I" HE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W K B Iv L Y N K W8FA 1' V. It , IMMH.l.XH K!) li Y HALL & SLEDGE. THE ROANOKE NEWS Ai.VKKTI.NJNG RATES. nn 7, I. 1 , Mi eil'AC'K M iis a O I Ml. i ,Siii,il o, ,1 Oil H 110 Two S iinrts. o ml It) on Three-Siiiisi, Is (HI l.S mi four Square), 10 1)11 i lis 00 14 00 M 00 30 00 a iso 4b 00 f.0 (10 20 CO .'in no 40 00 ss'i 00 . 0 00 M 00 75 00 One ear. Ill advance, Sis. Months, Three Months, VOL. XI. 2 mi 1 Iai 55 eta Y EL DON, N. (I, Til III vS DA Y, 0(nX)P)KI? H. 188'i I onrtli Corn, 10 00 j 'JO 00 llali i:liiinii, 20 Oo 1 80 00 W lii.l.-1 '. ! n in it. Om; Year, S EWS. NO. 88. ADVERTISEMENTS DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Artlrle fur Universal Family l ac. Fur Scarlet nnd I Typhoid r ce ri, Dlihthorla, Sail. I vatlon, Ulcerated ISorcTlirnnt.Small I'oit Measles, auil allCantnglousDIscnaeii. Pencils uaiiiniun ihc Sitk should use il freely Scailn FevtrTias never been known to spread where ihr Hind was n.td Yellow Kever has been cured w-uh n after black vomit had taken i(a,0. ihc worst cases of Diphlhsitji yielj to it Fi'VcredandSlckPcr. . SMALL-POX una refreshed and and lied Sores prevent- j PITTING of Small I'd by bathing with rol rRpVEJitED Oarbys Fluid. " Impure Air made ' .. "i'-nibcrofmyfam-harmless and purified, j '' token with t or Sore Throat it is a 2P?''-P"- I used the sure cure. j r lulcl l"C patient was t'ontaglon destroyed j not llinou, was not 'or Fronted Foot, ! l""fd, and was about Chilblains, PI leu, house ain in three (haflngs, etc. !, , -"lJ " t,lllcrs KhrnmHtbim cured , nad " r J w Pima- Hoft White Complex. ' '"son, i'liilacli-lphi; Ions secured by its use Mlin Fever prevented To purify the Ilreath, 9 Dirlitliari'l Cleanse the Teeth, i -alHlWia lalarr relieved a.-.J B FreVCntliU. lurcu. Erysipelas cured liisentery cu.ed. , ;'. 1 '"d, 'X An AntldoteforAnin,.,! ftS",,, ,r Vegetable Pots-Jits. l-reensboro, Ala Siings, etc. 1 Wlrr Jticd up. 1 i.scd the Fluid during ' Imlrru prevented ii present affliction wiifi ll-Lia piir.ticd -nd .c.rlet Fever with dc-; .;-.. L.1 Ld advantage It is I asin. uf Death it . l.ipcns.-iblc to the sick- h?ul he used about Ki.-m. Wm F. Sanu- crpsc it will i oiid, Eyrie, Ah. j pr,v.-m any unplcas- Tlu eminent riiv. , lork, says. "1 am CUrSa. I convinced Prof. Onrbys rn.pnyiaaic nuiU IS a valuable disinfectant." I onderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. 1 testify to the most excellent qualities of I'rof Parbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically supenor to any preparation with which 1 am ac-quaratcd.-N. I Luiton, Prof Chemistry Darbya Fluid Is licooniuientlcd by Hon. Aluxandw! H. Stephens, of Georcia Kev. Chm. F. Deems, D.U., Church of the btrangers, N V ; Ins. LtCoNTB, Columbia Prof , Unlvcrsity.S.C. Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mercer University Kev. Geo. F. Planes, liishop M E. Church INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY IIOMK. Perfectly harmless. Used innmally or The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has doneevcrylhing here claimed. For fuller information Bet of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors. J. n. ZEtXIN A CO., nUnufactiiring Chemists, PHILADELPHIA fob 61 yl . ? , " "7 ""an or lieast. 'pA P P K V Si S T E,E I., 3! MANl'FACTURFRS OF t'liyinen, Tobwo, Jlay ami Cvtton '.'., S AW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL H0 . l'lawt, Iron oinl nra"s('!itiwr. Hep lit ly lVlei shur '' My porctliln-llned Pumpi aro manufactured under llceme,ind buyers aroguarantted Igllost any and all claims from the Company holding the patent. lion't fail to makt a not of Carefully mide of Belt Selected Timber. The BLATCHLEV PUMPS are for Jilo by the bait houiei In the trade, Name of my nearest agent will bo furniihtJ on application to C. B. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 MARKET ST.; PHIUOELPHIA, P. apr 87 em l ..u -l. - a.- Jt-uu B KOKN t C .V K R A W A V. II 1 1. IF N. DEALERS IN PRfflS, MEPiCINF.9. riIKMIC.I.S Palntu, Olln, Varnlslion, Pye-stuffn, Pino Toilet Roaps, Fancy Ilalr and Tooth nmnhea, Per fumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trim- era and Shoulder Bracea, Letter riper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, olass, rut ty, rartiott Oil. Lamps, chim neys. Phylclatis's Prescriptions accurately com pounded. l.itiPRETiis' Cr.i.rjiitTEn(lAitnri Snrns. i MALAEIA. 