SuDeiintendeiit. T. W. DIVISION I.-UreadsAe. CLASS I. HV Best specimen l'lour Bread Loaf lltl. " specimen flour Hulls, half do): 'ii, 117. Ileal specimen Corn Bread l oaf $ a oo 2 00 1 txi 5 00 6 00 4 00 1 00 1 IS. Ilcst Sponge Cake, 110. Best Fruitcake, 150. Best Pound Cake, Best specimen Honey, strained, half gallon, r3. Best Jc'lies, Preserves, Pickles, Jams, Calsaps, Syrups, Cordials, Ac , eai h, 1)3. Best and greatest variety made and exhil ltcd ly same individ ual, :M Best specimen of Ilie following Dried Fruits, I', aches, Pears, Fits and Applia, of not lees than a Iniif busliel, each, loj, B.-st sieciuien (irapes, Plums, Cherries of not less III an 10 pounds, each, l.Vi. lb st specimen and Kr''atest vnii cty of the ii'iovo Dried Fruits, made and exhibited by same In dividual, l-'ii. Best box ILnd Soap, 10 pounds, loH. Best box Soap, home made, 1V.I. Bet iot Toilet Soap, not less than 5 pounds, CLASS II. HOI M.IISM.U r.Vlliltl s. I'M. Best Counterpane, Uil. Second best Counterpane, 102. Ileal Quilt. Cotton, Beai tjiilll, Silk, 101. I! -st Quilt. Worsted, 10'.. Best Hearth Uui;. 100. Second best Hear h Rus, 10i Best pair Cotton Hose. 118 Best Fool .Mat, 10'. Ilcst piece ten yards Woolen Ciotb, 10. Best (! ntlcm iii's Shirt, 171. Uesi Domestic Cirpetin', not less than leu yards, IT'J. Best Doiucslic Flannels, plain or Iw il d, not less than tin yards, 3 00 5 0(1 2 U 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 0.1 3 10 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 H) 2 CO 2 01) 1 00 1 00 2 (0 2 00 r to 3 oo 3 oo 5 00 171. Best D uuistic Blankets. 171. Largest and tuoit meritorious number uf ai tichs In Ibis class, . DIVISION 2 -Kiucy Work. CLASS II. fitUCKKT WOHK. I7.". Best Tidy, f 2 00 17li. Best set Table Mats, 4 CO 177. Best Shawl, 4 iO I7S. Best Toilet Mai, 2 00 I7'J Best Collar, 2 00 ISO. B s-. embroidered Yoke, 2 00 LSI. B si embroidered Handkerchief, 2 (0 l,Vi Be.-t eini.roi.lcied Collar, 2 In) 1s t. Best embroider, d Sa que 3 lid IS I. B st crochet S.ciiue, 3 0J IS"). Ilet cinbiol Icred Chemise, 2 10 ISO. Rest Infant's Cloak, 3 0.) 187. Ilcst embroidered Suit for Chil l, 2 IK) 183. Best cro.het Flowers, . 3(0 CLASS II. Miu.iNtur. 133. Best and haudsoiuest Velvet Bonnet, 2 00 11)0. Best and handsomest Straw Hat, 2 00 101. Best and handsomest Child's Hal, 2 00 I 'J.'. Rett and haudsoiuest Lady's Cap, 2 00 10.!. Best and huid'omcst Head Dress, 2 00 101. B st and handsomest Riding Hal, 2 00 lO.i. Best and Largest Display, 5 00 in this department special premiums will be awarded mcrituiluua articles not luciuioiicd uhove. T KIM I V ( IM.LKUK. TiUNirv Cot.ixi.K, N. C, fcpt. Slh 'S2. Mkmiis. I'.iirroiis : As 1 have seni nothing in the columns uf your valuable paper cootcrn- Ing Trinity College, and as I am ful y con vinced that tills uuble inslitulion of learning has not yi t but n brought us prominently be fore yo ir readers as its merit deserves, if you will allow me the space I will endeavor to glte you a bilef account of It since my si rival here on lli 2S.h of August ISM, in coniicciion w ith some reference to the building and its a r- . rouudings. 1 came hi re an eiiiire stranger, j both to Hie Family and cili?.. ns of rriuily, j I ut no one can long feel himself a 'Vranear among strangers'' at 7'iiuity. 1 w..s met audi cordially received by our worthy President Dr. II. Craven, and through bis kindness, and Hie kindness and crdi tiny of t'.e people, I , was soon very comfo.ltlity silualid, and bean ; to feel myself st hum ' among warm hearted people. We begin our lust year's w.nk iu Ilie recitation roo us of the o'd building, the in w ones bang theu uiiliuishcd, but these, which, are very laige and commodious, ware soon' completed; and, removing to them, we found j ourselves inuc more pleasaiiily and i-umfoi!- i ably snouted for the icmainder of the year. ! Dr. Craven who has be.-u Piesi.lcnt of Ibis Iu- ! itutioii ever since it was eh oteie.l as a Col legd, saystbat, liking ct ry tl.ii.g In'oconsid- ei.tli.in, lasl year was one of Ibe tnosl ph .t.tilit ; and successful yeaia ibal iiiuiiy ha cur bad. ! lie says that tlie grade of scholarship nd the , coiulucl uf (he tludents, w..s uuusualiy good, i As legards the success of our last coiuiiieucc- j mviit, 1 need not attempt to add anything to what has uhea.ly been s od Ihmagu the j columns of van 'Hs u.bei pap. is Suillce It to say thai it is Leucially conceded that ill I lie ! success of its commencement occasions Iriuiiy Is rarely equa ed, and never surpassed by any oilier iusiiiuliun in the