avis A-' P 'pJp pp-i HTVLILi & SLEDGE, vrofriktors. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TI1URSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 18S7. TERMS-'iM annum in advancf, VOL. XVIII. NO 31. i PATENT J C AGAMBRILL Mfc Co NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE our of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISH:ED1774r In,' f FLOCK depends iiti.ni ili,. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OK MI- fl'KlTlON CONTAINED IN TIIK HllKAD IT MANTES. Maryland and Virginia iWli.-al, from which our PA I KN V UOLLI.ll ! I.OI IIS aro i-liu-fly manufactured, has g been conceded to be Si PhHIOK tn unv other, because it dan a BETTER- COM BINATION OF (! LUTEN AM) PHOSPHATES. This fait u rwumiiz.nl not .nh in this country, tint in the United kingdom as will, wliri tlu "l'ATAl'St'O 1SI PERLVITVE" COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MOKK MONKV than any other L.iiit ricun I'tour. ask your grocer lor it. .mo tor Patupsoo Superlative, Capo Henry Family, Bedford Family, 1 'alapsco Kaniily, North I'uinl Family, Orange (I rove Kxtra, 1 'atapsco Kxtra. . Chesapeake Extra. Kahlwin Kaniily. C. A. li AM BRILL M ANTFACTClllNIi COMPANY, '.U Cmnmeree St., Ilalliniure, Mil. 12 ly. SHALL WE FIND THEM. Will i Iwy inert ii". cheer Mini irct l it Tin!' v Imvc lnvi'il v liii'vi- m-iu licr-iiv - liall Hi inul tliuiti ul Hit porlttlt. Kin. I ilr ticmitinil 'iiimii-itiil," W lull He rem ll Hull nullum chore. llt-anx itn- l.Hkhi r..rs..ttn- token Ttuit may llvenn.l low- u yit, And wo usk cHh Uioho whii'vf k ut, orinti' d look amltoiw bert'fl iih, 'I tioiigh in hvivuii chii tlivy Uwv Aid! we often, dm day Milieu And coiuck out tin) eveiifiiK ntiir, l.'KikliiK w tut ward, nil ami wmidur Whether, when to fiirtuitiiiler, They itill think how .liar they arv. I 'tt st yt,ii porulx our "liuiiiortiilH," I tlnnc wIlO WHik Wttll tllltl In whlto, Ho Un-y 'mid thvlr Mini rei ull w, Know they wind l'vciiIk I-cCiII in, Will our cuitiing wav dt liylif The)' Mill meet us, cheer itlltl (ii'('t lilt, Thor-c we've loved who've Kony Injure, We lmll tlicni ill the iorlulH, Find unr iK tintifnl inniiortnU, When wt reneli that radiuM whore. W.LBOBBII.I..I, LLTTLETOE", K G, M A VK JI'STOl'ENED THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OK (I0ODS, CoNSISTlX'S OK Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shot, Hardware, Tin ware, Groceries, and iiiil'cctioneriofl, generally, and respectfully invite everybody lo eonie and we them be- Jbic making purchases elsewhere. Very Respectfully, W. II. 150BBITT& SOX. sept 2!Hf HIS REWARD. I'NITKO AT LAST. was a oiild .lamiary day. Steele sat alone in his ulliee, In the of a deep reverie. It wan seldom lhat he was idle, as he is at the present time, but this evening tho ineinories of the past came flocking upon him like ghosts from another land. John Steele was a batehelor of forty lie had been burn and reared tt uoor bov the little towu of M , and had never felt a desire to leavo it. Ho had THE PLACE TO GET aa aiiiii AT TIIK LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, JWEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, WELD 0 N. N. C. . STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. JU-l'KfXKimiW PKPARTMENT F1L1.KD WITH TIIK BBiT 8KLECTED MATERIAL.- 1'KESCKIITIOSS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOUHH WITH CHEAT CARE. EKFITMERT, STATIONERY, FANCY BOAl, BUHSlira, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAHB. KEMKMRKK thlt ft heftrtj wlanlwT wlB foa tt ZOLLICOFFER'S. B. T. SIMMONS. U. ZST. BROW2ST, BEOWN & SIMMONS, DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, HEADQUARTERS FOR T01I.KT AUTICLKS, l'KHKUMKRY, COMBS, BRUSH F.S, l'LAIX AND FA AW STAT10NAItl( AO. "PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. DO-Opru os Sundays 9 to 10:31) A. M. nd fi to , M 1'. M. iutM litut liuum ui duiuii WnuuU ma, A Llf Bxpvrtmo. Emrkbl aod gulok ouroc Trial PaolMffM. 