1 - I 5 Improvement! We nirehiisetliene needs dlrccl. Iiotn Ihe Ht tensive Heed Farms of the Messrs. I.andretli, lid they should mil lie classed with the seeds lton Coinmlsalou throiiirhout the country. Use" Landretlis' Heeds, nnd a stood Vegetable (larden le limired. eat ? ly A BROKEN HEART. 1 tbuiilit 1 0vcd him-iiovv I know It waj but fancy ; 'tis not so ; He who could fling a heart away, Having won II to paw an ,dlc din I worthy not 01 Ibcught oralbl Another may mourn Inui- alts ! not I 1 thoUKht I lovud him -vokesjUw. Sweet music to rue , a t.t,te below Of Ihe Henven reaehed by (food scodsown C'hnrnied me. niul tuy heart Was nil hi-- own I'nlil t . me no day so drcat AS Unit vt)i. It failed to l,rit:S lam ), aa 1 IboUKht I loved bun in Hie eulm. . K u nlcl.t To be l y I Is ,ide uiy only del,,;!,! . His winds 1 treasured) a, Wom, t r in ).,.. TellntK a woiidrsin t:i:o ot benmy mid I .u . Hi Inn.. I in mine, H moment ,,f A wetllth of devni.on teule,l u illi n k, . 1 tllOll III 1 h.Ved Ililll.-llHs' nwnl eli. em hie. dcerled M-nUeli . tint ,.1'my in... ,e love. ti,,. Hcht. M hi)S u dretir.., emlluos night : I'll! for ihe eace f.-iiud under 11. c -.1 I'cU' :tu luun. lest will, tied A FUNNY BRIDAL. HV .MiN.MK MOl N 1 ..'AS H I-.. Kui.Hhtii-bud been duly ,i ,i,,,cily m raided , ,i our wcddii.. Ihe tii-aReuient of Mis .Nell Harlley in Mr. lierliatn l.itngk v lind '"'cn duly iiiiuouuiid In thcfasliiun columns of u Icudiiiesi, lit y journal, u, nle vvf.Klinu iln liinl ii lived 1 mil llci Irani l.an.-li i-ri.ninioiily railed B.it-aml while I eonfe-s to I.e most Situ-erely nd cniirclv in loio with niy , 1 1 H- Nell. 1 inut n.ld 1 had burn unite .nosed .ihoiil our nun -il ife. Ilil at ilu ici'si.iteni-ij with ivhieli fhe lnisled np ui a criiiid weddim;. I hale liiSMinil paiade, nml have an old tunu n ni .n tt .u a tminiii-e ri-licnisiil cMililv and cveiiin.illy Hilemuizi'd lie ore a crowd of i;o-sIl'iliL-. u liini; .e,iile, is roblied of nil I s av.'i-cl pttiily. Then, lo.i, the u-u ...s1 , t Ihe whole tiuincs9 is a nuisance Kjim-u the tiij word, but iny feclinifj an: trotu on Unit point. What on earlh a woi.i.m wants of clotlies enoimh to la,t tiio veins, nnj weaue more limn she ciiii ever hopu l.i use, I neur could sec. iinlefs, imlced, slit enti'il.iins a horrible siiiiou Ihul Hie new linn may ictiiH' to (ur nMi n fresh supply It's oil titlit, 1 suppose, sin, i-ihey nil doit, (no 8luno intended,) but it was n Irvine; lime for me, 1 tan lell you. I could n-aicely I'd a Klimspe of Nell, ehe Was so busy will, di' ss rankers, milliners, etc : nnd when 1 did u'e her she was in ui li u iittllnii; hurry to be oil to keep an appointment with so ue woikwotnnn or oilier, Hint I actually grew tt juie savage. For a iiionlh befoie we were to be married, I believe 1 never entered the house once but Kle, Nell's eistcr, iuslie.1 iulo Hie loom with an : "Eiiuse me, Huit, l,ut Nell is wuutcd a mo metit " Or, "Don't look cross, Beit, but Nellie must lee Mme. Tins or lust,' till I lost all patience. Theie was another I'lUisc of aniioiante, too Nell's father was a rich man, utul us able us lie wae willine, to fuiliish his daughter with us much linery ns she iintlit disiie, while I, on the ooiitiiity, was a limn ith l,is way lo slill make in the world. line, 1 had a fair Income uud fail prospects, lul I could not hope to give Nell us limiiiout a home or us elaborate a waidiobe as bcr papa prouded, at least, not for some years, but I could afford to support a wile, and 1 lovcj Nell Willi all my heart When 1 asked Mr liailei s coiimoiI to our marrioKe, lie was al lirst jut a 1 1 1 Liu inelined lo II nd fault with my linoi.riul condition. An Oldii man, Willi a well eecuied furlune, would have euiled liim heller, lie had a nms un wliolisoine dread of foiluiie-hunlei s, and n.n went so far ns lo have a mild sutpiuon Hod I miehl he Just n bit iiilcredcd III that way lint all that w ore oil in lime, nnd we weic "n the best of lei 111 -t I only UK'tiii'in lb. to ho.s a Mn-p.c n on, e en I 1 1. .ino I will i el inn -oi tl.e f iii,. . in Vital! oil, Utl I In. I ilidi.,ll l.lh oil t.olo al ..II. fol lln- time i Mil" s lu-ll l III. lie, led only Cllii llallied ih. Ill (Hl Mil. 11'. hi, I .'11.1'l.y hll.'