Stale. Nolwitbstaiid iug Hie daik cloud thai has been hanging over Trinity College for some time past, on uciount ot Hie ci llic.il coinlllioii of our beloied Presi dent, we fe, 1 euiill.lt ut i hat the ptions and friends of Irini y will rejoice with us lo know iliat l)r Craven's bi all ll has Improved Tt ry much .luring the past lew weeks, aud that he is now at bis post, in good spirits, peifoiiuiiig his dull a us President and looking to a year ,.f slid greater success. (Jute a nniiib. r of nctv niudeois have already mail b ulatcd and i, in i t an) arilviug daily. Most of tbu old sin, lent, are eiihei licie, or U"it to leluru soon. On lh.il leluin, lin y mint really ex press llielr regret ut tbu loss of our popular and cuiiipeieul Pioft ssor, J. D. llodgtr, w ho has, since uur lasl commencement severed bis connection us a Proft esor in Ibis institution. We rely, howev. r, upon the wisdoiu and Judg Uleiil uf the Faculty and Tiuaiers to suiply his place with some one wh i will IIII it ably, and to the salUfactlou uf all pirlks con cerned. I!.sH'ilfu"y, Jt. M. Wil'T! vrt. sp, nn. eitT-i. No e..i!iii!iiiiiea!t.ois of an :iio.n m.oi e'lariet.T wiM lie pn 10 i.the.l : III" real naine ot ttie writer liins: a onp.inv all e.ininiiiiiieHlinns. A nv one wlio may f.o-l airiri-ieve.i at ularein.oiM nivl" I'C err. .-po boil.. , . l.r hi ll Ibe name on api'l'e'it i.oi I., ili- l-;oif,,r. r.irrosiioii.ii'iit will plen,- write only on one si. I. i.t t'n' paper, nn. I in nv Oil bavin - their e..oii:i!uoe,'iri.o!. :;.r- vi in t';,. wa-le baikct. wi'l fornwh tloor nun... .n o tieeiKa'-il.v for pil'illeation toil as a guaranty of K"od faith. Ve ill n it noti-e unoiiyiooiis correi'Oli'lehet. I' iril'' (ieilitn; a i -o nun k en ilu-ninr- em of i heir pupcr. opiw.Mle tlndr mmie Will lake lloliee Unit llleir Kllb-.crililbn ' ha expired, no, I ll;,- paper "hi ie dis continued unless they onler '. reuevved. ...... cn runt iiim-croiiY. mcTHTClll iii lt v IV make, I'nslor-rreneli. hii: every n. I nn. 1 I'h Sim. law. ai II a, m, and 7t.r. M. Sunday n In. d ev rv Sunday nl (l 'l.i A. M I'rayer-inei linn every W ...Ine-ilay, 7:1". p. . M KTiiomsT Knu oi'Ai. ( iii i:, ii -w. I., ('niilnc.. flui. I'aslor-I'reai liioi.' everv l-l and :ii, Sun 'nv s ill II . A. aud J )j v M. Snn.lny sebo.d eve'rv . ili.biy a' ii .! m. I'rayer-iiieetinninery l liurs day evening 7. i. r. M. I'rotki r iNT Ki orvu. 'iirRi-H.-. S. inlih. Ite.oor 1'reaeblni: lib Sniplais nl 11 a, m.. n. Tr m.hImioii Friday I Wore the i Sunduvs at 7:all CM. L .V I,. The next annual fair nf Ilia Roanoke and Tar River Agrlcllltuial Society lakes place nil its (tioitnds near here on the IHih, Hib, l.'ah, lOtth and 17th of November next. Tills world belongs to lbs euer.;elic. Sin may b face. l-ped so close neriilinot see lis Tiik veiy best thing to taki brcaih. In fore fi'nging, Is Tilt: seaside will soon be cx hang, d for lit', -ilie. the (!itii:c counts Ibe seconds; happiness forgets t iie hours. Tim: t iture of a bad consekiioe is the hell of a Ihieg soul. Watkhmki.ons arc not so plentiful as Ihei have been. I r w ill so in be linn to commence anolher skating rink. N nv Is the time to buy your aupp'y of coal for the winter. K'::iih:mt! Is a tiophv ramposed of all the weapons we have b-en wounded with. Fuo.M August 1 Mr. L. A. Failnholt offers all goods hi his hue nl vc y i.Mieh less than tl.e usual prices. 7'nt! Wcldon bachelor' refrain-a lass ! The maiden's refrain ah! men!. Let tliein no longer refrain. Biioivn Avn Simmons Drug Store wl'l l e open on Sunday hereafter fru.u 8:110 to 10110 M. and 5 to 7 P. M. Il,)i sKkt:i:i'i:us may be pleased lo know that corscls wild the whalebones removed in ike good cleaning cloths. Two drinks a div, rem irks v exchange, will supply a family Willi 11 mr. This of course re fers to the saloon k-a'per's family. If you want bargains In dress goods, pain goods shoes, h Us. clollnng and white good-l call al I. A. Faiiiilio't's store. !!' Is selling oil lo make loom for fall and winter stock. Soft winds in ly upp 'use an nngry man biter words iievcCwill.: would you throw fuel on a house in flames iu order lo extinguish the lire. Wiii:s a young man ain't good for anything else, says the renowned Josh Billings 1 like lo see him eirry a gold headed cine: if lie can't buy a cane, let him purl hit hair in the middle. Till! fall t rill of Ip Superior Coi.rl, Judge McKoy, presiding, will conveipt at II i.if.ii on Monday, .lud'e McKoy, has held court Iieio before and nude many friends among Hie peo ple of this sciiion. Nutlet: There will he a meeting of Green Council No. 3VJ, A. I., of II , Fnday the l.'nb lust. A full meeting is denied. By urdcr uf the Commander. II. T. Siumons, Src'y. Foil Kf.vr I'iifai'. g....d si. re house on First slreel . sui'iilde for any kind ot business, in k.u.. repair. Hen eiiiln-r llo re Is no . -1 1 r stand in town (or trade. Apply at Nl.Ms in I se. - . - .M iliiucii -At the Davis Douse on Sunday night, 101 Ii, lust., by Justice W. A. Daniel, Mr. J. B. Price Iu Mb Mo. lie 7'alley; both of P. lcisbuig. The coiiplo leturnid lo Pvtei! burg on the I2;;i0 Irani. . 