J- HE ROANOKE NEWS, llUUSDAY, MAltCU R, ihnh. TKOIWASW. MASON. A cjtrwpDinliml writing to the tiin( Utiaervrr from Littleton nay "The nurvival nf ilu Alien" i Iiuliti- oal as ID natural affair often . 'slate-makers." a well a li,. lewis the mass of ''t, utcrs, to select for leaders "the nU .,.. W ufli'n tried in battle, but it Ire- qiicntly hapiiens that the wars and wound ol luriuet fravs unfit them r.,r the field. That we have talent of the I kind that u ' born to blush unseen" and that the people long to have in the office of Governor. a in tiui's long , seek a man who will not him-!!', nor allow his friends to scramble fr the place, ale pro positions patent to the disinterested ob server. Such n man would come tu the peoplo with freshness and freedom from intrigue and thousands of holiest voters, often repelled by tlu- standard politician, of any party, would fl,,ek to liis support as to a leader and their champion man must besought for and all thciiuali ticatious necessary to lit him for the place must be piiiwcsscil in the fullest form. Wo surest nno mail of the kind, hoping not to offend his modesty, but with full faith that the eloquence of his tongue, the purity of his character and the magnetism of his person would at tract as many voters as any leader that en be selected in the State the Hon. Thomas V. Mason, of Northampton I'ojnty. OUR SENIOR SENATOR A rOKIlKSI'ONllKNr ( SlliPSClM.S HIMSKI.r IN TIIECIIAIll.OTTK CIIKONICI.K For several days Senator Ita'isinn's many friends spoke through the p ipers of the per minute value of a seanmu; speech ot Ins tor tile I (altera flight. (In this line thi' Asheville Citi-.m dealt so largely ih auli climax and hyperboles that all with one canscnt surrendered to that industrious prom iter of the Sen ator I interests, the coucoetim ofsunar, eggs, butter and flour, which the con trollers thereof are supposed to be ciiict ly nimiohiiiir. since their return from the cloud caplH'd summit, and the "Star S,an-l.',i ' enviroimentsol'the old Mick from whence tliey and their numerous aiders watched the plodders of the sea as they crossed and re-crossed the billowy Atlautie, by the ctb 1 jence of ill Will speech. This sK'ech, by the way. was grievously needed, as the cominillee hid reported the hill favorably ("I in un der the bed Touser, you shall do some thing, I (ell you") and will be of lasting ben 'fit to all North Carolinians, espec ially (o the inoch'iiiic and farmer class,!, who can hereafter say thai for our people Mr. Hansom has dime nothing. The Democrats of Nichols' District could wish that this controlling speech, or one of less (pecuniary value, had been made by Mr. Hanson in ISSii, when he Wa can Vassing that district, so that the H'rim mon dcH of high iloliii'tou could have reached Mr. Nichols' majority. Hut whit is tho use mentioning this failure of our distinguished Senator lo influence Voters when be has just made such an exhibition of his powers as Senator? To the winds off llatteras ye idle thought ami there wait in 'he cove of Kolus until the lights aro turned on. It is a difli cult matter to tell what is stirring the political waters in the Stale, unles the tact that our senior senator ha i;au spoken in the I . S. Senate or telegraph e I or written to a one prominent geulle- tiian in some city, town or neighborhood in North Carolina, auuounciugth.it Mine lo al bill had or stood a good, chance ol pissing the Senate comnjittce on ap pr iprialiotis.f.ir iustancebaru out Con tentene Creek, the Yadkin Itiver, or tho bill appropriating flT.'i.llHll for a public building in Cbarlot'e The Utter of which remiuds tho writer of the nnr.i.'es that are to be seen by the tired, weary worn and famished traveller upon the barren deserts in which it is said that ha always ism water iu the distauee, but never gets up to it and finally lays down and die with it still vivid upou hi death -stricken vision. One day we heat it said that (ien. Hansom isthenwst influential Senili sm Senator at tin White House. The next day w e read of the apiiiitiiint ol a Oolored man by the I'resid. ut to the Ke oordship of the District of Columbia, notwithstanding. One day we read, (hat thi distinguished gentleman pasil poition of the previous day with hi feet, which has trodden the historic streets of Washington for sixteen years, under tin President's mating my. Tho next day, nevertheless, we hear it talked th it a colored route ageut is iu the city of -Charlotte, Kroiu the past year, the past of Merit' long years we heir sound ing the Voice of Senator Hansom f, r the abolition of (he Internal Hevenuc. To day why is that clo,i:c:it voice, whiih for every single minute i worth S t OO.tMMl not raised in behalf of the inns grot question? Oh! for a spwi-h of tw i hours length laden with such wealth! Lieut! Light! cries the committee, and the Sen ator softly replies. Light! an I the Mack Mountain sea-goers have their light. The white man! The white man!! cries (ho Senator, and Matthews. th colored man, is iado Recorder, (iive my poo fie liberty from the oppression of Inter nal Revenue! The Senator loudly shouts and (ho President, who is much iuflu eucud, readily responds: lit alone the Internal Ui'venue. liel'orm tho tariff. This is iu part North Carolina politic. A Hound l.tgal Opinion. K. Uaiubridge Munday, K., County Ally., Clay Co., Texas, says: "Have L'u.tfip Hitter wiih most luonv HMtilla. Mv Iralliei also was very low With Malarial f ever ana Jaiinaii'e, uui Wiscurcd by timely use of (hit medicine. Am satisfied Klectric Bitters savel my life." ' Mr. 1). I. Wilcoison, of Horse Cave, Kv . adds a like teillmonv. saviug: He l