-.dlhls loll ll.oliel.l I, I, I.. Icall. and irre.i ililli lei oil' in lh.il vital .ijau lovi.u.l me Bciiiaiii l.annlel --a oil;... ei;l ., in... as iv.-r Slepp d I lie da) beionthe ..i.e lik.il I ii our inn ruc , Nc'n and 1 had .on lii-t nil i called to liifoiin her of the siiialh 'l pos.ible hitch In III'.' church iniehlinri III" i.-ulir sevlon wi.s uhlit. d lo leave town, toil h . l secure. I llie services uf lua I rolher, . i v. ry .lent an l llupi l iiian, a it tinned out." Possibly she iiiiuhl have some iii)tiuell..iis to L'ive him. I walled full kalf an Imiii' In lint recption roism, coollni! my heels and wariiiinit my wrath, before Nell rnshed in "What il il, Dirt'" ehe asked bic.thli ssl) '. "I am awful busy." A spark la cnoimli to iu'niln a whole city II it only falls upon liichly Inllainnble initerl.il, and a word ia quite enough to raise a furious temper In a man who le arhii.i; lo get mad; io 1 answered null)' "If you arc in nidi a liiiiry. it Is no matter what 1 writhed to say." .Veil epenci hcrbrotra eju !u s-ui i-ic. "I've pot to icleel aome hire," she i claimed, "and Kate can't wall " "Neltliercon I," 1 retorted shoilly, pnlliiig on my gloves. 2'hcn after a moment, I added: Toil think a great deal of furbelows, don't you " "Indeed, I do." "I am afraid yon will have to do with vaellv less when you lire nuriicd." Nell tossed hrr head aaticllv. "All the more reason I should he allowed lo enjey those pa" Kir," m'-" That ahot went home. I tit my li, bnt managed to keep cool tmul.le, ihi.uu'h in waidly I waa boiling. "It i not to late too beat a retri al," 1 said oolly. "If you repent you' bargain, there l time to escape." "Nell'a eye grew big with honor at the idea. "Indeed, 11 la entirely too late!" shu cried out. "Why, everybody knowa it All our act have cards-l should die of morlilics tlon to put it olT now. W e musl go on, any way; I have no fancy for being a l.nieliit x stock for every one." "Heller bo laughed at a week than mis. ruble for a lifetime," I retorted. Nell oneiir.l her Una lo answer, bill Just at that moment Kate put her head hi at Ihe door. "Hell ! Nell ! Encase me, Uort-" I aUycd to bear no more, but turned on ray heel nnd s'.rode away. No sooi.cr liaJ 1 reached in) hotil when 1 . heartily a-batn.-.l of myself; and when Tom, my cider mother audonly living relative, rushed in anil told me Hint lie had left his wife III al home, so tuir. ions was he to see me married, the las! bit of crossness .lep irled. and a -rear wave of ten derness stole over my heart for Ihe blown cv.,1 girl whom 1 knew loved me far h Her than the elegance of her father's home . !he co-tly trill -s he could give her. Tom was ill at ease nnd woiiie l, ntnl I krow nothing but my msriiage 'i fiin--r.il could have indlle.-d him to leave home wlcn I e'.tle w is ill Ni'vt liionih, 1 Mil N -lllc f.a a iii.mii. nt only, bnt the i.i.s I -re.cd ..o liei .loir lillb iiioin h w ,i a silent plea for pud"", and a p :. ("i- hotter icir I id! over iii temper ll.'Xt tune I'.U'iiifio i auie - Ihe ( bin. h v as jM. Led and 1, foeliiio in.Ht iiti.'oiniiionli ..till' and nwkwaid in a p.iii ne.v 'iiit uiol sp.cki - ? i . , w.. w.oliite in the vestn Nellie was to cnlcr i'M her f.ithu's aim. (ol ioc. cdby l:cr In id 'Miiaids and groomsmen -- mv in iiuinbei - while I was lo enter ill the iiicl, ,.f lime from h" veti,the u.ini'lci from his study, and nice lo foie II. ' allai. Il wa all vciy puilv, tut 1 almo-i l.n. w I fleiU'.l make a mos- of il :'.!'. I I ill I, villi I icngcirce 1 had rc.le-te. lo be allow I l.i I-' .l..!. so as lo keep iny p it t in mind, .m I i , the cime reason went en ii lo the cluiiiii. ri l.i be stan d at and mnlii-ed, .a ilii- -h.oi ,il .;i was toil one bit lo iny iiiii:,l. lust at the I a-t l'.-' in n To:u , aire m.,itio in, followed by Ihe r-gular s-.-m.