6ni tamp for Mated (wrUoulan. Aodraaa Dr. WARD A CO. LouHIn, Ma. WEAKUWEVELOPrD 'll'll N I VKiit.H UK LI, ye,.l'.rl.K-.i.i'nl St-li.Bn VORKlN(i CLASSES ATTENTION ! XZJZ' llirm'lll ! hiitiin IUul.,.1. ,.r ,t, tim.i .ir f..l i hi irhmrv inniiii'iitH itUkiiit m-w . liiflit nltrt pm-Pen-on t.rcitlit.'r Hvii wthlly t-arn froii .0 IJ 'JiiU' hi S um Mr even iu it, m d a pmxrtloiiHl mm 'T d-roting 1 (lu-lr ttruv U Die Iiiikiih-. Ihiya f i rln eru iit Hrly k. iiiik'Ii m wen Tint hII ""'' iu tnav wini their anilrwui, and hti me iitoetw. we mnc tl.iKOflcr: To hk-Ii m are not we II Hut lulled w will wml ontidollHr to y for tlio truubleaf writln-f. Full pHrtlculam mid outtlt fn-e. . . Addrw. OKUhUEBTlNHUN A UJ fleclly.. . t JuitUiMl, JUiut, Ton's Pills tinnintM eh t Arld llir. iitrMrth- mi i It d iKvtllv art, rtruUiw lb anti"bilious medicine, mnUrUI if l.lrlrl. Ihlr TlrtHM mr tltlaly HHiaM.ftilkir "'? lUr Hroftirllw la rrvclaa; lhyMaa Iron, 111. I Mlun. Klek-aatly "nj.r eald. IHmm, ttwalt. lrle, HAcla. Sold Everywhere. Offloo, 44 Hurray St, Now York. Feb Sly bthnuilo. CM till, mil anil Him u UH. hikI we all! w'Htl yil IUIII IIH I u.mi.ilkliitf iiftfrcat value .ud lUUllul Inii"'"",!''!- I" . "1H vU ill lilislllWf "IV" "' "'"W '" '"'. '""' .(.k,..a, ,h. anvihhia hv in thl. aiirltl. Any uii "in d ttif aik .ml at hutite. Klllier M'x' .11 HKt-. mutlilK iivw. Ui.l Ju.l puhw aiuii. ... f.,,..w, k. UoalllBlan ra: uMlal not I oviiIpiI. Till, l one of the emiln., ImnnrMnl ehanwaora lifellme. Tli,e liu .re amwiwu. .,,.1 piiipri.rl.lna will not tlrUiT. liraud outtlt rrae. ueili). .lohll midst studied law uud plodded ulong year aft ai ui the diiijiv, I'rimy oflice. in whi, h we lind hiiu now, nnd had grown rieh. had no personal friends, and livid alone in a large, old frame house at the outskirts of the town, with a man servant cook and general man-of-all work. Veais and years befole, when a young an of twenty, poor and uiuiless, Steele lad loved a girl whose parents would not t her marry him because he was so worth less. In his nige lie blamed her lor this ;ind would listen to no reason, and from that day had hated women and had led a jlilary life. It was this scene that now Id John Steele iu his office chair, as the mantle of night gathered over the town. More than twenty years ago," he mused, "ana I Uoii t believe I have ever ken to a woman, except uu business, since that day. They say she married a no-acount wretch after all, who has suuk down to poverty and want. Well, well, I must not waste tiuic thinking about such things now. I was only u boy then, and did not kuow what I wanted. I must b, ;oing." Whereupon he arose, buttoned his coat about him. locked his ulliee and trudged on his huuieward journey. not hi re now?" Rumor had it about town that, although iy her parenls' influence, Katie Drew had married shortly after her refusal of Steele, that she hud loved him dearly. This was most likely true, but as twenty years had k st, the matter had faded from the gener al mind to give way to more lively gossip. Stwle ate his supper in silence. Wil li!, his man-of all-work had a very good meal prepared; for, though Steele was 'h'se-listcd he believed iu good eating, good clothes and comfortable living. ' Xow, William," said Stifle, when he had linished, "if you fix me up enough iod to do me to morrow, you may have a oliday. And here is your money and live dollars to have a lime with. Xo holi- lay for me; I don't need any and don't want any. I'hank you, Mr. Steele-, for your good ness," said William. "Hut, Mr. Steele, lou t you never take any little extra pleas ure at all? oil know I used to know you win n you was a little tellow; and 1 can lemember seeing vour good mother holding you up at the old church to you :uuld nee the Christinas tree. And you was a wit liltle lud then, nud you chipped your little han Is in glej and your moth, r would kisft your hahy face and talk baby lalk to yon. It unii t seem .ike that was m ar f, ny years ago, Mr. Steele, hut il was." "Confound ihe fellow," grumbled Steele, as he sal down ill his room lhat nt"ht read. "If I should lilcu In him he would up-el me. I don't know what is the miller w iih me this eveiiiui; anyhow. 