8u KNtss There Is a good lb al of sickness Iu and mound town, l iim ipally chilis and f.-ver. lullii usa has also been prevalent. Dr. D B Zoliicuri'-r, of Northampton cwuti'y, r.'cenily i. formed us tli.it be bad live casts of g Miuille tliphUu na, alnl it sccllls to be ull the the increase, . - 'I uruK is no moie live and newsy paper iu toe Si.ne than Ibe Uci iioN Ni.u s. - v ilsoii .I'.Vlo.f. Siii li a couipliineiit fioui hi. h a s.iuiee, is gr. lifyilif, beeall-e we know it Is uneeie, and tue editor of the .l,f !, is a god Judge, lie publishes a ti.slitas. paper. 7' in; Kii KAP.ii Min-i iu:i.s. 7'iii, oig.ini.i. ti in w ill give i lie of lis t-M ellt iil exhibitions III Ga vsinir,-, lo-inonon niuhi, in the Acule nn, f .r the beneilt of tho s. hool. We adiise all lo alt. ml Hie pcrlo! mancc, as it will til in gn at pleasure. guc Fill. ( tii.oiii.ii HaI'Msis Hie First colon d II, post i bun h of tins plate lins nctntly closed a proiractetl iiieeiing mid. r Hi- diiec t till i f Ibe pas oi, Rev. Jos. ll BajtUlore. Toere were lii all liflecu convert, ..f whom Hi ii let ii have been baplire.l. 7 he reinaliidir will re -, lie thai onlinaii. e on Suiulay next. A CoiinFi'rioN -In Ca't. liii,:.ird's card, aiiniiimein blmself a candl. bile for Register of Deeds, tlicru was a mistake made. In reading Hie prt uf. For 'iliat posh ion 1 uriih. r sought llol if r ii,.," should hae lead, "lhal position I neither sought uor tfoi.i." MUlakis will occur ami we make this currectloii Iu justice to Cupl. (iiizard. Town Imi iiovfmbn rs. -Mis. Ida Wllklns, la gn nig her hoii-e a new coal of anil which a bis in nc Ii hi lis appearance. Dr. A. R. Zollicoll. r d: Bin , lime put n new Cool on their drug store, giving It two hiiud 1 uiie show windows. It prestiits nil entirely Uew and neat a;iiear.iiicc. riinbrukwoikoii the new l.llcra y Hall has neaily reached Ibe tup of the second stoty. Mr. H W. I) tiiiel has ue.rly complrtetl his new store and w ill move Into II In few weeks, Mr J. T Gooch Is building a huge warehouse in the rear of his siuiu for buggies and wagons, Weiilsoleain that a blacksiinili shop wi.l be erected on the sunn lot. Aaion l'rescolt, V,n,, la hauling lumber for a res. deuce ou his lot on Washington avenue, Capt. Exuin Lewis ha nearly completed bit r. si. 1, uce on Second street. (ioi.ps ireatlr rtdixtd iu pricu ran be fiuo. L. a. ia i in Ii 1 1 ' Tim F.litorofthls paper Is In no way t.! for 111'- VI. -WS iT .l.lt.'UI'UIS ofl.O Si'i'.ri it, Piisvm M.-i;i nielli! it that Ilie f.d lou ine spi eiii premiums ure olTered by tl.e Society lo be awarded at the next Fair to he held here in November, bcejiuihie; the lllth : For the ln'st cal co diess to be exhibited by mill; r. $10 01. For the best suit of hnli- s' underwear f 1.1.0(1. For the largest and most nierrltoilous exhl bill, ,n of household product, lor table l."-.i:0 Now is the lime to begin work on household products, siieh ns pickles, preserves, dried fruits, canned funis and vegetable. . . . Soi THKiix lloriii. Wti ror i. n call Hie ntten- Hon of the iravelllng public to this hotel. It is the only hotel in Halifax, but this docs not cause the proprietor, N. B. Dickens, Esq , lo take ndvnii'iige of the necessities of his guest', He is as polite mid atlcntivn and desirous te please us If there were two or tbreti other houses In conip-'litlon with him for the patron age of the puklle. Mr. Dickens will be redy to entertain any number during court next week and week ufter. Imimutxnt to ToiiAi't-o (iiiowitiis With a view tti aliling tobacco crowers, the Chief Sig nal Ollieer lias decided lo send 'o those sections where tobacco la raised, warniiiL's of expected frosts which mav llirciileti injury to Hie nop. 7'hese warnings will be telegraphed as eaily us possible before the occurrence of frost suit send to ad lelfirrapb stsMon iu Ibreateiird ills liict. 1'arHes Inlrreste. I may arrange among themselves for gelling tin si wnriilnc. 'l i e warnlnL's In-L'su Sept. 1st and will continue until a killing ft. .