-h. ' l ie C 'l J t. o-r.im fi.iui Lettlo." sii.l l oin. Ins oice ,(lli clir.o. "She is .v-m-o. .it-.. I I musl st.ut a! our... .In-I time li j.u--h the train Hood I ., o I boy : l io I Mo., yoii ! "I'm i;oin lo i, ju.l con.' to wi.h ion v. Mr. li 'it," said the s. to, who had known me since 1 wa; a lad. "Sot;y I e.ih'l S"i: you mar lied. My loul's til.' same as your broth' r's .o I II l'o w illi lii ;ii " and nil ibey I" ih hiiiii d. the door shtiKing with a sirup click le 'hind Hi. on. I he lime fur Hi- niiiy.il of ihe w.-ddin p.uly drew ileal; I iidrnnced lo Ihe door thai opened Into the cliureli. ile.n;uiio to open it and peep through. It resisted tnv cll.ul .. i slrui'i'leil Willi il sharply, no u-c; the d 'or wa 1 .cke.l M llttcriut: a curse on the stupililv of the sevlon, I strode lo the . uter door. In shut ting the dom it, loo, had be. Mine h.rkeil, and was as f ist as fnte. l.rnnl drops of perspiration .tood oul on my forcliiud. Il hal was loin- done' 1 a-lo d myself Ihe ipiestioii, and ui.'i'i'.'il tnv ( ice 'vii'u mi iiliiliacuhite li.iiidl.cn ii, of, but fail. . I lo hud llie unswi'i. l'lien 1 Hew ba.-k lo the ii.it r dooi uii.l lit tened IhiliMoin v.ns piaune; iraiv, and :l silbilued bush told me that Nellie was enter l.igon her father's aim, and here I w as st.u.,1 ing like a caced rat. till ' how 1 tic .1 lo opill II. al 1 "O Mv gloves Split, and the pel ;'pii at ion lan in lileis down 111) f.Cf It. .1 dloppcd oil' tl.e elnl of nil nos. . bill not one i:;.'h coil. I I I. il. Ice il I halo w b l.-.l -i how .houl.l I h iv, looked li I h id su, c. c b-.l in l.ni -lin ; open h" iloor nnd b. i n -iiil'l 'iily i. - ct. d I' lmv the , il, ' i . i- , o , witii limp coll ir, t 'tii t l ives and ilist. inl.-d i s i's iciu i.i;i il.- now, but I can assure vol I siw no fun in it lio n I hied the .1 Ilil -.mv 'Iv II ' hop- i ,' in lined in Unit direction ' Ir ii I 11 -w a;' tin to t hit do. .I . and p'ilndcd, nilci'ti .hon't.l, 1 lit lo no 'iirpo.e I'tlcilv hopeless. I o tin .1 t II:- !. i dooi one ni ne. Ai. wa" . i . til . Mi oil 1 1 thunder up'in lis at, Is and p: o.-l u.-.i an j m . Ctice utul .l' lli'.lnd lo ! "b 1 nut ' " 0" Iv likes 1.1 lo 'k l.I.e a ( .', li l.c . 'li I. h ,1 o I I III il. lied I I'lanrt .1 al Mllel 1 he ' I.w. coi:,h: i;i -. - In h ol 1 ii "i il, u.lii ..; li. in ' I i '..i l il L'usl la ii i:i i - i; ,. :i I llo- i'". n tlliehl I'.' ). i , , , alol 0 ,1 I : I . '. ..w I, w o , sliii N II e. ol, I i. ' :i:o rlv pi: t '', . ,: . , ' III. II. I l it o I ...... I o'. I 111. .! '. . . . I r. i li. i. o, i -, ., .. . . i . mi. i ... a. - ' .. i. ., i. Ill Ma ... ,;-.- ,. 1 1, -a ". I pi low I Olil t'Ul I, i l l.o O I W ill, . coi I Ih al, i I in u :a . I -1 1 it nilt Hi i.i. ia ...i b " I the w iiolo.v I - . o ' ' ' 1 1 1 k i ii if lie lua in. in I .1 II" oil III I " I.- I ii'auni 1 1..- -li o , .oi oi ! li. ..i ; Is. I I. Ill ill) I ll 1 1 ' 1. ; . I . - ' I H i- it lo i i-., - in -. i ii. ; w s ui i .n io a o . i my fa.-.-. I pal up o i b n I i" . o i my i" -my hal"! wi. coi ' I u nil !..-. I I felt ITldlly .ill.! VV. ..... .Ilii I -i: JiO ll'll lo InV fc. t. Ihen a Id o k ini-i ai ,-e .n..l no', a. "I I knew no more I bis was lliiiis.l.ii , ve .-..nol iv it', in , on the sexton, r -1111111. o.' lo l.n tlulit.. f -'l id ue lying upon Ihe ll half .1, ml. v, h ,,iv .1 a. Ill 9. my face covered Willi bio "I, ,l.d l led- i i my head l.tiue enoui.li n. let ihe lit,- out ..! .my man. Thai mine was spued w a. .i e..u.e I bad fallen wiih Ihe wound d on, ih-' ...ti pilii of llie coi (o I aelt'.l like Inn lo slam h ll i blood As soon a, I i oul. I I t. tl. ... '. - lieu-gel In kii-.'i of S, l,i' . I'., ., Id I e.,il' She bad I n .pule mn w In I : I V'v'i.ou 1 failed It l ppe o Kates Im . I. . n I iinlicl :.' 1 llltllire id Ihc it lloli.if I.e I id .on t:ic i, was posilive l.i tl 1 h id It. it tlo i", an I . pi illy p.t.llive Ih i 1 h i i !. ft . :tos in eotnp.tii, wiih IliS brothrr -SO"' ll e -111 I lo't I " llll.t ik. il holll se -ltled 111 a ",i e .1 loo . i , old ha 1 jll'l.p. .1 into a en i ..te .. i d I '!.. I n 1 1 u n. id ; v a-v ay M-, teli;;,-. w, ,. , i . i,.i I,, I. I. bill Willi out gaining i llt.v I" li. v vv I. ei e iboul t ; lo after a niorii.