1 nev, r I, It so ,ii-, r iu my lite. 1 guess I mil U"ing too nilli'll loliieeo of lule." lie Mid until l..liiinc. and was in the mi of lakiitg oil his hoots, when lie hcaitl knock at I lie IVoiii d,s,r. ' W, .i,,l, r who that is,' he thought. Something unusual at this place.'1 lie listened ii moment and there came another knock. What the dcuccfan I hit William he d iiug that he di n'l go to the door Y" said Steele. ' I want to go to bed, and it may be souie one that wants nie. To borrow money. I gutss. Well, uuless they have good security, tn t a cent do they get." At tliH jun . lure Willi no op 'lie 1 the door. Steele heard an indistinct conver sation and then William conducted the visitor to the kitchen. After some mo ment William came walking into the room. "Well, what is it f" "F.xeuse uie, Mr. Steele, hut 1 1 1 era is a poor woman in tne kitchen who needs some help badly. I'm sure she does, for she don't look like a common beggar. She any. she haa walked through the cold . all the way fruui the last town, and ii most dond." ' : " "Yes, thai is what they all say. Give her something to cat and sci.d her on." ' Hut I wish you would conic and see her." 'Mother these beggars," inumbhsl Steele. "Hut 1 guess I'll go down to get rid of her." Steele suw a black ligure silling by the lire. "Well." he said toiler, when he entered, "what can I do for you '.'" Sin' turned toward him. Her face was not that of a beggar. Although a trifle pale, it was the face of a pretty woman of ihiilylive. "I only wished to get warm," she said. "I was so cold that 1 felt us if I should freeze. I am sorry to disturb you. 1 have no friends iu the town, and am sure 1 can get employment of some kind there. I used lo live there years and years ugo. Hy means of a few ,iiestions he learned that she was a widow without any rela tions in the woild. He was deeply touched by her story. "What was your husband's name?" ask ed Steele. "Carter," she said; "George C'aitcr." "Wait a moment," he said, and went up to his room. He went to his desk and took out some money. "1 so seldom give," said he, "and can afford to he liberal to this poor w nuan." lie took two ten-dollar bills and started back to the kitchen. "She said her name was Carter. Car terCarter? My Hod! That was the name of her husband. She said she used to live here years ago. It must he she. It is Kate Drew! It must be!" Steele shook like a leaf. lie seemed young again, lie remembered her once more as the sweet-faced girl, and the heart which had been slumbering so long seem" ed to spting into new life. He sat down on the stairs to compose himself, and then started aoain fur the kitchen. Willi,'," said Steele, when he entered, "lu re is the key to my ofllce. 1 wish you would go there and bliug lue a packet you will lind on my desk." William fell in tho trap without suspic ion, and was off. Steele seated himself in a dark corner and looked at the Woman. He could see his old love in every feature of the face. He was strangely excited and knew nut what to say. "You say you lived here oliee?" he be gan. "Yes. when 1 was a girl," she said. "And bad fortune has overtaken you since. I'erhaps you knew my cousin then, John Steele?" Yes," she said, "1 know him. Is he pers!" he said, as William offen d them to him. "Here, William," he said, as he came down stairs putting on his overcoat, "fix the front room and light a lire. Don't you hear, you idiot? Don't stand looking move about." William did not know what was the matter. He had just got the tire lighted when Steele came stumbling iu with the preaihiT. CO IT BOYS. A IIANVINI1 MA'I'l'II HKTW KEN Ell VANCE AMI SIO.V II. UIIIIEIIS. THE CYPSY'S HOME. "Xo, poor fellow," said Steele, feeling guilty as he spoke the words, "he is dead." "Dead!" and she leaned her on her hand and wept. "Yes." said Steele, feeling 