positively believes he would have died. ' had it not been tot electric Hitter. - This crest remedy will ward off, Well as euro all Malaria Diseases, and for all Kiduey, Liver, and Stomach Disorders .' stand unoiui I'd. I rice .We and l at drug store. Ilurklcn's Arnica Malvc. The He Salve in the world for Cut, Bruises, Sorce.l'lcers. Salt ltheum. Fever S(,io,Te(ter, Chapped hands, Chilblains ! Corus.ind all skin cruptions.and positive s Iv cure Piles, or no par required. It i j guaranteed to give perfect satislactton, or . : a ey refunded Price 25 cents per box. KoraalobydrugL'istsat Weldon, Brown , 4trnlwaj, llalirax, l'r. w A nicuwig.., Kntteld. "HACKHIiTA(:K,"aaiitliif ana fregTSot tumc rrioesjauasocfnii. r f 1 utecn, Wriaoo.T. V. Uuunr Wsrrfntw, RINGWOOO NEWS, HEATH 'IT, IMVIIIK TUB si'ilom, 1,1,, THIfT TUB rllAltl.on'B 4 WBI.IIOS HAII.ltllAll.MBASI.KS- RKTt'UNBIl To Tmv v Thh',o,',J'.'"i"'",V h","T,",r 1 "'"t "''". out , ue ,1,.I(1 1,0,0,1k Hut, I hire I. ,i., ii,le, l,w,.v,.r ,,.fl.,u, nut linn n vunoit t hiiir. Died in the town of Hingwood, en the morning of the 2Mx nf February. Mrs. M. H. Johnson, wile of L. 1). j'hnun, Ks; , aged thirty years; leaving three children, one of whom is an infant, a hus band, mother ami many friends to mourn ... , uepariure. Mie was an ami able, kind and attentive mil',, .,,,,1 ,.,.k... and will be sadly missed in the home cir cle. Death is at all times a mournful mes senger but when his fatal dart ha strick en down those who had bright prospects in life, the young and hopeful, how doubly the lesson is broifght home to us that the grave is the common lot of us all. Vet wo know thai (he good mid dutiful and inuocetit can never die, and thi thought should calm the sorrow ami as suage the grief of those who mourn the departed. A line boy i making thinirs lively at the home if our popular merchant, M. n. t.uitstn, r.sq. A .: :n , t , , . . .i oiccuiig win no neni in this place on wic inn, io iietenuine whether or not to uivnle the school district. Koom the railroad. Our section needs one badly, and any feasible plan to gel one would ho gladly rttccived. Measles slili prevails in the lirinkley ville section, though there arc no fatal cases to note. I. apt. . 11. Lewis, one of our most useful and most esteemed citizens moved some miles from town the oast week, but reconsidering the matter he and hi fam ily den riiitni'd to return to their old quar ter and are in town agaiu. to the delight of their many friend. 0. K. M. CHARLOTTE AND WELDON R. R. WHAT TUB TUBS SAY ABOUT IT. There is no sham work in the i,rono sition to build this road. The toad will be built if the people through whose country it will run will subscribe lo it us they ought. I lie project has been thor oughly digested by the foremost business ami experienced railroad men iu the State. Those men are nut strangers. It is not a prop, sition from the hands of fureigti.'rs whom w.; know not. The eu terpriso spring from the minds of our own people, who are unimpeachable as tu business integrity and sagacity. The procedure to build the road is bound on practical go ahead business priueipli Therefor.' the process initiated is itself an app al l those who Hve along the lines nh. re the ronl is wanted, ti call meeting an I elect delegates lo come to the meeting advenis, d to be held iu Char lotte ou the loth of March with propo sitions 1 1 make. We reeat Charlotte and Mecklenburg will do their full duty iu the initter. Charlotte ('hrmiirk. During our very pleasant trip lo Char lotte the H ard of Comtueitvof that eiiy held a me ting for the p irpw of consid ering the propriety of building arailroad from Charlotte via Albemarle and Troy to Weldoii Now this was no sham ni tetiug. To say the leas', these enter pricing citi. 'Us are euthu-iaitic over this matter, and mean business. All they n ved ami ask is the co-operation tiud liberal support of the counties through which the proposed road will ruu. Why shall they not have it? When complet ed it will be oiie of the finest lines of r iad in North Carolina. Ours is an in- vititiit section. The world is just now rMli.ing in .' true worm ol tnis region Stanly aud Montgomery, two of the finest .untie ol North Carolina lie side by si le teeming with inexhaustible resources and thumb ring with big possibilities and t there is tea a loot ol railroad luriih Wc arc shut off from the Stirling world and hate no available means of making an exp isition of our inestimable wealth and untold wonh. Just so far North 'aroliua is behind. If this small section was only effected by this stale of thing it would not be so distressingly deplora ble. but these counties aie a part uf tho Slate, thus our commonwealth is a suffer- and lost. The Old North State is n irant of her own worth, and mi -on ions of the rich treasure whi h lie ur. disturbed uism herbosoni. We wish to see the Stale go forward with rapid stride i, ..vervi on - thit m ikes a DeoDle wne, miod and ureal. We would n it ham a dark spot to be lounu in alter uays upon the pages o1' hor illustrious his'ory to mir their sliiwv whitmess L:t every conn The a golden star fixel in tho sky of h T glory, ami let not their hri Itaney be imm tlby the cloutl ol ignorance or dis.ul' imaged by th s eru I t an I IMicd Siati' e are sorry to have it to sav that North Carolina is in tho rear in anything, g , rI or progressive. We know she i ci; a',le of standing in the front, and keeii.nii lacs with the most nioL'ies-ivc and thriving sections of th country. let she is Deniu,!, necause he T lot I' Vilopj.1, and thus a great in iu.tK" is 1 ,n li.tr. uur inuoin love I it mailt', prompt us to wish oar native section every possible blessinj. tk are ii'it ashamed ol our nativity because ol its disadvantages and uiiJevelop.il slate We can rcpat in the spirit th t patriutic sentiment ol Judge tiaston; Let nit tlisetli.it l.o'e us love the 1ml that live tti. ti t .