-iu. ii.ot, N ai.e bid been ial.cu holllt', lllld the Vi I V ill I . "I li t' .1 ty I was discolored the whole fittiii i- til, .1 .t Klliope As s s I wa. .iit.o I . -Ian I I s ol. ,1 l i sealcli ol the ivolii in I li e! .o on i.e. 1 1 1 ! y lol nilll.i'ed. Not know to I... w h.l e.t holll s, l W.is two 111. .Il'.n. I.el .! I I'.U'i I 111 Al I ..si, one I'Veinn, wall. b inio on in. t ashore of a quiet liille I'.nglnh lown, I . spud Inn an I alone. That she l.cll. lc.l me a ili.nl I. It. kill'. I ill linn was plain, for Ihe lo 'k she u'lc' me wli. ii she lecognifed my pic.."U f, was 01 f innil lerable coiilempl. No lh.il I h t l found lo i, I was determined sliu slioil'. hear Ihe Hnili. "Nellie," I cued, liiiiryuu lo h.-r an. I gia-p in holh her Utile b . 0. Is bi loie she bad lime to cai ilpe "Well, sir," sin- rcpin'd. h niidiiily, trying, but in vain, to live Ikt hands. "My iLii-lino' 1 1,1. ;i,lo., '-von will at Irast l.t'di- :i iu;ui I'l foio v. mi rmi .li'lnii liim ':" Her l;.-o tln.slii ,1 ;tn;;i-ily " h;i! i-.in yen s.iy," -h" lou-i! mil liullv, ' ih;ii u ill m vimii in,'! 1. I ,. li..' ii . .. ' i 0 . i t o .i . 1 1 1 1 , - 1 1 i , . mi 1 1 1 . i in , ' 1 1 1 i ii i i ,i i i t . i ., , I U Illi.- ntlHTS HIV .l-'.'IIV .III 1 .llsl'i'lll m,V 1,i,vl , v"-v ,1,:r,ll"i-.-i i., ,s ruii' i i,.,,,,.;,,;,! run , r (.i,. 1 tllill.' IIIMlll II I V. .011 HI l-nlll, oVl'V o,. , ' ... -, i I ' r I 1 ., .. , , IUh'i.sul ;i'l . .'1 "tl v oti'l 'll'lis I, is ln. Vjivi- . - l.ivr v.m n-.t in -,, i' in.- hal-' ,i ,- ,- r , , , , . ., ... I 0 I'l'S III III-' I.I.V .'I ' 1 1 . -' ' ' 1 1 1 ' I " i .'IO 1 ' ' . . ' I'Vi.t-vl.iulv, tn Vs.. '1 1 m .s ..I ni I, ii ... .. ... '.it , , llo 1 on s in. all ar..o'1'l l:an. -..,. . ; mnro ill von wisli, I ., i ir.iin .'in: , v ' ,, I ,. .. ' 1 .'!i ih' lil'tivli l- ol t!i" 1 11 I '"I at III vnii villain ... -i. , I M ill. 'i-. .1 III ! lo ;il llo- 0 ..I iii"- -hi "I mi I. -,i.l.. i; ii a I ti"il kiauvs I'.lol i l.l.niu' I liovn,.,. as 1. ,!i,l. "WllV no ,, I,, , , u I why .h.l V.'ll nill I'.l I'. " :-oo ih 10 no!. I, V III a ii li'-lo "'.a Li ,. .,' , , ,. "run aivai I .IM l':r.l !!!-. au .; .1 w i . ....,. . "I'-" 'l.-.i'l.o'l ,,' K.., o. i.;,; -' lo-to :" .ii.-'l . . -r N. ll, .-;t -hi in.- 1,1-!., a l-.-k .1 im n ..I- i -1' -1 - j i 1 1 v i ii.in il,. I i ,.'... ,t c I -.. 1 '. .1 ill il' il.'V .' ill ll lo ti, 01 .'i nil llistanl I l;a I :i . I 1 : 1 iinti-..-- . ! i ., f rrinii- " h . in ' I." v. s!r ." 1 rvol mi .!. a h!ll- lo-.h-hly. "I -iin-aii I v; an l I- I nn- Ii II v 1 1 " 11. is v.-.i-; a M is!, i ;,-lo . Noli si ali-.l In-i-i i l' ii!. .si: .1. ti.in, ,.:,.i I , lial' -a: i in -', h.i1 1 I ,i . - ;i; lo i '", ; , i , lal.-.l in h r ii..- .-i. .i-' , ,a mv mi- I o llill.'v lb IT lilll- .;i I ! 1-,-r I.IOO l'!i-;ill--n , I .!'.. I iv i- kill tl.- il"li no in .1. am ' 0'! v I .. ay i li.- I i i.;i,'. iioil , In-. ii I ily; Ihii - In- i'o.'ani - -..In r v, i.,-i I In r ah. ail th.- .viti-l-iv ...iiiiu, d .n n, no I I- in. il ox ei in i ki-'. I lli soar nil III v In ! ! en hi!', .Mel I I. lo-o lli'll pra.-c an.l . . n 1 1 1 I . ii . o oi .' iv sl.il.'il. Ann i xx t ii 1 1 iv o loil l.i I -ill; ! ills; iivcr il in ;i ".-ii.-ral v a" "1- ix ;n. a div.i.l I il l-.l ,vv I.. in sai'INi-11, iiim-ixt-lv ; "1 lln. it hi lli.l1 . 1 , ' , . j ill V t i lit vv i lo- ik oi. , , , , ! "I It-iiii hi i vv ,i. a -; i 1 1 v ("ii ;!! i hi. .vy my fll, I. in h ,: - Iv ,li. ,-, I l!i..i:;;!il mv Invol v. , i-,., ' V , thai iv iinl-.-.v i- mo- .i ov a il i.n.i.'l,. ,1 tin' 1 1 i 1 1 - -1 - ih. ni !ihl r - 's ! In' I I mi.' vv i- :n f in a i i a .1, N . In- I. 'II In di; .oil i I am n w . II- lolls huh' as ; v.-tl'V : il ih. iv -no ! ;... i ,i '. , , i i , ,,, , :-' ' 1 1 1 1 11 1 .1 .ml "I, XV. I i M . i ' 1 1 1 I 1 I .. ' 1 fi't nt-r . ( ! i o it xva-i tin- I imilv xx ai I. r I.. ... IIS XX all, ill to -lln-l ; I. Ill i V ; I V '.hi. xv all 1 1 -1,! as s . ni :i- .". .i i in. il , and Mi and Mi-, hnihy ,-. n, -. nl , ,1 thai N'i-ll an I I Pin- lit I,,- n, ii ii al m ' I : 1 iv ill I In- .ii.i,n! 1,1 1 lo i-'iu- !i n, I !i I'la-a. , A ml m , v.. v ,i . I h- I nr. Im.: in in-, sell', ami I'ap i ami M mm, i I '. ii I h lull sxvi d ' I'l'i I". I . ,;. ami h. a'. I tn i lo r liii.l'ainl. vv . o .