THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY HALL & SLEDCE, On Year. Ill advance, Six Months. Thr-e M mtha. i 00 1 (Mi 75 ets ADVERTISEMENTS DAHBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A HonMhold Article for Unlreml Family Uu. For Scarlet ud j Typhoid t Men, I Diphtheria, Sail, vation, Ulcerated I Sore Throat, Small I Po, Measlas, and all Coni-ag-loui Disease. Persons waiting oa the Sick should UK it freely. Scarlet Fever ha oerer been known to spread where ihe Fluid an used. Yellow Kever has been ntred with it after black vomit had taken pluce. 'J he wow i of Diphtheria yield lu it. Fevered And flick Ptir. BMAfX-POX tnnrt refrcshetl and JJptl Horen prvTont i5d by bathing with Cirbyt Fluid. . - Impurt Air maJt harmlns and purlfird. For Kor Throiit it is a aurc curt. - Contagion destroy!. For Pratd Fetal, tillbliu FlUm CtUafiUfT. t BhftttinMUini currd. Soft White ComplM- Hmn secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purity ttie Breath, ; loan ne the Teeth. it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Kryttlpelaa cured. Kurna relieved instantly. foara prevented. Dysentery ctuttd. WouikIh healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, gtiaga,etc. i : ' i 1 used the Fluid during our present affl iction with Scarlet Fever with de ciilrd advantage.,' It is i ml is pens able to the sick room. Wm. K. Sand and rirrn-o of small roxPHKVKNTKl A member of my km. Ily was taken with Small pox. I used the Fluid; the psttsMwas . not dcllvk!t; was nu( pitted, and tu about the house a&aln In three weeks, and ao others had it. -J. W. Park iksok, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevent! The physicians here use Darhyt Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollunwbmck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcere purified and healed. In cases nf Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any ant smell. The eminent riiy lrhiu,.J.MAltlOX SIMS, M. I).. Near York, savs: "1 am convinced Pref Darby? Prophylactic Huid is a valuable disinfectant." pord, Eyne, Ala, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, Tents. i icsiuv to me most excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it il both, theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ao quainted. N. T. Lt'PTon, Prof. Chemistry. Darby. Fluid I. Recommended by Hon. AnxANDim H. STuriiBKs, o Gcorgi . Rer. Chas F. Oibms, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; ins. LbContb, Columbia, Pnf., University S C, lev. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Piirc, Bishop V E. Chursh'. INDISPENSABLE TO KVEKV HOHE. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. TV Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it done everything here claimed. For fuller information net of yenr Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietor., J. 11. ZMLIN St CO., Manufacturing Cfcemisti, PHII.ADKI.I'HIA. febll yl ' ' fp p r e rJ T K E L, . vawkactcbkrs or Engintt, Tobacco, Hay ami Cotton Pmsn, SAW HILLS, GRIST MILLS, MILL IRON'S, Flaws, Iron and Brass Castings, tepid ly Petershnr gOUTHERK HOTEL, N. B. DICKI.WN, Proprietor, HALIFAX. N. C. Refitted, repainted and thoroufthly arranged for comfort Tables supplied from Norfolk and Wilmington markets- llnod servants anil good fan. Ooinfortatde roonia for all. I have also a Ltvnry stable, where horse are promptly attended to, vehicles hired out on eannahle terms to parties winning them. , m "f k-i -"i Old fwhlonnlilo remedies are rapidly i j , j" ,,;.,.. . . . nivalis Of GOBaaertnc atsectao, wm v.-. " " ideu in regard to depletion at a meann ot tan, have been quite exploded by the itoeeM of the (Treat rcnovniit which tones the ayattra. trauqulllaea the nerves, neu. traliis insUaria, .leparissv" i-afl the blood, eousre lite Mver when donrtaiit, and promotes a regular habit of body. . for aaU uv all Drugrt and Kealara genniwlji ( .lrQ THE PERMANENT CURE OF ! CONSTIPATION. ft No ottoor diMMso 1 so pro Talent In tliis noun-IrS '"jtvy aa Ooiuupauan, aud : ceady Uaa wstj lqtua!i the erMsiw fuipywwn ic,ave. wiiavrtiwoua.ww"waifl IIUtsW llasrl, U11B1 rVUMfLljr H tssasl ajsasl -W aa 11 YUi y ir ' . i ..j i.t. - . V AI7M- u UtnrjiVna Ibe wooktned rnrt and fluiaaiy. i-urv-il It. I aVUtiaj ft nl-aj v . - . t ...: J.- faaiWvt. (HI s..lMOUss1 aa at. v.