-I, An Hi iHiiii i lltn.i'ii M in AuiiKsmi foii SlTlltv. IU:i:f - (In Fiidiv last. Henri Moody came lo loan, oir. 'line bei( f,. sale, but In-, fore he bad fouu 1 a cns'oui.-r, he was nil'-stiil ou a eh irge of Ian . nv. It seiinslh.it be li ft Ibe beef on Hie olher sole of ilie river and pin tles wh i w.-re looking for him. found Hie bet f and look 1 1 ss. ssittu ..f il . TI,, y came lo Wcl don and hail him nirested. lie was turned I over to Mr W. II 11 oris, of (lartsblirir, who! look It ! in tu tint place and surrendered him lo the uiiilioriilis ,f tirecnvil'e, coiintv. Va , where the lh. fi was committed. The beef be longed to Mr. Henry '. Morse, of Greenville. It is salil to be the third beef he hud taken from Hie same in in. Moo.lv is a grey bairn! nan iiiul is, wc suppose, about sixty years of a,e. - - . . . I'nis inii.. -Mrs. J 7'. Gooch, returned home from the springs on Thursday last. MiSs F.ltnouia IHTtill, is visiting M isscs Sallie an 1 llcilic M .isoii of Nmth a, opt, or Mis Mamie Auilersnn, ,1. ul. liter of Ctpt. T. F. Anderson, left Monday to attend Central Institute, Littleton. Mi- Lizzie Campbell, b ft for Baltiuiore, on Monday last, to visit Miss Knlie Franklin. Dr. and Mrs A, It. ollieoll-r, lift Monday to alien, I the Riltimoiv lliiole, which bcuan yesleidav. They will also visit other cities be f ire their return. Tit. I i II Mill ..ri...,u 1 V...L- -.... i. i i t. i ' , ., , . . 1., ,, I and Capt. Day. Geu. Leach was not present. be Licliinond lue-ilay lu the interest of the Rui- , ,, , , 1 1 xiiKi: Nitiva. Messrs. C 7'. Lawrence and Jas. Cotton, of Sco'laiid Seek, pissnl Ihronh Tuesday for the northern cities to purchase their fall goods. N B .1 oiey, E. i , of Scotland Neck, was in ttiwn 7'ueslay. R II. Smith, Sr , ICq , of Scolland Neck, re tlli n.'d .mill-: from lb oiilitaiils Fi i.lav. Mr. mid Mrs 1 1, nn li.i of Kingwood, called lo see us on Wednesday. We were clad to have thcni come and hope, since they hale found Ihu way they will not foiget It. Lu riF.roN lri:js -Tho exercises at Ihu In stitute convened last .Vonday, wllh Indisputa ble evidence uf success. .Mr. Rho les has quite a number of hoaiders, in, I has inadu one ntldi Hon to tiie coi jts of teacher. 'I o met I the "gn ls" a Ihey walk down Ihu sl.ett shopping, make one iliiuk "of other iliys," when Nell and 1 would pas tiny notes iin.li ineiiili magnolia petals, and defy Ihc dear old one eyed pntf. lo catch US. tin " Orentns ,i sn.llv sweel. I,,.,,,, iik, lb-' -n 1 11 -ure s .lust mill UrM : ell ..f llie-e 1 isions 1.11 r. All Her ' Is a 1 1 1 - Ir if sliiiuinei-itie hail . " Chills si beriimlng somew bat plentiful this season, w Inch ine very iiiiconiiiuui generally. Summer t oaidcrs are now leaving and one ft els like Ihc occupant of a deserted hall. An other hop to be iu town Ibe l.'ith. We hear Ilie Italian baud of Raleigh will be iu attend ance. The Warren half i f our town are attending count Ihis week. You know our village is dutl. J4. i. Sept. 01 ll. 'SJ !li nss imi 0 IIihi r W viiiiKNruN -Tl e following we take fioin Hi-' ."u Jmirn.it : rile Republicans had a public speaking here last Saiiiitlay eieuing. Tue liist -pi-.tk. r wn the Hon. Orlando llubhs. He 1 11 1, .11-,1, 1 lo prove lb it he was the rightful iioinlueo. He said lhal be bad been Sheiill of t'rncn Coumy forelt-v.iijeaisandtb.it e could bung anything a-jaiiist bun m r, u.nd to the m uiage lllelil of Ibe t.lliec. Rut while J. K. ll'll.na w.ts Ch.i rin 111 of Ihe B iiiitl ot Commissi. .nci ill II. il:.". tx County, Hr.liH w smii nle way Willi. He Hied In ill luce the t.. hired peopV not to di tvv the c.t'or liu - an 1 to join hand in Intntl Willi Ibe l.ili. ials. Mr. Hubbs' spt cell was Well lls'elletl lo. I be next s e.lkrl' W.l lltl .1' oppoiit 11', Jain, s F. 1)11 11a. col. As Hubbs' speech w,.s uuistly hIioiii ll'll.na, so tl'llaia's iva- in, t-ltv about Hubbs. He allelupted lo show Hiat In- u.i the in. mine.-, but it w t ull in a 01. its 1 lie i,t-e o, li.- 11 lo holl.ttf bar nil for Until" s so loud while he w is speaking licit If W.ts l p-lletl lo slop. John II. II. Ilie ill, c ion-tl. of Ht'if.v. thei R.-putili an ii.imiueu for lle.'is'er of l. ed. ol Hi ,1 Co ion-, tit, next speaker, loll staie. ly bad he perched hiin- st II upon Ihe box Hlnl utbltesseil ttte I ihe 1 Ip ers for Hubn itgln coiuiueticetl anil the Ittllll 1 o-.'