THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, : : : NOVEMBER S3, 1882. NOTES HERE AND THERE- A. stock Company has been for aril to nner Ite Una ( etreet cart In Charlotte. fheOiford Torchlight has enlarged and w,i ,r j!d to note thlt evidence of prosperity. Major Yeatee who a itaort tint Inee wn taken lo an eejlum baa (Merely recovered. It la rtporttd that Gin. Beauregaril will Barrf Mra. Vandarbllt. 8ha la worth tOO,- 000. W. M. McAdoo, a native of North Carolina twenty-Are yeare old was eleetcd ta Camlets froa New Jersey. The auroral atorm of Friday waa gcuaral throughout the eonulry. Chicago waa isolated baa tbe world. Ki-Oot. Haadricka la rapidly convalescm ind la axpettod to br out of doora and et ttndlog to buiiuets in a few days. W. F. Cody, otberwlae "Buffalo Bill," I golnr to Enropa next May. Soma on y Cody baa made about $1,000,000 by wallr.ini after imaginary acalpa on the stage. The ratnrna of the election will be ofllcUi'y eanrafiedon next rhuraday. The Govern r, lenatary of State, Attorney-General and l o atahtriof tba State Senate, oue from en h politl al pany, to be appoluted by the Gorei lor, constitute the Board. Charlotte Jturnal : It In a lingular fact tha la Gutoi, a county of forty-flye distilleries ami probably tba lareat whisky Interest directly opposed to prohibition, every candidate elected waa a aupporter of tba prohibition ac, tr'at lcaat aucb ia aaaertad to be the cm. The Mormon hierarchy ia not conHntng Ita at tenlton to Utah Territory by any 0111111. 7 In hundreds of Monnotii now eoming by every etramer from Europe ar not all conducted in Utah. They art lent to Colorado, Wyoming Alr.ont, Narada and Idahi). In Idaho the Mormon biibopa bare made the moat deter aiaed effort! at colonization; III Arlrona the) are wry active; also in A'tw Mexico, aud di net rare a conlinenUI for tli E-luiiodi law. under which only tfce arreit baa been madt tliaa far. Wbrn the headlm rooster waa on exhiil at the late Stale fair aeteral medical men attained blia. Among oih-e, Dr. R. A Lan caitar, oae of tba aurgeoni at the aleaebou e He did not believe the atory of accidental de capitation aa toW, and when he went back 10 tbe almshouse he aecured a number of chicken heads end eipe'lmented upon Iheiu lint. He became satisfied that ha could take the bead of a chicken oft and not produce death, lo aarry out thie belief b took a hen and pro ceeded toaakil!fally diaaect tka bead, Icavm tba brain intact and tba gnllet expoied. Thii wai dona aeveral day, and the chicken la alive and walking about. Dr. Lancaster feeds the thicken by means of a tube, and ao long at thill kept up than ii no question ot tlx fowl' lliing. A freat many people bait keen ont to tha chicken. KichinonJ Din. pitth. Mr. Ambrose Byrd, a very prominent citlzui ot Mitchell county, N, C, wra murdered on Saturday under peculiar circumstances near Bskeraiilli. lit waa engaged exleusively in buslneu with three brothers, Cbarlea, Edward aad Marion Whltaon. They came to the ttore and demanded tbat Byrd should surrender bit property and leave. All were armed to the teeth and made threats to kill him If he did in Instantly depart. Byrd left the store, bu as ha returned all threo ahot him, riddling h r body witb backabot. lie died aa lu fell. At the moment a party of Byrd's friend came p and bit tie began between Ihrse and th Wbllsons. m which were woanded, bu ill tha brothers eecaped aud took to tba mouu taint. Two hundred moaotaiueere are In pui iilit. They are guarding every road leadnu Into Tennessee and swear instant veueauce on the murderers, wbo will be lynched the mi tut they are captured. Tba Governor, tin county and tha citizens bav offered bt-avy re wards for their capture, aud aucb au excite ont has not been know In that part of ibe lute In years. POINTS IrVVoLITICS. Woman auffrage waa defeated lu Nebrak iySB.000 lOtee. tngeraoll ha nominated General Sherna for Freaidaat in 184. GoTirner elect Pattison declines to have an display at hi Inauguration. C l. T. M. Holt la spoken of for 8 naker 0 the House of Reprascutatlvea. Tit Mw Berne Jtuniel nomlnatea Ma) hi. Rut baa for Goternor In ism. Fully one hundred colored mia Toted the Dcaoeratic ticket In Wil.nn county. The Greenhoro Patriot comae out for Gri Alfred M. Scales t,r Goiern ir in IBS. Knbeeou expanded 170,000 to secure hit aalnatloa and election to Congres. A bit' tua to lost. Papa Barrow ha been elected Stattor frntn Georgia to III Senator Ulll't unexpired term Hi I a year old and a lawyer. The Pennsylvania Btalwarta are preparing to continue th war against lb Independent There le eon solitary Indication of a possible raeooclliatlon.-YTaah. At!. Do tb Democrat dealra to elect their Gov areerta 1W4 . They must nominate ma with unsullied private character. Tb est drepthe politician. New Berne Journal TkupetpUmMi nominate tb candidates d 1844. Tb noalooe mast b men of th. hlghnat latfgrlty and without lusplrlnn Oibsrwla Monk Carolina uay be clttttd at "doubtful'-Wll Star. IStmetor political pertlee In this countri y change, but w ar Democratli) now ami 3ttw, atjcaas ia Mat oae word la ent-ai all tba hallowed principle ot liberty and good f'ernaent. A internment of, for aid by the P'onle.