- s MToFm USE j Druftttiata ..nH bBBB(K4asssssslsssssssi oct i 1 $5 XO $20 or,hdsJ! mifmrnmnmuaMmsM MAT, APIA 1 I sV i. a. p LiJcj VOL. XL Vritt.n for the Roanoks Niirt 1 WE HAVEJARIED. by rai it. mo. We hare parted : nnuitht but sadness From thl hour can till my lireits:, Nt'e r "iraln ran 1 know giadur as. E'er must feel the heart's unrest. Hours of Krlef and hours of sorrow, Wosand ptin lire all I see, Knnwliiifthal eaeli romlnK murrew Brims tij joy, no paarr lu 111 . We bnve parted : yet hive Ih-e, 0 how dear art t lion to m ' More than life, and Henveii nie Were not Heaven if tvnuliittt thee' Yet the cruel words are S ok n And wo ne'er shall meet a.-aln, All .d love's f..u.i vows lire broken And my heart Is niled w.Ih pnln Vat I'll n'de'en i.nee uplmtid thee With iho wu I e'er must feel, With Hi sorrow thou I t mvle me. But will only l,lt thy weal. Though 'llao'er I do not blame tbee. Thou who wort nilneaMlii all, fou 'twill b. aaln toniime thee. .Soon lire's pleasures turn to (all. Go In and wed another, Uo cast not one lli'Oi'it on nm, I mint try my thntiirhts to smother, Tlioughts which sadly turn to lli-e. Yet, I would not throw one fetter Round thy heart or hid the stay, tio in ptmco may angels . ratter Blcs lings all alutig thy uur. Thou farewell, farewell forever Light of tuy lire, uow lost to me, While my life shall last, 0 never Willi ccae to think of thee. Windsor, N. (J. WrKun for the Koanouk Nt w-. CHRISTIANAS MISTAKE. "Friend or brother, He forfeits hlsnwn hlo id that spi'li another's.'' ' ClnisHit', why do ym tiinlikB Philip "astli'inaiw! 8n iiitviisfly ? You need iiul try to dt'iiy it dear ytui never it'iirhis namu nutnlionud, without a a scornful curve of your ripe, red Iipn, lllll 1 Wlnll yotl COtlia Kt't! yoill'Hfll speak to him." The siht would 'tvMently be loo much for 1110 Fttnnit, he tliotiglit of it, lias caused you to make vour uvea into two exttluiiiHtinn points." Oil ! yon may laugh at me, in niiiuli an you please, 1 rio not mind. But I tlo want to know why voti di- like him to much, and I shall worry you until you toll mo. I know dear, you have, a good reason for your ivt'ision; vou arc not liko voiin ady cupricioun or foolish in your ikes aii'l dislikes and Philip eviduntly admires you very miifh." Chris ie lid not hear the last remark niudo liy Her Irii'iiil sliu Kimweivil tile lolincr part sadly. "'My dcai girl, what yon say is trutt, in tins insiauue, at. least ; have a very good reason for inv aversion to Captain CastNmaine Had known that lie wan to lie one ol ICaUiie's guests I would have ivl'tiacd iter invitation 1 wish even now. I could titid some reasonable eicnso for eavinj;; but that isi impoMihlv, for rtiardit', after leaving me saltdy here, tveut ofl' tit the motiiitaiiis, wliero lie will remain until the last of Sepletuber. wish 1 could leave; it is horrible to meet him day after day, and knowing what I know to treat him with ordina- y iioliteiiesa.'' Clirissio p .ko in a low voice us if soliloquizing with lior self. Her friend, Fannio Armstrong azed at liur in aatoiimliuitiit until he tiiiished. ' Why Chrisaie what awful thing haa he dons that you thoultl foal like that towards liim? He is ao handsome and seems so good and nice all the girls am nearly cnizy about niin." Semw io giHhl, all ! Yo. Hut oolievo me, there is no true goodiies in hitn. When I see him looking go happy and contented o brave and troug, I can realize tow tho tempter may appear as an 'angel of liht.' Listen to the story, I am uoint! you Fannie, and then wonder, if you can, at my detestation of him. You have heard mo speak of my aunt .Mary? Well, she had an only son, in Iho ar my, during the civil war. JmIiu Law. ;on tii a ratbar wild young man from all accounts, and his Otoit iniiniuta friend was Philip Castlemaine. 'l'hey vrero in the same company, ami it w.m while the army was south, that tliis terrible affair" happened. The two young men loll in love with a young southern girl, whose father's planta tion was near the camp. The old gen tleman, though a truo toathunier, was also a hospitable gent Ionian, and tho young Union ntlici'is visitetl freely at nis houae. The daughter, was wmiiu. what ol a Ibrl, and eiu'oiir.t'oil Imtli young nieo, uililomii aim Imcd but One. It ia needless to aiy that one was Philip t'aslleinaiuo. .My cousin John wit not ai all jealous ul tho iil U'lilioil his iriond paid tile young gnl, for Philip tohl liim, lliat he did not admire the young la ly, but lie wished lo know her well, and also o a.lvance my cousin' cause by singing Ins prises (Jt course John was nol willing to put an end to such good otlb.'t'a, and mat ter went on agreeal'ly enoiiglt for aev