- til I io- i , , , - vi, I. ,, , .1 On, xvl- I. i-l a l -i-l .--.I I. .-h! -. i ! I. tl. Ill lilt' Ion. hi :, li -I il, I vv,. i.i r, imw in 1 I l,o!o n-' v , im mi i i v i , i i i , . slial-l-v ami : siiilly. x i-i mi li ,i, I i.. ; lllil hf i V . I' V I hns ' I -III t ii ! I ml u .j,. I . S . this I V h-, '.V, ,.- I , IS , I vi-;. ut I im i i mil, .nol i : , i i -i , . VV. M !,;' , V -. , TIlL TEST ClffpiiE IflVr. "Uc! . I m . I I ' i, .!, v .I- ... ,' ,' :i a i -ve, , I .Inn ,1 .'. ,- n I i I I- 1; I ,1 h," ail I itiii I. I 1. 1 t. I I ' i on. n, i :! I .mils- I I- n. i!- - , I i in-.- f' I . i , -, : V. mm I . , I' it - ." i - . n-l. ! Ii vx .,. I'- is. In oi'. v : !i I- i. I -" that ;i ha, v.l n ill, .-..it.i.i- I io ll. I -lit'S ;.il in. i h- iho -.iii i in-,- ' in lo i -. il, I, !. v 1 1.! vv aii. up in I ,. . v. ii, ,i n I -In' .i i-s-i d In t han I . I . lua ,i,,.i!i'-iu ; li'iiilil- . io -kin c 'I i.iin j .V' XV nil III '.'. In i ;hl. (ill In I ! t X In- .1 1. -iidi. I - ul In- I. an. I i aim- I" lam. II.' 1 ai'"!iii I h. a v. ana ami I In o;i I ;i tin mo nl in I'l'fsi'in Iv I'.on V st,,l,i'. " i. v. ry " i i -," ri .li. d l-'iln-llii'i !, "ami il is n. 1 1 sit lain, ami wo shmil I In- .iif I i- ' I. ill a- Im .,.... Ih. -,n I I... .Km I ,.i a' h;ni M .I ll ll, -, han I -"lo. d n 1 ri ns I hal ha I mo vi itrio ,! , m ii.v nn n. "I In vmi . ix o ';' " she - tl-1. "I'.i.i.inal.'ly. my iiiinl," xv i lln- I t 'l X , ill 1 1 1 III II h 'lis 1 1 nn . " And vi ill mi I nx no- s.-iin- ir f. .nn sh ('..nl mill'. I. Kiln lln nl loll hi In-ail t lii..lli n lT a'.iinl his mi. . emit i, ami l.n an in slant In- I'ollhl lint f'ly I'-nl III"' HI"' no i.laiv a-.Mt.il I..II xxa. .nil ,-x, i, and In' si ..c mil in rh-ar, in 'limy I'-n.'s, "I xv ill .In il ;lli jili a-iirn," Im said Tin- n-1. hy .1.. ok ..f il . '.;.il w is hll I I'l.e.f In Ills i W, .111 I till' Vl lvi'lV liK kis.I'd him 1 1-It - II-l'i V I'H'h ol till' It ll cur. And lln u, Inriiiin; In r lo a 1 s!i-dillv, I'.m-y xvln--ii'i-i-d I i h.a.s.'ll ; ' I Inn-.- ti"l I - l mv oian " "I wouldn't . in- I. .Ill e " fillip 'I ' 1 tl - .1 I 1.1" II "I li ed ' lespolt. '. "I! t I I -," I., ll lo li. I'." be Ihe n il. .1 i;iil ll l. lie s tl III 11 til ' ,v XX IsV II" I ' VV il-s I'm -tl.l ll ', "1,1 l .lloi I e 'V v.'i pul ..IT uiiltl to iioiti.w w Ii tl .,ii IliVe tl tlltl la ll l)," i. Hie lli.lt is II) of lulling tl. I REFP CHEERY. ! 'lii' 1. 1 I In' nio-'I. il'-l;;; ill I ill ho'Iks v. r iklMWnlis lliul el' ,"ll!l-hint' ill luun 111 I i . s. II iw sui li .) tu tu liiau s us In liiiil'o'll'. Soi- liis i ii:;i'. i.iiunv n;ilur '. V'.tllill',' Si'l'Ill-! t ' i'!.l!l'l hi-' I'.l''. . a -.no. i a in. .ii , .. no. . i i ; io i m i i l.i a - ii. i'V vv loi. ai " .'ho. i'. ! and slivn-:,h-!i-l hi ll. I ire 11. ! iho I i :hl . I' s,,ol, I .-U.'ll V-d. :-. Tlli- I l.i ,l i--i 1'-. . -.. - ,- 1 -a 1 . : lo.a lo a', wil'.-, Ii aeli-'i , tiniii -loi in' aii v I- a. ha ..I in. n I'liitil, - I ih,. ..1, ' a., i aa.-iii ati-1 w.-ai in. o -t l.ni" - a day hv d.iy. I.y ll;-- i-l.- -I -n. tl.iil. r Hi'- a ui lo n il id' .'!.,- v.-h.i i .! u ,i s ;l" -iny ail. I m. ! I i xx t- is il a.aul an.l o-. i asy (n ih.-e in , n-u io ai, I in vim ! o.v -. 'in'- ri iii.-n ami vv ..oo ii ai'.- si i-.-ii ... r no ii a:, -I u ..ii.-i I in-v i no a -', i I,;.' io- -, 1:1 i t " iai --1 . . I'll" I is- ami av-'-i-l iinioh I ri.-l i. m. Tin ir , : I. ir." .ii'o I. n.ixvii a ii'l i s'.r I .'I al i im '!, 1 ' ' and xx hat a jox iia-i, lic.ilih ivi- l tli u" ! ll-.-y loll I ' y -a -i iv lisis ni i- liosnr ilal ai,. tl l ul ii'M '.v.' -o-ah . I' haw in i Ii i il ' Nn ili In ilh, in- l-rnh-n I-0--I illi. i. .'I' rl'll'-ii. 1 i 1 j i ' ti o , . r .- lib- I ' ' h id '.v :.n I '-'iilii'. I r ih. il ii v i ''lav, I lion I, tin-; sil in . .1 1, oi ..! a. - i- a! i w i mi .; 'I la in. n and u.iiii, :i o.nl.l I ,i i.n .ill. .. a' .ol ol .-kin . ..I' io il l V . r-.-s -Ii--.- I l.in . . h no n . nit 1 1 I ' ll I o ' . I in:u . I i viii;r io .