- ,i relUi-,11 s on this siile ot lloftven We would have our section to uliiiu seeoml 1 1 none in tne eaiaxv in .serin Carnlitia's dory. Our imiple liiv been so often disappointed by the failure of ai road protect that they are growing ilesniudeiit. Why grow det ondettt.' It cosl iis not Inn r to make an eliurl, and withmit effort nothing can be accomplish. cd. L-tt us be cti 'ourag!, an I know no such fiK'lin-' us d spondency or discoiir gemcnt.--Troy ViMie. What aav the nentile of Alamance, and oatieeially of south Alamance, to holding 1 .-. i 1.1 mil,. a meetiitil and apiminting delegates to. tne meeting lobe held in Charlotte on the 15th msl., uism the oticslion ot nunuinu the above named railway.' it win in an . .. .. t. : likelihood be built, and that not long hence. Inducements go a long way in securing railways, and the greater the in ducements the greater me ecu n'y of cetlitiL' the road lor this or that point. lira ham lilraiier. We ate overstocked in clothing and otderto reduce stock have put tne h siii right into prices and will sell all goods this line at figures that will astonish you, V. N. Stain back Co, ARR YOU MAHF. mlsfmble br Indltwitlw, --..,n.,i..n ru,t,,M UMunrADtllUl. ellow likiii? ijhlleh'sVluiitlJ"ltlM. ..r"' Ml. by I.E. Hircn.VieMoa.T. P. Huawr, Vi rtuwi, ' 1 r-"--g -ur nf itf'nl Hi "I PUBLISHERS NOTICE. Wk an? ithviiyK itlad to receive (iriKtniil vn m A (1 it!l;ilil'IIJilf'lHl iliiitiMtrt.il. I'lliK'illli.nit or Mat. toilciil niiliin'. hNo ni'WH mid MiitcittfiitH uf view it mi public i-MiinrniM im-invited Mil'J'-' t of cmirHr lo Hi1 1iHcrell..iinry MiM-rvisloii nfihe Kditora who ill-i-lU' m jv.Hp'Hihiliiliiy for the opliilonNtsirfKNet, liui' s..' of the Kip.T only, inuit bi- written on tut'l rtnl name of writer niiwtuccoiuimiiycontribu I'ricp ')rt'iirnrr)'rflnmiiii fc.rn tn urtvanre. Aflvertirilnu tnlt Hri i0.in.Hljliiiiii ihh.U kn.iavn nn A plii'Hllon. tin- inch otupiu'p ('oiinlitnteH ft squnre. I n miHweriiiK HilverHarinenbi iitram mi-iittnn tlifi pHiver.it helpKiia and iNiiottroublesoroeoreipeu live. AiHrtM ftll comiatinlefttlnni to THK ROANOKE NEWS, Wkldon, N. C. S p b c A t, Noil it.. All transient advertisements, of whatever nature, must be paid for in advance, as the tmblishers cannot afford to give credit which may be fur years and may be forever. Kxperience has forced them tn hereafter make this the invariable rule. T 1 1 K mud are gelling belter. Tout to commence gurdening. Thin i the first Spring month, Fhkhii fish ure getting more plentiful. Wraro now on the March for spring. I'ltBI'AKB the land well before you plant. (iBT in (be oats and cluver as soon as you can. Tub Spring poet will soon make his appearance. TllR March winds are upon us. Be careful with fire. (!bt your net and boats ready, it will soon be time to go fishing. TltBitK is an i !d saving that leap year i always a good fruit year. Til K Haptist congregation of Marga rettsville, have a new ihurch to worship in. TltBitK are 172 known species of crea tures that are blind. This does not in clude lovers. Snow us that woman who is not fashion's slave tun! we will show you a very oi,l woman. Amonii the companies that will gn in to camp at Wrightsville on July 15th are the Scotland Neck Jlotinted Rifle- ni,1'"' lallt' Anthony; and tho Palmyra '-V"1 l"Hry, Lapt. hpniill, which company K of the First Regiment, Col. I otten. (iiink for Oixiii Mr. M. F. Hart, left Monday for Raltiinoreau 1 New York to piirehas' spring i:,imls. He l a close buyer and an excellent hand at 'selecting good and stylish eood. He will return a week or ten (lavs with a huge and varied assortment nf sprint: and summer gods for ladies, men and children. Vis it his sture and examine his stock when they arrive. Sami'I.eImihiis Ciibai'. Mr. V. H Tillcry. one of our live merchants, adver tises in thi issue a large lot of sample spring goods which heoftj-rs at wholesale cost 1 hese good are perfectly new and in the very latest styles, dloves. jerseys, hati'ikcichtcts unit parasols are among these goods, ror a lull list see adver- tieement. This is a good chance for la- lies and gentlemen to buy, and save from thirty to forty per cent. Ttt.Mxs Dbi.aybii Two stuns of the bridge of the Wilmington Columbia ami Augusta railroad, across I'ec ioc river in South Carolina, were burned on Monday night. Trains will run via to Wadeslioro and thence on the C. C. rail way to Wilmington until the bridge is re paired. They will eon.seijtiently bo late lr a ilav or two, until the bridge can lie repaired. It is hoped that temporary spun will be in position by rritlay. Oi artbri.v Mkrtinhs. The Oa-.r terly Meetings for Warrcnton District M. K. Church, for the second tinarte be held as follows, the HeV. .1. K Nelson, presiding: Wilson station. Mar. 10 11 Weldon and Halifax at Halifax" 17 IS. ToUnot station, " J." 'M Wtirrenlon ct at Sarepla Mar 31 " Apr 1 11 'imokcH., at Calvary, Apr. 7 W " 14 15 II 0 oo " 28 2'J May t ti May VA tiartcnion ai neuron Halifax et at l'altnyrs, Wilson miss, at .Micoma, liiilgcway, Nashville Miss. Parson Kavsmhre. Parson Joseph Uavsmore, a colored preacher well known in this community, left some months ago to take charge of a church in Ohio. The Little Rock ( Ark.) Nun says in a recent issue : "tu'V. Joseph ttaysioore. Inrintr ly one of the leading lights of the Hap tist denomination of North Carolina, is now pastor of tie Macedonii Hapti.