Hial weeks, bill al last the blow fell. One niobi when, ibey thoiU'ht m. . otisiu far tay, on a secret mission, he reh me I S' O.iel' ih ait expected, and learning wliele his f.ieiid was, set out imra'tlit'l,V for the b"'ne o( hi Jady uie. As I'm approached tho house by a winding path, he came upon the two suddenly, anil lieuM wnai uirnen nun to stone. He heard his Iriend pleading for a secret mar fa because lie knew t woo and marry her openly, would alienate bin friend Lawlon, which Wjuld ocror da be. Fhilin Castle R WELDON, N. mains, was poor and depended ou what he Could borrow, or win from hit Iriend in gambling. Of course ho did not tell Uih girl tliu, but said he wits afraid lm w ould lose the favor of his rich untie by marrying a southerner, he feared he mirht lose her, if she did not bind heiself in marriage. He won her consent at last and ilia titno anil p'ai of marriage was arranged. My C.msin dnl not wait to hear more, but relumed to the camp with a heart full ol jealousy, and luge, and Iricndly trust do.strovtil. The two rival met at a wine and curd party thai night and both drank d -eply no ouw knew how the quarrel began, but the men who were sober enough to uudeistaud, heard Captain Castlemaine taunt my cousin lor his inability lo win what he found t.. easy ta g.,iu. Words ul recrimination and insult followed, and at last my :otisin, imp.ainiiis, blinded, with wine, and lioiliuo- with lao-e ami jealou-y, etruek the handsome lips, mat taunted Into so cruelly. Friends lolerlcied, and a nioetiiig was ar ranged next morning at sunrisu, the two men mot in a liltle grove tmt far from camp. My cousin lired into the air, but 1'hilip Camlemaine, look de liberate aim and shot his friend through tho he.ri. Oil ! Fannie, just think I one who had loved him, an. I belriended liim, he shot deliberately murdered ! The matter was hushed up as quietly as possible, by Captain Ca.ileni.iino's ralalives. ( i course he hud to leave the army, tmt bis uncle died just then, and he came home and took posses siou of a princely fortune. When I think of my aunt's broken heart and empty home, can you wonder that I shudder at the thoWhi thai the same, house shelters us both ?" '"What became ol the poor girl, Chrissie V Tlie shock was loo much ! for her, she lost her mind, and in a lew j months she died. .She died ami he I lives cheerful and happy, surrounded j bv every luxury that wealth can bring. ; Who could believe, that undo.' that smiling and fascinating exterior, h I could hide so li'ack a heart. Roiling in wealth, men forget lua ciiino and for what thai wealth can effect, socie ty gladly opens its doors to him. ".Mother" all pr itr-rthelr sl.ilnless rlauehteis. Men of high h .nor saint- Mm irlen.l " " j Christie stopped with a low sob iu her voice. "Clirissio. I do not wonder ! j at your dislike to him now, but, oh ! it is impossible to believe him guilty ol I ! such a crime, flu hat such a strong,! j gent It! face, and is so courteous mid! fascinating in manner. Ho is brave' i too, for he did not hesitate to imperil his own life the other day in hi efforts I ' to stop a runaway learn, as they were ! ; dobing down asleep hill He was J very nine i bruised, hut lie supped ! them and saved tho lile ol o'd Cartur ; j their driver and he would not allow, 1 any fuss lo be made over him either. 1 for when he louiid the crowd was de termined to make a ht'to ot him, hu quietly slipped away and did not go near tho village again that tlay. Hear ! Christie, don't cry so. How 1 wib j you could go home with mo to day i Can you not invent some excuse, ami I come ?"' "No Fannie, I cannot, i Kathie would fxd hurt if I lelt her lm- ; for tiuaidie'a return I wish I could, I There! I hear the gii Is com ing Do not speak to ihem ot what 1 : have lieon telling you." Hefore Kan-' nie could reply, a merry group of girla I entered the room, and the two friends had no more time for private conver-i Sllloll. CHAITF.H II. A few days alter the departure ofl Fannie Owen, wu behold Chrissie, ! taking a lonely constitutional in one of the most beautiful walks, that beautify j the extensive grounds, surrounding Courtley. Christie walked slowlv and; hummed a tune softly to hersell a she walked, to prevent the recurrence of the painful thoughts that had haunted her ever since alio came here and totiod Philip Caallcmainc a guest iu her friend's house. She stopped as she reached a point, where she could ob tain a glimpse of the river, and leaning against an old tree she