-JVne South, Greensboro AitrM : Th election of the ne KroO'Hara, lo the Sad Can sessional District, la decisive victory over the Kavrnoe Ring. Be drove the machine candidate, Bo'iba, oil f the race, and scored a brilliant victory over Xott and hli gang. Ceaeorl Rtgitttr: The white men of the tat of North Carolina have apokea In Ian dage that cannot be eniiundaratood, (hat Mr fiWm of County Gonntmtnt that protftit t't trtuury of tit (As eountiu, and ptrtirula-'y thuee countlet which bav a majority of negro "Xrt, ahall he preserved. Raleigh, AT. m-04m rw: Unofficlel returns ad a doae estimate Indicate that tbe Seni'e willaUndM Democrat and 10 Republlcana, o the Horn 73 Democrat and 4 Repuhll cm Oa Joint ballot th Leglilaiur 111 taid 108 DtaoeraU and M Republican. Th tat Legislature etood. Senate S Democrats t U Repabilcaaa, and the House 74 Democrat, lMpt;tBtpio9rT(lii. WlYifity .iIB,hi!f.2-i"' "V'f"" "' uo "'l-oiia . nt. Nil niTninmiii'.ii.ti.. 1 V" " ' "crnmiisnynii coininiinli'atlont. Anynii whnmny I ,,.,, M madP ny corresiiondi-ntran obtain t!ie imn: .111 api'lli-ntmn tn tin- Killtor Oorres.ondiiit will rlt-n,i!v ,, allien! tliH imi.-r. ami n, avoid liaviinr thi-i. communications thrown In thr w I.MHe will urntuli tholr iitinon-n.n i,P,.,.r.rllv fn, '"""tion-liutaaa iruaraniy of gm (aitl aewlll not notice ationyroou orreaimiiilenc Xl'artics fliiiliiiK a enwt uinrton the mai Kin of 'heir rii)iir, opiwHe Mieir mum-, will take notice Unit their tul.i rliitii,ii ha expired, un.ttlie paper will ho ill--continued unlij,s lliey onlcr It roiivwed VHI'RCll DIRECTORY. RarritTCiiiiRcH -W. P.Hlako. l-aator-Preach-;n every VndaiuHtliSun.lavs, at m ''' Sunday who. I cv-ry sun.lay at 9 : a. M Prayer-mei tlnicevory Wii.wav ,. MfTHomsT RPiaroMLClitncii.-W I ('unint jjirn, Pastor-IM-oaehlng every 1-t anil Sun my at II a.m., and 7:t.i r m. tsmnlnv tehonl ever I'ROTTAST UriM-oi'Al. ClIURCIl.-A. S. Smith j S.0rT Irr'",li"5-'tliSunilavt at II a. .. .' it a' "'"""a 4'h funday LOCAL. All qniet once more. Christmas is not fir off. Nice weather for hunting. Wildon waa lively last week. Loog out for cold weather now. Lot of cotton In the Buldi yet. Oive ui a rrit on the liquor cues. Con up ami lottle for your paper. Nixt Thursday Is Tbanksidrlng day. Inferior court is in sesnlon this week. Everybody bad a good time at the Fair. Get your turkles ready for next Thundiy. A nice lino of Gents and Boys clothing at M. F. Harfa. The side-showmen and gamblera have dim .larted. Nearly everybody has the worst cold they ever had in their lives. Why be weak! Why not not be healthy, nliust, and atrong, by nslug Brown's Iron Bntersf CorriNS of all alzea and qualities at E. A 'utlirell'. atore. Prices as low aa any othn dealer. Whether you live in town or in the country, we are anxiously limkin for yon to eoiue u and settle your subscription. L0".lake your old things look like new l ned the Diamond Dyei, and you will be happy, ttiy of the fashionable colors for 10 cents. Died of neuralgia of the atmnnch and bowels in Sunday night, Nov. 19th, ISJ, In Northamp ton county, Mrs. Sarah E. Morgan, aged 41 yeara. Married at the Davis House Nov. 20th 1880 'y Eev. W. L. Cuningglm. Mr. Jamoa V Grant and Miss Emma E. Gates, both of Nor folk, Va. A druggist In New Richmond, O., Mr. E. J Dunham, writes us the following: I rnsldr Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup onu of the verv ben things made. 1 use It altogether in my owi amlly and can therefore recommend It. B - Killed by a Train. -Harry Eaton, colored at ruu ove and killed by a train on the Wi. uliigton Knad on Saturday lat. Ho was ai inptiug to steal a ride and It la suppose while making efforts to get on the tralu, M, uid waa kllied. - - ana - (Jlke t'Li'B Entertainment. To night the itoanoke Ulce Club, Qur eiie, will vive an en eitaiunient in Daniel's Hall. The programup eonialns Hie latest aongs amonij them lieiiu Huriganand llart'a latesl pieces. The ei -attainment begins at i 'M o'clock. Adinissioi i. 2i and 15 cents. Personal.