'ike a murder er as he spoke, "but none who knew hiui were son y for it. lie had no guod in him ami lived a sclli-h life." "I'uor man!" said the sweet, sympathir ing tones. "At heart he was good." Something seemed to move Steele. He got up and stood by her chair. His hand, hy accident, touched her. It aeut a thrill through him that seemed to make u new being of him. ''Katie," he said, "don't you know ui,-?" She looked up, started, stotsl oroet, and got a good look into his face. "Johu!" she said, iu a scared way, aud hid her face iu her hands. "Yes, Katie," he said, "it is John. I was thinking of you to-day. audit seems as though hoaven has scut you." "This is such a sbo, k to nie," aud she sat down again. Steele's heart was throbbing wildly, and he ,uivercd with exiilomeut. "I am old, now Katie, and perhaps awkward in my speech, but I I can't h ip what I am saving You have no liouie, I am rii-h, and you are the only woman I ever loved. You are welcome to all I have. My life has been very lon. lv. With yon 1 would lie happy. You can't love me, I know, u 11 or nil this lime but I do not ask lh.it." She arose as if to go. l'oor Steele's heart seemed lo le' bursting. He un coils, iottsly put t'lilli bis anus and touched h,r. Wiih a sob she ft 11 into theui and ri tt' tl h, r head on his shoulder. "Kali,!" he cried ill joy. "Oh, John, how can 1 speak?" "Say something, Katie." "1 feel so guilty. I thought you would never forgive me But but but I have " "Hut what, Katie?" "Oh, John, you kuow I loved you then, aud it was not my fault. I have leved you all these long years, lam so happy, it you will but forgive me," "Forgive you! Don't speak of that again. You are homeless uo longer, Ka tie. I know what love is at least. You are iu my house now, and you shall never go out of it except us my wife." "No, John, not " "Yes, don't object. I know it don't souud well, but I don't care lor that. A preacher lives close. Won't you con sent?" "But" "I'loasu dou't refuse, Kalo." "Well, I (iiesa " Ills! then William came in, Steele neitrly ran over him. "Hang tho pa- I Mux H ell Ionium in Hie Southern Ilioiit-1 (leneral J. M. Leach spends considera ble of his time in Washington wilh his son, .1. M. Leach, Jr., who is a chief , I' division in the Sixth Auditor's office. Tl c general is as tun ot "reminiscences, ami good stories as evir and one which 1 heard him relate to a party of North Carolinians the other evening will bear repealing. Said he, iu effect; "You know that Zeb. Yance used to be a member of the National House before the war. and Sioii lingers represented the Raleigh district iu Congress. Well, some friends si nt Fratik Shober, of Salisbury, and mo a ease of very fine wine, one day. Zeb. and Sinn found it out, somehow, and they used lo come aruund to see us mighty ofteu. In fact, they became great friends of ours, sticking closer than brothers while the wine lasted. "One night, alter they had relieved us of a half-dozen bottles, more or less, they got to feeling pretty good, and after a while Zeb. remarked that ho believed he was just about the best dancer that North Carolina ever sent to Congress. "Now, nobody ever heard of Zeb. Yaueo's virtues as a dancer before. Kverv one knows that he doesn't iu the least le semble a ballet girl. He ain't built right to dam e and didn't believe he had ever had any experience in lhat direction be fore that night; but he stuck to his asser tion. "Well, Zeb. kept repeating the state ment until finally Siun says: 'Zeb, I don't count myself any great shakes at a practi cal exponent of the terpsichorean art, but I allow that I can just dance the hind legs off , if you.' "Xow, Sion lligerswas built like a bean-pole; he was over six feet high and as thin as a wafer, and no living man ever saw him without a big pair of eye glasses adjusted to his loim nose. If it was 'unny to think of Zeb. Vance's danciii'- ;t was simply ridiculous to consider Sion Rogers in that connection. Hut Shober said he believed Sion