watched l'io changing lights and ahadows mi the water. While she watched, a wistful light came into the dark grey eyes, aud a shadow ltd! across tho bright, merry facti S'ih seemed to be read ing luturily, and to feel a Strang'- sa l pain at what she read there. Present Iv a voice, which caused In r heart to tin oh t-T t ry titno alio heard il fall on her ear, and turning si iwlv, she met the earnest bit)'! evca of ('apUin O.stle lOaine passing down into h r,gr tv ly and ao;:icwhti tenderly. lUamiiod a he caught Iter l ti lled nk nod mu pleasantly." Where were yon then .Jis llliuore f Nut at yonnley , I wager." "No, but it is high time I was tueie. and ir you will excuse tne, I'll hurry o a to the house I r noised to help Ka ide and I have been dreaming hero e0 so long."' "Well, I promised to help her also, nnd if veil will allow me, we can return together" There was uo help for it, so Chrissie walked on trying inelleclttally, lo I -ave a witl upare between them. "After tins ball to-night . I presume every thing else will appear "stale, flu, and unprolila bio" to us all, I think disipation ou a large scale is apt so make everything else appear small in coinpai is n, espe cially next day. Do you not t. .ink. so t" "I really cannot tell at this will be my first "dm ipation ou a largo jsale," lU'l tcjioi row wdl be 0 ex OANO IvE C., THURSDAY, ception to the usual rule, for if you re member, we are to have a grand pic nic at Silver Glen." "True, I forgot, I hope w shall not fall asleep while at lunch. Miss Elmore, will you allow mo to ask you for the first dance to night ?" Certainly, I will allow you, but I will haw to inform yon that I am already engaged for the first lUre we are al last. What a long walk, I had no idea I had wandered so lar. There is Kathie, wailing for mo. (iood morning Captain Cat. lemaine," and she ran lightly up the steps He turiiwd away with a sad, grievsd look on his lace, brought there by her last tew wotds- lie s.iw that alio avoided him, and never spoke to him of her own accord aud wnilo the knowledge pained him deeply, he naver dreamed why il was to. Ho had lived in the a uno bouse will; her nearly a month. and she was no nearer hitn now, thin t ie first tlay she came; all his e-fforts lo please her Were ueless. When lie saw ihe tenderness and love sKo lav ished on others, his heart grew wild with longing. He knew ho loved her and be hoped in lime lo overcome her evident aveisiou to him, but ho ac knowledged he had no ea-y task to perform. He rcmemliered tho first day he met her would he ever forgtt her pale face, and ihe look of horror and disgust iu il when his name was mentioned? He was haunted ny thai look, and wondered what caused it lo come there. "Al any rate" he thought, "he is the liisl love ol my lonely lift, and it shall go hard with me, if 1 do nol win her my liule queen." A half smile, parted iho handsome lips as he turned tho corner ot Hits bouse, aud he repealed l.i a low lone : ' A girl who has so many willful ways. She would have e-tiiHsl Job's patience to for sake blin, Yet .o rich In all that's sirlhood's prs'se, IHd Job himself upon h -r xoodeS4 g uo, A little h.-it or she would surety make latin.' The ball la uearly al au end. The niiflit la al'tsilj weanlij Into iha "wee sins' hours," and people who lire ouar riuiugli are beginning to leave. Chrissie, who fiiida herself ajiillc a beile on tins oct-asloii, lul been lUncinx all tliu vciiiuK and novf sits resting near a tut'iaincd alcove, while tier partner cue for un ice. Very beautiful she looks to-night iu hrr white fleecy robea and tuauy avet have turned to wstrh the ui .ii'odll llgiua s it glided through Ihe in .?v ,!, nice New as sho sits aloun and rustluif slit) sees Citain Cattleuialue approueh hit;. Hu has nol bera nesr her during the svcnlng, and at lie approaches now, aha lookt for tome means of escape. 1 hero Is none ami with a tiiiflitly tioudnd brow, she tutus and I: tile loin stun, Hug before her. "Mist Hon ore, the licit it a wall., ni.iy I hope to hate il." She looked up saucily "What would life be, without hope, Captain C'sttletnslne." 1 sup pose that mo ns that you are nol engaged for this, and will jfivn it to in -." "Von should not suppose so much," she answered In the liiiit niii'.v toni'i, "I stid, you might hop , I do not think I gate ou to understand ton might b.ive this wall?. " "I will ask you pLilii I) then, ill you be tuy paittur through this wait ?" "You must eacii.e nie, 1 am engaged for llil an I a a good many more besides. " "If you will kindly allow me In look at tout pio. grnilliur, I tl.iUel mieelf 111 It I call f.ltlioill tliu numlier of vour cng-.igetn.