-M1ss Lizzie L. Prince, of Peters burg, has been visiting friends In town. .Miaea Jettiu dtal back, Mamie Anlersip in. I Lela Lewis, who bar been attending ebool at Littleton, paid short tiait to then r speitlve homes last week. Vlisa ialiie Bacon, of Brunswick county, Va ii visiting frleuds In Waldo. Entertainment. On Tuesday night a lamel a Hall, Mr. J. II Tilghinan euterlulur i small hut Select audieme, by reading eevc a lection a, grave ami gay. Among them w ha "Welded Link," read in honor of it au hor Judge J. F. Sliniiions of Mississippi, f . .i -aerly a citizen ot Weldnn and aecond Pretl lent of the Society, Mr, Tll;hman being tin int. Tin OniE-ErED M instir Monday nlnh A'iley Davis and hit wife, both colored, had n light. T he trouhle arm from a nni alleg il H-ccadilloes of Wiley. Wilry cut Ins wife I everal places but not seriously and in retur byway of reciprocating the lompllinent, Hi wife punched a hole in Wiley's hesd which al' I- not serious. T hey were taken before aotliu Mayor CaptH, who illtpens -il justice te them Interior Court. This court eoavened Ii re jlr sesiinn on Mondiy last. There full docket. Tbe Jail cases were di-pos-d o Irst. No rase waa tried oa Monday, coar inking recees afer the grand Jury was drawi ind charge I. The liquor cateawlil l e takei np to day and It la to be hoped tbat they will .0 dually dlp 'led of aud no more be brought before tbe court. L. 0 Grady' Dun.ay. Without brim unjust we cannot refrain from noticing lh exhibit made by L. 0. Urady at the fair. Mr Uradv'a show cites were ainna tha most at rtctite sights In Floral Hal." Ills larg huw casta wer flllod with Jewels rare am aere most sni-tlcilly arranged so tbat earh irlklt wai put In the p itltiun bet' time l to il lid iiio viooiia liial linger I around in etam utest tb truth of what we say. We bape hi will visit tbe fair every jear. New ADViRTUEMENTi Read the csrd o' Dr. A. B. Pierce, offe-ing his pmfe-slonal sei tlces to the cillZKiis of Weldnn and siirriup d lug country. Dr. Pierce It sn oi l praclitlone and is well known to our people. 1'srtlas desiring to ptirchatc a valaable farm near town would do well to rent the advertlte ment of Mrs. R. B. Parker, offering land foi aule or rent. John Galling, Trustee offers a valuable trac of land for sale. Il I situated In this county. a"Msgninent promises sometime em! a sliry performances." A inagoillient tic.,, tion to this Is found in Kldtiry-Woit which li variably performs even mors cure then It promise. Here la a single. Instance ; "Mother has recovered." wrote an Illinois girl to ber Entire relaiivei. "eb took Bitten for a loug lime but without any good. So when ana beard of lb virtu of Kidnty-Wort ih got box and It bu lompleniy tared her livtt omplalol." ATTENDTO THIS. Tb elcctimi is over, the Fair is over, the cotton Is coming in and we it ni treiy man Indtbted to ua to rill and settle or to send amount due by mall. If sny sre not certain hnw much they owe, let them send some amount and we will let thuin know If tin y owe more. We have been basy for several Weeka aud could not pay proper alien' Ion to our collecliuus, but will hereafter aitead to them more closely. Plaaae hriug us or srad us what yeu owe. A Gam Beaten at His - .wk Gami Latt week, a gambler who sold soap w lib, money rapped up within It, waa beaten ont of twen ty dollars ly Eaton Milla. Tbe gambler em lloyd Katon aa an accomplice, Eaton was to 'puy a package wlih the money in it toconvluee h cioad of Hie falrneu of tbe game, but was to return the moaey. The trick worked al ight until the time came for Eaten to refund, ile refused to do so aud walked off with the money lu his pocket lo tbe gambler's diecom J lure, aud the aiuusemeul of the crowd. Fatally 8sor on as Excursion Traim. )u Wedneed.y night of last week, Thomas Johnston, colored, while going home from the fair was fatally allot. II was a waller at tkt aailug house on the gruuuda aud lived In Eu leld and went borne every light. While gulug ome on the night above mentioned, he wa hot by a man with whom he had difficulty thlcb arots, some say, because he alpped uo he mau's toes, aiidothera, becsut he used In tuiting language il the presence of some la ilea ho were on the train. Nobody knows woo hot him aud uo anesla have been made. For the Lkoisi.aturi -Capt. R. B. Peebles, Lidepeudent Democratic candidate for th. Lnglnlalure from Nurihamplon county waa iccicd. His opponeut'i name was George A. arker, but many ot the balleia bore the nam f George ,V Parker, and others C. T. Par .r. Tue Board of can tasters very properly Jd not give theto votes to George A. Parkei ind declared Capt. PtebUa elected. We learn hat Parker will contest the teat when lb Legliiaiure meet in January. Tb mistake u the name on lb Kepubllcau tickets Wat aused by the Republicans theaselvea. IH'atii or Jacob lliooa, Esq. Sunday Ighi I tit gentleman, so well known all otri lie Slate, dlad, afier a few mouths' illneaa, ol ousuiuption. Mr. Wigga was highly eataeuied. mil wai for year in buimett in ibis city. H iaa for sometime p ul repretunted Metara. K J. Jahouey, of Portsmouth, V., la thl itile. Ills age was only oV. During the wai letorted In a Nor'h Camilla cavalry reglmeut ie waa ery popular lu thla city aa well at itowliere, and hia death will cause much re ;iel Hit funeral Services will be held from he Flrsi Bajnl t church at 10 o'clock III norulng Aoct-Oavrivr, Mr. Iliggs waa a native of this county and -pent the earlier yeara of his life hare U. Ill baa relative In thla section who will ;rlsie lo bear of hia daatb. Our Merciakts at tbi Fair. Among ither handsome things wblrh we saw la loral Hall lust week waa the abow-caee oi down A Simmons, druggist, of this place ii waa filled with parfuae aid other fanci rtlvlia and waa much admired. It really de - rred the notice it received. 