could down Zeb.; I assert, d to the contrary, and Shober bet ine one li mi ,1 n il dollars. "The room was cleared. Zeb. and Sion peeled off their wealing apparel until noth ing was left but nocturnal habiliments and the two contestants took their posi tions on the floor. It was an ill-assorted pair never were two men more unlike. Zeb. and Sion were told that the man who stayed oil the Hour longest w:is to have a halfdoien buttles of our wiuo. Shober started the old plantation pat; the dancers caught si,'p and went at it. '"Ho it. Sion!' shouted Shober. "-Buckle down tu it. Zeb.!' I exelaiui 'd and both lu ll began to rattle oil' a double sliutlli' hack step lhat would have turned any uigger in North Carolina green with envy. "Time passed. "Midnight came and went, the clock on the mantle struck one. The daneiug still went on. "Daylight appeared. Vance was be ginning to double like u hunchback, slid he was sweating like a draft horse. Sion seeniud to grow taller every minute; his head was thrown back, his arms stood ukiiuuo, only his t,s appeared to touch the II nor, and not a drop of pcrspiratioti was visible about him. The hotel breakfast bell rang. Shober ami 1 weie nearly exhausted, although we look turns iu patting, hut the dancing still went on. Z 'b's. shirt was sticking to him like a huge court plaiter, but Sion looked as cool as a Christmas snow sloitu. Zeb. was bent over until be had nearly assumed a silting MMturo, his buw-luga looking as ruUlld a a baliul hoop Null coutlliiiotl to grow taller, and his eyes-glasses still preserved their equilibrium on the end of his now. "When l!i o'eliK'k came, and Congress assembled, we suggested a recess. Hut uu; Sion wuuldu't hear to it. Finally I saw that Zeb. who now Mood only about 2 feet, 2 inches in his socks, was about to subside, mid I gave up "The artists then once more regaled themselves with our wine, aud Zeb. went to bed. But Sion didn't. After dancing '.'ll Iioiiis without a stop, he went to the Douse of Representatives and made a big speech." Ilypsics universally leveru the mairiage and home relation. What other people du? I say universally, and use that wold unqualifiedly. There is not an exception. The liuuie, under dinuy roof or beneath the stars, is the dream, the type, the reali zation of all attainable good. I do not de fend them iu there religious infidelity; but the religious faculty as we know it, develop it, distort it, is so lacking ill them thai an other seems to have taken its place. That is home worship. Without ambition to rule and rend and remodel the world, their whole mental and heart power concentrates upon and about their own. Kvery earthly effort of the gypsy man, as of every decent man. is for the home, the concrete shrine within his simple holding. The gypsy wife, not being civilized into a social harri dan; not being developed into a literary, art. or chinch gadabout; not being cultured i ito a female devil fish, reaching her greedy tentacles to every outlying slime and then devouring her own home for self and so cial distortion, has a whole body and soul and devotion for those who call her wife and mother. And so this gypsy family that you scorn and my old poet friend calls "rascals," form an all sufficient, invincible love force that the combined assaults uf ill fortune can never shock or endanger. That is surely one thing worth remembering a bout the gypsies. And it even begins back of the suckling of the babe at the gyp sy mother's breast. It is bred aud inbred in pre-natal assimilated loyalty. Then ns the children erne along with the years they absolutely know nothing else or differ ent, save about the Gorgios or non-gypsies, among whom they see all that should be avoided and of whom we know a few things that should be changed. Kdgnr L. Wake man's Letter. A DVF.RTISF.M F.NTS. PTE AS BAD AS BULLETS. BETTER THAN BEER. "Xo beer, thanks." "It will do you good after working in the street all morning," said the foreman of a party of laborers from the