--I ii a i.i -v m i. in' In io I 1,1' ''Illli! ".l'i. ( 111, 'i HI iv a ll, o. li in, ii .i n-l ill. in in I'V. a y Ai o v.. ti ..no VV ,.,i!,', .XV. V V I III li"i.i" an l . v.'i ', i-tuii i I In I in n v - ii ai o .I. .iinr '.;.. . I , r :i, . i .;..' ;, . ,i ,i. , - , ''',, , u ' ,i ,i in lu a v on .0 I h ' r un lall-s on Hi li t it. ii-iii i i i i ( - I Mo v oi i.i v on- li--li'liil im:. i- - n 1 1. I ' '. Ml le-l .1 llo" 1 1,1,1 x '-n mi- . iiini i. .. I io- ai a ,-. ; io . anl piVs.ii ii. - . i I i ! . 1 1, -I t.iil l'i 'in lor i i,. . I .-...I ..ii vi , i-o in-v ,-r lib .Hit I" I-.V-- ill I -11 s i . ilililnliill v a t- '. ( '!.. . i ai. ! Win -th-, -.ili'.-. 'IIS 1 1 il.;; I . hln.Jll.-l X".ll- .lax.' hono-llv l.ol.ilf I i.-.l till 111 111 1 , , , ,. ,i i .Illi",. I Illi- 111 I . 0 I, -I's llo t Ian. liil x ..;n -.nit! -villi -null;. ,ht . . . i n ' ... i . - n '"" -.ii. .in- -.I i :: wil'i l,,. -.no .!:in,. (C 11!; lit . ! . n. .-, m l . ai r 1 1 nli 1 1 lo vi i ; h sanir, I ., h'l.-l , i.i" i i; ai-!- .. i. 'e-eu4-j.-u 'ti' i;i; ; i-i-;vii'.T,. f TI-ILNUIST pnpUI,Af A i) ir. tfv: 11 r i . . . i : i n - . -in ; i - .. . "Vi HAS 10 ALWAYS :::vJA'-:..-. ifi ORnm it0,.l!- I I I ;r -:? urcn me I .! !,ui-iPAGr,r'.aAVoTHr:RS M i t.il.N SO. NFW YORK n i I. l . ! I) i i.MICr. MAF3G. T I. 1 .STtlNF (i 1" N F. R A I. An IN I ' "-'.'. V ' i.i I'.o iao T. Y. x a w . DA KER & CONFECTIONER. ii : .v. .v. c. I ir,'.- .nni'li t. I'le t'. i in li -., French uud Plain. Knoll . I'tii'n.. Niils. .o I .: ., I, - I I .-, -'I el. I V V M I.I , i-i- -n in to no. it,..i-i,--i I ml r l o' i an.l. - ., e il. -o I n, ! i," ill .Not It, -I it pi i, . l,l. .1 III "b'.it XX. d. liim iiiid other pan h s - up pile I a- cheat, lis t he c h oil pest , ,,, t pi y ,1' II I ,i, o. -si m v. H ii i Vt1 (' ' - ivVV ft 1 - f ' 'ai'Y'-S . ' ' tn-v.'li' '-Ire-i'l. t L r , (ll f i T "- 'in I no I fjr- ' . ., ! -ill ! I I 111 .'KN ll .IV cn-t-ir 1 'I I " f lillSoT ,. IS .7 .ei j i ADVEKTISEMKVrs. The great suix?riority of DR. PULL'S COUGH SY.RUP over allotlicrcongh Tcmedics is attested by the immcr.-c jiojiular demand for that old established remedy. i .ar Ihe Cure of Comdis, Colds, 1 i laivene-, ( 'mui-. .sihm.i, l'ron- i hit is, YVhi ioi;,intf i'ouh, Iactpitnt Ccnsmiii'!!.';! and (.r the relief of roiMimiitix i i'! s, .ns in advanced .stages of the lhscue. .('or S-tle I'vall I nu!L,'i::ts. Price, 2.') cents. M I' A T I' 1 I' X. M n o It I-- - " .-av: I . Hie -il l... ;o ix i vs-.i ir v ;: .v r or "I. '.im iv. '.'.n.n., i'.OH '. I i "ll I 111'- I'- 1 l,c,. la-, - I idle . 1- III iii-l.lug i loo I. V III al 1 Olt i XSli. Ml;s i MiiiiUF. f. ? - -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 s i'ii i. ia 1. 1. XV. 11 n, N i i, .v lis I.1 " I! -XI V. I ' o I a;, l 'i l.lliS 111 i; . d lep.lil ell..al' i one i , ( ..tt ii Ft. -is rci ly lor ii -'. l lu y . .III be seen nl the ll.i'..inl M i dline ......j., in '.v. I n t lillAM l.V siv n REE- I .-tend to niiniii s 'IH S1I!SS I' !M 1 s I ItSITV a lliitiiii. Un. I oi liiii-n o, o t ir.-iihir A live iiclnnl nusl .".hook j:f(i'.!i.-,.iirni,ii:. ., -i r . a.'. .on. ii, in so 'i r.t.ii;lu.'ls an.l I'n t XXX 1. 1 1 I S . , I, ' - '. ' V X Mil! o, N! ,.,( ; , oi,,.,. i il i i -I all r I'1 CJ 1 1 1 . . ,.,.;. , voiisoau low,, T-ini. an I .'"I nun.; in-e Al ii.--. i II Hall, ti fo- 1 I' i 1 1 to I. -l-nue ttpti Iv C, R C AT BARGAINS. XX . are n o.v i- vol nn; in- in 'v im, I . nutiful . . . roe. inn s ill ch t-i, d d I lie in in Ufa, ! in'ors, an, I . -nli til, i i i v i i - v . it l -1 ca 1 1 n u.l -1 It . in i'i.-- i n : -i i-i i i st - I.-, i ' i .; r lit i ll XV X 1 i ll I s l- I - . 'I' .1 i .X i-.l n . r. x ii i o .xt i i i.r- "'lt" Ml .l X I' '. . II X I is, Ml X M 'N o X Mt -I f I l; I s.,. i i i v i I r i , i', -, ii it - 'I 1 1' 1 1 V I K ai - '-N- I , it!Ks .ve. Ilt'sl V ;sl,- ami .- i o. I, , I. II. in ii ,i i ii . i sin-; . R iJFG W- OANIHL .1 - i-le. and 1 ollf'-c Fill V 11. XlTl I.. i:..i'Kl:n:i: inel XVII I"" III. Kill :!ANHV. XX IIsi;ii;. I'mir. Miiaiin . M MH.tlt nn. I I'll Wl'AnNi: WINK. l i Ml". F t'ilN. I I "IT,. Mn Assl.s', I Alll.i,lM:i;i:.i-;i-n;i- M'li l:. AITI I.S..I lil.l II'.: IMi-KI IN. HUASHY I'FM lIF.s and ( nN FF.t ' I'll IN Fill ks POItIM it's I, II. lit IMIlt OS A 1:1 HI til H.i'T 'H !'i'l- lHllll'TnlM to IIH U It-Ml U.W HANIF.L, in Wash. Avenue. Weldoii. i 0. ..t.' ly : . Is I 0 J I jr 1 ' 'i in I' I' i -I -.