'Mr, V. J. Naw alto had a show case on xlilbitlou Ulled with all kiadauf good tblagt riiicu were tempting euough for the aott self eiiying Aud no doubt ibe appetite of many ere increased. Our town snerchauia should l HI Ihey can for the f Irs, and these genllt ncn dctcrre credit for their interest lo lb. natter. ITuE Mosr Popular Vouno Laut at ti 'air.-Iii Floral Hall ilarlug the fair waa .rite offered to tbe most popular young lady, o be given to tha oue wbo received the high -i number of votes. The Volea were eold a n cent each; th money to go le the Roman atholic chujch. Whin the volea war . muled the result : Mist Travlt 21 les. Mitt Aninn Co dglaud HU, MltsMiggle unigland 13s, Misa Urtia Toriney W. There ero other acaltering votes. The prixtt, t laiidtoine toilet set, was awarded to Mis, I'ratis. Tilt aaiount realised waa about ). 'he whole amount raised for tbe church wa 1 1 ore tliau $100. Fin in Si hit i. in i) Neck.--? be Snow Flak, liuttrel Troupe," nf Scotland Neck will give hi entertainment at ibat place on Friday ulgbt li'cemiier in. This lrouie Is composed ol . mng gentlemen of Ibe lowu and kaa given i no ilun oue entertainment which have all ecu well received. They will excel then- Ivci al their next appolatuieut aud tliote no fail to go will uiltt fun enough to 1 . hem till Chrlttiuai. As the proceeds are lo be given to Vine Hill 'Vmale Academy ull who cau should allet d id contribute Ibrlr mite lowarle tba good 'Urpos. Admisslou 4 cents. Children lo euts. t young genlle naii of our acquaintance, on ntering the Ball-room Thursday evanlng du iu the Fair, ta her, whom he fondly imag igcd waa to be bis companloa In Joy and sor bin through this life, enJoylLg ibe latoiira ting pleaiuresof the waltz with a rival. H ivokes hit mute, and the following la the ra mi : hut I the girl I adore another enibraee'f Vhat! the balm of her breath shad another man usie? Vhat! prcased iu the dunce by another man', knee? Vhat! panting recline on another than in- f Sir. she's tour t. yuu have preawl from the f rp Its tin bin.-; rom the rot 'bud you've thak m the trcmulnu dew ; Vhat you've touched yuu may take. Pretty walWer-aoieu!" COMKLIMINTARY.-Tbe following resolitlm l reeled to L. M. Long, Secretary and draw y eihi'.ltor during lb fair apeaka for lt If: lie the uedrralgueii wish to eipret throutl. vnu nurappieilaiiuo of th eouriaay tltenjeil m hy a!l the i-.tCv.-J ut ji.ui s-viaiy ni: oir Mr Jutt cloard Hid eipvelally lu Mr. J, : Grant, Chief of ir deparimout "f for lb, inp.iriul, yet (Inn manner la which he ha - tt kaiged hit duty. We alto congratulate yoi lu the eeleetloa ! ur.fllciri for lb eaiaing year aad feel inirl lriitt that la the ee.ectlou ot Major T. L imry as P.ctldenl yoel oeed have ao fear allure In the future, a we enutidrr hl ami .tally suited to the po-lliou asslnded k a, loping your asiiM'laiiitii coulmu d proip- rt ) ind that vour efforts to prouint tba wulfair if your sectioa may i fo ly ic tilled. We arc very iruli yours, T, W. Bydnur, reprtseq:ng Athlon Surk, lllchiaond. C. W. Moatague, repreteiillag Chat. T. Primer. W Robloi, reprcieatlng L. L, Polk at Co , Raleigh. R. D. McKoy, rrpreiautinj Watt dt Call, Klchaoud. M. J. Tubhs and J, L, lydoor, representing J. W. Cardwell C i , Rlckmnn I. Rat entitle wierooau lud ultur for tail (Hep H-1 Hm t. An Attempt or Si'iciui -Thla morn ing alwut 1 o'clock, Mr. Henry Buret, an old and well known citizen of thla place, residing Oi tiolllngbrook sire t, and who fur many veire paai nta Dten engaged In ine lurmturr business In 1'eicrsburg, was found in bit shop lying In a pool of blood wilb bis bead hnked lo lecea lu a moat horrible inann- r. and bv In side n chisel witb which be bad In (lie led lb. ghastly wounds, from which hia lifa'a Mood was laal Bowing, r .r some time psat Mr. Borti haa been auOehnir from toellt o! meiit I det ondiury, and a atriet wai h hd been con- Uually keplou bit mnvementa ta It waa feared that turn haria might befall him. Lan nighl before retiring, b convened witb his family aa pleaianlly and aa cheerfully aa uiual, and told bla wife not to be uueaiy about bim. Sometime during tha night, while Mra. Born waa aalaep. he arose from his bed In hia night clothe and camo down stair to hia ahep. which la la the rear of bla atore, and there, it it auppoaed, while suffcriog from a temporary aberration of mind, he endeavored to kill him self by backing his head to piecea with a chisel. The Brat intimation that tbe family bad of the horrible deed waa about 1 o'clock thla morn ing, when Mrs. Borat discovered that ber hue band was miatlng from bed, aad aeareh was at once instituted for bla whereabouts. Tbe feel ings of nit wife md children on tiiidl ig bim alnioet at death'a door, and nntlrr such circum stance, can better be Imagined than des cribe d. Dr. David Steel was Irumeitlat ly sent lor who did all