-nts." "I sin sorry I esiuiot oblige you. My i rogiauone was too much liku a v II chil l, I could not touirol it, to plated it In sllonl,'er hands " He fludisil augslly as the ciiol wools fdll fiom the pietty, eurvsd lips, tud drawing- liiiusi If an stisight, he ssi. I proudly ; "VVlif joii shouM snub me so perslstetitly, 1 do not pretend to know. I ungui uave hiiowa my errand nere, was a use- i less one, hut I thought to-nitlil when evTy one teeraed ao hspptjsnd pl--iised, lliat t-rh ips, for inn e, vou would lie klu.: to me. 1 b in' Iciirned my mistake by sad ripcnoiicit " lie looked at her, hesitated, itud tlteti tuildenly s oopluj; over her, hp whispered rug.-rit. "I lirlssie why do you liotti me to billiirly ' (", id knows I would die tor your sake. -It la hard you should win inr hcnrl so entirely and else tut' only hcoi n iu luluru. Why is il so Chris-le, tell me to ullil T" Willi tn indignant face and burning cjes, she looked up to gle her an swer, but her eye, fell befois the impassioned look she met. tier wools eeoe slowly so l coldly lo Ins eai;er ears. "You must be in ol or dr. suilng Captain Castlenisiue. lufiluiel would be glad to have you remainber I am Mli Klmore, -only inyntnifs call me Clint tie." She turned lo her partner, wbo came upjiist then, and In a few motaeutt wa. wi.liliuff, arouud the room to the tweet strains otitntof Mtras' w allies. CllAl'lKll 111. Neil ill oi n log the yotinK people atarted off ti filter gl. n I lie d ly w it beatlliflll an. I rloadlets, and every tiling promised a g.ioil tloi-'; but snaiehow Ihe brlgtiluefia of earth and sky wen. powerless to I gliteii Cbrlt.le'a t ill beau. She h til spent the roinsluing bunt of tut preeeedioif lolit in bitters Kara and fieree uplo.odiugs of her own heart, four ulul l ! j sin lisd no mot tier's hit lrii anus lo fly lo for I eonfort, an o fttlt T'1 ?tr.i:;i; t ir.u tj all.r'J j lo'-r Iro n danger. (Inly her own lood.-r le art ) aod .Ir.n.g o Misu.ence lo gu de hot, and in the ' Itr i.le between cons, I. tu'e .n.i It-art, who . ti n s not know Itie agony she enduiud. Vainly : did eoo-eo'tien strive lo tianl-ll tliu form and' voice of one aba did nol approve, the brail Would rubul anil pr itljlln, is clarion tones, I'lnlip I aa-lleinaine its king. 7lutee voids, ! "Vou know I would die for your sake, it It liad thst yotl should win imj heart to nllie)y and give me only scorn lu return." ticuru! Ah! if she only could scorn htm, aa she ought ! Why, will did tie do that terrible ihing J.-aia , j.i ' Wliyvuti'tl bale lion as 1 ought Oh If li' bid iml cross d my pith, with hi. ttrouir face sn I much sH'iugci will. Hill will show liim such scorn, he will nev.-r ilare apprmch Mie luain I will n u think of blot any toore lliau I ran kelp, and In lime p.ihtps I may forget hhn." Chrissie, of what a.e jott dr.-aai-ln T ' asked the gay ruler of llaihle t'otir lev, au I looking up i ilcslt t'te saw her filend and Piilllp 'lastb-inaine stnu.lliig before her. "Oh I lots of things. lo yo.i waul ma Kalbie? ' "You are alwus wauled it .tr, an I as luneli is waiting, I deter ol Inc. I lo break "the apt II of your dr 'j in. llnvtbtcu watching )oo from afar" CtJtltt JtimiMi nn quickly sett wit 3 NOVEAIBEll 23, 188'. toon oos of Hit merriest lu that merry crowd . She periisteutly kept out of Captain Castle malnt'a way all day, and late iu the cyeaing ts sht taw hhn approathini; tho group in which the stood, the quietly slipped tnar, aud waud red oQ among the trees. After luiterlng along for tome tiros the seated herself ul the foot of a gnarled oak, and aa wout to do, toon lutl foesciouioesi ot surroandinf; objects lu A deep reeerie, "Miss K. iuiire, the people are beginning to lenreand Miss Kathie sent me to look for ) 'ou. Willyou reluru now?" spoke the toit-e ,1 I'htllp near her, shemose nuuiediately, but he dld not move, and she turned to ace what dc t lined liim. He stoo I b. f iro her. "t linssie, I will never Seak to you nil this tubj.