I'ublic Woiks Department to one of the most intelligent of his workmen during a noon ing on an uptown street the uther day. "I d rather diink what I re got in my bucket." "What's that?" "Oatmeal mid water." "What do you drink that foi?" To keep cool, same as you drink wa ter." "It doesn't rest you like beer though." "Try it once aud see. When I begun drinking oatmeal in my water, my wife had to almost make me take it. Now I wouldn't be without it. I used to drink a glass of beer every noon, two before su -per and work the 'growler' before going to sleep at night. That cost about twenty live cents a day. Now I save all that and get aloug just as well us before. I don't know what there is about the meal but when T have bad a drink of it I don't care for beer or any thing else to drink. You'd better try it yourself." "Oat meal in water," explained a physi cian to a reporter who had over heard the above recorded dialogue, "is one of the best drinks in the world for a workingman, es pecially in warm weather. It is nutritive satisfying and agreeable tothestomaeh. For laborers it makes a useful addition to (In dict, costs hut liltle, and repays the out. lay in iheliii ni of increased ability to p, r I'oiin labor, either physical or mental." A (111(11. 1, l.llll.' i. in:. When the Creole girl leaves school she enters society and is nevei seen there un ehaperoned until after marriage. To this event she looks foiwarJ as the fulfillment of her destiny, a spinster among Creoles be ing almost as rare as as among Jews In her choice of ii husband she is i nil in need by family wishes, alihoiigh imiii iagii among the ereo'm ia by no me ins (imply an affa r de eouveuaiice, as it is too ofu u with ll Fi'iu.h. Mama settles all prelimiiiarie- and then the lovers aro left to then s-lves. From this lime until the nutria-e the betrothed pair are never scon iu public wi h any but each olhet. She cautiot re c iio attention from any man. slight as it may be, uoi can h.-r lover pay to any olh. r woman the pctits soius of social interenur-e without exciting remark, lu the sch, m o!' ereolc cti'i'iiite broken engagements and broken hearts find no place. Viry soon after her betrothal the ereolc girl with ti.-r mother calls upon all relatives and I'rieiids of the two families. Ilcr shyly uttered "Jo viens de voiis faire part de iiioii mar liage" is her atiiiouiieuii'iit of the impend ing event. For eight days before and eiglit alter maruage sue must not no seen in public. All MM Hi.tilli-r i.lk. or III. CMinpiltn In ViraoOM - lite K'li-lnv It, Aiiilu,li ITtti-titr Vi'r. Alli-r. Si l via. X. ('.. Feb. ll. 1RS7. CtHtlt Hh tr Yum-. iiuMiiiiig wheth er in not I li.ul lircn ben, 'tiled liy K.is kmc, and if si. In vvli.ii extent. c, tn hand In ii-ilv mil say Il1.1t my health has not been a- gn,,il in twenty years as inivv. 1 siiftcied with dulls from ni.il.ni.il puisiin 1 ontrai tel while serv ing in the I niifitleiaic nnnv on the l'ciiiiiMil.u ( 'anipatgiis in Viigmia. Ilitl nut miss having a chill at least out c in twenty otic d.ivs. and mure fre,iieiillv out e in seven days, lui inure than fif teen yeais. In tin 1 'i un lit'ion I visited Xevv York iu Nnccinlier, iSS;, on business. While there I stopped with Mr. K. I), li.nker, uf the I'niu-rsity I'tilili.thing Company. I told Mr. Haikcr of my i iimlitiim. He eallt-i inv attention to yuur K.iskinc and piucuici! fur tne a bottle. After my ictuni hnnic 1 took the pellets as iliiccted aiidloiiuil much relief .illuitlcil tlien by. Of tins change I vv lute Mi. Haikcr, who sent two or tim e buttles dining the past year. My health gieatly improved. I increase, I iu weight t"i 1 "in 165 pounds to 200 pounds, my present weight. I believe the Kuskiuc tlid it. (Quinine had fail ed, as i uther remedies usually ail loiiiisteieil in such cases. Now, unless in case of exposure to extra bad weather. 1 do not have chills, and ui) genera! health is tpulc guutl. I turned iivei half a bottle to a young lady friend .1 few weeks since. 