-t hureh. Cimbrid.'e. Ohio. Dr. Havs- niore is a power for good wherever he goes, and he ha our wishe f,,i success in his new field.'' Rev. Ravsraore has we understand, tendered his resignation to take etleet w hen he receives his salary A Form br Ciiizbn Sbvbrbi.y In- Jl KKli On rndav last .Mr. It. .1. I.ih-Ii mil, a former r 'sidetu of this t.lie ilaiiireiouly wouii led at Kuipoiis. on lb, IVt-Tsbur'' r.iilroa i, In a ncro He wa in C'Uiiinati'l ot a -itael ol w irktneit the Atlantic aud Danville railroad, and ilis.harged one of them, who refused to leave. Mr. Cix-hrau ordered htm off. and the negro stui'k him with a pi,kux ietiun a severe Wound which penetrated the lung The nrjtro was arr a eil and V now iu jail. Mr. Cochran at last reports was doing well and there is every reason tob'li've that he will recover utile some unforeseen symptom of sn unfavor able nature should appear, Tub Raii.roahMbbtish The R dl- road mivlinti called at this place on last Saturday was postpon.ii indefinitely ! r tm, rou5 , ihat a me ting ha been called t j(,ni,Wood on next Saturday, where II o 1 . . . . believe,! that the matter will be tnor 0u,lv discussed. It ii hop,! lhat all wh arc iterist,sl in the matter will attend - whether from KrinUeyville township or 0y other part ul the oounty. J his is an im"Wrtant matter to the people of the countv. especially in tne western en.l ol the isoiint v and ther should be a full at in .....Unne at the mocrinn. The D-oiile of ,nat vlma arc fully aware ol their own in nw,(s ,nrt Vi! naVt, n0 ,iUU( there will be full interohanBe of opinion for the ten cfit of the localities inure directly to be benefited. All are invited, li t all attend SHILOll'S ('ATAHKlT KF.MF.liY a rultlve cure for Uaurrh, Dilith"rt and Cmiker Mouth. roruUby 1. a.Gnta, Weldou, T, f. Uuutvr Wart;ilt0U. HoAitit of CoMMictsltixKn.'. Tile ' t'l.ASt Mtjfl (J'"-lt,'s .' 'The Mi'mia? hoard of County Coiuinissioners met tinm Ilmmt, gives the following reasons Monday and Tuesday ut Halifax, all the why the South should plant more corn : members being present, j In I SS7 the South made a much larger A number of accounts wero audited com crop than ever belore. Fortunate and ordered paid, and other routine bui as this would bo under any other t ir- ness was transacted. Clerk II viiians report of half fee at the late term of the Inferior court was received, approved nuil recorded. It Was ordered that the Supervisors of Halifax township bo reipiested to adver tise for jiropoHal to rebuild the two Ouankcy bridges or lo build culvert across the stream; the report and propo sals to be submitted to the Hoard of ( 'om tuissioner at it next regular meeting; and that T. L. F.mry and .1. II. Whita kcr act with the Hoard of Supervisors on thepatt of the Hoard of Commissioner.. l'BRSONAI.. The Rev. W. 1'. ISIake, formerly a popular pastor of the Haptist church at this place, writes to the llilili- tl hrrurtlrr that bets getting on well with the Indian Mission school at La- sak-wa, Indian Territory. Lieutenant (inventor Steiluitin, Judge C Avery and ('apt. H. It. lVebles were in town Sunday. Messrs. Max Hoffman, T. W. Fenner. W. II. Kitchin, W. II. Smith and H. I). irav, of Scotland Neck, left Monday (ol 'harlotte to attend the Superior Court now in session at that place, the two for mer as parties to a suit and the others as witnesses. ('apt. II. (i. Smith, who removed with his family from Scotland Neck to Arkan sas about ten years ago antl ha been liv- ng there ever since, returned home Mon day and will hereafter live in Scot laud k. e welcome them back and con gtatulate their many relatives and frieuds on their return. Mr. (i. S. White, one of the prominent merchants of Scotland Neck, left yester day to purchase spring goods for his firm. Si t'EitttiR CiifHT. The March term of the Superior Court for this county convened on Monday, Judge Graves on the bench. The criminal docket ia small, theic be ing only ten eases, one of which is for horse stealing, two for larceny and two for failure on the part of Supervisors to re port on roads. 1 here are on t lie appearance docket cases. anJ l.'ili on the trial docket. A calendar has been arranged for civil case, beginning on Tuesday last, but no cases are set later than Monday next. There were few in attendance Mon day, owing partly, no doubt, to the bad weather. State vs. lllount Mitchell antl Orphic Parker, larceny and receiving; appeal from Inferior court. Guilty as to Mitch- ill, two years anil six months in the petit tcntiary. Mate vs Mary Smith, larceny; guilty four months in county jail. Male vs. Amanda Hurt on, larceny: submitted, judgment suspended on pay incut of cost. State vs. Conius Taylor, larceny; guil ty; live years in 1 lie penitentiary. IIakkbb, Merchant Man. A stands for Action, which makes bus iness move. D for the Dash, which ne'er gets in a groove; V stands for Via, which e'er leads to success, K for the Knergy, hustlers possess; R stands for Reason, to w hich good sense yields, T stands for Type, which the world's sccptro wields; I stands for Industry, handmaid of thrift, S for the Scales, which don't come as a gift ; I stands for Indolence, mau s greatest curse, X for the Nothing in Lazybones' purse; G stands for Gold, which you all want to gel; P stands for Patience, which bids you not fret, A for Advice that you keep out of debt; V stands for You. sir, whom thus I ad vise, S for Success if you but advertise. Vol- Think, Don't Yot'f Wheu you want newspaper favor you Mrikc for your "home paper." don't you? If you want your town boomed and youi properly increased in value, you