in hia power to alleviate the eiiffrrloga of tb unfortunate man and, if pos sible' to save hie llle; bat at tbla writing, t . u., bit dnsih la momentarily expected. - bdri- Apptal. Latral Intelligence la, that Mr. Bortt waa still alive, but he I not expected to recover, but may ilea several days. Mr. Burst waa a year oi two ago a resident of this place and while here made many friends. He wa a devout member of lb Bapilst cburch. NaiiowGdaob Road mom Wildon to Rinowood. That the people ar tba Klogwooo Section need a Railroad dots not tor an Instaui adalt of argument. Tb only matter to be dr lermlaed la hew ran the road be built. W, have written on tbla subject more than one before, but no one aeemed to take any interval in tb matter. Agali we call the attention of hose to be b. nettled, to the importance f a. - curing a Railroad. They would have commu u cation with the world at much lass eipeus tuaa new, their property would increase In value, the minute tba first cross-lie la laid aim lu thousand waya Would they profit. Tbrre la only on way in which th road caa built and that ia by the people tbemsalvrt. It la true that Ihey ran- get help, but they mutt prt the ball la motion, There la aa old eay- I ig tbat the Lord helpi them wbo help Ih'-ui elvaa. We believe our peoole bav entarprlzi enoagh to make tba effort. We auggeil tbat ihey go to work and ascertain how much money ihey can raise by subscription aud then ask Col. W. F. Betteley to meet ! m and see il arrangements cm be made to build tha road. Te suggait Col. lease ley because that gentle an la deeily inttrt-aied lu tha proiparity of tha Siato and becauae he hs bean engage l In t hi kind ot work and beciuie h has ibe in -ana of building. A Narrow Guage Road could b built cheaply aad everybody living iu leu ail 0 it could afford to subscribe. Ibe road would certainly pay at the very beginning, and Just here, we may sty tbat tb merchant and bui- uais men of Wsldon ought te land a belpiti hand. Wabopeaoma cntarprislag gentleaan will ke held of thii matter aud pith It. 'I I. Koamoki Nawi will aid them In every way ia lt power. Til Fair. The weather held good all tbe week aud on Thuraday aa imiuenie crown (lilted tha grounds. Il waa estimated by soma as high as l'i.000. The receipts were greater thau ast ysar. Last week we noticed mauy of the articles on exhibition, but there were mam a overlooked. Among these wuru the follow nig: J. E. Morececk had some pel slots which vlclded more then 60 bushels oa a quarter acre f ground; they were magnificent. He also bad urulps which ware Very large and made a plendld exhibit. L. G. Grady, Halifax, had three handaome how cases fllltd with jewels, ornsmruls of arloua k In da and niter ware. J. T. Toung .t Bro , Fetenburg, made a tpl.'iidld exuiblt of J-welry. traemau and Greenwood of Norfolk, both uadn haadteme displays aud their show cat. t .dded muck to the beau y ot Floral Hill. We u-ntlen thtie because tbe committee ou tire eiums mads special mention of tbein In their eport. Mra. R. W. Browu bad beautiful butler and Jelly on exhibition beaides other things which could uot be axce led. Il was simply peifecl J. Y. Savage, of Scotland Nack, bad a varii ty of frails and canned vegetables oa exhibi tion and two baudsmae bouquets. Mra. Norlleet Smith exhibl ad aeveral vani ties ot catsups Slid sauces that would mak my meat taata good. Sua alsn exhibited ei crllent bread. Mra. Neal sent soma of tha best cecoaa ut cike that waa ever eateo. M s. R. B. Brickell took aeveral premium! for her excellent Ji-lllet aud preaervea which era ricuiy uetervta. There were ta many artlclea on exhibition hat il ia Impotilbl for ut to mention them letall aud luleud ao uujutt dlitlnrtion. The premium lilt will aoou be publiahed probably in our next Unit. Ornuiat or th AoRit'Li.ri RAL Sociitt. Vt Ibe innual meetiug of the It. A T K. Agri cultural Society oa Tburtday uight Majer T. L. i nry waa riveted Presl lent and I.. M. Long ind K. W. Brown reelected Secretary ami trvaearer, respectively. Mtjor Eary haa for aome yeara beea men. -r of the Executive Committee and a aucb hat hown marked ability. He will make a good Presl lent aad will work hare lo make the next Fair even a greater success than that of Itn tel. Of lb Secretary aud Truaaurar we have notb nglony. 1 key have performed Ibeir dutira ia a avtaaer eatlrtly eetlifactory to the Socle y tad the public. Nq better aeq could b telec ed. A resolution wu thea pstwd, creating the) iSceoflral Vice Pretl leut, who shall act aa h assist tut of the Prealdeul, ibill pretl.le at II accting lu th abaaoc of iha HrMi.Hi', hall bav a vol aa a member of tb Kxecull, joiuiulitoe aud shall have charge of the police itgulalioaa at the Fair grounds. Dr. J, C. Jacobs wae lnnlaoualy elected -Irst Vice Pratideal. The following are the Vi.-e Presidents Heeled for tba ensuing year : VV. R. Cape hart, L. L. Polk, 0. 