1 Icani fioni her mother tint she was nun ll benefited iiv it while it l.i-ted. I trust 1 111 may lie .tlile to introduce Kaskine ;eneialiy in tins loiintiy, in which 111. my sunn hum diseases con scipienl iij'un main i.il poison in the system. 1'iumiuy on 11 cciieiiie 1 1. 111 cniph.i-ie its e" i-lU-iii l- lor such diseases, ll 1 1 .111 sci vc vou callou inc. I am veiv tiulv voins, JiillN ('. S, AKIIOKOItCII. Seven veils ago 1 had an attack of bilious leuiittci'i fever, vv' i' h ran into iiitciniiiti'i.t 111. u. ui. 11. I liietl all the known rein ,', lies, sin Ii .1 arsenic, mer cury and ipiiniue. The l.ittei was ail ministered to me in heav y and contin ued doses. M.il.ui.i biinilii on ncr vous illustration and livsjicpsia, flout whii h 1 siilfcicl cvci v thing. Last win ter I heard of Kakine ami began us ing it. A few bottles uf the vvuiltlcrfiil drug t illed nie. Malaria ami dyspep sia disappeared, and as yuu have seen a June tl.iv brighter fur the summer storm that h el pas-i-d across the sky, so the clouil Icl'l my life and my health became steady anil sluing. Mi;s. . I.wvsiiN, 141 liergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. (lidi-on Thompson, the oldest and one ot the most respected ciliens of Kridgeport, Cimn., says: " I am tiinetv vcars of age. and for the last three vcars have siilieicd from malaiia and the effects of ipiiniue poisoning. recciitlv began with Kaskmc which liuike up 1 lie- malaria and increased inv weight 22 pimmls." Other letlcis uf a similar character fit, 111 piuuiincnt individuals, vvhiih stamp K.i-kinc a-,a retnedv oftmdoulit. cd merit, will be sent 011 application, IViie $1.00. or six buttles, $5.00, Sold bv I'ruggists, or sent by mail un ret cipt of pi n e. i he Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St., New York, and j5 Faniiigilou Road, London. ADVKRTISKMF.NTS. MILL11IEEI. WW I amtlitlly reri'lvinn my KAl.Lit.x'k of Ml 11 Inc. ry, Kmii y linoilti, Notion, iVc. euilirtu'liu; ull the latest iniYcltien. Vnii lire res)H'ctfullj invlteil to cull ami I'Minlnc my stork nnd price , K'fore pur cli using. MRS. 1'. A. LEWIS, Weldon, X. C. uprlsly LIQUORS. C. SMITH. SKK IIIS LIQUORS, ' ski: ins rioMis, SEE HIS (1R0CE1UES. inc Soda CUM ed qooos. EVERY DHIXK IX SEASON. UirC. Smith at K vans' old stand Washington avenue, W olden, X 0. We have on band and fur aale cheap FAMILY (.ROCKRIK.S, LA N N Ell tHHIIIS, (,'ONEKtTlONKUlKS, TllllAIXSJ, sNrrv, (il.AKS, Ac. OltASlIt". 1.E51UNS, AI'FI.FS. I'ATKS, NITS. RAISINS, Ac., if. . ALSO- V X E (' I' T 1N KALI. FKES1I IIKEAtl. CRACK KH. CAKES 11) virtue ot tviu cxis-titinu. IwiH-l msit the I'ltiti'il sliiles eirt iiil fotirt hi Knli- ku N. C, by N J tii.lilii k.clt-rL- mi Hie '.'Nt tl.y uUmif. lst-7, ami ri-tiirtiiililt- ni tin- lssl Mniiility In Nuvi inls r Isa7. rir-t cms nt Inn Mniy I. Al,i, iivisiu r. of IVytotl A I'iiiiii. II. o. Ty-oii Hint Aiti'iil!is WiIkiiii Irsil ins meter Itie linn limit- ul' P. A. Initio A Co. ,lltili!v v John I Alsoii. It K Klililii k. S. S. Al si'h. .Ir .Hllll Jllllll'S MumIi ) de fl'lltlitlltft. St'tSlllll eifi tilo.li Mnry I' AU.i, HM4lifi' uf Jtmi-ih .li'iiLiii" suit Kots-rt II IViitliT IrattliiR tiliilt-r tin- linn li.iiit' ul Jim-ili W Jfliklli. A Cti., liLtlitltl, V. JiilniT AU',11. S.H Al.eli, Jr , anl J.liusx Mtl' ley ilfti-iiiLiitv llsvlnx li'vlvil thr hInivi-imtiti-d i-.t'i ltliiiit, iisiii lirty Ht'h'.ut l.inl limn-1 Us in ll.ililiii i-i.iiul) itt-iir llii U'H n uf LulL'Iti KiljoiiiiiiK lite Intnl. ul WelihiT A bull, anil I I. WtiltNk 'oi't ii-W's-eui'ti'l by J. I.. II.riK,sui.I Ml, lu,!. III' l.llll WHS U'l lll tt tilt- lulllt-tl'Hi uf .iHllie. M'H-l'll-y.M fllll lll'.erlili'illill Mlllll' Will Is- found Iiv rt-fi-n-iit't' It, lluuk i" imsi's :m :ll ul Uu- rts-urtl uf Muliliii enmity, uu.l IhihI u ill lie . .1.1 Hi mlilli niiriiiiii for i ii-Ii hi the i uiirt lluii-i' il.sir In Utv lull II ,lf llHllfil III ItlllllllX , 'ltUlll Hi tHl'll-U mii Xt.iii.liti N.