expect your home paper to go in for it "teeth ami toe nail, aon t your let you ma like a steer when the editor does any thing that would not be noticed in any body else, and you object to his paT be cause it hasn't as mux' reading matter it as a "city paper," don't yon? Still, on the whole, dear leader, you think your home paper a mighty good thing for the town, and yet by your actions you preclude the home paper from think ing the town is a good thing for it by not giving it sufficient patronige, don't you? You would not expect the home paper only circulating in hnudrcds to give you as much reading matter as a city paper circulating thousands, would you? You would not expect the price of the former to be as low as tho latter to give you the local dots and the thousand and one little newsy things and nothings that you get in the former, would you? Do you think that a newspaper publisher can live on wind? And do you think lhat he can forever digest the consol ing lad that his paper i "a good thing forthe town." when he receives nothing in return? He can't do it, can he? Kx WhatTiikv vVkah very ihap thi year. -Valentin are It si i much in lavor lor clotli ilresses. The latest fad on ball dresses is long angel sleeve. Handkerchiefs etiliicl ol luoc ale com ing in Vogue. Piaster bonnet wiil match the gowns worn with them. The Tosca is the favorite French round hat, and it has a low crown. Black, dark blown or gray fur trim red cloth tlri'sses vcrv tastefully. The ideal house gown of the season has dcliiiously loose and easy sleeves. All pale shadi's of groen from reseda to sage will be in high favor for Koater bon nets. There are many poke brimmed bon nets among the importation of spring millinery. Aumouierea, or alum bag, and carved ivory rosaric are beautiful gifts for the Kaster season. The ribbons that trim the first itihIiki- titm of Kaaler bonnela are wider than those of the passing scaaou. WHY wlt.LYOl' roiieli l,en Hhtlnh'sRair wlllliviinini,sli"U; relief. Trice Id cent; Hi criiuandonennl.sr. For sale by I. it,, urecu xtMvi), T, f Uuiper, YYarrtatvtv cuinstanees, it was exceedingly toiliiuate in view ot the extremely short crop iu the West and the eonse,Uent high prices. The increase in tin) South' 1W corn crop over that of IMG will keep at least j;iO,ll(MI,llim ill that section that would otherwise have gone West. As the planting season return it becomes of so great an importance that Southern farm er should be urged to plant more largely than ever of corn. Refore anolher crop is raised the West will be aliuu-t out of corn, and stocks will be at such a low point that such an unusually heavy crop for the whole country would be so great ly needed to supply the deficiency of lf-S7 and to meet current wants that prices would still continue high, even if the yield be very large. It is very impor tant, therefore not only for tho good of the South in general but especially for tho prosperity of the farmers, that they should again raise a large corn rrop. The South ought to do even better in thi line than last year, and Southern farmers will make a serious mistake if they do not plant for a largo crop of corn antl also of uttt. We believe that every paper in the South would do well to urge this matter upon its readers. Sri'itBMB Ctii'RT Dkcihionh. R. Si G. R. It. Co. vs Ijcwis. There was assessed against some lots owned by the plaintiff in Halifax county taxes to the amount of 28.40, which the sheriff was proceeding to collect, when the plaintiff asked for an injunction on the ground that the lots were exempt from taxation under the charter of the company, as held by tho Supreme Court of the I'nited States iu l.'l Wallace, page 284. Held, That the act of assembly, sec. 81. chap. Ill", acts of 1887. forbidding any court u issue an injunction to re strain the collection of a tax except where the same is levied for an illegal or unauthorized purpose, and requiring the payment of the tax with liberty to sue for the same, is coii-iitutional, and such injunctions can uolonger be issued. Hughes vs. Bonne. The appellee docketed the appeal nnd moved to dismiss, suggesting that appellant had purposely failed to bring up his ap peal in time for argument at this term. The motion was not made until alter the Week assigned to that district had pawed, and then without notice, nor un til applicant's case had been docketed. Held, That the motion must be deni ed. In the case of Hannon v. (!ii.zard the petition to rehear has been refused by the .Supreme Court, and the former ruling is affirmed. This puis an end to the litigation concerning tho office ol register of deeds of this county which has been pending for several years. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT The following resolutions were adopted by the Granville street M. K Church Sunday school, Halifax, on March 4th, 18SS ; It has pleased Almighty G, si in His infinite wisdom lo remove f'toiii our midst on February 11th. ISsg, one of our seholais, little Hubert Hoi'ton, aged right years, six months mid fourteen days, after a painful illness of only a few day, and his sweet, gentle spirit was borne from earth and transplanted int i realms of glory. It is with .ailn-s we record the death of one whose life though short, ex hibited the purest and noblest traits of character, bat we bow in humble submis sion to the will of Him who docth nil things well. RbsuI.vbii, That while we shall never again behold his sweet smiling I'a -c on earth, and clasp again hi little hand we fondly cherish his memory, rejoicing in the hope of meeting liitn iu heaven, where God shall wipe aw.iy all t 'ar.s from our eyes, where