-ct again afivr to-day, but ll'tett to tin now. You know 1 lore yuu, but )ou will uerer know how dearly. Tell ins, It them un hops for tut. Oh! ny lute, do not steel jour heart airaiiiat nie. If you do not love me now, only goe we hopo and 1 will patiently wait for any uiinilu r of years, so that 1 may al last claim yotl foi my own. Christie, I am wiiliing for your an swer, will you uol speak to me:'" He ceased, tud all hough her heart was nearly harallng, uud her eyes were tilled Willi tuishrd tears, so lliat sho dared not look al linn, she totwered coolly and Indifferently, "Did you aay, Kathie wat Wailing Caplnlu Cattle inalne? Perhapt we bid bettci Join her." "D let thai mesa there is no hope ?'' He caught her bauds llr nly In both of Int. "I will not let you K from here Chrissie until you do answer me, I suppose it can be "Illy one tling uuw, but you shall answer inl and ibut plainly. You aie tht only woman 1 hava orr loved, aud I uow ask you to be mi wife." Well, then, at you wiil Insist, take my answtr, 1 would rather lire lonely and uu loved all my life, and go down to my grave neg lected tud uuiarid for, than to bellow no. serious thought ou you or your lore." "Iha. Is tuflU-lent Mist Klmore" he cried lu proud ringing Jones, at he dropped her bonis "Nett-r will yuu be troubled by mo again. I would ralher die, than again pallida my Ion for yuu. I bell -red it sa. I, ss.lllll I did ll.ii believe it avowal would lovel.o such a r ply As you have such il ti.tistullon of myself 1 um sure il will not biesk your heart U bate no leate you now. Hood eteuing" am! raising hi. hat be gate her a blow, graceui low and d -parted Chrissie gave one look al this retrraune (oi iu, and sank down tip..ii the grass, with Uf'li a ilusjisli lug t'l,, as tun only come ft. m a lir .keu, tortured heart lm then was Hot the tloic lo iiidu go her g l"f, so slu eoinposed herself aa qu'ckly as i ossibie uinl hu.ried lo Join her frieinK. In tbu htiirv uml bu. lie of leaving uo one iiotn rd tliu sad Imt ful faco-snd ou reaching Couilley, she run un mediately lo her room. At the I u.he.l in, the Humbled against seme one coming, tod looking U t ie Illet the smiling face, of lo I aunt, Mrs. Law lull. Willi a ciy ol Joy Chil lis precipitated herself in lo Ihe out l! retch J arms " Ah ailnlli', wbal is Ihe mallei ' ll.ov to Hud you here." "Not .ti.iuL'e .it all dearie. 1 bae long wished to vim my old Itirtid Katbei lue Courilry and I accepted Inr invitation this summer, but as I n Mi. .l to mi -.i It.! toil, I begged ller Hot to 1.1 V tl kuoit I sat coming. Hill my d.oliog chod, Is lustier with you!" 'Hi, auntie, how cat! I tell you! Hut ton must know, i'lnlip ( a-llemaine Isi.eo , t iMiieg in iln house!" "Weil dear, is that il. " I i,. lew- ih it tiefore 1 eon -," ' Aunty ! II i.v ts'tuU tmi taken; nhilo 1- tut he o I is tie. illy l.ilsi-ll" till I lhrs-1' bust I. .lo soil all a; ot' of w, ep ng, tu it b sluiit form .hook aa if S'taui I I'V a .t-nip. s II.- aunt's astuli-l-.tlilient cliauiied to poy au J di tWIir; tliu eob gli'i to b r bosom, she s iottn-1 hrr wuh L-enue, toylny- woid, t It- i f 'lit s-.;u c. . d eal. II liel lulls slilllce lilly, she to,. I her aunt nil ih o h ot o t-tirr. .1, au I ,t hen she t-ouclud. e, bv asklti'i, -"Auntie is it very wuk"d iu me lo love bun to d- si Iv ?" Inr oint biokn inio a s..( Utile liugii. I'htissi,. I i .ke I up sr- nt-d "You," dear liule go .se I Cliiiasie you have been torturing tolli.eif lleeitb'-slt . I). toll not know lliat I'lilliii ' is:l. in ilue, of lohu's r.-gn:ieut, has a .oii.ln, who ti.-ar . tin sime name ' "No" she replied with u starllcd face "Well he has, and tins g. icle lieu is iho coiis.ii. ' he . I, lei I'lolie t llialne Is al present III if.-rill iliv. Yotl hate nia lt! a sad mistake, t.ut il is not loo late to rectify it. You must riplalu to Captain fas lieitiaine, uml 1 hare no d uitii, he will find it easy lo forgive." "Oil ! naittie 1 cannot ex plain. It It will look as If . I etunot t-I plain. He despises me. How can hu help It ulull 1 bel l e I so tin .1 ly ? lie eaid he would die before he would ever tall inn of his lote st .In, and he meant It," and again t hrls.-ir was dissolved in tears. "My dear child, tills will never tin, yotl will m ike your. elf seriously III. You inns' go in u the open air and compose yourself. Heie, throw this shawl around you nnd run Intuitu' ga'd' ii. 1 will vlilior co'ue or send for you in time to dress for tea." And Cbrlasie, reiiuui her that pride often destr iys the lu..oe-i f life." At Clirosie led. the room, auo Mm went to the library un I a. nt forCapl uu C o tlemaine. He t-sme promptly, but there wiit a c illness in his steps, and a laj, hopeless look. In the di ep blue eyes that went to mint Mary'l allet-ttoiiate heart, A fen mo u ult sutttetd ttl esplaiu 01 liters, tin.) f'lptain Ci tl"liu!lil! i.o.i. 1. ft the iiblary, Willi q-lllg t dllTrrciit rxpicasioll oil Ills liau.iaoiiit1 face. (' illsle stood I. snliig against a maible tlalle, W .telling Ihe little It'll g null.. I III II..' eits'.al ler, and lliliiklii,' sal, ngr.oful llioujjht As she went over for the liuu lictb time, a'l that had iH-euoed iluring ihe p ..t f.