- a. I mil i ve v or I r 1 v, , ,,, ,, ,.. I! -.n-"., ii -'-ivio- I on ov I I . , , .. i l.il.l .1 ,11 I 1 ti ,-. "i -in ii " i - :. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. yy ii tiit.ioTT. llornry nml oiiikcII ir al 1 nw, tf'V l.'t, Vt. K on I ' V:l -dil'SH It-llttl : tlii "C. ( ly MtN 'll It K I I I I' II It il Vs AT I. V W. i nch i o. n c- I'ri I o . l.i It i. Hi . ol Hainan N,n.. II .ni, ml XX il olleet s iia.l. I ii , , I'lr'. 'f I . Ht.l. J l,, ( ,t. i 'I -iXi; I' i ! I' I'll :t y if i, i u. .'i. i s ii -I ; I i i.i ' x ' ' rxri v l'i i '.i i i i i i l.i e . I , , i , i . I'i'v .'f H ll f ix --nd sdl-oin it -o, 1 1 e lift th ' I'. Iv .1 M ',KI it . II Ii K V l iHHI V , HALIFAX. N 0. "'I'- ill Ml-' i"" ' Id ll"M,'. Slrict -ll.'liliol. iriven t 1 -III I'l-inehesol III proles. Ion i li !. Iv T nn. i, III- rue) sal I hm. It v :.! ' v X N. '. I' . i -t n- - I 'i il ' I : i i an I a ti aim e.iiii.l n- ll l !'- bo .1 in. I - il'r-'.ii t-.i.irf . XX'i-i I- i. s,-,,,, , ., , niee.-i.ri l.o-i- m au r I! 1 ii I ii 1 .V il X It I' XI A N . N il 1- : i- . -i It il I i t I . O.U ' ..l 'i XX'. II H.-o.vii s flrylioo-lsMt.tr.- XVia i.i.. X 0. Will V.. I I'l l'S .".I Ill'-il- ll "li.'S W'llell l" Ted I' O't'l. R -,s ; 'll Itde. off xl It i v', XI X S ii i r ton i v r i, , ::YsnLMl'f. N. r. I'ri. In ni la court, -d N'orlliniiiptuli nt.d io i. im-eo.iiiti 's. also in h FetliTiil and si rs in . o.n . ue ii A 1. I' !; U V Ji A N I K L. Ifloriicj nml ( oiinrllfir 1 1 Inn, v ; i. n o , . t . 1'i-a. tiee. in H ilif ix and a Ij-ntiiiitr e iiiutiea S'ial a ! i - n 1 1, 1. 1 t:,v -ii in e.ll.eibu li, nil pirls of It:-- s.alo mi I M-oliipt lel.iiits mn.. n .. i; i I' til t K. V i I.I , -VKI.il ii, s I ."."al ill oil. it .rli'ii r, , ..ki , lion. mos. - ilitr 'it.' j..- . i, p. ''I ,i, ..I . .... i I It. I-.. I . HUNTER, i ic t; i u it k i ii. i' . Can lie I'Oltnl I' 1,1 ..Ml . Pure N II I' o i ) x ,1 I,. . in Fi tifltl. i I lie hi I' ii I. Sl.il. i-ss Ic I r ,i.'!l il J of l'oitt, a,' rt iluiio tt -1 nit, !' I I K 't M 1 1 , i U F I t . . Vlo Hi M I I I'll II XI . II I. ti II X lit' X .. I I'll. 'lie In !'t e . t. i . I II .ill i ,. N. ,,n a. i.i "i. F. I r . I'.i, nil M i. iin -In I'.. i in ; r il, :'..'" nol ,n in. p. u, iai i-irts.if I lie I. H-.-r.l llnlro l .' illei I loin m ,,(,. I I . V I. Il l "I I It l'e ,, y "' ' " 1 i-ns on in n fni 1 1, hi ri a YK N l! -"I-1 1' MFt'iii nit a . 111 Yl I I a . s IMil IM S, XV 1, I. 1' O V. N i Its A. II .- ! It .-.lie. Iter, h ix it j nun. . I on-'it t . n 1 1 i i -t.-i i - .1 ,,, ,nr , i.lt-t ' '"' -' v . - -1 . i'i in of l'i. A It ia.ll , ,ll,-i v llio I'-' " " l'i '"' al ..-rv to llo. ,..e il r 1 1 . . a , d .' I ei! ,t .hurt , 1 1 In Ir -a r. n te t'"' "'I' in. I ' .' l-ol '1, and I I. lit it ill Ion, not '.. it- m f . .ic oin will ,.i.inv. I. foil ol '"' i" '! -'- in - li .'.-; r - Hi to- M,.r.. l, r, i ' ' i . n- ai . ni ail h. lirs t in sri -u - - n ' . I--Mi - il- vt-tt nn t eov,- 1 1-. ir ntlein nun i'.i' i. 'ii- s w nl . ti ,-. tr-t i-i nrc . i. r n : l IV. VX. I Ol It ! Ml it III tl 11 Illi. , (rs:nhre.he I in lsi'.i l St i atnoie .ii-i'fl oiis!lv llaltlax. I Kil l!-l l,'U YA 'loilllilll' ills, I II. II l I ros.. Ili- iilliiii' ml a. i-m vrstloiirt I i", i-i i ,1 to' . tn mad lo ..nti-r inn- In l-i i. - Ir in I', in 0. -in ..i .. in l v in ol t o mi i a.l.lr. ss . w ll Ii i t.sl an -'suns - ov ti-i-il i.,r it'iin in '"U'l '- " 11 lee.iiV.-d lliVS I , I, I It- 1". tl tn I I l..;,lltd i- it d , Untrue Ivtleel -.!',. 'ait .11 I ll i el i. is " s it if f. t ii. - let I I,, te'liiii 1.1 III , .i.,i. .. t,tv 1,-tf ll- o I' !- v. , " lie sti-i eit.'.i;. ir ikiii. i!.i tianiee.l. i - rre-p.'i tlt-iiev -olieiied Ir.oti a'l ..-i ll , I ll.lv l XX V vll. npi r iv W- W- li LL I' in- nml l.ilf- Insnrnnee- Acsnt. i nn lie found in the Hoaook.' Ne'is OTice. i Wliut', N.o. REPRESENT. New York I'lidor -rli.-r-s. "A rrir iiltumf "I W.itennim. N. . Wesiern. ' I oriiiiio, Canada I'situlieo. tvf Tarl-rtr.i. fl O. i l.vitelii.ui j o( I in, hluirrf, V. It,iiit.il,i' Life liiauraurs'Co of N. Y. Willi I'Uiv rUkslti any other food comt at low .-xtente Julvlslji j ;f -IV&it't.. y.v""'