8. B Ills, B d. Collins, J. B. Zelllcoffer, Sterling Johnston, V. D. Coker, Jaa. Norwood, J. Vf. Grant, T. P. drat.ill, W. W Paeblca, A L. II aatrdtbon. Col. F. M. Parker, Geu. L. G. Ktlrt, Dr. R. H. Uaneil. J. W. I'ew.ll, Dr. M 1. Savage, J. M linrt.rd, W. H, Shield., D.Y.Coop.r, A O. A. Willlama, B. U. Hilar, Col. R. P, Barha.u. Chat. Elliott, K O. Oslo. Tult list does io t include the four Ex Presidents, R. It Smith, Sr., J. J. Yoatcs, P E. Smith and R. B. Peebles, who by lus law t the Society are permanent Vice-Presidents. A resolution was passed leadtrlug the tbanka vt .be Society to tb rullrlng President, Capt. Peebles, for Ibe sble manner In which be bad presided or lu deliberations aud the su cess able i bad attended the Society under bl man age a 01. A retoiatioa was adopted that uo gambling ( ny kind b allowed on lb ground it any FlJTt On motion the Pretldent appointed a com mittee coutiaiiiig of J 8 Grunt. O 8 BYil and W. H. Day to confer wiih the Kail roads wilb a lew of tetu li g belter li-in,--1 tatiou. T 1' a i, i n s Kxninir ( hat T Palmer, o! Kichup. nd, ileal, r In ajrli u turn Impiemetrt, machinery, caaiiuua. Ac, had number of hit artli-li-a ou eihibilinu. Anmn bose moil promliieut were Uio ''Leader ' billed plows, "Paluier'a" corn-thellera uii-i the "Vlrglula" cider mills. They all took premlnmt at onr Fair and aluo al four other Fairs bald la North Carolina thia fall. All these good ar aa chea- and durablo as any- thai cau be bought further north and this be ing so we think they should take prefereiic because Ihey are nearer home. Mr. C. W. Montague, who represented tin- house was on tbe grounds and ml. I several plows. Ha is a clever gentleman a-.d tnadi friends here. Ho expressed hlin-dlf as higlili pirated witb the way things are conducted a the Fair and says he will be ou band with a much larger exhibit next fall. fay Your SulBcriilion. Weudon, n. (.'., No., lath, bS!. Wa the nnderaigin d. dn In rei.v tender our thanks to the olHc rs of the Konnnke aud a. ilue Agricultural Annciallon for their caie ful alli ntiou and lllieral aaelaiaiice loUriaitli Mir tiielr fair thla n-atoii. winch Ii.. -een duly appretiaied, aud we do r mini lo romole in eicry way pottlble ihe li.t res t ol he .tSHicittlon. toluillng the iiuiieo i-lfont o ill enterprising bu-im-as men, i J 1 . us in nm HUeuvor to prrpire and tend In III It filun .air. a large and lill-ToUIn liiliil PlummrrA Peier.i urg, Va. Taitev A Steel, P, t- rtnutg Vt. S. R. A Hlta Uho.. N'mfolk, Va. U. M. Smitu Jt Co., Ki chuionil, Va. Why sufier from a alate of III lieulih ? Whv he troubled with dytpepsiar Brown' Iron ditlert will cure you. i haiikaglvlug rrnrlHiiiMliuii. State or Nokt.i Carolina. ( EXKCtJTIVI llKI'A.UMKNT. Grttltuile for the many hie. "lugs Hut pi-iqii. if Norih Carolina liate enjovni during tin year now drawing to its . line, as "el a etpect !t.r t-utlu u aud l.iw, rcqu rna III -I ai lent one Uay tUall lie rpecl.illy devol d to giv ing lliauKa lo our Heavenly Kailn-r. fiom whom coinelii every good and p.-rf.-el gifi. The erupt have been more ai-und oil limn ter before harveali d lu the S nte. Po.ic- hut verywnere pievalled wimin our ho dera. I'ln nrsllb of Ihe people hat been eitr hhiIiu .ill) Ood: while tin Ir pri'itreM in iIik,,iii ami uaieriai liitereal, au I In ihn culiivatlo i of -ncu luurai aim rui.ajiuut teuillll III, uat Ut'ell uually tallafaulory. For theto and all Ills olher m unfold i;i- l lid hletsings, I, Thiimaa J. Jarvis, Unrein I I .t o-lli l amina, do ittue lint my I'loeln nation, telling atmrl THL'IISDAV, NDV. niil ll, INST. ASA DAT UK TnANKSHIVINO AN II I'lltVBIl nni no earnestly ri q-ietl a. I '.ho people ol Yortb Carolina prop.-ily tn olieer.e the mime Let th . harclius and olh r phu-ea of ,i nni -torthip be opened and tin) inn. ea oi loi-oii-. luaed. Lul Ih' people reel from their labor.-, pen i uie imy ut vout ly, is Dt'coiiii't a llnniK ful Cliiltliau people. On thai day lei uot the poor, the widow nti-l ae orphau anywhere be oteu i. mln r ug tiiai to give lo these it to le. tl to Km roin w hom all n i-stiuns come. F-in-i ntlly le .101 III il Usford Ol dlall Ai.linu be fiilgiil.ii; lie lleCettlli-a ot Wlnite lllllolluil ite lum.ilt't I especially ,o nin.-ud to Ihe geueruua coiimiI raiiou of a grateful penpl". Done al nur C ity nl Hiileith, till n" 71 I - it -j OHEAT ( SEAL ) II rnieiuili Uay or Nniemoir. in I In tear of nur 1. rd one ill il-uml Ighl liuudled and lit lit v i w mid ui i ue year oi Aitieriein 1 uoeiii-n- Hence the outi liuudird and seventh. THOMAS). JARVIS. By the Governor: li. I.. DUDLEY, I'livatu tlfc.etarv. in tue ciiuiireta tlm Demo rats will have tweniy-lhite .natet. They eve gained California, Conucciiciii, Floiida Inditiia, Michigan. New Ymk. Ohin, and Wu. con-in. According o the laictt reluiut Vu (iula il equally divide.l. Taka Virginia fr.ui the States now l-elong ng lo the DeniniTalt, .lid add the eight State! g.iiued in the recent leclloni, and the remit Ii twenty Ihreo, rs above stated. NKW ADVKKI ISKMKM'S. A CAUL). Dr. A. B. Pirn, e, having located In the town of We don, resp.