there shall be no more sor row, sickness or ileal h. RksiiI.VBI), That we tender our warm est heartfelt sympathy's lo his father and mother iu this sad hour of bereavement, !. to bis relatives and friends who arc lelt lo mourn their loss; earnestly pray ing that they may tear with I hnsliaii fortitude their loss, and .that they may say in the language of I he Saviour, "Thy will bo done. Rbsiii.vbh, That while our Sunday school has suffered such an irreparable loss, we mourn his departure, but as those not without hope; lor we feel and believe that this sad affliction is a manifestation of God's love and not His wrath. Rksolvbh, That a copy of these reso lutions be entered on our minute, that a copy Ih' sent to the family aud one to the UoanoKK -Nkus lor publication. .Mrs. A. M. Cihipkr, ) MissM. L.Carhawav, ' Coin. W. II. lloitiiiiiiti, VJluRaleigh Cltr'nti'tnt Alrcttr please copy. Don't i.inf riment You cannot afford lo waste time in ejperimcliting when your lung are iu danger. Consumption always seem., at first, only a cold. l)o not permit any dealt r to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Ur. King's New Ih. covery for Cousuinption, Coughs, aud Colds, but be sure you get ihe genuine Because he can make more profit he may tell you he ha aomclliing just a giHl, or just the same. Ilon't be deceived, insi-t ution gitlin,; l'r. Kind's New Dis covery. which is guarantied to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottle free at uny druir sti re. Lame i bottles cl I liavprm ivciiprcat lii'Mctit fnm Ktj'a (Y'imi Halm fur ( atnrrli. 1 rHnitut ci jiitwt tlto suiTeuii I have t'liiliireil ihe past year, ftum Naal catarrh (', L. Ili'Miim. Ciinway, 1'. 0., Kaml 'Iph Co., North (Wliim. Fur heviral nar I have lixtl veryhaj nas tl cut an h. 1 tried Kly V CrHam Italui ami it hawcurml in 1 can reuomuitMiil it to all auilViing fruin catarrh aa liein th. bpst r.iinlT,1)aTid McK. Smith, Middle Brook,' Va. "Lay thy (tweet hands in mine," ho said, but hhe (nly remaiknl that hc had nueraliiia and raH hoM her uiaii Uc ravc her Salvation Oil and now hi? holds wi 8wwt hand hy ihe hour. rrom ahnont every nation ot the Mate conn repnrt.s of a gen- ral imprnveuKiit of the health of our people due no riouht to the influence of lr. Bull ('oujih Sytup which costa only twenty five cents. A large lineof cloaks atvd raia for sale at vhoUale to clowo out n line of goods. V. N Stainhack and Co. THK IttV.DKO. H.T11AYKR, of Monron, Ind., m w. ' iVilli mvse!f ami Wift' ow our liviw to MUltUW H)'SHMIT0N i'tiHR." VorwU- by , E. Oreeo,VVelion,T.4'.Uuirt!r( Varrcutuu. Wniiiiii1WHlirii Due uf The Itreatest Mjstcrii s Of tho many mysteries which baffle the analyses of Science, is the law of heredity governing the transmission of mental unil physical characteristics from one genera tion to anolher. In nn instance is this strange law more emphatically illitstiatcd than in tho generic perpetuation of tli.s eases. Of all the hcrdiiary blood diseases, none is more common than Scrofula This widely prevalent disease has hith erto been considered incurable, but since tbcintroduclioii of S. S. S., nature's own antidote for diseased blood, tlnse serolu loua afflictions have lost their worst feat ures tin ir alleged incinablliiy. The fact is established that ihe severest form of scrofula can be cured by iheiemarkable remedy. The fact is vciiiicd by hundreds of iueouteslible proof's. The following testimony is a striking exhiLitioti of this fact. It cannot failtu impress the minds of parents w ho may have children dou bled with this dangerous disease. Mr. Collier is a highly respected, popular and well known citizen uf Dooly county. He particularly reipiesls the publication of his letter, so that other families; similarly afflicted, may learn, through his experi ence, how they can procure a remedy which will infallibly and permanently cure and eradicate hereditary Scrofula. Vienna, Ga., Aug. 15, 1H87. The Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Gil: Gentlemen three or lour years ago, my little daughter, six years of age, had very ugly boils, which very stain after their appearance, terminated in running sores, all over her head and face. I tried all the known remedies salves, healing washes, etc.. but none seemed to do any good. Her scalp was in a bad condition, indeed. Filially, I sent her to Atlanta to have her examined, fur I had become very uneasy about her. The doctors who examined her said she was badly afflicted wilh Scrofula. About the same time my little son, aged four years, broke out all over the head and face with the aanie disease and for weeks he could not lie down to sleep without suffering great tor ture. His head was a solid mass of ores. I began to use S. S S. as soon as I was satisfied about the nature uf the disease, and continued to use it until all signs of the disease had disappeared. It is now going on three years since I have seen any signs ol the disease breaking out. To day they are as healthy looking chil dren us can he found iu the county. Be fore they began the use of S. 8. S. they were frail in constitution, but now they look strong anil healthy. I did uot give them any other kind of medicine to aid tho S. S. S., but relied entirely on it. as I had seen some cases (and had otlis. too,) of blood poisoning cured in my ncic.hhorh.ood by the S. S. S. Kvery parent has within teach a cheap and posilive cure for their children, af flicted as mine were, anil t il they have to do is to give it fair tria1, and a cure is certain. You are at liberty to use this letter so that pareuts may know how my children were cured of their troublesome disease. (i,,d knows it has lifted a heavy load from my miud, as their affliction greatly troubled me. Job. T. Coi.i.iBit Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed Tree. Tin; Swit r Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta. Ga. Tub beat in the cheaprttt. l'r. Hull's llaby Syrnp is acknowledged to be the safest and most reliable medicine for ba bies. Price only twenty-five cents per bottle. li' you feel that everything ia going wrong, if you do not feel like getting up in the morning, if you have pain iu the stomach, take a dose of Laxador, tho golden remedy. Price only twenty-five cents. SHU"!!'