-w aeek , and remember. -d riilllp's last to her, thitdiy, her heat I ass ll'l d wlili a sinking Ire, d, and bitter litis lollid down In r pale face. "I have li st blin fi rerer and it i all inv own fault" a. her itrtpalnng ny. ,h,i s o wrapped up lu her tad musings that iho tailed to hear the loo ml of in oily f.u, tl-i, and kuew n it iha.1 I'blllp wis n si, in bis voire Haiiied her of the fset. "I'nriasie, km.w Ol now, an, I have t-ouie again to as, 'otl If vou will give y tllrs.-lf to ui !" S ie iiul inn speak, sint co.uliu' nearer h.. tonkid. lulo li.e down en.l la -e. Pio.alily tier -ail tits au.wcr nunc I it thvi next iuoin. nl hit warm, loving ai i s en- 'brown around lie ua I stie wasdnwii r! oily lo hli be a' nig lieiul, l'ie. " ily li- tailed the blushing lu il asked, ltiji D;:j "must I bate vou a.-, n I luis.l. . "Si." tlte Whlier.-. shylt. "All asl; i.,t b alt -i yuu ill pr. unite lo coine again wry i irnin,'' Then tin bri n li t face bctstim icrlout, vv o. A NO. 38. and looking up into her lover'i ctes, ahe aske. patdon for her inst conduct. "1 tried to ha' you Philip, and I eosid not. It ov cnal I ev. bellerp ye guilty of such crime? How ru-'r 1 htive been lo you. ill y-m ett-r foruili me?" "My dear love, t hate nothing ta fo give. 1 h re no room In inv heart, this beau tlTul evening, for toy feeling but Jot tin thanksgiving. Wn will nrver spesk of lb p ilt mistake .1-tir, iv.. will Insgllie it it dai dre tui of tli- n j!n thai rtiu Int-e nothilig I do with the hi h.-ht ilisn, of lh' belt, r u d ''st Ol lill.'. bet .r.'e'; U'." II" lieu his be ami kls. -.1, a .My. .m l M !ci y !. 1 u.eii.. II -a. that sin-it . sw.-i tiy f..r p u.l ai. "s on., tnomenrs n-av vvlf'i I. Is, r.'ioo . I iiiiiiiu'..-u I 'lour, i.t pui ,." --" si s r .It nr." Hlll IMI M itt I-. ells' ll.'.il-ll K.tientr. ''at o e u ii f r i'upot -tic I iiin-ss, s'tnal .t.-l.llllt A.',, . ill ill ll -e.l-1- N r. I'. ,i. ,.l t 1 Ml W lloillit..n. N. C. AKVKKTISK.MKN IS. I'iie great sujvcrsority of IMl. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP our all other couyh remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For tlx: (aire of Cottt'lis, CM-. uPron. Iloarsenevi, ( '...ttti, A-ihrn. chiti-i, Whonping Ct-ttoh, Incip I'tcnt Coii-'inii.ii..;i n'tl for the relief nf coi!'tiiii.!ii.' j-cv ui, in itihar.ccd j stages of the lhi u-e. J-'or S.i!e in. nil Tte,,.T,,:-io. r. : o-. , w . ...I a - . i.f,i.ii.s 1 OIC, ..I tints. sat u tatnrsvsstasjSPatBMtaspM I! s. p y T x I I. A. il ii .1 i, r. o iot,.n lo the pnldle ;o i a i .NMt;r.i:.v;' of .Mlllm.-r'. N..1I .1,'.. l ittiev I,. o,s loll I A:.,-ls, ( lie ip I :i.-es. Ladles liirnl-hlnr, (1 mils, ,to. IIK I KOtt 4 ASH. MUj. M. A. MimllK. tr-'iu iib's lii'i, k T'.l... k Wel, li, S.e. not Jl ly J,' " i: s a i. i-: Two I .tvlorflitis in it rep i,i-i '..-,. t- ' .Ol - It ill I olt .u Press 'or I'hev . un Is- s. i n at 0,e II , i:-. M , elllio ,,p, .0 '. , 1. 1, ,u. , , ii'i i v. July .'7 11 I S. li.1 to MOOItF-M 'lit .si:ss t n i unity a A I In ta III. tin. 1 or II. i., ,i.i,. i fir. illur A Use lli-lunl Pus. Ii. -i. b.sil. 'u.'.o..c ti'inf, i-i GREAT BARCAIN8. We are now i-eeeiyine' our new ami bonntlfti tood- ree.oitli . ii eli.iH... ,.f ti, iiiiifii.-iuren.. The l.-triT'-st Hint 1. 'st sele.-te.t ato-'li t.f hoi ii w rtiiKs SKI'N "t' .l !' W ! I II V. li wn tut Mi i.i: i s tll'KIt AMI HI' Ri r M, lOAMiMI Wli-I . . HI i,i. si r:rv iictti vs womtiw sol, IH MU'lillM'tioNs. KnllKs a, Tue Iteat MO itstnr uml $,1 oil k v v. n t 1. 1. I'se Young's IV p. til,.,.,. and nut rve -.. ill -yesb-lit ' " '"' and I v..-!r, t. i sire. I lo the I.e.- worltno n Ko;i -t y i n -ii, ui li ,i e.-i,, I I'. t'l M. a li its oetJly I'. OTsloir -. Va t ! I 1 t " vni,ierf . iri, s I'll'. ' l!f.V ltlt'i.i.,. I , ,. j fr '!' '' ti o in o,i lioit -' '' , i to'ff tlie.i -.1-1, it us,. oi'.-criliii!.- l it,o i;ii,.r Huns. Il is i, noil ;e litiiilo i-eou-ils-. fOH Sie av fl nr-of-ir-fe; ' f'.H Klfi'lfi" L'.ivi.l f. Foutz, Prop, II Al I IMoili:. I IK -vV-S Knr-tl- by Hr. A II ,,, .. r llro oel .M ly Vy K I I o M K HUH 1' A t it A v T, JAMES JONES, PitOPHIKTOR No.'il West Main si . Norfolk. Va. I.yunti.iveti tijs', rs bt ti- bnir.i. ri'1 ' t'l'i. V. ej. M A Y . BAKER & CONFECTIONER. n'KLPOX, x.c. A very lurs-.