.t.i,(v) was li.t-i. lo tlisinollnt Hlnl have lie mighiv orillou, which be hid p.epare.l foi the occasion, for the contempla tion of bis own brains. Mi'Kristi or tiik Dkwiu iisis in NoTiisvir- Tiin Ctii Nrv At a Conveuii f the Keuio- cralic pirty of Norlh miploii C iuiny, held at Ibe foot-l boose In .1 ,,.4.,n ,,n lp. Ott. tt-,j ttf S. pt.itiiier IMS'.', Tims W. Mason, was elected I'll. .11111 ,11 an I ,1 S liiant and S. J. l alverl, Secretaries The following re.olulions were unanimously adopted : Resolvetl, That il u Ihe unanimous sense i f this Convoiil it'll thai it make 110 uomlnaiions cither lor the Hi uc al Assembly o-Couuly still, cer. RtMilved, That tins Convention fully cn llolns the pllliclplts ellllllcl.lled III Ilie . lllo crallc pl.1if.1rm as adopted by the Ctniieiillou usseniblctl iu Raleigh, on Ihu .Mil day of July ami Unit tvu will give our hearty su port 1,1 the nominations 111. nle by lint Ctiuvculioii. It' solved, ill.lt In fie opinion of tins Coi). fcutiou the nomination of a undulate for Con gress iu Hie 2nd Dlsliicl won d not promote the liileiest of Ihu Dunocratic party lu Noi Ih Carolina. The folluwliig compose Ihc County Kxccuilve Ctiiuiiillteo : R.ll), l'tiblc, S J. Cillvcrl, W. C. llowen, R. . Htunccll, T. W. Mason, J. ('. Jacobs and J. II. Kdwarda. On uiotinu tl.s Secrctarlc were rciiietcd lo send the proceeti. lugs of Ibis Convention to Ibe News and Ob server andlhe RiHNotiK News, with the rcpinl that they publish the tun.. 7'iick W. M t.vix, Ciairin n. i. '.nisi and s .1. Ciiirui, S civfaiics. Go To H.it.irw Trt'.siviv We have ea ne 1 f oin I a it. 1 VI..V us Cuke that h" will be nt HllifaX on 7'ues.liiy slid will aidless the peo ple m the issues of ha caiiipaun. (apt Cole i a line spe iker and will coni luce all who hrr him ilia' the Deiuocia'ic patty is the parly of iv oioiuv. Just es pud g n,, govcriimeut cene al'y We hope every voter i i ihc county will liiniotit to bear this d:sli..eulstiwtl sp.ukir an I titt ers who tuny be pn&ent. Huiacinb. r the tint-.', nest T'uca.luy the tilth Inst. Jkwkmiv, Ci,"i'KS ami a rcincs.-Mr. L. C, I G a ly, of Halifax Is slill prepar d to repair J-'Wi l.'V, watches, clocks Ac. at short notice. ' also keeps lliesf ami olher aitlclvs on hand for sale at low prices. Any thing not In stock j wi'l be ordered by blm If desired. Prisons : living at a distance III have an opporliiuliy i f inline; broken ar.icles to be uunidcd by some ona going to couit t ext week. Or If they le j n alteiidence themselves will have a good o - ! P"i lunity of examining for themselves, li t whole slock. Engagement and wedding ilnr.1 a sp ci.ilty. AnoiT AnvriiTisisu.-Half the luislnisa men visited by newspaper agents in I asked 'o advertisement consider Hie. uewspiper mm al sv Uiiiil uf Infliction of Providence, which, III e the itch, must lake a certain course befoia being cured. We wish lo coiivlnca nil such eironeoui Ihlukris Unit lliry sre wrong. The newspaper, Instead of being a suit of a vinhs lull f .tin the lower woibl Is a public nrrestlly. slid fur Ibe public good. 1 hev, Instead of dead beating Ihelr way In the woi hi, lite from in y hard earned, i ll 1 for which Ho y fr. - quciilly pay, 111 one way or anttibrr, Iwo hun dred ct-n's for a dollar. lliisiut ss n.cn h ive niade fottuiies, ItHve aiisen from poverty to opulent e, simply from the ben. lilt of I lie new a ti. across the way. Ibe no. icy news p per make Is handled by the m n who at i ,m 7.e with their liuslinss ailvritot no hi. We have fit tiit nlly bad nun lo tell us: "We never loin Use. ll is too much like ibiowing nway inoney ." Ou ul n-ning Hub bush ess we in va rial, ly see their molasses bsrrel I- k I e their ssgar lil led 111 dies, their scales ill iv tlivlr linger nails unclean. I iter.- pants patched, their customers few, and their success a fail ure. Tlicy ho bble along Iu tin) world slowly, and aie not the men who rise from poveity to riches and eminence. Show us a man who advertise cxte- sively and we will show you a man who has the qualities essential to busi ness. 1 lie advertisement placed in papers aie likt lb, kindhi artetliie-s of youth, beailug f, mt at llrst ami reaebiiu iulo Ibe year when age comes on apace. 7'hen never tell o thai advertising does not pay. Drones and Ignora muses eniy advocate such views. Liuiuiu. Si'KihiMt ar Halifax. -Posters distributed promiscuously around last week, animuneed that G. n. .1 M. Leach, lion. Chas. Price, W. II. Day, Ksq., and olher Liberals would addicss the pie of llafax on 7'ues- day. 1 he day arrived and so did Mr. Price t,h ,.i,,.u.t t, mn B.iiu tt., uustuuss m eonri. At 2 o'clock a sin. ill crow 1 assembled in the Cum I House. 