-clfiil y offers his profetaional t-rvl. ct to tbe cltizeni of Wehlon, and the inrrnnndlug coumry. n-iv -.' I I in for saLk()k ri:m Vll.l'tBl.r; I llt I OF l,l, A tract oflaud live mil. i el ol W..i.i.,o en al lug 3M acres, 1 hit land haa mi it a hoii-e containing tlx room and in. i, ii ug a ami mv -.larynut IOU , all of which aio lu good con li tou. Al.oaw.-llfgKi wa, r. ) , Kd liiv.'timont For tale or root rii-ap. Appfoto UH It R rtllKf-lt. novBif Well. n. N C. tLI OK VAl.l ABLE LAND. Thii It to give nollct thai iindr nn.1 hy virtue if a d e l In trim made to m ou I e l.l day ol r.mruary It.n uy A. II. llavia and lilt alfei ,ar otte K. Davit and oconlel in Hoo'a SI on p g t 5J7 -ml 57 in the .me of t ie Heftier of lie , forth, cuiry t.f fs, in tl).- it.a Mon day In Jauuiry MS. h tit en Ih i lion t of i n o clock A. M , and four oclmk P. M , a' th.. I'ourt-houae door In tlie loaru or Hal fix, t II to Iha hiihvsi bidder for ia-li, two tt n-ia of laud Itu.lcd in liriiikl yv lle iowu.-hl.. In l In- rnu.i y ofHalifat, a. id accural ly de chUmI aa f . nut: H glnnl g al a doiwiKid. Sn ly Wo ..l a et.rncr. r Milling eaat tsy p.,1,., a i t oik an I .n n eia. h -me u..,iii i,i itoie- to in -ee hn ft . h ardu't corner, Ih n e . tl ITS poleaio a whl e oak, red oak and p lie, thenc no th l.'i -ile io a red oi k and n. ult ra, ihe. ee ne I u p. rt t , a tUiiie near Wood'- tpiliu', lluine aoiiih ti pol. t to a alun and hlckn y. K mga corner, thenc a .nth 5' 60 polet to t'ie pul. lie r. a I l-mim r from rlnukleyvlilc to ltani..iii t llridge.lhe coit". a t, 7 iwlea mthe h-alnnln c.i .tilnl.i . Ly.-elliut-llinel ht hundred acres. Aud one (.Mmr trai l h- glnnlngat theuld t llua.ui II g 1 1 h ngcre. k th noesnuih mrJca t, spulcatoa pine a. id tl g thence south lsn I poles io h red oak. thence south '.'Jt eaat Hi) pol-a to a bu. ch oi m pie, themo tout . l.T ,-a t li pole, to a holly south HTeast Jl poes II links to polntrsm Itlngwood nad th ed .wu sahi Ma I to Av.-n 's hrid. thence u Big F thing t'reek tj the b... g nil mi ncret. JOIIStlATLIStt 11th Nov. IMt. ,,y 3 lilt. y O R A L K. Three hundred aeretof tun-x Va lan.t with bullillug. 4c., fortal- for cu- t ouian.l dnllnrt cash F v m .-a B tony ere , on tiio V. a W Halloa I. Tht und-rslgn -it will take p e. in. In ant Information n-quir. d. II. MASON. Stouy Ul.k, Va. ADVKIiriSKM "'.N'T: Failing ! That is what a great' many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and eacli month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Hkown's Ikon Bittl'ks, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives cut disease and gives health and strength. This is why Pkown's Iron I'l 1 1 1 u - will ni re kidney and l.ver, consumption, ilu'tmi.itism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, inteniiitt-iit fevers, ke. auy S. l'.ua S ;,, l:.,!o..i. . t. Noe. . i, i- . I w.-.s x sull'cu-r u.-m 11ysicjii.i. an-l ior set tverUs foul. I null-uv: ami was (;tov nr.; wiastr t -. ry tlay. i tiiv.l linn, n s Iron llitU is, un.l am happy t-i -,ty I now a i;i..., appitit.-, and .mi i.iUiio-, Mii,iiti. J . Mi l AUl IV. Brown's Iron- Bitii-rs is not a drink and doe.s not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of lnm that causes no iujutious ef fects. (Jet tin- genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. in ir il ly N o T 1 t: K Will I n told at the (Ynrt-li nun 111 tint (nv t.HvuoiiVe.ini. d y ui'i of liec inn-riasi 10 1I1.1 hit .eai I. ti ler fonu h. nn 1 r a inori, at r Ki.rer.-u in 1111? II Kl-tert o'H of Ii I ilv 1 t lla liux b io , 4 1 oi mint ii;i-h' i ic '.'; 1 a. d aTl. ill - t.-ii't id l.iud defrib .1 In In. sal . nmn m-., IhiiiII.I'-iI on Ihe 111-t ly ln0 laiM i l rtlilia.u ll.i.Oi. 1 n the 11 u-t 1 h, th inn, Is of J . tj u Cheek iiud livo.ii.un th wet: l.y t e lauds of J -s-e M.- Hi 11 m i ipi. em- ,ei an ..11 iho a mil by Ihe hill , i .1 in. Ill .'i,.i J . ,j mil tliert. font 1 nlii,' four hull m il and nine y tun at-ri-t ni re o le-s. I'll K No. eu. si. I.. I i' , MOUT-i 'iKK ii v lull J. It Iti c n-lor.ait.. V 0 F V I N S . I anipr pined to I' ii-n Uh enilini of eiery ile rl tion I A l.l, M Yl I t, rinlu.ornaiu 'i t ,1, iiplio,-t r. tl 11 ml i-leirnnt y lllli.-hed. My I'l ii-c. ar k iaiaii;e ,1 i,, toil t'i timet au I .11. low V OIIIKH IH.AI.KK. 1 011 y a-k a I11.1I. THE BEST MADE, Illll'lle-J, W AI.OVS cAUiu 1 1: - . I A It'. WHKHM. luiMION-. lll.A.vliKrt, DiCBLSASD SIN' OLE HVBSES3. Willi's I' 1 l.l, KIMtS. Iter tllil.Nti .bm.- a' -hiiil iiil.e u id Ice Ion. t'oni-. and ace. my ilni-k. Ill-n yjur v. h el. to llie Io I.e i c, iir d. E. A CUTIIHELL, 00 It aro" 1mOc!i 1 Voio, I K 8 I A U I. I S II fc. I) Jitnuitrf Inl, It 57. RUFE W DANIEL lllta,,p ,,! I I 1 11 r . ilro.-erlea and (onlec tloiieriea euiliraee lu pari KHKMi'll. APPLK. l!l..eivr.KllltV ami WILIt lli:illlV MIAN DY, Will !4i(l km, ' 1'Oltr, SIIKltltY, MAUKlllA aid CHAMPAdNK WISE. elilARt. BAi'O.V, ri.OUK, MOLASSK.