- supply of i Vies, i ri 'k 'rs. t'.m.ii..., t-'roiieh mid IMniu ll.ii-His, Fruits. Nuts. ie. The Isrjest stoeli ,.f Toys ot pyery variety ever or -ns'ii io una mnrhet , "".t. rs tor ciioli..., rakes, j,,-., an.. ,1 .,t ,hort We ld liff aildotherpartles.ui. pted as i-'ieat. Slthecl,earvst. OOlVHf. rH e ,ro anckjI In tvv a AUVEUlISKVa BATES. SPAf ti no S.nnre, wo ,-wtiares, 'ti r-t- -cj ian s, I-' uir (jiMt'es, ourlli il I'll, ; lait (''I'ltiitiii, V hole t;. .hi in n 5 S on m no . n mi cO I. tin I lu tc I ;'K On ;" t b i hi' I is fitij o mi I id vo In uo is 00 ,.ti (ti 4o 00 li,w , It?' , (lis i 00 I ;ll (10 'Jti Oil oil uu I U MJ (10 nei Tesry 75 (JO PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r (I. hi.l.IOTT ' " ' tllurney and ounarllor at l aw, SO FLK, V 1. Ilo uu aau.1.1 Virgltilau Ituild ng. Oct I ly juxrn cem.. " ATtOKHYs tT MW, iNiiiit.ri.N.c. s "rs-tie-s In t'i. e.iiu'iei of Halifax. Nash . la- n be an I VV 1 1 ion. I'ollcs'ilioia n site u, a; I ""'" " "' ian U tf. ) H. HM I I'll, J It, V ' AI'luitsjKV T l.W, oiri.vxii Vi.;eg. il tLtl' , It s.,(TNTT sj ,. IV.vtlces iii t'i.. eo-i.tlv of Halifax and adoin i : '-.uinl ies. an I in l lie Snp.eiue e .ur ..f Hie ate. ,. .. Uiy J m. i it i . i a r n, ArroitMKv r , 1IAMP V1 .V. C. KBee In f!i. fourt Tf.otse. strict" t'ttentlon yen to lirauelie..,! ib i.roliiaaltm. ol 1J ly J'ltf).VIA. X. HILL, Alloraejt at Law, H VLIK iX N. r Prs'tl.-e. In Hiillfax and a.ljoinlng'countle u l in.! Supreme courts. VVtil t.o al N,..,-a,, once every fort-'t''- angisif )H. U H 0. W. 11 A It f M A If , a ii r k e o ii 1 c n 1 1 m t . . Olllre over W. H. ftrown's Dry Hoods more, WBLUilN. 5.P. 4 Vill visit p.i-tl., at theu-homes when' 1'eriin It.-ss. .liable. ,., r. j . W. M A S V X T I'dltll KY t r UH, . ti AHV.silUttii, N. C- ' I'ri.'ie.. inth) rtioirts til Mnrthatntiton and 0 m il : counties, also In th, Jr'ednrai aud nu re ne courts, June if. ryAI.TEK K. DANIEL., .Ilorne, ui,, omiitrMoc.Aa JLaw, W K I. I U N, h, (Vf s I'rsiileea in Itsltfat and anjoli tuV p..ntls. "i att-ioioi Kv u lo rollraiio In fi'b' r'i y "'" I'r.itiijit retutua made. 7, 'V. UAt.f,, ITTOUTtKY A T f.KVf, ,a . WEf.DOV, V. p.' att.'iition iriwn o cniieeflons and iiiiti.iin-.'s j.romptl)-made. s . , inn Itl'. ( J U. K. 1-. UUNTSR,i 7 . r it u k o y i)i;,n r it it t . Can lie found u' lilt oftlea In V-nHold. Pom .Vilnius Ox ,l i )r,r Uin ss Kxtraeting of T.-oih alwavaon haiul. .1 it iii '.'J tl. " ei.i.Ks. toaat.tidoss f n t. I. K .V A M 00 It K, AT I II VI ITI lflV UAI.II-'V T v i' s r t I ' ' ' in t!ie . . inio-soi Hnilfax. Mortliairn).. ill. H nl... 1'if nil M let in - lu the Su re'. ! ,!,,.( ,.( ii,, sati and in tlie federal ' '" "f I (Its e-u nisi eii-i. Colleen masunda I oivplrl o! Hi., sea...- nil 1 ly ' ' ' '' 0 I I It 1, . u. 1 ) ,11 A It li -(if-Flil A IIIU1. . I 1 1 Y a 1 1 I s, 4n M'Kl.r (fNfl, W I. 1 o M, N. I'. Hr A It s, ,' i l .'otl ivll. r. Iinvn uoilea iii tl,.. prueti f n,.., tie Ve, up.ier -til.- io., I torn of ir. a. ti .otlteeiter Bm. I r tliell- pe... sst.'lisl seniees ., Ht jmuUa n.-ro e a... s.,ie,i .bs. . ,,f tb.-ir stronsgn, '"'" ' T.-.ill an. I or uitpt atleiiMrnlo I , ' '" firm will tsvs t, . found Mr ""lee III i.lhe ..r'a Drllir Sto-e Where i . . i .... I ... tr ,. , !, ,4 w,,.n "n visit "ti "ve th Ir attru t, n i.. i 1 1 1 e nt s wlihoiiirstra ebarwe. . no- t: if " r 0Hlr IliltlllT WORKS, (l.sialil..b.,. laifaiv i '.' "" 'tt"'l.i.ppo-ilc lllllfsx. I'hTKKMlflili, VA. loniiiitt'iiu, - ' lo.iibsi, . . , ( riiasra, Hendalon) and liraveajtaaara I every description tnnde to order ranglitg in ne li.ittl 11. i. , l sin., sent lo mnll tonuy n lur, as.wtth tioat. .C um,.. .ui,,- i(., lor reilun. ar it i, 1. , . r, ,,,.1V , h, w ltk r ,1 In I loliMir.b .1; II l line, lortalt e sr,rr ot- in II 01, I 'l el,,,, .,, ,ller..,,.,i,.J to returu I nit .-vpeu- I payliu ce ,i hvih wavs 1, . ..-I .tie . il il. I .Ilea;, Ir Iglns g ill nil'ilce,!. t ot ruB,u,iiileiiesssrlk-trertfmni a't seeit.ois t l:i,y i llAS.M.WAlaili., I'lrn and Life Insnrane Agta(. Can tie found In the Roanoke News lifflee. a . - s. WfLPOV, N. C, . , - --' ".''. i . . s.;; , - : mi:it?.iii, ..: . . ' ... . .. i. a Note 'nr T'li lei-wrttrra. "A" o( Wtitertown. K.T. es erti, .f Toronto, I'ansda. taiiiue i or rarNtro, N c.t . ... ' Lvn -'ii.ii.-i'. ..f l.vneitbnrf. Ta. KqittUMe Life Vnanranoero.ofS.T. - ' Willi pi ve rlakaltojaoy Other (rood rotnvany Krw Srt(rleJ. ' Jutvlbjy'