1 her a were not more than one him, Ire.l and Hvouly live prcsciil, nearly half of whom weie Democrat diart u there by cuii osity If coin I bud been lu session there would not have been a siilll noil number uf l.ibuul in Hie housu lo compose a Jury. Capt. Diy caiii.t forward aid Introduced Cunt. Price as a man who had llu luai hnotl to say to Ihc Bourbon Democrat Ihatlbeir wron, were not right, llu appealed to no limit s prejudices or passions, but lo their leas.u and judgment by t tie fiui:s he will oil r. Capt. Pi ice arose. lie was uc tuated, he salil, by an earnest dcslru for the welfare ul the pen pie of Noith Carolina, aud salil lliero was no foundation for the uewsp ipor report that he had conversed Willi the President icganliiig politics. He was lu Wasi'iiigiou on business and was consulted about the appointment uf Dr. Mo t and thai was all. The o'.J ct of the Liberal movement was to cany out pi, muses made by the Democrats which liny hail not p.-i for d. The Deino- crais complained that Republicans did not gnu Southern tnen ollice and yet when Urn Demo crats got into power they did no belter, mid the Democrats asked to be supported ou this account si ii ply. He charged the Dmn. trials with filling lo repeal the tea, oath, itnu not re riiuilnig thu Illegil eolloii tux. But he did hot tell the people tlie Republican cliacttd these latis. The D 'uioeral were also made icspon-i-blc for the fealiires of Ihu Revcuiio law per nillliiig nit ii lo benricsled wiihoui warrant and allow lug poor nn u s si Ills to be broken hp. Vet he did not ssy In- was oriiosid to lln-se law. He said he li.nl iiolliing In do w ilh Ihe Re publicans. If tin)- chose to endorse the Lihetal party and ns platform it was their business ii 1 not In., llithuileliiotsiyih.it lie was doing i vetything in his power to put the Re put, I eat s iu power, whnh is 1 1 ii". flic was a d-seittr, the Dciuocralj who I o ii ma It ,1 f .iceley were dtscitcis; Miriimoii was a tics il,-,. ,lu e K,tiin. Judne Dillitr.l i and JlllUe Shlpp weie li s Ttels. Yet he did ' II it slate lll.lt 1 lit -1 g lit It'il.i-n never lefl llleir paiiy and eul out tn th,- iu uiv. He did not slate lb tl Hie- u" n I. ineii ,em.iluet in t ciipiiuaiid woikttl igalitst the Republi- t calls lit; s.tl I lie 'a hoealetl lue i ny j.,. - cruiin nt sit. in ami ,u,tior;, , it that u ini.h t betiltl. 1 1 lias I Ii i ,1 and uov ,1 .1 fail ure." It look him foin yens lo llnd ll on'. If it Is a f tilui'e now. It wa. three years ago and Cipl. I'l Ice n. ver once raised his voice against II so l.tr a wo kno v. It iipp.uis a liltle stiaiti. He aitacketl Ihe 11 uiocratic plttfoiin snd call tl it a lues,. I He said prohibition was nili mplcd by the lleuiottasl ler to get lid of the Rtvenne I lat.it Ini-a.ise they li.tsl uu eiher way In aceon, j phsh lht i.l.J it. lie sailed ll roibeiy, l.,r , gelling that a majority of votes givt u again ( Hut nn a, ire wcru cast by Du, uncials. lie also sp. ke about tinea niiuiitcs concer lu a free hahiit ;ind s fair fount, but for sou e reason did not dwell on that iilt j-rl. He nut tiirued his a tu. itiou to etliic.tlioii which ia al ways a good sanjtct in dwell on lu pub ic met tiiusau I when tbt.rt potior lefl was sti I Hying to prove Hut the lb uiocra had rsta -lulled mi ii iiool fund sir built no Noutntl School houses and had not icdin t d thu sys tem to heller order than It ever was lu this Stale til-fore, How he succeei dcd we do not know b.cuii-c wu had to st.it h our Irani which was then due. Wc am so ry Hi at wc could not icmalu In hear all Ihe speech. On- conclusion was Hut not one Liberal vole was gained In Halifax by the speech. 1 hose Republicans who hen, I it receivtd it very coldly except when sou e anecdote caused 111, ill to applaud, especial j win n directed at Ihe I) iliocrncy. We predict lhal the Liberal vole in this county will not eicued llfiy mid unless thu cut rent changes l.efirts Non-mbcr there mav be uono. Capt. Fre spoke at Rlngwood yes terday. 