-'. I.AnD.OIN'ORU PKPPKH. M'li'R. APPLK-.JKM.IK I'li'KI KM, rtlt?(riY PKAetlM aud lVNiK''nii.S'F.niC I'OKI VMt'H I.;K.( Ut a.;t nx I C E. tVin m,"y nthorr,"'U'","0"ln,'r'" to 111,1, ln. , . R.W. 1UXIRI. " l; T 11 ' A It u L I K A," HAil X C U.MT SSPilDE C'UHT Mit.-ufVe Hi f-t a. n 'ii cli'ionof i tii.inta Ivu an. .tllnr ey to' , r.ll i . l ih llauoie tM,a ,i ii on iNlli.'. Ilol ..r, of t-i.r. in the !..i-.i.ii. iVavigntion I'o.npi.i.., uli. h, if n, .r ,,.,,v d ihe sain,' ar h. ivi.y un nit-1 1 , mak.. pruo. t.i.-reo( b, fure me b, Icriu itaj ol .ha aupect ,r Con t of Hall taicoiuiy. Iho a ,arva .muding on the Com pauy.uj at u ,Ue imuiea ui iu loltuwiug pr tj t ujl..- uot oe -u i Tut v, : I'. t.-i-u. A .to.i. t'ot r Arr.ngUin. Ed ,rd T ur dui, Kj o. i il a. rvi.i , iu. Uamoil , nuUL Uij,iu., . Ii .i.,ju d,,rw..ll 4 0. J. ui aiV.eoo .Jo. in It c ay. Win. Collin,..-ensue! oil .ml V .ico .: Uio ,u.- o 1, t'.i t.maa Hav.a' Tuuui... e. 1) ,.i,.a, t , d - m-Iiw,. una, I. 11 liu.ii y. II I 111, l.l .1. g ,,t ph u ea.wr.j. J.,o. t.ui 11 J a. .iu, ,. j ,- i t llr,i ttlUUj A im iIj ., a en 1 Ir -,i. I' oja. .a.uo.lo. Jr. n u. 111. at ,o pul ) . n i.iet ,. ,1 rna. el a. iiuiua ii - .ry V ,11. .la r , o i. Ui., ii , ,r , Uautuie I' lie. ..I eo, 1 1 , a. . J ,.,,, turu H, i ..4".ii o I', l 1.1 -down, Wiu. aior,iu, U. nj," Mar .01 .. it e nrl it il rrt, Marcus J. Alclaa. 11, il ' a a I'm .,er aii.l ui.,era. Mee,..u f lie J. 1 u. la 11 ila a a. fi-utrij, mtimaa h' It .i.e, .4,1,111 . J ,t .iv, o t it ... ui. i,.' il a 1 ...I j. .u.-, ,.u . aanloa ji. oiuliu, M.m .1I.1 it in, u a t.a...utvua cho.t, u ury c. .ii. alj.l-.t.a .uo. 1. .ill. ,...M., m. ii .i ..I r, I'.u ,'.rei. MilV.u4 VV..-cu,i, twin" t . .1... . .i..iu .0. s... ii,, u.uMV oc. Uau.l i' .1 ...ti 1 1 .1 .. ., t., .1 i.v, u o,au tuMur, A 1 ., u,o., J .... 11. vuiuuu a.ia f.Ainuel " - u J ...I 4 J. l .1 U , .0.,,, t,. llllljll lu, Jaiio - o.a.u . .1, a .1 . .I..UU. II j,. jt. in,. .1 ...I , ii!v.ii .a. Il ....un. HI 111 v . " x - a V tt . it. II I. . .1 . 1W,. Hot I ,w. 11EAU 111IS. aio ti . i4, tutt xuk ) .1 nl uil tst.tiiuUU .t saaU tv U Ul C.t ta.oii ua f 1 eUtl.aj, tul 1 41 a,..4u. .... 1 ... .oa ., a-i.fc .io ,4 uiy, 4-"11 ,U ' ' "" ' I! lUl.) liU ,.,. J, l-v BU i .Uji. a-, I'..,, ieumwta.., hv ui - ill. .lin . , , oi K feU4 blU.r llatliU .'Its. ill, I'.,1 s.U UUU tjv , 1.U.L. llu.Uivilluil, J c 1- il 1 , A, .1 i .li .v' lilt, t4 o .1 LttijLrfi', a, 1. til.UiU s , ,d t uuv'i.ui , r it. ey OU..l-, tturaiw i' , . in r A.U Li ...U I'u 11 o . I il i.ti ttLI I , I, g I f, (al,. U.-aV..U , fcir. KIVUI tat VV ,1, , c , t:. ' - nl .ti..,ij 1ft r Bill0.. BLB ilYLal. .1 k '.i ..11 .1 i- -1 1.41411 a u ileiuua Vfi-, en ,l,i .i.i ill ,.i; in , ,,, uu.,1. 1 un. 1.., a 0tu r....a puO u lur j asl tavora 1. o ai...i y ... a . un .110., ,.1 t..e s..Uii- .Ho a. m. J vit.l jiat.ojti CO. Lkdii, ii, C. nov .4 .). SC.1O.L BO JKS I SCHOOL BOjKS I! WUCL BALa kuD KK. AIL. All ti c Tctl lt ioaiauipi -tlbytiedtateao! Vir Hi ,1.111 .1 Norih em- 1, nit foi . I10 ua of pub.10 in i-.a, cl iiatiio- u-etl u I' ivaie thhoula mi 1 ol.fii.-a, i.-r a. a prteee, 1 "Un tj in .-icii .hi-, noun uu wo.i to call and 1 xiini ,cu.u-,.,i' , b -.or -Utv,ii,iitelacwiirre. VI hi... tit o. Hoo .-ei: r-,ui hit. aud lilank llool alann lac in- r, .No. 7 liana Htieel, Norlolk, Va. oci '1 dm. A. OPENIILMEjX il.i.lorAi II iir.ii OK ME.H 8 Aa YOOaHi aOlHIBO, 13. 4 Ma, u Street, Kll UHuiNU, Va. I. WIUIKI.U. aep 11 Sea. e. n. li (.,-i, ,. Fred. Greenwood. 1 .tii mil), a, ro. 1'S Main Sir, el, .VOatLttLii, VA. Di .MJiiDi, WAiCam, JBUIT, I l.oi hls.bll.VLK 1' a.U tt'AltH. ip.cmi-.,t,jd Fiauft Utstteia. iH'.lal at;, ut 01 jlv..,i to the npa rt ef chro .. ', au.l 11. i,. ac..e.. lUir aud ,h r ' ir, nit ..1 tou.ii.r and lepaueil l.y beat ' "'""" OetlJU,. E O II S A I. E. My rea d nco In the town of Knfl .d. A lit, , 11 o 11 ...c a I or t. la ,,riMy. fPIhet WHITAKER. t"p. 11 it N J r 1 c k 111.. .-r...l f. u ..I t .... ,. : ; " innin-e ri nner, nec-eated I. -a in. i oinai a p 1, 1 pr, edl.ii hw been ' 1 1 ' ai,.i.,a.aitai.,at anil,,,, .. .lull-. . ai mm I,,. rn,rl t.wr,-nee P,.id.r le ta. ,1.1,,. a.a.t-oiiiu hii.i au.vm 111 ol Ins 1, 1 ', , "", '' "' l''eol lo . aVu e m'y ' du 10 n' I ih"""-" ."'"'"""'I'r ma lo app-ae be ii 1. "' ' " or h-lom 1 I.e Hr.l day of , ' " UK'' llahfat low.,, and r " bl L'u1' " h .''ed. 1 a 1 ! ' 'T"m ,Br,l' I" Iheaaeeia o! ,,'.'""' d' u"J.1"i Jnl day 0! KoTeta JOHN T. IiUkuoRY, noy 9ii C'h Hurajrloru.urt. iy K Wtl.UiKRA CO, Xlaiinfacturert and J ibl-re ot CLOTHING, l.lj atalj stni-t. KH'HMO.ID, VA. wp II :tm . UII.VNUY k WSi. " ( OtimmO Hr ltl rtvTejt o,-t.M',m. Norlolk, Va. JOHN O .TfA liA u T 11 an I HU Wat rsiro t. Xorlolk.Va. Re elver ai d Shipper or ALL KINM BUIL3IS 1 4KD FI.tlcHIse im , Mivll I, intra, P 'rlltn I. rtoimn, Ki-rue'a, and Ro endtl. r. b,.aK?:;,l;:o;;vKa:.:, , , "o-in Hi i-i .dl,Mt.l., Jwi,l,lll, ,lt0, f0p who)t J PORTS thVS CiLKBEiTSIl TIYQLI BEIR for (amlly use and ahlppluir-