. I't'ltB will Immeiliat.ly relieve t'r.aip. Wh,Kj,lnK(',ui;li mitt nrenclotlv For sale by I. l'..oret'ii. '.YcUtuii, T. 1'. Ilutitt-r, Warrelitoli. Knit IIVSI'KISIA and l.ivrr t'ouij-tiiiit y.it linve 'I rilllel ituilrsnl,'. ell every tmtll,' ,,f Mlt iot, s Vltalifer. It never frtil to clue F..r sslc by 1, E. tirceu, Weldon, T F Hauler Wtirrcntun A XASAl. IVJKrTilR free nitli each bottle of sloteli s Catarrh Kemeity. 1'rlee .'si cents. F'or miIc bv 1 K iireen We don, T. 1' Hunter Warreti ton. All winter troods M. P. Hakt. at redueid prices ?."it;.") worth of sample jewelry just opened. Solid gold and gold plated jew city of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost at T. L. Kmkv's. The best alwayB the cheapest Save money by purchasing the celebrated Bay State and Zeigler Brother shoes bouiiltt direct from the manul'aetureis. Porsalo by P. N. Stainuai k & Co. Just received a handsome line of bug gies, v. cry cheap, laiok at them he- lore purchasing elsewhere. 1 . N. Stain- back and Company. .Jut rwiivcd a lu-iiiiiful linf nf ture in wnlnut anl till friimcs. pic The i itfH ari Hi InW that all can invent. 1. N. Stainhack Co. Uui liarirains id overcoat. M. F. II ART. A true houA-hohl Ti'iiusly fT the cure of M alalia and Fever aol Aue QiiiiitiUo. .Vl cents at )nur iliugj-iMs. NKW ADVKKTISKMKNTS. USE THK RELIABLE EAGLE BRAND GUANO. nsH aoNi tAtit. FECIAL PRICES FOR CAR LOADS CAR Y W. JONES A CO., it.. i. I--K. A t',-,1 DiANurACTuNcaa, PETERSBURG, VA (i T 1 r i: OK h a I. K . A? mini iniNt riitur oil hi e-iUtie ol' llorluTt A. Sli-.tyi-, ili'it-HM'it. I Mm), mi ll:c T;:i1i Ihv if Mint it Ihivi, in ilui n-iilt m i ol M4i l iK'ci'MM'il i.m I'lrtl Iu fU (t.r (Ush, In till' ItlKllChl blililrr ulli.lilif ih tmhiuI ),nii ti U li'iitiuiit li html tHli1, rtiiiMUHK in rt ni )nni,nrii, n'Hou wtl chhmiiuI l.nl.lcr H.iii-flinlii ini kid tu n fmtti lure, etc. Tt ro.M'l miIi t 'tivh mi iIhj cif lie liviry TllnS H lAYl.nll, Ktb. 17th Y'h St w, Adiumidrator, NOTICE. Havlne iualifiil b frf lln lt-rk -f tlif Siir rior Court nf M-lifiu nuiilvn HdmiuMrnnir d YMiU- r.f IteriVil A. Sii-ditf, lc-"H'.il, UU' of Hnlif-n rttiinlv. ii.iti'c f- hTt'liy (Ei v cii In M ptT-mii- ItaviiiK i Islms K'it'l il-ftnH'i1 ) nn-M-nt iht'ni tor imi m out dnlv tiiiilionttcHtt d on nr Ik'I iff Hit-Kth dyiti February v.i. nr thi" liniii-o will (. p'l-ndod ill lnr of llifir roi'OViy. All itorwn indolilt'd In wod cnUtf will come li.ru HrJ mid m UIo t .uu-o THUS. ll.TAY1.OK Kclil iiitv AdiiiiiiihirMtor. 1TOTICE. Hivlnit q-nlitlpd w Kipoutor oft he cfUtpul the iHto J. E Km. I bf rvby Rive noliee In nil pi-rectim IndobttMlln Hit uuc unniike iwvmpiU inmo.itud tn hII iM'mnns having cUimti ftf(iiiiHi the ertnte to jtrovetit llu'wiinfi himplM-fnretbftlBth dfiy ofFob runrj ihmh, othorwise thii uoU(;c ill be ploadvd in Uir of their recovery, J. K.Rt K.ir, fciecuur. McM. FurKPVon,im' NKW ADVKRTISK.MKNT8. Th Uri'iUt-nl urn on LttrUi f ir 1'nin. ' WU.il rvuvTV i,iiri' iiuitkiv Uttn uny ut In r km urn itiii I i-,iv iuii-iimiu, -in, r urft.ffiA tSvtviHllh'r,. hllll . t-L, 111 ula lmriM, r"nJJ, i u, l.uinUi I pi, I'lttirin. ht,ru,. hfixt L.tfi, 1 Uin kai lu', Qiiin-V, l-k.rr Hirout, I St-iuMa. Wont,.). llt-udaWhM. I T.".iliu lw Siirul.ii, t i.-. Irlfi'l .ifriyvm. . UtU fiui.i i7 Kill AjJ-inilsta Cautbili - Tim frvu I 4octP rvu'irti'ixvl IrMlf Muil. Mid ourl rVMrlmil.i piCTintun-. A. 4'. H yr A , Koi I IktUuniorc, Bd.. t. H. A. lit. BiiH'i t'oucri NyrtiB will core y"ur Couch al ohm. Price uulv 35 C'U. It tile. n J I have just bought from I10GKS HI10S., their LARGE AND HANDSOME Line of Spring Samples wh at ol. 1 will sell Iu these goods the public cm fiud al most anything wanted, and at prices much less than any merchant can buy the name goods, regular. I'eing samples I get off a HISCOL'XT, which enables mo to Bell tb "til VT COST. X. I will be glad to show these goods to any one. Among them em be found Summer llugy Kobe. Ladies Jerseys. Ladies Scarfs, Shoulder , Scarfs. Corsets, Headed nets. Gossamer Pocket: I .irasols, Cottttterpnnes, Tidies, Towels, Hose and Half Hose, Gents' Scarfs, Gloves. Ladies' Summer ets, Gents Gauze Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs. IV Spring, Table Cloths. Suspenders, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Soliciting on examination of these goods by the public. 1 GI'AUANTEK tti please. Respectfully. W. B. TI TiLKRY, WKLHON, N. C, mar Stf MALARIA.-ThitvrTfi"Mlitf1tinctUi- eiMM u uunkiy Cured by (UIMOLKu, I FEVER AND ACUE.- A mnetm- ill : 1NTOLKO. U liuvcr laili to euro. I LIVER DISEASE. Q'l'TOLKO u n mint him emocuro ir annpciui in or COUlplKIQU, I BILIOUSNESS. -Tii.hf.-t rM fir i'?t tnri1 in inp tiriu mr lhiiuus uuur (i-rBi-! INTOl.KO. I DYSPEPSIA oth'r mtreitivo iriinnips am promptir rcltveu via quickly curttllifl INTOl.KO. A lelUUi TssU. PWStT1.T 8VI! Ali iia;R DiSAi-iinST, OUINTOLtO. 1 Snuhtld Beat?. AnioirTtiT k (t RB tK ADOVI OltlAHl.S. -OUINTOLtO. i Piil.lt ti ALL HMI KlilMH. J.H.WINKCLMANN 4 CO. Prommtom, BALTIMORE, MD. ttucii virrx cknts ih iwitlb. june 23 l y NOTICE- Tin midorsiitrn' 1 hnvinir this lny (iurUIkhI 1C' f-if!