1 n.t. your neighbor Hiat lie can have Hie R, us, ikk Nana fium now until after the vlcs llon for 50 cent. Bt- Tim Uovnoke .Vrw. duilng the campaign f t its. ADVKRTHKMKNTS. Ho Whiskey I Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W.Ricf, editor ol the American t Itristian A7 viexv, says of Drowns Iron liitters: Cm., O., Nov. id. iSSt. (icnts : I he foolish wast inj; of vital force in luisincss, plc.isiiic. and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; ami if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for tsinjiorar)' rccujvciation. Brown's Ikon Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and lcrmanent relief. mar I ly X oriCK UF KlilUsl'llATlnN. Otrier or tiif Hoiim of commi SloNMIsoF II.MIFaX I'OI'STV, Scpl. till, Issj. II Is ordered by the Hoard thai ll new lli-i-isl ru tlul! of the Voters for tin etiiinly of Halifax, le held brieve 111- election In be hoi. I .01 Ibe lib tlsv I of Not Iter nest iin.l ll.ut ,,.,-1.... ..r 11.. bo posted in each township of tin county and be pul'l she.l in in,. It.onukr New, and common wealth iwiiicw-pip.r published 111 the county ot lliilltnv. fol- tbirt.t ilnys. It, J. LEWIS, flerk. sep 7 It X i) T I 1: 1;. I'n.lcr mi l by virtue of a judgment of ihe Su perior Court for the County of llullfiiv, obtained In a suit for pui'ition between the heirs of Jiinies linrneti, I 11 ill sell at the Court House door iu the tiiMiml' llalllnn nil Moiiilny the snd day of October les;, at aiiclloii to Ihc hi best bidder that I rai l 1. f land nf which the sititl Jniuea llurnelt dl-il M'iretl Htol posM'ssed. si uaied 1 11 1 1 e l',,u il ly of lis ifnv on the 11,. rib bank of Kithlng Cret it aud bo tin led by the hinds of I h, ,111.1s w. ,', hol sou, uruliiini Moore and others, continuing nbo 111 lourleeil bun tiled and ll, III). lite acres, and kiiowna, lb Millbrooln prot-rt.v. I pou tlm ian.l I-said lo be two ol ihe finest Wa it Powers In tire 1 art of t c country. For full in orinstloa apply lo .Vnj. William Unmet , K itield, S. I'. TERMS OF SALEt line h r.l c.sb, ope Ihiril 111 1 velve months nnd one third lu tiveuiy.four mouth with iuterct from tlaj nf sn e, ut rate i f ele. p,.r 1 out. i,t n ,1111111 until paid. s,.,u ed by timid wllh ap proved ae.-iir.ty ami tin- I i le r. tai I until fu I pay inenl of uirchac money , sI'IMI Wllll'AkHll.t ..ininlssi.tiier A 11 sit - H lssj. nut .11 Ida II K A H T. 1. 1 N A I' A T f I HAND ATTACHMENT Made for all sewing mat bines, mid sold by all S. w ing Machine Atjeuls nnd lieilVr. is a neat, velilenl I. tile Atlilt bnient Hint ull lie used or ii it. It Is no in, ire trouble to put n on or oft timti lo tin the sunn. 1 1. nig with a Itt-nniier. Tbei pe nt. i t an n-c with one band while at Is'iuliiig to Ibe work w ilb Ibe olher, ttr any cr st.it nn use ii.uiviiik the opt ralor less ll,r sod bellrr , ppoiliiun v l, i can for Ibe work. No skill is r- tpit ail, nny eh 1 1.1 cull me il with ease. II I sin ill and ; It t . ran cr.sily be sent by (tin:!. 1'iin i: . . wiin io i (t.r. i uh aid . . !:.o nranulnrturod lly I lie CNITIRSAL ATTACHMENT COMPART, lllt'liiKI.YN, s. Y. aug ill Im X ulll E ill CON I RAClUliS. rroosali will be n eeiv. tl until Hie fust M ut tiny in Oct next lor lite eieeli, n of a huild hi; nt lb t'.Htr II e l .-r specitlt atiou apply lo any iiis iiiIk r of Ihe II. aid ol I t iinty I . iiuul sl,. iters. K.J. MAVIS. I 1,-rlt. Sept. till lssj. rp j 4 X (J T 1 V K EXECUTOR'S LAND SALE. lly vlrltis of an order of Norih.iinp'mi superior s ot.rt ami nl ihe A'llliorilv vesie t ,i in. a Kv I'veeiitoriif i.,vKr W. llwelts, ilecensril. I as siieh Kvecnlttr, will on Uomluy the ltb dy ot Sept. iiiIht li being Ihu Isl Monday of llalifav Superior t'tiiiil, sell at pulilic auction at its -llo t oiirl House In liahiai l.twii. the followiliK vallllble properly biloiinlnit to Ihe elle of my lo tator, and situate in Halifax couuly, to wit I. Tht "Hpp.'s" ti.vt, eoiitalnliiir about 47,i aero, lying mi ijnaiikev cri'ck ami adjoining ihe town of Halifax. Ta liu i lr.nl a, i ofwhieh have been all, , lie. 1 1 1 the widow for dower, and Will be sold subject IO dower. S. Tl i'tiiitoii " or " Poor lloiie" tract, con- tnliiliiK nl. , ut nt acres, lylin ou Huankey Creek and adjoining the bind nf lliillinx county, set apart for a Poor lloii. There I very little or no cleared Inn, I en this tract. .1. The following lnlifax town property, iillof which las. ild subject to the w blow ', dower, to v It : Tbs store ami dwelling occupied by the testator nl the Hunt of lu death, and Hie dwelling now net iipled by ii W. t o., per. together wllh Hie lots ait .elicit I.i sai.1 daelliiis and store. So much of till pioinTly as will be allotted to mu-ibeth 11. Dwells lor a liouiest.j, will net be sold. Teiin:-iine tlnrd cash, lialunce in , snd twelve lllnnlbsflctlll, evlilelleetl by tioll.ls well ine I. ami lule n bulled until pa inenl of ali list pilicbase ilinlie). JN't). T. tiltFunitY. Kvecntor of (i. W lutein , ., , Halifax, N. I'., An;, llth. 111. Mu'l o f, , Mt. i ADVERTISEMENTS. X r R A 1 II U I, I )' I f TURNIP SEED. I hav now for sale eight l.tuhrla i f the Ix-rt e'r prolitle turnip .i'e.1 lever s, ihfj tat I the w mier, fi n-iing ibe