-ieiiiU r 1 1. l-" n- ihe ir.iKTI uf litiueN Mi .11 ley iltH'i-Hsisl. In wttlnly nam ma, MADE A T OUR 0 1LV v v I', s II AVINU ill our official capacity as mem bers of the I'lymoulh, Fa., Hospital Com mittee, been usked to tost and prove the ( licet ivcncKS ot many ihneient articles to be used as disinfectants in sick-rooms aud as preventives of infectives fevers, report that Parbys Prophylactic Fluid has been thoroughly tested during the recent ly phoid epidemic in this place. It proved most efficacious in staying the spread of the Fever. F. II. Armstrong, S. M. Davenport, e(i 1st 1SS7. XI'I'IIIIUII,. Ill III I MsrshHl E. IHst N C lil. 1UK 0 V V A I. r A RLE 1. A M II . .1. A. Opp, Thou. Kerr, Sept 1H imo. 0. M. Lance, James Lee, Jr. Ilt-llratc Children, Nursing Mothers, Overworked Men, and for ull diseases where tissum aro wasting away from ihe inubility to digest ordinary food, or from overwork of the brain or body. all such sliouldtaka Scott's Emulsion of l'ure Cod Liver Oil with llypophosphites. "I used the Emulsion on a lady who was delicate, and thrcati.ied with Bronchitis. It pat her in such good health and flesh that I must say it is the best Emulsion I ever used." L. 1'. Waiuikli., M. D., Hugh's Mills, S. C. "1 have used Soott's Emulsion, and must say it is the best preparation of the kind I have ever used and I have found it the very thing for children that have marasmus. ' Dr. J. E. Lavton, Brewer F. 0., Mo. i Sept. 15 1-bo. I inli-r tt tuo'ni.ai! from U. li. u.ry UiI'hiiI OHry, trusli'ii. I wilt sell fur i-hIi hi the Ciiiirl huiistt tu Hntiriix. uu MutiitHV. Niivi'iiils-r Till, lots Ntw. .'0, 1M .nil IU. liuw ncftiiift'il by (I. ll. (iHry.ou lll.kc ley sln t-l ait-l n-'Hr tin-Mi'tltudisl I'lum-h In Wel don. Sitiil utnrliriitli' is rii-uwed in hunk M, Htfuk :m a tn iti'sistiT', ntliet!. The said prnKTty uiHy lie nld ilivati-ly. Kur ItifiiriDHtiiin. Hpiily toil.d. tl.ry, Wrlilon, or John A. Menu'. llslifnx.N, C. rAII.UARY, Trunin. M-l S ftW A4-llrih-r, by mail ifuuiully .111-1111111 to. Wi- rts,HH'lfully aullrlt I ih.re of public natron a. isr.xx ruis a i.r k. WtuhlliKtull Avmiiii-, W.ld,ai,N. C. m.r 11 ly ' A 1. 1 Alii. K k All MS t'lllt HALE, will -ill fur e.sh ur uu etuj ti-rm,ttit- following , property : A Urui kitu.n-d about twu mil., nxioa llalifai, on Hie riwtl It'iiiliita hi Eiilluld, nuw tx'cii,U'il by Jm. I., (in.liy. (siiiialnliia atmnt r arnsv flood ilwi-lllia; huiiu.' anil all aeDeautry out houM.. A fHttn six uilli-. front imifHx tin Mime mad, cull- iHlitins ibutil fci acres. Gtorl dwi-lltnK anil out Iioiumsi. Tin- farm wlii-rcim I isiw rciile, .bunt 7 nilles frum llHlirHi.cniitaititiiK 'il", acres. It has a Una urehHrtl aud I. well adapted fur eottou, corn and triirklita. Alsu titlit-r r.rroit wtilcli will lie ilinwn to air-Iihsi-s. Eur further iltfuruialiuu .p4y k me ur to Jidin A. Misin-, Halifax. N. c. . V. (JAKY, llalifai, M.C. M-nltw N (IT ICE TU CH KM TURK. HatrtiiKiiiiHlldiHl as admitilittrHbir uptHi the estate uf til. late U.K. Bell before the Clerk of Un- Sitpi rlur rtitirt ul HalifHX ouuuty, I hereby live uutice Ui all peniuiiH liuldiiiK claims aaHlUHt said eMail' tu preai-nt tbem to meal Etilletd.N.C., un or before lite flntda) ofdebtber isat. orthli mslee all) be plead In bar of their rwuvcry. AM penons indelited m mui estate will fume Kir- wanlandaettlcatoace and aaee nuat of suit. 4MV1U imx, AUailnl.lraiur. Knilcld, S. L' Auausl 7Ui, laK, , , teplllw AI.E Of LAND rott tAXES.' (lit lluitday, Ilia anl day ufUctuber, IW7, I will ell fur cub at the court houe door In llalifai , to satisfy St.te .lid county uxin, tha futhxwlni real taute ta Ualiuia couaty . -. . one lut In the town of vvrl.tm elenglni ta Wesley lUrrlauli , furUiti oMwawil""- Hm arn-, of land ia WuliiuiituwiubluJuiUsa b I. II AiHintt, fur taiea of 1. ' 7iarnaof land InWifjMi Wiiilp, Hated' b K U. EvHvlt, x tain antvantlaWi. r, :,!. . . I :'.-') R.Jibirww.BaaaT. . ll , , j ..Hi 1 4. 4alujrta2, lrv.' 1'pUW .. . ; .3 tr-a?j-

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