-ih-v MiDonur etiiin ni tl tinav (inilitv hb ev .i-iii.ii uf bite will Mini tfsbuiM'iit l 1 hnniiis AU-.Min.l. r, d.'fi'usod, lu-n-by imlily nil verx'iis l i ir nt tlii'in dul ulu'iitit Hk'ti by IlK Iin.1 Iihs nn.' c Unn amnisi I ne I'Mut'- ni uir acoeaoii till nl'Mrtnll M. McM A HON, T..I MAtrl'l KK, Klt'eUtnr of Thu AU'VHiidor. i-h lfl, IHS. fob Hi liw. lM'Cfl'ltlX s NO'IH'K. Tin- mideriHlinied ItaviiiK this dity quli(leil n oxi'culnv tti lite 1 it will and IcKUmrnt l John A. MyKirv, di'OouM'd, iK-rot.j noiiltin iilleroditorh nl lbcs;iiil to-'tHiitrln inioiit their clalm-i duly iiui!ioiili"ioit tn me or tnv Miunn-v Million hmiioi. Woldnii. N. V .on or hofnlV Mltri-h Ul, nr thii imiict' will bo tilettdod in Iwr ot (heir ro-tiTy All ioptnn indebted lo mA toKtnlorirp hereby tmtihoil inutHko iiumeuitite HiyitM'iii m me or my Htl.inifVK. NAK) f. HIH1KP., Mullon iV Hatiiel fttt'ys. Kxeoutrlx. Kobriinrv 10. lNs. fob r. A DMlNISTKATtiK'S XOTH K llnvitic (lutililiodmi n'mininlnitnr urion theenUte i.i iir inn-riHiiv.nif iwiter, nomiv.i i.tirmy ( lurk ot the mi port or onn (ti tiHiitt conuiy XiirttHiirolHin nn ihe Mil any nt .inmiHrv in'tvtiv rivo no, ii"H' tnall iH-nton Indobtod tn wiiil evfcilMnvpuk' the Mine with me Htnnt-end nil t iniis who h.ive elinn neninst tuid estate ire nereT nniiliod and reqniredto irnwnt iheir rlinn l im nn r bofir- tlu- S'th dy nf MHiMinry iK'tor thlMi.'lice will Ik1 p'eHdod in bur of their recovery Tin lbin (iy oi January JtiHNr. NMVSOM Admfnlstrntor of Cldlborne Baker, deeumert. T.vi. Hmrklns. utoniev fnradmr. jn iv w lAl?lliieB WnMfm exW in thniiwind I ffl Sail c Goods Wholesale Cost. HUICHKIIHHM g? (TKAbK'MAKK Hl'ftlSThltBO.) I f Vi Vi I of fnrmn, bnmre pnrniied by the marvel of tnvMHion. Hionowhoare In need el Cnitituble work that ean be dooe while living at nme ahonld at oiiet- aeud their arttlrmn tn Hallett A 'o .PortlMn'i.Mnineji'Ml reeeiv free,nill inTor maUnn how either ncx, of H airca, can earn from $T ti W't per daaud uinranb whwever tbey live. You are Ktatted trve Capital not required. Borne riave imwi over fo iu a aiutfie ' u inn wen NEW ADVKHTISUMKNTS. THE LEADING 1THI1 II T. W. WOOD & SONS 10S.14lhSt.lKicbiiiod,Va. RcqueM all Oanknis I'iinc. n Truck.-is in sen.l '!.., !u-i HEW SEED CATALOGUE br 1888. It com iri ls-rr',tio;!i .l all new an 1 tksir.tti; ; .,ic. tu ., of SEED; for the F.irin and C.irtlen liut aro adapted M tlis South. 'rass & Clover Seeds a Specially. Catalogue mailed free. Sknii fok it. Jkuiis y5 S010 PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH Ti W Alt ,)( I.I lil li. I.i,t -1, , ni. I Utmvt. Hprid lAifiii HAKMt l;l- V CO ,Hn I tl tliitf;tW),N.V. PI 1 EHSIAN BLOOM. Brit CckvUsicb Jiu- Hand tuunti fur trial i.g!.UiH:, AiMi itnt, u ubom tiltMr Kfcin t 'nr.. :...! Illn,i.li I 'n,.i I .! ,ir b nown. HI Iiidlawrlliiii Inwuid I'n Km. Kvlinu.lli.n. Im ulunliln fur uli.V. . ik l.niiif-. At-thinn. Id i-Hiiimli-tii, tritinli- Wiukm -P, mid nil JhUhh and illx wdof wf Die 8ittiimch tiitil IiiiHt'W, boo. at DrugtfuU, HINOERCORNS. Tb Mftt. unt mill UHt oiin- fnri'orm, lluittniii, . BloiMatl iMiln Ktiiini'- t'niiirttrt In I hi' l.-i -t. .Never lalll Uxmr. 16 txiulM M lit UtltfUtl. Uucul fc CO., IS. V. jNitUiiy i ly LIQUORS. C. SMITH, SEE jus uyroiis, sei: his a a aks, EVKRY DltlNK IN SKASON. BaffC Suiith at Kvans' old stand Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C. dec 1G ly. ELY'S CREAM BALM 'lounges the Nasal I'assages, Allays tain and Inflamma ion. Heals the sores, Hestorc8tbo v-nses of taseand Miull. HAY-FEVER I HY the Cure. CAT.Mllill (h ti diwttse of llu- linirmiK nn-iiilirHiio, RtMiornlly nriRinann? in ttit'inisttl mHL-ci- uml niHiutuiimig iu htmnliolil in I In liiatl. From tins jM.mt it st'iids firthaM)isiiihnisvinisimii,ll:osiiiiii(icliai)d tliroUKh tlit'ilitfi'slivcdrumm.ci-rniiiniic the 11m1 Htid (truduciiif! mlicr truiiljlosomvund dwngtTOUi A iHHic!o is applied into ciidi tuistrll and li aurfWililc. I'lit'e fHt ce.it ut i rn;tti: ty mi.il, n niterad, (Wj cents. Kl.V HKOTUKKS, tireeu tticli St., New Yurk. fib Sly 857 KSTAIll-ISIlKD 1857 JANUARY lit 1 1 1 T. RUFE. W. DANIEL QBOCKRIS9, LiquOKs, FINE WINKS, C Hi ARB, TOBACCO 0., Jic. II RROM. H A KCil'.I.'S LAO Hll BKEUON ICK. R. W. DANIEL, 10, Wish. Ave Weldon N.O: June is l-y GROCERIES 1 W. 1 1. B. We have jnst roturncd to Wi'Iilon 0., and now octuriy tlic store bi'twoen EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER S. Wc nro rwiving anil upciiiuj; a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES- Wc will keep on liaml a nuloctod ntnclt r Groceries, Fruits, Cotificlioncriiw, Cigan, Tobacco, Snuff, WimmIcii and Willnw Ware, Tropkcry, (llii, Tin Ware, rf'C, ke. We will wll at tli. LOWEST PIUCES. We also return our sincere, thanks to our many fri nil and acquaintances fur their kind, libjr.il , droui,;,; in the just and solicit a cintinuanc of the same, with guarantee to please. YeryjKei-pectfully, J. L. .H'DKINS & t'O., jan-5-tf. W.ildon, N. C. RICHLY rewarded are tboee who read thin and thoti rtitliry will find honomblp omploMuent (lint will not Ulethem froim their hnnn and JnmfH Tlie rtrofitiare liree and kupo for every iiMltiMrtonap-'rw-a. man llave roaiand i re now making -veral hundcoa dollani a month, It taeaMy fir any on t" make andupwflNir inotiedny who e wiUiiiR U erk. EiUtereex.younvor old; caoiwl uot V6 , tUrt you. Kven-thiiic"''. Ntns)Mv-la1 e quired; yon reader, ejtn An U an woU an hh W -' W ri(e toiwat oiice fur full nurtinilm vhU w mall free. AidTt'( SMnsou wui Co. 1'wUaiia t , N.