irrotiua foe lew dnv do. 1 not affect the turnip til nil; UfY keep perf. ellr ;oo,l in ihe ll-lii inilll the Issl of Man-Is llrill or s., them In the unisl wity in vt.nr richest null any tune from lit, 1Mb of .vii ru-t to the H'h ..' septeinlier niol you will k.ve elearaM til-ulp all ihc winter and a line crop of salad Ibma?! the em Ire ii lne. Tnls I. the only to- rvtp thai 1 know of Hint eomti ntn Hieae three tanjallU- A WIN TICK TUKNIP. x etHul s-atiiiif Turalp for man anil foi b a' audi a Hue al nl. Price : .Viceni per iiouiiilor.Teeut rterorsne. Will ship t1 cm lo any a.btrsts In the Linn I sui s. I'arii.: can cue Iihm' me Mtuge tnmiia by nn; in pay l .r them, bin lb- pun e . rd.t lo will have It pay theevpeav rot trrulir them, f will sen, I He on i,y me miMt caiMNliilsMM rtiuu.. I will make liberal di-connls ur Merchanta anil Seed l'alec.. Address R f. Nl'IKRH. Webton.lf. C. r. S.-I'erwtn oM.rnti i lis, or mora the aecdl w III Its sent freight free. July to 1m. use Kurt SAi.r. One Farlipseenjrliir f'J horse jxiwer In (oott ir,icr. (m Rookwalter engine, H bonr power. Ilotb In iiiv.nl repair and aniuble for mixlr cotton and other work of that kind. Aprly l' W. T. Mi'MARKS. nr Knauokti New uOIea. July 1.1 If 1 A It Y s B F H ri MALI. A I' A D IH T. OARYtBDRO, NOHTHAMITON CO. V. C. y si. t i. i i r.u. a. m. I'aiM iru. ll. KCTTKK. A. M. Kail session begin .'ml Moinliy lu 5 pie rub r ISt- IM-atiou healltifill and moral. Cool ol It, aid and Tuition er 'on, fi. W I" T1. For I'lrli.-lll.irs, a.Mre.-s Ihe prllie.. pa's, nil.' .'I tin W. H. 13110 WN TIIK I.EADKR Or LOW PRICES! I have just received in Fall Ami Winttr Stick. Which I luller'liaiieverbelorr. Sperlalatrrrs. Hon lo B30TS AND SHOES. I k".'t a full Hue of ..-Ikl'T I. are and Itutton ah,H for l.adle Ihnreslno lr-e afttek ..f BAHKKIl'M HHA.M.IAN SllnK mtKSMl.NU Full I.A III KH AN II I'll I I.llHK.N. My Stock.'! DRY UOODf NOTION .. J I-'. W li I. It T. e., I eoinplefe. Also a c.uiii.letr line of Pre! o.iil. Worsteil. Cii.slnit r-. Mim Tritnmlnas. Kriiore. Hint, , its. ror.s. is Host ami Half Hose for I. a, lies and (. oils, a'l C II !! A r FOR CASH. fall and examine my stock tteforr purchasing elsewhere. I'orner Kust SI , ami Wnslilnrton Avenue. nov 11 Ir. HIT om reirr At farafitatla Ml,i,u a,ar''aa.als fnniim aa'.le - fJ JA . ( rcrld. Knr l'att,,hlali and Pure bi.. lal, le. H Mil l.,, ..1,1,',,, TUk AlLTUAN 4, f.V Lull CO M...S.Id. ukta. aug 10 'Jin K W ii o 0 l 8. A. M. ix(;k. KI'KlelO AND Sl'IIJIKR UOODS. .fust reiviict and constantly arris lug, ire a'ttttlsot psery description. W t invite jmir alien Hon tooui- new stock ot 1 1 1; v i.ooiisi, NnTIUNS, IID.slKKY, 111 HITS, BllnKS, HATS, liitm r.rtir.s, CROCK KftY, (i I. A Si WAftR TIN WARE. Toiurco, cm a us, Af., kr. LOW FOR CASH. .V r 7 A' K I f A R I I l.D I N 0. .. V INCH ' t ' 'y Me m. S. C. 0 T I C E. In piiriiuec of a iliserr of ilir cireiilt Co ir of the fluted states rendered In the case ntltlrd I. N. Lynch, Triisieeof the i'-lau of M. Ke-rails R I". tspl.T., I shall on the .1r.l Monday of trf-ti-mWr last sell for rah to Ihr hliihest bidder st ptiblle aueilon at the Court Hon In llalliaa, the land tt.cil'ie.t In the plratlnus na follows v. trai l of Ininl te..ii(inT to M. Frrrall derrased, timed In lliee.uiniy nf Halifax, atsmt one luilw foil lh t.iwn of W.-ldon. adjoliiinu the lands. if Win. II ronton, Heiijamln lias and other, ron ta ii ii by I'si'.tnattoii onr hnndr-'d and nl ieie n acres ami lii the s..ssion ol the t1"fe i.tnnt R, I' spt.-r. In order to pay ihe slebl for whieu the Nlllle SfCUrttV. JuIlN QATUNU.Couiinlsaiouer. auf 10 4a July SI RANDOLPH MACON COT, L K G E. ' ASHLAND, VA. (KOl'NDKD 1139 ) Ti e Korty ciKhili Srssion will bex n Sept.- in ner Jlt, wllh a full faculty. Cotirse of lntriic Hon embrsees thw followinir schools: Latin, (Irerk, Kngllsh, Modem Languages, Vura Math ainatle.., Applied Matheinatlca, Natural Selene, Clirmistrv. Iltbllcal Literature and Theoluary. Iletiree eonfi'rred : llaehelor uf Sclensie,lU. be lor of I'lillosopliy, Uachelor nl Art and Mattter of ArtJ. Location a'.v sll.le, pleasant ami h-altby ripens" tnotlorate. tor I'alal.taue, full ptsrlleular, adttre am 17 tt W. W. B K N S KTT. P-s st. ' y Oil 8 A I, K OR It K T . Twn stores on First sti-t, sultablo for any kind ot busliira. ' TERMS EAST. Pu.scsslon jrlven lininedlalcly, At, ply lo i li. I l l.I.OM, Wc'don, X . 0. an j ill m. 5'STit "5i')li l"'r ''"' ' "'anillea ' , i W wotih -. fi, c. Amir. .. .,i. o .1 'i . Poill ind, Maine.

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